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Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:07 PM EST

Hi everyone..

I know, it has been a while. In all honesty, I seriosuly didn't think anyone checked Kody's Story anymore till it was pointed out by Karlio tonight that Bear has over 2 million hits.


SO, to make good again..let's get on with some weekly updates..or so. LOL!

Kody has been doing awesome..just awesome!!

He came through his shunt surgery in September without a hitch and that new programmable shunt has worked like a charm, no problems at all.
When he has an MRI, we just take him over to the Dr's office down the block and have them reset it, cuz the magnets in the MRI really mess up his setting.

His last MRI was last month and his Dr. told us "Mr. and Mrs. K, if I didn't know any better I would swear I was looking at the scan of a healthy child"
We darn near fell off our chair...as you can imagine, seven years of dealing with a kid with brain cancer, a kid we thought we would lose before his 8th birthday..to hear those words was better then music to our ears, better then anything in the world.
Kody of course, being 13 and all...took it in stride. LOL!!

He is still taking anti seizure medication and will be for probably the rest of his life.

Also, he has been oficially dx. with "Spasmodic Dysphonia" and although there is no cure, it can be treated every few months with Botox injections to his vocal cord muscle.
The problem with that is, since Spasmodic Dysphonia" is so rare in children, we can't find a specialist that is willing to treat him..liabilty issudes or something like that.
We keep trying though and we do have confidence we will find someone, somewhere, even if it means traveling out of state. Whatever it takes to make Bear feel beter about himself.

This past January Kody and Kolin took and passed with flying colors thier next black belt testing making them now, second degree black belts in "Tang So Doo" {Korean Karate}. They are on thier way towards gaining thier black belts on PWCST as well. That is a SPansih style combat/knife fighting class. It's super cool and they love it.

School is just about out and that spunky, chubby cheeked , spikey haired boy we used to know will soon be leaving the 7th grade and making his way into the 8th grade. Can you believe it?
Oh..and for anyone wondering..yes, Kody does have a girlfriend who's name is Ashley and who is made crazy about him.

Here are some recent pictures of him...


Kody Blue



And a couple with his trusty sidekick Kolin...

surfer boys beach florida

My Boys

I'll add some new ones to the photo album as weell...probably tomorrow if I can't get to it tonight.

Thanks for stopping by and continuing to check up on our Bear.

As he always has been..Kody continues to be are "hero" and our miracle boy.

"Kickin' Cancers Butt For SEVEN Years Baby!!!!!!!!"

Take care everyone!!

Love, Kim and the "K's"

PS. Remember you can still find us at: www.lookingthroughtheglass-kim.blogspot.com

or you can always look me up on Facebook.

Sunday, September 28, 2008 10:17 AM EST

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It appears it's that time again, Kody will be going in early Tuesday morning for his 4th brain surgery.
His VP that he's had for 6 years now has finally stopped working for him. It's over draining and leaving his brain badly dehydrated.
So, on Tuesday morning, his new neurosurgeon, Dr. Gegg, will be taking out the old and putting in a brand spanking new programmable shunt, which will have Bear feeling lots better in no time at all.

Since my internet access will most likely be limited and I can't gaurantee I can update CB while we're gone..please feel free to stop by the family blog {you can find the link way down below where it says links: "Looking Through The Glass".
I'll be updating that all the time.

Before I leave you all on this beautiful Sunday morning...here's some recents of Kody. :0)



I love this next one..it shows the emotion that he's been going through lately. It isn't easy being a just turned teen and having to face surgery again.


PS. Mrs. Pam, I know your having troubles getting on the blog so I'll do everything possible to get on here also, for you. :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone!!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, July 26, 2008 9:25 AM CDT

Hi everyone....

As promised, I made it back here in one week exactly. LOL!!

Kody's appt. at the neurologist went well this past week.
We're increasing his Strettera and weaning him off of his Orap {tic meds}.
Also, we were able to see in depth diagrams of Kody's EEG and now have a way better understanding as to what an abnormal EEG looks like, where in his brain it's coming from and the reasoning behind keeping him on his seizure meds.

All signs are still pointing to a programable shunt.
So...I've started keeping track on a calender how many morning headaches he's been getting.
Like I mentioned before..if it starts interferring with his life too much or he starts to lose too much school {which starts on his b-day this year}, then we're going to have to replace his shunt for a more updated one.
We also found out that Kody's shunt is over draining..which is just as dangerous and painful as under draining.

Other then that...he's doing great.
He's way too girl crazy.
He's eating us out of house and home.
He's growing like mad.
He looks AWESOME!!!

Here's a few recent pictures from this past week.
After his Neuro. appt. we took him over to a park just down the street {in Orlando} for a picnic lunch before we headed home.




Always the goof booger, huh?

Don't forget to visit us on "The Blog", where we update daily about the whole Krazy K family.
You'll find the link below.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Have an awesome day everyone!!! :0)

Love, Kim

Saturday, July 19, 2008 9:27 AM CDT


So, I've made a decision to really, really try to update CB at least once a week instead of my routine once every 4-6 months. :0(

Here I'll have everything Kody {medical & new pic's} related. All other "K" stuff...stop by the blog please.
I'll leave the link to that down at the bottom of this page from now on.

OK...we took Bear to the neurosurgoen last week.
Since the chance of infecdtion outweighs his headaches, we'll wait to put that valve into his shunt.
Though it's not nearly as aggresive as his other surgeries..it's another surgery and a new device that his body will naturally try to rid itself of.
So..if it turns out the headaches and sick morning feeling is making him lose school too much, then we'll rethink that.

In the meantime...two new suspicious spots were found in his brain.
Though they are the shape of tumors, they didn't light up like tumors do with the contrast.
So, we'll keep a good eye on them via MRI's, which instead of Shands routine ever year or so, we are doing every 6 months.
Have I mentioned I really like these new dr's in Orlando alot? :0)

The results of his EEG came in and unfortuently he is still experiencing seizure activity in his right frontal lobe, which is not uncommon in kids with shunts placed in the right frontal lobe.
So, taking him off his seizure med's {Keppra} is out of the question.
We see his new neurologist on this coming Tuesday to discuss his eye/facial tic's, his voice and a couple other things that we've been noticing.

All in all thugh, and all things considered, he is doing AWESOME!!
He works out every day, he is getting taller and is thinning out like you wouldn't believe. However, not skinny/unhealthy thin..he is a solid block of muscle.

Check out these new photos taken last weekend..





Welp, thats all the Bear news I have for today.
Remember..stop by the blog for everyday updates on the "K's".

Have a great day everyone!!

Love, Kim and Bear

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 9:56 AM CDT

Hey Everyone!!

I know it's been a long time...but incase you didn't know, we are bloggin' with the whole "K" family now.

Find us here...

Bloggin' With The K's

If that link doesn't work..

Go here:


Lots of news with the Bear...

First of all..he is now 12 and going into the 7th gade.
Rotten kid...who told him he's allowed to grow up? :0)
He's way taller then I am, and passed his black belt test last january.
The kid is AWESOME!!!

We've switched doctor's and now Kody goes back and forth to Orlando alot.

He's possibly looking at another surgery soon to place a one way valve into his shunt.
Plus...he's been having lots of problems with headaches {thats why the new valve} and his right eye that previously turned up, is now turning in.
That's the same eye he had surgery on, many years ago.

We see a new eye dr. tomorrow, so many we can get some answers as to why.

We see his new neurosugeon on Monday the 14th.
We see his new neurologist on July 22nd.

Also, he had an EEG done last week. If the results for that show no seizure activity, then we plan on taking him off hi sseizure med's and seeing if he'l be just fine.
Which..I know he will. :0)

His eye and facial tics are back big time, despite the max dose of med's he can take for it.
His new neurologist put him on Strettara, which is an ADD med, but is also used for tic's, to see if it would help.
He's been on for a month..so far...nothing.

Kody went to Camp Boggy Creek this summer, for like the 6th time in his CBC summer vacation career..and had a BLAST!!

Here's a picture of when we dropped him off...


AS you can see...he's rockin' his new Mohawk and looking mighty fine...

A little McDreamy for ya'all tween/teen gals..


And, as always..he still goes by the nickname "Skull"...


Because with Kody, everyday is an adventure..he is still the bigest source of all my new gray hair..check this out...


So, not only does he get some awesome airtime..but check out the muscles on him...DANG!!

We hope everyone's summer is going great!!

Before I leave though...let me introduce you to our newest family members..



And Atreyu...


They are crazy and hyper.
Speaking of crazy and hyper..WIld Man Kolin is doing grea too!!

Here he is..


And to be fair..let's not forget Kaysha, the girl "formally known as Goth Girl"..


Take care everyone!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, April 12, 2008 2:22 PM CDT

Please join Kody at his Kody's Story on Blogger.


And, if your wanting too..leave us your Caring Bridge addy to be listed on link page of Kody's CB friends.


Love, Kim and The Bear

Saturday, February 2, 2008 10:51 AM CST

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just a friendly reminder that "Kody's Story" will be coming to you in "blog" format.

I will be putting up the link this weekend.

Thank you to all who continue to stop by here and on Looking Through The Glass, our family blog.

Since Kody is getting older now, and able to get on our computer and update on his own once in a while..I thought by giving him something simple, like his own blog, {they are sooo incredible easy to update} it would do him good to take on a little responsibity of his own....when he's feeling able to.

I had gotten a few comments on how Kody should still have his own site...so that's what I'll do for him.

Please watch for the link and then bookmark it.

Thanks everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS. Updates are daily on Looking Through The Glass. I know alot of you have followed us there and I really do appreciate it. :0)

"Pictures are mirrors. They are reflections of not only what is photographed, but also who made the photograph."
-Amy Deputy~

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy




A site that is very dear to Kody's heart...click on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an e-mail..as I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image below..you'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:51 AM

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~*~Merry Christmas!~*~

The entire "K" family would love to wish you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas today.
May your dreams and wishes come true.
Love the ones your with, hug the ones you love, be happy, have fun, make memories, laugh tons.

Our Christmas this year is all about our family and for me it's reflecting on the year it's been.

We truly are blessed...not with gifts but with the miracles God has given us this year.

Kody is still here with us..and he is growing and getting stronger everyday.
Matter of fact...watch out because on Jan. 11th at 5:30 PM Kody and Kolin are testing for their BLACK BELTS!!!!
Can you believe it? I wish you could all see them, they are absolutley amazing.

Kolin is still the craziest kid on Earth...he makes me laugh everyday and laughter is definetly a gift.

Kaysha is 16 and most days she drives us nuts..last night though she had me laughing so hard I had tears coming down. She is getting more and more beautiful everyday and even her big sisters complain that she got all the beauty.
Not true..they are all beaut's. :0)

Kyle James...my oldest boy. So many of you remember last year when we seriously thought we would lose him to drugs. I could cry when I look back at this time last year.
I am so happy to tell you all that he has made a complete turn around in his life. He has turned into quite a man, a man that we are all proud of. God gave him a gift..the gift of life and what is more precious then that?
I have more news...Kyle James is getting married next month! And, that's not all..he and his girlfriend, Meghan are expecting a baby this summer!!

Kayara returned to work and my new grandbaby, Adriana, who is 4 months old now is mine 5 days a week. Holy Cow..it's a lot of work!! But, we have a bond that isn't easily breakable. When she's cranky...she wants her Gramma and nothing else. However, when she wants to belly laugh...Grammpa and Kody Bear are her men for sure. :0)

Karyelle saved her pennies to get a plane ticket to get here in time for Christmas and so...we are one entire family again this year.
Pretty cool, huh?

Alona {my oldest grandaughter} is 5 and started Kindergarten this year. That lil' stinker is in the gifted class. She still has those big brown eyes like her Uncle Kody and a smaile that could melt a snowman's heart.

Other then that..we continue to rock on everyday, crazy family that we are. No..we're not perfect by any means..but we are blessed in ways that no amount of $$ can buy. :0)

I know I don't get a chance to update Kody's page as much as I should but remember now that any time you like you can always get a quick update, almost everyday at my blog...

Looking Through The Glass

That's where you'll find the latest news, Kody news and plenty of updated photos.
Plus..it's a heck of alot easier to update so if I only have 5 minutes to spare..you'll definetly find me there.

Welp my friends..I better get going.

Have a very Merry Christmas!!

With all our love..

Kim and the entire "K" family

Monday, December 10, 2007 9:30 PM

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~*~Well Hey, Hi!!~*~

I promise, you all haven't lost me...I'm here.

Since Kody's page is doing some serious wonkin' out lately though, I've been updating on the blog.

So, please...if you still are lovin' on the Bear and don't want to miss a day in the life...please join us at:

Looking Through The Glass

That's where we've been recently and until I can get this site to look the way it used to, that's where I'll stay.

A few things to update on.

Kody goes back to Shands this Wednesday and the following Wednesday.
This week is so that Neuro. can confirm it is not a medication problem that has been causing Kody problems since August,
Next week is ENT to see if there is any signs of anything that is causing him to lose his voice.

If everything points to normal then it most likey is a intracranial pressure problem and Kody's 4th brain surgery will be soon.

But...we are all saying a HUGE prayer that we can safely wait until after Jan. 11th.
Why Jan. 11th?

Welp...here's the big news.

On Jan. 11th, 2008 we will have two brand spanking new black belts living here.
Yes, that's right...you read it here first.
Kody and Kolin will be taking their black belt tests!!!!

Awesome accomplishments for the both of them, but for a child that was not supposed to live to see his 8th birthday...now that is a miracle. :0)

That in itself has got us kept pretty busy..the boys have been training 5 days a week..soon to be 6 days.
Add to it that Kayara went back to work and I am Adriana's sitter 5 days a week...welp, life is pretty busy.

Oh...and to top it off, Kyle James and Meghan are getting married and this summer we will have a new "K" family member when their baby is born.

Can we get any busier?
Ummm...probably. LOL!!

Anywhos..it's about time for me to pick Kaysha up so I really need to get going. See, I told you it never ends. :0)

Get with us on the blogger..I update just about everyday.

Looking Through The Glass

If I don't have a chance to get back on CB..if it's still not working right...we want to wish you all a very happy holiday season and a very happy and healthy new year.

Love, Kim and the "K's"

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 7:11 PM

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OK, I am the worst possible, most horrible updater that happened to walk this planet.

I am not, really, honestly, not going to shut down Kody's page, not ever. It's something that he's always felt comfortable clicking on and reading, so I could never do that.

Lately though, I find myself with only a minute or two to spend on the computer and my e-mails giving out our blog have been piling up and I haven't been able to keep up with that either.

OK...here's the lowdown..

I've started my own at home business and it went off with a bang. So much of a bang that it's been keeping me busy 7 days a week.
Working from home has definetly been a blessing to our family and I am really loving every minute of it.

I've also been babysitting for Adriana {who's almost 3 months old now} 3 to 5 days a week, all day.
Seeing as I had forgotten how nothing much gets done when there's a baby around...I have been trying to play catch up at night, which is cool because I'm a self-proclaimed night owl..but not so cool because the eyeballs are rebeling bigtime.

Adriana won't be going to a daycare at anytime in the future, and that's mainly because after a horrible scare when she stopped breathing, she now totes around a heart/sleep apnea monitor everywhere.
Nothing bad about daycares, there are a ton of wonderful ones...but who can care for her better then her own Gramma?
Besides..she knows my voice now, and she just lights up when she see's me...I mean, come on...that is heart meltin' right there. :0)

Kody is doing OK...however, he has been very slowly weaned off his tic med's {Orap} and so far doing really well with the tics..knock on wood and bless his heart, he really hasn't had any. {{WHEW}}
However....the other problems we thought could be from the medication hasn't gone away and it is very possible that Kody will be having a 4th brain surgery to check him for "increased intracranial pressure".
That is a last resort..as I know ya'all know how he likes to slip into that coma thing when he has surgery...little booger.

Anywhos...becuase I do need to run out real soon and collect Kaysha and Kyle James from work, I thought I'd jump on here quick..wish you all well and leave the address to the blog.

Feel free to come visit us anytime..you know your all always welcome. :0)

Here goes..

Looking Through The Glass

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!

Love, Kim


Sunday, October 21, 2007 9:00 PM

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~*~When It Rains It Pours~*~

I am so sorry, I will....really, really will get on here and update tomorrow morning.

Things have been very scarey around here and it's not been a good week at all.

First, Baby Adrianan was rushed by ambulance to the hospital when she stopped breathing twice..once at home and once in the ambulance.
She came back home yesterday but is toting around her new heart/apnea monitor.
Long story but basically she was bring up her formula, but not out..she was aspirating on her own food.

Second..Kody has been taken a downhill dive again. Things are happening that aren't good and might lead to a shunt malfuntion.
More on that tomorrow .
He'll be in the hospital Wednesday for a Cat-Scan a shunt series and a visit to Dr. Pincus.
If it's not shunt or tumor related..then Neurology has a try at figuring out whats wrong.
His symptoms include..

Lose of his voice, very quiet and slurry.
Balance problems
He can't follow simple directions.
He isn't retaining info.
He is constantly in "The Kody Zone" or in an always state of confusion.
His morning headaches are coming back.

Anywhos..I have to get the kids to bed so please bare with me..I'll be on tomorrow for sure.

Please e-mail me for the "Blog" address, you can always find, at the very least, mini updates there.

Have a great night everyone!!

Love, Kim

Friday, October 5, 2007 12:20 PM

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~*~Camp Boggy Creek a/k/a Where We Go To P*A*R*T*Y!~*~

OK, I am a Slacker..I am a Slacker, I defiently, for sure am a Slacker!
But...I've been very busy, I really have.
Actually...for those who still don't know..my "mini updates" are on blogger and it's never too late to get the address. Just throw me an e-mail at: vivalamom929@yahoo.com

For those who have e-mailed me and haven't heard back yet..please try again.
I very stupidly deleted my bulk mail folder, only to realize days after that there were probably a dozen requests for the addy. I have no idea who they were from so, please..PLEASE try again.
Also, Peggy...my mail to you keeps coming back from the mailer deamon as undeliverable.
I'll keep trying though so if you see mail from a differnt address..it's just me still trying to find my way back to you. :0)

So...this past weekend was our Boggy Creek Camp weekend away and we had a blast! Seriously, the time of our life, most awesome experience, just plain fun.
Since I have well over 300 photos of the weekend and I know you'll be cringin' if I even attempt to show them all..for today, "Day One" I'll just pick out a few so you can see just a little bit of our "Aloha" themed weekend.

This is Kody. This is how Kody spent everyday, on stage leading the pack in dance...

I have mentioned before that he hasn't got a shy bone in his body, right? :0)

One of my boys favorite thing to do is archery. They had so much fun until Kody lost a bigtime bet with Kolin and he had to..he had to..you know what? I think I'll save that lil' surprise for my next update.
Anywhos..here's the two of them at the bows and arrows range thing.

Another one of thier favorite things is swimming in that gynormous Seaworld swimming pool they have there...

Oh man, that's GOTTA hurt!!

Here is another favorite activity...eating with their faces, and always on spagetti day. Aren't they all so adorable?

Speaking of adorable, can any of you guess another popular face in that spaghetti sauce, dirty face, crowd?
Yeppers..it's none other then Zack Finestone..another very cool Caring Bridge kid!!
Zack, Kody, Kolin and Kaysha became great friends. :0)

During the middle of the day, we all take a much neded rest/nap break.
Typically my kids have no problem with this part of the day and Kody is usually asleep within 5 minutes.
However, my not being the brightest crayon in the box, decided to take some of this along for the trip...

It was supposed to keep me up and running during the weekend, however, the kids found it and this is what happened next...

By the time they came down off that lil' sugar rush..it was time to get the party started again.
BTW..they did sleep great that night. :0)

This is a tree, a tree with a face, I'll bet you've never seen one of these trees before. Kolin didn't either till that day.

The last picture of the day is just one of about 100 I have of the big dance night.
The night that Kaysha danced with Zack, and he was the only one that could get her up.
The night that Kody let loose and congaed his night away..

Now, I do have alot more pictures to post. Some I'll post here and some outakes really are only fit for blogger, so please..if you haven't e-mailed me for the address, what are ya waiting for? Git er' done today!!

Gotta run for now!!

Love ya all!!!!


Monday, September 24, 2007 5:00 PM

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~*~Tornados, Purple Shirts, Hairy Men, Cute Pets, Boggy Creek and A Turtle With Serious Attitude~*~

I know, oh boy, I know..one whole week and no update!
Sorry...I'll never do it again. OK, I'll try not to never do it again.

First...we survived the Leesburg torando last week. It was super crazy and we actually had to leave our home in the pouring rain and sky to ground lightening at 10 PM. Things were not looking real good according to the sirens and alerts that were coming in like ever three seconds or so.
But...other then some nasty ole' water damage to our year old kitchen cabinets and a yard full of tree debris...we are just F*I*N*E...Fine! :0)

How many tweens and teens can pull off the color purple? Hmmmm..I don't know very many willing to try. But..just look at that Bear up there on top....now that boy can make a purple shirt sing.
SIGH...I "heart" purple so, soooo much.

Dad's haircut....or let's just say, the haircut that never happened.
OK...please don't blame me for this one. I know I sounded desperate, like some crazy mad woman bent on keeping her man's long hair.
In the end...it was a icky ole' stomach virus that kept Karl from the haircutter's that day.
So...technically, we can all blame Bear because he's the lil' booger that started this stomach virus thing to begin with.
Or maybe it was Kyle James? Ahhh...heck, they all look the same.
So...we just postponed it and I can tell you, it'll happen sometime this week or so.

Here's something with a bit of the "awwwwwwwww" factor.
Don't let these two cute faces fool you though, these two are the loudest, most hyper things that live in this house.
Kolin and Delilah...

OK...on to something with a little "tude", that's besides menapausal me, of course..

Meet Leadfoot...

Leadfoot came into our lives very briefly for something like 15 minutes yesterday.
She left a very lasting impact on me.
Mainly because she ran my butt ragged trying to get a photo of her.

For a more detailed, semi-adult story of our lil' Leadfoot..please, please, please e-mail me for our new blog address.
There is a whole lotta craziness going on around there lately. :0)

My e-mail: vivalamom929@yahoo.com

E-mail me for the blog address anyway...cause I promise you..on crazy days like I've been having lately, when there is only 5 very quick minutes to update. Updating Blogger is waaaaaayyy easier then updating CB right about now.

Now..don't worry..because no matter what, Kody's Story lives on and I will always update. It just won't be as regualr as before. I have a trillion projects going on right now..you can find that out on Blogger too.

Here's a lil' hint though...

I've been working on a project and it's all about the hats. Silly hats, cute hats, all kinds of extremely photogentic hats.
And, in about another week or so,
"Kim's Chemo Kaps" will be created.
These are super soft, seamless, crocheted hats for children, teens and adults.
They're going to be loverly...trust me. :0)

This Friday it'll be all about "The Boggy Creek", as we are off to spend another sinfully glorious weekend being spoiled rotten by the Boggy Gang.
This weekend's them? Luau style!!!! I can't wait, the kids can't wait and it's all about the bribery, baby. HA!!

This past week had a true downside to it, because Kody's eye tic's started coming back.
Fortuently, we thought we'd be safe to start decreasing hi Orap. But...we had to start increasing it again to keep the twitches at bay.
Hopefully...he should get better in a few days when the medicine really kicks in.
Kody's Angels were defiently looking after him. Today in teh mailbox we found another months's supply of Orap delivered straight to us from Sahnds hospital pharmacy. How cool is that?

Guess what else we found in the mailbox?
The sweetest, most precious package from Kody's biggest fans..
The Preschool Penpal's and Mrs. Pam!!

Thank you so much for all the beautiful gift's for Kolin and Kody. The loved, really, really LOVED scratching on the color papers.
Truth be told...Dad and I joined in too...it was so much fun. KInd of takes me back to when I was....SIGH...young.

OK..I'm off for today. Kody's being tutored right now, Kaysha has a New York trip meeting to be at, at 6 o'clock, Kody and Kolin have karate at 7.
Just another manic Monday!

Love you all...and don't forget to e-mail me, go on, get to it!!

Love ya'all!!


Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:00 AM

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~*~Monday Morning~*~

When Skater Bears Go Goth

SIGH, they grow up so darn fast....

Have a great one today!!

Love, Kim


~*~Our Week In Review a/k/a Slacker Update Number 8472~*~

For the first week since school started this year, Kody had his first full half a week really good week.
Go Bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmm....let's see, what's new, what's new...

Welp, Kody and Kolin started sword classes, called "Iaido" which, if your anything like myself, you'll never say it right so "E-I-E-I-O" it is.
Anywhos...they love it, they really love it and that's all that matters to this Mom.
I'll take some pic's this week so you can all see them in action. They rock. :0)

This week after complaining heavily about the lack of updated Kody pictures, Kody agreed to a few.
It cost me one "Whipped Reeses Peanut Butter Bar" to get this il' gem...

Yep...I think he's over it for sure.

On the other hand there are kids like this...who go from crazy, cool, hyper {another Reeses in action} to a serious "Stick a fork in this one, cuz he is done"...

Then there's kids like this cute one, who blissfully let's the whole wide world revolve around her...

Now that is one cute "Yankee Baby" :0)

About the only victims I can find these days that don't require payment of chocolate upfront are these guys..I mean one guy and two girls...



And Delilah...

As much as I'd love to post a recent picture of Kaysha, I really, honestly don't have any.
She's 16, and with 16 comes school, work and friends.
We're like two ships passing in the night. My last girl is gone...




I wonder if maybe I post an old embarassing pic., will she come back to me?
It's an idea. ;0)

This week coming will mark a huge milestone for our family.
Here's a lil' background.

When Kody was first diagnosed with his tumor Dad Bear decided that he was growing out his hair. And, he was going to keep growing it until the day we finally heard of Kody's health restored.
At first I was like...
"Grow your hair, are you FLIPPIN' CRAZY!!!"
Plus, I am horrified to admit, I through in some other comments like "It'll never look good, I hate long hair on men, please just grow up, how about a tattoo instead, etc....".
{and this man stays with me, can you believe it?}

Welp, lo and behold...that hair grew, and it grew and grew and grew and everytime it grew...I ummm, I ummmm....
OK, I got to lovin' it even more.

My name is Kim, and I am a rebel...I LOVE long hair on my man!"

There, I said it..it's finally out..I feel sooooo much better.

Anywhos...all good things, I am sad to say, must come to an end. Since we found out on August 8th that there were no cancer cells in Kody's last MRI brain scan...Dad Bear has been throwing some serious hints about chopping off that hair and donating it to one of our favorite charaties, Locks of Love.
This Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM, my friend, Mary Jane {who is the only one I'll let touch my boys hair}, will be giving Dad Bear a serious extreme makeover.
And, through the tears, I'll be photographing the whole senerio for all your viewing pleasure.
Then I going to drown my sorrows with a 3 pound Hershey.
I'll hide under the covers and refuse to come out for days.
I'll watch "Desperate Housewives" reruns and call Pizza Hut during commercials.
I'll be blue...
Oh soooo blue.

But Karl, hey...don't let me stop you, it's your hair, it's your choice and somebody out there in this big ole' world is going to be real happy with all those long locks of yours.
Can I just braid it one more time, please? Please? Purty Please?

OK everyone...this depressed housewife is outta here for the day.
This week won't be so busy editing wedding pic's so I'll have no excuse not to be on here more often.
I've decided it's time to blog my life away...things that probably aren't Caring Bridge cool, so if anyone out there is brave enough, throw me and e-mail at: vivalamom929@yahoo.com and I'll give you the address.
It's kind of like, My life...Unscripted and Raw. I'm really, really not perfect, trust me. :0)
Oh, and if you want to exchange blogs, no problem there either.

Have yourselves a BEAUTIFUL weekend everyone...Love ya's!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, September 9, 2007 10:17 AM

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Happy Grandparents Day!!

Not too much new here today, or at all this weekend.
So....in celebration of being blissfully bored out of our gourds...Kody and I thought we'd just share some pic's of our new "K" family member who just loves to hang out in the backyard under my bedroom window.

"Flutterflies"..that's what Kody used to call them when he was about 2 or so years old.
Isn't it crazy how even though he's not 2 anymore, I still say "flutterflies".
Come on, admit it...how many of ya'all do the same thing? :0)

And just one of Mister, "Mom, I am not 2 anymore!"...

This week, or maybe it was last week, I told you all how we were decreasing Kody's Orap, his tic medication.
SIGH...yesterday I saw his tic in his eyes...not anything like how it was last spring but a defienate "tic" for sure.
Sooo...tomorrow I'll call Dr. Pollack and most likley start to increase a little.
Bummer though because he was doing great and I really thought that we could wean him right off.

Welp, I'm out. Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Happy Grandparents Day!! I'll be celebrating tomorrow by sitting for Miss Adriana tomorrow night while her Mom & Dad goes out for a well needed dinner break.
If I know my daughter, they'll be gone for exactly 30 minutes. :0)

Love, Kim

Thursday, September 6, 2007 9:50 AM

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~*~Friday Night~*~

Hand-Me-Downs and Haterblockers

Some kids dread hand-me-downs. When your the youngest kid of a big family, it's a given that one day you'll wear hand-me-downs.
But you know, hand-me-downs are not really a bad thing in our home because when you've got a big brother like Kody, who is Leesburg's biggest clothes horse, you can walk away with cool shirts like this, the one shirt that Kolin has been dreaming about Kody outgrowing for two years.
The only shirt Kolin has ever wanted, oh, excpet for Kody's "Slipknot" t-shirt..which he'll probably make into a laminated shrine the day he outgrows it, I'm sure. :0)
Sorry Kolin, you may have to buy your own Slipknot shirt, Dude.

Looking pretty "tight" there, Kolin! :0)

Guess who else is looking pretty suave these days...
Our lil' Adriana...the "Haterblocker Princess"...

She gets it from her Mom, ya know. LOL!!

Have a great night everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Back to School, Part Two~*~

Yesterday's school meeting went pretty OK. Kody's back in school, part time, starting this morning.


I miss him like mad already and he's been there less then an hour. :0(

Anywhos...he goes from 9 to 1 o'clock, giving him 5 classes, including lunchtime. Then he comes home.
Two nights a week one of his teachers {who just so happens to be Kyle James' favorite teacher of all time...gosh she is a Saint cuz Kyle James wasn't easy, that's for sure!}, will be here at our home to go over the lessons he's missed in the afternoon, give him tests, explain work, etc...
It's up to me to make sure he completes all his assignments.

