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Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:43 PM CDT

I just wanted to do a quick update to let everyone know that yesterday was Jacob's three year anniversary of his cancer diagnosis. Yep, September 11, 2003. Should we not have known that September 11th was a horrible date to get anything done. Especially a test to see if your child has cancer. BUT... he has survived!!!!!! Not only has he survived... he has kicked cancers butt!!!! Only two more months people. Off Therapy on November 13, 2006! We are beyond excited. No more pills every single night. And Jacob is starting karate next week. His first sport! Other than golf, and does golf really count??:-)
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and most of all Jacob

Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:31 AM CDT

Time sure does fly when you aren't updating caringbridge pages. Jacob is doing very well. He went to the Lighthouse retreat about three weeks ago. He played on the beach. He cuddled with Nana alot (Jacob would have packed her right up in his suitcase if he could! Man did he love her). Dad says that Jordan tried to drown him. She says she didn't. Meanwhile Jacob was occupied with his future wife, Jordan (not his sister, although Dad was born in Alabama) whom he met at the Lighthouse retreat. She was part of their GREAT family partner team that included Jana, Ansley, Emily and Little Jordan. They were awesome!!!! At the Lighthouse talent show, Jordan surprised the entire family by performing on stage with a song. Dad and Tiffany were so shocked that when they announced that Jordan would be performing they thought it was a different Jordan. Needless to say that they were very proud of her. Thanks Melinda! Dad, Tiffany, Jordan, and Jacob had a blast.

Yesterday Jordan and Jacob racked up at the Cure picnic. Jacob came home carrying a huge bag of toys and was estatic that Spiderman decided to show up. Thank you Jilly!

When he came home my family and I were here at the house. He was so excited! Okay well maybe I should say he was so excited to see little Cody. Cody who is 22 months, thinks Jacob is the best thing that has ever happened to him. Jacob and Cody are absolutely obsessed with each other. It is very cute. Tiffany and Dad are of course busy working all of the time. It must be so hard to plan parties for a living!

In a few weeks, Jacob offically starts kindergarden this year. Tiffany has already starting to hit the bottle. She is dreading the day that she has to leave the school with an empty car. In fact she is trying to figure out how to keep MY Cody here so she has another baby to care for. Be careful what you wish for Tiffany!!! Well, the battery is dying on Dad's laptop. I hope everyone has a great summer and thanks to all those that even with the lack of updates still to continue to check up on us!!!

Love, Jacob's older sister, Cathy

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:40 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,
I can’t believe that the last time I updated Jacob’s website was January. I will try to do better in the future. Dad and Tiffany are running around with their hectic schedules, planning parties and taking care of Jacob and Jordan. I have some very cute pictures of Jacob on the beach from last weekend. I am hoping to post them sometime this weekend. Jacob has finally been able to take part in a sport. His chemo and weak body have restricted him from participating in sports in the past. Jacob received real golf clubs for his birthday and is now taking lessons at the country club. In fact, the country club has practically adopted him. They filled his golf bag with tees and balls. And we all know that before going to lessons that Tiffany had him decked out in the finest golf attire. He seemed to be picking up the sport quick. Who knows maybe we have a young Tiger Woods on our hands? Wouldn’t that be cool? I’m going to try to get some pictures of him golfing this weekend. We now have a date in sight for the end of Jacob’s treatment. NOVEMBER 13th. We definitely will be counting down the days. We are so proud of him. He is such a strong little boy and has kept such a good attitude throughout his journey. He is such an entertainer and does what ever it takes to put a smile on anyone’s face. We are so excited that he won’t have to endure the routine needle sticks for too much longer. I will try to put new pictures up soon so please check back! Love, Jacob’s (Oldest but not old) sister, Cathy

Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:57 PM CST

Hi Everyone!
So much is going on I don't even know where to start. First things first, my sister Jordan's Birthday is this coming Saturday. Can you believe that she will be 8 years old? Happy Birthday Jordan!
This past Sunday, I recieved a huge, wait I mean HUGE suprise. I was given my make-a-wish trip to Disney. I am so excited! We even get to take a limo to the airport.Wow!
As for everything else mom and dad are staying busy with the event planning. I don't know what they are so busy doing. How hard can it be to plan parties? Meanwhile, Jordan and I are back to school now that Christmas break is over. I want to thank everyone for visiting my page. I hope to be able to update you soon. Much love, Jacob Alexander

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Hi everyone. I have some cute pictures from Christmas I wanted to share with everyone. I will have Dad and Tiffany update later!
Love, Jacob's sister Cathy

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:44 PM CST

Hello, and Merry Christmas to all of you!

Jacob is actually feeling better. He still has a nasty cough, and is on a breathing treatment four times a day, but he feels great. He went to clinic yesterday for a marathon 10 1/2 hour visit and his counts were good. They raised him back up to 75osage on his daily chemo. All and all a pretty good visit.

The kids are excited about christmas! We are crazy busy with work, tis the season... But we slow down after the 17th and are able to focus just on the kids after that.

oh, and I did have one heartbreaking moment at the clinic yesterday. As Jacob was getting his port accessed yesterday he looked up at me with tears running down his face and said, "Mommy, I'm just so tired of this." If only he knew how much Mommy and Daddy wanted to take it all away from him. All the needle sticks, and pills, fevers, coughs, and transfusions. We would take every single second of it away with a smile on our face if we could. He has been fighting this everyday for over two years now. One more year to go. Eleven more appointments. We can do it. He can do it.

Hope you all are doing well. Hug everyone a little closer this holiday season.

Much love,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and Jacob

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:59 AM CST

Friday November 18, 2005
Still sick, Still miserable. Jacob sounds like he coughing up a lung. But...At least we are home! We are going for local labs this afternoon, and I will update if there is anything interesting. So for now we are still under home arrest.

Wednesday, Nov. 16th
Hi Everyone!

Again I want to thank all of you for your continued prayers for Jacob. He has been in the hospital for the past five days and was released yesterday. He has a virus (not contageous) that has hidden in his bone marrow since last winter and re-surfaced. It has just demolished his counts and he was admitted with fevers and lack of ability to fight infections. He did get a blood transfusion on Friday and some IVIG (immune system booster)Friday and Monday. His counts are slowly on the rise. Hopefully we will keep those fevers at bay and will be able to stay home!

Also please keep two of our special friends in your prayers:
Kelsey ( http://www.carepages.com/ServeCarePage?cpn=KelseyMorgan&uniq=846252 ) Who is going in for heart surgery next week at CHOA.

And our friend Jacob in Florida ( www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob )who is still in PICU with complications from his treatment.

Please visit their pages and sign their guestbooks. Your words of prayers and support really boost these families up through these very trying times.

We love all of you and treasure your friendship and support!

Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and especially Jacob!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:53 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

It has been so long since I updated I thought I might give it a whirl! HECTIC...Is the name of the game around our house. Along with work for us and school for the kids we have been involved in tons of great activities lately.

We got home Sunday from a whirlwind weekend at Camp Sunshine. Jordan crafted all weekend and Jacob showed off all weekend. Pretty much par for the course for us. But the best part of Camp is getting to spend time wit hour friends in the "Cancer" world. I know it sounds weird but if there is a "perk" to having cancer it is getting to really know these wonderful families that you would never have crossed paths with in any other way. Truly some of our greatest friends are people we have met through this very challenging journey.

And speaking of perks, Make A Wish came out Sunday afternoon to get Jacob's wish. It just so happened that Kelli Murphy one of our friends from the cancer community is one of our wish fairies. Along with a very sweet lady named Susan they let Jacob share his wish with them. For those of you that know Jacob this will come as no surprise but he wants to go to Universal Studios and be a Superhero in Costume with the Superheroes there. He also really wanted to stay at Give-Kids-The-World. So we will see what comes out of it! What ever happens Jacob will have a ball!

Jacob and I also had the privilege of once again going out to Whitewater High School here in Fayette County and speaking on behalf of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for Pennies For Patients. These kids are awesome! Last year they were the highest fundraising school in Georgia for the Pennies for Patients Campaign and did it all in Jacob's name. This year they have a HUGE goal to surpass and I have no doubt that they can do it again! (If you guys make t-shirts to sell we all want one!) I also found out that the Principal of Whitewater High School Mr. Greg Stillions is riding in a 100 Mile Bike Ride for Team in Training in Jacob's Name. He has to raise almost $4,000 by himself to be able to ride. Let me tell you, if more schools had Principal's like this our kids would be so blessed. There is something different at that school. You can really tell that the teenagers that go to school there truly care about each other. They are respectful, happy, energetic, and polite.

I should probably wrap it up, I could go on all night. Frank is Master Of Ceremonies at the CURE Off Therapy Celebration this weekend. I personally LOVE to watch all of those kids and young adults walk across that stage it gives me all the confidence in the world that one year and two months from now Jacob will be able to join them and say my Name is Jacob Murphy and I am off therapy...FOREVER!

We love all of you,
Keep In Touch!
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and our Superhero... Jacob

Wednesday, October 4, 2005 4:52pm

This is Catherine, Jacob's much older sister. Much has been going on in the Murphy household. Just yesterday Jacob went in for a spinal tap. He normally just lies around the house in much discomfort after days like that. He is such a trooper. He hates being weak and unable to play. He is however VERY excited about Halloween. Most kids are excited about the candy, not Jacob. He is excited about having an excuse to wear a costume all day. He loves dressing up like any superhero. Mom and Dad let him pick out their costumes this year. Let’s just say that Dad will be a spandex wearing batman, as far as mom goes she will be decked out in batgirl gear. Dad’s costume arrived equipped with built in abs and all. Jordan decided that she wants to be a gypsy this year. I’ll be sure to post pictures after Halloween. Jacob is doing great and we are very thankful. Thanks for all of the messages in the guestbook.
Much love,
The Murphy Family

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:26 PM CDT

Hello all,

I just wanted to let everyone know what has been going on in the crazy world we call our lives!

Jordan started school a few weeks ago and is in 2nd grade now. No kidding when it comes to your kids don't blink you will miss it. She is having a ball and loves her teachers a lot.

Jacob started school this past Monday with an ANC of about 450 and a mouth full of sores. He has had a terrible two weeks and has really been battling the pain. They covered the front of his tongue down the side and all of his top and bottom lips. We are on the upswing though with a rising ANC and his lips clearing up. Let me tell you though it is painfully gut wrenching to watch your child try to eat and scream in between chews, but refuse to spit it out because he is starving. It's a great way to put yourself on a diet, because how can you eat when he going through something like this. But he insisted on going to school. He would go be tough all morning and then come home and cry and cry because he hurts so bad. We are on a preventitive now to try and keep the mouth sores away for the rest of treatment. We don't go off therapy until November of 2006. I also believe they are going to put him back on IVIG for the winter because his IGG levels are already borderline and the "sicky" season hasn't even hit yet. In laymans terms he is going to get an immune system refueling every month to keep the germs at bay.

