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Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:33 AM EST

Ben cleared his HDMTHX in record time! We're going home! We'll update after the new year!

Thank you for the prayers!!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 7:12 AM CST

Merry Christmas!

We stayed healthy and Ben was able to attend his school Christmas party last week, participate in the Nativity program, compete in our annual Frosty Bowl flag football games and most importantly, find presents underneath his very own Christmas tree in his very own home.

We've had a whilwind of a weekend and he's still ready for more. However, Ben will be admitted to the hospital today for another round of HDMTHX. He's feeling good and seemingly in a healthy state. Hopefully he'll only be in for a few days.

Hope everyone's holiday was happy and healthy!

Thanks again for all the prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Tuesday, December 18, 2007 5:01 PM EST

Ben is home!

His ANC is still low at 90 but the mouth sore that seems to be causing the problem is healing. The docs sent us home with the warning that if Ben gets a fever he must return to the hospital. Ben wanted out so badly we thought we’d risk it!

So, if all goes well, the chemo he was to receive on the 20th will now be administered on the 26th. Give us a better chance of being home for Christmas . . . I think.

Thanks again for all the prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Monday, December 17, 2007 12:39 AM CST

Ok. We got moved to the AFLAC wing last night. Its just so much better when we're surrounded by the staff we've known for almost four years!

Ben is still fever free and his ANC jumped from 19 to 80. Hopefully the number tomorrow will be high enough to get discharged.

What thisI little hospital stay has done is push Ben's next chemo date which was set for the 20th out to the 26th. So, instead of worrying that he won't be home for Christmas we'll just plan on going to the hospital the day after. Now we'll keep our fingers crossed that Ben will be out for our annual Frosty Bowl - a flag football event that we've hosted for the past few years which the boys have come to look forward to with anticipation equal to that of Christmas.

Anyway, all is good. Afterall, "It's the most wonderful time of the year! In fact it's the hap happiest time of the year!"

Thanks for the prayers!

Chris, Belinda, Jeremy and Benjamin

Sunday, December 16, 2007 4:20 PM EST

Hi everyone,

Had a great Saturday although Ben' suffered his first basketball loss of the season. The score was tight however, 14-16. Nothing to be ashamed about.

After the game we took home Ben's best bud, Ryan, for a sleepover. Jeremy asked his friend, Peter, over as well. All was fine as we headed out the door to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. With only 10 minutes until the end of the movie, Ben decided to sleep on my lap. I had a hunch something was up. About 30 mins. later he spiked a fever of 102. We headed to the ER.

His ANC was 19 so he was admitted to the hospital. We got to our room at around 3:30am. Ben was so tired, he slept through most of everything including the port access! I'd even specially requested the oncology nurses from the 3rd floor to do the access (Thank you, ladies!) because he always distresses with the ER nurses.

So, Ben's in the hospital. He's feeling fine as his fever never returned. But the docs have him on Rocephan, Fortaz and Vancomycin as a precaution. His white blood cells were elevated which is a sign that he's fighting something. He's also on Acyclovir to combat those nasty mouthsores. Oh, and there weren't any beds available in the AFLAC center so we're in another wing which is always a little unsettling.

Hoping Ben will stay on track to get his chemo this Thursday and be home before Christmas. Please say a little prayer?

Thanks, as always, for your kindness and continued prayers for Ben's cure.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:29 PM EST

Hi all,
Just got back from the clinic. Ben had an LP today. All went well although the Ketomine and Propofol mix of anesthesia really takes a toll on him. He's just completely out of it for at least 2 hours after the procedure.

Mouth sores persist but seem to be on the mend. He has not had any Tylenol w/codeine since yesterday and he just polished off two slices of pizza (cut into tiny bits) and a peanut butter & jelly cookie!

He's been out of school all week due to the sores but also because I heard that Fifths disease is making rounds in his classroom. Also heard there was an outbreak of lice. Upon learning this Ben declared, "They won't bother me because I don't have any hair for them to hide in!"

Ben's due back to the hospital next Thursday for more HDMTHX. Hopefully we can avoid the mouth sores this time and be out before Christmas eve!

Thanks, as always, for your kindness and continued prayers for Ben's cure.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:11 AM EST

Hi everyone!

Ben went to the clinic last Friday for another round of VP16 and Cytoxin.

Ben started the day out with a sore throat and a runny nose. I thought he'd caught a bug from school as Jeremy stayed home the day before with a cough and conjestion. Upon further inspection from Dr. Lew, we realized that the sore throat was due to a mouthful of sores! We're trying to keep them in check with frequent mouthwashing to keep them from getting infected. They have made it very difficult for Ben to eat. He's game to try anything, but unfortunately the pain is excrutiating when he realizes the mouth sores won't tollerate the food he's trying.

But I gotta hand it to the little guy. As uncomfortable as he is, he got up the next morning and played a bit with his buddy, Ryan, then went to his basketball game and scored 4 points! We went out last night and finally got our Christmas tree and this morning, Ben's been on his bicycle going from house to house with Jeremy looking for anyone who wants to play! I'm so happy he didn't inherit the "pity party" bone from me!

We're off to the Spinner's house this afternoon. They are friends from school and church who have generously hosted a Christmas party for the past three years in honor of Ben and all the other kids suffering from cancer.

Thanks, as always, for your kindness and continued prayers for Ben's cure.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 12:52 AM CST

Ben's home! Actually, he was discharged around 11am, ate lunch and went to school. I'm going to finish hanging the icicles outside.

Thanks, as always, for your support and constant prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Sunday, December 2, 2007 1:46 AM EST

We're in. Ben finally got a bed at 2pm yesterday and the chemo started at midnight. He should be finished with the last bag in about 10 hours then begins his flush.

Ben was so excited that he didn't gave to stay in the hospital on Friday night with Jeremy at home hosting a slumber party. Ben and I left the clinic and ran a few errands then picked up his brother and friends at carpool. They were surprised by happy to see him in the car.

They quickly rounded up some kids from the neighborhood for a football game. After that they played "war" and had dinner and finished the night off with the "Transformers" movie. Ben and his friends Ryan and Colin put out their magical elves and asked for some craziness that surely kept the elves up all night!

In the morning the kids found their room covered in toilet paper, Ben's socks thrown about his room, Jeremy's underwear (clean!) littering his room, a toy snake under my pillow, "Ho, Ho, Ho" written across Chris' forehead and the elves hanging upside down over the washing machine after and apparent water fight!

At 8am we headed over to the school for Jeremy's basketball game (won 13-8) then we were off to Ben's first basketball game in which he scored 6 points, a couple of steals and a handful of assists. They won 28-0!

After lunch Ben headed down to a waiting bed at Scottish Rite. He's in a great mood and resting from Friday and Saturday's fun. He's drinking pretty well so we're hoping he'll be out by Tuesday. Then back to school.

Thanks, as always, for your support and constant prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Friday, November 30, 2007 4:27 PM EST

Head fake!

Ben got his LP at the clinic this morning then we were informed that all the beds were full at the hospital and were send home to try again tomorrow!

Although I just want to get this round of HDMTHX over with, Ben was overjoyed to be going home because Jeremy is having a slumber party! Now he won't have to miss it.

So, we'll call tomorrow to see when we need to check in. Hopefully it can be after Ben's first basketball game.

More soon!

Thanks, as always, for your prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Monday, November 26, 2007 7:26 AM CST

Hi everyone!
What a great Thanksgiving! Lots of turkey, desserts and football. Can't ask for more than that!

Friday after Thanksgiving, our family went on our, now 4 year tradition, hike up Kennesaw Mountain. It's a pretty good hike especially if you're just getting up off the couch and Ben marched up like a trooper. He was a little whiney in spots, but that's not the chemo, that's just Ben!

He's off to school today and hopefully the rest of the week. He's feeling great and has a lot of energy. His next admit is this Friday. He'll get a lumbar puncture at the clinic then into the hospital for another round of high dose methotrexate.

Thanks, as always, for your prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:43 AM CST

Hi everyone!
Ben's visit to the clinic last Friday went according to plan. We were there a little longer than expected but he was happy and comfortable during the transfusion hours.

He's having a little trouble with mouth sores at the moment but fortunately they are not a constant nuisance to him. He attended school yesterday (mainly because it was only a half day and it was also Grandparents day at the school!) then he came home and played outsided until dinner time.

So, we're looking forward to celebrating this Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends and we would like to extend and heartfelt "thank you" to all of you for helping us through this tough time. Thank you for your prayers, for keeping up with Ben's progress and for being a part of our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:47 AM EST

Surprise! Ben's home!!

The docs discharged him yesterday because his methotrexate level was coming down quicker than expected. I think that running the fluids at a higher rate did the trick. At 8:45pm on Sunday his level was already down to .21. So, they felt confident that he would be able to excrete the rest on his own at home. Woo hoo!!

But still no school today. Ben was excited about going but a little irritation developed on his bottom to keep him home at least for the day.

Forgot to tell you, Ben went to school last Friday before he got admitted and rode his bike to school for the first time! He was so proud of himself. What a big kid thing to do!

Anyway, that's it for now. Ben came home with a round of Mercaptopurine for 5 days and goes back to the clinic this Friday for more chemo - VP16 and Cyclophosphamide.

Thanks, as always, for praying for Ben.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy, & Benjamin

On another note . . .
Our angel, Jon Allmett, upon learning of Ben's relapse over the summer, wrote and began recording a song entitled, "Ben's Song". Shortly after, Jon passed away and a copy of the song was found on his computer which only contains his guitar and vocal tracks. We were very touched by his music but his presence made all the difference. Although unfinished, "Ben's Song" helps us feel Jon around us again.

"Ben's Song"
Music & Lyrics by Jon Allmett
Performed by Jon Allmett

Sunday, November 11, 2007 2:05 PM CST

Hi everyone!
Ben finished his 24 hour HDMTX this morning around 2:30 and has begun the "flush". They're running his fulids at a higher rate this time around so he's peeing fast and furiously! They won't take a level until 8:45 tonight at which point they will also begin the Leukovorin. So, in the meantime, bottoms up! He's had over 35 oz. of fluid today in the form of water, raspberry blue icee, cranapple juice and sprite. Gives me the urge just writing about it!

Thanks for keeping up with us! And thanks, as always, for all of your prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

On another note . . .
Our angel, Jon Allmett, upon learning of Ben's relapse over the summer, wrote and began recording a song entitled, "Ben's Song". Shortly after, Jon passed away and a copy of the song was found on his computer which only contains his guitar and vocal tracks. We were very touched by his music but his presence made all the difference. Although unfinished, "Ben's Song" helps us feel Jon around us again.

"Ben's Song"
Music & Lyrics by Jon Allmett
Performed by Jon Allmett

Wednesday, November 7, 2007 4:10 PM CST

Hi All,
Ben has been feeling great. His mouth sores are almost gone and have not been bothering him for days. He's still on a sugar high from Halloween but is now looking forward to Christmas. How excited is he going to be when I break the news that we have Thanksgiving yet to celebrate?!

Ben will be going into the hospital this Friday the 9th for another round of HDMTX. They will start running his fluids at a higher rate from the beginnning so hopefully we will be out by early next week.

On another note . . .
Our angel, Jon Allmett, upon learning of Ben's relapse over the summer, wrote and began recording a song entitled, "Ben's Song". Shortly after, Jon passed away and a copy of the song was found on his computer which only contains his guitar and vocal tracks. We were very touched by his music but his presence made all the difference. Although unfinished, "Ben's Song" helps us feel Jon around us again.

"Ben's Song"
Music & Lyrics by Jon Allmett
Performed by Jon Allmett

Thank you, as always, for your constant prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:58 AM CDT

Hi all!!

Ben got discharged yesterday morning around 8am. And who did we see in the lobby? Jake Rivers! He was just leaving the emergency room after 3 hours to finally get diagnosed with sinusitis. Phew!

We stopped off at Walmart before heading home to buy the much needed Thrillville game for his Playstation2 then found parked in our driveway the golf cart we rented for Halloween night! Ben and I took a spin around the neighborhood and picked up Joe who was home sick, but not sick enough for a quick ride.

Ben went to school for the Halloween party. He was so excited to see his friends and for the candy fun to begin!

As soon as school was over our Halloween party began. Ben was so excited that he had his costume on for 4 hours before the trick of treating even began. The golf cart ended up being a good idea although he kept up pretty well all on his own for the first 20 minutes. Thanks, Kenna, for sticking with Ben for the rest of the tour!

The kids raked in a bushell of candy and got the beegeebees scared out of them at the haunted house down the street. Ben was in tears saying that he doesn't usually get scared from things like that. (He's never been to a haunted house.) So, there's a first for everything and that when you learn, you're a big chicken like your mommy, Ben!

So, although the stay at the hospital was longer than anticipated, we still made it home in time to celebrate Halloween. Thanks to everyone that came over and made it an extra special day for Ben!

Love to you all!!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:28 PM EST

We were on track to go home around 8:30pm tonight until a couple of hours ago.

Ben finished his blood transfusion around 1:00 and he was given an hour to relax unincumbered by his IV pole. Then around 2pm he started his IVIG transufsion. This med gave him trouble the first time he received it a couple of months ago. Well, more of the same.

After about an hour of transfusion he began to rigor. His temperature and blood pressure spiked and he threw up. They gave him demerol to counteract the reation and another hour later we're trying it again but at a much slower rate. That puts our discharge time at roughly 12:30am. I think we'll just spend the night.

We'll still be out in time for Halloween though!

Thanks for praying.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

Monday, October 29, 2007 11:35 PM EST

So, Ben's what they call a "slow excreter". His body likes to hang on to the methotrexate indicated by his number tonight....... .11! Still not low enough to start the transfusions. They will draw more blood at 4am and SURELY his level will be just right by then!

Supposedly some people excrete this stuff faster than others. Now that we know Ben isn't one if those people, the next time we're in for HDMETX (Nov. 9) then they will run his fluids at a much higher rate and hopefully help his body flush it out.

He started showing signs of wearing down today shedding a few tears because he really wants to be home. Jeremy's feeling it too. It's just a very unsettling feeling when our routine changes so drastically.

Well hopefully he'll be home tomorrow early in the evening. He's got a Halloween party at school to attend to for goodness sake!

Please keep praying.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Ben

Monday, October 29, 2007 11:11 AM EST

Well, Ben's methotrexate level came down, but not enough. We're holding at .13 this morning. Hopefully another 12 hours will do the trick. They will draw another level at 9pm and if it is less than .1 they will start his blood transfusion which will take about 3 hours. Then they will give him his IVIG which takes 6 - 8 hours. We should be home by late morning/early afternoon, just in time to start our Halloween fun!

Thanks for praying!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Sunday, October 28, 2007 10:14 PM EST

Well, Ben's got 2 mouth sores already. The first one occured this morning and he started complaining about the second one a few minutes ago right before he fell asleep. He doesn't complain about them hurting very much. The nurse offered him some Tylenol with codiene but he passed. He said they didn't hurt that bad!

Ben and Jeremy spent the day together again. I saw the hugging each other while they were watching tv at one point and when they noticed I was watching them, they turned the hug into a wrestling move. Boys!

Their friend, Joe, came to visit late in the afternoon and they had army man battles for at least 3 hours.

Ben's methotrexate level was .35 this morning (magic number for discharge is below .1). They drew blood again about an hour ago. If level is below .1, they will begin a blood transfusion as well as an IVIG transfusion. The earliest we could go home would be tomorrow afternoon. If his level is above .1, our discharge would be delayed at least until Tuesday morning.

Oh well.

As always, thanks for the prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

Saturday, October 27, 2007 11:00 PM EST

So, Ben's body seems to be holding on to the methotrexate a little stronger than the doctors hoped. They want his level to be below .10. This morning he was at .9 and the expected that he would be down to .4 by that time of day. They've increased his fluids and depending on the level taken at 9pm tonite, they may increase his leukovorin or they may give him his walking papers to finish out the weekend at home.

He's also developed a tiny sore in his private area from excreting the methotrexate which can easily irritate the skin. He's not in constant pain. It seems to just be more annoying than anything else. It seems that alot of HD Methotrexate kids are suffering from headaches too. Ben started one tonite. Again, he's not experiencing enough discomfort to warrant any major complaints. He just tells us what's wrong and goes right back to what he was doing - xbox, movies, tv or just acting goofy with Jeremy.

So, he's in a really good mood. He hasn't even complained about being at the hospital. He got a call from Coach Richard of his flag football team that his team won the championship game today. I heard it was really competitive. I guess they could have used Ben out there today.

Please keep the prayers coming. Even if Ben comes home tomorrow we'll still need to keep up the flushing of the chemo. I really want him to avoid the side effects this chemo can bring.

More later!

Love,Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Ben

P. S.
Mrs. Rivers, Ben wanted me to tell you, "Wait until next year! GO GATORS!"

Friday, October 26, 2007 11:32 PM EST

Hi everyone,
Ben is tolerating his high dose methotrexate so far. Yesterday started off with a triple threat LP. He did well although the anesthesia mix they've used the past couple of times makes him a little uneasy when he wakes up. Instead of straight propofol which he was soaking up like a sponge, they've mixed in with half ketamine (sp?). The doc said the latter is similar to angel dust and puts him in a trance like state. I'll tell you, for me watching him get that way is very disturbing. Anyway, it seems to do the trick for the LP. No fake sleeping with ketamine!

After the LP they pre-hydrated him with liquid for about 6 hours before giving him a 30 minute concentrated version of methotrexate. When that was done, they hung the 24hour version and we waited for a hospital bed.

We got to the hospital around 5:00. Ben was in a good mood. Chris brought Jeremy over after basketball and football for him to spend the night. Jeremy opted to stay with Ben in the hospital today when he had a day off from school rather than going to a friend's house. He's a good boy.

The boy's friend, Matthew, came over for a few hours and played "drinking" games with us! The more Ben drinks the less likely he will suffer side effects such as mouth sores. The nurse said he could also get them on his bottom and anywhere in between. By the time Jeremy and i left to go home, i think Ben had already drank about 35oz. of liquids. I didn't count how much Jeremy had but he went to the bathroom approximately 12 times in a 45 minute period!

So tomorrow they give him the leukovorin to help his body expel the chemo and they will test the level of methotrexate in his body. Once it's at a safe level, they will let him go home. Hoping for early Sunday!

Thank always for your prayers. We're hanging in. Go Gators!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Sunday, October 21, 2007 6:29 PM EST

Hi everyone!

New pictures!
Ben had another great week. He's happy, energetic, goofy, whiney and annoying - in other words, he's regular ole' Ben. He went to school everyday and tried his best to catch up with the rest of his classmates. I don't think he's too far behind. And he really enjoys doing the homework!

It was tough getting Ben to go to school in the beginning of the week. He understands and admits that when he's away from school, it's uncomfortable going back and reconnecting with all of his friends. He said he feels so nervous that by lunch time he doesn't even have an appetite. Slowly but surely throughout the week, it all turned around. By pizza day on Friday, he was all about his lunch!

Ben made it to a football practice during the week and carried the ball a couple of times during his last game on Saturday. He loves hanging out with his friends and doing all the things they are doing. He's happiest when he's just one of the guys.

Saturday night Ben's pal, Andrew, came to the house and slept over. And today he went to a birthday party. I think he was outside enjoying the great weather for the most part of the weekend.

Ben has come down with a slight case of the sniffles and a cough. Chris and I decided to keep him out of school this week. His next scheduled hospitalization was slated for Oct. 29. Fearing that he would most likely still be in the hospital during Halloween, I made a call to the clinic last week. I pleaded his case and they agreed that Ben could start his chemo this Thursday instead. (Acutally, I did very little pleading. Thank you Nurses Kim and Heather for rearranging the schedules so that Ben could be home for Halloween!)

Ben will be receiving high dose methotrexate on Thursday and will remain in the hospital on leucovorin to flush out the chemo and lessen the side effects.

More on Thursday!
Thank you, as always, for your constant prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:05 PM EST

I have to say, this has been a great week. Even through Ben had to go to the clinic every day for chemo, he felt good and his spirits were high! He didn't mind having to spend the entire day there. I think it really makes a difference when he knew that at the end of the day he'd be sleeping in his own bed in his own home.

Yesterday when we walked into the clinic we ran into our Karate friends, the Brennans! It was so nice to see familiar faces. Their oldest child is being monitored by the clinic for unusually high red blood cell counts. It would be nice if you guys could throw some of your prayers their way. Although otherwise, she is a healthy normal kid, having uncertainties like hers can be stressful for the family.

Ben and I spent about 5 hours at the clinic and ended the day with a Nupogen shot. He struggled with the thought of that for a couple of hours then said, "Can I just get it over with?" We called in the nurse and he just did it. The de-accessing went even better. They used a different dressing on his port site called an island dressing that worked out beautifully! Much less adhesive and no irritation. We were off to a great start to our weekend!

When we came home Ben was so excited to have his line out that as soon as he saw Chris he jumped out of the car and asked him if he wanted to play football! Shortly afterward, friends came over for an impromptu party before we headed over to the high school homecoming game. (Thanks, Maura and Beth for coordinating everything at the last minute!!!)

After a hot dog, chili and a game of front yard football, we headed over to Blessed Trinity for the game. I thought our day couldn't be going better until we ran into Sean Dever. The smile on his face and the healthy glow on his cheeks made our day perfect. Oh, and Blessed Trinity won too!

The highlight of Saturday was a birthday party both Jeremy and Ben were invited to. Get this . . . it was a FOOD FIGHT party! They slung mashed potatoes, spaghetti, jello, whipped cream, frozen peas, dry cereal and all kinds of things boys just get the urge to throw at each other! It was a one of a kind party that Ben will never forget!

So, Ben has a break from chemo for the next two weeks. They should be good ones because he's really feeling and looking like his old self!

Thanks again for the prayers. We need every single one!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 11:36 AM CDT

Hi everyone!
Ben's feeling great this week. We're just spending long hours at the clinic every day this week getting VP16 and Cytoxin. He also got the triple threat spinal tap on Monday. He's tolerating it all pretty well although when it comes to accessing and de-accessing his port it's like we're starting from day one.

He's been through so much lately that now EVERYTHING scares him. He's even decided to keep his line in all week instead of removing it every day. Dr. Lew is considering increasing his Paxil. We tried an Atavan yesterday on top of the Paxil but he experienced drastic mood swings at the end of the day. Although the docs don't think the Atavan it to blame they suggested discontinuing it for now.

So, since Ben is feeling well, I'm trying to get him to do a little more homework each day. Fortunately, he enjoys it very much. He's really interested in math just like Jeremy.

After Friday Ben has two weeks off of chemo. He should be feeling pretty good for the mist part. His counts will start dropping by the second week. Then he'll be admitted to the hospital for his first round of high dose methotrexate.

Please keep the prayers coming! We need them at every step of this journey!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

Thursday, October 4, 2007 10:01 PM EST

Well, before Monday happened I'd hoped to update you with good news from last week!

Ben, as you know, was dicharged from the hospital (again) last Monday and he went straight to school! Then he attended Tuesday and then again on Wednesday, took a break on Thursday for pre-op appointments, and finished the week off with a half day at school on Friday! He was so happy to be back at school with all of his friends.

Last Saturday he played in his first flag football game. His team was undefeated prior to the game and Ben helped them hold their record by scoring the extra point at the end of the game! The referee even allowed him to spike the ball without penalty!

On Sunday we were supposed to go to the church picnic but got to go to the Falcon's game with the boys' friend, Drew, instead! We asked Ben how he liked watching the game from the Super Sky Box and with every ounce of sincerity and delight he said "It was awesome! It was so clean!" (Thanks Nichols Family!)

So, the week leading up to the port replacement couldn't have been better!

Chemo has been postponed until next Monday when they will do a spinal tap and administer chemo.

Thanks, as always for praying! We couldn't get through this without you.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 7:09 PM CDT

Hi all!
Old port out (every bit of it!), new port in and functioning, fever- free for 24 hours, vitals stable, counts normal, incisions healing and tooth pulled! Ben's done and happy to be going home!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 7:56 AM CDT

Eggleston docs were able to fish out the stray piece of line in its entirety. Ben is resting comfortably.

OK. Here it is.

Ben went to the hospital bright and early this morning for his port replacement procedure. Everything was going well, the OR seemed to be on schedule. Ben had a 9am procedure time. While we waited he was in a great mood. He wheeled himself around the waiting room in a wheel chair then we played "hot potato" with Chris and Uncle Ruben.

Ben was given a dose of Versed to calm him before they took him to the OR and was also given a breathing treatment to settle a little cough he's been nursing for almost two months.

About an hour after they took him to the OR we got a visit from his surgeon, Dr. Glasson. She informed us that Ben was in the recovery room and doing well. The surprise was that in removing the old port she discovered why we'd been having problems with it recently. The silicone catheter attached to the port which carries the meds thru the heart had practically desintegrated over the years. As she tried to pull it out, it kept breaking into pieces. She explained to us that Ben was probably one of the last kids at Scottish Rite to receive the faulty port. She said they'd stopped using that partucular brand because of similar complications. Finally, after fishing around a while and placing the new port, she was certain that she'd removed the entire catheter. But to play it safe, she ordered a chest xray.

20 minutes later she returned to our room to inform us that she, in fact, was not able to remove the entire catheter as a part of it (approx. 1" long) was found lodged in his pulmonary artery and she was not going to be able to get it out. An Interventional Cardiologist was needed. Only thing was that Eggleston is the only local pediatric hospital with that specialty.

The decision was made to transfer Ben to Eggleston and try to get the procedure done in the afternoon.

Some long hours later, we weren't anywhere closer to getting him moved. Chris and I were starting to feel guilty as they offered that we could go back to recovery to see Ben but opted to stay back. They weren't going to allow us to stay long with him so instead of a quick hello and good bye we decided to wait until he asked for us so that he wouldn't be scared and upset with us leaving.

Turns out there was some confusion over how Ben was to be accepted over at Eggleston. As a cardiac patient or a cancer patient? Who knew that would even matter? It seems that when the hospitals are short on beds then it's a big deal. So while the hospitals argued over which department would have to give up a bed for Ben, he was stuck in the recovery room. Starving, by the way. He hadn't eaten for 21 hours! They wanted to keep him NPO in case they were able to do the procedure today.

But once we uncovered the hold up and told enough Scottish Rite personnel who were promptly disgusted with the news, they got on their phones and got things moving. Unfortunately, by the time the transport team was dispatched it was already too late to do the procedure today.

So, Ben and Chris got to ride in an ambulance. (At least Ben got a liitle fun out of the day!) And he is third in line for procedures tomorrow putting him somewhere in one of the late morning slots.

The kid's a trooper, I must admit. When Chris and I finally showed up in the recovery room he was having a pleasant conversation with his nurse about all the pets each of them had owned. Ben made some funny faces for the docs and nurses, made a few comments about how Chris snores and told us that he'd heard a rumor that Elvis died while he was sitting on the toilet! He just keeps us going.

He had a fever as the transported him so he's getting an antibiotic for that. He also has some discomfort from the new port which they are managing with Fentanyl and morphine. Dr. Lew called it a week for Ben and decided that he'd had enough already and postponed chemo for a week. This way works out great for us as well. Ben will get an LP next Monday (which they were supposed to do today but overlooked the order somehow!) and will be outpatient the rest of the week for this round of chemo.

Please keep your prayers coming in for Ben. We certainly saw them in action today:
- The surgeon was confident she'd retrieved the entire catheter but ordered a chest xray anyway.
- The radiologist missed the stray piece of catheter and reported that Ben's chest was clear! But instead of taking her word for it, the surgeon had a peek for herself and found the piece lodged in the pulmonary artery.
- Ben was calm and comfortable for hours after the surgery and was kept entertained by his nurse during the whole transition fiasco.

Please pray again for Ben's comfort as well as a successful procedure. Please also pray for Jeremy. He's been worried about his kid brother recently and today's news did not help matters.

Thanks to all of you who gathered this morning to say the rosary for Ben. We feel you around us!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 7:56 AM CDT

Eggleston docs were able to fish out the stray piece of line in its entirety. Ben is resting comfortably.

OK. Here it is.

Ben went to the hospital bright and early this morning for his port replacement procedure. Everything was going well, the OR seemed to be on schedule. Ben had a 9am procedure time. While we waited he was in a great mood. He wheeled himself around the waiting room in a wheel chair then we played "hot potato" with Chris and Uncle Ruben.

Ben was given a dose of Versed to calm him before they took him to the OR and was also given a breathing treatment to settle a little cough he's been nursing for almost two months.

About an hour after they took him to the OR we got a visit from his surgeon, Dr. Glasson. She informed us that Ben was in the recovery room and doing well. The surprise was that in removing the old port she discovered why we'd been having problems with it recently. The silicone catheter attached to the port which carries the meds thru the heart had practically desintegrated over the years. As she tried to pull it out, it kept breaking into pieces. She explained to us that Ben was probably one of the last kids at Scottish Rite to receive the faulty port. She said they'd stopped using that partucular brand because of similar complications. Finally, after fishing around a while and placing the new port, she was certain that she'd removed the entire catheter. But to play it safe, she ordered a chest xray.

20 minutes later she returned to our room to inform us that she, in fact, was not able to remove the entire catheter as a part of it (approx. 1" long) was found lodged in his pulmonary artery and she was not going to be able to get it out. An Interventional Cardiologist was needed. Only thing was that Eggleston is the only local pediatric hospital with that specialty.

The decision was made to transfer Ben to Eggleston and try to get the procedure done in the afternoon.

Some long hours later, we weren't anywhere closer to getting him moved. Chris and I were starting to feel guilty as they offered that we could go back to recovery to see Ben but opted to stay back. They weren't going to allow us to stay long with him so instead of a quick hello and good bye we decided to wait until he asked for us so that he wouldn't be scared and upset with us leaving.

Turns out there was some confusion over how Ben was to be accepted over at Eggleston. As a cardiac patient or a cancer patient? Who knew that would even matter? It seems that when the hospitals are short on beds then it's a big deal. So while the hospitals argued over which department would have to give up a bed for Ben, he was stuck in the recovery room. Starving, by the way. He hadn't eaten for 21 hours! They wanted to keep him NPO in case they were able to do the procedure today.

But once we uncovered the hold up and told enough Scottish Rite personnel who were promptly disgusted with the news, they got on their phones and got things moving. Unfortunately, by the time the transport team was dispatched it was already too late to do the procedure today.

So, Ben and Chris got to ride in an ambulance. (At least Ben got a liitle fun out of the day!) And he is third in line for procedures tomorrow putting him somewhere in one of the late morning slots.

The kid's a trooper, I must admit. When Chris and I finally showed up in the recovery room he was having a pleasant conversation with his nurse about all the pets each of them had owned. Ben made some funny faces for the docs and nurses, made a few comments about how Chris snores and told us that he'd heard a rumor that Elvis died while he was sitting on the toilet! He just keeps us going.

He had a fever as the transported him so he's getting an antibiotic for that. He also has some discomfort from the new port which they are managing with Fentanyl and morphine. Dr. Lew called it a week for Ben and decided that he'd had enough already and postponed chemo for a week. This way works out great for us as well. Ben will get an LP next Monday (which they were supposed to do today but overlooked the order somehow!) and will be outpatient the rest of the week for this round of chemo.

Please keep your prayers coming in for Ben. We certainly saw them in action today:
- The surgeon was confident she'd retrieved the entire catheter but ordered a chest xray anyway.
- The radiologist missed the stray piece of catheter and reported that Ben's chest was clear! But instead of taking her word for it, the surgeon had a peek for herself and found the piece lodged in the pulmonary artery.
- Ben was calm and comfortable for hours after the surgery and was kept entertained by his nurse during the whole transition fiasco.

Please pray again for Ben's comfort as well as a successful procedure. Please also pray for Jeremy. He's been worried about his kid brother recently and today's news did not help matters.

Thanks to all of you who gathered this morning to say the rosary for Ben. We feel you around us!


Sunday, September 30, 2007 9:38 PM CDT

Hi everyone,
We had a great weekend! So great that I'm exhausted! I will fill you in later but wanted to make sure you knew that Ben is having his port procedure tomorrow. At 9:00am they will remove his old one and replace it with a new one. He will also begin his 3rd phase of chemo.

Ben will be admitted Monday night for chemo and post procedure observation. If all is well, he could go home as early as Tuesday afternoon and receive the balance of this week's chemo on an outpatient basis.

Please pray for Ben's comfort and strength. He is scared of the procedure tomorrow and cried tonight telling me that all of this is just too hard for him. Please pray that God is with the doctors and nurses in the operating room and guides them through a sucessful and uneventful procedure.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

Monday, September 24, 2007 9:25 AM CDT

Just got the news that Ben is getting sprung from the joint! Counts are good. Bacteria tests are all negative.

And no fevers for 32 hours!

He'll be getting his PICC line out because the docs think it is the cause of the mysterious fevers.

His next appointment is next Monday for a port replacement and possible next chemo round.

I'll keep you posted!


Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:09 PM EST

Well . . .

There's not too much to report. We're facing the same thing as we were for the past three weeks. More fevers. Although the fevers are not so frequent and don't seem to be as severe. Ben's appetite is good. His spirits are up although he'd rather not be in the hospital. He's keeping himself busy with xbox and movies but this time around has told me that we'd better get started on his spelling words from school.

Last Wednesday started out well. I got to the hospital early in the morning and learned Ben was being discharged. I couldn't start packing quick enough! Ben headed down to the activity center where Camp Sunshine had set up crafts and games for the kids all week long. Ben had gone everday and was set on making a tie dyed pillow case before we left. He got interrupted a couple of times by the doctors for a last minute inspection for what they believe was colitis. It seemed to be the only thing that showed up on his last CT scan the day before.

When Ben and I arrived at the house we couldn't believe our eyes! The house and yard were covered with Welcome Home banners from all of Ben's friends! Balloons and food and a great big Gator head given to him by the Davis and Hopkins families brightened the house. Mrs. Davis picked up Jeremy from school and kept it a secret that Ben was home. I haven't seen a bigger smile on his face!

The next day we were just going to relax except for the visit from the Home Healthcare nurse. Chris went to work and Jeremy was a school when she arrived. Ben immediately asked me if he was going to have to get a dressing change on his line. A quick check with the nurse's boss and she gave Ben a reprieve on the change since it had just been done the day before at the hospital.

I had about and hour's worth of paper work to fill out. Then we were ready for Ben. The nurse was going to show me how to flush his line and administer his daily Nupogen. As she attempted to push the first saline through, she was met with some resistence. The line, it seems, had clotted over night. I knew what was coming next. She broke the news as gently as she could to Ben that she'd have to remove the dressing to inspect the line. We were having such a good day. Ben was in a great mood and it was our first day home from the hospital in 23 days. Now this. Removing the tape really is like peeling a layer of skin off. Then there's the cleaning. Three rounds of alcohol and three rounds of Betadine. I thought Ben was going to pass out from all of his crying and screaming. And of course, the line looked fine.

That's when we were sent down to the clinic for them to flush the line and that took all of 30 mins. When Ben and I got home, I gave him his Nupogen and we settled in for a quiet evening. At about 6:30 he became feverish. I made the required call to the doc on call but knew we'd be heading down to the emergency room.

Carol, Ben and I arrived at the ER at about 9:30 and he was not happy one bit. He was so scared that he was going to have to sleep at the hospital. Doctor Adissa who had seen Ben every day for the 3 weeks he was in the hospital just happened to be in the ER that night. She knew his situation but also new he was anemic and needed blood. However, there were no beds available in the hospital. She sent us home with instructions to be at the clinic first thing in the morning for a transfusion.

Ben wore a new orange hoodie I bought him because it is on of Florida's colors. He was cold and shivering when we arrived at the infusion room. Then he threw up. We knew the fever was just around the corner. He got up to around 102 and we waited for it to come down before they started the transfusion. They also started him on Fortaz and Zyvox. He deveoloped a geographic looking rash on the top of his head but didn't complain of itchiness. It may have come from his new hoodie, but no one really had a good guess. He was given a benedryl and he fell asleep for a couple of hours. Dr. B came in and told us that we was going to admit Ben again until they could figure out what was causing the fevers. So far, none of his blood or stool cultures have grown any bacteria. Hmmmmmm.

So, Ben finally got a room Friday night on the third floor although we are not in the cancer wing of 3North. We are with the diabetic kids on 3 East. Boy do they have it made! Bigger rooms with big windows with great views! The nurse came in this morning and told Ben that a bed had opened up on 3 north and that he'd be moving. "No thank you" was his response. He knows a good thing when he sees it!!

That's really all there is. Come and visit if you'd like. He feels great, his counts are up and the fevers are few and far between (just not far enough for discharge!)

Thank you to everyone providing us meals and jumping in to help us with Jeremy. Our strength comes from prayer and friends like you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, September 21, 2007 10:26 AM CDT

Ben's being admitted again...

Rough day yesterday. PICC line had a clot so home healthcare nurse was unable to administer meds. Ben was sent to the clinic where they flushed out the clot. Returned home and I administered the Nupogen around 5:30. At 7:00 Ben started having a fever. We ended up at the ER last night where they gave him Rocephan at about midnite and we were instructed to return to the clinic in the a.m. for a blood transfusion. All of his counts were good except for hemoglobin which
was at 6.

He spiked another fever about an hour ago and the decision was made to admit. We're in the clinic right now getting Fortaz and Zyvox antibiotics. Ben will get a transfusion after that. Then we'll head over to the hosiptal as soon as a bed opens up.

More later!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:15 AM EST

Ben's coming home today!!

ANC = 480
Scans = negative

Monday, September 17, 2007 2:33 PM CDT

Quick update:

Ben's ANC is 130! That's more than double from yesterdays counts! He had a fever this morning but hasn't had one since.

We'll do another CT scan tomorrow now that he's got some white cells to view but their talking about discharging Ben within the next couple of days as long as the fevers stay away.

Thank you for the prayers! They're working!!!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:47 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,
We’re still holding. Everything’s just about the same since my last update. Fevers, no bacteria growth in the blood cultures, continuing antibiotics and antifungal.

Ben’s lost about 10 lbs. since he was admitted on the 27th. He’s having difficulty eating due to change in taste and lack of appetite. The intermittent nausea doesn’t help much either. We end up giving him BenPhen (a combination of Benadryl and Phenergan) which works quickly on the nausea but it knocks him out during prime eating hours. Yesterday the docs laid down the law and I had to get serious with Ben. They’ve ordered a daily weight monitoring as well as meticulous record keeping of intake of all foods. I know they’re leaning toward a feeding tube and if I know Ben, it’s not at all anything that he’d be interested in.

I had a serious talk with him about his two options: feeding tube or eating. I pointed out the pros and cons of each and he started to cry. (Crying’s bad too because he can work himself up so much that he throws up anything we’ve coaxed him into eating.) I made sure he understood that he was not in trouble but I also made it clear that I am adamant about eating. Remember just 5 or 6 weeks ago when he was eating everything in sight because of his meds? Now we’re facing the exact opposite side effect.

The docs have included Zantac to settle his stomach in hopes of getting him to eat more. They’ve also added Periactin, an antihistamine that actually works as an appetite stimulant. He used this 3 years ago when we were at the same point in his treatment. I didn’t see a benefit then, but it’s worth a try this time. I gave him the pill last night and told him what it does for him. As soon as he swallowed it he said, “It works! I’m hungry now!” That attitude held for about 5 teaspoons of spaghettios and that was it.

The situation is worrisome because the last time we went through this he ended up in the ER. His body ended up using up all of its protein stores and he nearly fell into a coma from low blood sugar.

We finally were able to meet with Jake Rivers the other day. He was in for his monthly check up. He and Ben played a couple of tricks on the nurses and found that they also have an interest in Pokemon in common!

Our new neighbor, Sean Dever, moved in the other day. His room is right next door to Ben’s. Ben brought him a bag full of presents as it was his 12th birthday. When we left the room he said to me that he didn’t expect Sean to be bald. I asked him if he understood that Sean has cancer too and his meds have the same effect as the meds Ben’s taking. He seemed to understand but just didn’t make the connection. It makes me wonder how lonely Ben must feel through this whole experience. He even told me that he felt that the longer he has to stay in the hospital, the more likely his friends will forget him.

He has another dressing change to his PICC line next Wednesday and he’s been worrying about it since last Wednesday. He asks everyone that comes in to check on him if it’s time to change the dressing. He’s still taking Paxil to help him with his anxiety, but some days nothing is enough to lessen his worries.

Prayers are the same, no fevers, recovery of counts, stronger spirit, happier days, sunshine on his face . . .please pray with us.

Thanks to everyone who came to visit this week and for all the great gifts you brought! Thanks you 1A for the never ending supply of cards and goodies. Thank you to the mom's who are keeping our stomachs full with the wonderful meals they've provided! And as always, thank you for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:46 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

Boy! What a day! Ben and I are exhausted! We counted that Ben had a total of 8 visitors today! And that's not counting the regular barrage of doctors and nurses that visit and poke at Ben on a daily basis. He was so busy, there was no time for a nap.

It was really fun but we over did it. All the while we were keeping company he kept spiking fevers and vomitting. Most of the time he was awake and happy but each visit was interrupted with queaziness or fatigue from the fevers.

His counts have fallen again so who knows when we'll be going home. The fevers are constant and starting to tire him out. He got a blood transfusion today and continues with the antibiotics and antifungal. Fortunately, he did not need the hypertension med.

He also had the dressing on his PICC line changed. They've got to do it every 7 days as precaution. He's been worrying about it since yesterday when he found out. Today he told me he wanted to just get it over with because he wanted it done before his friend, Matthew, came to visit. I thought it was very brave of him when he asked the nurse himself if she could do it this morning. The anxiety and fear that runs through his body during times like this is unbearable to even watch. I can't imagine how absolutely terrified he is. His whole body was shaking from fear. It's the tape that scares him, as you know. But I'm sure he feel so vulnerable as well. Once the tape was off, a Chloroseptic wash was applied and that stung. He cried and screamed but he braved it. Thanks, Nurse Joy for being so patient.

He's asleep finally. I hope you will help me pray that he has a restful night, that fevers subside and his counts recover. We're praying that we get to go home this weekend.

Oh, one good thing. . . I found out today that his next phase is outpatient. I thought we were only going to have a week at home before getting admitted again. Looks like we might have 2 or 3 instead!

Thanks to everyone who came to visit and for all the great gifts you brought! And as always, thank you for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:31 PM EST

Hi everyone,

Ben had a couple of more fevers today than normal. They've added a blood pressure medicine (procardia) when he needs it. His hypertension seems to coincide with the fevers. We've found his pattern: chills, nausea, fever spike. So now we know that as soon as the chills start, he can have zofran to head of the queaziness. The tylenol still has to wait until a temp of 101. He also got a bag of platelets today. He had a little bleeding in his mouth, nose and bottom so they decided to transfuse. His potassium has been low for the past couple of days so they've supplemented his fluids and his level has risen every day since.

He had some yogurt, bacon, pineapple, ravioli (Thanks, Mrs. Vassil!), 1 macadamia nut, cereal, baked chicken, garbanzo beans and an icee today. Much improved appetite from previous days!

I had a few serious talks with him today. We talked about the fact that we will need to change the dressing on his PICC line tomorrow and that brought some tears. We talked about when we might be able to go home and how quickly he'll have to return to the hospital for more chemo. That brought more tears. Then we talked about his port replacement. I told him that I wanted to see if the surgeon would put it in a different location on his chest so that it is out of the way when he plays. This brought the most tears. He said he wouldn't feel normal if it were in a different place. I tried to explain my position but his resistance grew. I conceded and he cried harder apologizing for being rude to me. Can you believe that? I assured him that he did nothing to warrant an apology but he just hugged me saying that he didn't mean to be mean.

He was able to sneak a plastic snake into our nurse practitioner's pocket. As she stood up and checked for her beeper, she screamed and flung the snake up in the air. Ben was in stitches. We tortured poor nurse Krissy as well. She is an easy target, unfortunately, and Ben and I got her everytime she came into the room.

By late afternoon his fever returned and he wore out quickly. He had a nice conversation on the phone with his friend, Trenton, which seemed to perk him up.

That's it! We're just hanging on and waiting.

Thanks again for everything! And as always, thank you for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, September 10, 2007 9:37 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in updates. But there's really not much to report. Just more of the same. Ben's still fighting fevers although he seems to be getting used to them and playing right through 104 temps!