So...these past two weeks I had my first taste at homeschooling. I thought I'd hate it. Know what? I loved it!
I loved hanging outside reading with him. I loved journal writing together. I loved listening to him sing while he worked. Heck, I just loved having him around...my shadow, my Bear.

Dad Bear dropped him off this morning and don't you just know it, since backpacks are not allowed...not even for Kody, he dropped every folder, every paper all over...then gave Dad that look of "I'm lost already, Dad", then off he went.
He might not ever admit it..but I'm pretty sure Karl would have, at that very minute, scooped him right back up and brought him back home, if he could. :0)

These were taken yesterday morning {and the picture up top, too} at the entrance to Kody's school. Gotta love that red paint....it's sweet.

I wish I could have taken more but Kody was like "OK Mom, let's get outta here, now!"

I ended up having to cancel Kody's appt. with Endro. this week.
No choice really. Unfortunetly I can't get him in again until January. Ahhh well, what are ya gonna do right?

OK everyone...I better get going and get some stuff done while I still can.

Love you all...


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 12:05 PM

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~*~Gone Fishin'~*~

Our weekend was pretty alright, real quiet, kind of boring, which isn't really a bead thing, ya know?

These are from yesterday and these show just about as exciting as we got...

That Kolin, I have got to tell you....he used to be a real "Mom's Boy", but lately...he's a complete, 100 percent only wanting to be with his Dad, "Dad's Boy". He cracks me up sometimes because, some of the things he says and some of the things he does are sooooooooooo Dad bear.
Yep...drives me nuts sometimes too. :0)

In the event you find I'm not updating, or there's a lapse in updates..please keep signing in.
Lots of personal things these days have got me not on as much. It's just been one of those kind of couple of weeks. I'll get over it, just don't know when.
I really have been reading my e-mails but it's been overwhelming to answer them all. I have flagged them so please, if you haven't heard from me, don't be mad..I'll get there, I really will.

OK...Kody's math is about done, time for some outside journal writing.

The meeting with his teachers and school board is set for tomorrow morning and his next Shands appt. with endrocrinology is Friday morning.

His Orap {tic medication} is slowing being weaned, mainly because there is a slight possibility he is being overdosed {that's maybe why he tires so easily}, but mostly we need to wean him because it is near impossible to get anymore. Plus, his Neurologist, Dr. Pollack is retiring in December and the other Ped. Neuro's at Shands will not prescribe it for him.
Please pray that his tic's don't come back, we will soon have no way of treating him if they do. :0(
Maybe we can get him seen at an Orlando Hosp. {Arnold Palmer Hosp. for Women and Children is, I believe a good choice}, but I guess that reamains to be seen right now.

Yikes..better run, Kody's crankin' the music!!

Have a great day everyone...

Love, Kim

PS. Please, if you could...say a lil' prayer for our finances/job situations to get better. We had a major sucker punch/blow lately and it's just been snowballing instead of getting better. Just a prayer, please.

Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:15 AM

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~*~Friday Morning~*~

Life At It's Best

Wouldn't it be great if everyday could be spent like this?

Living...Learning...Loving. :0)

Have an awesome day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hello? Mr. President? It's Kody~*~

OMG, am I a dork or what? I thought I had alreaday posted about the President story...thanks to a friendly reminder in Kody's GB, I realized yesterday...Dang it, I never did post that, did I?

So....in an update to the update to a forgotten update, let's get this party started, shall we?

August 8th will always be a day to celebrate round here, that's the day we had Kody's very first MRI in 5 1/2 years that there were no cancer cells found in his brain...none, zippo, nadah, zip, zero, zilch.
As you all know, we were flying high on "Cloud Nine" the whole way home, the whole day...heck...we're still on that magic carpet ride.

However, we really didn't realize the impact it had on Kody until we got home and he happily blurted out the great news to all his sib's...near and far.
As funny as it was to hear his tell Karyelle who lives in NY, "Yeah KK...the doctor says he cut off the blood supply to my head" {to his tumor, actually, but that sure does explain alot, sometimes}, the best was yet to come when we found Bear on the phone with a very confused but very nice, willing to help, although she really couldn't understand what he wanted, Embarq operator.
What we heard from our side was Kody saying "I'm in Leesburg, Florida" "I would like the President's phone number" "Yes, the President, no he doesn't live in Florida, I live in Florida", "Ummmm, no, not a white house, I live in a brown house", "Yes, I have to talk to the President of the United States please".

Right about then, Dad Bear had him hand over the phone and after a quick explanation from Kody about what he needed, Dad Bear thanked our friendly operator and promised he call back...just as soon as he found out what was on his kids, very determined mind.

We sat Kody down and Dad Bear said "Bear, what in the world are you trying to do now?"
And Bear said "Dad...I HAVE to chat with George {yes, he called our President, George}. You see, I am cancer free, I am fine, but there are alot of people in this country who have brain tumors and they are not fine."

So, Dad Bear said "So, Kody...why do you need to talk to the Pres., what are you thinking?"
Kody's response....
"Dad, ALL people should have the BEST doctor like I have. All of these people need to be able to be cured by Dr. Pincus for FREE. Everybody should feel the way I do right now."

Welp, what could we do...the kid was determined to change something in America. So, Dad Bear called 411 again and explained to the next friendly Embark operator that we really did, indeed, need the President's number. He explained why, he told her all about Kody, he told her about todays news, she cried, she wished him all the luck in the world and then she gave us the number to the White House.
And, together Kody and Dad Bear called the White House.
Now, the only number they actually could legally get was a "comment line". But...for now that's good enough.

Kody's plans are to get the President to make sure that all brain tumor people, young and old are entitled to the very best medical care with no cost to them. Dealing with cancer is finacally strapping enough, but to have to pay for your own MRI's, and medicine is something Kody remembers us stressing over many times when his insurance cut him off completely.

There is something else Kody wants to change and that is early detection.
Like all cancers, early detection is the very best.
With Kody's tumor..looking back at his symptoms, I clearly knew something was seriosuly wrong but not having any knowledge in the medical field...I never put his symptoms with a brainstem tumor, the most devestaing, fatal brain tumor of all.
However, his symptoms were classic, cut and dry and very clear. So...I've often wondered why did his pediatrican keep putting it off.
"He's faking, exaggerationing his symptoms, he's got an ear infection, he has a virus, he has lazy eye, he just doesn't want to go to school, children just don't get headaches" were just some of the reasons his, then, pediatrican told us.
So, we waited, and waited and kept going back again and again while Kody went from bad to worse.
It wasn't until the ped., finally gave us a referall to an eye doctor for Kody's "lazy eye", that we found out within minues, from the eye doctor that something was seriously wrong.
Why was it his eye dr. figured it out in 2 minutes, but his ped. couldn't? Yes, childhood cancer is rare...but like I said, the symptoms were very, very clear.

Anywhos...Kody wants doctors to really take symptoms seriosuly and be agressive...check for tumors.
Early detection...will save alot of precious lives. I know this because Kody tells me so. :0)

OK, so that's the whole President thing. I know Kody...somehow, someway, someday, will make something happen. He is a go-getter...much unlike his procratinator Mama. :0(

School isn't going well again and until next Wednesday when the school board and I meet again, Kody will be homeschooled.
Just sitting with him for one day, I cannot believe the bad habits he's been allowed to get away with. Simple things such as capitalizing the first word of a sentence? I mean, come on.

This past week Kody has been called "Stupid" by kids, "doesn't know anything" by a teacher {this happened in class..which I suppose is why the kids picked up on it an taunted him with the "stupid" thing}, he's been hit in the head by another student and has been seeing double, on and off, since then. BTW...Kody did take a swing back, and when the kid threw a punch in Kody's direction...our Bear blocked it and brought that brat down the ground, with a twisted wrist, in like a nano-second.
Don't mess with the Bear. :0)

This homeschooling thing isn't really so bad. He is completely relaxed, gets everything done that he's told to, and when we need to get out for a little while, we do.
Yesterday we found this kick butt, colorful wall in the Villages, a retirement town not very far from us at all.

We could have stayed there all day finding cool places, but it was Wednesday, and Wednesday is early day for our school kids...so Kolin had to be picked up by 2.
Oh...that wall, cool isn't it? That wall is actually a public bathroom wall, we found it because Kody really had to go, if ya know what I mean. Now that's really purty cool. :0)

It occured to me, yesterday, that I never did show you all how Kody's fish birthday cake came out.

So, here it is...

And what the heck...here's a beautiful portrait from Kolin's birthday day, last Saturday...

Isn't he just precious? :0)

OK....looks like I've written my weekly novel, so I better get going and get some stuff done round here today.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day everyone!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:20 AM

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~*~"Mom, I Just Love Her"~*~

This past Sunday the kids were finally able to meet their new niece, Adriana.
When Kayara placed her in Kody's arms, he was so overwhelmed that all he could say, over and over was...

"Mom, I just love her"

It was enough to melt a Mom's heart, I'll tell ya.

However, when she held onto his hand and wouldn't let go...I honestly didn't think I'd ever pry her out of his arms...

Yeppers...I think that lil' girl has a new best bud, and a onery protector..should any boy ever try to get within 25 feet of her.
Most of all...she has an Uncle that cherishs her and her big sister, Alona. :0)

Thank goodness I am too old and don't have the parts anymore becuase pic's like these make me want to have at least 4 more.

**Note To Karlio**
Please disregard that last sentence!!

This weekend, as we all know was Kolin's big double digit birthday bash...and it was a GREAT day!!

This is a basic rundown of how things went..

First he, Kody and I took off for Wal-Mart and Kolin found himself this kick butt brand spankin' new bike and sweeeeeeet matching Mongoose helmet...

A little later on Kolin and I went to our happiest place on Earth for a lil' Mom and me kind of date.
Can you guess where we ended up?

Yep..that's good ole McD's for some hot fudge sundaes. Don't ya just love that dollar menu? :0)

When we came home the boys were hanging around outside and I caught Kolin a/k/a Wild Man/Tough Guy, being all cute and shmoozy with Delilah, our six toed kitten...

After spending the next 45 minutes or so goofing around and acting like a 10 year old nut with his evil counterpart, his 12 year old goof brother, I found this lil' birthday boy doing this...

Awwww....guess waking up way too early and eating ice cream for lunch does have it's advantages. :0)

When our kiddos' have a birthday we always let them pick whatever they want for dinner...within reason, of course. LOL!!
While most of them choose tacos {Kody} or shrimp scampi {Karyelle} or chicken pot pie {Kyle James} or lasagna {Kaysha} or a goolash dish {Kayara}, our Kolin, who always likes things his way or no way asked for...

"A mashed paotato volcano with gravy lava and broccoli trees and meat that looks like rocks."

Thank goodness Dad Bear and Kyle James are the "Culinary Kings" of the family because that just boggled my brain a tad too much.
This is what they created...and to be quite honest with you, it was the best darn dinner I've had in a while. Must be all that comfort food piled all together..

Last but not least it was dessert time..that's where I come in as reigning Queen.
When my b-day boy asks me for a quadruple chocolate cake...I am there, I am soooooo there.
I heart chocolate alot. :0)

Soooo....this is what I came up with, devils food butter chocolate cake with two cans of milk chocolate frosting {can you ever have enough of this stuff?}, piled high with double chocolate Little Debbie Swiss Cakes and covered with an entire whole shaved Hershey bar.

Ummmm, yes we were in hog heaven.

Now, before I leave you all for this morning there is just one more picture that I have got to show you.
This has to be, by far, the number one craziest picture I have ever taken.

Here's a little background first so you don't think I'm totally off my zany butt rocker.
I was snapping a few of Kolin on his bike, the day was clear, not a drop of rain in site. Within one minute I had taken about 4 pictures and all of them were just normal looking.
When I took this one, I asked him to get in some shade. Behind him was some sunlight coming from behind those big ole' trees. So, I moved myself so I wouldn't get but only a tiny bit of sunglare.
Welp, the camera picked up these colors and these things that I didn't see at all. It was amazing. What I saw was the smallest bit of golden sunlight...what the camera saw was this amazing light show...

As you can see..the rainbow went right through his face.
That rainbow was not there when I snapped that shutter.
But what is that big round thing hanging from the top? I bubble? An orb? OK..somebody tell me...what was on the road the same day, at the same time we were standing there taking seeminly innocent, mundane pictures of a boy on his birthday bike?

BTW...the picture I took within seconds after this one has nothing on it. Isn't that just weird?

The meeting at Kody's school yesterday went pretty well, actually very well. As soon as the paperwork from the doctor's is faxed over to the school district today {or tomoorow at the latest, I hope} Kody will have a new schedule.
A half day at school and the other half at home with me.
They will send out a teacher, for up to three hours a week to give and explain to him his assignments that he'd be missing in the afternoon and it will be up to me to see that he completes them, in his own pace, and after he's had that afternoon rest he still needs so badly and hands them in for a grade.
So, it's like homeschooling...but with a special ed. teachers assistance, which I think, is a nice little bonus.

Needles to say, Kody is THRILLED!! And since finding out this morning that his papers were signed at the doc's and on route to his school today or tomorrow he went in this morning with a beautiful, positive, stressfree attitude. I really think this makes all the difference in the world.

OK...I've got some things to get done around here while I have a few minutes.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS. Coming this week to "Pimp My Pic's" will be a surprise to Photoshop users. Stay tuned...

Friday, August 24, 2007 5:51 PM

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~*~August 25th...Kolin's Birthday!!~*~

Happy Double Digits Birthday to you...
Happy Double Digits Birthday to you...
Happy 10th Birthday Super Coolest Brother in the World, Kolin...
Happy Double Digits Birthday To You!!!!!!

And a HUGE "Happy Birthday" to one of Kody's biggest fans on CB...
Miss Helen {The Kickin' Cancers Butt lady} :0)
We hope your day is a wonderful one!!

Have a great day everyone!

Love, Kim a/k/a Double Digit Birthday Boy's Mama


~*~Our Week In Review...WHEW!!!!!~*~

What a week..I am really sorry I hadn't updated more often..
BTW...Miss Sharon, one of my BFFL's...that's especially for you cuz you totally got on me at school today and threatend me with a size 6 1/2 where the sun don't shine and since I'm a limping non-working knee'd dork..I kinda got scared. ;0)

OK, Saturday was Kody's 12 birthday and he had a great time. We had our lil' date morning and ended up with one of these bad boys...

SIGH...today pedals, tomorrow engines. Where do the years go?

Sunday was Kody's b-day weekend day, part two...a/k/a "A Day to Finally Rest".
We did, and it felt gooooooood, oh sooooo gooooooood.

Monday brought us this sweet surprise...

How cute...she's already growing bored with Gramma's camera forever in her face.
You know, I got to thinking today...will she think that I actually look like a shiney, black Nikon lens?
Nahhhhh...cuz we all know after six months on Jenny Craig, hair extentions and a tummy tuck, I look like this...

More Adriana pictures to follow...humor me please, I am a new Gramma again. Any good common sense I once had got lost completely the day she was born.
She is so beautiful..and she is such a great prop. :0)

Monday also brought the first day of school for the young uns'.
Monday also brought one wanna-be sixth grade drop out.

Tuesday...Kody flat out refused to go back to school. After hearing his story of the previous day and seeing his tears and fears, I ultimitaly agreed to keep him home and straighten things out my way.
That night I had a lovely talk with the assistant principal on the phone and...

Wednesday he was back in school.
However, right after P.E.'s running around outside session {which wasn't supposed to happen}, Kody came down with a headache. I ran him up some med's and he toughed out the rest of the day.
Wednesday was also the day I stayed home all day for the A/C repairman to show up, a couple of times, in the morning, after his break, after his lunch and after he handed me a $300.00 bill for 45 minutes of work, I wanted to ralph/barf bigtime. Goodness, that was not expected.
The good news is, the $500.00 part it needed was still thankfully, under warranty, so we didn't have to cough up for that. WHEW!!

Wednesday night..
Kody tested in karate, he is now officailly a three stripe, red belt which makes him a...

Drum roll please...


He's got at least another year of very hard training before he can test for that black belt.
Am I worried? Heck no...I will he the most proudest Mama in the entire world when both my boys wrap that ole' black belt around their waist.
After all...martial arts has had a big impact on Kody's journey with brain cancer. He went from being a timid, unbalanced, shy kid into an outgoing, unstopable, powerhouse who has beaten that sickening brain tumor of him.
GO KODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awwwwwww....I figured if I played my cards right, I had two hours before Kody had P.E. and called me again.
So, off I went to Kayara's apartment to hold, fed, cuddle, love and snap 100 more pictures of the most beautiful baby on earth.
SUre enough, as I was pulling out of the parking lot, Dad Bear called to say, "Don't come home, go pick up Kody".
And so I did...but I found him in extrmeme headache pain, holding his head, and shaking.
Apparantly he was whaled in the back of the head with a basketball and it spurred a headache that required a Maxalt.
Now, Maxalt we pay out of pocket for. They are $34.00 per pill. Kody only gets one when he is only seriously, SERIOUSLY in pain.
Right then and there it was agreed, no more PE for Kody. Instead he'll be a teachers aide in a class for the kids that are severly disabled, during that hour or so.
Also, after a 10 minute meeting, the head of special ed, is coming to meet me and discuss further plans for Kody's education. This long day of stress just isn't working out.
That meeting is Monday morning at 9:30.

No school for Kody. Why torture him when things will certainly change on Monday?
It was a crazy day though, errands, lunch with Kolin, more errands, school pick ups, run kids here, run kids there.
That sort of made for no computer time for me.
But...no doubt, tonight as I try to stay awake to pick up Kaysha...I'm gettin' mine...you know I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Besides, my Starbucks date with my other BFFL, Miss Karrie, had to be postponed today..so I deserve my internet and photoshop time, right? Right??????

Tomorrow..August 25th is

Drum Roll Again Please...

Kolin's birthday!!
My youngest of the litter is hitting the ole' "Double Digits"!!
Yep....you read it here first, Kolin will be 10 years old tomorrow!!!
Guess what he and I are doing tomorrow morning?
Welp, it the exact same thing I did with his big brother last Saturday morning..
Going to Wal-Mart for a new bikes.
I'll just say it again for good measure..
Boys and wheels, can they ever have enough?

Sunday is the day Kody, Kolin and Kaysha will meet their new niece and believe you, me..they are way excited.
You'll be seeing pictures, you know so stay tuned.

OK, we are off in a little while to a party at the boys karate school.
One of their teachers, the son of their teacher is leaving us for teh Marines this weekend.
I know alot of you will remember him as the guy with the heart of gold who, when Kody said he couldn't do karate {still recouping from his crainiontmy and grand mal}, told Kody he could and "He believed in him". He is, without a doubt, Kody's angel. Sent to Kody exactly when Kody needed him.
I believe, with all my heart, that he and Kody will forever share a bond that nobody else, ever will break.
Pepe' Jr., you are Kody's hero.
Now..stay safe and get home quickly!!!!!!
BTW...his and Briana's wedding pic's are still on "Pimp My Pictures", just incase you missed them.

OK...I better get going before we end up late. Kody keeps changing his outfit {ya never know what girl might be there, right?} and I have to stop him now before I end up with a mountain of laundry that even I, the laundry, lovin' Queen, can't handle.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!!!!!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 1:00 PM

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~*~Look What The Stork Brought Us!!~*~

Yesterday, at 4:40 PM, our family grew by one.

I am sooooo happy to finally introduce, Miss Adriana Destiny Hall....our beautiful, perfect, healthy, grandaughter. :0)

What an incredible day yesterday was. Not only the first day of school for the kiddo's, but watching Adriana come into this world was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
As soon as I saw that lil' 7 pound 11 oz., curly top redhead I was completely, 100 percent, in love. There are no words that can describe this experience...none.

I'll have about a ballzillion more pic's to post, but just wanted to leave you with these for now...cuz I know ya'all been waiting on pins and needles. :0)
I want to thank you all who prayed with us for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. We definetly got both.

I have sooo much more to talk about, so much to tell you...I suppose like any Gramma, I'm bursting at the seams wanting to tell everyone about the whole day.
But......reality hit us once again when today brings more crazy changes.
First, Kody spent one day at Carver Middle School and he isn't going back. Unbelievable how children with disabilities are treated/unwanted.

And two....many calls to make. Our two year old brand spanking new central air conditioner has bite the bullet. It is soooooo hot in Florida and probably even hotter inside right now.
We're keeping Kody in the rooms with window units though, so please don't worry about him. He's just fine. :0)

Thirdy, we're seeing strange changes in Kody's speech, almost to the point where even we are having a difficult time understanding him. He seems to zone out at times and he's been walking into things and tripping. Maybe it's those size 12's though? :0)

OK, lemme get going here.

Thank you all again for the prayers and messages.
Adriana Destiny....our beautiful baby grandaughter is here!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)

Love, Kim a/k/a One Very Happy, Gushin' Gramma

Saturday, August 18, 2007 9:20 AM

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Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday Dear Kody Bear........

Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twelve years old today, Whoa..that's means one more quick year and he's an official teenager? Oh Lordie, what am I in for? :0)

Welp, in honor of Bear still being a young un' up till yesterday...this is Kody, his last day of being eleven.

I'm pretty sure I'll have more today but for now, I've got to run. Kody and I have a date at Wal-Mart to pick up a new bike.
Boys and wheels, do they ever have enough?

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Love, Kim a/k/a The Proudest Mama Bear of the World's Coolest Twelve Year Old Bear
Did I just say twelve? SIGH...what happened to those days when he was a super tiny, chubby, white haired, Yankee wearin', baby boy?


PS. We did get Kody's his tic med's yesterday. I think we got the only bottle in existance, and had to travel to Gainesville to get it. But, the good news is for one more month he has enough medication. I have no idea what next month will bring. Fingers crossed we can find more between now and then.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 11:38 AM

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~*~Thursday Morning~*~

Life In The Fashion Fab Lane

I know I told you all my next update would be about that famous call made to the President, but I really didn't figure my next update would come so soon.

However, seeing as this came up suddenly, without notice...ahhh, heck, I just couldn't resist.
Two updates in two days...
You go girl!!

A couple of days ago I had taken Kody out for new school shoes.
His old ones, which he got for Christmas, so really...they weren't all that old, were't cutting it anymore, worn out and..SIGH...too small.
Now, Kody's got some wide ole' feet. Seriously, when I bought him his first pair of offical walking baby shoes, 11 years ago..the salesman gave me some good advice..
"Good luck finding shoes to fit his hooves"
Advice I will always remember because fitting him into shoes, is expensive...very, very expensive.
And, his feet grow fast, very, very fast.

When skater shoes first came out, it was like being blessed bigtime. Finally...those obnoxiously spuer wide shoes, that always look sooooo huge on other kids, would fit my kid like a glove.

So, anyway....like I was saying, it was time once again to fit that boy into a pair.
After all..his old size 11 ones were not fitting his now size 12 hooves.
That's a man's size 12, BTW.

While in the mall at his fave. shoe store, Pacsun, I happened to glance at a rack of kick butt shirts, button downs and polo's..all Kody's loves.
All priced at $40.00, all way out of my debit cards league.
All I could think fo was how, how in the world could I at least pick him up just one of those shirts that he loves so much, for his b-day this weekend.

That's when my mall angel appeared.
A Pacsun employee, all 86 pounds of her {brat!} walked on over, took the $40.00 sign down and replaced it with a "Clearance, $2.99" sign.
"No Way", said I...but, yes....we asked and yes, yes, YES!!!
That rack of awesome skater shirts had just, that very minute been put on a clearance sale that I was not going to resist..even if it meant no groceries for a few days.
Whatever, I am female, I was born to shop, I HAD TO GET SOME!!!

And, with that, Kody, Kolin and I walked out with bags of brand spankin' new school shirts for the both of them
Lucky for us, Kolin is tall and size small will fit him not so shabbly.
Don't ya just LOVE a great sale? :0)

Yesterday was sooo stinkin' hot out. The kids were stuck inside, so was I and we were starting to get on each others nerves when out of the blue I said..

"Hey ya little boogers, didn't I just get you all some sweet shirts?"

Why yes, I sure did and because you gotta give a little to get a little, I wrangled these two outside, for just 7 minutes before the heat did us in.

Paybacks, don't you just love them? :0)

We are having a heck of a time finding more Orap {tic med.} for Kody. The manufacturer has temp. stopped distributing them.
He needs this medicine very, very badly.
So, between his nurses at Shands and I, we are searching everywhere.
Please, if you all could...say a small prayer that we find him some today.
He only has enough left for a few days. Even if I had to wean him off, it takes two weeks. Cold turkey could cause a stroke.
That is just not cool. :0(

OK, I better run for now.

Love ya'all!!



~*~What Desperate Mom's Do For 20 Minutes Of Computer Time~*~

Living in the sunshine state, you learn alot about weather. Mainly, how it changes so darn fast.
Someone once told me "If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes, it'll change again". Man, they weren't kidding!!

Anywho's, without a doubt, this has been the wettest summer ever. So, to make myself feel a little like a professional weather gal, I've taken to renaming Florida.
For here on end, or until the black, rain clouds go away for a while, we'll just stick to calling it, "The Rainy, Stormy, Muddy, Hair Frizzy, Humid, Hotter then H**l State",.

Summer vacation was supposed to be spent like this,
The kids sleep in, I get my computer time.
The kids play outside, I get my computer time.
The kids blissfully play in the pool all afternoon, I get my computer time.
I lovingly bring them a homemade lunch, they eat outside and of course, I get my computer time.
The kids play ball, ride bikes, and work up a crazy appetite, I whoop up an awesome dinner, straight from scratch, they eat everything and then some and you guessed it, I get my computer time.
The kids go to karate class, train hard, come home tired, shower and fall into a peacefully, sound sleep, I on the other hand, get my computer time.

This has been our summer vacation, minus the bad words I've been known to say, loudly, almost everyday. Sorry. :0(

Dad Bear wakes me early for some coffee. He has to walk through Kolin's room to get to our's. He coughs, I trip, Kolin get's up early too.
I get no computer time yet.
Dad leaves, Kyle James get's up, he needs a ride to work, Kolin uses his new kitchen skills by making egg sandwiches for everyone. He drops eggs on the floor, drips yolk on the stove and drops the bread, butter side down, or course.
I get no computer time yet.

I wake Kaysha up, who is not an early bird, much like myself, to watch Kody and Kolin while I shlep Kyle James to work.
When I get home I get to hear about all the things Kolin did in 10 minutes to set Kaysha completely over the edge.
I tell her to go back to bed, she tell's me she needs a ride to work too.
Yeah, no computer yet.

I drag Bear out of bed, who, you guessed it....is not a morning person much like his sister and myself.
He and Kolin start. By "start", any of you with kids knows what I mean by "start". It's not a good thing.
Bring Kaysha to work, stop by the grocery store, get home, drag the wagon to the car, plop bags of food, bottles of water and 12 packs of gatorade into it.
Right about now Kody and Kolin start again about who's dragging the wagon. Not who wants to, but who doesn't want to.
This is the exact time the skies open up and we get drenched.
I drag the wagon, the groceries and my wet self inside.
Now way can I get compter time yet.

I unload the groceries, Kody and Kolin argue about who gets the computer first. Kolin usually wins, his theory being he got up first.
Ummm, wait, didn't I get up first?
Kody tries to go back to bed, the sun comes out.

In an evil plot to get the computer, I highly suggest they put on swim trunks and get their keesters outside in the pool.
They do, and within 5 minutes, no kidding, the skies open up and we have us storm number 2 for the day.
Computer time? No way...it's lightening outside, it has to be shut down.

The boys settle down in front of the TV while I wisk up some PB&J's for lunch.
Hot, homecooked meals, Yeah right!! :0)

Sun's back out, computers back on, nobody wants to go back outside, Kody sits down in front of the computer and google searches Hot Topic for like the millionth time in his life.
No computer time for me, again. Sad, isn't it?

Kaysha comes home, Dad gets home, who knows when Kyle James will be home.
The boys go outside for 2 minutes but the heat is a killer so they mosey back on inside, mainly to drive Kaysha nuts.
The inside gets boring, all three kids go out to the pool, get in, and the skies open up again.
Back inside we go, and no computer time for me.

Suddenly I realize that Kolin is not inside and it is pouring out. Where do I find him? On the trampoline...darn it, I hate it when one of them escapes.
So, I open up and window and yell like some loopy, psycho, mad woman for him to "get his rear back inside cuz if I gotta come out there and chase ya, your gonna be waaaaayyy sorry..."
All you Mom's know the speech, right?

Anywhos...dinner, karate, yadda, yaddda, that's how my day goes, everyday.
Till that sweet, sweet time of day when all the kiddo's are finaly in bed, or at least in their rooms, and I finally get a chance to get on the computer.
Sadly, that's about 11 PM and the only thing I am remotely interested in looking at is the inside of my eyelids.

Soooo....about a week and a half or so I had enough. The kids, the noise, the darn rain that came down in buckets and just wouldn't let up.

I always thought I was a very over protective type Mom. I'd never let my kid's outside even if there was a threat of a storm cuz, welp..you know, lightening could just jump out anywhere at any time. Playing in the rain could bring illlness, I mean, rain does have germs in it, doesn't it?
Then one dreadfully gray day I was talking with Dad Bear on the phone when I couldn't ake it anymore.
The running, the jumping, the noise, the boredom, it got to me...I just about snapped and when Dad Bear suggested something I would have never given into, I knew...either I take that advice or I was going to have to get into a good Starbucks induced therapy session soon...real soon.

And so, in a last ditch effort to have myself 20 sinfully, delicious minutes of computer time...




I let my boys go outside in the pouring rain to play!!!!!

And, because of these pictures, I suppose you can all figure out that instead of computer time...I stayed safely in the kitchen while snapping away.

Aren't they just adorable? :0)

Yeppers, they were a mess..but they had fun, fun like I hadn't seen all summer and they were looking soooo forward to doing this again. Unfortunetly, wouldn't you just know it...since that day, are crazy rain storms have only been mostly happening at night. :0(

School is starting this coming Monday. Back to school shopping is done as of yesterday {for the boys anyway}. Oriantation/Meet Your Teacher/Find Your Classroom/Hook Up With Your Classmates/Put On The Saddest Face You Possibly Can night for Kolin is Thursday and Kody and Kaysha's is Friday.
It's still hard to believe that Bear will be starting middle school. It's still hard to believe that I might actually let him go without a meltdown, tamtrum, crying fight. Mine, not his.
But, I guess those blasted apron strings have to be cut sometime.
Just not yet, OK. {I threw that in there for Dad Bear to read cuz he is soooo into the whole "Leave him alone and let him be a man" thing"}.