Other than that things are pretty calm. on the baby front our papers should go to China in September with a referral in April. We will then travel to pick her up in May probably. Frank and I will spend two weeks in China and the kids will stay with Cathy and Nonnie and Papa.

I wanted to leave you with this poem I read on someones site:
Some Mothers Get Babies With Something More
written by: Lori Borgman
Columnist and Speaker

My friend is expecting her first child. People keep asking what she wants.
She smiles demurely, shakes her head and gives the answer mothers have given throughout the pages of time. She says it doesn't matter whether it's a boy
or a girl. She just wants it to have ten fingers and ten toes.

Of course, that's what she says. That's what mothers have always said.

Mothers lie.

Truth be told, every mother wants a whole lot more. Every mother wants a
perfectly healthy baby with a round head, rosebud lips, button nose,
beautiful eyes and satin skin. Every mother wants a baby so gorgeous that
people will pity the Gerber baby for being flat-out ugly.

Every mother wants a baby that will roll over, sit up and take those first
steps right on schedule (according to the baby development chart on page 57,
column two). Every mother wants a baby that can see, hear, run, jump and
fire neurons by the billions. She wants a kid that can smack the ball out of the park and do toe points that are the envy of the entire ballet class.

Call it greed if you want, but we mothers want what we want.

Some mothers get babies with something more.

Some mothers get babies with conditions they can't pronounce, a spine that didn't fuse, a missing chromosome or a palette that didn't close. Most of those mothers can remember the time, the place, the shoes they were wearing and the color of the walls in the small, suffocating room where the doctor uttered the words that took their breath away. It felt like recess in the fourth grade when you didn't see the kick ball coming and it knocked the wind clean out of you.

Some mothers leave the hospital with a healthy bundle, then, months, even
years later, take him in for a routine visit, or schedule her for a well check, and crash head first into a brick wall as they bear the brunt of
devastating news. It can't be possible! That doesn't run in our family. Can this really be happening in our lifetime?

I am a woman who watches the Olympics for the sheer thrill of seeing finely
sculpted bodies. It's not a lust thing; it's a wondrous thing. The athletes appear as specimens without flaw - rippling muscles with nary an ounce of flab or fat, virtual powerhouses of strength with lungs and limbs working in perfect harmony. Then the athlete walks over to a tote bag, rustles through the contents and pulls out an inhaler.

As I've told my own kids, be it on the way to physical therapy after a third
knee surgery, or on a trip home from an echo cardiogram, there's no such
thing as a perfect body. Every body will bear something at some time or
another. Maybe the affliction will be apparent to curious eyes, or maybe it
will be unseen, quietly treated with trips to the doctor, medication or
surgery. The health problems our children have experienced have been minimal and manageable, so I watch with keen interest and great admiration the mothers of children with serious disabilities, and wonder how they do it.

Frankly, sometimes you mothers scare me. How you lift that child in and out
of a wheelchair 20 times a day. How you monitor tests, track medications,
regulate diet and serve as the gatekeeper to a hundred specialists yammering in your ear.

I wonder how you endure the clichés and the platitudes, well-intentioned
souls explaining how God is at work when you've occasionally questioned if
God is on strike. I even wonder how you endure schmaltzy pieces like this
one -- saluting you, painting you as hero and saint, when you know you're
ordinary. You snap, you bark, you bite. You didn't volunteer for this, you didn't jump up and down in the motherhood line yelling, "Choose me, God! Choose me! I've got what it takes." You're a woman who doesn't have time to step back and put things in perspective, so, please, let me do it for you.

From where I sit, you're way ahead of the pack. You've developed the
strength of a draft horse while holding onto the delicacy of a daffodil. You have a heart that melts like chocolate in a glove box in July, carefully counter-balanced against the stubbornness of an Ozark mule. You can be warm and tender one minute, and when circumstances require, intense and
aggressive the next. You are the mother, advocate and protector of a child with a disability. You're a neighbor, a friend, a stranger I pass at the mall. You're the woman I sit next to at church, my cousin and my
sister-in-law. You're a woman who wanted ten fingers and ten toes, and got something more.

Please pray for all of our little friends. Especially Jacob D, Catie, Jay, and the others that are fighting a hard fight.

Much love to you all,
Frank, Tiffany, Jordan and especially Jacob

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:19 PM CDT

8/3/05 9:01am
Some days battling this beast I feel like my guts just get ripped out over and over. Ethan went to be a sweet angel in heaven this morning. Please keep his heartbroken family in your prayers. www.caringbridge.org/ga/ethan

We also just found out our friend Jacob in Florida had bad scan results following an intense antibody treatment after many relapses. The doctors are planning an extremely harsh new plan to try one more to get rid of his cancer. Jacob and his family also need many prayers of healing and support. www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:19 PM CDT
I know I don't update often. I feel so challenged to know what to write, that all of our little ups and downs are so trivial to write about when we have so many good friends struggling so valiantly up massive mountains. But as I was so gently reminded by our good friend Jill today, if we don't write occasionally people get a little bit panicky!

So here goes… Jacob is doing well. We spent last week at the beach with our fabulously wonderful (sucking up here, how am I doing? ) friends from Camp Jack. (I am going to regress here for a minute for those of you that have lived in the South for a long time. If anyone tries to tell you that Panama City Beach has “revitalized” slap them and tell them they are out of their mind. The only thing that has changed is the fact that all of the falling down Mom and Pop hotels have been plowed to the ground and replaced with wall to wall condo buildings 25 stories tall. So close that you have to turn your head and squint to be able to perhaps get a glimpse of the ocean beyond. All I can say about this is I have never seen so many tattoos, butt cracks and Red, White and Blue cans of Budweiser Beer. But... That’s another story for another day. Along with Big Rick one of the nicest guys you would ever meet that played with the boys in the pool every day.)

But we had fun with a good redneck spirit (and that says a lot for two California girls!) . We swam, played at the beach (notice I said at the beach since we watched a shark swim right up to shore from the balcony of our condo the fist hour of the first day, so there went ”in the ocean”. When Frank and Jordan did venture out a few days later he was greeted with a massive jellyfish sting across his back and came hauling back to shore) raced go carts, drove bumper boats, and ate a lot. I wish I had pictures of Jacob and I nailing Frank and Steph right in the center of their foreheads with the squirt guns on our bumper boat, but Jen was kind of busy baby wrangling and keeping her camera dry. We did have fun. It was just great to get away for a while with good friends.

School starts back next week for Jordan and on the 22nd for Jacob. They are both ready to go and honestly so am I but sometimes I get a wistful about where the summer went. Jacob has decided on his wish. I will fill you all in when I get some details but you know it involves Superheroes.

We are also working on adopting a new daughter from China. We have actually been working on it for a while but I wanted to get further into the process before I published it to the entire world. If everything goes according to plans all of the paperwork should be finished up in September and we will probably travel to bring her home in late spring. The kids are excited beyond words and so are Frank and I. In China a baby is chosen for you and a photo and history is mailed to you for acceptance six weeks before you travel. All we know is a healthy little girl under 12 months of age will be joining our family next year. Please keep her and all of the tens of thousands of abandoned little girls in china in your prayers. They are all in need of a loving family.

Well we have chemo at the clinic tomorrow and then off for back to school haircuts. Please keep all of our friends in your prayers especially Ethan. He came home on hospice last week. Also Catie who is going to resume treatments for a stubborn spot that is remaining.
We love you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Super Jacob

Thursday, July 14, 2005 7:41 PM CDT

Well we just spent 15 of the past 24 hours inpatient getting a lovely antibiotic cocktail! Jacob has mouth sores, an ear infection, and is neutropenic (sp?). Which in easy speak means he has no resistance to infection. So we are housebound for now. Although the docs did say we can go to the CURE Picnic on Saturday since it's outside. So no chemo for now and a recheck on Monday to see where our counts stand.

DOnt you just love the picture above??? We just had Hitography take family pictures and they turned out great! I will post more later!

We hope you are doing well!

Dont forget prayers for:

Much Love,
Frank, Tiffany, Jordan, and Jacob

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 2:27 PM CDT

HI Everyone I thought I should update so no one would yell at me anymore!

I know the photo above is small but I just had to post it! Jacobs counts were high again last month so all of Jacob's chemo was increased. Including his steroids! The photo above is Jacob eating at Carrabbas last night. Three pastas, two forks and a whole bunch of attitude! I captured the picture on my camera phone. Too cute.

Our Summer is going great! We had a busy Fourth of July weekend and everyone has gone back home. This weekend we are going to Puppetry Arts with Camp Sunshine, next weekend is the Cure Picnic, and then we are off to Lighthouse! Did I ever mention that there are some perks to the whole horrible ordeal of your child having cancer? The biggest perk of all is the friends we have made along the way. We have had so many relapses and struggles lately in our circle of cancer friends.

Here are some specific prayer requests.

Chandler for clear scans. ga/chandler

Catie for easy surgery and no evidance of disease. ga/catie

Leigh woo hoo off therapy!

Jacob D. our sweet little buddy in Florida that this new treatment is THE CURE for him. fl/jacob

Ethan for compleate healing on earth, and strength for his family. ga/ethan

Thanks for your support,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 1:59 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all having a great summer so far! Everything is great here. We are swimming, and golf carting, and just enjoying normal summer fun.

We go to Lighthouse for the first time in July and are so excited. We have heard so many great things about the people who host Lighthouse that we are ready to be blessed. Of course we are also ready for sand and surf! July in Florida promises to be HOT but not even that slows down these kids. Last summer we were battling low counts and avoiding germs. I just look forward to a regular summer.

On the medical front Jacob is doing great. His counts have been a little high the past two months so if they are high again we will probably increase chemo next month. He is still on IVIG due to the bad bout of Fifth's Disease this past winter. I am not sure how long he will have to stay on that.

Cheers for Jack(HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jack) and Madie (/ga/madieice, /ga/campjack) on going off therapy!! Way to kick cancers behind!

Prayers of Jacob D as his family and Doctors make important decisions on which treatment to choose for him. (/fl/jacob)

Also prayers for Catie as she endures additional surgery for her tumor. (/ga/catie).

Keep all of these fighters in your prayers and remember to hug your kids often!