He's still on the antifungal and antibiotics. Hopefully one of them will kick in soon. The other big obstacle is his change in taste. The chemo has changed his tastebuds and he's having a difficult time finding something that he enjoys eating.

In the meantime, I've been meaning to say thanks to all of you who are helping us at this time. From rides for Jeremy to dinners for the family and not to mention all the gifts Ben's been getting. It all helps tremendously. I don't know how we'd handle this without you! I know some of you have been wanting to help with meals and haven't been called on yet. Maura, through all her chaos, is gratiously keeping track of all meals for us. If you'd like to get on the schedule for meals you can email her at davis4zoo@bellsouth.net. We feel we've found a family in what we thought was just a good group of friends. Thanks again for everything! And as always, thank you for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, September 6, 2007 10:32 PM EST

Hi everyone,

OK,today was better although Ben still has a fever. Didn't do much of anything. We watched "Night at the Museum" (thank you Mrs. Hennessy!) and "Little Giants", had several quick visitors but mostly just hung out trying to get rid of the fever.

We talked with Dr. Shore, the Infectious Disease doc, who decided to go ahead with the antifungal meds. Ben started Voriconazole today along with another antibiotic, Meropenem, which replaces the Fortaz. So far so good - no side effects to be seen.

We also got a visit from Dr. Lew whom we haven't seen since Ben was admitted. He came to pay us a special visit. He assured us that Ben was par for the course and responding just as he'd anticipated which is a very good thing. No surprises. Well, I guess the broken port was a surprise, but the rest of it is relatively expected. He told us that we should expect to see counts starting to recover by end of next week.

In the meantime, when Ben's feeling better on Tylenol has has kept himself busy torturing the nurses! A friend has armed Ben with all things "creepy" to scare anyone who enters his room. When you least expect it, you may see a black rat perched on the IV machine, a spider resting on the soap dispenser, or if you're lucky you may find all of the above along with a couple of snakes in your pocket! Beware!

Thank you for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 11:26 PM EST

Hi everyone,

We had a long day so this will probably be pretty short.

Ben slept this morning until 9:30 giving him only 30 mins. to get some clear liquids in before his PICC placement. The rest of the morning, we watched tv and he kept asking me which arm they would put the line in. He was scared. He actually woke up telling me that he was scared.

Shortly before 1pm, Ben started to complain of hunger. They took us down to Interventional, where they do the sedated line placements and got Ben underway by 2:00. They used the same meds he would get in the twinkly star room for his LPs - Fentanyl and Propofol. I think knowing this eased his mind slightly but it surely eased mine. I knew how the stuff worked and I was a little less apprehensive. The doctor promised Ben "no owies" and he was right. The procedure took about 20 mins. and Ben only woke up a couple of times just to complain that he was hungry. The sedation doc did recommend that should Ben require sedation for another procedure that we use another anesthesia because this time around he required so much more Propofol than he'd ever had before.

They quickly brought Ben to the recovery room where we only stayed a few short minutes before being whisked away for the CT scan. Again, Ben cooperated fully. He was flat on his back with his hands above his head pretending he was on a ride at Disney World.

A half an hour later we were back in the room waiting the results. Clean scans. No fungal growth to be seen. The protocol however, for kids with fever, who are already on antibiotics, even showing clean scans, is to start them on anti-fungal meds anyway as a preventative measure. So, not sure what those meds are and how they will effect Ben's wellness but we start them tomorrow.

Last but not least, Ben languished over the fact that they would have to remove the IV line after the PICC was in place. Just like getting de-accessed, he's always been fearful of the tape they use to hold down these lines. He was worried all day that it would hurt. He tried to get nurse Joy to agree to take it out tomorrow but instead he agreed to take it out tonight after it got dark outside. So, he screamed and cried as Joy slowly removed the tape to accomodate Ben's wishes but after ten minutes of it he finally agreed to just get it over with, "OK, fine! Just do it." An so she did. I'm dreading having to tell him that we'll eventually have to remove the PICC too!

Now he's asleep but still battling a fever. Thank you for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 7:24 PM EST

Hi everyone,

Ben had a great day on Sunday. Just a family day. We put together legos, watched movies, played xbox and celebrated Mr. Will's birthday. Low key. Just what we needed.

On Monday we were off to a great start until we noticed Ben's port leaking again. The doctor ordered a dye study to examine the port and the flow of meds through it. It seems that the self-healing bubble that gets punctured by the needle everytime Ben is accessed has worn out. Anything that goes through his port flows excessively through the top and trails up the line for a short bit. Dr. Rapkin assured us that although the port is leaking, Ben did get all of his chemo last week.

So, soon after Ben braved the scheduled re-access of his port, he then had to sit still as they de-accessed him. The port is broken. We can't use it to administer anything. So in the next few weeks, whenever Ben's counts recover, we will schedule surgery to replace the port.

In the meantime . . . they had to insert an IV line in his hand. The whole process took about 6 hours. Four different nurses examined his arms for obvious veins and just couldn't find an easy one. They blew 3 veins before they finally located a good one on the top of his right wrist. By the time they got the line in place it was around 1am. Chris spent the night with Ben and woke up around 3am to find the nurses cleaning up a pool of blood they found due to a loose cap. They cleaned up and got a couple more hours of sleep.

We found out early this morning that the docs have decided that Ben will need a PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter - say that 3 times fast!). The IV that he has now is just to delicate to push the amount of meds and fluids that Ben requires. The PICC will allow the same functionality as the port and can last a month or so. Fortunately, the docs have agreed that Ben can be sedated for the procedure to reduce his anxiety.

Today Ben spiked a fever again. Slept from about 11am to 3pm. He got a blood transfusion because his counts are so low and now he's playing Lego guys with Jeremy. He got some motrin and now he's feeling better. He and Jeremy are also torturing the nurses with some Warheads sour candy spray! Sorry, Joy and Holly!!

Please pray for Ben's comfort tomorrow. They will place the PICC line tomorrow at 1pm. Ask that the procedure goes easily and that Ben may find relief soon.

Thank your for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, September 2, 2007 3:50 PM EST

Hi everyone,

All I can say is, "What a difference a Paxil makes!" Ben's mood on Friday was so much brighter than the days before. He was awake most of the day and even agreed to walk the halls a little. His back has been bothering him so his doctors have asked him to take a stroll every once in a while. He did 2 laps on the 3rd floor! He was looking forward all day to a visit from the Davis kids but I had to postpone it as we were informed that the IVIG the doctors orders to boost his immune system might produce a severe case of the chills. And that's exactly what happened.

He was playing an xbox game with Chris and all of a sudden he said he was cold. I looked over and he was shivering from head to toe but still playing the game! His teeth were chattering as nurse Joy pushed in the Demerol to counter act the side effect. The IVIG was stopped and Ben stopped shivering. He looked like he was in a trance and might fall asleep. About 10 minutes later he was wide awake. (He actually ended up beating Chris at the xbox game before his trance!) Ben's blood pressure was high going in to the IVIG then fell to a low pressure for a while (mid 90s over mid 70s). They administered his scheduled Fortaz and Vancomycin around 8pm.

Ben asked to watch "Home Alone 2" again so we popped some popcorn, got a big cup of water, turned off the lights and settled in. "The popcorn tastes funny" he said. I was surprised because it's one of his favorite foods. I asked him if he'd like to get a snack from the snack machine (ploy to get him walking a little more). He was in a great mood and agreed. We went all the way to the lobby where he bought chex mix, pop tarts and Lorna Dunes. Surely he had something that could satisfy his craving. He tried a bite of everything and it all seemed to taste funny. I think he's experiencing the unfortunate chemo side effect where his taste changes. So, he opted not to eat anything but talked at length about the pizza they serve every Friday at school. "Mom, you won't believe how good it is! It has this silky white cheese on it and, I don't mean to gross you out, but when you get to the bone (that would be the crust!), you can dip it in chocolate ice cream and it tastes sooooo good!" I thought about getting a pizza from school to surprise him but I'm afraid the chemo may make it taste bad as well.

The restarted the IVIG at around 11:30pm and ran it over 4 hours - a much slower rate. It was just about then that my brother, Toti, delivered Jeremy to Ben's room after the Falcon's game (Thanks Fr. Frank!) for a slumber party! Unfortunately, Ben was already asleep. He was fine and slept the rest of the night. We also started Ben on Zyprexa to help ease him into the idea that he will have to get re-accessed on Monday. It's a precaution the take to reduce the chance of infection.

Friday he woke up in a great mood. I'm happy that he's feeling so well I just wish it weren't due to the Paxil, but I'm sure it is. He's comfortable and easy to deal with. He's the same ole' Ben. He'll even let the nurses and docs examine his port site without much anxiety. Please pray that he remains in good spirits for the re-access tomorrow.

We got a surprise visit from Uncle Ruben - all the way from NY! He came bearing gifts and a promise of another xbox competitor. The Davis clan (sans Conor) came to visit right before lunch and Ben was elated. After an hour or so, they started to head out and Ben asked if Ryan could stay a while longer. They built and painted a Home Depot truck, watched a movie and played Pokemon stuff. Ryan's a great pal and protector to Ben.

Fr. Frank stopped by around 6pm for a quick visit and to deliver Holy Communion to us. Ben was happy to find out that he was exempt from having to attend mass today!

So, Ben is doing great and feeling great. We're done with chemo for this phase. We're only sticking around the hospital for his counts to recover. Please pray Ben stays infection free!

Thank your for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:57 PM EST

Hmmm . . . where to start.

It was a pretty emotional day. I arrived at the hospital this morning expecting to see a much improved Benjamin. He was awake and playing with Legos but was still battling a fever and weariness from the chemo. The good news is that his appetite had increased slightly. Carole and I brought him his McDonald's breakfast order of hash browns and a sausage biscuit. I was happy that he finally felt up to eating. He only ate about a quarter of his food but, at this point, every little bit counts. Our friend Mrs. Lohnes stopped by and brought Ben a dozen donuts with a challenge to take a bite out of each one of them. What a great and fun idea! Ben was into it and took on the task. Donut after donut, he plugged away until they were all bitten! I thought he might pass out from exhaustion. A few minutes later he tapped me on the shoulder, pointed to a glazed donut and said, "Can I finish that one?!" "Absolutely" I said, "as long as I can have a chocolate one!"

Shortly after his donut marathon he lied down for a nap. Unfortunately, while Ben slept, he missed what may have been his most important "medicine" to date . . . a visit from Jake Rivers. Jake was on his way to his last chemo appointment at the clinic. It was the last day of his relapse therapy. He made his way into the room eager to see Ben and got caught in my clutches. I think I needed to see him as much as Ben did. He is a strong, intelligent, handsome young man. To many, he may seem to be a typical boy because of his healty appearance. And that's a shame. After catching only a glimpse of what he's had to endure, Jake is most assuredly not typical. He is remarkable.

I spent some time teary eyed with Elle and Brent. They offer me comfort that I can't find elsewhere as they have been with us since day one. I remembered my words to Ben yesterday and thought, "If they can do it, we can do it." We hugged and cried and wished each other well.

Ben finally woke up from his nap around 3pm. He was achey and tired. I noticed that his shirt was wet which he quickly wrote off as sweat. After further inspection, we decided that his line was leaking again. Fearful, he asked me if the nurse would have to change the dressing again. All I could say was "I hope not." The seal on the tape they use over the port is heavy duty to keep the site sterile so you can imagine how painful it would be to pull it off especially on such a sensitive area. When they pulled it off yesterday it already looked raw. I was not thrilled about what I suspected they'd decide to do.

The process of changing the dressing was horrible and Ben let everyone on the floor know about it. After it was done and he was able to calm himself he said, "Mommy, I don't care about anything except staying alive." Just writing this makes me feel as through my throat is closing. I gave him every encouraging word I could think of. But right now, I have no words.

Thank you, Jerfrey and Nikolas for stopping by. You are like brothers to Jeremy and Ben. I know they loved seeing you!

Ben got his last ARA-C yesterday morning. He's still on Fortaz and Vancomycin for six more days. He also started Paxil and a round of GCSF.

Thank your for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 10:29 PM EST

Hi all,
I think Ben had a better day today. He slept until 8:30am and seemed to get a restful sleep. Unfortunately, first thing on our list things to do was to change the dressing around his port. It seems that with the low platelettes he had some slight bleeding. Mixed with the dextrose that he's on constantly, he started to ooze from the port site. His pillow and sheets were stained and we knew he had to get platelettes today. Counts came back and showed a level of 13 so the transfusion was ordered.

Although he was not actively bleeding when he woke up it was enough of a scare for him to see the stain on his sheets to start crying. He really knows so much more that when he was first diagnosed. He told me "I'll never be able to live like the rest of my family." I thought I would fall apart right then. As he sobbed he said over and over "this is too much for me. I can't handle it anymore!" I've never felt so helpless in my life.

After we gotta quick bath and a dressing change I put him back in bed and positioned our laptop in front of him. I asked if I could show him something and he said okay but kept his eyes fixed on the tv. I pulled up some pictures of Jake Rivers. I explained to Ben that Jake is just about to finish the two year treatment that he has just started. I showed him pictures of Jake during treatment and how he looked so much like Ben does now. Then I showed him pictures of Jake today. Ben agreed that Jake was living just like the rest of his family does. I think he found some comfort in our discussion. Then I added, that there is only one day age difference between them. I said, "You guys are the same. So, if Jake could do this then you can do it." "No I can't !" was his reply. Then I pointed out that Jake actually went through his relapse therapy when he was 5 years old and Ben is 6. I said, "Are you telling me that a 5 year old is stronger than a 6 year old?" He sat us straighter and said meekly, "no. . ." Anyway, I did not get a definitive "Yes, I can do it" from him, but I think knowing Jake could handle all of this gave him some reassurance.

I mentioned yesterday that I was hoping to get the ok from the docs to put Ben back on Zyprexa to help him deal with his anxiety. Instead they refered us to the hospital psychiatrist. He agreed that with some therapy a little medication would do wonders for Ben. Right now he is so depressed that he doesn't even want to leave the room. So tomorrow we will start him on Paxil, an anti-depressant that will hopefully help him over this hump. For such a tiny little guy his worries are huge. Please pray that this gives him significant relief.

He asked me the other day if he would be getting anymore huge shots. From what what we can tell, today was the last of them. Ben cried and screamed as Chris held him but ultimately complied. As we showered him with words of gratitude for doing a good job and helping the nurse as she gave him the shot he only felt disappointment in himself for giving into his fear and errupting in tears and screams. He's a "pleaser" like his brother and felt that his behavior was unacceptable. We assured him that his actions were completely acceptable if not expected for such a painful experience but he was done listening. A couple of hours later he told me that he was relieved that his final huge shot was over. We were also happy to find out that the small, daily sub-Q shots will be administered through his port instead. YAY!

We got a visit from Mrs. Shu and Mrs. McCoy today, both are Q of A moms who have kids that Ben loves. They brought, again, more presents from his friends at school and Ben singled out Mrs. Shu as an easy target for a game of checkers. I'm so glad that they caught him when he was feeling good but as soon as they left, and after the shot, he got back into bed and fell into his tv zone mode.

We had another quick visitor, Fr. Frank, who stopped by to shoot the breeze and offer Ben a blessing. When he left Ben said, "Hmm, I wonder why he was here." I told him that he just came to visit. "Oh," he said, "that was nice."

So, I'm fully expecting Ben to feel more like himself tomorrow because that's how it turned out last week. Please pray that the fevers subside and that they were caused by the chemo rather than an infection. Also pray that Ben gets his appetite back soon. The docs have decided that if he is not eating more by Sunday they will then have to use a gastronasal tube for feeding.

Thank your for the unceasing prayers! May you all feel God's presence everyday.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:41 PM EST

Hi everyone,

Ben did ok today. He spiked a fever last night and it got up to 102 today. It would come down with tylenol but it's still pretty persistent. They gave him Fortz and Vancomyacin in case it is an infection, but it might just be a fever from the ARA-C. They're just playing it safe. He also got a transfusion early this afternoon and we were hoping it would give him a little spunk. I think the fever preempted any energy it may have given him. He slept most of the day. At around 3pm he was awake and watched "National Treasure" and "Goonies" back to back. Sue Schippers came by and gave Ben a laundry basket full of toys and treats from his 1st grade class and then some. The instructions were to open one present a day. Instead, I allowed him to open all of them. He was feeling up to it and it was the most interested he'd been in anything (other than the movies) all day.

His tooth is still bothering him but they won't pull it due to low platelettes. And they won't be giving him any platelettes unless his counts drop further or he starts bleeding from the tooth or from his port. (We noticed some dry blood around the port dressing this morning. It may have just come from when they accessed him yesterday but their keeping an eye on it.)

He didn't eat much of anything today other than a few pieces of candy. He's got some anxiety over his impending shots as well. I asked if he could go back on his Zyprexa which helped him so much during his steroid frenzy. The nurse is checking on it but doesn't think it will be a problem. I'm almost considering asking if he can just be on it during the rest of his stay. He is so sad having to be here and it's only the second day.

Please pray that Ben's fever is not from an infection. Also pray that we can find something to lift his spirits. As he puts it, "Cancer is the stupidest thing in the whole world!" And it's really getting him down.

Thanks for your continued support!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, August 27, 2007 10:59 PM EST

Hi everybody,
Ben and I checked into the hospital around 4:00 today. After all the worrying he did over the weekend about this long stay he was in a relatively good mood. I think he ultimately just gave in knowing that this was just something he was going to have to do and there was no way around it.

He got accessed very well and was extremely cooperative. We were told by Dr. Lew that his counts had dropped over the past week and would likely need a blood transfusion and platelettes over the next few days.

He complained about an earache that turned out to be fine. And he also has some pain due to a second loose tooth. After dinner tonite he asked me to go ahead and knock it out! Well, that kind of thing is so far out of my comfort zone that he ended up pleading with me. I told him to at least have one of the nurses do it. I went to the nurses station and found nurse Eliesha who he liked and helped us last week. She seemed willing to help us but reminded me that Ben's platelettes were low. She said as soon as he got platelettes she'd happily oblige. I ran back to the room to make sure Ben hadn't convinced anyone else to pull it!

Ok, that's it for now. Chris is with Ben tonite. I will take the day shift as well as cover Tuesday nite. Please keep praying.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Saturday, August 25, 2007 1:12 AM EST

Hello again,
What an interesting week we've had. Ben spent Monday through Wednesday at the hospital receiving high dose ARA-C. He did as well as expected. The medicine drained him of his energy, made him nauseous and gave him a slight fever. On Wednesday right before we were discharged from the hospital, we broke the news to Ben that he needed to get one of those horrible IM (Itramuscular) shots of L-Asperinginase. Not what he wanted to hear. Our friend and nurse Sue Schippers made a special trip to the hospital to help Ben though it. He braved the pain but hated every second of it.

Wednesday night he was still a bit fatigued but by Thursday afternoon. He was bright-eyed and bushy tailed and ready for some fun. We ran a few errands that day but mostly spent time putting together his new Harry Potter Lego set (almost 1000 pieces and my fingers are killing me!)

Friday morning we got up early to attend the weekly mass at school. Our agreement with Ben was that if he was feeling well, he would at least attend the weekly school masses. He seemed to have forgotten the agreement and refused to go. Chris and I felt it was important enough to lay down the parental discipline and insist that he attend mass. He conceded but not without a fight over wearing his uniform. Again, we laid down the law and he pouted all the way to school but dressed according to code.

We got to church a few minutes late (because, you know, that's just how it is when you only live 2 minutes away!) and found a seat at the back of the church. Immediately 2 of Ben's friends spied him fromt he front of the church and spread the word quickly to the rest of the 1st grade class that Ben was in attendence. Ben enjoyed the attention. At the end of mass our principal dismissed each row by grade and left the 1st graders as last to say a special "hello" to their visitor, Ben. Boy, did he LOVE that!

As we drove away from church Ben aske me, "Do you think it's too late if I wanted to go to school today?" "Absolutely not" I said. After a quick call to the school about dress code regarding ballcap vs. dew rag, Ben was ready to go. In case you want to know, the school said that Ben could wear whatever he wanted as long as it made him comfortable coming to school. He packed his bookbag and we were off. Two minutes later we pulled up to the school. We saw some of the 1st graders as they headed off to the playground and they were all excited to see him. Ben's pace slowed and his body stiffened. I grabbed hold of his hand and we marched into the building.

He was greated very warmly by Mrs. Rex who spent the rest of her lunchtime showing Ben around the classroom. I left as soon as I knew he was comfortable - which didn't take very long.

He came home with Jeremy and was full of excitement.
I said, "Ben, how was school?"
"OK," he said.
"Did you have fun?"
"I guess."
"What did you do?"
I was relieved. Typical "boy" answers! Those were the same answers he'd give me last year when he was feeling his best. I knew he had a great day.

So now we've got today and tomorrow for some fun. I'm going to try and get him to go to school Monday morning because he's not due to the clinic until 2:30. He will be receiving and identical treatment as last week with the addition of daily GSF shots. They're small sub-Q shots so hopefully they won't hurt as much. The balance of his three week stay there is so that the docs can keep an eye on him. It's during this time that he will become extremely suceptible to infection. Please pray that this week is uncommonly easy for him and that side effects are little to none. Dr. Lew said that the majority of kids get an infection during this phase. Please pray that Ben is one of the few that remains healthy and strong.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 20, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:01 PM CDT

We're home! Ben's feeling well and not looking forward to next week.

I'm a little tired myself, so I'll give you details tomorrow. Just wanted you to know that he's well and resting at home!

Thank you all for your constant prayers. Please keep them coming! This relapse therapy is so much more intense that we will certainly need the prayers to endure this. Also, please pray that God may receive into his Heavenly gates the awesome soul of Jon Allmett. A hero to Atlanta children suffering from cancer, Jon devoted his life to creating and performing music and shared his inspirational talent with many children in our community who suffer from life threatening diseases. Jeremy and Ben both absolutley love Jon's children's songs but found comfort in the man as well. He visited Ben in the hospital when he was first diagnosed and serenaded all the kids at Camp Sunshine where the boys were starstruck and mesmerized by his talent. He was a close friend of my sister, Betsy and will be grately missed by so very many.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:01 PM CDT

We're home! Ben's feeling well and not looking forward to next week.

I'm a little tired myself, so I'll give you details tomorrow. Just wanted you to know that he's well and resting at home!

Thank you all for your constant prayers. Please keep them coming! This relapse therapy is so much more intense that we will certainly need the prayers to endure this. Also, please pray that God may receive into his Heavenly gates the awesome soul of Jon Allmett. A hero to Atlanta children suffering from cancer, Jon devoted his life to creating and performing music and shared his inspirational talent with many children in our community who suffer from life threatening diseases. Jeremy and Ben both absolutley love Jon's children's songs but found comfort in the man as well. He visited Ben in the hospital when he was first diagnosed and serenaded all the kids at Camp Sunshine where the boys were starstruck and mesmerized by his talent. He was a close friend of my sister, Betsy and will be grately missed by so very many.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, August 20, 2007 11:26 PM EST


Ben's asleep in his hospital bed and the high dose ARA-C is running. The doctors scheduled this hospital stay to keep an eye on him with this drug. He's had it before but not this high of a dose. He'll get it every 12 hours until Wenesday afternoon.

This past week was so great! Ben was feeling good and enjoying time with his friends. He had 2 visits from his "teacher on wheels", Mrs. Ascari and got a visit from his classroom teacher, Mrs. Rex. She brought a book full of notes, drawings and pictures from the first week of school. Ben LOVED it. I certainly hope Ben understands one day just how caring and wonderful his school is to him. Mrs. Spaeth who runs the front office even came over and surprised Ben with a Webkin!

Ben had his buddy, Ryan spend the night on Friday and we watched "High School Musical 2". So great! Ben decided that he likes 2 better than 1. The next morning they had a big breakfast and headed out to their flag football practice. Yes, Ben participated and loved every minute of it. Then he braved another 3 hours in the sun at Jeremy's football jamboree. Ben was really feeling like his old self again. On Sunday we'd planned a little party with a couple of his friends, but as we were leaving church he caught up with a few more friends and the guest list grew! He tried really hard to swim with a baseball cap on and struggled everytime it came off. He's still so self conscious about his hair loss. But by the end of the day, the cap got chucked to the side and replaced by uninhibited fun! Ben has a great group of friends who love him no matter what. Thanks, guys!

Today started with an early morning visit from Mrs. Davis, Caitlyn and Quinn to wish us luck at the hospital. Then Caitlyn helped Ben make his bed. Afterward, Ben and I had lunch with our special friend "Taffy" who came loaded with goodies for the hospital. She also took Ben shopping for Florida Gator stuff as directed by Fr. Frank. He was like a kid in a candy store. Actually, he was exactly like a kid in a sports memorabilia store! He LOVED it!

Fortunately, when we got to the clinic everything went quickly and we didn't have to wait for a bed like alot of kids do. We're in room 310 until Wednesday. He was a little hesitant about going and had a scowl on his face all the way from the clinic to the hospital. But as God would have it, one of our angels, Mrs. Schippers was at the hospital to greet us. She's a mom at QofA and a nurse at CHOA who just happened to be working the oncology floor when we checked in. She was also there when Ben was first diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago. That's actually how we met her. So, when Ben saw her today I saw the tension release in his shoulders. He happily followed her to the "treasure chest" and everything was fine. Thanks, Sue.

Thank you all for your constant prayers. Please keep them coming! This relapse therapy is so much more intense that we will certainly need the prayers to endure this. Also, please pray that God may receive into his Heavenly gates the awesome soul of Jon Allmett. A hero to Atlanta children suffering from cancer, Jon devoted his life to creating and performing music and shared his inspirational talent with many children in our community who suffer from life threatening diseases. Jeremy and Ben both absolutley love Jon's children's songs but found comfort in the man as well. He visited Ben in the hospital when he was first diagnosed and serenaded all the kids at Camp Sunshine where the boys were starstruck and mesmerized by his talent. He was a close friend of my sister, Betsy and will be grately missed by so very many.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Jon Allmett - August 19, 2007
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:43 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

So sorry this update is so late. I was waiting to hear back from the doctor regarding Ben's bone marrow asperate. We got the "ALL CLEAR" yesterday on both his bone marrow and his spinal fluid. Ben's holding strong!

This past week was so much more tolerable than previous weeks. The Zyprexa fixed the ups downs of the prednisone and Ben was feeling more like himself. The only thing missing was his constant smile. He has moments of silliness - signs of the real Ben - but for the most part he's tired and seems pretty sad. I know he realizes he's missing out on a lot of things and mainly because he's just so weak. He watched Jeremy pedal off on his bike last Tuesday on the first day of school. We'd used the close proximity to school as a selling point of our new house when we were trying to convince the boys that moving was going to be a good thing. They were both excited that they'd be able to ride their bikes to school and were looking forward to it. (Riding their bikes, not school!)Anyway, Ben seemed sad watching Jeremy ride off so I told him that he could do the same any day he wanted to go to school, "No, that's okay" he said, and walked into the house.

Mrs. Ascari came that same day to start school with Ben. He was nervous at first but quickly found his place. In an hour they covered, spelling, math, religion and read a book. He's very eager to learn and did his homework as soon as Mrs. Ascari left. We feel so completely blessed by the support of Queen of Angels. When Chris and I met with the Dr. Wood, the principal, shortly after Ben was diagnosed it was obvious that we made the right decision for the boys. She offered us everything under the sun to accomodate Ben and make his 1st grade year as productive and easy as possible. And our "Teacher On Wheels", Mrs. Ascari, could not be more enthusiastic about helping Ben. I can see a very special friendship developing. Thank you QofA!

We will try to involve Ben in school activities as much as possible. We tried to convince him to go to school for a couple of hours this week while he's feeling a little better. But he's still very self conscious about his hair loss. He asked me the other day if he'd get his hair back before Olympic Day at school. (That's the year end sporting challenge that the school puts on for the kids on the last day of school.) Last year Ben's team lost so he's determined to win this time around! I told him that most likely he'd still be bald at that time. Confidently he said, "That's okay. I'll probably still go that day because on Olympic Day we're allowed to wear hats." I see him sometimes as he catches a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror. My heart just sinks wondering what must be going through his mind. But as much as he dislikes what's happening, he seems to be accepting it. During times like these I realize that Ben has matured far beyond his age and I can't help but feel he's been completely cheated out of his childhood years.

We even went to try on a wig last week. Ben expressed an interest in one and we were willing to get him whatever he needed to feel more comfortable. The wig fitting, unfortunately, was a disaster. The salon ordered the wrong color wig and that started things off on a hugely sour note. Ben said that the wig was itchy, it didn't look like his hair and opted instead for baseball caps. I don't blame him. It wasn't ever going to look like anything other that a wig.

On a positive note, Ben is still loving having his friends over to the house. We tried visiting Trenton at his house last week and Ben just wasn't comfortable. Not to mention, he was still on his prednisone and craving shrimp every 3 minutes! So, we've decided instead, to have friends come and visit Ben here. He doesn't always have the energy to play with them and sometimes ends up taking a nap during their visit, but just knowing they're around lifts his spirits tremendously.

So, thank you all for your continued prayers for Ben. Thanks also to our friends who are taking care of the rest of us! Our stomachs are full, our yard is beautiful and we're smiling a bit more each day. New Pictures

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, August 9, 2007 8:04 AM EST

Another clean CNS this week!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 7:15 AM EST
Remember how I told you that Ben loves rollercoasters? Well, his prednisone took us all for a ride for the past 2 weeks. It's unbelievable the havoc steroids wreak on the body and mind. And it's so unbearable for us to watch Ben suffer through it.

Nevermind the side effects of weight gain and increased appetite, Ben was ultimately put on Zyprexa, an antipsychotic drug to regulate his emotions. His outbursts were constant and harmful to himself. He would cry every minute of the day and tell me that he didn't understand why he was feeling the way he did. He didn't want to cry but the med had taken hold of him. For a week and a half we battled the prednisone. Ben couldn't even find much comfort in sleeping. Restless and aggrevated, he would often opt for the floor rather than his bed. He would walk around the house throwing and kicking objects in his way and slamming every door in his path not wanting help or consolation. One night, he came to me crying and said, "Mommy, I'm doing such odd things and I can't help it. This medicine is trying to make me a bad boy." I tried to hold him and he just pushed me away.

He woke up early one morning and came to the kitchen. He climbed up onto the island, curled up into a ball and started crying. "I just don't feel right. I need something to make me feel better." I asked what I could get him to make him feel better. Without hesitation he said, "A glass of wine." As much as I felt sorry for him, I had to smile. We argued for a good 10 minutes over the facts of why I couldn't give him any wine. He just cried and insisted that it would make him feel better. Finally, he conceded and said he'd settle for a beer. Instead, I mixed him a kid friendly cocktail of grape juice and sprite and served it to him in a wine glass. He was satisfied.

By the time we had the Zyprexa on board the Ativan had stopped working completely and Ben was miserable. The first few days of the Zyprexa helped to lessen his aggression but it also made him so drowsy that the times he was awake he only had enough energy to eat and would go right back to sleep. He wasn't really interested in any kind of physical activity because he was so weak. He tried swimming a little the other day but couldn't make it back to the side of the pool when he was in the deep end. He tried to play wiffleball with some of his friends but the heat exhausted him instantly. I'm happy that he still wants his friends around though. Last Saturday Ben was asleep on the couch in the basement while the kids were running around. I tried to pick him up to bring him to his room where it was quiet. He refused and said he wanted to be downstairs. Although he couldn't muster up the energy to play or even wake up, he still wanted to be around his friends.

Through all of this, Ben's hair has fallen out. He crawled in my lap one night and hung on. I asked what was bothering him and he said, "I really don't want to lose my hair." I asked him if he'd noticed that it was already coming out and he nodded. I assured him that his friends would not make fun of him and that many people choose to be bald. He cried a few tears and left to play with his legos. On Sunday when he was antsy to get out of the house, I took him to Kohl's since I had some shopping to do anyway. I pushed him around in a cart because he was feeling pretty weak. Without realizing what I was doing, I parked him right in front of a mirror. After checking out a pair of shoes for Jeremy I turned and saw him just has he hung his head. He'd gotten a good long look at himself. I gave him a hug but he said he was alright. He's one tough kid.

His cravings have ranged from cheeseburgers to fetuccini alfredo, from shrimp to my mom's pancit (Filipino noodle dish - good thing she was here to make it for him!) and from chicken pot pie to pinwheel sandwhiches. He demands them at all hours of the day and consumes at least 3 times as much as he normally would. He's gained 8 pounds in the last week. The LP yesterday went well. We got an early appointment and were done in record time. Ben even suggested that we bring some pinwheel sandwiches to the clinic for all the nurses to share. Of course there was one unfortunate incident. When Ben comes out of his anesthesia he is hungry from fasting since the night before. Coupled with his steroid, this time around he was ravenous! He grabbed the hot dog that we'd picked up on the way to the clinic and started to devour it. It always scares me anyway when he eats after an LP because he has to be lying down for 30 minutes. We keep a pretty close eye on him but this time he got us - he choked on his hot dog. He just stopped chewing and his eyes grew big. I called out his name a couple of times and realized what was happening. I pounded on his back and fished out the food from his mouth. My mom ran to get the nurse. Fortunately, he bagan coughing and then he cried because he wanted the rest of his hot dog. I think I need a glass of wine!

So you see, alot of twists and turns this week and a pretty close call. Nothing like a rollercoaster to keep life exciting! A conversation I had yesterday with Ben gave me that final descent pit in my stomach kind of feeling. He said, "You know, mommy. When I get to heaven I'm going to wish that your daddy can come back to earth and I can come back to earth." (Plunge) "Because before you enter the gates of heaven you get one wish, right?" Holding back the tears I said, "I'm not really sure about that." Ben nodded his head and said, "I'm sure we do."

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Thanks also to the families who have brought us dinner on our clinic days. They are delicious and so absolutely appreciated!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 7:15 AM EST

Remember how I told you that Ben loves rollercoasters? Well, his prednisone took us all for a ride for the past 2 weeks. It's unbelievable the havoc steroids wreak on the body and mind. And it's so unbearable for us to watch Ben suffer through it.

Nevermind the side effects of weight gain and increased appetite, Ben was ultimately put on Zyprexa, an antipsychotic drug to regulate his emotions. His outbursts were constant and harmful to himself. He would cry every minute of the day and tell me that he didn't understand why he was feeling the way he did. He didn't want to cry but the med had taken hold of him. For a week and a half we battled the prednisone. Ben couldn't even find much comfort in sleeping. Restless and aggrevated, he would often opt for the floor rather than his bed. He would walk around the house throwing and kicking objects in his way and slamming every door in his path not wanting help or consolation. One night, he came to me crying and said, "Mommy, I'm doing such odd things and I can't help it. This medicine is trying to make me a bad boy." I tried to hold him and he just pushed me away.

He woke up early one morning and came to the kitchen. He climbed up onto the island, curled up into a ball and started crying. "I just don't feel right. I need something to make me feel better." I asked what I could get him to make him feel better. Without hesitation he said, "A glass of wine." As much as I felt sorry for him, I had to smile. We argued for a good 10 minutes over the facts of why I couldn't give him any wine. He just cried and insisted that it would make him feel better. Finally, he conceded and said he'd settle for a beer. Instead, I mixed him a kid friendly cocktail of grape juice and sprite and served it to him in a wine glass. He was satisfied.

By the time we had the Zyprexa on board the Ativan had stopped working completely and Ben was miserable. The first few days of the Zyprexa helped to lessen his aggression but it also made him so drowsy that the times he was awake he only had enough energy to eat and would go right back to sleep. He wasn't really interested in any kind of physical activity because he was so weak. He tried swimming a little the other day but couldn't make it back to the side of the pool when he was in the deep end. He tried to play wiffleball with some of his friends but the heat exhausted him instantly. I'm happy that he still wants his friends around though. Last Saturday Ben was asleep on the couch in the basement while the kids were running around. I tried to pick him up to bring him to his room where it was quiet. He refused and said he wanted to be downstairs. Although he couldn't muster up the energy to play or even wake up, he still wanted to be around his friends.

Through all of this, Ben's hair has fallen out. He crawled in my lap one night and hung on. I asked what was bothering him and he said, "I really don't want to lose my hair." I asked him if he'd noticed that it was already coming out and he nodded. I assured him that his friends would not make fun of him and that many people choose to be bald. He cried a few tears and left to play with his legos. On Sunday when he was antsy to get out of the house, I took him to Kohl's since I had some shopping to do anyway. I pushed him around in a cart because he was feeling pretty weak. Without realizing what I was doing, I parked him right in front of a mirror. After checking out a pair of shoes for Jeremy I turned and saw him just has he hung his head. He'd gotten a good long look at himself. I gave him a hug but he said he was alright. He's one tough kid.

His cravings have ranged from cheeseburgers to fetuccini alfredo, from shrimp to my mom's pancit (Filipino noodle dish - good thing she was here to make it for him!) and from chicken pot pie to pinwheel sandwhiches. He demands them at all hours of the day and consumes at least 3 times as much as he normally would. He's gained 8 pounds in the last week. The LP yesterday went well. We got an early appointment and were done in record time. Ben even suggested that we bring some pinwheel sandwiches to the clinic for all the nurses to share. Of course there was one unfortunate incident. When Ben comes out of his anesthesia he is hungry from fasting since the night before. Coupled with his steroid, this time around he was ravenous! He grabbed the hot dog that we'd picked up on the way to the clinic and started to devour it. It always scares me anyway when he eats after an LP because he has to be lying down for 30 minutes. We keep a pretty close eye on him but this time he got us - he choked on his hot dog. He just stopped chewing and his eyes grew big. I called out his name a couple of times and realized what was happening. I pounded on his back and fished out the food from his mouth. My mom ran to get the nurse. Fortunately, he bagan coughing and then he cried because he wanted the rest of his hot dog. I think I need a glass of wine!

So you see, alot of twists and turns this week and a pretty close call. Nothing like a rollercoaster to keep life exciting! A conversation I had yesterday with Ben gave me that final descent pit in my stomach kind of feeling. He said, "You know, mommy. When I get to heaven I'm going to wish that your daddy can come back to earth and I can come back to earth." (Plunge) "Because before you enter the gates of heaven you get one wish, right?" Holding back the tears I said, "I'm not really sure about that." Ben nodded his head and said, "I'm sure we do."

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Thanks also to the families who have brought us dinner on our clinic days. They are delicious and so absolutely appreciated!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:58 AM CDT


The pathology report confirms Ben's second consecutive clean CNS. He is officially in second remission!

Monday, July 30, 2007
So . . .

Ben's headaches started to subside over the weekend although his energy was close to nil. We picked up his friend, Andrew, at church for a improptu play date and Ben felt the need to walk home to show Andrew just how close our new home is to school and church. Chris went with the two boys and after about 15 minutes of walking they decided to get a quick bite to eat at Wendy's before the final approach. I got a call about 20 minutes later requesting a ride home. Ben was exhausted and ended up taking an 1 1/2 hour nap while Andrew played with Jeremy and his friend.

When he woke he was not in a great mood and I decided to take Andrew home before Ben scared him off. On our way back from Andrew's house, Ben suggested that maybe he shouldn't have any more play dates until after his steroid round is over. I hate that he came to that realization himself. It just makes it more apparent to me how much he is fighting.

We got scheduled for an early LP this morning. Chris dropped Jeremy off at the Green's house and met Ben and I at the clinic. We ended up getting into the procedure room around 9:00 and Ben was ready to go. He was second in line for an LP and as he heard the docs and nurses stirring after finishing with the first patient, he very politely but very loudly yelled out, "Exuse me! Can we get started here?!" Purely steroid induced, his hunger is also raging. He is now opting for a hot dog, cheeseburger and mac and cheese for his post procedure snack. Gone are the days of the blueberry muffins and funions. So, once again, he sent Chris to the hospital cafeteria. Of course, they were still only servering breakfast so Chris had to coax the deli owner on the ground floor of the clinic to prepare a hot dog for Ben.

The procedure went well and they wheeled Ben, bed and all, into the infusion room where he received a dose of vincristine and PEG. While he lied there eating his hot dog (he has to lie flat for 30 mins. after and LP) I knelt down by his bed to help him and saw that the sheets were dusted with Ben's hair. It's beginning to fall out. A ton of bricks. It's really happening. We're really doing this all over again. Big, huge sigh - trying not to cry.

He ate his hot dog and sent Chris out for a second. After a while the nurse came in to hook him up to the IV pump for his chemo. She pulled back on the syringe to see if there was blood return and did not see anything. She looked and saw that the needle had partially fallen out of his port. She braced him and pushed it firmly back into place. Uh, no, Ben did not like that. He screamed in pain. The fear is that if the chemo does not go into the port and instead in or onto the tissue it will cause a sever burn. So, panicked over that, I insisted that Ben sit up for the entire 1 1/2 hour infusion of the PEG. I did not want to risk pulling that needle out while the chemo was being administered. We sat on the bed together and watched Sponge Bob. Fortunately, he fell asleep on my shoulder and remained still for the entire infusion.

We were done uneventfully by 1pm and made our way to Toys R Us. An LP always deserves some kind of treat afterward. This time it was a Star Wars lego set and a couple of Pokemon things. He slept again in the car on the ride to pick up Jeremy. He tried as best as he could to hang out with Jeremy and the Green boys when we got there. He even told me early that morning that after the clinic he wanted me to take him to the Green's house and just leave him! He's a big kid and just doesn't need me around all the time. But it didn't happen. His energy was zapped. We were there for about an hour but Ben was out of it the whole time. He fell asleep in the car and when we got home, slept for several hours. Then he woke up for an hour, cracked me up with his teasing then took another nap. After a quick battle with his Star Wars lego guys, he's back in bed and probably for the rest of the night.

On the lighter side . . . initial test of Ben's CNS show clear fluid! We should hear by Wednesday if the pathologist agrees. Please pray. Dr. Lew is happy with Ben's response and feels comfortable with the road we've chosen. Ben will start two new meds, Clotrimazole for the thrush in his mouth he's developed with prolonged use of the steroid and Zyprexa instead of the Ativan to help control his emotions without feeling loopy.

Thanks again to all of you. You're prayers are being felt every day. And thanks to all of Ben's friends who couldn't make it to the "Buzz Off" and shaved their heads anyway! Ben's truly has a great group of friends.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, July 30, 2007 10:50 PM EST

So . . .

Ben's headaches started to subside over the weekend although his energy was close to nil. We picked up his friend, Andrew, at church for a improptu play date and Ben felt the need to walk home to show Andrew just how close our new home is to school and church. Chris went with the two boys and after about 15 minutes of walking they decided to get a quick bite to eat at Wendy's before the final approach. I got a call about 20 minutes later requesting a ride home. Ben was exhausted and ended up taking an 1 1/2 hour nap while Andrew played with Jeremy and his friend.

When he woke he was not in a great mood and I decided to take Andrew home before Ben scared him off. On our way back from Andrew's house, Ben suggested that maybe he shouldn't have any more play dates until after his steroid round is over. I hate that he came to that realization himself. It just makes it more apparent to me how much he is fighting.

We got scheduled for an early LP this morning. Chris dropped Jeremy off at the Green's house and met Ben and I at the clinic. We ended up getting into the procedure room around 9:00 and Ben was ready to go. He was second in line for an LP and as he heard the docs and nurses stirring after finishing with the first patient, he very politely but very loudly yelled out, "Exuse me! Can we get started here?!" Purely steroid induced, his hunger is also raging. He is now opting for a hot dog, cheeseburger and mac and cheese for his post procedure snack. Gone are the days of the blueberry muffins and funions. So, once again, he sent Chris to the hospital cafeteria. Of course, they were still only servering breakfast so Chris had to coax the deli owner on the ground floor of the clinic to prepare a hot dog for Ben.

The procedure went well and they wheeled Ben, bed and all, into the infusion room where he received a dose of vincristine and PEG. While he lied there eating his hot dog (he has to lie flat for 30 mins. after and LP) I knelt down by his bed to help him and saw that the sheets were dusted with Ben's hair. It's beginning to fall out. A ton of bricks. It's really happening. We're really doing this all over again. Big, huge sigh - trying not to cry.

