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Tuesday, August 7, 2012 8:51 PM CDT

So its been a couple of days since our last update. Well we were trying to get into a little routine at home and getting Jack adjusted to his cast and to be honest time has flown by since last Friday.

Fast forward to this morning when I was taken Jack to the Arc for his first day back when all of the sudden he started getting dizzy and vomiting in my van. I did a u-turn and brought Jack back home where Jen was waiting for us and half packed and within 10 minutes enroute back up north to Rochester. Jack's pressure in his head was high which resulted in a shunt being placed this afternoon.

We are praying for a quick recovery tonight and tomorrow so that Jack will be back home as early as tomorrow.

God Bless and Livestrong

Thursday, August 2, 2012 8:48 PM CDT

Thanks for the prayers as the stitches stayed intact, no draining and swelling is manageable! They did order a MRI today to rule out hydrocephalus which happened with the first epilepsy surgery with Jack needing an emergency shunt placed. All looks good and I feel much more comfortable going home knowing that! Nothing is worse than going to the ER at 2:00 a.m. and freaking out the ER staff...been there too many times.

All of you know our tagline, "If you don't fight cancer, you don't know Jack" " I know Jack!" Well, at Mayo many say "I remember Jack!" Today the neurosurgeon nurse practioner said "I've known Jack all my nursing career," One of the residents said "I will never forget Jack, I was a med student in the room when he code blue 7 years ago." Three of our housekeepers have spent time reminiscing with us. We have been very lucky to have many nurses also from our past!

As I pack up to go home, it feels longer than 23 days that we have spent here. The decision to continue with the surgery was the right one as Jack has remained seizure free since the surgery! Jack's left frontal lobe has step up to take over nicely. He has maintained his funny, people-lovin self with his continued drive that makes everyone here smile. I think of the picture I took of Marty and Jack right before surgery and admire how ready he was to go into surgery...even smiling. He went from endless seizures, regressing to diapers again, needing a NG tube for nourishment and left side neglect to my strong little guy reciting Home Alone lines and schmoozing nurses again! It is time to go home! Let the summer begin!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 8:41 PM CDT

On one of last weeks updates I commented on how Jack hasn't cried throughout this whole journey, well tonight he had enough and he had every right to cry. It all started this morning when the doctors did their rounds and I voiced concern about Jack having increased swelling and worried about his incision. They agreed with the concern and had the neurosurgeon resident, Dr. Copeland come check it out. I really respect Dr. Copeland and he felt that it all seemed fine. Jump 5 hours later and I notice cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) slowly leaking from his incision, confirming my fears. Dr. Copeland extracted CSF to reduce the swelling and we turned Jack's room into a mini O.R.. After the 2nd of 5 shots to his poor, sensitive head, Jack started to cry big tears and said in a sad, little voice to Dr. C, "Why are you picking on me?" Dr. C. handled it well and quickly had Jack asking him to tell him his favorite joke. Jack gladly shared his favorite joke that Ben taught him, "what did one casket say to the other casket?"..... "that you coughin?" So after 10 stitches, the sad, stressful event ended with everyone laughing in the room!

Less than 48 hours and we are out of here! Please pray Jack's stitches stay intact and continue to heal without anymore swelling or leaking. We continue to be incredibly grateful for all the prayers!

God bless and Livestrong!
Jen and Marty

Monday, July 30, 2012 7:21 PM CDT

Today was another step to heading home!

To say our day was busy was an understatement. It started out at 7 a.m. with OT, breakfast a 9 a.m. then a trip to the library for some different movies. At 11:00 PT showed up for an hour session. At noon it was time for an hour lunch break. After a long morning Jack ate 100% of his lunch! At 1:00 it was time for speech, 1:30 OT and PT from 2-3.

It was then time for a treat for Jack. I surprised him with a pass out of this joint with a walk down to the Ronald Mcdonald house. At the meeting with the rehab team we felt that it would be in Jacks best interest to take Jack out of the hospital for up to three hours per day. Tomorrow we may have to check out the toy stores.

Tonight at 5:00 Jack had all of his stiches removed from his surgery!

Tomorrow will be another big day with therapy but he will also be getting a cast on his right arm. This cast will be on his arm for 2 - 3 weeks so that he is forced to use his left arm more. He has full motion in his shoulder, elbow and wrist however his fingers and thumb are needing some help.

We anticipate that Jack will be released Thursday or Friday. He is working extremely hard to reach this goal and as of right now we feel there is no reason that goal should not acheived.

Thank you again for your support.

God Bless and Livestrong!

Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:34 PM CDT

Trading Places.

This past week reminds me alot of when Jack was going thru radiation. Back then I would stay with Jack on Sunday's till Wednesday then Jen would drive up the second part of the week and we would trade so that we were able to work and be home with Ben and Ella. We started that routine last week and although its not ideal situation for a family it works for now.

Jack has recovered so well since I last saw him on Tuesday evening. He is walking all over the room at his own leisure. We were together as a family last night and were able to play some wiffle ball on the roof patio then ordered pizza and ate on the patio as well. Jen had taken Ben and Ella down to the Ronald Mcdonald house for the evening so it was just Jack and I for some bonding time. While we were snuggling in for the night Jack asked me what my best part of the day was. I then asked him the same question he said "playing wiffle ball and pizza with my family. This was the best day of my entire life". Wow he sure does know how to put things into perspective.

While Jack and Jen were recovering I was able to be home with Ben and Ella hosting 80 of our Team Livestrong friends as they rode into Cedar Rapids on Thursday. I want to thank everyone that helped me put on this event. Without you it would not have been an experience of a lifetime for me. It would have only been better if Jen and Jack could have been there with us. They were really missed.

So although I was not able to ride with the team this year I did get a little Ragbrai in for 48 hours. I want to give a special thanks to Bill and Mike for choosing to sag a day and spend it with Ben, Ella and I riding around Cedar Rapids.

Tomorrow we will find out how much longer Jack will be in the hospital for rehab. Our hope is that he will be discharged by Friday so that we can start writing the next chapter of our ever so exciting life.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Friday, July 27, 2012 9:10 PM CDT

Happy 16th Anniversary, Marty! Thanks for being a strong, grounded, loving, and thoughtful husband. We make a a good team:)

Although I did know it was my anniversary today, it is hard to keep your days straight around here! Even though it is the weekend, Jack will have therapy. However we get to sleep in until 7:30 tomorrow! Also tomorrow, our family will reunite again. Last time Ben and Ella saw Jack he was fast asleep and looking pretty scary. They are anxious to see him. I know they have been more worried then they let on. We are incredibly proud of them and their understanding and flexibility for the complete chaos that the summer has been. Soon I hope we will be eating supper together at the table, saying what we are grateful for and sleeping in our own beds.

Jack and I had a great visit from Papa and Grandma. It warmed my heart to see his crooked little smile when they walked in the door. thanks for the visit Papa and Grandma!

Enjoy the weekend and ride safe Team Livestrong.

God bless and Livestrong,

Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:30 PM CDT

Considering Mr. Jack was up wide awake from 2:30a.m.- 5:45 a.m., he had a great day! He continues to make progress with balance, left sided strength and fine motor movement! Our little social bug takes the other staff and patients by surprise when he says "Hi" when he is strolling by in his wheelchair. It is a pretty quiet place around here, with mostly adults.

One thing that Jack has not done since being hospitalized is cry. Not with the crazy amount of pokes of needles, not after endless seizures, not even when he woke up and had zero use of his left arm, hand, fingers and could not eat or drink. Maybe it is because I cried enough for the both us. Some parents get to be proud for their kids for getting an "A" on a test, hitting a home run or scoring the winning touchdown, but for us this is our proud moments for Jack!

Marty established a great reward system where after each time Jack works to get stronger he gets to put a coin in his turtle bank, Shelly. I asked what he wanted to earn and OF STINKiN COURSE he wants to earn a SKATEBOARD! He had to pick the thing that could cause a brain injury! UGH! I'm trying hard to encourage other things as I will NOT purchase a skateboard...why not a video game?

To all our Ragbrai and CR friends, have fun tonight and dance for Jack and have a couple cocktails for me! praying for a cool night in the tents!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG!
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:10 PM CDT

Woot, woot Jack slept all night last night until 6:30 when he needed a blood draw. Unfortunately, due to all the IVs and blood draws, poor Jacks veins are scarring. He was a trooper and didn't fuss with the two lab gals...probably because he thought they were cute...always a shmoozer!

Dr. Whirrel, Jack's epilepsy specialist said Jack is "surpassing her expectations, he has such drive!"We agree and he proved it all day!

Jack had his first shower since July 10th! Ugh! I was so happy to have him clean and refreshed! He ate awesome for lunch and I learned he LOVES corn bread! I made sure to pile on the butter for plenty of extra fat:) Also great news, Jack will have the NG tube removed tonight also! AND he moved his left fingers today and wrist! He even is hitting balls with the bat I brought up last night! The rumor is maybe we can possibly be discharged a week from Friday! I am one thrilled, less stressed Mom!

Marty is home getting ready for our Team Livestrong Ragbrai friends. I hope the AC treats you all well! Wish we were there...NEXT YEAR! Thank you also to LAF for the package Jack received today! He was super excited to open it and he is having a ball handing out Livestrong bracelets!

We are feeling such gratitude today and appreciate all your support!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 3:01 PM CDT

Short mid-day update:

Jack passed the swallow video with flying colors! When they gave him a cookie he gave a big smile and said mmmmmm good. He will now be put on a general diet with limitations on thin liquids.

For supper we will be ordering scrambled eggs, bacon and more bacon.

God Bless and Livestrong

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:58 PM CDT

Short mid-day update.

Swallow video complete and Jack passed with flying colors! He will be put on the general diet with only limits on thin liquids. When they gave Jack a cookie he smiled and said mmmm good.

Now moving to the new room and will get his NG tube out this afternoon.

His order for supper is scrambled eggs, bacon and more bacon.

God Bless and Livestrong,

Monday, July 23, 2012 8:41 PM CDT

The last week of July I am used to getting up around 5 a.m. The wake up calls usually comes in the form of tent zippers and porta potty doors slaming from Ragbrai. However Today's wake up call came from a very over anxious resident who couldnt wait to get his hands on Jack.

So there we are wide awake at 5 am waiting for the rest of the doctors to do their rounds and try to keep Jack awake for OT and PT. Jack made it until 9 am then off to sleep for a nap he went. PT showed up at 11 and it was time to go to work. Jack did some stretches then out of bed for a walk across the room to the door and back. By the time he made it to the chair OT knocked on the door and it was time to do some mouth exercises then try some pudding. He was able swallow it with sucess but they will still be performing a swallow video tomorrow at 1:30 before they give him the green light for solids.

The rest of the day was spent playing ball, painting and playing with his action figures. He was able to make it all afternoon without taking a nap so it should be a solid night of sleep and rest up for another big day tomorrow.

Today Jack showed alot of his personality that once worried us if he would get back. He smiled quite a bit today and laughed even more. At one time while he was staring at his action figures I asked him what he was thingking and he looked at me and said "Im just happy". I cant imagine whats going to happen when he gets some bacon.

Tomorrow we will be moving to the rehab floor where Jack will spend 3 hours per day building those muscles back up so keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming we appreciate them all.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Sunday, July 22, 2012 6:10 PM CDT

Today was measured in feet!

Jack woke up this morning around 5:00 asking to do some crafts. After that he asked to watch a movie. I thought for sure that was a recipe for him to fall back asleep. He ended up watching the entire movie and staying awake until 9:30.

We woke him up around 11:00 when the OT person came in to work with him. He sat up by himself and worked his way to the edge of the bed. He then stood up on both feet and took two steps to the chair which should have been a recipe for a nap. Nope he played games and watched another movie as we visited with Peter and Rachel who stopped by for a quick visit.

At 2:00 Jack had his PT time which he showed them how he could clap on his own, pull himself up and then he moved again to the edge of the bed and took three steps. A nap was for sure in the near future then...Nope. Jess and Josh stopped by for a visit and Jack showed them how he can have the nurses poke him twice to place an IV in and the only thing he says is that the nurses earrings looked pretty.

Jack finally went down for some much a much needed nap around 5:00. He continues to ask for food so tomorrow they will introduce pudding to him then do a swallow evaluation. He may be moved to the rehab floor as early as tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday morning.

Jack has flexed his muscles quite a bit today and is determined to get home soon. He continues to impress the doctors and nurses with his fighting attitude and courage to push forward. He knows his left side is weak and he tries to use his left arm as much as he can to strengthen it without being told. These sudden movements by Jack remind us how strong Jack is and when we feel depressed for him sometimes, he continues to show us how strong he really is.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Saturday, July 21, 2012 6:02 PM CDT

Jack slept hard yesterday until 11:00 pm when he started having loose stools until 3:00 a.m.. Although, Jack was very uncomfortable with a bellyache he was very talkative! He wanted to know if broccoli gave people bad breath, why on Cheaper By the Dozen do they call Mark FedEx, and hours more of movie trivia. Oddly, the nurse admitted she had broccoli for supper!

Since we both were going to be awake for awhile, the speech therapist in me came out and we did some oral motor therapy. He tried very, very hard to blow through a recorder and after some work at it he said "Can we use it for a bat instead?" I laughed so hard at that one!

He failed the swallow bedside evaluation so no sausage and bacon...yet! I'm working on it! Apparently, he is motivated to do tongue raspberries if he has a chance to get spit on me:)

Today Marty and I used hand over hand assistance to help Jack clap to the beat of a metronome and when we were done I sat down to give him a break and was just in time to capture video on my phone of Jack clapping by himself!

We are excited to get a visit from Dana, Matt, and Little Ruby soon.

Good luck to all our Team Livestrong friends as they ride across Iowa fighting cancer and celebrating along the way! Congrats on raising over $200,000!

God bless and Livestrong!
Jen and Marty

Friday, July 20, 2012 11:10 AM CDT

"Sausage,bacon?"-Jackson Hoeger, 4:00 a.m. Friday July 20, 2012

We don't underestimate the power of SPECIFIC prayers:)Although thrilled to have Jack ask for the long awaited sausage and bacon, he doesn't have oral control enough to manage it:( However our little man sat up assisted by P.T. today and she said "He did VERY WELL!" He even voluntarily used his left leg to push himself back into bed! These small steps are adding up!

Last night, Jack's personality was showing through as he recited Home Alone lines to the night nurse. It's our favorite when he says "woof" about Buzzes girlfriend.

We are graduating to the regular pediatric floor soon which is a progressive move as well. We are also switching him over to oral pain meds that last longer and make him less tired. I am hoping with this change he will have better control orally and be able to safely drink. He asked me in the later morning "Can I have glass of water for breakfast?"

When Jack was asked by the doctor "Show me your muscles," (she knows his tag line), he raised his right arm with an impressive flex and a tricep twitch was noted on the left!

Please pray for increased oral motor control as I am dying to give this kid SAUSAGE AND BACON AND A GLASS OF WATER!:)

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 19, 2012 10:10 AM CDT

Late yesterday afternoon Jack woke up saying he was thirsty and hungry. He was unable to open his eyes from swelling and weakness to his left side. He was able to swallow some ice chips with his mother sitting within six inches from his face watching every movement of the swallow. He was able to have a good night sleep with only some minor movement to adjust himself to get comfortable.

"Remarkable" is the word used from the resident doctor this morning when
Jack was able to open his left eye this today on his own and was able to focus on what he was looking at. He also was with it enough to ask the nurse if she could help the baby in the next room because she was crying.

He still has no movement in his left had or arm yet but we are encouraged that will come as he has total movement in his left leg. When we met with the nuerology team this morning they were very happy in the progress he has made in this short period of time. That led to the discussiion of moving out of the ICU tomorrow and starting PT and OT later today which will include a swallow evaluation to determine if he can safely eat on his own.

We know that we have a long way to go before we head out to the whiffle ball field but as we learned long ago that this is a marathon not a sprint and everytime we hear the word "Remarkable" we are encouraged.

God Bless and Livestrong

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:59 AM CDT

We just met with Dr. Wetjen who informed us that Jack would be going to the recovery room soon. We were told that during coritical mapping it was observed that Jack's motor strip was not as posterior to the origin of seizure activity as they thought. He needed to make a critical judgement call at that time as to how much to resect for seizure control and how much left side function to risk. He decided to take as much of the focal area of seizure activity he could but not as much of the area as he was anticipating. He is a very confident, easy going guy and it was even more disappointing to see him let down at the fact that Jack may not get as much seizure relief as he hoped.

He did note that when removing the grid, there was a blood clot on top of the grid creating some pressure in that area, most likely causing Jack to not be himself and increasing his seizures. I knew something wasn't right, but not even an MRI would have detected the clot. He shouldn't experience much problems due to the clot.

Now we wait for Jack to wake up, which "waking up" for Jack could mean 1-2 days since he has had more medicine in his 55lb body than I can imagine. Hopefully with the blood clot removed he will wake up faster. Rehab is most likely to begin next week with hopes that the left sided weakness improves quickly for Jack. I know he will want to be playing whiffle ball as soon as he can say "whiffle ball."

We are past the surgery and will never, ever have to do that again. So we are regrouping and focusing on rehab, hugs, and whiffle ball.

Thank you for messages, pictures and prayers. I can't imagine anyone not having this kind of support at this time. I also appreciate my friends that saw rainbows today in Iowa and Alaska and let us know, it is my favorite sign of hope!

Thank you also to the Livestrong Foundation who is not just a foundation to us, but our true friends from Austin. We appreciate Lance sending out a tweet about Jack and our family while also posting the youtube video. If his video is seen by even a fraction of his over 3 million followers, than we have raised awareness and it puts purpose on what poor Jack has just endured.

Hopefully sausage and bacon soon for Jack!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 8:55 AM CDT

After a restless night for all three of us they transported Jack to the OR this morning at 7:30. They anticipate the procedure to take 4 to 5 hours.

We are overwhelmed by the much needed and much appreciated support.

God Bless and Livestrong

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:54 PM CDT

When Jack was a little baby he had a reflux problem so when he ate it would make him very irritable and he would cry for what seemed like for hours before he went to sleep. One of the ways he would go to sleep is if we bundled him tightly in a blanket and held him tightly and with that he would fall asleep.

Fast forward 13 years and this method still works. As you read in the last update yesterday was a trying day for Jack. When I arrived at the hospital with he was sleeping comfortably. Within minutes of Jen leaving to spend some much needed quality time with Ben and Ella Jack went into a seizure that lasted more than a minute. He then would move is arms and legs around non stop for 10 to 12 minutes then go into another seizure. This went on for over an hour with a total of 9 seizures within that timeframe. They finally gave him a dose of dilantan that seemed to control his seizures better. Has he would move his arms and legs I finally climbed into bed with him and held him tight which seemed to work till the next seizure came on.

He slept pretty good through out the night from 1 till around 5 solid then was little more restless. Today was a big day though he was able to moan daaaaad and was able to give me a hug. He is still very sleepy and very drugged but every hour he seems to be improving. The doctor made the comment that at 9 this morning his brain activity looked the best it has for the last four days.

Our meeting this morning with all the doctors came to the same conclusion that we will be proceeding with the surgery first thing on Wednesday morning. We were told of the risk involved and that his recovery maybe longer then we had planned but we all agreed that by proceeding may give Jack a better quality of life in the long run.

As much as we tell ourselves right now that we wish we could rewind the clock and be back home and its easy to second guess ourselves from what has transpired the last 72 hours we pray that the decisions we are making will hopefully give Jack a far better way of life and hopefully seizure free one.

As always we are amazed by the support that comes our way from so many people and for that we thank you.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Monday, July 16, 2012 2:53 PM CDT

Jack has successfully stayed asleep since 7:30 last night, which is such a relief. He didn't wake up asking for sausage and bacon or Go Fish and by the sounds of it he may stay in this deep sleep state for a day or 2 maybe. Unfortunatey, even in this deep sleep he started having some small seizures this morning. They are noe doubling what he normally gets for seizure medication to try to get his seizure levels up. He will have an xray in a little bit to check placement of the NG tube as they want to start feedings. The last time he ate was Friday night and his blood sugars are low. Throughout the morning his oxygen has been dipping at times so they are watching that closely and providing O2 at bedside.

According to our neuro consultant and Dr. Wetjen, surgery will be Wednesday with Jack having a total right frontal lobectomy. I was informed that the left frontal lobe takes over for the right and they will resect anterior to the motorstrip. I was also told that there is a good chance that he will experience temporarily left sided paralysis for a few months and need therapy to regain function. My fear is that Jack's brain isn't like a typical epilepsy brain and would the left side that is so scarred be able to take over. They feel that it would but they also admit that Jacks brain is different. Please pray our choice to do surgery to make him better and live a greater quality of life has been the right choice. After coming this far, it is still a hard decision.

Thanks to grandma Rosie and aunt Deedee for spending the night in Rochester so I can love up Ben and Ella but know I can sprint across the street to Jack and Marty if need be.

All your messages and prayers are truly therapeutic and I struggle to find the words to express our gratitude...so Thank you.

God bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, July 15, 2012 6:53 PM CDT

The morning started with the neurologist apologizing that he was not notified until this morning of how bad Jack's past 24 hours had been and he made it evident that Jack would be closely monitored and his seizures would be controlled. He also felt that all the constant seizure activity would not be harmful in the end. I did feel like the residents were listening but just struggling to manage jack, very frustrating for us,but they are "practicing medicine." From the neurologists tone, the residents will remember Jack and this lesson forever. But after 5 doses of Ativan, 2 doses of IV Dilantin, all his current seizure meds and he still was seizing! So 3 hours, 7 people, 4 failed new IV sites later, Jack is snoring and sleeping soundly with IV Phenobarbital running through his new IV site in his foot. The plan is that if the Phenobarbital doesn't work then they will intubate and give him anesthesia until I'm not sure how long.

Jack has been so drugged and extremely confused, but at one point when the EEG tech was fixing his leads he slurred "I feel like the devil is in my head." We all teared up and all I could say was "me too baby...me too."

When we thought Jack's seizures were more controlled and he would sleep for a day, we decided that today Marty would go home to bring Ben and Ella up tomorrow. I'm anxious for big hugs from them! Thank you to all of our family for caring for them so well.

God bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty
Please pray for complete control of seizures, restful sleep until morning and for him to wake up clearly asking for bacon and sausage and to play Go Fish!

Sunday, July 15, 2012 5:03 AM CDT

I know that we ask for so much from everyone. It seems like one time we ask that we pray for Jack to not have seizures then the we pray for Jack to have some quick seizures so that his study can be done.

We now are asking that you pray that his seizures stop. Jack has been seizing multiple times an hour since yesterday morning. They have him loaded on meds now to try to contol them which makes him sleepy and incoherent. He now has an NG tube placeed so that his meds that are not available through the IV can be crushed and given to him as he cannot swallow them.

They took him for a CT scan around 4:00 to make sure that all his leads are in place and there are no problems there which came back normal.

There seems to be a fine line of getting all the information that they need for the surgery to pushing things too far and having permanet damage from too many sezures. At this point it is so frustrating seeing him in this condition and we are trying to stay positive that today he will wake up out of his sleep and be able to communicate to us.

Again we thank you so much for your support and know that from this very small cramped hospital room it is very much apprecieated.

God Bless and Livestrong

Marty and Jen

Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:12 AM CDT

Okay so Jack slept very little for the past 12 hours. He would close his eyes and like clockwork open them suddenly after about 12 minutes and feel the need for water or go the bathroom, which at that point have some form of a seizure! I voiced my concerns like a controlled crazy person from 6 am to 9:30 am. when Jack started having left facial drooping and not acting like himself. The doctors and nurses have been great but I kept explaining that weird stuff happens to Jack and he isn't acting right...not to mention that he hasn't had relief from some form of brain electrical activity for 12 stinking hours! I think my comment " I'm going to have a heart attack if we don't stop torturing him" was one deciding factor in giving him Ativan to sedate him and relieve him. Since Jack has had weakness and facial droop, they are going to do a CT scan today to make sure the grids haven't caused any further problems for Jack.

We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers as well as continued prayers as Jack enters the next phase.

Ride safe to all our I KNOW JACK poker run riders!

God bless and Livestrong!
Jen and Marty

Friday, July 13, 2012 7:35 PM CDT

Today was rougher for Jack:( He had bellyaches and headaches most of when he was awake today. We are trying super hard to get him to eat, which has amounted to most failed attempts. He doesn't have any fat to spare how it is.

When Jack was medicated and awake today we watched Home Alone. He made us and the nurses laugh on many occasions reciting lines like "I made my family disappear," "Keep the change you filthy animal," and "Aahhhh" when Kevin put aftershave on. I loved to hear him giggle at the movie and sing Run Run Rudolph because most of the day he was hurting.

Next Wednesday seems too far away to have him being so uncomfortable. Please pray for pain and nausea relief.

We are sad to miss the New Diggins I KNOW JACK Poker run this year! We love you Lou and Kelli and appreciate all your hard work! Thanks to all who ride this year!

God bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:12 AM CDT

Amazingly, Jack had a seizure already this morning! I told you I had faith in your prayer power! The neurologist explained that when Jack has a seizure it spreads very quickly making it difficult to determine the specific origin of the seizure. They do have some speculations that are pretty on target with our monitoring last March. So they want more seizure activity:( Which means our hope for surgery tomorrow has been squashed, however YOU KNOW JACK, and we as well as Mayo doctors and nurses know better to be prepared as Jack surprises the heck out of us all the time!

Please add on to your prayers for Jack, Wyatt a 8 year old completing his cancer treatment here and James our friend's dad who was just diagnosed with cancer.

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 3:12 PM CDT

"Jack is a trooper" is what we heard from Dr. Wetjen when he walked into the room. Jack is now in recovery with the leads on. The next step is for Jack to have seizures so they can document the exact location of where the seizures are coming from. Dr. Wetjen will then go back in and remove the leads and resect the area creating the seizures.

If Jack has seizures later today and tomorrow and they get enough information then the next surgery could be as early as Friday. After that the next possible surgery time is Wednesday.

As Dr. Wetjen left the room he turned and said "oh ya I took his shunt out too, he doesnt need it any longer". So we are anxious to see Jack back in the room with us.

Thank you for all of the support. Words cannot express how much we appreciate it.

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:34 PM CDT

So it felt a little like dejavu this morning when we brought Jack back to Mayo today for his MRI and Dr. appt with the neurosurgeon. Dr. Wetjen promised "No drama this time." Jack will have brain surgery at 9:00 a.m. on tomorrow. Dr. Wetjen will place grids on Jack's frontal lobe to map seizures. Jack will be in the PICU as they will decrease his seizure meds to induce seizures. If they map enough seizures before Friday, there is a chance he can have the brain resection on Friday. If we don't map enough seizures by Friday, then Dr. Wetjen is unable to do surgery again until NEXT Wednesday. The mapping is very uncomfortable for Jack, not to mention his seizures are much stronger when his meds are decreased. Please say a prayer that grid placement surgery goes easily, plenty of seizures are mapped and he can have his last and final surgery on Friday. I have faith in your prayer power as you have come through for us over and over and over again!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,

Jen and Marty

Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:22 PM CDT

"IT IS SCAR TISSUE!"-Dr. Wetjen, neurosurgeon

Thank God and all of you that have prayed for Jack! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It has been a rollercoaster the past few days. We were not given any hope initially so getting this amazing news early is the best feeling that I can not even express! I think I just started breathing again! The doctors are giving us a week to recover from the past few days and then they want to discuss epilepsy surgery again...little do they know but we will be taking more than a week! We have had to relive some emotions that have been tucked away for a long time. The whole time Jack has been so strong and has charmed every person he has been in contact with. He gave high fives down the corridor on his way to brain surgery making people laugh and smile...who does that but Jack...here I am in tears and he is creating joy!

I wish I could hug you all! Thank you again for your support, prayers and thoughtfulness!

We got a 13th birthday party to plan!


Jen and Marty

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:01 PM CDT

Thank you all for your supportive messages!

First of all, Jack is doing super after surgery and has made many new nurse friends. Second, we received a little hopeful news a short time ago. The resident neurosurgeon checked on Jack and said his spinal tap results showed no malignancy. She also said that preliminary pathology for the brain biopsy is showing evidence of fibrous tissue. There is many, many pathology tests left to be completed before we have a complete diagnosis,however we were given something to pray for. Seven hours ago we were not given any hope and all we need is something specific to pray for. So PLEASE PRAY FOR FIBROUS TISSUE! The epillepsy specialist was pleased with no tumor cells in the spinal fluid and said that Jack always surprises us!

We will be going home tomorrow and I pray the results we want will be in on Friday and we can focus on Jack's birthday which he is telling everyone here is "June 27th and it's coming up!"

Thank you again for your positive thoughts and prayers.

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:05 AM CDT

Our schedule on Tuesday was set to meet with the Neuro-surgeon at 9:30 then the Neurologist at 12:45 and do labs at 2:00.

At our meeting with the Neuro-surgeon at 9:30 we reviewed the MRI scans with him that were done on Monday morning. While reviewing the scans there was a spot that concerned him. He stepped out of the room to make a couple of calls to discuss. When he returned he had a new plan.

Instead of Jack having the epilepsy surgery he was going to have a brain biopsy done to confirm if what was noticed on the scan was a recurrence of the cancer. We kept the other appointments of the day and was able to spend some quiet time in our room.

Today Jack was admitted into the hospital at 6:15 am and was in surgery by 8:00 . When we met with the doctor after surgery he indicated that the area that he biopsied was abnormal and more than likely the recurrence of the tumor and we will know the official results on Friday or Monday.

As you can imagine the news of yesterday was one of the darkest days of our lives and we are just trying to wrap our heads around what lies ahead for Jack and our family.

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.


Marty and Jen

Monday, June 18, 2012 4:32 PM CDT

Yes it has been forever in a day since we have been on this site. Since we have only been using this site for when Jack is in the hospital or about to go in for a procedure I will not aplologize for the lack of updating.

So why are we updating now? Well two years ago as you may recall Jack had a major surgery that removed a section of his right frontal lobe of his brain to try to get rid of his seizures. Well that only worked for about six weeks then the seizures returned.

So here we are two years later and they will be going back in to try to remove a little more of that area in the hopes of reducing the seizures or hopefully getting rid of them all together.

Jack Update: He has finished elementary school this year and will be going to Franklin Middle School in the fall. He just returned from Heart Connection Cancer Camp for the 4th year. The camp director said it best when she said "Jack stole the show this week. He was a hand full but he stole the show".

He turns 13 on June 27th! Yes Jack will be a teenager in 9 days...

Ben and Ella are doing great. They are growing like weeds. While Jack was at camp we took them on their first long bike ride to supper and ended up logging 15 miles on the trail and they did great.

Thank you for checking in and we will keep you updated on Jacks condition.


Marty and Jen.

Saturday, June 4, 2011 10:37 AM CDT

Many reports from Cedar Rapids indicate that Jen did a great job last night at the Relay for Life. It sounds like Ben and Ella lead the first lap like pro's.

Jack is having a great day today. He is now unhooked from all machines and is now on oral antibiotics. We took a nice stroll around the entire floor and I am now in the process of negotiating a bath. I may have met my match on this one.

As long as his oxygen level stays up and the fever stays away we will be going home this afternoon. Our hope is that we will be home in time for Ben's last football game.

Thank you all for all of the thougts and prayers. It really means alot to us. We also would like to thank everyone who walked last night at the Relay. We realize how busy everyone is and to include that into your busy schedule means the world to us.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Friday, June 3, 2011 1:00 PM CDT

Jack is having a good day today. Last night his temp went as high as 104 then after some fluids his temp went back down to normal.

Today we are spending the day watching cartoons, eating pizza and doing some crafts. Typical 1st day of summer.

Because Jack is doing so well Jen just left for Cedar Rapids to give the opening speech at the Relay for Life tonight. Please send positive thoughts her way as tonights speech on caregiving to cancer patients will not be an easy one to get through I cannot think of a better more qualified person to give a talk on the subject than her.

Thank you to everyone for the comments and thoughts. They really help pass the time while were here.

Marty and Jen

Thursday, June 2, 2011 10:22 PM CDT

Please forgive us for not updating this site for so long. Our feeling is that if there is no news thats good news.

Since our last update we have been a normal family doing normal things so there was no reason to bore everyone about our simple day to day life.

Well things changed today. Jack came home yesterday complaning of not feeling well. For most of the night he laid on the couch and watched Sponge Bob. Around 3:00 am Jen noticed that Jack was running a fever and laboring to breath. She took him to the ER around 4:00am and he was admitted to St. Lukes at 8:00am. After running several blood test and x-rays of his chest they consulted with Mayo and the decision was to transport him to Rochester. After a short meeting at the clinic with Dr. Kotagal we were admitted into St. Mary's at 6:00pm.

After blood test and x-rays the decision was made to treat for pneumonia. Around 9:00pm Jack had a strange seizure that puzzled even Jen and I. He was fully awake and could hear us but was unable to respond. He could follow us with his eyes but was unable to verbalize with us. After 30 seconds or so he slurred the word seizure.

We will be meeting with the team of Doctors tomorrow to dicuss next steps.

At this time we are unsure of what tomorrow brings as far as the Relay for life. Our hope is that if you were planning on going out and walking with us that you will still go out and walk for us if we are unable too. We would love to have a Team Jackstong presense at relay.

Thank you all for your support.

Marty and Jen

Friday, November 5, 2010 9:44 PM CDT

Another chapter has been written in the Jack Hoeger life story.

We knew it was going to be good news when the nuero surgeon walked out of surgery wearing a Iowa Hawkeye surgeons cap.

The surgery went as well as could have been expected today. The surgeon informed us that the pressure was very high from the fluid build up around the brain. He was able to complete the surgery as planned and if Jack has a good night we could be heading home in the morning.

Jack is alittle sore in his neck and head right now but hopefully that will pass thru the night.

Thank you for all of your positive thoughts today and prayers.

God Bless and Livestrong

Marty and Jen

Thursday, November 4, 2010 8:45 PM CDT

Our last entry was back in May when Jack had his brain surgery that removed the majority of his right frontal lobe to control his seizures. The first 3-4 weeks following surgery was great. Eventhough he was recovering, he showed immediate improvement. But he started having seizures again about a month after surgery. The summer was spent playing with a cocktail of seizure medicines that made him dizzy and exhausted.

In august, Jack's first MRI following surgery showed some fluid built up at the site of surgery. A MRI in October showed more fluid and last Tuesday another MRI confirmed that more fluid is building up. The significant amount of fluid is causing pressure on Jack's brain and most likely causing his seizures. So, tomorrow Jack will have brain surgery, again. This time he will have a place a shunt to drain the fluid to his stomach.

Please pray that this surgery will go smoothly and stop Jack's seizures once again.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:03 PM CDT

Home again, Home again, Jiggity Jig Jig.

The Doctor came in this mornig and told us that the only thing they were doing for Jack now was feeding him and giving him a bed to sleep in and that we could do that at home.

So we left.

Seven days after his grid placement and three days after his frontal right lobe resection we are home. When the Doctor told us it would be only 3 to 5 days after the second surgery it was hard for us to believe.

We asked if we should get Jack a bike helmet or skateboard helmet to protect his head, his response was if Jack is going to bike or skateboard then yes otherwise dont make him walk around looking silly.

Jack is doing great. He earned a Batman castle that he has had his eye on for sometime now and that will keep him busy for the first 20 minutes that we are home. So he will be resting and getting ready to head back to school soon.

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers not only for Jack but for Ben and Ella and the rest of our family.

God Bless, Livestrong and THINK BIG.

The Hoegers

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 3:06 PM CDT

Jack has been doing great today! He ate very well for breakfast and they turned down his IV fluids. We took him for 2 walks around the unit and he is A LOT stronger today than he was yesterday. Jack's left side of his face is not as swollen today as well. Jack has been running a low grade fever off and on so we are trying to get him up and around to avoid pneumonia setting in. If all goes well, we may be out tomorrow, but Friday most likely! That is way ahead of what I anticipated when we started:)

Thanks for the prayers and please pray the fever is resolved so we can, as my father would say, "blow this popstand!"

Jen and Marty

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:40 AM CDT

Peaceful night sleep at St. Mary's last night.

Jack is doing very well. We will be moved to the regular floor sometime today. It's time for him to move on and dazzle more nurses.

Thank you all for all the positive thoughts and prayers that were sent our way yesterday. You have made this tough journey a little easier.

God Bless and Livestrong!

Marty and Jen

Monday, May 10, 2010 4:40 PM CDT

Jack is in his room now resting.

The nurse informed us that when they were doing their neurological check on him in the recovery room they asked him "Jack do you know who is here with you?" he looked up at them and said "You" then went back to sleep. We were so happy when she told us that! We were relieved when he was being moved from the guerney to the bed when he said "I want my mommy." I needed to hear him talk to relax. Although, the incision is long, he looks good! To know what happened just hours ago and see actual pictures of his brain, it is a true miracle to see him right now. Keep praying for pain relief, minimal swelling and a quick recovery.

Jen and Marty

Monday, May 10, 2010 1:41 PM CDT

Surgery is over and Jack is now on is way to the recovery room. The surgeon informed us that the next 12 hours will be the most critical time for Jacks recovery.

Please continue the prayers that Jack wakes up the same sweet boy (minus the seizures) that he was when he went into surgery.

God Bless

The Hoegers

Monday, May 10, 2010 10:32 AM CDT

Here we go! Jack just went into the operating room for his final surgery to resect a fairly good size of his frontal lobe to stop the seizures. We explained to him that he needs to have another "sleep test" to remove the electrodes and fix the owees on his brain so he doesn't have to take so much medicine. He was totally fine with it because today is Bingo and he wants to get back to play over the t.v. to earn prizes. He chatted up the surgical team about how he is a wrestler and pinned 3 people. He had zero fear going in! As for Marty and I, we have a good feeling about today! The next 24 hours will be hard, but it will all be worth it! The surgery will take 4-6 hours, so by 5:00 we should be able to see him again.


God Bless, Livestrong and THINK BIG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, May 9, 2010 1:39 PM CDT

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother and mother-in-law as well to all my family and friends that are mothers:)

5 years ago this week we checked into St. Mary's hospital to get Jack's port placed. That same day he had a seizure and had a code blue. He was rushed to the PICU where we sit today.

I checked out a few movies yesterday to help the time go by. Jack enjoyed his kid movies and I tried to pick a good movie that both Marty and I would like. From 100s of movies, one stood out. "The Gifted Hands" starring Cuba Gooding Jr. based upon an inspirational true story. Im a sucker for those (who didnt LOVE "The BLINDSIDE" right?) and who doesnt need inspiration. So last night we all snuggled in to watch the movie. To our shock, the movie was about Ben Carson, the first pediatric neurosurgeon who did the first epilepsy surgery to control seizures! Irony, no, coincedental, no...I believe it was what God knew we needed to see. I have been trying to "give it up to God" this entire week. Feeling helpless and almost guilty for inducing the pain on Jack with taking his meds away has been heartbreaking at times. I questioned if the surgery would help or damage him. But after watching the movie, I am hopeful and know he's truly in God's hands. Your prayers are proof of that.

This morning one of the team of neurosurgeons came in to tell us that surgery is a go for later tomorrow morning. Jack will have cognitive mapping in the morning, which includes stimulating the electrodes while he is awake to make sure they dont resect in any areas that would take away his motor movement or speech. As scary as that sounds, I am very interested in the process and hope to be able to witness it. While talking to the neurosurgeon resident, I told him that we watched the movie last night about Ben Carlson. He said that as a child about Jack's age he grew up in a not so great neighborhood and Dr. Carson came to speak to innercity kids such as himself. He said that he decided to be a neurosurgeon because of Dr. Carson! He met him again at John Hopkins when he applied for residency. He said that at the time of his interview, Dr. Carson was being treated for prostate cancer.

Marty went out to get lunch for us and bought Dr. Carson's book "Think Big." We will be spending our last week here reading and being even more inspired by this great man!

As for Jack, the neurosurgeon resident said that Jack was the best grid placement patient he's seen and commented on how good he has been. Many of the same nurses, child life nurse and chaplain have come by to say Hi. They have not forgotten about Jack. He continues provide more memories for the staff. We are so proud of him!

Last night, Jack had an 8 minute subclinical seizure. About 1:00 am this morning 2 nurses came flying into the room and the scared me to death. They said the person video monitoring Jack and watching the EEG called to say he was in a subclinical seizure. We watched him and he laid there sleeping soundly, like nothing was happening. 8 minutes is along time. Poor Jack probably hasn't had a good night sleep in over 5 years and now it's time for him to sleep well!

Please pray for God to guide the hands of our neurosurgeon tomorrow. Please pray that Jack recovers from quickly without complications. Please pray that our new Jack will be seizure-free and have a much better quality of life. AMEN:)

Thank-you to my sister for sharing her mother's day with Ben and Ella. It means a lot to me since I can't be with them!

Jen and Marty

Saturday, May 8, 2010 2:14 PM CDT

Quota or no quota the Doctors know how much Jack is an over acheiver and they want more information.

Jack had another seizure at 1:30 am. We thought that was going to be enough to get him past the hump and back on his meds. Well not so fast my friends, the doctor came in today to inform us that Jack suffered two seizures in his sleep that were not noticable to us or on camera. These two seizures they call non-clinical seizures and they are coming from a different location of the brain than the previous ones. So they would like to gather more information before putting him back on his meds. The location is still on the grid and not too far away from the others, however they want to make sure that when they operate they resect the right area and may need to resect more than thought before.

So surgery may happen on Monday but may be moved back to Wednesday depending on how much additional information they will need.

Jack is a trooper through this of course. He even ordered his own breakfast this morning. Honey nut cherrios, four strips of bacon and four sausage links. A true breakfast for champions.

A shout out to my cousin Dana and her husband Matt for the birth of the first baby girl Ruby Jae Guther. Congrats!

God Bless and Livestong,

The Hoegers

Friday, May 7, 2010 7:58 PM CDT

Jack has met his 3 seizure quota!

Around 4:30 Jack went into a seizure while he was wide awake. I wasn't there at the time and Marty said it was a scary one. The neurosurgeon came in and explained that he was glad to see Jack was having his seizures becuase if we could get another one he would do the surgery on Monday vs. Wednesday. I felt pretty confident he would in 2 more days. Well I wasnt expecting him to have one so quickly. We were talking to a friend that stopped by and he went into a seizure again at about7:00. After witnessing this last one, I totally understand what Marty meant by it being scary. Of course since he is 75% off his meds, I should expect worse seizures, but it is never easy to take. Our poor friend Cindy was there to witness it all.
So we wait to hear if the neuro team will let Jack go back on his meds and we wait for surgery #2.


God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Friday, May 7, 2010 8:45 AM CDT

Yesterday, Jack's right eye and cheek swelled up and was very painful. He didn't want to watch t.v. or eat. He did manage to do a small craft though:) The gauze wrap is very tight from the swelling and makes him hot. We iced the swollen eye all night and it looks some better. He is watching cartoons right now, so he must feel a little better. The whole not wanting to eat thing brings back bad memories. We are making some deals here to get him to eat and he is wiser now so he negotiates much better:)The kitchen only delivers meals at certain times on the PICU versus room service on the regular peds floor. This makes it very difficult to have food for Jack as he is asleep during the delivery hours. SOOO, I let my concerns be known to the dietician and they must have seen that we are "frequent Mayo customers" and allowed us to order from the room service menu as long as we met them on the regular peds floor. It's very spyish. We meet them and give Jack's name and birthdate as identification and then we get the tray. I'm grateful for their flexibility because the whole ordering a tray thing was getting stressful.

Jack had his first clinical seizure this morning at 3:30am. It only lasted 40 seconds, Thank God, but his O2 went down to 60, so we were glad it was a short one. We were hoping for 2 seizures, so he could have his 2nd surgery today, but no dice. Even if we get another one, our surgeon isn't in the OR again until Wednesday! Jack's off over 75% of his seizure meds so I am predicting another seizure by tomorrow...so we will see.

Check out CNN, our neurosurgeon, Dr. Wetjen was on there for putting a shunt in a pug puppy! Intelligent people sure come from Dubuque County:)

I want to Thank Cindy for visiting. She brought up cards from Ben's class and presents! It made Jack very happy to see her and of course to get presents!Cindy was visiting her 17 year old friend, Emma, who has been battling bone cancer since last August and is having a very, very hard time now. Please keep her in your prayers as well.