Love, Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Saturday May 21, 2005

Hi Everybody!
Since Mom and Dad have been super busy this month, my big big sister Cathy is helping me do an update. Yes, that means we FINALLY in Charleston. YEA! In fact Cathy, Jordan,and I got into trouble today at the beach. We decided to run into the water with our clothes on. Mom just shook her head and told Dad she was going to save him money and bought me and Jordan new clothes since we were cold, wet and sandy. I think we might go to the beach in the morning. This time maybe the adults will remember to bring swimsuits. What were they thinking bringing me to the beach and not expecting me to go in the water?
Guess what everybody! I am offically out of school for the summer. I graduated from 3yr Pre-K yesterday. Mrs. Shultz and Mrs. Jackson were the best teachers ever. I am going to miss them so much. They even gave me a photo album which I show to EVERYBODY. They also measured me, and guess what? I grew 3 inches and gained 5lbs since August. You should see the difference in pictures from August and now. I'm just a growing boy.
I also recently got to see my friends from Whitewater High School. You guys are AWESOME! Everybody cheered so loud as I walked the survivors lap. I am such a lucky guy! Mom was so touched I think I saw her cry.
As for Jordan and Dad, Mom sent them to spend the night at the Atlanta Zoo the other night. Jordan said that Dad didn't snore, not even once. She thought she heard him once and kicked him, but it ended up being someone else. I guess he felt at home!!!!
Well, I must go and play with Dad, Mom, Jordan, Jerry, Bridget, Cathy, and Baby Cody. I love all of you! Thanks for checking on me!!! Jacob

Monday, May 2, 2005 7:04 PM CDT

I know it's been awhile since the last update
but I am here now so lets get started

News Flash
My family had a conversation late one night at Camp Sunshine. Somehow it has ended up in print on Camp Jacks page.
It's not all that bad its just that they can't print what my Dad said. It was edited. Dad just says the wrong things some times He says it's a gift. Mom says its a curse.

Thanks Jack for the PIRATE SHIP

It is Awesome
You are by far one of the nicest people I have ever met.

A shout out to Kendrie
Glad to hear your Dad is better
and My Dad wants to know if your Mom talks as much as she writes/. Hey, if he didn't like it he wouldn't read it all the time
He just keep repeating
Poor Blaine, Poor Blaine

Go Madie you are almost done !!!

It was great seeing you at camp!!

We just got back from the beach. We had a great time. But if you see my big sister Catherine don't tell her
She is not toooooooo happy right now.
She has made eight trips from Charleston to see me and we went to St Simons
Hey It's not my fault
Like I have a say so around here.
Next Time sis I will drive the car myself if I have to.

Yea you will be a great counselor!!

One last thing
Sunday is Mother's Day

I am the luckiest guy on this earth
I have an Angel for a Mom
She brought me into this world and has carried me ever since.
She is like the heavens
She is the heart and soul of our family
and she is one of God's masterpieces
She is
I Love You Mommy

Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:54 PM CDT

We did get back from Camp Sunshine today. Everyone had a great time and we are all catching up on our sleep. More update tomorrow when everything is a little less hectic around here.
Thanks CampJack for the picture! I will steal them as you post them!!! The photo above is Jacob and Jack (www.caringbridge.org/ga/campjack.)They had a blast all weekend long.
Hugs to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob!

Saturday, April 9, 2005 8:06 PM CDT

Ok Ok...

Nothing like a little pressure from Camp Jack!

There is a good reason why my mom has not updated.

She had the 5th's disease!!!!

That leaves Dad in charge of the house.

I pray Mom gets well really really soon.

Dad means well but he will look at me and Jordan and tell us the outcome he is looking for
whereas Mom would help us

Mom picks an outfit for us to wear that day.
Dad says Get Dressed!!

We are talking night and day!

Mom: plays with us
Dad says: go fly a kite

Mom: cooks us dinner
Dad: orders pizza

Mom: reads us a book
Dad: picks a movie

Mom: sees our future as bright and sucessful
Dad: says we are going to do time

Mom: gives us floaties and teaches us to swim
Dad: says sink or swim

Please join me and Jordan in a sincere plea to God for a quick and speedy recovery for Mom.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:45 PM CST

Tuesday, 10:50pm
I need some extra prayers tonight for a friend of ours that's husband was killed today in New York. Their page is www.caringbridge.org/ny/mollyg . I know they will need all the support they can get right now.

Well...we are going to try this again. Frank updated the whole page Saturday night and our wireless internet flickered and he lost the whole thing! Aughhhhhhh!!

Well, where to start. We had the honor of speaking to a group of 600 AFLAC insurance agents on the 16th. What do you say to the people that made it possible for your son to receive his cancer therapy at a world class facility. We will always be in debt to them and everything they have done for the children of Atlanta. After we spoke they presented Jacob with a miniature Harley Davidson Motorcycle! He thinks he is soooo cool. It is really fast, and I have to run to keep up with him. I promise to post pictures soon.

We had a crazy Easter, but the kids had a great time. The Easter Bunny was good to them and they had fun with all of it.

I have had something that is suspiciously resembling the flu. I can't seem to shake my fevers and am feeling pretty miserable. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Jacob goes in for spinal, chemo, etc... next Tuesday. Prayers for the all clear would be great!

We are thinking about all of you,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Monday, March 14, 2005 8:05 PM CST

Well we have finally finished the week long birthday celebration! Don't tell Jacob but Thank Goodness!! We were getting a little worn out from all the fun.

I am happy to report that Jacob's labs came back good (for someone going through chemotherapy treatment) and he was finally raised back up to 100 percent dosage on his chemo. He did receive another dose of IVIG (a blood product to help boost his immune system) to last him through the month. I can only wonder what his counts might be if he was not on it! Next month is our spinal on the 5th so prayers will be great. :-)

Not much to report which is a good thing. Frank and I are so crazy at work this week and the kids are happy to be able to spend a little extra time with Nonnie and Papa. Thank goodness for parents that live close and are willing to help out alllllllllllll the time!

Please click through on the links and visit our friends. Some of them are having a tough time right now.

Hugs to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and especially Jacob.

By the way, Happy St. Patrick's day from the Murphy's!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:25 PM CST

Well Jacob had a great small family Birthday party this weekend. He was so excited about it all. Thinking back I really figure that this is the first one he remembers. Last year in March he was so sick on his treatment it was all a blur. The year before that he was too young. So we are pretty much partying all week long. We are having a party for his school friends this next Saturday.

The person in the photo above is Kelli Murphy. She is a cancer survivor that we found out lives very close to us (when she is home from college :-). Kelli is very candidly journaling her experiences on her caringbridge site. I would recomend it as a must read to teens newly diagnosed or going through treatment. It always helps to know that you are not the only one in the world going through something so hard. We had lunch with Kelli a few weeks ago and as you can tell Jordan and Jacob attached to her hip instantly.

Please keep Jack in your prayers on Wednesday as he goes through critical scans. We know that they will get the all clear, but this is a stressful time for any parent. ALso remember Leigh in your prayers. She has undergone a recent double lung surgery and is just flat worn out. She was able to come home on Sunday. I'm sure after 13 days in the hospital all she wanted to do was sleep in her own bed!

Thank for your constant prayers. We go off therapy on November 13, 2006. If you could just keep it up until then, and mabye a few dozen years after, it would be great! Thanks to all of you that signed Jacob's guest book with warm birthday wishes! We are printing all of his guest book out to put in his scrapbook of his journey. The notes are going to look great around his birthday photos!

Also Jacob's big sister Cathy is running the Nashville Country Music Half Marathon in his honor for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! And she has a four month old!! That my friends takes gumption! Check out her site Click Here!! And if you feel led to make a donation it's all going to a great cause!

And a great big WOOHOO to Jacob's Birthday Angel Angela. Your present was awesome! :-) The dinosaur toy was a massive hit!! Jacob's little friend has that same kit and recently would not share it with him on a play date. So when he opened the box and saw that he was beside himself! We had to open the box read the whole book and then match the dinosaurs with the pictures in the book. I have also "eaten" about two dozen bowls of macaroni and cheese. (That is Jacob's main staple of his diet) He was more than pleased to be able to make me some of his very favorite dish! Thank you so much.

So many of you are always asking what you can do. Go to Cancer Warrior's and become an angel to a child with cancer. It is an up close and personal way to impact the life of one of these sick kids. And unfortunately there is no shortage of kids with cancer.

And...Heather if we had known that you were just an hour from Orlando we so would have been there. I would have felt honored to meet the famous Duckworth Boys! We think about you guys every single day! Next time we are on!!

Much love to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and Jacob the Birthday Boy!!

Sunday, March 6, 2005 7:10 AM CST


Four years ago I arrived

And my parents say life hasn't been the same since.

And notice to all in this world

It never will be.

I have a lot to do so look out!

Please go by and say hi to Leigh (see link above).



Monday, February 28, 2005 8:29 PM CST

Extra prayers for Leigh tonight (see link above) She has suffered a setback with her lung surgery and is in surgery right now. Please also leave her an entry in her guestbook and let her know you are thinking of her.
Well we finally made it home! A week in Disney and Universal Studios will wear you OUT! We walked at least ten miles a day pushing our little prince and princess around the parks. We all absolutely had a ball. There were twelve of us in all that went and not one skirmish. That my friends is a miracle in and of itself. Especially since we were all family.
Highlights of the week...
*Jacob meeting Spiderman and Jordan meeting Cinderella (in her Castle). He was shy (and those of you who know Jacob know he is NOT in the least bit shy) and she was literally shaking with anticipation.
*Getting to spend time with Cathy, Jerry, Bridget, and Cody. We have to go to another state to be able to see them :)Cody is getting so big and he is the smiling"est" sweetest baby.
*Lunch with all the Pooh characters. The kids both had so much fun with this. They each come to the table and have their pictures made with the kids.
*Getting a new toy after almost every ride! (Who ever came up with the concept of making the families walk through a toy store at the exit of every ride was a marketing mastermind! They should be ashamed. :-) We got to the point of saying no and Jacob finally just yelled "I want my Nonnie!" He knows who the softie is.
*Seeing Jordan’s rear end sticking out of Cody's stroller every time we turned around. She practically climbed up in there with him on more than one occasion. She is the proudest "Auntie" I know.
* The kid's favorites:Micky's Philharmagic, Shrek 4-D, Unicorn Rollercoaster, Jimmy Neutron, Raft Ride in the Animal Kingdom, Goofy's Barnstormer and all of the characters.
A restful vacation it was not, but it was full of memories and the kids faces were just glowing with excitement and happiness all week long.

When we got home on Sunday we got to have lunch with Kelli Murphy here in Peachtree City. See link above. She is the cutest thing and I had told the kids she was their long lost sister (we have the same last name). They totally believed me and literally ran from the car into her arms in the parking lot. Bless her heart, they did not leave her alone the entire lunch. She probably is questioning the thought of ever having kids!:-) Jordan wanted to play games, Jacob sat in her lap and tried to keep from falling asleep. (I will post pics of lunch this week) She was a sweetheart and we were so excited to finally get to meet her.

Jacob's big day is this weekend. He will be 4 years old on Sunday. The big party is going to be put off for a few weeks since he is still coming down off of the Disney trip. Sometimes I feel like he has the wisdom of a hundred years. He is very verbal for his age and continues to amaze us with the things he comes up with. I wish for him many many more years of limitless love, precocious fun, deep belly laughs, and sunshine filled smiles.
That is what life is really all about.
Hugs to you all and thanks for checking on him!
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and most of all Birthday Boy Jacob!