He ate his hot dog and sent Chris out for a second. After a while the nurse came in to hook him up to the IV pump for his chemo. She pulled back on the syringe to see if there was blood return and did not see anything. She looked and saw that the needle had partially fallen out of his port. She braced him and pushed it firmly back into place. Uh, no, Ben did not like that. He screamed in pain. The fear is that if the chemo does not go into the port and instead in or onto the tissue it will cause a sever burn. So, panicked over that, I insisted that Ben sit up for the entire 1 1/2 hour infusion of the PEG. I did not want to risk pulling that needle out while the chemo was being administered. We sat on the bed together and watched Sponge Bob. Fortunately, he fell asleep on my shoulder and remained still for the entire infusion.

We were done uneventfully by 1pm and made our way to Toys R Us. An LP always deserves some kind of treat afterward. This time it was a Star Wars lego set and a couple of Pokemon things. He slept again in the car on the ride to pick up Jeremy. He tried as best as he could to hang out with Jeremy and the Green boys when we got there. He even told me early that morning that after the clinic he wanted me to take him to the Green's house and just leave him! He's a big kid and just doesn't need me around all the time. But it didn't happen. His energy was zapped. We were there for about an hour but Ben was out of it the whole time. He fell asleep in the car and when we got home, slept for several hours. Then he woke up for an hour, cracked me up with his teasing then took another nap. After a quick battle with his Star Wars lego guys, he's back in bed and probably for the rest of the night.

On the lighter side . . . initial test of Ben's CNS show clear fluid! We should hear by Wednesday if the pathologist agrees. Please pray. Dr. Lew is happy with Ben's response and feels comfortable with the road we've chosen. Ben will start two new meds, Clotrimazole for the thrush in his mouth he's developed with prolonged use of the steroid and Zyprexa instead of the Ativan to help control his emotions without feeling loopy.

Thanks again to all of you. You're prayers are being felt every day. And thanks to all of Ben's friends who couldn't make it to the "Buzz Off" and shaved their heads anyway! Ben's truly has a great group of friends.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 10:53 PM EST

Just a quick update. We got a call from the clinic today. Further evaluation of Ben's spinal fluid confirms a clean CNS!!! One more to go and we're in remission!

Keep praying!

Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:53 PM EST

Boy, what a time we had!!
Ben's haircut party was yesterday and at last count, I think we shaved a total of 16 heads! Thank you, Cori, for setting up our "barber shop" and for showing me the ropes! Andrew, Reagan and Jeremy (other than his mohawk)shaved their heads as short as Ben's. But the overall winner was "Mr. Eikey" (Eric) who went "no guard" just for Ben!

We timed the boys swimming laps before and after their haircuts. For those boys who we could find after their haircuts, here are their results:

28 sec./25sec.

Thank you to everyone who participated. Ben had a great time and enjoyed having his haircut with his friends by his side.

Yesterday I gave Ben a recently perscribed dose of Atavan to help ease the emotional outbursts the Prednisone creates. Unfortunately, by the end of the party, the Atavan started to wear off but was too early for another dose. At one point, Ben came to me crying that this party was "the worst party ever" because we'd momentarily lost a few of our guests to our neighbors who were throwing water balloons. Then he was playing "water baseball" with the guys and, out of the blue, got one of his spinal headaches. They seem comparable to migraines from what my friends tell me. And Ben adds the description that it feels as though his brain is burning. After about 10mins. we had that under control but emotionally he was gone. He went back to the baseball game and didn't want to cooperate. My heart sank as he stood on the diving board in front of all of his friends, crying uncontrollably. I picked him up and brought him inside. The medicine also brings out paranoia. He said that no one wanted to play with him and that all day long his friends ignored him. I know that none of that was true but I was not about to get into an explaination with him just then.

Needless to say, after about 4 hrs. of fun, the party ended abruptly with everyone tip toeing out not to distrub Ben anymore than he already was. Thank you, guys, for understanding. Thanks especially to Brian, Colin and Ryan who we promised could spend the night but had to retract the offer when Ben's emotions spun out of control.

I called the clinic today and they upped his Atavan to 1mg/6 hrs. About an hour after giving it to him this morning, he lied down for a 30 min. nap. So far so good. We're just going to have a quite day today.

Thanks again to all of you. You're prayers are being felt every day.

Here are the pictures from the party!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:46 PM EST

Hi everyone,

Everything went well yesterday although Ben had a little trouble with the timing of the LP. He was scheduled for a 10am procedure and usually that's not a big deal for him. He even told my mom who was with us for a few days that he's used to not eating before his procedures. Well, that's true when he's not on steroid which make him ravenous. By 10:30 he was crying and screaming for food. Fortunately his port cooperated and we were not delayed.

Dr. Lew told us that the fluid they took last week showed a few cells but it was difficult to tell what they were because the meds had already gotten to them and they had begun to degenerate. So, we may never know, if all goes well, if Ben had any AML cells in his CNS or not. We prefer NOT!

Before the procedure began Ben put in a lunch request of a hot dog w/ketchup and mustard, macaroni and cheese and tater tots. Chris told him that he'd run over to the hospital cafeteria as soon as he went to sleep for the LP. Ben, in his matter of fact tone asked, "Why can't you just go now?" OK. Off Chris went in search of the perfect steroid driven lunch. Luckily for Ben, his dad's a marathon runner and returned with the lunch even before Ben fell asleep! Ben was given his triple mix of chemo during the LP and then lunch was served! That poor hot dog! It never stood a chance!

We were taken to the Infusion room for the rest of his chemo - PEG and Vincristine and were sent home at around 2pm.

We got home and I was so exhausted that I took a nap! Ben ran around the house and played with his Game Boy. Later that evening, Chris came by the house to change clothes and meet Jeremy at his football camp. Ben went along for the ride and ended up passing the ball around with his friend Ryan D. He had a great day. It seemed.

At around 2am Ben came to our bedroom saying that he felt sick. He ended up throwing up a couple of time and holding his head saying that his brain hurt. He was able to keep a Zofran (anti nausea) med down and some Tylenol. He slept the rest of the night. Today, we took it easy and stayed home. Well, the boys stayed home with my mom while I ran some errands. I came home around 2pm and it started all over again. The headache was severe this time so I called the clinic. Mary said that the headaches are probably due to the many LPs he's had recently. Per her advise, I took him to his room to lie down, made it as dark as possible and put an ice pack on his head(Ben's request). He was able to keep some Tylenol down then he fell asleep.

When he woke, I served him a glass of Mt. Dew. According the clinic, caffeine is a great remedy for the headache he was suffering from and Mt. Dew is loaded with it. That's exactly why it's typically forbidden in Ben and Jeremy's diet and they know that. So, Ben felt awfully priviledged to be swigin' a dew!

He felt better and at this writing is wide awake! I think I'll try and read him a book or two.

The best news (I've saved the best for last) came yesterday around 5pm. We got a phone call and I saw on the caller ID that it was the clinic. I instantly wished that it was the scheduling department calling to tell us when Ben's next appointment is. I got nervous when I heard Dr. Lew's voice on the other end. He sensed the apprehension in my voice and was quick to assure me that he had good news. He told us that the initial tests of Ben's CNS from yesterday showed no abnormal cells! He will still send out the fluid for further testing, but this is definitely good news. We should know tomorrow what the official word is. If still no cells are found this takes Ben one step closer to 2nd remission. After 2 consecutive clean CNS findings, the patient is considered in remission. One more to go. This is crucial in Ben's current treatment plan. The goal is to eliminate the blasts in his CNS in these first 5 weeks and then continue with the treatment protocol as planned for the next 2 years. If remission is not achieved during these next 3 weeks it seems a Bone Marrow Transplant will be our only option. Please pray for remission!

We're having our head shaving party tomorrow. I'll be sure to post pictures!

Keep praying!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Saturday, July 21, 2007 10:37 AM EST

Hi everyone,

Ben's been doing so well this week. Monday was pretty tiring for him and he ended up getting nauseous a bit on that night and again on Tuesday. But now he's good to go. The steroid kicked in pretty quickly and he's having to hold in his temper which the med aggrevates so easily. He's also having to control his appetite. We ran into so many issues the last time he was on a prolonged stretch of prednisone. I'm hoping to avoid some of them just by the fact that Ben is older and understands so much more.

He's been playing and has been very active with his brother and friends - swimming, bike riding and just being a wild little boy!

Thursday Chris and I finally sat Ben down for the "talk" which we'd both been avoiding. Up until now, we've only given Ben little bits of information about his new treatment plan. He knows that there are more cancer cells that we need to fight and he knows that his treatment no longer ends in August but will last a while longer.

After making sure that Jeremy was tucked away and distracted for a while (he was on the phone with his friend, Jeffery, getting Pokemon tips for his DS), Chris and I sat down with Ben to tell him of the side effects of his medicine. In the past, hair loss was a thorn in his side. The stares, the finger pointing, whispering and the occasional comment were memories he would prefer to forget. When Chris broke the news to him, his expression was as if he was hit by a bolt of lightening. He cried and screamed, "I want my hair! I'm never leaving this house ever again!" Everything within Ben's reach went sailing across the room and Chris grabbed him fearing he would lose control and accidentally hurt himself. Chris, Ben and I huddled into a crying heap. He was so angry saying, "I was almost done with cancer! Cancer is the worst thing in the whole entire world!" Then he asked me if he'd get his hair back before school started. My slight hesitation answered the question for him and he melted into tears. As he sobbed I explained to him that we had just had a meeting with the principal, Dr. Wood, and she said that she would send Mrs. Ascari (religious coordinator and previous 2nd grade teacher at QofA) over to our house every week to teach him everything he needs to know for 1st grade. He looked up, wiped away his last tear and said, "She'll come to our house?" Those of you who know Ben well will realize that service like that will make him feel like a king. Then I told him that the Dr. Wood also said that the drum lessons he'll be taking (also at home) will count as his music credit.

More air filled his chest. He seemed to be more calm and accepting so I thought I could sneak in a request to cut his hair short so that when it falls out it wouldn't be such a drastic change. "And your friend, Trenton, wants to cut his hair short when we cut yours," I told him. "That's stupid! Why would he do that? People are going to make fun of me!" I've never been so wrong. I explained to him that Trenton is his friend and his real friends won't make fun of him. I told him that Trenton wants to cut his hair with him so that he won't feel alone. That stopped the flow of tears too.

So . . . we'll be having a "Haircut Party" this Wednesday at 3pm! For any of you who would like to join us, Trenton's mom will be bringing her clippers and barber shop smocks to shave heads! She's also guaranteeing your new "doo" will shave seconds off your race times as we'll be swimming laps in the pool before and after your haircut! As per Ben's request, there will be pizza a ice cream cake for all to partake.

Thank you for the continued prayers for Ben and our family. Second round begins this Monday at 10am. He'll have an LP with the triple chemo mix and will spend the rest of the day in the infusion room receiving the rest of his chemo.

Thank you for following Ben's journey. We will update again next week!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

And keep the following children in your prayers as well.

Sean Dever
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani

And for the angels who watch over us:

Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, July 16, 2007 10:15 PM EST

Where do I begin?

I guess first and foremost you're wondering how today went. It went as well as could be expected.

Jeremy got picked up by his friend, Brian, early this morning, Chris got a couple of hours in at the office and Ben and I got to the clinic 15 minutes early! His only comment, "I sure hope they can get my blood to come out"(referencing his tempramental port). With the move I'd misplaced his numbing cream so that was the first thing we headed for when we got there. Fortunately I remembered the Press and Seal! (If your not aware, Press and Seal - yes, it's the stuff you cover you leftovers with - works extremely well hold numbing cream in place and is preferable to those who don't particulary care for anything sticky like bandaids and and Tegaderm.)

Chris showed up with the blueberry muffin and Funions and we were quickly whisked away to the procedure room. Ben proudly showed off his week old cough and runny nose to the anesthesiologist who scratched his head trying to decide if we should go on with the procedure. With a quick dose of albuterol Ben was deemed "good to go".

Ben's port was accessed and, not surprisingly, the port would not draw blood. Dr. Lew decided to go ahead with the procedure and try to draw blood when it was done. A dose of TPA was pushed through the port to clear up any clots. A quick physical before the procedure uncovered a nasty little ear infection none of us knew about, even Ben! So . . . after all of that the LP was underway. They drew more spinal fluid and will test for AML cells this time. He also received a dose of methotrexate, hydrocortisone and another med (name escapes me).

During the procedure, they administered a little more anesthesia than ususal. He just wouldn't fall asleep easily. He was not aware of his flailing arms but he surely kept the docs and nurses on their toes. At one point, he flipped over and bent the needle in his port. All went well with the procedure but when they tried to draw blood for the CBC they found that it was even difficult to push in the flush. So, out with the bad needle and a re-access later, in with the good needle. There's nothing like getting stuck twice but this one worked and Ben didn't even complain. CBC came back with some good numbers showing that Ben is healthy and strong.

The balance of the day was spent in the infusion room where Ben received Vincristine, PEG and Doxirubicin. He started to feel tired soon after the LP but was able to hold off taking the nap until he was in the car on his way home.

We feel so very fortunate to have the team of doctors and nurses that we do at CHOA. Today was the the first day of his relapse therapy and everyone was there to cheer us on -Dr. Lew, Nurses Terry, Kim, Stephanie, Heather and Kerry. They all know Ben so well and were able to make him feel extremely comfortable today. Heather showed up with another Fantastic 4 action figure (she started his collection and is determined to fill it!), Kim's silliness always makes Ben laugh, Terry offered Ben one of her new pups which he gladly accepted and I immediately denied and Dr. Lew is just a comfort to have around. He's a smart man who know what he's doing. Kerry, coincidentally, was a hospital nurse that Ben got to know when he was 2 years old and first diagnosed. You may remember her as Nurse "Cheeto". She gave Ben about 20 mini bags of Cheetos when she found out they were his favorite.

The day went by without a hitch and that's how we like it. Here's a bit of little kid wisdom which Ben imparted to me while he sat in the infusion room:

While eating his bag of mini Resees Peanut Butter cups (his absolute favorite candy which our friend Mrs. Steinkirchner kindly armed Ben with this morning) . . ."I LOVE Resees Peanut Butter cups! I could eat them all day. Whoever invented these, I PRAISE him! Actually, God made everything in these so, whenever I eat Resees I'm actually praising God."

AMEN to that. I think that gives us all permission to have Resees Peanut Butter cups whenever we choose. Who are we to deny the Lord a little praise?!

And as for our little trip to Disney - it could not have been any better! Ben is our newest rollercoster connessieuer. This was the first year that he was tall enough to get on the bigger rides and he was absolutely thrilled! He's one of those "throw your hands up in the air" kind of riders. The scarier that better! At one point Ben was in the car ahead of me on the Space Mountain ride when it dawned on me that this ride is in complete darkness. In a flash I worried that he better not slip out of his seat otherwise I won't know it until after the ride is over! I placed my hands on his shoulders and told him not to be scared. He grabbed my hands and gently pushed them away, "You can let go now, mom." If you're looking for a way to understand how I feel about Ben's cancer, take this rollercoster story as an analogy. I'm fearful that in the darkeness of this whole experinece and in the blink of an eye my worst nightmare can come true. But in reality, all I can do is let go. My hands can't help him now. I can't be his protector. But I can let go and trust that God will see him through this. That's all I can do and that's exactly what I will do. I trusted Him the first time this happened and I'll certainly do the same this time around. And with every ounce of my being.

Thank you all again for your love and support. We've been dealt and pretty tough hand but I know that with you by our side we will get through this. The next 4 mondays Ben will be in the clinic receiving identical treatment as he did today. Weeks 6 through 10 Ben will be hospitalized as the chemo given during this time is extremely toxic and he must be under constant watch. Pray for him. As strong as he is, he is still so very small.

Also pray for another young boy, Sean Devers, a 6th grader at QofA who was just diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. I don't know what God has in his plans for our little community, but he sure is singling us out for something. I just hope we find out what is it one of these days.

Much love to you all.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Monday, July 9, 2007 10:18 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Belinda and I have both been:

a. Devastated with the news of Ben’s relapse and struggling with all the emotion as well as trying to determine / learn what the next steps are for him; and
b. Busy with the move, unpacking & etc.

So we apologize if we have not been very communicative with the details of his situation. Communication has been further impeded b/c we do not have internet service at the house yet.

Here is what we know so far:

• Ben has isolated central nervous systems (CNS) relapse of ALL cells. There was a small percentage of undefined cells but Dr. Lew said that it was not worth taking more CNS fluid to test b/c 90ere ALL cells and even if the balance were AML cells the treatment is very similar for both.

• Dr. Lew communicated Ben’s situation to 12 other COG doctors around the country and 11 came back with the opinion that we should do the standard ALL relapse therapy over a bone marrow transplant (BMT). The one doctor in favor of the BMT said his opinion was based upon a hunch not specific experience.

• Biphenotypic Acute Leukemia (BAL) is so rare that no one had experience with a CNS relapse in a BAL patient. The consensus was that he looks most like an ALL patient, responded well to ALL therapy so treat him as an ALL patient.

• About 20f ALL patients have a relapse. For those that had an initial remission of 18 months or longer the survival rate is about 80 Ben’s initial remission was approximately 36 months. So, while Dr. Lew will not commit to numbers for Ben since he has BAL, he points to these odds and say that Ben has a very good chance.

• On Monday July 16th Ben will start his ALL relapse therapy. The protocol take about 2.5 years to complete. The first 14 months are very difficult. The last year is maintenance. His protocol is very similar to what Jake Rivers is on. The first 5 weeks will be outpatient therapy. It gets more intense after that. He will spend more time in the hospital than he did the first time around. I do not recall the exact phases but I recall that much of the chemo will be administered in the hospital over 3-4 days during which he will be inpatient. He is also likely to get fevers while neutropenic and thus have more unplanned hospital stays. There is one stage that is so toxic that it will require Ben to be in the hospital for approximately 30 days straight.

• He will undergo cranial radiation in about 6 months. This is a relatively short period of a few weeks and supposedly the radiation levels are rather low compared to other cancer treatments. Nonetheless, there is a risk of brain damage and additional cancers resulting from this treatment. The chances are low but there.

• Ben will lose his hair a few weeks into the treatment and will likely not get much of it back until the end of the initial 14 month cycle. He will be on steroids for extended periods (30 days) and will thus have the bloating and anger issues. He will miss a great amount of school if not the entire year. We are looking into home schooling and one Q of A teacher has already volunteered to teach Ben at home. Ben will miss flag football, karate and probably all other sports this year. We are going to get him drums (his request even before relapse) and lessons. We are also getting him a lap top so that he can play webkinz and communicate with his friends and family while in the hospital.

• We have told both Jeremy & Ben limited amounts of detail about this situation. We have told them that Ben still has a little cancer left and will need additional treatment. We have shared a little more with Jeremy so that he will be ready. Ben has historically not wanted to know what lies ahead to far in advance so we have told him less. Also, he is younger and does not really understand what we are saying. Jeremy is already showing signs of strain and a few nervous ticks have resurfaced. We are arranging therapy for both boys through Dr. Schoffner who they both know and like.

• Dr. Lew said that just like before, the kids tend to handle the relapse better than the adults. He said that he expects Ben’s to rapidly adjust and learn to enjoy himself in the hospital. He certainly did before and even cried at times when it was time to go home. Ben has been on treatment for more than 1/2 of his life and for as long as he can remember so this is nothing new for him. I do expect him to have anxiety about certain aspects and I know that he will miss his friends from school.

• We are leaving tomorrow afternoon to take the boys to Disney for a few days of R & R before we start the treatment plan again. We felt that the boys deserved a nice trip in advance of all the crap that lies ahead.

• We know that we will need your help to get through this. Today we are in pretty good shape but we will need help when the hospitalizations start. We will need someone to help with Jeremy, his school work and his activities. We would love for Ben to have visitors and B and I will need help as well.

While cancer is no fun we are fortunate to have a very strong faith and support group. We know that all of you love Jeremy & Ben as much as we do. I know we can get through this and get Ben 100ured. Again, I apologize if the information flow has been choppy. We want everyone to know what is going on we have just been absolutely shell shocked with this news. I am finally feeling adjusted and thinking somewhat clearly again. Thanks for all the love, support and patience.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 7:52 PM EST

Hello all,

We received a call from Dr. Lew this afternoon regarding the flow cytometry test performed at Emory on Ben’s spinal fluid and bone marrow.

. Flow confirmed absence of cancer cells in the bone marrow.
. Flow confirmed presence of only ALL cells in CNS.
. Flow confirmed full CNS relapse.

Tomorrow Dr. Lew will begin discussions with his Biphenotypic colleagues (of which there are few) regarding Ben’s treatment path. These are the 2 options that currently lay ahead:

Although Ben has had both ALL and AML leukemias, he has performed and responded like a typical ALL patient in various ways, early remission, acceptance of High Risk ALL therapy, and late isolated CNS relapse. Should we decided to continue treating Ben as if he were an ALL patient, an overview of his treatment includes approximately 5 months intensive chemotherapy, 2 months cranial radiation, 5 months intensive chemotherapy and 12 months maintenance chemo.
Ben is not an ALL patient. Although the flow did not find presence of cancer in the bone marrow, Dr. Lew will get a consensus of the other doctors regarding forging ahead with a bone marrow transplant anyway. An overview of this treatment includes approximately 2 months intensive chemo then immediately to transplant.

The “mild” treatment I was hoping for is now irrelevant. Since the flow cytometry confirmed full relapse we must start either relapse therapy or BMT. Deciding on which path to take is the big question. And it’s the same question we faced 3 1/2 years ago. Neither plan is perfect for Ben’s type of cancer. Please pray that the doctor’s choose the treatment plan that will take Ben to complete and total healing and that Ben may endure this process with minimal pain and discomfort and side effects. Pray for his inner peace as well – that his spirit stays strong and nourishes his strength to sustain the fight.

Please also pray that our whole family has the might to go forward. Jeremy has mild OCD that manifests itself during stressful times like these. Please pray for his protection and that he may find comfort in the Lord.

We are completely numb by today’s news but we continue to hope and pray. We haven’t stopped believing that God will see us through so we will go on. For now, we will finish moving into our new home this week and head off to Jeremy and Ben’s favorite place on earth . . . Disney World. Chris and I will meet with Dr. Lew on Friday to go over some specifics regarding the ALL treatment path and Ben will have an Echocardiogram to assure his heart is healthy to receive this onslaught of chemo. If this is the protocol chosen for Ben it will begin on Monday the 16th. Dear God, let us feel your healing presence.

Thanks for following Ben's journey.

Chris, Belinda, Jeremy and Benjamin

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, July 2, 2007 10:38 PM EST

Hi all,
We finally heard from Ben’s doctor today. Although we did not receive the huge miracle I’d been asking for, I know that many prayers were heard and answered.

The initial tests run were simply through a microscope and viewed with the naked eye. According to Dr. Lew, he saw a reduced number of cancer cells in Ben’s CNS. The count was 4 abnormal cells per micro liter which is down from the 17 cells found last Thursday. He fully expected a reduced amount considering the methotrexate that was administered during Thursday’s LP. But it was still good news. The best news, although still preliminary, is that he did not see any cancer cells in the bone marrow. THAT is very good news on many levels. Should the tests done by Emory tomorrow show the same results, the doctors are likely to prescribe a treatment plan that is the mildest of all the options. Ben would most likely finish out his maintenance phase which will end August 11 then would begin a monthly spinal tap regimen for the next 6 to 8 months to eradicate all cancer cells. Although the side effects of the methotrexate have plagued Ben in the past (mouth sores and such) we are happy to help him deal with them over anything the more toxic treatment plans would bring.

So . . . thank you, thank you for all of the prayers today. I am certain God heard the all the racket and responded accordingly! But I’m asking again for your help. Although the news from Dr. Lew was positive, it is not the final word on Ben’s condition. Please pray that Emory’s findings are better. Still pray for the miracle that both CNS and bone marrow are clean.

Thanks for following Ben's journey.

Chris, Belinda, Jeremy and Benjamin

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, June 29, 2007 9:51 PM EST

Hi to all,
Ben went to the clinic yesterday for his last spinal tap of his 3 ½ year long chemotherapy treatment. It was to be his next to last visit to the clinic for chemo. But things did not go well. Dr. Lew called us a few hours after the procedure to tell us that leukemia cells were found in Ben’s spinal fluid. In his words, “I believe Ben is relapsing.” A sample of the spinal fluid was sent to Emory for testing. The results were inconclusive because not enough fluid was drawn to accommodate a second test. Here’s what we know so far:

- Spinal tap report showed a higher than normal white blood cell count and 17 percent abnormal cells (leukemic). Dr. Lew, on the other hand, believes he saw at least 50 percent abnormal cells.
- Ben will undergo a bone marrow aspirate Monday morning to see whether the leukemic cells are growing there as well. At the same time, another LP will be performed.
- We will decide on Ben’s treatment plan upon diagnosis of the bone marrow and new spinal fluid.
- Ben feels and looks extraordinarily strong and healthy. He’s swimming almost everyday, keeps us laughing with his strange little antics and is thoroughly enjoying his summer.

We are completely torn apart by this news but are slowly trying to collect ourselves for what could most probably be a long road ahead. Please pray that there are no traces of relapse in Ben’s bone marrow and that the second LP shows a reduced amount of blasts. Dr. Lew told us that there is a slim outside chance that we caught the growth of abnormal cells early and that the methotrexate and vincristine administered yesterday could have headed off a relapse. But he is doubtful. In the cases he’s seen such as Ben’s, full relapse at this point is eminent.

Thank you all for being with us to this point. We hope you will continue the prayers for Ben and help us show this disease what a real miracle looks like.

Chris, Belinda, Jeremy and Benjamin

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Sam Robb - June 25, 2007
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 7:39 AM EXT

So, we went in again last week for Ben's weekly CBC and the visit couldn't have gone better. His port was accessed with little resistance from Ben and blood flowed easily from his port. The results of the CBC showed an elevated ANC of 2100 but they kept his med doses the same for fear of lowering his ANC too far again so close to the end of his treatment.

Yesterday we all went the clinic bright and early in the morning for Ben's second to last LP. Ben was NPO since 8pm the night before and was starving when he woke up. Ben and I went straight to the infusion room for numbing cream and Chris and Jeremy stopped at the deli downstairs for the usual - blueberry muffin and Funions (Yes, it was supposed to be pork skins, but I didn't have the heart to tell Chris he'd picked up the wrong thing. Fortunately, Ben didn't even bat and eye.)

By 10am we were in the procedure room. Ben was starving and they were going to run a quick CBC to determine if he could receive the methotrexate. But the port was clogged again. Ben started to panic. When would he be able to eat his blueberry muffin? With each pull of the syringe Ben moaned and his stomach growled. Kim pushed a few cc's of TPA (draino) to get it started. An hour later with only a tinge of blood showing, Dr. Lew ordered a dye study of the port and sent us to the hospital. Fortunately for Ben, Kim was on his side. He was miserable with hunger and Dr. Lew wanted him to hang on another hour or so to get the report from the dye study. Kim pleaded with Dr. Lew suggesting that the results could show a compromised port which would require them to postpone the LP and not to mention Ben was miserable and starving! Dr. Lew agreed that the the procedure could be postponed and gave way to the flood of Ben's famine.

A bag of Funions, half a ham and cheese sandwich and a blueberry muffin later, the dye study revealed a perfect port. It was not misplaced, it was not cracked or leaking and it was not even clogged. The TPA did the trick again.

So instead of an LP, Ben left the clinic yesterday with a port full of TPA and an appointment this Thursday for his rescheduled LP.

Please keep Ben in your prayers and ask that his port continues to work for Thursday and for his last his last dose of vincristine at the end of July when the port will be removed.

On another note, please pray for the soul of 20 year old, Sam Robb who died yesterday. His mother is the Business Development Director at Queen of Angels. Sam was a Ewing Sarcoma survivor but was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. He did not survive yesterday's surgery which was to remove an aggressive tumor. Pray that the gates to heaven are open wide and will receive his soul to enjoy eternal life. Also pray for the Robb family. The loss that they must be feeling is impossible to comprehend. Please pray for their strength and comfort.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 10:53 PM EST

Another quick update:

Ben's ANC is at 1100 this week. Had a little more trouble drawing blood again but the TPA (draino!) did the trick in under an hour. All meds stay the same for this week and we'll run another CBC next week. Stay tuned!

Activies for the week:
Art and PE camp at Queen of Angels followed by Vacation Bible school.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, June 7, 2007 8:56 AM EST

Quick update:

Ben went to the clinic on Tuesday. His ANC was up to 2600 so they put him back on his chemo but at lower doses. He’s due back to the clinic next Tuesday for another CBC. I'll keep you posted!

Oh, and he started he started football camp!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:10 AM EST

Okay, first update of the summer! First off, Ben is EXTREMELY excited that school is out! He enjoyed his first year at big kid school but is more excited about the two month break before becoming a 1st grader!

We've already been swimming a few times and just recently finished out his baseball season. Ben and Jeremy are still carrying around their mits and baseballs at the ready for any pick up game that might occur.

Ben ended up at the ER again on Mother's Day for a fever. Everything checked out well and his fever subsided shortly after Chris got Ben to the hospital. About a week later, I took Ben to the pediatrician for an ear infection. The doc put Ben on Augmentin and also perscribed Claritin, and Albuterol for what she suspected are allergies. His cough was still hanging around and she thought the inhaler might do the trick. A week later, I brought Ben back for a re-check. Ear was looking better but the cough had not changed significantly. Dr. Marcus changed his allergy meds to Zyrtec and Flovent. Zyrtec because I told her that I thought the Claritin was making him sleepy (he would ask to take a nap in the afternoons - very unBenlike!) and Flovent because it is a steroid that will help with inflammation. He's been on the two meds for about 5 days now and we're seeing a slight improvement.

Ben's clinic appointment was yesterday. Nurse Terry still found a little fluid behind the left eardrum although Ben has finished his antibiotic. After close study of his CBC and finding that his ANC is 330 (neutrapenic) she and Dr. George decided to hold off on any more antibiotics and also stopped his chemo for the week. Depending on what his counts look like next week they'll decided how to proceed.

Hmmm . . . wasn't counting on drama during the last months of his chemotherapy. But if this is as bad as it gets, I'll take it. We're still looking forward to August. Ben overheard an converstion I had with Nurse Terry and knows that August is potentially the month when his port will be removed. He's very excited about this and has been trying to guess what color it is. His strength and positive outlook throughout this entire experience has really helped me get through this. We were at the pool the other day and Ben was having a few run ins with several of the kids. Some were taking his toys, others were cutting in front of him at the waterslide line and some were just plain getting on his nerves. He came over to me very exasperated at one point and said, "Mom, see that kid over there? He's so wierd! He said, 'Hey, what's that thing sticking out of you chest?' and I said to him, 'None of your business!' I really wanted to kick him in the butt!"

My tough, little, butt-kicking cookie.

Anyway, keep Ben in your prayers. We're trying to keep the rest of his treatment as uneventful as possible!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, May 7, 2007 10:25 PM EST

I'm sorry this update is so late. Let's see . . . where to begin?

Ben visted the clinic on April 25th for his regular checkup and a dose of vincristine. We arrived early for our morning appointment. I was prepared this time and had the numbing cream on in plenty of time to access him. Ben was well but still nursing a cough he'd had for about a week. Nurse Kim accessed his port for what we've termed and "in and out" where she accesses the port, pushes the meds and then deaccesses. Usually a really quick procedure. But this time the port gave us some trouble. Kim usually draws a sample of blood to do his blood counts but the port wasn't giving. She thought there might have been a small clot at the end of the tube so she pushed in a few cc's of TPA (Draino for clogged ports!). She came in and checked every 15 minutes and still no blood. Ben and I had watched "High School Musical" in it's entirety and still no blood. I was starting to worry.

I asked Kim how he'd get his vincristine if we couldn't use the port. "That's the bad part", she said. I knew what she was going to say, I just didn't want to hear it. Since Ben only has 4 more visits to go they would probably opt for using PIC lines. (I'm not sure of the spelling.) Basically, they insert a line through the top of the hand and feed it through the length of the arm to the heart. All while the kid is awake. Our dear friend, Jake, has endured many of these and I was nervous that this might be Ben's fate.

But the next step was a Dye study. They sent us to the hospital to do a procedure where we would actually see Ben's port (via xray) in action. I'd called Chris to be with us by then, I was too nervous to do this without him. The doctor pushed some dye into Ben's port and we could see it flowing very freely. He was puzzled because the port seemed to be intact and functioning properly. As a last measure, he tried to draw the blood one last time. And wouldn't you know it - out it came! We hustled back over to the clinic and completed our quick "in and out" visit in about 4 hours! Much to Ben's dismay, he missed a whole day of school.

Last Friday Ben and Jeremy's baseball league was invited to parade around Turner Stadium before the Braves faced the Dodgers. Ben stayed home with me that day because early that morning, around 3a.m. Ben woke me up saying he wanted something to eat. He went to the kitchen ahead of me and when I got there he was trying to pour himself a glass of chocolate milk. His hands were shakey and when I put my hand to his head I felt the he was cold and clammy. I got spooked! These were the same symptoms he'd had nearly 3 years ago when he almost fell into a coma from low blood sugar. I quickly made him a pbj sandwich, poured him a bowl of cereal and filled his glass a second time with chocolate milk. He ate it all and fell asleep on the chair. I stayed up the rest of the night wondering what was happening.

He stayed home from school that day. We played a few video games, watched some tv, colored and had a good day together. I called the clinic and they assured me that the event he'd had that morning was not due to the increased 6-MP and if he was eating well then he should be fine. By the end of the day he seemed much better and convinced me that he could go to the Braves game that night.

What a sight! My two boys and their teammates on the Braves home field. They never looked so small but never seemed so proud. Half way around the field I saw Chris (he was allowed on the field too because he coaches Ben's team) pick Ben up and put him on his shoulders. As they made there way out of the tunnel after the parade I saw the fatigue on Ben's face. He was not up to staying a few more hours to watch the game.

Jeremy opted to stay at the game with some friends and Chris and I were so worried about Ben that we both decided to take him home. On the way, I decided that since we were going to pass the ER anyway, we may as well pay them a visit and figure out what was going on. They quickly got us into triage and asked what his symptoms were. I told them about what had happened early that morning and about his cough and sniffles and that was all I had to give them. We didn't detect a fever until we got to the ER. It was 103! Chris and I were both shocked. So we ended up at the right place after all.

They xrayed his chest, did a CBC and swabbed his troat just as a percaution. We were all ready to be stumped by his condition. Even the doctor was surprised when she finally came back with the results . . . he had strep throat! A relief in a way. At least we knew how to fix it. The other surprising news was that his ANC had dropped to 900 from 3000 the week before. It is in a more desireble place as far as chemo patience go but it was just so alarming how quickly it fell. Jeremy got dropped off at the ER after the game by our friends, the Zondlaks (Thanks guys!!!) and we all finally made it home around 1am the next morning.

Ben got Amoxicillin for the strep which was quickly changed this morning when I spoke to Kim at the clinic. Dr. Lew perscribed a round of Omnicef instead. Ben says he feels fine and he's in pretty good spirits but this darned cough just won't go away.

Anyway, keep Ben in your prayers. We're trying to keep the rest of his treatment as uneventful as possible!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, March 30, 2007 10:33 AM CDT

OK, lots and lots of stuff going on!

First off, Ben is doing great and LOVING everything he's into - even school!

Two weeks ago, one of Ben and Jeremy's karate instructors opened her school to host a "Spring Board Break" event on behalf of CureSearch. Miss Eikey and her students brought in nearly $4000! We attended the event which included a board breaking station (of course) a jumpy obstacle course, face painting and food, food food! We couldn't have asked for a better event and the boys enjoyed every minute of it!

Benjamin is becoming a really good baseball player. The funny thing is that he just doesn't know it. At one game he was seen kicking dirt on to second base while telling the other basemen to do the same so that the opposing team wouldn't be able to find the bases! Just then, Ben dove to the left without flinching, snagged a low line drive and made and out at 2nd base! He loves playing shortstop and first base - rarely allowing the ball to escape him. At his last game he received the game ball after playing the first half in his flip flops! (Still working on putting his gear away properly.) We're still waiting for his interest in baseball to catch up with his skill level but for now he's having a great time!

Ben went to the clinic yesterday for a scheduled LP. This one just snuck up on me and I was so ill-prepared. After waking up the boys in the morning I asked Ben what he wanted for breakfast. He said, "Mom, I can't. I'm going to the twinkly star room today." Noting like being corrected by your 5 year old! It was true. He could not eat before the procedure. Chris took Jeremy to school and Ben and I ventured into morning traffic hoping to make it to the clinic just in time. About 45 minutes into the drive Ben reminded me that I'd forgotten to put on his numbing cream! I could tell my day was going to be challenging. We finally made it to the clinic and went straight to the infusion room to beg for some numbing cream. I really didn't have to beg - they are always very accomodating. We got Ben's cream on in plenty of time to do the LP.

Chris arrived and calmed Ben down as they accessed his port and prepared him for the procedure. Counts came back and everything looked good. The anesthesiologists pushed the "sleepy" med through Ben's line as has always been done for the passed 3 years. Ben's eyes closed and he gave us his typical yawn signaling that he was asleep. Chris and I quielty stepped out to allow the docs and nurses to complete the procedure. It was about 2 minutes later that we heard a blood curdling scream from Benjamin. Chris and I both ran to the door and were quickly denied entry by a nurse assuring us that everything was ok. Then I heard Ben yell " I want something to eat!" He obviously wasn't completely under when we'd left the room. As the nurse swabbed the area on his back to clean it, he sat up and yelled. The anesthesiologist pushed even more med through Ben's line and got him under. Another 2 minutes later we heard Ben scream again. This time no one was keeping Chris out of the room. The nurses were on top of Ben because the procedure had already begun. They were trying to keep him completely still. Again, more med was pushed and comforted by his dad Ben went under again but only long enough to complete the LP. Needle out and bandaid in place, Ben yelled, "I want my fried pork skins!" As you may recall, about 2 LPs ago Ben's requisite post procedure snack changed from Funions to Fried Pork Skins and of course, the blueberry muffin.

He sucked down and apple juice and proved to his doc that he could stomach his snack. Everyone kept out of Ben's way while he ate for fear of losing a limb or two!

Ben gave all of us quite a scare. The nurses and doctors handled it all beautifully but afterward were admittedly shaken by the whole thing. For the past 3 LPs Ben has received 70cc of Propophol. This time them ended up giving him 100cc and that was barely enough! Strange thing is that he only weighs about 2 ounces more than the last time he got an LP.

Ben's ANC is coming down but very slowly. They're being very cautious about increasing his meds since he's so close to the end of treatment. They upped his 6-MP 25 percent hoping his ANC will fall to a more desired level.

We were told that Ben will have one more LP at the clinic and his last LP which will be done in August could coincide with his port removal. Ben is scheduled to be done with chemo on August 11, 2007. We've waited so long to hear this news but when we actually received it, rather than relief, we felt a tinge of panic. Chemo has been our best friend for the past 3 years, how will we manage without it?

Please keep Ben in your prayers during these last 5 months of treatment. Pray that he stays in remission and is given a clean bill of health come August. Many of you have asked me if Ben is cured. According to the doctors, a patient isn't considered cured until they are cancer-free 5 years from their last chemo treatment. In a way I feel we're still at the beginning of this journey. Please remember us in your prayers. You help keep us strong!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, February 5, 2007 10:32 AM EST

Hello everyone!

Hope you all watched the Super Bowl surrounded by family a friends. We had a small gathering of neighbors and such to watch Ben's Indiannapolis Colts ride to victory! Jeremy and I were bummed that our Bears didn't win, but . . . there's always next year?!

Anyway, Ben had a clinic visit on Friday and got a good report on his blood counts. Still a little too good for a kid on chemo. His ANC level should be around 1500 and Ben's is at 5200. It's great to help him fight off alot of the bugs going around school, but it's also an indication that his chemo dose is too low. So . . . we're up another half a pill of 6MP on Fri, Sat and Sun and Dr. B also increase the methotrexate from 6 to 6.5 pills weekly. Dr. B said that a couple of the reasons for his tolerance to the chemo could be that his body is getting to used to the therapy or it could be the fact that Ben is growing at such a rapid pace. His body is playing "catch up" from when his growth was supressed during the first 2 years of chemo. In any event, I'm praying that we get this dose right. It's tricky because if this increase drops his ANC too far then chemo would have to stop completely until his level is at a healthier range. So, we'll wait another 4 weeks to see if this increase does the trick. Next clinic date is scheduled for Feb. 28th. We'll keep you posted!

In the meatime, Ben is keeping himself busy with karate, basketball (which he LOVES!!) and will be starting his first season of baseball next month. He's doing really well, but please keep the prayers coming!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, January 9, 2007 12:27 AM EST

HOLIDAY GREETING CARD CORRECTION: For those of you who received our holiday card please be aware that Ben is NOT in his 19th month of remission, he's in his 32ND MONTH! Don't really know how I arrived at 19, but ask anyone who really knows me - math was never my favorite subject in school!


What a great holiday break we had. We saw a lot of family and friends, went to parties, opened presents, ate lots and lots of food and had so much fun!

Ben got his wish list filled from Santa and raked in several Star Wars toys and and new Lego Batman kit. Whatever the jolly man was unable to bring, the rest of the family stepped up and completed Ben's Christmas list order of toys.

Ben spent most of his Christmas break in full on "play time" mode. He was never without a toy in his hand or a friend by his side. No one plays harder than Ben!

We continued the tradition of hosting the annual Frosty Bowl flag football game. Attendance grew by more than 100 percent and we're only in our second year! 27 of Jeremy and Ben's closest friends came to battle it out for the championship. Unfortunately, the Smiths are yet to be on the winning team, but there's always next year! Here are some pictures of our playground event.

Ben stayed healthy through the holidays and Dr. B didn't actually jinx us by his comment last month. Ben stayed as far away from the hospital as possible! He did have a little ear infection but it wasn't anything that his regular pediatrician couldn't fix.

Last week Ben went in for his routine lumbar puncture to test his spinal fluid for leukemic cells. I just got a call from the doctor's office today telling me that Ben's CNS was clear! His ANC level is finally responding to the increase in meds and is down to the 2900 range. We'd still like to see it hovering over 1500, but at least we know it's coming down. Dr. B kept most of Ben's doses the same and only increased his methotrexate by 1.5 pills.

Ben is the picture of health as well as the picture of a typical five year old kid. We continue to be amazed by his endurance and energy. He's overcome some difficult obstacles in the past and even now his meds can take a toll on him daily, yet he persists. No one can play harder than Ben!

Thanks, as always for checking in and praying for Ben. We pray that all of you have a happy 2007!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, December 11, 2006 5:12 PM EST

Are you ready for the holidays?

I'm still trying to get and answer from Ben on what he wants for Christmas! I'm hoping Santa won't have to resort to giving Ben a gift certificate!

Ben had a great visit to the clinic last week. Dr. B gave Ben the most ticklish physical ever! It was pretty hysterical even for me and I was just a spectator! Ben got a dose of vincristine and we called it a day.

His blood levels are good. His ANC, in particular, is too good. A positive indication that Ben is receiving the correct doseage of chemo is when he has an ANC level no higher than 1500. Ben's ANC for the past 6 months has hovered around the 4000 mark. That's a healthy range for a healthy body but not for a body receiving chemotherapy. The doctors altered his doses of methotrexate for the first 4 months to no avail. This month and last month, we're toying around with his 6MP doses. We keep inching him up hoping that we find the right dose that brings his ANC down but doesn't bottom out. If his ANC falls too far, chemotherapy has to stop until it comes back up again. Sound pretty tricky? Yes, it is. Dr. B asked where we'd be during the holidays after he handed me the instructions that increased Ben's 6MP once again. I told him we'd be in town. He said, "Good, I'll save a bed for Ben at the hospital." (That's pediatric oncology humor at it's finest!) If this doseage takes Ben too low and he just happens to come in contact with a virus at the same time, yes, he could end up in the hospital. Just last week one of my friends whose daughters attend a school just a mile west of Ben's school said that over 100 kids were out one day with a virus. We're praying for easterly winds.

Nonetheless, all is well. Ben played his 2nd basketball game last Saturday and they clobbered the competition! Go Grayhounds! He's enthralled with baskteball and football at the moment. The Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals are his favorite NFL teams - both featured Emmitt Smith - Ben's favorite player. Interestingly, Ben's limited exposure to Emmitt has only been through "Dancing with the Stars" and his Playstation NFL game! But he's still a true fan!

