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Monday, September 25, 2006 5:21 PM CDT

HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, eight months have passed since I've made an entry. My heart WANTS to be here, but it is so difficult. My son just said the other day, "Mom, you don't do your page anymore...why not? You LOVE your caringbridge world!" Yes, he IS right, I do! But, with many personal "issues" to deal with that I cannot yet discuss here, and with no home computer access and very limited time to use the library computers, it is very difficult. So, I PROMISED him I WOULD make an entry...so here I am from the library to you! :)

Mom's been gone 9 months and 2 days - isn't it AWFUL how you just count the days it's been even when you don't WANT to?! Some days it feels like she just left and some times it feels as though it's been years....though the days are "better" life never quite feels "right" again, does it? I do believe the "healing process" is a continual life-long endevour of which you never REALLY fully recover - you just learn to live your life with them not in it. How do people survive this who do not have faith? Even with my strong beliefs, some days are so rough!

Anyways, on to happier thoughts - Kyle is doing well, enjoying school and making excellent grades. We stay busy with school/church activities. I enjoy that very much.

Well, I feel I have so much more to write - but the librarian is informing me that my computer time is over.

So, if you are reading this....PLEASE sign the guestbook. Though I haven't journaled in months - I DO come to the guestbook at least monthly to check and see if anyone's signed in. Love hearing from you all.

Blessings and I will be back when I can. :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:15 AM CST

Well, here I FINALLLY am! I hope and pray SOMEONE is still reading this page. I've been through so much lately - one of which is the passing of my Mom. She passed away from leukemia on December 23rd. For those of you that are "regulars", you know how close my son, Kyle, and I were with my Mom. Our hearts are broken. My Mom was not only my Mom, but one of my very best friends. And Kyle was as close, if not closer than I was with her. Thanks to our strong faith, we are as "ok" as can be expected. We just have to learn to live our life without her here to share in it. There is a huge hole in our hearts, but I know in time God will find a way to ease that pain and give us a joyful feeling in our day. I just cannot see or feel it now, but I know it will one day come. I want to thank EVERYONE that comes to this page to offer support and I want to thank my friends and family...for without YOU....this would ALL be unbearable. My Mom was the BEST Mom I could have ever dreamed of...she was ALWAYS there for me - no matter what...day, night - whenever. She always supported me, encouraged me and loved me with her whole heart - unconditionally. She was the most WONDERFUL grandma to Kyle - she loved him beyond words! She was also ALWAYS there for him - she helped raise him, as she took care of him while I worked from infancy until he entered school during the 3rd grade (I had homeschooled until then). And she took care of him during his summer vacations from school. She was so proud of him and they saw and talked to each other EVERY day. I am so glad he had such a heart-felt, loving relationship with her. She will be missed by both of us, each and everday - forever. But, I will focus on the blessings...for we are both truly blessed to have had her in our lives, to have had such a wonderful relationship, to have done so many things together from trips we've taken to the simple everyday blessings of just being together - not everyone can say that.

I pray that all of you have a happy, healthy New Year! I pray 2006 will bring ALL OF US many blessings. Keep your hearts and minds focused on HIM.....though we must go through our share of struggles and pain....it will not always be that way for those who believe! There will be a day when we are free from it all with Him in Heaven!

God bless,

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 6:13 PM CST

Hope everyone had a nice, safe Halloween. Kyle had a blast! It poured rain, but didn't matter to us. :) I just wanted everyone to know that my computer is "on the fritz"...no idea WHEN it will be in working order...so in the meantime, I will be doing my updating and emails from the library. So, if you don't hear from me IMMEDIATELY, that is why. I try to get to the library several times a week to answer all my emails. I won't be able to visit other Caringbridge sites as often as I want....THAT crushes me! So, please...to all my "regulars"....if you don't see me signed in at you site it is NOT because I don't want to be there...just that I don't have home access. You WILL continue in my prayers, I will visit as I am able and one day when I have a computer again...I will be back regularly!


Thursday, October 13, 2005 10:31 PM CDT

YES….I am still around in the Caringbridge world! Thank you to those that have asked, it is wonderful to know people still come by. I truly cannot express how much that means to me, to know there are people that follow the page and care from their hearts….my heartfelt gratitude goes out to each and every one of you . Whether I know you well, or if you are a “silent” visitor….I appreciate you all!

So, let me apologize for not updating for so long. I wish I could tell you what I am going through in my life that has prevented me from coming here often as I would like to, but I cannot at this time. There will come a time when I will be able to, but now is not that time. And, when I am unable to find the strength within myself to provide “encouraging and upbeat” words…..then, I feel I would be “failing” all of you and in turn I get “silent” when it comes to journaling. But, since so many have cared enough to ask…..I PROMISED I would get an update on here. Believe me….I MISS being here tremendously! And even when I do not journal…..please know that I visit many, many sites on a regular basis still….even if I don’t sign in. I am there, I am praying for you and I care.

So, now….let’s see what I can do about catching up on things around here…..Kyle is doing well. He seems to have “grown up” before my eyes. He is the greatest blessing, I go to sleep and wake up every day thanking God for bringing him into my life. He was able to skip the 5th grade this year! He has adjusted beautifully to the 6th grade and thus far is pulling excellent grades. It is almost the end of the first school quarter, and it has just seemed to have zoomed by for both him and I. He told me just the other night -”Mom, I like school. I think 6th grade really suites me!” LOL….and yes, I must agree! He is playing soccer on the school team for the first time and enjoying it. I have loved attending all the games…it’s been a lot of fun! Tomorrow is the last season game and then Saturday and Sunday is the tournament. Last weekend, we went on a trip with the school soccer team to see the Chicago Fire play at Soldier Field - and it included a tailgate party. Great time had by all! Kyle’s birthday was the 7th of August and he turned 11. Was a nice day, except that evening we found out our dear friend, Kyle B., had passed away ON my Kyle’s birthday. Kyle B. and his Mom, Crystal, are very special to us. We met them through Hugs and Hope and we really “bonded”. Please keep his Mom in your prayers.

Well, let’s “make that a wrap” for tonight. Thank you again…everyone. Please sign the guest book if you can. It means so much to SEE that you were here. Take care, God bless…..and treasure each moment God gives you.

I will close with some little “tidbits” from the Lutheran Digest-Fall 2005


Will eventually pass.
The spiritual eternal
Things of God
Will forever last.
---John Constantine Mastor---


When you are having many problems and
Don’t know what to do
And someone whom you do not know
Helps work them out for you,
Pass it on!

When you find out that you are blessed
That you have a friend or two
And they let you know that you ‘re the best
And say that they love you,
Pass it on!

When you are feeling down and out
And can’t go the extra mile
And this happy person comes along
And gives you a super smile,
Pass it on!

When a child takes you by the hand
And follows where you lead
And you realize that the trust he gives
Is a blessing you really need,
Pass it on!

When in your life you study long
And the knowledge you acquire
And use as you advance in age
To get what you require,
Pass it on!

Throughout the time you have on earth
Your list of skills grow long
But when the time you have runs out
These skills will then be gone…unless you
Pass them on!

When you know there is God the Father
And that Jesus died for you
And realize that prayer has power
And that your belief is true,
Pass it on!
---Ken Junge---

Monday, August 8, 2005 9:33 PM CDT

It is with a heavy heart that I must say Kyle B. passed away yesterday. He and his Mom, Crystal are VERY SPECIAL to me. I met them through Hugs and Hope, Kyle was featured on the site. My heart is shattered into pieces, so I can not even imagine how his Mom, Crystal must be feeling. Please, if you can...stop by his site and offer encouragement to Crystal.


Please keep Crystal in your prayers.

Thank you,

Friday, July 22, 2005 10:06 PM CDT

I received this in an email today....thought it to
be very true. Helps to remind one of the things that
are TRULY important. Hope you like it too!


I read of a man who stood to speak,
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone,
From the beginning...to the end.

He noted that first came her date of birth
And spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.
(1934 - 1998)

For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth...
And now only those who loved her,
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own;
The cars...the house...the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard...
Are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
To consider what's true and real,
And always try to understand
The way other people feel

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile.
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy's being read
With your life's actions to rehash...
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?

Taking time to remember how I want to spend my dash,

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:55 PM CDT

An oyster takes a grain of sand
He says, "I'll do the best I can."
He doesn't throw it away,
Even in the painful day.

Not accepting that this is his fate,
A pretty pearl then he creates.
Stop and think just what you can do,
With grains of sand life hands to you.
----Laura Mae Heemstra---

Thinking of what I am meant to do with my grains of sand,

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 0:03 AM CDT

Hope everyone had a happy, safe 4th of July! How WONDERFUL to live in the USA!! I thank God to those that have sacrificed to enable us our FREEDOM. And, my prayers and thoughts are with those still fighting today--may God watch over them, may they feel His presence even during their darkest moments and may they come back safely home to their loved ones...thank you to all who serve our country! And please know that ALL of you were in my thoughts and prayers...those that are “fighting” their own personal “battles”. You are never far from my mind, and ALWAYS on my heart.

I attended a fireworks display on the 4th and when the Veteran’s were marching with the flag and the song of God Bless America began…..that just gives me “chills” every time I see it. Very, very touching to watch. Just brings to mind how THANKFUL we should all be to live in a country that is FREE. The fireworks show was beautiful, it was set to Patriotic music. They also had some little festivities for the kids like those “bouncy” houses, face painting, spin-art, etc. Also, food and a band playing. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon.

Kyle and I are doing the Summer Reading Program at our Library. It is nice, they have an Adult Reading Program this year. So, it’s fun to be doing it together for the first year. Do you know of the Author, Corrie ten Boom? I know I’ve made mention of her books before, and I am reading one by her now, called “My Father’s House”. It is very good...it is about her life PRIOR to the Holocaust. She is a Holocaust survivor..also the Author of “The Hiding Place”....THAT is an incredible book! That is the story of how she helped hide Jews, getting found out and captured and then her life in the concentration camp and her eventual release and life afterwards. She is a woman of most incredible FAITH. If you like to read, take a look at some of her books. I am sure you will find them inspiring.

Until next time,

Sunday, June 26, 2005 8:52 PM CDT

Better late than never…..I hope all the Dad’s out there had a most WONDERFUL Father’s Day and for those Dad’s that are unable to celebrate with their children…my heart was with you.

Last week was Vacation Bible School for Kyle through our church and I taught for the first year. Was very nervous to take this on, but once the first day “jitters” were over I really had a nice time. So, I am glad I went ahead and did it. I had Kyle’s class so that made it all the more special for me. Kyle, unfortunately, was ill for the last day. He is doing well now. And, he is signed up for another week of Vacation Bible School here in town. Several churches here in town get together for one large gathering. He really enjoys doing it.

I was on vacation this past week also, so most of the days after bible school we did some little “fun” things. We went to the zoo, roller skating (HE skated..not I! LOL), the movies, mini golfing...things like that. We really enjoyed our week together. I cannot believe almost an entire MONTH of summer vacation is gone!

Well...not much else new here. Just wanted to put a little entry here to let you know I am still here!

Thank you for stopping in...please sign the guest book if you are able.

Thank you!


“I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it”

Monday, June 6, 2005 9:13 PM CDT

Thank you for stopping in. I want to take a moment to ask for prayers for the family of Emma Grace...she passed away today. Emma Grace and her family hold a special piece of my heart. She fought the good fight and has won her crown of glory! Please keep her family in your prayers and stop in and sign the guestbook, if you can. (ar/emmagrace/) Take the time to read some of the past journals, her Mom and Dad are such witnesses to Christ...you will feel blessed that you visited.

Thanks again to everyone that sent birthday greetings. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. I had a WONDERFUL birthday. To "celebrate", on Saturday I got my hair cut, colored AND highlighted. The highlighting is a treat for me as I do not often do this for myself! So, I'll feel like a "new woman" until it grows out. LOL Mom, Kyle and I then went to St. Charles, IL to ride on one of the Paddlewheel Riverboat cruises. It was a nice, leisurely 50 minute tour of the Fox River. Very nice! Afterwards, we did a round of mini golf at the course right next to the cruise area. Then, off to Charlestowne Mall for a little fun! They had an indoor mini golf course, so MORE mini golf for us! YES, it IS one of our FAVORITE summer past-times and it was nice to get indoors and cooled down. Then we window-shopped until they closed. Had a late dinner at Portillo's restaurant and arrived back home at midnight. A very FUN day....it was just so nice to be away together and enjoying each other's company. THAT was the GREATEST gift....just being with the ones I love. :) On Sunday, my friend Deby had us over for my birthday dinner. She is a wonderful cook and I ALWAYS look forward to it....she always tries fun and new things and it is always absolutely delicious! Then she had a chocolate cake with cheese cake-like filling. Oh I was ecstatic! LOL The chocoholic in me was elated. LOL She also made me a quilt...I wish my digital camera was available...for if it was I would get a picture and post it. I was so touched.....to have someone make you something with their own hands filled with love is PRICELESS!

Kyle has some exciting news in his life....upon the advice of his Principle he will be allowed to skip the 5th grade and go directly into 6th in the Fall. He is so excited and proud, as am I. We've discussed it and he has decided he wants to "take this on". He and I and the faculty all feel that academically this will be a good "fit" for him. Please keep him in your prayers for a "smooth" transition in the Fall. Thank you!

Once again, please visit Emma Grace's family and offer your condolences if you are able. I know they will appreciate it with all their heart.

Blessings to you!

Friday, June 3, 2005 7:33 PM CDT

Thank you Wendy and Jen for the birthday wishes!!!! What a sweet SURPRISE to sign on today and see them there. Thank you for thinking of me and THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP! Not sure what Kyle, Mom and I will do tomorrow for my birthday....think we will just get up, go out and see where the road takes us. Whatever we chose to do, or wherever we go....just being together will be the most wonderful GIFT. :)

Will be back soon and let you know what we decided to do.

Take care and thanks to ALL who visit...thank you for being a part of my life.

Love, Eileen

Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:25 AM CDT

Wishing you all a safe Memorial Day Weekend.

God Bless!


Saturday, May 14, 2005 11:00 PM CDT

The Y-ME Breast Cancer Walk was SPECTACULAR! Kyle and I thoroughly enjoyed our time with Marie and her family. The sight of these walks ALWAYS somewhat “take my breath away” because it is a most beautiful sight to see THOUSANDS gathered for one cause. To see the vast variety of people walking…families, friends, teams, survivors and one’s going through treatments and yet they are there walking and/or in wheelchairs participating. Touches one to their very soul and reminds you time and time again to be every so THANKFUL for EACH AND EVERY BLESSING IN YOUR LIFE! After the walk, Marie treated all of us to a Mother’s Day Brunch and the Hotel Hilton. What a treat that was…for I’ve never been to a brunch let alone one at such a nice hotel. Absolutely delicious! After that, Kyle and I went over to the Adler Planetarium and spent the rest of the day there. We made it home about 10 that evening, so it was a fun-filled, inspiring day filled with much love, friendship and laughter. What a wonderful Mother’s Day I had! Thank you Kyle for joining me in the walk….YOU are such a blessing to me! I cannot possibly put into words….for they just cannot do justice….as to how proud I am to be your Mom and how blessed I feel to have you in my life. Thanks be to God for allowing me to have you as my son. Being your Mom is the BEST gift I’ve EVER been given. I love you with all my heart, and always will.

Tonight, Kyle and his Nonnie (my Mom) and I went to see Kicking and Screaming in the theater then stopped for appetizers at Friday’s restaurant afterward. Then we read at Barne’s and Noble for about an hour and then off to home. My how QUICKLY the day flies by when you are out enjoying your time together!

Well, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my journaling. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support. It means more to me than I can express. Please sign-in if you can. I look forward to reading the guest book. It is amazing how just ONE entry can put a smile on your face and joy in your heart for the rest of the day.

God bless,

P.S. - wanted to share this neat writing from my church bulletin on how to pray.


1. Your thumb is nearest you. So, begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray of our loved ones is, as C.S. Lewis once said, a “sweet duty.”

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God’s guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly comes our little finger, the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, “The least shall be the greatest among you.” Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 11:01 PM CDT

Blessings to all the Mom's this Mother's Day!!! I am thinking of all the Mom's - those of us with healthy children, those going through very trying times with critically ill children or other situations, Mom's of children that have entered the gates of Heaven and those that have wanted children but have been unsuccessful.....so many different situations...filled with many different emotions. You are ALL in my prayers and I hope you feel the love of family and friends around you on YOUR "special" day. Here are a couple of writings I found in honor of Mother's Day.

Real Mothers dont eat quiche; they dont' have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried Play Dough doesn't come out of shag carpets.
Real Mother's don't want to know what the vacuum just sucked up.
Real Mothers sometimes ask "why me?" and get their answer whan a little voice says, "because I love you best."
Real Mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade. It is marked by the progression from "Mama" to "Mommy" to "Mom."


AT AGE: 4 My Mommy can do anything!
8 My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 My Mother doesn't really
know quite everything.
14 Naturally, Mother doesn't
know that either.
16 Mother? She's hopelessly old- fashioned.
18 That old woman? She's way out
out of date!
25 Well, she might know a little
bit about it.
35 Before we decide, let's get
Mom's opinion.
45 Let's go down the hallway
and ask Mom what she thinks.

55 Wonder what Mom would have
thought about it.
65 Wish I could talk it over with

~*~*~*~*~*HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!*~*~*~*~*~

This Mother's Day, as we did last year, Kyle and I will be walking in the Y-Me Breast Cancer walk in Chicago, IL with our friend Marie - a breast cancer survivor. She and I met a few years back at the Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk. What a blessing to have her as my friend! :) I will update on the walk soon thereafter.

One last writing that I found in my son's school newsletter today and wanted to share with you.