Baby news?
Funny you should mention that becuase....I have none to give yet!!!
Getting this baby out is getting to be as difficult as finding computer time.
Here's the latest baby news...

Yesterday the doc's stretched Kayara's cervix again. This is the second time. This time was even more painful, according to kayara.
They say that Baay "A" is stil doing fine but if this doesn't bring her into the world by this weekend, she has been registered to be admitted into the hospital Monday morning for a definate inducing.
Kayara has to call at 6:30 AM for a time to be there, seeing as she is preggo Mom #5 on the list for inducing that day.

Kody's big b-day bash is Saturday!! OK, maybe not a big ole' bash but our Bear turns 12 and that in itself is reason to celebrate big time!!
I have no idea what we'll do but I do know one thing is for sure. He has requested a "Swedish Fish Birthday Cake".
Crazy kid of mine...looks like he has developed his Dad's love of red swedish fish. :0)
Now, if I could just figure out how to make a cake looklike the great blue ocean with fish swimming in it...that would be great.
I'd google search it but Lord only knows..I might not get any computer time before then.

OK my friends, my family, my peeps, my homies {ummm, OK, I'll stop}. The kids have bolted out the door and they are still in last nights bed clothes/PJ's/boxers. I better get out there.

Thanks so much for stopping by...Love you all!!!!!

Love, Kim

PS. Coming soon, Our next update called...
"OK, so why did Kody call the Presidant anyway?"

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 6:10 PM

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~*~Saturday, Late Morning~*~

Better Late Than Never?

I will, I really will update again later today. I just realized I accidently deleted all the downsized pic's I wanted to get up this morning. DOH!!
Back to the ole' drawin' board, I guess.

Anywhos...we are still in mega happy mood from this week's news. Never, in a trillion years did I ever expect to hear that darn tumor has left the building.

Will I keep up Kody's page?
Welp, I guess through popular demand, I sure will.
Kody may have beat cancer but he's yet to beat the complications that tumor brought with it.
While he still has those pesky seizures, tic/strep problems, balance issues, speech problems, and many, many learning diabilities, he hasn't beat it unscathed...but, he definetly did kick cancer's butt...and that alone is reason to celebrate big time. :0)
As Dad Bear put it, "I no longer have to lose sleep everynight worrying if my Bear will wake up every morning".

I was asked if Kody's tumor could come back. The sad part of reality is, yeah...it could.
But, Kody doesn't know that and we aren't going to let him down by telling him, that's for sure.
Right now he is living life like he never has.
We even caught him attemping to call the White House. LOL, no joke...he called information, got the number and called.
I'll tell you why in the next update but rest assured, Kody is on a mission to change the lives of ALL brain tumor patients for the better.
I believe he will accomplish it too. :0)
Kody's story is one that will keep on going forever. I'll bet even his grandchildren will be telling thier grandchildren all about our Bear.

For now though, we need to continue one day at a time like we always have. Because with Kody's new outlook on life...One day at a time is about all I have energy for. :0)

OK, let me go work on those pic's.

I will leave you with this lil laugh this morning...

When we got home on Wednesday, Kody was all excited about having to be the first one to tell all his sibling's.
I happened to walk into the room when he was on the phone with his oldest sister, Karyelle, who lives in NY.
Remember when I told ya'all that Dr. Pincus thought a couple years ago, during Kody's crainiotomy, that he cut off the blood supply to his tumor?
This is what I heard Kody tell Karyelle...

"Yeah KK, the doctor said he cut off the blood supply to my head!!"

LOL...welp, I guess that explains alot, huh??

Have a beautiful day everyone. Inbetween the madness and chaios of this family of mine, I'll be getting new pic's up and the story behind them, you know, that one about "What Desperate Mom's will let their kids play in for 20 minutes of computer time!!".

Love ya all..and thank you, thank you sooo much for the messages, e-mails, and ongoing prayers for Kody.

We love you all!!



~*~Cancer Free Is The Life For Me!!~*~

Yes, my friends...you read that right!!

After five and a half years of nail-biting roller coater rides involving one nasty ole' brain tumor...today's MRI showed us what miracles are truly made of.

There is no tumor in Kody's brain!!!
The only thing that showed up on today's MRI is scar tissue and small ventricles {which is a beautiful thing, it means the VP shunt is still doing it's job}.

If there is nyone in this world who doesn't believe in miracles, I have to indroduce to you, our miracle, Kody Jacob Kruppenbacher...5 1/2 year brain cancer SURVIVOR..

Two and three quarter years ago, Kody lived to tell about, and prove to the world what tough really means when he survived a 8 hour crainiotomy {his third brain surgery in 2 1/2 years}. Five days of coma left him with the unability to walk, talk, sit up, hold a toothbrush.
During that surgery, Kody's neurosurgeon, Dr. Pincus, thought he had cut off the blood supply to the tumor, but couldn't give us a 100 percent guarantee.
Throught the past 2 and 3/4 years, that tumor has been dying.
Today's MRI showed that his tumor has shrivled itself into nothing.

Believe me, we are overwhelmed, excited, so happy about this that we are literally in tears.

I promise to continue this update later. I have soooo much to say {no surprise!}, so much to thank you all for, so much to share.
I think I'm just an emotional basket case tonight. :0)

I just couldn't wait to share the news, so that being that, as told to me by Kody himself, his new motto is:

"Cancer Free Is The Life For Me!!"

Love you all!!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, August 5, 2007 12:45 PM

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Off We Go!

We're leaving to Shands for Kody's MRI and Dr. Pincus visit in about 5 minutes.
Gotta run and pack Bear a snack bag....I'll be back on to update later on.

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Last Sunday's Day Gone Wild...Part Two~*~

Thanks for coming back for "Part Two". :0)

OK, as we recall...last Sunday was supposed to be a day to document a typical day round here.
All was going well, I snapped away as Dad starts chefin' early in the morning, Kaysha does the "fix the hair" thing, The boys open their cans of whoop a$$ on each other, lovingly, of course.

Everything was going as insanely, normal as they get around here.

That is, until I got this crazy idea to follow Kaysha and her BFFL, Savannah around and the rest is history.
Yeah, um......
"Not 16 anymore, Not 16 anymore...."

This was me before the madness of "Middle Aged Mom's Gone Wild" began.

OK, let me rephrase that.
This is me, 30 pounds ago.
This is me, in my most fondest dreams.
This is me, after plastic surgery.
Most importantly,
This is me, before I grew two more legs a/k/a crutches.

Every so once in a while Kaysha & Savannah will ask for some tight, {see Kody, I remembered} new, updated pic's to plaster all over the web.
Not wanting them to ever feel left out, I happily oblidge, plus it get's me away from all the guy type people around here, if only for a few minutes.

This is Kaysha before she nearly killed her Mom...

Isn't she lovely and oh soooooo innocent looking?

Here's Kaysha and Savannah {BFFL's} after we hopped carefully climbed a pool ladder over a back fence.

These were taken after things went crazy wrong.
After I attemped to cross a fallen tree.
After feeling the tear of tons of knee parts.
After yelling a bunch of words even Kaysha was embarrassed to hear.

"I'm OK children, don't worry about me, smile, I'll be fine"

"No really, no need to quit now, I'll be just fine, honestly, it hardly hurts at all"

"Tears? No..No...those aren't tears. I'm just sweating like a p-i-g"

"OK girls...get me home, oh please...help me home and DON'CHA DARE TELL YOUR DAD!!!!!"

And that, my friends ends part 2 of last Sunday's addition.

Now, onto some more news.

No baby yet.

Yes, I agree...In my opinion, it is time to get her on out of there.
However, Kayara has had two dr's and one midwife throughout this pregnancy.
And, she also had three different due dates.
The very beginning of July, the middle and the last was July 26th.
Last week at her dr's appointment she measured {according to Dr. #2, 39 weeks and 4 cm's.
She goes back this Wednesday and Dr. #2 says if no baby by then, inducing is a go because, yes...Baby "A" might be kicking her Mom's insides into bruised sides of beef, but that's no good reason to send her to her womb forever.
Time to come on out and start wearing those toddler sized clothes I'm sure she'll be wearing. :0)

Kody is doing wonderful. Simply, WONDERFUL!!! How great is that? Really great!!!!!
His b-day is right around the corner and in addition to wanting those animal shelter donations....he is hitting me up bigtime with list after list of Hot Topic clothes and accessories.
Plus a wish list of a new skateboard.
Obviously Kody thinks I am growing a money tree in the back yard. LOL!!!
Ahhhh...to be a kid again.

Kody's next Shands date is this Wednesday, first thing in the morning for his MRI and visit with Dr. Pincus.
He'll rock it, I'm sure.

Last night...oh man, I have some great news!!
Last night was my very first "Sandels and Sangria Caribean" event for Style magazine!!!!!
I may have limped, I may have wobbled, I may have almost fell into a pool, I may have tripped on a loose carpet, I may have hair that frizzed beyond control in the 98 degree heat but all in all....
I may have ROCKED THIS EVENT!!!!!

Although I can't post pic's of people on here {privacy issues and all}, I probably could post things like perfectly decorated pineapples, fabulously funny flip-flop's, delicious key lime pies and a whole roasted pig...YUM!!
I'll have to check on that but I don't see why not, the people I hung out with last night were sooooooo sweet. :0)

Welp my friends....it's time for me to leave ya'all for today.

Please head on back here soon for our next update, "What Desperate Mom's Will Let Their Kids Play In For 20 Minutes Of Computer Time".
You won't want to miss that one!! :0)

Have a beautiful Sunday!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, August 2, 2007 1:00 PM

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~*~Sunday's At The "K" Ranchero~*~

This past Sunday I attempted to capture a typical Sunday round here, just incase maybe even one of ya'all out there is romotely interested.
It would make me feel great even just one person say's "Welp, hey...so that's how they spend their Sunday".

Everything was going pretty good...until my unfortunate accident, that is.

So...this is an "before I grew 2 more legs, we call them crutches" update. Further on down...maybe in a day or two, I'll continue the update into "Sunday Part Two...After My Day Got Ugly", just incase someone out there is remotely interested and all.

Not too long after I stumble out of bed and Dad Bear lovingly hands my my first cup of high octane, super caffienated, Italian Roast with Hazelnut creamer, coffee...

Yes, that's mine...ya better believe it...

Soon after, Dad Bear starts to plan dinner.
At 8:30 AM.
He has issues.

Dad Bear watched Paula Dean alot. I think he secretly "Hearts" her.

After and hour or two, we check on Kaysha and...Surprise, Surprise...she is in front of her mirror doing her hair.
Gosh, what a surprise.

Directly next to her is Kaysha's BFFL, Savannah....who is also our across the street neighbor. We've known Savannah for years.

Wake up Sleepyhead, come on out...awwwww, come on, get up...just a little?

Nevermind...you'll all meet Savannah on my next update.

Sunday's are not really like your all American, lazy, relaxing kind of day. Not at all.
When Dad B. isn't oogling over The Food Channel, you can always find him playing alot of this..

Classic Old School, that's my man. :0)

Like I mentioned....we don't get much relaxation time, ever, not even on Sunday's.
We have boys...three of them and on any given Sunday, when they are all home...they beat the snot out of each other train.

Game's on...

Watch that face of your Kyle James...here comes the foot!!

"Yeah...that's what I'm talkin' bout!"

All in all, this fighting/training thing they do is completely 100 percent in love and nobody ever gets hurt.
And can you believe they do this on and off for hours and hours? Like 8 sometimes 12 hours.

You know, come to think of it...one of us does get some down time.
Chasing after your own tail for hours on end can be real exhausting...

And that my friends...ends today's installment of "Sunday at the "K's"

Stay tuned for "Part Two", coming real soon. :0)

Have a great day everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS. No baby yet!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 12:20 PM

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~*~I Am Not 16 Anymore...Repeat, I Am Not 16 Anymore~*~

First, I apologize in the lack of updates...I really did plan on an incredible one Sunday night but as things go...I ummmm, I ahhhhh.....
Welp, I am not 16 anymore and Sunday afternoon I proved it.

Sunday was a day to document how we here in the "K" family spend a typical Sunday.
All was going great until Kaysha and her BFFL, Savannah asked if we could do some photos. Well..heck yeah, cool I said..I mean "Tight".
So, we hopped the fence...OK, I didn't exactly "hop", I used a pool ladder, and we shot some next to that cool, Oh crud..I mean "tight" {Is that better, Kody?} old car that's behind our home.
Then, Kaysha said "Oh Mom...I want to show you our favorite place in the woods", which happenes to be right across the street.
"Hmmmm...OK" said me.

Welp, what she forgot to tell me, or maybe she did and I didn't think anything of it was, there is a huge, ole, fallen, tree that you have to walk across to get to this favorite spot of her's.
So...there I was, with Karl's way too big, flip-flops on attempting to cross this tree.
Now, honestly...I remember very well when I was 15, maybe 16 or so and there was a brand spankin' new mall built by our home.
Problem was, there was no road paved yet and the only short cut way of getting there was walking over a pipe that went from my neighborhood to the mall.
Underneath this pipe was a swamp.
And, being 16...I walked over that pipe like it was nothing.

It's safe to say, I am not 16 anymore.
I was walking across that tree, felt myslef losing balance and instead of tucking a rolling.....this middle aged, non-skinny, Mom of 6, decided to jump.
And, as if in slow motion, when I decided to take the leap..something in the back of my mind said "This is a bad idea" and upon landing {if you could call it a landing, cuz it was soooooo ungraceful}, my knees {one which had already had surgery} buckled up and right before I felt the pain, I heard a pop, or maybe a tear and that's when my walking straight and normal career came to an end. A very painful end.

Not wanting to even go there and explain anything to Dad Bear, who was home, happily watching the Nascar race, not having a clue as to what the heck I was doing, I swore all the kids to secrecy and for the next few hours I managed to
1)Try to look normal.
2)Keep smiling when I felt like screaming.
3)Avoid Karl at all costs.

It was about 7 that night when he caught a glimpse of my new strut and I had to fess up.

Needless to say, I have done damage to both knees...but the right one is entirely alot worse then the left.
Dad Bear and I spent hours and hours in the ER yesterday and I am happy to say, there is nothing broken.
On the flip side, there is alot of torn ligaments, cartlidge and other assorted stuff and the ER's best advice was, keep that leg wrapped up in some freaky looking imobilizer brace, set me up with crutches and write my two scrip's which are, for the most part..keeping me blissfully "higher then a kite".

Seeing as Karl and I have no insurance whatsoever, a trip to the orthopedic Dr. {which was also highly advised} isn't in my future.
And, if it couldn't get worse...my very first event for my magazine job is this Saturday night.
I'm needing a miracle and I'm needing it fast...before Saturday anyway. :0)

OK, so that explains my absense these past few days but....I am going to update with the update I had planned on but it may not be until much later on or tomorrow.
Seeing as driving a car with a brace on is a no go, I haven't much else to do excpet watch endless episodes of Spongebob and prop myself up on a computer chair.
I've got tons of new pic's to show you all.
Now, if only the Vicadin would make the room stop spinning.....

Have a great day everyone and remember these few words of advice...

If you are the Mom of a 16 year old , you too are probably too old to be jumping off tree logs.
OK...if you are like me, an unatheletic, overweight, Mom of a 16 year old..then please, stay off of things that need jumping off of.

Remember, "We are not 16 anymore"

OK....back to Spongebob, or Drake and Josh, or whatever kid show is playing...UGH...I can't wait till prime time TV get's here!! LOL!!!!!

Have a great one everyone!!

Love, Kim a/k/a "I-Lean"

PS. No baby yet. At this rate, she'll be wearing toddler clothes upon birth. :0)

Thursday, July 26, 2007 10:17 PM

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~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

Let's Hear It For Good Health!

Last winter I shared Kyle James' story with all of you. The response, encouragment, prayers and support was unbelievable.

Since that time Kyle James has had many mountains to climb and many very narrow roads to follow. I am happy to tell you all, that these past few months have proved to be Kyle James' best days of his life.
He is doing GREAT!!!!

His health {mental and physical} has been restored and he is back to being the son/brother/uncle'grandson/friend that we once knew, someone we are sooooo proud of.

I know this is "Kody's Story" but since I have had tons of messages inquiring about Kyle James, I just wanted to make this day his.

So...that being that, here he is, our oldest son, my bestest friend {as far as kiddo's go}, my other "Hero", Kyle James...

He does look purty cool there in front of that kick butt door, doesn't he?

Sheila...BTW, it's really not a stained glass window...I brought out the colors in it {in editing} and man, oh man was I happily surprised to see those beautiful colors come out of it. So, welp..OK, it probably is a stained glass, just a very lightly tinted stained glass.
Does that even make sense? :0)

This door is literally 2 feet from Kody and Kolin karate school. I just had this feeling that combined with what he was wearing yesterday, it had all the fixins' to be cool...ummm, I mean "tight".
I have got to remember to say "tight", because Kody's says it's cool to say that, I mean not cool..I mean tight.
Oh....nevermind. LOL!!!!

As for baby news...nothing yet.
Kayara was supposed to be induced a week ago but since the hospital she is using was full to the max with newborns and Mom's..they weren't doing any inducing.

Kody news...

He's doing fine. A little clumsy and forgetful lately, but otherwise doing just fine.

Our next Shands date is August 8th for his MRI and visit with Dr. Pincus {Kody's neurosurgeon}.
I have a very relaxed feeling...a calmness that tells me his MRI is going to be perfectly fine.
I can't explain it but for the first time in a long time...I'm not even stressing this one. :0)

OK all...Kody is on my back to have some computer time today.
He's discovered "Hot Topic" on-line and keeps making back to school wish lists.
LOL...whatever happened to toys and video games...not our Bear, it's all about lookin' good!! :0)

Have a great day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Yes, I Really Do Have Another Son~*~

He's just terribly difficult to get to stay in one place for long. :0)
Isn't he a handsome lil' devil?

More pictures to come tomorrow.

Oh...I almost forgot...
No baby yet. Geez, she sure is taking her sweeeeeeet time, don't cha' think?

Have a great night all!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:58 AM CDT

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~*~Tuesday Afternoon...Back Again~*~

When Skaters Try To Turn Goth

Kody's going into the 6th grade next month. A new school, new schedule, new classrooms, new alot of things.
He's also having a birthday and turning 12 seems to be a BIG thing to him, especially combined with all the other new things he's going through.

Kody asked me one day, not too long ago, if I thought it would be a good idea for him to go "goth".
His reasoning.....
"He's getting older, he's not a baby anymore, he's starting a new school, he's not a baby anymore, etc....."

Welp, while all that may be true....in my humble opinion, he will ALWAYS be my baby and, as for the goth look, I guess I wouldn't mind too much.

We went through it with Kaysha. It drove her Dad and many, many family members crazy. I, on the other hand, have always thought it was way cool and some of her outfits were actually real cute.
But, then again...I've always loved the color blacks slimming possibilities and little tiny skulls with pink bows on their bald head, in my opinion again....is kind of cute, you know...in a gothic kind of way.

As Kaysha has gotten older, she still loves her goth outfits but throughout the summer, I've seen color in her wardrobe, alot less make-up, and many fewer skulls.

So maybe, I thought, just maybe...we could start all over again with Bear.

What was I thinking?

Yesterday it rained all day long. We were stuck inside with absolutley nothing to do.
And, that's when Kody said "Mom, are you very busy?"

Ahhhh....never too busy to drop what I'm doing for one of my young uns', and so I said "Not really, why?"

"Because Mom, I want you to take some very serious goth pictures of me so everyone can see my new look."

OK, so that was all I needed, 3 minutes later, we huddled into my bedroom, turned on a light, positioned it so the shadows on him were very gothic dramatic and snapped a bunch.

Like I said before, what was I thinking?

You simply cannot take a skater/goofy/silly/self-proclaimed hottie and turn him gothic overnight.

He started off OK, he did have that serious stare he was going for, although he totally forgot to take off the not very gothic, always on his back, white tank top...

But then he just couldn't help himself...when he see's the lens, he can't help but smile, just a little..

Things really got out of control when he realized just how in love he is with his guns...

And finally...he convinced me that goth, most likely is not in his near future..
smile baby...

But you know what? Dreams of modeling for target just might be, at least I really hope so because after reading this e-mail I recieved today, completely out of the blue...Kody has been making his "Target Supermodel First Paycheck Wish List", which includes a black Escalade with big ole' fancy rims. :0)

Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:46:58 -0500
> From: guest.relations@target.com
> Subject: Being a Model for Target Advertisements
> We're glad to hear Kody wants to be a model in Target ads. But we don't directly employ the models who appear in our circulars and commercials, so the best way for him to get involved is to sign with a modeling agency.
> Great products. Great value. And a great shopping experience - every time you visit our stores. That's what Target is all about, and that's the message we send to guests with our advertising. To learn more about the modeling agencies we use most, you can call (***) ***-****.
> Thanks again for your interest in working with us and best of luck with Kody's modeling career!
> Sincerely,
> Ashley
> Target Guest Relations

Seriously though...this one e-mail has made Kody so happy and even more serious about wanting to model even more.
Thank you to Kody's fan, I don't know who you are {maybe I do, though?} but writing to target on Kody's behalf was the most awesome thing anyone has ever done for him.

You know, no doubt I will be calling. :0)

OK everyone...it's time to take the chili out of the slow cooker and on to the table so Kody and Kolin can get to karate class tonight.

Have yourselves a BEAUTIFUL day everyone!!

Love, Kim a/k/a Target Supermodels Mama


~*~Return of the Slacker, Part 8620~*~

I will, I am going to, I promise I will update a little bit later.
My name is Kim....and I am a "Caringbridge Slacker".

I apologize. :0(

No baby yet. Let's just be female here and use the excuse that Baby "A" is just fashionably late. :0)

Be back later but I seriously have to run for right now.

Love yaz!!!


Saturday, July 21, 2007 4:11 PM

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~*~Waiting, and Waiting, and Waiting...~*~

It's kind of hard to believe she is as miserable as she is...she sure don't seem it in this picture taken yesterday...

No baby yet. :0(

Have a great weekend everyone, till tomorrow..


Thursday, July 19, 2007 9:00 PM

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~*~Friday Morning~*~

Who Loves Baby Pictures?

I do..I sure do!!

Introducing our new babies....


And Paris...

OK, I know..I know...these weren't the baby pic's you were hoping for, but they are kinda cute in their own lil' purry, furry kitten way, aren't they?

It was a sleepless night for Kayara and baby "A" hasn't gotten here yet.
Maybe, just maybe, we hope she turned herself out of the breech position she was in a few days ago....and is now, maybe, hopefully, ready to come on down because she was stretching, kicking, twisting and punching like crazy last night!! :0)

Not much else new here...just waiting and waiting.

Have a good one everyone!

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim


~*~When Pepsi Is Not A Good Idea~*~

This past Tuesday, Kody and I set off for an hour or so of Mom and Bear time. Just us, all alone...peaceful, fun, quality time.
We had just dropped Kyle James off at a class and having not much of anything else to do...we rode a few blocks out to the nearest park.

Kody was stoked, it was his idea to get out and start snapping some new pic's for his website. He hadn't posed willingly in months and he was pretty happy to finally be back in the swing of things.
As for myself...oh man, I was thrilled. :0)

Even though it was something like 11:30 in the morning, it was already stinkin' hot out, like almost 100 degrees...and that was in the shade.

He saw it just as soon as I parked the car, right there in all it's red, white and blue glory, the newest love of his life, what his dreams are made of...

The Pepsi Machine

And although I don't approve of soda in the morning, I saw the shine in his eyes, his toothy ole' grin and the gross sweat pouring out of his hot lil' face.

Ahhhh, what the heck I said to myself...it's just one itty, bitty bottle of Pepsi, right?

I know my kids....I know them well. What was I thinking? Sugar plus K kids, holy macaroni, that is NOT a match made in Heaven.

And so....as I tried my darndest to catch some beautiful, look into the lens, smokin' hot portraits, I, for the most part....got tons and tons of these beauties...

This went on for almost the whole hour...

It was interesting, it was challenging, but through it all I kept my stamina up and finally I got a few that could possibly make him "Target's Supermodel Of The Year".

Whew...it was a battle of the sugar high boy, but I think I won. Welp, I hope I won anywhos. :0)

I know I said I'd have a FAQ section tonight, but I'm going to have to cancel that and have it another day. I'm sort of running out of time because...well...I am keeping a close eye on Kayara, who was not induced today {the hospital was full}, but as of about 7:30 tonight...seems to be doing a pretty good job starting labor without any help from the Dr's.
Yeppers...you read it here first...she is 5 cm {as of Wednesday} and tonight her painful contractions are averaging 8 minutes apart.
I think Baby "A" just might be on her way. :0)

I'll be back on tomorrow with hopefully some good news and some pic's of Delilah and Paris, our rescue kittens.

Have a beautiful night everyone and if you would, please pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby girl for Kayara.
Thank you!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:10 AM

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

The Miracle of Prayer and Modern Medicine

For just over the past three months now, Kody's journey had been confusing, scary, sad and in Kody's mind...embarrassing.
Right after Easter, Kody's health took a crazy turn when out of nowhere, he developed severe facial tic's that quickly spead to his whole body.
His eyes clenched, his jaw opened, painfully wide, his hands stiffly contorted, his headaches were horrible and non-stop.
He was in agony and for the first time in over 5 years, he openly expressed how much he couldn't take it anymore.

When he confided to me, one day, that he'd rather die then spend another day ticcing, twitching and being teased by kids in school....as parents, Karl and my hearts broke.
His brothers and sisters and even Kaysha's best friend, "S" cried for him.

When Kody hid behind a fence in our yard, watching the neighborhood kids ride bikes and play basketball in the street, too embarrassed to come out because of the ticing, I believe hearts around the entire world felt his pain.

There weren't many new photos put up here of Kody lately because, he felt, his dreams of becoming a "supermodel" were buried, forever, not physically able to keep his eyes open for even one picture.
Those big, brown, mega-M&M, gorgeous eyes we've all come to love were failing him and he knew it.

But....thanks to many friends and family all over the world, thanks to the many prayer chains for our Bear and thanks to one very caring neurologist named Dr. Pollack, from Shands hospital in Gainesville, Florida, these past two weeks have shown us what miracles are made of.

Kody's symptoms are, for the most part...


Yes, he is taking medication to control them and the future holds no promises as they could come back just as quickly as they started, possibly worse, maybe not.
But, for now....we celebrate excellent health, "killer smokin' hot" big, brown, mega-M&M eyes and a boy who's dream of becoming a model {for Target stores, no less!!} is back to his reality.

Kody Bear...My Son...My Hero.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's "Outakes" and "FAQ's". :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~It Should Be Illegal~*~

There should be an arrest...

Aren't there laws against these things?

I mean, come on...this is dangerous...

Please people, Take this seriously!

It should be illegal to carry around guns like this.....

LOL!!!! Have a GREAT day everyone!!

Love, Kim, Mom to Kody a/k/a "Gun Boy", "Skull", "Bear", "Self proclaimed Hottie" :0)

Sunday, July 15, 2007 6:42 PM

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~*~Summertime and the Livins' Fine~*~

Relaxing, easy going, incredibly hot, fun in the sun...

My boys just love summer, they really do. They sure look like they do, don't they?

Kolin loves chillin' in the backyard "K" family swiiming pool...

Kody loves it there too...

Yeppers, those two boys would stay in that sparkling, blue, cool, refreshing pool, all day long.

Unfortunetly, this is Florida and it is rainy season.
So, on any given day, you'll find them having fun in the pool...for about 20 minutes, then the skies open up and it rains, it pours, it monsunes, it thunders, it lightenings.
They run inside, they dirty some towels, they change into dry clothes, they raid the fridge, and then sun comes back out and they do it all over again.
And again,
And again,
And again.
All darn day long, seven days a week.

I'm really not diggin' rainy season very much these days.

No baby yet. Baby "A" is going to come in her own good time I guess. Man, I just hope it's not tomorrow because I have to take Kyle James to some class out in Tavares and I'll be waaaaaaaaay too far away to just casually jot on home in a hurry.
Kaysha will be home with Kayara though, LOL, that's probably a good thing.
Another good thing we plan....Kaysha finding out what childbirth is really like. Oh yeah...Kaysha will be my college bound, career orientated daughter. I just know the reality of childbirth and newborns will convince her, that's for sure. :0)

I know I told ya'all I'd post pic's of our two new fmaily members.
SIGH...I've been so busy lately and the pic's still live in a memory card in the camera and not my computer, but I will tell you this...
All of you who guessed "kittens" were absolutely right. :0)
Delilah and Paris are two rescue kittens that we adopted last week. Delilah is about 8 weeks and Paris is about 7 weeks. And, as kittens go...they are hyperactive, furry bundles of energy with definate different personalities.

Paris is easy going, sweet, content, gentle and loves to hang out in boxes or baskets. She already acts likes she's all that.
Delilah, welp, what can I say?
Delilah has extra toes, an eye that refuses to open all the way. She is a whiner, a crier, a loud meower, she's silly and a little weird. But, she is a pretty lil' calico and she is a purr machine.
She hates to be alone and feels the need to sleep, not next to us, but more like on top of us.
She loves, I mean LOVES to climb on top of you when your trying to fall asleep, stick her nose in your ear and purr. Her purr, when it's in your ear, is about as loud as a low flying jet.

I really will do my best to put some pictures up tomorrow of those two. :0)

Hmmmm...what else?
Oh, I know!!
Last Friday I had the honor of being invited to a very special wedding.
The wedding of Kody and Kolin's karate teachers son, Pepe Jr.
I could go on and on about Pepe Jr., but to keep this short...I will say that he is, by far one of my and Kody's most favorite people in the world.
Some of you may remember the story of Kody, when he first joined martial arts over two years ago.
How he hadn't quite bounced back from his grand mal.
How he watched Kolin participate.
How his eyes told it all when he was just wanting, so badly to join in.
When I never figured a child with a brain tumor, who just a few months earlier had a mega of a crainiotomy, could ever excell in karate, along came Pepe, Jr.