Monday, February 28, 2005 7:53 PM CST

Well we finally made it home! A week in Disney and Universal Studios will wear you OUT! We walked at least ten miles a day pushing our little prince and princess around the parks. We all absolutely had a ball. There were twelve of us in all that went and not one skirmish. That my friends is a miracle in and of itself. Especially since we were all family.
Highlights of the week...
*Jacob meeting Spiderman and Jordan meeting Cinderella (in her Castle). He was shy (and those of you who know Jacob know he is NOT in the least bit shy) and she was literally shaking with anticipation.
*Getting to spend time with Cathy, Jerry, Bridget, and Cody. We have to go to another state to be able to see them :)Cody is getting so big and he is the smiling"est" sweetest baby.
*Lunch with all the Pooh characters. The kids both had so much fun with this. They each come to the table and have their pictures made with the kids.
*Getting a new toy after almost every ride! (Who ever came up with the concept of making the families walk through a toy store at the exit of every ride was a marketing mastermind! They should be ashamed. :-) We got to the point of saying no and Jacob finally just yelled "I want my Nonnie!" He knows who the softie is.
*Seeing Jordans rear end sticking out of Cody's stroller every time we turned around. She practically climbed up in there with him on more than one occasion. She is the proudest "Auntie" I know.
* The kid's favorites:Micky's Philharmagic, Shrek 4-D, Unicorn Rollercoaster, Jimmy Neutron, Raft Ride in the Animal Kingdom, Goofy's Barnstormer and all of the characters.
A restfull vacation it was not, but it was full of memories and the kids faces were just glowing with excitement and happiness all week long.

When we got home on Sunday we got to have lunch with Kelli Murphy here in Peachtree City. See link above. The is the cutest thing and I had told the kids she was their long lost sister (we have the same last name). They totally believed me and literally ran from the car into her arms in the parking lot. Bless her heart, they did not leave her alone the entire lunch. She probably is questioning the thought of ever having kids!:-) Jordan wanted to play games, Jacob sat in her lap and tried to keep from falling asleep. (I will post pics of lunch this week) She was a sweetheart and we were so excited to finally get to meet her.

Jacob's big day is this weekend. He will be 4 years old on Sunday. The big party is going to be put off for a few weeks since he is still coming down off of the Disney trip. Sometimes I feel like he has the wisdom of a hundred years. He is very verbal for his age and continues to amaze us with the things he comes up with. I wish for him many many more years of limitless love, prococious fun, deep belly laughs, and sunshine filled smiles.
That is what life is really all about.
Hugs to you all and thanks for checking on him!
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and most of all Birthday Boy Jacob!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 2:42 PM CST

I figured since I updated the photos and border I should update the journal!!
Our steroid pulse ended on Monday so we were thrilled! Needless to say Jacob was eating us out of house and home, and the pasta section at Kroger is cleaned out. I think he had Macaroni and cheese for every meal five days straight. The mood swings were not as bad this time but he was really goofy. I'm not sure if that was his steroids or his normal personality.
We all had a great time at the circus on Sunday. It was up close and personal. Really up close and personal for those of you in the front row when those horses started spinning around in your laps! We got to see Jack, Kendrie, Madie, Gwen, Brandon and several other cancer families in our circle. Jacob had not seen Jack since July and he was so excited it was all he talked about for days. TOO Cute!
The big news of the week for us is we leave for Disney on Friday!! The kids are so excited and honestly I am too! Although I swear our clients plot against us right before we get ready to go anywhere. They think it's funny to pile tons of work on us right before we leave, and giggle in the background as they watch us stress beyond belief! It's always right before you leave and right when you get back that you wonder if vacation is really worth it... :-) But when the kids see Mickey it all will be. Jacob just loves the Disney characters. He is not afraid of them at all. This time he is really excited to meet Spider Man and Captain America at Universal Studios. He is still tiny for his age though and his height is going to be a problem getting him on rides that he wants to go on. I am packing his cowboy boots in the stroller for a little extra height when we need it!

The Pennies For Patient's campaign is over at White Water High School. They raised almost $10,000 dollars! How great is that! I know these kids put their heart into it and we are so grateful to them for all of their hard work. Two different groups from the school also got Jacob a Valentine's gift and card. He loved it all and those cards were so sweet. Mrs. Spatz delivered them to the house on Valentines Day and Jacob promptly pulled his pants down in the middle of the driveway as a show of appreciation. I don't know if he was just proud of his Spiderman underwear or if he's in training to be a nudist. That little trick is not going to be so cute when he's fourteen! :-) Ambassadors: We would love for you to come hang Jacob's clouds from his ceiling in his room. They were simply wonderful and a good motivator to us when his treatment gets rough. It is really comforting to know that he has an entire school praying for him and cheering him on. That and he loves to show off for you guys!
Please remember to keep in your prayers Mary Grace-surgery, Kylie and Jacob recovery from surgery, Stephanie's family as they deal with their grief, and all the other little kiddos that are fighting the battle.
Hugs to you all and thanks for your support,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and most of all Jacob

Thursday, February 10, 2005 3:50 PM CST

Hello everyone! I just thought I would post and give you an update on Jacob’s progress. His counts came back great! Finally!! ANC of almost 1200, WBC of 2.4 and HGB of 9.2. We were so glad to hear this so obviously the prayers (and IVIG) are working!

I am also going to apologize in advance for the long post today.

I tend to tell my friends, family, clients, etc…that we have to go the next day to “Clinic” for “chemo” so I will not be available. I realized yesterday that many people probably have no idea of what that entails. Unless you are the parent of a child with cancer how could you know? So I wanted to go through our day yesterday as an example of how tough Jacob and all of these kids really are!

We started out yesterday like this:

After applying the numbing cream (Emla) to Jacob’s port and lower back we left Peachtree City at 9am with Jacob having nothing to eat since 5am that morning. He was not able to eat since he was due for a spinal tap. We arrived at the clinic at 10 am and waited in the waiting room until 11. Clinic was packed and all the seats were taken. Something that rarely happens so I am blaming it on the nasty weather! At 11 Jacob was triaged (height, weight, bp, temp, etc…) and sent to the sedation “suite”. There his port was accessed (a needle that is inserted into an appliance in his chest and attached to an IV tube then taped down) and he received two drugs (Versed and one more I can’t remember the name of) through his port for a conscious sedation. He was awake but just loopy enough so that he would not try to beat his doctor to death with his shoe when she sticks the really long needle into his spinal column. The first dose was not enough (he was looking for his shoe) so an additional half dose was administered. His spinal was a little tricky his drops came slow and it hurt him more than usual. All of the drops that come out are then replaced with Methotrexate. One chemo drug in the cocktail that he receives on a regular basis. After that we had to wait about thirty minutes for his really low blood pressure to come back up (though it never really did). He was then given Tylenol and benedryl to pre-medicate him to ward off an allergic reaction to the IVIG (a blood product to boost his immune system). While the Benedryl and Tylenol took effect he was given a one hour infusion of an antibiotic to ward off Pnumnomia. After that his Vincristine (Chemo Drug) and IVIG was ran over two and a half hours and we finally left the clinic at 3:45 pm.
We made it home at about 5:00 only to give him his first dose of steroids (Chemo Drug) for the week. Two hours after dinner we threw in a dose of 6-MP (another Chemo Drug) just for fun! All of this was done without one cry, whine or objection! Who of us as adults would be able to make the same claim? NINE drugs, one blood product, and a major procedure all in one day. These kids don’t know the difference. They are truly amazing. They have accepted the hand that they have been dealt in life and still find joy around every corner. I can’t wait though until cancer can be cured with not much more than a mother’s (or father’s) kiss. But until that day I will do as much kissing on those cute little sticky cheeks as I possibly can. It can’t hurt to practice!

And Jen, the lovely border on the left hand side of our page replicates how Jacob is going to be feeling, looking and acting come Sunday at the Circus! It will be our fifth day of steroids on a five day pulse. So just to warn you we are on Row E and you are on Row B so…if you feel popcorn pelting you in the back of the head, just be grateful it’s not a slushy! And I will start now practicing my “it’s the drugs… really he’s a sweet kid” speech! By the way I have heard rumors that sweet little princess Madie and Big Brady are going to be right with us… Someone warn the clowns…
Lot’s of love to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Sunday, February 6, 2005 6:28 PM CST

Well since Mom and Dad are slackers,
I'll do the update!

The Wildcats are the best!

I got invited to a basketball game where the students played against the teachers. I got to tell you that the side I was cheering for didn't win!
However both were awesome. It was a fundraiser for The Leukemia Society (Pennies For Patients). They are doing so much to help out all of the Cancer Families out there. And... they have raised over Six thousand dollars within two weeks time! NOW THAT'S AWESOME!!!! And speaking of Whitewater I have to tell you... these are the friendliest, most polite group of teenagers you would ever want to meet. Thanks to you all for treating us like a part of your family!

Happy Birthday Haley !!!!

Happy Birthday Madie !!!!

I am back on chemo, and that ugly bug seems to be mostly gone.
Please think of me Wednesday. I'll be at the clinic all day long for chemo, IVIG infusion, and I also will get my spinal tap. I am also starting my monthly steroid's on Wednesday. They make me HUNGRY. Did I hear something about a pizza party at Whitewater...

Kendrie, tell your mom she's not the only one who acts the way she does. My mom has her days too.

Kelli, I am so happy to share the same last name. I think you are the greatest and a great motivator.

Way to go Jacob D. You are kickin the big C right in the bootie.

Everyone go over and virtual sign Jack's big orange cast. WooHoo for the broken leg! In our strange and demented lives a broken leg is a blessing compared to anything else that might have been causing that pain.

Please continue to pray for strength and peace for Stephanie, Kylie, Mary Grace, Ethan and Gwen as they continue to fight their own individual battles.

Well that's all for now!
Maybe next time I can get Mom or Dad to chip in on the 411.


Monday, January 31, 2005 9:13 PM CST

As I type Jacob lays sleeping in my bed behind me. Making those soft sweet little noises that children do when they dream. I wish I could sleep like that. A sleep of someone at total peace and without a care in the world.

It is at night when the lights go out that I get a chance to think. And worry. I know that I have had bad nights. The night Jacob was diagnosed was the most incredibly horrible night of my life. I lay in that hard bed and planned the funeral all night long for my tiny son. I didn’t know anything then. No statistics, no hard facts or figures. Just the word. CANCER, and all that it brought with it. Jacob was diagnosed at 11:00 at night on a Thursday. We were discharged on Friday. Told to go home have a good weekend and come back Monday to start our journey. I was numb and silent on the outside and screaming on the inside.