Thanks, as always for checking in a praying for Ben. We pray that all of you have a joyous, safe and healthy holiday season!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 12:43 PM EST

Hello! Thanks for checking in on Ben.

Ben had his lumbar puncture done last Thursday. BIG NEWS: post procedure snack has changed from Funions and a blueberry muffin to Fried Pork Rinds and a blueberry muffin! Chris said that if he'd only requested a Dr. Pepper to go with it we could name it "The Red Neck Post Procedure Snack"!

Everything went well although I'm still waiting to hear the results. I'll post it as soon as I get it. Actually, there was a slight change in how these procedures usually go. Ben actually felt a bit nauseous. I'm told it was probably due to the anesthesia. He usually tolerates it very well, but this time it made him slow down. He didn't go to school that day and was upset because he had to miss PE - his favorite subject after recess!

Ben's soccer season is over. They won every game they played (at least that's what we've told the kids!) He had a great time but quickly shifted gears and jumped into a basketball league. This is his first season and he seems to be enjoying it so far. He's so motivated that he has been out in the driveway shooting hoops all by himself. He's dedicated to his sport - whatever it may be at the time.

Karate For Kids is hosting a blood drive again for us next month in honor of Ben. They have been so supportive of our family and recognize the need for more blood donations. If you have time on Friday, Dec. 1st, please stop by anytime between 8am & 1pm and consider donating. I'll be there all day with donuts! And I may have Ben there making a special guest appearance during the lunch hour! Here is the address:
Karate for Kids
1165 Woodstock Rd Suite 600 (by Super Suppers)
Roswell, GA 30075
(770) 998-7717

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 2:23 PM EST
JUST IN: All's clear in Ben's CNS!
Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, October 23, 2006 11:21 AM EST

I know, I know, too much time between updates! :)

We've been busy, to say the least. Ben's on a winning soccer team and can't get enough play time. He really enjoys playing and I'm sure will be asking to sign up for next season.

I took Ben to his clinic appointment on Wed. Oct 10th. He was to have an LP and receive vincristine. His appointment time was not until 10:30am, so he had to fast all morning long for the LP. We got to the clinic on time after dropping Jeremy off at school, purchased the requisite blueberry muffin and funions and signed in. About 10 mins. later, the scheduling lady came over to us and said, "Didn't I call you about a month ago to move Ben's appointment to tomorrow?" To which I replied with embrassment, "Yes, you did!" I suddenly felt a nudge from Ben and heard him say, "Can I have my funions now?" He doesn't miss a beat. But I obviously do! I rushed him to school to finish of the rest of the day.

The next day - the actual appointment day - Ben only had to fast for an 8:30am LP procedure. Although, it did take about an hour to run his CBC and hook him up to all the vitals machines in preparation for his procedure. It was about 10am when they decided to give him a breathing treatment for some wheezing they'd heard during his exam due to a slight cold he had. The anesthesiologist walked in after the treatment, took one last listen to Ben's chest and decided that Ben would not be having his LP that day. His breathing was already compromised by the congestion, so she did not want to complicate things any more than they already were. Ben got his dose of vincristine and we were done for the day. His LP will take place during next months appointment - the 9th to be exact and I'm positive about that!

On the lighter side of things, we just returned from what seems to be a developing annual trip to Chicago. Chris ran the marathon again this year. Although my thought is that success comes in finishing the race, Chris was still disappointed with his performance. I don't know his exact time, but I do know it was slower than last year. His heart is still in the right place, his body just decided to call it quits.

We arrived in Chicago on Wednesday night. We spent a few nights with Chris' brother, Russell. We took a stroll on the beach at Lake Michigan, visited the John Hancock Center and Navy Pier the first day. We had dinner with a college roommate, Eileen, and her husband Tim. They quickly scored points with the boys when they handed over Halloween goody bags as they walked into the restaurant. Ben pitted me against Eileen when asking if he could have his 5th piece of candy. I lost undeniably to Eileen who Ben instantly dubbed his "second mother"! After 2 pies of Chicago style pizza we topped the night off with a carriage ride through the streets of Chicago.

Friday we were up early to spend the day at the Museum of Science and Industry. What a place! Definitely put it on your "list of things to do" if you're ever in the area. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the exhibits, but found that we did not have enough time to see everything. That night we drove up to Glen Ellyn to visit the Rueths, some other college friends of mine, and their family. The boys got some desperately needed play time in with their kids, Molly and Jack. They played everything from spy games to Legos. After a few hours we headed back to Russell's condo and the boys passed out on the ride back to the city.

Saturday we spent at the Health Expo where Chris registered for the race. We also met up with Tim Coyle (father of Annie Coyle) the most successful CSA team member to date. He was running the marathon just for fun with his buddy who checked off this year's Chicago marathon as his 5oth marathon! Then we checked into a hotel that was closer to the race route and the boys spent a couple hours in the indoor pool. We had just enough time to make it to our friends, the Langhenrys (another college pal), who kindly threw a party for us that night. There were kids (all boys) ranging in age from 14 - 5 at the party. Jeremy and Ben were in their element! After snacks and pizza, the night finished in grand fashion with a chocolate fountain in which the boys drenched and devoured cookies, cake, bananas, marshmallows and whatever else they could get their hands on! Thanks, Langhenry's, for hosting the bash again this year!

Sunday was race day. Chris left around 6:30am to make it to the 8am start. The boys and I watched the race on TV while we packed and got ready for the day. We met Russell at 10:30am and headed over to mile 21 where we would try and catch our first glimpse of Chris. We were unsure of his time at that point and left after 30 mins. thinking we had missed him. Fortunately, on our way back to the hotel, we had to stop at mile 25 because of all the runners crossing the street and Chris found us among the crowd! He told us that he'd seen our friend, Mary Fran, early in the race who was out to cheer him on and saw the Langhenry's at mile 17. He had quite a support group and told me that it definitely made it easier for him to get to the finish line.

Again, we had a wonderful time in Chicago. The boys felt sad as we left and asked when we would be returning.

Thanks to everyone in Chicago for taking the time out for us during our visit. It truly would not be as fun for us if you weren't there!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:05 AM EST

OK, can you tell we've been busy? I haven't updated in a while but here it is!

Ben had a clinic appointment about 2 weeks ago. They bumped it up a day because he was complaining of an ear ache. Yup, you guessed it. It was, according to the nurse, a "rip-roaring" infection. Fortunately, the pain only lasted a few hours for Ben. He was quickly given an antibiotic and we were sent on our way. He checked out fine otherwise but we were not able to judge whether or not the new dose of methotrexate was the right amount. All his levels were high because of the infection. So, we'll try again at his next appointment which is on Oct. 11 and will also include and LP procedure in the twinkly star room.

Ben has been very busy lately. He's already had two soccer games (both of which, if you ask him, their team has won), several play dates after school and karate. We also went to Callaway Gardens to cheer on Jeremy and Chris as they rode in the MS150 bike challenge a couple of weeks ago. Afterward, we stopped at the Wild Animal Safari. The kids really got a kick out of that! We drove through several hundreds of acres filled with antelope, deer, zebra, giraffe, buffalo, etc. The boys threw food and cracked up at the huge animal tongues that made their way into the van! It was a slobbery mess but so much fun!

Other than that, Ben is loving school more and more each day. He's got a best pal named Nick. Ben's teacher told me that he is very well behaved at school, he is smart and in particular, has very good handwriting. YAY!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Make A Wish Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, September 4, 2006 10:57 AM EST

YAY! It's official . . . Ben LOVES kindergarten!

By the 8th day of school he was jumping out of the car at carpool and racing Jeremy into school! I've caught a couple of glimpses of him during the times I volunteer at the school and he is either really paying attention to what's going on in class or really hamming it up for his classmates. I was in the cafeteria one day (found out you don't need a hairnet if you're not actually working in the kitchen - phew!) and told a couple of girls in Ben's class that I was his mother. "NO WAY!" they shrieked, "He's so silly. He acts like a monkey!" Now, if what they say is true, they are describing Benjamin to a tee and confirming to me that he really is having a good time.

A week ago last Friday was the kindergartener's first time at the weekly school mass. They were briefed on proper mass behavior and ettiquette for a full week then were allowed to participate. All the kindergarten mothers sat in quite fear as the priest made the rounds asking the children what they liked most about school. Jeremy and I held our breath as Ben gave his answer loud enough for the heavens to hear, "Uh, I like school because, because, I like doing stuff." Woo! What a great answer! Sligtly vague but very positive!

Ben was the front page article on August 21st of the Marietta Daily Journal. I can't seem to find the online article for you to view, but basically it was an article about Ben's battle and how blood donations are crucial for the continued treatment of cancer patients. Without sufficient blood chemistry levels, chemotherapy stops until a transfusion can take place. Transfusions can only happen if there is blood in stock. Unfortunately, Atlanta is an import city. There is not sufficient blood donation in our metro area to fullfill our needs.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (as well as some adult cancers including prostate and gynecologic). Please consider making a blood donation this month. Your efforts at the very least will help sustain a life.

This weekend is the long Labor Day weekend and we've sat around the house doing pratically nothing. But we're more than happy doing it. The boys got out of school early on Friday and we spent the rest of the day with Will and Nick Zondlak from school - went to Burger King, played putt putt, a few arcade games, out for ice cream then back to our house to finish out the day with light saber battles. But that night, Ben was coughing up a storm. He'd caught a cold. The next morning it had turned in to a coupy cough and a runny nose. We're trying to get out a little here and there, but taking it easy for the most part. I'd hate for Ben to miss a single day of his new favorite activity . . . . Kindgergarten!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:25 PM EST

Okay. We're not going to count the first week of school. And we might not count the second either. The third week should give us a better assessment of whether Ben likes going to school or not.

The first week everything was brand new and very big from his last school. So many things to get use to. But he also had a clinic appointment the morning of his second full day of school. So when we were done, I dropped him off just in time for lunch. He clung to me like white on rice, crying and screaming that he didn't want to go to school. The teachers assistant came out and peeled Ben off of my leg and took him to class. That was hard.

The third day was interesting. Just as we pulled into the carpool line for drop off Ben said he had to go to the bathroom. So, instead of being scared as he walked in, he was focused on accomplishing his mission to find the nearest bathroom. That went surprisingly well. Then he started his prednisone.

The steroid makes him an emotional wreck as soon as it's on board. Friday was traumatic. He just didn't want to go. As I walked the boys to the school (Ben won't get out in carpool line) I could see the fear in his eyes. Just as we got to the door he reached for my leg to hold on tight but the carpool attendants saw us coming. They snatched him up before he could get a good grip and carried him into school. It sounds pretty harsh, but really they are very caring people and are trying to do what's best. And each day when I pick him up he says that he's had a great day. He's happy and tells me all about school. It's just that darned steroid.

Here's a funny thing. On Wednesday Ben ordered a hot lunch from the cafeteria - a very big kid kind of thing to do. When he got home I asked him how it was. He said it was great. He ate all of his lasagna, peaches, bread stick and chocolate milk (don't you love that combo?!). And after that he said he puked in his mouth! What?! I asked if the teachers saw him and he said that he just cleaned himself up with a couple of napkins. That night we had ziti for dinner. He couldn't quite get himself convinced that it was different enough from what he had for lunch. So he opted for a pb&j instead!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. It's his last day on the steroid and he usually changes back to sweet little Ben shortly after he's done.

The clinic visit went well by the way. Although his ANC is on the high end around 3000+. They think the methotrexate is the culprit so they've lowered his dose again but by only a half a tablet. Hope it works!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:33 PM EST

He made it! Ben attended his first full day of kindergarten without a hitch!

I woke him up bright and early this morning anticipating a difficult start and a little anxiety over attending "big kids" school. Ben rolled out of bed with relative ease. He grabbed his pile of clothes(uniform)and began getting dressed without even being told. He headed downstairs for breakfast and consumed a healthy portion of eggs and bacon, apple juice and a taste of a blueberry muffin top. He put on his shoes with only slight resistance(it's a much argued about topic these days as he only wants to wear his sandals), brushed his teeth, grabbed his lunch box and bag and buckled himself safely in the car.

We had normal conversation in the car. I intentionally did not talk about school in hopes of calming and nerves he may have had. As we entered the school, we ran into Fr. Frank who willing held out his hand for one of Ben's massive high fives. The boys and Fr. Frank posed for a picture and we headed to the classrooms. Jeremy eased right into the routine and collected his friends as he walked down the hall. He took off and we did not see him until carpool at the end of the day! Chris and I walked Ben to his classroom which was already whirring with excitement. Ben hung up his bag, found his seat, posed for a picture with his teacher, Miss Flowers, and seemed quite comfortable. It was only when I kissed him on the head and said "I'll see you later" did he break down in tears. He held on to me as tightly as he could and sobbed. Since he was crying, then I couldn't cry - he beat me to it! I quickly consoled him and scooted out of the room as the bell rang signaling the start of the school day.

I was anxious to see him at carpool at the end of the day. Would he still be crying? Would he be angry that I'd left him? Not at all. He was all smiles and told me he had a great day at school. Such a big kid.

Tomorrow Ben goes to the clinic in the morning for vincristine and a physical. Then I'll take him to school just in time for lunch. Tonight at dinner he cried again telling me that he did not want to go to school without me. I suggested that if I went with him, he should just sit on my lap all day since there was not seat for me in the classroom. He looked at me with hope in his eyes and said, "maybe you can just work in the lunchroom." I'm off to buy a hairnet in the morning!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:10 AM EST

Eleven more days until kindergarten!

Although I'm sure I will shed a few tears as I watch Ben enter the school as most mothers I know do, I will also be joyful knowing that Ben has reached another milestone - one that we were uncertain of two years ago.

He has been in great health and beams with all the exhilaration a carefree 5 year old should. We had a fantastic time in Tulsa - even enjoying the 12 hour drive. We left Atlanta right after Ben's LP procedure and he didn't complain at all about any pain or discomfort. His only gripe was - "Are we there yet?!" Ben received his regular dose of methotrexate and vincristine. I have not called yet to ask the results of the lp but have it on my list to do today. I will post the news as soon as I have confirmation.

The boys picked up a new hobby while we were in Tulsa visting Nana and Pop Pop - cap gun battles. Nothing tugs harder at my heart strings than watching my sons chase their grandfather around the yard, guns blazing, cries and screams of the wounded and the inevitable "You're Dead!" exlamation signaling the end of the showdown. Whatever happened to a nice little game of freeze tag?

We also visited the Tulsa Air and Space Museum, played a few rounds of golf, swam, visted friends, went to the play ground, hit the amusement park and other activities which are only fun when Nana and Pop Pop are around. It was evident that our visit was long overdue when the night we returned home Ben cried saying that he missed Tulsa. Fortunatetly, we were able to convince Ben that Tulsa wouldn't be going anywhere soon, so he was able to fall asleep. Here are more pictures of our visit.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:36 PM EST

Ben's CNS is clear!!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:30 AM EST

Hi all!

I was given a friendly reminder yesterday that I had not updated Ben's website in nearly a month! No news is good news?!

Ben has been enjoying his summer. He had an awesome time at basketball camp and keeps himself busy at home by practicing with big brother, Jeremy. Ben's bike riding skills are being honed and unbeknownst to himself, his golf game is getting so much better! Ben's been following us to Jeremy's tournaments this summer. Golf's not really Ben's game, but he gives it a try and keeps up even in the sweltering heat.

We travel to Oklahoma this week to visit Nana and Pop Pop for 10 days. They're hoping to do a lot of "cowboy and indian" stuff - whatever that entails. We're looking forward to having a great time. The last time we visited was the winter before Ben's diagnosis, so we're long overdue.

Ben has a clinic appointment the day we leave for OK. Unfortunately, it includes a lumbar puncture where they will take a sample of his spinal fluid and inject a dose of methotrexate. He's usually up and running shortly after these procedures, but it's never been the scenario where he had to get in a car for 16 hours to go on a family vacation either. We'll just have to play it by ear. Hopefully the excitement of seeing Nana and Pop Pop will win over any discomfort he may have. We've also purchased all the creature comforts for the long drive, but depending on how Ben feels, an overnighter half way through the trip may be inevitable. Can't say I wouldn't mind taking a break myself!

Hope everyone out there is doing well! We'll let you know the results of Ben's LP when we get them.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006 - Completed chemo June 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, June 22, 2006 1:31 PM EST

Hope everyone is having a great summer! Ben certainly is!

He went to the clinic yesterday and checked out well. His ANC is on the low side, so Dr. Crosswell dropped his methotrexate back to 50nd he also got a dose of vincristine. Ben's gained a pound in the last month and contiunes to add centimeters to his height.

Ben's next appointment is July 20th. He'll get an LP and vincristine. We'll be sure to post results then.

Ben's summer has been exciting. He's learned to swim like a fish and can't get enough of it! We figured out that he's swam in 7 different pools this summer and with our neighbors building one this month, he's sure to add another to the list! He's asked if he can take diving lessons so that he can perfect his favorite dive . . . The Cannon Ball!

We spent Memeorial Day week in Hilton Head with my family. Jeremy and Ben had a full week with their cousin, Gavin. We're hoping to make it annual event. The boys went swimming, fishing, body surfing, crabbing, painting at the Art Cafe, bike riding, golfing and so much more. What a great way to start off summer break!

Next week Ben starts basketball camp. It will be interesting to see how he takes to life as a big kid. The camp is only for 3 days, but it is from 9am - 3pm! That's the longest he's ever been on his own. He does have a few friends in the camp, so hopefully he'll be able to tough it out.

Ben just tested for his brown striped belt in karate. He's really getting a handle on all of his moves. The coordination, balance and confidence he is learning at the school is tremendous.

So, as you can see, life remains "normal". We are busy as usual, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Fun, fun, fun!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Saturday, May 27, 2006 12:35 AM EST

Hi all,
Ben’s clinic visit last Wednesday went well. His counts were all good. So good, in fact, that they increased his methotrexate back to 100%. He got a dose of vincristine and we were out of there. Apparently, we missed seeing Jake only by an hour. Darn!

We're off tomorrow to begin our summer vacation. We'll spend a week down in Hilton Head with the Perez family and try to have as much fun as we can handle. Thanks, Nana and Pop Pop for the condo!

Here’s some news . . . Dr. Crosswell (doc who first diagnosed Ben) will be leaving in 3 weeks to work at a hospital in Greenville, SC. We will surely miss him and feel a little vulnerable with him gone but we plan on keeping in touch. He has arranged to conduct a symposium for the Children’s Oncology Group in the fall and will present cases such as Ben’s in hopes of gaining their support to begin research into these rare leukemias. Hopefully, CureSearch Athletics will help fund his project.

Ben’s next visit is on June 21st. As always, we’ll keep you posted.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:19 PM CDT

Benjamin is 5 years old today! And we couldn't be happier!! We celebrated his birthday this past Saturday with all his preschool friends at Jump Zone. They had a blast!

Next clinic date is May 24th. As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, April 17, 2006 5:21 PM EST

What a vacation we had!! It was certainly nothing short of a dream come true.

But of course, our journey had to begin with a trip to the ER the day before we boarded the cruise ship! Ben was coloring Saturday morning and told me that there was something "wierd" about his eyes. He seemed to have suffered slight loss of vision in his left eye. It didn't last long, but shook me up nonetheless. About 2 hours later he started complaining that he had a headache. Vision loss? Headache? Didn't seem like a good combination to me. We called the doc on call and she told us to go straight to the ER. But in true Benjamin fashion, he checked out well and was given a full authorization to go on his cruise. The concensus at the hospital was that if Ben was truly experiencing a neurological event, then the symptoms would have continued. By the time Ben reached the hospital, his vision was clear and the headache subsided.
So, we rushed home to finish up our packing and we set sail the next afternoon.

The Disney Wonder was a fantastic cruise ship styled in the tradition of the classic ocean liners from the 30's and 40's. Here are some highlights from our trip:

  • toured the ship
  • played ping pong
  • mandatory lifeboat practice
  • attended the bon voyage party atop the Disney Wonder
  • ate way too much rich food for dinner
  • tried our hand at bingo
  • Jeremy and I attended a magician show while Chris and Ben retired to the stateroom and rested for the excitement to come

  • docked at Nassau
  • swam with dolphins - well, Jeremy and Ben decided just to watch Chris and I do it, but I think they still had fun
  • Jeremy and Ben attended the Oceaneers Club and entered Pirate boot camp - Capt. Hook made a special appearance to check up on his new recruits
  • ate way too much rich food for dinner
  • played at the arcade
  • attended the evening show - "Hercules"

  • docked at Castaway Cay (Disney's private island)
  • sunrise basketball game
  • swam at the Goofy pool
  • played on the beach
  • souvenier shopping
  • water slide at the Mickey pool
  • ate way too much rich food for dinner
  • played at the arcade
  • attended the evening show - "The Golden Mickeys"
  • attended the Pirate dance party and fireworks
  • late night dessert buffet

  • full day at sea
  • woke up late
  • entered the Mickey 200 vegetable car races - won prize for best team name - "The Super Slick Carrot Sticks"
  • entered a scavenger hunt
  • played jackpot bingo......(drum roll)...........Ben won $510!!!
  • more souvenier shopping
  • played at the arcade
  • ate way too much rich food for dinner
  • went to the comedy club
  • attended the evening show - "Disney Dreams"
  • packed to go home

The next morning Ben was determined to stay longer and hid himself in the stateroom closet requesting that we not take him with us! We ate breakfast on the ship and were quickly whisked off the ship back to reality. As we walked into the terminal, Ben came to a sudden stop. I was behind him and ran up to see if there was a problem. He was crying. I mean, full out weeping. "I don't want to leave yet!" I didn't want to wake up from the dream either.

Thank you, Make A Wish and Disney for making the world an absolutely perfect place for Ben if even for only a few short days. photos

Monday, April 25, 2006 11:26 PM EST

Quick update . . . Ben's LP went well on Monday. He received a dose of Methotrexate and Vincristine. His physical exam showed that he's grown 6cm in the last month! Dr. B says he'll probably top out somewhere around 5'10" fully grown. Next clinic visit is in 4 weeks. We'll keep you posted!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
Annie Coyle - diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma March, 2006
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, April 2, 2006 8:30 PM EST

It's exactly two years today that Ben was diagnosed with leukemia. Today he remains in remission but is still receiving chemotherapy daily with his monthly visits to the clinic. As happy as I am with Ben's current health status, I can't help but hold back the cheers and ovation for fear of jinxing the good thing we have going. We've heard of far too many children relapsing around this time during their treatment and that fact always haunts me. So, suffice it to say, Ben is holding strong.

Meghan and Jackie from the Make a Wish Foundation came by the house yesterday and greeted Ben with a fist full of balloons, presents and a chocolate cake that read, “Happy Wish Day!” Their bon voyage party was a big hit! Both of the boys received gifts while Chris and I were given last minute details about the trip. They’ve taken care of everything from parking at the airport to tipping our cruise attendants. This trip will surely be a “dream come true” for all of us. I can hardly wait to see the boys’ expressions when they catch their first glimpse of the enormous ship they will be boarding. I’m certain it will knock them off their feet!

We were going to leave tomorrow for North Carolina to visit cousin Gavin but Ben woke up with a croupy cough and runny nose. He’s been coughing all day so we thought it would be best to stay close to home today and spare Gavin and his folks any unecessary germs. Hopefully, Ben will start feeling better soon and we can get up to NC for a couple of days before our cruise.

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll be sure to update the website as soon as we return from our Disney cruise and include a boat load of pictures to boot!

Ben’s next clinic date is April 19th.

Monday, April 3, 2006 2:30PM EST

Oh what a difference a day makes! We’re taking it easy today and might not go to Ashville this week. Ben had a fever of 101 this morning and I took him to the clinic. His ANC was down to 690 (500 and less means hospital admission), so they gave him some Rocephan and Tylenol and instructed us to cut his daily chemo in half then sent us home. He said he’s feeling better but I think it’s just the Tylenol. Hopefully he’ll get over this thing in the next couple of days so that he can still make the cruise. He’s due at the clinic on Friday for another CBC just to check his ANC again.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:43 AM EST

Ben went to the clinic yesterday for a physical and a dose of vincristine. All counts were normal and the visit was a breeze. He starts another round of prednisone this week as well.

We ran into our buddy Jake while we were at the clinic. He's still got 12 more weeks of intensive chemo. He was actually waiting for hospital admission when we saw him. Next up for Jake is cranial radiation - 10 rounds. I can't imagine what his family is going through but to see them you wouldn't supsect a thing. Elle and Brent were their ever-gracious and hospitible selves. Jake even seemed as though he felt well. He and Ben played on the computers as the grown-ups had their talk. They get along so well, I'm sure they would have been pals even if we'd met Jake under "normal" circumstances. As you do for Ben, please continue prayers for this child. Jake and Ben share the same birth month and will both be turing 5 years old in May.

We're gearing up for Ben's Make A Wish trip. It's getting very exciting - at least for Chris and me. The boys have no clue what it's like to be on a cruise ship. I think it will just blow their minds!

Things are starting to brew on the CureSearch Athletics end. We have gotten an approved logo (designed by BeBe) and we'll be creating brochures and overhauling the website in the next couple of months. We have several new fundraisers for races even as far as Colorado. Jeremy's school, Queen of Angels, has even agreed to support our program in their annual family fun run this April.

The momentum the program has created recently proves to us that we made the right decision in organizing CSA and we're headed in the right direction. One of Ben's doctors, Hal Crosswell, is submitting a proposal to the Childrens Oncology Group this week in regards to a study of Biphenotypic Leukemia patients. Hopefully, some of the money we raise will go toward funding his research soon.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin
And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004


Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, March 5, 2006 7:36 AM CST

Quips from a child who lives in the world of cancer:

On learning about mortality:
"Why don't we all just start eating healthy food? That way we won't die."
"What does your soul look like?"
"Will Father Frank die too?"

On cancer:
"Why do I have cancer?"
"Will I die?"
"If I were a superhero, I would beat it up!"

On heaven:
"When I get to heaven, I'm going to wish for a house made of ginger bread and I'd eat it all day long!"
"Can the devil be in heaven?"
"When we go to heaven, will we see our baby that died?"

On rethinking his Make A Wish wish:
"I know, I could have wished that all the kids with cancer all got better! Darn!"

On just plain getting smarter:
"How did my port get in there?"
"How will they take it out?"

On "St. Baldrick's Day":
"I have an idea. Daddy can just shave the hair off his chest for the kids that don't have hair. That way he won't have to shave his head."

On suggesting that daddy shave his legs too:
"No! Yuck!"

I think I've been able to answer most of Ben's questions to his satisfaction. But as you can see, they are getting very challenging for me!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:30 PM EST

All went well this week at Ben's clinic visit. He got a physical and a dose of vincristine. His counts are all good. They’re maintaining his meds at 90% because I thought he may have gotten a touch of a stomach bug the past two days. No fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea, just a couple of stomach aches and frequent #2 potty breaks. But he seems to be doing much better with all of that. Next visit is March 22nd for more of the same.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, February 17, 2006 8:16 AM EST

Hi everyone. Hope this entry fines you all doing well. We've all come down with one thing or another over the past 2 weeks but we're definitely on the mend.

2 weeks ago Chris fought of a bout of the stomach flu from Friday to Sunday. That Monday, I got the bug which lasted until Wednesday. Poor Jeremy got it next and was out of commission from Wednesday to Friday. We all kept our distance from Benjamin as though he was the sick one for fear of sharing our germs with him. We sent him off to school every day to just get him out of the house where I knew the virus was lingering. I disinfected the house from top to bottom each day hoping that I'd lessend the chances of Ben contracting the stomach flu. Fortunately it worked! Benjamin only came down with a slight cold. But by the end of the week he thought no body liked him because he'd been isolated for so long! Luckily, at the end of the week we were all able to attend the Big Apple Circus with Camp Sunshine.

The boys loved the circus. Thank you to Camp Sunshine for arranging a special performance for such special kids. To see a mass of cancer kids under the big top is quite overwhelming, but to watch their expressions and hear their uproarious laughter as the clowns did their magic was comforting and a sign that this day was a really good day for all of them.

Last Tuesday Ben had his kindergarten testing day at Queen of Angels. They take each applicant for the following school year and evaluate where they currently stand academically. It's really no big deal and I thought Ben realized that. As we drove to the school he asked me to quiz him on his alphabet, number, shapes, etc. So I thought he was calm and looking forward to it. But as soon as we arrived and saw the lobby full of kids he broke down sobbing and scared. He became nervous and didn't want to go through with it. We took a few minutes to relax and talk about how he was feeling. He asked, "If I don't do this, can I still go to kindergarten?" Unfortunately this testing was part of the process. He had to do it. One of the faculty members came to collect all the kids for the testing and Ben wouldn't budge. After a little coaxing and a promise that he could come back and try another day if he didn't think he could do it, he convinced himself to at least walk down to the testing room and check it out. From the reports I got, he continued to cry for the first 5 minutes but soon found his comfort zone at the coloring table and was able to complete the rest of the test. Phew!

We go back to the clinic on the 22nd for a physical and vincristine. As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:10 PM EST

I found out this morning that Ben's CNS is clear. We're going strong!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:48 AM EST

Ben's clinic visit went well last Monday. His counts were good enough to increase the chemo he recevies at home to 90 percent of the full doseage. The docs are being cautious about ramping up his meds too quickly. They don't want his counts to fall too drastically. So, probably for the next couple of weeks Ben will be at 90 percent.

His LP procedure went smoothly. We should get results of the CNS in a day or so. It's so funny how the LP days are his most favorite of the clinic days. He was lying on the bed as we waited for the docs and nurses to prepare for the procedure. He was watching The Lion King movie (at his request) and started mumbling something under his breath. I asked him if anything was wrong and he said, "I'm ready to go to sleep. I want the sleepy medicine now." I didn't realize it was such a treat! And of course, the blueberry muffin and Funions were on hand. As many times as we've done this, the menu stays the same.

When he was done, he got a toy at the clinic from their treasure chest and then we stopped at Target to pick up another toy from mommy and daddy.

He chose not to go to school after the clinic visit. So, Ben and I hung out at the house until it was time to pick up Jeremy from school.

A pretty good day.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:48 AM EST

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:48 AM EST

Ben's clinic visit went well last Monday. His counts were good enough to increase the chemo he recevies at home to 90 percent of the full doseage. The docs are being cautious about ramping up his meds too quickly. They don't want his counts to fall too drastically. So, probably for the next couple of weeks Ben will be at 90 percent.

His LP procedure went smoothly. We should get results of the CNS in a day or so. It's so funny how the LP days are his most favorite of the clinic days. He was lying on the bed as we waited for the docs and nurses to prepare for the procedure. He was watching The Lion King movie (at his request) and started mumbling something under his breath. I asked him if anything was wrong and he said, "I'm ready to go to sleep. I want the sleepy medicine now." I didn't realize it was such a treat! And of course, the blueberry muffin and Funions were on hand. As many times as we've done this, the menu stays the same.

When he was done, he got a toy at the clinic from their treasure chest and then we stopped at Target to pick up another toy from mommy and daddy.

He chose not to go to school after the clinic visit. So, Ben and I hung out at the house until it was time to pick up Jeremy from school.

A pretty good day.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:51 PM CST

Ben's off to the clinic tomorrow at 8:30am. He's scheduled to receive a lumbar puncture, interthecal methotrexate, vincristine and will begin another pulse of prednisone. Please pray that things continue to go well for Benjamin. LPs are always scary but if the news of the result is good then it's really good. Please pray that his body is holding strong.

It was Ben's first full week back to school and he did very well. He didn't get as nervous as I thought he would. Maybe he was just happy to get rid of me for a few hours! I know he missed his school pals too.

Our big news is that Ben received his wish from the Make A Wish Foundation. In April we will board a Disney Bahamas cruise for a 5 day/4night adventure! Ben and Jeremy are so excited about the trip and Chris and I aren't too upset about it either! We've received our itinerary and details about shore excursions. It should be a fantastic time!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:13 AM EST

In my haste to update a couple of weeks ago, I failed to mention that we were going to Disney World!

Well, we're back and we had and awesome time. We usually go the first week in February but this year was different. Chris signed up for the Disney Half Marathon with our friends Christopher and Cynthia who both ran on behalf of Ben and CureSearch Athletics. Everyone was successful in completing the run even with injuries! Big, huge thank yous to Christopher and Cynthia for helping get our CSA program off the ground and to a great start! Together they raised nearly $1500! That in itself is an incredible feat!

The boys and I are starting to get the running bug as well. Jeremy and I ran in the Family 5K Fun Run and Benjamin crossed the finish line with a huge smile on his face in his 200 yard dash race! I think we've found a new family sport.

The week started out last Wednesday as we pulled up to the Nickelodeon Hotel. The boys have been itching to go there for almost a year now. We kept our lodgings a secret until we drove up to the door. What a time they had! Bunk beds in their own room with a tv and playstation beckoning their names. Just outside our room was the pool and fantastic waterslide. Ben has become quite the daredevil and went down every slide - even the ones in which he barely made the height requirement! After swimming, we showered and had pizza at the "mall" on the hotel grounds. There the boys played bingo, nick trivia and ended the evening in the arcade. Way too much fun. Later, Jeremy and I attended a "Slime Time Live" show. It was so much better in person than watching it on tv.

The next morning we headed out to MGM Studios which is swiftly becoming one of our favorite parks. Ben made the height requirment for the Star Tours ride this year. (Last year was heartbreaking. Without his hair and the delay in growth from the chemo he was shy about 2 inches.) Needless to say, we rode that ride several times!

Friday was a big treat for the boys. We had arranged to meet their friends Emma (her dad is Christopher who ran for CSA) and Jeffery and Nikolas who were at Disney for their regular annual visit. The boys were ecstatic that they would be spending the day with their favorite friends at the Magic Kingdom - the greatest place on earth! Just inside the gate, we ran in to Andrew Kehoe and his family. Andrew was Ben's best friend in preschool when Ben was diagnosed. We haven't seen much of them lately but they soon remembered how they once were best pals. Andrew's dad ran the full marathon for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society - its an annual thing for him. So, with our group in tow, we hit as many rides as we could. Jeremy and Ben are becoming huge fans of the rollercoaster rides. Thunder Mountain Railroad became their favorite ride this year. It was a fantastic day - one of those which we'll always remember.

On Saturday we ran our races. Chris' started at 6am so the boys and I had a leisurely breakfast at the hotel and met Chris after his run. It was such a special experience for me running the 5K with Jeremy. We played a Star Wars guessing game to pass the time but once we entered Epcot the run went by in a flash. We ran around the world and were greeted by representatives of each country as we past through. As we crossed the finish line, Jeremy offered me his hand for a congratulatory high five. I loved it.

Ben's race followed our run. He and I waited with the other 3 - 4 year olds in a holding area. They ran each age group and gender seperately so we had some time to kill. It ended up that we had quite some time to spare and the kids and parents became very frustrated. I was one of them. Ben was cool as a cucumber knowing that he had to run the race to receive a medal. After about 45 mins in the holding area Ben and I walked up to the staging area where the starting line was. My idea was just to wait until his group started to line up and I would just sneak him in behind them. This way we wouldn't have to be confined to the holding pen. As we appoached the starting line I noticed that the group that was just about to race was the 5-6 year old boys. I looked around. No one was watching us. Ben looked as big as some of the boys so I told Ben to get ready. We'd be running in just a few seconds. I quickly called Chris on his cell and told him to look out for us in the very next race. Ben took his ready stance and we were off! I ran along side him for the entire race. He was grinning from ear to ear as we rounded the corner. He nimbly avoided collision with several other boys ahead of him and he was excited to see Jeremy and Chris rooting him on. Crossing the finish line gave me a glimpse into Ben's future. He WILL beat this thing.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1:09 PM CST

We got everything we wanted for Christmas! Both boys are doing well and Chris and I couldn't be happier.

Ben actually climbed up on Santa's lap this year without hesitation and announced that he wanted a blue power ranger with action voice. For the next two days, I searched high and low and finally found the exact toy he wanted and it was even the very last blue ranger! I put batteries in it and tested the action voice. We put it out Christmas eve and went to bed. When Christmas morning arrived I couldn't wait to see is reaction. He picked up the power ranger, shrugged his shoulders and told us that Santa had brought the wrong one, "but that's okay," he said, "I still like it anyway." How could this be? I know I got exactly what he asked for - blue, power ranger with action voice. How could I mess that up? Upon emptying his stocking he cried, "Here it is! Santa put it in my stocking instead!" "But, Ben, that's a small red power ranger that doesn't say anything." I insisted. "Yep," he said, "just what I wanted." Needless to say, he hasn't picked up that blue ranger since Christmas day.

We had another great celebration this year with family and friends. Everyone went home with armloads of presents and a belly full of our holiday bounty. The only thing missing was snow, but we don't hold our breath for the white stuff around these parts!

Ben went to the clinic today for a CBC. All counts were good and steadily rising. He will continue his meds at 75 percent until the 23rd - his next clinic appointment. We'll find out later today if he needs to get the IVIG as well. But with his ANC well in the 2000 range he most likely won't need it soon.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, December 23, 2005 7:16 AM CST

Ben's now up to 75 percent of his regular meds. His ANC was checked last Wednesday and it had fallen slightly from the week before but was still in the safe range to increase his chemo. He also received vincristine that day. He did not receive the Nupogen. The lab incorrectly tested his blood sample last time and did not get the IGG level they were looking for. They will retest with the blood they got on Wednesday and decide probably by next week if he needs the Nupogen.

We've had a busy week. It was Ben's full week back to school after a long hiatus and I think it tuckered him out. Not to mention all the parties and activities we've been attending.

Last Sunday we went to Jake's house to deliver presents. Ben was asleep in the car for the first half of the visit but woke up suddenly when the gift exchange began! Jake is doing well - all things considered. He seemed tired and so did his parents. They were out riding Jake's wagon when we rolled in. Although he looks good and he was out and about, I couldn't help but tear up a bit realizing what this kid is going through. He'll begin another intensive phase the week after Christmas. He'll be in the hospital 3-4 days at a time every three weeks for three months. Please pray for this child. He is precious to behold. After we left, I asked Ben if he remembered being like Jake - bloated and emotional from weeks and weeks of steroids. He didn't understand what I was talking about. I asked him if he remembered having a round face and big tummy like Jake's. He squinted his eyes and thought really hard and said, "Mommy, Jake looks just fine." Boy, did I feel dumb.

On Monday, we went with our cancer friends, the Hennessy's, (Will and Clare go to Queen of Angels with Jeremy) to help another Q of A family, the Spinners, deliver TONS of toys to the AFLAC Clinic. The Spinners have been so touched by Ben's, Will's and Andrew Vassil's (also Q of A)cancer ordeals and triumphs that they threw and extravagant Christmas party a couple of weeks ago and asked all who came to donate a toy to the clinic. They ended up with quite a haul! We're hoping they'll make their party and annual event!

On Wednesday we went to a party with a few more Q of A families. The boys had a terrific time playing with all the kids. Ben was convinced half-way through the night that he would be spending the night. Needless to say, it was a huge ordeal peeling him away from the Davis' house that night!

Yesterday, we attended Ben's school Christmas party and play. They acted out the story of Mary and Joseph and the night Jesus was born. Ben was a wiseman who acted more like a wise guy! As soon as he entered the room, he cracked up. He saw that BeBe was there and just couldn't stop laughing! (Neither could she!) He portrayed his part beautifully! I had little knowledge of the wisemen until I saw Ben's rendition. They actually danced and wiggled and jumped around during their travels to Behtlehem! And when the wisemen got to the stable, the offered their presents to baby Jesus and giggled, pushed each other, made funny faces and hopped around like bunnies. The wisemen were crazy!

Last night we went to dinner at the Green's house. They treated us to a wonderful family-style Italian dinner. They are such gracious hosts and we love them dearly. The boys exchanged presents and made cookies. It was another evening that ended too quickly.

Benjamin also earned his green-striped belt in karate this week. He's on his way and loves that he goes to karate classed like his older brother.

Thanks for checking in on Ben. We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the holidays. As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, December 16, 2005 10:21 AM CST

We're doing well. Went to the clinic last Wednesday and got the good news that Ben's counts have recovered. So, it looks as though he'll be healthy enough to go back to school on Monday. Thank goodness! I think he's really missed it.

Ben's also back on his meds but only half doses. We'll be back in the clinic on the 21st for his regularly scheduled visit.

Thanks for checking in on Ben. We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the holidays. As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, December 8, 2005 4:10 PM EST

Hi all.

Still doing well although I think Ben is now suffering from "cabin fever"! We went to the clinic on Wednesday and found out that his ANC is even lower and, yes, he is nutrapenic. So, this time we've been asked to stop all chemo drugs at home to see if that will help elevate his counts. Ben is happy to be medicine-free for a whole week, but the whole thing is rather scary. Anyway, until next week when we go in for another CBC he'll have another week at home with mommy. I don't know how much longer he can stand me!

We'll keep you posted.

We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the holidays. As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Sunday, December 4, 2005 9:57 AM EST

Hi everyone.

Sorry for the delay in the update. We've been really busy and for the most part that means we're all doing well.

Ben's clinic appointment on the 23rd went well. Ben had a physical and received vinchristine. The docs did notice that Ben's ANC number was lower than expected. At this phase in chemo it should be around 1500 but instead it was 640. They suspect it is from the virus he's still hanging on to because his white count was low as was his platelet number. We were told to cut his methorexate dose in half and delay it one day to see if that would help his numbers recover. Ben also started his monthly dose of prednisone which instantly changed him into Mr. Hyde. Thank goodness it's only a 5 day pulse once a month!

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Uncle Ruben and Baba were in town so we had almost everyone on the Perez side of the family at the dinner feast. The Perezs from NC weren't able to make it. We ate, played Clue, ate some more, went on a hike, played more Clue, went to a movie and ended the weekend with yet another full plate of food! We love Thanksgiving!

Ben went to the clinic the following week for a CBC to find out how is blood counts were doing. As suspected, his ANC number fell even more to 530 but the other counts bounced back to normal range. We were told to cut his 6MP dose in half as well as the methotrexate until next week when he goes back in for another CBC.

Until then, we've taken Ben out of school to limit his exposure to all the gunk that hangs around preschools. He's probably nutrapenic by now so we're just trying to keep his activities to a minimum.

Fortunately for me, with Ben home I have a helper around to decorate the house and trim the trees. He enjoys doing it too.

We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the holidays. As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:40 AM CST

Hi all,

The past 24 hours has been pretty exciting.

Early Wednesday morning around 1am, Ben woke us up with a violent cough which led to vomiting. Chris and I ran to his room, got him all cleaned up and changed his bed sheets. Then we realized that he felt warm. A quick temp check read 101.2. That's our cue to call the doctor on call.

It's been since April that we've had to go through this drill so we were a little rusty. After talking to the doctor about Ben's symptoms she said, "OK, I'll call the ER and tell them you're on your way." We packed up a bag, some toys and goodies and Chris and Ben were off to the ER.

They arrived around 2am and where whisked into an examination room. Ben's breathing and heart rate were rapid, his temp was 103, his oxygen was low and he had weezing in his lungs. The doctor ordered a CBC, fluids, a round of heavy duty antibiotic, Rocephan and a chest xray. It was around 5am when the doctor, pleased with the CBC numbers, a clear xray, the fever's positive response to Tylenol and a breathing treatement, still decided to admit Ben to the hospital because of the noise in his lungs.

I got Jeremy to school and arrived at the hospital where Ben and Chris were still stowed away in the ER. The cancer floor was completely filled which is extremely sad knowing that the holidays are just around the corner. Chris left for work and Ben and I watched some videos.

He seemed to be feeling better although his fever persisted. He asked if we could walk around the hospital. The nurse unplugged him from the oxygen meter and I wheeled him around on his IV pole. He loves doing that! While we were waiting for the elevator Ben asked, "Is Jake here?" with a glimmer of hope and a slight smile on his face. "No, not this week." I informed him.

We made it to the gift shop after a while and ran into Nurse Joy from the cancer floor. She's one of Ben's favorites. She complimented him on his new hair and said she'd look for us once a room became available on her floor.