Have a great Friday!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, May 6, 2010 7:39 AM CDT

Last night went as well as can be expected. Jack only woke up a couple of times to go to the rest room and complain that his head dressings were too tight and too hot. He did get sick one time when he took some tylenol for his pain.

This morning Jack woke up at 5:30 am asking if he had school. I informed him he did not and he then asked if he could play his poke man cards and watch cartoons.

When the nurse came in to give some Jack his meds she told Jack that it was nice that his mom was getting some sleep. He responded by saying "Ya she's a sleepy head".

Today we will be hanging out waiting for those seizures to come.

Thank you all for the support and prayers you are sending our way.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 1:33 PM CDT

We met with neurosurgeon who informed us that he WAS able to place the grids and it went better than anticipated! He admitted that Jack's brain isn't "normal" but we already knew that. Currently, Jack is getting a catscan done to make sure the grids and electrical leads remained in place. They were able to place the bone flap back, although he reported it is a pretty large incision. Once Jack gets out of recovery, we will give him plenty of pain medication and start to pray for the seizure monster to come. We feel relieved, grateful and blessed right now. We can't wait to see him wake up to feel more at ease. He was such a trooper this morning. He told the anestheologist he could go back to the Operating Room alone to be sedated. Once the sedation was in affect, the anestheologist came out laughing. He said "we should make a movie of that, he did great, he is in the top 1% of the kids I have worked with." That's our boy, LOVES the drugs! By that time, Marty and I wished we were sedated as well. We drove up at 2:45 am to be here for admission at 6:15am. We have taken advantage of this long process to catch up on some sleep to be ready for Jack to come back and want to do endless crafts:)


God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 12:31 AM CDT

We are asking for prayers for Jack as he will be having brain surgery tomorrow morning at Mayo. This first surgery will consist of placing a grid on the frontal lobe of his brain to detect the exact location of where the seizures are originating. After surgery he will be in the PICU while we induce seizures and do cognitive mapping. Cognitive mapping consists of stimulating his brain while awake to avoid removing critical areas that would impeded his left sided motor movement. Very Grey's Anatomyish. After we get the 3 seizures documented he will have his 2nd surgery to remove the area of the brain causing the seizures. If for some reason tomorrow when they go in to set the grid there is too much scarring of the brain, they will resect then. All of it is overwhelming and scary, but if we are going to pray for Jack to recover to his highest potential, then we better be embrace this process. We feel surgery is a blessing and pray he recovers quickly and without complication.

Thanks again for the prayers and to our "team" helping us with Ben and Ella!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, March 5, 2010 8:46 PM CST

Jack did so well today they told us to go home!

He was taken off oxygen this morning and ate solid foods all day so they politely asked us to go home. Jack however felt that he needed to stay a few more days. You see he loves all the attention and the fact that he knows if he is in the hospital there is now school.

We again would like to thank all of you for the prayers and support given to our family. And thank you to the Jackson Elementary family for the balloons.

Another chapter in the Jack saga behind us.

God Bless and Livestrong,

The Hoegers

Thursday, March 4, 2010 5:58 PM CST

Jack is doing much better today. He has been moved to a regular room out of the PICU. He still remains on oxygen but it is set lower than it has been the last couple of days. His xrays today show no change from yesterday which is a good thing that they have not gotten any worse.

Not much else to report today unless your interested in how sponge bobs day was, we sure could report on that one.

God Bless and Livestrong

The Hoegers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:49 PM CST

First of all our apoligies for not updating since our last one at Mayo. Since the last update when Jack was going thru his seizure study we have had several meetings with the doctors at Mayo. The seizure study was presented at a conference to a large group of doctors to discuss if Jack was a candidate for brain surgery to resect the part of the brain that is causing the seizures.

The group of doctors came back with the concensus that Jack was a candidate for the surgery. We met with the neurosurgeon last week to discuss the procedure.

The procedure consist of making a large incision from the right ear to the front of the top of his head. They will then pull the bone flap off and place it into a freezer for storage. They will then place a grid on his brain to monitor the exact place the seizures are coming from. This again would result of him being taken off his meds and monitored in the ICU unit. Once they have captured the three seizures needed they would go in a disect the area of the brain that is causing the trouble.

In the event that they are not able to place the grid because of too much scaring from radiation they will have to disect a larger portion of the area they know the seizures are coming from. Pretty scary stuff.

As for right now we are sitting in the PICU at the University of Iowa Hospitals while Jack is battling a bad case of Pneumonia. Last night when I picked Jack up from the club he was shivering and complaining of a headache. We went home and he slept for 3 hours. At 8:00 Jen took Jack to an instant care and while there his oxegyn level dropped to 86%. They called the ambulance to take him to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital around 3 am. Today he became sicker as the day went on. At 1:00 this afternoon the decision was made to transfer him to here the U of I. There was not an ambulance available at the time so Jack took a helicopter ride 8 minutes south.

He has perked up some tonight eventhough he has been poked and prodded for the last 4 hours. We will continue to keep you updated.

God Bless and Livestrong.

The Hoegers

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:45 AM CST

Day three and no seizure which means night three of all nighters. Our current schedule is Jack stays awake from 11:00pm till 7:00am and try to get him to sleep during the day to get the seizure to kick in. He is doing great on the night shift. Its keeping him asleep during the day that is challenging. Between the constant noise in the hall to the sun creeping through the shades he wonders why we are having him sleep when the sun is out.

And did I mention that he only gets to eat from 11:00 to 2:00? Again taking some planning on our part to make sure that what he thinks he is hungry for at 8:00 he will actually eat at 11:00.

Today he did sleep good for the most part. He slept from 5:00 till 9:00 and I thought for sure we would see a seizure so that he would have a night to get back on schedule. No such luck.

Jen will be going back to work today then home for some much needed Ben and Ella time. Being up here for this amount of time brings back alot of memories of years past relying on family and friends for support back home and we could not thank you enough.

Well lets hope that Wednesday is the day.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Sunday, January 10, 2010 7:26 PM CST

Ok to say this seizure testing is complicated is an understatement. Jack had one seizure on Friday night around 12:30 then another one on Saturday morning around 6:30 that was unnoticed except from the monitor. They have transferred us to the Adult wing to be put on a monitor. They need Jack to have another one so that they can put contrast into his system so they can trace the seizer with an MRI.

Once that is complete then we they will bring his medicine levels back up to where they need to be but will need to monitor him for another 24 hours before letting us go.

Sounds pretty simple uh. Well the people who inject the contrast into Jacks system are only here from 7:00 am till 11:00 pm so he we need to time his seizures in that time frame or the day is lost. Most of Jacks seizures lately have all come between 5:00 and 6:00 am. So the plan was to sleep deprive him last night so that we were sure to get one during the day today. They brought him almost off all of his meds by now and asked us to keep him up till 7:00 am this morning. Keep in mind that he has been up since his 6:30 seizure earlier Saturday morning.

Jack was a great trooper, with Jen and I taking 3 hour shifts we were able to entertain him the entire time. He was running out of steam around 6:30 am but he made it. He slept until 1:00pm and asked if it was still early morning. It is now 7:30 Sunday evening and no seizure which means the earliest we are out of here is Tuesday.

Oh did I forget to mention that Jack cannot eat anything either. There is a short time from from 11:00pm to 2:00am that he can have food. Because of him being sedated for the MRI he cannot have any food in his system. Again he is a super trooper on that. Last night he had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chex mix at 12:30. I am sure we will have another picnic this evening.

We will keep you updated on our seizure watch and please pray that when he does have one that it is one we can control. Still very scary stuff to wish your son has a seizure when you think of the ones that he has had in the past.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Thursday, January 7, 2010 1:34 PM CST

At our last MRI appointment in November, after speaking with our neurologist about Jack's seizures, we decided to have a seizure study conducted to see if his seizures are coming from a localized area in the brain. SO, Jack was admitted to St. Mary's hospital yesterday to undergo the study. Jack had seizure activity when he was sleeping last night, but didnt go into a seizure. The doctors continue to decrease his seizure meds and are confident he will have one soon. They want to document 2 seizures and do a dye test during a seizure. All of the testing is to see if Jack is a candidate for brain surgery to remove the area causing the seizures. Eventhoug we may be here for 5 days, I want to make sure we get all the information we need! Brain surgery is a scary thought,however Jack having seizures everynight is scarier.

Marty stayed home with Ben and Ella since Ben had a reconciliation class and makes his firt reconciliation this Saturday. Depending on how it goes here, Marty may come up on Saturday after Ben's first reconciliation.

Jack and I have been doing A LOT of crafts, watching movies, playing video games and visiting with our friends we met here years ago. The nurses, child life staff, chaplain and patient care aids all remember Mr. Jack and we have had a good time catching up. I just learned to knit thanks to my friend, Mary, and her patience. I just may have a scarf done by the time we leave Rochester!
We will keep you posted of what continues to happen on our "vacation" in Rochester.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,

Monday, November 9, 2009 9:09 AM CST

It was a beautiful morning in Rochester this morning when we came to St. Mary's hospital for Jack's routine MRI. Like always, Jack was a pro with getting sedated. I went back with him to get sedated and waited for one of the doctors/nurses to comment on how easy Jack lays there and gets sedated and sure enough, like every sedation I have witnessed (which I lost count back in 2006)someone said, "Wow,that was easy, does he always do this great?" I smiled because I was so proud of Jack and someone commented like I predicted. I'm not sure if loving sedation is the healthiest thing for a 10 year old, but it definately makes doing MRIs a lot easier:)

Marty, Jack and I have the rest of the day to ourselves after the MRI. The only thing we are doing for sure is getting Jack Subway after the MRI. Tomorrow is a day filled with several doctor's appointments and MRI results in the late afternoon. We meet with Dr. Wetmore to get the results. It will be somewhat of a sad meeting as she accepted her "dream job" at St. Judes Hospital and will transfer there in the Spring. This may be our last meeting with her. Although we are very sad about her leaving...actually scared as well, we are incredibly excited for her. She has done amazing things for Mayo and especially us, I can only imagine what she will do in her "dream job."

Please keep Jack in your prayers as we wait for the results.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:10 AM CDT

Sorry for the delay in updating. We have had trouble recently but now it seems to work.

Has anyone heard there is a flu going around? Well it made a visit to our home this week. Jack came down with a fever on Saturday evening and has not gone to school yet. Ben came down with a fever on Sunday night and his first day back is today. And Ella, well she has escaped it for now.

On Saturday morning Jack suffered his longest and scariest seizure in years. After coming out of it he complained of a head ache and fell asleep for almost four straight hours. We have our next MRI checkup on November 5th and 6th so please keep him in your prayers.

We promise to update on a more regular basis.

God bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 7:42 AM CDT

First day of school!

Jack will be in thrid grade today. He is so excited he was the first one up which is a rare occasion. Ben will be entering second grade and is a little stressed he doesnt know how to multiply already. Our little Ella is going to kindergarten! Hard to imagine that we now have all three kids in the same school at the same time.

We have very busy as a family this last summer. Ben and Ella just returned from sibling camp last Saturday. They were gone all week and loved it. It was alittle strange for Jen and I to be alone with Jack for an entire week doing normal things instead of "Mayo things".

We hope all of you had a safe summer.

The Hoegers.

Friday, June 26, 2009 10:01 PM CDT


Its hard to believe that Jack is already 10 years old.

Jen and I were talking the other day about the milestones of Jacks life. The one that is hard to imagine is that it was four years ago our amazing friends and family held the wonderful benefit that was on Jacks 6th birthday.

On that 6th birthday Jack asked for the first time why he was sick. That is when he put a name to his illness "Spencer". Ever since he has had one focus and that was to get Spencer out of his body.

Jack just returned from the Heart Connection Cancer Survivor camp last week. And yes he loved every minute of it and came home with 100 more girlfriends. I do believe some are the same from last year.

We were informed that one night at wish night were they make a wish and throw a stick into the fire Jack made a statement "I am not here for myself but here to help fight cancer for all kids". Pretty cool for a 10 year old.

Hope all is well and have a safe summer.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Monday, May 18, 2009 10:19 PM CDT

As many of you know, Jack suffered some seizures in the past 3 weeks. This was alarming for several reasons. Dr. Wetmore decided it would be a good idea to push up the MRI. This morning, Jack and Marty headed to Rochester for the MRI. I was planning on going up on Tuesday to get the results. HOWEVER, our fabulous oncologist emailed us the results this evening saying the scan was CLEAN! She didn't want us to worry even another day as she was worried herself about new tumor growth. It feels good to have that behind us and concentrate on getting to summer! Jack will be at Cancer Camp in less than a month! Ben and Ella would pack tonight if I let them and they don't go to sibling camp until August!

Tonight Marty and Jack went to get ice cream in Rochester and a man found a dollar on the ground and asked Jack if it was his. Jack replied "no," and the guy told him he could have it. Jack told Marty "it must be my LUCKY day!"

Just a reminder that Relay for Life will be June 12-13 at Kirkwood Outdoor track. We would LOVE if you would come walk with TEAM JACKSTRONG! Thanks to all that have purchased "One Left Handed Hug," to help us fundraise!

Books can be purchased at www.authorhouse.com

Thanks for the prayers!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, May 1, 2009 7:41 AM CDT

Happy May Day!

Spring is here or it should be anyway.

Jen and I wanted to update you on some recent events with Jack that hopefully will need just an adjustment of meds.

On Wednesday of this week Jen recieved a call from school stating that Jack suffered a seizure. It has been the first one in over a year and the first one ever at school. Then on Thursday morning as Jen went into Jacks room to wake him for school he was in another seizure.

Jen has taken Jack to get his blood levels taken to check to make sure his medicine were where they needed to be. They were within the correct range but we could go up alittle. So we have increased one of his meds for the night time.

Please pray that this a fluke thing and just a bad reminder of what things used to be like.

God Bless and Livestrong,

The Hoegers

(The Book web page)

Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:15 AM CDT


It should be a nice day to visit with family. Unfortunatly Jack and I will be spending the day on the couch watching the Masters while Jen travels back to Cascade with Ben and Ella.

Jack has not been feeling well the last couple of days and Jen decided to take him to the hospital on Saturday morning around 3:00 am. They ran test and found he had pneumonia.

He woke up this morning to search for his Easter basket then it was back to bed. Hopefully he comes out of it soon.

We do have some other news to share with you. As you know this is the time of year we start our fundraising efforts for the Relay for Life and the Livestrong Foundation.

This year we have planned a Poker Run on May 2nd that will be held at the 5th Gear Bar and Grill in Cedar Rapids. If you dont ride a motorcycle no worries you can come along in a car or just come at 3:00 when we return to listen to our good friend Bryce Parks and his band play. It should be alot of fun.

The second one is alittle more personal. We have written a book... This book is about Jacks journey with Cancer. The book is called One Left Handed Hug. Where does the title come from? Well you just have to read the book to find out :)

You can purchase this book at:

At this site you just need to type in the title and you may order it online. You can also go to any Barnes and Nobles store and ask that they order it for you.
We hope you enjoy!

Praying that everyone has a safe and happy easter.

God Bless and Livestrong

The Hoegers

Sunday, March 15, 2009 1:13 PM CDT

Spring is here!

Sorry for the delay in updates but thats what happens when there is nothing to report other than normal life. Its so nice to say that.

Jack is doing great. He is on a new drug Stratara that helps him stay focused in school and it has worked great. The only hitch in the drug is that one of the side effects is that it can increase the heart rate. This last week I had taken Jack to Mayo for a check-up and of course his heart rate was high. They ordered for us to take him off of it for a week and monitor his heart rate then re-introduce it again. We are praying that we can put him back on it.

Ben and Ella are doing, well what they always do...they help Jen and I with Jack in between the swords and the barbies.

Last evening we were asked to give a talk at the American Cancer Gala on sending kids to cancer camp. Jen gave a very good talk about not only Jack's experience but Bens also. At the end of the talk the entire room gave her a standing ovation and they sold over 130 balloons. Each balloon represented a child going to cancer camp and each balloon sold for $250.00 a piece.

It was another fun year at the Gala and alot of money raised for a great cause. Which of course gets us to the kick off to the Relay for life for 2009. This years event is scheduled for June 12th. We are in the process of coming up with our fundraising efforts and will announce soon.

God Bless and LiveStrong!

The Hoegers

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:02 PM CST

"Scan was clear."

The trip to Minnesota started rough with bad weather on Monday, however the good MRI results made it well worth the trip.

The doctors were happy with Jack physically, except for his dramatic weight gain. Jack started a steriod last September and since then he has gained 28 pounds. We have struggled for over 3 years to get Jack to gain weight and now we were told we need to take measures to decrease his weight. The endocrinologist reluctantly decreased his steriod dose to see if that would assist in decreasing his appetite. We learned that it is not uncommon with kids that had brain tumors to eventually have a weight problem. The good thing is we should all probably be trying to eat better anyway, so it will be a good thing. I just dread saying "No" to Jack's second helping of stuffing with gravy on it. Life could be worse.

The main concern was Jack's mental and behavior issues. We think Jack has been having behaviors lately because he wants attention. The doctor's said that kids at this stage struggle with not getting the attention they got when they were sick and struggle with how life is now for them. Jack has been more sad lately because he has been called some names at school and doesn't get play dates like Ben and Ella. Upon recommendation from the neurologist and oncologist, Jack with meet with a neuropsychologist to help us better serve Jack. I know I could use some help as I have been feeling pretty frustrated. I want to treat him just like Ben and Ella, but know that isn't always realistic.

We are incredibly grateful for a clear scan and being home SAFE tonight in our own home. Thank-you to all of our family that juggled Ben and Ella. We couldn't do anything without you. Thank-you also to our country neighbors for plowing us out and always making sure we are okay.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 4:09 PM CST

Scan looks Great!

We are in between appointments but wanted to let everyone know that Jack scan was good and he has graduated to six months out.

More later.

God Bless
The Hoegers

Sunday, January 4, 2009 3:26 PM CST


The holidays sure make for a busy time, but we enjoyed all the time spent with family and friends. Believe or not, Jack has been the healthiest one in the family...knock on wood. Ben, Ella, Marty and I all have had some type of the flu, but Jack prevailed for once as the healthiest. The new drug, Hydrocortisal, he started last fall not only has boosted his weight but his immune system. Jack continues to take his growth hormone injection like a pro 6 days a week. Jack is working hard at school and gradually learning his prep 1 reading cards. He goes through bouts where he works hard at getting out of work to go socialize with the Mrs. Skogman and Mrs. Pilcher, the secretary and nurse.

As for Christmas, the Hoegers have been playing the Wii. Marty is working hard to become a pro bowler and Ben...well he already is a pro bowler! I am convinced that the Wii has been a great therapy tool for Jack as he has to work hard at timing his movements. As for Ella, she likes to do boxing, but she moves her bottom more than her arms:)

We received a wonderful gift in the mail last month from Ty Wakefield. I met Ty in Ohio last summer at the Livestrong Summit. He is battling bone cancer, but is determined to make a difference even when he's sick. Ty created a comic book called "Captain Cure." He named the character Jack, after he saw Jack's video. After many months of hard work, we received signed copies. On the back cover, Ty writes about Jack and put my picture on it from the Summit. We are incredibly touched by Ty's thoughfulness and even more inspired by his determination. Proceeds for the comic book go to Livestrong. Please go to www.captaincure.net to learn more about the comic book or make a purchase.

Well, the time is nearing again when we go to Mayo for Jack's MRI, Jan 13th. Jack hasn't had one since last August. He is doing really well, but the nerves still come back. Please say prayer for continued healing and remission. While your praying could you add a few more for Bryce's Dad, Kim, Mike, and Ty.

We have made many promises to ourselves about what we are going to do better in 2009 and one of them is to connect more with all of you!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:04 PM CST

Jen and I had parent - teacher conferences tonight for Jack and Ben.

We were reminded in yet another session on how hard school is for Jack. He is doing better in reading and his numbers but still struggles with many of the task through out the day.

This is nothing we havent prayed for though. While Jack was in the hospital there were days we would pray for Jack to be able to just play with kids in school and the academics would be secondary.

Now we sit thru a conference and find out that all Jack wants to do is socialize and try to find ways to get out of his school work. That social thing must come from his mothers side.

Jacks aid Sally does an amazing Job working with Jack all day long on keeping him on track. We could not begin to thank her for all she does.

Ben is doing very good in school. He his right at his level and in some areas above. He does get alittle wild at times and needs to work on his listening (mothers side again).

Everything is good on the home front. Tomorrow we will be taking Jack to Mayo to be trained on giving him his growth shot. He will recieve this drug for the next two to three years.

In closing I would ask that you pray for a family member who has had a relaps of cancer and is in a hard fight for his life. We pray for you Jeremy.

God Bless and Livestrong.

The Hoegers

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 6:20 PM CDT

Just a short note...

Jack had started second grade this year! I asked him the other day how he liked school this year and his response was that he liked art,lunch and recess. I would say he is a normal 9 year old.

One day some girls were walking down the hall and they all said hi to Jack and his teachers aid Sally. Sally said that the girls seemed nice and asked if they were friends? Jacks response was that all girls loved him.

In a couple of weeks Jack will start an injection to help stimulate his growth. At first it was denied by the insurance company stated that they needed more proof that he was a candidate. I offered to show pictures of playing baseball with other 9 year olds and the fact that he only weighs 43lbs should be proof enough but that is setteled now we can enter into the next phase of the side affects that we prayed that we could someday deal with.

Hope all is well with you all.

God Bless and Livestrong.

The Hoegers

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 5:58 PM CDT

Well, the past two days have been interesting. Jack had his MRI on Tuesday, but when we met with the Oncologist she was very disgusted and said the radiologist only scanned his spine and not his head. BUT the spine was clear! She felt that was a good indication that his brain would be clear also, but we all agreed it was important to get the head scan. SO, Marty's cousin Dana and her husband Matt graciously let us spend the night with them. We returned to Mayo this morning and they got Jack in by 8:30 to do the head scan. According to the neurologist, the scan looked good, but Jack had a small bleed in the frontal lobe. It could be due to an abnormal blood vessel, but to be sure we will do another scan in 3 weeks. We are also scheduled to see a pulmologist next week as Jack has frequent chest congestion. ALL IN ALL, we are pleased and HOME!Jack was a COMPLETE TROOPER and we couldn't be more proud of him:)Big Thanks to grandma and grandpa for giving Ben and Ella extra love while we were gone!

THANKS FOR THE PRAYERS, please keep them up!

Jen and Marty

Monday, August 18, 2008 9:29 PM CDT

Has it been four months already?

Jen, Jack and I leave for Rochester tomorrow morning for Jacks MRI. It is a time that we stress about and are relieved when it is over when we hear the words "looks great"!

Please say a little prayer for Jack tomorrow that we will hear those words that we have heard for almost three years now.

We will check in with you when we hear the news.

God Bless and Livestrong,

The Hoegers

Monday, August 11, 2008 9:13 PM CDT

A HUGE THANK-YOU to all who helped us raise money through TEAM JACKSTRONG for the Relay for Life!! A GIGANTIC THANK-YOU to our family and friends who came out and walked with us!We made it all night long with the extra help of Marty's cousin, Dana Lane and Marty's brother Scott! We had our semi-delirious moments, but were overjoyed to walk in support of all the cancer survivors and those that have fallen to cancer. Jack was able to walk the entire survivor lap this year and hold the banner! One of the highlights of the Relay was when I got to shave Connor Ties' hair. Connor is a close family friend who had a brain tumor. He is truly a miracle. In honor of raising money he vowed to not cut his hair for 4 months if they met their goal. I was blessed with the shaving priveledges. It will be a memory I will cherish forever.

Yesterday was a momumental moment for our
family...especially Ben! We traveled to Boone Iowa to take Ben to sibling camp! Like Jack did, Ben will spend from Sunday until Saturday at camp. We were so excited for Ben! He was excited also, but appeared nervous about being away for 6 days...me too! BUT, Ben needed this and deserved this! He has endured too much for a 6 1/2 year old. At age 3, he was getting Jack his "puke bowl." He takes care of his older brother without being condescending. But this summer, we saw Ben get sad from all of Jack's attention with the youtube video, LIVESTRONG day, our fundraisers and the RELAY FOR LIFE. We don't want to damage Ben by trying to help Jack and fight cancer. I pray we always do the right things and pray that Ben uses what he knows about cancer as something positive instead of being hurt by it. I'm thrilled this is his week to shine! As for Ella, she can't wait until next year to be old enough to go to camp!

PLEASE PRAY FOR GOOD MRI RESULTS!Jack goes to Mayo August 19th for his next check-up!

Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:27 PM CDT

Come hang out with us and get some exercise!

The Relay for Life is being held at Kirkwood Community College on Friday Aug 1 thru Saturday Aug 2.

The event will begin around 7:00 p.m. with the lighting of the illuminary at dusk. Although it is really neat to see there are way too many lit and thats why we walk.

The survivor walk will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. That is an amazing sight to see.

Our first survivor walk was two years ago. Jack was just out of the hospital and not very strong but determined. He started his way around the Coe track at the front of the pack. Then we lost track of where he was.

Just then we noticed he was being carried by a group of breast cancer survivors. As they crossed the finish line Jack had a big smile on his face as he was handed his medal and looked at me and said "I did it dad"! Not a dry eye around for sure.

Last year because of the heat we had asked a good friend Kenny to pull Jack in the wagon. As they made the trip around the infield of the baseball field Jack got out of the wagon and steped on home plate and held his arms up. You guessed it no dry eyes.

Please feel free to join us this year and witness Jacks survivor lap or any other part of the relay. We will be the camp with a large white tent and yellow balloons waiving. You wont be able to miss us.

OK now for some great stories of the past couple of weeks.

First of all Ragbrai was great. I was able to meet up with some great friends from last years team and meet new friends that had just joined us this year. Because I wasnt able to ride this year I was able to spend a little more time in the beer tents...enough said.

Jen in Ohio...

Jen had what she called an "AWESOME" four days at the Livestrong Summit. This is the event where they had shown Jacks youtube video to the 1000 delegates that participated.

Jen was selected as a group leader for the grey team. Through out the week they would do certain competitions to earn points and at the end of the week they could win a prize. On the last day of the event Jen was on stage with her other group leaders to had out the award and when they announced the leaders, the entire grey team stood up and yelled "WE KNOW JACK"!

Taken back by this Jen was pretty emotional and said into the microphone "Im Jen Hoeger and I am Jacks mom". Just then the entire audience of 1000 people stood and gave her an standing ovation.

We are searching for video of this and will share if it is found.

Because of the support of all of you we are able to attend events like this and try to share Jacks story and give others hope. For that we cannot thank you enough.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Monday, July 21, 2008 7:08 AM CDT

Since turning nine Jacks social calender has been full. On July 12th we participated in the first annual "You dont know Jack" RideStrong poker run in New Diggings Wisconsin.

It was an amazing day of meeting some amazing new friends. New Diggings is famous for having two bars, two churches and 51 people. The population grew quited a bit on the 12th. There were around 70 motorcyclist, 20 bicyclist and 5 classic cars that toured the tri-state area. Jack and Jen even joined in on the fun. They rode all 77 miles in a 1970's Harley Davidson side car driven by Jacks new friend Del. To top the night they did a locks of love hair cutting to include the owner of the New Diggs General Store Lou.

We thank everyone that was involved with the event that raised over $4,000.00 for the Livestrong Foundation especially Lou and Kelli.

This past weekend Jack traded in his skull cap for a tux as he was a in his uncle Chris's wedding. Needless to say he did a great job and of course was the hit of the chicken dance.

Today I will leaving for Ragbrai to hangout with our Livestrong friends. I come home Wednesday night so Jen can leave Thursday morning for the Livestrong Summit in Ohio. More details on that in future updates.

Linn County Relay for Life --- Auguest 1st and 2nd.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:05 PM CDT


Can you believe it? Jack is nine years old on July 27th. To think what he has experienced in nine years of life.

When I think of what the last nine years of my life consisted of, it all seems to run together. Then I think of what Jack has experienced in his nine years and it all brings it back to perspective.

In the last nine years I have grown to know how important family is, how friends truly do have your back in the tough times and how much your faith matters in the good times along with the tough times.

Jack has taught me so much that I can only hope to pass half as much to him in his lifetime.


Yesterday I was evacuated from my office because of some air quality issues. They told us to grab only the important things and get out. I grabbed a couple of files and a coffee cup. You see the files were only to keep myself busy until we were allowed back into our office. The coffee cup fell into the important pile.

When Jack was in A-K he brought home a flier from school saying he owed $12.00 for items he purchased at the school fair. My first reaction was how much "stuff" he must have bought with that $12.00. Sure enough he showed up with a bag full of "stuff" from school. A toy for Ben, something for Mom and a Peanuts coffee cup for Dad that says "Worlds #1 Dad". You see Jack had nothing for himself. He said he wanted to surprise his family.

Tonight our friends Denny and Mardeen took Jack out for his birthday shopping spree. He showed up with a Barbie Doll for Ella, a Sword for Ben and one for himself so Ben can have some one to play with.

To Jen and I Jack truly is a miracle. Sometimes it takes times like this to remind us that it wasnt the Cancer that made him a miracle.

We hope all is well with you,

God Bless and LiveSTRONG

The Hoegers

Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:32 PM CDT

He did it!

Or should I say We did it. I truly believe that the week that Jack was at camp was much harder on his parents than it was on Jack.

When we walked up to Jacks cabin to pick him up he turned around, saw us and said "hi Mom" then turned back around and proceeded to talk to one of his new friends. We are very proud of him. Jack climbed a 9' foot wall all by himself, went swimming and rode a horse named Taxi. His cabin also won the golden dust pan award for the cleanist cabin. He was very proud of that award. Jack came home with about 10 bracelets on his arm. When Jen asked who gave them to him he responded "My girlfriends, I have 50 of them". Then in typical Jack fashion as we pulled out of camp almost every camp councelor came to his window to either high five him or give a hug.

How far he has come. As I was watching the flooding coverage of Cedar Rapids I started to think about Katrina. Katrina happened while Jack was in St. Marys hospital during his radiation hangover period when he slept for almost three days straight. How far ago that seems and now while I was witnessing this tragic event Jack was at camp for an entire week by himself....Who would have thought.

We are praying for everyone effected by this flood especially my two brothers, my aunt and uncle and cousin who have been displaced and unsure of the future of their homes. And friends of ours who own a business on the river and are at the risk of losing it.

The church that Jen and I were married in and attend was under 5' of water. Words cannot express how our hearts ache when we see the devestation this has on so many people.

Our Linn County Relay for life was cancelled because of the flooding and will now be held on Aug 1st and 2nd please come and join us.

God Bless and Livestrong.

The Hoegers

Monday, June 9, 2008 8:57 PM CDT

Well, one of the hardest things we had to do in a long time happened on Sunday! Jack went to the Heart Connection Cancer Camp in Boone Iowa until Friday! Grandma Rosie and I took Jack to camp. He has been looking forward to this day since April when we went to the Cancer Gala and heard about camp.

We checked Jack in and went over the medicines with the nurses and found Jack's cabin. We met 2 of Jack's counselors. He will be in a cabin with 8 kids and 5 counselors. I had conflicting feelings on Sunday. One part of me was overjoyed for Jack to be a kid for once! To be like everyone else!To not have us hovering over him. But the anxiety also set in thinking about leaving him and wondering if they would recognize how much help Jack needs,watch for seizures, etc. When it was time for me to go, he smiled and gave me a big hug, twice. And that was it and Rosie and I left.I drove away wondering if I did the right thing by leaving him and praying he had the time of his life!

Unfortunately, Marty had ACL surgery on Thursday and was unable to travel over 4 hours in a car to take Jack to camp. But Marty and Jack said "goodbye" several times, in person and on the phone.

Fortunately for us, Relay for Life is Friday night starting at 7:00 pm at Kirkwood until 9:00 am on Saturday. I will pick Jack up a day early from camp to be at the Relay, especially to walk the suvivor lap for his 3rd year! PLEASE COME OUT AND JOIN US IF YOU HAVE THE TIME!YOU CAN WALK OR HANG OUT...ALL IS WELCOME! Because of bad weather, it maybe indoors at Kirkwood, but there will be plenty of signs.



God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:54 PM CDT

Ok it time for a breather.

This last two weeks consisted meeting the UNI Coaches in the athletic department, an appearence at the Make-a-Wish golf outing, selling almost 500 tee-shirts, a hawaiian luau, and livestrong day. There will also be a Relay for Life volleyball tournament at Cabo Sports bar on Saturday May 31st for those of you interested in participating.

Our fundraising efforts have been tiresome but well worth the effort and we feel blessed to have so much help in raising money and awareness for our cause.

Jack is doing very well. He now has spring fever, he has hit baseballs everyday for the last five days. It is great to see him enjoying the nice weather.

This past weekend I took Jack and Ben to New Diggings Wisconsin to deliver some "I know Jack" shirts. There we met Lou and Kelli who own the New Diggs General Store. They will be hosting a Poker Run on July 12th.

They are amazing people who saw the youtube video and instantly wanted to get involved. Two minutes into the door Lou gave the boys New Diggs dew rags that were made just for kids. Then he gave Jack a large bag full of them and asked Jack to deliver them to his friends in the hospital that may need them. It is gestures such as this that make you feel good about what you are doing and turning such a terrible experience into something worth while.

Thank you for all of your support.

The Hoegers

Monday, May 12, 2008 9:23 AM CDT

Luau Hangover?

We would like to thank everyone who joined us in our 1st Annual Relay for Life Luau Party. It was alot of fun and exceeded our expectations. We also would like to thank all of your who worked so hard on Saturday to make this event happen without a hitch.

Jack update:

The other day I realized that the last couple of post have been more about events happening in our life rather than giving an actual update on how Jack is doing.

Jack is very well. We had a couple of weeks where he had headaches and was put on some migrain medicine. And as most of his meds they have side effects. This medicine made Jack moody and not his happy self so we asked the doctor to lower the dose or prescibe something different. We lowered the dose last week and we seen his smile again.

Jack will start baseball in couple of weeks and Ben and Ella will be starting t-ball. So yes we are going to be one of those families. So much to do...So little time to do it. Our prayers have been answered.

Tomorrow is LIVESTRONG DAY! Please if you think of it wear yellow. Wear yellow so that when someone ask you about your yellow shirt you can say "I am wearing yellow today because I KNOW JACK"!

We will be having a day long celebration at Jackson Elementary then heading out to Dicks Sporting Goods where the LIVESTRONG Army will be riding stationary bikes from 9 till 9 to celebrate LIVESTRONG Day. Stop out to see us.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG!
The Hoegers

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:13 PM CDT

Its time for a party!

Our Relay for Life and Team Livestrong fundraiser will be held on May 10th from 5 to 11 at St. Patricks parish hall.

Dinner and drinks will be provided for $10.00 per adult and $5.00 per child 12 and under.

The theme this year is a Hawaiian Luau so dress the part and come and party with DJ Teddy Borelli to some great tunes.

Many wonderful raffle and silent auction items will also be on hand. So come and try your luck to win a wii or a signed Payton Manning football or many of the other great items that have been donated for this fun event.

Hope to see you there.

For further information contact us via e-mail at:
Jen jhoeger22@aol.com
Marty mhoeger88@hotmail.com

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Sunday, April 13, 2008 2:39 PM CDT

"If you don't fight cancer, you don't know JACK!"

On Wednesday we received a phone call inviting us to the American Cancer Society Gala this past weekend. We were thrilled to be asked to go. So last night, Marty, Jack and I got all dressed up for our big night at the Gala. The theme was "Back to the Prom" so Jack wanted to be my date and we even got our pictures taken together! We enjoyed meeting new people at the Gala, especially the cancer survivors at our table. Before the live auction, they showed Jack's video. They had us stand up and the entire room gave Jack a standing ovation. Picture Jack standing on a chair and putting his arms up like Rocky Balboa....PRICELESS! I couldn't fight back the tears! We felt so blessed and very proud. Jack even got on stage and said he wanted to go to the cancer camp this summer and thanked everyone. He asked for the microphone 3 times from Bruce Aune. It was exciting. Jack also cut a rug on the dance floor and wore me and my feet out:)

We are beginning our planning for our fundraiser to raise money for the Relay for Life and Team Livestrong. We are planning a fundraising Luau party on May 10th at St. Patrick's parish center from 5-11. We will let you know more as the time gets nearer! Save the date!

P.S. Jack's youtube video is over 32,000!!! THANKS!!!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, April 3, 2008 12:33 AM CDT

Visit Jacks video at www.livestrong.org, His video is being featured on the Livestrong Blog.

Thank you all who have visited Jacks video on Youtube. If you havent yet seen it you may go to Youtube.com and enter livestrongjack to view it.

When we first started doing this project we wanted to do something to promote cancer awareness and also show people how far Jack has come since fighting for survival.

We set a goal of trying to reach 10,000 hits. One we thought was pretty lofty but why not reach for the stars right? Well as most of you know this little project has taken a life of its own. Today only five days since its debut the video has over 11,000 hits! Jen and Jack were interviewed by KCRG yesterday and you may view that interview on www.kcrg.com. We also received notice that Jacks video will be displayed on the Livestrong Blog!

We would like to thank you all for helping us raise cancer awareness.

God Bless and Livestrong

The Hoegers

Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:21 PM CDT


This past weekend we traveled to Dubuque with the hopes of making a Livestrong video. With the help from our good friend Bryce Parks...Ok with Bryce and Jack doing all of the work we ended up with a great video of Jack sharing his story about his fight with cancer.

You may watch this video on youtube. Enter LivestrongJack for the search and you will see Jack's video debut.

We would like to thank Bryce and Christy for spending their Saturday with us and working on this project.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:28 PM CDT

I would like to share a short story about our last appointment. During our visit with the Doctors. We were talking about the fact that the Mayo Clinic will be doing a story about Jack and his battle with cancer.

When we informed Dr. Wetmore that we submitted a picture taken at a wedding this year she immediatly said "no way submit the spiderman picture"! She asked Jack what he thought about having a story about him and his picture he looked at her and said that he wanted a picture of his family in the story. She responded with "oh Jack you deserve this photo just for you". His response, "Why my whole family helped me beat spencer not just me". Needless to say we are very proud of who this young man is becoming.

Jack will be starting what will be a 3 to 5 year regiment of growth hormones. They will be administered through a shot to help him develop. There is a short window of time for this treatment so we are proceeding as soon as possible.

I know that it seems like all we do is ask for help but strength is in numbers. I received notice that a friend of mines husbend has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I ask that you pray for Phil Huber. Phil is the husbend of Teri Huber who I had worked with at TrueNorth. Teri was my co-worker who made sure that although I was working three hours away from a hospital room that nothing missed a beat.

This is yet another case in which we can all ask why them? Why Phil, he has a wife and three wonderful young children? While visiting them this evening Phil told me that the time for crying is over and its time to move forward and fight.

I admire his determination and pray that we have one more buddy to join Jack in the survivor lap this summer.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 3:05 PM CDT


Thank you for all your prayers and positive thoughts.

We will update more when we return home.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:11 PM CST

Free snow - You haul!

As Jen and I traveled to Tama to attend Jasons wake and funeral we ended up staying an extra day due to the weather. Although it was unexpected we enjoyed meeting so many of Jasons friends and family and sharing stories about Jason that made us treasure him so much.

As we were packing to leave Jack asked how Jason was doing. I informed him him that Jason had fallen asleep and went to heaven to become his very special angel. As one can imagine Jack took this very hard. Jason and Jack had a special bond together. They battled cancer together and for Jack to hear that his buddy lost his battle hurt him deeply.

After some comforting, Jack decided to make Jason a card. He placed stickers on it then one on the envelope that read "party animal".

We will be traveling to Rochester on Monday for Jacks MRI then having his doctors appointment on Tuesday for the results. Although Jack has been doing very well lately it is still a very nervous and anxious time around the house. We pray that we hear those wonderful words "scan looks great"!

God Bless and Livestrong,

The Hoegers

Thursday, February 14, 2008 2:13 PM CST

Last night our dear friend, Jason Hill, became our newest angel in heaven. Jason's courageous 3 year battle with cancer is over. We praise God that he is not suffering anymore as it hurt so badly to see him in pain. But we pray even harder today for Gina, Tessa, Tyson and Jason's parents. I am incredibly proud of my close friend, Gina, as she stood strong for 3 years fighting for her husband. I have learned a lot from Jason and Gina Hill. I am very sad to have to tell Jack about his buddy. We fought this battle together and it scares me to be fighting it without him. We know though that we have a new, special angel to pray to. We thank-you for all the prayers for Jason and we ask you to continue them for Gina so we can carry her through this painful time.

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, February 7, 2008 6:56 AM CST


On Sunday evening we removed Jacks g-tube! After several months since we were given the green light to remove it we decided it was time. Jack has been eating really well at school and other than the one seizure (which he hasnt had another one since) he has been doing great.

Jack had even tried to act like he was sick yesterday and said he couldnt go to school, when we informed him that school was cancelled he smiled and said "I feel a little better". Thats our eight year old boy for us.

Please say a prayer for Jason and Gina Hill today they are moving Jason back to Prarie du Chien hospital and he will be comforted by hospice.

Thank you all for being our Unity and Strength through this journey.

Godbless and Livestong.

The Hoegers

Saturday, January 26, 2008 1:44 PM CST

"Unity Is Strength, Knowledge is Power, Attitude is Everything"

That quote is a part of the Livestrong Manifesto that many in the cancer community live by.

Jason is doing better today than he was yesterday and hopefully will be doing better tomorrow than today. It is the Unity, Knowledge and Attitude along with a ton of prayers that will help make that happen.

Jack had a a small set back this week by having a seizure on Wednesday morning. This is his first since last May. On Thursday morning Jack and I made a trip up north to Mayo for some blood test to check his drug levels. On Friday the doctor called and prescribed another seizure med called Kepra. Jack as been on this one before so hopefully this will stop the seizure streak to one.

Jen and I appreciate all of the prayers and thoughts for Jack and also Jason. We pray for Jasons health and quality of life to return and that Jack continues to grow and live life as a 8 year old should.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:41 PM CST


One week and four days before Christmas, Jason Hill was admitted to Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse Wisconsin for emergency brain surgery. Jason was diagnosed with a brain infection. He went from a coma-like state to working very hard to walk, eat and communicate again. This entire time, Gina drove an hour each way to stay with him and try to be home with their young children. How she is keeping it up, I have no idea...just amazing! Last Friday, Jason was flown to Mayo clinic as his health continues to decline. We are praying for a little more quality time for Gina and the kids to spend with Jason.

If you would like to sign his guestbook go to: www.caringbridge.org/wi/jasonhill

Jen and Marty

Monday, December 31, 2007 9:11 AM CST

Happy New Year!

As the year is about to close, it is overwhelming to think about how far Jack has come. He is a reminder everyday to never lose hope.

Here are some of our 2007 highlights.

Tee-Ball - Jack and Ben participated in tee-ball this summer. Jack was able to play in every game and had several hits on his own.

School - Jack enters first grade, Ben goes to kindergarten and Ella enrolls in pre-school. It get easier right?

Ragbrai - I was selected to ride with team Livestrong across Iowa this summer. It was truely an amazing experience meeting everyone on the team with such a common goal.

Washington D.C. - Jen was selected to participate in an effort with the Livestrong Foundation to lobby for more cancer funding. She came back energized and ready to take on the world.

Livestrong Day at Jackson Elementary - The entire school participated in a victory lap around the school walking trail to honor cancer victims as well as survivors. Everyone was wearing yellow shirts and Jack was interviewed by KCRG channel 9.

Team JackStrong - That was the name of the our relay for life team. We raised almost $5,000 dollars. Several people walked with our team for 15 hours. It was capped off with Jack taking a victory lap in a wagon being pulled by another survivor Kenny. A friendship bonded that day and Jack searches Kenny out in church for their survivor hug.

Chicago Marathon - Jen ran in and completed the Chicago Marathon even though they cancelled the event half way through it because of the heat.

Livestrong Presidential Forum - Jen and I were able to volunteer in the event together and had the opprotunity to meet most canidates. A special moment was when Jen bonded with with Linda Armstrong (Lance's mom).