Before we left we were assigned a new nurse for discharge. She came in that night after requesting to see us before we left. On the back of that name tag she had a picture of a little boy. Her son. He was eleven years old now and had been diagnosed with Leukemia at Jacob’s age. He was a survivor, and right then what I needed more than anything else in the world was to see that little boys face. I don’t remember his name but I can still see his face perfectly. Her name was Mary Ann and come to find out she is from Fayette County where we live. I have not talked to her or about her hardly at all since that night because my emotional ties to that moment are so intense. But I do know one thing. God sent her directly to me that night so I could make it through that first weekend at home. He took her from my home town, to that hospital, to our floor, to overhear a conversation with other nurses, so that she could ask to see us. He will place people in your path, when you need it most, to help if you let them.

We have so many sick kids right now. One dying, many who have relapsed, and even more that still struggle every day with their journey. Be that person for one of them. Help, if you can, make someone’s day a little brighter. Like Mary Ann you might never know the awesome impact you can make on their life.

The students at Whitewater High School know. Kristen Connor and Jill George know. The AFLAC employees all know. Our very precious nurses and doctors know. The other moms, dads, grandparents, brothers and sisters of children with cancer all know.

Make a difference. Make your mark on this world and leave it a better place to be just because you were here.

Hayley, Shelby, Cameron, and Chandler all did. And they never even got the chance to know just how much.

Much love to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and especially Jacob.

Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:22am

I have some great and some not so great news...
On the first day of the Pennies for Patients campaign at Whitewater High School they raised over ...drum roll please...$1,400. On their first day! Of a three week campaign!!! That is so great and Jacob is too excited to come back and see you guys! :-)

For the not so great news we went to clinic yesterday and Jacob did test positive for the Human Parvo Virus otherwise known in Healthy Kids as Fifth's Disease. His IGG levels were also low so he had his first infusion of IVIG (basically a stimulant for your immune system to get it working again). Dr. Lew said that we probably would be on this drug through the spring, as this illness takes forever to work it's way out of the system in immunosuppressed kids. NO, he his not contagious. We probably had the actual illness over a month ago or longer. Just like any kid with Fifth's he is contagious around 4-5 days before symptoms start to show. Hopefully we will see an improvement in counts fairly quickly. On the other hand it is also a blessing that his blood showed the infection present. Dr. Lew said that had the test been negative we would have been scheduling a bone marrow biopsy to check for relapse. It is a horror to even type that word.
Please keep Stephanie, Jack, Jacob D, and Kylie in your prayers.
Much love to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and especially Jacob!

Monday, January 24, 2005 7:23 PM
I know I know it has taken me forever to update this site!! We have been keeping really busy this past week both at work and at home!
Today Frank, Jacob, and I had the honor of speaking to 800 students at Whitewater High School here in Fayette County. They were kicking off a "Pennies for Patients" campaign to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. These teenagers were awesome!! They were so polite and friendly. We were greeted when we arrived by the Whitewater Ambassadors who took us to the gym. There the cheerleading squad had written special cheers for Jacob. He was in hog heaven! He wiggled his bottom all over that gym. He danced, and flirted, and talked to those kids like he had known them all his life. To show you how great the students were I spoke last and the program ran a bit long. During my speech the bell rang to end the school day, and I not realizing what that noise I heard was kept right on talking. They just sat there and listened. No one moved. You could have heard a pin drop in that Gym. I will let you know how much the school raises in three weeks when the campaign is over. Prepare to be amazed. Jacob on the way home gave them the ultimate compliment, "Mommy, I want to go back there again soon!"

I am meeting with Brandon Connor's mom Kristin tomorrow to talk about an idea for a new fundraiser for CureSearch.
They are a great organization that fully supports finding a cure for all childhood cancer. Catie's Parents are working on a Golf Tournament for CureSearch. Check out her page to find out how you can help or play for a great cause.

Jacob on the Leukemia front (as if he ever get's to be on any other front) is a little yucky. He still is feeling the effect of what the Doctors believe is Fifth's Disease. We can't seem to get his counts back up to where they should be. As of count check today his Hemoglobin is holding around 9.2 after the transfusion last week. He is really pale with pasty lips for his Hemoglobin to be reading that high, but I have been wrong before (we are getting more labs Wednesday). His white count is 1.3 and his ANC is 430. So we have officially stopped all chemo until we can get those counts up. We are going in for our first infusion of IVIG on Wednesday. It should perk up his very worn down bone marrow.

I did receive a really cool piece of news last Wednesday at the clinic!!! We have an off therapy date!!!! November 13, 2006. I know that sounds like a long way off but hey we have a date. Something to aim for.

Last but definitely not least we are speaking to a group of 600 AFLAC agents on Saturday. These people fund our Cancer Clinic out of their paychecks every week. I do not have enough words to say how very much each and every one of them means to us as the parents of a child with cancer. I will be taking the love and thanks from all of you other cancer parents that go to the AFLAC clinic with me on Saturday. That speech will be a hard one to get through. Our clinic was voted third best pediatric cancer facility on the US by Child Magazine this past month. What an honor. Of course we already knew they were the best!
And it is all because of the support of an amazing Aflac team of employees, fabulous doctors, and nurses that become a part of our families.

Much love to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and especially Jacob

Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:20pmEST

New Photos Sunday Night!

Well we made it through Jordan's party last night. Sixteen sugar induced hyper children later we survived it!! We had it at a local childrens gym called My Gym. The staff there was awesome. If you have not checked out My Gym I am offically endorsing them! We had trapeese bars and rings, zip lines, games, music, and best of all they clean up the Birthday cake mess!! They also only schedule parties when the gym is closed so we had the whole place to ourselves! Jacob was non-stop all night long running and jumping and playing so I am thinking the blood he received is still going strong. Hopefully he will start producing on his own and we will not have to get any more transfusions.

Check out Catie's page below for information on a Golf Tournament for Cure Search to help find a cure for this beast.

I also have to share with everyone the AMAZING quilt that Jacob's angel Jeanie sent him yesterday!! It is a handmade pieced Snowman design on the front with the softest fleece backing. Truely amazing work! Do I have to let Jacob use it??? I am afraid he will get something on it!!! Just kidding, he has already staked his claim. Perfect timing also with all the present opening yesterday he was feeling a little jilted! :-) Thank You Jeanie We Love You!! Jordan said Jeanie is a great name for you because yor are a good wish granter!
;-) (I also LOVED my photo mug! Of course Jacob thinks it is his and had me make him some hot tea to drink out of it. I should of known he had a motive to asking me for Hot Tea at 9:00 last night. He thought he was so cool!!) I have photos I am going to post Sunday of Jacob and his quilt.

Please remember prayers for Stephanie-peace and no pain, Jacob D. - Surgery Monday pending getting over a stomach bug, Kylie - Surgery Monday, Ethan - In transplant (He's from Sharpsburg! Five minutes from where we live. Jacob's aunt teaches at Ethan's Pre-School)
Much Love to you all,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Friday, Jacnuary 14, 2004
Well...Jacob did have to have blood on Wednesday. His retic count was at .05. So it was still dropping. Basically he is not producing any red blood cells at all. The Doc's said this could go on for quite a while. Fifth's is no fun for someone with Blood problems anyway! We recheck counts on Monday to see how he is holding.
Also... today is Jordan's birthday!! She is seven years old and excited about her party tonight. If anyone wants to leave her a message in the guestbook I will read them to her when she gets home!
Much love,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Monday, January 10, 2005 9:28pm

Well Jacob has been feeling pretty cruddy and is white as a sheet. Doctor B is pretty sure that Parvovirus B19/Fifth's Disease is what is making Jacob's counts go wacky and him feel bad. After three sets of local labs in the past few days and a visit to clinic today they are pretty sure. Dr. B did run extensive blood work but the definite answer will not be back for a few weeks. Friday counts were 7.3 HGB, 5800 ANC, and 5.7 WBC. Today it was 6.8 HGB, 630 ANC, and 1.5 WBC. They did not transfuse him today but ran a different count to determine if his body was on the upswing to making Red Blood cells or still going down (I don't remember the name of the test). Normal range is 1.0-2.0 Jacob's was 0.1. Can't go much further down from there. Wednesday we are due our spinal tap and chemo so they are going to run labs to determine which way we are going. If it is no better or at 0 we are transfusing and he mentioned starting him on IVIG (sp?) for a boost. He also said this could last a while and it is going around like crazy, but hat he is not contagious at this point. Most people never even realize they have it. He does not have a rash of any sort. Platelets look great right now, but can be affected with this. So needless to say we have been a little stressed around here. He is so pale and looks so weak. Prayers would be great! Please remember to keep Jacob Duckworth in your prayers this week as he goes to New York for surgery due to relapse. And Stephanie that goes to our church needs your prayers for no pain and peace for her family.
Much love to you all,
Relevant CDC Description of Fifth's Disease that is relevant to our kids: Fifth's Disease infection may cause a serious illness in persons with sickle-cell disease or similar types of chronic anemia. In such persons, parvovirus B19 can cause an acute, severe anemia. The ill person may be pale, weak, and tired, and should see his or her physician for treatment. (The typical rash of fifth disease is rarely seen in these persons.) Once the infection is controlled, the anemia resolves. Furthermore, persons who have problems with their immune systems may also develop a chronic anemia with parvovirus B19 infection that requires medical treatment. People who have leukemia or cancer, who are born with immune deficiencies, who have received an organ transplant, or who have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are at risk for serious illness due to parvovirus B19 infection

Monday, January 3, 2005 8:47 AM CST
Well 2005 is here and I guess I should be reflecting on all that this past year has meant to us. It has been a time of crazy stresses both cancer and business. A time of renewed appreciation of laughter, most especially from our kids. A time of love, strengthening of important relationships in our lives, and paring down the ones that we didn’t realize weren’t so strong. You learn with a cancer diagnosis who in your support group has staying power and who doesn’t. You would be surprised. And then there are those who step up that you never realized would. Life is full of crazy surprises. Not to be cliché but to quote Garth Brooks song The Dance, “You could have missed the pain, but you would have had to miss the Dance”.

Frank and I have questioned ourselves before on whether it is the “right“thing for us to get so intensely wound into the lives of “our” kids on Caringbridge and at the clinic. Are we setting ourselves up for pain after pain? And then I realized that we have to be here for each other. We intensely love these kids. Even the ones we have only “met” through Caringbridge. No one understands better than another parent that has walked the same journey with their child before you. There will be pain and there will also be joy and peace and cheers and most of all hope.

At church yesterday our Pastor was speaking on hope. He told the story of woman on vacation when the Tsunamis struck. She was holding on to her two boys, one age three and one age five, as the waters rose higher and higher around them. She realized that if she tried to hold on to both of them that they were all going to drown. She had to let one go in order to be able to save one of them. She had to make the unthinkable decision of which one of her children to let go into the dark swirling waters. She let go of the five year old in hopes that he would somehow be strong enough to grasp something and hang on. Can you even wrap your mind around the enormity of that? That impacted me dramatically. Hope. We have it. We have to have hope to keep our sanity when the entire world is spinning out of control around us. Hope that this beast of a disease is going to be wiped out, and no more families will have to go through what Hayley’s Parents are going through right now. And the Prescott’s, and the Martin’s, and the Butler’s, and I could go on and on. Hope. It is out there. You sometimes have to search down deep and pray hard but it’s there. Sometime after the waters receded a little five year old boy was found scared, but alive and clinging to the top of a doorway. Hope.