We returned to our ER sancutary and Ben lied down. He was tired and still feverish. The nurse practitioner came in and decided that other than his fever, he checked out fine. We could probably go home. As we waited for the final word from the doctor Ben said to me "I think I should stay another night." That scared me. I told Dr. Crosswell what he'd said and although Dr. Crosswell also felt Ben could go home, decided that Ben probably knew best and put in his vote for keeping us at least one more night.

There was some back and forth about the idea but ultimately we were sent home. There wasn't anything else they could do for him at the hospital that we could take care of at home. I also didn't want to run the risk of Ben contracting something else just from being in the hospital.

I asked him later why he wanted to stay at the hospital and he told me "Because it's fun." Can you believe that? After all he's been through at that hospital. Many thanks to CHOA - Scottish Rite for caring so much for our kids and making them know that life is good no matter the situation!

So, we're home. Ben's fever is subsiding. We will update the clinic today on his condition but probably not have to go in until our scheduled appointment on the 23rd.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Friday, November 11, 2005 12:30 AM CST

Sorry for the delay in updates. We've been so busy.

Ben started to come down with a cough the Sunday before Halloween. I considered telling him that he couldn't go trick or treating this year for fear that he would become sicker. But I decided against it mainly because we were hosting the Halloween party this year and it just wouldn't be fair to Ben. Instead, I just let him stay home from school hoping that would help a little.

Trick or treating was so different this time from last year when Ben was in the middle of his intensive chemo. Last year Ben rode in a wagon most of the time while he was only running the last steps to each house to collect his goodies. After about 6 or 7 houses, he was exhausted. He became nauseaus and lost his lunch in the middle of the street. This year was quite a different story. Ben ran through the entire neighborhood only stopping for candy. We've measured it and figured that he ran about a mile. What a kid will do for candy! His only disappointment was that his costume (The Thing from The Fantastic 4) didn't actually scare anyone. Chris and I were all smiles watching Ben sling his candy bag over his shoulder as he headed off to each house.

And as I mentioned earlier, the next day Ben was sicker. His cough was worse and he started having a slight fever. By Wenesday he wasn't any better so I took him to the clinic. Dr. B gave him the once over and perscribed an antibiotic in hopes of preventing pneumonia.

On Saturday we headed off to North Carolina for cousin Gavin's 3rd birthday party. The boys love their cousin and couldn't wait to get up there. It was a great party with a moon walk, lots of good food and cupcakes. But the best thing was the time the boys got to spend with Gavin. We don't see each other nearly enough.

By Sunday we were back home trying to decide if Ben was well enough to go back to school. Whenever we brought up the subject, he would start coughing claiming that he was still sick. At one point he said to me, You know, mommy, I don't think I'll EVER be able to back to school." We kept him out one more day, but insisted on him going back on Tuesday. He did well although he didn't want to be there.

Wednesday was the boys 6 mos. check up at the dentist. Both passed with flying colors. Ben was excited to be with Jeremy in the morning and actually get dropped off at school at the same time. He had no trouble going to school that day.

Today was a differet story. At school he clung to my leg and cried like it was the first day all over again! He only let go when the school director saw me and asked if I could sub for another class. As I agreed Ben let go and got busy playing with his friends. But by the time we got to karate (which he missed alot of while he was sick) he'd reverted back. He cried and refused to get out on the mat with the other kids. He hadn't acted that way since last year! So, we sat and watched his class. Every once in a while he'd start crying because he wanted to be out there with everyone else but just couldn't get himself to do it.

It's a real number this cancer thing does to a person's spirit. These kids couldn't be braver when they're being carried away by masked hospital personnel for surgeries. They couldn't be braver when receiving intermuscular shots with needles long enough to go through their entire leg. They couldn't be braver having to sit still while a nurse plugs yet another IV in their bodies or watch as their hair falls out. But when you least expect it, the fears manifest and come roaring out.

Ben still has a long road ahead. Although he's been courageous throughout, he is still precious and fragile. It's a great balancing act to know when to cuddle him or when to push him. We pray every night that he is healed. We pray for his continued bravery and painlessness in the months ahead.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, October 24, 2005 8:08 PM CDT

We're exhausted! Yet another fun-filled week!

Ben tested last Tuesday for his yellow stripe at Karate. I was not in attendance, but Chris tells me that he was awesome. And I don't doubt it. Ben loves Karate so much that he asks me practically every day if he has class. Seems as though we have another black belt in the making!

On Friday, I dropped Ben off at Chris' office because they were heading out for a Father/Son camping trip with Ben's Adventure Guides group. Jeremy and Chris did the same trip for the past 2 years until Jeremy graduated to Cub Scouts. This year was Ben's turn. But he wasn't convinced that he wanted to go. He was very quite all day and seemed a bit nervous. He told me that he felt like it was the first day of school all over again. I could see the dread on his face. He just wasn't interested in going on this trip. When we met Chris for the drop off, Ben clung to my neck and cried and screamed that he didn't want to go camping! Chris peeled him off of me, I kissed him goodbye and drove off to pick up Jeremy from school. I've learned from past experience (Jeremy) that the trauma of leaving me only lasts a couple of minutes! We got a call from Ben that night. He won his first game of Bingo and got a football as a prize! He was ecstatic. Mommy who?

The rest of the weekend they canoed, shot bb guns and bow and arrows, went to a petting zoo and lots of other fun I'm sure! Saturday night Chris called to let us know when they'd be returning the next day. They had just finished roasting marshmallows. Chris stopped Ben after his 5th gooey treat only to fall to Ben's plea that "I barely had any!" Even after offering Ben a 6th and last marshmallow, Ben wasn't satisfied! I got on the phone with Ben and in his most pittiful voice all he could say to me was, "Mamma, I barely had any." How much fun the must have had!

The next day, they woke up bright and early to return to Marietta to watch Jeremy compete in his first Triathlon! Jeremy raced and raised $420 for a branch of CureSearch Athletics that he devised himself - Cure Kids. With all the talk around the house about CSA and watching his dad compete, Jeremy took on the challange himself. Exactly how proud can a mother be? I feel very blessed to have such wonderful kids, but even more, I feel honored to be the mother of such strong and compassionate human beings. To watch Jeremy cross the finish line was unlike anything I'd every experienced. The impression it left in my soul was deep, poignant, spirited and profoundly heartfelt. He is a good boy. Please visit Jeremy's website for all the details of his great accomplishment. And here are the pictures! (No need to log in. Just click on the picture when you get there.)

Ben went to the clinic today and did better than he ever has! He laid perfectly still as his port was accessed, didn't complain about being hungry and even took the opportunity to catch a few more winks after his LP was over and done with. He received Methotrexate and Vincristine today. One our way out, we bumped into Jake Rivers who was also in for and LP. He was sporting his army costume for Halloween and looked every bit the part! The army should be so lucky!

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:47 AM CDT

New! Pictures from our Chicago trip.

Official Chicago Marathon pictures of Chris.

What a fantastic time we had in Chicago!

We arrived late on Wednesday night but the boys were so excited to see Uncle Russell and his fabulous condo that over looks Lake Michigan that we didn't get to bed until after midnight.

On Thursday, Uncle Russell took us down to Navy Pier where the boys found themselves enamored with a guy who rides unicycles and other types of bikes. He coaxed Jeremy out of the audience thinking to use him as his stooge while he chased Jeremy around the stage on one of his wheeled contraptions only to be upstaged once Jeremy took off on his Heely's! Jeremy definitely got the last laugh!

We also visited the Childrens Museum there. The boys ran from exhibit to exhibit with as much energy as they could muster. They played at the water exhibit and got drenched, dug for dinosaur bones, built a fort, played musical instruments, climbed a 20 foot rope ladder, played chess on a life size board and even stopped for lunch to try out an authentic Chicago Dog.

Later that evening, we met Nana and PopPop at their hotel and took the train down to Chinatown to visit with a couple of Nana's childhood friends.It was a long, but funfilled first day in the Windy City.

On Friday, we headed out to the Shedd Aquarium. They have an awesome facility! Much bigger and better than any aquarium we've ever seen. Jeremy loved seeing the crab exhibit but Ben was more in his element with the penguins. We watched the dolphin and Beluga whale show which is situated so that magnificent Lake Michigan is the backdrop. It was an incredible show.

That night we headed over to my friend Mary's house for dinner and to visit with some of my college friends and their families. The boys had a fantastic time playing with all the kids. Then Mary sat them down for a meal they'd never forget. With the table covered in foil, a gigantic pot of spaghetti was dumped onto the center of the table for all the kids to fend for themselves! It was too much fun! Fortunately for the adults, we were subjected to a gourmet meal instead! Thanks, Mary and the whole Langhenry family for putting on a great party for us!

Okay, by Saturday we were pretty exhausted. We were having lots of fun and lots of late nights. Fortunately we were able to sleep in a little before heading out to Indiana to visit with extended Smith family members. We were treated to lunch at the country club where Chris' cousin, Carl is the head pro. We ate and talked and lauged. It was a great time to meet the rest of the Smith family. Afterward, they took us to an annual fall gathering. There were hay rides, pony rides, pumpkin picking, bonfires and more family to meet! The boys had a ball roasting marshmallows and hot dogs over the open fire. Thanks, Aunt Nancy for organizing this day for us!

Once we got back to Chicago, we swapped lodgings with Nana and PopPop. Since their hotel was close to the starting line of the marathon, we hunkered down there and they stayed with Russell. We ordered a large Chicago style pizza and settled in for the night.

Chris left the hotel around 6am to meet up with some other runners a friend had gotten together for Chris to run with. The rest of us were on the sidelines around 8am to watch the race. We saw Chris at mile 2 just in front of our hotel. We raced over to mile 3 and missed him so we jumped ahead and caught up with him again at mile 12. He looked great. The weather was perfect and he was feeling good. We took a train to Chinatown to catch him at mile 22, but couldn't get through the crowd. We walked over to Michigan Ave. to wait for him at mile 24. We waited and waited. Chris had been running with the 3:50 and 3:55 pace setters when we last saw him. I thought that since he'd been nursing a a strained calf muscle earlier in the week that he might be slowing down. His time at the Country Music Marathon was around 4:30 so I thought we might see him come in closer to that time. Suddenly, Russell got an alert on his Blackberry which he'd set up to track Chris' time. Chris had gone right by us and finished the race at 4:02:52! Out of 40,000 runners, Chris finished 11,403rd! Not too shabby! The best news, of course is that he raised $1,650 for CureSearch through their new CureSearch Athletics program.

CSA members are set to participate in the Iron Kids Atlanta Triathelon at the end of this month, the Atlanta Half Marathon in November as well as the Disney Half and Family Fun Run in January. Come on! Join our CSA team and you will be in the race toward a cure. You can participate with us in any of the above events by clicking on the link and registering. Or you can participate in any other event that may be closer to your area. After signing up for an event just set up your CSA fundraising page and you'll be on your way to helping find a cure. Click here to learn how to set up your fundraising page.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, October 3, 2005 5:52 PM EST

Another uneventful check-up at the clinic. Where Ben's health is concerned, boring is better! His blood counts are right where the docs need them to be. He was given a dose of vincristine and was even able to receive a flu shot! Boy, was he angry when I told the nurse we wanted one of those! The nurse whipped out the needle and Ben caught a glimpse of it. That was enough to send him reeling! He fought us so hard that it took 3 of us to hold him down. When we got in the car he made me promise never to tell him about the shot beforehand. He's the type of person that just wants to get the bad stuff over and done with as quickly as possible and with little forewarning as possible. After it was all said and done, I asked him if it hurt alot and he replied, "I didn't even feel it."

Ben's next clinic appointment is Oct.24th for a lumbar puncture to check that the CNS is still clear. He'll also get methotrexate and vincristine during this visit.

We're off to Chicago on Wednesday to visit Uncle Russell and other Smith relatives as well as my gal pals from Marquette. Oh yeah, Chris will be running in the Chicago Marathon too! We're really looking forward to the trip. The boys have never been to Chicago. And to top it off, Nana, PopPop and Uncle Ruben will be in attendance as well. It's sure to be an awesome time.

Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
CureSearch Athletics
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Monday, September 26, 2005 4:37 PM EST

We had a great week.

Ben has gotten used to the idea of school and now runs into his classroom without even looking back for me. He comes home and tells me all the new and exciting things they did. He sings songs I've never heard before and is already looking forward to kindergarten next year.

Jeremy's birthday party was this past weekend. We invited 20 of his friends to the Karate school for a pretty active party. The instructors kept the kids running and out of breath for 2 hours. And Ben was right there keeping up with all of the 7 year olds! I haven't seen him have that much fun - ever! The majority of our family was in attendance which always makes for a better party. Ben kept the uncles busy with the toys he received on Jeremy's bday!

On Sunday we attended our church picnic. Inflatable jumpy things, snow cones, bottle rockets, hot dogs, horse-drawn wagon rides and lots of friends! We soaked it all in as quick as we could before heading down to the fields for Ben's soccer game.

He seems to be enjoying soccer but in his own little way. His favorite thing to do is stand by the opponent's goal while the rest of his team is at the other end defending their goal. All the while, Ben jumps up and down, arms in the air and yells "I'm open!" It's great strategy if these 4 year olds only understood how to pass the ball. Otherwise, he's just leaving his team in the lurch! He stops in the middle of the field every once in a while to count his fingers, check out the grass, wave to mom, admire his uniform then puts on his game face, runs after the ball and belts out his warning "OK, no more mister nice guy!" and barrels down the field. "I'm open!"

Ben has a clinic appointment this Wednesday for a physical and chemo. He's been feeling well, the mouth sores have subsided and the rash on his face is only barely visible.

Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Jeremy has a website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:
Cure Childhood Cancer
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding peace in every moment:
Camp Sunshine
Lighthouse Family Retreat

Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:53 AM EST

We had a great meeting last week with the Marketing Director of CureSearch. They have agreed to fully support a program that Chris and I will test pilot. It is called CureSearch Athletics. All funds raised through this program will go to pediatric cancer research. Chris has already started testing the program and has enlisted a few buddies to run with him. Our goal is to raise money by creating a fundraising community. We can't come up with the money from our family and friends alone. We need support that goes far beyond the people we know.

We'll be creating a small website at first to explain the program and enroll fundraisers. We're hoping to have that up in the next month. But for now, please visit Chris' donation page. You can become a fundraiser now! And begin helping to find a cure for pediatric cancer.

CureSearch has also agreed to back a Rare Leukemia Bone Marrow Registry. Hospitals nationwide will contribute bone marrow samples from patients fitting a profile consistent with rare leukemia. This will become the basis of the research. Ben is well into his treatment and won't benefit greatly from this registry but it is our hope that we can create this collection of data so that research may begin and doctors will have a clearer understanding on how to treat rare leukemias for others certain to fall to this disease.

As for Ben, the first week of school was pretty tough but he made it through. I think most of the crying was for my benefit because the teachers told me that he settled down seconds after I left.

Ben also went apple picking with Camp Sunshine last Saturday! Uncle Toti and Aunt BeBe were his chaperones. Uncle Toti even treated Ben to an extra adventure as he helped change a flat tire on the interstate! Boy, do those cars go by fast!!!

At the orchard, Ben played on the playground, rode a tractor, fed baby goats, watched Uncle Toti milk a cow and, oh yeah, picked apples.

Chris and Jeremy completed 112 miles on their bikes for the MS150 last weekend. Jeremy surprised us all with is stamina and patience. The two day event didn't seem to phase him a bit!

I attended the Quiet Heroes luncheon on Saturday. So many moms of so many kids. We listened to stories from several ladies including Lance Armstrong's mom. But I was most touched by the story from Alex Scott's mom, Liz. Bravery is not a word befitting enough for Alex Scott. She began her battle as an infant. Cancer ravaged her body for eight years never even coming close to remission. In her life time Alex began a fundraiser - Alex's Lemonade Stand which has raised nearly $3 million for pediatric cancer research. She was truly and angel among us - an inspiration to all of us.

Thanks to Chris Glavine, (wife of Mets pitcher, Tom Glavine), the Quiet Heroes luncheon is scheduled to be an annual event. If you have the opportunity to attend one year, I highly recommend it!

To top everything off, Ben scored a goal during his first soccer game of the season! He was so proud of himself. To see him finally out there playing like all the rest of the kids was definitly a high point of the weekend.

We started this week on a different note. Ben has a cough and has developed a mouthful of sores - I think from the methotrexate. I'm calling the doctor this morning to find out how we can control the pain. Right now the only thing he can get passed his lips that doesn't cause pain is a tall glass of Pediasure. He's having a hard time and is really miserable. Needless to say, he hasn't seen much of school this week.

We cancelled our trip to the Lighthouse Family Retreat. We were suppose to be leaving today. We've got some personal things to address at home and Ben is just feeling bad. We were really looking forward to the retreat because we've heard so many good things about it. We're staying hopeful that we can attend next spring.

Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Monday, September 5, 2005 8:59 AM EST

Ben's clinic visit last Wednesday was successful. He did not display any anxiety over the visit and cooperated very well. He had a physical exam, they checked his blood counts and receive a dose of Vincristine. He also started another pulse of Prednisone which, thankfully, is ending today!

As I've said before, Prednisone can mess with a child's personality. The best description I've heard from the doctors is that it makes the patient feel like "jumping out of his own skin". With the past 3 rounds of this steroid we've seen this behavior increase in Benjamin. The other day he had a 10 minute long rage over a small disagreement with Jeremy. Ben flung his body onto the couch as he screamed and cried, flailing and punching pillows until Chris took him to his bed to calm down. Fortunately he was able to take a nap and regain his composure. I feel so sorry for him at these times and just let him "have at it" on the pillows or whatever he wants to punch as long as he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else. I fear we haven't seen the worst of this medicine, but again, the side effects confirm to me that the drugs are working.

Ben is officially sporting an orange-striped white belt at Karate. He's moved on the the second level and is so proud of himself. He already has aspirations of being a black belt like his brother. And like Jeremy, Ben practices his moves daily and is not even aware of it. He's made it a regular part of his playtime routine!

We went to Ben's school's Open House last week and he's really looking forward to the first day. He's met a couple of his new classmates and has become very familiar with his classroom. I think he'll have a blast!

Last Saturday night my mom threw a surprise birthday party for my brother, Toti. I didn't tell the boys about the surprise so they were equally astonished when we got to the restaurant and saw all of Uncle Toti's friends. They had a great time and ate up a storm!

If you haven't read about our new fundraising effort, please do. We're not asking for donations from you this time (although they are always welcome), we're asking for something much more. Through CureSearch Athletics we hope to begin collecting information on rare pediatric leukemias so that kids who follow in Ben's footsteps will have a leg up and their doctors will understand their disease better than we did. Please take a look and consider being our partners.

Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:10 AM EST

Still going strong!

Ben tested for his orange striped belt in karate last week. He was so excited and performed so well. He's really coming out of his shell and showing the world the Ben we had before diagnosis. He has a very quick wit and can even laugh at himself. It's such a relief to see Ben feeling comfortable with who he is.

Last week Karate for Kids held another blood drive in Ben's honor. We collected more pints than the time before, but we can always use more. Jake Rivers spent 5 hours at the clinic waiting for blood because the hospital supply was depleted. Inconveniences such as these are huge ordeals for our little kids. Please consider donating. You can go to www.givelife.org to schedule a donation.

Big kudos to our friend Zack Hoechstetter. After a long battle with ALL, Zack is strong, healthy and ready to conquer the world. His port was removed last week and his last chemo will be on Sept. 5! He's a superhero and such an inspiration to all of us! Way to go, Zack!

Ben will start school on Sept.6th. He's really looking forward to it. He even got a special sneak peek at the new classrooms as he was escorted by Fr. Frank the other day. We spent some time meeting the new teachers and staff and even sat and played with some of the new toys. The new playground is finished and Ben can't be more ready to show off his climbing skills to his new classmates.

We had a real treat last Wednesday. The Leukemia Lymphoma Society has named Ben as their "National Hero" for the Soccer Kicks for Cancer program. Ben's story was instrumental in bringing the program to one fo Georgia's largest youth soccer clubs. His picture and story will appear on all brochures and literature promoting the program in 2006. Last Wednesday, the top fundraising groups in Georgia were awarded a 2 hour soccer clinic led by three-time Olympian and gold medal winner in 1996, Cindy Parlow. The boys did not fully understand the honor of receiving instruction from an Olympian but had a great time anyway. Cindy tried to score as both Jeremy and Ben defended the goal. To their delight, they denied Cindy's efforts to score almost every time! To top off the event, a local TV station came to cover the story. It was very interesting to see Ben handle the press. He's become very comortable being the center of attention and I think hams it up a bit to make it more interesting. There was one point were the camerman, lugging a huge video camera on his shoulder, knelt in front of Ben. He held the camera about 2 inches from Ben's face and panned up and down several times. Ben didn't even flinch. He smiled, ate his granola bar and seemed to love every minute of it. Everyone around him just laughed at how easy it was for the cameraman to get footage for the story.

Ben goes to the clinic on August 31st for a physical and more chemo. His oral chemo was increase last time we went for a check up because he is growing - YAY! But the methotrexate is showing its side effects a little. Ben has a rash on his face around his mouth and up to his eyelids that the doctors say we must tolerate. Luckily it doesn't bother Ben but he was surprised to see it when he looked in the mirror the other day. As concerned as I am that the rash doesn't get worse, I also use it a sign that the medicines are working. It's comforting to me in a weird way.

If you haven't read about our new fundraising effort, please do. We're not asking for donations from you this time (although they are always welcome), we're asking for something much more. Through CureSearch Athletics we hope to begin collecting information on rare pediatric leukemias so that kids who follow in Ben's footsteps will have a leg up and their doctors will understand their disease better than we did. Please take a look and consider being our partners.

Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:01 PM CDT

Whew! What a week we had at Hilton Head with BaBa!

The first day we just spent at the pool, the driving range and out to dinner with BaBa. The next two days we packed up and checked in to the Crown Plaza Resort for a "real" vacation at a hotel. The boys seem to think that it's not a vacation unless there's room service! We played tennis, played at the pools (indoor and out), rode waves on the beach, watched movies, had fun singing with Shannon Tanner at Shelter Cove and ate lots and lots of good food!

Chris had to leave us on Tuesday, so the boys and I packed up and headed back to BaBa's house. They were pretty much done with swimming by then so we did some real touristy things like hopping aboard the Wild and Wacky Dolphin Tour! The boys were entertained by some magic tricks and more songs from a local musician, Shannon Tanner. They even got to drive the boat a little. They both really got a kick out of that. Ben even thinks it qualifies him for driving priviledge of the family vehicle!

We also went to The Art Cafe and painted some ceramic souveniers. The boys really enjoyed this and it also got us out of the heat for an hour or so.

The biggest thrill for me was Jeremy's enthusiasm for crabbing. I did this when I was youger with my whole family and have been threatening to take the boys for the past couple of years. We went to the local Walmart, bought crab traps, rope and snacks for us. Then headed over to the grocery store for a package of chicken necks (crabs love 'em!) We got to the pier and as it turned out, the hardest part was putting the traps together! But once that was accomplished, Jeremy threw the first trap over the pier and caught a good sized blue crab within minutes! Jeremy was in heaven and couldn't get enough of crabbing. Ben's first catch came about a half an hour later. He was thrilled but very ready to go home. It took some coaxing from Jeremy and I but Ben was able to last another hour while Jeremy slung the traps. All in all, we caught 5 blue crabs and 1 huge prehistoric looking stone crab! We didn't eat that one. It looked a little too scary! Ben was so frightened by it that he ran the whole length of the pier to get away from it. While we were there, the boys also saw a lady catch a baby shark. They mustered up enough courage to touch it, but bolted as soon as the lady put it on the ground to watch it squirm. It was a special day. Jeremy and I tried our luck at crabbing again a couple days later and came up empty handed.

Well, I finally got the results. Ben's CNS from his July LP was clear - YAY! His Feritin level was higher, but the doctors are still trying to figure out how all this information relates to Biphenotypic leukemia. They also did a gene test and found that Ben has one mutant gene commonly found in patients with Hemochromotosis. From what I understand, this may elevate his iron levels but he will most likely not develop hemochromotosis. We'll get more info from the docs during our August visit. It's never easy.

On that note, Ben looks so good! He's had a haircut, he's tan, taller, happier, spunkier, and even a little naughtier! Life . . . is good.

Also, please consider becoming a fundraiser through CureSearch Athletics. It's our first attempt toward raising money to fund research for rare pediatric leukemia. Ben's cancer has no established treatment plan. By the grace of God and good guesses on our part and our doctors we are keeping Ben healthy. With your help, we can start the process of finding a cure.

Also, Karate for Kids is hosting another blood drive in Ben's honor. Blood products are always in demand. Won't you consider donating at this time? Just think, by doing something so small you are accomplishing something so great - sustaining a life. There's no greater reward. If you'd like to help, just show up any time between 8am and 2pm on August 26th at the Karate for Kids School in Roswell.

Our next clinic visit is August 31st. Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter - Port removed and officially off treatment Sept. 5, 2005!!
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:48 AM EST

Things went well at the clinic last week. Ben had an LP and a dose of Vincristine. We have not heard news of the CNS, so . . . that's suppose to mean everything's fine. I think I'll give a call to the nurse today just to make sure. They also tested his Feritin level again and I'd like to know what that number is. They're trying to make a correlation between a high feritin level (iron related) and Biphenotypic Leukemia. They saw this in a recent patient who had other similarities to Ben's case and wanted to check Ben's level. Last month his feritin was higher than normal. But in speaking with my brother, Rodney, whose specializes in this, the level could be increased even by the daily vitamin Ben takes. The doctors may be fishing for answers, but at least they're trying.

The methotrexate from the the LP gave Ben a couple of mouth sores for a few days but nothing too major. He also just finished a five day pulse of Prednisone. We've heard some horror stories about kids being on steroids and how difficult it is for them to manage their emotions. One child's tantrums even resulted in his mom totaling the family car! We haven't seen this behavior with Ben until recently. It started with last month's pulse and this month the irritability definitely increased. He had episodes of complete melt down over things that typically would roll off his back. One day he asked Jeremy to play Batman with him. Jeremy was tired from a long day of play already and had retired in front of the tv. Ben pleaded and Jeremy continued to declined. Finally, Ben went upstairs, dressed himself in his Batman costume and brought Jeremy's downstairs. He handed it to him and said, "Here Jer. Let's play Batman." Again Jeremy declined. ANGER errupted all over Ben's body! He screamed, "I just brought this down for you! You have to wear it!" Now, wouldn't that make you want to play with him? Neither did Jeremy.

But a few days later his steroid pulse ended so we should see him calming down in the next day or so. Poor Jeremy.

We're off to Hilton Head this weekend for our last hurrah at the beach before school starts. The summer has quickly slipped by and we couldn't be happier. It just means that we've been having a great time.

On August 18th and 19th, the radio airwaves are going to be full of caring and sharing during the 5th Annual News/Talk 750 WSB Care-a-Thon. The 37-hour Care-a-Thon collects money for the Aflac Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Service of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and to date has raised more than $2.3 million to benefit programs and research at the Aflac Cancer Center. Ben will be one of the patients highlighted during the radio show, so if you're local or have internet access, please tune in!

For more information about the 5th Annual News/Talk 750 WSB Care-a-Thon, please visit www.choa.org/careathon or wsbradio.com. Donations during the broadcasts can be made via the Web sites or phone at 888-750-2772.

A few other things on the calendar for September:
> School Begins for Ben
> Jeremy & Chris ride bikes for 52 miles in honor of Jeremy's baseball coach who has MS.
> Ben and Uncle Toti will be going apple picking with Camp Sunshine
> I'll be attending the Quiet Heroes Luncheon
> Lighthouse Family Retreat
> Jeremy's Birthday!

In addition, Chris and I have developed "CureSearch Athletics" - a fundraising program for CureSearch which will directly benefit rare leukemia research. At this point, no research is being done to understand Ben's type of leukemia. With this program we're starting the ball rolling. Hope you'll help us and join the fight.

We're busy but we're loving every minute of it! Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Ethan Alain - April 28, 2001 - Aug. 3, 2005
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:56 PM EST

Hi! Sorry it's been a while since the last update. But, "no news is good news" - right?

We're headed to the clinic tomorrow for a scheduled LP and physical. Ben is actually happy to be going because he knows that with an LP he gets to dig around in the treasure chest for a toy!

I actually called the nurse yesterday and just informed her about a few things I've noticed with Ben during these past couple of weeks. One day he complained that his right side hurt after running a short distance. The next day he complained that his left shoulder hurt. This week he woke up crying because his left arm hurt. On each occassion the pain was brief only lasting a few minutes. But the shoulder and arm episodes made him cry and he even asked for Tylenol. The nurse didn't have any idea what it would be. I remember Dr. Lew telling us that the side effects of Vincristine could cause these types of pains but it's been a month since he had his last dose. Other guesses from the nurse are "growing pains" and plain old aches and pains from being an active kid. They seem like such small complaints, but these days, I don't easily dismiss this type of thing from either of the boys.

Anyway, we are having a geat summer despite the extreme heat and humidity we've been experiencing lately. We've been putting off the pool visits until dinner time and spend most of the rest of the day indoors. Fortunately, the boys play very well together and don't seem to be getting on each others nerves any more than usual.

Please pray for Ben tomorrow as he is put under general anesthesia for his LP. Also pray that his CNS fluid that they draw during the LP continues to be clear. This is Ben's first LP since Jake's relapse. These procedures always scare me, but now with the added reality hitting so close to home I can't imagine how stressful these situations will be from now on.

Thanks for your continued prayers for Ben's complete healing. Sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And keep the following children in your prayers as well. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Saturday, July 16, 2005 4:34 PM EST

He did it! Ben started karate classes again. After some friendly pushing from Jeremy with very encouraging words, Ben decided to suit up again.

The first day Ben was taking a nap. When it was time to get dressed for karate, I woke him as gently as possible because he doesn't usually appreciate being disturbed while he's sleeping. He cooperated and put on his karate uniform and even insisted on wearing the headband. Jeremy told him how cool he looked. Just before we left the house Ben looked up at me and said, "Mom, I'm a little bit nervous but I'm going to do it anyway." As much as the past year has taken away from him it has also instilled a powerful sense of bravery. I think he realized that from now on, nothing is a bad as it seems.

When we got to the school he took all the initiative. Last time we tried this, Ben wouldn't even sit with the other students unless I was beside him. This day, he did everything all by himself. He didn't remember some of the moves, but caught on quickly. His balance was a little off, possibly from the Vincristine he receives every month, but Ms. Felini (an instructor and also a med student) assured me that karate, like physical therapy, would strengthen his coordination and balance. I'm so grateful for the instructors at the school. They are very attentive to Benjamin and made it very easy for him to slip right back into the swing of things. Yes, Ben got his karate groove back. He was so proud of himself after class and has assured me that he never wants to quit karate again.

The second day of class I could tell he was still a little nervous. On the car ride to karate I heard Ben ask Jeremy, "Jer, if you had cancer, you wouldn't quit karate?" Jeremy replied, "No, Ben. If I had cancer, it would make me fight harder." Out of the mouths of babes.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Please sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Saturday, July 9, 2005 10:58 AM EST

What a great time we had over the 4th!

We went to Baba's house at Hilton Head and boogie boarded at the beach a couple of times, swam at the pool, went bike riding and went to Celebration Station and Adventure Cove for a little arcade fun and escape from the heat.

Ben and Jeremy have no fear of the ocean. They just jumped right in and conquered many a wave. The sand toys didn't get much play this time around as the water was just right for boogie boarding. We also rented a couple of bikes with tag-a-long bikes hooked to the back for the boys. They had a blast as we rode up and down the bike trails. The best time came as we rode back to return the bikes. We found ourselves in the middle of a torrential downpour. It was awesome! When we reached our destination, we hopped off the bikes and found the boys covered with mud from the back splash off our rear wheels! Too funny.

As always, the trip ended too quickly and we were sad to go. Fortunately, we have one more trip to Hilton Head planned for August. One last hoorah before school starts up.

Ben is considering doing Karate again. Jeremy has been so kind and supportive. I heard him encouraging Ben other day, "Ben, you have a full head of hair now. No one's going to make fun of you this time." I think I'll sign him up for a trial class at first and just see how it goes.

So, as you can see, we're doing just fine. The summer is flying by with too many fun things to do. We hope your 4th of July was a great celebration and that you're all enjoying the summer as we are.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Please sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Friday, July 1, 2005 2:11 PM EST

We had a quick trip to the clinic on Wednesday. I thought Ben was scheduled for a lumbar puncture, but it's not until the end of this month! Hooray! Although we fasted for nothing. The funny thing is that when I told Ben that we weren't going to the "twinkly star room" (a.k.a. procedure room) he actually cried and said he wanted to go. Thankfully, the lps and bone marrows are done while he is sedated. The only thing he remembers about those procedures is that he gets to watch a movie, he eats blueberry muffins and funions and afterward he gets to choose a toy from the treasure chest. News that we'd be going to Toys R Us after his physical seemed to quell his tantrum.

Ben's really enjoying the pool this summer. Last year at this time, he had a central line and was not permitted to submerge it. So the pool was out. This year, with his internal port, the boys have been swimming almost every day. Sometimes even twice a day when we meet Chris at the pool after work. Last night we where there and ordered a pizza for dinner. Then we had a game of "monkey in the middle" with the Hennesys until the pool closed. Life is good.

We're heading down to Hilton Head for the holiday. They boys are looking forward to playing on the beach, riding bikes and eating at restaurants. They're not much into fireworks. Too loud.

Anyway, I hope you all have a fun and safe holiday! Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Please sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:18 AM EST

New Pictures!

We've been having a wonderful summer!

The boys are both taking swimming lessons and are learning to swim like fish pretty quickly. I think by the end of the summer they'll be ready for a scuba diving expedition!

Ben's been feeling SO GOOD! We didn't realize what a goofy kid we had on our hands! It also makes us realize that the past year was tough on him. Although at the time he looked and acted as though he felt well, the difference in the level of energy that we're seeing these days makes it apparent that he was struggling to keep up with us until now.

The boys have been together for the most part of the summer - playing, singing, fighting, dancing - getting along better than they have in months. We have so much to be thankful for.

Chris and I went away for the weekend last week for a much needed belated anniversary trip. I didn't realize how much I needed that trip - even postponing our departure so that I could pick up Jeremy from baseball camp and say a proper goodbye. The boys stayed with their Nana who flew in the day before from Oklahoma. Thanks, Nana for helping us out and entertaining the boys so thoroughly while we were gone.

We'll be heading to Hilton Head sometime in the next couple of months. Hopefully we'll make a couple of visits before school starts up in August.

Ben's next appointment is on the 29th. He'll have a lumbar puncture and receive methotrexate and vincristine. He's doing very well taking his medicines at home everyday. Sometimes he even reminds us that it's time for his meds!

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Hope everyone's summer is as fun as ours! Please sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Friday, June 3, 2005 7:17 AM CDT

New Pictures!

Sorry for the delay. We've had a pretty interesting couple of weeks.

Last week we spent the long weekdend at Chateau Elan. We went hiking, swimming, attended an American Indian Festival and saw the new movie, Madagascar. The boys love staying in a hotel and eating out (who doesn't) so needless to say, it was a blast.

We got home Monday and on Wednesday Ben had a clinic appointment. All went well although it was one of those long grueling days. He received his Vincristine and IVIG. Ben's holding strong and feeling like such a healthy kid. His stay at the hospital last April for ecoli and pneumonia is a distant memory. He doesn't even like to wear his ballcap much these days because he says the new fuzz on his head is enough protection. I'm anxious to see how a full head of hair will change his confidence and self-esteem. We're already witnessing some positive change in attitude.

On a not so positive note, we found out last Tuesday that I had miscarried in my 8th week of pregnancy. We're all trying to understand the loss, but it's not very easy. Jeremy keeps hoping that the ultrasound machines had "malfunctioned" and Ben still doesn't quite seem to get it. He asked us ther other night, "Why did you tell us we were having a baby if we're not?!" These guys have experienced some big life lessons and I feel so sorry for them. But they are resilient - they will overcome this obstacle too. It just seems so unfair.

And speaking of unfair, please pray for our dear friend, Jake Rivers who relapsed last week - only 2 weeks after his 4th birthday. The Rivers are strong faithful people who know all too well the power of prayerful support.

Thanks as always for checking on us. Please sign our guestbook if you have a minute. We love hearing from all of you!

And please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Jeremy and Ben making news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!
With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:52 AM EST

Ben had a successful visit last Friday to the clinic. We just went in to check his blood counts. Everything checked out normal and off we went.

First we stopped at Toys R Us to exchange some duplicate birthday gifts. Then we brought lunch to Ms. Eikey at the Karate school where they were holding another blood drive. We didn't quite get to the number of donors as we would have liked, but every little bit counts. Thank you to Karate for Kids and Ms. Eikey for their contiuned support of Ben and others like him who depend on donated blood products to continue their treatment.

We got a call from BeBe yesterday and learned that she'd just completed her hike of the Grand Canyon with the LLS Team In Training! She raised nearly $6,000! She was excited, tired but most of all melancholy that the experience is over. Something tells me they'll see her back next year. Now she's off taking a few days to herself to explore more of the canyon and its surroundings. Thanks for the hike, BeBe!

We also want to thank Ben's Aunt Gina for walking in the Relay for Life last weekend for the American Cancer Society. She walked for 12 hours in honor of Ben and other friends and family who have suffered from cancer. Then she and the rest of the family drove 3 hours to be here in time to help us celebrate Ben's 4th birthday! Thanks, Gina!

Lastly, Ben and Jeremy are in today's Atlanta Journal Constitution. They did a story about Ben and his association with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society's Soccer Kicks for Cancer program. You can also view the story online. Have a look!

Thanks again for keeping up with us. And please sign our guestbook if you get a chance. We love hearing from you all.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Jake Rivers - relapsed ALL on May 24, 2005
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) Hiked the Grand Canyon with the LLS Team In Training. Learn more about this exciting new program.

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Sunday, May 15, 2005 8:55 PM EST

I'll try to have pictures for you tomorrow, but I just had to tell you what a perfect birthday party Benjamin had yesterday.

The WHOLE family was in town! After a morning of slowly (yeah, right!) opening all of the family presents, we all convened at the Brunswick Bowling Lanes for 2 hours of "Cosmic Bowling". They turned out the white lights, turned on the black lights and pumped up the music! We had an incredible time! Bowling, pizza, cake, ice cream, candy, pinata and arcade games -- what more could a 4 year old ask for?! Ben was surrounded by friends and family and had the best time he's had in a long time.

He cried this morning when I told him everyone was going home today. He loves being the center of attention. Either that or he's just become accustomed to being the main attraction since last year.

His next clinic visit is on the 20th. He'll just go in for a physical and blood work. Ben's hair is starting to grow back. I can even make out the swirl of hair on the back of his head that he use to have. Oh, how I've missed that swirl! His eyelashes are back and his eyebrows are just starting to peek through.

Ben still has a long road ahead, but right now, things are good and looking bright.

On that note, we've enrolled Ben in our church's preschool for next year. He'll be taking swimming lessons this month and hopefully attend some type of day camp for a week or so this summer. With everything working out so well, Chris and I forged ahead with plans we'd made last year, but had to put on hold because of Ben's diagnosis. We are expecting the 3rd addition to our family in January of 2006! I'm about 6 weeks pregnant and already looking forward to the end of this pregnancy! The whole family is ecstatic and the boys couldn't be happier. Jeremy is hoping for another boy and Ben is hoping for twins! YIKES! I won't be taking him to the Make A Wish Foundation while he has that on his mind!

Anyway, we had an extremely fun weekend evident by the fact that we're all deliriously tired. Thanks, as always, for checking in. And please sign our guestbook if you get a chance. We love hearing from you all.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is a Country Music Marathon Finisher! Learn more about Chris' new passion and his first success on the road!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Saturday, May 7, 2005 11:28 AM EST

More pictures from Nashville

HOORAY! Ben started Maintenance yesterday!

His counts were the best they've ever been and he's been feeling better than he has in a long while.

Ben received Methotrexate through an LP, Vincristine and his, now, monthly dose of IVIG. The IVIG is to help keep his immune system strong since it still maybe vulnerable considering his last hospitalization. They'll continue the IVIG for a few months just see how he does. We may have to continue it through the winter months when colds and viruses tend to be more prevalent.

After he woke up from the LP, we pretended that we had fed him his usual LP snack - a blueberry muffin and funions. He woke up starving, but a lot happier than usual. The rest of the time, we spent in the infusion room getting the other chemo drugs. All in all, we had a pretty uneventful day -- YAY!

Maintenance requires a monthly visit to the clinic with a few sporadic visits just to check counts. The chemo he receives will be less in volume and intensity. So, his hair will begin to grow back and he should feel pretty well overall. Ben is required to take more oral medications at home. Sometimes he'll be taking up to 12 pills a day! We're still working on swallowing a pill, but I think by the end of the summer he'll be a pro.

Now we prepare for Ben's 4th birthday this month. With as much as he's been through over the past year, I feel he's matured in leaps and bounds. He thinks and speaks with clarity, thoughtfulness and understanding that I regard as being well beyond his four years. In a way, it seems unfair that he should grow up so quickly, but on the other hand, it is comforting for me to know just how strong Ben is. He's keeping up the fight.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is a Country Music Marathon Finisher! Learn more about Chris' new passion and his first success on the road!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Monday, May 2, 2005 6:58 AM CDT

Marathon Pictures!

What a weekend we had! We left for Nashville Thursday night and rolled in around 1:00am.

Friday we took a short walking tour of downtown Nashville and saw Fort Nashborough and Titan Stadium. Then we accompanied Chris to the marathon sign-in and Health Expo at the convention center. When we got back to the hotel one of Chris' many surprises was revealed. There, in the lobby of the hotel, was Max! He drove in all the way from Oklahoma to see Chris run. The boys were ecstatic to see Pop Pop and I'm sure he was a sight for sore eyes for Nana since she'd been with us for 2 weeks while Ben was in the hospital.

Then we all went out to lunch where Benjamin's appetite came roaring back! He kept pace with Jeremy all weekend long. What a beautiful thing it was to see him eating everything in sight. He had a ball each morning when we'd go downstairs to the restaurant for the buffet breakfast. After lunch, we were joined by Chris' other surprise - his brother, Russell, flew in from Chicago to lend his support!

Saturday was the big day. Chris left the hotel at 4:30am and the race began at 7:00 am. The rest of us had breakfast and headed out to our first location where we'd meet up with Chris. We met him shortly after mile 10 where he was in great spirits and enthusiastic about the run. He also saw his third surprise as we were all sporting t-shirts that read "Go Benji, Go! Run Daddy, Run!" It was the same image we'd put on Chris' official marathon shirt. As Chris ran off, we stuck around a while and handed out orange slices to needy marathoners. The boys really got a kick out of helping the runners.

We got to mile 20 ahead of Chris and handed out more oranges. We cheered on the other "Team in Training" runners and, just for fun, Nana and I yelled out "Girls Rule!" everytime we saw a woman. They seemed to enjoy it, but Ben retaliated with "Boys Rule!" and got a smile from all the runners everytime. Chris rounded the corner a little bit behind his estimated time. He was showing signs of slowing down. 20 miles is the longest distance he'd run during his training, so during the next six miles he had to literally search for the energy.

We raced to the finish line and saw Chris come in at 04:28:05! We were excited and relieved to see how his determination pulled him through -- he was still running at a steady pace through the finish line.

It was very touching to see Chris and the rest of the Team in Training runners fighting for a cause. A cure for leukemia can be found and these people know it. They were willing to put their stamina to the test for a few hours the way Ben and countless others do on a daily basis, in hopes of funding research that will put an end to blood cancers. I couldn't help but get choked up as I saw these valiant people purposely deplete every ounce of energy from their bodies to lend a hand toward finding a cure.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is a Country Music Marathon Finisher! Learn more about Chris' new passion and his first success on the road!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:00 PM EST

Big Surprise!

Ben's home! We had one last CT scan yesterday afternoon which showed clear lungs and we were sent packing!

Ben's counts made huge leaps during the past two days that the doctors said that he's ready to start Maintenance, but wanted to give him a week off since he's been in the hospital for so long. He's happy and healthy enough to even make the trip to Nashville tomorrow to watch daddy run his first marathon on Saturday!