Meeting Noah Brown - At one of our appointments we were asked to go see a 9 year old boy who was in the hospital and was going to get his g-tube placed. We entered the room and it brought back so many memories of when Jack was there. A small fraile boy suffering from cancer. Jack walked up to Noahs bed to comfort him. He showed him his g-tube and explained that it didnt hurt. As we pulled out of the hospital parking lot that evening Jack asked if we could all pray for Noah. At that point it struck us that Jack gets it. He understands that meaning of the word cancer and what is envolved with it.

The main event comes every three months when we hear those special words "The scan looks good". This year we were also able to hear that Jacks health is a miracle. That no child has ever survived past two years with Jacks condition.

As you can tell we have been busy and very blessed this year. It makes us feel very fortunate for what we have everyday and everyone who has supported our family through this.


God Bless, Livestrong and have a safe and happy New Year!

The Hoegers

Monday, December 24, 2007 10:54 AM CST

Merry Christmas!

Its hard to believe that this time last year Jack was having video monitering on his brain to check what forms of seizures he was having. That was the last time that he had spent the night in the hospital. He made it through all of 2007 without a hospital stay! This had been the first year since he was five years old.

It has been since May that Jack had is last seizure and he continues to grow stronger with each day. We feel very blessed this year to have a healthy family and continue to pray for healthy days to come.

Our friend Jason Hill has been doing very well this week considering the condition he was in last week. I can not help but to think that the power of prayer has pulled him through this rough time.

We extend a Merry Christmas to all of you and thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers for our family.

God Bless

The Hoegers

Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:08 AM CST

Please Help!

Today we are asking you to please pray for our good friend Jason Hill who has been fighting cancer for as long as Jack has. Jason took a turn for the worse yesterday and needed to have emergency surgery. For updates you may go to his caringbridge site by inserting wi for the state and Jasonhill for the patient.

Thank you for all that you do and helping in the fight.

God Bless and Livestrong

The Hoegers

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 11:18 AM CST

Another Great Scan!

Everything looks great according to Dr. Wetmore. She was encouraged on how Jack was interacting with her and how he has some weight gain. Jack has been moved out to 4 months now for his next scan. She first said 6 months then moved back to 4 because she would miss him to much. She then stated that because there is no protocol for Jack that there is now reason to risk putting his scan out to 6 months.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving. God knows we have alot to be thankful for.

God Bless and Livestrong,

The Hoegers

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:29 PM CDT

Another goal reached!

All Grandma Rosie asked for her birthday was for Jack to reach 40 lbs. Well, happy birthday Grandma! Jack weighed in at school a whopping 41 lbs! Granted that is with his shoes on but who's counting.

This Friday Jack will be getting his right eye operated on so by this time next week we will be calling him ol eagle eyes.

Everything else is going well around the home front.

Ella had just turned 4 on the 29th of October which we celebrated at the build-a-bear store.

Ben is really doing well in school. He is working hard on his sounding out of words and has a real liking to math which his Jen and I have not figured that one out yet since it was not a strong subject for either of us.

Jack's next MRI will be at the end of November and hopefully they will take his tube out of his belly at that time providing that he is still is eating good and continues taking his medicine orally.

Please continue to keep our good friend Jason Hill and his family in your prayers. Jason's tumor has come back but he his determined to beat it again and with all of our prayers he will succeed.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Thursday, October 11, 2007 7:34 AM CDT

Arrr! There is a pirate in the house.

Jack surgery went very well. The only part that seems to bother him is the eye drops that we need to put in his eye six times a day. We have taken him to a couple of follow up appointments already and everything looks good. He will have his right eye done on November 2nd.

This past weekend Jen and I made a trip to Chicago for the Chicago Marathon. Thats right this weekend, the hottest day in Chicago Marathon history. Jen has been training with good friend Chris Schissel for a long time for this event and the temp was not going to hold them two back. At mile marker 17 the officials informed the runners to stop and take the bus back that the event had been cancelled due to the heat. They kept running.

Then at mile marker 22 they again were informed again to quit the race that it had been cancelled and to walk to the finish line. They kept running. In 5 hours and 6 minutes the two of them crossed the finish line and had completed the 30th year of the Chicago Marathon.

Everything else is going great in the Hoeger house. Fall is upon us now and Ben is very excited. He lets us know that only two more holidays until Christmas!

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Sunday, September 16, 2007 4:58 PM CDT


That is the vision that Jack currently has in his left eye. Jack and I made a visit to his eye doctor a couple of weeks ago to find out that he has cateracts in both eyes with the left one worse than the right.

Last Thursday Jen and I had taken Jack to the UofI to meet with the surgeon to discuss options. It looks like they will remove the cateracts in the left eye on October 5th and put in a synthetic lens. Then three weeks later they will do the same in the right eye.

This is all due to the side effects of radiation and the steriods that he had. The eye doctor seems to be positive that it will increase his vision and will not have any pain from this procedure.

When we had passed this information to Dr. Wetmore she informed us that 15% of all radiation patients get cateracts from radiation. Then she said that with Jacks history it could have been 1% and he would be the one. So chances are that the next time that you see Jack he will be wearing some new specs.

The good news is that there have not been any seizures that we have noticed and he really enjoys school. Speaking of enjoying school Ben loves going to kindergarten and is making knew friends everyday. Ella started pre-school this year and goes two days a week. The only one with tears on her first day came from her mother.

We will keep you informed after Jacks procedure.

God Bless and Livestrong!
The Hoegers

Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:55 PM CDT

I have so much to tell you all!!

On Monday and Tuesday, Marty and I volunteered for the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF)to work at the Cancer Forum Presidential Debate. Because we have past experience with the LAF, we were given fun duties. Marty was the assistant to the head of parking. He had an all access badge and escorted Lance, Hilary and many others. He even had one of those walkie/talkie ear things like the secret service. I was able to be in the "Green Room." I was right there with all the candidates, Lance, Chris Matthews and my favorite Lance's mom, Linda.

Sunday night, Marty met Linda when he was having supper and drinks with the LAF and Ragbrai people. I was lucky enough to meet her on Monday. I introduced myself and explained how I really connected with her in Lance's book "It's not about the bike." She was very kind and even let me hug her. That day I also escorted her and her husband to a luncheon and we chatted about my whole purse stolen bomb threat incident. Anyway, the next day I took in a picture of Jack that I took to D.C. and handed to all the Senators and Congressman. It was a picture of Jack in a spiderman suit and it said "With great power, comes great responsibility." It also had several facts about cancer on it, Jack's name and "cancer survivor." On the bottom it said "LIVESTRONG-VOTE STRONG for more cancer funding." SO on Tuesday morning I saw Linda again and we chatted about her yummy supper at the Blend and I showed her Jack's picture. She really liked it and asked to keep it. She said she was going to show it to Lance. She also said that the person that did all the spiderman movies was in the audience today and she would show her also. She was so geniune and kind. SO at the end of the forum, she gets me and introduces me to the lady associated with the spiderman movies. I forgot her name, probably because I was in shock! She looked at the picture and asked for our address. She said, "I'm going to send him a package from Spiderman." I hugged that lady and probably freaked her out a bit:) I looked at Linda, who looked just as happy as I did and thanked her. She touched my arm and said "No thank-you, you keep up with what you are doing, you're doing great!" I walked away in utter shock. Yes, I do have witnesses! If Jack never gets a package (of course I didn't tell him), that's okay, because just the fact that Linda would go out of her way for myself and Jack was awesome!

Besides all the amazing backstage moments, the forum was very interesting and educational. You can see it online at MSNBC.com. I pray this is just the beginning to making cancer a national priority. Every week I hear of someone new with cancer. Recently it was a young mom who just had triplets and she has breast and brain cancer. Please pray for Jamie that she finds the strength to battle this disease for her family! Also, Jason is having some bad side affects to his new treatment. Please pray he can be healed soon and continue his treatment. Noah feeling better and perking up, he even had a pass out of the hospital for a couple hours the other day...those are priceless!

Before I end this entry, I want to say "Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad!" Now that's incredible! We love ya!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 7:05 PM CDT

Two Years Out!

Can you believe it has been two years already. Jack's scan came back "Looking Great"! Dr. Wetmore and Julia came into the room with hugs and smiles and we knew right away to we could relax.

We spent the rest of the appointment talking about how we are going to get Jack to put some meat on his bones so we can take his G-tube out of his stomach. He still only weighs 37 pounds. So our goal before the next appointment is to get his weight up.

During our appointment Dr. Wetmore and Julia shared with us about a boy in the hospital that has cancer and has some of the similar struggles that Jack had while he was there. They asked if we would make a visit to the family and share with them Jack's sucess story. As everyone know's we are not shy about sharing Jack's story with who ever will listen.

After the appointment, we made a visit to a 9-year-old boy named Noah Brown. Similar to Jack, Noah was misdiagnosed for 5 months. Less than a month ago Noah had a brain tumor removed. Noah still has tumor cells on his spine and in the spinal fluid. Jack was very determined to meet Noah and tell him that he would be okay. Noah has become very scared of those in the medical field. He is particularly scared about getting a G-tube. When we first arrived, Jack pulled up his shirt to show his tube and said, "It doesn't hurt." He said, "I hate shots too, I wish I could do them for you." My heart hurt so bad for this frail little boy and his overwhelmed mother. After about a half hour visit, we exchanged emails and addresses. I hope we said the right thing and I gave them some hope. When we left, Jack said "Can we say a prayer for Noah." We were so proud of Jack, he really understood the hugeness of the visit! Being in the hospital room, brought back so many scary feelings and I hope hearing Jack's story pulls them up out the the valley they are in right now.

Please send them some of those encouraging words you sent us. You can visit there website at: www.caringbridge.org/visit/noahbrown

Next Monday and Tuesday (Aug 27 and 28) there will be a presidential debate about cancer in Cedar Rapids at the US Cellular Center, free of charge. Lance Armstrong and Chris Matthews will be hosting the event. Marty and I will be volunteering during the two days. If you can make it from 10-noon either day, PLEASE come and wear yellow (Team JackStrong if you have it:) You can go to mylivestrong.com or google "presidential debate cedar rapids" to register for free tickets. If interested, they need more volunteers. It will be a once in a lifetime experience.

Thank-you for your endless prayers!!! Please also pray for Noah, Jason, Kim, Kathy and Shane's mom as they battle cancer.

Jen and Marty

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 8:29 AM CDT

It is both an exciting and nerve racking day today. Ben starts his first day of kindergarten and Jack has his MRI today. Marty and Jack went to Mayo Sunday night via a ride from Dana and Matt in a horrific rain storm. Jack had a sleep apnea test that night. I stayed home to get Ben off to school. After I drop Ben off this morning, I will drive to Mayo just in time for Jack to wake up from sedation. We will get the MRI results at 1:45. We are asking for prayers of healing, so Jack can continue on the road of good health AND his first day of school!

I will update this evening with the GOOD NEWS!

Please also keep Jason Hill in your prayers as he started his clinical trial at Madison Wisconsin.

God bless and LIVESTRONG,

Monday, July 30, 2007 2:10 PM CDT

Bitter Sweet!

That is how I would sum up my last day of Ragbrai. It was such a great week with total strangers all pulling together to ride across Iowa for a great cause. I was happy to dip my tire into the Mississippi River with thoughts of just throwing the entire bike in and walking away. (Not really)

Our Livestrong team consisted of 148 riders from around the U.S., one from France and another from Ireland. Everyone there had a story to tell. To hear so many stories really gave a great since of why we were there. We had one lady who is actually going through chemo right now and rode 30 miles everyday to proove that cancer will not keep her down.

Every morning we would leave town as a team wearing our team colors to leave the town with a lasting memory of the impact of the Livestrong Army. What a great and emotional site it was to see 150 riders leaving town two by two. We would ride like that to the first town for breakfast.

On day four we skipped the first two towns to support a 9 year old (Andre) who has cancer at his breakfast benefit. After breakfast our team leader asked Andre if he to get his bike and lead us around the block to on a team ride. As we turned one corner there was a line of people a block long waiting for a pancake breakfast cheering on Andre for his last stretch of the ride. A moment that I will never forget.

On Friday evening in Dyersville I was able to introduce my family to the team. While I introduced Jack to Pat a team member, Jack asked if he could be on the team. Pat response was "Jack you are the team" Jack's face just beamed with pride and said "because I beat Spencer". Like I said what an emotional week.

As you can also imagine it wouldnt be Ragbrai without a funny story.

The team was riding down the road one day after a breif stop at Mr. Porkchops and all of the sudden Lance Armstrong rode by "going alot faster" than us and yelled "hey team" and just behind him was a man wearing a french maid outfit riding right on his wheel.

More stories to follow just not on this web site.

God Bless and Livestrong
The Hoegers

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:49 AM CDT

Summer Blues!

The summer blues has set in for Jack this week. With the hot weather starting to cool Jack was so excited to play his baseball game yesterday until it was cancelled do to rain. He was so disapointed, then this morning it was storming and he couldnt beleive another day without baseball.

Like most people our summer had been very busy. Last Saturday we decided that it was our day as a family and do nothing but "hang out" as a family. The day ended with us renting a pontoon on Lake McBride and having a picnic on the lake for supper. Jack's favorite part was watching the waves and just relaxing.

This weekend and week will be busy as always. Jen and I will be travling to the first destination of Ragbrai. Jen will be working the Livestrong booth for a couple of hours and I will spending the week with 123 other people riding across Iowa raising cancer awareness on TEAM LIVESTRONG. Lance Armstrong is scheduled to ride with us all five days so it should be pretty exciting. I will update my week when I get back.

Please send positive thoughts to our friends Shane and Dawn while they help Shane's mom battle with breast cancer.

God Bless and Livestrong!
The Hoegers

Monday, June 18, 2007 9:51 AM CDT

WOW, what an amazing weekend!

We want to thank all of you that bought shirts, donated money and walked for the relay for life! We completed our first year and we were very happy with everything. We raised over $4300.00 dollars and money keeps coming in. We had at least 50 people walking from 7:00pm to 10:00am! You all truly touched our hearts!! Jack made the news AGAIN! When someeone mentioned to Jack that there were cameras watching him, he said "Oh, that's just the news." We are already discussing what we will do next year and how to raise more money! We felt extremely blessed to walk in memory and honor of Jack and our family and friends!

We prayed a lot over those 15 hours. We especially prayed for Jason, Elijah and Kim. Kim is a coworker of my sisters that just found out she has breast cancer. She has young children at home. Kim faithfully checks up on us through the website and my sister. We need to pray hard that her cancer is successfully removed and will never return!

Thank-you for supporting Jack as a survivor!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, June 14, 2007 11:53 AM CDT

I receive a phone call from Gina Hill and she explained that Jason's MRI showed a small enhancement. This was very shocking to them as well as me. Ii jolts you back into an emotional place that is not pleasant. I wish I could have been there to hug them. They are waiting to hear what to do next. I am asking for specific prayers for their surgeon to call, do surgery and successfully remove this new growth. The thought of chemo and radiation again is very scary for Jason and Gina. I'm asking for these prayers so they can continue moving forward with their lives. We know the power of prayers!!

The relay for life is this Friday and Saturday. The motto for the relay is "Cancer never sleeps." That motto means even more after Gina's phone call. If you want to walk this weekend, come see us at the Kirkwood Outdoor complex Friday night 7:00 pm to 10:00 am Saturday.

Thank-you and I will keep you posted about Jason.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:20 PM CDT

-Dr. Cynthia Wetmore

Once again, Jack sailed through his MRI with great results! He continues to amaze us and the Mayo Oncology staff. Last week,Marty emailed them the news clip about me going to D.C. and the Mayo oncology staff all wore yellow on Livestrong day! For now,our goals are to continue with Jack gaining weight, reduce seizure meds and LIVESTRONG!

Thank-you to those that wore yellow on LIVESTRONG day and also thank-you for those that purchased JACKSTRONG shirts! My work all wore Jackstrong shirts to support LIVESTRONG DAY! Jackson Elementary students all wore yellow and walked around the walking trail to raise awareness about cancer. They all treated Jack like a celebrity. You can see Jack being interviewed by the news if you go online at KCRG.com.

My trip to D.C. was amazing and just the beginning to making cancer a national priority! I was one of 12 delegates from Iowa! Immediately we all connected and were powerful on captial hill. Since last week, 2 of our congressmen and 1 of our senators have cosponsored the Cancer screening, treatment and survivorship act of 2007! I have met so many amazing people and can't wait to continue to fight to beat cancer!

The only negative thing about my trip, was that my purse was stolen when we were meeting with the media. By the grace of GOD, they let me on the plane home with no ID. Eventhough I was very upset about my camera, phone and wallet being stolen, I tried not to let it ruin my wonderful D.C. experience. Remarkably, Thursday night the D.C. police called and said that housekeeping in a building (one I was not in) on capital hill found my purse in a hallway unattended. At that point it was treated as a bomb threat! So my purse was checked by the bomb squad! There was definately ill intentions, but my prayers were answered with the purse being found with my ID, camera and phone! Only I could be in D.C. for 48 hours and unintentionally cause a bomb threat!

Please say a prayer for 1 year old Elijah, whose mother was a delegate from Iowa. I received an email yesterday and she said that Elijah's leukemia relapsed. They need our prayers for strength and complete healing!

With your prayers and your voice to make cancer a nationally priority, WE can make a difference!!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 1:57 PM CDT


The Relay for Life is almost a month away! The relay for life is at the Kirkwood outdoor sports complex on June 15th starting at 5:30pm-9:00pm for children's activities and the luminary ceremony at dusk. The walk will be from 7:00pm Friday night until the survivor lap at 10:00 am Sat. morning. Please come out and see us at Camp JACKSTRONG or if you would like to walk, email me at jhoeger22@aol.com.

We have been VERY BUSY raising money to fight cancer!! Jack's school, Jackson Elementary, raised a little over $700.00 during the month long bake sale!! WOW, those kids were hungry for puppy chow and scotcheroos! Thank-you to all the kindergarten parents for donating all the goodies! Jackson elementary is also doing a can drive this month to raise money!

Jack's Aunt Jenny organized a dance at the Boys and Girls club and raised $150.00 for Team JACKSTRONG! Many of the Hoeger family members worked the dance and enjoyed playing with the kids at the Boys and Girls Club! Thanks Jenny!

We are also selling "Team JACKSTRONG" shirts (see update photos to see the shirt)and black "Team JACKSTRONG" bracelets. The t-shirts are $10.00 and bracelets are $3.00, with all proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. Thank-you to so many that have purchased the t-shirts and bracelets. I am still putting in more orders! If interested in a t-shirt or bracelet, please email me:)

Please remember to wear yellow on May 16th, LIVESTRONG DAY! Ben's preschool, which Jack also attended, is wearing yellow that day, as well as Jackson Elementary and the hospital I work in! Jack's school is having a fire drill that day and doing a lap around the walking trail wearing their yellow shirts to raise cancer awareness...HOW POWERFUL! I feel so blessed and honored by all the amazing people that have helped with the fundraising for the Relay for Life. It feels good to finally give back!

This month is busy with the continued fundraising, my trip to D.C., and Jack's MRI on May 21st! Oh, we are also moving to a different house by May 26th! Believe it or not, it feels good to be so busy!

The best news of all, is that Jack is doing really well. We are taking him off of some seizure meds and he is more alert and is eating again! So far, no seizures! He told me this morning, "I love school!" I about cried, it isn't easy for him, but he still loves it. That is a major complement to Mrs. Reid, Nancy, Mrs. Rahe and all of Jackson Elementary!I can't say enough about them all!

Also great news, that many of you might not know, is that Marty will be riding with the Lance Armstrong RAGBRAI team in July! SO COOL!We are all very excited for that week. The Hoegers are offically in training! Life is good:)

Thanks again to EVERYONE for the constant support!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, April 13, 2007 8:36 AM CDT

Happy Friday the 13th!

I think that everyone has heard the phrase "No news means good news". That is pretty much the case with Jack. He is still seizure free and doing well. His energy level has gone down some along with his appetite. He has not been eating much so we decided to supplement him at night with his feeding bag.

Team Jack Strong is in full force!

Jen had our first fund raiser for our Relay for Life team this week. She made and served lunch for the staff at Virginia Gay Hospital this week. She raised $150.00 in a short couple of hours! We have more events planned and anyone who would like to join the team is more than welcome.

More details to follow on Team Jack Strong!

We would like to close this journal by giving a special THANK YOU to Amy who is Jack aid at school. Amy has been very special to us this year and we feel very lucky to have her in Jack's life. She has had the daunting task of working with Jack on a daily basis with his school work and keeping him focused on his studies. Amy will be starting her new job on Monday and we wish her the best of luck. She will be missed.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Monday, March 19, 2007 3:31 PM CDT

Jack has been seizure-free since February 20th!! The injections did the trick! As of last week, the injections were discontinued. Now we wait and see what happens. The downfall with discontinuing the injections is that Jack has very little appetite again. We will have to start an appetite stimulant again.

LIVESTRONG Day is May 16th and I was one of the 200 people chosen by the Lance Armstrong Foundation to be a delegate to advocate for more cancer research funding in Washington D.C.!! A couple of months ago, I signed up on the Livestrong website to be a delegate. I thought it was worth a chance. I am so excited and extremely honored to be chosen. I may not have millions of dollars to give to cancer research, but I have millions of words to persuade our senators to increase the funding. I'm anxious to DO something to fight cancer at a different level! I only wish Marty and Jack could be with me to help persuade those on Capital Hill.

Team JACKSTRONG is beginning its fundraising for the Relay for Life soon. Jack's Kindergarten teacher is getting his class and entire school involved. It is going to be AMAZING!

Have a great week!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:49 PM CST

"You are my champion, Jack."
-Dr.Cynthia Wetmore

Fabulous news AGAIN!! According to Dr. Wetmore, the scan looked the same or better! She was thrilled to see that Jack weighed 40.2 pounds! Everyone in the oncology department had huge smiles when they saw Jack. So, we are clear for another 3 months. Dr. Wetmore reminded us how important these scans have been and when we complete the next one, Jack will be 2 years out from his diagnosis date...which is HUGE! I have to admit, I was more nervous today than for the past couple scans. It has been a rough 3 months, but Jack continues to amaze even the brilliant Mayo staff. Dr. Wetmore said, "I only expect Jack to get better and better!" We agreed that we just need to get more seizure control and keep gaining weight. In the past two days, Jack started taking some of his medicine by mouth. He has been motivated by the idea of starting wrestling practise when his tube is out. I wish I was as good as he is at setting a goal and achieving it! Jack had a surprise for Dr. Wetmore at the end of the appointment. He stowed away his wrestling stuff and put it ALL on, head gear, singlet, AND wrestling shoes! We all enjoyed Jack's wrestling moves. Dr. Wetmore took Jack down the hall to show him off in his garb. She even promised to come watch him wrestle someday. I am so relieved to have this day over. We are exhausted and thrilled at the same time. Thank-you for the prayers and support! I love bringing you all great news!

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, February 16, 2007 12:28 AM CST

I don't know if you saw Oprah last week when she talked about "the secret," but I truly believe in the power of being positive. They talked about our thoughts being energy, which I believe. BUT what I also believe is Prayer being the most powerful of all energy. Through this website, we have the biggest prayer chain possible. We have the ability to ask for specific prayers from people all over. No words can explain how grateful I am for that. The ability to ask for prayers using Jack's website is what gets us through everything. We know we have done our best and we believe in our doctors,BUT knowing we had potentially hundreds of people praying for Jack, gives us the most hope of all! So please say extra prayers for Jack as he will have his MRI next Tuesday. There is NO better feeling than seeing Dr. Wetmore and hearing "NO TUMOR."

Again, our deepest thank-you to all of you for your prayers!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 10:09 AM CST

"Everything on earth has its own time and its own season."
-Ecclesiastes 3:1 CEV

Jack's neurologist was very pleased by how much better Jack looked on tuesday compared to our last appointment. Dr. Kotagal did admit that he feels that Jack is at about 60% of where he should be. He is determined to get Jack better seizure control. When I mentioned that the physician that diagnosed Jack with the "most difficult type of epilepsy to control" said that Jack would never be able to drive a car, Dr. Kotagal was very annoyed and said "we are not giving up on Jack, there is and will be more treatment options!" I just wanted to hug that sweet man, but he already knew how much I appreciated and needed that determined comment! So the next plan is to slowly taper the injections down and get an EEG at the end of February and go from there.

Last friday, Marty and I attended our first RELAY FOR LIFE meeting! We are excited to have a team this year and raise money for the American Cancer Society. When our family and friends hosted a benefit for us, it was very, very humbling. Marty and I vowed to ourselves that when we could, we would give back more than we recieved. This task will be enormous, because we were given so much financially and emotionally! BUT, we are so excited and determined!

Thank-you for your prayers, I KNOW God listens!

God Bless and Livstrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:36 PM CST

Well life is settling down again. Which is such a relief, since December and most of January was very stressful do to Jack's seizures and constant sickness with us all. At one point, I halfheartedly said to Marty, "If one more thing goes wrong, just admit me." Of course Marty had a quick witted comeback "Why, so you can get a good night sleep?!" He always finds a way to make me smile! Believe or not, the next day the dryer broke and I actually laughed about it!

As for Jackson, he never stops to amaze us. That kid gets two steps ahead and gets knocked back down, but keeps on going. I can't even count how many times he had to build himself up again to just make it an entire day being awake. After the all the seizures and his illnesses in the past 2 months, Jack almost had to start over in therapy. Jack would wake up in the morning, have a 4 minute seizure 10 minutes until therapy, but still go and work hard. Jack continues to make consistent progress in therapy, he even gets to take his new golf clubs to physical therapy tomorrow.

The injections are becoming easier to give, just because Jack is incredibly good about them. He has to get his finger pricked every monday and he said to the lab tech, "I am brave, my mom and dad poke me everynight." It didn't sound good, but it was true. Because of the injections, Jack is now up to 41 pounds. He offically is the heaviest child in the house...by 1 pound. I can't tell you the stress that is relieved by him just being hungry. Not to mention that I feel comforted to know that if he became ill, he would have pounds to spare. I love to hear him say "I'm hungry!" Jack continues to have seizures almost everyday, but they have become a little shorter in duration.

We go to the neurologist on Monday and discuss Jack's seizures. Please pray that there are more options for seizure control. In just 21 more days, Jack will have his MRI and oncology appointment. We just need 4 more good MRIs to make it 2 years in remission. I appreciate ALL the prayers!

I hope February is stressfree and warmer for us all!!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 10:49 AM CST

Lets do it!

Those are the words from Jack every evening when it is time for his shot. The shot has become a family event. Jack lays on the bed with Ben and Ella cheering him on while I hold his leg and Jen administers the shot. He usually hugs on to one of his favorite animals gives a deep breath and say lets do it.

He is having some good days at school some of them without taking any naps. He has gained some weight on this drug. He is up to 39 pounds with some puffy cheeks. So nice to see finally.

Ben and Ella are so excited to see snow finally and Jack wants no part of it. He asked the other night if it was wrong to pray for no snow. I told him he wasnt the only one.

We are living one day at a time with the seizures. He has them for the most part in the morning then going to on with his day. Some are longer then others but we have accepted that they will come and have deal it when they come.

Hope all is doing well with everyone.

God Bless and Livestrong.

The Hoegers

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 12:49 AM CST

Happy 2007!

Well, 2006 was ALOT better than 2005, So we are praying for an even better 2007. We already need a lot of prayers.

At Mayo last week, Jack had his anticipated seizure within 6 hours of being admitted. We were home by Thursday night. The treatment plan to control Jack's seizures will consist of daily injections for 6 weeks of a hormone that will hopefully stimulate his own steriods and provide some seizure mangagement. According to the doctors, this treatment works very well in infants, but is not very researched in older children. So yesterday, we had the home health nurse come in and educate us on the shots, blood pressure monitoring and glucose testing. It is was a lot to take in, especially since I had the flu bug. Jack was very tough. It was difficult hearing him say "I hate you," but later I explained that I HATE giving the shot and I only do it because the doctor said I had to. He politely and nonchalantly said "That's okay, Mom."

Because we were lucky to get home last week, we made it to the wedding and Jack was able to do the chicken dance. He was sleeping on Marty's lap, but jumped up and danced. By the end of the dance, he was ready to go to bed. Congrats to Dana and Matt, it was a beautiful wedding.

Please pray that this treatment works and we can get life back in order again.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:29 AM CST

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To quickly update ya all, after being admitted to St. Mary's hospital last Tuesday, Jack came down with a virus where he slept the majority of the day. Because he slept so much, he did not have "the seizure" we were wanting to monitor. On Thursday, the doctors approached us and gave us the choice of waiting around for a seizure or go home and return the following week. Without a discussion, we were out that day!

Besides the fact that Jack was sick and we had to return and do the whole thing over again, we missed Ben's preschool Christmas program! I was very upset about missing his program, because he has been so excited for it. Again, I felt like he got let down. It was bad enough that we could not control Jack's physical and cognitive issues, but I feel that we could impact Ben's emotional being. But, like the flexible child Ben is, he did not complain about us being absent at his program, eventhough he was definately disappointed. Thank God for Grandma Rosie, AGAIN, for being there for support. ALSO Thank God for Shelley for video taping the event and having a dvd copied for us by that evening to watch. So we spent Thursday night, having a "movie theatre" in the basement to watch Ben's debut. I wish I could play it over the internet for you all, because he was so entertaining that we all had tears of laughter! It was definately the comic relief we all needed! He kept a big secret from us for many weeks......he was Santa in the program! I foresee an E! true hollywood story episode for our Ben in the future when he is a famous actor. I tell Ben frequently that "God gave you to me because God knew I would need you." We need our little 4-year-old Ben for so much, entertainer, seizure patroler, fast retriever of items, dog caretaker...etc. We could not have survived this without Ben being such an independent, easy going little man. As for Ella, good thing she is the youngest and can just follow Ben!

Lucky for us, we were home to celebrate Christmas with all of our family! Santa made all the wise toy choices with Ella's favorite being a Barbie bike, Ben's being the Star Wars Lego video game, and Jack's being his golf clubs. For the past 3 years we were in the hospital the week before Christmas, with the uncertainty if we would make it home. Eventhough earlier in the week, I cursed the fact that we had to return to Mayo, I missed Ben's program, and we were all sick, I thanked God it all occurred when it did so that we were home and mostly healthy on Christmas! Sometimes I don't understand that I was better off until later.

At 4:30a.m. this morning, Jack and I drove up to Rochester. We are waiting for him to get the electrodes placed for the EEG monitoring. I am hoping to be out of here by Friday morning. He had a seizure on Christmas and last night. I am praying for us to be "in and out." We especially need to get home, because Marty's cousin, Dana, is getting married on Friday! We have waited along time for this event and do NOT want to miss it. Plus Marty is an usher and Jack loves to do the chicken dance!

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas with your family and sincerely wish you all a happy, healthy new year!!!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:44 AM CST

It has been 9 months since we have been here. Here meaning St. Mary's hospital, Rochester, Minnesota. Jack was admitted to the monitoring unit Tuesday afternoon and we are praying for him to have a seizure....how ironic. The information they have from the EEG shows that Jack has "the most difficult kind of epilepsy to control." Basically, when awake and when sleeping he is having seizures sometimes seconds apart. Jack spiked a fever last night and has been lethargic. He hasn't had "the seizure" that we have been seeing yet, maybe because he is sleeping alot. The epilepsy specialist consulted with us about several kinds of ways to treat Jack, but none being "the one." So we will sit and wait until we get the information we need. Basically, it won't be easy, but then again what has been! Jack has beat the odds before, so keep praying that he could beat the odds again!

I want to thank my in-laws, Dan and Rosie, who are at home right now with 2 puking kids named Ben and Ella. God Bless you all!

Please pray for guidance for our doctors, for seizure control, and for Ben and Ella to spring back soon! Thank-you

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:58 PM CST

The day of our appointment with Dr. Wetmore and we got the AMAZING good news, Jack suffered two seizures in the office. I wasn't going to let the seizures ruin our incredible good news! BUT, the seizures have continued daily. We have added a new seizure drug and increased existing drugs. Jack is doing the best he can to deal with the side affects of the drugs and the aftermath of the daily seizures. As of Tuesday, our neurologist would like to admit Jack to the St. Mary's hospital and video monitor him as well as with an EEG. Currently, the rooms are filled, so we will wait and see. We try to make sense of it all, but it is a waste of time. It will take trial and error with the meds to get it figured out. Eventhough we received incredible MRI results, it is ALWAYS in the back of my brain that cancer can return this minute.

Please continue your prayers for Jack, expecially to get these seizures controlled by Christmas.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:50 PM CST

"It's a miracle!"
-Dr. Cynthia Wetmore, Pediatric NeuroOncologist

Jack is officially cancer-free for a year!! Dr. Wetmore gave us a big hug and couldn't believe how good Jack looked. She said the scan remains clean of cancer cells and expects Jack's brain to continue to heal in the next year. She said "It's a miracle!" With each scan she is more honest about her feelings and concerns during Jack's treatment. She was so optimistic during Jack's treatment, but deep down was very scared for him. We all prayed for a miracle, but until your doctor tells you it was a miracle, you can't believe it!

She was very pleased with everything that Jack has been doing to get be strong again. She wants Jack to gain more weight, so we will try an appetite stimulant again. Other than that, we will see her again in 3 months and keep livingstrong!

During our visit, Dr. Wetmore complimented Marty and I on how well we managed during Jack's treatment. She said we should write a book, because it could help so many other families that have kids diagnosed with brain cancer. She took me by surprise and I asked "Have you been reading our website?" So signs are everywhere, we just need to be open for them.

We prayed for a Christmas miracle last year and have been blessed again with yet another miracle! It just shows you how prayers, faith and hope can cause miracles!

THANK-YOU for your prayers, we would not be so strong without you!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:49 PM CST

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We feel truly blessed to be able to spend the holiday with both our sides of the family this Thanksgiving. We will never forget last year when we were in the hospital with Jack and Dana(Marty's cousin) and her fiancee Matt, brought us a Thanksgiving meal! That will always be a special memory for us. A year later, I'm in my kitchen cooking turkey....what a difference a year has made!!

Speaking of a year, we are sitting in Rochester at this moment because Jack will have his MRI tomorrow, which will be a year from his last high dose chemo and stem cell transplant! We will meet with the oncologist on Tuesday for the results. I's hard not to be nervous, but Jack is doing awesome and that makes it much easier to handle. Please say an extra prayer for Jack as we never feel immune to "spencer."

Please keep Jason in your prayers as he was in the hospital last week due to seizures. He has been doing so well, but he needs to get his seizure medicines more controlled. We know how frustrating and exhausting that can be!

I want to thank you all for your prayers for Monica. I received an amazing voicemail message on Nov. 17th from Monica saying, "I put cancer in the done pile." Monica's scan looked great and she will continue to fight cancer the next weeks with radiation. She has fought with such grace and style!

We promise to update as soon as we get the results on Tuesday! Thank-you for continuing on our journey and being a part of Jack's healing!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, November 12, 2006 4:55 PM CST

"By sharing success stories, you help destroy the monster, slay the dragon, and send the bully called cancer running for all of us. It is not enough just to defeat cancer. No, we must tell others and share our victories so that others in turn will not be so afraid to fight."
-"Theres's No Place Like Hope."

Since our "scary" Halloween seizure, Jack has been seizure-free! We changed his medicine again and now must be at a good dose. Besides being seizure-free, Jack has been processing and retaining information better. We feel so blessed to have Jack's associate, Amy, and his teacher, Mrs. Reid, working with Jack everyday. Believe me, it kills me to see Jack struggle to write the number 4, but when he finally gets it, it is an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.

Two weeks from today, we will be traveling to Mayo for Jack's scan. We can't believe that it will be a year since Jack's last high dose chemo and stem cell transplant! The nervousness seems to never go away, but we have learned a huge life lesson....ITS ALL ABOUT FAITH AND HOPE!

I need your help this week! I need you to pray for, Monica, my best friend's mom. She completed her chemo this month and will have her scan this week. Our prayers and positive energy can heal!

The quote I chose to write seemed fitting for what has been nagging at me for the past year. I have an overwhelming feeling to do "something." I just don't know what the something is. I want to share our story and give people hope. I thought about taking Jack's journal and filling in between entries about the awesome people that gave us hope and changed our lives. I have so much to tell, but aren't sure if that is what I should do. I pray for the answer or the path I should follow. I could use any and all advice.

Check for new pictures soon. My friend Stacey took a great picture of the kids for us and we will get it on soon!

Thanks for your prayers and support!!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:54 AM CST

Trick or Treat!

The ghost and goblings were out in full force last night. While we had a great night of trick or treating around the neighborhood, to friends and family we went to show off the ninja, black night and fairy.

The evening ended rather quickly with Jack going into a seizure at our friends home. This one was different from all of the others because he came through gasping for a deep breath.

We will be in contact with the doctors today to see what to do next. We have reduced one of his meds this last week so we are hoping that it is due to that. They really never make sense to us other than serve as a reminder of Jacks illness.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:30 PM CDT

Sorry its been a while.

Jack is doing very well these days! He has not had any seizures as of lately. We had taken his seizure meds down quite a bit which has helped with his energy. A couple of days after taking him down on his meds he had asked to go to school all day long. What a pleasent surprise for us. At first he was taking long naps in the afternoon, and now he is staying awake most days all entire day.

He has been on a kick of loving peanut butter sandwiches lately. Somedays we would make him 8 to 10 per day. I dont know what we would do if they ever outlawed peanut butter and chex mix.

For Holloween Jack will be a Ninja, Ben will be a Black Night (although he has informed us that he might want to be spiderman instead) and Ella is going to be a princess. It should be an interesting evening.

We continue to pray for that Jack is getting better everyday and thank the lord for how far he has come.

God Bless,

The Hoegers

Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:32 PM CDT

"Jack had a great day!"

That was a quote that was written in Jack's notebook from school. We have been waiting for a "great day" for awhile. I felt like I won the lottery on Wednesday when Jack woke up, ate breakfast and asked to go to school. I was more than happy to have Jack be at school ALL day. Eventhough he needed a couple naps, he made it. When Jack walked in to school that morning, 3 classmates gave Jack hugs and his teachers were very excited to see him. Since the dramatic decrease in seizure meds, Jack has been able to be awake more and is processing information a lot better. I feel like we are finally on the right track!

Just when Jack was feeling better last week, Ella got sick. Ben came home from Daycare on Thursday sick. Believe it or not, Ollie was puking yesterday and last night!! I have to laugh!

I hope the rest of you are staying healthy and sanitizing your hands endlessly!!

Have a great, healthy week!
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:46 PM CDT

Another Hawkeye Victory!

I thought back to last years Iowa vs Iowa State game that I had watched and it was in the ICU unit at St. Mary's hospital in Rochester.

This year Jen watched it at St. Lukes hospital in Cedar Rapids. On Monday of last week Jack woke up with a sore throat so we kept him home from school and took him to the doctors office for a check-up instead. They had said that there was a virus going around and that we needed to watch him for fevers. He never did come down with the fever but by thursday had not eaten very much and looked weak.

At the doctors they took his labs and admitted him into the hospital for dehydration. He was there until Saturday afternoon. He seems to be doing better now and made his first day back to school in a week.

Next year I am determined to host a Iowa/Iowa State party at our house. You all are invited.

GodBless and LiveStrong.

Marty and Jen

Saturday, September 2, 2006 9:48 AM CDT


The holiday weekend is here and it means cleaning, socializing, and FOOTBALL! We are glad this week is over. We were stressed this week trying to figure out how we would work, who would be with Jack at home and school, go to school meetings, go to Mayo, take Jack to therapy and get some SLEEP! By the end of the week, we had a substitute associate set up for Jack. She was the school nurse at one time and is a wonderful woman. Just having the associate figured out makes next week so much more less stressful.

Jack continues to have his medicine decreased. He is a little less drowsy, but continues to seem "snowed" at times. It has been difficult seeing Jack take so long to process information and not know what is medicine side affects and what is his own deficits. BUT, having the associate for Jack will make it a lot easier to send him to school and know he won't be lost. We are so lucky to have Jack's teacher, Mrs. Reid, and the entire staff at Jackson Elementary. They have made this difficult situation easier for us.

I hope you all find time to enjoy the long weekend and watch football!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:18 PM CDT


There was no signs of tumor cells! We are cleared for another 3 months! HOWEVER, the MRI did show brain atrophy and larger ventricles. This is probably due to the extensive radiation and chemo he received. Just like any muscle that is weakened, it gets smaller. Unfortunately it is Jack's brain. They will monitor the atrophy with each MRI. Only time will tell how much atrophy will occur. Marty and I were aware of Jack having cognitive delays due to the treatment, but hearing "brain atrophy" was very difficult.We will continue to revel in his continued remission and worry about what may or may not come later! For now we provide Jack all the assistance he needs to be just like his peers.

Say a prayer we get this sleep thing and medicine thing all figured out....we all are very tired!


God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:20 PM CDT


Yesterday was Jack's first day of kindergarten at Jackson Elementary! Marty accompanied Jack and stayed to observe. Like all kindergartener parents, we were happy and nervous for the day. But, for Jack, it was a goal that was achieved!

In the past couple weeks, Jack has been up in the middle of the night, from 1-3 hours. He is extremely tired in the day. So as we predicted, he was considerably tired on his first day of school...which was only a 1/2 day. Towards the end of the day he had his head on the table and having difficulty completing his art project. It made me sad to think that the first day of school was not so easy for him. However, I was thankful that he was walking into school, eating lunch and able to be "just like the other kids."

Hopefully we will get answers to Jack's sleeping problems and the recent seizures. Currently, we are waiting for Jack to go to recovery!

Well apparently, he is done with his MRI and ready for me to hug him. I will update you tomorrow with what the results are!

Please say lots of prayers!!!

God Bless and Livestrong,

Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:44 PM CDT

Another Seizure.

Last Thursday night, Jack had another seizure. It was a little different and lasted about 3 minutes. Of course, we are upset again and can't think of a "good reason" for the seizure. SO the MRI was moved up once again to rule out tumor involvement. Unfortunately, the quickest they could get us in was Aug. 23rd. They increased his medicine again and now we wait.

We met with Jack's teacher, the team facilitator, nurse and health secretary last friday to talk about what is involved with Jack. Thankfully they didn't seem scared or overwhelmed. Actually we felt a huge warm welcome. BUT it did stink to have to have the element of seizures added to the list of concerns for Jack. I'm scared that he will have one by the stairs or on the monkey bars. In a room of 23 kids, will he be noticed in time? I have confidence in Jack's teacher, it's just scary to let go and trust someone besides our family. Jack will go to school for a 1/2 day, then we will be up at Mayo for his MRI and appointments.

Say a prayer that whatever is the cause of these seizures, it is manageable!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Monday, July 31, 2006 7:33 AM CDT

One survivor meets another!

Last Friday Jen and I escorted Jack down to his first Senate hearing. The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the topic of cancer awareness and the 40 million dollar budget cuts made to the cancer reserch fund.

Speaking at the hearing was Senator Tom Harkin, Senator John Kerry, a U of I doctor, a cancer suvivor, a cancer volunteer for 30 years and Lance Armstrong. After the hearing we took Jack up to the stage to see if he could meet Lance, as soon as we reached the stage we had seen that the entire panel had already left the room. So we decided to have some fun on the stage. While letting Jack do his thing on stage a lady had informed us that Lance would be more than happy to see a couple of kids that were still waiting around. We were off, a small parade of children with some parents headed off down the hall to see Lance.

He was very accommadating to the kids. He spoke with them, signed autographs, and took several pictures. It was great to finally meet this icon that had given so much of his life to the cause of curing cancer.

Jack is doing great, this weekend was pretty laid back home enjoying the confines of our air conditioning. Sunday Jen took the boys to the store to purchase school supplies. What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time we were watching Jack fight for his life on a day to day basis. Now he is getting ready for school.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God Bless and Livestrong!

Marty and Jen

New pictures of our adventure!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:59 AM CDT

"Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not understanding that thou mayest believe, but belive that thou mayest understand." -Augustine

Well, we are reminded that we will not understand everything about cancer or seizures. The good news is that Jack's oncologist recommended we cancel the MRI and EEG since Jack did not have anymore seizures or headaches. She feels that IF tumor cells were there, he would have had many more seizures. She wants Jack to be a "normal kid" and we will just monitor him closely.