"I went shopping with my son one day. As we were leaving the store it began to rain. Of course, we failed to miss it and became wet. As we drove home, the rain fell harder and harder. My son was especially quiet. This could only mean one thing. He was thinking. What came next was a surprise. "Mom, our sin is like the rain and Jesus is like the windshield wipers." "How is that, son?" "We just keep on sinning and sinning, and then Jesus comes and wipes our sins away." I thought about this for a minute and realized my son had a point. "But after the wipers wipe away the sin" I said, "more falls. The rain keeps falling. What does Jesus do then?" The answer was even more of a surprise. Very matter of factly he answered "We keep on sinning and He keeps on forgiving." So, remember that every time you turn on your wipers. :)

Blessings to you all,

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:25 PM CDT

I've just been notified by Lexy's Grandma that she has passed away. Lexy was one of the children in my links when we were allowed to have links listed. She is very special to me, a piece of my heart has gone with her. Please visit and offer your heartfelt sympathies. Thank you.


Hello My Dear Friends!

Way, waaayyyyy too long since I've last updated...even got a couple of emails and guestbook entry wondering about me! Thanks for asking and caring! I've always wanted my page to be a place to come for encouragement, support, friendship and such. But,when I am going through very difficult times, I find it hard to come here to post if I do not feel that I can provide that comfort for those that stop by. Thus, the reason I've not posted. But, I know when I am going through those times...I should at least try to post a devotional or something that I feel can provide some "positives" in someone's life when my own words cannot. So, I will try to do that in the future. But, PLEASE always know....that you are truly ALWAYS in my prayers every day! Even when I am not "visible" here...it does NOT mean that I still don't hold all of you dear to my heart! Thank you for stopping by, thank you for all the support and encouragement you give me beyond what I can EVER give to you! So on that note....here's my devotional for tonight!

"I am the Lord, who heals you." EXODUS 15:26

My child, rest in Me. I have given you a prescription for healthy living. When you allow your body to stress out and destructive emotions to run rampant, My healing cannot come. I am not only the mender of broken bones and dreams, but I am the restorer of broken hearts and lives, I am the great physician, and I care for all My patients with tenderness and love.

Lord, I bring the pains of a wounded heart and the aches of a broken body to You. I feel Your personal presence surrounding me with quiet assurance. Your touch releases my pent-up emotions, and healing flows through me like a fountain. Lord, You are my great physician.

God's home is where we can hang our hurts.

Waiting on Healing of my "brokeness",

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 0:05 AM CST

Ok folks….it is 11:51 p.m. and cannot sleep. So, you KNOW where I am going to be…right here at Caringbridge updating and/or visiting guest books!

Below, I am posting something that I thought was really nice that was printed in my church’s newsletter and I wanted to share it. I hope you enjoy doing this with your children for Easter!




1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp. Vinegar
3 egg whites
A pinch of salt
1 c. sugar
A zipper baggie
A wooden spoon
Mixing bowl
Electric mixer
Wax paper
Cookie sheet
Your children

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pecans in zipper baggie and let the children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. (Read John 19:1-3)

Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. of vinegar into the mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. (Read John 19:28-30)

Add the egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. (Read John 10:10-11)

Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. (Read Luke 23:27)

So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. (Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16)

Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. (Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3)

Fold in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. (Read Matthew 27:57-60)

Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. (Read Matthew 27:65-66)

GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. (Read John 16:20 and 22)

On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice that the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! Explain that on the first Easter Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the the tomb open and empty. (Read Matthew 28:1-9)

****HE HAS RISEN!!!!!!****

I really thought this was a VERY special activity for you to share with your children. A WONDERFUL lesson for children, especially the younger ones that can really relate to the “visual” aspect of it all to enable them to have a better understanding of what Easter is TRULY all about. The suggestion was to do this the evening before Easter..but, if you cannot - then do not let that stop you from sharing it with your children. ANYTIME before Easter would work just as well...the important part is sharing the activity and Easter story with them!

Thank you for stopping by!


Sunday, February 27, 2005 0:36 AM CST

**Please go on over and wish Carly - Samuel's sister - a happy birthday, her birthday is MARCH 3RD and remember Kristal, Jackson's Mom, her special day is MARCH 6TH. Thank you!**

Tonight finds me at a “cross-roads”. Much to think about, decisions to make...no details that I can reveal...just please pray for my Peace. It helps for me to come here, to visit the special Caringbridge families that my life’s path has been blessed to cross. So on this night, along with the difficulties of life, I want to take time to “focus” on the things that are blessings in my life...for they always out-weigh the negatives. I ALWAYS take time to be thankful for the many things God has given me.

Thank you God for:

Your mercy, grace and love
Your promises
Holy Scriptures
The Holy Spirit
My Baptism
Listening to my Prayers
My son, Kyle and EVERYTHING about him
A Wonderful Christian School for my son
Parents that love me
Friends that are always there for me
Caringbridge and the WONDERFUL change it has brought to my life
The gift of each new day
The ability to laugh, love and learn
The knowledge to “come to You” at ALL times
The wisdom to know YOU are in control
Being the guiding force in my life

And....well, the list can go on and on and on...you get the point. Regardless of what I am going through - absolutely no matter what it is - I know God loves me and will never forsake me. He knows what’s BEST for me, even though I may not understand it or know what that is yet. And this goes for YOU also...He loves us ALL, He knew you by name before you were even conceived. For with God, you will NEVER be alone.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

From the book “Daily In Your Presence” by Rebecca Barlow Jordan:


The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.

PSALM 145:13

My child, because you are anxious about so many things, I want you to look to My Word for assurance. Remember how I fulfilled every promise I made. Look at My servants Abraham, Isaac, Ruth, David and a host of mighty men and women throughout Scripture. I love you, too, just as I loved them. As I was faithful to My covenant with them, so I will be faithful to you. I always keep My Word.

As I look back over my life, Lord, I see the tracks of Your faithfulness. Sometimes carrying me, sometimes walking beside me, You are always the same. Time after time, even when I fail You, Lord, Your promises remain. You are always true to Your Word.

Great is Your faithfulness.

It is impossible for God to break His promises. He and His Word are the same.

Thank you for stopping by, please visit my special friends in the links above. Sign the guest books, or mail a card….send off an email…whatever you can do. Just know that no matter what you choose…you’ve put a smile on their face and happiness in their heart.

God is GREAT always,

Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:40 PM CST


Abigail - February 28th
Jessica - sister to Robert - February 28th
Carly - sister to Samuel - March 3rd
Kristal - Mom to Jackson - March 6th


Another precious child has made his journey to Heaven…please visit Bracken’s page and offer some comforting words to his family. Bracken’s page is not in my links, but I’ve followed him for sometime now through Hugs and Hope. Let me list the web page address here so you can visit this family that is so full of faith that it’s amazing.


Remember to stop by Stanton’s page…my special little friend that passed away on the 13th….this is another inspiring family. Please offer your condolences and if you can take a moment to read through Tina’s (Stanton’s Mom) journals, you will be very glad you did.


Jackson could use some “cheering up”, he’s been a bit down lately


Please remember Lexy, there is nothing more the doctor’s can do but to try to keep her comfortable.


Visit Adam’s page - His parents are doing some AWESOME things in regards to raising awareness about childhood cancer!


Please visit these and any of the other links I have listed. The encouragement you can pass on is immeasurable. You will NEVER know how much a simple “hello I am thinking of you” can mean to all these children/families. So, please, take a minute to show your support…they will appreciate it and I will be thankful too!

Have you ever gone to church and felt as though the sermon was written JUST FOR YOU? Well, that is what happened to me today…it SPOKE straight to my heart and I thank God for that. Wonderful how HE sends things just when you need it and when you least expect it and in ways you didn’t imagine it would happen. I won’t go into long detail…but, suffice to know that it made my heart feel a “little lighter”…at least for awhile. That’s the wonderful thing about church for me…I can have a “heavy heart” about something and leave feeling better and that feeling can last for days and when I feel myself “sinking” to the bottom again…there is another service around the corner to help “pick me up” again and make me “focus”. My life is truly better by having a strong faith in my heart…and I am so thankful to have found a church that I feel encouraged by.

Well, Kyle is at the tail-end of the cold he’s had for over a week and is feeling better. I am also asking for prayers for my Mom, she has some upcoming medical tests this week and I am praying it is nothing serious. Thank you!

Thanks for stopping in, I appreciate all of you more than you will ever know.

Blessings to you and yours!

Taking one day at a time,

Sunday, February 13, 2005 3:25 PM CST

Please visit Stanton's page. He passed away today, the day before his birthday. Please offer up your sincerest sympathies to this family. Fly free, precious Stanton....I look forward to meeting you one day.

Thank you.

Friday, February 4, 2005 12:28 AM CST

Please visit Lexy and Stanton. My heart is so heavy, these precious children are at the point that there is no more treatment to offer....just hopes to keep them comfortable and have some quality time.

They are in my drop-down menu above, but sometimes the links are "quirky" and don't take you there. So, I've listed them below also so you can copy/paste them into your browser window and go from there.

God bless and thank you.

Lexy http://www3.caringbridge.org/tx/alexiaflory/

Stanton http://www2.caringbridge.org/la/stanton/

Renee - sister to Emily - Feb. 11th
Alyssa - sister to Katie - Feb. 14th
Angel - sister to Chance - Feb. 14th
Stanton - Feb. 14th

Thank you!

Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:47 AM CST

1:40 a.m. and I cannot sleep. So, thought I’d come here and update.

Sorry for the length between updates. Just going through some difficulties and finding it hard to write when that happens.

Just a reminder on some birthdays:

Katia - yesterday, January 26th
Dale - brother to Chance - also yesterday, January 26th
Cheryl - Mom to Aizee - January 30th

From the book, “Daily In Your Presence”:


“In quietness and trust is your strength.” ISAIAH 30:15

My child, deep below the turbulent ocean’s depths is a region marked by silence and serenity. Likewise, nestled deep in the eye of the “storms” you face is a place of rest. For wherever I am, there you can find serenity. No matter what is going on in your life, regardless of the confusion around you, I never change. And I will give you that peace for the asking.

Lord, Your serenity calms my spirit daily. In the quiet moments of my life, I find strength to persevere. In the silent spaces of my heart where You speak, faith finds a resting place. Thinking of You chases every worry and fear away and brings peace in every situation.

“In the eye of the storm, God whispers peace to our hearts.”

Working on finding my Peace,

Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:19 AM CST

Good Morning!

(check out thebookcart.com) - you can get free paperback books, you only pay a small amount for shipping/handling

My, it’s been about a couple of weeks since I’ve updated so I figured I’d better get on that!

First, a few updates on my special children/families:

Lexy - She is a BIG SISTER now! She has a new baby brother - Aden. Please stop by with

Craig - Had scans on the 14th and awaiting results, please sign the book with your kind words and prayers
For only CLEAN results.

Lauren B. - her scans came back CLEAN!! Her Mom is doing the Happy Dance! Please congratulate them.

Adam - in my special children in Heaven links - Adam’s 2nd Heavenly Anniversary is approaching on
January 20th. Please offer up some encouragement during this difficult time.

Upcoming birthdays:

Jeremy - January 17th
Katia - January 26th
Dale - brother to Chance - January 26th
Cheryl - Mom to Aizee - January 30th

Also, Samuel - in my special children in Heaven links - birthday January 19th - Please stop by to let the family know you were thinking of Sam and them on his very special day.

I have a new “patient buddy” through ChemoAngels. Today, I will be sending off my introductory letter. I absolutely LOVE being in this program! If you’ve never checked out the link before, it is listed below in the link section. Please consider becoming an “Angel” to a cancer patient. I am a “Card Angel” for them and it is so rewarding!

I am also back to “trying” to lose some weight! At the Slim-Fast website, they have “buddies” you can sign up for - you offer support, tips, motivation, etc…for each other. I am hoping THIS will help me. So, my friends, PLEASE pass on any tips you might have for me also, OK??? Thanks!

Thanks for stopping in, and thank you for visiting my very special friends.


Sunday, January 2, 2005 9:34 PM CST

THANK YOU to Krystal for helping me with the wav file for the song on my page! YOU are AWESOME, thank you for ALWAYS being there to so willingly help me!


A new year, a fresh beginning.....may we ALL be blessed with a fresh outlook on life and the ability to carry out all we need to do. Also, may you look to God and live your life in a way to HONOR Him. As I look back on 2004, there was much I wish could've been different...yet so much more that can be counted as my blessings! Through the good and the bad...there is NOTHING I would change, for everything that happens in life is part of HIS plan...so it cannot be WRONG. And, everything we all go through - good and not so good - forms who we have become today. And through our trials and tribulations we OFTEN do NOT understand...but, God gives us the strength to forge ahead if we just seek Him. So, I thank God for all He has given me and gotton me through and for all he will continue to bless me with. God never promised we would not have struggles, but He does promise to give us a way "around them" or "through them" if we accept Him into our lives. Thank you for visiting, for being a part of my Caringbridge world....I feel blessed to have you on board! :) I look forward to 2005 - continuing with the many people that have become "friends" and looking forward to the "new friends" I will make along my way.

May 2005 bring healing to so many broken-hearted, Peace to fill your soul, and a CURE for the many illnesses that we see and read about everyday. May those that do not have Christ in their heart come to know him by name.

God bless,

***Also, IF you are interested....instead of throwing away the Christmas cards you received, you can send them to me. I only need the FRONTS of the cards. I cut out pieces from the fronts and make GIFT TAGS from them. I USE to send them to St. Jude's Ranch for their card re-cycle program, but they no longer do that as they have been OVERWHELMED with cards. So, last year I saw the idea of making gift tags from card-fronts. So, if you are interested....email me for an address to send them to. Thanks so much for your help.***

Friday, December 24, 2004 11:52 PM CST



Wanted to be sure to stop in and greet all my Caringbridge families for the holidays. Tonight, at Christmas Eve Service, you were all in my thoughts and prayers. They had a lovely candlelighting toward the end of the service and we sang "Silent Night". How beautiful it was! As we left Service tonight, they gave the children candycanes with a tag attatched that said:

The sweetest gift!
WHITE for purity
of God's only Son;
RED for the blood
our salvation won;
STRIPED for the pain
borne on Calvary;
He did it all for you
and for me;
SHAPED like the staff
of our Shepherd who came;
JESUS is His Holy name!

Hoping tonight and all your days ahead are filled with the FAITH, HOPE and LOVE that only God can give!

***Also, IF you are interested....instead of throwing away the Christmas cards you received, you can send them to me. I only need the FRONTS of the cards. I cut out pieces from the fronts and make GIFT TAGS from them. I USE to send them to St. Jude's Ranch for their card re-cycle program, but they no longer do that as they have been OVERWHELMED with cards. So, last year I saw the idea of making gift tags from card-fronts. So, if you are interested....email me for an address to send them to. Thanks so much for your help.***

God bless you!

Wednesday, December 8, 2004 7:57 PM CST


**New friend added in my special children links - Joanne - Please take a moment to say hi...thank you!!**


Yes, TODAY---December 8th---is the 1 year anniversary of my Caringbridge page!

No, it does NOT feel like a year since it’s creation. :) I want to thank EVERYONE that passes by this page. I pray that each person that visits has been touched by this page in SOME way. I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am to those that visit and those that sign the guest book. I am so BLESSED to have been led by God to get involved and create this page. You all have a special place in my heart and I am so thankful that I have made so many “friends” thanks to Caringbridge. I hope I have given to you a place to find comfort, encouragement, friendship and fun! I can only hope that I have given to you half as much as you have given to me. There is something to learn from EVERYONE we come in contact with. There is such opportunity to reach out to one another, offer support, form friendships and spread God’s love. You have ALL touched my life in some way and helped me to grow as a person. Many of you have also helped my spiritual life bloom...for having met you has shown me the ability to share Christ’s love as brothers and sisters in Christ. I am also thankful for all the other families I am able to visit and sign guest books for thanks to this fantastic technology of the internet! Thank you for sharing your families with all of us on the “bridge” and for allowing me to be a part of your “journey”. You are all my HEROS. I am amazed at your strength to face each day, your Faith in God through the difficult times and the honesty in which you share your thoughts and feelings. I can only hope that I could be like you if faced with similar situations and challenges. I also want to thank those families that have allowed me to add their links on my page. I am honored to know you and blessed to be able to visit your pages regularly. I can honestly say that I pray for you and those in my guest book and for those that may have passed through that I am not even aware of! And, saving the BEST for last…..above ALL else...I thank our Heavenly Father for ALL he has blessed me with and for the promise of life eternal!!

I look forward to many years of staying in touch with all of you and with meeting new friends along this Caringbridge journey of mine! If anyone would like to have their child listed in my links, please email me or sign the guest book with your request along with your caring bridge page address and email addy. Then I will get in touch with you. If there is EVER anything I can do to help provide emotional and/or spiritual support..please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks again to EVERYONE and if you have a moment, please sign the guest book.

P.S. -
to my MOM!!!! I thank God for you, for loving me with all your heart and for EVERY year he gives us to enjoy this wonderful mother/daughter relationship that we have. I love you!

Love, Eileen



Alyssa - in my children in Heaven links - the 1 year date of her passing will be December 13th. Please take a moment to sign her guest book to let the family know they are in your thoughts and prayers.

Adam - brother to Akaida (she is in my children in Heaven links) - please stop by and wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! His birthday is December 13th.

Joshua - his birthday is December 13th. I am sure he would LOVE to read some birthday greetings!

Kelly - Mama to Samuel - (Samuel is in my children in Heaven links) - Hope she doesn’t mind me mentioning this! Her birthday is December 14th. I am sure she would be happy that you stopped by and said hello and Happy Birthday! In November, it was the 1 year anniversary of Samuel’s passing. So, please take a moment to let her know you were thinking of her and her precious Sam. Also, take a moment to read some of her journals---she writes “Memories of Sam” at the bottom of the journal and they are so beautiful and touching! You will be glad you took the time to read them. She has also started a Foundation for Sam...maybe you could consider contributing to the fundraisers, if you feel led to do so. Thank you.

Lauren M. - Lauren’s birthday is December 23rd. I know she’d love to hear from you! She is also making scarves to benefit Patchworx - you can check her page out for details. I have one and it is lovely! Thanks Lauren!