Thanks to everyone for their help and prayers. Special thanks to Maura and Robin for delivering a TON of toys to the hospital yesterday for Ben and Jeremy. And a HUGE thanks to the kindergarten classes that provided the presents. You put some big smiles on Ben and Jeremy's faces!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Monday, April 25, 2005 8:41 AM EST

Ben's rounding the corner!

Yesterday we saw a big improvement in Ben's attitude and appetite. He walked the halls a little and ended up in the activity center with Jeremy where they played video games, connect four and made strange things out of play doh. When he got back to the room, BeBe arrived with her own lunch that caught Ben's attention. Poor BeBe ended up only having half of a lunch after Ben got through with it. (I don't think she minded.) Then Ben painted a bug that NaNa gave him and took a nap.

He's still fever free and the doctor said that his monocytes were trending upward and would bring along the rest of his counts very soon.

Thank you all for the prayers! Special thanks to the moms of KA and KB at Queen of Angels for saying the rosary for Ben last Friday morning. There's no doubt in our minds that the prayers are pulling Ben through!

Chris' marathon is this weekend. Although he's trained hard and is physically ready to run, he's thinking of postponing it until this summer. But if Ben is able to come home by Wednesday and seems stable to the doctors, then Nashville may have the opportunity to see Chris in action.

As always, thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily until Ben is home.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Saturday, April 23, 2005 5:58 PM EST

Hi all.
Here are some new pictures of Ben. Most of them were taken early on in this hospitalization when he wasn't feeling so bad. But currently, Ben's still feeling pretty lousy, although he's been fever free for 24 hours!

Yesterday the doctors along with and Infectious Disease doctor decided to go ahead with the CT scans. Although none of them really felt Ben had a fungal infection, according to protocol, if the patient has consistent high fevers for 7 days and is on an appropriate antibiotic, then scans are ordered.

The nurse came in with even worse news for Ben - he would need an IV in his arm to administer the contrast dye for the scan. Of course, they weren't able to get him in one try. They had to stick him twice - once in each arm - to get a good vein. He cried and yelled "we never had to do this before!" They put him under for 15 minutes while they did the scan. About an hour later, Dr. Rapkin called us and told us that Ben had pneumonia. I'd never been so happy in my life to know that my child had pneumonia! According to the doctors, a fungul infection is the last thing they want these kids to get. The anti-fungul medicines are brutal, resulting in chills and nausea. So, I'll take pneumonia over that.

But this morning we talked to Dr. Crosswell and Dr. Harrison (the ID doc) and they're not completely sure it is pneumonia. The way I understand it, an infection is an accummulation of white blood cells attacking a bacteria. So, if you're wbc count is low (which Ben's is), then it is difficult to see in an xray or a scan exactly what the problem is.

So, the plan is to keep doing what we're doing and treat it as if it is pneumonia. If Ben takes a turn for the worse in the next couple of days then they'll start the anti-fungal medicines.

I never thought these words would come from me, but please pray that Ben only has pneumonia and that his recovery will begin to pick up the pace.

As always, thank you for the constant prayers for Ben and thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:15 PM EST

Just more of the same today.

Ben's fevers are floating around the 100 - 102 range. All his counts are still low and he may receive platelets later on tonight. Thanks to all of you who donate platelets! I cringe everytime I learn he'll need a transfusion because I worry that they'll even be available. So far, we've not had to wait.

The nurse practitioner told me today that starting tomorrow and through the weekend, Ben's counts should drop to their absolute lowest (which isn't too far from where he is now) because of his last round of chemo. But from Monday on, we should see some recovery. As soon as his marrow starts working again, then the theory is that his temperature will return to normal and his mouth sores will disappear. Keep your fingers crossed.

Ben stayed in bed all day staring at the tv except for the time I forced him to put together a wish list for his birthday. Not even a discussion about toys could raise his spirits. And to make everything just a little worse . . . we've been here for a week so they had to re-access his port. That's taking the needle and tube they use to administer meds out of his chest and putting in a new one. Thankfully, he had just received some morphine. I think it helped him through it a little. But really, the whole thing is terrifying for him. He's never gotten use to accessing his port.

Special thanks to our friends, Renee, Elle and Maura for coordinating dinners for us. The hospital food gets lousy pretty quickly so we're very thankful for the meals!

Please continue the constant prayers for Ben and thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:50 AM CDT

We received results back from Ben's mouth sore tests, it turns out that they are sores from his recent chemo therapy and nothing else. So, one of his new meds he started on Monday will be stopped but he will continue with the two antibiotics at least until the 26th.

Yesterday the doctors were concerned that Ben was on his 6th day of fever and wanted to see if a CT scan would show any fungal lesions. Although the fever could still be explained by the mouth sores, they still wanted to do the scan to catch the fungus as early as possible if it was present.

We watched Ben's temperature closely. At one point, he went 4 hours without a fever. It soon returned but was only 101. This morning his fever was down to 100.4 so the doctors waited an hour to see which direction it would go. Last check, Ben's temperature is down to 99.9. Such a relief. Although they warned that the fever could still return, they cancelled the CT scan believing less that it is a fungal infection.

Ben's mood has gotten increasingly worse. He told me that he doesn't like being in the hospital because it makes him "miss his family that he loves so much." He even fell asleep last night crying and saying "I miss Jeremy."

He's still not able to eat much. He tried desperately to eat yesterday, shaking as he put food in his mouth. One or two bits seems fine, but the third usually sends the pain soaring. I tried to feed him some yogurt last night to replace the good bacteria that antibiotics are killing off as well. He's been having funny bowel movements from it which is also causing his bottom to be sore. This poor kid has so many things keeping him as uncomfortable as possible it's no wonder his spirits are down.

Thank you to everyone who has offered to help us this week. A friend of ours who scheduled dinners for us when Ben was first diagnosed last year is doing it again. Her name is Renee Kopkowski and her phone number is: (770)578-4337. Dinners help us out tremendously, so if you'like to get on the schedule, just give Renee a call. We appreciate all your help.

Please continue the constant prayers for Ben and thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Monday, April 18, 2005 9:54 PM EST

Some great news and some not so great.

The great news:
Ben's blood culture tested negative for the E Coli bacteria. The prayers and antibiotic are working! Ben will continue the Meropenem for the full course to ensure the bacteria is destroyed.

The not-so-great news:
Ben's still having fevers as high as 103. According to the doctor, if it were just the E Coli that was making him ill, he shouldn't have a fever anymore since his cultures are negative. We're hoping the culprits are the mouth sores he's developed in the past few days. Dr. Rapkin said that they could definitely be the cause of the fever. So, on top of the Meropenem for the E Coli, he's on 2 other antibiotics (names escape me at the moment) to cure the mouth sores. If the mouth sores are truly the problem, we should see his fever returning to normal in a few days.

Ben's really been trying hard to stay sane, but the mouth sores are so painful that he can hardly eat or even just get comfortable. They started him on morphine yesterday to help with the pain. It instantly puts him in a good mood and today, in combination with Tylenol, he was able to eat a half of a pb&j sandwich for lunch. But as soon as the meds wear off, he's miserable again. Today I felt so sorry for him when he asked the nurse for his morphine himself. She said that children Ben's age never ask for medicine, so she knew he really needed it.

Thank you to everyone who has offered to help us this week. A friend of ours who scheduled dinners for us when Ben was first diagnosed last year is doing it again. Her name is Renee Kopkowski and her phone number is: (770)578-4337. Dinners help us out tremendously, so if you'like to get on the schedule, just give Renee a call. We appreciate all your help.

Please continue the constant prayers for Ben and thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Sunday, April 17, 2005 11:39 AM EST

We learned yesterday that the bacteria that Ben is fighting is E Coli. Dr. Bersagel explained to us that it is not due to something that Ben ingested but it is the body's own E Coli that is growing because he practically has no white blood cells to combat it or keep it at bay as it normally would in a healthy body. We're scared, but keep reminding ourselves that God will see Ben through this battle too.

His fever is constant and he's just plain not feeling well. His platelets are low so, at the moment, he's taking a nap while a bag of platelets is being transfused.

They had a boys' night at the hospital last night. Jeremy even hung a sign on the door that read, "No grls ulowd!" - except for nurses, of course. They must have had a good time because when Chris tried to leave this morning, Ben clung to him crying and begging him not to go.

Please continue the constant prayers for Ben and thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Saturday, April 16, 2005 1:58 PM EST

Still no news on the type of bacteria Ben has. I'm guessing we won't hear until Monday because of the weekend. Dr. Bersagel told us that if it is the lesser of the two germs he's suspecting then the treatment would be 10 days of IV antibiotics which would include the 2 days he's already been treated. The balance would be given to us to administer at home. I'm a little squeemish about leaving his port accessed at home, but it should be much more comfortable for Ben than being in the hospital.

I spent the night with him last night. He's fever returned. I wasn't really expecting it because I thought the anitbiotic had already started working. He also received platelets and his last round of Vincristine ending his DI phase. According to the doc, his counts should start coming up now. But with this fever, there's no telling when that will be.

We had a little scare yesterday. I arrived in the morning after dropping Jeremy off at school and saw the nurse pushing a new med into Ben's line. I asked what it was and she told me they had changed his antibiotic to Gentamicin. I was stunned. It was the one anitibiotic that I'd feared for a year and had been hoping to avoid.

We have a friend who's 2 year old son had leukemia and was given Gentamicin once when he was in the hospital for a fever. An error in adminstering the drug resulted in total loss of hearing. I explained my concerns to the nurse and Chris voiced them to our nurse practitioner. They assured us that they would keep a close eye on how it was administered and it was rare that loss of hearing would occur. I was not satisfied. I called my friend and she made it clear that if they were going to use this drug, we had to be completely on top of the staff as it was being given to Ben. She felt that if she had done that, her son would have his hearing today. I called Chris and we came up with a plan to oversee the staff, but before I could even tell them, the nurse practioner came into the room and told me she'd talked to Dr. Bergsagel who comfirmed the possibility of hearing loss with a story of his own cousin. The med was administered correctly, but she still became deaf. Dr. Bergsagel agreed to change the antibiotic to Meropenem which does not have the hearing loss side effect and put our minds at ease. Although that whole exchange took only about an hour to reconcile, I was worn out!

Thanks again for keeping up with us. We'll keep posting daily.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Friday, April 15, 2005 4:15 PM CDT

Well, now we know Ben has some sort of bacteria in his blood. They'll have to let the cultures grow out for a couple more days to know what type of bacteria. For now, the docs have put him on a broad spectrum antibiotic - Meropenem and hopefully that will do the trick.

He's trying hard to stay calm during all of this but at times he just breaks down and tells us he just doesn't want to be here. I know he doesn't feel well with a persistent fever. He's slept most of today but woke up just in time to see Jeremy and Daddy walk in the door. Now he's fresh and ready to play. We get another reprieve with NaNa (Chris' mom) arriving tomorrow. Ben had a huge smile on his face when he found out she was coming.

Thanks for the constant prayers for Ben and Jeremy. I know they're working. I'll keep you posted and let you know when we find out more about this bacteria.

Some good news, little Gracie Mae was discharged today! She's looking tired, but I'm sure will perk up once she's in her own home.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason
Gracie Mae Malloy

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:07 PM EST

Ben's back in the hospital again today - we were just discharged Monday night after a 3 night stay. He has a fever again, his counts are low. We just don't know
what he has. This round of chemo seems to be really pulling him down.

Also, please pray for Ben's big brother, Jeremy. These ups and downs are taking a toll on him as well. He appears to adjust to all the irregularities in our schedule, but we know he's feeling the stress as well - much more than he shows.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 1:07 PM CDT

We're home!

They discharged Ben last night around 6:30. His counts aren't much better, but they're not worse either. He hasn't had a fever since the ER night and has been feeling well, so they decided to let us go. But before we left Ben was given another dose of Maxapime (antibiotic), IVIG (to boost his immune system) and Nupogen (to shorten the duration of his nutrapenia). Hopefully all that will hold him until his next appointment on Friday when he gets the last of his Vincristine and ends this Delayed Intensification phase. Maintenance, here we come!

Thanks for checking on Ben.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005! (This link is working now!)

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:06 PM EST

Hi all.

Ben's in good spirits. He's got a collection of Star Wars toys keeping him busy. Jeremy even spent the night last night and we had a movie night using their DVD player from Uncle Ruben and watched "Ernest Goes to Camp".

Ben's WBC is keeping steady but still on the low end. His ANC has risen to 250 but his hemoglobin is falling. They transfused him with more platelets last night and this afternoon he'll be getting more blood.

He looks better and is eating a reasonable amount. The nausea has stopped and so has his fever. Dr. Lew told us this morning that once he sees improvement of his count for a couple of days, then he'll send us home. So, I'm guessing we'll be here at least until Wednesday.

The saddest part of this visit is that there were 3 newly diagnosed cancer kids that came in the night Ben was admitted. We met Gracie Mae Malloy who has high-risk ALL. She's two and will turn three on May 16 - two days before Ben's 4th birthday. Makes me think that God sent us here to help them out. We were in the exact same boat last year at this time. Understandably, they are very shaken over the events of the the past 2 days. They are visibly overwhelmed with the uncertainty of their daughter's future. We delivered a few presents and have been giving her parents - Bill and Terry - just bits of information. A little at a time because we remember how difficult it was to take everything in. Hopefully we'll be able to be a source of support for them. With all the help we received in the beginning, it is only right and done with great pleasure that we "pay it forward".

Thanks for checking on Ben.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Saturday, April 9, 2005 7:58 AM EST

By the time Chris and Ben got to the ER his temp. had fallen to 97, but he was admitted to the hospital anyway. I'll update this page again after I get to the hospital this morning.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Friday, April 8, 2005 9:38 PM EST

What a day! We got to the clinic at 11:00 and didn't leave until 6:00pm. Benjamin got to works today.

At our last clinic visit a week ago, nurse Sarah told us that Ben's counts would be declining over spring break. We left for Hilton Head last Saturday. For the most part Ben was energetic and seemed to be having a lot of fun. But slowly the signs began to emerge. On Sunday he had a little tinge of blood a couple of times when he blew his nose. Then later on that day he had blood on the toilet paper. We called the doctor and he said that Ben's platelets were certainly dropping and not to be alarmed by the little bit of blood we saw. By Monday, small bruises started appearing. At one point, Ben accidentally got a some sunscreen in his eye. He rubbed his eye for about an hour and ended up with a bruise on his cheek from all the rubbing. Then there was the time I accidentally bonked him in the head with the car door, a fall on the miniture golf course and a few wrestling bouts with Jeremy. By Wednesday Ben looked as though he'd fought a war. He nose also began bleeding more frequently and he was looking more and more pale. I couldn't wait to get home. I couldn't look at him without wanting to cry. We got home Thursday afternoon and I was a little more at ease. But this morning Ben's nose bled non-stop.

We got to the clinic where they had already ordered the platelets and blood from our conversations with them the day before. It was obvious even over the phone that Ben would need transfusions. He also got a dose of Vincristine and PEG shots. Nurse Sarah also found that his ears have become more infected. She and Dr. Rapkin decided on another round of Augmentin before trying anything else. It's just this darn cold that he can't seem to shake - and no wonder since his counts are all down. Yes, he's nutrapenic at this time.

Anyway, he's a pitiful sight, but it just means that the meds are working. He'll be done with the 6TG tonight and the last of the ARA-C shots were last Monday. So hopefully he's as low as he'll get and his numbers will only increase from here.

Ben felt nauseus during the ride home. I tought it was from hunger until he actually threw up. He's vomitted 3 times since the clinic so we called the doctor. He said that it's most likely from the PEG shots so he perscribed and anti-nausea med. Ben's also running a slight fever. To be on the safe side, Chris packed an overnight bag thinking that if we go to the trouble of packing the back then we won't end up in the ER tonight!

On a brighter note, he' looks much pinker tonight than he did this morning! The blood really goes right to work.

Breaking news:
Chris just took Ben's temp and it was 101.5. We'll be going to the ER. I'll keep you posted.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Friday, April 1, 2005 7:44 AM EST

Ben and I were 30 mins. late for his appointment yesterday morning due to a torrential downpour. Sure hope we have better weather next week for spring break!

It was a relatively easy day. Ben did have to get a finger stick for labs but everything checked out pretty well. His hemoglobin is down to 9 so he'll probably need a transfusion in the next couple of weeks. Last time we went through DI, Ben was hospitalized for a fever. Nurse Sarah said not to be surprised if we see a repeat of this in the coming weeks. If it happens the same time as his last DI it will be just in time for Camp Sunshine which we've already had to postpone once this year.

Ben's ears are on the mend and the balance of his Augmentin should take care of it. He still has laryngitis, but we've seen signs of his voice coming back - particularly when he feels he's been slighted in any way. He can certainly make himself heard!

We picked up another round of ARA-C shots for the next 4 days. and he'll also continue taking 6TG for another week. By this time next week his counts should be pretty low.

We're off to HIlton Head tomorrow for spring break - a trip we'd planned to take last year at this time until we learned that Ben had leukemia. The diagnosis was on April 2nd to be exact. At times it feels like it was only yesterday and sometimes it feels like a whole lifetime ago.

Every day has been challenging - some more than others, but Ben is strong and enduring. He's certainly become our Super Hero whether he realizes it or not. He wins battles every day and is closer to defeating his foe.

We are one year into this fight and only have 2 1/2 more years to go! On this one year anniversary please pray that Ben's healing will continue on this steady course and that any obstacles are few and easily overcome.

Thanks to all of you who have supported us over the past year. Even the smallest gesture has created a mountain of hope that we never realized we needed or even knew existed. However uncertain the days ahead may be, we choose to see Ben's future as bright and rich in good health and happiness.

Love to you all. And if you've got a second, won't you sign Ben's guestbook? The words you leave us truly lift our spirits!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005 - Recently promoted to Angel First Class!
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Note from Ben:
"Bring more Ninja Turtles but Jeremy can't play with any! (I was just being funny!)"

Saturday, March 27, 2005 6:13 AM EST

Happy Easter!

New Pictures!
Ben started his last block of Delayed Intensification yesterday. Chris, Ben and I got to the clinic early. Ben had his copy of "The Incredibles" and the new portable DVD player, given to us by Uncle Ruben, packed in his bag along with toys and other necessities for the long day ahead. I also stopped at the convenience store on the bottom floor to buy the required snacks for an LP - Funions, Bugels, cookies and a blueberry muffin.

Ben was feeling well, but still had laryngitis. It's been over 10 days now that he can't speak above a whisper. The nurse practitioner checked out his throat and said that it looked fine. He has started to cough again and has some drainage so that might be the cause of the persistent laryngitis. She also found that his ears still have not cleared up. They are as infected as when he was in the hospital. So, we started Augmentin yesterday.

Ben received an LP and methotrexate. When he woke up from the anesthesia, he was comforted to know that I had fed him a few Funions and almost half of his blueberry muffin while he was asleep for the procedure. (Don't be alarmed, please see Feb. 25th journal entry for an explaination.) He finished his snacks while watching his new favorite DVD toy.

By 10am, we were in the Infusion room ready for his Cytoxin marathon. This medicine requires an hour of fluids, an hour of the cytoxin followed by 3 hours of more fluids. But Ben was set - Incredibles toys and movie - what more could anyone need?

I spoke to the nurse practioner and she informed me that Ben's IGG number which, reflects the strength of immune system, is borderline due to the chemo. Dr. Bergsagle is considering giving Ben Immune Globuline to help boost immune system. Depending on how his immune system recovers after DI is over, he may have to receive the Immune Globuline every month to help him fight off any infections that could cause a delay in Ben's treatments. Hopefully we'll be able to clear up his ear infection with the oral antibiotic but he still may need to get tubes.

He also got the first of 4 ARA-C doses and that was it. Chris got a quick refresher course on how to administer the shots and we were on our way home by 3:30. Ben asked for a pair of rollerblades since Jeremy had just gotten some but we couldn't find a pair big enough. So he ended up with a Tech Deck Dude toy instead.

This week, Ben will receive the balance of the ARA-C shots, 6TG and the Augmentin for his ears. We're due back at the clinic next Thursday for labs and a physical.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Coulter Hampton - March 29, 2005
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin


Karate For Kids is sponsoring another Blood Drive on May 20th. Details coming soon!

Jeremy has a new website! Hope to see you there!

Aunt Betsy (BeBe) is taking a hike! In the Grand Canyon! Learn more about this exciting new program sponsored by the LLS

Ben's daddy is running in a marathon! Learn more about Chris' new passion and follow his training as he prepares to hit the road in Nashville on April 30, 2005!

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Monday, March 21, 2005 7:29 AM EST

Funions and chocolate milk. That's been the craving for the past two nights at around 2am. He's done with his steroid, but the appetite it causes will continue for a few more days. During the day he likes turkey slices, spaghetti, fried mozerella sticks and ice cream. All my favorites too!

Ben's cough has lessened so we jumped right back into the routine yesterday. We went to mass, had lunch at Waffle House then Ben went to his first soccer practice. He was very hesitant about going. So we convinced him to just go to pick up his jersey and ball. Once he got there, Chris was able to get him to do some of the drills - all with a smile on his face. But once he got home he told me that he didn't want to do it anymore because he still doesn't have his hair. When all this started last year, I guessed that hair loss wouldn't be a big deal to Ben. I was wrong. It's really getting in the way of his social life. He hasn't lost all of his hair from this DI like he did last time so maybe he'll be getting it all back sooner than expected. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

We're at the clinic tomorrow for labs (finger stick - YEOW!). They'll decide if he's ready to start the final block of DI on this Friday.

Thanks to all of you who pitched in this past week and made our lives run smoothly while Ben was in the hospital!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:15 AM CST


Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice
Sami Petrucciani -- A new friend we met through Merrill King.

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Friday, March 18, 2005 9:23 PM EST

Ben's doing much better today! He was up and about, playing and lauging. He spent a good portion of the day outside of his room. I think he's sick of it! He still has a nasty cough and laryngitis, but he's acting alot more like himself.

His ANC is now up to 800 and he hasn't had a fever since the 16th. The doctor told us this morning that she could release us, because he met the "safe to go home" criteria, but also explained that his ANC number might be up because of the steroid he is taking. And because he will be finishing the steroid this weekend, his ANC may come back down. So, Chris and I decided to stay one more night (tonight) and get another CBC in the morning to make sure the number is still rising. We're more that happy and willing to stay longer to make sure we're doing the right thing. Ben wanted to go home.

So, hopefully by tomorrow late in the morning, Ben will be in his own playroom at home and making a wreck of it.

Thanks to all of you for your caring words and prayers. If you've got a second, please sign Ben's guestbook. Your words help keep us going!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:11 PM EST

Thank you, everyone, for checking on Ben and for your words of encouragement! Ben is feeling much better today. His ANC came up to 340 from the other day and his fever is gone. Once his ANC is above 500 and he is fever free for 24 hours, the doc will send us home.

He's still couging alot so they took another xray to make sure his lungs were clear. They checked out fine again. So, it's just a matter of keeping them that way.

Funny thing that happened today . . . Ben and I were watching TV and I glanced over at him and he was in a daze just staring at the TV. He was fiddling with something, but it didn't really notice what it was. I looked over at him again and asked what he was doing and he held up his IV line that he'd pulled apart! The lights were low in the room and he said, "My blood is coming out." I assured him that it was just the IV fluid and I began to wipe up the drips with a kleenex. Boy was I wrong! The clamp on the line was open and his blood was coming out! It wasn't gushing (so don't panic BaBa), but there were quite a few drops on the couch where he was sitting. The nurses had quite a laugh over that.

Ben spent the entire day looking for people who were not sporting his favorite color, green, today. Unfortunately, the hospital covered all their employees by handing out little green ribbons for them to wear. We did run into Mr. Morris (a hospital friend) during dinner and he was not in green. Now he's got two purple spots on his arm from Ben's serious pinchers!

Ok, we're off to the game room now. Hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

And if you've got a second, please sign Ben's guestbook. Your words help keep us going!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:39 AM EST

Well, Ben's not doing so well today. He had a temp of 100 all day yesterday and didn't feel like doing much other than sleep. Finally, around 8pm as we were watching "The Incredibles", his favorite movie, he told me that he just didn't feel good. Ben never complains about feeling bad.

I called the doc and he was concerned that the steroid he's taking is masking a higher fever.

Ben and I went to the ER around 10pm. He still has an ear infection, a terrible cough and fever. They took an xray of his chest to check that he doesn't have pneumonia. That came back clear so everything is pointing to some kind of virus. Last night's CBC showed WBC=1.09 and ANC=0.31 making him nutrapenic and too weak to fight off anything by himself. They started him on Fortaz every 8 hours (an antibiotic which usually does the trick for him) and tylenol for the fever.

Please pray that we're only dealing with a simple virus here. We haven't seen the docs yet, so we're still unsure what Ben's fighting.

We're in room 318 if anyone needs us. And if you've got a second, please sign Ben's guestbook. Your words help keep us going!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Monday, March 14, 2005 5:52 PM EST

I think we're coming out of the woods! Chris returned to work today, Jeremy went to school, I'm feeling about 95 percent better but Ben is still feeling a little yucky. I took him to the clinic and Dr. Lew said that he has an ear infection, could be starting bronchitis, and maybe a touch of the flu. He's on his last dose of Tamiflu and started Zithromax today. They ran a CBC and he's nearly nutrapenic from this phase. We'll go back in next Tuesday for another CBC to see if he'll be ready to start the second half of Delayed Intensification on the 25th.

Counting the drugs he's taking for his treatment and for the crud he's currently fighting, Ben's taking 6 medicines every morning and night. It takes about an hour to get all the medicines down because he absolutely hates the taste. We've tried to convince him that if he can swallow the pill forms of his medicine, then there would be little to no taste at all. We haven't been successful in practicing with the mini m&ms, with and without applesauce. He just ends up either chewing the m&m or gagging. Does anyone have any pill swallowing tips. I hear that once these kids are in maintenance, they are required to take quite a few pills a day. So, we need to find a way that's easy pretty soon. Let me know if you have any ideas!

Hope you are all staying healthy!

And if you've got a second, please sign Ben's guestbook. Your words help keep us going!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Friday, March 11, 2005 11:24 AM EST

Send relief! We're all at home with some kind of illness. Chris has been in bed since Monday with the flu. I just got over the flu last Sunday and am now feeling woozy again. Jeremy missed school on Wednesday and today due to a miserable cough and Ben has been under the weather and just feeling "blah" for the past two days.

I was able to take Ben to the clinic on Wednesday. It was pretty easy.
Doxirubicin and Vincristine were adminstered. His counts were good but he had a runny nose and cough. Dr. Crosswell gave Ben a perscription for Tamiflu in hopes of fending off the flu that Chris and I were sharing and/or reducing the duration of his flu if he'd already contracted it.

Now we're also suffering from cabin fever! My mom is suppose to be visiting this weekend, but I've left her a message that she might be walking into a time bomb!

And if you've got a second, please sign Ben's guestbook. Your words help keep us going!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine


Friday, March 4, 2005 9:54 AM EST

All went well at the clinic yesterday. Ben receive his PEG shots and a dose of Doxorubicin and Vinchristine.

Not much else to report. We're still waiting for the steroid frenzie to set in. Right now I think is the calm before the storm. He's not really hungry and prefers to eat applesauce if anything at all.

Other than that, I'm just trying to avoid giving Ben the cold/flu that I have that the germs Jeremy's been carrying around for a week. He had a runny nose and some sneezing yesterday, but he seems fine today. Maybe he just had a touch of allergies or maybe his steroid is helping to relieve the symptoms.

If you haven't checked, Chris is back on track with his running. His injury seems to have healed and he's on the road again. The healing could be due to the Accelerade products that our friend, Matt, so kindly donated to Chris for his training. Chris is a huge fan of the products now. Thanks, Matt!

And if you've got a second, please sign Ben's guestbook. Your words help keep us going!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

With the help of the following organizations, we are devoted to finding a cure:

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Cure Childhood Cancer
Camp Sunshine

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:34 AM EST

Yesterday's visit to the clinic didn't go very well. We found out that Ben was suppose to be taking his steroid, Dexamethasone, since Friday. The nurse practitioner forgot to write a perscription and instruct me to give it to him so he's 3 days behind. Not only that, he couldn't receive the PEG shots because he needs to be on the steroid for at least 24 hours before getting the shots. Frustrating.

She assured us that it will not have an effect on the therapy. Still frustrating. Anyway, now I know I just can't get lazy about double checking everything they do.

Fortunately, Ben has a scheduled visit this Thursday where he is to receive more Vincristine. This time he'll get the PEG shots too.

On a happier note, both Ben's LP and Bone Marrow came back clear of leukemic cells. The nurse told us that even healthy bone marrow could show up to 5 percent abnormal cells and still be defined as normal. Ben's marrow showed 0 percent!

So now, we wait on the edge of our seats for the "steroid frenzie" to set in. Let's see . . . I'll need to go to the store for:
slim jims
chicken nuggets
corn dogs
chips and salsa
pizza bagels

It's always nice to see Ben eat, but the steroid override is pretty scary. He will balloon up in the next few days and wake up in the middle of the night crying that he's hungry. Hopefully I can get some fruit and vegetables in him this time around.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Friday, February 25, 2005 8:12 PM EST

We found out yesterday that Ben's counts were good enough to begin his second Delayed Intensification Phase.

Ben and I were at the clinic 30 minutes early today and I think it really paid off. We were in the procedure room in record time! I think we even got the first slot because the patient who was scheduled before us was running late. The early bird gets the LP!

Everything went according to plan. Ben got his LP where they drain central nervous system fluid to test that it is free of leukemic cells then inject a dose of methotrexate. I spoke to Dr. Lew today and they also decided to do another bone marrow asperate since Ben was being sedated. His reason for doing another asperate was purely for surveillance. He does not suspect that there will be any leukemia, but wants to make sure. He feels that since Ben is not a typical ALL patient, they will continue to do bone marrows every six months. I'm all for it. He also added that there is evidence that if a child relapses and it is caught early, there is a slightly better chance of recovery. I think he meant for that notion to comfort me, but that word "relapse" always puts me in a bad mood.

Ben also received Vinchristine and Doxorubicin.

Before Ben went under anesthesia, he asked if I would feed him his favorite LP snack, Funions, while he was asleep. He's not allowed to eat anything after midnight the night before a procedure, so he is exremely hungry on LP days. I told him once before that I had fed him while he was asleep during a procedure and he liked that idea. All I did was open the bag before he woke up and he believed me! So now, he expects to be fed "while he's sleeping". But this time my plan backfired on me. I forgot to open the bag before he woke up. When he saw the Funions he yelled, "You're just opening the bag now?! You didn't feed me while I was asleep!" BUSTED!

Afterward, we made our routine trip to Target to buy another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy. BeBe met us at home with lunch. A veggie sandwich for me and a McDonald's Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuit for Ben. Thanks, BeBe!

Ben's next clinc visit will be on Monday for PEG shots and more Doxorubicin.

We'll keep on keeping you posted. Please continue the prayers for Ben's recovery. I feel he's come such a long way, yet the road ahead is longer still.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 3:50 PM CST

We made it safely to Disney and back! We had another awesome trip and can't wait to go again next year!

Ben kept us guessing the night before we left. He started feeling warm around 7:30pm and by 10:00pm he had a temperature of 100.6. A temperature of 101 is the magic number that sends us to the ER! I knew that he was nutrapenic, so if we were to go the ER I also knew we'd have to stay overnight. Thankfully, his temp slowly dropped and he was normal by morning.

Ben and I packed and ran errands all morning. We had the car packed by 12:30pm and headed down to the clinic to check his counts. His hemoglobin had been 7.8 the Monday before so we were hoping by now it had risen to a safe level. But that just wasn't the case. The methotrexate was still doing it's job and his hemoglobin was down to 7.5. The nurse practitioner went ahead and ordered the blood transfusion because we were leaving for Disney that night. (They don't usually transfuse until he's below 7.) Even though the transfusion kept us in the clinic until 6:30pm, I was grateful for it. I knew that Ben would be energetic and feeling good at Disney.

Chris picked up Jeremy and they met us at the clinic for dinner. We got to Betsy's house around 8pm and headed down to Florida. After picking up my mom and Toti in Gainesville, spent a day at the Magic Kingdom and another at MGM Studios. This year Ben was prepared and knew exactly what to expect. We all had a terrific time but felt that it was at least one day too short.

Ben's next clinic day is Thurs., Feb. 24th for labs then the following day, the 25th for a full day and the beginning of his second Delayed Intensification Phase.

We're holding strong. Thank you all for the constant prayers!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore
Ian Rice - a new friend!

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 6:57 AM CST

Only 3 more days until Disney! We're well into making this an annual family event. We've gone every year for the past 4 years and it hasn't gotten old yet!

Ben and I went to the clinic yesterday for his last round of chemo in this Intermaintenance Phase. His blood counts were very low which is the desired effect of the this phase. The most concerning numbers are his low ANC which makes him nutrapenic and his low hemoglobin which is at 7.8. Dr. B ensured us that this should be his lowest point and with every day further from the methotrexate we should see his counts improve. The doc mentioned that Ben is an extremely good responder to the methotrexate. As the med surpresses his blood counts it also supresses the leukemia. Way to go Ben!

So, he only receive the vinchristine yesterday. Dr. B held the methotrexate since the last dose seems to still be doing the trick. We still got the approval to go to Disney this weekend. The only thing we have to do is stop by the clinic on Thursday to make sure his hemoglobin is truly on the rise. If not, Ben will get a transfusion and we'll hit the road that night. I was happy he didn't have to get more of the methotrexate because it really makes him feel sluggish. Now he'll have more energy to run around the Magic Kingdom!

We've been pretty busy lately. Jeremy had a Pinewood Derby race last weekend in which he place third in his heat but won the "Best Futurisitic Design" trophy for his rendition of a limosine. He's also playing spring baseball and we're even contemplating signing him up for swimming lessons on top of that. Good thing he's only in kindergarten and doesn't come home with loads of homework!

Last week the 4 of us were intereviewed by John Kincaid of 680 AM "The Fan" radio station. He is a two time cancer survivor who now uses his radio show to host a radiothon for th Leukemia Lymphoma Society. It will air on February 11th from 6am - 7pm. Our interview should run during early moring drive time. Tune in if you can!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry
Gwen Mason

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Saturday, January 29, 2005 1:11 AM EST

All went well at the clinic yesterday. Counts were up and all scheduled chemo was received.

Ben's still having anxiety in the procedure room. No one really blames him, it's just that we thought he might be getting use to all this by now. It only seems to be getting worse. One reason we switched him from light sedation to deep because we thought he would be less aggitated. That hasn't been the case so far. He's probably more aggitated than ever. It's really hard on him when he can't eat before a procedure and the irritabily comes mainly (we think) from his hypoglycemia. The first thing he wants in the morning is chocolate milk and cereal. The irony is that the rest of the day we struggle to ensure his caloric intake is sufficient. So, before and during the procedure, he had a dextrose bag hanging and that seemed to help a tiny bit.

After the LP was done, we moved to the infusion room to receive the rest of his chemo. It only took 45 minutes to receive both, so when it was time to leave, Ben wasn't ready. He had all the toys out and was having the best time! It helps me a little to know that he doesn't totally hate the clinic. Having to peel him away from a place where he's having fun actually makes me feel normal.

Last week was huge for Jeremy. BaBa, BeBe and Uncle Toti came in to watch his testing for Black Belt. He also got a surprise spectator, his friend Emma - Jeremy's first real friend in the whole entire world! It was a long and tiring testing day, but Jeremy held strong until the very end. He perfomed all his forms, basics and sparing and when it came time to muscle through the boards, he gave it all he had and plowed right through! The belt ceremony was last Thursday night. Watching the instructor place the belt around his waist was a truly proud moment for us. He doesn't realize all the hard work that went into getting his belt, but we sure do.

As many of you have heard, Chris is preparing to run a marathon in Nashville on April 30 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. He's both excited and nervous at the same time. He's never run a marathon, but he's determined to get this one under his belt!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Gwen Mason -- bone marrow transplant scheduled for Feb. 18
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:46 PM EST

Hi all! Had our clinic visit yesterday. We got there at 8:00 am, but didn't get started until 10:00am. Seems they forgot to put our appointment time down in the book! Anyway, Ben was happy to have more time to play since the PEG shots were scheduled for that day.

His platelet count was down (typical for this stage) so he was unable to receive the methotrexate. But he did receive the PEG shots and a dose of vinchristine. Everything went well. The benedryl be gets before the PEG really got him this time and he was out like a light after receiving all his meds. But he was up and ready to go once we got home.

Jeremy seems to be doing better at school. We had a meeting with the psychologist at the clinic last week and Jeremy was able to verbalize a lot of his feelings. The psychologist thought that if he had an object that usually brings him comfort, he might be less anxious at school. So, Tuesday morning Jeremy and I put his rosary in his pocket. He got through lunch time without crying or visiting the infirmary. When I picked him up from school he said that his teacher told him that she was proud of him for being brave in the lunchroom. He was all smiles. I could tell he had a good day. Later he told me that he thought the rosary did the trick. He also made it through today and even got to eat lunch with BeBe who paid him a visit at school. Thanks, BeBe!

Last Saturday, Ben and I went to the convention of the Georgia Youth Soccer Association as a special guest of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. The people in attendance were fundraisers and directors of youth soccer leagues from all over the state. The LLS took this opportunity to introduce their "Soccer Kicks for Cancer" program and named Ben as their "Honored Hero" this year. We told everyone Ben's story in hopes of spreading the word about this program and how significant it could be in raising funds for leukemia and lymphoma research. After leaving the meeting I got a call from Louise Wells, the LLS rep who I'd been working with, and she said that the Regional Director of US Youth Soccer Association was also there and heard me tell Ben's story. He told Louise that he was very taken with what we had to say and wanted to put together a plan with the LLS so that all the leagues in his region would participate in the program. That's 12 states with who knows how many leagues! In Ben and Jeremy's soccer club alone, there are 4,000 members. We were all very excited about this news.

So, in March, the fundraiser will roll out and Ben will be on his first soccer team. I'll keep you posted on events Ben will be participating in to bring awareness to this program.


Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Gwen Mason
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Saturday, January 8, 2005 7:35 AM EST

We had a full day yesterday. Chris took Ben to the clinic for an 8am appointment and I took Jeremy to school. But on the way to school, Jeremy complained of stomach pains and nausea. He's been complaining on and off for a few weeks, so we called in absent at school and made a doctor's appointment for Jeremy as well.

We got to the clinic just as they called Ben to the procedure room. This was his first time under deep sedation for an LP because the last few times under light sedation did not work out for him. He was cranky all morning because he was not allowed to eat. As soon as they injected the Propophol, he was out like a light and the procedure took all of 5 minutes. We were hoping he'd wake up easily since that's how most kids react. But not our Ben! He woke up yelling and screaming for Funions! (AKA "Fake Onion snack") We're hoping he only woke up aggitated because he went under aggitated. Anyway, the procedure went well and much better than when done under light sedation.

After a short stay in the infusion room for more chemo and arguments with Jeremy over who got to play with what toy, we were off to lunch. As I quitely ate my sandwich, Jeremy and Ben bounced off the walls, laughing and wrestling with each other. What's wrong with this picture? Well, I was supposed to be tending to two ill children! They both must have forgotten that they were sick!

The pediatrician didn't find anything wrong with Jeremy. She seems to think he's stressing himself out and asked him to work on positive thinking. I feel so badly for Jeremy. He's unable to tell us everything that's going on in his head, yet he absorbs everything he hears. I know he's concerned for Ben and may have come to some conclusions himself upon hearing about kids like Alex Scott and Carter Martin -- kids for whom we used to pray for healing. He also has worries of his own. Starting back to school was difficult after such a long break and Black Belt testing is on the 22nd.

So, next week we start up with the child psychologist again, but this time with more of an emphasis on Jeremy.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Gwen Mason
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:54 AM EST

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We were blessed with another terrific Christmas with many of our family members present for the celebration.

Last week, after Jeremy's Christmas program, Ben went to the clinic to begin one of his repeat chemotherapy phases. We took Nana along with us for what we expected to be a long day. As it turned out, Ben's counts were still recovering and they were not high enough to receive chemo. So . . . we went home and began the holiday!

Jeremy and Ben got some quality time with their grandmothers before the flood of relatives arrived. We attended Mass on Chrismas eve then took the whole family to see "The Polar Express". What a great way to get in Christmas spirit.

The next day was everything we expected. Toys, toys and more toys! The boys were in heaven and haven't come down yet. They still have toys they haven't taken out of the boxes yet!

Last Monday, Ben's counts were all normal. We began the Intermaintenance phase again with a dose of Vinchristine, Methotrexate and PEG shots in the legs. All medicines were tolerated well with no allergic reaction on side effects. Ben is also eating a little better than usual and looks as healthy as ever.

We're looking forward to a happy and healthier 2005 and possibly a full head of hair by August!

Godspeed to you in 2005!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Gwen Mason
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson - February 3, 2003 – December 19, 2004
Shelby Prescott - December 30,1998 - October 22, 2004
Carter Martin - November 20, 1996 - September 12, 2004
Alex Scott - August 1st, 2004

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:58 AM EST

The clinic visit was short and sweet yesterday. Ben's counts are on the rise. His ANC is 220 from 70 on Sunday. Still nutrapenic, but getting stronger.

I spoke to Dr. Crosswell and Dr. Meecham (endochrinologist) about Ben's low blood sugar. It dropped to 47 one morning and Chris and I franticlally woke Ben to feed him some chocolate milk. Dr. Crosswell increased his Periactin (appetite stimulant) and Dr. Meecham said that his body is still feeling the effects of the last round of steroid and suppressing his insulin. She assured us that if we can just get him to eat more calories he will be fine. Easier said than done. Ben, at times, will absolutely refuse to eat. If he's forced, he throws up. So, it's a constant battle. I've been putting little bites of food in his mouth while he's playing or watching tv all through the day and it seems to be helping.

The chemo break was shorter than I thought. Ben will begin the repeat Intermaintenance Phase next Wednesday with Vinchristine, Methotrexate and the double barreled PEG shots in the legs - all in time for Christmas!

He is in good spirits and is looking forward to his family's visit for the holiday. We'll be wrapping presents today and making cookies.

Peace to you all!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.

William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Gwen Mason
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Haley Thompson
Shelby Prescott
Carter Martin
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:52 PM EST

YEA! We're home. Nurse Sarah came in this morning and reported that Ben's ANC had leaped from 30 to 70! He's still painfully nutrapenic, but most definitely on the rise. She gave Ben his walking papers since he'd also been without fever for 24 hours.

Ben didn't take the news as well as the rest of us. He knows a good thing when he sees it and he told Chris this morning that he didn't want to go home! I guess that tells you just how spoiled they make these kids when they're in the hospital - as they should be. Ben has even told me on a healthy day a few weeks ago when I was too busy cleaning the house to play with him that he missed the hospital. I asked why and he said it was because everyone plays with him there and his family comes to visit! Too, too smart!

Anyway, we dragged him home and whether he realized it or not, he was happy to see his toys again.

His glucose started to drop a little again while we were at the hospital. So, we were directed to continue the finger stick at 2am and 8am everyday to make sure he doesn't become hypoglycemic again.

But, now we're home and glad to be here. Ben received his last dose of Vinchristine for this phase and we've got a chemo break until after Christmas. He has a nice 5 o'clock shadow across his head and his eyebrows have filled in. It will be nice to see him with hair even if it's only for a couple of weeks.

Thanks to all of you who pitched in this week to help us out. Thanks for the gifts and well wishes.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Haley Thompson - now on hospice
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Gwen Mason - A new friend made this week at the hospital.
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Friday, December 10, 2004 10:56 PM EST

New Pictures!

Hello from the Hospital!

Ben's been in the hospital since 1am Wednesday morning. I brought him to the ER because he had a temp of 101. They ran the CBC on his blood and found that his ANC was extremely low. Since he's been in the hospital, it's continued to drop making him susceptible to just about everything out there. He's on a pretty intense antibiotic and was just taken off fluids today.

The hard part for Ben is that he doesn't feel sick. His doesn't have any cold or virus symptoms (knock wood!) and he's energetic and playful. The only fever he has is Cabin Fever!