So instead of waiting nervously today, I will be taking the kids to the library and the park!

As you know, Thursday is Lance Armstrong day in Iowa, which coincedentally is our 10th wedding anniversary. We will proudly share the day with Lance! Now that we will not be in Rochester this year for our anniversary, we may just be able to go out to eat....alone:)

Keep the prayers coming!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, July 24, 2006 8:18 AM CDT

Jackson update,

Last week Jack had woken up several nights with headachs and had also suffered some throughout the day. We were becoming concerned of what this could mean. We were in contact with the doctors and they suggested to make sure that we keep him hydrated and cool. So Adventure land here we come...So we thought.

Wednesday evening while at Ben's last tee-ball game Jack went into a seizure that had lasted a little over three minutes. We sped off to the hospital to get his levels checked and to make sure that it was the only one that he was going to have and if not we wanted to be in the right place. It was the only one that he had suffered but that meant no Adventureland for Jack. Thursday morning Jen had taken Ben and Ella to Adventureland with the Green family and it was my job to help Jack understand why he was not able to go.

Thursday was labeled Jack and Dad's Great Day! He was excited to know that we were going to the new Superman movie and to the Playstation with the Weber family.

After the seizure we were in contact with the doctors and they also seemed alittle concerned and moved his MRI up from September to this week. We will be going to Rochester on Tuesday evening for his MRI on Wednesday and he will also have a EEG on Thursday. We will keep you all informed.

We would like to say congrats to Jason Hill for completing his final Chemo treatment and becoming an inspiration to us all.

As most of you know that Lance Armstrong will be in Iowa this week participating in RAGBRAI and also will be speaking at many venues, Govenor Vilsak had dedicated Thursday July 27th as Livestrong day in Iowa. I invite everyone to participate with Jen and I in wearing yellow that day to promote cancer awareness.

God Bless and Livestrong!

Marty and Jen

God bless and Livestrong

Marty and Jen

Thursday, July 13, 2006 1:10 PM CDT


It has been a long time since I updated because we are enjoying our summer this year! We are making up for lost time. We have been going to Ben's T-ball games. He is quite the pro. We have been camping and boating. Believe it or not, I asked Marty if we could slow down a bit, but more fun things keep popping up and we can't refuse!

The most fun we have had was spreading Jack's great news! He always asks me "what's my big word?" and I remind him "remission!" Jack has teared up quite a few nurses, doctors, family and friends lately.

As many of you know, Lance Armstrong will be riding one day of RAGBRAI this year. Marty already had plans to ride the last part of the week. We are hoping to listen to him speak and maybe attend the cancer research meeting he is attending. As we watch the Tour De France, I have vivid memories of last year this time, sitting in St. Mary's hospital with Jack as he was getting his stem cell harvest. Lance's ride last year and his story gave us hope many days. As you know, Jack is LIVINGSTRONG!

I want to thank you all for listening to Jack's story, giving the encouraging words and being there to cheer when Jack beat spencer. I want to also thank the anonymous giver/givers that mailed a generous package to Marty! Adventureland here we come!

Check out the pictures from Jack's Make-A-Wish!!

Enjoy a safe summer, God Bless and LIVESTRONG!
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 5:09 PM CDT

Happy Birthday Jack!

Jack had turned 7 on Tuesday June 27th. Last years his birthday was celebrated with 800 plus people at his benefit. This year we went with the low key aproach, Jack invited 20 friends to a indoor playground for some cake and juice.

As a parent you hope to teach your child so many things in life, it is not often that you think back to his last birthday and think about how much he has taught you about life. Jack contiues to amaze us with his courage, wit, and the desire of wanting to just be a normal kid again and everyday we see alittle more of that becoming a reality.

New Photos!

We hope all is well with your families and pray for a safe summer.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:18 PM CDT


We all prayed for the day we could finally hear that one amazing word and today was the day!!!!!!

I have to admit, I was nervous today waiting ALL day for our awesome news. But when Dr. Wetmore walked in the door and gave us big hugs, I knew we had great news! She said "It looks good, how is Ollie?" We talked about 20 minutes about the dog and Jack's Make-A-Wish trip. I was so relaxed by "it's good," but I wanted to know "how good." She said that the MRI was clean of any signs of tumor cells and confirmed that Jack was now in full REMISSION! Dr. Wetmore reviewed Jack's medical history with us and explained that there was NO treatment protocal for Jack's cancer. When I asked if NOW there would be a report, just in case another child has a diagnosis like Jack..... she smiled and nodded gratefully. Maybe this was God's plan for Jack?

We were extremely thankful to say good-bye to Rochester today and actually for the first time in over a year, the town didn't feel like home. What a good feeling! We will live a normal life for the next 3 months and try not to take anything for granted.

May God bless you all twicefold for all the prayers and support you have given Jack and our family during this journey. Jack has finally reached the top of the mountain and we feel it was because you all pulled him up over each obstacle he had to overcome. Thank-you!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:14 PM CDT


Our weekend was spent camping at Pleasant Creek campground in Palo with family and friends. We were busy being campers and attending the Relay for Life festivities at Coe College. We attended the opening ceremony Friday night and watched them light all the lumineres. On Saturday, we proudly returned to have Jack walk his survivor lap with 200 other survivors. Our good friend, Connor Ties, a 9 year old boy who had a brain tumor, accompanied Jack on their walk. Before the walk, we were lucky to meet several other survivors, in particular Linda and her 2 survivor friends. Linda has been praying for Jack for the past year and it was great meeting her. During the lap, Jack was very tired and was only able to walk the 1st 100 yards, so Linda and her friends took turns carrying Jack to the end of the lap. I cried proudly, especially seeing Connor and these beautiful ladies carrying Jack. A year ago that day, Jack couldn't walk and now he was able to be apart of this wonderful event. I want to thank Connor Ties and his family as well as Linda and the 2 other ladies (sorry I can't recall your names)! What an amazing experience! We WILL be back next year, but with a "Prayers for Jack Team."

Now that the weekend is over, we are back up in Rochester for x-rays and labwork tomorrow and Jack's MRI on Tuesday. It wasn't exactly how I wanted to celebrate father's day for Marty, but we are here and ready to get our good news again! Please say extra prayers for Jack so we can say good bye to Spencer again and to Rochester.

Congratulations to Jason Hill for his awesome MRI results and graduation to 6 month MRIs!! We are so happy for Jason and Gina!

Please continue to say prayers for Monica as she is recovering from her surgery and will need her strength to start her treatment. She is a very strong woman with a very supportive family, but you can't have too many prayers.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:02 AM CDT

Two years ago yesterday, my mother was in the ICU for severe emphesyma. She was not given a very good prognosis, but 2 years later she is doing great!

One year ago today, Jack was recovering from being temporarily paralyzed. He was struggling to keep his life also, but today he is chasing his brother and sister around the house!

We have been blessed with a great past 3 months, but over the weekend Jack suffered 2 "small" seiures. Although this was tremendously disappointing, the doctor assured us that it was probably due to him coming off some of the seizure medicine. Our security was diminished. BUT, we think he has been seizure-free now for the past 2 days.

Marty and I, as well as 15 other people, were set up to go to the Jimmy Buffet concert in Wisconsin this weekend. The whole seizure thing made us very reluctant to leave Jack for the first time in over a year and a half. BUT our neurologist said "You need to go!" His persuasive words, as well as our babysitters, neighbors and Marty's mother was enough to feel up to going. Needless to say, we had FUN!

The relay for life in Cedar Rapids is this weekend and I have looked forward for a year now for Jack to run his SURVIVOR lap! I will be the mother crying uncontrollably that day.

I need help again from all of you, because I need prayers for my best friend's mother, Monica. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in the past week and will have a masectomey today. Please pray for Monica and her family to have the strength mentally, physically and spirtually to fight this most difficult battle and WIN!

Please keep Jason Hill in your prayers, he has his MRI tomorrow!

Thank-you for continuing to battle cancer with us and for others!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:57 AM CDT


Congratulations to Jen for finishing her first half marathon yesterday in 2 hours and 3 minutes. Jen and three other friends had trained for the last three to four months to run the Des Moines Dam to Dam 13 mile race. She ran with 3700 other devoted (crazy) runners.

When we first started meeting with our Doctors at Mayo they had warned us often not to burn ourselves out that seeing Jack through this illness will be much like running a marathon, just when you think you cannot go any longer you must push through that wall to the finish line. Although we still have some things to accomplish with Jack we feel that we can somewhat see the tape at the end of the race. He is eating more and using the feeding tube less. His is now seizure free for 4 months!!! He is determined that he is just like any other 6 year old and will try to hang with all the other kids.

Everyday we are reminded that anything is possible and the determination of a 6 year boy can make you want to take on the world. Why not he has taken on "Spencer" and won. Last night Jen had said she was going to take a little breack from running then after church this morning she was talking to a friend about running the Grandma's Marathon in Minnesota this fall... I wonder where Jack gets it from.

We hope everyone is having a great and safe summer.

Congratulations again to Jen, Christy, Chris and Stacey.

God Bless and Livestrong!

The Hoegers

Friday, May 19, 2006 10:47 PM CDT

"This is totally cool!"
-Jackson Hoeger

This is just one of the great quotes out of Jack's mouth in the past week. Jack's wish was incredible and exceeded all of our expectations! We want to give a huge thank-you to the Make-A-Wish organization and especially to Rachel, Michelle and Lisa! We have been blessed with amazing memories and video footage!

Constantly throughout the days on our vacation I was thanking God and all our angels for helping Jack through the past year, controlling his seizures and having him be healthy for the trip of his life....so far.

Everthing was perfect and went smoothly!

Make A Wish flew us to Orlando a couple days early so we could enjoy some sights on our own before the cruise. SO we spent a day at Disney World (thanks to Dan and Rosie Hoeger for the tickets)and a day at Sea World (thanks to Laurie Weber and Noah for the tickets).

Disney World was magical and overwhelming. Thanks to Make-A-Wish, we were able to go to the front of the lines for all the rides and events. That was a huge plus and allowed us to get in more than usual in one day. The boys loved the rides, especially the tea cups and the buzz lightyear ride. They were able to get pictures with many of the characters and get their autographs. It was a fun day, but Jack was pretty beat by the early evening.

Sea World was probably all of our favorites. As you know, Jack has always been fond of dolphins, so he was very amazed by the shows. When viewing the dolphins underground, a small dolphin swam beside Jack and turned over and appeared to wave to him! We got it on tape, it was neat! Ben loved it all also, except for when Shamu soaked him from head to toe...I'm still laughing about that one (again another great moment caught on tape).

On May 14th, we boarded the Disney Wonder cruise ship and started Jack's wish. WOW, the ship was incredible. We were in total awe at the size of the ship, the spectacular food, the amazing entertainment and the special extras that Make-A-Wish provided for Jack.

On May 15th, we arrived in Nassau and Jack had his dolphin encounter. We were able to sit in the water with a dolphin and pet it, dance with it, kiss it, hug it and feed it. What an experience! To top it off, the instructor gave the dolphin a sign and the dolphin went and found a "special" rock from the ocean floor especially for Jack. Definately a treasure!

On May 16th, we arrived at Castaway Cay, Disney's private island. Luckily it was an overcast day, so Jack was able to manage being outside for a longer period. He spent the entire time on the beach digging for shells and other treasures. Ben enjoyed the ocean water, but not the salty taste!

On May 17th, we were at sea and spent time at the pool, playing Bingo, and playing ALOT of foosball. We ended the evening with an awesome show!

During the cruise, more magic happened! Jack ate and ate and ate! The last two days, we didn't even hook him up to the feeding tube, because he ate so much! Our servers became very close to us and they bent over backwards to please Jack. One night they asked what Jack wanted for dessert and Jack replied "shrimp" and they found him shrimp!

We were fortunate to meet a few other Make-A-Wish families. One family, the Kimmeys, became our friends. They have the cutest 4 year old little girl named Coral. Coral has been in remission since February. It felt great to connect with others that felt the same joy we did!

I wish you all could have experienced Jack laughing, smiling, dancing and eating! I feel so blessed to have had that special time with him, Marty and Ben. I couldn't stop thinking about how far he has come and how at times I never thought that Jack's wish could come true!

On the last night of our cruise, Ben looked down from his bunk bed and said to Jack "Good wish Jack!" Even our 4 year old knew the importance of the wish!

Thanks again to Make-A-Wish and all those that made Jack's wish come true! WE FELT THE MAGIC!

**Pictures to come

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, May 1, 2006 9:35 AM CDT

Life is good at the Hoeger house and I hope it is at yours!

Our life has been busy and we can only blame ourselves. BUT it feels incredible to be able to plan things! As most of you have read in the past, it was difficult for us to not have security to look ahead. SO now that Jason's benefit is over, (which was a total success and very, very fun)I am focusing on getting ready for Jack's Make-a-wish! We are leaving on May 11th and I need to get organized! Miss Ella is staying home and will be spoiled by all those that will take care of her. As for the puppy, we are still trying to figure that one out. It will all fall into place......probably a couple hours before boarding the plane!

As for Mr. Jack, he is doing awesome!!He is eating more and is motivated to get rid of his "tummy tube." Jack got TaiBo out on Friday and was working out. Jack's physical and occupational therapists are impressed with how much he improves from session to session. As of lately, Jack has been talking about who he is going to marry. He has narrowed his wife selection down to Calli Recker ( a 7 year old friend) and Molly O'Brien (our 18 year old friend). The more he talks about the future, the happier I am....even if it is his wedding.

Jack is so excited about the Disney cruise and swimming with the dolphins. Ben, however, continues to think we are swimming with the sharks and keeps asking me " do sharks like people?" Jack and Ben are also looking forward to sleeping on the big boat. I can't believe we have made it this far and can focus on fun!

This thursday we will be traveling to Mayo for a neurology appointment. We continue to adjust Jack's seizure medicines so he can get off some of the other ones. We will also discuss possibly putting him on reflux medicine since he had onset of pneumonia last week, AGAIN. The problem with the reflux medicine is that changes how his stomach absorbs the seizure medicine. He would be at a high risk for break through seizures again. We will see what the doctor thinks.

I have extremely great news and wanted to end the update with news that little Carly is in REMISSION!!! She had surgery the week before Easter and they thought they found more tumor cells. They were talking about doing a stem cell transplant and high dose chemo (like Jack). These results dramatically decreased her odds of beating cancer. BUT several days later, a miracle happened and the diagnosis was changed to REMISSION. It is a great story and if you want to visit her website, type in "carlyortmann" (her website was created after June 2005). Thanks for the extra prayers for her, your prayers continue to heal others!

***New pictures...finally

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 8:52 AM CDT

A dog named Olie!

Yes its true, Jack had received his dog finally.
Olie Oliver Hawkeye Hoeger is a special little Goldendoodle. We call him Olie for short. Jen and I traveled an hour south of Iowa City to pick Olie up from the farm. What we thought was going to be from a actual breeder turned out to be more of a puppy rescue. When we returned home with Olie we noticed he wasnt the normal hyper puppy. We took him into the vet to find out that he had a rare disease called Parvo. Olie spent all of last week at the vet hooked up to IV's with a 50/50 chance of making it.

We were able to bring him home on Friday and seems to be doing good. How fitting for our situation.

Last weekend was spent in Cascade at a wonderful event for our good friend Jason Hill. It was good to see many friends that we have not seen in a while and to see the community support such a good cause.


God Bless and LiveStrong!
The Hoegers

Saturday, April 8, 2006 10:12 PM CDT

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank-you for placing your healing hands upon Jackson. I thank-you for the continued blessings we will receive. I thank-you for the loving family and friends who have lifted us up in spirit and supported us. BUT, Lord I need to ask even more of you. I need you to lay your healing hands upon my wonderful friend who just was diagnosed with breast cancer. We have felt the incredible power of prayer and we are evidence of your power. So in the name of the Jesus Christ, I ask for healing and strength for my dear friend.


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:43 PM CDT

Little Carly recieved great news! Two out of three nodules are gone. They are unable to identify if the third nodule is just scar tissue or tumor, but I have great faith that it is just scar tissue. Thank you for the prayers for Carly. Between Jason, Jack and Carly, cancer is getting defeated!

Jack is 4 weeks seizure-free! We have slowly developed some security with him walking around the house and playing with Ben and Ella. It is so fun to watch him interacting with them. He started walking last week and seems to think that he can run, jump and climb. I am a very happy, nervous mom.

Ben is letting everyone at preschool and daycare know that "spencer is out of Jack's head." We do praise Ben for being instrumental in "spencer going far, far away." Everynight before bed, Ben would wave his hand over Jack's head and say "bad dreams go away, only good dreams come and stay, God make spencer get out of Jack's head!" Whether Jack wanted him to do it or not, Ben was determined to do it.

In the past weeks, Jack has been telling everyone jokes. I am so proud because: 1. He remembers the jokes 2. He actually gets the jokes and 3. He can tell the joke by himself. Jack's favorite joke is:
Knock Knock
who's there?
Ach who?
God Bless you! HAHA

I would love to hear any knock knock jokes you have so that we can put that one to rest for awhile:)

Have a great week and thanks for checking on us.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:14 PM CST

"The future is full of doubt, indeed, but fuller still of hope."
-John Lubbock.

Over 3 weeks seizure-free and now Jack is Hickman-free (the line he used to give blood and get chemo). Yesterday, Jack, Marty and myself went to Mayo and met with the gastroenterologists. They concluded that Jack does have reflux, but debated whether it was the real cause for all the pneumonia episodes. They did agree with us that Jack's G-Tube is not acceptable. Ever since September, when Jack got his G-tube placed, it has been very sore and constantly needed to be cleaned. Twice a day Marty and I would pin him down to clean "scabby gunk" around his tube. It stung a lot, but needed to be done. We have been concerned about the tube and all the other doctors thought it was okay. So when Jack was put under this morning to get his Hickman line removed, they also changed his G-tube to a better fitting one which should heal and NOT HURT!! Slowly things are getting better!!

Since the procedures were quick today, they did not intubate Jack. Therefore, we didn't feel as concerned about another bout of pneumonia, and came home! Besides a neurology appointment in 5 weeks......we are living the most normal since Nov. 2004!

I want to thank everyone that has supported Make A Wish by going to Carlos O'Kellys the past month and buying raffle tickets. I also want to give a special thank-you to all of you that made it to the breakfast last saturday. It meant more to us than you know! We felt blessed to be able to celebrate with friends and family and support Make a Wish at the same time! Thank-you also to the Iowa City Fire Dept for making a special trip out for Jackson. Jack and Ben love superheros, but we are proud that they know who the real heros are!

Please say prayers for our little 3 year old friend Carly, who has a catscan on April 3rd to see if her treatment worked! I have faith it did!

Have a great week!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:41 AM CST

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

We would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers and journal entries over the last couple of days and the last year.

I know many of you are thinking that we have not updated since the great news because of the wine hang over... but we wanted to let the news sink in for a while and leave it posted, we also were brought back to the reality that Jack is still in the healing phase. Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning aroung 12:30 a.m. Jack was shivering and running a fever so it was over to St. Mary's we went. They had admitted him around 3:30 with pneumonia.

He is doing fine and we are thinking it was his way to spread the news of "Spencer is out of his head" to all the nurses and doctors that we have been working with this past year.

We hope to be discharged today and headed back home to celebrate with Ben and Ella.

Again, thank you all for everything for we could not have done any of this alone.

God Bless and LiveStrong!

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:50 PM CST

"The scan looked better than I ever dreamed it would and I don't get to say that very often!"
-Dr. Cynthia Wetmore, Pediatric Neuro-Oncologist, Mayo

Now that is the best quote we have written yet on this website! We are still shocked and overwhelmed with emotion!

Marty and I woke up today agreeing that we were just happy that Jack has been seizure-free and the results of the MRI were out of our hands! Honestly, we were nervous, but calm.
Although, I did get a good feeling when Jack picked out 2 rainbow stickers before his MRI.

Dr. Wetmore was running late for our appointment, but when she walked in she immediately gave us a hug and gave us the AWESOME news! What a huge relief!! Good news for us! She explained that the small bright areas on the last scan were decreased a lot and there were no new enhancements! Basically she could not see any tumor cells! Given that the tumor is an aggressive one, it was a great sign that it did not grow! Granted, the chance of the tumor growing in the first year is still a possibility, however each month the probability decreases! YESSSS!!!

We were able to schedule getting his line out next week.
Now we can focus on Disney World and enjoying our next 3 months seizure-free and hopefully Spencer-free!

We are so proud of Jack and feel honored to be his parents. He surprised us and many doctors, many times!! We thank God and all of you for making our miracle happen!

I have the pleasure of updating the website, because I sent Marty out for supper and WINE! IT IS TIME TO CELEBRATE! Feel free to have a cold beverage to celebrate also!

P.S. Happy Birthday, Mom, I'm glad we could give you the best present ever!

Thanks again for the endless prayers and support!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, March 20, 2006 8:40 AM CST


Jason's MRI looked so good last week that his doctor said he could wait 6 months until the next one. Jason opted for another 3 months...I can't blame him! So we are starting off March just the way we want to....beating cancer!

Many of you know that we are putting on a benefit for Jason and Gina Hill. It feels so wonderful to be on the other end making a difference....a big difference. We know what it is like to have the stress of cancer and the stress of paying medical bills and medicine. Thanks to all of you, we have been relieved of a lot of stress. SO....if you are anywhere near Cascade, Iowa (35-40 minutes east of Cedar Rapids)please join us at the American Legion Hall on Saturday April 22, 2006. The fun begins at 4:00pm. It is free to the public, with a suggested donation at the door. There will be food, music, silent auction, live auction, raffles, and games! I promise a fun time. Currently, we are selling raffle tickets ($5.00 for 1 or $20.00 for 5) for an awesome Sony 30" flat screen LCD High Definition T.V.. So if you can't make it, but want a chance at the T.V., just let me know.

Jack remains seizure-free and is doing great! He hurt his foot and is still not walking, but that is not a big deal in hind sight. We had a very busy and fun weekend! It was a perfect weekend, filled with a lot of socializing! All the fun kept our minds off of this week. Yesterday, when I was cleaning, I came across a piece of paper that said "Go without anxiety, my soul, for you have a good guide for your journey."-St. Clare of Assisi. After reading it, I felt at ease and realized that we have done everything that we were asked to do and it is out of our hands. There is a sense of relief when you can actually honestly believe that it is out of your hands. Anyway, that is what I feel like today...

We will leave for Rochester early this afternoon. Hopefully the RMH will have a vacancy and we will settle in for who knows how long. Matt and Dana (Marty's cousin) are going to join us for supper tonight. On Tuesday, Jack will be admitted to St. Mary's at 7:00am and we will know the results by about 1:30 in the afternoon. We promise to update the website as soon as we can. I know there are so many of you pulling for us and will be anxiously awaiting the news.

Before I sign off, I have to put in one more plug for Carlos O"kellys and Make-a-Wish. This Saturday, March 25th, at the Carlos O'Kellys in Iowa City, there will be a breakfast from 6:00am till 9:30am. It sounds like a really yummy meal and all proceeds go to Make-A-Wish and Cystic Fibrosis. We will be there, so we would love to see you too!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:07 AM CST


This statement is the story of our life this past year.
Although, we have no way to know what it is like for Jack to be going through this, everyday we are there. Just like so many of you have no idea what it is like for Jen and I on a daily basis, you are there.

For this it is a blessing to have all of you going through this journey with us.

It was one year ago today that Jack had is seizure at home that had sent us to Mercy and then to the University of Iowa Hospitals via ambulance. It has been one year today that our world had been turned into a tailspin of tests, doctor visits, and more and more tests.

Fast forward to today... Jack is seizure free now for 9 days! The longest time in one year!

We travel to Mayo on Monday afternoon for his MRI on Tuesday. Which will be two days short of his first MRI in Rochester one year ago when they were looking for cancer. Again, one year later we are praying that they are unable to find cancer.

Prayers for Jack!

Marty and Jen

Monday, March 6, 2006 2:31 PM CST

"When you hit rock bottom there's only two ways to go, straight up or sideways."
-lyric by Wynnona Judd

Our hope has not only gone "straight up," it has sky rocketed!! As you all know from my last journal entry, I was down.....pretty much at rock bottom. BUT just like all the other times I journal when I have hit rock bottom, great things happen!!


I only wish you could see my smile and hear me rejoicing. Jack has waited far too long to have a day where his brain was calm and HE was in control! He even seems like he has come out of a coma. For instance, he was playing tag, yes tag, with Ella this morning. He was literally running after her. He jumped....yes JUMPED! Yesterday, he gave Ben a hug and said "Your'e my best pal." He said he was hungry. I know I about fell off of my chair. Eventhough he didn't eat much, he still ate! This morning he was walking around the kitchen and said "I'm bored, can I have a friend over?" We have permanent smiles on our faces and feel like we won the lottery!

It is so nice to see who Jack is and who he can be. All your prayers and the new seizure medicine must have been "the trick." For the first time, I felt like Jack may be well enough to enjoy Disney World. Maybe he could swing on a swing again or ride his bike. I have my hope restored and I feel good again!

Marty took Jack and Ben to a wrestling meet on Saturday to watch Jake Recker (Jack's buddy) wrestle. They had a blast and I really think it brought Jack's spirit back. He can't stop talking about wanting to wrestle, needing a suit and shoes (he made it very clear that the shoes HAD to be Nikes). We explained that he had to do his therapy exercises to get stronger and eat so he can get rid of the feeding tube. It felt great to hear Jack looking ahead and having a goal for himself. Congratulations to Jake Recker on getting 3 pins at the meet and helping restore Jack's drive for life!

Thanks to True North, Marty and I were able to attend the American Cancer Society Gala on Saturday night. We were able to attend the event with friends and support our most important cause. Maybe one day I will give a talk about Jack and help find a cure!

It feels incredible to say great things about Jack and leave others with a smile on their face. Thank-you to everyone for getting us through this!

2 weeks and 1 day until the MRI.....you know what to do:)

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Monday, February 27, 2006 3:08 PM CST

I try to always have hope, but honestly it gets more difficult everyday. I try to always look for the positive in our situation, but it's hard not to get mad sometimes. So many people ask how Jack is doing and I feel bad when I feel like all I can say is "we are managing." I know it's not easy to hear not so great updates, but I appreciate you all still asking.

On friday, Jack, Rosie (my mother-in-law) and I traveled to Rochester for some appointments. The good thing was that his hickman line appeared to NOT be clotted, so that was an easy appointment. We were also able to visit with some of our nurses. However, at Jack's neurology appointment, the doctor was not at all happy with how many seizures Jack is having as well as some behavior changes. He admitted that ALL the seizure meds he is on could be causing many of Jack's problems. So he added another one and we are still weaning him off of one. I was very concerned with this chronic chest congestion Jack has been having and so the doctor ordered a chest xray. Since the clinic was closing, we agreed to have the xray in CR. It was a long day for us all and Jack had a rough day with seizures also.

On Saturday, Jack's xray resulted in the onset of pneumonia and another drug was prescribed. Although I was upset about another bout of pneumonia, I was very thankful that we caught it early this time, especially with Ben's b-day on Sunday. So Jack is very medicated right now, which means he sleeps more and has even more trouble processing information. BUT he was able to enjoy the magic show at Ben's party!

I pray everyday for hope, strength, and patience, but it is very difficult seeing Jack watch life go by. Maybe THIS medicine will do the trick.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:37 PM CST

For all of you that have seen Jack's commercial, doesn't he make you want chips and salsa from Carlos O'Kellys....haha! We thought the commercial would run during the news hours, but it is showing up during Oprah and Dancing with the Stars....two shows that are our favorites. Last night, Marty turned the channel and Jack said "please turn it back to my channel 9." Yeah, it hasn't gone to his head:)

It is exactly 1 month from Jack's next MRI. Our next 3 months or possibly next year could be planned for us in 4 short weeks. Although this is a scary concept, we are anxious to be able to know what lies ahead. Hopefully "nothing" lies ahead. I need to figure out what Jack will be doing for school next year and it all depends on the results of the MRI. I pray that by next August I can drop him off at school, not worry and go on with life.

But in the next 5 days, we will be celebrating Ben's 4th birthday. Ben has grown up alot in the past year and is wiser than he should be. Ben has stepped into the "big brother" for all his siblings. He gets the "puke bowl" for Jack when I'm not near and makes sure I know when Ella is up to no good. We are so proud of our little batman Ben.

Have a good week and pray that the seizures will be controlled SOON!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Friday, February 17, 2006 7:30 AM CST

"Look at the rose in the vase instead of the dust on the table."

Jen and I heard that quote on a recent Oprah show and looked at eachother and felt that fit our life lately. Although things are not perfect they are definetly better. We are still going through so much with Jack with his seizures, feeding tube, and our lack of confidence to leave him alone to be a kid when he wants too. We still remind ourselves that we are home and things can be and have been alot worse.

There are many times that I ask myself how much longer can this go on and will we wake up some day and everything will be better? Then I remind myself of Dr. Koutical (Jacks Nurologist) reassuring us that this is a marathon and we need to push through the rough times to get to the finish line. Needless to say I do not share the desire that Jen has to run a marathon.

We will be going to Mayo on Friday the 24th for checkup's and then when we will be back up there on March 21st for is next MRI.

I hope we can remember how to get there.

God Bless and Livestrong:

Marty and Jen

Thursday, February 9, 2006 2:02 PM CST

"There are no regrets in life, just lessons."
-Jennifer Aniston

Jack successfully filmed his first commercial on Monday. Eventhough he just woke up from a nap in the van, he turned his smile on when requested. Jack's job was to smile and point to the camera when cued. When we were getting ready to go to Carlos O'Kelly's he asked if he could have hair gel. I couldn't help but laugh, but he asked again seriously. So I rubbed a little lotion on his head and he felt complete. I do admit, he does have some hair growing back in!

The commercial will air on Feb. 13th for about 2 months, on channel 9, during the news broadcasts. So watch for Jack and remember Carlos O'kellys when your hungry for chips and salsa:)

Have a great week.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, February 5, 2006 7:15 PM CST


The week from hell is over... thank God. Everyone suffered from influensa A, except Jack. Thanks for the prayers! Poor Marty threw his back out and had the flu. It takes alot to get him down and he was way down. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house again. If I have to watch another Barney movie I just may need to be committed:)

We do have some exciting news! As you know, Jack chose Disney World for his Make-A-Wish, but we found out last week that Carlos O'Kellys is adopting Jack's wish. The restuarant is a big supporter for Make-A-Wish and chose to sponsor Jack! Carlos O'Kellys is filming a commercial tomorrow to kick off their fundraising and they asked if Jack wanted to be in the commercial. Jack was more than excited to be on t.v. Once I get the flyer about the fundraiser, I will let you know more, but I know they are raffling off some neat things. I am anxious to meet those that are involved with Carlos O'kellys and give them a big hug and thank-you. If you are going to Carlos O'Kellys in the next 2 months, please tell them that you know Jack, I want them to see how many people support us!

Have a good, healthy week!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:22 PM CST

Sorry for not updating in so long but there is a good reason.......Influenza A! Ella came down with the flu on Sunday, Marty on Tuesday, Ben on Tuesday night and I am feelilng cruddy, but not as bad as Ella and Marty. For once, in a long time, Jack looks the healthiest. I have been praying hard that he stays protected from this nasty germ! We could also use your prayers, because this is getting exhausting.

Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands and have a good week!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, January 23, 2006 4:13 PM CST


Nothing dramatically new at the Hoeger house to report. I wish I could say that Jack's seizures are controlled completely, but that would be a lie. He continues to have about 6-8 a day. Jack is staying very busy with sedentary activities, like puzzles and doing bead crafts. If you come to our home you'll find beads EVERYWHERE! At least he's not watching t.v. all day.

On friday, our sweet neighbors, Deb and Llyod, scheduled a clown to come to the house to cheer Jack up. Eventhough clowns kind of freak me out, I actually liked Jolly the clown. The clown worked hard at getting Jack to smile. Ella was a little leery of the clown. Ben also checked him out closely. I found out that this nice clown drove in the snow from Iowa City for free when he heard about Jack. Jolly the clown made for an exciting friday night.

On Saturday night, Marty and I were able to attend his christmas party together! Papa Dan and Grandma Rosie babysat the kids, while we enjoyed good food, music and conversation.

On Sunday we visited Amy (my sister), Denny and my nieces in Cascade. Our kids adore their aunt, uncle and cousins. Maybe because they spoil the heck out of them. Alison read books to Jack all day, Ben attacked Denny all day and Ella played babies all day. As an added bonus Papa Tom and Grandma Sis also visited.

It feels wonderful to have some freedom to go places, especially with Jack. It is unsettling not knowing when he will have a seizure, but we are trying to keep things as normal as possible.

Please say a prayer for our little friend Carly who will have a scan on Wednesday to see if her tumors are gone. She has been through so much in her short 3 years and she deserves good news!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, January 16, 2006 1:54 PM CST


This morning was a crazy one for too many reasons to write. Needless to say, I couldn't get out of the house fast enough to get into a QUIET van and go to work. My first patient of the day was a fascinating older woman that told me that when she was 9 years old, she was very sick. She explained that her and her family took the train to Rochester to see Dr. Mayo. Yes, Dr. Mayo himself, who said she was dying. At that time, she had "double pneumonia and one lung had collapsed and her kidneys were failing." According to this wise lady, "they didn't have antibiotics at that time." She explained to me that she saw her mother crying after hearing the dreadful news and she looked at her mother and said that she wasn't going to die, that she was going to live to help her mother with her younger sister. I teared up a little and very briefly told her about Jack. She is an amazing woman who writes poetry and collects everything. I feel like she should have charged me for our session instead of vice versa. That is what I call an angel on earth.

As for Mr. Jack, he had a busy weekend. Friday night, we went to our friends, the Schissels, and he did a bead craft and played the computer. On Saturday, we went to our friends, the Hodges, and he drew, listened to books and watched t.v.. Saturday night, Marty took ALL 3 KIDS to the Rough Riders game to see Dora the Explorer ( I had a night on the town:) It was busy, but nice for Jack to get out of the house. He needs to see other people. As for the seizures, he averages about 7 a day. We are waiting to hear from the doctor about a medicine change. All in all, a good weekend.

I hope your weekend was just as nice and the week ahead is great!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:26 AM CST

"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts."
-Albert Einstein

Whenever I need to have an "emotional" journal update, things get better! I credited God and all of you for that. As you know, we were very sad last week as we watched Jack suffer so many seizures. However, I am very happy to report that Jack has had 3 good days. Jack's seizures have been reduced to about 5 a day (still too many, but much better than 20). He has smiled more and even teased me. He beat me in Go Fish several times and has been coloring like a pro. He still doesn't want to eat, but luckily we don't have to force anything since he has the tube. When Jack has a good day, EVERYONE has a good day.

Our first great day was on Sunday when we went to Praire du Chien to see our great friends, Gina, Jason, Tessa and Tyson Hill. As you all know, Jason was diagnosed with a brain tumor shortly after Jack. Jack feels so connected to Jason. Even when we were leaving, Jack reached out for Jason and wanted to stay with him. It was hard not to cry. Cancer has brought us even closer to these wonderful friends and that I am thankful for. We feel stronger as we fight with them.

The next great day was Tuesday night when our Make A Wish friends came over to set up Jack's wish. After much consideration, Jack wished to go to Disney World! I agreed that Disney World was an awesome wish. Amazingly, Ben said that he wished for the same thing. Make A Wish has an incredible package for Jack and our family. We will go for 6 nights and 7 days. We will have passes to all the theme parks, as well as Sea World (maybe since Jack can't swim with the dolphins he could feed one). The thought of Disney World made Jack smile several times. The only thing is
when to go. Do we go before his next scan, since he there is a chance he will have to start chemo all over again, or wait and maybe he will feel stronger? I want so badly to reward him for being so strong the past year, but do not want to waste a great trip if he is not ready to enjoy it. We will see. We can't thank Make A Wish enough, especially Michelle and Lisa, for their time and thoughtfulness.

Thank-you for all your prayers and supportive words. The power you have on us is amazing.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, January 9, 2006 4:17 PM CST

The past week has been difficult for our family. Jack has had a lot of seizures and overall he is not a happy kid. Most days, he sits and watches t.v.. He doesn't smile or laugh very much. Marty and I are tired of seeing him hurt and be sad. I know it takes time, but we need to know how much longer does he have to suffer.

A wonderful friend gave me a cd with the a beautiful song called "My Son" by Mark Schultz. When I listened to it, I felt like it was our life. So instead of trying to explain how I feel, I will write the lyrics.

I'm down on my knees again tonight,
I'm hopin this prayer will turn out right.
See, there is a boy that needs Your help.
I've done all that I can do myself
His mother is tired,
I'm sure You can understand.
Each night as he sleeps
She goes in to hold his hand,
And she tries
Not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes.

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place some how.
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep,
I dream of the boy he'd like to be.
I try to be strong and see him through,
But God, who he needs right now is You.
Let him grow old,
Live life without this fear.
What would I be
Living without him here?
He's so tired,
And he's scared
Let him know that Your'e there.


Can you hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can you see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place somehow.
See, he's not just anyone.
Can you her me?
Can You see him?
Please don't leave him,
He's my son.

We will continue to pray and we appreciate your prayers also.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:36 PM CST

"It's over, 2005
Now it's time to survive.
Because in 2006,
it will be our fix."

How do you like my cheesy poem for the new year?! We are so happy to say good-bye to 2005 and are ready for a brand new year....OUR YEAR!!

In my last update, I bragged that we were managing to stay out of the ER. Well last Thursday, Jack spiked a fever (somehow it always happens late at night) and we had to visit our friends in the Mercy ER. Overall, he looked okay and his bloodwork was fine. So we were discharged home with us following up at Mayo the next day.

So on Friday, we took Jack to his neurology appointment at Mayo. Since he still had a fever, we also saw the oncologist. It was decided that Jack should go to the hospital to get fluids and IV antiobiotics. We had to stay the night and return to the hospital on Saturday for more fluids and antiobiotics. Although we knew it was the best thing to do, both Marty and I were a little discouraged. Luckily, I packed a small bag of clothes.

As for our neurology appointment, our doctor increased Jack's new medicine and is weening him off another one. He agrees that Jack is having way too many seizures. We feel good about this plan and will continue to increase or change medicines until Jack is seizure-free. Hopefully it won't take that long, since it has been since August since he was without seizures.

We hope you all meet your new year goal(s) and find more time for yourself, family and friends.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:03 PM CST

First of all, thank-you to all those mysterious Santa's that mailed gifts and left all kinds of great things for us on our door step! I actually felt like a little kid when opening up the gifts! You definately put a smile on our faces.

We made it through Christmas Eve and Christmas day without going to the hospital, but on the day after Christmas Jack was in the ER. He was just diagnosed with Bronchitis, so we call that a great ER visit. Plus his platelets were still going up, slowly, but that's okay as long as it goes in an upward direction. As for sickness, Ella and Ben had the stomach flu on Monday and Tuesday and Jack was up most of the night last night with ear pain. All of which we could handle without an ER staff, thank God.

Last week Jack started a new drug called Marinol, which is basically the same ingredients as Marijuana. Yeah, we had the Walgreen pharmacists a little frazzled with that one. SO the goal was for Jack to "get the munchies and be happy." Unfortunately, we still have not seen any symptoms of happy and hungry. So we will see if he will continue to have to take it. It is quite pricey of a drug. I jokingly said that it would be cheaper to find some on the street--HAHA.

As for seizures, they continue to occur, but lately we have seen a couple of hours where Jack is himself. He loved to open his presents, but did little with them when they were opened. This hurt our hearts, but he snuggled in our arms and that was enough to make us thankful on Christmas. By Tuesday, he was starting to play games...that was one of my prayers being answered.

Ben continues to make us laugh with being Batman, Spiderman or Kevin from the movie Home Alone. Every present he opened, he had the best expression on his face. I will cherish that video tape footage forever.

As for Princess Ella, she has been decked out in her Cinderella dress, jewerly and fancy shoes. She refuses to take off her new Dora p.j.'s and sings Barney songs all day long.

Marty and I look forward to a healthier new year and the chance to spend more time with our family and friends in 2006. Besides curing Jack, our goal is to give instead of recieve in 2006.



Jen, Marty, Jack, Ben and Ella

Sunday, December 25, 2005 10:23 AM CST

Merry Christmas to you and your families. Thank you all for your support to our family through 2005 and here's to a great 2006.

Peace to all.

The Hoeger Family

New Photos!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:27 AM CST

"Every day after diagnosis that we continue to live and breathe and love-we are survivors."

It has been awhile since we had a "Hoeger top 10 list" so here is my top 10 list for the past couple of days:

10. Going back to work.
9. Playing ring around the rosey with the kids.
8. Getting a hug from Ben for drawing Superman.
7. Getting together with our neighbors.
6. Going out to eat with friends and seeing a movie.
5. Ben rigging up the house like on the movie "Home Alone"
4. Ella peeing in the potty.
3. Jack playing hide and go seek and running around.
2. Counting Jack's seizures on one hand.
1. Jack's platelets increasing to 86,000.

I hope you can also come up with 10 things quickly for your top 10 list. Have a great week!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, December 19, 2005 7:10 AM CST

"God does not call those who are equipped, but equips those who are called."

-a friend.

Sorry for the delay in updating the website, but my computer has not been cooperating. Luckily, there isn't too much to report. Jack's seizures have been better controlled in the past couple days. He has gone from approximately 17 a day to less than 5. So hopefully the new seizure medicine is a winner. The only bad thing, like all drugs, are the side affects. Jack's emotions have been all over the place. Hopefully once his body gets use to the medicine, he will be the Jack we know again.

Tomorrow Jack goes in for blood work. Last week his platelets dropped again, so hopefully they are on the rise and we won't have to worry about a transfusion this week.

The great news of Jack's MRI has finally sunk in. I have thought about the day we would get good news so many times and how I would react. But after we received it, I felt very cautious of my emotions. Since the doctor didn't say officially that "it's gone" I didn't scream or cry like I thought I would. But the other night, Jack was tapping his head with his fist, explaining that he wanted Spencer out. I explained to him that the doctor said that Spencer is out of his head and his brain needs to heal, like when he gets a cut it needs to get better. I told him "You did it, you did everything the doctors and nurses said to do, you took medicine and did your sleep test!" It felt so good to give Jack the good news.

Even though I have my share of pity parties, I don't feel "less fortunate" than others. In fact, I feel so blessed. For over a year, we have felt so much love from our family, friends and strangers. We receive kind and motivating words everyday from you all. Our commmunity and employers have provided endless support. Our family has opened their arms and homes week after week to take care of Ben and Ella. So many generous people continue to send us gifts and donations. We have not been forgoten, instead we have been lifted up by so many. I know we sat thank-you often, but I don't want our words to lose the powerful emotions we are trying to convey.

I hope you all find Christmas as special as we do this year! If at anytime you lose the Christmas spirit or if the stress that can be associated with Christmas gets to you, please remember us and know that you made our Christmas the best one ever!

God Bless and Merry Christmas,
Jen,Marty,Jack,Ben and Ella

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:05 AM CST

We get to go home this morning! We have to return in 2 weeks for a neurology appointment and that is it! Hopefully we have a quiet, healthy 2 weeks! If Jack had to get pneumonia, I'm glad it was now and not on Dec. 25th. Just like some of you, I still have a lot of shopping to do. It makes me nervous to not have it done, since we never know if we need to make an emergency trip to MN.

Jack spent most of the yesterday making some Christmas presents for some family members. He had a few funky seizures, but they didn't last too long. He took a nap in the afternoon and decided that he wasn't tired enough to go to bed into 1:00 a.m.. We have to get that under control. I get a little cranky after 11:30 p.m..

Our neuro-oncologist, Dr. Wetmore, was so sweet and brought in her 8 month old Golden Retriever, Anya, to cheer Jack up. She knew Jack loved dogs and could use some dog kisses. I just might throw out my dog requirements of being small and not shedding and get a golden retriever. Anya is a beautiful, playful dog. Most of the dogs that visit are golden retrievers. That kind of dog would meet Jack's requirement, to be able to catch a frizbee. We will see. Santa doesn't have room on his sleigh for a dog, but I think the Easter Bunny has room in his basket.