Jackson - Jackson had surgery December 7th to have his tonsils/adenoids removed. Please visit his page and wish him a speedy recovery.

Luke - (he is listed in my children in Heaven links) - His family has a link at the end of the journal that is a Wish List for Columbus Children’s Hospital. Please take a look and consider making a donation for the Holiday.

Adam - (listed in my children in Heaven links) - His Mom, Donna and Dad, Tim - are Team Leaders in their area for CureSearch. CureSearch helps to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer. Also, they have a link for Independence Coffee (that link is also at the bottom of my page) - part of the proceeds go to CureSearch from this fundraiser. It runs through December, so please consider making a coffee purchase for someone on your Holiday list or for yourself. Donna does a BEAUTIFUL job on Adam’s page. Please take a moment to visit. Thank you.

PLEASE.....visit ANY of my links.....as many as you are able or feel "led" to do. The encouragement they receive is "priceless" to them. And for those going through tough times during the holidays...what a BLESSING to be able to go to their page to reap the rewards of that support! Also, please remember the families of the "children in Heaven". They need our support MORE than ever. EVERY day is unbelieveably difficult for them, but just TRY to imagine what the holidays must be like to get through without the ones you love the MOST being with you physically.

My heart and prayers are with you all.

Thank you and God's blessings to you,

Friday, November 26, 2004 11:46 PM CST


Hoping you all had a blessed Thanksgiving! Now, we can all get ready for Christmas...what a beautiful holiday!

I wanted to mention a couple of things. First of all, please take a moment to check out the independence coffee link at the bottom of my page. Their fundraiser goes through December and benefits CureSearch. Next, also visit one of your local Merlins Muffler shops. They are collecting new and gently-used winter items for children to the age of 18. It is called "snug hugs for kids". Here is their link for you to find a location nearest you.


So, please go through those closets and send off any unused items. They are so greatly needed.

Also, if you are near the Chicago, IL area - Navy Pier is having a "Winter Wonderfest" sponsored by Lasalle Bank. I plan on taking Kyle there. Their link is:


Today, Kyle and I went to a Christkindl Weekend in Frankfort, IL. They had a children's lantern parade that we participated in. That was very nice. We are going to try to make it back there on Sunday, as they will be having a pet parade and live Reindeer. Should be fun!

Last Wednesday, I did a tour of one of the Ronald McDonald Houses in Chicago, IL. It was absolutely such a beautiful house! I interviewed with the Volunteer Manager there and I will begin training later this month to volunteer with office duties such as answering the phone, checking families in/out, giving tours to new families, etc....I am really so excited about this. I also volunteered to do Bake Nights and Art Nights, too. Have wanted to do this for so long. I am really looking forward to it and pray that it is everything I ever hoped it would be and that I will be able to "make a difference" in someone's life there. At this point, my schedule will allow for volunteering once a month due to my many other obligations with family, work, church, school and community. But, that's a good start! It's about an hour and a half from my house.

I thank you for stopping in. Please take a moment to visit some of my special "friends". I appreciate each and every one of you! Please sign the guestbook.

Love, Eileen

Monday, November 22, 2004 11:42 PM CST

Only 3 more days until Thanksgiving. My son came home today and explained how they did a project in class about stating things they are thankful for by using the words in THANKSGIVING. Well, what a great idea~so thought I would try that myself.

The promise of eternal life
Holy Supper
All my friends and family
Kyle, my son
Saving Grace
Ideas that help others
Very precious time with loved ones
Income to provide for basic needs
New chances daily to live each day to the fullest
Gaining wisdom thoughout life

I hope this holiday finds you counting your blessings and filled with the love of God, family and friends.


Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:58 AM CST


Wanted to make mention of November birthdays in my links, please stop by and wish them a Happy Birthday!

Lexy - November 14th
Travis - brother to Kaitlyn - November 19th
Andrew - brother to “Angel” Adam - November 19th
Katie - November 22nd
Matthew - brother to “Angel” Robert - November 24th

Also, a couple of “Angel” anniversaries to mention:

Samuel - November 5th
Robert - November 17th

Please stop by and let their families know you are thinking of them at this difficult time.

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching so thought I’d add some links here that might be fun for you and children to check out. Something fun to do with the kids AND educational at the same time.





Thought I’d pose a few questions here - today’s page is just for “FUN”.

In my guest book: Please let me know....

1 - What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving memories and/or traditions?
2 - What is your family’s traditional Thanksgiving meal?
3 - Where do you spend Thanksgiving?

My answers:

1 - I have lovely memories of Mom’s cooking on Thanksgiving! The smell of the Turkey and homemade bread stuffing, the pumpkin pies cooking, the BEST mashed potatoes and gravy and the beautiful china that would be brought out for the holidays (of which I am now BLESSED to have had passed down to me and it is on display in my china cabinet!)

2 - Mom no longer does the holiday meals....oh how I MISS them!!! She and Dad generally dine out for Thanksgiving and I cook for Christmas...so, the traditional meal now-a-days is Turkey, “sweet” stuffing, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.

3 - At the in-laws

Thank you for stopping by, please visit my links and sign in my guestbook if possible.

Blessings, Eileen

Thursday, November 4, 2004 2:10 PM CST

Hello My Friends,

Well, here it is---November! Where DOES the time go? Yes, "where does the time go?" is a question asked by MOST of us. Makes me think of how fast the holidays come around, how quickly the days go by and mostly....how in the "blink of an eye" our children have grown before our very eyes. I am BLESSED to have the priviledge of seeing Kyle grow before my very eyes...and my prayers will forever be with those that are dealing with their children's illnesses....for I pray that they, too, will be able to see their children receive a "complete healing" here on Earth and see their children grow "before their very eyes". My thoughts are on this each day, but I just felt led to write about it today, especially after hearing Billy Dean's song "Let Them Be Little". The words are posted below.


I can remember when you fit in the palm of my hand.
You felt so good in it; no bigger than a minute.
How it amazes me you're changin' with every blink.
Faster than a flower blooms, they grow up all too soon.

So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give 'em hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

I never felt so much in one little tender touch.
I live for those kisses, your prayers an' your wishes.
An' now you're teachin' me how only a child can see.
Tonight, while we're on our knees, all I ask is:

Please, let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

The so innocent, precious soul:
You turn around, an' it's time to let them go.

So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give 'em praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let them sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

Let them be little.

Also, with the approaching Holidays, what is listed below I thought to be very inspirational...I read this in a book entitled: "The Glory of Christmas--Inspirational Writings From Charles Swindoll, Max Lucado and Charles Colsen"

"It occured to me last week that there is a practical reason Thanksgiving always proceeds Christmas. It sets in motion the ideal mental attitude to carry us through the weeks in between. In other words, a sustained spirit of gratitude makes the weeks before Christmas a celebration rather than a marathon. Maybe these few thoughts will stimulate you to give God your own Thanks in greater abundance.......

Thank you Lord for:

Your Sovereign control over our circumstances
Your Holy character in spite of our sinfulness
Your Commitment to us even when we wander astray
Your Word that gives us direction
Your Love that holds us close
Your Gentle compassion in our sorrows
Your Consistent faithfulness through our highs and lows
Your Understanding when we are confused
Your Spirit that enlightens our eyes
Your Grace that removes our guilt"
By Charles Swindoll--"The Finishing Touch"

Yes, there is SO much to be thankful for EVERYDAY....even during our times of trouble. YES, even during our times of sorrow, worry, troubles.....REMEMBER to be THANKFUL to God for the blessings in your life, for there ARE many blessings...sometimes they are just difficult to focus on. We tend to WORRY instead of "giving it ALL to God". In regards to worrying...that brings me to a writing by Charles Swindoll (Yes, as you can tell, one of my favorite authors!) :) - this was written in his book entitled: "Bedside Blessings".

"When the temptation to worry first arrives, that is the critical moment. The tendancy is to entertain it. to let it onto the front porch and allow it to sit there. But, before you know it, worry has crawled in through the window and made itself at home. No, worry MUST be stopped! We have to decide that we are going to commit this worry to God RIGHT NOW and refuse to entertain it, even on the front porch of our thinking. This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. John 5:14"

I, personally, know this is very hard to do at times! We ALL have experienced NEEDLESS worrying....it is NEEDLESS, because....God already has EVERYTHING planned out...our worry will do NOTHING to change things. We must TRUST and BELIEVE that God knows what's best for us. His way is THE ONLY WAY. He already knows the outcome, we just have to keep our FAITH strong. In our times of trouble, we must KNOW that God has already provided for us a way around them or through them.

Thanks for visiting, I truly appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to stop by..read the journal...sign the guestbook. Please visit some of the children and their families listed above. It means so very much to them and to me. And in your day-to-day activities, please remember God in all that you do. :)


Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:51 AM CDT


Dear God,

As I carve my pumpkin help me say this prayer:

Open my mind so I can learn about you;
(Cut the top of the pumpkin)

Take away all my sin and forgive me for the wrong things I do.
(Clean out the inside)

Open my eyes so Your love I will see;
(Cut eyes shaped like hearts)

I'm sorry for turning up my nose to all You've given me.
(Cut a nose in the shape of the cross)

Open my ears so Your word I will hear;
(Cut ears shaped like the Bible)

Open my mouth so I can tell others Your're near.
(Cut the mouth in the shape of a fish)

Let Your light shine in all I say and do! Amen.
(Place a candle inside and light it)


God picks you from the pumpkin patch,

Brings you in and washes the dirt off of you.

He scoops out all the yucky stuff,

He removes the seeds of doubt and hate and greed.

Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.

Let HIS light shine through you each and every day.


Wishing you ALL a blessed, happy and SAFE Halloween!
Happy Halloween!!


Monday, October 25, 2004 10:51 PM CDT

Monday, October 25, 2004 9:10 PM CDT
Hello all!
Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated. Mom was released from the hospital on Saturday and is recovering at home. She was dealing with a serious blood infection and was in the hospital for almost a week. She is better, but has a ways to go to a full recovery. Thanks to all of you for your prayers, support and encouragement through all of this. You are all a blessing to me. :)

Tonight will be short, as I am in need of some rest myself. Just wanted to get this update posted so that those who follow regularly will know of Mom's condition and that she is improving. I will leave you tonight with a little something from "Daily in His Presence". This particular writing has special meaning to me, as I opened DIRECTLY to it on two days when I needed it the most.


By day the LORD
went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud
to guide them on their way.
EXODUS 13:21

"My child, whenever you encounter an obstacle, remember, I have already provided a way around it or through it. Just like I led the Israelites on their journey to freedom, I will lead you. A cloud can bring gale force winds, provide a covering for extreme heat, or bring refreshing rain. But I am Lord of the clouds. I will be your pillar of cloud, leading you to safety. The next time you see a cloud on the horizon, don't fear the storm. Look closely, and you will see and feel My presence".

"Lord, Your path is not always the shortest, but it is always the best one for me. Although the sands of time may shift and temporarily hide Your footprints, You are a pillar of cloud by day for me. The waves of Your love refresh me as I follow Your leading. Thank You for guiding me wherever I go".

"Walking with your head in the clouds is not always a negative"

Goodnight and God bless,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:37 PM CDT

Just a mini update - Hope to get on here soon with a real update. Just wanted to briefly mention that my Mom could use some prayers. She is in the hospital with a blood infection, bladder infection, dehydration, fevers of up to 104 and anemia. She is quite weak. Please pray that this will all be brought under control. Thank you so much.



Some updates on my friends!

Chance's Mom, Patty, has a birthday coming up on the 18th..how about we all make her day and sign the guestbook with some Happy Birthday Greetings!

Emily recently fractured her foot so she is now in a cast and on crutches, please stop by and bring her some Get Well Cheer. :)

Joshua is in the hospital with pneumonia and he and his family could use some prayers. Please stop by his guestbook and let him know you are thinking of him and the family.

Kyle could use some Happy Thoughts sent his way via his guestbook and/or snail mail. He LOVES his mail and loves hearing from people. His Deuchenne's Muscular Dystrophy is making his heart grow weaker by the day. Please add him to your prayers.

Lauren M. has been put on a very strict diet due to food allergies, please visit her page and look at the journals of what she is allowed to eat. She would love to have some suggestions of recipes and ideas on how to serve the limited kinds of foods she can have. She would also like some arts and crafts ideas.

Please visit Samuel's page. The one year anniversary of his passing is quickly approaching on November 5th and his family could use all the support they can get. Please sign in and let them know you were there, offer up a few kind and comforting words. It will mean so much to them.

Maxie's family is still struggling immensely without Maxie in their lives. Please offer some encouragement and prayers.

Also, Connor H. is now on Hospice. I do not have his webpage listed in my links, but he is a very special young boy that I have followed for a long time on his journey through the Hugs and Hope group. He has been through so much. Please pray without ceasing for him. If not to be healed here, then in Heaven. God's will be done. I am praying for a miracle, but if that is not God's will....then I pray for a peaceful passing. You can visit his page at http://www.caringbridge.org/tn/connorhunley

Thank you for visiting and thank you for taking the time to visit whatever links you can. It is greatly appreciated. Blessings to you all.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 6:25 PM CDT

***Some new photos in the Album :)***

EASY, FUN way to send a smile! If you like to color - and YES, you adults can participate too :) - then check out this site. I have Kyle coloring pages, I am coloring pages and anyone else I can talk into it! LOL So, please join me in spreading a few smiles around! Thanks.

Color a Smile

Good afternoon all!

As some of you know, breast cancer awareness is one of my causes that is close to my heart. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Below are some links in regards to that. Please check them out and remember to schedule your mammogram!

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The American Cancer Society
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization

Lakota has a birthday on October 10th, if you could drop by and wish her a Happy Birthday, that would be wonderful.

Also, Rachel - sister to Samuel in my Children in Heaven links - has a birthday on October 11th. I am sure she would be so happy to see some birthday greetings in the guestbook.

Thank you for remembering them. :)

Saturday, Kyle and Mom and I went apple picking at Countyline Orchard and had a terrific time. What FUN it was! I never knew there were so many varieties of apples! Today our church had their picnic so I made a home-made Apple Crisp with some of those apples, it was tasty and juicy! Nothing like a fresh hand-picked apple for baking! The picnic was fun-great food and bingo. Kyle won some prizes at bingo. He always has so much fun at those functions.

My Mom's leukemia is requiring some chemo treatments. She has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia which is generally a slower progressive leukemia found mostly in older adults aged 60-plus. If you could keep her in your prayers I would be so thankful. Prayer is a POWERFUL thing, I truly believe that. It is one of the best things you can do for someone. :) She will have two cycles of chemo and then the Dr. will tell us where we go from there. At this time, she is feeling well. :)

For those that have followed my page for sometime, you know my cat Chessie had some serious medical problems with un-known origins. She had her recheck this past Friday and I am happy to say the vet deems her one for the textbooks! She has considered her cured and is hopeful of her NOT having a relapse. I am soooo happy! You animal lovers out there know what I mean when I say she is just such a special part of my "family". I have 5 cats, and each one is such a special addition to my life. :)

Well, thank you to everyone that visits. Please sign the guestbook, I love seeing who was here and will be very happy to visit you when you leave your website address and/or email address in the guestbook. :) Blessings to you all - enjoy your week!


Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:23 PM CDT

Good Afternoon!

***Some new photos in the Album :)***

Wow, it is a GORGEOUS Fall day here today! When I am done here, I am going for a nice walk. I am doggie-sitting for a friend this week. So, it is going to be FUN to have a dog to take on a walk. :) Her name is Cricket and she is just the best little girl--so calm and very good with my kitties. She is a SHIH TZU, just a little sweetheart! :)

This weekend my Mom and Kyle and I went to Concordia Theological Seminary to deliver clothing from my church to their clothing bank at the Seminary and to have a tour. This is a most AWESOME campus! The campus is so serene and beautiful--when you arrive you go along a winding drive that opens up into the campus. The landscaping is so pretty; there is a little creek with a bridge and a statue of Luther. Their is a man-made lake with many geese, ducks and a family of swans! The architecture of the campus buildings and especially of the Chapel are simple, yet beautiful. The Concordia brick on all the buildings is lovely. The Chapel is very triangular shaped with glass panels that allow for wonderful natural light to stream through and illuminate the altar area in a beautiful way. The pipe organ is enormus, I can only IMAGINE how beautiful it must sound when it is played---for the acoustics in the Chapel are as such that it would be a most wonderous sound!
When you enter the Chapel, there is a Baptismal font with beautiful art-work on the walls to each side of it and above it a circular glass painting of a dove. There are Mosaics throughout the various buildings too dipicting Christ. It really is a sight to behold! All the people we met there were also so very nice, you truly felt like you were in a world of your own. It was a great experience and I am thankful to my Pastor for offering to arrange to set-up a tour for us. We are all glad we went. :)

On that same trip, I did indeed get the opportunity to meet the lady that I am a Parent-Pal to through Hugs and Hope. When we met, it felt as if we have ALWAYS known each other. She is a wonderful lady and I am blessed to have her and her children in my life. We all got to spend a few hours together and will definitely plan another get together in the near future. :)

On the way home, we stopped at PAIGE'S CROSSING and had alot of fun at the arcade and played some night mini-golf. We made it home about 11:30 in the evening and just "crashed"! LOL Very eventful, FUN and spirtually uplifting weekend.

Well, thank you for stopping by. I appreciate each and every one of you. Please sign the guestbook if you can. Visit as many of the children as you are able, it means so very much to them and their families and I thank you with all my heart for caring. :)

Monday, September 20, 2004 0:47 AM CDT


Please remember about Chili's Restaurant donating 100 percent of it's profits to childhood cancer research on September 20th. You can read more about it in my past journals. :)

Also, I have added a new link at the bottom of the page. It is for the Independence Coffee Co. PLEASE visit and consider making a purchase, as the proceeds benefit Childhood Cancer Research. Adam's family (Adam's link is above in my Children in Heaven drop-down menu) are working feverently at raising awareness for Childhood Cancer and the Independence Coffee Fundraiser is just one of the ways they are meeting this goal. They are an inspiring family, please take the time to visit Adam's link and read the journal and past journals to see all they have been doing. God is truly working through them.