He took Kody aside, without even knowing what was up with Kody.
He showed him a few things, he told Kody something that has stuck with Kody and myself, something that is so entwined into our hearts, we will never forget.
He told Kody the four words Kody needed so badly to hear...

"I believe in you"

And with that, Kody joined martial arts and his world opened up. Pepe Jr., gave Kody life and wwe will always be grateful for that young mans heart of gold.
You see, before that day Kody was falling into a pretty sad depression. Without much in the way of balance, with everything going against him healthwise, with his peers treating him different, and people staring at him with pity, Kody busted out of the wall he hid behind and became a very much loved member of a whole, big, loving martial arts family...
Where he is treated with love, respect, kindness, and...did I mention love? :0)

Anywhos...we've watched Pepe, Jr. graduate high school, get his drivers license, go through is own ups and down, grow up right in front of us.
Not once has he ever been able to walk by Kody without a "big brother" hug.
Pepe, Jr. had placed Kody's new colored belt on everytime Kody passes his test. He even wears Kody's "Life is Tough, I'm Tougher" bracelet.
Soon, we'll say "See you later" when he leaves us for the Marines, in September.

But for now....we celebrated with him and his beautiful {inside and out} bride, Brianna.
I was honored and completely floored when I was asked to photograph their special day. And, yeah...I even cried a little. :0)
If you'd like to see any of the phots, I had put a few up on the Pimp my Pic's website {link below}.
I have a ton more to edit, so within the next few days there will be more up there.
I think they came out pretty nice, I hope they think so too. :0)

Ok my friends, I believe I've finally run out of things to say for tonight. I better get going.

Oh, BTW...I have no idea if any of you can see Kody's birthday banner, but I still can't. It's just the strangest thing.
I'm actually wondering if when I hit "Update" if any of the pool pic's will show up.
Hmmm...if they don't, then just wait a tiny bit and I'll post them on the photo page.

OK, gotta run!!

Love you all...


Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:15 PM

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~*~Another Day...No Baby Yet~*~

Speaking of baby news, or is that no baby news, Sheila..I LOVE your idea!! Not only do 7 and 7 make 14...but Alona's b-day is June 14th..how cool would that be?

Kayara went to the doc's today and they tell us if she hasn't popped by next Thurdsday, that's the induce date.
And...since she's back at home things are getting real, reallllllll crazy round here, which basically means...I have time for mostly nothing anymore.

Kody's doing awesome. I wish I had more pic's to show you, but...SIGH...I have been way lazy about that. I'll get some of him though, yeppers, even if I have to bribe him with beef jerky...I'll do it. :0)

I will, however, be putting up some news pics tomorrow of two new "K" family members.
Their names are "Delilah" and "Paris" and they are sooooo darn cute. Any guesses?
Here's a hint...
We adopted them from a rescue agency and it was our part in helping Kody's b-day wish dreams come true.
Oh....Kody's b-day banner is still giving me grief. No matter what I do, it will not post. I even tried putting it on the photo page, but no luck.
Tomorrow when my mind is more clearer and I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard, I'll give it another try.

If your bored, though. You can always check out the photo page and see Kolin and Kaysha's smilin' faces.
HeeBee's....the snake pic's are gone...no joke...for real. :0)

OK all..I'm sure I'll have much more to talk about tomorrow. Tonight though, this tired Mom is telling ya'all...

So long and good night. :0)

Love, Kim

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:44 AM CDT

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~*~Let's Get This Party Started~*~

Great guesses...and guess what?
You were all right on the money!!

Yes my friends..it is fixin' to be that time of year again, sweltering summertime weather, afternoon t-storms, back to school shopping, smack dab in the middle of hurricane season and...

Kody Bear's 12th birthday and third annual Animal Shelter Drive is almost here.

We're early, I know...because Bear won't turn 12 until August 18th but as Bear wishes, he'd like to outdo the past two years and this is where he is asking for your help.

So....for the next month or so, this is the banner that Kody helped design, the banner we'll leave up here as a friendly lil' reminder.

I can't get the banner to show up..it's driving me crazy. I'll try again later, gotta run for now. Sorry. :0(

Now, for those of ya'all that are new to Kody's site, lemme just explain real quickly. :0)

Since Kody's battle with brain cancer began 5 1/2 years ago, people from all around the world have been so incredibly kind, loving, generous and just plain out beautiful. Kody has needed for nothing.

He's met the Navy's Blue Angels, WWE wrestling stars, vacationed at Jacksonville Beach, received boxes of toys from Chef David and staff, phone calls, a signed skateboard, t-shirts, Universal Citywalk VIP passes, autographed photos and more from Tony Hawk, tons of personal autographed photos and a bunch of skateboarding things from Bam Margera, family and CKY friends, flirted on-line with pop singer, Jo-Jo, he's gotten boxes of chocolate from Hershey, PA, when he wanted a Bam Margera skateboard so badly, Mary from the Tumbleweed Foundation {see Tumbleweed Foundation banner below} made sure one was delivered straight to our front door, he gets more fan mail then some celeb's, he recieved his beloved {and sadly long outgrown} "Heartagram" skate shoes from our dear friend, Angel Carrison, every Christmas Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw" always sends the coolest Christmas package, CD's, an Ipod, music cards, Wendy's, McD's Starbucks, and Burger King certificates, DVD's, snack pacakages, Nascar memorabilia, and the list goes on and on...

OK, lets face it....Kody is one spoiled rotten Bear. :0)

So, this leads to Kody's greatest birthday wish, something that he asked for himself, when he turned 10.

Kody is an avid animal lover, he loves all animals from snakes to kittens and if he could, he would adopt every animal he's ever met.
Once again, Kody's birthday wish is not for himself, but Kody would like...in place of birthday gifts, for his friends and family to donate to your local animal shelter. Be it food, toys, cash, anything that will make the life of our sheltered animals around the world a little bit better.

Kody's first two years of "HOPE" {Help Our sheltered Pets Eat} were a wonderful success. This year Kody is hoping to at least double the previous years.
He is passionate, that's for sure. He's amazing, giving, thoughful, and really does have a heart of gold.

Ask any Wal-Mart cashier that has waited on him...
When Kody recieves gift cards...he rarely will spend it on himself. Oh, he loves to buy himself a soda, teryaki beef jerky or a candy bar, but you can be sure that he will always include Kolin {whats funny is that Kolin will get a card himself...but Kody still insists on making sure Kolin has something from his card too}. If it happens to be around holiday time, or a family members b-day....be sure that Kody will find something to get for someon else.
In this day and age...finding an 11 year old who is willing to give up his things for others...welp, that is just plain cool.

Anywhos..I think I just started rambling. LOL!!

If you can, if you are able too...please help Kody in his quest to make the lives of sheltered animals everywhere get a lil' spoiling of their own.

And...a little later, I'll be posting a sweet surprise. Our "K" family kick off to "Getting this party started".
It's a surprise though...so check a little later on.

OK my friends...it's that time again, time for me to skidaddle. I've got a busy day and times ticcin' away pretty quickly.

BTW....no baby yet. :0(
I suppose Baby "A" will get here in her own way and on her own terms. LOL...Kayara is sooooooooo in for it.

Have a beautiful day all!!

Love, Kim

PS. I'll post pictures later too..I have a bunch but they need some downsizing done to them.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:55 AM

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~*~Let's Get This Party Started~*~

Great guesses...and guess what?
You were all right on the money!!

Yes my friends..it is fixin' to be that time of year again, sweltering summertime weather, afternoon t-storms, back to school shopping, smack dab in the middle of hurricane season and...

Kody Bear's 12th birthday and third annual Animal Shelter Drive is almost here.

We're early, I know...because Bear won't turn 12 until August 18th but as Bear wishes, he'd like to outdo the past two years and this is where he is asking for your help.

So....for the next month or so, this is the banner that Kody helped design, the banner we'll leave up here as a friendly lil' reminder.

Now, for those of ya'all that are new to Kody's site, lemme just explain real quickly. :0)

Since Kody's battle with brain cancer began 5 1/2 years ago, people from all around the world have been so incredibly kind, loving, generous and just plain out beautiful. Kody has needed for nothing.

He's met the Navy's Blue Angels, WWE wrestling stars, vacationed at Jacksonville Beach, received boxes of toys from Chef David and staff, phone calls, a signed skateboard, t-shirts, Universal Citywalk VIP passes, autographed photos and more from Tony Hawk, tons of personal autographed photos and a bunch of skateboarding things from Bam Margera, family and CKY friends, flirted on-line with pop singer, Jo-Jo, he's gotten boxes of chocolate from Hershey, PA, when he wanted a Bam Margera skateboard so badly, Mary from the Tumbleweed Foundation {see Tumbleweed Foundation banner below} made sure one was delivered straight to our front door, he gets more fan mail then some celeb's, he recieved his beloved {and sadly long outgrown} "Heartagram" skate shoes from our dear friend, Angel Carrison, every Christmas Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw" always sends the coolest Christmas package, CD's, an Ipod, music cards, Wendy's, McD's Starbucks, and Burger King certificates, DVD's, snack pacakages, Nascar memorabilia, and the list goes on and on...

OK, lets face it....Kody is one spoiled rotten Bear. :0)

So, this leads to Kody's greatest birthday wish, something that he asked for himself, when he turned 10.

Kody is an avid animal lover, he loves all animals from snakes to kittens and if he could, he would adopt every animal he's ever met.
Once again, Kody's birthday wish is not for himself, but Kody would like...in place of birthday gifts, for his friends and family to donate to your local animal shelter. Be it food, toys, cash, anything that will make the life of our sheltered animals around the world a little bit better.

Kody's first two years of "HOPE" {Help Our sheltered Pets Eat} were a wonderful success. This year Kody is hoping to at least double the previous years.
He is passionate, that's for sure. He's amazing, giving, thoughful, and really does have a heart of gold.

Ask any Wal-Mart cashier that has waited on him...
When Kody recieves gift cards...he rarely will spend it on himself. Oh, he loves to buy himself a soda, teryaki beef jerky or a candy bar, but you can be sure that he will always include Kolin {whats funny is that Kolin will get a card himself...but Kody still insists on making sure Kolin has something from his card too}. If it happens to be around holiday time, or a family members b-day....be sure that Kody will find something to get for someon else.
In this day and age...finding an 11 year old who is willing to give up his things for others...welp, that is just plain cool.

Anywhos..I think I just started rambling. LOL!!

If you can, if you are able too...please help Kody in his quest to make the lives of sheltered animals everywhere get a lil' spoiling of their own.

And...a little later, I'll be posting a sweet surprise. Our "K" family kick off to "Getting this party started".
It's a surprise though...so check a little later on.

OK my friends...it's that time again, time for me to skidaddle. I've got a busy day and times ticcin' away pretty quickly.

BTW....no baby yet. :0(
I suppose Baby "A" will get here in her own way and on her own terms. LOL...Kayara is sooooooooo in for it.

Have a beautiful day all!!

Love, Kim

PS. I'll post pictures later too..I have a bunch but they need some downsizing done to them.



"Pictures are mirrors. They are reflections of not only what is photographed, but also who made the photograph."
-Amy Deputy~

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy




A site that is very dear to Kody's heart...click on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an e-mail..as I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image below..you'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Saturday, July 7, 2007 11:25 AM

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~*~Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?~*~

LOL....OK, maybe he won't be a millionaire, but he sure did have a great time acting like one for 20 minutes. :0)

These were taken this past Tuesday at our local downtown Leesburg, Venetian Gardnes marina.

Here we have Kody thinking he is soooooooooo all that, because he crossed the line between "Spectator" and actual {wannabe} "Boat Owner".

And here, it seems...he just has it all, like "Welcome to my crib, Baby!" carisma.

Marina's are pretty cool, there are alot of nice boats to gawk over...

But, mostly they are owned by older, retired gents and the only hottie at that lil' marina club was this one here...

How incredibly AWESOME is that photo of Kody with the Blue Angels on top? If ya'all think I am lovin' it...Kody loves it sooooo much that he wants it blown up real big, I mean momster size big for his bedroom.

Though, I can only take credit for taking the actual photo...it was this very talented photog. and friend who whooped that bad boy up in no time at all.
And, Miss Jodi even gave Kody his very first modeling break!!

Check him out here...

Multiple Choices Photography

Isn't he sooooo cool? :0)

Speaking of cool, I just couldn't leave Kolin out because as kids go, he is pretty cool himself...especially when he is in deep doo-doo trouble and the only way he can redeem himself is to sit still and let me have free rein for 10 minutes.
Yeppers...this is the new wave decipline for the 2000's in our home...

As soon as I snapped, he was free to go play in the pool. See now, life ain't sooooo bad. :0)

Welp...I am off and running again.
Kody is doing AWESOME today!!!!!!

Look for a huge announcement coming up on Kody's page.
The almost 12 year boy with the "heart of gold" strikes again.
Any guesses out there?

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS. I just talked to Kayara...no baby yet. She's wanting to know if anyone out there has any "bring on the labor" ideas? Ummmm...keep it clean, K? LOL!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 8:55 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

SIGH....nope, no baby yet.
Maybe on 7-7-07? That would be sooooooo cool too. :0)

Kody's feeling much, much better and life is back to crazy, non-stop, as normal.

Our 4th was pretty good. Real low key, gorgeous weather {till about 8:30 pm}, and those ribs Dad Bear made, what else can I say...

Yeah Baby!!!!!!!

Nothin', I mean nothin' says lovin' more then a few racks of country pork ribs smothered with Sonny's Real Pit BBQ Sweet Sauce.
Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, we did make it all day without rain...but then as 8:30 rolled around, it started drizzling, then raining steadier. Then...it stopped, which was waaaaaaaay cool.
So, we went out back and watched Dad shoot some off.
Then....the kids had this great idea to watch our, ummmmmm, more redneck type neighbors, shoot some off.
Which was kind of entertaining there for a while.
I mean, really...as much as those ribs screamed "lovin'", watching a bunch of drunk rednecks shoot off fireworks screamed out "Happy 4th Everyone".

Picture this....listening to a bunch of other wise hard working, responsible {I think?}, Florida Gator lovin' men yell in thier loudest voices, over and over...

"Fire In The Hole!!!!!"

And then....


And then...

"D**M them things are hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah...you may be a redneck when.... :0)

It wasn't long at all before Kody convinced me to go in with him to watch the Macy's fireworks on TV.
But...my other crazy kids, they stayed outside for the entertainment.

Welp, gotta get some young uns' ready for bed so I better roll.

I'll be checking back in tomorrow sometime.

Have a great night everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~HAPPY 4th of JULY~*~

Looks like I...

1. Spoke too soon.

2. Forgot to knock on wood.

3. Jinxed myself bigtime, when I bragged yesterday about how fine Kody's feelin'.

Kody woke up sometime around midnight with a full blown, ugly case of the stomach flu.
He and I pretty much slept in the bathroom last night.
Sooooo.....today he'll spend his 4th of July holiday slurpin' down Gatorade, with his trusty barf bucket by his side, while the rest of us chow down on ribs.
What?? We've been looking forward to them all week. :0)

Sleep deprived as he made me last night, he's still kind of on the cute side, so I suppose as things go...I'll have to keep him.
How could ya not wanna keep around a face like this one?

Trouble, times two...

And, just to leave you all with a lil' giggle or two, here is a perfect example why you should never, ever, turn your back on a Floridian bird..

He must have thought our shiney, bright stuff was a date/match made in Heaven.

Have a great 4th everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Summertime and Kody's Feelin' Fine~*~

Guess what?

Kody's rapid strep test from today came out...

Drum roll please....


His facial/eye tics over the past few days are alot better too!! :0)

He's still taking his Orap {which is a Tourette's med}, his Augmentin {to hopefully knock out the strep for good}, but the Klonapin...I've taken him off of that.
Honestly, he's a great sleeper...I saw no reason to tranqulize him.
Plus...I've heard some not so good things about long term use of this drug...and I'm not going there..no way.

Yesterday, inbetween rainstorms/monsunes, the boys and I got out for a little while.

Don't you just love summer? Don't you just love the colors of summer?

Here's a few. I've got alot more, believe me...I've got no shortage...LOL...but so far I've only had time to downsize these for web.

Check out these crazy birds..when they want to bump an innocent, book reading, relaxing person off a bench...they are not shy to...

When the gator we saw finally swam off...Kolin ran towards the shore to collect some fresh water oysters.

Last but not least, a couple more...

Looks like the chance of rain is something like 70 percent tomorrow.
Looks like I'll have all the time in the world to...

1. Fix Dad Bear up an umbrella so he can still BBQ.

2. Edit more pic's and post them here.

3. Create some kick butt red, white and blue dessert.

4. Listen to Kody sing "Happy Birthday America" 2007 times.

5. All of the above.

Please feel free to check out PIMP MY PICTURES.
If your into cool holiday themed borders...you'll love these.

Ok my friends...it's time to get the young uns' to sleep before their wrestling skills wake up their Dad...and ummmmm, that's not a real good thing to do, if ya know what I mean. :0)

Have a beautiful night all!!

Love, Kim

PS. FAQ of the week?

"How's Kayara? Any baby news yet?"

She's still preggers and up to 4 cm's. She is huge, swollen and miserable.
I guess it's safe to say...she wants that baby out, like yesterday.
But...Karl and I are still holding out for a 4th of July baby. So, please cross your fingers, your toes, the lil' hairs on your nose...
For a 4th of July baby girl!! :0)

Monday, July 2, 2007 10:02 PM

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~*~A Thirty Second Update~*~

Sorry about the quickie tonight. The weather since yesterday has been on and off horrible, so we keep having to shut the PC down. Lightening is such a bummer.

Anywhos...after I get home from Kody's 10 AM doctor's appt., tomorrow...I'll update more properly, a/k/a lengthy...mini novel-ish. :0)

All in all, everyone's doing OK around here.

Have a great night everyone...love ya'all!!


Friday, June 29, 2007 1:25 PM CDT

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~*~Friday Night~*~

Just a qucik update to the update from today....

Even more, better then ever Houdini the Snake pictures are up on the photo page.
Sorry HeeBee's, I'll let you know when their gone. :0(

Kaysha, bless her heart....got nipped in the hand by a dog tonight.
Since Dad Bear brought up a good point about dogs being carriers of the strep virus...I told her it was time to rethink working in a kennel and pray real hard that Publix calls back soon.

The good news is, on my way to pick her up...I spotted a really awesome location. A wooden building that used to be for a logging company. The company went out of business a while ago and up until tonight when I saw the sun setting on the building...I never really took much notice of it.
It's beautiful...lit up golden by the sun and just plain gorgeous.
So, I talked Kody into letting me take him there tomorrow.
Yeppers....he'll do just about anything for his new love...
Swedish Fish. :0)

Enjoy the new pics....I have to tell you, that snake poses. Seriosuly.....he looks right at me and stays completely still till I'm done.
Kind of reminds you of a lil' Bear we all know, huh? :0)
In alot of them it looks like I had zoomed in.
Actually...I was using a non-zoom type lens so what you see is exactly how close I was.

If you want me to video clip Houdini so your Mom can see how gentle red tailed boa's are..I would be happy to!! :0)

Have a great night all..

Love, Kim


~*~Quality Time With Kaysha and Some FAQ's~*~

SIGH....my baby has gotten her first job and I have to admit...


Today's day two at "Preppy Pets", which is a kennel/boarding/spas for pampered pooches, cats and birds.
So far Kaysha's been in charge of the dogs.
Ummmmmmm....she's kind of getting over dogs, if you know what I mean.
If you don't know what I mean, here's a lil' hint...


That's all I have to say. Let's hope Publix grocery store calls her soon...she decided, after Karl and I begged her for weeks, to apply there.
I guess she thought food stores were just not on the cool summer job list. LOL....they are now. :0)

So, to honor Kaysha's quest to buy her own Hot Topic back-to-school wardrobe, our new working gal, no more time for Mom, decided to spend a good 20 minutes together while the boys were at karate class a couple of nights ago.

Isn't she just something? Definetly a trend setting, fashion statement, I'm telling ya.

Kody, Kolin and I were all set this afternoon to take off to the park for some fun in the sun and some new updated pix, but...the skies decided it was a better idea to open up and pour on us. Dang...maybe tomorrow.

And now, some FAQ's......

FAQ #1: "How's Kyle James doing these days?"

Kyle James has started a new job too, in a local seafood restaurant. He's really liking it. Then again...he is an AWESOME cook, so in the kitchen is for sure, his comfort zone.
He's also been training in martial arts. He loves it, and it really puts his mind in the right place.

FAQ #2: "What about your job, anything happening yet?"

As for myself, for those who have asked...the last I heard from my magazine job is that they were compiling a list a events for the next few months and would get back to me when they were ready.
I'm trying to wait patiently but man, it's not easy. I'm the kind of person who wants to jump right in and get 'er done.
For the time being though, since everyone here is gone during the day, and only Kody, Kolin and myself are home, anything I do has to be at night.
Kody's just not stable enough to be unattended to and Kolin's not old enough for that kind of responsibility anyway.
Works for me...I love being with them, welp, most of the time...and then there's days like this morning. :0)

FAQ #3: "Holy Moly...what the heck kind of snake is that thing?

The snake that you see on Kody's photo page is a "Red Tail Boa Constrictor".
He's about 5 1/2 feet, super fat and is the most docile snake you'll ever meet and seriously, I am not kidding when I say he is more gentle then our crazy cat, Sparticus. That cat is MAD CRAZY!!!

Please keep the FAQ's coming...it makes me feel real important answering them and gives me something to totally look forward to these days because entertaining two boys all by myself, and with Starbucks too far away to drive with two boys, is making me get nervous twitches now. LOL!!

Alrighty....I've got about a trillion things to get done, so I better roll for now.

Have a great day everyone!!

Love, Kim

Monday, June 25, 2007 4:30 PM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

We Heart Our Family Pets So Much

Yeppers, we love our pets, they are so much a part of our great big family. They bring us so much joy, they bring us so much laughter...Yeppers, we just love our family pets.

And, because we love um' so much....we want to share them with you too.

Check out Kody's photo page to see our newest, loveable, squeezable, beautiful, almost 6 feet of warm, cuddly...???
Well...OK, you'll see on the photo page. :0)


HeeBee JeeBee Quads, this is a warning just for you....
You just maaaaaay want to stay far away from the photo page.
It'll be just fine for your husband's to take a look {no spiders, I promise}, but you'll maybe want to not go there. :0)

Have a great night everyone.
I'll be back tomorrow sometime.

BTW....PIMP MY PICTURES will be up and running again starting tomorrow.
I apologize a trillion times for all of you who have been waiting. With everything going on with Bear lately...I had to take a temporary break.
Tomorrow, I will be back on track.
Thanks for understanding. :0)

Night everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Things That Stay Still, And Some That Don't~*~

These are delicious and they stay still, they don't lose interest in me, walk away or whine...they just look sweet and purty, all of the time.

This is something that does not stay still, oh...it's cute alright but, hot diggidy dawg....it loses interest rather quickly these days...

Maybe we'll have better luck rounding up and capturing that Bear of ours tomorrow and posing him all cool like and stuff. :0)

This weekend was very quiet, very relaxing {well, from time to time anyway} and very productive...we got alot of nothing done. LOL!!
Oh wait...I better rephrase that, Dad Bear and Kyle James got alot of something done yesterday, they spent their entire day building a home for something....but that is a surprise for tomorrow.

I took Kolin and Kaysha for their turn at strep tests today and both came out negative. The Doc's will send in the cultures for the 24/48 hour test so by Friday we'll have a definate answer on that.
Maybe I'm crazy, but could Kody be the carrier after all??

OK, I really have to roll...dinner needs cooking and hopefully Kody will wake up from his nap feeling better {monsterache again} so he can enjoy some karate time tonight.

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim

Friday, June 22, 2007 9:10 PM

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~*~Beauty All Around Us~*~

Six years ago, yesterday, we lost our beautiful, very first grandaughter, Alexes.
She was perfect in every single way, but she was born too soon and no sooner was she born an Angel on Earth, Jesus called her back home to become an Angel in Heaven.

Happy "Angel-versary" Alexes.

Even though our time with her was cut way too short, her beauty still exists in everything around us. She taught me to open my eyes and look around, God's beautiful creations are everywhere.

In the heart of a little boy and of his placing his birthday gift...

To the breathtaking pink flowers, on a tree, just yards away from where she peacefully lies...

In loving memory of our little grandaughter, Alexes...may you all have the most wonderful weekend ever.
See the beauty all around you...it's there, you just have to open your eyes. :0)

Kody still continues on his quest to sleep the summer away...lil' booger.
He's stil fighting the effects of too many medicines, too many tics and too many headaches, so he sleeps alot. When he's up and about, though, he is feeling a great as can be, provided we keep him inside in the air conditioning as much as possible.

We're planning on having a very low key kind of weekend, enjoying time together at home, no stress, no craziness...welp, except for the craziness that only this family can bring. LOL!!

Take care everyone!!
If something exciting happens, or if I find myself not being able to resist the computer this weekend, I'll definetly update again. :0)

Love, Kim

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:30 PM

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~*~Another Hurdle Jumped~*~

After I updated last Sunday, after Kody woke up, things went from OK to really not great at all. :0(

Friday night Kody started the new medicine, "Tenex". Saturday Karl and I both noticed his tics were getting worse again, but we didn't say anything to each other until Sunday morning when we both kind of blurted out at the same time, over morning coffee..."I hope it's just me but did you notice Kody's tics getting bad again?". It's so weird the way he and I can think and say the same thing at exactly the same time....27 years together does that to you. :0)

By the time Kody woke up on Sunday he was not himself at all. His tics were severe, his speech was slurred, his balance was soooooo bad that when he wasn't sitting, he was doing this...

For at least 6-7 hours straight during the day, when all the other kids on the street were outside playing, when all the other Dad's on the street were riding four wheelers, shooting hoops or fishing with their kids, we watched Kody Bear sleep, and sleep and sleep, fighting off headaches the whole time.
When he finally woke up enough to eat dinner, we had to stand one on each side of him, supporting him so he wouldn't stumble,just to sit him outside at the picnic table.
When he spoke, his speech was so hard to understand, and so hard for us to hear.

Fathers Day was pretty much on the bummer side of things.

I guess when you take all of these, everyday, 2 to 3 times a day...something is bound to go wrong...

As it turns out, the new medicine {Tenex} that was supposed to be the good med., went very wrong and caused a horrible reaction in Kody, that lead him spiraling downwards instead of upwards.
Needless to say, the Tenex now lives in our septic system...flushing that stuff was the only way to go.

But...Dad's Day went on and when Kody woke up, we did everything possible to make it good for him, as normal a day as possible.

And, because Bear's always wake up starvin' and because our Bear is no exception...Karl and Kyle James got to grillin' on Dad Bear's brand spankin', shiney, new, Dad's Day BBQ grill.

Dang but that there side of beef looks good...
Oh, and the steak looks pretty delicious too. LOL!!

Kolin, who was visibly worried about Kody all day, so much that even he was shedding some gigantic ole' tears...from frustration to sadness and fear, spent his time hanging out on Kody's fort while Kody slept...somebodies got to watch over things and Kolin is definetly the man for the job.

Doesn't he look all cool up there?

Yesterday I took Kody to his pediatrican and last night he started his round of Augmention for the strep virus that just won't go away and causing him those gosh awful tics. {add another pill bottle to that picture up on top}.
He'll be on it for about 6 weeks at full strength and then we need to drop the dose down in half for a few weeks more after that.

Today we were at Shands for most of the day.
We first saw Dr. Pollack, Kody's neurologist who is just about wanting to do anything to see Kody's medicine volume cut down.
Unfortunetly, keeping him on his current med's is real important but the Synthroid may possibly be able to be cut out...but that's up to the Endocrinologist. I'll call him tomorrow.
That's because the Carbatrol he was on for his seizures, caused his thyroid to go bad. But, he was taken off Carbatrol and put on Keppra in May. Keppra is not known to cause thyroid problems.

Afterwards we saw the tics doc.
It was pretty much decided by Karl, at that appointment, that we will not add any news med's into Kody until the Augmentin runs it's course and we see if it will knock the strep virus out of him.
What we saw this weekend was scary, really scary and we are not going back there since the Orap and Klonapin are working, not at 100 percent, maybe more like 80 percent but the tics are alot better with the medicine then without it.
Plus, his EKG came out perfect, so we're confident that the Orap and Klonapin are doing it's job as best as they can.

Dr. P {the tics doc} agreed with Karl, well OK..let me rephrase that...he had no choice.
When Dad Bear says "We are NOT giving him any more experimental meds", you can be real sure that we are not giving our boy any new meds, experimental or not.
Final answer. :0)

Now, Dr. P did recomend giving Kody multi vitamins and "Omega Three Fatty Acids", {fish oil capsules}...so, we'll see. It probably won't hurt...I just don't know, the thought of getting more pills down him, UGH!!
Kody's a real great sport but geez....

Anywhos..we go back to the tic doc. in one month, unless there is a problem, then we go sooner then that.

Dr. P also noticed something else about Kody, something we knew about already.
When he would ask Kody questions or talk with him, at times Kody will give back no eye contact at all, he sort of just phases out, with a blank stare.
These episodes happen alot and last only seconds and they could be teeny lil' seizures, I can't remember what Dr. P. said they were called though.
We'll keep an eye on that, especialy since the Orap can lessen the potence of his seizure medicine, causing breakthroughs.

Anywhos...I just realized I am writing a noval here so let me just leave you all with this...

These were taken today, at Shands, of a much better feeling Bear, so no worries, because he is going to be just fine, another hurdle jumped...

And, because I wouldn't want to leave Kaysha out...seeing as she's been picking up the slack these days while I've been running here, there and everywhere...here's a couple of her latest...

OK..I think I'm about done. :0)

Have a wonderful day everyone.....love you all!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, June 17, 2007 10:00 AM

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All of us here in the "Krazy K" family would love to wish all of you Dad's, Step Dad's, Grammpa's, Dad's to be, Dad's of Angel babies, Foster Dad's, Every and all men out there who has changed to life of a child, whether your own or someone else's for the positive, every Dad out there whether non-traditional, old fashioned, unique.
For the Dad's who get up every morning and go to work, for those who get up early on the weekends to whoop up 700 pancakes, for those who teach their son's to respect girls, for those who teach their daughters that no guy will ever be good enough for them...
We wish you all a very happy, blessed and semi-relaxing Father's Day.