So we will continue to Dance our Dance with Joy and Thankfulness that we are able to Dance whatever Dance we are given. And we will continue to hold close and tight in love and prayers those who move forward with only the memories of their Dance.

Much love and good health to you all in 2005,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:48 PM CST

Christmas was great!! I am busy getting ready for a visit from Cathy, Jerry, and Cody but I promise a longer update Friday.
Also bear with me as I am learning how to jazz up our Caringbridge site. Sorry if you get any bad links I am going to check all of them when I get finished.
Much Love,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and most of all Jacob!

Also, Please remember to keep Hayley's Family in your prayers.

Thursday, December 23, 2004 8:13 AM CST

Yesterday Little Hayley was was given a spectacular send off by all that loved her. Please continue to pray for her family. Alan and Dayna I can not even fathom your strength. You are such an incredible inspiration to everyone. The eulogy that her Daddy gave is posted on her link below.

Jacob, Jordan and I have been banished from the house. Frank has the FLU!!!! He has literally been in bed since last Saturday night, and we are living two blocks over at my parents house. None of us have any symptoms at all so hopefully we got out in time. If he is still on the upswing tomorrow we are going to go home.

Of course an extended vitit at Nonnie and Papa's house is like living in CandyLand so no complaints from the kids other than they miss their Dad. Jordan has to have that early morning cuddle to start her day off right! They are both so excited about Christmas. Jacob has asked for Justice League and Spiderman stuff (Jeanie Jacob still wants to wear the Spiderman jacket you sent him everyday even when it is 17 degrees! It is his favorite piece of clothes. I have to draw the line at sleeping in it!) and Jordan has asked for a Barbie Camcorder and a "Sewing Machine"! (I don't even know how to sew very well!) We are going to make Birthday cake today for Baby Jesus and have it after church tomorrow night.

Because of Franks illness we had to miss our trip to Charleston to see Cathy, Jerry, Bridget, and Cody. We were all very disapointed. The kids LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE their Caki! Hopefully we are all going to be healthy enough to go up right after Christmas! I promise I do understand that you grow up, get married, have kids, ... But it is so hard not to have everyone together on Christmas. We love you guys.

If we do not post again before Christmas we wish all of you a very Merry CHRISTmas. To our family, friends, extended Caringbridge family, ALL Kids List group, doctors, nurses (inpatient and out), and Warrior Angels we love you all very much. You have been the reason we have made it through this year without too many dents, bangs, and bruises.

Much Love Frank, Tiffany, Jordan and JACOB!

PS Angel Leslie We received your box of goodies yesterday! Jacob is going to open them today and I will update with photos! You are the bestttttttttttttttt!!!

Jacob is a happy, funny, little clown. Always trying to make someone laugh. He loves Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman, his dog Rosie, his family, and all animals. I used to say that I was so lucky, that my child was never sick. No colds, flu, ear aches, so little that his doctor commented once that his record must be wrong, surely he had been seen more than this.
Then came August 2003. Jacob was 2 1/2 and started to complain that his tummy hurt. At first his Doctors thought constipation. Then it moved to the hip and after two weeks in the hospital he was diagnosed with ostiomeylitis of the hip (a bone infection). He was treated with major antibiotics for six weeks and at the end of that time his pain came back. He stopped walking. Jacob was then sent back to the hospital for two more weeks of digging and intrusive testing. Finally a bone marrow biopsy was done. While he was still down in the Operating Room the surgeon came up to the room with these exact words, "it's cancer, probably a tumor". Those were five words that changed our lives forever. I physically felt as if I had been slammed against a wall, and everything started to fade to black. But then down the hall I heard a tiny cry that I knew was my son on his way back up to the room from surgery. At that point on we knew this could not be about anyone else but Jacob. And finding a cure. Jacob was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He has been so tough through it all. Spinal taps constantly without having to be put to sleep, handfuls of pills at one time, random viral illnesses with weeks of hospital stays, and toxic painful chemo. More than a three year old should ever have to endure. BUT...all of this is to achieve the ultimate goal, Growing Up and living a long full life. Parents always have goals and ambitions for their children. I just want mine to be able to grow up. He is doing so well and was in remission within the first two weeks. We have won the battle, but are still fighting the War. Seven years from now Jacob will be considered “cured”. Keep him in your prayers along with all of the other little soldiers out there fighting this war everyday. They are everywhere.

Sunday, December 19, 2004 9:58 PM CST

Tonight we sit silent and remember the spirit of Hayley.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:32 PM CST


Tonight we sit silent and remember the spirit of Hayley.

New Photos 12/19/04!!

Hey everyone!!!

Our internet is back up!

Now on to the update...

I went to the clinic today got my chemo and so on...

My ANC is 1900 which means I go back on 100hemo, and I can now go out to eat. Mom says anywhere except Chuck E. Cheese the germ capital of the world. She means it, last time she washed all the games before I could play them!

So tell me did you like my tree? I love it!!! They delivered it to my house yesterday. All is well except Rosie likes the decorations, especially the ones made from milk bones. Mom and Dad put up a gate to keep her out. But I got to give a shout out to Karen for doing this for me!!

I Love it Mrs.Karen and you too.

Not much more to report other than next week I go to Charleston to see Cathy, Jerry, Bridget and Cody.

Oh yea one other thing,
and this is the coolest thing ever.

Last Friday night MSI International invited ten kids with cancer to a Christmas Party. We had five limos and a police escort to the party. Santa Claus was there and we had host couples. Mine was Brian and Karen. They had presents for me and my sister Jordan. They fed us all kinds of great food and had dancing. They even took care of Dad with a Bar. He was happy!

Thanks MSI!! You are by far one of the greatest companies around and I hope it catches on to other corporations.

Please keep praying for Hayley and her parents.
All of our hearts ache for them.


PS Mrs. Jeanie, I got my present and magazine subscription in the mail!! I just loved all of it. You're the best!! We are thinking about you today and we love you!

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:45 AM CST

Wednesday December 8th
The Festival of trees was fabulous last night!! Jacob's tree was soooo cute! His designer Karen Jackson did it in a doggie theme and it was totally adorable. The tree it's self is actually coming out of a full size red dog house that has our boxer Rosie's name on the front. It is covered in doggie ornaments, plaques with cute dog and little boy sayings, dog collars and leashes, dog bone and chain garlands, little framed pictures of Jacob and family, etc. Underneath it is filled with more framed pictures, presents for Jacob and Jordan (Thanks Karen!)and the cutest little tree skirt with doggie prints all over it. (Mabye if I do that to my carpet people won't notice the real dog paw prints!) We has so much fun.

We also got to meet Catie in person ( www.caringbridge.org/ga/catie ) and we saw "Big Jack" ( www.caringbridge.org/ga/jacksjourney )from a distance. He looked great, and he also had a crowd around him! He must be really popular with the ladies! The trees were all so special and I saw people tearing up all night long going from tree to tree to read the bios on the kids. This is such a great fundraiser for Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta. I encourage all of you to attend. There were 40 honarary trees last night representing children from all over the hospital. I would love it if next year there were no trees at all. Because there were no more sick kids!

A very special thank you again to Dr's John and Mary Sue Goza for sponsoring Jacobs tree (they do it every year for a different child in addition to all of their hard work on other great causes)and to Karen Jackson for putting her heart into designing it. It makes me cry everytime I think about all the love you put into it for Jacob.

Hi everyone,
I hope you all are doing fabulous! We are all excited because today we get to go see Jacob's tree at the Festival Of Trees for the first time. We will be sure to post new pictures on Wednesday. Papa and Nonnie are going with us tonight so it is sure to be a great time.

The kids are getting excited about Christmas. Jordan is going to a birthday party for Jesus at the church and thinks she is taking cupcakes. She has been trying to figure outwhat his favorite flavor might be! I hate to tell her that they want Blueberry Muffins it will spoil her fun!

Jacob is feeling pretty good. We have been dealing with a reoccuring mystery rash for the past few weeks, and all of a sudden he is allergic to everything with scents. No shampoos, soaps, lotions, scented hand cleaner, cologne (ours! :-) )It is really hard to keep him clean these days! I am going to go to the health food store today and see if they have something that might work.

He also has missed a lot of pre-school lately due to low counts and just feeling generally yucky. Frank had to go pick him up yesterday because he felt so bad. When he got there Jacob was asleep in the indoor gym with all of the other kids just playing around him. I can't wait until the time when he can do and feel just like all the other kids. It is so hard for us to see him always lagging behind physically. Mentally though the kid is sharp as a tack! He has the funniest sense of Humor. Both Jordan and Jacob are a total joy.

It is hard to focus and enjoy all that is going on around us right now knowing what little Hayley and her parents are going through. We can not even begin to imagine and our hearts are breaking for you. You are truely in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Our first thought in the morning and our last as we go to sleep every night. (Link Below)


Please to keep Jacob D, Madie, and Julia in your prayers right now they are all dealing with some treatment issues.

Love to you all, and remember the Holiday season is a great time to give blood. There are always shortages!
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and most of all Jacob

Thursday, December 2, 2004 7:02 PM CST

Just a miracle is what we need right now. Pray hard for Baby Hayley and her family. Her link is below.

Friday, November 26, 2004 5:56 PM CST


I have heard your request and here is my update.

It’s Thanksgiving Morning; I woke up with a rapid heart beat. I was perfectly fine at least in my mind. But my parents didn’t like the fact that I was bareley able to hold up my head and they didn’t like my skin color and then Mom and Dad started to diagnose my condition.
It sounded like an episode from E.R.

After a few phone calls to real doctors I am on my way to the Hospital.

Well I have to tell you if the patient care ever goes in the direction that the kitchen did on Thanksgiving,
they will get to see my impression of Donald Trump...
You’re fired!!!

The one good thing about my visit was that I was with some of my new family such as Madie! She is not real happy with me right now because I came home today and she didn’t. But we had breakfast together and just caught up on all the goof ups our parents make and so on.

The doctors are not sure what caused my episode but we will keep you informed

Keep praying for Madie and Hayley and Jack. I am so glad you are home Jack the nurses are unable to handle two good looking fun type of guys like us.

Livestrong brother Jack and all my families!!

Back Home and Happy

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 9:59 PM CST

Thanksgiving. To be thankful… There are times when you don’t feel as thankful as you should. Times you don’t appreciate the small stuff, don’t pay attention to every little nuzzle and hug, and every tiny little I love you. And then there is that word. Cancer.
Everything is new again. Every sound, smell, word is soaked in a planted in your memory. Even without cancer you never know if you will all be around the table together next year.
We have learned to live in the here and now. Not to be afraid to love for fear of getting hurt. To dance in the moment and cherish all of the ups and downs.
I am so very thankful for…

The warmth and comfort of family being together.