I met up with Marsha from Hugs and Hope recently, about 1-1/2 hours from my home where she was raffling off the Indian Motorcycle to benefit the Hugs and Hope group. Took Mom and Kyle with me, it was wonderful for them to get to meet this fantastic lady that I am proud to do volunteer work for. After the raffle benefit, we did lunch at the Olive Garden with her and her Dad - he was a great pleasure to meet also, a friendly and generous man. :) A great day was had by us all. :)

This weekend, my son and Mom and I are delivering clothes from our church to the clothing bank at the Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN We are going to make a little mini-weekend trip out of it. And, we are hoping to be able to meet the wonderful lady and her family that I am a Parent-Pal to through Hugs and Hope. Should be a wonderful weekend!

I also wanted to offer to do ***FREE SANTA LETTERS*** for the Caringbridge children and Hugs and Hope children and their siblings. If you are interested, please email me or leave the info in my guestbook--provide your Caringbridge addy and I will visit your page and them email you with the questions needed to help me to "personalise" the letter to your childs likes and interests. I know it seems early, but the sooner I have the info the easier it will be for me to schedule in the time to compose the letters and package them and get them out on a timely basis. I did these letters last year for the children and had a great deal of FUN doing them. I hope they brought smiles to all their precious faces! I know it did my heart wonders to be able to do it for them.

Well, I will wrap it up here for tonight. Remember, God is the light upon your feet----walk in that light and you will be richly blessed!

Love, Eileen

Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:21 AM CDT

Hello Friends: I just got released from the hospital today. Was admitted due to complications from strep-throat. I am feeling so much better now and so very happy to be back home with Kyle and my "furry babies" and glad to be back journaling and visiting pages again.

I dontated blood again about a week and a half ago and on the next visit I am giving plateletes (spelling?) I plan on going every time I can, I think it's about every 8 weeks. I know I've mentioned this before, but I am just so happy to be doing it and want to encourage EVERYONE to donate if they possibly can. I had a life-saving blood-transfusion in 1992 and am forever grateful to the donors that helped me by giving from their heart! Thank you!

Please visit Katia's site, her sister Tatiana will be having a birthday on the 18th of September and I am sure she would love to have some birthday wishes signed in the guestbook to her. :)

Also, Adam's Mom--Donna had a birthday yesterday. If you could stop by and sign some birthday blessings that would be great. :)

Kaitlyn has a birthday coming up on September 28th - she is a darling little girl and I know she would be thrilled to see those birthday wishes!

Thanks for your support, the families are always so grateful and so am I!

Please remember about the Chili's Restaurant donating 100f it's profits to childhood cancer research on September 20th. You can read more about it in the past couple of previous journals.

Well, thanks for stopping by and reading the journal and signing the guestbook if you can. I appreciate your visits and your support!

Blessings to you and yours,

"He who guards his lips guards his life". PROVERBS 13:3

Let the words from your mouth speak God's love from your heart. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:15 PM CDT

How was everyone's Labor Day weekend? Nice here, I went to a craft fair in Frankfort, IL that has tons-o-crafters selling their wares. It is there every Labor Day weekend and it is always so enjoyable to me to see everyone's creativity! Kyle got a Pac-Man face-painting on his arm...will NOT allow it on his face! LOL And I got a temporary henna ankle-tatoo of a sun. It was a very FUN day!

You all know that Hugs and Hope, see the link at the bottom of my Caringbridge page, is near and dear to my heart! I am going to meet-up with the Founder, Marsha Jordan, once again this Saturday in Arlington, IL where the raffle for the Indian Motorcycle will be taking place. I am taking Mom and Kyle with me to meet her and then we will all do lunch afterwards. Should prove to be a very enjoyable day, Marsha is a great lady and Hugs and Hope is just an AWESOME way to spread cheer to ill children! Please, if you can, visit the website and consider sending some "Happy Mail" to some of the children. Hugs and Hope will also be having it's "Birthday Bash" in October, you can read about that at the website. I am donating a hand-tied fleece blanket that I made as a raffle item for the event and so wish I could attend it personally! Thanks in advance to those of you that check it out. :)

I have added a new child to the first drop-down menu up above---his name is Kody and he is adorable! He is a Hugs and Hope Member and his grandma asked if I would add him to my page and I am happy to do so! Please stop by and "spread a little sunshine" on Kody's page, ok? He also has an adorable twin sister, Kassandra. Thanks to all that visit him and his family and all the others I have listed on my page. It means so very much to them and also to me! :P If you would like your child's link added to my page, please leave the info in my guestbook or via email and I will be happy to visit your page, read your story and add you to my little "family" here.

Katia and her family, listed in my first drop-down menu also, are selling CD's made by Katia's Dad, Myron - entitled "Rain". The proceeds help to raise much needed funds for the "Katia Solomon Fund" which helps her family financially and also enables them to help some other families in the same types of situations as they, themselves, are facing with Katia's illness. I will be ordering mine very soon. I have the first CD that Myron produced, it has three songs on it and is beautiful! Myron has a soothing, wonderful voice and I am really looking forward to receiving the "Rain" CD. I can just "feel" the love he has for his precious daughter in his voice! So, if you are interested in purchasing one, the information is on her page. If not, thanks for considering and visit their page to just offer up support and prayers which are PRECIOUS gifts! :) Her Mom, Tracy, really has an AWESOME page with continual updates and LOTS and LOTS of medical information for others to learn from. You will be blessed to have visited!

Thank you so very much for visiting, please sign-in if you can. I love to know whose been here and if there is something here or in past journals that has touched your life in some way. Please feel free to visit often and contact me if I can be of any help to you in way of encouragement, support, inspiration, etc....we can never have enough people that care about us! :)

Blessings to you and yours and may today find you with His Peace filling your heart.

God bless,



On SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 Chili's Restaurant Bar and Grill will be donating 100 PERCENT of it's profits to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The event is part of Chili's month-long campaign to "Create a Pepper to Fight Childhood Cancer". So, PLEASE MARK THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR and visit Chili's on September 20th for a delicious meal AND to help fight Childhood Cancer.

Also, for the entire month of September Chili's will ask it's guests nationwide to donate $1 for the opportunity to color the Chili's signature pepper logo. The goal of the promotion is to raise $2 million for St. Jude. The September campaign honors National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

So, PLEASE do your part if you are able to make this a ROARING SUCCESS for St. Jude---what a WONDERFUL place St. Jude is!! God bless and thank you!

Monday, August 30, 2004 2:23 PM CDT

Hello All!

Any of you been to Turkey Run Inn in Indiana?


What a neat place! I attended a wedding there and what a relaxing, inviting place! Many things to do on the grounds and nearby excursions as well. Definitely going to make a trip back there with my Mom and Kyle as soon as we can! :) They also have many, many covered bridges - I LOVE covered bridges! You can do a self-guided tour or you can go with a guide. Also, they have a covered-bridge festival in October. I Did that once on a tour through my bank. Would love to go back though and do it again.

Today, after picking Kyle up from school, we plan on doing something "fun" - either mini-golf or arcade. I will let him decide. :)

Referring to my "handy-dandy" Daily In Your Presence book today for my "inspiration". So, here it is!

"He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress,
I will not be shaken."
PSALM 62:6

"My child, does your life sometimes feel like a volcano about to spew its molten contents? When you first feel the rumblings, run to the rock. Let Me hold you together in a safe place until the worst has passed. Take comfort in My stability."

"Lord, You are the stabilizing force of my life. When everything around me is shaking, You are that solid rock that holds me secure. At times, I may feel like falling apart, but Your stability keeps me safe. Thank You, Lord."

"He is more than able--to keep you stable."

Now, read the above again----soak it in. :) YES, on many an occasion I have felt "like a volcano about to spew its molten contents". How about you?? We've ALL been there, done that. But, even in the very most trying of times, do not lose site of that "stability" that is available to you AT ALL TIMES by taking harbor in our Lord! Just step away and delve down deep....into your inner most heart....and find your center, your stability, your ROCK! He is there, always there....holding your hand, wrapping His loving arms around you! During life's storms "toss anchor" and just "rest" in His refuge. Remember Him not only in troubled times, but also to Rejoice with Him, go to Him and be thankful for His love for you each and every day!

Well, hope today finds you well and safe and sound in His love! For through Christ, you are NEVER alone!

God bless and Peace be with you!



On SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 Chili's Restaurant Bar and Grill will be donating 100 PERCENT of it's profits to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The event is part of Chili's month-long campaign to "Create a Pepper to Fight Childhood Cancer". So, PLEASE MARK THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR and visit Chili's on September 20th for a delicious meal AND to help fight Childhood Cancer.

Also, for the entire month of September Chili's will ask it's guests nationwide to donate $1 for the opportunity to color the Chili's signature pepper logo. The goal of the promotion is to raise $2 million for St. Jude. The September campaign honors National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

So, PLEASE do your part if you are able to make this a ROARING SUCCESS for St. Jude---what a WONDERFUL place St. Jude is!! God bless and thank you!

Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:47 PM CDT

**Printer Cartridges no longer available, they have been donated to my church. Thanks.**


On SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 Chili's Restaurant Bar and Grill will be donating 100 PERCENT of it's profits to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The event is part of Chili's month-long campaign to "Create a Pepper to Fight Childhood Cancer". So, PLEASE MARK THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR and visit Chili's on September 20th for a delicious meal AND to help fight Childhood Cancer.

Also, for the entire month of September Chili's will ask it's guests nationwide to donate $1 for the opportunity to color the Chili's signature pepper logo. The goal of the promotion is to raise $2 million for St. Jude. The September campaign honors National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

So, PLEASE do your part if you are able to make this a ROARING SUCCESS for St. Jude---what a WONDERFUL place St. Jude is!! God bless and thank you!


First of all, if you can, please stop by Aizee and Kyle's guestbooks and wish them a Happy Birthday! They are listed in my links above. Aizee's birthday is tomorrow, August 20th - she will be 4 and Kyle's birthday is August 23rd - he will be 15. Thanks so much!

The glow-in-the-dark mini golf was so much FUN!!! It was at a place called Putting-Edge in Lincolnshire, IL.

Unfortunately, we did not get to do anymore fun things as our "send off to summer" because Kyle fell ill with some viral "bug". He is feeling quite a bit better today, so that will leave us a few more days to have a chance at that! :)

School starts for him in 4 more days leaving me with thoughts of how quickly time does go by! Not just summer vacations, but life in general. A friend and I were discussing that recently, how events, certain "milestones" in ones life, and just "simple every day life" happenings leave you wondering..."where did the time go"??? Do you feel that way too? I suppose we all do at some point in our lives. On numerous occasions I find myself saying, "you know, I am going to do "this" or "that"....soon as I can, or next week or maybe even the next year, etc...." then I find that those "little" things get "put off" and I have yet to get them done. I am talking about "little things" that can bring so much joy and memories that get "put-off" because we feel there are more "important" things that need to be done "first". I am blessed that I DO, for the most part, take the time to "enjoy the day, the moment"....to TRULY be thankful for and enjoy at least ONE simple pleasure a-day. But, I also have a small "mental list" of things I really WANT to do and upon my conversation with this friend I've decided to make a "hard-copy" list of these things and here are a few of them.

1--"See the sights and sounds of Downtown Chicago during the
Christmas Season".
Now, I have LONGED to do this for YEARS! Why haven't I??
I mean, it is FREE to see the beautiful lights and
display windows, the train ride is inexpensive to get
there and it would be a BEAUTIFUL site to see and enjoy
with my Mom and son. I PROMISED myself that we will get
there THIS year! None of us know how much "time" we have
here on this Earth, and I do NOT want "time to pass me
by" so that I regret NEVER having done this as I had
wished I had with my Mom and my son. :)

2--"See Brookfield Zoo during their Festival of Lights
during the Holiday Season".
Reason: Same as number 1, except that there is an
admission fee to enter the zoo and I can get there by
car. :)

3--"Lunch downtown at a NICE restaruant".
That will get done at the time of the trip during the
Christmas Season. :)

So, there are just a few of them. I encourage you to also write down some of your hearts "truest" desires and to take action on ways to "get them done" as soon as you can. Life is short, enjoy the day! As you can see, my "little" things are not necessarily extragavent/expensive, they need NOT be to bring about great joy and memories. Just gather up your loved ones and head on out to your "adventures of the heart"!

Well, thank you once again for stopping by my little "home on the internet". I am so glad you take the time to read the journals, visit the children and their special families and to sign the guestbooks. If you have a moment, please sign mine. I love hearing from all of you and will happily reciprocate by signing yours! Have a blessed day!

Love, Eileen

Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:21 PM CDT

Ok folks, the back is healing well....so I am here for a "chat". LOL

Have MUCH to catch up on here and elsewhere, but it will all come together in time. :)

I am on vacation this coming week, the last week before school begins for Kyle. So, we are trying to do some fun "send summer off with a bang! before school begins" type of activities! Tomorrow, we have a glow-in-the-dark mini golf adventure set in place. We had planned to do it on his birthday, but had to post-pone it. Then, we will do lunch. We are also taking Nonnie (Kyle's Grandma, my Mom) with us and we ALWAYS have the best time together! Kyle and I are very fortunate that she only lives blocks away, so we are all very close with one another. She is a true blessing in our lives.


yes, I have an unused COLOR printer cartridge available that I was unable to use because my previous printer went "kaput" and I had it on hand before it did so. Being as they are not CHEAP, I don't just want to throw it away...would like to give it away to someone that can use it. It is for a Lexmark printer, please email me (or leave the info in the guestbook) with the MODEL TYPE of your Lexmark printer and I will let you know if the cartridge is compatible---it is FREE to the FIRST person I receive the compatible info from.
Be SURE to leave me an email address to get back in touch with you so I can ask you where it can be mailed to. Thanks so much. :)

A few of my special friends in the links above have birthdays coming up! I would so appreciate it if you would stop by and offer up some HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes! It would REALLY make their day!

Aizee-August 20th
Kyle-August 23rd

Also, please remember to visit the "Children in Heaven" links. Please stop by and offer up some encouragement to these wonderful families. Let them know their beautiful children are remembered.....these families need the extra support. Life goes on, but for these families it oftentimes feels as though their world has stopped and that they are "forgotten". Thank you.

Well, thank you so very much for visiting. Remember to love one another, take an extra moment to hug your children and ALL your loved ones!

God bless,

Saturday, August 14, 2004 0:57 AM CDT

Hello!! Well, my plans for the Friday before Kyle's birthday did NOT go as planned.....but Kyle had a terrific party anyway. I am recovering from a pinched nerve bulging between the discs of my back, it happened on the Friday I took as a vacation day to get everything done. Thanks to family and friends, all came out fine. :) And thank you to those who found out about it and inquired how I was doing. You are all too kind and I truly appreciate it! Well, just wanted to check in. I cannot yet sit at the computer for very long until this all heals, so until then....know you all continue on in my thoughts and prayers!

P.S. - I've been keeping tabs on the Hurricane that hit Florida......please, let's all keep those affected by this tragic weather in our prayers. Thank you.


Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:20 PM CDT

ONLY 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL KYLE'S 10TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hello everyone, Thanks to all of you that have entered "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES" to Kyle in the guestbook---he is THRILLED and wanted me to thank you all for him! :) If you haven't yet left a message, he would LOVE to hear from you!

Tomorrow I am taking a vacation day from work to get odds-n-ends done for the birthday party on Sunday. And, on his actual birthday on Saturday I am taking him to Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf. We're going to have FUN!

Well, thank you for coming by. I will update sometime after the birthday.

Please visit my friends in the links above, they are very special children and families and you will be so GLAD you took the time to "meet" them.

God bless,

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:08 PM CDT

update 7-29

I bought my Lance Armstrong LIVESTRONG yellow bracelet today! I bought it locally, but if you would like to own one and want to purchase online, you can go to his website to purchase them---please take a look and consider buying one for yourself and as gifts to others! GREAT way to show your support and help raise funds for a GREAT cause! Thanks!

Here is a picture of the bracelet

They come in different sizes and they are "stretchy" like a tough rubberband and quite comfortable to wear! They only cost 1.00----PLEASE check them out. Thanks. :)

***Update on my cat, Chessie**
After a very CRITICAL weekend, Chessie has rallied and begun to IMPROVE! She had a vet visit today and the vet was quite SURPRISED at her improvement considering she gave Chessie a VERY GUARDED PROGNOSIS! Chessie has quite a way to go, but we are very HOPEFUL at this point! So, thanks to everyone who inquired about her. :)

(I have posted a picture of Chessie in the photo album--one that was there in the past before she got sick--so you can take a look at my precious girl if you would like!) Thanks.

Well, summer is "winding down" :( and the new school year is quickly approaching. I must say, I LOVE summer vacation and will miss Kyle terribly when he goes back to school. We certainly enjoy our time together. :) I am on vacation the week before he goes back to school, so I will have to think of something really fun that we would like to do together as our "farewell to summer and welcome back to school"! Maybe having something fun to do and look forward to will "ease" the going back to school part. Kyle likes school, but I know it'll be difficult to go back after having a "carefree" summer. Last year was his first year of a "formal" school setting, prior to that he and I homeschooled and it is still an "adjusment" of sorts for him and I. But, he did wonderfully last year and I anticipate another good year. :)

Also, Kyle's 10th birthday is August 7th!! He's so excited! So, if possible, could you take a moment to sign some HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES in the guestbook for him??? I just know he would find that to be so much FUN to read them! Thanks so much!