Get out there and grill something, will ya? :0)

Because this has become a Dad's day tradition in our home...I'd like to, in honor of our Dad Bear, run this by you all again.
I have to tell you all though....the original "Rules for Dating My Daughter" was on our old computer that croaked on us last winter.
I found this on the internet this morning. It's not exactly the same but, heck...it pretty much sums up the way Dad Bear raises his young uns'...the girls anyway. :0)

Here goes...

8 Rules for Dating my Daughter

When I was in high school I used to be terrified of my girlfriend's father, who I believe suspected me of wanting to place my hands on his daughter's chest. He would open the door and immediately affect a good-naturedly murderous expression, holding out a hand that, when gripped, felt like it could squeeze carbon into diamonds.

Now, years later, it is my turn to be the dad. Remembering how unfairly persecuted I felt when I would pick up my dates, I do my best to make my daughter's suitors feel even worse. My motto: wilt them in the living room and they'll stay wilted all night.

"So," I'll call out jovially. "I see you have your nose pierced. Is that because you're stupid, or did you merely want to APPEAR stupid?"

As a dad, I have some basic rules, which I have carved into two stone tablets that I have on display in my living room.

Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure as heck not picking anything up.

Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you cannot keep your eyes or hands off of my daughter's body, I will remove them.

Rule Three: I am aware that it is considered fashionable for boys of your age to wear their trousers so loosely that they appear to be falling off their hips. Please don't take this as an insult, but you and all of your friends are complete idiots. Still, I want to be fair and
open minded about this issue, so I propose this compromise: You may come to the door with your underwear showing and your pants ten sizes too big, and I will not object. However, In order to assure that your clothes do not, in fact, come off during the course of your date with my daughter, I will take my electric staple gun and fasten
your trousers securely in place around your waist.

Rule Four: I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without utilizing a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate: when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I WILL kill you.

Rule Five: In order for us to get to know each other, we should talk about sports, politics, and other issues of the day. Please do not do this. The only information I require from you is an indication of when you expect to have my daughter safely back at my house, and the only word I need from you on this subject is "early."

Rule Six: I have no doubt you are a popular fellow, with many opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make YOU cry.

Rule Seven: As you stand in my front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget. If you want to be on time for the movie, you should not be dating. My daughter is putting on her makeup, a process which can take longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead of just standing there, why don't you do something useful, like changing the oil in my car?

Rule Eight: The following places are not appropriate for a date with my daughter: Places where there are beds, sofas, or anything softer than a wooden stool. Places where there are no parents, policemen, or nuns within eyesight. Places where there is darkness. Places where there is dancing, holding hands, or happiness. Places where the ambient temperature is warm enough to induce my daughter to wear shorts, tank tops, midriff T-shirts, or anything other than overalls, a sweater, and a goose down parka zipped up to her adam's apple. Movies with a strong romantic or sexual theme are to be avoided; movies which feature chainsaws are okay. Hockey games are okay.

My daughter claims it embarrasses her to come downstairs and find me attempting to get her date to recite these eight simple rules from memory. I'd be embarrassed too-there are only eight of them, for crying out loud! And, for the record, I did NOT suggest to one of these cretins that I'd have these rules tattooed on his arm if he
couldn't remember them. (I checked into it and the cost is
prohibitive.) I merely told him that I thought writing the rules on his arm with a ball point might be inadequate-ink washes off-and that my wood burning set was probably a better alternative.

One time, when my wife caught me having one of my daughter's would-be suitors practice pulling into the driveway, get out of the car, and go up to knock on the front door (he had violated rule number one, so I figured he needed to run through the drill a few dozen times) she asked me why I was being so hard on the boy.
"Don't you remember being that age?" she challenged.

Of course I remember. Why do you think I came up with the eight simple rules?

This newsletter may be distributed freely on the Internet but you MUST include the following subscription and copyright information:

The Cameron Column, A Free Internet Newsletter
Copyright W. Bruce Cameron 1999

LOL, I swear..that never gets old. :0)

OK, on to Kody's appointment at Shands from Friday.

After very lengthy questions and paperwork it was decided that we are leaning toowards the strep virus attacking his brain.
The doc's opinion was that possibly somebody in our home or someone that Kody is always exposed to is carrying the strep virus themselves, without symptoms.
So, Karl and I were both tested on the spot and both came out negative.
Kody was tested too, and I nearly fell off my chair when they came in and said he was positive for strep.
He is 100 percent {except for the tics} symptom free. Which basically means, since he does not have a fever and or very sore throat, the virus is not in his throat. Therefore, bringing us right back to the virus is in his brain, the part that controls movement.

This week I'll be getting all the kids tested, so at the very least we can rule out that anyone here has the strep virus, and if they do, we can knock it out.

He also has a new medicine to take and one that he'll be weaned off of.

Kody has been taking "Orap" for the past 5 weeks, 2 times a day at it's highest doseage. He also has been taking Klonapin at bedtime, at a low doseage.

As it turns out, if you can believe this, Kody should have never been put on Orap as it is an extremely dangerous drug that has been known to cause heart problems and seizure in people that have or are prone to seizures.
His Doc. said that Kody is probably the 11th kid they have there with the same symptoms and not a one of them is on Orap because of the dangers.
Alos, because it's more a adult drug, defiently not for peds. patients.

So, he was prescribed "Tenex" to be taken 2 times a day at a low doseage. He needs to keep taking the Orap until we go back on Wednesday.
The reason for this is because Orap is a drug that you cannot just stop cold turkey. It is one of those wean on and wean off drugs. To stop cold turkey is soooo dangerous.
If he tolerates the Tenex just fine, the doctor will have us increase the Texex and decrease the Orap over time until he is only on Tenex.

Now, this leads us to another potential problem.
Since he was on such a high dose of Orap for 5 weeks, they gave him a EKG to see if there was any heart damage done.
We'll find out the results on Wednesday.
We go back to the tic doctor at 11:30 and his neurologist at 1 o'clock.

He'll also have to take Augmentin {antibiotic} for 4 weeks at max. dose and them probably another 4 weeks at a lower dose to see if that will knock out his strep. No guarantees though. Actually...we don't even know for sure if there is a cure for him.
I won't be able to get him his Augmentin until this week becuase the tic doc. wouldn't prescribe it, I need to take him to his pediatrician, have him seen, explain the whole thing all over and then get a scrip. What a pain.

Other then that, things are just rolling right along.

Here's Kody at the doctors...in about 9 out of every 10 pic's now, you will find him with those headphone things on.
We thank Miss Cari soooooo much for sending him his IPod, he LOVES that thing, and is never without it!!
He also still loves his CD's/CD player and you can find him on any given day, with both of them. :0)

Yesterday we celebrated Alona's 5th birthday. The girl knows what she wants and is not shy to tell us...
"Water Play Day!!!!!"

Soooo, in order for one "tied around his finger" lil' grandaughter/niece, to have a great day, one very lovin' Grammpa and Uncle Kyle made sure the lil' Princess had a day of fun in the sun and lots of water too.
You can check out those pic's on the photo page. There was just too many to get up on here today.

Now, before I jump off...I'll leave you with this laugh of the day.

A couple of days ago I found myself in "Hot Flash City". This is not a real pretty place to be and can be pretty dangerous if it were't for delicious, wonderful, cool, air conditioning.
However, I forgot to raise the temp. of the A/C at around the time the kids take their nightime showers and hop into bed.
I definetly took the hint when I went to tuck Kolin in and kiss him good-night.
This is how I found him...

Yeppers, that's a winter hat and mismatched gloves you see on him.
My bad. :0(

OK, there are 2 men in the kitchen, waffles cooking and kids to wake up...lazy butts. LOL!!
GAWD...those waffles are smelling real good.

Have a beautiful day...treat your Dad like a King, K?

Love, Kim

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:40 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

When Supermodels Experience Burnout

It ain't real pretty now, is it? :0)

Shands tomorrow...reeeeaaaallllll early so I'll update by nightime.

**Kaysha, our favorite and miserable feeling Goth Girl.....feel better, K?**

Her eardrum ruptured last night. :0(

Shiela...your GB entry made me crack up and spit sweet tea all over the dang keyboard.
Yeppers, what you "see" is what it is.
They get that from their Dad, I'm sure. :0)

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim


~*~The Way Of The Warrior~*~

How to make a boy out of a man. :0)

Last Saturday Kody and Kolin participated in a martial arts training day that is called "The Way Of The Warrior".
It all took place at Lake Griffen State Park {about 5 minutes from our home} and it was literally an all day event..into the night, and the next morning too.

Now, let's just take one minute and I'll explain.
The Way of the Warrior, or TWOTW for short is training, real training that belive you, me, is not for the lightweight, faint at heart, air conditioning spoiled, McD's sweet tea drinkin', lazy butts as myself.

For 8 continous hours {with water and lunch breaks, of course}, in the heat of a 100 degree Florida day, these boys of mine worked their bodies and their minds, and their flirting techniques {but that's another story for another day}.

They practiced forms, defence skills, running through gauntlets, making makeshift stretches out of weapons and karate jackets, and catching "Snipes" {large, ferocious, human eating birds that come to life in the woods at night..LOL} after dark.
They camped, they got rained on, their tent leaked like mad, they stayed up way late, they got up way early the next day and if it weren't for Dad and I picking them up at 8 o'clock, they were ready to go full force at it all over again.
Instead, LOL, they came home and slept till lunchtime. :0)

I have to tell you, Kody could have quit at anytime, and it would have been OK. It was hot, brutally hot, but other then stopping oce for tylenol and a quick cold pack to the head....he stuck at it, never quitting, never complaining and never falling behind.
He sooooo totally amazes me.

Here's some visual, so ya'all can see for yourself just some of the day they had...OK, here goes..

Here we have the start of the day...listening to the directions, the rules, the plan...

And then the fun begins with a run through the gauntlet, a pretty big trail, through the woods. Most adults had a hard time with this part...Kody made it unscathed...

Then the self defence training was at full force. Learning to strangle the bad guy is always a blast...

After lunch and a quick change into much cooler shorts, it was time to really, really pay attention to the demonstration on how to make a makeshift stretch out of two weapons and a jacket.
This, of course, is real important seeing as you never know, in war, when one of your comrades will fall and they will need your help to get them out of imminant

Then it was time for Kody and his future wife, ummmmmm...I mean fellow student and karate teachers black belt daughter, Nikki, to show their stretcher skills..

And lookie here, it actually held up...great job!

You know though, the other star of the day was defintely Kolin and his future wife, ummmm..I mean fellow student and karate teacher red belt daughter, Jordan, to show their stuff...

Look at these two work together..isn't that something?

I've got news for you...Kolin and Jordan's skills won all around first place because these two were super quick, super perfect, super strong and they did it all without taking their cute lil' eyes off each other...

It was a great day, it really was. WOTW will make a man out of a boy, and it sure does make them sleep reeeeeeaaaaaalllllllll good the next day, and what's better then that? :0)

Before I end this for tonight I want to say a big HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY to KARYELLE!!!!!!!!!
We love ya girl, now git'cher butt on back home...will ya??
Oh, more wonderful Karyelle news...she is being transferred and made bank manager of Trustco Bank. Her big grnad opening in Peeskill {Hudson Valley}, NY will be next week.
Any Bear fans in the area...stop on by and give her a {{HUG}} from her family down here in ole' hot, humid, Florida.
Oh...she'll be live on the radio for a couple of hours too..I just can't, for the life of me, remember which station.

Also, HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY tomorrow,to our grandbaby, Alona. OMG, it seems like she was just a teeny baby and now she's done gone and turned school age on us.

BTW, her lil' sister, who is not due until July 13th will most likely be making an early debut. Kayara's 3 cm's and contracting like crazy.
The doc's say she'll be early...we are hoping for a 4th of July baby. How cool would that be?

We take Kody back to Shands Friday morning. This is the appointment with the tic disorder specialist, the one we fought tooth and nails to get him in at.
By Friday afternoon or night, I will hopefully have good news that there is a cure in his future.

Have yourselves all a great and relaxing night.

Love, Kim

Thursday, June 7, 2007 11:05 AM

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~*~Every Fifteen Minutes~*~

With prom season being in full swing in many parts of the country, I wanted to chat for a few minutes about a brand new program in Lake county.
It's called, "Every Fifteen Minutes"

You may have seen this on "Good Morning America" this morning, but for those who didn't, here goes....

Every fifteeen minutes, in the USA, a teenager's life will come to a tragic end following a drunk driving accident. More often then not, this will happen on prom night.

Every fifteen minutes, in the USA, a parents worst nightmare will become an anguishing reality.

Every fifteen minutes, in the USA, a sibling's heart will break into a trillion pieces, bonds broken forever.

Every fifteen minutes, in the USA, best friends, collage, first loves, marriage, the promise of a future will be extinguished for always.

Before prom night at Leesburg, High School this year Kaysha particpated in "Every Fifteen Minutes".
Perhaps it was too morbid for some. But whatever the impact it had, the impact was made.

While the children of Leesburg High sat at their desks reviewing schoolwork for the morning, the grim reaper {an employee dresed as GR} quietly came into each classroom, took the hand of one teen, and silently walked off with them.
That morning, Kaysha, was lead away by GR.

Each child was given a black balloon to carry for the day and a necklace in the shape of a heart that read something like "I cannot talk to you, I am no longer here with you". The balloon, necklace and vow of silence all day symbolized their "death".

For the rest of the day they walked around with that balloon and necklace and did not speak a work to anyone, at all.

That afternoon as the kids of LHS gathered in the lunchroom, they were met with something completely out of the norm.
As they left with their lunchtrays, the passed by an open casket with a mirror in it.
When they looked into it, they could see themselves.
Yes, some kids couldn't go near it and they weren't made to.
Some kids cried, some kids stared, some kids looked away quickly.
Not a one thought it was funny, in any way at all.

As the day went on, LHS, in combination with Leesburg PD, FD and ambulance put on a mock accident scene on the football field.
They used real cars that were involved in real wrecks. They used real kids with lots of fake blood.
They used real tools to rip open the cars, real ambulances and a real body bag for the one that didn't make it.

There were real tears shed by the LHS audience.

Sometimes life is unfair, life is hard, life can be very cold sometimes.
Peer pressure is the worst when you are a teen.
Parenting a teen is probably the most difficult, trying, stressful job in the world.
Six months of constant colic are a piece of cake compared to parenting teens, getting through to them, talking to them, understanding them, having patience with them.

Sometimes, no matter how muchyou talk, yell, threaten, promise, talk and yell somemore, sometimes it really does "take a village" to raise a child.
In this case, it took Leesburg High, with help from the community to get through to our group of newly driving, Ipod listening, cell phone talking, prom going HS kiddo's.

Some parents will shudder at the idea that next year, their new HS child will witness this program.
I am one of those parents that praise this program, that is so proud of my own kiddo for participating in this program.
Don't, please don't leave your child home to protect them from this day. Get involoved!!

If I chose to leave Kaysha home that day, if she never knew the realness of what drinking and driving does, if she had not touched ther side of a casket, if she had not seen what a body bag looks like for real{other then TV], perhaps, one day my daughter's "every fifteen minutes" could become her Dad's and my reality.

Never to hear her voice again, her laugh, her quirkiness, her many moods.
Never to see her sparkly, beautiful eyes open again.
Never to see her graduate, to live, to love, to laugh.
That would be my hell, my nightmare.

Yes, I am beyond proud of her. Maybe her vow of silence that day saved just one friend/peer from getting into a car with someone who had been drinking.
You just can't put a price on that.

Here's to you, Kaysha Nicole, because you are not afraid to take a stand for what you belive in, even if it may seem to outcast you for the day.

What would our lives be without you?

We love you "B.R." LOL!!!!

Yesterday's Kody and Kolin's library karate demonstration went perfectly. They looked AWESOME, real, real sharp!!
And guess who will be in the newspaper? LOL, no, not Kody this time. I'm pretty sure Kolin wil be though. As soon as it comes out, I'll post a link if there is one.

Looks like Kody has agreed to pose for me today, so I'll finally be able to take those reused pic's off the top. He's such a hoot, always running from the paparazzi these days.

Welp, I better get going, lots to get done this morning.

Oh, before I go....I just wanted you all to know that this year prom night in Leesburg {and surrounding areas} went off without a hitch.
Our kids were AWESOME!!!
No accidents, no problems, no anything except a good time had by all.
I am proud to live in a community with so many wonderful, responsible teens. :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone...

Love, Kim

PS. I apologize in advance to anyone who may have felt offended by todays post. But, I strongly feel it's an important issue.
Our kids are our future, they deserve every chance at a great life.
I mean honestly, when you think about it...who's gonna be taking care of us one day? :0)

PPSS. Kaysha, I had better NOT hear one more word about that dang nursing home, ya hear me girl!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007 7:00 PM

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~*~Karate Kids, The Saga Continues~*~

Much like the family we created ourselves...Dad Bear comes from an awfully large family. There's one big difference though, we split ours into two groups...
High maintenance, whiney, PMSy, females and...
Hyperactive, nose pickin', bootie kickin' males.

Before I even met the top Bear man of the family, I was already familier with his family and I knew I was in for it...I honestly believe the "K" brothers, all 7 of them, invented "Whoop A*s" long before Stone Cold Steve Austin ever thought to.

The legend continues long into the next generation of "K" brothers.

Meet Kody and Kolin...

Lovers of all things martial arts.
Lovers of all things sharp, pointy and daggone dangerous.
Lovers of splintering plywood with their feet and smashing tree branches with thier hands.

If there is something that needs kicking, they are the men.
If there is something that needs punching, they are the men.

They channel Bruce Lee

And Jackie Chan

If there is a can of "Whoop A*s" to be opened, they are the men.

If there are any doubts, welp...today, I am providing proof.

Before they jump out at you like lightening on a summers day, like a sting from a scorpion, like a bat outta h...{oh, never mind, ya'all get it, right?} they bow, out of respect because they are respectful lil' warriors and they respect anyone who is about to get knocked around by the "Brothers K".

Don't take your eyes off those two because just like that, it's on...

This lil' boy foot that used to kick my ribs in half {I should have known way back then}, can strike right to your head, don't ever take your eyes off this crazy kid..

And, when all is said and done, when the bootie kickin' is over, when the last two standing are the "Brothers K", take a deep breath, flex them bows, and get ready to start all over again.

Guess what? This past week, Kyle James has started to train too.
The saga continues...

Coming up this week..
On Wednesday Kody and Kolin will be participating in a martial arts demonstration as part of a demonstration team for the grand opening of our new Leesburg library.
I'll be sure to get a video clip of that. :0)

Have an awesome weekend everyone!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:22 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy Moly....I am sooooooooo happy!!!!!!!

Thank you, thank you for all the well wishes and prayers, see ya'all came through for us again. :0)

I am so excited, the job I wanted so badly, my Bear coming home tomorrow morning....life is FANTASIC!!!!!!

Till tomorrow...

Kim a/k/a One Very Happy Mama Bear


~*~What Happens In Our Casino, Stays In Our Casino~*~

Today's update is sponsered by none other then our cute lil' "Wild Man", Kolin.

Since big brother Bear, Kody, is away at camp this week and since Mom Bear and teh rest of the "K" Krew are somewhat boring, I'll just let you all have a glimpse into Kolin's life this week.

But first...a glimpse at our Wild Man, these were taken today so you can all see, this is the face we see everyday round these parts {minus the dirty face smudges which I kindly photoshopped out for your viewing pleasure}...

Ok, that out of the way...let's get on with the update, shall we? :0)

Last weekend Dad Bear and Kyle James decided it was a great weekend to set up a screened in gazebo. We've always wanted one and Ace is the place hardware store was having a Memorial Day sale that we decided to splurge on.
Honestly, the lovebugs {you don't even wanna know, but picture flying "catdog" misquitos, ewwwww}, lizards and grasshoppers make any outside eating activity and big, huge...No way, no how, not ever.
This was a splurge well needed and really well appreciated.

OK, so how does this bring us to Kolin?
Welp, every so once in a while..OK, almost everyday, Kolin will say the most hilarious things. Mostly becuase he is such a hurry to blurt out what he wants to say, that his words typically come out something other then what they were supposed to be in the first place.

In this case, when that screened in room was finally built, Kolin was soooo excited to be the first one let in that "Gazebo", came out "I LOVE this Casino!!"

Now, if that wasn't just cute enough...this is a glimpse into Kolin's summer vacation this week...

Yeppers my friends...Kolin, our otherwise innocent nine year old has learned how to play blackjack and poker in his backyard casino.
Thank you Kyle James. :0)

Kolin Ross, our nine year old card shark, how we love that kid.
But, if his teachers ever ask...we'll just say he's practicing his math skills. Blackjack is all about the counting, right?

Have a GREAT day everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS. By the way...thank you to those who asked, the wedding photos came out BEAUTIFUL!!!! WHEW, I was a' sweatin' that one. LOL!!

Monday, May 28, 2007 4:30 PM

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~*~Dealing With The Paparazzi, Kody Style~*~

This past week we found ourselves living with an 11 year old, 5th grade graduate.
That was easy street.
We also found ourselves with an 11 year old, wanna be "supermodel", and "celebrity", who can also play right into any paparazzi around.

Here, let me just explain for a minute and then I'll show you some video...because honestly, I simply cannot make up the things this boy does.

OK, last week Kody, as most of you know, graduated the 5th grade. That in itself was a pretty huge accomplishment, I mean seeing as he wasn't supposed to ever even make it out of the second grade and all.
But Kody is Kody, Kody has coolness and the utmost in slick style.

Our case in point...

While 95 percent of kids Kody's age prefer not to be in the spotlight, especially when onstage, in front of 100's of well meaning parents.
Our Bear? Welp, not so. That's when he feels it's his time to shine.

So, anyway..where was I?
Oh yes..graduation.

Plenty of kids went before him....they had their names called out, walked onto the stage, grabbed that diploma, shook a quick hand and walked off quick...never mind that Mom and Dad were trying to capture a memory on film, or digital. Those kids never looked up...they were sooooo outta there and back to the safety of their chair and friends.

Ummm...then we have Kody Bear.
Who, walked on stage, took his diploma, shook hands...faced the camera and did not, for any reason, let go of that principal's hand, he did not, for any reason, stop smiling, until he knew, from his Mom's thumbs up...that he had at least 6 photos taken, at the very least.

Welp...this sure did alot for the audiance and faculty, who until then had been pretty low key and quiet.
As you can hear from the video...Bear had them laughing. Even after the clip was taken, you could still hear the giggles coming from the crowd.
Yeppers..that's our Bear.

And without further ado, may I introduce our new, cool, 6th grader.

And, for those who can't get the video to play...bummer, so I'll include some still shots. Just try to imagine our celebrity bringing on the laughter.

Kody's newspaper article made it to the newspaper yesterday. Unfortuently there is no on-line link. I have to tell you all though, it was a BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME article and we thank Miss Glenda for making his lastest article as cool as he is.
Also, to the cameraman, who almost got himself nailed a few times while photographing Kody doing his karate thing...the pic's rocked!!!!

Since Kody's away at camp this week, I'll be asking Kolin to jump in and help me with some updates.
Kolin, as we know, always has something to say.
Tomorrow's update will be something along the tunes of "What Goes On In Our Casino, Stays In Our Casino", or maybe I'll call it, "Kolin's Summer Vacation Way Of Practicing Math Skills".
It'll be a good one, promise. :0)


Love, Kim a/k/a The Mom Bear who misses her Kody Bear alot but refuses to call camp and check on him until tomorrow when Dad Bear is not home to bust me, and say "I told you you'd never hold out".
Dad Bear's can be sooooooo rude but holy moly, they can grill a darn good burger. :0)

Saturday, May 26, 2007 10:20 AM

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~*~Return Of The Slacker Part 7000~*~

This week has been fast paced, crazy and not about to stop yet, not today anyway.

I have, no kidding, exactly 5 minutes to get this update done.

So, our week in review...

Kody graduated with flying colors and a cool diploma and science award on Wednesday.
Pictures, funny story and video clip to follow...

My job interview went pretty well yesterday. I'll find out this coming week the results, please keep your fingers crossed becuase I really, really want this job. :0)
Funny story {welp, it wasn't funny yesterday} to follow...

I'm leaving real soon to get Kody to Camp Boggy Creek where he'll be spending the next 6 days. He'll be fine, I won't.

Kody's appt. at Shands with the tic disorder specialist is June 15th.

And the topper of the day...as soon as I drop Kody off at camp, I have my very first wedding to shoot this afternoon.
Between dropping him off and getting to the church, I have exactly not one single minute to spare..I'll be cutting it that close. Darn...

OK, with that..I seriously have to run.

Have a BEAUTIFUL long weekend everyone.
Hopefully, with good luck, I can devote more time tomorrow or Monday catching up with updates, pictures, stories that will make you laugh, ohhhh...just about everything.

Love, Kim

Saturday, May 19, 2007 10:45 AM

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~*~Been Done Gone Run Ragged~*~

OK, I know that makes no sense at all...but I'm telling ya, it's the only words I could come up with the other day when asked what I've been up to lately.
And....if it weren't for the super high octane cup of coffee I had in hand..I'm sure that sentence would have went on and on, maybe a little more like..

"Been done gone, not never home, driving here, going there, must sit still, need 5 minutes, school please end, stop the madness, craving Starbucks, Run Ragged".

WHEW...glad I got that out..I feel sooo much better now. :0)

OK...let's start this out with some good news...

Although Kody is officially on his maximum doseage of Orap, he is still tic/twitching, but...we have noticed a difference, it's not as bad as it was.
Yesterday...after a week of going round to round we found out that CMS will pay for Kody to see Dr. Murphy, at Shands, who is the only Dr. around who specializes in PANDAS a/k/a Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsyciatric Disorders Associated with Strepticcocal Infections.
Which is just a fancy medical term for the reason why Kody suddenly developed severe ticcing/twitching from his eyes all the way down to his feet.
For those who are completely lost, a week before Easter, Kody came down with strep throat. After two rounds of antibotics, that strep virus, instead of leaving the building for good, manifested itself and attacked the part of his brain that controls movement..causing those painful tic's.
Currently, he's taking two new med's for it, Klonapin and Orap. After 11 days...they are starting work it's magic but they Klonapin is harsh on his body...it makes him sleep alot but it also makes him slur his words, stumble, get dizzy spells, welp...to simplize this...he acts drunk. :0)

So...this week we were told to expect a call from Dr. Murphy's office to schedule an appointment for him.

And that one phone call yesterday just made my entire, crazy, fast paced week all worth while.

On to more good news....

I am sooooooo proud to announce our first lil' graduate for the year 2007...

Alona, our 2007 Pre-School graduate!!

Isn't she just too stinkin' cute with that lil' cap and gown?

Here she is waving that hard earned diploma around...

And, here she is saying her prayers {she graduated from a Christain pre-school}...
Notice how the other kids are dutifully bowing their heads, eyes closed? Notice how our cute lil' girl is peeking at us? LOL..that's my girl!!

And here is the one picture of the night that had me laughing till it hurt, I actually didn't even see this one till I pulled them up on the computer yesterday. I call this work of art...

"Pick Me A Winner".

Remember last week I told you about a project I was working on for Kayara, for Mom's Day?

This is the finished project...

That girl is up to 2 cm's, I have a feeling "Baby A" is not about to wait till July.

Last but not least, just a quick one of Kaysha and Kyle James...

Don't they look so siblingish cute together? :0)

Welp, I better jump off for now...things around these parts are getting hectic again and it's taken me, ohhhhhhhhh about an hour and a half to get this update done.

Things we are looking forward to this week...

Kody's graduation and last day of school day is Wednesday!!!

Last day of school for Kaysha and Kolin is Thursday.

My big job interview is Friday.

Kody leaves for Camp Boggy Creek on Saturday.

Pimp My Pictures {link below} has finally been updated and for my two friends who are awaiting "Pimped Pix"...I will have them to you before the weekend is out. Thank you soooo much for your patience, I apologize again, it has been crazy here as the last few weeks of school always are for some reason.

Have yourselves a BEAUTIFUL weekend everyone...I'll pop back in with some updated pix of Kody Bear very soon. :0)

Love, Kim

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 1:30 PM

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~*~Live on You Tube, The Kickin' "K" Brothers~*~

Aren't they just too stinkin' cool? :0)

**Video Clip Credits go to...Our Favorite Goth Girl, Kaysha**

Gotta run...love you all!!


Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:15 AM

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~*~Happy Mother's Day~*~

We all here in the "K" home would love to wish all of you a very happy and blessed Mother's Day today!!

Welp, we all know my Mom's day gift was deliverd just the other night when Kyle Jmaes came home.
It got even better when Kody's smile returned to his face which just lit up his tired ole' peepers.
It was made even sweeter last night when I received an e-mail informing me that a job I had applied for a couple months ago for an event photographer for a local magazine, had picked me {amongst others} for a final interview!!!

Oh....here, this is what it said...

"Thank you for your submissions and your interest in the event photographer position with {blocked out as to not jinx myself} magazine. You have been selected for our final round of interviews, which we would like to do in person at our Leesburg office on Friday, May 25 from 10am to 4pm. Please provide us with a time that you would be able to meet on that day. The interview should be less than 30 minutes. Please bring samples of your work.

If you would reply to this email with a time range that would work for you on that day, we will email you back with an exact time. Thank you and congratulations!"

Can you believe it? I applied months ago and didn't hear back, I just assumed it wasn't going to happen. I am freaking out!!!!!!

OK, the Mother's Day topper for me, the one thing that made Mom's Day, a Mom's weekend happened laste yesterday morning.

You have got to check this out...

Kody Kicks Butt

Our Bear had earned his second stripe on his red belt!! One more stripe and he is officially a black belt candidate!!!!
The news gets better!!
As of yesterday morning, our nine year old "Wild Man", Kolin is a BLACK BELT CANDIDATE!!!!!!!

As much as I would love to get Kolin's video clip up, it was a little longer then Kody's and I haven't been able to upload it for viewing yet. Mark my word though...I'll keep trying till I can get it up for you all to see.

I am one VERY, VERY PROUD Mama!!

Kolin is a black belt candidate? OMG, can you believe it, my baby, the last of the litter, a black belt candidate??
My heart is just skippin' beats all over the place. :0)

And Kody Bear...I trule believe that his name should be found next to "Perseverance" in the dictionary...
"What the mind can conceive and believe, it can acheive".