Thanks for being on this journey with us!

New pictures!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:08 PM CST


Today Jack was doing much better and was upgraded to a regular room on the regular peds floor at St. Mary's. He is still hooked up to the oxygen and will continue until his lungs are not so labored when he breathes. That did not stop him from visiting the activity room, something he has not been able to do his last couple of stays here.

When we first came to the floor one of our favorite nurses that we have gotten to know alittle bit shared with us that it was her husbend that was called at home at 1:00 a.m. to fly a 6-year-old from Cedar Rapids to Rochester on the Mayo plane. The more time that we are here seems to connect us to more and more special people and moments such as this coincidence.

We are still working with the doctors to try to reduce the amount of seizures that Jack is having throughout the day. Today they added another seizure med, which will bring the total to five. We are hopefull that one of these will be the trick.

Tonight we had Famous Dave's for supper then I was able to talk Jen into watching the Survivor Finale with me. What a good sport she is.

We are hoping to be going home on Tuesday or Wednesday, so tune in tomorrow because you never know what will change.

Thank you for all your support and hope everyone has a good week.

God Bless and Livestrong,

Marty and Jen

Saturday, December 10, 2005 3:21 PM CST


You are probably wondering how we got the MRI results so quickly. We returned home yesterday, after Jack's MRI, and he seemed to be doing really well. After his bath, Jack became very congested, got the chills and spiked a fever. Marty took Jack to Mercy's ER, where Jack was diagnosed with Pneumonia....again. Jack's fever reached 104 degrees and he had trouble breathing. He had seizure after seizure. SO at 4:00 a.m., Jack was transported to Mayo via the Mayo jet. Marty and I were unable to go with Jack in the jet, so we drove north again.

The ride at 4:00 a.m. was scary and exhausting. Poor Marty hadn't slept for 24 hours and I had a couple hours of sleep. Except for hitting a sheet of ice (while I was driving) and fish tailing across the road, we made it safely by 6:45 a.m.

On the drive, we both feared that Jack beat cancer, but not pneumonia. We were very anxious to get to Mayo and make sure Jack was stable. We were very relieved to see Jack sleeping quietly and maintaining his oxygen with a little help. We were able to get a couple hours of sleep and meet with the doctor. Besides the great news that Jack is defeating Spencer, he looks better than 12 hours ago. We will stay and get him off of the oxygen tube, give him IV antiobiotics and a platelet transfusion. Our next mission is to beef him up and control these seizures. Fortunately, the doctor doesn't believe the seizures are due to any tumor cells.

A crazy, scary, exhausting night has turned out positive. We can't ask for much more than that.

Thank-you for the prayers of healing, they continue to work. You have a lot more power than you think.

God Bless and Livestrong always,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, December 8, 2005 9:44 PM CST

Hello friends,

This morning Jen took Jack to get his blood tested. When she recieved a call from the doctor about the bloodwork, it was not what we wanted to hear. Jack's hemoglobin went down and his platelet count dropped from 96,000 to 54,000 since Monday. They really do not have an explanation of why it dropped at this time, but assured us that he is OK to get his MRI done.

As most of you know, Jack will undergo his MRI tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.. The three of us made the trip up this evening through the snow in Iowa to the fog that developed in Minnesota. Although the travel conditions were not perfect, our minds were on other things. It was a pretty quiet drive up here with the thought of Jack's test running through our minds. We will have to make that drive again on Monday before we will know the results. Jack on the other hand is excited to get his "sleep test" tomorrow. A "sleep test" is what he calls it when he is sedated. He knows that the nurses will give out unlimited warm blankets.

We pray that his counts bounce back and that the power of prayer will prevail in the results from his MRI.

God bless and Livestrong,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:51 AM CST

"When are we going to have a party because spencer is out of my head?" was what Jack asked me this past weekend. I replied with "Soon!" As you know, Jack has been battling the "drop" seizures and now he realizes what is happening. Several times over the weekend Jack hit his head on the table when he had a seizure. It is the first time that he let us know that he knew what happened. After he hit the table, he said "I hate spencer!" I plead with him to not sit at the table, but he wants to be by our family and friends....can't blame him.

Except for the seizures, we all had a wonderful weekend. We finished decorating the tree, actually cleaned the house and spent time with family and friends.

Yesterday, we met with our oncologist to review bloodwork. Jack's bloodwork continues to improve. The oncologist said "He looks great from an oncology standpoint." We can get use to consistent good news. While we were there we were able to also meet with the neurologist. We feel so lucky to have him as our physician. He is a very intelligent and compassionate doctor. He explained that Jack's seizure medicine options are limited right now because of how frail Jack's body is from the chemo. He also explained that it is very difficult to assess where the seizures are coming from with tests because of the tumor cells. But when the cancer is gone, we may be able to get a better idea and treat the seizures differently. This news was refreshing. He even admitted that there is no reason why Jack can not be seizure free at some point! Thank god because this 6 1/2 year old young man is getting extremely sick of holding his parents hands everytime he moves. I dream of the day he can have his independence back.!

At Mayo, we were very lucky to meet up with Juan, my cousin's husband. He has been traveling the midwest for the past few weeks interviewing to be a resident physician. Juan is from New York and is excited to be a midwesterner. We had supper and a nice visit with him. He reminded us that we are at the countries finest medical facility. He also let us know that when he was visiting the University of Iowa he sat in on a conference that reviewed Jack's case study. What a coincidence that the first day he arrives at the U of I he sits on a review about a member of his family. We were thrilled to hear that they presented Jack's case study and that they will learn from him. We want to thank Juan for our visit and know he will be an wonderful doctor.

Our plans are to head back up to Rochester on Thursday afternoon. Jack has his MRI bright and early on Friday. We will come home for the weekend and journey back up to Minnesota on Sunday. We will officially get the results of the MRI next Monday at 4:00 p.m.! I'm a little nervous.

Have a great week!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Friday, December 2, 2005 11:04 PM CST

Let me first start by saying CONGRATULATIONS and THANK GOD for our friend Jason's MRI showing the tumor continuing to shrink! I recieved a shocking email from my great friend, Gina (Jason's wife) saying that Jason suffered 3 grand mal seizures on Tuesday evening, therefore the MRI was pushed ahead to determine cause of the seizures. The sweet news of continued improvement was a relief for my extremely worried friends. The doctors decided that Jason's seizures were due to a change in his medicine. We were so lucky to see Gina, Jason and their beautiful kids a little over 24 hours from having his seizures. I might add Jason looked handsome with his new hair and definately healthy! It feels so good to hear GREAT news! CHEERS to the HILLS!

As for Mr. Jack, he had an amazing day yesterday! He DIDN'T need any transfusions and actually made MORE platelets. This was such wonderful news. Our new friends at Mercy Treatment Center were just as tickled with the news and a little relieved since there was only 1 bag of A negative platelets left in eastern Iowa.

As for Jack's seizures, they were alot less than the previous days. They are still probably considered frequent, but he had several hours in a row where he was seizure free. He even ate garlic bread and roasted peanuts today!

We were advised to get flu shots, so I had to lug Ben into the doctor's office today and hold him down. He was such a trooper and very tough. As for Ella, the whole egg allergy works in her favor so she doesn't have to get the shot.

We continued to be amazed by the individual prayers, numerous prayer lists Jack is on, the healing masses that he is mentioned during, and for prayer chains. I wish I could give everyone a hug and let them feel my gratitude. Prayers are priceless and if we were millionaires we would still be in the same position we are right now. SO when you say you prayed for Jack and our family, please know that it touches our hearts in a strong way!

I recieved an email with this prayer and would like to share it with you all.

St. Theresa's Prayer:
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have recieved and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into our bones and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of you.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, December 1, 2005 0:09 AM CST


I'm sorry for the delay in updating, but the website was not cooperating with me for the past couple days. Anyway, many of you know that our last trip to Rochester was a short one for once. After our doctor's appointment on Monday, they said Jack's counts looked good enough to go home for the week. We will get his blood checked on Thursday in case he needs a transfusion (very likely).

Marty and I started back at work again and are trying to catch up from the past few weeks. In the past 9 months, it seems like we live two separate lives. We have our life in Cedar Rapids where we work, take care of 3 children, see family friends, etc. Then there is our Rochester life where we concentrate on one child, go to doctor's appointments, socialize with nurses and other families with sick kids. Sometimes it takes getting used to when we go from state to state. But hopefully in the next month, we can just visit Rochester, instead of live there.

Today was a crazy day in the Hoeger house. The kids and I put up the "Tismas Tee" as Ella would say. Ben was a super big help with the lights. I did have to stop him from trying to climb the tree, though. As for Jack, he was very content observing the chaos from the sidelines and playing his gameboy.

You all know what we want for Christmas, but I would like to make an addendum to that wish. I also want Jack to get to where he is seizure-free. The poor kid had 7 seizures in the first hour he was awake this morning. Luckily, by the afternoon, the electrical storm in his head seemed to cool down. After speaking with the neurologist today, he decided to increase his Valium at night and see if that helps. We will see.

I hope you all find the Christmas Spirit and enjoy the holiday chaos.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:55 PM CST

Finally an Update!

Sorry, we have not updated since Thursday but we have been real busy doing nothing. After receiving platelets on Friday we were able to pack up for home. We left Rochester and their 3" inches of snow late Friday afternoon and pulled into CR around 8:00.

Once the kids were in bed I was able to kick Jen out of the house to go join our friend Steph Groverts surprise birthday party for a couple cocktails. She was home by 11:00 and then kicked me out for awhile. It was nice to see everyone there and their sincere comments about Jack and his battle with cancer were much appreciated.

Saturday was spent mostly around the house catching up with Ben and Ella. Jack gets a real energy boost when he gets home around those two, he is determined not to be out done by the two younger ones. So we decided on Sunday that we would take Ella over to Grandma and Grandpa's and Ben would make the trip back up to Rochester with us.

On Monday we get bloodwork done and meet with the doctor to go over his counts. Then its hopefully home for awhile.

We hope that everyone had happy and safe Thanksgiving.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:16 PM CST


Jen and I would like to extend a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and their families.

Today we received some great news from the Doctors. They came into the room this morning with the words of "Pack up and get out of here!" Jacks counts are high enough to check out of the hospital. We then looked at eachother and said "We get to go home for Thanksgiving". Then the Doctor brought us back to earth and said "no you get to go back to the RMH".

We will get his blood counts checked again tomorrow then negogiate with the Doctors to let us go home tomorrow afternoon if his counts are high enough.
The great news was a much needed boost to our morale. The other was when my cousin Dana and her boyfriend Matt delivered a much needed home cooked meal. They brought us some good ol' turkey dressing sandwiches, cheesy potatoes with greenbean casserole topped off with some awesome brownies and cookies.

Best of all, we WERE able to spend Thanksgiving with family. For that, we will always be thankful to them for making our Thanksgiving the best it could be!

Always giving thanks for you all,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:15 AM CST

Jack's cell counts are on the rise! Actually, they said we may be blowing this popstand by the weekend!

After Jack's EEG yesterday, the neurologist met with me and said "He is having alot of seizure activity." As you know, this wasn't any new news. So he started Jack on valium at night to see if he gets less electrical activity when he is sleeping if he will have less seizures during the day. I wanted to ask for some valium myself:) So we will see if it works. If Jack responds well to this nightly valium, then the neurologist will take Jack off of 1 or 2 of his seizure medicines.

Marty surprised the kids yesterday and enjoyed being at home. The kids loved sleeping in our king size bed with dad. We are hoping that we will be home soon to resume our dysfunctional sleeping arrangements.

As for Jack, he has every nurse, nurses aid and child life stafff rubbing his feet. Yeah, he asks them sweetly, batting those new eyelashes "Will you please rub my feet and get me a warm blanket?" What a schmoozer!

We are getting moved to a different room because they are so packed here. So since Jack's counts are improving, we will go to the regular pediatric floor. A change of scenary will be nice, but we will miss our nurses from here.

Please pray for Jeremy, Marty's 2nd cousin, was just diagnosed with chronic, acute leukemia. Jeremy and his family are starting their climb up the mountain and will need our prayers. Thank-you!

I hope your turkey is thawing and you are getting ready for family to come over.

God Bless and Happy Turkey Day!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:22 AM CST

"He looks remarkedly well," said our oncologist this morning. Marty and I thought so also, but have been concerned with all the seizures Jack has been having. So Jack is scheduled for an EEG today. Basically, they will tell us "Yep, he is having alot of seizures," which we already know, but hopefully our neurologist will be able to get a better idea with what is going on in Jack's "special" brain.

Marty went home this morning to do some work and see Ben and Ella. He will be back up tomorrow by the afternoon. I wish I could see Ben and Ella's faces when Marty picks them up from daycare. Nothing is better than the kids running towards you and screaming your name when you get home.

Jack is the reigning champion of Candyland and Pet Hunt. He continues to make lots of crafts and watch plenty of movies. I'm hoping to get some scrapbook pages completed today. We hope your day is as eventful as ours!

Last night, I was able to meet my new RMH friend, Brenda, at a restuarant for nachos and a cold beverage. It was so nice to get out of the hospital and have a good girl chat. Please pray for Brenda's daughter, Carly, to have good bloodcounts so she can finish her last 2 radiations and go home for Thanksgiving.

Thanks for checking in on us, God bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:42 PM CST

"Time" has a different meaning in Rochester, Minnesota. We rarely know the date and most the time we are not sure what day it is. Since we have been here, we have seen a hotel be built from nothing to opening day. We have spent every season here. You might think that the days are long for us, but actually they go pretty fast. We are a little stir crazy from being in room 3-520 for the past 3 days. Luckily we were able to see Iowa play(wonderfully I might add) and we were able to enjoy the win and several other football games. Otherwise, we are trying our best to finish our climb up the mountain.

We were surprised and delighted by a visit from some old RMH friends, Onnalisa, Tim, and Katelyn. They were in town to attend a very special mass to remember their sweet little Alex, that has passed away in the previous month. They visited us last night and brought Jack a box of magic tricks. Jack perked up right away when he saw his friend Katelyn. She was a great assistant to "Jack the Magician." We have been blessed with several new friends and appreciated their visit very much.

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since we have seen Ben and Ella. We talk to the kids everyday, Ben dictates his christmas list and Ella actually does carry on a conversation, brief but sweet. Hopefully we will see them on Friday. It doesn't seem like Thanksgiving is less than a week away. We might not eat turkey, but we sure will be giving thanks!

Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen and Marty

Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:11 AM CST

94 Hours!

It took 94 hours for Jack to check out of the hospital on Monday and check back in on Friday. We knew this was going to happen, but we didn't think it would be this quick.

We had Jack's blood drawn yesterday morning, then met with the doctors and they informed us that his counts were down to nothing and that we should be prepared for a fever. We went to St. Mary's at 12:30 for a blood and platelet transfusions. While he was receiving them he spiked a fever along with some vomiting and diarrhea.

Like I said before, we knew this would happen and were glad that it happened while we were actually at the hospital. They checked us into the same room we left 94 hours prior.

This is Jack's way of getting this over so that he is for sure home for Christmas. He has been making his list for Santa since June. I hope Santa remembers where he put that list.

Today we will be spent watching the Hawks play the Golphers while we sit in Minnesota. GO HAWKS!

P.S. Happy 21st Birthday Uncle Chris! Cheers to an eventful, but SAFE day!

God Bless and Livestrong!

Marty and Jen

Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:19 PM CST


This morning when I went to warm up the van it said that it was 6 degrees out. I heard a rumor that there was a heat wave in Cedar Rapids of 24. Oh, to be living in the south again in our home in CR.

Jack even became alittle home sick, He has made that statement several times today while we were stuck in the room most of the day that he just wants to go home. Tonight Jack and Ben had spoke on the phone for a good part of 10 minutes. Most of the conversation was about how they were going to build a snowman when Jack returns and have a snowball fight with Dad. Jack then let Ben know that he didnt think that Ella should go outside because she may get a cold.

We are very close to the end of this journey and Jen and I tell eachother that we have this last hurdle to go until our family will be back together again.

We thank you for allowing us to share this journey with all of you. It has been a true outlet for us and something we will cherish forever.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:03 PM CST

After a very windy ride, we made to Rochester this afternoon. Since Marty badly sprained his ankle on Monday, I chose to drive today. Marty did a good job not being a back seat driver and only had one long sigh.

Jack had bloodwork and a doctor appointment today. The oncologist was very impressed with how good Jack looked. He was very social and asked her several personal questions, like "what is your favorite color?" Jack was seizure free for almost 24 hours, but that didn't last long. Otherwise needing a nap, Jack has been doing really well. We expect that he will need blood and platelet transfusions by Friday. SO, tomorrow is a free day. Now you might ask what we will we do in Minnesota tomorrow and it will be a bunch of nothing. It is so cold and windy that it will take a lot for me to leave the RMH! WINTER is here. Jack keeps talking about building a fort and having snowball fights. He says Ben can help, but Ella better stay inside so she doesn't get sick. Funny how he doesn't think HE is the sick one.

We met Bill, Brenda and Carly last week at the RMH. They live in Remsen Iowa. I knew of them from a friend. It has been nice to have some new friends to hang out with. Carly is 3 and is getting radiation for cancer that is in her kidney and lungs. Please keep Carly in your prayers, as well as our good friend Jason, who continues to take oral chemo and has another MRI in 3 weeks (just like Jack).

We sure miss Ben and Ella! Ben asks everynight to come up and be with us. Ella just talks about grandma's dog (Molly) and how Ben took something away from her(which may or maynot be true). But, she always says "Iwuvyoutoo" when we get off the phone.

Have a good week and treat yourself to putting your blankets in the dryer prior to going to bed (Jack loves it)!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, November 14, 2005 10:28 PM CST

Jack has officially completed his last stem cell transplant and treatment plan!

The transplant took a lot longer this time, because he had twice as many stem cells to inject. Unfortunately, the perservative that is also injected with the stem cells made Jack very sick to his stomach. Needless to say, it was a rough morning. He also had many seizures. HOWEVER, by late afternoon, he was happy and feeling a lot better. We were discharged and we arrived in Cedar Rapids by 7:45 this evening. Since Jack's counts are quickly dropping, we were advised to keep him as protected as we can from any illness. So we decided that Ben and Ella should stay at Papa and Grandmas. It is particularly difficult to be so close and not see them, especially since it has been a week since we last saw them. I just keep telling myself that these next 2-3 weeks are critical and to hang in there. I would feel awful if we exposed Jack to anything at this time. We have to return to Rochester on Wednesday for bloodwork and appointments. We will be at the RMH waiting for counts to recover. We will expect to have many transfusions and a possible hospital stay if he spikes a fever. We were told that they would probably do a MRI in about 3 weeks and maybe take is central line out shortly after that. I still can't wrap my brain around it all.

Thank-you to everyone for the prayers and support!
God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, November 13, 2005 10:40 PM CST

"But if these beings guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers."
-Saint Ambrose

If at anytime we need to be guarded by angels, it would be now. As we sit here, the night before the transplant, we pray for the miracle of complete healing and for our angels to protect Jackson.

It feels good to know that we have jumped through all the hoops and got by all the obstacles during Jack's treatment. Our goal now is to get Jack built back up and to SURVIVE.

Jack has conquered so much in the past year and has taught us several valuable lessons. We will never say "I can't," because Jack showed nothing but determination during this journey. We will try not to complain about things in life, since Jack rarely complained in the past year. We will love the present, because we know its preciousness.

Amazingly, Jack has never asked "When will I get better?" That question was actually posed by Ben last week. Taken off guard, I said "Soon!" I have a strong belief that "soon" is here!

Thank-you again for all the prayers and support. I will ask for another specific prayer and that is for the angels to shed the healing and protective light upon Jack as we complete our treatment.

God Bless you all,
Jen, Marty and JACKSON

Friday, November 11, 2005 10:43 PM CST

Chemo is over!

Today marks the last day that Jack will receive chemo EVER!
What a mildstone for a six year old boy to acheive.

Jack has had a busy day, chemo at 8:00 and 10:00, a bath every four hours after that to cleanse all of the toxins from his body. Then he had occupational and physical therapy at 10:30, they were amazed with the progress he has made. The last time they were with him he walked a total of four steps. Today he showed them how he could dribble the basketball between his legs. At 12:00 we had a tutor come and do some school work with him.

The rest of the day was spent coloring and watching movies. Tonight we are watching a movie about dolphins hoping to get some pointers when Jack gets to go swimming with them.

Now that his treatment plan is all but over, it's time to put "Prayers for Jack" in high gear to assure that the cancer leaves his body forever.

Thank you all for your help through this time with our family. I can say that if anyone HAS to go through it they need amazing friends and family and Jen and I are lucky to have both.

God Bless and LiveSTRONG

Marty and Jen

Friday, November 11, 2005 9:08 AM CST

Last day of high dose chemo-EVER!

Things here in Rochester are going smoothly. Yesterday was a quiet day filled with movies and making a saddle for Jack's new stuffed horse. Things got a little crazier at 6:15 when it was BINGO time. Jack was a lucky boy and won twice. Since Jack is confined to the transplant unit, we were able to play by watching t.v. and calling in when he won. Jack didn't hesitate to YELL into the phone "BINGO." He won a basketball and a race car set.

Marty and I have learned so much or should I say have been reminded of so much in the past year. Only an experience like this can open your eyes and for that we found the positiveness in this difficult situation. I received an email and wanted to share part of it with you because it is what I hope all of you will recieve from our experience and I hope we never forget.

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final goodbye.

Thank-you for your unconditional support and prayers!
God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 9:05 PM CST

Round Two Begins!

Today is the day that Jack begins round two of his chemo, which is going to be his last. Jen and I have been asking ourselves if this could be real... The end of the beginning...

I told Jen yesterday that when the Doctor informed us that we were only going to do two rounds of chemo instead of three I got the feeling in my stomach that I used to get before a wrestling match. You prepare for the match for so long and anticipate it so much that when they finally call your name you say to yourself "Oh crap" now its time.

When we look back it seems not to long ago that people were calling and volunteering to do the Chrismas shopping for us while we were at the University hospitals last December. It amazes me to think about where the year has gone and how much has happened since.

Last night while watching a movie Jack had asked about a certain character and Jen explained to him that he was an angel that wants to help people. Jack informed that he wanted to be a real angel and help other people. As hard as that was for us to hear, we were remined of how precious our little boy is and how sensitive some of the most innocent conversations can be.

This morning we were off to get blood work done and to get his hearing tested again. They found out that his hearing in the left hear has a mild high frequency loss. That is better than the moderate loss they thought that he had yesterday. Then it was off to the Twin Cities. Jen had finally reached a milestone goal of her's of two or three years... She was able to get me to IKEA. It was not as bad as I thought and can't wait to go back in another couple of years. Jack decided that since he was going to be couped up in the hospital for a week he wanted to walk the entire store, so it took a little longer than we thought, but it was nice to see the determination of what he set out to do.

"Spencer" truly does not stand a chance.

Thank you all for everything you have helped our family do over the past year.

God Bless and Livestrong,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:41 PM CST

Yesterday Jack's platelet counts were up to 71,000!

So within 24 hour we are back in Rochester. Today was long, filled with bloodwork, hearing tests, kidney tests and a doctors appointment. Jack was a trooper, like usual. He even had to get a shot. The hearing test resulted in a high frequency hearing loss in Jack's left ear. He did have some wax in his ear, so we will go back tomorrow to test it again. Hopefully he is able to hear better. We knew a loss could occur due to the chemo drugs. In retrospect, a high frequency loss is nothing.

During our oncology appointment we were told that "the team" decided that this would be Jack's last high dose chemo round with stem cell transplant. They are concerned that it took so long for Jack's little body to recover from the last dose and it will only get more difficult. They do not want to destroy his immune system and not be able to build it back. So Jack will get all his stem cells back in this last transplant. How do we feel about this? Well we have mixed emotions. We feel like we should be overjoyed that this is the last time that Jack's body will have to endure this awful treatment, yet we feel like we didn't complete the task. The oncologist explained that there is no evidence that 3 doses is any better than 2. We WANT to be done with treatment, but we were just shocked knowing that it is alot closer than we thought. Maybe we will get our Christmas miracle.

Jack has bloodwork, kidney ultrasound and hearing test tomorrow. Jack will be admitted tomorrow to St. Mary's transplant center to get IV fluids. He will have chemo on Thursday and Friday with resting on Saturday and Sunday and the transplant on Monday. They can't guarantee where we will be at that time.

Please say a prayer that this last high dose chemo will destroy this awful disease- FOR GOOD. Thanks again for the platelet prayers, they worked, because even today they were up to 81,000!

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Monday, November 7, 2005 10:26 AM CST

"Maybe if we were charged a fee to pray we would have a better sense of its value, of course, no one could afford it, for the value of prayer is priceless."

59,000 and rising (as of Friday)!

Yes, I was disappointed on Friday with the platelets not being closer to 75,000, however I was quickly reminded that the counts are increasing at that is what is important! I'm just so impatient. So I decided to look at it as it is more time to enjoy being home and enjoy our own beds.

Last week Jack went to his friend's (Jake) music program. He begged to go and Marty had a difficult time saying no. It felt strange not having him with us that evening. We felt very blessed to know that Jack was well enough to actually go and not have us hovering over him. Thank-you to the Reckers' for letting Jack feel like he wasn't the "sick kid."

This weekend has been layed back, filled with visiting with friends and trying to organize the house. I feel like I need a "Clean Sweep" and an "Ambush Makeover." As you can tell I like to watch TLC.

We got bloodwork taken this morning and we will see where we go from there. I'm hoping, definately not planning, that we can be up there by Friday and start chemo by the weekend. As long as Jack looks and acts as well as he has, I can handle anything!

Have a great week!
God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:31 PM CST

We have a new record for the longest time being home since April. It is much easier to forget about the seriousness of cancer when we are home together. We are trying to be "like usual." Ben is jumping off of the furniture and complaining that he can't stick to the walls like Spiderman. Ella is playing princess and provoking Ben. Jack is watching movies and doing crafts. And believe me everyone of those sweet children have had their share of time-outs....even Jack. In fact, Jack getting into trouble is reassuring that he IS getting better:)

I'm anxious to have Jack's bloodwork checked on Friday. It is, in a strange way, like calling to hear if you won the lottery. I will be very disappointed if his platelets aren't close to 75,000 by then. Mistakenly, I was hoping that we would be done with our chemo and transplant protocal by Christmas, but I'm sure that will not be true. God probably knew that I would probably get too crazy on New Year's Eve if that was the case. So we will settle with "the last chemo and transplant" party in the early part of the new year. I'm sure to most of you January seems very far away, but to me it seems so close!

Thanks to everyone for not forgetting about us and keeping us in your prayers. Thank-you also to Jodie and Kristen for the wonderful meals!

Check out the new pictures of the goblins!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, October 31, 2005 2:29 PM CST


YESSSS!!! Finally, Jack's platelets are on the rise! Thank-you for your "specific" prayers! If the trend continues, we should be up at Mayo by next week for our 2nd high dose chemo and stem cell transplant! Until, then we are being normal and loving it!

Jack continues to be doing great! He is being a kid, like he should be! For the first time in, actually I can't remember, things feel good.

On Friday, Marty's work had a halloween party for the kids and Jack walked the entire building with little support. We have ditched the wheelchair! Spiderman and Princess Ella also had a blast trick or treating at TrueNorth. I promise pictures are coming, that is Marty's area of expertise.

Miss Ella turned 2! From the minute she woke up she knew it was her day! She loved her Dora Princess cupcakes and opening ALL the presents. What a relief it was to be home for her day!

We successfully had a family picture taken on Saturday. Hopefully we all smiled and looked at the camera. I bribed and threatend the kids with everything, so they were very compliant for the photo shoot. It will probably be me who has their eyes closed.

Have a fun and spooky Halloween! It is such a magical day for kids and can be for adults! Eat an extra Snickers and enjoy the goblins.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:13 AM CDT

In the past week, Marty and I have had the opportunity to see many friends. I was telling my friends from Cascade that I think EVERYONE should have their own website! That way I could check on all my friends and family. If they were having a bad day, I could write some encouraging words. I'm not sure if all of you reading this realizes how much you are affecting our lives. I live for Jack's page and love to also hear from new friends, which are usually "friends of friends." Please know that someday I WILL email you all, but thank-you from the bottom of our hearts for right now!

Mr. Jack continues to walk better and communicate better. The seizures continue, but that we live with. Jack's bloodwork looks pretty good, except his platelets (what clots your blood) need to go up. As of Tuesday, his platelets were 39,000 and we need it at 75,000. If it dips into 20,000, he will need a transfusion. SO maybe we just need to specify our bloodwork prayers to "Improved platelet counts!" It's worth a try, huh?!

Thanks again for the support.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:40 PM CDT

"Hope and positivity are two different things. You can have hope and not be positive every single day, but you can't have a single moment of positivity without hope."

I wish I had a videotape of Jack the past few days and you all could view him with the same amazement we have.

Ever since the van ride home last week, Jack has been doing really well. In fact, he is looking and acting better than he has in several months! I would LOVE to share my new favorite "Jack Moments":

1. On friday, Jack said "I want to play baseball." I was not sure how I was going to manage that request, but knew I had to try. Luckily my neighber, Deb, came over and gladly stepped in as the pitcher (a really good one at that). At first I positioned Jack (poor kid is learning from ME, who can't hit a ball to save her life)and provided some trunk support. The first pitch came and Jack hit it HARD, along with almost hitting ME. I decided to let him try to keep his balance and hit, but being close by to catch him if he should fall. I promise I am not exaggerating when I say that Jack hit the ball at least 75% of the time! Only 1-2x I had to keep him from falling. I ran to call Marty to have him come home and see Jack, who could barely stand last week, and now SLAMMING the ball. Jack showed Marty his accomplishment and said "I'm done." It seemed like he knew he conquered baseball again. It was AWESOME!

2. Today Ben and Ella were playing superheros (go figure) and Jack asked to put on his power ranger suit. He put on the suit and started doing karate moves. He even jumped off of a foot stool. Yeah I was freaking out at that move, but he actually stuck the landing! That is one of the first times Jack has wanted to join in play with Ben and Ella in along time.

3. Spontaneously, Jack walked around the livingroom and got a kleenex and walked over to Ella and wiped her nose for her. The day before, he got up and started tickling her neck. Now that is our sweet Jack we have been missing.

I am someone that NEEDS to have reasons for why things happen, especially medically. SO it has been difficult lately, with not getting very many good reasons for what Jack has been going through. BUT, after these past days, I don't care WHY things are better, I'm just extremely grateful! It is amazing how quickly things can change. I cried hard last week and now I'm laughing harder this week.

Thank-you for your prayers, Jack's bloodwork was improving on Friday! Please keep it up!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:56 PM CDT

"Share each other's troubles and problems and in this way obey the law of Christ."
-Galatians 6:2 NLT

Marty bought me the "Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life" and in it I found this quote. The quote reminded me of the website and how much you all are taking on our troubles. Thanks again to all you.

Jack had a GREAT day today. He looks better than he has in several months. He had a couple seizures, but overall did really well. He worked on some home school work with
Grandma Rosie and ran errands with Marty. The best moment for me was having him sit at the supper table and eat with us. The simple things continue to be the best.

Have a great weekend and GO HAWKS!

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:53 PM CDT

As the kids and I say when we pull into the driveway "Home again, Home again, jiggety, jig, jig!

The morning started off rocky, with Jack having several small seizures. Sometimes these small seizures make him very spacey and have difficulty responding to you. It is sad to watch. The Endocronolgist witnessed several of the seizures during our appointment and gave us what I call the "sympathy eyes."

BUT, as if a switch went off in Jack's head, he was alert and responsive again in the later afternoon. Marty even caught him whistling while he was looking out the window on the way home.

The highlight of the day was visiting our pediatric neuro-oncologist at her lab. She invited us over to see her mice that have green brains. Dr. Wetmore's mice had babies yesterday, so we were able to look at them under the microscope. She let us pet the mice, even I touched the somewhat cute rodents. I can learn to like something that will someday assist in understanding cancer-right?! The only unfortunate thing about the visit was that I forgot my camera. I'm sure she will let us visit again, since she said Jack was one of her favorite patients.

Our goal for the next 2 weeks is for Jack to get his platelet and hemoglobin up and to ENJOY the rest of October!

Please keep up with the prayers for improved bloodwork-I do believe it is helping!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:04 PM CDT

Hello Friends,

Jen and I have learned many of things throughout Jacks fight with cancer. One of them seems to ring true time and time again is the fact that Jack is a fighter.

Four days ago I was sitting with Jack in Mercy hospital calling Jen at a wedding informing her we needed her to come back to the hospital not sure of what was happening to our son.

Today, we met the doctors to see what the next step was. While there Jack was wearing his Burger King crown to show them that he was king for the day. He had just completed half of his fries and most of his ice cream cone.

They were happy with his improvement over the weekend, although his counts are still too low to start chemo they wanted us to know that they were encouraged with the fact that the MRI showed no change for the worse.

This afternoon Jack received a plateletts tranfusion, tomorrow we will get his counts checked again to make sure he holds his new cells. If he does well they want us to take him home for TWO straight weeks to build his strength up for the next round of chemo.

That means that hopefully we will all be home for Halloween. And more importantly Ella's 2nd birthday on the 29th.

Thank you all for helping Jack with his fight and being in his corner.

God Bless and LiveStrong.

Marty and Jen

Monday, October 17, 2005 9:51 PM CDT


The neurologist reviewed the MRI and MRV results with us and basically said there were no blood clots and nothing significantly different. Then said "Do you want to go home?" My first comment to that was "Are you kidding me?"
He explained that they have no explanation for the strange episodes that Jack had on Saturday and since the tests today looked fine, we could be discharged. They did decide to take him off Dilantin and start a new seizure medicine. That will make our 7th seizure medicine we have tried. Sometimes I don't know which is worse for you, chemo or the potential side affects of seizure medicines. Oh well, we do what they say and pray.

We were finally discharged by 8:00 p.m. and moved into the RMH again. We have bloodwork and doctor appointments tomorrow. Hopefully we will have new plans and we can get the next high dose chemo started soon.

Jack's highlight today was being sedated. There was a part of me that would have loved to be sedated as well.

We are hoping that we can go home tomorrow following our appointments. We'll see.

Please pray Jack's bloodwork improves.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, October 16, 2005 10:21 PM CDT

14 hours after being at St. Mary's ER in Rochester(last Friday am), Jack spiked a temperature and we went to Mercy Medical Center's ER in Cedar Rapids!

We wanted answers to our perplexing questions last week and some were answered. At 2:30 a.m. Saturday morning, Jack was diagnosed with Pneumonia. Which could be the answer to why his labwork has been so low. The ER doctor said he could have us transported to Mayo via ambulance. I appreciated his concern and willingness to do the best for Jack, but I was so exhausted that I couldn't phathom another 3 hour trip. So they consulted with our Oncologist and admitted him to Mercy's ICU. By 4:00 a.m., Jack and I were able to go to sleep.

The compassion and concern we received from everyone at Mercy made things so much easier on Jack and I. Everyone want's to feel like a rockstar in their life and the treatment we receive has to be pretty close.

On Saturday, Marty's cousin, Lisa got married. Jack and Ben were suppose to carry up a flower during the wedding. Since I figured Jack would be sleeping all day, Ben, Ella and I went to the wedding. What a beautiful day for a wedding. But shortly after the wedding, Marty called and said he needed me there because Jack was not doing very well. I quickly loaded up the kids and headed home from Peosta, Iowa. My wonderful sister and niece, also quickly packed up and met me at my house. I grabbed my still packed bag and headed back up to the hospital.

Jack had a catscan of the head and it resulted in NO changes. Labwork resulted in an extremely high Dilantin level, low platelets and lower hemoglobin. The on call pediatrician, Dr. Schomer, was awesome. She visited Jack, called us to check on us, consulted with the Mayo Oncologist several times and came back again that evening to examine Jack. She explained that she felt comfortable keeping Jack, but if anything changed she would have the Mayo helicopter there ASAP. The plan was to get platelets that evening and go back to Rochester at 8:00 a.m. via ambulance. A special thanks to Dr. Schomer, Mercy ER staff and ICU staff!

Morning seemed to arrive quickly and Jack and I were loaded up in the ambulance for our 3rd trip in 6 days. Strangely, Jack and I enjoyed the 3 hour ambulance ride while Marty followed in the van. Jack slept 95% of the way and I enjoyed socializing with the paramedics. I want to thank Lonnie and Matt for nice fall ride.

Jack's swelling has improved considerably today and except for a strange episode this afternoon, he is doing a lot better. He was reciting words to movies and smiling (without me paying him for the smiles). Labwork resulted in a high Dilantin level. SO his strange episodes could be contributed to the high levels. Jack is scheduled for a MRI in the morning to get to the bottom of everything.

It has been a frustrating, crazy, scary and exhausting week. But within all the chaos, we can't help but notice all the special people we come into contact with. Again we see God through so many people.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, October 14, 2005 10:47 AM CDT

Hi friends,

In less than 24 hours we have been in Cedar Rapids, in Rochester, and now we are on our way back to Cedar Rapids.
Yesterday, Jack's head and neck swelling seemed to get worse, even after 4 doses of Benadryl. After speaking with the oncologist, they suggested we go to the ER...in Rochester. So as quickly as we could, we repacked, rescheduled where Ben and Ella were going and headed up. We arrived in the ER at 10:00 pm. The ER doctor was actually one we had before. He even called the RMH last week to see if Jack was there so he could bring his dog "Jackson" down to visit. Yeah, how sweet is that. Anyway, he looked at Jack and said "and they think I can figure this out?" One of our favorite nurses and residents happen to be also working in the ER last night. They were just as stumped as all the other doctors. They ended up doing an ultrasound on Jack's neck to make sure there wasn't any clots. Fortunately, the ultrasound was negative. But you all know how the ER works, we got in at 10:00pm and was discharged at 2:30am. Half asleep we got a hotel room and crashed. We followed up with the docotor this morning and she said "go home." SO here we go again.

Just the fact that they checked into something and especially knowing there are NO clots was worth the hassle. We are about to leave the hotel and try to plan our weekend again.

Thanks for checking in and have a great weekend.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, October 14, 2005 10:47 AM CDT

Hi friends,

In less than 24 hours we have been in Cedar Rapids, in Rochester, and now we are on our way back to Cedar Rapids.
Yesterday, Jack's head and neck swelling seemed to get worse, even after 4 doses of Benadryl. After speaking with the oncologist, they suggested we go to the ER...in Rochester. So as quickly as we could, we repacked, rescheduled where Ben and Ella were going and headed up. We arrived in the ER at 10:00 pm. The ER doctor was actually one we had before. He even called the RMH last week to see if Jack was there so he could bring his dog "Jackson" down to visit. Yeah, how sweet is that. Anyway, he looked at Jack and said "and they think I can figure this out?" One of our favorite nurses and residents happen to be also working in the ER last night. They were just as stumped as all the other doctors. They ended up doing an ultrasound on Jack's neck to make sure there wasn't any clots. Fortunately, the ultrasound was negative. But you all know how the ER works, we got in at 10:00pm and was discharged at 2:30am. Half asleep we got a hotel room and crashed. We followed up with the docotor this morning and she said "go home." SO here we go again.

Just the fact that they checked into something and especially knowing there are NO clots was worth the hassle. We are about to leave the hotel and try to plan our weekend again.

Thanks for checking in and have a great weekend.

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:53 AM CDT

They told us to go home.

We were hoping that yesterday would be filled with all the answers we needed. Well that didn't happen. So the unexplained swelling of the Jack's face and neck was left with "we don't know, go home and see what happens." I asked them "what happens if it gets worse?" and they encouraged me to go to the ER if he stops breathing. Yeah, that answer wasn't exactly what I was looking for. SO we are giving him Benadryl every 6 hours for 2 days to see if that will help.

They still have no answers about the calcium problems, but we have a urine test to do that may assist in that solution. After our appointments yesterday, Jack had to get calcium intravenously. But they felt that "waiting" could be done better at home then the RMH. We agreed.

Since Ben and Ella are coughing and have runny noses, the doctors encouraged us to keep Jack away from them for a while. It was sort of wierd being home and having them at grandma and papas.

Please say extra prayers that Jack's platelets and hemoglobin go up, because if they don't it will delay chemo even more and possibly change his whole chemo protocal.

Thank-you for all that gathered business cards, like I did, but we were informed that it was just a HOAX! I'm sorry if anyone went way out of their way and is as disappointed as myself.

Have a great week!
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:33 PM CDT

We made a big, novice mistake today......we tried to plan something.

After our bloodwork this morning, we met with doctors all day. Jack successfully puzzled the Endocrinologist, Neurologist and Oncologist--ALL IN ONE DAY!

The Endocrinologist is concerned with the Jack's inability to maintain a good calcium level. In fact, she explained that a child Jack's size should manage their calcium with 800mg/day and Jack currently recieves 4000mg/day. We are still waiting on bloodwork to figure that puzzle out.

The Neurologist was the least puzzled, but still very concerned about Jack's seizure activity. He explained that Jack is in the "eye of the storm" right now and Jack's brain is being irritated by all the chemo. He did increase Jack's medicine again, in hopes that Jack would have some seizure relief.

The Oncologist was puzzled the most. She explained that Jack's platelet counts were lower than what they should be. She was so surprised by the low number that she made us go back and do the labwork again. Unfortunately there was not a lab error. She is not sure why the counts are low, but THINKS maybe he is working on a virus(which is very plausible considering we left Ben and Ella last night with fevers). So after 10 hours of running to appointments and doing bloodwork, we went to the hospital for Jack to get platelets intravenously.

Jack's blood work was not the only puzzling thing today. For the past 5 days, Jack's eyes have been puffy. I called the doctor and she instructed me to give Benadryl. Needless to say, that didn't work and now his neck is very swollen and stiff. AGAIN, none of the doctors today could give us a definate answer or remedy. We are hoping more labwork tomorrow will give us answers to THAT problem. The good thing is that Jack does not seem too bothered by the swelling.

Eventhough today was very frustrating, we all managed to laugh a lot. Jack had a great sense of humor today. Another plus is that Jack ate 4 mini tootsie pop suckers. Jack eating all the suckers made us laugh in itself.

Many of you may have received an email about a child with a brain tumor that is dying and his make-a-wish is to be in the guiness book of records for having the most business cards. SO we have been gathering business cards at all of our appointments and ask if you have any to please mail them to the following address (what a simple thing to do, huh?):
Craig Shepard
Make-A-Wish Foundation
300 East Perimeter Center
Atlanta, GA 30348

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Monday, October 10, 2005 10:36 PM CDT

Ten Days are up already???

Yes, its true we are back up at the RMH for a couple of days. The last ten days flew by. Sorry, for the delay in updating, but everynight we say we were going to do it ran into the next day.

When we found out we had 10 days at home, we TRIED to keep things simple. Our goal was to relax at home with the kids. We also vowed to try to get the house back in some sort of order. Well, we are rested anyway.

Over the past week Jack started eating more. He requested his favorite garlic bread from Zio Johno's. Just about everyday we would either pick up or have garlic bread delivered. He would eat it at all times of the day and night. Late Sunday night, Jack requested garlic bread and our neighbors, Denny and Mardean, actually had some in their freezer! They have rescued us so many times! Anyway, we have learned our lesson and will start freezing the bread!

During the past week, we needed to increase Jack's seizure medicines again. At one point, Jack was coloring at the table and had a drop seizure and hit his nose on the table. I encouraged him to PLEASE color while on the couch, but he refused. Even Jack knows that it is difficult to stay in the lines while balancing a coloring book on your lap. Anyway, he had 2 more drop seizures within that 20 minute span. Cancer of any type is just awful, but I can't help but think that if Jack had cancer somewhere else in his body, it would be easier to manage. These seizures are so frustrating!

On Saturday, Marty's cousin Darcey and her husband Tim organized their 11th annual golf outing, however did it this year as a benefit for Jack. About 40 golfers came out on the beautiful day to enjoy golf and remember Jack. I was able to take Jack to the club house to hang out with the golfers. It was very touching to see so many people in one place because of Jack. Even our good friend Shane drove over 7 hours to attend the golf outing! Thank-you to everyone that helped with this event, sponsored golf holes and spent their day golfing for Jack!