***Blessings to all of you!*** Eileen

Saturday, July 24, 2004 11:13 AM CDT

***PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!! After 11 MONTHS in the hospital - Katia is GOING HOME!!! Her homecoming is scheduled for THIS coming Tuesday - please, please, PLEASE visit her site in my links listed above and sign the guestbook and share in this JOYUS TIME!***

~~~PLEASE visit the newest link I have added to my "Special Children" links. Stanton and his family are such an inspiration and have "captured" my heart with their journey and Stanton's Mom journals beautifully and it is always an inspiring read to me! So, take a moment to go to his page and introduce yourself and offer up some encouraging words to this wonderful little boy and his family! You'll be glad you did. :)~~~

I am so sorry I haven't updated the journal in a bit. I've been on vacation this week, but during that time my very precious little cat - Chessie - has fallen seriously ill. Luckily, I've been home this week and have been nursing her 'round the clock with meds and syringe feedings of pureed kitten food. For those that do not know me personally, I am a HUGE animal lover. I have 5 cats and they are most precious to me - truly a part of my family! Chessie's prognosis of getting well is SLIM. She is only three years old and my heart is truly breaking. I pray she proves EVERYONE wrong and gets well, but if it is not God's will - then I am treasuring each additional day He gives us and I pray for a most gentle, peaceful, painless as possible passing.

I KNOW that this in NO WAY compares to the sufferings of human's and all the trials and tribulations here at Caringbridge, but she does mean so much to me and it still breaks my heart and reduces me to tears.

I just wanted to let everyone in on the fact as to why I haven't updated of late and why there may continue to be a small lapse in an update. Thank you for "listening" and "understanding". :)

So......onto "better" journaling. On Thursday, (since Chessie was at the vet overnight), I went ahead with plans to go to Great America with my son, my Mom, and friends. It was a FUN day for all and helped me not to dwell on "things". I won Kyle a stuffed animal by playing the weight game. They have to guess your weight within 5lbs. Boy, was I brave OR WHAT??? LOL Kyle won a stuffed animal by playing a dart game. I rode one roller coaster - plenty enough for me! LOL Definitely have to do it all again next summer!!! :)

I will be participating in the "Light the Night Walk" in September here in Chicago. It is a walk to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. My Mom, Millie, suffers from a form of Leukemia which is common in the elderly - she is one of my inspirations to do this walk. Also, I am so inspired to do this in memory/honor of so many Caringbridge families afflicted by the ramifications of this terrible disease. So, IF you are able and feel led to help towards finding a cure - I have provided the link below for secure on-line donation. If you would rather donate by check or money order made payable to "The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society", please email me for a snail-mail address. Thank you so much!


Well, I must go for now. I will leave you with a poem today.

I have in my hands two boxes
Which God gave me to hold
He said,"Put all your sorrows in the black,
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded his words, and in the two boxes
Both my joys and sorrows I store
But though the gold became heavier each day
The black was as light as before
With curiosity, I opened the black
I wanted to find out why
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole
Which my sorrows had fallen out by
I showed the hole to God, and mused aloud,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be."
He smiled a gentle smile at me.
"My child, they're all here with me."
I asked,"God, why give me the boxes,
"Why the gold, and the black with the hole?"
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
the black is for you to let go."

AUTHOR: Limin Hong

Blessings to all of you!

Thursday, July 8, 2004 9:54 PM CDT

***Update 7-10 - As many of you may know, I am a volunteer for ChemoAngels, listed in my links at the bottom of this Caringbridge page. There is an article about this WONDERFUL organization in the July 19th issue of "PEOPLE MAGAZINE" on page 89. Please take a moment to purchase the issue or read it for free at your library or local bookstore. Thank you!***

Here is a link that was in my previous journal that I wanted to keep up for awhile longer - it was shared with me by my email friend, Jenn. Hope you all find it helpful.


With her permission, I would like to share a poem written by Heidi - a Mom who lost her beautiful son, Noah. I have followed Noah's page for quite some time and Heidi's faith is an inspiration to me. If you could, please visit and sign the guestbook. NOAH JAY The front page picture of Noah facing the ocean with wide-spread arms is always breath-taking to me everytime I see it - in fact, I have the honor of having a framed picture of it here at home that his Mom was gracious enough to share with me. Thank you Heidi!

Here is the poem.


When your child dies and the pain is too great

Jesus is still there

When Noah cried all through the night

Jesus was still there

When life goes on and the stresses are there

Jesus is still there

When memories are all you have now

Jesus is still there

When tears fall and no answers come

Jesus is still there

When God seems silent in the night

Jesus is still there

When dreams have crumbled

Jesus is still there

When prayers not answered the way I prayed

Jesus is still there

When friends forsake you

Jesus is still there

When your heart is breaking

Jesus is still there

Hebrews 13:5
For God has said "I will never leave you or forsake you."

written by Heidi Schafbuch

God just gave this to me when I felt like God wasn't near and my life was falling apart. He showed me again that He is still here and will always be with me!!!

Please take a moment to visit my special "friends" in the drop-down menus above. Listed below are ones that could really use some extra encouraging. Thank you!

Katia - has been in the hospital and now Ronald McDonald
house recovering from transplant - she and her Mom
Tracy have been there SO LONG and just so want to
be home with dad, Myron and sisters Sharayah and
Tatiana. Please stop by and sign the guestbook.

Kyle - loves getting mail and notes in his guestbook, he so
looks forward to the encouragement - could you take
a moment to sign his guestbook and/or send some
"cheery" mail his way??

Christina - is recovering from her transplant and having a
tough time emotionally - just wants to be a
normal 10 year old having fun and playing like
she should be able to.

Emily - her Grandpa passed away recently and she is having
a hard time with it. Please stop by and offer her
some support to get her through her time of grief.

Lakota - in the hospital recovering from transplant but
suffering from quite a bit of pain. Her Mom has a
lovely page, with much graphics. Please take a
moment to put some happiness in their day by
signing the guestbook. (I sometimes have trouble
accessing her link, don't know if it's my computer
or what - so if you cannot get through, thank you
for trying).

Luke - TODAY, July 8th, would have been Luke's 4th birthday.
Please visit his page and offer his family some kind
words as they get through this difficult day.

Also, here are a couple of links that are not in my drop-down menu. Alice is recovering from a stem-cell transplant and precious Zoie is making her journey toward heaven.

**update 7-10 - It is with great sadness that I must forward the news of Zoie's passing. Please sign her guestbook with loving words of support for her family as they learn to go on through life without their precious Princess Zoie--thank you***


I also received a call tonight from my Mom. My sister-in-laws father passed away after a battle with cancer. His wake is tomorrow. Also, my brother's mother-in-law from his previous marriage (my niece and nephew's grandma) also passed away this week and her wake is this Saturday. I ask, please keep my brother and his family in your prayers as they deal with these difficult losses. Thank you so much for your kindness.

This past Wednesday at service - Pastor shared a story that I'd like to pass on here. I enjoyed it and hope you do to.

"There was a baby lamb that followed it's Mom out into the pasture on a hot, summer day. The baby lamb saw the pigs wallowing in the mud to cool off and so wanted to follow suit. The Ewe explained to the baby that the mud is not for lambs, that they do not wallow with the pigs. But, the temptation was immense and the lure of the cool, soothing mud was too great. So as the Mom walked on ahead, the baby jumped into the mud. After the baby enjoyed the pleasures of the coolness of the mud, it realised it had become stuck and could NOT get out of the mud and would surely die if someone did not come to it's rescue. Just as the baby lamb was about to drown in that pool of mud after a valliant battle of trying to save itself, the farmer came along and saved the lamb. The lamb was the farmer's pet and he dearly loved the sheep and was more than willing to jump in and save it's life."

The Pastor continued...."Now, can we all see ourselves as that lamb?" Let's compare...."We too are tempted every day to enjoy the pleasures of sin. We too, like the lamb, jump in head first with disregard to the consequences and then think we can save ourselves when needed. But, like the lamb, we too find out that we cannot save ourselves. We give it a valliant effort, but we too need help of a Greater Love - just as the farmer helped the lamb he loved so much - our loving Father reaches out to help us. He is the only one that can "pull us out of that pool of mud--our sin".

That story is so true! Please remember, God is always there - waiting to help you in every aspect of your life. We are His sheep, he is the Great Shepherd -- he knows us each by name. He is calling YOU----will you listen?? Through Faith in Jesus Christ, you are PROMISED a life eternal.

I also want to offer a brochure that I have, it has a listing of scripture passages to read in times of need - such as grief, worry, illness, etc....if you are interested in having one, please let me know and I will be happy to mail it out to you - or if you prefer, I can type out the passages in email form and send it that way. Just make your request via email or guestbook.

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to read my journals and signing the guestbook. I appreciate EVERYONE that passes this way. Please visit again soon!

Take care,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:18 PM CDT

First of all, a BIG SHOUT out to Laura! Thank you Laura for helping me get a grip on how to add graphics to the guestbooks! I am forever grateful. :)

Also, Thank you Jenn for sending me this wonderful link about grieving and surviving loss. Everyone, please take a minute to visit the link listed below if you have the chance and pass it along to anyone you know that is suffering "loss" in their lives. Thanks!


So how are you all today? Just putting up a quick post here to wish ALL whom stop by a very safe and Happy 4th of July weekend! We will be attending a carnival and of course, the traditonal fireworks show! Hope the weekend finds you celebrating with all the ones you love! God bless.

********GOD BLESS THE USA!!!********

Monday, June 28, 2004 10:40 PM CDT


OK---Did that get everyone's attention???? :)

Seriously, graphics have me COMPLETELY baffled!!!! Can ANYONE give me clear, step-by-step instructions on HOW to get a graphic to appear in guestbooks AND here on my webpage???? I can get the one to show up on my front page (the welcome w/ the butterfly for instance) just by downloading a graphic from the internet to the "my pictures" file of my computer and then uploading it to my page. But, when I do the same thing for graphics elsewhere on my page OR in guestbooks - I see it when I am looking at it, but others that see it on their end only see boxes with a little red "x" in them. I was told I need to download them "elsewhere" and then upload them to my page. But, download them "where"? I've tried to do it through having a page on AOL Hometown, but with NO success. I just don't get it! I need precise instructions - to be "walked" through the process to have any hope in getting this concept. LOL So, if anyone is willing - would you be so kind as to email me or give the directions in the guestbook? I will be FOREVER grateful!! :) Hope everyone had a terrific weekend, please check on my friends and sign their guestbooks when possible. Thanks for checking in here too and if you can, sign and let me know you were here.
Thanks bunches! :)

Friday, June 18, 2004 8:36 PM CDT

Good evening my friends!
Want to take a moment here to update you all on some of my special friends found in the links above that could use a little extra encouragement right now. If you have a moment, please click on their links and pay them a visit and leave some kind words in their guestbooks. Thanks so much!

Christina - Had her transplant back in September. One of
the main things that got Christina through
transplant was focusing on attending Boggy Creek
Camp this summer and it looks as though she MAY
not get to attend. Christina could REALLY use
some nice words in her guestbook to lift her

Emily - Today, Emily had surgery for removal of her port and
feeding tube and on August 8th, she is scheduled
for eye surgery. Please stop by and wish her well.

Jeremy - Doing very well after transplant, it would be nice
if you could stop by and congratulate him on doing
so well.

Katia - Back in the hospital, hopefully for a SHORT stay,
for a skin biopsy of some suspicious spots on her
neck, arm and back. Katia is NOT happy about having
to leave the Ronald Mcdonald House to go back to the
hospital and could use some "cheery" words.

Lakota - Recently had a transplant. She is retaining alot
of fluid around her heart, in her lungs and stomach
and her back. She is having much pain from this.
In a few days, she should also get results as to if
she is 100onor cells - please pray that she is!
She and her Mom could certainly benefit from some
"happy words" at this time.

Luke - Luke is listed in my "children in heaven" drop down
box. Luke's 1st year anniversary in Heaven is
quickly approaching along with what would have been
his 4th birthday here on Earth - both in July. I am
sure some thoughtful words at this time would be so
very comforting to his WONDERFUL family. Please stop
by and let them know you were there.

Well, tomorrow Kyle and I are off to the Zoo! Free admission, surely cannot beat that. :) Plus, he gets to ride the train again AND the bus downtown - so he is liking that idea! For you folks in the area of Chicago/Suburbs - Metra has a summer special where the kids under 12 ride free - up to 3 children with a Fare-paying adult - GREAT DEAL! And, on weekends they have a 5.00 unlimited-ride pass. So, if you can - treat the kids to a fun ride on the train! They will love it. And there is so much to do downtown - and if you are on a budget, like me and most of the rest of the world LOL - there are various free or low-cost things to do - the Lincoln Park Zoo for one! Just surf the net - I put in under Search, "FREE THINGS TO DO IN CHICAGO ILLINOIS" and went from there. Also, the Taste of Chicago is coming up next week for those in the area that may be interested in that.

I love country music and a new release by Tim McGraw is called "Live Like You Were Dying". I love this song - helps to remind me about the importance of LIVING each day to the fullest. We should ALL try to "live like we were dying" so as to get the most from each day. We are not promised tomorrow and if tomorrow never came - have YOU lived FULLY? It is something that is so easy to "push aside" because we are busy with work and other responsibilities and we don't take OR make the time to just enjoy the simpilest of life's pleasures. So, the next rainbow you see - stop and look and linger over it's beauty. The next sunset - REALLY take the time to watch and enjoy it's glorius brilliance. Always take the time to hug your children and tell them how much they mean to you each and every day. Don't ever take them for granted, thank God everyday for bestowing the blessings of parenthood upon you. And take a little time each day to just "play" - whether it be with your child or family or friends - just ENJOY it! Don't let all of your "duties" invade the precious time we have here on Earth to share with the ones we love and care about - you know, those dishes, laundry, etc.....they will all be there tomorrow and tomorrow is another day - they will get done - sometimes it is good just to let them wait for a day. :) So SEIZE THE DAY, enjoy your life and Glory to God for another day to have with loved ones!

Thanks so much for stopping in - please sign the guestbook so I know you were here. It is so nice to read your entries and it helps me to know what you thought of my page.

P.S. - Below is a copy of the lyrics to that song if you would like to read them.

He said: "I was in my early forties,
"With a lot of life before me,
"An' a moment came that stopped me on a dime.
"I spent most of the next days,
"Looking at the x-rays,
"An' talking 'bout the options an' talkin’ ‘bout sweet time."
I asked him when it sank in,
That this might really be the real end?
How’s it hit you when you get that kind of news?
Man whatcha do?

An' he said: "I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."

He said "I was finally the husband,
"That most the time I wasn’t.
"An' I became a friend a friend would like to have.
"And all of a sudden goin' fishin’,
"Wasn’t such an imposition,
"And I went three times that year I lost my Dad.
"Well, I finally read the Good Book,
"And I took a good long hard look,
"At what I'd do if I could do it all again,
"And then:

"I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."

Like tomorrow was a gift,
And you got eternity,
To think about what you’d do with it.
An' what did you do with it?
An' what can I do with it?
An' what would I do with it?

"Sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And then I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I watched Blue Eagle as it was flyin'."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."

"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."

And, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the wonderful Dad's out there! May God bless you richly and may the joy of Fatherhood fill your hearts to overflowing!


Friday, June 4, 2004 4:00 PM CDT

Good afternoon!

Thank you Kristal for the birthday greeting in my guestbook, yes folks - today is my birthday. :) No special birthday plans today, for I have a relative's wedding reception to attend this evening. Tomorrow though, my son and I will enjoy the day together and also join friends for a BBQ which will be a lovely day. My son, Kyle, bought me a beautiful book for my birthday that he chose himself (such a wonderful son!) called "Daily in Your Presence--Intimate Conversations with a Loving Father" by Rebecca Barlow Jordan. It is a book that consists of devotional meditations - one for every day of the year - with a focus on the characteristics of our Father and to help you prompt a grateful response from your heart. It is a very nice little book - light and easy additonal reading in your quest for knowledge of the Lord. But, of course, your GREATEST source is the Bible. :) Let me share a page from my new book with you here.


"Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations." PSALM 90:1

"My child, when I look into your eyes, I see eternity. One day My gates will open wide, and heaven, your real home, will beckon like a long-lost friend. You'll walk across and finally be home---home at last. But for now? Remember I not only want to be at home in your heart, but I also want you to be at home in Mine. Stay in My presence daily, and you will find a safe dwelling place until you reach your final destination."

"There are times, Lord, when I long to go home. You have created me for eternity, placing the desire for heaven in my heart. But in You, Lord, even here in this temporary house called earth, I find a place to hang my heart. You are my dwelling place, my home away from home."

"We spend our energies searching for the needs of our hearts, only to realize what we were looking for was at home all along."

Isn't that beautiful? I know the trials we must go through here on Earth sometimes seem never-ending, hopeless. Times when we would just like to go "home" - but God is always available, always on our side. He WANTS us to have a heart of Faith and love - filled with a sense of Peace - knowing that through our Faith in Jesus Christ we are PROMISED an etenal home in Heaven. He is the place to "hang your heart". Reach out to Him, hold on to Him! It is so true that we often-times spend countless hours, endless days-weeks-months-years......searching for the "needs of our hearts" and always coming up "empty".....because we are "searching" for "things, people or places", but not what was there all along! With the Holy Spirit guiding you, so much can be accomplished. Your "heart" will be filled with Joy...the "search" will be over. Life will ALWAYS present you with problems - sometimes over-whelming problems, but the Lord provides you with the ability to face those problems and get through them. Your journey through life is much less difficult when you are walking "with Christ" rather than "alone". I am certainly no PRO on all of this, actually just within the past year have I started to "find my way" - and your walk with Christ is a daily learning, growing experience - one that is lovely to travel! :) So, on that note - I wish you ALL the best in "finding your way" by "hanging your heart" with Jesus! God bless you all, thanks for visiting. Please visit my special friends through the links I have provided and if you get the chance to sign my guestbook - I would so appreciate it. Love meeting "new" friends and I treasure the "old". Have a great weekend!


Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:01 PM CDT


First I want to start out with a "happy update"! :) In past journals, I mentioned the daughter of a friend of mine was in a terrible car accident. I am VERY PLEASED to be able to say that Laura has improved greatly!! She is home now and walking! What an accomplishment!! And getting better everyday. All the Glory be to God - thank you!

I STILL have some homeschooling books left to GIVE AWAY FOR FREE!!!!! Please, take these off my hands! LOL They are wonderful books to help you in your homeschooling journey and I really want others to get good use from them. Also, I have available phamplets to use as a reference on where to find appropriate Bible verses during times of need - if you would like one, please just ask. They are free for the asking. Just contact me via email if you are interested in the homeschooling books or phamplets. EJ3DAY6211@AOL.COM

This weekend is a Memorial Day Weekend festival with a HUGE carnival that I hope to take Kyle to - so long as the rain stays at bay. There will be food, rides, bands, etc... The proceeds benefit the Crete-Monee School District 201-U - so if you live near the area you might want to enjoy the day there! Here is the link: http://www.usafest.net

Thank you for stopping by. Please visit the links I have listed if you have a moment. If anyone is interested in having their child's link added to my page, I would be happy to do so. Just email me or ask via the guestbook and I will get back to you quickly. Remember to pass along some encouraging words to them and to apply that in everyday situations also. The kindness you show comes back to you ten-fold!

Eileen :)

Sunday, May 16, 2004 7:30 PM CDT

The Y-Me Breast Cancer Walk on Mother's Day was spectacular!! The event had over 25,000 participants and raised OVER 2.5 million dollars!!! I felt blessed to be a part of the event. It is just awe-inspiring to see so many gathered for one cause. Breathtaking actually! And Chicago really is a beautiful city-the Lakefront view is so spectacular - what a beautiful backdrop for a walk. And there are just countless things to do and see. Kyle and I spent a few hours after the walk at the Shedd Aquarium Museum. Chicago has some GREAT Museums! I don't get down to Chicago often, but wish I could. Thanks to all who supported me through donations for the walk, I am truly grateful for your kindness. :)

Kyle's school had a Spring Fun Fair this past Friday. I ran the Bozo Buckets game - what FUN that was. It was a very popular game that night and kept me very busy and it was just a blast to interact with all the children. They also had a silent auction for which I donated a hand-tied fleece blanket that I made and they DID receive "the suggested price" as the bid. I was very happy to help with that.

Kyle's solo in his school's Spring Concert went very well. His face absolutely "lit up" when he finished. It was beautiful to see - he was SO proud that he "did it" lol and I was absolutely so proud of him too! :) If you have seen previous journals, some of you may know I was ATTEMPTING to make paper mache' props for that play - to no avail! LOL Oh well, I tried.

Well, thank you for stopping in for a visit and taking time to read my journals. Please take a moment to visit some or all of my links. Whatever you can do will be so greatly appreciated. It truly is amazing how such a small act of kindness, like guestbook signing, can lift someone's day more than you could have EVER imagined. Thanks for caring.


God was, is and forever will be
He is not held by time, He's eternity
He's the Father of all creation
In control of every situation
With Him there's nothing that can't be done
He's ever present, so you cannot run
In His glory there is no darkness
In His love there is always forgiveness
If you ask, seek and knock you will find
Opens your heart so you're no longer blind
He wants us to know Him more each day
Always hears us when we pray
He doesn't want to occasionally be around
He wants every step to be on solid ground
Doesn't matter if problems are big or small
Hand it to Him and He will take care of it all
He can't love you more and won't love you less
He will fill you with peace and joy to the fullest
His Son Jesus sits at the our Fathers side
And the Spirit will help us all to abide
You can't go wrong obeying His voice
He is the truth, the way, the only choice

Dan Cramer, NY State

May you all feel the Love and Peace that Christ has to offer you today, and always.

Peace be with you,

Friday, April 30, 2004 8:41 PM CDT

Hello All,