Jacob being over a year into treatment and still cancer free.

A incredibly precious tiny new baby to love. (And his fabulous parents and big sister)

Those little holes in Jordan’s mouth every time she loses a new tooth.

For honestly loving my husband more every day. He is my rock.

For undying support and much needed childcare from Noni and Papa.

For Jacob’s little sleepy walk into our room in the middle of the night for a “snuggle”.

I am also so thankful for…

Hayley’s blood being so much better after everyone stormed heavens gates with prayer.

Jack actually being excited about and having fun at radiation.

The nurses and doctors at CHOA that have made our journey comfortable and even fun (as fun as possible!)

Cody’s successful surgery on his brain tumor.

Juliannia’s second remission. And her Dad’s great sense of humor.

Cedric’s, Spencer’s, Jack’s, William’s, Hayley’s, Merril’s and Chris’s new blood (grow cells grow) and all of the kids who have had lifesaving transplants this year.

Jacob D’s family being able to be home together for the holiday after 30+ days inpatient.

All of the families on my ALL Kids List. You keep us sane.

We wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

Please remember to keep Hayley in your prayers (see link below), and also Madie one of our good friends from clinic that is having a hard time ( www.caringbridge.org/ga/madieice )
Much Love,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and Jacob

Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:57 PM CST

Sometimes I think being the parent of a child with cancer has got to be one of the most agonizing journeys on earth. Not only do you constantly fear for the health and well being of your own child but also for those children that you meet along the way. It is a special bond between the families of children with cancer. Strong and bound with understanding and love. We found out tonight that Little Hayley's (from our clinic at Scottish Rite, She also sees Dr. Lew) cancer was not destroyed by the chemo, radiation, and cord transplant that we had been praying so hard would work. Dayna and Allan found out tonight that Hayley has again relapsed 15 days into her transplant. Their options for treatment are very limited now and I would like to encourage all of you to pray for a miracle for their tiny little princess. Our hearts are broken and we cry along with you. Please visit Hayley's site and leave her parents a note of encouragement. It means more than you will ever know. See link below for her web address.
Praying for a miracle,
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan and Jacob

From Jacob:
To Jeannie, Jacquie, and now Leslie, Thank you so much for loving me and being my angels. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

To my Secret Angel from Bob The Builder,
I received my package in the mail today and all I can say is Holy Cow!! I've never seen so much cool stuff in my life!!!! Bob even sent me a autographed picture! I was so excited I climbed right in the box (or at least tried, it kept falling over)! I couldn't open everything fast enough and have been playing all night long. Thank you sooooo much and you can come over and play at my house anytime! Maybe we could meet at a wedding one day...Hummmm I will need to talk to my Uncle Brent....

Friday, November 12 12:48pm CST

Jacob and Jordan have both been sick most of the week. Jacob started with a croupy cough on Sunday and ended up in the clinic Thursday for four hours. He has a severe ear infection and low grade fevers. They did run a blood culture yesterday but do not expect anything to grow out of it. He is on Amoxicillin for his ear, Rocefin just in case anything else is lurking and Pentamine, for Pneumonia prevention. Needless to say we are covered on antibiotics. Jordan has had a stomach virus since Tuesday and today is her first fairly good day. She has been out of school all week.
But the good news is Cathy, Jerry, Bridget and Cody are coming for a visit this weekend. We are all so excited. And Hayley (www.caringbridge.org/ga/hayley) is doing great with her transplant. That is a definate answered prayer. Don't forget that we are still in desperate need of platelet donors here in Georgia. Please give if you can.

Also Amy is up to 16 miles in her Training for Team in Training. Her web site is below. She is running in Jacob's honor and has already raised over $3,200! Not your typical college student. :-) We are very proud of her.
We are planning on a good weekend and hope to get to go see the Incredibles. I think Frank is more excited than the kids! After all he is our Super Hero!!
And if you get a chance try to visit the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Festival of Trees. Jacob has a tree in it this year and we are soooo excited. Dr's John and Mary Sue Goza are his sponsor and Mrs. Karen Jackson is the designer. They are all really really fabulous people that put their hearts into cancer programs and we just love them. On a side note John Goza's sister Dr.Sara Goza is Jacob's pediatrician and without her excellent skills and intuition Jacob would never have been diagnosed so early.
That's all for now. I will update with photos this weekend.
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and especially Jacob!

Sunday, November 7, 2004 5:12 PM
Hey Everyone!

I'm sorry we haven't updated lately but my parents have been busy, at least that's what they are telling me.

Where to start?

Please keep Hayley in your prayers. She is doing great with her transplant and is having minimal side effects right now.

Jack is also doing great. He is home fingerpainting and dancing his way through the rest of his treatments.

I love halloween!
Everybody expected me to go as Spiderman but I fooled them I was the Hulk!!

Jordan was a woodland fairy and a great one at that! She loves to trade candy but somehow I always end up with the yucky stuff. But I was the Hulk and got it all back. Don't mess with the Hulk!

I am the luckiest guy I know I have a another Angel! My first one Jeannie is the best (THANKS FOR THE COOL TIGER STUFF!) I added her to my prayer list at night. Now another one named Jacquie. Life is Good!

I let Mom and Dad go out the other night. They went and saw Elton oopps Sir Elton in concert and they sat on the second row. I think they needed it.

Keep on Believing!



Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:09 AM CDT

Urgent update Monday October 24, 2004 8:47pm
If any of you are able to give platelets the State Of Georgia is in crisis mode right now. Children on Chemotherapy are having to skip platelet transfusions. Please take the time to give.
Additional information is availible at www.caringbridge.org/ga/williamolson Will site.

Also little Hayley had another bad turn of events today. Please visit her site and leave her parents a word of encouragement. www.caringbridge.org/ga/hayley

Sunday October 23, 2004

First thing First...

Thanks for all the prayers. Hayley still needs our help. www.caringbridge.org/ga/hayley
So keep on praying. It works!

Let's start with last Sunday...
I attended the off treatment celebration at Six Flags.
No, I am not off treatment. Mom and Dad donated the sound system and Dad was the emcee. It's a good thing I went, he needed my help keeping the show moving.
Diana DeGarmo from American Idol was ther she gave me a big hug and was holding me when the TV crew was filming her. I didn't mind, and if she was a little closer to my age she would be in trouble.
I didn't get that attitude from my Dad.
Anyhow, Diana is the nicest and sweetest person ever.
Jordan and Diana became friends. Jordan sat next to her all afternoon.
A big THANK YOU to Jill. She is the cute lady that runs this event for Cure. GO JILL !!

I have told everyone all along, NO MORE SHOTS!!
Well I had to get my flu shot!
Not a big deal except I am allergic to eggs. Guess what they use to make the flu shot. Yes, Eggs!!
So I had to have an all day event which included seven, yes SEVEN seperate shot! Not what I would call a good day.
When I got home Dad asked how was my day? I replied, NO MORE SHOTS!!!

I have several friends who happen to be Blonde, and Female and are in my class. Mom said she would put a picture of them on the web page.
My class went to the Fire Station they have really cool equipment. My favorite was the red golf cart that look like a fire truck.

I had a fever so off to the hospial we went Wednesday night. We got home at 1 am. I am just happy they didn't keep me, and I told them NO MORE SHOTS.

All and all a great week.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:20 PM CDT

Update Addition: Tuesday October 19th 5pm

Urgent Prayers needed for Little Hayley. She is prepping for transplant next week and got some questionable test results in today. Her parents could use a word of encouragement.

Also William Olson is in Transplant right now and in ICU having some blood pressure issues he could use some prayers also.


Just wanted everybody to know I am back on the Roids!!!

This drives Mom and Dad absolutley crazy.
For instance I wanted to go with Dad to the store,halfway there I cried I wanted Mommy, so he turned around and started towards home. He is almost there and I started crying again telling him it was just a joke and that I wanted to go to the store with him. He turned around and I went to the store with him. I overheard him say he was in need of some kind of drink.

Well our household is just a little nuts: strike that a whole lotta of nuts. But I still love them anyway.

Mom is trying so hard to do everything. She has been at work with Dad, takes me to my doctor appointments, takes Jordan to cheerleading, and helps people raise money to find a cure for me and all my friends. And I thought Spiderman was a super hero. I don't think so.

Thanks for all the Prayers for my friend Jack. He is doing better but that doesn't mean you can quit. Click on his link below and said hello.
Also, Pray for little Hayley that she stays in remission and is able to go to transplant at the end of the week.

Thats all for now. Mom wants the computer so she can put in my counts.



Clinic Visit Wednesday:
WBC 1.47
HGB 11.1
Platelets 332
ANC 890

Wednesday, October 6, 2004 8:30 AM CDT

URGENT UPDATE: October 11, 2004
Jacob's friend Jack from Scottish Rite (See his link below) is in the middle of his second Stem Cell Transplant. He is having a hard time right now and needs all of you Prayer Warriors to lift him up right now! His moms could use the messages of support if you have a chance to sign his guest book.

Update Saturday October 9th - 3:00pm
Light The Night is Tonight. Team Jacob's Journey raised over $3,750.00 for Light The Night for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!!!!! A BIG thank you to all of our supporters and walkers! Especially Jordan, Nonni, Memi, Dad, Mom, Monte, Mrs. Shelly, Ian, Sandy, Chris and Alice.
Love, Jacob


I had a great weekend. I went to Camp Sunshine with my family.

So many of my new friends where there. I got to play with Kendrie, Madie, Brandon, Jack, Brady, Jacob, Justin, Sissy, Katie, Ryan, and a whole bunch more! We didn't stop from the moment we got there. I found a rock wall and I climbed it for the very first time and after that I was like Forest Gump, I just kept on climbing.

My sister Jordan had a blast also. She did arts and crafts the whole weekend.

It was nice being with others who are in the same battle as you.

My all time favorite part was I found out every time I yelled BINGO I got a present! Now that is just too cool!!

Mom and Dad seem to have had a good time too. Although I did over hear Mom complain about the lack of sleep. She said Dad slept really good, she knows this cause she could hear him half a mile away. Why was Mom half a mile away???

I don't remember the ride home. I slept the whole way. I will tell you this, I will definately go back. And I highly recommend it to anyone considering Camp Sunshine.

Monday Night I got to go see a whole lot of people Play Texas-hold-em. It's some sort of card game. I was the guest of honor, you see. My Dad & Mom & Uncle Ronnie held this event in honor of me and in memory of Roger Mundy, Uncle Ronnie's brother who lost his battle this year and became a Guardian Angel for all of us. They gave away two round trip tickets from Air Tran Airlines and Two Nights at the Grand Casino. This I am told is going to be a annual event. Over fifty people paid fifty dollars just to play. These people are the nicest people ever. But something really cool happened that night. The final person and the winner was Keith Mundy, Roger Mundy's son.