Dr. Lew started him on a new medicine yesterday that they usually give to bone marrow transplant patients to reduce the incidence of nutrapenia or shorten the duration. That's what we're hoping will happen for Ben. His CBC today didn't show any signs of improvement, but tomorrow could be another story. As long as the CBC indicates that Ben's counts are on the rise, then they'll release him from the hospital. But Dr. Lew said to just plan on staying the weekend. Ugh!

We are thankful for being in the hospital with Ben in such a vulnerable state so we're trying not to complain. And we're thankful for the constant attention that he receives when were there. In a strange way, I feel slightly relieved. The staff at the hospital is top notch. Whenever there, it is apparent to me that we are in very good hands and Ben is getting the attention he needs.

Jeremy has a Karate tournament tomorrow. He's been especially patient with us this week and very flexible. Fortunately he's in school during the day, but when that last bell rings he's unaware of the plans for the rest of the day, but just follows along and never question why. He’s such a good kid.

So, we're in room 318 at Scottish Rite in case any of you are looking for us. We'll be there at least through Sunday.

Have a great weekend!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
Haley Thompson - now on hospice
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, December 2, 2004 1052 PM EST

A long day at the clinic made even longer by some new decisions.

Yesterday was Ben's next to last intensive chemo treatment before taking a break for Christmas and entering the Maintenance phase of his therapy in January. Ben checked out well and showed us no suprises which led our doctors to make the decision to repeat the last two intensive phases of chemotherapy.

The reason for adding two more phases is based mainly on the fact the Ben is not a true ALL patient. He did show AML cells when he was first diagnosed and even after 8 months of treatment and continued remission, that fact can't be ignored. So, the theory is to strike while the iron is hot with more intensive chemo in hopes of eliminating our chances of relapse. (God, I hate that word!)

So, how do we take this news when we were so close to Maintenance? Ben's been looking forward to growing his hair back and participating in activities like soccer which he currently avoids because of the constant stares and comments about his baldness. And we were all looking forward to reducing our clinic visits to once month. Well, (huge sigh)it's all still good. Disappointing in a way, yes. But the change in plans is still a welcome one. Ben has tolerated these two phases before and the doctors feel it can only help his situation to repeat them. That's very good.

The plan now is to start Ben on the additional therapy after Christmas and begin Maintenance in late spring. The good news is that Ben tolerated these two phases well the first time around and the docs said that kids who go for seconds usually fair much better than the first time around.

Ben's a tough kid and he understands a lot of what he is going through. I told him that the hair he is now sprouting will grow for a couple of more weeks but fall out once the chemotherapy starts up again. He just rubbed the top of his head, shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's okay, mom." I told him he'd get it back in the summer and he said, "Awesome! Just don't cut it all off this time!"

Ben continues to do well. He's looking forward to Christmas and reminds me daily what he wants to see under the tree Christmas morning. He's energetic and cheerful, running and playing constantly. All is well.

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.

Haley Thompson - now on hospice
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Monday, November 29, 2004 7:11 AM EST

New Photos!

What a great Thanksgiving! Ben's counts were suppose to be down, but as usual, his body held off and kept good counts all week. We finished up our last round of ARA-C shots for this phase and we only have PEG shots this week standing in our way of the maintenance phase!

Ben had a better time at the clinic last week. He did freak out a little when they pricked his finger for the CBC, but other than that, it was pretty quick and uneventful.

The entire Perez Clan was visiting for Thanksgiving including cousin Gavin. The boys love seeing him although Ben couldn't resist telling on him a few times. Ben has become the police around here - reporting any crimes against sharing! If he could only get the concept right himself, then maybe we'd take his pleas for justice more seriously!

We devoured a huge Thanksgiving lunch and visited with our family until way too late. The next day, we started a new tradition, introduced by Jeremy, and went hiking up Kennessaw Mountain. Jeremy loves it there and has been itching to get to the top for a couple of years now. It's only a mile to the top, but the last time we went, Ben was too young and even tried to get Jeremy to carry him up. This time, Ben was raring to go. Ben, Uncle Toti and I, brought up the rear, but kept up a steady pace. All the while, Ben waved and greet the other hikers as they passed us and made many new aqaintences. As we neared the top, some new friends were already coming down and gave Ben words of encouragement as he forged ahead. By the time we reached the top, Ben had an audience and received a round of applause! He was thrilled with himself that he was able to acheive such as task. (And so was I!) Then came the question, "How do we get down?" I guess I forgot to mention to Ben that reaching the top was only half the mission. So, he got a piggyback ride part of the way down, but still managed to foot most of the hike downhill all by himself.

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to wear down the uncles as best we could. And from the expressions on their faces as they left, I assume we accomplished that task as well.

We hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and your blessings are plentiful!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Hayley Thompson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:33 AM CST

New Pictures from Lake Lanier!

We went to the clinic bright and early on Wednesday morning. Ben was in good spirits as he watched the Scooby Doo movie in the waiting room. As soon as they called his name the excitement began. I had explained to him earlier what the day would be like and he seemeed accepting of the circumstances, but I guess he really wasn't. He fought me as the nurse took his vitals, refused to stand on the scale and screamed at me saying he wanted to go and play the games in the waiting area. We were taken back to the examination room and Ben was allowed to stop and play a game or two. Then when it was time to access his port, Ben refused and I actually chased him around the clinic! It's never come to that. All the while he was screaming and crying that he didn't want to do it.

We finally got him to the examination room, the nurse left to find the child services specialist hoping that she could help Ben calm down. As we waited, Ben and I talked about what was going to happen and that toys would follow if he could cooperate. His favorite nurse, Kim, came into the room and she was able to access his port. PHEW!

We had a few moments of peace as Dr. Crosswell examined Ben. I don't think Ben likes him very much but he can get Ben to laugh most of the time.

After good results from his lab work were reported, we were taken to the procedure room ("The Twinkly Star Room" as they call it - because they actually have twinkling stars on the ceiling) for his LP. As usual, the nurse prepared two doses of Versed (sedative) for Ben. Ben has never used the second dose. He's always been able to relax well enough for the LP with only one dose. Today was not the case. I think he may be building up a tolerance for the medicine. The last time he had an LP he relaxed well enough, but came out of the Versed very irritable and irate. This time the first dose didn't relax him at all. He cried and fought the nurses and doctor. The second dose was administered and he fought through that one as well. We were able to calm him down a bit with his current movie favorite, Home Alone 2, but only as long as it took to do the LP. Once the doc was done, Ben's crying and screaming were uncontrollable. I hate seeing him like this and the unjustice of Ben's illness becomes so much more apparent to me. The doctor ordered an "antidote" that could help Ben come out of the Versed a little easier. Fortunately, it worked. 5 minutes later, Ben was sitting up in bed, watching his movie and laughing at the bad guys getting bonked in the head. PHEW #2!

The rest of our visit went according to plan. Ben received an hour of fluids required for the Cytocin. Then the med dripped for another hour as Ben played with his new toys from the treasure chest.

Chris was educated on the fundamentals of administering an injection. The ARA-C med which Ben received before through his central line, is now an injection because he has an internal port. Instead of having the patient come to the clinic every day for his shot, the med is sent home for the parents to administer. Luckily for me, Chris is able to give an injection. I couldn't convince myself that I could do it.

Ben was also given an explanation of the shot that his dad would give him at home. He even got to stick a little doll that they use to help the children understand all the procedures they will experience. He seemed to enjoy giving medicine to the doll. He put a piece of gauze and white tape over the injection site just as he requests from the nurses whenever he receives the medicines. Ben was also given instructions on how to deal with the pain of the shot. She told him that if he blew out while receiving the shot, it would help reduce the pain. She gave him a pinwheel to help him with this exercise. Supposedly the numbing cream takes away the pain from the needle, but the actually medicine burns as it is pushed.

Then the child life specialist gave Ben a medicine chart to take home and keep track of the days when his dad would be giving him a shot. Each day Ben receives a shot, he would put a sticker on the chart. For each time he used the blowing technique, he would get another sticker. On his next clinic day, he will bring the chart back to the doctor and collect a toy for each sticker. With the possiblity of receiving 6 new toys in site, Ben agreed that this system was acceptable.

Three hours of fluids later, we went home.

The next day, as usual, the Cytocin got the better of Ben and he took a 3 hour nap.

Thursday night was our first time giving Ben a shot. He knew all day that it was coming and seemed a little nervous, but not unwilling. Jeremy even suggested to him that maybe dad could give the shot while he was sleeping and he probably wouldn't even feel it. We'd actually considered this the day we were at the clinic, but the nurse said that the med does burn and in the end might be a mean thing to do while he was sleeping. So, we decided to be upfront and give him the med just before bedtime.

When the time was upon us, the wild child from the clinic came out again! Screaming and crying, it was impossible to console him. He had already taken 4 oral drugs and now we wanted to stick him?! Unjust once again. Finally, he asked if we would just give him the shot while he slept. We explain how it would feel, but he wanted the shot in that manner anyway, so we agreed.

Once Ben was asleep for 30 min., we attempted the injection. Chris pushed half of the medicine in and Ben pulled his leg back. He didn't wake, he didn't cry, but the needle came out and half the med was still in the syringe. We weren't given instructions about this situation. Can you just put the needle back in? Now I was feeling that we were unjustly treated. Why is it the parents' responsibility to do this? Isn't it difficult enough that we have a child who has cancer to deal with?!

Chris sat patiently, with the syringe in the air as I called my sister-in-law, Gina who is also a doctor. (Thank you for being awake, Gina!) She assured us that we could reinsert the needle using a different area and it would be fine. We followed Gina's instructions and all went well. Ben didn't even flinch during the second half. If the med burns at all, he didn't seem to notice it. PHEW #3!

He got his second shot last night as he slept and once again seemed to handle the pain. What an absolute trooper.

We had the Rivers over for dinner last night. They are the mystery family who sent us a wagon full of supplies when Ben was first diagnosed. They showered us will all kinds of goodies and essentials for a long stay at the hospital. We'd never met them before even missing them the day they delivered the suprises to the hospital. We'd never experienced such kindness from strangers.

Now, we're no longer strangers. We have so much in common. Elle and Brendt's son Jake, who is only a few days older than Ben, was diagnosed with ALL. They also have a 9 month old named, Megan. She crawled around the house smiling while the boys ran around with guns and swords. We had a terrific time and feel we've made lasting friends.

We're leaving this afternoon for Lake Lanier. They have an event called "Night of Lights". It's a 6.5 mile ride through a large display of Christmas lights. Since the boys missed out on Asheville last weekend, we booked a hotel room at Lake Lanier and hope that it makes up, in some way, for missing Gavins' birthday party.

That's it. We're done for this week. And I mean really done!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Monday, November 15, 2004 9:45 AM EST

Well, the weekend didn't turn out as expected. Ben and Jeremy went to bed as usual on Friday night and expected that we'd be leaving for cousin Gavin's house bright and early the next morning. Instead, Chris, Ben and I spent the night at the ER. We brought Ben to the ER at 12:30am with a temperature of 101. Soon after arriving, it had fallen to 99.2 and remained there until we were discharged at 4am. They gave him an antibiotic that would hold him until 10am and we were instructed to go to the pediatrician's office to receive and additional antibiotic.

As we left the hospital Ben said to me, "The doctor said I'm not nutrapenic?" I told him it was true. "So can we go to Gavin's house?" He was furious when I told him we'd have to stay home. He pounded on his car seat and said, "When I get home, I'm going to stomp my feet and I'm not going to be proud of myself!"

Jeremy woke up at 7am just in time to see Uncle Toti and BeBe (who spent the night with us)packing the car to leave for Asheville. I heard him cry out my name as if he thought we'd left him. I ran downstairs and explained that we wouldn't be going to Asheville and he fell apart.

After everyone settled down we ended up having a very pleasant, slow and relaxing weekend - something we haven't had in a long while. We were upset about missing the festivities, but relieved that Ben's fever seemed to only be a false alarm. He didn't even end up getting the second antibiotic. After the pediatrician talked to the oncologist who ordered it, he changed his mind and decided Ben didn't need it. A little unsettling in my mind because nothing changed from 4am to 10am to warrant the change in opinion. But Ben seemed fine all weekend and played as hard as he normally does.

Jeremy got to see the Green boys test for their Black Belts which turns out to be sore subject. Jeremy was suppose to test with them last Saturday, but we chose to postpone his test because of our plans to go to Asheville. Although Jeremy wanted to see Jeffery and Nikolas test, I think the whole event was bitter sweet. But I must say that he is being so mature about the whole thing. He knows that he is behind his friends in Karate now, and that fact upset him at first. But now he seems to have accepted it and is more excited than ever about getting his black belt.

Ben will go to the clinic this Wednesday for an LP, and 3 more chemo drugs. We'll probably be there the entire day which only means that we'll run by Target when we're done for a HUGE shopping spree!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:54 PM EST

This week's clinic was uneventful. Ben was scheduled to receive an LP and 4 different chemo drugs. We thought we'd be at the clinic all day. It turned out that Ben's blood counts were too low to receive the chemo. It's not a bad thing. It was certainly expected that his counts were going to drop. His just dropped a week later than expected. But we should know by now that this seems to be Ben's trend. It gives him an extra chemo-free week as we wait for his counts to come up - all to Ben's delight, of course. We were in and out of the clinic in an hour. The bad news is that since his counts are low, he is nutrapenic.

We're off to Asheville this weekend to celebrate cousin Gavin's 2nd birthday. We're just hoping we can keep Ben from catching anything while we're visiting.

Other than that, we're just living life as normally as possible. Ben has finally agreed to start potty training. After only 3 days of it, I can see that it really is just a matter of choice. He knows exactly when he needs to go to the potty and has only had one accident. Now that he's got his mind set on the task, I don't think it will be difficult for him to master.

Our meetings with the family psychologist have been going well. She's given us some realistic tools to help us deal with the added stress we have in our family. She also assured us that what we are doing as parents is on track with what she expects. That was definitely nice to hear.

Now, we're getting prepared for the holidays. Ben and I have been busy making decorations, making Christmas lists and getting into the holiday spirit. He's asked me every day for the past week, "Is Christmas tomorrow?"

Please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Brady Scott
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Friday, November 5, 2004 7:41 AM CST

Clinic day this week was a piece of cake. Ben went in just to check his blood counts. He received a finger stick to draw the blood and he said it didn't even hurt!

We're still in the midst of our steroid appetite. Yesterday Ben consumed 6 adult-sized portions of lasagna! (Thank you Mrs. Kehoe!) He's on a food rampage that we're hoping will subside now that he's done with his steroids for this phase. He also had a few days of mouth sores that only stopped him from eating sour and salty things. He was still able to find some foods that would satisfy his hunger.

Yesterday was our second meeting with the child psychologist. Jeremy and Ben are becoming more comfortable with her (Jeremy even serenaded her with a little armpit tune!) so hopefully we'll get to the bottom of some of our issues.

Halloween and Trick or Treating was a blast! We went over to the Green's house for pizza and chicken wings then headed out into their neighborhood. Jeremy led the pack and Ben brought in the rear. He held up pretty well for about 10 houses. Then the humidity and running got the best of him. Once we returned to the house and cooled off, he was fine and ready to dive into his mound of candy!

Next week we'll be in the clinic for another LP and more chemo. Ben's growing some hair on the back of his head, but Dr. Lew assured us that it will fall out with this next round of chemo. Oh well, we'll just keep trying!

Thanks to all of you who came out for the second Karate for Kids Blood Drive honoring Ben! It's a wonderful thing to be able to spend 15 minutes to save a life.

Also, please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:05 PM CDT

Ben's definitely feeling this round of chemo. We're only a week into it and it's just wearing him down. He'll have energy spurts througout the day, but he doesn't hold up for very long without a break here and there.

Yesterday we were at the clinic for his 2nd round of vinchristine and doxirubicin. He's also on another steroid. So far we haven't seen evidence of increased appetite or irritability that the previous steroid caused. The docs are surprised, but just write it off by saying "every child handles medicines differently". We also saw Dr. Meecham, the endochrinologist. She is happy with Ben's protein stores progress. He's eating better. The quanitity is not so much the difference, but the content has changed. We probably feed him at least 75 percent protein in whatever he eats. And it seems to be working.

Next week we meet with the child psychologist at the clinic. She will meet with us a family to discuss anything and everything that has been going on since Ben's diagnosis. I think that Jeremy will be a big part of that discussion. Lately he seems to be feeling left out of the club. We've met so many interesting people with cancer, some of whom Jeremy has come to admire. The other day, he told me that he thought he had cancer. I'll tell you, he looked pretty disappointed when I told him he didn't. He's also reminiscing a lot about times before Ben was sick and even times before Ben was even born. He verbailzes a desire the go back to see our old house and hopes that it has not changed. He wished Chris was back at his old job and that things in general did not have to change. He worries about these things all throughout the day and sometimes until he cries. Cancer is a bad, bad thing for everyone involved.

But this too, we shall battle and win. Chris and I talked last night and both agreed that even through all of this, our family is much closer that we would have been without Ben's illness. The times we spend together are fully appreciated and cherished, especially by the two of us.

Okay. Enough of that. New news on the horizon, Karate for Kids is having another blood drive in Ben's honor! It will be on Friday, Oct. 29th from 8am - 1pm. Jeremy, Ben and I will be there bright and early with the donuts and would love to see you there! You can just drop by or call Ms. Eikey at: (770) 998-7717 for an appointment time.

Also, please keep the following children in your prayers. They are going through extremely tough times.
William Olson
Coulter Hampton
Kylie Barry

And as always, our other friends who are fighting the battle:
Andrew Vassil
Will Hennessy
Zach Hoechstetter
Merrill King
Jack Sanders
Brady Wolfe
Jake Rivers
Holly Moore

And for the angels who watch over us:
Carter Martin
Shelby Prescott
Alex Scott

Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:07 PM EST

"Love Is" performed by John Allmett. Movie by Uncle Toti.
Click here if you have a dial-up connection.

New Pictures!
Ben's Knight Light collected a total of $6,915! Way to blow out our $5,000 goal! We are so very grateful to all our team members who took on the fundraising challenge themselves and pushed us well over the finish line. Thanks also to everyone who donated to our Light the Night team. Your generosity amazes and encourages us. We'd like to extend an extra special thank you to Team Zachary who collected $30,000 and were kind enough to share a tent with us at the walk. It made our night even more special.

Saturday was about as perfect as a night can be. Cool weather, music, food, friends and happy children. The sea of red and white balloons was definitely a sight to behold as it washed across the Atlanta skyline. We had a fantastic time at this year's Light the Night event and will definitely continue the tradition.

Ben continues to do well. We're feeding him non-stop throughout the day. Since his visit to the hospital his blood sugar level as not dropped below 80! He eats bacon just about every day. Some of his other favorites include peanut butter (started enjoying it again), chicken tenders, salmon and pizza bagels all washed down with a tall glass of Pediasure! His night time snack routine is now becoming routine for Jeremy as well. He's figured out that he can postpone his bedtime by telling us that he's hungry too. So far, it's worked everytime!

We go to the clinic tomorrow to start a new chemo therapy phase which includes a lumbar puncture and a flu shot first thing in the morning.

Hope everyone is happy and well. Drop us a note in the guestbook or email and let us know how you're doing.

Again, thanks to everyone for making our first trip to Light the Night a fantastic success!

Love to you all,
Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:45 PM EST

New Pictures!

What an absolutely incredible time we had at Camp Sunshine this weekend! It was a great time for us to get away and spend time with the new friends we’ve made through this experience with Ben. We were also glad to meet other families who are traveling this same road and witness in the smiles of their children that prayers are truly heard and answered.

Jeremy was our test subject. For a few days before camp he was asking if we really had to go. He didn’t expect it to be any fun and asked that if he didn’t like it, could we just go back home. “I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go” is all we heard. Thankfully he gave it a shot. Jeremy ran non-stop from the time we arrive to the time we left. Basketball and soccer Friday night with his and Ben’s friend Will Hennessy. Followed on Saturday with, fishing, art, magic, balloon sculpting, softball, gold mining, archery, story telling, and a clown show. Not to mention the million times he stopped and played on the playground, dealt a few hands of Pokemon and had a sleep over with Will. I knew he was having the best time when he stopped by our cabin while Ben was taking a nap. He threw the door open, he face beet red and dripping with sweat from head to toe, he panted “water, I need water!”

We all had just as much fun as Jeremy, it was just most evident on his face. And we couldn’t be happier.

Ben made friends with Will’s older sister, Clare. Very patient and attentive, Clare would manage Ben around the playground from pushing him on the swings to lifting him up to the crow's nest at the top of the play set. Ben enjoyed the arts and crafts and played a mini golf like a pro. He tried his hand at softball but found his calling when it came to panning for gold. Although, I have to say he impressed the camp singer John Allmett when he sat down for his first drum lesson. I think I may have to find the kid some lessons!

That was another treat. John is a friend of the boys’ Aunt Betsy. He visited Ben in the hospital when he was first diagnosed and gave both the boys a new CD he’d just recorded. It was the only CD we had at the hospital, so needless to say, the boys got very familiar with all the songs. Each had their favorite tracks and John was kind enough to answer their requests one night when he performed after dinner. Jeremy jammed on his air guitar and Benjamin bopped as hard as he could, so pleased that they were seeing a live performance of their favorite songs!

Thank you to all the staff and volunteers of Camp Sunshine. It is a wonderful thing they do and they are wonderful people who do it. We met a couple volunteers who have been with Camp Sunshine for 20 years. Many devote a few weekends or vacation time each year to spend with these children stricken by cancer in hopes of brightening their lives in one way or another. It is a remarkable person that is as selfless as the volunteers we met. Betsy once told me about a friend of hers who is a counselor for an HIV camp. Every year he spends his vacation time at camp. When asked how he could bring himself to spend his vacation that way every year, his reply was simply the reverse, “How could I not?” I don’t know a lot of people who have this mindset, in fact, most people I know don’t think this way. Thank God for the few that do. They made our experience at Camp Sunshine exceptional. And our lives are better from it.

This is our last appeal for donations to Light the Night. Ben's Knight Lights will walk this weekend in Atlanta and we're trying to raise money for leukemia and lymphoma research. We're more than half way to our $5,000 goal. Thanks so much to all have donated.

Click here if you'd like to contribute.

Thanks again for you prayers while Ben was in the hospital. We're well on our way to educating Benjamin on the joy of eating!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Friday, October 1, 2004 6:46 AM EST

Well, as it turns out, Ben is malnourished. It came as a surprise to all the doctors because he appears and acts healthy. But, if you take a finnicky eater and add chemotherapy treatment to his daily life, then you have a great recipe for an under nourished child.

The doctors ran many tests to rule out any metabolic diseases, thyroid problems, liver disfunction, etc. You name it, they tested for it. Fortunately for us, we were given the directive from the doctors and the nutritionist to just go home and feed him well. Ben has been perscribed an appetite stimulant and all the fatty food he can handle. It's hard to believe this is our child! We are thrilled that this is the outcome of the tests and are looking forward to fattening Ben up. At this point, the doctors agree that he is not a candidate for any type of nighttime tube feedings because the solution used for the feedings tends to drive liver numbers up and would just confuse the matter more. We were reassured that his liver is functioning properly and the elevated liver numbers most probably are from the chemotherapy.

So, approximately 9 days from now, if Ben's blood counts return (he's neutrapenic now), he will begin another phase of chemo.

We're off to Camp Sunshine today as soon as Ben is discharged from the hospital. It's a camp for cancer patients and their families. We're looking forward to a great end to a grueling week.

Thank you all for your prayers. Once again, they worked.

Have a great weekend! Love to you all!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin (Soon to be "The Hulk"!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:54 AM EST

Ben will be admitted to the hospital this afternoon for liver tests because his sugar level remains low. The doctors spoke this morning (Lew, Crosswell and Meecham - endocrinologist) and decided to do more invloved tests that they're not equipped to do in the clinic. We'll keep you posted once we're settled in the hospital and have had a chance to speak with all the docs.

Please pray that this does not get more complicated and we're able to find a solution quickly.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben
Donate to Ben's Knight Lights

Friday, September 24, 2004 11:14 PM EST

New Photos!

We had an interesting clinic visit on Wenesday. We met with the endocrinologist to discuss Ben's hypoglycemia. She's banking on a condition called Ketonic Hypoglycemia which she likes to refer to as "little kid" hypoglycemia. It's typically found in kids who are malnutritioned (which she agrees Ben is not)and in kids who are finicky eaters (which Ben definitely is). On top of that, the doctors found over 600 cases where kids on Ben's type of chemo therapy developed hypoglycemia which they attribute to one particular chemo drug called 6MP. Ben hasn't had 6MP since July, but they think it might be lingering in his system and aggrevating his hypoglycemia.

So, other than running some test for his thyroid and possible diabetes, all they recommended was a change in his diet which entails basically feeding him all day long. 6 meals a day and each meal needs to be balanced in protein, carbohydrate and good fats. We also need to monitor his sugar level and that requires a finger stick 3 times a day. Not fun for a 3 year old. Although what the doctor perscribed is a tough challenge, it's the most appealing alternative. There was talk about giving him nutrition at nighttime when his sugar tends to drop significantly but that means inserting a nasogastric tube which none of us would enjoy.

Hopefully the doctor is right in her assumption and this hypoglycemia will end once his treatment ends -- in another 33 months.

Ben's counts were good so he received Vinchristine and another increased dose of Methotrexate. He's feeling well and ready to celebrate tomorrow at Jeremy's 6th birthday party. We have approximately 16 days off of chemo to wait for his blood counts to return to a range where he can begin a new phase.

We've begun talking to Ben about his Make a Wish privilege. We want to give him some time to explore his different interests before we sign up for the wish. This week he's been looking at Dude Ranches. He likes all the cowboy gear and the fact that he can feed cows and horses and ride his own pony. I think he'd make an awesome little cowboy. If anyone knows of a ranch that is particularly good for the little ones, please let us know!

We're still collecting donations for the Light the Night walk to raise money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. We're near 50 percent of our $5000 goal! Thank you to all who have donated already!

And we're getting ready for our family camping trip with Camp Sunshine. We're going with several other families we've met and have come to admire through this experience, so it should be a very good time.

Thanks again for your continued prayers. We feel them working everytime we look at Ben.

Love to you all,
Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Monday, September 13, 2004 7:48 PM EST

We think Ben's been walking the hypoglycemic line again. We went to the clinic this morning for our scheduled visit. Upon reading his blood counts, we found that his glucose level was 46 (55 is a low average). He was immediately put on a glucose drip. He didn't exhibit the exact signs as he did the last time his blood sugar was low. This time he was weak but irritable rather than lethargic. Still, he wasn't his normal self which is always an indication of something going wrong.

Anyway, the glucose helped him and next week we'll see Dr. Lew along with the endochrinologist to figure out why his sugar is dropping and what we can do about it. There's some talk about just working toward improving his eating habits or administering nutrition at night, or just administering glucose at home before any procedures. Bottom line . . . the boy's got to eat!

In any event, all procedures where Ben is not permitted to eat after midnight will be done first thing in the morning. His scheduled LP today was for 10:30. By that time, he was so weak and hungry that he couldn't control his emotions.

The LP went fine. They'll test the spinal fluid they extracted for contamination. They also gave a dose of methotrexate in the spinal column along with a dose of meth and vinchristine through his port.

Versed is the drug that is used to semi-sedate him while they do the LP. I've heard that some kids don't respond to it while others react adversely as they come out of it. Ben seems to be exhibiting more and more aggressive behavior as he is coming out of the Versed each time he uses it. Today he cried because I wanted to give him a full carton of chocolate milk rather than the one he'd finished. He cried even harder when I gave him the empty one and he realized it was all gone. Then he cried and screamed at me because I wasn't fully understanding the movie he was watching (Toy Story 2). He got so irritated by my ignorant comments. Then the next minute he was sitting up in bed laughing hysterically at the movie.

But now Ben is his usual self and just about ready for bed.

Today we learned that Carter Martin passed away Sunday afternoon. What a galant young boy to have held on for over two weeks on his own strenghth without the aid of cancer fighting drugs. How unfortunate we are for never having met him. But it is certain that our lives will be forever changed from knowing his story. Please pray for the peace and comfort that Carter now lives and that his family will soon find. God Bless Carter.


September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!

You can still make a donation to Benjamin's Knight Lights.
And you can sign up to join our team!

Love to you all,
Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, September 2, 2004 12:50 AM EST

Hi all!

Continuing to do well. Ben had a clinic visit this morning. They accessed his port for the 2nd time since his port replacement. The first time didn't go so well. The numbing cream we apply at home only lasts for 4 hour and by the time we got to the clinic and in the examination room where they accessed it, the cream had been on for 3 1/2 hours and was wearing off. He screamed and cried as they accessed it (it's a needle), but he was fine when it was all said and done. Today, the cream worked much better since it was only on for an hour. He said the needle hurt, but I didn't notice any change in his demeanor when they stuck him. So, I think it's getting better.

He had a dose of vinchristine, that he seems to handle pretty well, and the upped his dose of methotrexate, which he also seems to be tolerating well. The first methotrexate of this phase resulted in some pretty fierce mouth sores, but the second dose he skated through. To my and Ben's surprise, he also received the twin shots in either leg. They decided to give it to him today since his counts were good and it also saved us from coming back to the clinic tomorrow to get it.

But, he's the steadfast trooper and did everthing he was told, of course with the understanding that he'd be shopping at Target for a new toy when the clinic visit was over! Overall, Ben's in good shape and remains strong in spirit.

We want to thank all of you who came out to support our blood drive at the Karate school. We got 49 donors in honor of Ben! We can't thank you enough.

And thank you to the platelet donors we recruited at church. At last count, there were 165 people who signed up to donate and about 50 percent have already scheduled their appointments. Your compassion is overwhelming!

We will continue the blood drives and appeals for platelets. As we've said from the start, these donations are so critical to cancer patients. Without the proper blood products their treatment is postponed. And to think that the children we've met through this experience have to wait even a second for blood or platelets just to continue with their therapy is agonizing for me. Thank you all for your help.

The four of us will be attending an Atlanta Braves game this Labor Day to support an intiative by MLB to raise funds for pediatric cancer research. The program was spearheaded by two mom's we've met, who both have son's with cancer. Jane Hennessy's son Will has Ewings Sarcoma and Kristin Connor's son, Brandon, HAD neuroblastoma.

The first weekend of October, we'll be attending a family camp sponsored by Camp Sunshine, an orgainzation devoted to children who have cancer. We're looking forward to having a little fun and making some new friends in the process. If we're lucky, our camp couselor will be the boys Aunt Betsy (my sister) who has added Camp Sunshine to her repetoire of philantropic deeds.

And also in October, we'll be walking with "Benjamin's Knight Lights" with the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk. We're still taking donations to reach our team's $5000 goal to fund leukemia and lymphoma research. When I last checked we were almost a quarter of the way there! Thank you for your generosity! We're also still taking names of any of our friends and family who would like to join us in the walk as a team member. I guarantee you'll have a geat time! Come walk with us on Oct. 9 from 5 - 9pm in Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta.

Thank you all for keeping up with Ben's progress. It meas so much to us that you're out there and aware of his situation. We feel your support and are so thankful for it.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Please pray for Carter Martin. A seven year old who is struggling in his battle. His parents have decided to discontinue chemo and radiation and plan to only manage his constant pain through medication. The rest of the healing they'll leave to God. So, you're prayers are needed now more than ever to save this child.

Sunday, August 22, 2004 8:09 AM CDT

New Pictures!
On Friday night Ben took his first real bath since March! He was reluctant to get in the water at first but was eventually bribed to get in with the promise of a new toy. Ben is beginning to show some emotional strain from all the doctor visits, shots, medicines, moth sores, procedures and etc. We occasionally find ourselves searching for a way to motivate him through a dosage of medicine, doctor visit or other procedure.

However, once he got in the tub he began splashing his brother and mother and regained his sea legs quickly. This is a big step. Jeremy and Ben have always enjoyed playing in the tub together and this playtime had been interrupted while Ben had his CVL.

Ben's hemoglobin and platelet counts checked out fine last week (we had thought he might need a transfusion) so he only had a short clinic visit last week. On the topic of transfusions, Miss Eikey at karate held a blood drive at the karate school last week. We were so impressed with her efforts as well as the turn out of so many friends. I think there were a total of 61 donors. A very good turn out. Thanks to all that came!

Belinda had arranged for Margie Nickerson of the Red Cross to speak at all masses at St. Peter Chanel last week. She was there to raise awareness and recruit platelet donors. She had more that 125 people sign up! This is quite a successful appeal considering that there are only 3-4,000 donors in the Atlanta area.

Jeremy started school at Queen of Angels last week. Belinda and I were so excited for our big boy to begin school. Jer was a little nervous that first morning as I walked him into school. He shed a few tears but then got down to the serious business of being a kindergartner. He looked so handsome in his new uniform.

About 10 days ago Jeremy was thrilled to learn that he had a few loose teeth. Isn't it odd that little kids love to loose teeth? Early on it was clear that one tooth was far more motivated to leave Jer's head than the other. He worked that little cookie cruncher left and right back and forth. He would wiggle it, poke it and bend it. He played with that tooth more than any of his toys last week. He even asked his friends and family to punch him in the mouth! Thankfully no one took him up on that offer. Eventually Jer wiggled it enough and this little baby tooth finally came out. The new one is already growing in. Jer somehow knows that there is no real tooth ferry but still managed to get two bucks under his pillow?

We had a very normal, very good week last week. Ben's mouth sores healed up completely and he could begin to eat normally again. This week Ben has a clinic visit with a higher dose of methatrexate and probably a blood transfusion. This stage in his protocol calls for increases in the methatrexate dosages every 10 days. I am not sure if they will modify the dosages since he is so sensitive to this drug. Aside from the mouth sores he seemed to tolerate that drug well.

Finally, Belinda is busy putting together our Light the Night team to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. Also, a friend in Hilton Head has started a team in Ben's honor as well. In the short future we will announce more details on how you can get involved!

Have a great week!
Chris, Belinda, Jeremy & Ben

Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:10 PM EST

Click here for some pictures.
Success! Ben did very well with his surgery today. He is now an official Power Ranger. Dr. Glasson, the surgeon told Ben that she’d be replacing his cvl with a Power Ranger button and he was very happy to hear that. His glucose slipped a little under the normal range, but he was given some glucose and a “stress” dose of hydrocortisone to get his adrenal gland going. They checked his sugar before we left and it was well in the normal range. Dr. Glasson also presented us with Ben’s cvl in a ziplock bag. Before surgery, Ben asked her if he might keep the line to bring home and sleep with it. He was very happy to see it. His expression upon seeing it looked as if he’d found a long lost friend.

Anyway, he’s asleep now. A little groggy and a little sore, but doing fine. Thanks for checking on us!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:18 PM EST

Ben had a long day at the clinic, but it was all good. His counts were up enough that we were able to start him on the Intermaintenance Phase. He received vinchristine, methotrexate and the two PEG shots in the legs. We also went for our pre-op appointment with the anesthesiologist.

So, we're on for Thursday. Ben's procedure is at 10am EST. We could surely use the prayers right about then.

Thanks, everyone.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Thursday, August 5, 2004 1:26 AM EST

Okay. We talked to Dr. Lew last Monday and decided to go ahead with Ben's surgery as planned. Bone marrow, lp and port replacement all at the same time. Dr. Lew said he really didn't expect to see anything in Ben's marrow, he thought he'd just do the procedure since Ben would be under general anesthesia for the port replacement. The lp is a scheduled task. Also, Dr. Lew said that if we were to see results in the bone marrow that indicated that we would need to be more aggressive with his treatment, then yes, the cvl would be replaced but the mediport would remain. Dr. Lew said that at that point, most patient would require more than one port anyway.

So, the only thing that's changed is that Ben will have surgery next week on the 12th due to his low counts. We're going to the clinic tomorrow to draw more labs and see if he's ready for his next phase of chemo - The Intermaintenance Phase. It's a less intensive phase and requires us to visit the clinic every 10 days as opposed to every week.

All is well otherwise. Thanks for checking.

Friday, August 13; 8:00am - 2:00pm
Blood Drive in Honor of Benjamin at Karate For Kids
1165 Woodstock Rd,
Roswell, GA 30075
(770) 998-7717
Contact Ms. Eikey or Ms. Fileni for an appointment

Platelet Donations:
Contact Margie Nickerson for an appointment
email: NickersonM@usa.redcross.org

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Tuesday, August 3, 2004 11:39 AM EST

No surgery tomorrow. It's been postponed until August 12 because Ben's counts are still low.

I'll post the details later today.


Friday, July 30, 2004 8:02 AM CDT

We had another interesting day at the clinic on Wednesday. I took Ben in for physical exam and lab work. As soon as the nurses saw him they could tell he needed a transfusion. The blood work came back and showed that his hemoglobin was down to 6.6 and he was neutrapenic again. The doctors think it's from the the PEG shots he received 2 weeks ago. So we sat and played games during the transfusion. BeBe (Aunt Betsy) brought us lunch from Wendy's and everything was fine.

After the transfusion, Chris met us and we went upstairs for our appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Glasson, who will replace Ben's central line with a mediport. Some new questions arose in speaking with Dr. Glasson:

- Should we expose Ben to surgery now with his counts being low?

- Since we're having no problems with Ben's central line and he's not really complaining about it, should we do a bone marrow asparate first to determine if he is truly doing as well as we perceive him to be? Because if we do the bone marrow at the same time as the port replacement and find out 3 days later from the marrow results that he is not doing well, there is a possibility that he will need to have the central line put back in.

- If we go ahead with the bone marrow first before removing the central line, then we'd be putting him under general anesthesia again which we know is never an simple thing.

So, it's apparent that we've got some more thinking to do. We'll have much more to go on next Monday when Ben goes back to the clinic for lab work again and hopefully we get a chance to speak with Dr. Lew who wasn't available this week.

On a happy note, I took the boys to The Fernbank Museum. Jeremy loves it there and it may as well have been Ben's first time there because he didn't remember anything about it from the last time he went. I've added put some pictures in the photo album.

Things are underway for some projects we have with the American Red Cross. Jeremy's Karate instructors, Ms. Eikey and Ms. Fileni, are coordinating a blood drive at the Karate school in Ben's honor. The drive will be on Friday, August 13. We have to get at least 40 donors signed up in the next couple of weeks to be able to confirm with the Red Cross so that they will know how many machines to bring that day. If you are interested in being a donor on the 13th, just send me an email or call me (404-906-6344) and I'll put your name on the list. If you'd like to donate but cannot make it to Karate for Kids just go to givelife.org to find out how to donate.

We're also doing a platelet rally at our church, St. Peter Chanel, on August 14 & 15. A representative from the Red Cross will be speaking at all the masses that weekend and using Ben's story to promote the need for platelet donations. If you live in the Atlanta area and would like to donate platelets, you can call Margie Nickerson at 404-253-5228 to set up an appointment time.

We hope everyone is having a great summer. Thanks to all for your constant prayers and support.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Thursday, July 22, 2004 1:31 AM EST

Ben had a good visit at the clinic yesterday. We went in early for labs and another dose of vinchristine. The vinchristine hasn't been having the same ill effects as it did the first time he was on it. His balance still seems to be strong and he's walking and running as he normally does. The physical therapist said that she doesn't even think he needs to come in for weekly sessions. She gave us some exercises to do at home and we'll check in with her occassionally or just as needed.

Spoke to Dr. Lew about the adrenal gland test they mentioned performing on Ben because of his hypoglycemia episode. Turns out that they did run a hormone test on him the day he went to the ER and the results showed that the adrenal gland was functioning properly and was even working harder than usual to rectify the hypoglycemia. The endocrinologist that Dr. Lew consulted with wrote it off as just "typical" little kid stuff. Ben's never been a really good eater, so we're thinking that's the culprit.

Dr. Lew also mentioned to me that he's keeping a close watch on Ben's liver. Since he was diagnosed, his liver function has been a little off. He's thinking that it might be sensitive to some of the chemos which keeps it's enzymes from falling in normal range. They're either too high or too low. But his liver numbers have not been so off center to change Ben's therapy. We're just staying cautious.

Ben also had and echocardiogram yesterday to ensure he can handle the surgery of this port replacement in a couple of weeks. It all went well and Ben got a good report from the doctor after the test was done. We have two other pre-op meetings before the day. One is with his surgeon, Dr. Glassen, who was also the doc who put in his CVL and the other meeting is with the anesthesiologist.

Next week Ben goes in for lab work and and physical exam, no chemo until the following week when he goes for surgery.

His counts are up a little from last week allowing him the privilege of venturing outside the house more. Ben asked me after the clinic, "Are my counts up?" I told him that they were and he said, "Now we can go to a restaurant!" No doubt, it will be some pizza joint.

Thanks for the prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Saturday, July 17, 2004 4:26 PM EST

Went to the clinic last Wednesday for another dose of Vinchristine and the double barreled PEG shots in both legs. I saw the needles for the first time (I've always looked away when he's gotten shots) and was shocked at the length of the needle! It's crazy to me how brave these little kids can be and how much pain they can tolerate. He was up and running around within an hour of receiving the shots.

We hung around the clinic for an hour or so to make sure he didn't have a allergic reaction to the PEG and then we were sent home.

Thursday I noticed red dots under Ben's left eye and gave the nurse a call. She recalled that his platelet count was low the day before and may have fallen more since then causing the petichia - tiny bruising under his eye. At closer inspection I saw additional bruises on his legs. She suggested we come to the clinic Friday morning for more labs and a possible platelet transfusion. And that's exactly what happened. His platelets fell from 34 to 19 (thousand) in a day. (Anything under 175 is low, but he was critically low. But this is to be expected with his chemo treatment.) Luckily, platelets were available and Ben was transfused that morning.

The surgery was scheduled for Ben's port replacement. They'll be removing his central line and inserting the internal mediport on August 4. (A great bday present for me!!) He's also excited about it. They'll also be performing a scheduled lumbar punture and an additional bone marrow asperate. The protocol doesn't call for the asperate, but since Ben's Biphenotypic, the docs want to keep a closer watch. We're also anxious to do another check just for peace of mind that we're doing the right thing.

This weekend Ben and Jeremy are enjoying the company of their Uncle Toti and Baba (my mom). They both eat up the extra attention they get.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Thanks for checking in!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:46 PM EST

Another battle of at the hospital conquered!

Ben came home this morning around 11:00. The official diagnosis was hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. Dr. Lew prescribed a low dose steroid to jump start his adrenal gland and prompt it to start doing it's job again and produce the sugars needed. Ben's already showing some puffiness in his face as he did with the previous steroid treatment. This episode of steroids will not last as long as the last and he is being given a fraction of the dose he'd previously taken. Other than that, it's back to life as usual.

This event really shook us to the core. Chris and I were more scared for Ben's life than we've ever been before, even when he was first diagnosed with leukemia. This was the first time that he actually looked sick, limp and unresponsive, and we felt absolutely helpless. The thought keeps running through my mind about what would have happened if Ben hadn't woken me up that morning. I dread the thought of what might have been. I struggle to keep it from my mind.

But today he is well. Playing and laughing and even getting on Jeremy's nerves a bit. I want this kind of day for him every day.

Thanks for checking on us.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Saturday, July 10, 2004 5:18 PM EST

Hi everyone. Ben is doing well. As soon as I posted the note on the website this morning, Chris and I were allowed to go to Ben's ICU room. When we got there, he was sitting up, wide awake and entertaining the nurses!

He gave us quite a scare this morning. He woke up at 6:30am, his usual time to wake, but only got as far as his bedroom door. He collapsed and started calling for me. I almost tripped over him as it was still dark and I did not see him on the floor. He told me that his legs felt wobbly so I carried him to our bed. He was cold and clammy and not acting at all like himself. After a brief talk with the doctor-on-call we rushed him to the ER. He became increasingly lethargic and would only open his eyes for a fraction of a second upon verbal command.

His vital signs were all good, but the blood test showed a low sugar level at 29 (normal is 80's). They began a glucose drip and within 30 minutes he was showing signs of waking although it was still difficult to rouse him for more than a few seconds and his arms and legs were like limp noodles. They took him for a CT scan to check for swelling in the brain, but the results were negative. During this time, Jeremy's good friends, the Greens, came to the ER to take him away from the chaos. (Thank you Greenies!!)