Please visit the link below. It will lead you to the Caringbridge donation site - they currently have their Caringbridge Circle of Love Campaign going on-it is their Spring Fundraiser through May and June. If you can find it in your heart to donate whatever amount possible, it would be a wonderful thing. Caringbridge is such a needed resource for these families in crisis, so won't you please pay them a visit and make your donation today? You can donate on-line OR mail a donation - all the information you need is in the newsletter. Thank you.


"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."
Author:William Shakespeare

*********UPDATE-PRAYER REQUESTS**********
Some of my special "families" need some extra prayers. Would you please take a moment to reach out and visit their guestbooks with some extra encouragement and take a moment to remember them in prayer? Thank you so much

Connor H. - his cancer is BACK!! http://caringbridge.com/tn/connorhunley/

Lakota - in the hospital

Jeremy - recovering after transplant

Katia S. - recovering after transplant and been in the hospital OVER 200 DAYS!!

Savannah - now residing with our Heavenly Father

Maddie - went to be with our Lord recently

Remember, you are never guaranteed tommorow - so LIVE today!!

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful Mom's out there! :) Enjoy your special day with your children - hug them, love them, hold them close and just BE TOGETHER. :) My prayers are with you all and with the Mom's that no longer have their children here on Earth with them. May you find Peace and remain strong in the belief that you WILL be together again.

This Mother's Day - Kyle and I are going to be at the Y-ME Walk for breast cancer in Grant Park - in downtown Chicago! Splendid way to spend the day together AND to help out a cause near and dear to me!

God bless,

Monday, April 19, 2004 6:04 PM CDT

Please check out this site.

It is a site geared towards helping children much in the same way as Hugs and Hope and Make a Child Smile, etc....it is in honor of a sweet little girl, Julia, that lost her fight with cancer. You can visit the featured kids, send "happy mail" and there are opportunities to VOLUNTEER. Thanks so much.

Ok--I totally "messed up" this page and thanks to Caringbridge Customer Service - they got me out of the mess! LOL Anyway, til I can get my "children with God" links listed - I will post them here for you to copy/paste and visit. Thanks for your patience.


"God didn't promise days without
pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise
strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the


A stately tree stood by the stream
Where sparkling waters flowed,
Her trunk was gnarled and badly scarred,
Her branches deeply bowed.

For many years she'd stayed the storms,
Withstood the windy blasts,
Her roots, sunk deep beneath the soil,
Tenaciously held fast.

At times she swayed so furiously
She thought her boughs would break;
The winds did heave her to and fro,
The ground did firmly shake.

Yet further down her roots did grow,
Her anchor firmly set,
She raised her branches to the sky
Her praises to beget.

For each new storm that came her way
Forced her to take strong hold,
And all the trials and stormy blasts
Caused her to grow fourfold.

When winds of tribulation blow,
Our faith takes root and grows;
And when shaken by life's trials,
God's strength He then bestows.

So when the trials of life befall,
Remember this old tree;
And thank God for each storm that comes
Which serves to strengthen thee

Linda J. Stevenson
Roanoke, Virginia

This poem holds meaning to me, for I am facing some trials and tribulations myself. Hoping this poem will also inspire you. If you have a moment, there are new pictures in the photo album for you to see and please continue visiting my links and keep those prayers going - for they can and do work miracles. Thank you.

Peace be with you,

Monday, April 19, 2004 4:51 PM CDT


A stately tree stood by the stream
Where sparkling waters flowed,
Her trunk was gnarled and badly scarred,
Her branches deeply bowed.

For many years she'd stayed the storms,
Withstood the windy blasts,
Her roots, sunk deep beneath the soil,
Tenaciously held fast.

At times she swayed so furiously
She thought her boughs would break;
The winds did heave her to and fro,
The ground did firmly shake.

Yet further down her roots did grow,
Her anchor firmly set,
She raised her branches to the sky
Her praises to beget.

For each new storm that came her way
Forced her to take strong hold,
And all the trials and stormy blasts
Caused her to grow fourfold.

When winds of tribulation blow,
Our faith takes root and grows;
And when shaken by life's trials,
God's strength He then bestows.

So when the trials of life befall,
Remember this old tree;
And thank God for each storm that comes
Which serves to strengthen thee

Linda J. Stevenson
Roanoke, Virginia

This poem holds meaning to me, for I am facing some trials and tribulations myself. Hoping this poem will also inspire you. If you have a moment, there are new pictures in the photo album for you to see and please continue visiting my links and keep those prayers going - for they can and do work miracles. Thank you.

Peace be with you,

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:39 PM CDT

Hello, How was your Easter? Easter church service was beautiful - the sermon, the lilies, the music.......wonderful for the soul! After celebrating the REAL reason for Easter, dinner was served with family. Kyle enjoyed finding his Easter eggs and Easter basket. We also had A LOT of fun coloring Easter eggs on Saturday. Kyle is having a Spring school concert in May and he has a solo in it - I am very proud of him. I am also helping to make some props for the program - paper mache' jars and pitchers - oh my, wish me luck! LOL Never did paper mache' before, so I downloaded some info from the internet and will give it a go. Below is a poem by Mother Teresa that I like very much, thought I would share with you. Thanks for visiting and please sign the guestbook if you can. Please visit my links and/or pray for them. God bless you all.
Thanks. Eileen

Anyway - From Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa hung a copy of this poem on a wall of the orphanage she founded in Calcutta. Its source is unknown.

People are often unreasonable,
illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind,
People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be Kind anyway.

If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and
some true enemies;
Succeed anyway. people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis.
it is between you and God;
It is never between you and them anyway.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

Sunday, April 4, 2004 12:56 AM CDT

Answers to previous Trivia Questions below:

1-"What did Abraham and Sarah name their baby boy, who God gave to them when they were old?"

2-"What did God use to drive the Red Sea apart so God's people could walk through on dry ground?"

3-"What happened that made the Earth shake, tombs break open and the temple curtain tear into two pieces?"

Hello everyone:
It is a beautiful Spring-like day here for Palm Sunday. So nice to see the sun and feel the cool, crisp breezes. Just got back from church awhile ago and after this update my son and I are off to Barnes and Noble bookstore. We absolutely LOVE reading! We get lost in there for hours and hours. With Easter right around the corner, thought I would place a simple Easter craft for gift-giving. Hope you enjoy!

Jelly Bean Tins
Give these fun tins as party favors or gifts.

What You Need:

This idea is easy to adapt for
almost any occasion.

Miniature gelatin molds in seasonal shapes
Jelly beans (or other tiny candies or mints)

Place the jelly beans or other tiny candies in the tins, wrap with cellophane and tie with ribbon.

Sweet little gifts for children to give to friends and family.


Believe, believe in the power of love
To save us all from death and sin,
And God that way your heart will move.
Christ came to Earth to free us of
The state of vengeance we were in.
Believe, believe in the power of love

To change the heart from snake to dove,
To make dust bloom and goodness win,
And God that way your heart will move.

Christ arose from death to prove
That we a new life could begin.
Believe, believe in the power of love

To bring us to a life above,
A life of glory near to Him,
And God that way your heart will move.

Christ will all our sins remove
And make us feel His joy within.
Believe, believe in the power of love,
And God that way your heart will move.

Copyright: Nicholas Gordon

God bless, Eileen

Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:54 PM CST


Answers to the previous journal's trivia questions:
1. "Which disciple raised Dorcas from the dead?"
2. "After Jesus was arrested, what did his disciples do?"
3. "What special thing did Jesus do before he passed the
food to the 5,000 people?"

1-Peter (Acts 9:40, 41)
2-They ran away and left Him, just as He said they would
(Matthew 26:56)
3-He thanked God for the food (John 6:11)

I thought it would be good to add where this information could be found if you would like to read about it, so I have posted the chapters next to the answers.

Today's Trivia Questions:

1-"What did Abraham and Sarah name their baby boy, who God gave to them when they were old?"

2-"What did God use to drive the Red Sea apart so God's people could wak through on dry ground?"

3-"What happened that made the Earth shake, tombs break open and the temple curtain tear into two pieces?"


I would like to ask you to please visit Maxie's link - he recently went to his heavenly home and his birthday is April 3rd. Please offer his family as much support as possible at this most trying time.

Also, please visit Jackson's page and offer up a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to his sister, Brandy. Her birthday is tomorrow, April 2nd.

And Chance is working very diligently with friends to make Celeste's trip to the beach come true, so if you would like to help in some way you can go to his link above.

He Gathers Every Teardrop

Regardless of the circumstance,
Regardless of the ear,
Regardless of the pain we bear,
Regardless of the tear,
Our God is ever in control,
Performing as He should,
And He has promised in His Word
To work things for our good.
But as a loving Father would,
He sometimes lets us cry
To cleanse the hurt out of our heart,
To wash it from our eye.
Yet gently He gathers the tears
Within His hands to stay
Until He turns them into pearls
And gives them back someday.
(Glenda Fulton Davis)

Thanks for visiting and come back again soon. Take a moment to sign my guestbook if you can.



Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:41 PM CST


Here are the previous Trivia questions asked and the answers listed below them.

1--"When the man stepped forward to arrest Jesus, what did Peter do?"
cut off his ear

2--"When the chief priests were accusing Jesus of many things, what did Jesus say to them?"

absolutely nothing

3--"Who did God promise would have a big, big family - as many people as there were stars in the sky?"


Our baptisms were BEAUTIFUL this past Sunday. The service was absolutely lovely - I was on cloud nine ALL DAY! :) Afterwards was a luncheon to welcome all the new members, that was really very nice. Unfortunately, Kyle was ill and I had to send him home shortly after the service. :( But, he was still very happy because the actual baptism was of course the most important and he made it through. Happy to say that today he is finally feeling much better. :) After my baptisim I was also confirmed. The Pastor gave each of us being confirmed a confirmation verse. I would like to share mine with you.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

This fits me perfectly - I really connected with the "hope" I felt through reading this verse.


Maxie is now an "Angel" and my heart breaks for yet another loss. I am sure Maxie's family could use as much encouragement as possible. ALL the families need our support, but I really feel the "Angel" families need it even more. Seems life goes on all around them but seems to stand still for them and as we go on about our lives, please remember how they are still trying to function day by day and learning how to pick up the pieces of their shattered hearts and lives. Please remember them and continue to visit them, for they NEED to know that their loved one is still remembered and that they can get support from us all. Thanks so much for caring.
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
TODAY'S TRIVIA QUESTIONS (these were chosen by Kyle today!)

1. "Which disciple raised Dorcas from the dead?"
2. "After Jesus was arrested, what did his disciples do?"
3. "What special thing did Jesus do before he passed the
food to the 5,000 people?"

Thanks for visiting, sign my guestbook if you can and most importantly - PLEASE visit the children's links that I have. They are all so special to me! :)
God bless,


If you can, check out Chance's page, listed above or in my links. He and Brecklin are working on getting Celeste a trip to the beach - please take a moment to see if you would be interested in helping. Even if you cannot at this time, take a moment to visit Chance's page just to see what he does there - he is a teenage boy of great faith and I really think you will like his page. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:59 PM CST


Today's Bible Trivia Questions (answers to previous questions are in the previous history journals).

1--"When the man stepped forward to arrest Jesus, what did Peter do?"

2--"When the chief priests were accusing Jesus of many things, what did Jesus say to them?"

3--"Who did God promise would have a big, big family - as many people as there were stars in the sky?"

Good luck, have fun!

Wanted to share with everyone that my son, Kyle and myself will be baptised this coming Sunday - the 28th. What a glorius, special, wonderful day that will be!! I have always had faith and believed in God, but never found a church that "fit" or was willing to take the time with a person to explain things and encourage my spiritual growth. Thus never had much guidance in the teachings of religion and sacraments, etc.....and was just sort of "lost" with no religion to call my own and no church to call my "home"....to make a long story short on how all of this came about, so as not to bore my wonderful readers, I have been blessed to have found a church that cared about me - offered religion classes to enlighten me with the word of God and now I feel like I am walking a much, much closer walk with God. It is so hard when you are on your "own" and not walking "together" with the Lord. So my advice to those that are discouraged in their path to faith, please never give up. Keep trying, keep searching and the Holy Spirit will truly take over your heart if you will just accept the offering. Thank you to everyone that passes this way, I am honored to have you stop by and sign the guestbook. There is so much we ALL have to offer and learn from each other if we just share a little bit of our heart and life experiences with each other, whether those experiences are good or bad. If you have the time, please visit the precious children in my links. What a difference YOU can make by just taking a moment to sign their guestbooks - whatever encouragement you can offer, be it a long or short message - will go a long way in their day! It MAY be the only smile they have that day, wouldn't YOU love to be the one to provide it?

Blessings to you all, Eileen

Friday, March 19, 2004 10:51 PM CST

Wanted to take a moment today to let you all know that my son, Kyle and I are participating in the Y-ME RACE FOR BREAST CANCER.

The walk will be held in Grant Park - in Chicago, IL - on Mother's Day. He and I thought this would be a WONDERFUL way to celebrate Mother's Day together AND benefit a cause near and dear to my heart!!! :) We are walking in memory of my dear friend's Mom, Marge Homeier and in honor of a wonderful friend, Marie, whom I met while walking in the Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer walk in the past. In fact, we will also be walking WITH Marie. What a wonderful day this will be! :)

IF you would like to make a donation (in ANY amount) towards our efforts, you can do so on-line at the link below.


Or, if you would like to make a donation by check or money order - Please make them payable to Y-ME RACE FOR BREAST CANCER and email me at ej3day6211@aol.com and I will provide an address as to where the donation can be sent.

Thank you in advance for your kindness.

***See the answers for the bible trivia questions below***

The children listed below are in special need of prayers and visits - could you take a moment to say a prayer, visit their pages and learn about them and sign their guestbook? They are in my links in the drop-down menu above. Thanks!

Lakota-relapsed with cancer
Maxie-Dr.'s report he may only have months to live

also.....prayers for my friend's daughter, Laura. She was in an automobile accident and has suffered numerous injuries and had surgery. She is in a great deal of pain and currently in the hospital. Thank you. :)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Got a new little thing I want to try - BIBLE TRIVIA QUESTIONS! My son brought home a bible quiz book from school that he purchased at the book fair. We have been having alot of fun with it and I thought maybe my visitors could enjoy the fun too! :) I will post questions one day and then on another day I will post the answers. I will have fun with this for a little while. So, come back and visit again to find out the answers and I hope some of you enjoy doing this with your children. Good bible review for us all! Now, remember, these are from a book for ages 6-8 - so some may be very easy; but have fun!

Today's questions:

"What did Moses' staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?"

"Who was the oldest man in the Old Testament?"

"After the resurrection, what parts of His body did Jesus show the disciples?"


First question: Snake
Second question: Methuselah - age 969
Thrid question: His hands and his side

CONGRATS to Rachel Joy's Mom, Stephanie, who got the answers correct! She answered them in my guestbook. :)
Good job!!

Thanks, Eileen

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:12 PM CST

The children listed below are in special need of prayers and visits - could you take a moment to say a prayer, visit their pages and learn about them and sign their guestbook? They are in my links in the drop-down menu above. Thanks!

Lakota-relapsed with cancer
Maxie-Dr.'s report he may only have months to live

also.....prayers for my friend's daughter, Laura. She was in an automobile accident and has suffered numerous injuries and had surgery. She is in a great deal of pain and currently in the hospital. Thank you. :)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY to all of you! Got a new little thing I want to try - BIBLE TRIVIA QUESTIONS! My son brought home a bible quiz book from school that he purchased at the book fair. We have been having alot of fun with it and I thought maybe my visitors could enjoy the fun too! :) I will post questions one day and then on another day I will post the answers. I will have fun with this for a little while. So, come back and visit again to find out the answers and I hope some of you enjoy doing this with your children. Good bible review for us all! Now, remember, these are from a book for ages 6-8 - so some may be very easy; but have fun!

Today's questions:

"What did Moses' staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?"

"Who was the oldest man in the Old Testament?"

"After the resurrection, what parts of His body did Jesus show the disciples?"


Thanks again for visiting. Please visit the children. If you have a moment, please sign my guestbook too. Love visitors! God bless, Eileen

Sunday, March 7, 2004 8:18 PM CST

***URGENT UPDATE*** Added March 15th at 10:34 p.m. Here is the journal from Maxie's page tonight. Please visit him and his family, his link is in the above drop-down menu. My heart is breaking. Let's all pray for them. One should NEVER have to tell their child they are going to die. Thank you.


I cannot say much more.. no more chemo.. They are going to try to fix it where he can eat in a few days, then I guess it is home.

I told Robert... Christy told Maxie.. and I am telling you.

Good night my friends and family and thank you for the support till now. Please help us all the next few weeks..

Julie (Maxie Lee Lagourney's)

Added Monday, March 15, 2004
Please keep my friend's daughter, Laura, in your prayers. I just found out today, that she was in a car accident--the car she was in was hit head-on by a drunk driver--she is in the intensive care unit in critical, but stable, condition and the Dr.'s are pleased with her progress thus far. Thank you for the prayers.

Added Saturday, March 13, 2004
Please take a moment to send up extra prayers especially for the children listed below that are in my "links" menu where it says "Choose Child's Name". They are going through some difficulties at this time. And, if you are able, please sign their guestbooks with some encouraging words. Thank you so much! Eileen

Craig - he is currently in the hospital for 6 days for his 10th round of Chemo and could use some encouraging words.

Jackson - he is currently in the hospital with pneumonia again. He was just in the hospital this past December with pneumonia. He and his family would appreciate any heartfelt support.

Lakota - she has recently relapsed and is being considered for a bone marrow transplant, but she is highly sensitive to chemo and the doctor's need to determine IF she is a candidate for transplant and if not, then nature has to take it's course. This is a very difficult time for her and her family.

Maxie - he is currently in the hospital and going through a very, very difficult time. He and his family are very fearful at this time. Please stop by and send some love their way.

Abby - she recently became an "Angel". Abby fought a long, hard battle after a recent transplant. I am certain her parents would feel blessed to have your support. Abby is not in my links, but I had followed her journey for quite some time. Here is here Caringbridge page. http://www.caringbridge.org/va/abbyallies/

Hello Friends! :)

Wanted to take a moment today to let you all know that my son, Kyle and I are participating in the Y-ME RACE FOR BREAST CANCER.

The walk will be held in Grant Park - in Chicago, IL - on Mother's Day. He and I thought this would be a WONDERFUL way to celebrate Mother's Day together AND benefit a cause near and dear to my heart!!! :) We are walking in memory of my dear friend's Mom, Marge Homeier and in honor of a wonderful friend, Marie, whom I met while walking in the Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer walk in the past. In fact, we will also be walking WITH Marie. What a wonderful day this will be! :)

IF you would like to make a donation (in ANY amount) towards our efforts, you can do so on-line at the link below.


Or, if you would like to make a donation by check or money order - Please make them payable to Y-ME RACE FOR BREAST CANCER and email me at ej3day6211@aol.com and I will provide an address as to where the donation can be sent.

Thank you in advance for your kindness. And, if you would like to check-out the Y-ME website - their link is below.


Also, I am collecting infant sized baby shoes - sizes 0-3 months - for a project at my church. If you would be willing to contribute them, I will be happy to pay for the postage. Just shoot-off an email to me as soon as possible. Thanks again.

May today be a day of blessings, may your sorrows be few and for those suffering through troubling times; hold stead-fast to your faith and lean on HIM at ALL times. God bless,

Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:41 PM CST

PLEASE PRAY FOR LAKOTA!!! Please visit Lakota's link in the drop down menu. Lakota has relapsed and she and her family need prayers and encouragement.

Also, PLEASE PRAY FOR MAXIE!!! He is in the hospital having tests---cancer may have spread to his brain. Please stop by and offer up encouragement.

Thank you! :)

Today I saw the movie "The Passion" - how does one sum up into words the effects of this film? There is NO WAY I could possibly give it justice with my words, PLEASE go see the movie!! You NEED to "see", "hear" and "FEEL" for yourself the powerful message of this movie - it is an experience I cannot possibly explain. It can be as enriching of an experience as your mind, heart and soul will allow. It will reach into the very core of your being. Allow yourself to hear the message of the Gospel---allow yourself the riches you have waiting for you if only you will accept Jesus Christ into your life.

"Everyone who believs in Him receives forgiveness of sins through his name". (Acts 10:43)

Hoping today finds you filled with the riches of His love.


Wednesday, February 25, 2004 8:53 PM CST

Okay---3rd time is a charm, right? LOL This update just does not seem to want to happen.

a FEW FREE homeschooling books left
FREE "Finding the right Bible Passage" phamplets
Please email me with your request. Thanks! :)

First, HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY SHANNON! Shannon is my niece and is attending college for nursing. I am very proud of her.

Second, CONGRATULATIONS TO MY SON KYLE! He won 1st Place in the school's annual Spelling Bee. He is still floating on air and so am I. :) Tomorrow, photos will be taken for the local newspaper - he is quite excited. So, if you have a moment, could you congratulate him in the guestbook? I just know he would be thrilled to read them!

I attended a special Ash Wednesday chapel service. It was so precious to see all the school children worshipping together. I also saw in the church bulletin that there will be a traveling exhibit for "The Martin Luther-The Reformer" at the Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Here is the website if you would like to view it and/or were interested in attending the exhibit. The website is: http://www.ctsfw.edu/

Blessings to you and yours and may you feel the Love of God all around you today and always, Eileen

I may never see tomorrow
There's no written guarantee
And things that happened yesterday
Belong to history.
I cannot predict the future
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment
I must treat it as my last.
I must use the moment wisely
For it soon will pass away
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday.
I must excercise compassion
Help the fallen to their feet
Be a friend unto the friendless
Make an empty life complete.
The unkind things I do today
May never be undone.
Any friendships that I fail to win
May nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray,
And I thank God with humble heart
For giving me this day.

Monday, February 16, 2004 0:51 AM CST