Although we had an awesome time at home, we are back here to do business! Jack has labwork at 8:00 am and doctor appointments until 4:00 pm. If all goes well, Jack will have a couple tests on Wednesday and we will go home until Sunday. Jack will be admitted next Sunday to the transplant center for his second round of high doze chemo and transplant!

Thank you for the prayers and support. Please pray that the tumor cells continue to be destroyed-forever!

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:58 PM CDT

"God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out."
-Corinthians 10:13

Well it has been a week since I vented my frustrations with cancer. At that time, I just wanted my old life back. Well I think my prayers were answered with us being granted 10 days at home. It is what Jack and the rest of the family needed. We feel so much better and we still have 5 more days to enjoy!

Highlights of today were:
1. Jack eating 2 pieces of garlic bread.
2. Jack eating a sandwich.
3. Jack insisting to carry his supper plate to the sink by HIMSELF!
4. Admiring Jack's beautiful coloring.
5. Ben hugging his teacher.
6. Ben putting on work gloves to help the neighbor.
7. Ella insisting on taking her shirt off (outside) like her idol Batman Ben.
8. Ella TRYING to chase Ben.
9. Eating at the table as a family.
10. The smell of clean kids right out of the tub!

On a sad note, Alex (the 2 year old little boy from RMH)earned his angel wings on Saturday. I read their webpage yesterday and was shocked to learn of his passing. I just spoke to Alex's dad a week ago and played with Alex 2 weeks ago. Alex's MRI last thursday resulted in multiple tumor growths and he passed away only 2 days later. This heartbreaking news reminds me how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away! Alex's dad wrote on their website the most amazing words and I would like to share them with all of you.
"We are neither the creator nor the owner of life, but only the caretakers."
Please say a prayer for Alex and his family so that they find peace and their smile again.

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Monday, October 3, 2005 6:59 AM CDT

Were Home!

Sorry for the delay in updates. On Friday morning the doctor came in around 7:00 and told me that they were going to keep us in for one more day and hook him up to the EEG for 5 hours to monitor his seizure activity.

I told her how good he did on Thursday night and that we would do whatever they wanted but we really wanted to go home. Then at 9:30 the team of doctors came in after dicussing Jacks improvement and informed us that he would be going home on Friday. Then they asked how I felt he would do at home, I explained to him that home was the best medicine for Jack at times. They then told me not to bring him home until the 10th of October.

10 days at home!

We arrived at home around 6:00 on Friday evening and had a pretty laid back weekend. During therapy on Friday Jack had walked about 4 feet by himself and they were impressed with his strength and improvement. On Saturday morning Jack was sleeping upstairs and I went down to get his medicine ready and turned around in the kitchen and there was Jack standing behind me saying "Good Morning". Home is the best medicine.

Jack had is buddy Jake Recker over on Saturday and they played for 5 hours just like old times. Sunday were went fishing in the backyard with Jake Grovert for a couple of hours. It was so nice to have him back outside in the sun and breathing the fresh air of his own backyard.

Jack his showing Jen and I how tho Livestrong everyday and showing us that we all must push on because the finish line is almost here.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:39 PM CDT

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers the last couple of days.

Today Jack had his MRI at 10:00. He made it back in the room around 1:00 and slept until 3:00. When he woke up he was still pretty tired. Most of it from being sadated and some of it has to be that he didnt go to sleep until 12:30 last night.

The doctor came in and let me know that the MRI came back and there has not been any change from when it was taken in August. I guess there are two ways to look at it, good news in the fact that the tumor has not grown, bad news in the fact that it is the same after one round of chemo. Right now our glass is half full.

Tonight Jack is doing the best I have seen him for weeks. We paid Bayblades on the floor for over an hour. Then we took a trip to the vending machine for a snack and he actually asked for some Starburst and blue Gatorade. When we returned to the room he ate one and half Starburst and had two sips of Gatorade. This may not seem like much but this was the first time that he had asked for something to eat in at least a month and I really dont remember the last time he had actually ate something. Its a start.

We are having movie theatre night tonight. While watching Monsters Inc. He is reciting the movie word for word. Music to my ears. It is like a big weight had been lifted and he can for some reason think clearly tonight.

Lets hope we are turning the corner for more good things to come.

Again thank you.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:49 AM CDT

Live for today...Pray for tomorrow.

Well, we are still in the hospital. Although Jack had a good day yesterday there were times that he was distant and non-responsive. The Doctor was in here to witness one of the drop seizures and you could tell that she was alittle alarmed at what she had just witnessed.

Around 1:00 a team of people came in with some computer equiptment to do an EEG. That was surprising to me because with Jack the results have been always the same, they were always bad. And we thought that they had given up on them. The doctor informed me that with his drop in communication and the increase of seizures the last couple of days they wanted to compare one to the last one they had done in May.

Last night the Nuerologist came in to share the news. Yes, it is bad and not a big surprise. This test resulted in Jack having seizures sometimes one in every two seconds in clusters that would last around 20 seconds per time. Sounds complicated I know. Sometimes Jack will say Dad and nothing else and when you answer him he will look at you with a blank look, then he will say Dad again and do this 10 times over 30 to 40 seconds. This gets very frustrating sometime because all you want to do is help. The doctor told us that when he goes into that pattern then he is probaly in one of the seizure clusters. He is unable to finish his thought and even forgets that he had one.

I had asked if this is something perminant or is this a result in the cancer cells dying and due to that irritaion to the brain. She really could not answer that right now. We have an MRI scheduled for this morning and she said she will review the results and then will be able to give me a more definate answer.

Last night was a fun night for Jack and I. It was spent watching movies, doing crafts in the activity room and playing video games.

As you can tell we are Living for today and Praying for tomorrow.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:36 PM CDT

Changing of the guard.

I had driven up this afternoon to relieve Jen from as you could tell were a couple of stressful days. Hopefully she will become re-energized by being home with Ben and Ella, I know I have been.

Jack had been seizure free all day until 4:30 when I arrived and then had three in 10 minutes. Talk about timing. They are going to change some of his meds around to try to get the seizures under control again. Tomorrow, we will see how he reacts to the medicine changes and hopefully be released to the Ronald Mcdonald House by late afternoon.

All along the doctors have been telling us that this is a marathon and to pace ourselves. Having said that we can see the finish line in the distance and know that there are still some hills we have to climb before we reach it. I would like to think that Jen and I have been doing the best we can for Jack and still try to not have Ben and Ella lose an entire year of there life also due to cancer. That is why we travel so much back and forth and try to maintain a somewhat steady homelife for them as well. We also both feel that it is important to do as much work as we can while at home not only to give us that adult interaction we all need but also to give a little back to our employers who have given us so much of themselves. This for sure is something that will stay with our family for the rest of our lives but I assure you it will somehow have a positive spin to it and make us stronger for going through it. I just wish the lesson would be alittle shorter and less painfull on everyone especially Jack.

When we think back to the entire year and think about everyone who have gone out of there way for our family it reminds us what is really important in life which is family, friends and a stong faith. There is no way Jen and I would have been able to survive if even one of the three were missing for our daily life.

On the home front, Ella had spent her first 24 hours without her "plug" and even went to sleep without it last night. We will see if Mom keeps the string going.

Ben had his first Show-and-Tell last Thursday and to everyones surprise he wanted to show everyone his Batman suit. Then today was his day for treats. He picked string cheese and goldfish crakers.

I know that we try to say it often and words cannot express how much Jen and I appreciate everything everyone has done for us and the support we have been given.

God Bless and Livestrong

Marty and Jen

Monday, September 26, 2005 12:37 AM CDT

I didn't update the journal last night because I didn't want to write a bunch of negative thoughts. It's just the past couple days I have felt like I was on my last mile of the marathon, but I ran out of speed because I didn't pace myself. If that makes any sense. I had a moment last night when I was just tired of dealing with cancer. I wanted my old life back. I wanted to go to work, take the kids to school/daycare, make supper and even clean my house. I was sick of not having any choices. When you think of cancer, you think, chemo, radiation, and hair loss. But what is more trying is the little stuff that adds up. For instance, cleaning Jack's g-tube 2x/day (which hurts and makes him scream/hit/cry). Even simple toothbrushing is a big deal. At times, Jack won't let me hold his hand when he is walking, which he will fall on his face if I dont't. I get frustrated and admittantly will get mad. Then I feel guilty for raising my voice at a kid with cancer. I feel this upset and I'm not even the one with cancer- imagine how Jack feels.

Now after a good cry and some praying for extra strength, patience and energy, I feel better today. I know after reading this several of you will insist on coming up to save me, but I am fine. I just needed to vent.

Now about Jack, his cell counts are slowly rising and he has been fever free. He had a couple seizures yesterday, but overall he is doing tons better. Eventhough I have been frustrated, I am so proud of him. I just keeping telling him that everything I am doing is to make him all better.
We are one more day closer to being all better.

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Saturday, September 24, 2005 6:44 PM CDT


You would have thought that Jack would have slept like a baby last night from being sick the night before, BUT he just couldn't fall asleep last night. Luckily he wasn't getting sick to his stomach throughout the night. He did have some reaction to something because his eyes got all puffy and he was itchy.

So during our sleepless night, Jack and I had some interesting conversations. At one point, Jack said "I'm sad that Papa Jack died." (Eventhough Papa Jack passed away when Jackson was 2 years old, he has always remembered visiting him). I explained that Papa Jack is happy because he is in heaven with Grandma Mary and his body doesn't hurt anymore. I told him that he is probably watching the Cubs with Uncle Donny. Immediately, Jack asked "Does God like the Cubbies?" I assured him that God likes the Cubbies, eventhough their record doesn't show it. Quite the deep conversation at 3:00 a.m..

Jack did not get sick to his stomach today, but instead had to use the bathroom a lot. We both had our share of frustrating moments today, but things are getting better. Bloodwork from last night resulted in Jack needing a blood and platelet transfusion, extra calcium and more fluids. They are on their way to building him back up again.

The oncologist said that we will be in the hospital for 3-7 days. Lets hope for the lesser and with a trip home!

Thanks for checking on us.
God Bless and Livestrong,

Jen and Marty

Friday, September 23, 2005 7:04 PM CDT

"I know that God will not give me something that I cannot handle, I just wish he would not trust me so much"
Mother Teresa

After a long day yesterday, I was hoping for Jack to have a nice peaceful nights sleep. Not so, he continued to become sick throughout the night. He was up every hour from 12:30 to 6:00 asking for the bowl. There were a couple of times that I would awake to him sitting up with the bowl in front of him like he was trying not to wake me.

At 6:00 a.m. I had taken Jacks temperature and it was at 100 degrees. Then at 8:30 it had reached 101, I called the on-call doctor and they had directed me to the emergency room for some blood work. By the time we had made it there his temp had gone back to normal. After some dicussion the decision was made to admit Jack back into the hospital until his counts come back which will be another 4-5 days.

This afternoon his fever had returned at 101. Although this was something they had told us might happen, I think that we were holding out a little hope that we were going to luck out and not have to return to the hospital until his next chemo round.

On a positive note, Jack was asking for water today. It was the first time for a couple of weeks that he has shown any interest in putting something in his mouth.

Jen had just returned for what I am sure seemed like a too short of stay at home. I will leave tonight to attend an all day class tomorrow, then who knows what will come next?

God Bless and Livestong.

Marty and Jen

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:41 PM CDT


Today was a pretty busy one for Jack. It started out with a trip to the Mayo clinic to have blood work this morning at 9:00 then off to review the results at 11:00 with the doctor. We then came back to the Ronald McDonald House to re-dress for the cold weather. When we came into the house yesterday it was 88 degrees, when we left this morning it was 58 degrees. Welcome to Minnesota weather I was told.

At 1:00 it was off to therapy at St. Mary's hospital. While at therapy Jack had gotton sick to we made it a short session today. At 3:00 we then went up to the 5th floor for blood work infusion due to some low counts from the test results this morning. This lasted alittle more than three hours. We finally got back to the room around 7:00 tonight to start giving meds.

Throughout the day Jack had gotton sick several times. It started at 2:00 this morning. Although he is getting sick alot he seems to keep a pretty good attitude about it all and makes it seem like it is just part of his daily routine know.

Tomorrow will be a pretty laid back day with just therapy planned at 11:00 then it is rest for the remainder of the day.

Have a good TGIF and a safe weekend.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:18 PM CDT


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. On Monday, Jack and I returned to Rochester and his cell count, expectantly, was very low. SO next to putting Jack in a bubble to keep him from the germs, we have stayed in our RMH room all week. Yeah, we both were a little tired of eachother at times.

Good news to report! Thanks to all your prayers, Jack has been basically seizure-free since Saturday. This is pretty amazing, since last Friday he had about six!

Besides sitting in our room watching a lot of cartoons, doing some home schooling (teaching handwriting is NOT my specialty) and doing crafts, we had doctor appointments and therapy. More good news! Everyday at therapy, Jack gets stronger and closer to walking independently! Hopefully he will be on his way to working on his Taebo.

Marty arrived today and we attended Jack's neurology appointment. More good news! Our neurologist compared the MRI from August with the won in July and remarked that it has improved by about 60%. He reminded us that Jack's cancer presentation is very rare (only 2 cases that he knows)and that we still have quite the road ahead of us. BUT, he said that they have a "full court press" on the cancer. He also praised us for how well we are doing and said we should be at "peace" with that. It felt good to be complemented.

After the appointment, I headed home to be with the other munchkins. I look forward to taking Ben to Batman school and going to work. My stay will be brief, with me going back up on Friday afternoon, but anytime home is worth it.

Thank-you for your support and prayers- it is priceless!

God Bless and Livestrong,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:58 PM CDT

Sorry for the delay in updating.

After a great weekend home as a family for the first time in a long time, Jen had left Monday morning with Jack for Rochester. Jack had his counts checked and like we expected they had taken a dive by Monday afternoon.

Jack still had gone to his therapy on Tuesday and Wednesday. He is getting stronger by the day.

I arrived in Rochester around 4:00p.m. just in time to make the Doctors appointment. We met with the Neurologist this afternoon. He was happy to see the progress that Jack had made. Then Jen had left for home right afterwords. When we arrived in the parking garage we had just enough time for me to hand her birthday present to her and say good bye. Happy Birthday Jen.

I would also like to announce that I have new nephew in the family. Anthony James was born this morning around 1:30 a.m. Congrats, Lee and Erin.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Sunday, September 18, 2005 4:55 PM CDT

"Even while resting, the battle inside your body is going on, cell by cell. Sometimes just let the body rest so the cells can concentrate on only one job at a time."
-Quote from the book "There's No Place Like Hope."

The first stem cell transplant was successfully completed! The critical procedure was surprizingly simple. A very important looking person thaws the bags of stem cells and puts them in a syringe for the transplant nurse to slowly inject into Jack. They used 5 bags of stems cells and the procedure lasted approximately 20 minutes. During the transplant, Jack takes on a cream style corn-like odor. He got sick during the transplant because he also got that taste in his mouth. After the transplant, Jack slept for about 3 hours.

After the transplant, the oncologist asked if we wanted go home for the weekend. Shockingly, I said "Home like RMH or Home like HOME-HOME?" She laughed and said "Home-Home." She explained that Jack's cell counts wouldn't go down drastically until Monday and to just return then. So I called Marty to tell him to stay in CR and Jack and I headed home! What a great feeling.

Home has made a HUGE difference for Jack. He has found his smile and is happier. He has been able to see his grandparents, his cousins and our neighbors. Home is definately what the doctor ordered- literally and figuratively!

It is hard not to look at Jack and think about those nasty cells dying. He looks so good for just having gone through the biggest event of his life. But this week is an important week in that his cell counts are going to be nearly nothing. We have to pray that his body recovers without contracting a virus or infection. We started the "wonder" shots that will boost his cell production. It is very difficult as a parent to give that shot everyday, but it is a necessity. Hopefully he will only need 10 days of it and not any more during this transplant.

We were given the best weekend to reenergize and be a family. Ben and Ella have given us the energy we need to proceed. We CAN do this!

Please pray that Jack's cell counts recover without any risks of infection.

Have a great week and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:15 PM CDT

Yesterday my fortune cookie said "What is temporary has to be temporary. Don't let it last longer than a year."

Well we are planning on this journey to be completed close to a year. If all goes well, Jack's high dose chemo and transplants will be done by Christmas. What a gift that will be!

Today was a nice day both outside and with Jack. After a good night sleep we were rewarded with a pass out. Of course Jack wanted to go the store. On our way to the van, we ran into Laurie and Jeff Weber (Laurie is an associate that worked at Jack's school last year). They accompanied us to the toy store and helped Jack find the just right toy. Jack chose a bead activity. Again, another great therapy activity!

Jack started the day off kind of spacey, but by tonight he seems like my ol' Jackson again. The Jackson I haven't seen for about a month. I missed his humor and sweetness so much. I didn't know if I would ever see his personality come back, but JACK IS BACK!

We are scheduled for the stem cell transplant at 8:30 a.m. Amazingly, the process will take less than 10 minutes. He may have some nausea, rash or fever associated with the perservative that the stem cells were frozen in. But if all goes well, we could be discharged to the RMH tomorrow evening.

Thanks for your endless support!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG!
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:24 PM CDT

Great News
According to Jason's guestbook, the tumor has shrunk! I have not talked to them and they have not updated the webpage yet, probably because they are celebrating!

Jack's wish came true today and we were able to get out of the hospital for 2 hours to go to Target. We browsed the toy area for about an hour. Jack's first choice was a lazer tag gun set. Considering that Jack can not stand unassisted yet and that us running around the quiet, sterile transplant unit would be frowned upon- we talked him out of it. We explained that Santa would probably love to put that under the tree this Christmas! So Jack chose a karate kit. My first impression was a rolling of the eyes, but I also saw the therapy possibilities. So Marty blew up the kicking/punching bag and we watched the dvd instructing us how to do karate. Marty wrote "spencer" on the the punching bag and Jack karate chopped the heck out of it. We now call Jack "Jackie Chan."

Speaking of therapy, Jack's balace and strength is getting a lot better than last week. This is Jack's 2nd time relearning to walk again, but he remains determined. In fact, the therapists and his favorite nurse commented on how incredible Jack's eye hand coordination is when shooting baskets or playing catch, especially with his lack of balance. I see a high school baseball pitcher in the making!

Marty went home this afternoon to catch up on some work and take Ella to the allergy doctor tomorrow. Ella is breaking out with rashes and hives from food allergies, so please say a prayer that we get her figured out. As for Ben, Marty will be able to take him to batman school tomorrow.

Please say a prayer that Jack's seizures get controlled, so that when we get out of here he is safe. Thank-you for all the prayers!

God Bless and LIVESTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:41 PM CDT

"You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book."
-Psalm 139:16LB


We are so proud of our amazing little boy. Today he put up with all the baths, therapy, site care, and nausea For the most part, Jack felt pretty good- just a little more tired.

Jack is ready to get out of here. I can't blame him, since I feel the same way. He kept saying "I want to go home, I want to go home...." Luckily, we were able to help him cope by promising to get a pass for tomorrow to go to the store. There isn't much left in the toy section that he has not already recieved, but just getting out will be great!

The other thing Jack requested today was to go have a "sleep study." A sleep study is what we called it when he would get sedated for procedures or radiation. Eventhough we have gotten to know many aneastesialogists, I don't think we could presuade them to come up to sedate Jack for a good nap. SO Marty and I put blankets in the dryer to warm them up and cuddled him up nice and tight. This appeared to suffice.

We were fortunate to run into one of the families we met at the RMH. They are from Des Moines and their almost 2 year old just completed his high dose chemo (similar to Jack's treatment) and will get his MRI results back today. We are praying for them and feel so nervous also for them. Please say a prayer for little Alex.

As you all know by now, our friend Jason is going in tomorrow at 9:00 am for his MRI, so tons of prayers at that time would be awesome!

Thank-you for lifting us up with your thoughts and prayers. It keeps us going.

*New pictures*

God Bless and LIVESTRONG always,
Jen and Marty

Monday, September 12, 2005 8:39 PM CDT


It feels FANTASTIC to say that Jack has been able to begin this toxic treatment that will DESTROY the tumor cells! I am also extremely pleased to report that he had a good day today!

The day began at 8:00 am with the first bag of chemo hung. We followed strict instructions to swab his mouth with a baking soda mixture 4x/day and medicine 2x/day to prevent mouth sores. Jack is not particularly fond of the swabbing, but he is dealing with it. As for nausea, he felt pretty good all day, the swabbing made him sick a couple of times. At 10:00 am, the 2nd bag of chemo was hung. This chemo is excreeded through his skin, so we have to give him a bath every 4 hours. They will let him sleep from midnight until 6:00 am without waking him for a bath. This regimen will continue tomorrow. Overall, so far so good and very manageable. I guess all of our intense prayers have been heard! We are definately not out of the woods, but we are very pleased.

I told Jack that this treatment is what is going to beat "spencer" for good and that god's power and his angels will make him ALL better. Jack told me "I have angels in my head that are beating Spencer." I agreed.

We are starting to see the tip of the mountain and feel energized to know that getting there is absolutley obtainable.

Thank-you for your prayers and please add our friend Jason to you prayers as he has his MRI on Wednesday!

God Bless you and LIVESTRONG always,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, September 11, 2005 4:37 PM CDT

Football is back!

Saturday was spent watching alot of football in Jacks room. In between games we spent time in the activity room and we were even able to sneak in a tour of the helecopter again. Jack seems to be gaining alot of his strength and endurance back.

He still takes a nap for a couple of hours in the afternoon but then he is ready to go for the rest of the evening. Today we were able to get a pass to go outside the hospital. We went to the Ronald Mcdonald house to do some laundry and then it was off to the mall for lunch and visit the book store.

By the time we returned to the hospital Jack was ready for his nap. Tonight we will be moved into his new room where they will start his chemo therapy tomorrow and will be the first of his three rounds.

Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable weekend.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Friday, September 9, 2005 9:46 PM CDT


Its Friday and I am back in Rochester and was able to see Jen for 10 minutes before she headed south to be with Ben and Ella for the weekend.

I returned to a 6 year old that has 10 times the energy than when I left two days ago. Jack has been in the activity room more than in his own room most of the last two days. He has had some more seizure activity the last couple of days and the doctors are working with his meds to get them under control again.

We received a nice surprise visit from my uncle Neil and aunt Linda this afternoon. Jack always has fond memories of their farm.

I would like to congratulate my brother Casey on graduating from the Cedar Rapids Police Academy today and pray for his safety.

Hope all has a good and safe weekend.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Thursday, September 8, 2005 3:29 PM CDT

"The work will wait while you show the children the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you finish the work."

As I sit here for days, weeks, etc with Jack, I have a new sense of priority. It is so easy to get caught up with work, household stuff, etc, but when it comes down to it, what matters is family. This is magnified as I watch all the coverage on the devastation caused by hurricane Katrina. The victims of this tragedy have lost everything, but when you see them reunited with their loved ones, you can see that all they need is family and they will make it!
I feel so helpless when I see the pain of the thousands and thousands of people. In a strange way, I feel blessed to be in a hospital room in Minnesota doing puzzles with my sick boy.

I never thought that at this time in my life, I would have to pray for so much. Lately, my prayer list is getting longer and longer. My Aunt Janet passed away earlier this week and one of my old highschool teachers passed unexpectantly also. I continue to keep Jason, Noah, Conner and Warren in my prayers also. Thank-you to all of you that continue to pray for Jack and please add the names I have mentioned.

**Check out new pictures**

God Bless,

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 1:24 PM CDT

Not much new to report only that this week will be spent getting strong and waiting.

The new plan is that Jack will have physical therapy the rest of the week and then start chemo therapy on Monday morning. He will be in a special area of the hospital that is set up to help protect his immune system when it hits rock bottom.

The next few days will be spent hanging out in the room and playing plenty of video games and puzzels.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, September 5, 2005 9:09 PM CDT


Today, Jack had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Hoeger who brought Ben and Ella up to see their big brother. It is neat to see the excitement in their eyes when they walk in the room and see Jack there.

We have been trying to get Jack to go outside for a couple of days now. Today was the day, Jen had taken Ben and Ella outside to see the fountain after lunch and when Jack heard that he had to see what was going on. We took him out and he even got out of his chair to put is feet in the fountain with Ben and Ella. Something about when they come up to visit brings out the best in Jack.

Jen had left this afternoon for home so that she be able to take Ben to his first day of preschool tomorrow. A school for some reason Ben calls his Batman school.

For the rest of this week we are going to see about getting Jack some physical therapy to gain some strength back and hopefully start his first round of high dose chemo on Thursday or Friday.

Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Sunday, September 4, 2005 8:21 PM CDT


For the first time in about 3 weeks, Jack requested food. Out of the blue at about 10:00 in the morning, Jack asked for a "big" pretzel to dip in cheese. It took quite the time of explaining that the mall wasn't open yet, but I was able to deliver the "goods" by the early afternoon. Eventhough he took about 3 bites, we were satisfied that he was interested in food again. Tonight he had a few bites of canadian bacon and even said "Mmmm!"

We were blessed with a visit from the Himmelsbachs(Marty's cousins). They were sweet enough to travel on this holiday weekend (not to mention with gas prices)to come see us. Jack was able to play cards with Cassie and admire Caitlynn and Courtney's Playstation 2 skills. It was nice to hang out with them, especially since we were getting REALLY bored in room 108.

I'm super excited for tomorrow because Papa Dan and Grandma Rosie are coming and bringing the munchkins! I was talking to Ben tonight on the phone for about 3 minutes when he asked Grandma "Am I talking to Mom?" Hopefully this crazy time in his life is being stored only in his short term memory! Never the less, we going to get big hugs tomorrow!

Thanks again to Mike, Debbie and the girls for visiting.

Enjoy your Labor Day!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Saturday, September 3, 2005 7:23 PM CDT


Marty left with Ben last Wednesday and also took the computer. SO I have been without Jack's webpage for 3 days!

Basically, in the past 3 days Jack has slept, taken pain medicine, slept, taken pain medicine..... Luckily, my wonderful sister, Amy, came up to stay with me and keep me company during Jack's sleepy recovery. Especially during this eye opening experience, we have felt so blessed to have our family take off work, care for Ben and Ella and keep us company. Since Jack was pretty zonked out, it was a good time for Amy and I to have some sisterly bonding. When she left on Friday, she picked up Ben and Ella to give Papa Dan and Grandma Rosie a break. When nurses and doctors ask us how we are managing with Jack and also having 2 younger kids, we just say we have an awesome family and we couldn't do it without them!

Today, Jack was more alert and awake for longer periods. He was able to sit in the wheel chair, play with playdough, beat Marty AND I in cards and play his new Batman computer. There is a chance we will get out of here early next week before the high dose chemo. I'm scared for this since the seizure medicine is still not controlled and there is about 3 different theories between physicians on what we should do about the medicines. They know how I feel so we will see!

I pray that our dark days are behind us and we continue to beat "SPENCER." Thank-you for your prayers, they are working.

Enjoy the long weekend!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:52 PM CDT

Day two with more good news!

Jacks surgery went well today. What we thought was going to take between 2 to 3 hours only lasted alittle over an hour and a half. The doctor said that everything went smoother than even he anticipated.

The next step is for Jack to rest for a week and gain some strength back and prepare for his first round of high dose chemo.

Again, thank you for putting Jack into your daily routine of thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:46 PM CDT

Here's alittle exercise.

Put your right arm and place it on your left shoulder
Put your left arm and place it on your right shoulder
Now squeeze.
That is the Hoeger family giving all of you a hug.

Thank you for all your prayers and positive vibes... Jack had an MRI today and the doctor had given us the good news that there was considerable change from the MRI taken July 12th. A change for the good.

After the MRI we took Jack back to his room and while placing him on the bed his Hickman tube had pulled apart. We were hopeful that they could fix it rather than replace it which would mean surgery. Ben and I decided to take off for Cedar Rapids. We were an hour away when Jen had called us to inform us that it could not be replace it and they will take out the bad one and replace it tomorrow. So we fueled up in New Hampton and headed back up north. The good news is that they are going to place the G-tube at the same time instead of waiting until friday.

Take the good with the bad and today the good far outways the bad.

Again, words cannot express how much we appreciate how much everyone is doing for our family.

So again, THANK YOU.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, August 29, 2005 9:11 PM CDT


Today was a pretty laid back day at St. Mary's. Jack had alot scheduled on his agenda but he had other plans.

We left his room to get a base line on his hearing before they start the chemo therapy. Jack has an ear infection in both ears so they were not able to do the test. So we came back for some more rest.

Then they came to get us for a cardio-workup on his heart, this also was to get a base line. Just as they got him all hooked up he sat up and began getting sick. So they unhooked him and back to his room for more rest.

The Physical Therapist also made a visit today to evaluate Jack. He slept through the entire thing.

Jack has been awake a total of about 45 minutes since 10:30 last night. The doctors say that he is sleeping so much could be a side effect to the new seizure medicine that he is on. He has also been running a fever throughout the day, they continue to watch that closely.

Although it is nice to see him get his rest, I look forward to Jack gaining back his energy and strength to hit the ball again.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, August 29, 2005 4:44 AM CDT

Although it feels like a rollar coaster now...Life will calm down.

What would we do without these fortune cookies?

Yes, Jack and I had chineese last night for supper. We were moved out of the ICU unit and onto the regular floor on Saturday evening. Yesterday was spent playing video games, taking a walk to the courtyard and spending some time at the activity room playing Freddie Fish. The goal was to keep Jack active and awake enough so that he wouldnt get his days and nights mixed up. Although he did sleep some yesterday it worked pretty well because he pretty much slept through the entire night last night without a problem.

Jen had left for home Sunday afternoon to get a good dose of Ben and Ella. It has been alittle over a week that she has seen them. When I spoke with her on the phone last night they were having "Movie Theatre" night where they turn off all the lights and eat popcorn and watch a movie. Sounds as if she is getting a good dose of home already.

The doctors want to schedule a MRI this week to look at the head and spine to see how the cancer is reacting to the treatment. We pray that we hear good news. Whatever, the news is the treatment will be the same, it would be nice to head into the high dose chemo therapy knowing that part of the tumor is already gone. Jack will also undergo his G-tube placement on Friday and will have about 4 to 7 days of recovery from that before they can start the chemo therapy.

We would like to thank Lisa and Jon for stopping yesterday for a visit. It seemed to bring Jack out of his wanting to sleep mode and into his active mode after beating Lisa at Rock-Paper-Sissors card game.

God Bless to all,

Marty and Jen

Saturday, August 27, 2005 7:12 PM CDT

Done, Done, D-O-N-E!

After today's harvest, we officially collected 10 million stem cells. We collected just enough to cover all 3 transplants! It is wonderful and relieving to know that Jack NEVER, EVER has to do that again. We are officially moving forward!

Eventhough we got great news, we are still dealing with seizure medicine levels. NOW, his Dilantin level is too low again. We are also waiting on results of a possible urinary tract infection. Jack has spent all day in bed because he is very tired. Actually, he hasn't even talked much. We are trying everything to get him to smile, laugh or talk. Luckily, he beat me (fair and square) at a card game and that made him smile. Amazingly, he still remains competitive, even in such a weak state.

Last night, Jack was not very tired since he slept most of the day yesterday, so he kept Marty on his toes. In fact, when ever Marty dozed off, Jack would give him a wet willy! Jack's little personality is definately back.

I want to thank my friends Chris and Katie for traveling up here to go out. It felt good to laugh hard again. I want to also thank Sean for carpet cleaning Katie's Blazer-it made for an "interesting" ride!)

August is almost over and so is radiation and stem cell collection. Now we are ready for September so we can say we have a G-tube and 1 high doze chemo behind us!

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Friday, August 26, 2005 7:28 PM CDT

Another day, hopefully another 15,000,000 stem cells.

Jack had rested better last night. Only a couple of small setbacks. Compared to the last two nights it was almost like a full nights sleep.

Today started early and ended late with alot of waiting in between. We started the day taking labs to make sure his levels were good to start the stem cell harvest. They were so we were off to surgery for his tube placement.

Surgery went well, and we were off to the ICU unit for the stem cell collection. Jack slept for most of it still a little out if from surgery. After five hours of collection we completed about 7:30 this evening and will start again tomorrow morning for another round of harvesting. Hopefully by tomorrow morning we will have collected the goal amount of 15,000,000 so that we can move to the next step of treatment.

Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:33 PM CDT

"PERPLEXING" is the word used most by the physicians last night and today.

Jack spent from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am screaming "No, NO, NO." He was inconsolable, which is the one of the hardest things for a parent. Four different residents came in to check Jack's "psychosis" out. He was coherent enough to say he needed to go the bathroom, but was almost dilarious the remaining of the night. Yeah, not one of our better nights.

By later morning, Jack's blood work came back and showed that his Dilatin (seizure med) was very high, possibly toxic. This could explain the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde episodes. We have kept the neurologists busy this week. They decided to decrease the Dilantin and other seizure medicine and start an additional one.

Jack was more awake today, but still pretty aggitated. However, in the past 1/2 hour I was able to make him smile by playing with his toes. He also played catch with Marty. SO this is encouraging and we are praying for a restful night. I'm sure the nurses and residents are also:)

The Best news for last......Jack will have his line placed in his neck tomorrow morning and start harvesting again. We hope and pray for 1 or 2 days of collection and MOVE ON!

Thanks for all the encouraging words and prayers, it truly gets us through this chaos!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:44 PM CDT


Last night Jack was sick from 11-4 am. He slept all day today. The good news of the day was that his seizure medicine finally was at a good level. Jack's cell counts also looked pretty good for a possible stem cell harvest on friday. Unfortunately, Jack's potassium, phospherous, electrolytes and calcium are very low. All of these can cause numerous side affects. When Jack woke up for a brief period tonight he became upset and confused. Was it a seizure or a reaction to all his levels being out of whack? We wish we had an answer.

Please pray that Jack's cell counts are high enough tomorrow for the stem cell harvest on Friday. When we have that behind us, we will be able to move at faster pace up the mountain.

Thanks for the support and prayers.

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:50 PM CDT

"A DELAY is NOT A DENIAL from God."
-The Purpose Driven Life

Prior to our ER visit and admittance to the hospital (yesterday), we were visited by Dana (Marty's cousin), Jen, Al, Taylor and 5 other 8 year old boys. They came to visit and bring toys to Jack and the Ronald McDonald House kids. Taylor is an extremely thoughtful 8 year old boy. For his recent birthday, his parent's sent out invitations to the party explaining that the gifts would go to the RMH. Taylor and his friends also had a bike wash and did jobs around the neighborhood to earn money for Jack and the RMH. I couldn't express enough how thankful and overwhelmed I was by this young boy's unselfishness and generousity. When Jack met the boys he immediately perked up and smiled. He played games in the RMH game room and ate at McDonalds with the big kids. It felt so good to see him be happy and PLAY! Unfortunately the seizures took over and I had to be the bad guy and take him from McDonald's to go to the ER! Hopefully someday he will read this and realize that I would have given anything to have stayed with the boys at McDonalds. Thank-you Dana, Jen, Al, and Taylor for the brief but awesome visit!

At the ER, we were blessed by having nurse Dawn, who listened to me so empathetically. Our insurance should probably be billed for a counseling session, because she made me feel so much better. By 2:00 a.m. we got settled into our hospital room and slept.

Today has been mostly a day of drugs, blood, calcium and NG feedings. Jack had a reaction to the blood so he needed Benadryl which made him sleep. The doctors are keeping us at the hospital to monitor Jack and get the seizure medicine controlled. Hopefully everything will be controlled in time for the stem cell harvest.

Marty is back and insisted I take some time away from room 136. Lucky for me, friends of Marty's from Iowa Realty were in town and offered to take ME out for supper! Keith and Theresa provided me a great 2 hour get-away filled with good company and excellent food. I was also able to meet their brother, sister-in-law and nephew. They live in Rochester and have also offered to help us in anyway. We continue to be blessed with awesome people.

I have to share one of my newest and best "Jack and Mom moments." Due to seizures and medicine, Jack has been very aggitated lately. At times, it is hard to handle, especially since naturally he is a super sweet boy. But before bed Sunday night I told Jack "I love you so much, I love you bigger than the sky" and he responded "I love you bigger than God's power." How can I compete with that one!

We are at the rocky and steep part of our mountain climb, but the neurologist told me that we are 1/2 way there!

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:41 PM CDT

"Before cancer, life just seemed to happen. During and since cancer, life seems more...more what? More acknowledged, more deliberate, more intense? Maybe just more."
Author Unknown

This morning while I was work I had glanced up to see a picture that I had taken of Jack, Ben and Jake Recker in the Iowa Wrestling room before one of the meets. I began to think of that day and how much fun it was to be with them. No worries, no seizure bag, no seizures. At the time it just seemed to happen. Now it seems like it was one of the most memorable days of the year for me.

The roller coaster ride continues for Jack. His day had began with getting blood work done this morning and a consultation with the doctor following. His levels were low again. They then met with the neurologist at 4:00 to see why his seizure activity has picked up again. The doctor had raised his dosage to help his levels recover.

Jen, then took Jack to McDonalds for supper and to play. During that time he had suffered three small seizures in a short period of time and is currently in the ER getting a boost. Hopefully the rest of the evening will be quiet for Jen and Jack. God knows they need some rest.

New Photos!

God Bless and Livestrong

Marty and Jen

Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:04 PM CDT

"Rome was not built in a day...Be Patient"

That was the message in Jen's fortune cookie last night. If there a such thing of having a sign at the right time that was it. Patience is something that has been hard to come by lately. Jen and I both feel the need to want to help Jack through this faster than what the treatment will allow us to.

With his seizures this week and his loss of balance several times through the day we are having flashbacks of six months ago when this all started. We pray that this is a sign of things getting better and the medicine having a positive effect on the tumor.

There are times when we notice Jack has a sad look in is eyes and he just wants this to all be over and let him be a normal kid again. The fact is that when this is all over that he will never be a normal kid again and that anything that comes his way from here on out is just a drop in the bucket compared to him fighting this battle.

Jen and Jack are now back in Rochester having some bonding time in a hotel there since the Ronald McDonald house is full for the time being. Tomorrow they will get his counts checked and meet with the doctors on a schedule for his stem cell harvest.

Please pray that he can do it soon so that we can move on to the High dose treatments that will really knock "Spencer"
out for good.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:35 PM CDT

Alot has happened since the last update on Thursday, but I will try to keep it short.

It started off with the home school counsler coming to the house at 10:00. Then the home nurse came at 1:00 to show how to distribute the steriod shot into Jacks leg. Shortly after that Jack had experienced short seizure. At 6:30 we met with the awesome Make-A-Wish represenatives. During that meeting about the time that they were asking Jack for his three wishes he had gone into his second seizure of the day. This one was alittle longer with some jerkey motion. That caused us to be alarmed enough for Jen to make another trip to the emergency room. His levels were still low so they administered a boost to bring his levels back up. Jen and Jack arived back home around midnight.

Today, Jack had gone seizure free so we are hoping the boost is all that he needed to get back on track and start another long streak of being seizure free.

The day was capped off with a nice camp fire and making smores with our neighbors the Paulsons and the Cooks. For a minute or two things seemed almost back to normal at the end of Milligan court.

Tomorrow Jen will be taking Jack back to Rochester and I will join them on Tuesday.

Thank you all for your support in helping us through this journey with Jack. It has been a long one and the amount of support that everyone has given us makes everyday a little easier.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:24 PM CDT

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

We are home again.

After consulting with the oncologist, we found out that Jack's seizure medicine level was only 5.0 versus 19.0. So they boosted him with Dilatin and gave us a pass to go home. I think Jack and I will return on Sunday since he has 8:00 am labwork and Marty will return on Tuesday. If all goes well with the labs, we are hoping for the stem cell collection by Thursday of next week. There may be a possibility that we go right to the 1st high dose chemo round before the g-tube placement, (which is now scheduled for Sept. 2nd)depending upon the seizure activity.

We were especially glad to make it home, because tomorrow we are meeting with our home school coordinator and with the Make-A-Wish team! I have one more day to persuade Jack to wish for a private party with Jimmy Buffet:)

Thanks for your support and prayers!

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:13 PM CDT

We had flashbacks of the months of May and June...

Last night, Jack had a reaction from the chemo and had trouble sleeping last night. Basically, his tongue felt like it was burning and the resident doctor was unsure of what was causing Jack's irritation. We tried everything to comfort him, but after 1/2 cup of ice and Benadryl, he felt good enough to fall asleep. (The oncologist informed us today that she has heard of the burning tongue side effect in other cases). Jack woke up at 7:00 a.m. and got sick from the chemo, but was able to go back to sleep.

Today while in the activity room, Jack had a small seizure. Basically confirming to us that what we were noticing the past weekend was probably a few small seizures. It's frustrating to know that our seizure-free streak is over and we have to be on total guard again. So when we were given the option of leaving late tonight or staying, we opted for staying to continue to monitor Jack closely.

We just want to stop, disolve and irradicate the tumor cells and that can only happen with the high dose chemo. Everything we have to do prior to the high dose treatment takes so much time. Three weeks seems like such a long to time to wait, especially with seizure activity. That alone brings back the fears associated with sedation. My only comfort is that since we have been through so much already, all the doctors know us and let us be huge decision makers in Jack's treatment plan. But it still comes down to time! God is testing our patience, which is definately not our strongest asset.

Please pray that Jack's seizures are controlled and everything else is done timely.

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:15 PM CDT


Although we had a great weekend, Marty and I noticed that Jack was not sleeping very well, needed to nap more often, lost his balance more frequently and seemed a little "spacey" at times. So, I called our doctors on Monday and they had us return today to check Jack out. Everyone agreed that since Jack's cell counts were good the past 2 weeks, his skin was healed and his weight was up, that we could begin treatment again. So, we were admitted to St. Mary's Hospital and Jack will receive a low dose of chemo tonight. He will start the steriod shots again to prepare for the stem cell harvest. Hopefully by early next week he will be ready to harvest again. He is still set up for the G-tube placement next week. Eventhough we would rather be home, we are anxious to get treatment started! We realize that high dose chemo is Jack's best chance, but it is so important to get those stem cells so Jack can survive the high dose treatments. All in all, we are ready to fight-HARD!

Thank-you for your prayers! Please keep our little friend Connor in your prayers, this week is his 1 year anniversary for his brain surgery! Also, please pray for our wonderful friends, Jason, Noah and Warren as they fight to beat "spencer."

God Bless and LiveSTRONG,
Jen and Marty

Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:42 PM CDT

"Sometimes the great achievements of life are won or lost in the mountains, when the climb is the steepest, when the heart is tested."
-Lance Armstrong

I'm sorry we have not updated for so long. Everything is still going well, we are just crazy busy.

Since the last update:

1. Jack started feel so good that he started TAIBO again. Make sure to check the new pictures out. Even Ben is joining in on the exercising!

2. Jack gained another pound, so he is officially 33 lbs! Jack's bloodwork continues to remain good!

3. Papa Tom and Grandma Sis visited on Friday. Unfortunately Jack needed a nap, so grandma was unable to have the WWE playstation rematch. I think she was bummed:)
Uncle Steve and Aunt Rose also visited. Immediately, Jack found Aunt Rose's lap to be a perfect spot to lay down for a nap. Ben quickly reacquainted himself with Uncle Steve and made him his new playmate. A special thanks to Uncle Steve for entertaining Ben during the visit.

4. Marty and Papa Dan golfed in the "Ed Berger Lymphoma Memorial golf outing" on friday. Jim Berger (a great friend and deacon that married us) donated 1/2 the proceeds to Cancer research and 1/2 to Jack! Marty really enjoyed himself. Although he wasn't extremely pleased with his game, he did win "closest to the pin." Thanks to the Bergers and all that participated!

5. Friday night, Marty, Jack, Ben and I attended a Kernel's game. Marty's employer, True North, had family night at the ballpark. It was our first time "going out" as a family since we have been home. We all had so much fun! It was nice to get to know more of Marty's coworkers, especially since they have been so supportive in the past year. Jack and Ben enjoyed the game and even met Mr. Shucks. On the way out, Jack pleaded to jump in the jumpolene. I decided that he could risk it and "be a kid." The lady that was in charge was very kind to just let Ben and Jack in the jumpolene. I think she even gave them extra minutes. Everyone, right down to the jumpolene lady, have been so gracious to us! Thanks to True North for a fun family night out!