Some may wonder, if he is such a powerhouse, how could he let bullies tease him? That is a really good question...I've often wondered myself.
You see, martial arts not only teaches him strength and self defence, it also teaches his humbleness and self control. It gives Kody life as he doesn't just train in the arts...he lives it.
I wish you all could sit in on a session when he trains...it is truly amazing and beautiful to watch.

Now, don't get me wrong..Kody is a bull, super strong. Kolin is too.
If the opportunity ever arouse, and my boys had to defend themselves against another, especially an adult...welp, I'd feel bad for that adult..because they will walk away hurt...that's if they can walk. LOL!!

I totally, completely recommend martail arts training to anyone, especially children, even more so children whom life has given up on, or who have given up on life.
I'll do another update in the very near future about this with some helpful tips I've learned along the way about picking a proper school. If though, you are serious...please feel free to e-mail me and I'll be happy to chat with you. :0)

I plan on getting lots of new pic's up today, or tomorrow. I have been so darn busy, they still live inside my camera and not on the computer.
Right now I have got to finish up a lil' Mom's Day project for Kayara.
Here's a tiny "sneak peek"...

"Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of life."
By : Maureen Hawkins

Speaking of Mom's....please read Lauren's entry today in Kody's guestbook. Warning though...bring a box of tissues!!

Lauren, thank you so much {{{HUGS}}}!! Now, go hug your Mama! :0)

One more thing before I go splitsville on ya..

This is a guestbook message from Miss Tanya...

Hello "K" family!!! I'm so happy to hear that Kyle James is home. The return of Kody's smile is proof that Kyle James has a BIG purpose here on this earth. Secondly, I've wanted to sign for the past week but being at college, this wasn't possible. As an adult who was born almost totally blind, I know all too well the pain and torture of being teased in school. So, just to remind Kody of how much he totally rocks, I've hatched a little idea. I'm going to end this post with a little list of some of the reasons everyone's favorite Bear rocks.I'm going to keep it short partly because there are just too many reasons to list! I encourage everyone who reads the GB after this post to add to it. Let's surround one very amazing boy with a whole lotta love and encouragement!!!
Kody Rocks Because... (in no particular order)
1. he can make a pink cast look punk
2. he's one of very few karate students to recieve an award that only black belts get before he is a black belt himself
3. he's just so gosh darn cute!!! (I just had to put that one in )
4. he can do tricks on a skateboard that most of us would be afraid to try even in our dreams
5. he's come out of every challenge a winner and an inspiration
6. he's got the coolest website around
7. his story and faith have led many to God
...I really could go on forever about how much Bear rocks, but I'm gonna end here. Please add to this list!!!!

Now, tell me...is that not the coolest thing ever??!!
Tanya...Bless your heart..Kody is going to LOVE this!!!
If anyone has a few minutes..I really do love this idea.

One favor though....could you maybe, please slip a few about Kolin in there too. He is feeling alot on the left out side of the fence lately, which is another reason why I want to, so badly, get his video clip up too.

Welp my friends and fellow Mom's/Gramma's out there. Looks like if I want some coffeee...I have to fetch it myself. GRRRRRRRR....

Till tomorrow...

Have yourselves a BEAUTIFUL day today!!

Love, Kim

Friday, May 11, 2007 8:54 PM

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~*~Siblings...Skateboards and Smiles~*~

KYLE JAMES IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very, VERY unexpectedly, Dad Bear received a phone call last evening from Kyle James saying he was coming home.
I had just gotten the boys to karate class where Miss Glenda and a newspaper photographer were already waiting on us.
As soon as class was over the three kids and I beat feet to go pick him up.

I swear, the car was barely in park when the kids tore out of it and jumped right on top of their big brother.
Then the tears started, then the smiles, then the laughter.

I have to let you all in on a lil' something...
Kody's {Kolin and Kaysha's too!} smile has not left his precious face since last night.
And the laughter...music to my ears.

And guess what else?

Guess who got on his skateboard for a little while this afternoon?
That's right...Our Bear!! :0)

This is going to be my "Mother's Day" to remember, there is not much else I could ever possibly want...with the only small exception of Kody's complete healing.

Happy Mom's Day to Me!!! :0)

Stay tuned for more updates, lots more photos and by this time tomorrow we will have two higher ranking karate kids living in our home.

You know, after the clouds, after the storms, the sun always finds it's way though.
Last night the sun brought with it a miracle, for our family...for "Our Bear".
When I say "Our Bear", my friends...I mean every one of you, those who cried with us, stuck up for him, send us messages of love and support, those who prayed over and over again for happiness to return to his tired eyes.
"You" have helped create my Mother's Day miracle this year...and I thank you with all my heart for that.

With lottsa love and a whole bunch of smiles...

~Kim and Kody Bear~

PS. Thank you to my man, Karl. How did I ever get so lucky? As a Dad and as a husband, you sure do rock.
Never, ever underestimate the power of a Dad on a mission, that's for darn sure. :0)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:00 PM

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~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~

I'll Stand By You

Mentally...we're borderline exhausted.

Although a meeting with Kody's school, I assumed went OK, he was back home 2 hours later. Why?
His head was pounding because of the tic's and because of the taunting.

As far as I'm concerned, he can go back to school for graduation...the hell with them all.

Today Dad Bear and I spent a couple hours working the phone this morning...him handling everything legal for Kyle James and me handling everything medical for Kody.
We have no good news for Kyle James but for Kody, his Dr's have viewed over and over again his latest video clip and they are pretty certain that this new disease is called "PANDA" or, "Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections". Basically, what that means is the strep virus he had right before Easter, manifested itself into his brain and attacked the part of his brain that controls movement.

Here's a link, so if you'd like, you can read about it, it'll explain alot more then I can right now...


So, the good news is there is a name for it.
The better news is Neuro. has found us a specialist, at Shands, who is one of the top three specialist in the country dealing with this disease.

The bad news...she doesn't except medicaid nor CMS for payment.
Now, as crazy as that sounds...as we speak, we have Neurology, Neurosurgical Specialties and Kody's CMS nurse, all working on this together to see if we can find us a very quick solution.
Please, please pray that whoever is in charge of the final OK, has a heart and Dr. Murphy will see him so we can get him cured.

As I watch Kody Bear sleeping on the sofa, I can't help but just want to break down and cry for this child, who last month was so full of life, of happiness, of everything good.
I want to take every tease, every taunt, pain, tic, and twitch away....lay it all on myself, let him go back to his happy skateboarding sweet life.

I know I can't, but I'm his Mom for goodness sake.
What I can do is stand by him, keep him safe, not let anyone hurt him.
And if he feels safe at home, if that makes him smile and laugh...then my Mother's Day wish will be forfilled.
If only Kyle James was here too, that boy is one of my best friends..Mama's boy, just like Kody...and, LOL..not ashamed to admit it either. :0)

Please enjoy the song I put up today. It's what I feel in my heart.
If you need to...just click on the first button under the slider and it will stop playing. I know alot of you check from work...sorry.

I better get going.
If I found out anything, I'll post another update.

Love, Kim


~*~Wednesday Night~*~

I Never Thought I'd Hate Silence So Much

He's so quiet today, it started early this afternoon when he called me from school to come pick him up.
My Bear...he wanted to go on the 5th grade tour of the Middle School so bad that he was willing to endure more teasing.
But, when that bus pulled back up to the Elementary School, he had enough.

I spoke with the asst. principal twice today and first thing in the AM she is expecting me with Kody in her office.
I swear...this won't go on, I am sooooooo pissed off I could spit nails.

Ironically, tomorrow night Kody and I have a newspaper interview with Miss Glenda. With the way I feel tonight, I have no problem mentioning the bullying, the taunting and the teasing. I have no problem mentioning the {insert those finger quote marks thing} "Zero Tolerance Bully Policy" our schools are supposed to have.
I certainly have no problem mentioning the school.
I have had enough, I will not drop this until I see Kody smile again.

Sometime this evening Kody stopped talking.
I know it had to do with the teasing, but I also suspect that the fact that Kyle James did not come home today to a peanut butter/chocolate cake that Kody was so proud of, topped off the whole situation.

Our Bear, he's so quiet....so sad, it's written all over his beautiful, big, brown eyes..the same eyes I joke with him reminds me of "Mega M&M's". That used to make him laugh so hard. He'd tell me that I had "Blue Swimming Pools".
God, it's only been a few hours since he's laughed...I would stand on my head in the middle of Main Street to hear that childs laugh.
But, thanks to some butthead kids and one public defender, who promised she'd get the paperwork done for Kyle James' release today and didn't...and is gone, out of the office, until next week, our Bear...welp, he's just not in a laughing mood.

He did though, watch me work on these for Kaysha and he looked right at her and said "My sister's so boo-tiful"

You know what Bear? I think your purty "Boo-tiful" too.
Let's show the world what "Boo-tiful" is in your "Boo-tiful" Mega M&M eyes tonight, K? :0)

Sorry about the mini rampage all...it's a Mom thing, seeing my Bear sad...welp, it makes me sad too..and mad...and glad that I am the Mom of Kody Bear, and not some butthead kind of a kid. ;0)

Till tomorrow...

Love, Kim


~*~So Much News, So Little Time~*~

This is going to be a novel, so please...get yourself a drink...you'll be here a while. :0)

OK, let's start with the reason for the page...Kody Bear.

Over this past weekend we saw alot of deteriating as far as his twitching and overall health goes. What used to only his eyes is now his eyes, mouth, jaw and hands. He's hands aren't exactly twitchy, but they are very stiff/rigid, especially when he tries to hold something.
His balance is pretty bad too.

After placing a call out to Dr. Pollack in neurology yesterday morning, I was advised to send another video clip of him. After school I videoed him...he was at the worst he had been thus far.
Soon after sending it to Dr. P's office, Kody's neuro. nurse, Wendy called me back right away.
It wasn't our imagination and Wendy, I could tell, was pretty upset by what she saw.
So, she right away placed a call to Dr. Pollack, who wasn't even in town and last night he called us via his cell phone from his hotel room.

What we're looking at now is big mystery as to why this is all happening and happening so darn quickly.
He called in two new prescriptions....one for Klonapin, which is a mild tranqualizer, only taken at night, to help his get to sleep.
The other is for Orap, which is a Tourette's medicine which he'll need to take and increase each day over the course of 12 days.
Problem is...no pharmacy around here has Orap {guess it's not a real popular drug}, and won't have it in for a couple of days.
The second problem is the heavy duty side effects it's been known to cause....weight gain, and mental slowness being two of them.
Plus....this may not even work but we are praying and hoping that it does.

Because...if it doesn't, then Kody will get another MRI, which normally is no big deal except this time, he cannot stay still...so he'd have to be put under general anestisia complete with breathing tube, the whole shabang. That is something we really, really don't want to put him through. Mainly because he gets so sick from anestesia {I know I'm just killin' the spelling of that} and two, because he has a real difficult time waking up from it.

Trying our best to avoid this, I e-mailed the video clip of Kody to Dr. Pincus today, for his opinion. I totally trust the man, and if he says it's MRI time then we'll do it, but only and I stress, only if he says to.

In the meantime, the pain and embarrassment he is putting up with is incredible and downright heartbreaking, sad.

As of right now, he is being taunted and teased in school. {But, just between us, I believe Kolin is handling that in his own brother kind of way}.
Try as he might to hang with the neighborhood kids after school...he is basically ignored by much of them.
Last week he took to pretty much sitting on a bench Dad Bear put out for him, next to the driveway, and watching everyone play, ride bikes, shoot hoops, while he silently sat listening to his beloved CD's.

Yesterday was a little different.

I was snapping some pic's of Kaysha in our side yard..you can see the street from there and since it was afternoon, all the kids on the street were outside doing their thing.
Right behind Kaysha is a small piece of privacy fence that blocks our well pump from anyone passing by seeing it. You can see it in the top photo of Kody I put up today.
I was snapping away when through the corner of my eye I saw this little face peeking through.

Although it took about 7 tries to capture this with his eye actually open...this is my memory of my beautiful son, hiding behind that fence, watching others play and wishing he could just go back to being "normal" and one of those kids...

Let me tell you....that one picture shatters my heart over and over again everytime I look at it, but it's a memory that I will never, ever forget as long as I live.

And this is the black and white version of the pic. on top. I took this right at the time he confided in me that he didn't want to leave my side and go out in public alone ever again.
Needless to say, we stayed home together today.

Know what's great about staying home today?
The Fex-Ex guy stopped by this morning and with him he brought a box of the most awesome snack treats any kid could ever want or dream of!!
Cathy, Kaitlin and Alex...you sure do know the way through Kody's heart...right through his Dorito, Three Muskateer, Skittles, Cracker Jack eatin' belly!!
Thank you so much......He loves it!!!!

Also, to my and Kody's dear friends at "ILP", the music gift card is AWESOME!!!! When Kody's gets his other gift, which I hear is in the mail...he is going to be doing some major music shopping!! LOL, he already has a pre-planned list made out. :0)

OK, more news...all last night and day today we have been real stressed out with the news that Kayara's b-friend, Arthur, had never made it back from a fishing trip he took with some friends out in the ocean yesterday.
Kayara has been, all day, in close contact with the Coast Guard {In St. Pete, I think?} and finally at the end of the day...just about an hour ago, they were all found safe, floating on top of a capsized boat about 45 minutes to an hour into the ocean. They had been there since the boat capsized last night. WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW, anyone around this area...he'll be on the news. Help us all. :0)

We also just found out minutes ago that our oldest daughter, Karyelle, who lives in NY, has been admitted into the hospital.
Good Lord, those kidney stones are just horrible!! We're still waiting to hear back with updates.

Now...because I would feel awfully guilty about leaving you all with nothing but bad news...I've included a little positive with all that negative.

This morning, we found out, via a phone call, that Kyle James will be coming home tomorrow!!!!!!
After finding Kody crying over his big brother again this morning, that news was the absolute BEST medicine ever!!!
My son is coming home...I still can't believe it..music to a Mom's and Dad's ears.
All because Dad Bear, who's been popping high blood pressure medicine like crazy lately, had a conversation with Kyle James' PA this morning.
I don't know exactly what he said, I do know that he loves his kids dearly {lil' stess makers that they are} but whatever come what may....whatever he said, our Kyle James is coming home to a family that has been missing him so badly it actually hurts.

And because I feel like I can make some of you laugh, sometimes...mostly due to the antics of this crazy family I call mine, I sort of felt the need to leave you with a little something I like to call...

"Redneck Roof Cleaning"

Take special note of the beer...it never left his hand, not even with the force of a 200 mph leafblower our neighbor lent him. He was raking right before I took this...

Welp, I better get going. Thanks for stopping by. Have yourselves a beautiful day today. :0)

Love, Kim

Sunday, May 6, 2007 9:20 AM

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~*~No One Gets Fed Till I Update The Web~*~

I've been called some crazy things throughout my life...but waking up, this morning, to the man who claims he loves me, calling me a "Slacker", welp..that just stings, man.

So, here we go, our half a week "Slacker" {yes, it's been that long} in review.

We haven't heard back about any near future MRI's yet. Lovely. :0(
Kody's feeling way better but the eye tic's are now spreading to facial tic's...mostly around his mouth and jaw. They can be painful and you can often see him,
1. Popping tylenol throughout the day.
2. Yelling at his own self to make it stop.

Poor baby, it tears at my soul.

But....when he's out and about and can almost take his mind off of it, it is happy, funny and completely annoying...at times, you know...eleventeen year olds can be sooooo amusing...especially out in public. Nothing further to say on that subject except to apologize profusely for the nearly cracked ribs of one helpless free sample lady at Wal-Mart who somehow still managed to smile after enduring one of Kody's hugs. We don't call him "Bear" cuz he's all cute and cuddly, you know.

This week Kody met yet another goal in his elementary school career. On Friday he graduated the "DARE" program. Not only did he complete the course and graduate but he WON, yes...I said "WON" an essay contest for his 5th grade class.
So, not only did he get a certificate for graduating the course...he also received recognition in front of the whole 5th grade students, teachers, principal, parents and Sheriff Dept.
He got on stage and was rewarded a special certificate, a boom box CD player, a $15.00 Wal-Mart gift card, and a blue ribbon award necklace.
Purty cool, don't you think?

Here's some pic's so you can see just how proud he was and how proud Kolin was of him...

I wish you could have all been there and heard the round of applause for him.
In about two weeks the applause will be even stronger when he graduates the 5th grade. Who would have ever thought 5 years ago we would see that day? Sigh..... :0)

Flowers are in full bloom around here and things are poppin' a mile a minute.
One of those "poppin'" things can be seen right here in Leesburg.
Our new grandbaby girl "A" who is holding steady to try and stay in her womb for another 10 weeks...but will we make it? I sure hope so because Kayara has already started the dialating thing.
Yesterday we went out for a little while to try and capture some maturnity pic's. With Kolin keeping a watchful eye on Alona and Alex, we somehow managed a few.
Here's three that we love the most, well so far anyway...

I've got tons more to work on, so stay tuned for more. And, um...sorry to those who are rolling the eyes and saying to themselves, "Oh please...no more." LOL!!

Before we left, before the kids got too cranked out..I captured this cute lil' moment. Glad I froze it in time because trust me, it doesn't last long at all.
Alona {our grandaughter} and Alex {our step-grandson} carefully holding hands walking over the bridge...

Since Kolin was so sweet to get himself out of bed early, and keep an eye on the kids...how could I not of included him? After all...he played with a 3 and almost 5 year old for over an hour...and that isn't an easy job to do.

This was before he started minding them, happy as can be, clueless as to what was about to unfold when the kids showed up...

And this was afterwards when he had enough and found a lovely little bridge to hide under. Unfortuently for Kolin, small children are short and they found him.
Next time I'm sure he'll try hiding somewhere up high, like a tall tree...

Welp my friends...before the rain gets here today I have to drag my butt outside and cut the grass.
And..oh yes...feed everyone, I did mention that no one gets fed until I update the web, didn't I?

Have yourselves a beautiful day!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 5:20 PM

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~*~Wednesday Afternoon~*~

Looking Good......

He looks better today, maybe not 100 percent yet but a definate improvement from yesterday. :0)
Kody's eyes are still "tic-ing" 200 miles per hour but, his head isn't aching, his fevers have gone away just about all day, he started drinking and even ate a little today. And, the best part? He hasn't fallen, not even once!!WHEW!!

So, to celebrate...we ventured outside for a little bit today but I gotta tell you, it was HOT and very sunny out there.
So.....this is about all we got till Kody decided life is much better in the A/C.

Till tomorrow, everyone....have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Love, Kim


~*~Ummmm, yeah...where was I?~*~

Lately life is one big crazy pile of poo...but, you know what...it's not going to get me down, nope...no way because too many good things are coming our way...well, our way just as soon as the doctors can kindly figure out what the heck is wrong with Kody, why is he sleeping constantly and why in the world is he getting fevers, achey throats and no sign of strep or infection anywhere.

That's been most of our day today, dr. visits, CVS visits, and a little while ago a very direct yet politely sweet message from Dad Bear telling me to ""Quit slackin' Ole' Lady....There's ALOT of worried people out there!"
Isn't he just too sweet?

So, first things first...I apologize for being a slacker, my only excuse....I never take two minutes to sit still anymore and when I do it's only because I'm stuck behind a steering wheel of a car.
If I sit at home, the phone will ring...it's a given. :0)

Let's see....welp, I told you all how Kody's been miserable. The eye tics are still there full force. His heads been pounding, he's been dizzy and really tired.
This morning he woke up with a sore throat and a slight fever. So, I got to thinking..."Hmmmm, may he does still have strep and last weeks test was wrong? Maybe just maybe this is the problem after all?"

But, after spending some time at the ped's office today, that's not the case, no strep...none at all. They don't know whats wrong but put him on Zithromax anyway, in the hopes that whatever lurks within will soon be squashed by the trusty ole' "Z-Pack".

While I left for the ped's visit, Karl worked the phone with Neuro.
They are baffeled, bewildered, and defiently wondering what is going on with him. However when I got home and called them back with the results...they had left for the day so looks like I'll just hover around my new Kuerig coffee machine tomorrow and wait for the call.

As we speak, he is sleeping like a baby again and his Z-Pack will be ready soon so I'll make this quick.

Today I had lunch with our favorite journalist lady, Miss. Glenda, who has followed Kody story from the very beginning.
We ate great Italian food, we chatted about families, Kody, karate, and life.
But, what we really chatted about was Miss Glenda...who is currently battling cancer herself.
I have to tell you all, it was absolutley WONDERFUL to get out for an hour, positively glorious to eat something better then peanut butter and kids leftovers, it was even more heartwarming to chat with a well loved friend. I actually could feel her pain, her battle, her triumph. I wished I could do more, like wipe away the cancer forever...but things like that are impossible for us. So, I lent an ear, a shoulder and let me tell you, it was the best hour I have spent in a long, long time. :0)
I'd love to ask you all to please spend a moment in prayer for Miss Glenda's health and happiness.

Anywhos...next week there will be a new updated Kody Bear article in one of our local newspapers. He hasn't been in the paper in quite a while..so this will be a real treat.

Kolin got his karate testing papers last night and so on May 12th he will earn his third stripe on his red belt, making him a nine year old black belt candidate!!!!
Way to go Kolin!!!

Rumor has it that Kody will get his testing papers too....I just have to get him better enough to get there. Maybe tomorrow? I hope so because Kolin really doesn't like to go to class without his brother.

Speaking of Kolin/Kody and being together..I just have to leave you with these two laughs...because I'm just not going to leave on a bad note, nope..not today.

OK, so first...
Two days ago Kody asks to speak to me about something that's been on his mind. So, off we go for some private talk. He tells me that seeing as he is getting older, and will be in middle school soon and all, that he's like to have his own bedroom...all to himself, his stuff only.
We do have an empty bedroom..it was supposed to hold my picture taking stuff, but I told him "Sure, we can do that....but Dad has to break down the bunks beds for me".
Somewhere in the conversation, Kolin was lurking nearby, evesdropping as Kolin always does and he freaked. No way, no how, did he want to be separated from his big brother.
But, as I reminded him..."Think about it Kolin, no more having to watch Full House reruns, no more listening to Kody sing with his headphones on, no more listening to him talk in his sleep".
And what did Kolin say?


How fast can we get rid of him?????"

And this lil' ditty that happened just yesterday...

After school a few kids in the neighborhood and Kolin were outside riding their bikes.
Kody watched for a little while and decided he was going to get on his bike. Now, mind you, his balance hasn't been real terrific but, not wanting him to feel different I let him ride...with two rules,

1. No jumps, stunts, tricks of any kind.

2. Don't make a fuss when I stay outside to watch.

Like any other kid, he said "OK".
Like some other kids...he didn't listen, not even with me watching.

A couple of kids went flying over a grassy hill that is in the yard next to us.
Kolin tried, and failed.
I told Kody not to even think about it and that's when I saw him...
Pedaling down the street, faster, faster, right towards that grass hill. He looked at me, I looked at him and said "Don't do it". He looked at me more, looked towards the hill, looked at me and I said "Kody, I am NOT kidding....do NOT defy me".
And that's when he pedaled faster, faster, cut the wheel to the left and went right over that hill....UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw the whole, ugly thing and that's when I lost it...I grounded him. Booted him off that bike and grounded him to the yard.
Still fuming, I came inside to tell Dad Bear what happened.
He kind of chuckeled, you know...and said something about him "being a boy".
I went back outside and what I found was too funny.
I could hear them talking but they couldn't see me.

Kolin giving Kody the pep talk about doing dumb things.
This sums up what I heard...Kolin's voice...

"Kody, I know how you feel man, I have done alot of stupid things after Mom told me not to. Remember that time she told me I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, remember..it was the time we got new bunk beds and she told me to never, ever lean out of the top bunk because the ceiling fan would get me and I waited until she left the room and I just had to do it, I leaned out and BAM..I got whapped right in the noggin'...and Kody, that wasn't the first thing I've ever done wrong in my life".

Ummm...let's just say I darn near almost wet myself listening to that conversation and yeah...I gave him his bike back but asked him if he learned his lesson?
He said "Well, honestly Mom...no".
I said, "You won't get it back until you do"
He said, as he pedaled away..."Guess I won't be getttin' it back any time soon".

OK, It's a boy thing, I'm convinced. Little brat.

OK, his med's are ready for pickup and right now I have one sad, sad Bear sitting next to me begging to go to karate tonight. SIGH...I hate being the bad guy. :0(

Have yourselves an awesome day!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, April 28, 2007 10:50 AM

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~*~More Med's and One Sleepyhead~*~

I have to be getting old, I know I'm getting old because I seriously thought, Doctor plus cell phone call at night could only equal bad news, right? Ummm....no, not all the time.

I talked to Dr. Pollack yesterday and the reason why the cell phone calls is because Kody's case is pretty facinating, interesting to him, and before the weekend got here, he wanted to prescribe another seizure medicine for him called "Keppra". This one Kody will be taking three times a day in addition to his Carbatrol which he'll still take two times a day for three whole days...then he cuts out the Carbatrol and stays on Keppra, three times a day till, whenever.

OK, so...Dr. P seems to think that after two and a half years of using Carbatrol, that suddenly Kody has developed "tics" from it which can also mean that in addition to everything else he has going for him, we might be adding "Tourette's Syndrome" to the list of, "Things Gone Wrong".
But, in order to clasify him as Tourette's, he would have to "tic" for 6 months to a year and it's only been 9 days, so far.

Now, there's only been a handful of reported cases of this happening from Carbatrol so to be honest, this may not be the cause but...since his Dr. wants to start from the simplest explanation and work his way upwards, we'll start with meds.

We need to give the Keppra one month and if he is still twitching, then he'll definetly need an MRI to check him for tumor growth/changes.

There are a few things that are a bummer about this and those things we're already seeing.

A whole new bunch of side effects. So far, and he's only been on since last night is...fatigue, painful legs joints, clumsiness, headache {but that could be from his eyes, which are still twitching}.

Keppra may not work to it's full potential, because he's starting off on a low dose. He could have breakthrough seizures, in which case, I am assuming...we would have to increase his dosage.

The medicine theory may not even be the problem, like I mentioned...it still could be tumor related.

Now then, Dad Bear has always been the more calm one about all things medical, he's pretty patient to wait things out and he almost always has a resonable answer to Kody's symptoms. However, as of last night...he wants that MRI done and he wants it done right away.
What we're seeing is a kid who's personality is changing by the day, his facial expressions are not the same, his smile is crooked, he developed weird habits. He's in there, but he's just not there. I know thats a pretty bad explanation...but I'm not sure how to describe it. He's Kody, but he's not. :0(

Yesterday, while I was on the phone, I was hearing slam, slam, slam...over and over. Turns out he was standing next to the front door, slamming the screen door over and over..in a perfect timed pattern. He looked like he had this blank look on his face, and when I told him to stop...he looked right through me. He stopped, but it was just plain out weird.
This morning, same thing only it was the fridge door.

***Edit Because I Just Had to Take a Break***

SIGH....a break because I heard crying and found Bear curled up in a ball, on my bedroom floor, crying his eyes out.
My God, what is going on with him??

Anywhos...I have to apologize, I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore...talk about a choppy update. :0(

I'll leave you with a few pic's of him from last Wednesday. I'm honestly not sure when I'll get anymore.

From our backyard "Disneyland" he and I found behind our home, in that empty lot...

Have a beautiful weekend everyone. :0)

Love, Kim

Friday, April 27, 2007 10:00 AM

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~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

So this is Pins and Needles/Panic/Fear

Oh man...last night the phone kept ringing and ringing, all Kaysha's calls.
Well, after like the 8th or 9th Florida cell phone call, I let the last call of the night go straight to voice mail, instead of picking it up.
Kody and I had to go out for a little bit today and when I got home, I listened to all the voice mails.

Welp, that cell call last night at 9 o'clock was from DR. POLLACK, Kody's Neurologist!!
Plus, Dr. P called again today, from his cell phone...that was on voice mail too.

UGH..can you believe it?

Anywhos..I called back his cell but got voice mail and then I called the office.
The girl who answered said she remembered Kody's nurse walking around with his chart this morning. I didn't get a chance to talk to her because she was out to lunch. But, they are looking for someone to call me back because right about now...I believe my nerves are shot.

No way can I leave this house...not till I get the call back. Waiting is nerve racking, that call is going to be nerve racking.

I mean, hoestly....when have you ever heard of a Dr. calling at night and again the next day from his cell. What is going on?

Please, please, please keep the chain of prayers going for Bear.

And, if that isn't enough...our oldest daughter who lives in NY was in the hospital yesterday and needs to go back again today with, of all things, kidney stones.
Now, I have no idea what that is but from what I can tell by her voice...it is painful.
Please, if you all could...keep Karyelle in your prayers too.

OK, with that...I need some coffee...I think I'll go make some in my brand spankin' new coffee machine {remember the one Kody and Kolin won?}...welp, if finally got here this week!!!!!!!! {pictures soon, I promise!}
I've alredy got this crazy addiction to extra strong hazelnut. :0)

GRRRRRR...we have no chocolate, and I can't leave!! :0(

I'll update just as soon as I hear anything.

Thank you all so much for always being there, to lean on, to vent to, to cry on, the laugh with. Honestly, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you all. :0)

Love, Kim


~*~One Down, Three To Go~*~

First I need to apologize for not updating last night...man, we just passed out after dinner. :0)

OK, let's do this...
Yesterday went really well, but it was a long, long day...one that Kody tried to sleep through and he even succeeded for a while. :0)

We got there and he was really stoked to see his all time, favorite EEG tech., Miss Wanda, who is the only one ever to do his EEG's...and she does them sooooo well, according to Kody. She also takes special care not to disrupt his hair in any way...seein' as it's so darn important to him.
She also reminds him that even with a head full of electrodes and a funky oversized elf like sock covering them wires and his head, he's still lookin' F*I*N*E...Fine!

Meet Miss Wanda, whom will always hold a special place in our "K" family filled hearts...

Like I mentioned, Kody slept. We were up waaaayyy too early, the room was darkened and pretty quiet and he went down fast, which was a good thing because part of the test is a sleep test, as you can see, he was happy to oblidge...

While he was sleeping, Dr. Pollack sent two of his nurses over to talk to us, give us some lab work papers to be done that day and give us a pre-diagnoses best guess.

