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Welcome to my "Madie's Mom" Web Page.
For the past year, I have kept a web page for my daughter, Madie.
Here is her web page link if you want to go over and take a peek!

She is fighting for her life, against a disease that we all dread.

This web page is created from my perspective of caring for a child fighting Cancer Leukemia.


Sunday, April 1, 2007 11:20 PM CDT


PERSON 1: Wow, Dave really had me scared. I can't believe he had a heart attack! He was only 42 years old. That is so young!

PERSON 2: Awe, you shouldn't worry! Dave had the 'Good Kind' of heart attack.

PERSON 1: Wow, are you sure there is a good kind of heart attack to have? I thought they were all pretty terrible. Don't heart attacks kill you?

PERSON 2: Naw....you can have a 'Good Kind' of heart attack now-a-days. Dave had the kind of heart attack where they put in one of those balloons and opened up the blood vessel. He has to make some changes in his life, watch for any other signs of heart disease, watch what he eats, be careful of excercise, stay on top of any kind of sickness, go back to the heart doctor regular, and he still might have to get heart by-pass surgery. But, he really had the 'Good Kind' of heart attack.

PERSON 1: Well, I dunno....that sounds pretty horrible and terrible to me! His life is never going to be the same. He has to make a lot of changes and always watch out for it to happen again. Man, if this is the 'Good Kind' of heart attack, what is a "Bad Kind" of heart attack?

PERSON 2: Are you crazy? The "Bad Kind" of heart attack is when you die right away! Don't you know that heart attacks can kill you?

PERSON 1: Of course I know that heart attacks can kill you. I just still don't understand that there is anything called a 'Good Kind' of heart attack. It sounds just crazy to me.

PERSON 2: Yes, of course there is. It's just like that "Good Kind" of Childhood Cancer. What's it called? Oh yeah! That "ALL" Childhood Cancer. That's the Childhood Cancer where they have an 80-percent chance to live for 5 years without dying. Then, I think it drops to 70-percent at 10 years. I'm just not sure. But "yeah", there is a 'Good Kind' of Childhood Cancer to get.

PERSON 1: Man, your wrong about that. I don't think there is any Childhood Cancer that can be good. There is no 'Good Kind' of heart attack and there is no 'Good Kind' of Childhood Cancer. A friend I know had a son that was great at playing foot-ball and he was diagnosed with the "ALL" Cancer Leukemia only a year ago in March, 2006. He still had two more years of chemotherapy to get through. He was doing pretty good too. But, he got sick this past week. And you know what? He died today. He was only 11. You just can't convince me. I don't think there is any "Good Kind" of Childhood Cancer.

PERSON 2: That is so sad. You know, you might be right.

PERSON 1: Of course. I know I'm right.

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: At Home Right Now!!!

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Scottish Rite Campus


http://www.lighthousefamilyretreat.org   A Wonderful Organization that Repairs Families after Cancer has been diagnosed
http://www.curechildhoodcancer.org   CURE Childhood Cancer!


E-mail Author: r.ice@comcast.net


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