6. On Saturday, we all went to Dyersville for the "Bob Hoeger Memorial Poker Run," inwhich Neil and Linda Hoeger (Marty's aunt and uncle)organized on Jack's behalf. Unfortunatley it rained, but that did not stop 40 motorcyclists from participating in the charitable event. Thank-you to the Neil and Linda, as well as all the motorcyclist for braving the weather and doing it for Jack.

7. Ella and I attended a bridal shower for Marty's cousin, Lisa. She is very special to us, since she babysat the kids alot when she went to Kirkwood. She asked if Jack and I would take up gifts at her wedding and we feel quite honored!
While Ella and I were at the shower, Marty and the boys were at the cabin enjoying the Ol- Miss.

The weekend is not over and we still have fun things planned for tomorrow! We are cramming a summer full of events in one weekend, but we are bound and determined to enjoy our summer before we go back to MN and reality in less than 2 weeks.

Don't forget to check out the new pictures!

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:50 PM CDT


It was hard to imagine two months ago that we would be hangning out at home as a normal family again. We have been home for a couple of weeks now and things have evolved back to the normal grind of work and tending to the kids. Its really nice to be back to a somewhat organized chaos.

This morning Jack scared me to death while laying on the floor motionless, by the time I ran down the stairs to tend to him he smiled and said he loved laying in the sun light. Then this afternoon when it was Jen's shift to be home she came down stairs to find Jack having Ben in a head lock fighting over some action figures. Jen is currently at the Doctors office with Ella getting a rash looked at. Isn't life great.

Jen and I are splitting the week up at work while trying to keep the kids on somewhat of the same schedule. We cannot express how much we appreciate how much both of our employers are making sure that we tend to what is really important. For that we say thank you.

Tomorrow is another day and we look forward to beating "Spencer" day after day.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Monday, August 8, 2005 9:57 PM CDT

"Hope is exercise for the spirit, it swings open the door to possibilities."

WOW, the meals we are receiving are so good! I really feel sorry for my family that they have been eating my mediocre food for so long, but now we eat like royalty. Tonight was the first night that Jack sat at the table for longer than 3 minutes, actually ate and requested MORE! Now that is a complement to the chefs- Thanks Tina and Mike!

Jack's energy keeps increasing everyday. He watches less t.v. and plays more. He is doing crafts, playing cars with Ben and of course playing sports. He is interested in writing and reading again, which indicates to me that his brain IS healing.

Just as of last week, we had to make the decision to how we were going to handle kindergarten. Jack is registered to go to Jackson elementary. The school already made us feel so welcome and special as the music teacher played the keyboard at Jack's prayer service at the benefit and the school nurse and his kindergarten teachers attended the benefit. We were amazed at their concern for Jack and they hadn't even met him before! But, knowing that he will be gone at least the first 1-2 weeks of school and who knows how many weeks in between,not to mention his susceptibility to infection-we had to make a decision. Marty's parents were also thinking about the situation and Marty's mom offered to stay home with Jack and home school him. She lifted such a worry from our shoulders by just offering. We started doing the research to the whole home school thing and can't believe how much support there is, especially from Jackson elementary. Our hopes are that if all goes well and timely, maybe he could be enrolled again for the spring semester! We haven't explain this to Jack yet, but that can wait. I know he will be totally excited to spend some alone time with grandma. Plus, he still gets new school shoes (he is the biggest shoe lover)!

Thanks for your prayers and god bless,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:37 PM CDT


Jack still does not weigh as much as Ben and is only a few pounds heavier than Ella, but he is gaining! The NG tube can be a pain sometimes, but it is all worth it to feel and see substance on Jack. Jack's cell counts all looked good, so it was nothing but good news this weekend.

My husband persuaded me to go to our friend's cabin to enjoy an adult summer day. It felt so good to hang out with great friends and not have to worry about anything. I got some sun, enjoyed some drinks, boated and played volleyball. I felt spoiled. The only downfall was Marty was not there.

While I was off acting like I had no responsibilities, Marty managed the kids and the household. I came home to a quiet, CLEANER house. Some how he makes everything seem so easy.

Our neighbor's grandkids were visiting this week, so Jack, Ben and Ella were entertained much of the weekend. Colin played video games with Jack, which made Jack feel pretty cool, because Colin is 11 years old! Carly catored to Ella and played whatever Ella wanted to. We will definately miss them when they leave.

When Papa Tom and Grandma Sis visited us on friday, Jack taught them how to play WWE wrestling on the playstation. I thought Grandma Sis was going to pass out laughing. I almost made her turn her Oxygen up, she was laughing so hard. However Jack "the rock" Hoeger remains the WWE champion.

Again we are thankful not to have to drive to Minnesota tonight and we will continue to cherish the next 2 weeks, before we return.

Have a good week!
God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:34 PM CDT

I finished listening to the Lance Armstrong book on cd "It's not about the bike," and now I understand Marty's new fascination with him. Lance Armstrong is someone we relate to,not because we are great cyclists, heck we are 2 very out of shape 30-somethings, but because we also have felt the fear of cancer. He describes his emotions and I know how it feels. Maybe not physically, but Marty and I are carrying the fear for Jack, since a 6 year old is not capable of such understanding. So, yes it felt good to be validated, but most importantly, it feels awesome to hear a success story. He beat less than 5% odds AND won the Tour De France 7 times! One time we asked about Jack's survival rate and it was about 50-60%. Before the Lance Armstrong book, it was hard not to think of the odds as a mere flip of the coin, but he gives me a new perspective on odds.

Jack played outside today. Although he was only able to handle about 30 minutes, he made sure to play soccer, baseball and golf. His decreased balance and weakness frustrates him. Since Jack was very little, Dr. Gray (Jack's pediatrician) said that Jack was super coordinated and had great hand eye coordination. So- this set back is disappointing to Jack, but he does not lack determination. He made sure to hit at least 1 line drive at me!

By tomorrow, Jack will only have to have his NG feedings for 12 hours. This will be nice for Jack to be able to roam around and play without us chasing him with an IV pole. He will have his blood counts checked tomorrow and hopefully the counts are a lot better.

Have a great day and if you are looking for a great book, read about Lance Armstrong. I want to thank Pat and Tracey for sending us the book and audio version! Hope is priceless!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:04 AM CDT

Two days in a row and no hospital!

Tuesday went without a hitch for Mom. She only called once to figure out the playstation. I guess she hasn't logged as many hours as I have with Jack.

Our days are spent hanging out on the couch watching movies, Barney, playing playstation, Barney, and oh ya more Barney.

Today Jack is able to be without the feeding tube for six hours which means alittle more freedom to roam. We may even venture outside if the rain holds off.

Thank you for all the prayers that has helped Jack grow strong everyday. Keep them coming.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, August 1, 2005 9:37 PM CDT

"They say God will never fill your cup too full. Well, I'm sure that's true, but I also think His cups must come with saucers, and sometimes He doesn't count what splashes over."

We definately felt that our cup has been overflowing lately, but today was a great day. Here are the top 10 reasons why today was wonderful:

1. Jack made it over 24 hours without having to go to a hospital.
2. Jack took his medicines without getting sick.
3. Jack did not need to take a nap today.
4. Jack was able to take a bath today.
5. Jack played on the swingset today.
6. Jack saw his friend Jake today.
7. Jack didn't need medicine for his skin today.
8. Jack looks and feels like he is gaining weight.
9. Jack entertained us with making up jokes today.
10. Jack smiled and even laughed today.

It hasn't been easy and we keep waiting and hoping that life will get a little more manageable, but when you see the sparkle in Jack's eyes and his sweet smile again, it is hard to be down. Life is so precious.

Do something to make yourself smile and have a great week!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Sunday, July 31, 2005 5:54 PM CDT

Well, we have been home 48 hours from St. Mary's hospital and Jack has been to the ER at Mercy Medical Center 2 times. Last night when he was getting his medicine via the tube, he vomitted and the tube came out of his nose about 4 inches. I put it back in and Marty took him to the ER to have an X-ray to make sure it was in the right spot. After a decent night sleep, I gave Jack his medicine this morning and he vomitted again, this time the tube came all the way out of his stomach and out of his mouth! Marty and Ben were at church, so thanks to Tom and Stacey Hodges, I was able to leave Ella at home and take Jack back to Mercy.

We were greeted by a nurse, who I didn't know, who said right away "I was at your benefit!" That made me feel so good and able to deal with the frustration more. (I tell ya that benefit's affects are so much more than monetary!)We also were able to visit with our good friend Kimmie, who works in the ER. Maybe God thought I needed some socializing- who knows! They were extra kind and helpful with Jack. After about 31/2 hours, old tube removal, new tube replacement, x-ray and watching cartoon network- we were outta there. They were unable to give me any great solutions for the whole tube and throwing up thing, so we will continue to deal with it.

On a good note, Jack's sores look 90% better and he is in alot less discomfort! He even started to perk up today, in the ER of all places. He was joking around again, laughing and smiling. Maybe God wanted Jack and I to have some alone time- I just hope he realizes that I'm not prepared to go to Mercy hospital everyday- occasionally maybe, but not EVERYDAY!

We are hanging in there and feel lucky that we do NOT have to separate our family tonight for the first time in over a month!

Have a great week and please keep praying.

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Friday, July 29, 2005 10:26 PM CDT


We arrived home safely tonight at about 5:30. We were greeted by balloons, streamers and signs. Papa Dan, Grandma Rosie, Ben and Ella were waiting for us and had chinese food waiting for us! We unloaded 3 months of stuff from the van and have been trying to find and organize stuff.

It is a little overwhelming trying to get the pump and his feedings all started. We have to flush his tube so many hours, give meds, add formula, etc. Unfortunately he still gets sick at times, even when the medicine is put through his tube! I hope it gets a little easier for Jack in the next month. BUT the good news is that he gained a pound since the tube feedings began! I'm anxious to feel meat on his bones again. Right now when you snuggle with him, all you feel is bones.

As a radiation graduation gift, Marty bought him a playstation and some games. This may make sitting around a little more fun. Jack definately deserved such a extravagant gift!

I must say that if for some awful reason the real estate market takes a horrible nose dive, my husband could easily go back to school to be a nurse. He has stepped up to the plate and has become quite the medical professional. It is nice to be able to share the medical duties so that it doesn't become too overwhelming!

Enjoy the weekend and your loved ones!
God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:26 PM CDT

"It's always been a goal to bring attention to the cause with the cancer issue in general or more specifically the issue of survivorship. The fact of the matter is alot of us will be diagnosed but also, alot of us will survive and go on back to life, back to work, back to love and back to all these things were supposed to have."
-Lance Armstrong, 2005

I know that I have been quoting Lance quite a bit lateley, but this quote seemed fitting since we found out today that we will be checking out of the hospital tomorrow and also checking out of the Ronald McDonald house. We are going home!

I constantly think back to the day when I told Jen that it was Memorial day weekend and she looked at me and asked "Where did our May go?" That could be said of our entire summer. The important part is that we will all be going home to be a family again.

Coming home with us is Jack's new IV stand, pump, and three cases of Peptamen Junior that we will feed through his NG tube. If you would have told me six months ago that Jen and I were going to know how to change a site care and feed one of our kids through the nose, I would have said that you were crazy and that there is no way that it could be done. Now I can't wait for the challenge and to go home and move on to the next step of helping Jack beat this thing.

We would like to thank all of you for helping us make it through this roller-coaster of a ride that we have been on. Some of the most comforting words we hear or read are "Your'e not alone" or "We are fighting with you."

August will be a new month and a new phase towards survivorship! We will continue to update the journal, because it helps us cope and focus on our goal!

Enjoy the last bit of summer and God Bless,
Marty and Jen

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:08 PM CDT

As some of you know, today is our wedding anniversary! Nine years ago today we vowed to love eachother for better or for worst, for sicker or for poorer...
Well I can honestly say that vow is being tested and we are passing. Eventhough we were not able to dress up and enjoy a romantic night out, we did enjoy good BBQ takeout.

When reading the USA Today this morning, a full page ad for the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas jumped out at me. I immediately showed Marty and implied that next year on our 10th Anniversary we should celebrate there. He thought that also sounded like a great idea. We both found time to get out of the hospital to buy something for eachother. In rememberance of our next anniversary, Marty bought me perfume called "Island." I was less creative and bought him a book.

As for Jack, the most important person, he is getting a little more energy. Three different people were consulted about his burns. Since he is no longer receiving radiation, his skin is starting to get a little better. He was able to sleep last night and do a lot less scratching. He isn't very happy with the NG tube. Just when we explained that he still won't have to take his medicine, the doctor says that his one medicine they don't want to put in his tube because it could create a blockage. SO once again we have to go back on our word. He wasn't happy with us, but he dealt with it-like usual.

I reminded myself today that God picked us for this situation because he knows Jack is a super strong kid and because God knows that we have awesome friends and family that will lift us up with support and get us through it!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:12 PM CDT


I couldn't fight back the tears when we walked down the long radiation hallway to see our "dream team" for the last time. They congregrated around Jack and presented him with many presents. I made sure to tell them that they needed to always remember that they have made a difference in Jack's life! Goodbye to Desk R and our dreamteam, we will never forget you.

Jack's bloodwork resulted in him needing platelets and a blood transfusion. He was also nutrapenic, which means his cell counts were so low that he would struggle to fight off an infection if contracted. Since Jack's skin is so raw and irritated, especially on his belly, they postponed his G-tube surgery. Instead, we were admitted to St. Mary's this evening to have a NG tube placed (nasal tube)to start nourishing and rebuilding our fraile little boy. So the new plan is that we will stay in the hospital for a couple days to get his feedings controlled and build his cell counts back up. Then we will go home, with the NG tube, for a month. We will return in a month and get the G-tube placed, do stem cell harvest and High dose chemo. It definately is disappointing to not be able to get the G-tube, but as long as he is getting nourishment-we can manage. Good news is that we will probably be home sooner this weekend!

Our celebration for Jack's last day of radiation will have to be delayed, but he will feel better and more willing to celebrate this weekend. Marty and I are so very proud of our son. When you hear the radiation doctor explain that they did the maximum radiation and took Jack to the farthest limits they could-it hurts, but the overwhelming feelings for how proud we are of Jack over powers the pain. How can we ever NOT achieve a goal in our lives when we see how much our son has achieved! He will forever be our will power in life!

God knows that to keep Jack safe, this is our new plan. We look forward to the next month and filling up Jack's "good column."

Check out the new pictures!

Thanks for the prayers and God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Monday, July 25, 2005 10:14 PM CDT

There's this ancient Chinese belief that "When a person is held in the hearts and minds and souls of so many people, they can do better."

As I read this quote I automatically think of the people that have held Jack in there hearts and souls while helping him through the last several months. During the last couple of weeks when it seemed that he had nothing left to take that next dose of medicine, it was the prayers of several that helped him to get to the next stage. For that we thank you all more than you will ever know.

Jack was excited to show Papa Dan what his daily morning nap consisted of for the last 5 weeks. Much of the rest of the day was spent resting in the room watching movies and eating chinese. Tonight, Mom and Grandma Rosie made the trip despite a heavy thunderstorm in parts of Minnesota.

Jack will finish his last radiation treatment tomorrow! Even though it is something that Jack doesn't seem to mind and the staff are totally awesome to work with, it will be nice to give his body a rest from the radiation grind.

We look forward to beating the next stage of Jacks treatment much like he had the ones before. With your help we know that anything is possible.

God Bless and Livestrong.

Marty and Jen

Sunday, July 24, 2005 7:25 PM CDT

"Life, any life, is a series of happening and events-some good, some bad. Look at it this way: By fighting cancer, your'e moving one of the bad ones into the past column of your life and getting ready for some of the good."

I chose this quote to write in the journal because Jack is having a lot of irritation with his body right now due to the radiation. It has been extremely frustrating for him and us all weekend. He has slept the majority of the past 2 days. But throughout the day and night, he wakes up yelling "More cream," to soothe his sore skin. The weekend also was spent negotiating how many bites of food Jack would take. We made all his favorites and made anything he requested, in hopes that he would take at least a couple bites. Believe me there were times, where Marty and I needed to take little mental breaks, but now we are ready for the week. This is where the quote comes into play. We are moving the radiation and it's affects to the past column this week and are moving onto better days to store in the good column. It is time for him to feel good again- his good column is too short!

This evening, Marty, Ben, Jack and Papa Dan headed north. I will work tomorrow, then Grandma Rosie and I will go to Minnesota. We want to all be there to celebrate Jack's last day of radiation on Tuesday! After Jack's surgery for the gastric tube placement, Papa and Grandma will take Ben to the cabin until we are out of the hospital. My sister took little Miss Ella tonight and will keep her until Papa and Grandma get back on Wednesday.

So- I'm home alone. It feels awkward and I am trying to decide how to best use my time. Whatever I decide, it will include going to bed early and getting a great night sleep.

Please say a prayer that Jack's sores begin to heal and his surgery goes well.

Thank-you and God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Friday, July 22, 2005 9:32 PM CDT

"The only thing that cancer ever claims is a tired, worn body and even that is a hollow victory, for it can never claim our soul."

Yes, Jack's body is tired and worn, but his soul is strong as ever. This was characterized by him dancing tonight with Marty, Ben and Ella. Eventhough his skin is raw and sore in several places, he got up and danced with a big smile on his face.

I want to thank Amy, Denny and the girls again for vacationing at our summer home the past 2 days. It meant a lot to Jack to have Amy and Abby to meet his radiation team. Thank-you Denny for your EMT supplies, when Jack had yet another minor head accident today, the ice pack and gauze came in handy. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to worry about such things as him stepping up a curb and not falling head first on the cement. Poor kid, but a tough kid.

Thank-you also to Jason Hill's aunt Chloe Ann and Uncle Roger for the nice visit this morning. We continue to meet such sweet and thoughtful people. Remember the the next time you come across a-not-so nice person, that I can tell you hundreds of stories of awesome people. Those people make me want to be a better person.

As you can tell by the journal, we ARE home and enjoying it! The extreme temperatures only give me a better reason to stay inside and get some stuff done around here. I actually look forward to cleaning my house. Did I just write that?

Crank your A/C and have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:08 PM CDT

3 more days of radiation!

Our day was much more relaxing today. After radiation, Jack got his chemo shot and that was all we HAD to do. The rest of the day was spent napping, watching t.v. and doing an arts and crafts project in the community room. Jack was in heaven using all the stamps to make pictures for his family. Of course Ben made a batman picture and asked to hang it on the door so when cousin Abby came back she would say "what the heck?" That kid is a riot. At the end of the stamping project, Jack signed his name and it looked awesome! I just know he his getting better!

Aunt Amy and the crew came back from the Mall of America with a lot of fun stories. I wish we could have shared in the fun, but I promised we would go as soon as we could. There I go promising again, oh well it is how I am getting by anymore.

Tomorrow morning we will get bloodwork done then head to radiation. Hopefully, Jack's cell counts are high enough to go home. If not, we will give him a steroid shot and maybe that will do it. I'm ready to go home again! I miss little Ella and even her terrible 2 tantrums.

Thank-you for the prayers, we need them and definately appreciate them!

Have a good weekend and God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:55 PM CDT

4 more days of radiation left!

Besides Jack's skin breaking down in places and being very tired, radiation has not been so bad. Our radiation team is great. Today one of the doctor's told me that it is very unusual for a kid Jack's age to be so good when getting sedated. I explained that "unusual" is Jack's new middle name.

Following bloodwork and radiation, we zoomed to St. Mary's for a blood transfusion and platelets. Jack was able to watch 2 movies and relax. Ben did anything but relax, I guess it is hard to relax when you are being a power ranger.

The best gift of all was a visit from Aunt Amy, Uncle Denny, Kayleigh, Abby and Alison. My nieces are so wonderful to Ben and Jack (Ella also when she is around). They are sweet and thoughtful young ladies. Jack did not hesitate to crawl right up on Aunt Amy's lap to snuggle and take a nap. I could tell Amy enjoyed the snuggling as much as Jack. Jack also wanted to show Uncle Denny how tough he was when I did site care on his tube. The boys had the biggest smile on their faces when we told them they were staying for 2 whole days! They love a good slumber party.
Not only do the boys get spoiled by their visit, but I get a chance to have an adult conversation. Not to mention, they insisted to buy us pizza!

We wanted to go to camp snoopy with Amy, Denny, and the girls tomorrow, but since Jack's white blood cells are low we need to stay away from germs as much as possible. It'll just be nice not to have to run around all day tomorrow.

Have a good rest of the week and God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:26 AM CDT

Today was much like others. We had radiation at 9:00 a.m. followed up with blood work done at 2:00 p.m. Jack, Ben and I then went to the main lobby of the Mayo building for the arrival of Jen. When Jen showed up there was a little more bounce in Jacks steps for sure.

We then made our way up to the 9th floor to meet with Dr. Wetmore who is Jacks Oncology doctor. She informed us that Jacks last radiation would be on Tuesday and that Wednesday he would be admitted to St. Mary's hospital to have a "G tube" placed. This will allow us to give him some added nutrients to his body that is well needed. He will be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days.

I guess Rochester is not yet ready to see Jack go home. The good news is that after that he will be home for at least a month. They will have to wait until his counts come back up before he can go any further with anymore treatments. After his count recover it is back to trying the stem cell harvest again and heavy doses of chemo.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, July 18, 2005 9:22 PM CDT

People find hope in themselves, hope in the process, in the treatment, in the drugs, in the history that has come before them proving that people can live and survive and thrive!

Lance Armstrong

A question that has been asked of Jen and I alot is how we can go through this and stay so strong. I am here to say that there are alot of days that we are not so strong and look for strenght from the outside. Sometimes it is from reading the guest page, sometimes it is recieving a nice card from a friend we havent heard from in a while, most of the time it is from watching how strong Jack is in receiving his treatments and taking his medicine.

Today, I turned to the Lance Armstrong Foundation web site. It is something that I have not thought about very often until lately. On the web site there are some wonderful stories on the survivors that beaten this terrible disease. I invite you to check it out if you ever have a down moment. It really helps to put things back into prospective and leaving on a positive note.

Jack received his radiation treatment today at 9:00 a.m. Because of his little accident with the swing on Friday night he has several scars on the back of his head. The radiation team had to rescan some of the areas to relocate his little tatoo marks that lines up the machine.

That meant a longer sadation period, which meant that he would be alittle more tired than usual. When we returned to the RMH he slept for another hour. Then was off to get Jack some carbs at Fazoli's. We walked into the restaurant and the smell of the garlic did not set well with Jack stomach so we decided to redirect to the drive thru. An hour later we were back to our room with the food.

This stage of Jacks illness seems to make everything take a little longer, "which most of you will know is a true test on my patients". Something that needed work anyway.

It is hard to see Jack at this fragile state. The highlight of his days are when we put the warm blankets on his tiny body to warm him up.

Most of the afternoon was spent hanging out in the room watching T.V. and being entertained by watching Ben entertain himself. Another thing that brings a smile to Jacks face is to watch little brother Ben play.

Here's to another day of looking Onward and Upward.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Sunday, July 17, 2005 8:11 PM CDT

"For surely, I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."- Jeremiah 29:11

The weekend started with a get-together at a friends house and with a minor swing accident. When swinging, somehow Jack let go, fell on his back and scraped his fragile head. He barely cried and was able to play the rest of the night. Sooner or later, he has to catch a break.

My hinting last week won me a date with my husband- thanks to Grandma and Papa for babysitting. We enjoyed a delicious supper and actually talked. It felt good to forget about what was really going on in our lives and concentrate on us.

Jack has wanted to go to the "Build a Bear" workshop for the past few weeks, so with Grandma Rosie's help, we took Jack, Ben and Ella to a similar store at the mall in Cedar Rapids. Ben knew immediately what bear and what outfit- a panda bear with a super hero costume, in which he named "Super Bear." You can't get anymore right on than that. However, Jack needed to cruise the joint for quite a while to find the right stuffed animal. He finally picked a
"snow dog" stuffed animal with an exercise suit. He named him "Paws." Ella could have cared less, so she got the cheapest stuffed animal with a hawkeye cheerleader dress- as of now it is still nameless. It was a lot of fun!

This will be a big week for Jack, besides radiation, on Tuesday we meet with his primary physician- Dr. Wetmore. This will be the first time in over 6 weeks. We will find out what the game plan is and what to expect. We are excited to see her because she is a very optimistic, upbeat person and she gives us a lot of hope.

Marty, Jack and Ben left tonight for Rochester. I will work tomorrow and a few hours on Tuesday before I drive up to Minnesota for the appointment with Dr. Wetmore. Hopefully Jack's cell count stays high, because my sister Amy and her family will come up later in the week and we will try to go to camp snoopy.

7 more days of radiation and counting!

Congrats to Jason Hill for completing his radiation last Friday!! We had a cold one for you!

Have a good week!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Friday, July 15, 2005 9:30 AM CDT

Last night was a long night. Jack was very restless for some reason. At 3:30 a.m., he woke up because he had to get sick. I had a hard time falling back a sleep and my mind kept going. I felt so bad for Jack and became upset. He has been through more in the past 2 months, than most people have in their lifetime. He is so skinny and is always cold. You know how hot and humid it has been, well picture Jack in a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants.

I know "God has a plan," I just prayed that it is the same plan as mine. I haven't been "down" in quite a while and usually after I become upset, I am able to reorganize myself and be stronger. But this morning at radiation a lady named Gayle, not realizing it, made me feel a lot better. Gayle came over and said hi to Jack and introduced herself. She met Marty about 1 1/2 weeks ago. She said that she has been praying for Jack and that he looks "a lot" better today, than the first day she met him. Thanks Gayle, that is what I needed to hear!

I try not to be gloomy when I write in the journal, but I am always honest. This journal is also a therapeutic tool for us- it is just shared with 100's of people:)

We ARE able to go home today and Jack and I are excited. In fact, at 6:18 this morning Jack screamed out "Dad, I want to play baseball." It took me a little bit to wake him up and explain that Dad was not here, but luckily we would be home today to play baseball! TGIF!

Have a good weekend and thanks for reading.

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:26 AM CDT


What a milestone to have achieved! This is the longest Mr. Jack has gone without a seizure since March (of course I'm knocking on wood). However, the little stinker scared me to death yesterday. Last night, I was getting ready to go out to the store with Jack and he was waiting by the door for me. When I reached him at the door, I noticed he was frozen, staring off. Fearing a seizure, I bent down and asked, a couple times, "Jackson are you okay?" Which seemed like a long time, Jack started laughing and said "I was just playing statue." After picking myself up off the floor, I nicely asked him to give me a heads up the next time he wants to play the game.

Say a prayer Jack's cell count goes up today, so we can go home tomorrow. He is pretty tired and a tiny bit cranky. Amazingly, when people ask "how are you doing?" he still answers "good."

Today at radiation, Jack requested to "sleep extra long today." I think Jack's last radiation treatment will be July 26th. The radiation team asked me today if they could have a little party for him that day. I can't say enough about these people- we will miss them.

July is half over, so go do something fun before the summer is gone!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:01 PM CDT


I can't help but think that there is a reason why we have people like Lance Armstrong in this world is to teach us that given up is not an option.

Today, I met with the radiation doctors to learn the results of Jacks MRI. The cancer cells in the spinal area seem to be reacting well to radiation. The cells in the brain however have not been reduced as much as the doctors would like to see. Therefore, we will be doing an additional two weeks of radiation after this Friday.

After we met with the radiation doctors it was off to the Oncology department to go over the lab work that was done on Jack this morning. We learned that his cell counts were low and we were off to St. Mary's hospital for a platelet transfusion. We also are giving Jack a shot called GCFS which is a steriod booster to help produce some good cells. Tomorrow after radiation we will return to St. Mary's where Jack will receive a blood tranfusion at 12:00.

We finally returned back to our room around 5:30 and after a short rest time and supper Jack handed me the TaeBo tape and said he needed to exercise.

I guess Jack is also here to show us that giving up is not an option.

God Bless and Livestrong,

Marty and Jen

Monday, July 11, 2005 9:48 PM CDT

Promises, Promises.

It seems that everytime I leave Jen here alone with Jack she makes more promises. Well I have to report that I had to break one of my promises to Jen.

A long time ago she made me promise that I would not introduce our children to the WWF wrestling. Well tonight Jack had met a boy named Brian who is from Missouri. When we went to the community room to watch a movie Brian was watching the WWF wrestling. There we sat an hour later clued to the T.V. Sorry mom, Jack is now a fan.

Today we checked into the hospital as an outpatient at 7:00 a.m. then off to radiation at 9:00 a.m. After his radiation had finished we wheeled Jack up two floors for his MRI. This is the longest Jack had been sadated for a while so it was little nerve racking when they finally came to get me two hours later. He came out of it fine and was asking for chinese for super.

The remainder of the day was spent resting and you guessed it, eating chinese. Tomorrow we meet with the doctors after radiation to hopefully get the results of the MRI. We will be sure to keep you all informed.

New pictures!

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:40 PM CDT

"Hope is the voice that God uses to speak to our hearts instead of our heads."

Please say a prayer, cross your fingers, throw a coin into a wishing well, etc....that Jack's MRI on Monday shows a "difference." I can handle them saying that they need to extend radiation into another week, but it will be difficult to handle if they say there hasn't been a change.

However, I do believe there has been a change! For instance, last thursday Jack wrote his name from left to right, with less effort, and legible letters. He also drew circles to make a face on a blown up glove. Each of these, once simple tasks, were extremely difficult for Jack as of last March. It is like his brain is finally cooperating.

We really enjoyed our 2 nights home as a family. On Saturday, we worked around the house, played T-ball, played on the swingset, fished in the pond, chased Ella up the block and visited with our wonderful neighbors. Everyone slept in their own beds, well until about 2:00 a.m. and somehow they all ended up in our queen size bed. Yep, life felt the most normal as ever at 2:00 a.m..

Today, we went to Guttenburg for a family reunion. Papa Dan provided us mass. He talked about faith and how if you don't practise faith, it is easy to lose it. I feel sorry for those that do not know how to use their faith, especially at times like ours. Marty and I were very lucky to be raised in families that are very committed to their faith. We also prayed for Jack. I felt a strong energy in the church/garage with all of our family. We are blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive family!

The day was filled with all kinds of fun things to do. Jack enjoyed a boat ride on the Mississippi, he looked for shells, played Bingo, and relaxed. He wanted to swim, but we had to explain that he couldn't get his tubes wet or he would get very sick. He handled it very well, especially when I promised we would take him to a water park when he got his tube out. We keep making promises and more promises.

Marty and Jack went north as Ben, Ella and I went south, but hopefully this is our last week of the separation. I will go to Rochester on Wednesday and Marty will come back to CR. Possibly by Friday, we could be moved back home.

Have a great week!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Saturday, July 9, 2005 8:02 AM CDT

"Everything that is done in the world is done by HOPE."
-Martin Luther

Hi all,

I want to thank Tricia, Kimmie, Sara A., and Mandy for the wonderful meals they have provided us in the past weeks! We didn't eat this good even when we were not fighting cancer. I would love the recipes, because someday I plan to cook again! (HAHA) Thank-you also, to Sara Kepros for organizing the meals!

I told Jack that he may be done with radiation next week. He actually groaned with disappointment! Now that has to be one of the firsts- for a child to NOT want to be finished! That is a testament to the wonderful anaestesologists (spelling?)and radiation team.

Many of our friends that are volunteers for the Make A Wish foundation have been asking what Jack would like to wish for. At first, it made me sad to think he even qualified to make a wish. But, seeing how much he goes through, he deserves to have something amazing to look forward to. Now the question is- what should he wish for? When I asked him where he would like to go to he said, "the Playstation." I explained that dad and mom could manage the playstation. Then he replied, "Camp Snoopy." So, Marty and I were wondering if the Make A Wish foundation would be suspicious if "Jack" asked for a trip to KeyWest to meet Jimmy Buffet or a new Harley Davidson:)

Have a great weekend!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Friday, July 8, 2005 8:53 AM CDT

McDonald's jingle is "I'm Lovin it," but frankly "I'm quite sick of it." For some reason, Jack does not get tired of eating McDonald's. I haven't figured out if he really likes the food or just the happy meal toys! The good thing about McDonalds is that it is probably the only reason why Jack is gaining any weight! However, my cholesterol is probably astronomical!

I don't mean to disrespect good ol' Ronald McDonald, especially since he is the reason why our stay in Minnesota is manageable! I can't express enough how wonderful the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) is. The volunteers are very sweet and the accommodations are awesome!When we are able to have more free time, hopefully next summer, Marty and I are going to give back to the RMH. We haven't decided how yet, maybe meals for the residents, or something like that! It will feel so nice to give back again, since we are receiving so much right now from RMH and all of you!

I am updating this Fri morning, because Jack and I were out late-on a date! We went to the movie Madagazgar. It was a very cute movie- we laughed a lot. It felt great to be on a date again, it has been SO long (hint, hint, hint). The movie was definately a treat for Jack and well deserved. He had quite a busy Thursday. The day consisted of radiation, bloodwork, doc appointment, chemotherapy, blood transfusion and believe-or-not we found time to go to the mall for lunch (Subway-thank god) and hit a few clearance racks! We zoomed from the hospital and missed only 10 minutes of movie. I know part of the craziness is just brought on be me, oh well!

TGIF -- after radiation today we go to the hospital for a platelet transfusion AND then we go HOME! Marty and I promised each other that this weekend would be very low key...we'll see.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the second half of summer!

God Bless you,

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 10:22 PM CDT

And the fight goes on.

Jack is starting to feel the fatigue of a long weekend and starting week three of radiation. He seemed to have a little more shaky movement to him and a loss of words when he spoke. When I met with the doctor after radiation she assured me that it was normal for that to happen at this point of radiation.

It is days like this that make's me realize how fragile he can be and how cancer will take over at anytime to remind us of what it can do.

Sure enough by mid-afternoon when mom showed up Jack had a little more bounce to his step. We then treated Jack and Ben to Red Lobster for Ben's last night in Rochester.

Ben and I then drove back to Cedar Rapids for the rest of the week with hopes that mom can take over Ben's job of pushing Jack back to the car after radiation in the wheel chair. That has been Ben's job everday for a week and a half and he takes great pride in doing his part and being the best little brother Jack could ever ask for.

Another day of fighting Spencer has passed, we thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and fighting this with us.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 10:11 PM CDT

Were Back! I have to say, it was nice of Rochester to welcome Jack back with a fireworks display that was pretty awesome.

On our way back we went through Monona which is the "Garden City of Iowa" (now we know why Middendorf's yard looks so good).
We also sighted fireworks in the small town of Harmony as Jack and Ben were fighting, figure that one out.

Today Jack was back to his normal smile to the nurses and helping the doctors set up his bed for radiation. His story of riding in the firetruck for the Cascade parade was a crowd favorite.

The doctors had informed me that as long as his MRI next Monday looks good then he is down to his last eight radiation treatments!

We had also received a nice visit from my cousins this afternoon. Thank you, Darcey and Denise for bringing the kids up and making the afternoon go by a little faster.

Tomorrow I pass the paton off to Jen for the rest of the week and hope that soon we will all be under one roof again.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, July 4, 2005 10:20 PM CDT

Happy 4th of July!

All weekend I have felt like I have been missing something and now I know it has been updating and reading Jack's webpage! The camper lacks a computer hookup!

WOW, what a weekend! Even Marty admitted that it was maybe a bit too busy. None-of-the-less, it was great to be in IOWA and with our family and friends!

The weekend started with Jack RElearning how to ride a bike! With a brand new Harley Davidson helmet on, he was determined to master his bike one more time! It was harder than I anticipated, but he succeeded! It was such a huge event last summer when he learned to ride a 2-wheeler, but this summer it was amazing! I got plenty of exercise running next to him, but HE DID IT!

On Saturday, we attended Wes and Kelly's wedding (congrats again)and Jack tore up the dance floor! From the chicken dance to the YMCA song, Jack strutted his stuff! In fact, many family members asked if he should rest so he wouldn't induce a seizure! We just smiled, laughed and stored a picture in our mind of Jack dancing like John Travolta. Maybe we should wait on T-ball and register Jack for ballroom dancing lessons.....just kidding Marty!

Saturday evening we were offically camping. Although camping was a scary idea to me, we were able to spend a lot of time with our family. Ella, being a little more high maintenance than the boys, needed daddy to drive her around the campground to fall asleep. That was an interesting night and that is all I will say.....

Jack spent most of Sunday in the camper relaxing, probably recuperating from his dancing the night before. We enjoyed visiting with more family and friends. BUT, by almost the end of the fireworks, I decided that Jack, Ella and I were heading to Cascade for a decent night sleep. The idea of a hot shower was also very appealing! Ben is a partyer and had no problem staying at the camper with Marty. Thanks mom and dad for the wonderful night sleep!

This morning, after scrubbing 2 days of dirt off of the kids (yuck), we attended the Cascade parade. We want to say a BIG thank-you to Uncle Denny, Chris Felton and the Cascade Fire Department for allowing Jack, Ben and Marty to ride in the fire truck in the parade. You made 2 little boys VERY happy! Jack is starting to feel like a little celebrity from all the royal treatment he has been receiving! Thank-you also to Barney and Suz Otting for keeping us dry during the parade and feeding us awesome turkey and dressing sandwiches! That was the best Jack has eaten in a long time! Eventhough, I haven't officially lived in Cascade for over 14 years, everyone there always makes you feel like its still home! Thank-you for the support Cascade!

Are you still awake, because this is getting lengthy! It's tough wrapping up 4 days! Anyway, our holiday weekend ended just right with time spent in Guttenburg. The Mississippi is always a great place to relax. But unfortunately, the time came to separate our family again for another week of radiation. We are looking forward to the shorter week and then hopefully 1 more week left!

We hope your weekend was just as exciting as ours and filled with great memories!

God Bless,

Jen and Marty

Friday, July 1, 2005 4:58 PM CDT


Jack is doing great. On Thursday, he struggled to wake up from the sedation, but I explained that he probably is making up for sleep from the weekend (considering he didn't go to sleep until 2:00 a.m.). Ben, however, was in rare form when we were waiting for Jack in the radiation clinic lobby. Picture Ben somersaulting down the middle aisle of the lobby- normally I would be extremely embarassed, however it was wonderful to see so many sad people laughing and smiling at the sight.

On Thursday evening, we were visited by Jason, Gina, Tessa and Tyson Hill. They all looked great, especially Jason. Jason and Jack have something in common-"spencer." Jack immediately felt connected to Jason, which was demonstrated by Jack snuggling right up to him (Cute pictures to come). We enjoyed Jack's favorite meal-chinese. Gina and I shared a fortune cookie and our fortune said "You will have endurance for a long haul!" We laughed and felt that was fitting for our situations. When Jason and I were visiting he said "I can't think of one negative thing..." (inregards to his cancer). I continue to be amazed by Jason and Gina. Their positive attitude is contagious! Thanks again guys for the wonderful visit!

Well, this weekend is busy- as is all of yours I'm sure. But as many of you know, life wouldn't feel normal if we weren't constantly GOING and GOING. Marty is setting the camper up in Dubuque with Ella. The boys and I are in Cedar Rapids friday night. We will meet Marty and Ella in Cascade on Saturday before Kelly's wedding (Marty's cousin). Although I feel this plan is hectic, believe it or not this is how Marty relaxes. We will watch the fireworks in Dubuque on Sunday. Marty is planning to leave for Minnesota with Jack on Monday and our crazy lives continue...

I hope you all are able to enjoy a lot of quality family time this weekend and DRIVE CAREFULLY!

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:26 PM CDT

"Life is a test- are you passing?"
This is a sign that jumped out at me when I was driving the county roads of Benton county in March. At that time, Marty and I were very worried about Jack and knew there was something terribly wrong, but the doctor's couldn't find it.
When I read this sign, I prayed for guidance from god to help us "fix" Jack. I think about that sign a lot and want everyone to know, that after this weekend, all of you are passing the test with flying color! All the hugs, thoughtful words, and GENEROUS gifts REenergized us! I can't stop thinking about the night, which continues to give me goosebumps and make me smile! We received so much more than financial support from you all- we gained a beautiful memory that will always lift us up, even on the hard days! Thank-you for that!

I think God wanted me to go back to work, so that Marty could handle that delicate conversation with Jack. I'm sure I would have froze and babbled uncontrollably. Eventhough, it killed me to hear that the big talk occurred without me, I know Marty did the best job ever! Look out "Spencer," we are gaining on you!

Speaking of work, it felt so wonderful to be a part of the normal world again. I love my job and all my families I work with- I was energized again!

Now that I'm a resident of Minnesota again, I have big shoes to fill. How do I top, Camp Snoopy and Leo's pizza palace! Luckily, The Hills are visiting and will entertain us. Jack is so excited to eat Chinese with Jason.

Thank-you again for your support and God Bless you,

Jen and Marty

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:38 PM CDT

One of the things that has amazed both Jen and I is the fact that Jack as never asked the question WHY.

Not why this is happening to him? Not why are we always in the hospital? Not even why is he so sick all of the time? Until last night, I guess he felt that he was six now and that he is old enough to know.

Last night before bed Jack had asked me why he has to go to the doctors everyday for test. I reminded him of all of headaches that he used to have and that the doctors are making sure that the headaches go away for ever. He then asked who gave him the headaches. I explained to him that he is a very special boy and that God had given him something called cancer and we needed to go to the doctors to get rid of it. He then asked why God gave cancer to him. I told him that God had picked him because he knew that Jack was a super tough boy and that he was strong enough to beat cancer.

Jack informed me that he was tough enough to beat cancer because he liked to exercise and do Tiebo with mom. He asked that I call mom and tell her to make sure to bring all of the tapes with her so they could exercise.

He then asked if mom and I would be there to help him beat cancer. I let him know that everyone at the party was there to help him and everyone that reads about him on the computer are going to be there to help him beat cancer.

He then asked if Brad with the big muscles was going to help him. I said yes... That brought a big smile on his face. He informed me that maybe uncle Denny would help him because he was a strong fireman. I assured him that uncle Denny was for sure going to help him.

The first thing he said this morning was if "Spencer" was still in his head. I said "No Jack you mean cancer" he said well I forgot that word so can I call him Spencer. Sorry for any of you named Spencer but Jack is on a mission to beat you.

Today while meeting with one of the doctors Ben hit his head and Jack told him to be careful so that Spencer does not get into his head. The doctor gave a smile and Jack informed her that Spencer was in his hiding in his head and that he needed to take his medicine and exercise so that he would go away.

I never realized how smart six year olds were.

God Bless to all of you and thank you for joining us in Jacks fight against SPENCER.

Marty and Jen

New photos!

Monday, June 27, 2005 9:29 PM CDT


We really do not know what to say other than THANK YOU! The benefit on Saturday for Jack was anything but
"a little get together".

When we parked and started to walk up the lane we were greeted by the Horsefields who drove up from Davenport and the Novaks who drove up from Kansas City we knew we were in for a special evening.

The prayer service began with some nice music and ended with some touching words from Jen. It is far easier for me to hide behind this computer than to get up and say these things in public so for that I thank her for having the courage to do it for the both of us. She had me in tears and I knew what she was going to say.

There are so many things about that evening that we will never forget and will be forever greatful for. Here a couple that stick out that still brings smiles:

Jack playing soccer in the yard with all his friends.

Batman driving down the lane to pick up Jack and Ben for a ride in Batmobile.

The CRFD driving all the way out to give Jack a ride with his special friend Sam Lorimer in the fire truck.

Joe Fanel finding his calling in life as an auctioneer.
(Thank you Joe)

Heiley Dolphin receiving her first car at age 5.

We would like to thank everyone who had spent countless hours of on preparing for the event and the Hiserotes for offering up their beautiful home. (You must have had a good Realtor).


Today is Jacks 6th birthday!

It was kicked off at 6:45 a.m. with my employer True North Companies offering to fly us back to Rochester in their company plane. Jack, Ben and I made the trip up north in 40 minutes. (New record time)

Jack then introduced brother Ben to all the nurses and doctors who give Jack radiation everyday. Jack was anxious to show Ben his own mask and where he goes everyday for a nap.