There are four things that may be the culprit of Kody's sudden eye twitching, hand stiffening and voice weirdness.
One...the strep virus he had a week before Easter could still be lurking inside of him causing a sudden bout of "tics".
But...the strep test he had yesterday proved that theory wrong.
{Can you tell we watch ALOT of "Mythbusters" here? :0)

Two: He may have some kind of infection in him and the bloodwork he had yesterday will either confirm or bust that theory today.
Another course of antibiotics would squash that but, he may need them intrevenously, which would mean a hospital stay or have a pic line put into his chest, which we would learn how to use. When the infection is gone, so will his pic line.

Three: Seizure activity....the EEG will give us concrete answers today or at the very latest on Monday.
An even higher dose med's, a special "Kenitic diet", which has to be medically supervised or as a last choice, surgery options may be available. But, let's not cross that bridge until we have to.

Four: This would be the worst case scenerio. If all other tests come back normal, Kody will be put back in the MRI to look for tumor growth/changes.
I am, for the time being, not even mentally going there. I don't want to talk about it, think about it or admit that it's even a possibility right now.

"Without Hope, There Is No Hope"...Juliana Banana's Dad says so, and I am a firm believer in that.

So, pretty much we have four tests, we are waiting the results of two, might need to have test four and I figure, in my sleep deprived head...we have...

One Down, Three To Go.

When Kody woke up from his lil' nap, he was in a great mood...even with a headful of wires and that crazy cap...he watched his movies, The Marine, Fast and Furious, Tokyo Drift, and Airforce One.
Not to mention his beloved CD player....he was bustin' out some song singin', but because of being attached to wires and computer's he didn't bust many moves. He would have LOVED to though, seeing as he was also being video taped the entire time and dancing for Miss Wanda, while she watched from an ajoining room, would have been the ultimate high point of his day, Miss Wanda's too, I'm sure.

He also had the time of his life, sending Dad Bear downstairs, every hour, for vending machine treasures {chips} and a few trips to the very well Kody loved, Candy Lady.
Talk about spoiled.
Wait, maybe it was me who sent him for candy. Ummmm, no...it was Kody, I'm sure.

After he was unplugged from his EEG and had his hair lovingly fixed/re-spiked by Miss Wanda we were sooo out of there. But, only for a minute becuase we had to get that bloodwork done at the lab.
Then a super quick trip to Chick-fil-A {??} in the hospital and then a drive over to Neurology for his strep test and a chat with Dr. P's nurse prac., and nurses.

He got home in just enough time to fix dinner and pass out cold. LOL!!

Kody's home again today..he convinced me that one more day home from school couldn't possibly hurt, and softie that I am , I agreed.

See that photo on the very top? How cool is that?!
Who knew that by jumping putting a pool ladder over our back fence, which leads to a huge lot, that Kody and I could find a junkyard treasureland. That old chevy is right behind our shed in our backyard...nine years of living here and who knew?

I've got a bunch more pic's to get on here for you to see, but for now, because I am really running out of time, I'll put just one up.

Leesburg's Bikefest is this weekend, it stats tonight but alread you can stand anywhere outside and hear the rumbles of 100's of motorcycles.
I don't know if we'll have a chance to do more then hang out at Dad Bear garage which is located right at the end of Main Street, where "Bikefest" is, and watch the bikes roll in...but what the heck, it's better then nothing at all, right? :0)

OK, I've got to run off for now.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day everyone!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:25 PM

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Call Me Selfish

Maybe I am, maybe my heart is literally breaking for my son. His eyes are still jerky, his balance is off more today then yesterday and the teasing that he's been through since Monday is totally ridiculous.
As if he isn't going through enough, he's been living through the constant taunting of other kids for something he really has no control of.
And, even though Kody shrugs it off like it doesn't bother him, it has to, and I'm not embarrassed or ashamed to admit it bothers me alot, for him. He's my son, my hero, my life, one of my several reasons for living...and when he hurts, I hurt.

So, in an act of being selfish/rebelous, I kept him home from school today. Today he and I will hang out, listen to his music, watch his TV shows, eat his favorite foods. This is our sunshine day before the storm.

Sorry all...I just had to vent, I couldn't keep it in any longer, I hope I didn't offend. :0(

I'll update again as soon as I can.

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim


~*~Rock Stars and The Latest Scoop on Kody Unplugged~*~

Let's get this started with the good stuff first, because good stuff is how we like to jumpstart our days, K? Well..OK, let's go!! :0)

So, you wanna be a Rock Superstar? Well, you've come to the right place...

Introducing, Kody, Kolin and Friends...Rock SuperStars!!

Oh yeah...they were cool, they were beyond cool, they were absolutely, rockingly, amazingly AWESOME!! I ought to know..LOL..I am their biggest fan and all. :0)

OK...so now the not so good news, bummer, I know. :0(

Dr. Pollack's nurse, Wendy called me this morning and although his Carbatrol {seizure med.} levels have dropped some since his last bloodwork a year ago, they are still within normal range.
March of 2006 they were at: 7.8
April of 2007: 6.2

So, he'll start to take a higher doseage of Carbatrol starting tonight.
I also need to video clip his twitching eyes and e-mail them to Dr. Pollack this afternoon, before he starts that higher doseage so that Dr. P. has a visual of what is happening. Plus, to be used as an education tool.
And, in addition...Dr. P. had both his nurses working frantically this morning to get Kody a STAT appointment for a "Day Lab EEG", which is a high tech EEG that will take 6 to 8 hours total.

So, Thursday, at 7:45 we'll be checking Kody into Shands for that.
The downside is that Kody was supposed to be taking a class trip to Silver Springs in Ocala that day and instead he'll be hooked up to a million different wires monitoring every part of his brain. :0(
But....we have to do this because 1)Dr. Pollack says it is urgent and 2)if we don't go Thursday it'll be a few months before we can get another appointment.
We just can't take that risk with Bear, so we'll go and make the most of it, right?
My only one wish is that I could get him the CD's he's been buggin' for and an endless supply of AA batteries for his CD thing because when he listens to his music he falls right asleep and sleeping through as much of this EEG will definetly be a plus for him. LOL!!

Welp my friends...that's about all the news I have for now. I wish it was a little better but Kody is Kody and we all know, the odds are never against him...so move on over spazzy brain waves...we are bustin' through and kickin' butt!!

Take care everyone...

Love, Kim

Monday, April 23, 2007 1:00 PM

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~*~Monday Night~*~

Just a quick update to let you all know the Boggy Creek pix are livin' on the photo page. Try as I might, there was no way to fit them all on so, within the next day or two, I'll finish them up on the front page, it'll be the totally rockin' talent show concert ones. :0)

More news...
I did hear from the neurology {seizure doc.} nurse and Kody's neurosurgical nurse practicioner/Dr. Pincus right hand woman, Leeann, late this afternoon.
Neuro. nurse was going nuts trying to get hold of Kody's labs from last week. Hopefully they are sitting on Dr. Pollack's desk as we speak becuase she wants Dr. Pollack to call me in the morning, early...like between 7:30 and 9 o'clock.
Leeann, from Dr. Pincus' office was pretty concerned and feels he is having continous seizures, because the twitching doesn't stop. She told me the name of this particular seizure but darned if I can remember it now.
In any case, she says if neuro. doesn't call me or if I have a difficult time getting though to them in the morning to let her know she she can get on them.
If, between now and when they figure out whats going on, he happens to seize bigtime, of course..the only step is get him transported by ambulance to the ER right away.

I'm thinking this is or has the potential to be pretty serious. :0(
Or maybe, just maybe...hopefully, it's just a matter of raising the doseage on his med's or changing them completely. I don't know..I pray that's all it is.

Please pray for our Bear...when he tries to relax is when it's at it's worst...and he's miserable tonight.

OK, let me jump off, I'll update tomorrow when I hear anything.

Love, Kim


~*~A Rocked Out Weekend To Remember~*~

WHOA...I don't even know where to begin...this past weekend was THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

From our camp "Pals", Tina and Leon a/k/a "Kenny" {College kids from all over the USA who volunteer their time to hang with us} who played endlessly with the boys from morning till night, to the never-ending food, songs, dancing, activities, swimming {Yeppers, Swimming!!}, hugs, loves, plus Kolin hiding under his bed and tears from Kody {OK, and me} when it was time to go home.

Soooo many memories, soooooooo much fun. :0)

But the best part? Oh wow, that HAD to have been yesterday morning when Camp Boggy Creek's theater had it's annual talent show and guess who's kids were on stage? Umm...yeah, mine!! :0)
Trust me, there is not one single, solitary, shy bone in those two at all.

It was "Rock Star" weekend and Kody, Kolin with oh, about 8 camp pals ROCKED the house. No kidding...those kids had every single person, young and old, kids, parents, grandparents, everyone, in that theater on their feet and rocking out to My Chemical Romance's..."Welcome To The Black Parade".

I could literally go on and on for hours telling you all about every little thing..but since I have only a few minutes to wrap this update up, I'll post some pictures on the photo page and let them tell the story.
Soooo...when I get them up, I'll post a lil' update on top of this update to let ya'all know they made it over.

I want to personally, in front of the entire world, send our "Thank You's" and "Love" to Tina and Leon {incase they get to read this} again from Kaysha, Kody, Kolin and myself. We truly hope we get to meet again sometime..ROCK ON!!!

OK, now on with the not so good news...

SIGH....last Thursday, Kody started getting some eye twitching/tics.
At first I noticed when I was snapping a few pic's of him, he'd keep closing his eyes in almost every one. I thought he was just being a goof, but then he told me he couldn't help it, it was happening and he couldn't stop.
By later in the day the tics were causing his head to pound and he started napping alot.

This weekend it was real noticable, and everyday he'd sleep for a couple/few hours in the middle of the day {heck, he even fell asleep in his lunch..LOL!!} till I had to wake him up so he wouldn't miss the goings-on.

Last night I watched him sleep and wouldn't you know it, it was happening in his sleep...over and over and over.
It looks like he's closing and opening his eyes real hard, over and over.

Anywhos...long story short, I put in a call to Shands this morning and no surprise, I'm still waiting for a call back.
Whatever is happening, it's like something is shorting in his brain and he's getting these involutary eye movements that he can't stop. The worst thing is, it's painful. Seriously, I tried making myslef do it just to see how it felt, and it's purty smarts.

I'll update just as soon as I hear anything at all. If you all could, maybe say a lil' prayer for him?

OK, now since it would be entirely waaaayyyy too difficult for me to leave you all with no pix at all...I'll leave a few.
This one of Kody was taken on Thursday, the day I started noticing his eye problem.
It took about 10 tries to get only one with his eyes open, the little booger.

These were taken of Kolin a/k/a "Wild Man" right before we left for Boggy Creek on Friday...he really makes that cap work, don't you think?

I'll have the Camp Boggy pic's up later on. I just got them out of the camera and they need to be downsized and collaged first.

Take care everyone..Later Gators!!

Love, Kim

Friday, April 20, 2007 3:10 PM

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~*~Two More Hours....~*~

And we are on route to our fun-filled, action packed weekend get-a-way at Camp Boggy Creek, the five star resort of all camping resorts, if camping was a resort, and in our case...it is, it really is.


I don't know if I'll find a computer but, Kaysha will be with me, and we all know if there's a computer within 5 miles, she will find it. :0)

Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend everyone!!

Love yaz...


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 11:20 AM

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~*~Wednesday Afternoon~*~

OK, So Where Was I?

I remember now...
I think I was somewhere inbetween "I will be back later" and "Oops I did it again"...dagnammut, I didn't get back on yesterday and I promise not to promise anymore, promise.

Lauren...I have to admit, I am pretty impressed too, and here all along I thought it was only Kolin that could come up with that much info in one long breath. :0)

Anywhos, like I was saying yesterday before I lost track of time and found myself at 11 o'clock wondering why wasn't I sleeping....things around here continue to roll, one surprise and one drama at a time.

I, I mean the kids are looking soooo forward to this weekend, our weekend away at Camp Boggy Creek. Something about parking myself on a rocking chair, listening to the birds and reading a book/magazine while watching someone else keep my kiddo's entertained for two days sounds like such a slice of Heaven right about now.
Who am I kidding, I'll be the first one on the wood shop line waiting for my turn to make my bird feeder...mark my word.

Welp, spring break is over and this week the kid's have marched their butts on back to school.
It was sad to see them leave...long faces, pleading eyes, phoney Monday morning illnesses and all.

So, to keep them fresh in our memory bank today, here is a small glimpse into just some of the pix we took, which, surprisingly enough...wasn't all that many.
No worries, I will make up for it this weekend. HA!!

We'll start off with the loveable, adorable, maniac of a child, Kolin...

This was taken in a far corner of our yard where the weeds grow, I almost forgot it was there until I ventured out one day to de-weed our yard.
Who knew a scrappy old pile of nothing great surrounded by a scrappy, old, falling apart shed, filled with scrappy, old, falling apart yard things could be so cool?
Um, Kolin did. :0)

It rained for a few days, here and there, on and off.
And since I am a bigtime nut about keeping them inside when it rains with wind and things start falling out of the trees, Kolin was forced to stay inside...which, he is not fond of, believe me it's like caging a wild animal.

Besides video games, eating me out of house and home and wrestling with Kody, this is his favorite thing...

I tried to keep his brain stimulated with some coloring activities, but the pages were left undone and every marker had on a different coordinating cap, which drives marker people like Kody and myself insane.
Why the undone page? My only guess is it would have kept him sitting still for too long.

Trying to get Kody awake in the morning was definetly a problem.
Trying to pop out a few pictures in the mid-day sun was not happening.
Trying to catch him after dinner, clean and non-sweaty was impossible.
So, I'll just put up a few oldies from the week before..I told you I had a trillion of these. :0)

And last but certainly not least in my lifetime...

OK my friends, it's back to business round here and that means for now I'm outta here.
I haven't heard back from the neuro. Doc about Kody's bloodwork so either he hasn't herd back from the pediatrician, the labs not done doing their job or everything is A-OK and his labs are just fine.
I'm rooting for number 3. :0)

Have a GREAT day everyone!!
Love, Kim


~*~I'll Be Back~*~

Wouldn't you just know it..I sit down to update and now I've got to jump off...GRRRRRR.

OK, so fast...
We're OK, Kaysha's birthday was purty good, she's bummed she didn't find a new car with a red bow on it {HA!}, the weather tore my yard up AGAIN, forcing me to have to do more, ewwww, yardwork, Kolin is still wild, Kody is still cool, my oldest kid is moving home {KK....CALL ME, what is going on???!!!}, Kayara's due date is now moved from August to July, we're hoping for a 4th of July baby to come out with a BANG, Kyle James...SIGH...no good news yet, and here is some EXCELLENT news...

Yesterday I received a phone call from Camp Boggy Creek, there is a family weekend this weekend, another family cancelled, we finally made it to the top of the waiting list after two years of waiting and Friday around dinnertime the kids and I are taking off for a fun-filled, action-packed, semi-relaxing, super wonderful 2 1/2 days at Camp Boggy Creek!!!!!

The kids are excited, and in the back of my mind, all I am thinking is...

"Wow, two and a half days of someone else listening to Kolin talk, on and on and on...."

Does that make me kind of a bad Mom? NAHHHHH!!!!!

Anywhos..I WILL be back on later with a better update and some new pictures, to boot.
I just have a crazy, busy schedule right about now.

I'll be back!!

Love yaz all!!!!!!


PS. KK...CALL US!!!!!!!!!!! Your Dad is freaking, he's starting to rearrange the bedrooms, the boys are on a Catagory 5 excitement mode, Kaysha keeps saying, "Oh No, No Way, Nobody's getting MY bedroom".

Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:00 AM

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~*~Sunday Morning, April 15th~*~

Happy Birthday to youuuuuu...
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu....
Happy Birthday Dear Our Favorite MySpace Winning, Sweet Sixteen, Goth/Emo Girl....
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!

Yes, you read it here first...Kaysha is the official "Best of MySpace" FIRST PLACE WINNER!!!!!!
With well over 2000 votes....she rocks, you ALL rock...cuz you all helped get her there. :0)
Thank you so much!!!!!

Check out Kody's new t-shirt..how cool is that?
It was sent to him by one of our most favorite people in the world, Helen H.
Would you like one too? I sure hope so...here's the link if you do..
Kickin' Cancers Butt Gear

Thank you so much Miss Helen..Kody LOVES his new black tee...it is soooo him. :0)

Welp, we are having some real nasty weather this morning which should continue till the afternoon. Lots of rain, wind, lightening and tornados and it's supposed to travel right straight through Leesburg.
Soooo....I've got the important stuff packed and ready to go should we need to make a quick escape. I seriously hope not, this isn't the way Kaysha planned on spending her b-day, that's for sure.

Have a great day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Batteries Not Required~*~

With Kody, Kaysha and even Dad Bear having their share of the spotlight lately....Kolin and I decided that he should lay claim to a little fame around here.
So, over the past couple of days I asked Kolin to give me a few minutes of his time and pose a little.

I'm his Mom, I should have known what I was getting myself into, but I did it anyway, I went where no Mom should have to go...

"The Kolin Zone"

It's a scary place to be. {{shivers}}

First let's go over some Kolin trivia facts, shall we?
Well OK...let's go...

1. Kolin, as most of you know is the youngest of the litter. Had it of not been for that wonderfully, blissful, invigorating hysterectomy I had 6 or 7 years ago..I'm sure he'd be a middle sib by now, many times.

2. Kolin has ADHD, we refuse to give into to medicating him and that basically means, my days, as his stay-at-home Mom are very long. He gives a whole new meaning to "Calgon, take me away" or "Snap me a cold one, quick".

3. Kolin's nickname is "Bop". When he was real little it was "Kolie Bop-a-Doodle", which was shortened to "Kolie-Bop", which was still too long to yell, so he now answers to "Bop", when needed.

4. Kolin has never slept with stuffed animals, ever. On any given day you'll still find 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, at least 8 to 10 wrestling actions figures and 1 wrestling ring in his bed, which is above Kody's....they sleep in a bunkbed.

5. Kolin hates to sleep, his bedtime is 9, but it's always around 11 when he finally passes out. He is up with the sun, full of energy, always on the go. He wears us out just thinking about it. He is the reason why Dad and I love our morning caffeine.

6. When he concentrates on something, Kolin always sticks his tongue out. It's hysterical..though we're worried one day he'll bite it off.

7. Kolin talks, ALOT. He talks contsantly, he talks for hours, he talks without breathing, he even talks in his sleep.

8. Kolin is the reigning King of sound effects. He's carried that crown his whole life. I'm telling you, he could create a sound effect for anything, a tree, a rock, anything.
He's also the ultimate King of armpit farts, not that you really wanted to know that or anything.

9. Kolin has the attention span of a goldfish. Good thing we love fish.

10. Kolin survived his first crush and broken heart this year.

11. Kolin could care less about fashion. He is the complete opposite of Kody. Kolin would wear the same clothes everyday for a week, if I let him.
This past week I let myself slip and during a quick trip to Walgreens for milk and cough drops, Kolin let me and the entire store know that he hasn't changed his clothes in three days. If that wasn't bad enough, he also let me and entire store know he hadn't put on underwear in three days either.
I haven't been back to Walgreens since. I used to love that store.

12. Kolin has lived in his big brothers shadow for more then half his life. He was 4 when Kody was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He'll be 10 on August 25th.

13. Soon Kolin will be a black belt candidate. He's alot stronger then he looks...thats for sure. He's taken me and Dad Bear down...little brat.

14. Kolin is FAST...he can go from zero to 100 in about 2 seconds.

15. Kolin totally looks up to Kody, is fiercly protective of him and even feels Kody's pain when Kody hurts.
He's been spotted rubbing Kody's back and head on Kody's bad days and he won't stop until Kody's asleep.

16. When they're not loving on each other, you can always find Kolin and Kody putting each other in headlocks. It's a boy thing.

17. You won't catch them admitting it, but Kolin and Kaysha are best buds too...when they don't hate each other you'll find them on the computer, rocking out to their music videos.

18. Korey Taylor, our snake, loves Kolin the best.

19. Kolin is a good reader, but he's not a big reader. He hates to write but loves to draw...and his drawings are awesome, real artistic. His eye at anything explosive can be seen in beautiful detail in his drawings.

20. OK, this is it..the last Kolin trivia of the day...
Kolin can splinter a piece of plywood, with his foot, quicker then you can say "Hey...what the yellawood was that?"

How many of you all seriously thought that Kolin was all angelic and cute, sort of like these would suggest...

Or this, BTW..his eyes really do sparkle like cubic zarconias...

Kolin, welp...he really doesn't mind too much having his picture taken, BUT....he has to set the scene and the pose, this one was completely his idea...

Yeppers....Kolin's a pretty cool kid, very photogenic, but what you'll see next is what I see about ninety-nine percent of the time, welcome to my world...

Gotta love those lil' hyperactive ones, don't ya just, now?

You know, I've loved doing this update so much...I may have to make it into a short mini series, to be continued Monday.
Unless, of course, something extremely exciting happens by then. :0)

Please don't stop the voting for Kaysha..I think, if I'm not mistaken, you can still get the last of the votes in today. We should know by tonight...it's a CLOSE race.

..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1- Add Best of Myspace profile to your friends.
2- Once they accept your friend request, go to Pictures.
Select the picture with me. (My name is under it)
And type VOTE!
3- Voting in unlimited so vote as much as you want.

FYI...Kaysha's Sweet Sixteen birthday is tomorrow. Can you believe the weather is going to be bad, real bad. Heck, the news people were saying this morning to make sure to leave the weather alert radios on. YIKES!!
But....it should clear up in the afternoon...I hope so.

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, April 12, 2007 1:25 PM

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Burn Baby, Burn a/k/a Not your Daddy's Disco Inferno

As we get a little closer to Karl and my soon-to-be twenty-seventh {yeppers..27!!!!} year in holy matrimony, I'd like to give you a glimpse, just a small glimpse into our not very normal, sometimes exciting, strange lil' life.

We met, we sparked, we married, we had kids, we had ALOT of kids.
With each kid came a whole new magnitude of craziness...not to be confused with zaniness, which I think describes a kind of cuteness...which, we certainly do not lay claim to be, at all.

Dad worked alot, I stayed home...I had no choice, I was always pregnant.
Dad came home everynight, without fail. That was a good thing.
I often wondered why, seeing as he never, ever knew what he'd be coming home to.

As the kids grew and we transplanted ourselves into the south, Karl...well, he got, kind of, you know...funny. I think it was the sun.
At first the kids and I would shake our heads in amazement....he used to be the "normal/smart/level headed" one of the pack...what the heck was happening...maybe aging...more likely sun though?
Soon, after witnessing many "episodes", we started calling him "Ozzie" and oh man, we would laugh our butts off when we could hear him yellin' from the outside "Kiiiimmmm".
This HAS to be how Ms. Sharon Osbourne feels, exactly how.
I mean seriously...our lil' family, the family I have always described as The Brady Bunch Meets The Osbournes" was beginning to make Ozzie's family look normal.

Things just never change, do they?
Some men just never seem to grow up, do they?
Some guys just crave extreme anything, don't they?

Yep..I married one of those guys and though I roll my eyes and shake my head at the things he comes up with sometimes, I still love the guy...seriously, I do.

Case in point...

Almost two weeks ago I decided to work my rear off, for the day, in the yard. I cut, pulled, tugged and chopped a 10 foot wall of weeds that was taking over our bedroom window, therefore not allowing much in the way of light in.

We have this burn pile in our front yard, why the front yard...I have no idea, but that's where it has always ended up.
Once a month or so, we'd burn down all the yard crud that seems to take over the place.
But...we hadn't burned in months, so after that Saturday's yard cleanup...that pile WAS our front yard...it was huge!!

That same day, Karl and I had...if you can believe it...an argument about someting totally dumb.
When he came home that afternoon, we were pretty much on non-speaking terms...OK, we would speak, but that kind of "speak" is nothing fit for this website.
The boys were playing in the backyard, Kaysha and I were with them, sipping down a cold lemonade...trying to chill after a day of dragging branches from the back to the front..over and over and over.

I saw him, yep...I saw him walk into the side yard and grab the gas can...and I'm thinking "Turd..can't he SEE I've already mowed every inch of this lawn?"
That's when we heard it...an explosion....like a morter had just been dropped into our front yard.
That's when Kaysha looked at me and said as calmly as can be, "What the **bleep** was that?"
My non-shocked respose...
"I have no idea, but I'll grab the camera and meet you out in front."

This is what we found...

One day, when the hair grows back on Karl's right arm...I'll snap a picture of that too.

Actually...in a few minutes, I'm going to snap a picture of our poor, gigantic, otherwise healthy, elm tree...which has turned into a crispy critter.

So, here I was snapping pic's and since I was still in a not so great mood with him anyway, I said to Kaysha..
"I swear if the fire dept. shows up, I don't know him."
And she said, without skipping a beat...
"Yeah, me too."

After the flames were pretty much squelched, we knew we'd be OK because after all..we had..

Firegirl Kaysha on duty..

And, because he'd have a cow if I didn't mention it, soon after snapping a pic. of Firegirl, Dad Bear came running out of the house, grabbed that hose and chased her and I through the yard to drench us.
It kind of made me tingle, you know?

Speaking of Kaysha a/k/a Firegirl, she will rip me to shreds when she see's I posted that picture, but since she's at Daytona Beach having fun in the sun right now...I can...LOL..and I will...and I'll be paying for it later :0)

I think today or tomorrow is the very last day to vote for Kaysha's "Best of MySpace" and the voting is getting CLOSE!! She is vertually neck to neck with another girl..so please, all MySpacer's...
Please get those votes in!! :0)
You can vote over and over and over.
Just follow Kaysha's directions and click on this link to vote...

..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1- Add Best of Myspace profile to your friends.
2- Once they accept your friend request, go to Pictures.
Select the picture with me. (My name is under it)
And type VOTE!
3- Voting in unlimited so vote as much as you want.

Kody is doing wonderful today, kickin' butt and having fun. Kolin too. :0)

Oh..I HAVE GOT to tell you all this..

Last Monday night the boys were at their beloved karate class.
Only three kids showed up that night, probably because there is alot of vactioners and the weather was cold and wet.
But, anywhos...there I go, getting off track.

After Kody's seizure episodes from the previous week, I wasn't sure he completely back yet. But, what I saw proved me very wrong again. It was one of those times I wished I had a video camera because his Dr's, and the world needed to see what he did.

One at a time, the kids were blindfolded and told to do their "forms" {an intreget series of steps, blocks, punches, kicks, jumps, etc...}
These forms can knock a normal person off balance without a blindfold.
First Kolin went up, and he rocked!!
Then it was Kody's turn and I almost, almost raised my hand and said "ummmm, maybe not".
But, that would have only caused Kody to be smothered with more massive overdoses of Mom inflicted embarrassment, sooooo....knowing his teacher would be within arms reach, just incase...Kody was blindfolded and he began with one of the hardest forms to do, even with sight.

And you know what?
He did it!!!
He didn't fall, lose his balance or trip, and he did it just as well as his brother and he did it alot more then once.
How I wish his Doctor's could have seen him.
How I wish the WORLD could have seen him!!
And it all has to do with, "Perserverance...What the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again..there is nothing that boy can't do {except pick up his socks}. :0)

Before I leave today, I wanted you to all know that PIMP MY PICTURES has been updated with a new special...just for you.

OK, I'm outta here for now.
Have yourselves a BEAUTIFUL day today!!

Love, Kim a/k/a Ozzie's Wife

Monday, April 9, 2007 11:40 AM

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~*~Wednesday Morning, April 11th~*~

Happy Two Quarters and a Penny

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu
Happy Birthday Our Dad Bear
Happy Two Quarters and a Penny to youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!

With a whole lotta love from your whole KAH-RAAAZY family!!!!!!

**Kody update**

Neuro. says he's doing wonderful. Bummer about his setback with the siezures and strep last week. Soooo, there is no chance at all he'll be coming off of his med's anytime in the near future...seeing as he most definetly will have breakthroughs.
He gets some bloodwork done Monday morning {first day back to school..HA, he'll love that!} and if all goes well, we won't need to return to Neuro. for another six months.
YAY KODY!!!!!!!!

Welp my friends, that's about all the news I have for this morning.

Have a GREAT one and eat some cake in honor of Dad Bear today, K???!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

Off To Gator Country

Just a quick update to let you all know we're off to Shands this afternoon for Neurology.
The weather is fixin' to be real snotty though, so that pretty much bites. :0(

Thanks to everyone who is still voting for Kaysha in the "Best of MySpace" contest. {See link below}. She, as of last night, is still in the lead.

I thought I'd leave you all with a few more, as he's been nicknamed, "Kody McDreamy's" for your viewin' pleasure this morning.

I'll do my best to update tonight, if not....in the morning for sure.

Have a great day everyone...

Love, Kim


~*~Calling All MySpacer's~*~

Can Kaysha ask ya'all "MySpacer's", a lil' favor this morning?
Cool...OK, here goes.
Kaysha was nominated for some "Best of MySpace" picture contest that has to do with the best photo of the coolest piercing...or something to that effect.

Anywho's...these directions are written by her {please don't ask me..I am "MySpace" clueless}, this is how you would vote.

..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1- Add Best of Myspace profile to your friends.
2- Once they accept your friend request, go to Pictures.
Select the picture with me. (My name is under it)
And type VOTE!
3- Voting in unlimited so vote as much as you want.

So...just click on that "Best of MySpace" box and it should take you there.
The contest ends this Friday and as of last night, Kaysha was in first place for the girl catagory.
You can vote more then once...so, please...vote till your achin' fingers fall off. :0)

Awwwww...how can you say no to this cute, lil', gonna be 16 in six more days, face??

And this face...

Oh heck...and all of these faces...

She's kind of cute, in her own lil' "Edward Scissorhands" sort of way.

Speaking of cute..I know these are not your typical Easter photos but this is our Bear, looking mighty healthy, quite cool and incredibly dreamy, yesterday...

Coming home from the hospital last Monday, we passed by this awesome chippy paint wall. Kody doesn't much remember it from last week...so I took him out there again yesterday...and a few other places, cuz we were bonding and all.

No exaggeration...I have about 40 more of these to go through. It'll be enough to keep ya'all updated with pix for quite a while.