~~~~~~~~~A few FREE homeschooling books left~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~FREE Bible Phamplets left for the asking~~~~~~~


Good Morning and thank you for stopping by my little "home" in cyberspace. I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day with loved ones to share it with. I myself am getting a little "itchy" for Spring!!!! :) Where is the sun????? LOL I do miss it. I read an interesting book recently called "Virtual Miracles" - stories about miracles that came about through use of the internet. There is a story in there by a lady from MACS (Make a Child Smile--a WONDERFUL site that you can check out and send encouraging mail to the children listed there). So if your interested, maybe you could take some time to check it out. Another inspiring book is "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom - about her life (before, during and after) concentration camp. She has also written many books of inspiration, one of which is "Reflections of God's Glory". I have found them to be very interesting and wanted to pass that on to you readers out there that like this type of reading. Please, if you can, take a moment to visit the children in the links I have listed and I would love it if you signed my guestbook. Take care.

"'Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.' - Corrie ten Boom

Below is a nice poem I have posted in the past, but I like it so much I wanted to share it again for those of you that may not have seen it.

I may never see tomorrow
There's no written guarantee
And things that happened yesterday
Belong to history.
I cannot predict the future
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment
I must treat it as my last.
I must use the moment wisely
For it soon will pass away
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday.
I must excercise compassion
Help the fallen to their feet
Be a friend unto the friendless
Make an empty life complete.
The unkind things I do today
May never be undone.
Any friendships that I fail to win
May nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray,
And I thank God with humble heart
For giving me this day.

May Peace and Hope be yours today and always,

Sunday, February 8, 2004 12:43 AM CST

***Homeschooling books for FREE - see previous journal history.***

***FREE Bible passage phamplet - see previous journal history.***


Well, good morning to all. Just wanted to update on my meeting with Marsha Jordan, the Founder of Hugs and Hope. What a wonderful lady!! This organization is such a wonderful thing for the children. Please, please - check out the website - it is listed below in my links. Marsha was at an Expo to raise awareness about the group and to raise funds through the sales of the Holy Bears and motorcycle raffle tickets. Since the Expo was only about an hour away from my workplace, I arranged to meet with her and help at the booth. I am so very glad that I did. If some of you Caringbridge parents don't already know about Hugs and Hope, it is a website geared towards volunteers sending "Happy Mail" to critically ill children to help bring smiles to their faces when they need them most. So, if you have a moment - check out the website and consider signing your child up to receive some "Happy Mail".

Thank you for stopping by and reading my journal. Please sign my guestbook, if you have a moment.


Have a good day.

Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:04 AM CST


Good Afternoon All! Please take a moment to visit Katia's page in the links above. TODAY is the day of her TRANSPLANT! Let's all visit, sign the guestbook and show our support! :) Thanks so much.

Today, I have a link to The Family Fun website listed below. It is a craft for Valentine Tiny Treat Bags. Great to give as classroom treats or to anyone! So swing on by there and take a look if you can. There are MANY other easy crafts to choose from to surprise your "valentine"! :)


Well, that is all for today. Blessings to you all.


Sunday, February 1, 2004 9:42 AM CST

Good Morning One and All:

I had the drawing today and the WINNER IS..........
Chance!! Please visit his awesome Caringbridge page at


I will be issuing a payment of $25.00 to the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children,Inc. as his prize. You can visit their website at

http://www.braintumorkids.org/EveCal.as p

****Congratulations Chance!****

Today at church service they passed out in the bulletin a very handy guide that leads to specific passages to read in the Bible during different points in your life. Such as a list of passages to read when you are worried, grieving, during illness, etc.....I thought this to be a very good thing to have on hand. So, if anyone would like a copy of it - please email me with your name and snail mail address or you can request me to email the information to you. It is yours free for the asking, just make your request by emailing me or requesting it through my guestbook and be sure to include your email address in the guestbook if you request it there.

Also available, some - 8 different Homeschooling books for adults. Whether you are homeschooling currently or considering the possiblility of homeschooling, these books are great guides to providing the information you need. These are also free for the asking--just make your request to me. If you are interested, let me know and I can provide you with the titles of the books I have available. Then you can look up the titles at your local bookstore or on the internet to see if it is something that interests you and then you can decide which book you would like to request. Please let me know as soon as possible, I would REALLY love to pass them on to people that could really use them being as I have read them and gathered the information from them that I needed. SO, PLEASE HELP TO TAKE THEM OFF MY HANDS! LOL

Hoping only the best for you and the ones you love!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 0:34 AM CST

ATTENTION!! Only 4 more days to get your Caringbridge stories entered for a chance to win 25.00 to your favorite charity - PLEASE see my previous journal entries for the specifics. THANK YOU!

Hello my Friends! As some of you may or may not know, I am a big supporter of Breast Cancer causes. In the past, I have participated in the Avon Breast Cancer walk. It was one of the best experiences of my life. If you have not participated in one, I urge you to. Here is the link if you are interested in learning more. http://www.avonwalk.org

Also, there is a petition you can sign at the lifetime t.v. webpage in support of making a 2-day stay mandatory after a mastectomy instead of it being like a "drive-thru" surgery. Listed below is an excerpt from the article at their website along with the link below it to go to their site and sign the petition. It only requires your name and zip code--it is FREE - nothing else is expected of you. If you could take a moment to do this, I would appreciate your efforts.

"On September 25, 2003, Lifetime Television delivered more than 5 million petition signatures to Capitol Hill, urging Congress to ban "drive-through" mastectomies — the practice in which women are forced out of the hospital sometimes only hours after breast cancer surgery. Sign our petition now to help end drive-through mastectomies once and for all.

Lifetime Television, NABCO, Rep. DeLauro and Connecticut physician Kristen Zarfos, M.D., have been fighting for this type of access to quality care for all women since 1996. The legislation would require insurance companies to cover a 48-hour minimum stay for mastectomy patients and a 24-hour stay for a woman undergoing a lymph node dissection. The legislation ensures that a doctor and a patient will make a decision together about staying at a hospital after a mastectomy.

If you agree that women require more than one night at a hospital after undergoing a mastectomy, here's your chance to make your voice heard. With the strength of these petition numbers behind us, we will get this legislation passed."


Wishing you all a wonderful day--
Thanks for visiting and come back soon!


Friday, January 23, 2004 1:26 AM CST

ATTENTION!! Only 9 more days to get your Caringbridge stories entered for a chance to win 25.00 to your favorite charity - PLEASE see my previous journal entries for the specifics. THANK YOU!
Hello to ALL my visitors! Just as a reminder: IF you would like me to add your child's webpage to the drop-down menu above, please email me and I will be glad to do so. Are you like me and asking yourself, "where did the month of January go??" Yikes, it'll be Valentine's Day before I know it. So, I am going to get started on some Valentine's cards for the children in my links to send via snail mail, or just by email if no address is available. Email is terrific, but I so enjoy still sending snail-mail because I know most kids just really LOVE getting their very OWN mail! If your child is not in my drop-down menu but would LOVE to get a special Valentine greeting sent to them - either by snail-mail OR email PLEASE let me know through the guestbook or by emailing me. Let me know if you prefer an email to be sent, for me to sign the guestbook with my message or have a snail-mail card sent (if so, please provide address you would like it to be sent to along with the name of the child) I enjoying making the children SMILE, so just let me know by the end of this month so that the Valentine greeting can arrive on time.

Well, thank you so very much for stopping by. I would love it if you could sign the guestbook - but most importantly, please visit some or all of the children and sign their guestbooks - they get such support from this. Even just a simple "hello, stopping by to show I care" is so uplifting! Have a wonderful day!


Sunday, January 18, 2004 0:48 AM CST

ATTENTION!! Only 13 more days to get your Caringbridge stories entered for a chance to win 25.00 to your favorite charity - PLEASE see my previous journal entries for the specifics. THANK YOU!

Hello everyone and welcome to my webpage-a big hello to all newcomers and returning visitors. I want to thank everyone that visited Katia's page at my request. As you all probably know, she came through the surgery with FLYING colors and is working toward a transplant date. Her birthday is in 8 more days, she will be 4 - will you please take a moment to swing by her page to offer Happy Birthday Wishes? Thank you so much.

Also, TODAY is Jeremy's birthday and I know he would love to hear from you also.

Being as it is COLD here, thought a nice hot bowl of chili would be good - so thought I would leave the recipe here for a chili recipe that was emailed to me that sounded interesting. Thanks again for visiting and remember to sign the guestbook and visit any of the children that you can. Thanks so much! :)

Have a wonderful day. Eileen


1 Medium zucchini, cut into 1/2" pieces
1 Medium green bell pepper, coarsely chopped
1/2 c. coarsely chopped onion
1/2 c. coarsely chopped celery
2 cloves minced garlic
2-3 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
2-14 1/2 oz. cans Mexican-style stewed tomatoes, undrained
1-17 oz. can whole kernel corn, undrained
1-15oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained
8 oz. salsa

In a 3-1/2, 4, or 5-qt. crockpot, combine zucchini, green pepper, onion, celery, garlic, chili powder, oregano and cumin. Stir in tomatoes and corn (both undrained) and beans and salsa.

Cover and cook on low heat for 8 to 10 hours or on high for 4 to 5 hours.


Saturday, January 10, 2004 11:34 PM CST

--Helen Keller--

Hello Friends,
Racking my brain today for some inspirational ramblings! LOL Some days it just doesn't "flow" as easily as others.
Today, I think I will post a craft idea for those of you with children in your life. Being as it is winter and not as easy to entertain the young ones outdoors - wouldn't it be nice to share time "together" doing a project? I found this in the Family Fun Magazine. You can also visit their site at WWW.FAMILYFUN.COM for LOTS of fun information for children and families!

KHAMSA is a traditional North African amulet thought to bring good luck. Customarily, a khamsa (meaning "five" in Arabic) can be made of leather, brass or silver and elaborately decorated with beads, coins or pieces of coral. This simpler version is just as jazzy but calls for paper, paints, sequins and glitter.


To make one, have your child trace his/her hand or your hand onto a folded piece of colored construction paper or poster board. Cut out the tracing so that you have 2 paper hands matched back to back. Mark the backs with an "X", then embellish the unmarked sides with paper shapes, sequins, glitter, gems and paint pens (or whatever your imagination dreams of!). When both hands are dry, glue or tape the unadorned sides together with a loop of ribbon between them for hanging.