Then they took Ben to the ICU for constant observation still not knowing what was causing the severe lethargy. Soon after arriving at the ICU, he awoke bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

The theory is that the prednisone he was on for so long caused his adrenal gland to be "lazy" and not produce the correct amount of sugar on a consistent basis, sending him into a droopy state. Since his sugar was so low, the doctors think he may have even suffered a seizure. They conducted an EEG that will resolve that question.

For now, he's doing well. He'll stay overnight for further observation. And most probably be discharged tomorrow afternoon.

Whew! Thanks for the prayers!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Saturday, July 10, 2004 847 AM EST

Ben's in the hospital this morning in ICU. He's very lethargic and minimally responsive. We don't have any answers yet. Please pray for him!

Thursday, July 8, 2004 9:12 AM EST

New Pictures!

We had a blast at the beach! Both Jeremy and Ben were leery about the water at first. Jeremy was fearful from an accident at the pool a couple of years ago and Ben was cautious about getting his line wet. But when they set their eyes on the ocean and the tempting ocean waves, they couldn't resist it and plunged right in! Ben, still attentive to his line, only plunged in knee deep.

Jeremy played a round of golf with Chris on Saturday finishing all 18 holes. And on Sunday we spent half the day at Adventure cove -- arcade games, bumper cars and miniature golf. On Monday we conquered more ocean waves.

Ben had his physical therapy evaluation on Tuesday after we returned home. He has some delayed development in his legs so the goal is to keep him on his feet and strengthening his muscles. His next phase of chemo includes Vinchristine every 10 days for the next 2 months which will further weaken his muscles.

We went to the clinic yesterday for blood work. His counts are good but will soon decline in the next week or so. He's still fighting a cough with congestion so Dr. Lew prescribed another antibiotic and an inhaler to help relieve his symptoms. We're still looking at replacing his central line with the internal mediport in the next couple of months. That will make all the difference in the world to Ben.

When we got home from the clinic, Ben's best friend, Andrew came to visit. They played well together for almost 2 hours. As soon as Andrew left Ben fell asleep exhausted from a great day.

Hope everyone is doing well and that your holiday weekend was a happy one!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Thursday July 1, 2004 12:13 PM EST

New Pictures!

We had a good day at the clinic. We arrived at 9:30 and got in to see the doctor pretty quickly. He examined Ben and said that he is doing very well. His blood work this morning showed that his counts were up making him eligible to begin the second round of the Consolidation phase. So, we hunkered down for the 6 hour process to administer the Cytoxin, the first chemo. Fortunately it's painless. They hang a few bags from the IV pole and that's it. It's a day that I dread only because of the duration, but Ben truly enjoys 6 hours of non-stop play. We watched Cat In The Hat, played with all kinds of toys, read books and got a Chick-Fil-A lunch from dad. For the next 4 days I will admimister the ARA-C IVs at home as well as the daily Mecaptapurine oral med.

We're going to Hilton Head this weekend with the doctor's blessing. I think it will be good for all of us to have a change of scenery and do some normal summer stuff. Ben still can't be in the water, but he can most certainly be around it. It's the sand play that he enjoys most on the beach anyway, so we're off to build the best sand castle Hilton Head's ever seen!

When we return home, Ben will begin physical therapy to help restore muscle strength in his ankles and legs lost due to the chemotherapy. The PT will last the entire length of the therapy.

Other than that, we're still nursing a cough and cold, but that's it. I'm hoping the ocean air will clear that up. Happy 4th to all of you. Hope you have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

Thanks for checking in on us.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 12:51 PM EST

New Photos!
Ben spent the weekend in the hospital for a fever. We think the docs were sticking close to the protocol (which we greatly appreciate) by admitting him on Saturday night. We took Ben's temp at home and it was 101.2. By the time we got to the ER, it had come down to 100. And by the time we got to his hospital room at 10:30pm it had fallen back to normal range. It remained normal for the following 3 days we were in the hospital. His blood cultures also came back negative, so we were discharged yesterday morning.

It was slightly traumatic for Ben. We were on our way to dinner on Saturday night when we realized he had a temperature. On our way to the ER he was crying and saying, "It's all my fault!" Then when we realized he was going to be admitted he cried saying that he didn't want to be in the hospital and that he'd have bad dreams if he stayed. I think the worst part was that Ben was neutropenic and pretty much had to stay in his room the entire time for fear of contracting any more bugs. As it turns out, the docs think he just had a little stomach virus which led to the elevated temp.

But, we're home now and still keeping our distance from large groups of people for at least the rest of this week. Dr. Lew said that by next week Ben's blood counts should be back to acceptable range and he will continue with his chemotherapy.

I spoke to Merrill King's parents a little while we were in the hospital. I found out that Merrill had to wait several hours for her platelet transfusion just the other day while fighting a fever because the hospital supply was depleted. You may be wondering, as we did, why doesn't the family just donate platelets instead of making the child wait? The answer is that the patient is not allowed to accept related blood or blood products if the potential bone marrow donor is a family member. This is the case for both Merrill and Benjamin. If they were to receive related blood products prior to their bone marrow transplant, there is potential that the body will reject the marrow. Merrill's father is her marrow donor and should Ben need and transplant, Jeremy is his donor.

I can't express the urgency of platelet donation enough. Of the near 7.6 million residents in the Atlanta metro area, there are only 3000 platelet donors. And that's just Atlanta, I'm sure the national statistics are just as dire. Platelets are crucial to a cancer patients' treatment. Without a sufficient level, their chemotherapy will be delayed. Please, if you can carve out 3 hours to donate platelets, what a wonderful gift you will be contributing to someone in a desperate situation.

Click here to learn more about donating platelets.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. And thank you for your constant prayers and well wishes for Ben and our family.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben


Adventures of Bat Boy!


"Jeremy and Ben"
A song given to our boys.
Composed and performed by our friend, Damian Cartier.
Click here for the song and a movie Uncle Toti created.

If you can't get this movie to play, send me an email and I'll send you the file.

Friday, June 18, 2004 8:08 PM EST

Ben doesn't think anything is wrong. On Wednesday, we went to the clinic for the last of our LPs (for a few months) and another dose of Vinchristine. On the way home I told Ben we'd pick up Jeremy from tennis camp and go home and rest. He said, no, he wanted to get Jeremy and go to Target.

After Target, I told the boys we should rest before meeting their friends Jeffery and Nikolas for lunch. Ben said, no, he wanted to play.

After playing, we met their friends for lunch and went to see "Around the World in Eight Days". The theater was cold and dark, so Ben got cozy under a blanket Ms. Denise had brought and took a nap during the movie. He woke up in time to see Filias Fog arrive in London on the 79th day. After the movie, we went home and Ben and Jeremy dared me to a game of "chase us around the house". It's exercise for me so I complied.

At 7pm we got Jeremy to the Karate school for red belt testing. Ben spent the entire time in the office with Ms. Eikey, printing and faxing and conducting other admin duties. The testing finished around 8:30pm and Ben suggested we go to Bruster's for ice cream. How happy was he to see his friend Jack there so that he could run around in circles with him and see who could become the stickiest mess from their melting ice creams.

We got home close to 10pm and Ben hopped in the bathtub for a bath. I think it was 11pm when he decided he'd had enough fun for the day and fell asleep.

Ben's determined to make life great every day. Please pray that he continues to be unburdened by his treatments and he continues to progress toward a full recovery.

The Adventures of Bat Boy

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:59 PM EST

Had a great day at Alex's Lemonade Stand. The boys really got in to the whole event. Benjamin was excited handing out flyers to the festival crowd running up to everyone he saw. Jeremy, too was a successful solicitor, even raking in a $5 donation in exchange for a flyer. The boys filled cups with ice and lemonade as fast as they could as there was a great turn out of "lemonadetotlers" for Alex's cause. We have not heard the final count from the Georgia lemonade stands, but Alex's dad was confident that the $1 million goal would be reached today.

Our clinic visit was changed to Thursday this week from Wednesday. The clinic was scheduled to close at noon on Wednesday and the prediction was that Ben would need a blood transfusion and Wednesday morning would not give us enough time. So, Thursday we went in early in the morning for an 8 am appointment. Chris dropped Jeremy off at his friends Jeffrey and Nikolas' house for the day and then met us at the clinic. Ben' friend Jake Rivers was also at the clinic and was even in the procedure room next door as they both received LPs. Ben also got his PEG shots in both legs. I found out on the ride to the clinic that it's the bandaids that Ben's fears when getting shots. He told me that he actually wanted the shots because he knew it was medicine that would make him get better, but he didn't want bandaids because they hurt to peel them off. As soon as we saw the nurse, we requested they use gauze and satin tape (which he doesn't mind) instead of the bandaid. They graciously accommodated us.

Ben also received another dose of Vinchristine. Just as he was getting his reflexes back and he was getting comfortable with going up the stairs again, the protocol called for another dose of this med. Today he fell three times on the same knee. By the third time, I could tell we was getting pretty tired of it.

He also ended up getting the blood transfusion. This phase of chemotherapy is rather intense and depletes the patient of much of his blood cells that then need to be replaced. It was administered over 3 hours. Ben ate lunch, played with toys and took a nap during the IV then we went to pick up Jeremy. So, it was another full day at the clinic, but Ben, so far, doesn't really complain.

Ben will have one more LP and another dose of Vinchristine next Wednesday ending the first half of the Consolidation phase. His blood levels will slowly drop in the next few days leaving his immune system in a pretty weak state - he already has a cold that we're trying to fight off. Then the protocol calls for his blood levels to return to normal range on their own (should take about a week) then Ben will enter the second phase of Consolidation. The schedule will be identical to the first half, so it will be another pretty intense couple of weeks of chemo when his blood levels come back up.

Hope everyone's summer is going well. Thanks for keeping up with us. I'll keep you posted on the results of the Lemonade Stand as well!

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Ben

Thursday, June 3, 2004 6:10 PM EST

New Pictures!

New!    The Adventures of Bat Boy

Great day at the clinic. Ben had an LP and another dose of ARA-C. He brought in his own Ninja Turtle DVD to watch as they did the procedure and he didn't even flinch when the needle went in. After the LP the patient is to lie down for 30 minutes to avoid a headache from the chemo they put in. He laid there with his legs crossed and his hands behind his head (typical "man" position) watching his Ninja Turtle movie. Afterward, he was taken over to the Treasure Chest to pick out a toy.

He's slowly but surely losing his "puffiness" from the steroids and is getting a little of an appetite back. The doc told us that the chemo can make some foods taste different making him uninterested in eating. He hasn't asked for juice in about a month.

We discussed his treatment roadmap and it seems that Ben's blood levels won't be in "normal" range until January, close to when he starts his maintenance phase. Chris and I decided that since January is flu season, we'd just keep him home this coming school year. He'll definitely miss it especially when he sees Jeremy go off to school every day, but hopefully we can avoid some health risks by keeping him home. We'll just have a lot of play dates with friends.

Other than that, Ben is doing very well. He's got so much energy and the chemo doesn't seem to slow him down that we signed him up for tennis lessons for the summer. Just a half hour every Monday, but he's excited about it.

We've been truly blessed with Ben's progress and couldn't have asked for a better situation.

On another note we were just informed about another child that had to delay treatment because the platelet supply at the hospital was depleted. Please, if you can donate, this is a desperate situation. Here are blood donation centers in the Atlanta area. You can also donate platelets specifically. The process takes about 90 minutes from end to end and you get to watch a movie during the process! If you want to donate platelets in the Atlanta area call Margie Nickelson at 404-253-5228. If outside, please contact your local Red Cross for information.

Also, just a reminder, Alex's Lemonade Stand is June 12th and her goal this year is to raise $1 million. Please consider making her dream a reality for Alex and all kids suffering from cancer.

Now available on Amazon - Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand Proceeds benefit Alex's fund for Pediatric Cancer Research.

Thanks to you all for keeping the kids in your prayers!

Chris, Belinda, Jeremy and Ben

Friday, May 28, 2004 5:06 AM EST

(New pics in photo album!)

We had a long day at the clinic on Wednesday. Ben and I arrived at 8:30am for what we thought was going to be a 3 hour visit. He was to receive 2 new chemos, cytoxin and ara-c. The cytoxin was the lengthy one, administered as a drip over 1 hour. But because it can be hard on the kidney's Ben had to be flushed with fluids for an hour before the med and for 3 hours after. After waiitng 2 1/2 hours for his blood to be drawn and blood test results to come back, we were underway at 11:00am.

We settled in and began the wait. Fortunately, the clinic was designed for these lengthy treatment days. We played games, read books and watched movies most of the time. Then Chris and Jeremy showed up around 1pm with lunch. Yes, Ben did order chicken nuggets, but he's back to his regular appetite afer being off the steroid for 2 weeks now. He ate 2 french fries and a nugget.

Chris went back to the office and Jeremy stayed with us for the balance of the treatment which was to be completed by 4pm.

At 3pm, I just happened to glance at the pump which was now flushing Ben with fluids and didn't see any lights on whatsoever. I called the nurse over and she did some quick calculation. We don't know how the pump was turned off, but it had stopped for 1 1/2 hours. What I thought was going to be a pretty boring day, got really exciting. We were now in a hurry to get fluids into Ben because we had to make it to the Healing Mass that same night! I took everything from the nourishment room that would pass as a fluid and tried to get Ben to take it, water, milk, sodas, popsicles, jello, hot chocolate - where was that appetite when we needed it?!

Then, at about 4pm, he fell asleep. All we could do was wait.

In the end, it all worked out. Chris went home and got a change of clothes for us. We met him at Subway to get dinner for the boys. They ate in the church parking lot while Chris changed their clothes and I went inside. We got there with 10 minutes to spare!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our mass whether at the church or from a distance. I'm sure our prayers of healing for Ben were heard.

Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:05 AM EST

We're in remission!

We went to the clinic yesterday and got the good news. Both marrow tests showed an average of 1 percent blasts, which technically puts him at remission. We would have liked to have heard that Ben had 0 percent blasts, but Dr. Lew assured me that even a healthy person could show 1 percent abnormal cells.

So, now the trick is to keep him in remission for the balance of his 3 year treatment. He didn't receive his full treatment yesterday. He got some chemo through the LP, but was not able to take the other IV chemos since some of his blood levels were not in normal range. The doctors are sure it's due to the prednisone which he finished last Saturday. So, hopefully next Wednesday, he'll be receiving all of his medicines.

Thanks to all for your prayers and well wishes! They're working!

Everyone is invited to St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church for the Healing Mass, Wednesday, May 26th at 7pm, with the intention for Ben as well as Merrill King, another child form our church diagnosed with leukemia 3 weeks after Ben. We'd LOVE to see you there!

St. Peter Chanel
11330 Woodstock Rd.
Roswell, GA 30075

Chris, Belinda, Jeremy and Benjamin

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:39 AM EST

(New pics in photo album!)

Boy what a day we had! Benjamin's uncles and aunts from all over were in for the birthday celebration. We started out at Build A Bear Workshop where the boys stuffed, dress and named their own teddy bears. Ben chose a butterscotch colored bear and dressed him in a super hero outfit. His name is "Spiderman". Jeremy chose a black bear and put him in a karate outfit. His name is "Blackie". On our way out of the mall, the boys snagged a few quarters from dad to ride the carousel and rollercoaster rides.

We got home and ate lunch still waiting for everyone to arrive. Ben was eager to sink his teeth into his Batman cake that was front and center on the dining room table. Finally, the whole family was together (minus Aunt Gina, Uncle Rodney and cousin Gavin due to the chicken pox). Ben blew out the candles and he was three years old. After two slices of cake he tore into his presents. It was like Christmas in May.

Since the whole crew was in town we decided to celebrate Jeremy's graduation from PreK as well. Uncle Ruben kept Jeremy busy in the living room as we re-set the table with a new cake and more presents for Jeremy. We called him over to the table and sang "Happy Graduation". He was stunned and confused, but soon snapped out of it once he saw his presents.

All in all, a wonderfully happy day.

Sunday, Ben and I went to a picnic hosted by a family we'd met through the grapevine when Ben was diagnosed. Their son is Brandon Connor. I remembered reading about him last year in the Atlanta newspaper. A true miracle.

Jake Rivers, another child we've had the honor of meeting was there and was celebrating his 3rd birthday too. The Connors were so thoughtful and included Ben's name on the birthday cake they had for Jake.

We were so happy to meet the other families that we've been corresponding with while coping with our childrens' illnesses. Thank you all for your support and encouragement.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:40 PM EST

Ben's had a pretty good week. His blood counts are coming back to normal. Technically, he is no longer neutropenic. So the first thing we did was go out to the movies. He's been missing going to the movie theater because he was told to stay away from large groups of people in enclosed spaces. Wouldn't you know it, we walked into the theater and we were the only ones there! Ben, Jeremy, Chris, Nana and I were the entire audience! He's also enjoyed more frequent trips to Target and some local restaurants. We've noticed that Ben is very hesitant to be around people he knows. But very willing to go to the store or out to eat where he doesn't know anyone. I think he's conscious about his new appearance and doesn't want to call attention to himself. This afternoon we took Jeremy to karate and Ben spent the entire time in the car not wanting to see the people he once laughed and played with. Luckily, some friends eventually eased their way over to the car and got a few smiles and giggles from Ben.

The docs are slowly tapering him off the Prednisone and he should be done with this round of it by Saturday, just in time to celebrate his 3rd birthday with his family. The whole crew will be coming in this weekend so Ben should be in good spirits.

He got a slight break from the chemo this week. He won't have a clinic visit for chemo, but he will undergo another LP and marrow pull on Friday. With this next procedure we're hoping to hear that Ben is in remission. We should know by Wednesday of next week.

Next week also begins the Consolidation Phase of Ben's chemotherapy. By Friday, he will have completed the Induction Phase. Both are considered heavy chemo intensive phases. Consolidation will last 2 months.

We noticed that Ben's hair is starting to fall out. I was starting to think he wasn't going to lose his hair at all but this evening I notice that his shirt was covered with loose hairs. Chris and I cut his hair even shorter before his bath. I just don't want it to be a complete shock to him once all his hair is gone.

I've added a few links at the bottom of the page. We've met so many other families who have children with cancer who could use the extra prayers. Please remember them as well.

Thursday, May 6, 2004 2:17 PM EST

We heard from the docs yesterday and they confirmed that one of the marrow tests showed that Ben still had 6 percent blasts, but from the second test (they run 2 different tests on the marrow) it showed 0 percent blasts! Ben is a true rapid responder to the chemotherapy. The docs explained the discrepancy between the two might be that Ben is regenerating new healthy blood cells at such a rapid rate that they are registering as abormal cells. The docs said that in the early stages of cell formation, the cells might actually look malignant until they mature. So, hopefully, the 6 percent that are showing up as abnormal are just immature healthy cells.

All else is going pretty well too. Ben has come to an understanding that he won't have his central line forever and is happy about that. Dr. Lew told us that if Ben continues to recover at this rate, they will consider changing his external line to an internal one before the end of the year. He will be able swim and do many other activities he has been deprived of with a CVL.

He's also very aware of what his medication does to his attitude. He told me that he didn't want to have a birthday party this year because his medicine make him grumpy. I can't blame him. Thankfully, we'll start tapering him off of the steroid next week. I think he'll be much happier then.

Other than that, our day is becoming somewhat of a routine:
ninja turtles
power rangers
more turtles
more power rangers

It may sound boring (and it is), but if this is our routine for the next 3 1/2 years with Ben on a constant road to recovery, we're happy for every minute of it!

Thanks again to all of you for every little kindness you've extended to our family. Your emails and guestbook entries give us strength and encouragement to do the things we need to do to get through this.

Monday, May 3, 2004 11:48 AM EST

(New pics in photo album!)

Things are going well. We went for another round of chemo last Friday and Ben also had another LP and bone marrow pull. I talked to Dr. Lew on Sunday and he said from what he sees from the preliminary results of the marrow pull, Ben's blast number as fallen from 24% from the previous week to 6%! Have not had the final reading from the pathologist yet, but I don't think Dr. Lew would have quoted that number to me if he didn't know what he was doing.

Ben seems to be responding well to this treatment. Just pray that it continues to be the right path.

Also pray for Jeremy. He's having a tough time with all of this. He understands that Ben is sick but does not know the seriousness of it all. There are times that he breaks down crying because his emotions are too much to handle. He's told me that it doesn't feel normal around the house and it scares him. I know he'll be stronger from all of this. It's just tough getting through it.

We talked to the boys about Ben's hair eventually falling out. So yesterday we got together and had a family haircut day. I think I've found my calling!

Thanks for your continued support!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:37 PM EST

Great news today!

(New photos)
Dr. Lew called today and told us that the bone marrow test showed that Ben's leukemic cells have fallen from 90 percent when first diagnosed to 24 percent! If Ben were a true ALL patient and was receiving full chemo therapy from the start, they would have expected to see results near 5 percent. But since he's Biphenotypic and only received half the dose of chemo during his first treatment, 24 percent is a great achievement. The docs are excited and so are we!

The doctor also told me that our HLA Typing results came back which determines whether Chris, Jeremy or I are suitable donors should Ben need a bone marrow transplant. The doctor explained to me that Jeremy, being the only sibling is the most likely candidate but there's only a 25 percent chance that he'd be a good match. Then they rate the donors on a scale from 1 - 6. A level 1 match they wouldn't even consider using due to the high probability of complications after transplant. Jeremy came in at a level 6, an absolute identical match to Benjamin. Hopefully we won't have to consider a bone marrow transplant and the chemo will eliminate all of the cancer, but it is somewhat comforting to know that if the tides change Jeremy can come to his brother's rescue.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:43 PM EST

Hi all.

Still waiting for the results from the marrow pull. Probably won't know anything until tomorrow. Ben has his next chemo appointment on Friday and will also have another marrow pull the same day. The doc said that if tomorrow his blast number is down to 5%, they probably won't do the marrow pull scheduled for Friday and put it off another week. That's a scenario we'd settle for. Less than 5% blasts is near remission. If Ben were a true ALL case, the docs would expect full remission by the first week of chemo. The balance of the 3 year chemo treatment is called the "maintenance" phase - to ensure the leukemic cells are gone. Because Ben is Biphenotypic it's still a "wait and see" game for us.

Ben's been in good spirits for the most part. It seems that his down days are days 3 and 4 after chemo. He's irritable and just feels down in the dumps. But by day 5 he's back to Benjamin.

His bathtime is getting a little more manageable as he finds he can trust Chris and I not to disturb is central line. I changed his dressing and flushed the line for the first time last week. I got through it even through his crying, but I was a basket case immediately after. It's not a pretty sight and certainly not something that I will get use to anytime soon.

Please keep the prayers coming. We're using them as fast as you offer them!

Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:25 AM EST

What a day we had yesterday! All went well. It was just the waiting that was excruciating. Ben wasn't allowed to eat after midnight the night before and only had clear liquids the morning of the operation up until 8am. We got to the hospital by 9am and he was already asking for chicken nuggets. We checked in and 30 minutes later a nurse came out to talk to us. It seems there was a mix up and Ben's operation wasn't until 1:15! So, Chris and I tried to keep his mind off of eating by running some errands, taking a long drive and eventually just hanging out at the clinic where he gets his chemo. They have movies there that seemed to help a little.

When all was said and done, he finally had the procedure done at 2:30. The nurse wheeled his gurny into the recovery room and told us not to worry and that he would probably sleep for another hour or so. Just then, he opened his eyes and tried to stand up on the gurny! A true sign that nothing keeps him down!

He downed two Gatorades and a bag a Cheetos in about 20 minutes and asked if we could go to Chick Fil A on the way home. Because the steroid has increased his appetite 100 fold, the doctor has recommended a low calorie/low carb diet for Ben. In some ways it's fun to see him eat so much because he's never been a good eater, but then I remember why he's so hungry . . .

Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:25 PM EST

Hi all!

(New pics in photo album!)
Ben was overwhelmed the other day when he first came home. He looked a little lost and confused. Of course, that could be from the chemo as well. Yesterday he kicked into full Benjamin gear. He pulled out all his toys and made the biggest mess a 2 year old could make.

In the afternoon we had our first visit from the home healthcare nurse. He hated that. She showed me how to maintain his central line and asked me to flush it so that she could examine my adeptness. I passed, but Benjamin didn't appreciate it. He said he didn't want me flushing his line. He cried as hard as he ever has, gasping for breath and screaming that he didn't know how to stop. That's behavior from the prednisone. He's even pushed Jeremy to the point of tears by yelling at him for small reasons. Jeremy is being as patient as he can, but I can tell he's confused and frustrated.

The other effect of the prednisone is increased appetite. Benjamin has always been a light eater so it's pretty scary to see the quantity he's been putting away recently. Here's a sample of what he had yesterday: a pbj sandwich, chocolate milk, orange slices, cheese cubes, ham slices, cashew nuts, a popsicle, 16 chicken nuggets, a corndog, string cheese, gold fish, cereal, oreo milkshake . . . No cheetos in the mix - can you believe that?! The docs say it will only occur during the steroid phases of his therapy.

We went to the new clinic today for our first out-patient visit. His bili number has fallen into the normal range so he was able to take the full dose of the chemo drugs. Tomorrow Ben will undergo surgery for another marrow pull and spinal tap. We should have some indication by Wednesday as to whether the chemo is doing its job.

We are looking for some normalcy in our lives by slowly getting back to our usual routine. Bathtime is is on the daily schedule, but it's just not the same as it use to be. It use to be a fun-filled 20 minutes at the end of the day with both boys in the tub splashing each other and caring on. Now they take separate baths and Benjamin's line gets taped up to protect it from the water. Hopefully he'll soon find some relaxation in bathtime.

We are enjoying being back at home and being together as a family again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:47 AM CDT

Surprise! Ben is coming home today!

We thought it would be at least another week before Ben got to come home, but after talking with the doctors the decision was made. Ben is responding well to both the chemo and the steroids and the chance of him catching a bug is much greater in the hospital than at home.

Today we will be attending classes so that we know how to care for Ben at home. There are foods he can't eat and all plants and flowers are banned from inside the house.

We will be going to Scottish Rite's brand new (just opened yesterday) clinic every week for Ben's chemo treatments. The center is really nice and we're very happy not to have to go back to the center where Ben was diagnosed.

There are more details to come, but for now we wanted everyone to know that we are going home!

Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:03 AM EST

Well, it didn't go as well as we'd hoped yesterday. By Saturday morning Ben's billi level was still at 1.3. But not too far off. It was decided, since his billi number had been steadily coming down from the beginning of his steroid treatment, that we would wait until the end of the day and re-test his blood to see if the level would come down the .3 that we needed. We received the results from the re-test at 6pm. His billi number was now up to 1.8. The doc explained that the increase in the number was most likely caused by the chemo drug he received on Thursday. The liver was working hard to metabolize the drug making the liver produce more enzymes including the billirubin.
So, we ended up giving Ben a half dose of the Vinchristine last night rather than the full dose we'd hoped for.

The doctor is still encouraged by Ben's overall acceptance of the therapy. He said Ben is doing "extremely well".

Since the doses of medicine are different from what the standard protocol prescribes, Ben will have to be closely monitored for a little while longer. The doctor postponed the day Ben could go home until a time when Ben is receiving the full doses of all the medicines and handling them well.

Ben is doing well otherwise. He is still complaining of leg pain, but the doctors have told us to encourage him to walk and keep up his strength as the Vinchristine will cause more muscle pain and weakness.

We started walking with him Friday through the halls for about 5 minutes. All the while he was crying and telling us that his legs hurt. It was really difficult for us to force him to exercise but it helped as the nurses and patients cheered him on. Later that night his Uncle Toti brought in a present from our Karate friends, Janet and Denise. It was a small grocery shopping cart with toy groceries. Ben's eyes lit up. He slid himself out of bed and said he wanted to go shopping. We opened the door to his room and he let loose! He stopped at every refigerator and vending machine and filled his cart with groceries. The nurses played along and asked him to go to Target to get them a treat. He returned to his room, loaded up on lollipops and headed for the nurses' station! Then we took the shopping spree to another level - the first floor! He raced down the halls with Uncle Toti (who was pulling a toy wagon - a very funny sight) and me pushing his IV pole behind them desperately trying to keep as Benjamin was still hooked up to his fluids!

We shopped for a good 20 minutes with no complaints of hurting legs. I don't dismiss the fact that his legs may hurt because it is a symptom of leukemia, but I now know that his desire to have fun is still stronger than the disease.

Thursday, April 15, 2004 01:05 AM EST

(New pictures in photo album)

Today's the day. We start chemo therapy in just a couple of hours. Please pray that this path we are taking with Benjamin is the right one - the one that will cure him quickly and completey.

He'll receive one drug today. But again, because of his elevated liver numbers (which are coming down just not as fast as we'd like) they'll give him a reduced dose of the med. Tomorrow will be another telling day as we cross our fingers that his billirubin comes down enough to give him another chemo drug called Vinchristine. If the billi is still high tomorrow, the docs are willing to push off administering this drug until Saturday, but that's the cut off date. The danger of giving him this drug while his billi is still high mainly revolves around problems in his neurological system. While many of the side effects are reversible, they could last throughout the entire treatment - approx. 3 years. He could experience muscle weakness, loss of reflexes in his legs and loss of balance - all will make walking difficult or impossible for him which may lead to other problems. The other prayer we need: Pray that the billirubin comes down to 1.0 by Saturday.

If all goes well by Saturday, he'll receive another chemo drug on Monday. Tues. and Wed. he'll only take his steroid and on Thursday he'll have another marrow biopsy and spinal tap. God willing and if things go as planned he may go home as early as Thursday. That's the other thing we need a prayer for.

He's still in exceptionally good spirits. A visit from his best friend, Andrew, was approved by the docs. They played as hard as they could for an hour and a half. It was great medicine for Benjamin yesterday. He was playful and jovial throughout the rest of the day, even teasing my mom as he fell asleep for his nap.

As always, please pray that our docs have the knowledge, wisdom and intuition to make the right decisions for Ben's case. Because his type of leukemia is so rare, they're never 100 percent sure that what they are doing is the right thing to do. I'm not sure if I wrote this earlier, but Ben's leukemia is officially called Biphenotypic Acute Leukemia. If anyone is aware of someone who has or has had this disease, we would be extremely appreciative of their contact information so that we can compare notes and experiences to determine what is right for Benjamin.

We love you all and feel your continued prayers. Thanks for your caring words in emails, cards and this guest book. We are lifted up by your well wishes and thoughtful encouragement every day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 3:25 PM EST

Hello to all.

Fortunately, we're having more of the same news. Ben is progressing nicely with the steroid. His liver numbers continue to come down with significant strides today. His billirubin number is still high so the docs have prescribed more fluids in hopes of flushing the enzyme out. It's this enzyme that is important to bring back to a normal level so that they may administer the chemo drugs according to protocol. The docs are hopeful that by Thursday Benjamin will start his first round of chemo.

The most encouraging number to see drop is the Blast count. Blast is the leukemic white cell. Last week when Ben was admitted, his Blast count was 67%. Over half of his white cell population was infected. Today, after being on the steroid for 5 days his Blast count is at 10%. While this is good news, it only takes into consideration the white blood cell popluation of his peripherial blood. The cells in the marrow are a different story. We won't know exactly how the steroid is effecting the cells in the marrow until another marrow biopsy is done, but the docs are confident it has had some positive effect.

Once chemo begins, the docs will watch over him for 5 - 6 days. If he is responding well he may be able to go home for a few days as soon as next Friday. Please pray extra hard for this. Since last week, the only thing he's asked on a daily basis is "Can I go home now?"

Today Jeremy, Chris and I had our blood drawn for HLA typing to deterimine if any of us is a suitable donor should Benjamin need a marrow transplant. Although Jeremy is our best chance at 25%, I'm praying that I'm Benjamin's match. I just can't fathom signing a consent form for a procedure that puts both of my children at risk.

Benjamin and Jeremy played all morning today. They were singing songs, watching their favorite shows and building lego models. I loved every minute of it. Strange as it may seem, I enjoyed their arguing the most. It just felt more normal than anything has in the past 10 days.

Jeremy's been spending some time with the Childrens' Services people. We've noticed some behavioral changes in him as early as the day after Ben as admitted. But when asked at school what happened over spring break he was able to stand in front of his friends and tell them the his brother got sick, he has to stay in the hospital and has to take lots of medicine. His teacher said that he was very brave.

Thanks to all of you who have been giving Jeremy the extra attention he's been deprived of since Ben's diagnosis.

More tomorrow.

Sunday, April 11, 2004 7:11 AM EST

Talked to the doc on call yesterday. Ben's total liver number indicates good response the the steroid. Some of the individual numbers are higher than before we started medicating him but I was reassured that this was typical. My brother, Rodney, whose specialty includes the liver, was encouraged by the news as well.

Ben had a pretty good morning. He was allowed to be free of his IV machine for an hour so he walked the hospital halls unincumbered. He visited the garden and Koi pond then had an ice cream on the balcony of the cafteria clutching two Ninja Turtles all the while.

When we returned to the room he was wiped out. It seems the medicines are wearing him down. He's taking nine different medicines throughout the day as well as blood products and dextrose for nutrition. He's experiencing side effects from most of the meds from exhaustion to nausea to irritability. I know he will pull through this and these side effects are insignificant compared to the good these medicines are doing. And it's just the beginning of a very long road ahead. But it's still hard to watch my tiny boy fight this evil monster.

We'll be having an Easter Egg hunt today in his room. Friends and family have put together baskets for both the boys. We're looking forward to having a Happy Easter Day. Hope yours is happy as well!

Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:31 AM CDT

Ben's second day on steroids and he's really perking up. His liver numbers have fallen giving us and indication that he is responding to the medication. Yesterday they found a bacteria either growing in his blood or in his central line. It's been combated with a variety of antibiotics which seem to be doing the trick. His temperature spikes once or twice a day and it's unclear if it is the bacteria or the leukemia causing the fever. The docs were able to take away 2 of his liver meds once he was put on the steroids and his rash lessened within 12 hours. The doc said 4 or 5 days on the steroid and improved liver numbers, we should be able to start chemo by Tuesday or Wednesday. A week from then, Benjamin can go home and begin his out-patient chemo regimine.

His Uncle Toti came to visit yesterday and was immediately greated with a squirt gun welcome. (Ben's been saving all the syringes from his medications and attacking all who enter his domain!)

Uncle Ruben from New York surprised us by showing up later in the day toting a 5 lb. Hershey bar for Ben!

He played all day and got around mostly by himself. He's strong and getting use to having his central line although he doesn't particularly like to see it.

I think the hardest part for him is not being able to leave the hospital. The told me the other day that he wanted to go home and take a shower. He's heard someone say that at least once every day he's been here. I think he believes it's is ticket out. He's also mentioned that he wants to see the new Scooby Doo movie and needs to go to Target to pick up some stuff. At least now we can give Ben the light at the end of the tunnel knowing he'll be home in a couple of weeks.

It was a good day for Ben.

Thanks to all for keeping up with us and signing our guest book. It is so encouraging knowing that we have so many friends and family going through this experience with us. Your words, prayers and gifts are all accepted with enormous gratitude and comforting knowledge that love conquers all.

Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:42 PM EST

Thank you all for coming to this site to check on Benjamin's progress. I would write this journal anyway for my own peace of mind but knowing there are friends out there who care enough to want to know how Ben is doing makes it that much more worthwhile.

We've had a pretty stressful two days. Tuesday, Benjamin was feeling more of the pains from his operation the day before and was out of it until his friends Nikolas and Jeffery showed up. He's not one to be left behind even by the big kids, so he got up and played for thier 2 hour visit.

Meanwhile, Chris and I met with Benjamin's doctors who wanted to start chemo therapy the next day. Again, the AML regimine was explained to us to confirm the path we would take with Benjamin. This time it didn't sit well. The AML treatment is much more intense than the ALL treatment and concludes with a bone marrow transplant. Should a patient relapse after transplant, the outlook is bleak. According to our docs, additional chemo after transplant is not very effective. By taking this road, we felt we would eventually be jumping off a cliff.

Chris insisted that the doctors do everything they could to get as many opinions on Benjamin's case as possible. We were also still waiting for final tests of the bone marrow biopsy. Earlier tests showed that ALL is the predominant cell with 10ML cells. The theory our docs wanted to follow was to treat for the most dangerous cell -- AML. A conversation we had earlier with a doc at St. Jude's led us to believe that an ALL treatment would be used there. This was a major conflict that we needed to resolve before starting any treatment. The AML treatment is so much more intense and prone to complications that we could not wholeheartedly follow our doc's advise.

That night Ben started having a fever.

Wednesday, we were waiting to hear from St. Jude's. They received the lab work from Children's and would give us their treatment recommendation. Meanwhile, Dr. Lew (Ben's oncology doc here at Children's) put Ben's case on a listserve and received many opionions from some pretty prominant docs around the country. The concensus was still split - 50aid treat with ALL and the other half suggested the AML protocol. The interesting twist was that the doctors who specialized in AML suggested using the ALL protocol and those specializing in ALL suggested using the AML treatment. We thought it couldn't get anymore confusing. Then Dr. Lew told us that if we were to go to St. Jude's hoping for ALL treatment his liver numbers were quickly approaching a level where the ALL treatment would become complicated to administer with an increased chance of long lasting neurological side effects. With all that said, Dr. Lew then told us he changed is mind on the treatment he'd use. After hearing the opions of the other docs, he now wanted to treat the ALL first. Yes, this was good news to us, but the other part of this second opionion from St. Jude's still lingered in our hearts - St. Jude's treats approx. 4 patients like Ben every year. They have a 50 - 60ure rate. Childrens' has treated 3 of these patients in the past 4 years - cure rate is 0. We held out for St. Jude's opinion.

The day went by with no word from St. Jude's. We called the doc there and he'd left for the day. This was devastating. We'd lost a day of treatment for Ben. Last night his fever was constant, he developed a rash on his entire body from one of the antibiotics and his liver numbers fell 2x from the day before.

It was crucial to hear from St. Jude's this morning. Ben could not wait another day and we weren't about to entertain the idea of delaying it any longer. If St. Jude's was open to starting treatment here and then taking Ben as their patient, we would move to Memphis. Chris and Dr. Lew tracked down the doc at St. Jude's and updated him on Ben's condition. St. Jude's turned us down based on the condition of Ben's liver -- it would be too risky to transport him to Memphis. The decision was made to stay at Childrens'. The two docs did discuss Ben's therapy and concluded that other than the basic ALL treatment "recipe" of medicines, Children's and St. Jude's agreed on Benjamin's treatment.

We began today. We're treating Ben's liver for a week to get the levels down to the proper numbers where it can receive the full onslaught of ALL chemo medicines.

Thank you for your prayers. They're working.

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 2:48 PM EST

Benjamin recovered well from his surgery yesterday. Amazingly, he was up and going an hour after surgery. He downed a half a bag of Cheetos, 2 apple juices and a half of a Happy Meal. (We usually feed him healthier meals than that!) And he played as his typical self for the most part of the day. Everytime the nurse came to take his temperature he'd let her put the thermometer under his arm and he'd say "Still cookin'!" Now I know he actually watches me in the kitchen!

Two big things happened today:

1. We got the results back from the lumbar puncture. His central nervous system is clean of leukemia. Big news! He will still receive chemo in his CNS throughout his treatment but in a lesser dose than if his CNS had been contaminated.

2. We moved to the "penthouse". Our new room is #314. Lots of space, a picture window overlooking the parking lot where their doing construction - a great attraction for a 2 year old!

We're still waiting for the results of the marrow biopsy. But they should be coming soon. Once we know what we're dealing with, the docs will be able to choose the right therapy regime for Benjamin. There's still a slim chance that they could treat him according to the ALL protocol which is mostly done on an out-patient basis. But at the moment, AML seems to be the prevailing leukemia.

Thank you all again for all the presents, phone calls, guest book entries, cards, balloon, visits, etc. Ben, as well as the rest of the family, get great encouragement knowing we have such a loving and caring family of friends.

Love to all,
Belinda, Chris, Jeremy and Benjamin

Monday, April 5, 2004 10:04 AM EST

Ben's surgery went well this morning. He he's recoving in his room and watching the Wiggles.

We'll get part of the marrow diagnosis today and the final and most critical part in 2-3 days. Chemo will start upon complete diagnosis of the marrow.

Thanks for the continued prayers!


Sunday, April 4, 2004 11:32 PM EST

Hello to all and thank you for caring enough to visit Ben's web page!

First, apologies to all our friends and family who we have not contacted directly. As you might suspect, Benjamin's diagnosis is an extremely difficult subject for us to talk about. The tears have been flowing non-stop for the past three days and are beginning to take a physical toll on us. We want very much for all of you to know what is going on with Ben so it is our hope that you will visit this web page often and keep abreast of his condition and progress toward recovery.

I'll try to keep this brief so here's the story in a nutshell:

The week of March 22, I noticed a considerable amount of bruises on Benjamin's body. At first, they appeared to be in very typical places for a 2 year old who thinks he's a five year old. Wrestling and tackling are two of his favorite past times. On Monday, March 29, he developed virus-like smyptoms - vomitting and fever. I heard from friends that some type of bug was going around so I treated it as such. By Thursday his fever seemed to be lessening so I thought we were coming out of the woods. On Friday, after examining his bruises again, we saw that they were now appearing in very suspicious areas not commonly bruised by rough play. Chris asked me to take him to the doc to have him checked out.

We had a 1:30 appointment. Ben and I discussed what we were going to have for dinner during the drive to the doc's office and that we were going to have fun at Hilton Head during spring break the following week.

The pediatrician confirmed that the buises were not typical and did a blood screen. The screen showed his white blood cell level, hemoglobin and plateletts were all low. Very significant of something gone awry.

The pediatrician immediately sent Ben and I to the Hemotologist. They drew blood and 10 minutes later, I was broadsided with the devastating news that my youngest son had cancer.

Ben was admitted to the hospital that night. Chris picked Jeremy up from school and met us. Our initial discussions with the doctors led us down the path that Benjamin had a leukemia called Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). It is the most common leukemia found in children and therefore has been studied extensively. The cure rate for this type lies between 85 - 90 percent. He would receive a minor operation to insert a port in which he would receive his chemotherapy. After the intial induction (4 days) the rest of the therapy would be done on an out-patient basis, but would be over the next 3 years. Considering our situation, this was pretty good news. We slept that night confident that we'd be dealing with ALL in the morning.

Not so. Final blood work came in that next a.m. Benjamin did not have ALL, Benjamin did not have AML (a more severe type and more difficult to cure). Benjamin had both ALL and AML - a very rare condition falling under the heading of Ambiguous Leukemia.

Friday was devastating, Saturday was catastrophic.

Exercising our option to obtain a second opionon, we had a conference call today with our doctor here at Childrens' Healthcare of Atlanta, Dr. Rubiero of St. Jude's and my brother, Rodney who is an MD not specialized in cancer, but knowledgeale enough to ask the right questions.

The treatment theories between the two facilities do differ, but it appears they only differ because this ambigous type of leukemia is so rare. We decided to stay with CHOA a very prestigious hospital in its own rite in the area of pediatric cancers. We will have an on-going consultation with the docs at St. Jude's for our peace of mind.

Tomorrow is a big day. Ben will undergo three procedures.

1. He will receive a central line for later use in administering the chemo and other medicines as well as blood extraction and feeding.
2. A Lumbar puncture will be performed to extract fluid from the central nervous system which will be tested for leukemia contamination. He'll also receive his first dose of chemo during this procedure.
3. They will also extract bone marrow and actual bone for diagnosis. This turns out to be a key component in how he will be treated.

After the marrow is tested (2-3 days) therapy will begin. Ben's looking at 8 months of hospitalized chemo therapy. He'll get to go home once in a while for 3-4 days at a time. This time period also includes the possibility of a bone marrow transplant depending on his response to the chemo. Another extremely difficult subject for me to discuss because it now involves Jeremy as the most likely marrow doaner. So, I won't go into that just yet. Once the transplant is successful, Benjamin will follow a chemo maintenance schedule for the next 3 years.

As you can see, we have a long road ahead. We ask all of you for your constant prayers during this time. My mom said on her drive up here that she was following a truck with a bumper sticker that read "Why worry? It's in God's hands." Well, that is exactly where we are. Please continue to knock at God's door and pray for Benjamin's easy and speedy recovery.

We love you all! Thank you to all our family and friends for their continued support. We were unaware until now just how much we need you.

Belinda, Chris, Jeremy & Benjamin

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