Things like this happen because they are supposed to. No other reason.

Thanks to all the players, Bob and Karen with Valentino's Restaurant, Air Tran Airlines, Grand Casino, Connie Zaleski and Alainna Schianno with the Atlanta Thrashers, Outback Steakhouse, Partners II Pizza, WK Wings Resturant and so many more.
100 percent of the money goes to the Leukemia Society.

I have to go now, Baby Cody is flying in to see me.
He's a week old and already flying! What's up with that Dad??
I haven't been on a plane yet


Monday, September 27, 2004 7:04 PM CDT

Hey Everyone!!!

I am now an UNCLE!

Baby Cody Rea was born Sunday Morning at 9:22 am at
9 lbs 8 oz 21 inches and lots of hair.

I was lucky enough to be in Charleston at the time.

I was visiting my big sister Cathy and I said,
"Hey, why don't we all go downtown to the aquarium."

They all said, "Great idea Jacob" (I get that alot).

So we went. It was great but Cathy was walking really slow.
It was as if she was shopping or something, but I don't think they sell fish.

Then all of a sudden she looked at Jerry (that's her husband) and said: Let's Go !!

Now Jerry is a smart man, because he just does as she tells him. I wish my Dad could learn that, Mom would be much calmer if he did.

Next thing I know we are all at the hospital.
I gotta tell you I am not big on going to the hospital, but this time was very special. It wasn't about me.

It was a long night. But the next morning,


So were a lot of other babies. The nurses told me it was the pressure from the hurricane that makes all these babies come out. I personally think they would be much safer to stay right where they are untill after the storm.
But Hey, who am I to say?

What a weekend!

Thanks for all the notes and don't forget to support Amy in her run. Amy's link is below.


more photos on album page
Don't forget to sign the guest book
I love hearing from all of you!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:16 AM CDT

Cody Alexander Rea
9 pounds 10 ounces
21 inches
head full of hair
Everyone is Great

Pictures soon



You Guys are AWESOME!!!

Thank You to all who have signed my guestbook, and donated to me and Amy! Your gift and prayers will forever be remembered.

Yesterday I went to physical therapy and I did Great!!!
I was told that I am getting some of my muscles back. This is good because I like to play with my sister Jordan and as of right now she can beat the whoopsie out of me.But LOOK OUT JORDAN.

Mom and Dad are still just a little nuts. I have accepted the fact that they are my parents and I do love them but lets face it they are not the sharpest tools in the shed.
(I heard that on Shrek, one of my favorite movies.)
My Mom must have a huge heart, not only does she take care of me she is always sending others gifts and those little yellow bands livestong to other families with kids like me. She is fund raising, writing letters to the editor and donating equipment to the cause. (they own a special event company) And still has time to raise Dad. What a Woman.

Cathy my oldest sister in Charleston is such a Drama Queen.
She still has baby Cody in her belly and has everyone begging her to let him out. I want someone smaller than me to play with.

My big brother Chris is doing well in College. He comes home on the weekends to see me or to see his girlfriend. I like to think its a little of both.

Thats all for now please click on the links below for Light The Night and Amy's Team In Training


Guess What\

No More Shots !!

Friday, September 17, 2004 3:04 PM CDT

WOW !!

What a week? Between IVAN and Me on steroids my parents have become certifiable. I don't know what that means, I just heard them say that.

Oh No, My teacher has found my web page and signed the guestbook. Now everybody knows the real reason I got time-out. I will try to do better, but what my parents don't know is that I was put in time-out with my girl friend ...shhhh. Just a little side note : I have the best teacher in the world. That said, I think we can move on this year.

My counts were:
WBC 1.57
RBC 3.21
HGB 9.6
Platelets 347
ANC 1130

Just a shout out to all my friends who wrote me, I love to get mail.

Mom is working hard on the campaigns to find a cure for all of us. If you want to help her, click on the link below for Light The Night.

Still waiting on Baby Cody. That's my big sister's baby that she hasn't had yet. Mom put his picture on my photo album. Everybody says he is sooo cute, I don't see it, but hey I'm only three.

Guess What !!!!!!! No More Shots...

That's what I tell everybody. I can dream can't I?

Oh Yea!!!

Somehow my family was accepted to Camp Sunshine.
All I can say is they must have had a budget cut in the approval department. Let's just say Jerry Springer has tried to get us all on his show for years.

Amy!!! Please know that every time I go to physical therapy I think of you in your Team-In-Training program. I know you'll do GREAT I am honored that you chose me to run for.

Check out Amy's link below she can use all the help we can give here . E-mail her link to all your friends.

That's all for now.

Keep Writing, Keep Praying, and keep being the friends and family that you have all been. That goes for my fellow C patients!


Friday, September 10, 2004 7:18 AM CDT

I recieved a Great Big Grandma Hug on my website this week and I want to share it with everyone who wrote in to say HI.

Right now Mom and I are at the clinic getting my monthly treatment so I guess you can fiquire out who is typing this for me. I don't like these days but they have to be, and everyone at the clinic is GREAT. Don't tell nurse Kim but I think she's cute.

I still love school. But I must inform you I was put in time out. It wasn't my fault some other kid brought in a Buzz Lightyear lunch box. I had to look at it and I can't help that it had his lunch in it. Anyway if they don't want me to look at it then they need to cover up that Buzz.

Thanks everybody for writing me. My mom loves to read these notes to me. It gives her something to do.

Oh one more thing yesterday was my Dad's birthday and I bought his lunch at my favorite grilled cheese resturant.
I asked Mom how old Dad is and she said that I can't count that high and doubts very seriously if he can.

Talk to you guys LATER
Love Jacob

Sunday Night 8:30pm
Hi Everyone,
We are back from the clinic and everything went great! A big thank you to all of the employees of AFLAC who work so hard at making the clinic soooo fabulous. That place is state of the art and the kid's LOVE it.
Jacob's counts were:
WBC 1.57
RBC 3.21
HGB 9.6
Platelets 347
ANC 1130

We did find out that his Varacella Vaccine (Chicken Pox) is still good, but he has lost his immunity to Hepititis B and will have to be revaccinated at a later date. We also met with a psychologist to see if they wanted to get a neuro-psyc baseline on Jacob but she did not see anything that would warrant it at this point. He will have a full workup before kindergarten to see if there are any issues (caused by the chemo) that need to be addressed.

Jeanie thanks for the really cool Spiderman Jacket. Jacob loved it and is wearing it in the 90 degree heat!

This is our once a month steriod week and we have a food crazed nut on our hands. Our morings start off like this as Jacob crawls out of bed: Mommy I'm hungry. Mommy I'm really hungry! MOMMY CAN WE GO DOWN STAIRS AND EAT RIGHT NOW!!!! It is our first week on steriods in school. Everyone needs to pray for Jacob's teachers. They have never had a steroid crazy three year old wreaking havoc in class. :-)
We hope everyone has a great week and don't forget to sign the guest book!
Love, Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

BTW - The big beautiful doggie in the picture with Jacob is our Boxer Rosie. She and Jacob have a very special relationship.

September 16 Update

I'm going to Camp Sunshine
Love Jacob

Thursday, September 2, 2004 7:48 PM CDT

Hi Guys, Sorry so long no update! Jacob is absolutely loving school! His teachers are fabulous (of course his lead teacher is our next door neighbor and has known Jacob since he was born)and everyone has bent over backwards to accomidate my obsessive wishes! Not just every parent shows up to the first day of school with a gallon of Purell, three tubs of clorox wipes and a large can of lysol! We did have one bout of fever on his third day at school and his ANC went to 640, but after a IV antibotic he was fine. Jordan is also doing great in school, but of course she always does. She has to wear uniforms this year so my mornings are ten times easier. Those of you that know her know she is a total clothes diva! (We attribute that to her Nonnie. Cathy's baby is due any time now. By the measurements on the 3-D ultrasound Baby Cody weighs 6lbs. and 12 oz. so far. We are all so excited! We will all be on a road trip to Charleston soon! Jacob's next clinic visit is on the 10th. He is getting a Vincristine push, and a neuro-psyc evaluation. Many of the drugs that he is on can cause some developmental delays and problems. We want to know where Jacob stands now so that if he does encounter some problems in the future we will be able to tell where and start some early intervention.
We also have so me other exciting things happening,
Jacob recieved a Cancer Angel through www.cancerwarriors.org . Jeanie is his angel and she is a sweetheart. She sends little gifts and notes of encourage ment to Jacob and Jordan and also to me. We appreciate everything she has done already.
We also have Amy Featherston from Cornell University in New York that is running the Rock and Roll Marathon for Team in Training with the Leukemia Society in Jacob's honor this January. Amy has never done anything like this before. We are so excited for her and are behind her all the way! I will post her web site for you guys as soon as she gets it up and running so you can keep up with her progress.

Thanks for checking on us and don't forget to sign the guestbook! Jacob loves getting his "mail"!
Tiffany, Frank, Jordan, and Jacob

Friday, August 13, 2004 8:20 PM CDT

Jacob went to school today for the first time to meet his teachers. They were great. I had this big scene in my head about how he was going to cry and miss me...HA. He ran in his class and did not even look back! Stayed the whole time and did not ask for me once. I did get a big hug though when I came back to pick him up. Maybe Frank is right it is me with the separation issue? :-) His administrator was great, instead of a conference with her and his teachers she is going ask all teachers in his school meet with me next Wednesday. I guess I am giving ALL training 101. She wants to make sure they know everything just in case they sub or have him in their afterschool lunch program. It was more than I expected and I was relieved. We have rarely seperated this past year and if it was not for him being in this school with these two teachers Jacob would not be going to school until next year. I know they will take care of my baby. Continue to pray for him that all of his tests remain excellent and he stays in remission!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:51 PM CDT

Jacob and I went to our 2nd appointment in long term maintenance. We will continue to go monthly for the next two years. Boy is it good to be going just once a month instead of every week! Jacob was actually excited to go and see everyone. He has missed his nurse Kim, and was really excited to see Mandy who was often his nurse when he was inpatient all those weeks this summer. I had to finally make him leave the clinic.

His counts were:
WBC 5.4
Hgb 10.3
HCT 31
Plt 387
Anc 4450

Everything looked good, but they might increase his Methotrexate if his ANC continues to be so high. They will not change it unless he has a high ANC for three months. The Doc's want to keep it between 1,000 - 2,000.

On another note Jacob starts school next Monday. Three day a week pre-school. Our next door neighbor just happens to be his teacher so I know she will keep a very protective watch over him. I have supplied his school with enouth Purell and Clorox wipes to clean the entire building. Frank is pretty sure that I am going to be having more seperation anxiety than Jacob. Jordan starts first grade tommorrow. We are really happy and excited for her. She loves her teacher and is going to a really great school. They grow up so fast! She has been so sweet and strong through all of this! For being three and six they have such a close relationship.

Tuesday, August 3, 2004 9:36 PM CDT

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