Hope you have fun! If you complete this progect, would you take a minute to come back and sign the guestbook with how you all enjoyed it together, what it looked like, etc...? It is so heart-warming to me to read how you enjoyed what I have offered to you on this website. Thanks so much!

Here is a neat website to visit. It was developed after the 911 attacks in an effort to make the world a little better place. I found the website link in the magazine titled Woman's World. Here is their description of the site:
"Want to change the world? Log onto The Giving Game, a website that encourages random acts of kindness. Sign up
(for free) and print out "giving cards." Next, pick a person to do something nice for. When the deed is done, leave them the giving card so that they can pass it along--and do a kind deed for somebody else. Each act of giving gets registered on the website so that you can track the nice things your card has helped people do!"
So, take a minute to sign up and spread some Random Acts of Kindness.


Thomas a' Kempis(1380-1471)

Thursday, January 8, 2004 10:06 AM CST

Please visit the children in the above links - they are so appreciative of the support. Thank you.
Hello all my Friends!
Thank you for stopping by and reading the journal. Today, I found a neat website to visit. It was developed after the 911 attacks in an effort to make the world a little better place. I found the website link in the magazine titled Woman's World. Here is their description of the site:
"Want to change the world? Log onto The Giving Game, a website that encourages random acts of kindness. Sign up
(for free) and print out "giving cards." Next, pick a person to do something nice for. When the deed is done, leave them the giving card so that they can pass it along--and do a kind deed for somebody else. Each act of giving gets registered on the website so that you can track the nice things your card has helped people do!"

So, I signed up for it today! Thought I would share it with you for those that would be interested in spreading a little kindness around too!

In February, I will have the opportunity to meet Marsha - the founder of the Hugs and Hope Club (link is below). I have been a volunteer for a couple of years so it will be nice to finally have a chance to meet her face-to-face. She will be working a booth at an Expo in Indiana selling Holy Bears and raffle tickets to benefit this wonderful organization that does SO much for children with serious illnesses. I will be making a blanket for her to give away as a door-prize and will help her work the booth when she needs breaks for lunch and such. I will post more when I have the specifics and if you live around the Merrilville, Indiana area - maybe you could consider stopping by! :) In the meantime, if you can-please visit her site at WWW.HUGSANDHOPE.COM. It is a wonderful place and you can also see what the Holy Bears look like and even purchase one if you are interested.

Thanks for your support!

Sign the guestbook - I love hearing from you all.

God bless, Eileen

Thursday, January 1, 2004 11:14 PM CST

Heaven has gained another angel, while another family here on Earth is suffering a painful loss.

Ashley went to live in her heavenly home. Won't you please sign her guestbook and offer some words of sympathy to her family? Their road is only going to get harder before it ever gets better and any word of comfort will be of help.
Thank you.

Her website is http://www.caringbridge.org/il/ashley/


I hope you have all enjoyed your New Year's Day! If you could, please sign the guestbook and let me know how you celebrated and if you have any New Year's Resolutions. Would love to hear from you! One of my resolutions is ALWAYS to lose weight. I am thinking I better think of something that I may actually have a chance of accomplishing! LOL :( There's a thought, if you have any ADVICE on successful weight loss and how I can accomplish it.........PLEASE LET ME KNOW! :) I need to shed the pounds due to some HEALTH issues. So, share any tips you have, success stories, advice, etc.......Thank you so much! Well, I want to leave you now with a poem I found that I thought expressed my feelings well. Hope you enjoy it. God bless! P.S. - Please visit the children and their families in the drop-down links above if you can get a moment. It means so much to them to have support from us.
Thank you. Eileen

I may never see tomorrow
There's no written guarantee
And things that happened yesterday
Belong to history.
I cannot predict the future
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment
I must treat it as my last.
I must use the moment wisely
For it soon will pass away
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday.
I must excercise compassion
Help the fallen to their feet
Be a friend unto the friendless
Make an empty life complete.
The unkind things I do today
May never be undone.
Any friendships that I fail to win
May nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray,
And I thank God with humble heart
For giving me this day.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 10:57 PM CST

Hello All! Hope you had a wonderful holiday and that 2004 brings lots of good things your way! Unfortunately, my Christmas wasn't so good. My son has double-pneumonia and an ear infection. So, he did not get to enjoy the special day nor his Christmas break from school. But, he is a real trooper - never complains and we BOTH know things can ALWAYS be worse. For this too, shall pass. Things will be getting better soon.

**Please view the Dec. 15th and 22nd journals for info**


Would you please take a moment to visit Ashley's site? She is not doing well at all - Dr.'s say no more can be done. It would be so kind if you could stop by and leave a few words in the guestbook to help this family in a desperate time of need. Thank you so much. The link is http://www.caringbridge.org/il/ashley/

Thanks for stopping by and sign my guestbook if you can. Have a HAPPY, SAFE New Year's Eve!!!! And I wish the BEST to all of you and all those you care about--May 2004 bring you all many blessings. God bless.

Monday, December 22, 2003 0:18 AM CST

```````````````TOY DRIVE````````````````

~~~~~~~~~~~~FREE Contest!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please see Dec. 15th journal for this information. Thanks!

Good Morning! Was reading through the Woman's World Magazine today - I LOVE that magazine, it is a quick read and FULL of handy information! Anyway, here is something I saw in the magazine today. Here is a way to be HELPFUL to a wonderful organization and it is SO EASY! :)

Instead of throwing out the greeting cards you get each year, send them to St. Jude's Ranch for Children. This is an organization that helps abused and neglected children. The kids collect fronts of Holiday cards and paste them onto new backings. The result is then sold as a fundraiser for the group's program for abused and neglected kids. you can visit their website at - WWW.STJUDESRANCH.ORG

Sooooo, pack up those Christmas cards and ship them off to:

National Headquarters
100 St. Jude's Street
Boulder City, NV 89005
(800) 492-3562
(702) 294-7100

Hope you all had a great weekend Please, if you have a moment, sign the guestbook. And, if you can, take the time to visit the children and their families at the links I have listed on the pull-down menu. Thank you for stopping by and come back soon!


Saturday, December 20, 2003 0:03 AM CST

******TOY DRIVE******
See previous journal history dated Dec. 15th for this info.

Well, today I would like to print the 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS for you to share with your children. Have fun singing it with them - brings back memories for me. I can vividly remember singing this in a 3rd grade school play! Also, below the lyrics is a list of Religious Symbolisims of the 12 Days of Christmas. I found this on the internet and had never heard of that before, but found it interesting and wanted to share it here with you. Enjoy!

The Twelve Days of Christmas (12 Days of Christmas) : Lyrics
On the first day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the eighth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!

The Twelve Days of Christmas (12 Days of Christmas) – lyrics
Religious symbolism of The Twelve Days of Christmas (The 12 Days of Christmas)
1 True Love refers to God
2 Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments
3 French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues
4 Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists
5 Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace.
6 Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation
7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
8 Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes
9 Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
10 Lords A-leaping refers to the ten commandments
11 Pipers Piping refers to the eleven faithful apostles
12 Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed

Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:23 PM CST

~~~~~~~~TOY DRIVE~~~~~~~~

********FREE CONTEST********

PLEASE see my previous journal dated December 15th in regards to the Toy Drive and the Free contest. Thanks.

Happy Holidays to ALL that are visiting. Welcome to my little home on the Internet! :) Please sign the guestbook if you have a moment - I LOVE hearing from everyone. I love to visit new sites (and all my other "friends" too!) - so please leave your website info for me to visit you--for I learn so much from your journals, guestbooks, etc.

Today, I thought I would give you a cute recipe for Magic Reindeer Food! It is a great idea - my son loves this! Enjoy! Eileen

1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup red or green sugar crystals (for cake decorating)

[Note:  while many Internet recipes for Magic Reindeer Food call for craft glitter, this ingredient can harm birds or wildlife if eaten.  Substitute colored sugar crystals and be kind to animals!]

In a small zipper food storage bag or empty shaker container, mix all ingredients. Add tag.

Here is a verse that you can put onto a tag to attatch to the Magic Reindeer Food

Make a wish and close your eyes tight,
then sprinkle on your lawn at night.
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam,
this food will guide them to your home!

Monday, December 15, 2003 12:32 AM CST

**Please visit Alyssa's site--she became an "Angel" and her family could use your support. Thank you.**

**************TOY DRIVE----TOY DRIVE----TOY DRIVE***********

Well, just wanted to let everyone know I am collecting donations of toys to be distributed to the children of Hugs and Hope - if you are interested in participating in the toy-drive, please email me for a mailing address. Thank you in advance for your interest. Today, I received a package of toys from Melissa - THANK YOU MELISSA, you are my first contributor--thank you for your heart-felt generosity!! :)

Well, in closing - thanks to all that visit and for signing the guestbook. I look forward to reading your messages. God bless you all this holiday season and always.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 4:55 PM CST

***Please visit Alyssa's site - she is now an "Angel" and her family could certainly use the support at this most difficult time. Thank you.***

Please read the past journals for some FUN Christmas links I have listed.

Here are some thought-provoking words from a sermon I heard today. The Pastor relayed that as we go through trials and tribulations of life - remember, they are not punishments for us, but tests. He said they are sent to us when there is the need to test us. And to always Rejoice in God even in our toughest times. For, in time, these troubles too will pass.

I found that interesting. Yes, we all go through our troubles - but, through it all let's remember to Rejoice in our Lord. That is extremely difficult to do at times of deepest sorrow--but if we can remember and hold onto the fact that God is always with us, he will pull us through.

Thanks for listening and taking the time to stop by. Enjoy your day! Eileen

Sunday, December 14, 2003 4:24 PM CST

It is with a heavy heart to report that Alyssa has now become and ^l^ Angel ^l^--please go by her site and drop a line of sympathy to her grieving family. Thank you for doing so.

***Chicago's Country Radio Station, US 99, raised $1,308,00.00 for St. Jude's this weekend during their annual Radiothon! Way to go!!***

Here are some more lyrics from a song entitled "My Angel is Here" by Wynonna. Hope they touch you.

They say, there's a state of heaven
Somewhere, way beyond the clouds
I know, there's a piece of heaven in every little thing that you do
cuz every time you walk in the room
My angel is here, my angel is here

Lying, saying I ain't lonely
Crying, when no one sees my tears
Dying, whenever love's disowned me
Each night I've prayed for help to get through
And when I felt you near me I knew
My angel is here, my angel is here

I'm so protected and heaven's so near
When I am under your wing
My wounds are healed, and my spirit is clear
So come on angel, make my heart sing

So when I'm lost and alone, who will find me?
Who's there whenever I call
show me the way to the strength that's inside me
Pick me up, whenever I fall

You say, love is no conditions
Each soul, is free to come and go
Stay strong, I don't need permission
cuz paradise is waiting for me
Every time I hear my heart speak
My angel is here
My angel is here
My angel is here
My angel is here
Below are some FUN Christmas links--Have a good time!! :)








And I also wanted to leave this fun recipe to enjoy with your children. It is a recipe to make an ornament for the Christmas tree. Hope you have fun making it with the kids.


1 c. cinnamon
1 tbsp. cloves
1 tbsp. nutmeg
3/4 c. applesauce
2 tbsp. white glue

Mix all and divide into 4 parts. Roll out and cut with cookie cutter. Poke holes at top with straw for string. Place on wire rack. Turn each day to completely dry. Done when light in color. Decorate, if desired.

Saturday, December 13, 2003 1:07 AM CST


Yes, the Chicago radio station, US99 - is having a radiothon today and tomorrow 12-12 and 12-13 to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Hospital. You can make a one-time donation or you could become a "Partner in Hope" for a donation of 30.00 per month. They are also giving away prizes that you may have a chance to win. We all are aware of St. Jude and the WONDERFUL work they do, won't you help if you can by making a donation - regardless of how little or how much you can give - every dollar helps to lead to a brighter future for the children and families. Thank you!

They are at the Gurnee Mills Mall in Gurnee Mills, IL or you can phone them at 1-800-345-4673
Please bring HOPE for a healthy future to the children..... God bless...Eileen

Today, I wanted to post the lyrics from the song by Country Artist-Martina McBride entitled "In My Daughter's Eyes". It is a very touching, beautiful song that brings me to tears sometimes when I hear it. Even though it is written from a Mother's perspective about her daughter - the same feelings certainly apply to us Mother's of our son's---for our children are our WORLD!

In my daughter's eye's
I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I want to be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes
Everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light
And the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me
Gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

When she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh, it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what love is all about

It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes
I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you'll see
How happy she made me
For I'll be there...
In my daughter's eyes

Below are some FUN Christmas links--Have a good time!! :)








And I also wanted to leave this fun recipe to enjoy with your children. It is a recipe to make an ornament for the Christmas tree. Hope you have fun making it with the kids.


1 c. cinnamon
1 tbsp. cloves
1 tbsp. nutmeg
3/4 c. applesauce
2 tbsp. white glue

Mix all and divide into 4 parts. Roll out and cut with cookie cutter. Poke holes at top with straw for string. Place on wire rack. Turn each day to completely dry. Done when light in color. Decorate, if desired.

Thursday, December 12, 2003 08:51 AM CST

Good day! Remember, TODAY is the LAST day to order your FREE Santa letter. Please see previous journal history for that information--Thanks


Yes, the Chicago radio station, US99 - is having a radiothon today and tomorrow 12-12 and 12-13 to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Hospital. You can make a one-time donation or you could become a "Partner in Hope" for a donation of 30.00 per month. They are also giving away prizes that you may have a chance to win. We all are aware of St. Jude and the WONDERFUL work they do, won't you help if you can by making a donation - regardless of how little or how much you can give - every dollar helps to lead to a brighter future for the children and families. Thank you!

They are at the Gurnee Mills Mall in Gurnee Mills, IL or you can phone them at 1-800-345-4673
Please bring HOPE for a healthy future to the children..... God bless...Eileen

Below are some FUN Christmas links--Have a good time!! :)








And I also wanted to leave this fun recipe to enjoy with your children. It is a recipe to make an ornament for the Christmas tree. Hope you have fun making it with the kids.


1 c. cinnamon
1 tbsp. cloves
1 tbsp. nutmeg
3/4 c. applesauce
2 tbsp. white glue

Mix all and divide into 4 parts. Roll out and cut with cookie cutter. Poke holes at top with straw for string. Place on wire rack. Turn each day to completely dry. Done when light in color. Decorate, if desired.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 12:58 AM

Good Morning! Gee, I should be asleep but the mind is just reeling so thought I would update. Wanted to offer anyone out there that has a Caringbridge webpage a FREE Santa letter for your child. I did these letters this year for children at the Hugs and Hope website and thought I would offer them here too. If you are interested, please EMAIL me at ej3day6211@aol.com I know it is short notice, but since I only put this webpage together yesterday - wasn't able to offer it sooner. If you email me by DECEMBER 12TH, I can get the letter in the mail by Dec. 15th which should give it enough time to reach it's destination. Just provide me with your child's name, your caringbridge webpage address for verifications purposes and the address you would like the letter mailed too. Any questions, please feel free to email me or ask me in the guestbook. Thanks! EJ :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:22 a.m.
Good morning! I want to thank all who have signed my guestbook so far! You have ALL brought smiles to my face and happiness to my heart! And I am very pleased that I have received some requests for the FREE Santa letters! I so hope the children will enjoy them as much as I enjoy doing them! :) If you can, please take the time to visit Jimmy Joe's site at www.caringbridge.org/fl/jimmyjoe
Very nice job his Mom does on his page and she makes Hooded Bath Towels with a percentage of the proceeds going to Caged Kids--another great site for children with illnesses! Perhaps you are looking for a gift for a new baby, a special child in your life or even an adult! They are not only great for bathtime, but for the beach and pool as well! Thanks again for stopping by and please remember to take a minute to sign the guestbook - I love hearing from all of you and "meeting" new people! Eileen


Want to SHOUT OUT a big THANKS to Tracy for the help with the drop-down menu. Visit Katia's page to see what a wonderful job she does with the graphics, info, etc.....she's amazing.
I leave you with this inspirational quote: "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
Author:Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Monday, December 8, 2003 7:21 PM CST

Hello All: Thanks to those that have signed the guestbook - you make my day! :) I was at Dominick's today and they are participating in a holiday food drive for the Greater Food Depository of Chicago - so those of you in the Chicago and suburbs of Chicago may be interested in participating. I thought today I would list some of my favorite links. First of all, remember to visit the 3 links listed at the bottom and here are some additional. Thanks so much! EJ

Hugsandhope.com - a site where you can participate in
sending "Happy Mail" to children with
chronic and life-threatening health

Chemoangels.com - a site that you can sign up for free to
be a "card" angel or "chemo" angel to a
cancer patient and bring some joy and hope
into their day. Or you can sign up a cancer patient to be a recepient of this wonderful organization!

angeleyes2.com - a GREAT site for free electronic greetings

marrow.org/ - register to be a donor,
you could save a life!

dayspring.com/ecards/index.asp - another
great free electronic card site

makeachildsmile.com - another kids site
to send cheery mail

Monday, December 8, 2003 12:01 pm

Good Afternoon! Can you believe only 17 days until Christmas?? I just wanted to make everyone aware of some Toys for Tots drop-off points for you to check out. Many Fire Stations are drop off points and my local Dollar Store is sponsoring a Toys for Tots drive - you purchase a toy for 1.00 and place it in a box that they have at the store and they make sure it gets to the children. Worth a chance to check out. Another great idea are Angel trees where you chose a tag from the tree and purchase the gift for the child and return it with the Angel tag. Many Malls sponser this type of giving and so do many churches. So, if you or someone you know might be interested in these sort of things this Holiday Season, won't you consider one of these ideas? Thanks for stopping by and feel free to sign my guestbook or email me with any inspirational thoughts, ideas, links or just to say "hi". Take care. EJ

Monday, December 8, 2003 11:33 AM CST

This page has just been created. Please take a minute to sign the guestbook with any kind and helpful suggestions you may have or just to say "hi" - Have a great day!

Click here to go back to the main page.

----End of History----

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