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"Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

January 5, 2001- March 31, 2006

Jay courageously battled a malignant brain tumor for 2 ˝ years and WON as he skipped into the Gates of Heaven on March 31, 2006. Jay’s gutsy little spirit, his never-ending smile and that undeniable sparkle in his big brown eyes, has touched so many lives. He has taught us to embrace life and to see it through the eyes of our Heavenly Father. He has taught us how to live for today no matter what tomorrow may bring, to love each other unconditionally, and to never give up hope, even against all odds.

“Against all Hope, in hope we believe...” (Romans 4:18)

A Child of Light
(written for candlelight service)

This small child we remember,
Though missing from our sight.
In honor and remembrance,
We join our candles to shine his light.

Jay’s soul has gone to a new world,
where there is no darkness, no pain,
In our hearts, his light and essence
will always remain.
His spirit lights the candle,
for it has not really gone,
With each flickering flame, we pass it on.

As we light the candles amongst us ever so slow,
It starts a flame of memory with its loving glow.
It’s amazing how such a little flame,
Can touch us so deeply, we are never the same.

Jay left us precious memories,
His love is still our guide,
and though we cannot see him,
He is always by our side.
Amongst the angels in heaven,
His whisper is the wind,
And as our candles flicker,
we know it must be him.

“I have fought a good fight,
I have finished the course,
I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

"Hope is hearing the melody of the future. Faith is being able to dance to it."

"Because of My love for you and by My grace, I've given you eternal encouragement and good hope. I encourage your heart and strengthen you in every good deed and word. The key is finding joy in hope, patience amid frustration, and faithfulness in prayer. Through Jesus, I've given you access to living hope! Absolutely nothing is too difficult for Me!"

Your God of All Hope

Welcome to Jay's Web Page. It has been provided to keep family and friends updated about Jay's VICTORY in his battle with cancer. Jay is the five year old son of Jason and Cindy Gaskins. He has a big sister, Kaitlyn who is seven years old and a baby brother, Tanner who is two. Jay was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma(a malignant brain tumor)in September 2003. He had emergency brain surgery to remove the tumor at The Children's Hopital of Central GA. Jay was referred to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN for treatment. Cindy, Jay and Tanner lived at the Ronald McDonald House and the Target House during 4 months of Chemotherapy and 6 weeks of Radiation. After many complications including seizures and airway difficulties(which required a trach and G-tube), Jay completed his treatment in April 2004 and was declared cancer free. He remained in remission for 7 months and relapsed in November of 2004 when new tumor growth was detected during a routine MRI. Jay has been entered into a trial study of Experimental Chemotherapy. He has completed two rounds of Chemo and on January 26th, 2005 we will repeat the MRI. Please pray for God's mercy and gift of healing on this earth for our Baby Jay. Join us in praying that Jay will continue to be a story of hope for all who battle this beast called cancer.

January 2005-the tumor is almost gone!!!

March 2005-The tumor is completely gone!!! Praise God!

August 2005-Relapsed with four new tumors. Entering into another Phase One

December 2005-The tumors have doubled in size, we were sent home with little to no hope from the medical community. Jay began a protocol out of Boston and is currently under the care of our local Pediatric Oncologist.

January 2006-The tumors doubled in size in two short weeks. Referred to Hospice.

February 2006-The tumors are SHRINKING!

March 2006-Jay went home to be with Jesus.

Please sign the guest book to let us know of your visit. The kids love to read your encouraging messages!


Friday, January 1, 2010 8:48 PM CST

Chronicle of HOPE

Chronicle: A record or narrative description of the past.

Hope: A confident expectation of the future.

For a while now, I have been wrestling with the idea to begin writing again. During Jay's battle with cancer, blogging was a way to keep friends and family updated on Jay's progress. Eventually, God began using it to share love, joy, laughter and most of all HOPE to all who followed our story. After Jay's death, I attempted to continue to write, but really struggled with sharing our grief. The joy, laughter and hope that once filled our hearts, was now being overshadowed by a darkness that was just to painful to put into words.

This new year brings the 7 year anniversary of when childhood cancer entered our lives and the 4 year anniversary of Jay's untimely death. As I reflect back not only on the past 7 years, but on my entire 37 years on this earth, God is showing me how He brought(and continues to bring) people and experiences into my life to mold and shape me for His purpose. As part of this purpose, I believe God is giving me the desire to write again.

My plan is to use the new blog to record the past, share the present and HOPE for the future. However, since my daily thoughts tend to be very random and unorganized, my writings will not be in a particular order. My apologies to my anal friends.

That's just how I roll.

Disclaimer: My plan and God's plan are usually not one in the same(it took me years to realize this and I am still trying to accept it) and I am really not sure what will evolve.

That's just how He rolls.

Come join me over at http://chronicleofhope.blogspot.com/ for this new venture.

You can also find us on facebook- search for Jay's Hope Foundation


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Fishing with his Great-Papa in Heaven


http://chronicleofhope.blogspot.com/   Cindy's new blog
www.jayshope.org   Jay's HOPE Foundation
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jays-HOPE-Foundation/84587052133?ref=ts   Jay's HOPE Facebook Page


E-mail Author: cindy@jayshope.org


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