After lunch we made a trip north to Camp Snoopy with cousin Dana where we spent a couple hours riding rides and eating supper at the Rain Forest Cafe.

Now its back to the grind for another week of fighting Cancer and making more memories.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Saturday, June 25, 2005 10:58 AM CDT





Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:16 PM CDT


I was sucessful in kicking Jen out of Rochester for longer than 6 hours. Jen had left this afternoon for a much needed and over due break from the Mayo scenary.

Jack was back to the radiation schedule today and will be doing it again tomorrow morning. After that Jack and I are heading home. It will be Jacks first visit home since mothers day and is really anxious to see what he has missed.

Speaking of back home... If you have not heard some awesome friends and family members of ours have been planning a "little get together" on Saturday afternoon. They are haveing a benefit in Jacks honor for his courageous fight with cancer. It will be held at Scott and Kelly Hiserote's acerage. A prayer service will kick things off at 3:00 with a silent auction starting at 4:00 and a live aution following. There will be live music, food and drink availale. Like I said "little get together".

To get to the event take Blairsferry Rd west to Milburne Rd head North until you get to Oak Grove Rd take a left and their home address is 6700 Oak Grove Rd.

We hope you can all make it to celebrate Jacks return home for the weekend.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:01 PM CDT


Well, we decided that we are not very good farmers! They informed us today that for some reason Jack was not harvesting very many cells. Our goal was 15 million and as of this morning, we only had 1 million. They decided to continue today and then be finished. Jack will probably have to harvest again after radiation. They told us that they would try to get more stem cells from his bone marrow, at some point. Nobody understands why this process has been so difficult- but we know one thing- Jack is ALWAYS keeping them on their toes!

The great news is that they gave us the green light to go home for the party! That news made everything else seem okay.

After Jack gets a blood transfusion, tonight, we will be discharged to our "summer home"-the Ronald McDonal House. Jack will resume radiation on thursday and friday. We are still figuring out the rest of the weekend plans, but are relieved to go home! I can't believe it will be over 6 weeks since Jack and I have been home!

Thank-you for your prayers. We continue to have a lot of HOPE!

New Photos!

God Bless,

Jen and Marty

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:59 PM CDT


We are starting to feel like farmers for all the harvesting we have been doing. We must not have harvested enough cells today, because Jack is set up to harvest tomorrow. Although he gets tired from the process, he is doing very well.

Last night, I (Jen) spent the night with Jack. We were having a good conversation, when I explained that 1 month after his birthday his dad and I would be married 9 years. Jack looked kind of sad and said "But I want to marry you." (Now, that was one of the best compliments I have ever received). I explained that someday he would marry a nice girl, have kids and then I would be a grandma. He smiled and thought that sounded funny. Somehow during this sweet conversation, Jack said he wanted a "stink blaster" for his birthday. He admitted that he wanted to shoot dad with it. After he confessed his motive, he smiled, covered his mouth and laughed. He promised that I was not going to be a target. After I shared with Marty my conversation about the stink blaster, Marty asked Jack "So what are you going to do with the stink blaster?" and Jack replied with a smile "Don't worry about it."

We were excited to recieve a visit from the Dolphins (Randy, Lisa, Hailey, Brayden and baby Colby). Jack enjoyed playing in the activity room with Hailey and Brayden. They even were able to make snowcones in Jack's hospital room. Marty and I enjoyed catching up with Randy and Lisa. I was able to get my baby fix by holding sweet, baby Colby.

Please say an extra prayer that we can sneak home this weekend for the party.

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Monday, June 20, 2005 8:22 PM CDT


This morning Jack had his catheter placed in his neck and started the stem cell harvest. Earlier in the morning, we had to find a way to creatively explain to him what was going to occur. So, we explained that since he had so much energy, he would have a special tube put in his neck so that a special machine could take his extra "power cells" out. Then, the doctors would freeze his "power cells" and they would put them back in his body through his special tube if he ever got really sick. Then, the "power cells" would reenergize him again. Amazingly, he thought it sounded pretty cool.

When he woke up from the sedation and felt the discomfort in his neck, he had big crocodile tears and said "Dad, I want to get out of here!" Marty promised him that if he stayed strong, we would go home this weekend for a party.....a BIG party!

Speaking of promises, back in the "dark days" of our hospital stay when Jack was miserable- out of EXTREME DESPERATION- we promised Jack a dog. Yes, a D-O-G! (I'm sure Grandma Rosie is laughing and Grandma Sis is gasping.) Jack has wanted a dog pretty much since he could say "dog." Fortunately, for a few years,I was able to put it off by saying "Oh, honey we are going to have a baby, instead!" So if anyone has any dog advice for us, we would appreciate it. Of course, I would prefer a small, quiet, calm, nonshedding, pottytrained dog!

All in all, Jack did very well during the 5 hour harvest. The process made him tired, so Jack and I caught up on some sleep and Marty caught up with some computerized Party Poker. The plan is to harvest again in the morning,so please say a prayer that we get enough stem cells by tomorrow evening.

Make sure to see the updated photo's!

Enjoy your day and God Bless,

Jen and Marty

Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:50 PM CDT

I would like to start off with a special Happy Fathers day to my dad (many of you know him from the guest page as Papa Dan) and my father-in-law Tom Oeschger. You two have been there for Jen and I whenever we had asked and words cannot express how much we love you for that.

Today was a special Fathers day for me. Three weeks ago I would have thought that it just would have been another day in the hospital with Jack on his road to recovery one inch at a time. Well, we are miles away from that time.

Although Ella was not here, it was nice to be able to have a nice breakfast with Ben, Jack and Jen action figures and all. I will have a special date with Ella when I get back.

After breakfast Jen had taken Ben back to my parents and spent the afternoon with Ella the rest of the family.

Jack and I had spent the rest of the day at the park. We walked around the lake and watched the 10,000 geese they have there. We then went to the swings where Jack informed me that swinging was good exercise and that he needed to get big muscles before school started. He stayed on the swings for 15 minutes!

Tomorrow we move to the next step to Jacks recovery. At 8:00 a.m we will check into the hospital to begin the Stem Cell Harvest. They will take a break from radiation until the harvest is complete. We will hopefully going to be in the hospital for only a day or two then back to the radiation schedule.

I hope all of your fathers day was as good as mine and wish you all well.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Saturday, June 18, 2005 9:55 PM CDT

Hi, my name is Jackson Thomas Hoeger. I am almost 6 years old. My mom and dad are always reading and writing on this web page. I see them smile, laugh, and sometimes cry when they are reading it. They also like to read me what all my friends and family say. It makes me smile, also.

I wanted to write for once, so that I could wish all the daddys a Happy Father's Day-Especially my dad. I want to tell you why I love my dad so much:
1. He plays T-ball with me.
2. He teaches me how to wrestle.
3. He calls me his "Joker."
4. He takes me to the "City Beat" almost every Saturday and buys me a bacon cheeseburger.
5. He takes me to his work sometimes.
6. He sleeps in the hospital bed with me, even when it hurts his back.
7. He reads me books.
8. He takes me camping.
9. He takes me to Iowa football games, Iowa basketball games, and Iowa wrestling meets.
10. He makes me feel all better when I'm sick.

There are many more reasons why Ben, Ella ,and I love our daddy, but I better get off the computer before mom or dad catch me!

I hope all you daddy's have a great father's day!

P.S. Please keep writing to us, we sure like it!


Saturday, June 18, 2005 10:59 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Great news! Sean (our new 16 year old buddy), fought cancer and WON!!!!!!!I can't express the thrill it was to hear the news from him and see his family. I tried not to cry and I couldn't help but hug him! I feel so blessed to be a part of his life, even if it was only for less than a week. Let me tell you, the day I can say "Jack Won," I will be OUT OF CONTROL!

We had a great visit from Grandma Sis, Papa Tom, Uncle Bob and Aunt Julie. They looked great and Jack was excited to entertain them all. He even had Aunt Julie sharing her coffee with him. Normally, I would frown on all that caffeine-but hey what the heck!Thanks again for the wonderful visit!

Jack started getting "wonder" shots on Wednesday to increase his cell count for a possible stem cell harvest on Monday. I have learned how to give the shots. It's definately not what I am thrilled to do, but I can do it! Say a prayer that his cell count is high enough on Sunday, because then he will be admitted on Monday morning to have a catheter placed in his groin and the collection will start that day. It takes about 5 hours and by the end of the day, they will check to see if they have enough stem cells. If they do not have enough, they will harvest again the next day and continue until they do. It will be great to get this done and out of the way!

I recieved more great news on Friday- we are tentatively done with radiation on July 12! Which is about a week earlier than I thought! Yippeee!

Marty and Ben safely arrived last night. Ben got a haircut and requested one "just like Jack's." So it is buzzed pretty short. When Jack and Ben were in the backseat of the truck, we heard them laughing- Jack was rubbing Ben's head and Ben was rubbing Jack's. Pretty cute and definately a memory stored for long term.

Enjoy your weekend and thank-you for all the prayers!

God Bless,
Jen and Marty

Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:16 PM CDT


Jack continues to have goods nights and days! I experimented with how I presented his medicine last night (actually early morning)and it worked. I had to wake him up 3x, but we managed. The radiation guys and gals are so impressed with how Jack walks into the radiation room, jumps on the bed and kindly asks for a warm blanket (it is very frigid in those rooms, right Jason?). They are getting his sedation dosage to a better level so that he wakes up within 1/2 hour of his treatment. AND still NO seizures!

You know how you hear how people can see "god through other people," well I have been witnessing that since day one up here-but especially last night! Jack has been befriended by a 12 year-old named Austin. Austin is here with his brother Sean (who is a 16 year old fighting cancer). Anyway, Jack has been pretty shy, especially since he sometimes has a hard time finding his words (unlike his mother who always finds plenty:), but this sweet Austin has taken Jack under his wing. He says "hey buddy do you want to play video games", he'll give him a pennies, and he even had Jack RUNNING down the halls (I was a little freaked, but enjoyed the uncoordinated site). But when Austin heard that Jack had trouble keeping his medicine down, he said "come here buddy I will help you." So Ausitn cheered Jack on pill by pill and he kept them down. I believe that is what is meant by seeing "god through others!"

Jack and I recieved a wonderful visit from our friend Courtney, who was traveling through town with her husband. We laughed a lot and had a good lunch. She helped me out by sitting with Jack in the van, while I ran into Walmart to do my pharmacy "stuff" (we all know how fast Walmart can be-no offense). While I was in the store, Courtney gave Jack a game and taught him how to play. Jack had a blast and actually it is a great learning tool also! Thanks again Courtney for a fun afternoon.

We are super excited for Marty and Batman Ben to come tomorrow, AS WELL AS, Grandma Sis, Papa Tom, Uncle Bob and Aunt Julie!

I hope you all are having a great day and know that I thank God for you all every night.

PS- Please say a prayer for Austin's brother, Sean, who gets checked on Friday to see if the cancer is gone-and if so they get to "blow this popstand!"

God Bless,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:41 PM CDT

We are officially residents of the Ronald McDonald house!
It is like being in college all over again, minus the cocktails!

All the families are super nice and we are quickly making friends. Even Jack has found other 5 year olds to hang out with. It is a different world in this house- kids with feeding tubes and kids without hair is normal. The common questions is "So what does he have?" I have always tried to live life with the philosophy that "Life could be worse." Just when I thought our "life could not be any worse," I meet those in more difficult situations. For example, I met a family that is from the middle east and have not been home for 3 months (they have a 6 year old back home)and another family is from Turkey. I know how lucky we are to be only 3 short hours from Ben, Ella and home.

Jack and I were very busy this morning with waking him up at 4:00 am to take medicine(which did not go well) so I had to wake him up at 5:oo and try again (then he succeeded). We were at Mayo from 6:45 am until 11:30 am. Jack did great with radiation and he woke up earlier than usual. Then, believe it or not, I actually cooked lunch (the first time in 6 weeks)! Definately a feast of mac-n-cheese! The rest of the day was spent SHOPPING for a fathers day gift and of course something little for the kids. You can tell Jack is getting a lot better when he can keep up with me shopping.

While awake this morning at 4:00, I thought about how dark those days were when Jack had every bit of quality of life taken from him. I realized that we were, what seems like, a step away from the worst. It felt like being in the deepest part of a valley and then I realized that maybe we needed to get to the lowest point to get a running start UP the mountain! It feels so good to be climbing towards the top. Hopefully by memorial day weekend 2006 we will be at the top defeating cancer.

"God only gives you, what you can handle?"-Right?!

God Bless you,


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:42 AM CDT


After returning to the hospital from Jacks 2nd radiation treatment we were given the green light to move out.

I think that Jen had less "stuff" when she moved home from college. We moved everthing over to the Ronald McDonald house where we will spending most of the remainder of the summer. Even though we are excited to leave the hospital, it is alittle alarming to know that we do not have the comfort of that little red nurses button at our finger tips. We would like to thank the nurses and staff at St. Mary's for putting up with us for as long as they had to.

The doctors are asking us to keep Jack in town for one more week then we would be able to take him home for the weekends to enjoy alittle of normal family life.

Jen and I would like to thank all of those who participated in the prayer service on Monday night. We understand that it was well attended and can not wait to see the video of it.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Monday, June 13, 2005 8:31 PM CDT

Hello family and friends,

Our internet was down last night, so I will update the past 2 days.

I will start with something rather funny. Sunday morning, I (Jen) was leaving the Ronald McDonald house and I through some trash away in the dumpster in the garage. Not paying attention, I locked myself in the garage! I pounded on the doors, but no one was around at 8:00 a.m.. There was a garage door, but a rather large sign said "EMERGENCY ONLY- AN ALARM WILL BE ACTIVATED." Therefore, I HAD to call Marty and beg him to call the Ronald McDonald house to have someone let me out. How embarassing! A sweet older lady, Dorothy, let me out. She thought it was pretty funny, also. When I got to the hospital, Marty gave me a hug and couldn't stop laughing:)

I was surprised by our friends Jen, Stacey and Cael visiting. We got lunch and we all went to the park. Jack was able to move around the park better and with a lot more endurance. It was great to visit with our friends and be entertained by Cael (2 years old).

At the park, we were surprised, literally, by Uncle Chris an his friend Hailey. They were on their way home from the Twin Cities. Chris was pretty impressed with how much Jack has progressed since he saw him on Memorial Day Weekend.
Thank-you Uncle Chris for the new Cubs hat with Jack's name embroidered on it- he loves it!

Today was day 1 of radiation and it went very well! Jack slow waking up from the sedation, but has NOT suffered any seizures yet. Only 27 more treatments left!

If nothing changes, tomorrow we should be "blowing this pop stand," as my father would say! We will be discharged to the Ronald McDonald House. We are advised not to go outside of the city this weekend, but we will be doing some major negotiating about the following weekend!

We want to thank Father Steve, St. Patrick's church and all of you for attending the prayer service for Jack. We wish we could have been there, but we didn't feel comfortable leaving on the first day of radiaion. We feel so blessed to have so many people gathering to pray for us-we know God will hear you all. It really means a lot to us!


God Bless you all,

Jen and Marty

Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:58 PM CDT

A week or so ago, I had shared with you some lessons that Jen and I have learned while going through this with Jack. I would like to share a couple of more things that I have learned in the last 20 hours while traveling back home.

#1. It takes 3 full Kenny Chesney's CD's to make it from Rochester to Cedar Rapids.

#2. I can drink a 32oz of Coke and "almost" make it from Rochester to Cedar Rapids without stopping.

#3. Jen and I have absolutely the best friends and family that anyone could ever ask for.

I would like to thank all of those who made it out last night for a couple of cocktails and let me know what reality is again. Believe me, when I say I have been trying to kick my wife out of the hospital to enjoy some of that. I am confident that it will happen real soon.

I would like to also thank O'Reagan Rehab Services and True North for everything they are doing for us. When I went to work at True North, a little over a year ago, one of the first things that they had stressed to me was that you have to enjoy what you do AND that family comes first. I can tell you that they back that up 100%.

Jack and Mom had a "date" today in the hospital cafeteria doing lunch. They also enjoyed the sun in the courtyard and throwing money into the wishing fountain. We all know what Jen wished for and when asked, Jack said he wished for "video games." Glad to see nothing has changed! For the rest of the day, Jack read books, watched movies, and rode the elevator over and over and over!

For those of you who are waiting for some more information on Jack's benefit, we should have more details soon. There are some "Prayers for Jack" bracelets running around and if I do say so myself, I think that they are pretty awesome!

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Saturday, June 11, 2005 2:04 PM CDT

I want to congratulate my mom for battling emphysema for the past year. It was 1 year ago today that my mom was in the hospital and we were uncertain what the next day would be like, more or less 365 days. BUT- my mom's determination continues to pervail!

On Friday, Jack successfully made it through his MRI sedation without ANY seizures. I watched him like a hawk and even Jack was annoyed by me by the end of the day.

We enjoyed another visit from Ben, Ella, Aunt Jenny and Grandma Rosie. Ben always smothers Jack with hugs when he visits. He even passes up going to the activity room to just hang with Jack. HOWEVER-Miss Ella is a busy little girl and would much rather run the halls then hang with Jack in the room. We also were visited by Dana and Matt, who were on their way back to Iowa. They are always good for many laughs. Ben became quickly attached to Matt, probably because he was good for some rough and tumble play.

Marty went home on Friday to attend some meetings and enjoy a little night life (well deserved I might add). I want to thank TrueNorth companies (Marty's employer) for being so understanding during this difficult time. My employer, O'Regan Rehab services has also been very good about my absence from work. We are blessed to love our jobs and hopefully we will be back to work like usual, soon.

I have enjoyed all the inspirational quotes that our family and friends have written in the guestbook. So- I have found one of my own to share...

"Suffering is a test of faith...If God's love calls you in suffering, respond by self-surrender, and you will learn the mystery of love."
-J. Messner

God Bless,

Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:16 PM CDT

For all of the bad days that you have read on this site, we are so excited to share with you the good days.

Today marked our 3 week anniversary in the hospital. Not one to be proud of, but when we look back to all that has happend we are sure proud of everything Jack has overcome in 3 short weeks.

Today was his best day since we got here. It began with Jack eating a full bagel, as well as, half of mom's. During physical therapy, Jack was able to play baseball in the atrium with very little assistance. It won't be long and he will be hitting on the ball field.

For lunch, we took Jack to the park for a picnic! He played on the swings and playset for a short time. While at the park, Jen and I had played back in our minds how we were so excited two weeks ago when he was able to wiggle his fingers and toes.

When we returned from the park, we found a gift on Jack's bed from Darryl and Tom (the ambulance drivers that transported Jack back and forth from the hospital to the Mayo Clinic). They had given Jack a Twins hat. Eventhough its not the Cubs, we figured we can root for both teams. Now- if they both play in the world series, then some serious decisions will have to be made.

We are constantly reminded how special Jack is. He has been able to wrap the nurses and staff around his little finger with his smile and determination to beat this disease.

We would like to thank all of you who continue to make this journey with us. We hope that you, also, have been able to share in the good days- ESPECIALLY since it has been all of you who got us through the past 3 weeks!

Check out the new photos!

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 9:02 PM CDT


"Resilient" is the new word to describe Jack. He woke up this morning (after sleeping off his seizure)demonstrating even more gains. Today, Jack walked around the room without assistance maintaining his balance! He continues to eat well and take ALL of his medicine.

Jack's radiation was postponed until Monday, because the radiation doctors needed more time to set up for his treatment. SO- we will continue to live in St. Mary's hospital until at least next Tuesday. That is okay, it is feeling like home.

I was pleasantly surprised to have a visit from our friends Kelly and Steph. Marty sure keeps a good secret. They treated me to a wonderful lunch and great conversation. Steph also gave me (a well needed) haircut- I feel like a new woman and that is priceless!
Thank-you again to our wonderful friends for driving 6 hours in total to treat me to a special day.

While I was out and about, Marty was able to take Jack out of the hospital on pass. He took Jack to the Ronald McDonald house to play pinball and airhockey. Jack enjoyed the change of scenary and the chance to be a kid again.

Thanks again for your endless support!

God Bless,

Jen and Marty

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:00 PM CDT

As much as we appreciate all the prayers, I hope you will also remember to thank God for answering our prayers. We don't want to keep asking for "stuff" and not remembering to express our gratitude.

Well, the morning started off with Jack's feeding tube coming out of his nose following him getting sick. So we made the decision to just pull it out and TRY to get him to take all his medicine orally (12 medicines in total) AND keep them down. That little boy sure keeps amazing us, because as hard as it was he tried several times and eventually kept them down!

Jack is working hard with physical therapy, showing off how he can shoot baskets. He is showing the occupational therapists how he can color using his right hand. Each day he gets stronger! We just began the fight and yet we feel we have conquered so much.

Jack asked me "Do you have a day off tomorrow?" (which is a common question when we are at home) I laughed and said "Yes, mommy will have lots of days off." Please realize that thanks to all of you, we can afford to be with our son during the most critical time in his life and we will be grateful forever!

In honor of the feeding tube removal, we wanted to celebrate with his favorite chinese meal (sorry Jason we couldn't wait for you). Unfortunately, when Marty was retrieving our supper, Jack suffered a seizure. Unfortunately, Jack needed to be sedated to end the seizure. SO- we put the chicken fried rice in the refrigerator and will heat it up when he wakes up---no matter what time that may be.

Radiation begins tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.. They say that with radiation, Jack will have more seizures. It will be interesting to see what the next 24 hours will be like. Although we are nervous for more seizures, we know that the only way to get through this is to get the radiation started.

Eventhough our night was not what we expected, we can't stop thinking about how good our day was!

Keep the faith, say a prayer, and don't forget to thank God.

Jen and Marty

Monday, June 6, 2005 10:00 PM CDT

I hope your weather was as good as ours here in Minnesota (85 degrees). Since Jack and the weather were so bright today, we enjoyed some fresh air in the courtyard. Jack is feeling so energetic (and very impulsive) that he jumps out of the wheelchair and tries to run to get the ball. It about gives me a heartattack!

Jack continues to eat better and better with each meal, he is just having trouble keeping it down. This is a little upsetting, considering the feeding tube will not come out until he can maintain his whole 35 pounds of weight. He keeps trying though-what a trooper.

I loved spending quality time with Ben and Ella. We laughed a lot when we played with Jack's pro-wrestler action figures. I'm thinking Ella will be able to enjoy a great tea party and body slam the host all within the same playtime. By the way, since we have been apart, she is speaking in sentences! AND Ben, well you all know by now that Ben Batman Hoeger is quite the entertainer. All the nurses on the floor know Ben and get a kick out of him zooming down the hall pretending he is driving a motorcycle or when he THROWS himself on the floor for a good laugh (He may be the next Chevy Chase).

Papa Dan and Grandma Rosie came to visit and take the kids to the cabin tonight. Although the kids adore Papa and grandma, they struggled with leaving. Grandma promised to bring them back up on Friday with Aunt Jenny. We appreciate how much they have put their life on hold to make ours better.

Warren and Kim are frends from Cascade that stopped yesterday to visit us. Warren has been battling brain cancer for years and continues to fight hard. Please, also add him to your prayers. Thank-you

God Bless you,

Jen and Marty

Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:42 PM CDT

Thats the last time I let Jen do the journal alone!

It was nice to go home for the weekend spend some quality time with Ben and Ella. I had so much fun that I thought it would be good for Jen to enjoy alittle of it herself so I brought the two up with me and she is currently at the Ronald Mcdonald house with them for the night.

I have been away from Jack for two days and am amazed how far he has come. He is climbing in and out of bed by himself. Still needs some help walking but is getting stronger everyday.

Tonight for supper he had pizza, bread sticks, and spegetti O's. A meal even the Borelli's would be proud of.

Through this entire process the question has been asked how Jen and I could possibly get through this. I truely believe that it is because we have a great network of friends and family that are with us every step of the way. Today I had found this little prayer that really hit home and I think explains it all.

Let Go and Let God,

As children bring their broken toys
with tears for us to mend.
I brought my broken dreams to God
because he was my friend.
But, then instead of leaving him
in peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help,
with ways that were my own.
At last, I snatched them back and cried,
"How can you be so slow?"
"My child," He said, "What could I do?
You never let go."

Jen and I made the decision back in March when we met with several doctors at the Mayo clinic and felt a since of trust in them, and whatever plan that they had come up with is what we were going to do. We have given 100% of our trust to the doctors and with your help we pray that God will show them the way to Jacks recovery. We have had our struggles along the way, which will only make us stronger for the road we are about to travel.

Thank you all for your support.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

P.S. Check out the new photo's

Saturday, June 4, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

Hola Amigos,

Last night was a decent night sleep. Jack was a little irritated by the hair falling onto his face and neck. So this morning,he decided that HE would clip his hair to reduce what would fall out. Reluctantly, I let him, but made sure to let him know that this would be the ONLY haircut he would give himself EVER! After his "Great Clips" session, he looked at himself in the mirror (proudly) and smiled. I told him that he looked like the "Rock", the very strong, handsome wrestler.

We really enjoyed our day with Amy and Alison. Alison decorated the room with colorful pictures. They were a big help in entertaining Jack and myself.

There is talk, that a discharge may be in our future as early as Monday or Tuesday. We will live at the Ronald McDonald house and begin radiation. We will keep you posted!

I'm going to take this time to get mushy (since Marty is not here). I want everyone to know how incredibly strong and grounded my husband has been. He has kept me from falling apart on so many occasions that I can't begin to count. He knows when to make me laugh and when to just listen to me babble. We will be stronger because of this and look at our lives forever in a different light. So I want to thank-you Marty and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

God Bless you and thanks again for all your support.


Friday, June 3, 2005 9:12 PM CDT


Today was Jack's best day, yet! He is walking to the bathroom with minimal assistance. He is sitting up in the bathtub by himself. They cancelled the swallow study, because they felt that he did not need to endure one more test. So we are slowly presenting food. Unfortunately he isn't very hungry right now and food tastes funny to him. But his swallow function appears good and the risk of aspiration seems low.

Marty went home today to be with Ben and Ella. The kids are really missing us, so since Jack was doing so well we felt that Marty could go home. I am jealous that he will be able to snuggle with them and sleep in our bed.

My sister (Amy) and my niece (Alison) came up to be with us. Jack was so excited to see them. He has had so much fun playing with Alison and snuggling with her while watching SpongeBob.

Thank you for the all the prayers--THEY ARE WORKING!

God Bless you,


Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:30 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

We had a busy morning this morning. We went to radiation today to have Jack's simulation. He was sedated, very carefully, and appeared to handle it pretty well. All three of us enjoyed going to Mayo the past 2 days because we got to socialize with new people (ambulance crew, radiation team, other radiation patients...). Something about Jack that draws people to stop and talk or give a high five. Jack made sure to take his new prize position (thanks to the Middendorf family), "Walter the Farting Dog." Yes, you read it correctly. Jack received a book named "Walter the Farting Dog" and with it included a stuffed dog that actually "toots" when squeezed. Even the most proper doctors can't help but laugh and want to squeeze that dog. I believe Walter is peeking out of the sheets in the picture with Jack and nurse Kim- check it out.

Radiation will begin next Wednesday for 5-6 weeks. He will have his stem cell harvest in about 1 1/2 weeks. So, who knows when we will escape this joint.

Jack will have a videopharyngegram done tomorrow to assess his swallow. Basically, he will be x-rayed while eating a variety of food and liquids to make sure he doesn't aspirate anything. So say an extra prayer, so we can get rid of the NG tube, that in its self would make sleeping much more enjoyable for Jack -and us.

Remember to enjoy the little things- like doing laundry in your own laundry room. I'm embarassed to think about how many people have seen my "undeez" around here--SCARY!

God Bless,

Jen and Marty

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:13 PM CDT

A new month, a new day,and a new Jack. Jack's endurance was a lot better today. He continues to get more strength in his right arm and leg- this is for sure when he fights us off when we need to give him his shot or clean his "plugs."

We took a nice ambulance ride to Mayo clinic and back. Jack felt pretty "cool" waving to cars through then ambulance back window. Jack was so good when they fitted him for his radiation mask. He had those radiation woman wrapped around his little finger- such a charmer, like his father. We will go back tomorrow for the simulation (catscan). He will probably need sedation, but the doctors reassure us that they'll make sure Jack's seizure medicine will be at an appropriate level before sedating. The radiation treatment may start next week and he will go monday through friday for 5 1/2 weeks.

All in all, the day was pretty relaxing. Jack played basketball from his bed, watched lots of spongebob squarepants, went for a wheel chair ride and beat mom and nurse Michelle at "war" and "slap jack." Jack drank water today and appeared to manage fine, so we will slowly try somemore clear liquids in hopes of getting rid of the NG (feeding)tube that just plain irritates him.

It's amazing how fast the days go by and how confused we are when it comes to the date. As of tomorrow, we will have been in the hospital for 2 weeks. We pray and hope to be back in town for the big party at the Hiserote house (2 days before Jack's 6th birthday).

The sun was out and the day felt great! Like my very good friend Gina (Jason's wife) wrote on their webpage "the rain brings good things."

God Bless you,
Jen and Marty

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:53 AM CDT

Good morning,

It is strange to update the journal in the morning, unfortunately we had no choice because the website was down last night.

I think that Jack has been seizure free for 24 hours! Yippee! His day was much calmer yesterday. We continue to fight with keeping that seizure medicine level at an appropriate level. Also, he had a blood and platelet transfusion yesterday.

Since Jack seemed better, I took a break to do some browsing at "TJ Max and More" (my new favorite store). It felt wonderful to be more than 3 blocks from the hospital. He was on a mission to buy Jack a cool hat, since in a couple days he'll really need it. I was lucky to find a Nike hat that looks like one of Marty's, so he especially liked it.

We are going on a trip to Mayo clinic today. Jack will be fitted for his radiation mask this morning. We are not sure if they will have to sedate him or not for the procedure. We hope not, because sedation usually causes a lot of problems for Jack. But Jack is excited because the trip will involve an ambulance ride- this one he'll actually remember.

Yesterday, Jack stood on the scale by himself! He is so weak and fragile, but getting BETTER! His little voice is so soft it is difficult to hear him. He still has a lot of frustration with the lack communication, but we are getting it figured out. The doctors feel that even after the first day of radiation, we could see some pretty good results. Unfortunately, when the radiation kills off the tumor cells, the brain will have more inflammation and will cause more seizures. This should get better though once these dirty, rotten #@$@%@$@%@#$&* tumor cells are destroyed. We haven't been told yet when the radiaion will actually begin- sooner than they thought orginally though.

Jack slept pretty good last night, which means so did Marty and I! Thank Goodness because the night before, Jack was so upset that he only calmed when Marty and I BOTH slept with him. Imagine that tight squeeze!

Thanks for tuning in again for an update in the Hoeger Hospital reality show!

Please check out the new photos!

God Bless you all,

Jen and Marty

Monday, May 30, 2005 10:56 PM CDT

We would like to thank our friends from Cascade, and Cedar Rapids for making the trip up to visit today.
It gave us another much needed taste of home and Jen an excuse to put some make-up on.

Jack was happy to see them and the gifts that they had brought with them as they came into the room.

This afternoon has been a long one for Jack. The new team of doctors had changed some of his medications to help control his seizures. In doing that also came a change in is mental state. He had become very agitated at times and hard to comfort. They had given him some volume medicine to help him sleep through the night.

We will be meeting with the doctors tomorrow to see what the next game plan will be. Please keep the prayers coming that whatever plan is decided, is the right one to help Jack to a speedy recovery. It just tears our hearts out everytime we see him suffer such as we did today and pray that tomorrow will be a better day. He is due for another inch.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:52 PM CDT

Thank-you so much Papa Dan, Grandma Rosie and Uncle Chris for coming to visit and bringing the munchkins. The kid's hugs give us extra special strength. God certainly blessed us with cuddlers!

You would have thought (At least I did) that last night would have been quiet and restful, considering that Jack was awake from 4:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. yesterday-- but his brain had an "electrical storm" going on and he was up the majority of the night. But-after a nice warm bath this morning, he cuddled up and slept-peacefully (so did we).

Unfortunately, Jack had 2 breakthrough seizures today. For some reason, we can not get his Dilantin (seizure medicine)levels to an appropriate level to manage these seizures. The doctor said that this is very "unusual"- we are getting pretty tired of always being the "unusual", "rare", or "atypical" case.

God sure did bless us with wonderful nurses. Now, that is a job I have always had a great respect for and even more now ( extra kuddos to my VGH nurses).

We are super excited to see our friends that are coming to visit us tomorrow. As many of you have read our guestbook, you can see that we are so amazing blessed with such caring, devouted friends and family. I thank god every night for all of you.

It occurred to me today, that this website is sort of like a reality show! Most of you know how incredibly hooked I get on those crazy shows. I would have never thought that one day I would be apart of something similar. I look forward to printing the journal pages and the guestbook pages off and reading them years down the road- maybe it will be the best way to explain to Jack about the crazy time we "lived" in Rochester Minnesota.

Please know that with every entry we laugh, cry or smile and it is the perfect end to our day.

God Bless you all,

Jen and Marty

Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:17 PM CDT

A couple of days ago, we shared with you about the many lessons we learned going through this rough time. Last night, we learned a very important lesson... God does things on his own terms and when he wants to do them, even if it is at 4:00 in the morning...

About 9:00 last night, we were meeting with one of the doctors about Jack and shared with her our concerns about his eyesight and twitching in his right side. We were trying to decide if it was seizure activity or voluntary movement. Nobody was quite sure.

Six hours later, I was woke up by one of the nurses saying that Jack wanted me. He was wide awake, so I climbed in bed with him for a while. Then, out of the blue, he looks at me and says "I want Mom." Imagine how HIGH I jumped out of bed to retreive Jen. It will be a moment in my life that I will never forget!

Jack still has trouble talking, but he is able to get out some words and sometimes a couple of words together. He was able to say "HI" to Grandma Sis and Aunt Amy on the phone today. To add to his acheivments today, he is moving his right leg and arm purposefully.

Today was not progress by inches- it was progress by YARDS!

Ben and Ella made the trip today and provided their own bit of therapy for all three of us. As soon as Ben stepped into the room Jack's eyes lit up and he just about jumped out of bed towards him. It didn't take long for Ben to spot the ScoobyDoo ball and want to play catch with Jack. Jack was able to throw with his left hand and even tried a couple of time with his right. Yet another moment I will never forget.

I feel that we owe such a big part of this to all of you that are thinking and praying for Jack everyday. We could never get through this without our friends and family.

We would like to wish good luck to Dr. Erin and Dr. Andy, and send out a special thanks to them and the team of doctors that will be leaving for their next rotation. We are sad to see them go. They have seen Jen and I at our lowest of lows and were always there to listen and answer all of our questions.

Please say an extra prayer for our friend Jason who starts radiation on Tuesday, as well as for our little buddy Connor.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Friday, May 27, 2005 7:31 PM CDT

We can imagine how hard it is to open this up everyday and read about our situation. So thank-you for taking time out of your day to catch up with us. Maybe this is Gods way to tell us not to take even the little things in life for granted.

Today Jack was able to get a bath! Although he was apprehensive at first, he ended up really enjoying it. He was awake more today, which allowed us to go for a little stroll through the hallways in the wheelchair.

He is spontaneously moving his right arm and leg more often. He even did it once in front of the doctors. I sure wish I had my awesome physical and occupational therapist friends here to work their magic. Also, to much of our delight he said "Mom" today! The speech therapist in me makes it hard not to dive right in and make things better for him- but I realize I need to be a mom first. I did sneak a sucker in his mouth today and recieved a partial smile and a "Mmmm."

It is hard to see his frustration when he knows what he wants or what hurts in his body, but cannot communicate it to us. We understand that this is hopefully temporary but non-the-less its difficult to be patient.

For those of you that are hoarding the sun, send it back up north for those of us that haven't seen it very much lately.

God Bless and enjoy a long holiday weekend,

Marty and Jen

Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:24 PM CDT

Today was a day of lessons for us.

Lesson #1:
Jack recieved a visit from his neurologist this morning. I vented some frustration about Jack's progress. He taught me that this is a battle of inches not feet. So, when Jack wiggled his right toe today,that was the inch we were looking for.

Lesson #2:
One left handed hug can mean as much as one million two handed hugs. Amazingly, he seems to hug us to console us.

Lesson #3:
How much 6 staight hours of sleep, a warm shower and a walk on a nice day can clear a person's mind.

Lesson #4:
We know now why Minnesota has 10,000 lakes. It has rained every day since we have been here.

We will be seeing Ben and Ella again this weekend for our much needed therapy. Thank you all for helping us get through another day.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:44 PM CDT

Your continued support has helped us through yet another difficult day with Jack and his illness. He was hooked up to the EEG monitor last night to monitor his seizure activity. It was noticed at 3:00 in the morning that he was not moving his right side. At that time, Jack had a CT scan to rule out a brain bleed. The CT was normal.

Throughout the day Jack was unable to communicate to us verbally or move his right side. We met with the Oncologist tonight and she is optimistic that it is a temporary result of the brain tumor. The next 48 hours will be critical for us to control his seizures so that his body has the ability to bounce back.

Today was filled with many emotional ups and downs. By reading this website it helps us to regroup for another day.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:06 PM CDT

We are happy to say that Wellmark called yesterday and approved the stem cell transplant. We are uncertain if it was the letter that Jack's doctors sent or the threat of Bryan Schissel and Sean Shea storming the lawn naked. Either way we are very relieved.

One thing that we have realized, is that there is no planning ahead for anything. We met with the doctors last night and were ready to be discharged today. But, Jack had a hard night last night feeling sick to his stomach and got very little sleep. When we woke up at 7:30, Jack was in the middle of a seizure. Later he suffered another one and needed sedation to stop the seizure activity. He has been resting all day and is currently on EEG monitors for the rest of the night.

We are hoping that they are able to get the seizure medicine under control, SOON. Now, we are at the point where we are taking it one day at a time.

Many people have asked where to send cards. We feel that it would be best to send them to our home and we can get them from family members who visit.

The one constant thing that gets us through the day is when we pull up Jack's web page and see all the thoughts and prayers from so many people.

God bless and give your loved ones extra hugs.

Marty and Jen

Monday, May 23, 2005 10:03 PM CDT

First round of chemo is over!

With this first round of treatment we have learned that their will be times that Jack is energetic and times that he will want to lay around. Today was one of those days he needed to rest. He spent most of the day watching TV and beating dad at Chutes and Ladders.

This evening, he was able to make it to the activity room to make "Goop." He even had the appetite for his favorite chinese meal for supper.

We would like to thank everyone for their kind words of encouragement and acts of kindness. We couldn't imagine trying to get through this without the support of all of you.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Sunday, May 22, 2005 6:48 PM CDT

Jack is Back!

No more wheel chair for Jack. It is truely a task to keep up with him in the halls with his IV stand.

Jack is on day two with chemo, and with only a few spells of sickness, everything seems to be going well.

Today we were invited to a chemotherapy graduation party for a nine year old little boy named Luke. We were able to speak to his parents about their experience. We left the party with even more sense of hope.

Ben and Ella left for home today. Please see the updated pictures of their visit. Ben and Jack had a good day of brotherly bonding; whether it was sharing their toys, coloring together or kicking eachother for more bed space.

We are not sure when we are going to be discharged from the hospital. We are hoping for Tuesday, it all depends on getting his seizure medicine adjusted.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Marty and Jen

Saturday, May 21, 2005 9:03 PM CDT

Hello family and friends,

This morning and throughout the day, Jack was very aggitated, due to all the drugs. The poor thing probably had a massive hang over. It was hard to see him so upset and not be able to console him. Hopefully, tomorrow morning he will be a little bit happier.

God bless Papa Dan and Grandma Rosie, they are up here with Ben and Ella visiting. It is so nice to see them and hug the kids. Immediately, Ben ran to Jack's bedside and asked "Are you feeling better yet, Jack?" and Ella yelled "Jack!" It has been so nice to take turns to leave the hospital and visit with Dan and Rosie and read Ella books and just observe Batman, I mean Ben, in his pretend play.

Even with all the complications with the seizures, Jack started chemotherapy today. He managed pretty well with the potent drugs. We couldn't be more proud of our son's strength.

Thank-you for your prayers, we are relying on them to keep us strong and patient.

Marty and Jen

Saturday, May 21, 2005 8:03 AM CDT

Jack was able to get the breathing tube out around 8:30 Friday morning and has been breathing on his own with ease. He was pretty tired from the night before and was able to sleep all day Friday.

In between the teams of doctors checking on Jack it was a pretty queit day. Jack woke up around 7:00 last night wanting Ice Cream and Pizza. We knew we had our Jack back.

We are hoping to move back to his regular room today.

Ben and Ella made a visit with Grandma and Grampa Hoeger yesterday and was able to see Jack for a little while. I took Ben back to the McDonald house with me for the night.

Today Jack will begin his chemo treatments.

The phrase Onword and Upword had not ment so much before.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Friday, May 20, 2005 1:06 AM CDT

We really appreciate the support that everyone has given. It is a tremendous help to get through the day when we open up the guest book to see all of the prayers that will help Jack through this.

Today was a pretty long day for Jack. It started out with surgery at 9:00 to place his tube and also to collect marrow. When Jack woke up he was able to have a visit from Bailey the hospital golden retreiver.

Around 7:00 this evening while Jack was eating he had suffered a seizure that had required some volume to bring him out of it. He slept for alittle over two hours. When Jack had started to wake up he had went into another seizure that was more serious. He was transported to the ICU unit where they had to put in a breathing tube to give him alittle extra help.

They had took X-ray's of his chest to find that he had some food that had made it into his lungs during the first seizure. They will be keeping a close eye on this so that he does not get sick from this. If he becomes ill that will delay his chemo treatment.

The staff had also did a CT scan to check to see if Jack had suffered any bleeding of the brain during his seizures. That scan came back normal. So there is alittle good news out of all this.

Jack is breathing alot better now and will hopefully have the tube taken out in the morning.

The staff here at St.Mary's are wonderfull. They are so competent in what they were doing and able to keep Jen and I informed everystep of the way.

I keep asking myself how much more does my little innocent boy need to endure. But I truly know that God is with Jack and will get him back on the baseball field someday soon.

Thank you again for all your prayers and thoughts.
Keep them coming.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 11:02 PM CDT

WOW... We can not even begin to express our feelings on the great amount of support we feel when we open up the guest book.

Today was probaly the longest day for us since being here. It started with Jack getting a bone scan at 8:00 this morning (which came back normal). The rest of the day was spent meeting with several doctors going over the chemotherapy and radiation schedule for the next few weeks. Although we knew that this was going to be the plan, reality set in when we heard of everything that he would be going through.

Tomorrow Jack will be admitted to St. Mary's hospital at 9:00 to have a hickman port place in his chest. This port will allow him to receive chemotherapy, draw blood, etc. While he is under sedation they will also collect bone marrow. To our surprise, he will begin chemo on Friday and continue until Sunday. We are hoping and praying he does not become too sick from the chemo.

We are looking forward to Ben and Ella visiting us this weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.

God Bless,

Marty and Jen

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:34 PM CDT

Dear Friends and Family,

We would like to thank-you for your thoughts, prayers and overwhelming emotional and financial support we have received from you.

Today we met with Jack's Pediatric Neuro-Oncologist, Dr.Wetmore. After receiving results of the CT Scans and MRI's, Jack was diagnosed with Primitive Neural Ectodermal Tumor (PNET).

From our understanding, A tumor mass could not be located. Apparently, this is very rare. We are still scheduled to meet with several other Doctors to devise a treatment plan.

Due to the spreading of the tumor cells on the surface of the brain and spine, Dr. Wetmore recommends high doses of chemo and radiation. Jack will have a stem cell transplant to preserve his immune system. Unfortunately, treatment will not begin for approximately two weeks.

Jack is doing great throughout all of this. He is a pro now and tells the nurses which arm gives the best blood and that if they put the rubber band around his sleeve it doesn't hurt as much. He, also, reasures the MRI nurses that he is not scared and requests the rootbeer smelling gas mask. We are so proud of his bravery.

All the nurses make sure to comment on his "beautiful long eyelashes."

We will continue to update you and appreciate all of your prayers. Your support continues to keep us strong.

We had learned about this site through a good friend of ours that was diagnosed with a brain tumor in May. Please also keep Jason in your prayers.

God Bless;

Marty and Jen

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