Now, you may be wondering where Kolin and Alona are in all this?
Welp, Alona, bless her heart, was feverish and feeling quite icky yesterday and Kolin...
Oh my Kolin, Kody and I left him with Dad Bear. Why?
Ummm...because Kolin was on such a sugar rush yesterday that even the ceiling fan was amusing him to no end.
As entertaining as it was, I opted to let Dad Bear handle that head spinnin' stuff for an hour, or so.

Not too much else new round here...oh, except...welp, I could get myself in some serious **bleep** for this but I just thought I would very casually mention that our favorite Dad Bear will be, in two days, as Alona likes to say...

Two quarters and a penny!!

Oh yeah...Wednesday, April 11th marks the big 51.
Maybe we could all just sing/celebrate/dance and have ourselves a real party hardy kind of day on Karlio's behalf?
Just ummmm, keep me in mind because I sense nothing good coming out of this on my end here.
I am sooooo toast when he reads this.

Welp, better run...I hear Kody and screaming coming out of the same sentence from two rooms away.
Did I mention the kids are on spring break?
Help me, man. :0(

Please don't forget to vote for Kaysha..it'll be a great b-day gift for her. :0)

Have a great one all...

Love, Kim

Saturday, April 7, 2007 7:35 PM

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~*~A Very Happy Easter To You~*~

First, I have got to tell you all that after a purty rough morning and half an afternoon yesterday, Bear is back to bad baby!! :0)
He's is feeling, much...much better, which makes all of us feel much, much better...believe that.

Yesterday started spring break for the kiddo's and Thursday was offical "Field Day 2007" for the boys.
Since there were waaaaayyyyyy too many pictures to post here on the front page, I added them to the photo page instead.
These are guaranteed to make you laugh...welp, OK...if the events don't make you laugh...the faces these boys make while jumping, running and throwing definetly will. :0)
Field Day was soooo much fun that our "Wild Man", Kolin even got his mug and 15 minutes of fame on the front page of our local newspaper yesterday.
How cool is that?

Not much else new round here though we did manage to dye three or so dozen eggs, minus a few...oops...broken ones.

Tomorrow, for Easter we really have an easy going day planned. Hopefully I can sneak in a trip out to see Kyle James while the kids are busy napping off their morning sugar high.
Plus...Kody and I have a lil' something planned for his site and it requires a real quick trip out to a kick butt wall I found while driving home from the hospital the other morning.

Speaking of hospital.....Bear's next trip out to Shands is Tuesday afternoon at 4.
We'll be taking him to Neurology, which is his seizure Doc., which with all things considered with this weeks strep and seizures...couldn't come at a better time.

OK all...I'm going to hop off for now.

If I don't get a chance to update tomorrow {I really will try to though}, we in the "K" family would like to wish you all a very "Happy amd Blessed Easter Sunday".

Love, Kim

PS. Don't forget to check out the photo page. :0)

Friday, April 6, 2007 1:50 PM

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~*~Not Trying to Slack But...~*~

Bear's having another rough day.
I'll try to get on later and update again.

Love, Kim

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 12:11 PM

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~*~There Goes My Hero...~*~

Almost all kids in the world will get a virus. Almost all of them recover fairly quickly without any problems whatsoever.

Our Bear? Welp, he does things in his own way, in his own time...but at the end of Virus Blvd., Kody shines from the inside, out...from his head to his toes.

Bear's latest strep virus scare knocked him for a loop. A little bit bigger loop then say, if Kaysha or Kolin or even myself had gotten it.
Strep is miserable, strep hurts, strep causes Kody to have seizures in his sleep, and we are sure he probably had two...maybe even three since Sunday and Monday.
But....he's on the mend and even though he's not quite as quick, his responses/reflex time isn't 100 percent all there yet, he's still a tad bit clumsy and his speech is still kind of slow/slurry...Kody took off running to get back to school today.
Today was, for Kody's class...An EGG-citing day...full of Egg/Easter activities and there was no way he was missing out on that.

So....as I dropped him and Kolin off, in front of their school around 8:30 this morning, as I watched him happily walk with Kolin {who always makes me smile because he is always so darn protective of his big brother} down the walkway to their classrooms....all I could think of was this song that was appropriately playing on the radio right at that time...

"There Goes My Hero"

Those four little words just about sums up everything I had in my heart at that very moment.
There is nothing in this great big world that, that boy can't do when he puts his mind to it.

This was taken yesterday, LOL...you can see he was still a little loopy, but definetly being a great sport.

And here's another of Nuts...he's like having another kid around all day.
And, he is for sure more cooperative in front of the camera then my two legged kids. :0)

Till tomorrow everyone, have a beautiful day!!

Love, Kim

Monday, April 2, 2007 9:23 AM

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~*~Monday Afternoon~*~

When One Sleeps All Day...These Two Will Do

Kody Bear still continues to feel bad, really...really bad. Poor Bear, I hate seeing him this way. :0(

So....to make our day a lil' bit brighter, Nuts came around for his mid morning brunch...and it seems to check on Bear, since he was sleeping right next to the fresh air of the open door anyway.

He is a cute lil' thing, isn't he?

Speaking of cute....here's Kolin from today...

Don't let the baby blue cuteness fool you, he was actually not into this whole "Not manly" scene at all and let me know this in no uncertain terms.
But...like I told him, "Boy...until your brother is feeling better, you gotta pull a little more weight, K?"
Know what I love about 9 year olds? They'll pretty much do anything I ask for a Sprite, even if it means wearing pastel polo shirts and sitting in a field of wild flowers in the sun, just to see me smile.
Gotta love that kid.

Bear, on the other hand...will be back in no time at all...he promises.
We just have to wait patiently for that medicine to kick in bigtime. :0)

Till tomorrow...have a sweet day!!

Love, Kim


~*~There's No Place Like Home~*~

What does elevated white blood cells and on-fire sore throats have in common?

A) High fevers even the fire dept. can't put out.
B) Super sized headaches
C) A 4:30 AM trip to the E.R.
D) IV's full of delicious bags of saline, antibiotics, barfing medicine.
E) Shiney white pills of Motrin and Loratab.
F) Strep throat
G) All of the above

If you guessed "G", you are the lucky winner of the day!!

Here we go...
Yesterday morning Kody woke up around 6 AM not feeling well at all. A couple hours later, his throat was on fire. An hour or so later, he was on fire.
Nothing would stay down, nothing would make him comfortable, nothing could make him happy.
Not Sprite, not root beer float popsicles, not a sunny day, not even Wrestlemania had much appeal.
Yeppers...that Bear was a sick one.

His seizure med's did nothing for him...welp, because he couldn't keep them down.
When he woke up from a nap, his eye went wonky.
When he started acting a bit on the strange side around 4 o'clock this morning and his temp was not breaking the 103 degree pmark...it was time...
Time for a trip to the E.R.

All that because of a stinkin' throat infection. YUCK!!

All's OK though, he'll be fine. They pumped him full of fluids, antibiotics, med's to stop him from tossin' his cookies, pain medicine for that darn painful headache and throat and somemore Mortin to keep the fever at bay.
I'm just waiting right now for CVS pharmacy to open so I can get his prescriptions filled.

Right about now he is completely, 100 percent sound asleep.
I figure by this time tomorrow...this will all be history, for Kody anyway because no doubt that lil' streaptocogis-whatever it's called is sure to make it's way around the other school aged kids of the "K" household.

No new pic's this past weekend so I'll just bring out one from last weekend when these two were feeling just fine.

They look so innocently cute in they're own lil' stinky butt way, don't they? :0)

Have a great day everyone....this Mama Bear is heading off towards a tiny lil' nap herself this morning.

Love, Kim

Friday, March 30, 2007 1:45 PM

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LOL....that just about sums things up round here, boring.
Not much new, not much in the way of ground breaking, earth shattering news...just pluggin' right along.

Dad Bear's Dr. visit went OK. He's now taking med's everyday, forever...just like his lil' Bear.
He had an EKG and his heart is still rockin' full strength.
He's got two breathing med's to take, one being a steriod of some kind. We'll find out next week if the blood pressure pills are doing their thing. So far the only thing they've been doing is making him dizzy, lightheaded, and tingly weird feeling....which is a good thing because now he knows exactly what it's like to be me...everyday, and I don't take anything...
And ummmmmm....let's just stop here, it's a blonde thing, OK? :0)

Bear Bear's rockin' the house and my world. I just got done having lunch with him at school where he happily informed me that he has a "fine" substitute teacher today and "for no reason at all should I even try to take him out of school early".
He then told me that he heard a rumor that middle school girls were hot and he is reconsidering his wanting to be home schooled theory.
He's ONLY eleven. What am I going to do with him?

Spring is sprungin' all around Leesburg and I am sooooo determined to get some spring pix of my kids, whether they like it or not and believe me, I know they have other plans...but with "Wrestlemania" coming up on Sunday, I'd say I stand a real, real good chance at roundin' them up, cleaning them up, dressing them up and clickin' myself into oblivion. Oh yeah...

For today, I've only got one from my favorite blue wall in downtown, Leesburg.
I know, it looks alot like the other blue wall ones...told you we were boring.

I haven't gotten to the new "K" family blog site yet but hopefully, with the kids being out on spring break soon, I'll have some time to sit down and get that done.

Please feel free to stop on by Pimp My Pictures anytime.
I've got an Easter/Spring special running now till Easter Sunday. The absolute cutest, cuddliest templates you'll find, all one of a kind personalized to your color poppin' perfections.

OK, enough about me.

I better get going for now but I'll be back over the weekend..hopefully we won't be so boring by then.

Love ya all....


Monday, March 26, 2007 2:15 PM

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~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

Stressed Filled Dad's

Just a lil prayer request this morning for two high blood-pressured, stressed filled Dad's...
Dad Bear, who's going to the Dr's in a couple of hours for high blood-pressured migraines and a serious lack of asthma medicine and being able to intake any usable oxygen.
And, Kody and Kolin's karate teacher, "Mr. P" who was hospitalized yesterday for the way too high BP thing also.

Let's kick {No pun intended "P"} these two sky high pressure club members back down to normal sized reality, K?

Come on...how can you possibly say no to this pleading face? :0)

Love ya all....



~*~Everything Changes~*~

Know what I love most about Springtime?
Everything changes.

Everything gets greener, and sweeter, and cleaner, and warmer.

This past weekend definetly screamed springtime cleanup.
Our yard was, welp...gross.
But...thanks to alot of team work, hard work, blisters and some fire ants bites...I have to admit, we're lookin' a whole lot better.
Looking back, anytime we don't fear losing Alona into weeds that are taller then she is, is a good thing, for sure.

More changes are coming...these changes to Kody's site.
Let me first start out by saying, NO...we are not leaving ya'all. No way could you be that lucky!! :0)
I've been seriously thinking to start a more family orientated "blog".
You know, the kind where I wouldn't feel at all guilty about posting something about the whole family, not just Kody Bear.
Of course..as always, the main focus is Kody Bear because in the downright insane world of brain cancer...we never know what the next day will bring, or even if there will be a next day.
It's a scary, unpredictable place, childhood cancer is, and not one we like to even mentally visit.

But, you know...the other kids have feelings too and there's times when Kody just doesn't want to be in the spotlight...rare, but there are days. LOL!!

Sometimes I just want to talk about Starbucks, chocolate cake, Emo/Semi Goth Kids, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dad Bear's manly arms Dr. visit coming up tomorrow and sometimes I just don't want to feel guilty doing it.
Sooo...sometime within the next couple of weeks I'll slowly be weaning off of CB and adopting a blog site which will be just as fun filled as CB, believe me...the fun never ends around here.
Of course, I'll keep "Kody's Story" up and to make sure it doesn't just dissapear off the internet I'll update every so often, but to view some crazy reality type stuff that doesn't keep you up late at night watching TV...please join us in our family blog...coming real soon.

Until then, stay around here and won't you please check out this new site which I am starting myself...
Introducing the birth of...

"Pimp My Pictures"

....for all your photo-vamping needs.

~*~Shameless plug here, the kids are almost home for the summer and Kody wants to be homeschooled in August.
This Mama Bear will do whatever it takes to be home with her cubs and raise um' right.~*~

Ummm...if I stepped on any toes...I apologize in advance. :0(

Just one from yesterday, a very moody one because he wasn't having a real great skateboarding day and it took the promise of a soda to get him to smile just a little...

It's hard to see but he was rockin' the mohawk most of the day yesterday.

I have more to post, but no time right now..I'll try again later on though.

Oh, please let me explain Kody's background. That purple symbol..it's nothing gangish or bad, seriously!!
Most of you teen's out there know it as the band "Him". One of Kody's favorite bands.
It's also a Bam Mangera thing. Bam is Kody's all time favorite skater.
It's called a "Heartagram" and in our home...sometimes when we say "I love you", to our kiddo's, we like to say "I love you with all my heartagram".
They think we're cool..imagine that? :0)

Have a great day everyone...till tomorrow, take care!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:55 AM

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~*~Perfect Peepers and Saying Good-Bye~*~

Friday's Shands trip was...well, long. Not the appointment, but the ride...OMG, three different accidents on I75 which tied up traffic for miles and hours.
So...we spent something like 4 1/2 hours sitting in the car for 10 minutes of Dr. time.
Talk about not wanting to sit in a car anymore...our bumpers are still recovering.

Anywhos....Kody's eyesight is not too shabby. He still needs his reading glasses and he still hasn't got any downward vision. The downward vision...welp, it seems that it will never come back. Kody, being Kody though, and being blissfully young, has compensated and it probably bothers us more then it bothers him.

We did get some sad news...Our Dr. "Larry" Levine is leaving Shands and it appears probably won't be back.
That was a MAJOR bummer since he has handled every aspect of Kody's vision and optic nerve damage since day #1. He operated on those peepers and seeing as I hate any kink in routine, if Kody ever needs surgery to his eyes again....I'll just have to be forced to hunt that man down.
Barring any new vision problems, we won't have to go back for another 9 months. :0)

Not much else new around here today, the sun is shining, the kids {Alona being the ring leader} already have wayyyy too much energy, and that, it seems, is my clue to get them dressed and outside before they drive me and their Dad crazy. Goodness knows we haven't had enough coffee in us yet to handle 23, energy filled, hide and go seek games in a row.

Have a beautiful and blessed Sunday everyone. Think I'll make the best of it by planting some sunflowers in our backyard. That sounds cool to me.

Love, Kim

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:00 PM

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~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~

The Swing

How many of you, when growing up, had that one house in the neighborhood that wasn't quite right, the one your parents warned you to stay away from, the one that was supposed to be haunted, the one that everyone would walk waaaayyyy on the other side of the street, just to stay as far away from it as possible.
If so, how many had to walk past the thing everyday walking home from the bus stop?
How many of you shook like a leave and ran faster then wildfire to get yourself back in the safety of your own home?
How many of you walked slow, stared, lingered over the fence, wished you could just get in that house for 10 minutes to see what the fuss was all about?

Meet Bear, Mama Bear and Sister Bear {Kaysha}...three of the most onery, nosey folks on the planet.
If there is something strange in the neighborhood, we are there.
Now don't get me wrong here, Dad Bear is onery and Kolin is definetly nosey but that's about it...they don't produce the combination of the two...welp, Kolin does...but he's onery in a different way. Kolin hates everything scary, creepy or even just a little eerie.

Kody, Kaysha and I thrive on it.

And so this brings me the the true story of..

"The Swing"

Many, many years ago...maybe about a year or two after moving here in 1998, a nice enough couple lived on our street...just down the road.
The wife worked with our second oldest kiddo at a local BBQ restaurant and the husband drove a beat up old red pick up truck. Everyday, several times a day he would drive down the street...always slowing down in front of our home, knowing there was about a dozen or so kids at play, everyday.
He always had his trusty old hound dog with him and he always, every single time, let out a friendly wave when he passed the kids by.

Late one night, during the summer {I believe?}, there was some commotions going on at that home.
Though, we slept through it all here, we found out the very next morning from another neighbor, that there had been a drunken argument amongst the two and she shot him point blank and killed the poor guy.

Sad as it was...we figured it would be just as sad to see relatives begin to show up and pick through their belongings...grabbing up whatever seemed to be worth the most in cash.

Imagine our suprise when after all these years and years, that never happened. Weird, huh?

To this day, that red pick up is still parked in the same exact spot he parked in that same night, all those years ago.
She, of course, is still in prision and will be for a long, long time.
About two years ago the last of the crime scene tape was finally torn down by the weather.

Now, you may be thinking..."Alright, ummmm...OK, so what's up with the swing?"

When you stand at the front gate the first thing you notice {maybe after the truck} is this old, wooden swing that sits under a tree, collecting it's share of dead leaves, day after day, year after year.
Never once that I have seen, had it ever moved, rocked or even swayed in the breeze.
Rumor has it though that a neighborhood boy saw it swinging by itself on a clear spring day and caught it on video. I've never seen it so I couldn't tell you if it's true.

What I can tell you is if you look at that swing hard enough....he can feel the life it once had in it.
Maybe a couple, in love swinging together.
Maybe a new Mom/Dad swinging a young un' to sleep.

It's a beautiful swing...and I am so glad it's only a small walk away for Kody and me when we both feel the need for a breath of fresh air, and a glimpse into somebody, somewhere's past.

Our next Shands trip is tomorrow afternoon.
I'll update tomorrow night to let you all know how it went.

Have a good one everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS. I don't have a picture of "Bolts" yet. I would have except for the fact that Kody and Kolin are eating the peanuts I leave out on the deck faster than the squirrels can find them. :0)


~*~S.O.S. a/k/a Squirrels, Outakes and Sunsets~*~

We have this new member of our family, actually there are two..I think they're brothers because I know how brothers act and it convinces me that they have got to be siblings.
Everyday they get a lil' more friendlier and everyday Spartacus, our spazzed out ADD cat, makes them feel alot more at home by sharing his cat food.
Every morning, noon and night, I find them sitting at my front deck, waiting to be fed, cooed over and spoiled rotten.

Meet "Nuts"...

I'll try to get a quick snap of "Bolts" today, he's a little more shy then his brother.

So, I realized this morning that I needed to update. OK, truth be told, I knew I needed to update last night but what with American Idol being on and all...welp, enough said...
**GO JORDIN AND BLAKE!!!!!** ;0)
I really felt that ya'all needed something more recent to look at, seeing as Bear keeps growing, no kidding...every night without fail.
So, this morning about 5 minutes before we left home to start to school drop offs I dragged his video game playing but outside, mind you, for only 5 minutes.

Shall we have the Kody Five Minute Countdown?"
Here goes...

Minute Five...

Minute Four...

Minute Three...

Minute Two {WHEW!}...

Minute One {Yay Us!}...

And ya'all thought I had it soooooo easy. LOL!!

Last night, coming home from karate class, the kiddo's and I passed by this beautiful site about a 1/4 mile from our home...

Yes, the colors were glorious..like an artist's canvas, the scene was amazing...defintley a higher source working some true magic.
What though, in my opinion, was the most best, most breathtaking part of that Florida sunset?

It meant bedtime was almost here..I could just feel it in my bones, Baby. My three, krazy kids would soon enough be....sound asleep!!
Tell me, at the end of a long day, what on Earth is better then that. :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's kind of eerie but in a cool way story of "The Swing". If your a tad on the odd side as myself, you'll just love it.

BTW...next Shands trip for our Bear is this Friday afternoon. Kody's maintenance check on the eyeballs with none other then, Da Man, "Dr. Larry".

Till tomorrow...

Love, Kim

Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:30 PM

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~*~Celebrating St. Patrick's Day the Redneck Way~*~

It's no big surprise to anyone who really knows me that cooking just really ain't my thang.
Face it, I've cooked for an army for the past 25 years, sometimes I just suffer from "Meal Planning Brain Farts".
Yesterday was a brain fart day.

All day long I heard about St. Pat's Day, The lack of Snakes in Ireland, green, green, everywhere green, New York green bagels, Green eggs and ham, you name it...I heard about it.
Nothing though could prepare me for these few words from my supposely loving husband...

Kim, your just not a real good Irish girl"

Let's go back just a little ways, K?

I know how to make a chicken, pop in a pot roast, bake a rack of ribs and I know how to time them perfectly.
Nothing should ever, ever take more then an hour and a half, tops.
Soooooo.....about 4:30 the kids and I decided to begin in our festive game of "Find green things in the yard cuz Mom sure as heck didn't decorate, not even one stinkin' shamrock".
That's when the man Bear family Dude came outside and said, "When are you going to start that meat?"
Kind of annoyed I said to him, as sweetly as you please...
"I have PLENTY of time!"

And he said back to me...
"I guess you never read the directions, did ya?"

And who knew, I mean come on...

So, around 5 or so, I dashed back inside to start boiling that corned beef brisket of ours.

But....when Dad Bear wants to eat, he wants to eat. No way was he waiting until 8 maybe 8:30 to chow down...Lord only knows, that's his bedtime.

And so, I have to give credit where credit is due...when a man wants to eat, he will think of just about anything to speed things up, in our case...

The outdoor turkey fryer with a super sonic-ized gas tank was bound to boil, not only faster, but with much more vigorous force...volcano like, let's just say, our corned beef brisket.

Can you just taste that brisket?
In exactly an hour and a half....6 delicious pounds of corned beef was all ours to gorge ourselves upon.
I have to admit...it smelled real good, especially when the wind blew. I swear I could sense some neighbors hovering around with plates and forks.

While Dad B. did his thang outside, I kept up my end by whipping up somemore Irish menu items.

Since I hadn't any cabbage on hand, I had to think fast...green, green, what do I have that's green?

I know...PEAS!!

What else, welp...I know I was supposed to make potatos and I did...WAA-LAA...canned...

Smothered in butter, they are not bad at all.

All went well, we ate, we burped, we ate more then we had to walk away from the table, seriously....because we could have just kept going, and going..it was that darn good.
Besides, ya'all know we needed to save some room for the green cupcakes I picked up from Publix worked on so hard yesterday.

It was a good day, in fact so good, our spazzy cat, Spartagus {offspring of Bam and Lola} decided to be kind enough to pose for just one quick picture...

Isn't he just purrfect?
Welp, that's because your just looking at a photo, Spartagus is an ADHD/Bi Polar mess, trust me.

Because it seems that unless I bribe them with cash, threaten them with summer school or plain out hold them down and tie them up...I can never get the boys to pose anymore, I'd like to end this with...

"My name is Kaysha and as a matter of fact, yes I am the Tutu Princess of this insane family...this is my throne, don't ya just love it?"

We wish you all a beautiful, restful Sunday night...see you tomorrow!!

Love, Kim...Not a real good Irish girl but a maker of the world's most awesome TDF lasagna.

Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:15 PM

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~*~Happy St. Patrick's Day and All Things Green~*~

St. Patrick's Day...a day for everything green, right? Right...especially if your name happens to be Kody and as we know, Kody likes to have reason to celebrate every little holiday for every little reason.

Now, to be quite honest with you...although my husband, Big Bear of the Bear family is half Irish making all his lil' bear's a quarter Irish...I, on the other hand, haven't got the slightest of green in me and for reasons unknown, I've have never gotten into the whole celebration of all things green, shamrocky, briskety, or cabbagey of any kind.
Call me weird.
I do love a good party though, soooo.....

Since my family drives me stinkin' butt crazy means so much to me, of course you can all count me in too...go green.

While there was no swiggin' back any whiskey...we did kick back a couple ice cold beers {Dad and I} and while there were no shamrocks hanging anywhere in my home...the kid's and I looked around and found a whole bunch of green stuff right in our own weed ridden, messy, overgrown, lovely backyard.

First Kody found some clovers...

And Kolin found this cool green pitchfork just hanging around...

Kaysha thought the tree's were purdy enough to mention...

And I just adore a brand new banana leaf on my yucky, brown leafed, frost bitten banana tree...

Then there was last years pool noodle {OK, somebody tell me why hasn't that thing hit the garbage yet?}...

We got bored with the backyard and walked over to the front where low and behold, I introduce to you...the ONLY living plant that I haven't managed to kill yet, my staghorn fern, Go Me....

Leave it to Kolin to point out our deck could use a little TLC/Paint job, can we all say "Like.....YUCK!"...

I personally believe the best green that came our way, the mack daddy of our entire day was...

These delicious green Publix bakery, homemade cupcakes...

I tell ya, get anything get any more syrupy, sugary, sweet then that?

Ohhhh....maybe just one thing....

Our Bear in his best St. Patrick's Day green t-shirt!!
Couldn't you just eat him up for dessert?

Welp, I better jump off for tonight, but PLEASE, come back tomorrow for part two our "K" familes St. Patrick's Day celebration....Redneck Style.
You won't want to miss this!! :0)

Good Night all!!!!

Love, McMama O'Bear

Friday, March 16, 2007 8:30 PM

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~*~Return of the Slacker~*~

We've all been OK, just real busy. I apologize though, I didn't mean to make ya'all worry.

I promise, cross my heart, to get an update done tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow....it's anniversay year #2 for Bear.
On St. Patrick's Day night, 2005...Kody became what we fondly call....


Sooooo, because I can still remember in complete detail, all the green cupcakes he sweetly threw up back at me that night, we want you all to {cuz we are, you know!} partake in some Irish Green Cupcake Marathon Eating!! :0)
And, UGH...if you happen to be one of Bear's fans that are kind of stuck snowed in...welp, just improvise, broccoli/jellybeans/pears/anything green will do. LOL!!

Have a WONDERFUL night everyone.

See you tomorrow!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:37 AM

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~*~Tuesday Afternoon~*~

A HeeBee JeeBee Kind of Warning

Dear HeeBee's...
If you'd rather not have the paramedic's showing up at your door and slappin' oxygen mask's on your hyperventilating selves, please scroll NO FURTHER then the black and white photo of the two sleeping cutie pies {On Kody's photo page}.
HB JB's....we still love ya though sssssss-o much. :0)

Everyone else....
Slither on over. ;0)


~*~Bear and Mama Bear's Vacation Idea~*~

This morning started off waking wayyyy, waaaaayyyyyyy early and getting Kolin up for his third grade trip to Tampa, so he can see all the beautiful ocean world sea creatures at one of Florida's most awesome aquariums.
Major happening bummer that I didn't get picked to chaparone because believe me, this Mama, I would have LOVED to have gone on that trip.
Maybe we can get there one day, us "K's"....maybe.

Anywhos...one of the advantages of pretending to be a morning person is actually being alert, awake and coherant enough to witness this lil' beauty and right out our front foor, imagine that?
So.....for any of you thinking about taking a vaction anytime in the very near future...consider this,

Beautiful Leesburg, Florida...

That was the scene about 7 AM and all's I had to do was open the front door, stand on the deck and snap. Waa-Laa...postcard perfect.
Now tell me, don't you just want to be here, with us, in the morning, sippin' coffee and watching the sun come up?
Welp, what are you waiting for...get on a plane, hop on a train, get in the car, we're not all that far...come on ya'all, get 'er done! :0)
Plus, I have to tell you...the 82 degree weather isn't so bad either.

OK, so truth be told, you won't find a blissful, angelic scene coming from inside our home, I mean really, it is seven in the morning...but the sky, that time of day...really is purdy, don't you think? :0)

Not too much else new here on the homefront. Though...I wish I had my camera on me last night when the boys were at karate class. WHOA BABY.....they were bad to the bone, man!!
I have no idea what is was they were doing but they were all decked out in some kind of armor looking thing and whackin' the heck out of each other with some bamboo looking thingy. Wish you could have been there, it was cool and with all that ultimate padding, they didn't even feel a thing.
I have to tell you something though, I would never, ever in a trillion years want to get into a sword fight with Bear cuz that kid is all about the weapons.
I've always thought he was a sword warrior in a past life, last night convinced me of that, for sure.

Before I jump off of here I want to send a big ole' shout out and CONGRATULATIONS to our friend and yours too, PIONEER WOMAN for winning the "Bloggie Award"..which is a very huge thing, it really is.

Alrighty my friends...I've got a sick 15 year old home today so I should get myself going so I sit closer to her, can better listen to her whine, cough and complain.

Thanks for stopping by...love yaz!!!!


Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:56 PM

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~*~Call me a Slacker, Baby...You Know You Want To~*~

I didn't check in all weekend, and I give you the ole' "Slacker" promise...I'll try my best, to really...really, not do that again anytime in the near future...even if we're as boring as a rock wall.

Yesterday was a pretty fun day for the kiddo's...they were invited to lil' Alex's {Kayara's stepson to be} third birthday party.
Now, what do you thing a couple of "big" kids do at a three years old's b-day party?
Ahhhhh, you know...the normal stuff, eat soap bubbles, make the lil' girls laugh, teach Alex to eat soap bubbles, show Alona how to use a can of silly string and point it at Gramma, while she's holding her camera, pointed at them {think they're trying to tell me something?}, roll down grass hills, get stuck, have some cute lil' girlie girls help you out, have them all but leave you stranded when "cake time" is yelled, get stuck in a swing, meet another cutie named "Kody" {but that Kody being a cute baby girl..she's the lil' one not impressed with "Romeo" on the photo page!!}....
And that was all within the first hour.
Party on "K" kids. :0)

If you all want, since there was way too many to put up here on Kody's front page, click on over to the photo page and see for yourself, I couldn't possibly make this all up. :0)

Daylight savings time had us all messed up today and just the thought that Dad Bear and myself had lost an hour of sleep {actually more then an hour when Alona, who has no concept of "sleep in" woke up up way too early} had us up and roaring to go, ready to jump start our day with some rigorous yardwork, kept us perky and smiling all day long, hovering on the couch with our sweet tea and Wavy Lays, watching the food channel and waiting for the Nascar race to start..so what if it started at 4...we are old and we are tired.

That my friends, was our weekend in a nutshell.
As for Kody, welp....he spent the entire day today outside playing basketball with Kolin and a handful of neighborhood boys about their age. All I can say is....Thank Goodness for some friends their own age....YAY!!

Don't forget to pop on over to the photo page. :0)

Love you all...


Thursday, March 8, 2007 1:28 PM

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~*~Scarf-Face and the Kick Butt Coffee Machine~*~

I am sooooo excited, sooooooo deliriously happy I could dance!!

Whoa now, OK...let me back up to yesterday. One of those days, you know..drama after drama. Darn older kids.
It pretty much goes without saying, yesterday was a not so good kind of day.
There was one very, very important thing I wanted to do soooo bad yesterday that no matter what, I was going to get it done.
My FAVORITE all time blog site, "Confessions of a Pioneer Woman" was having it's once a month "Name that Photo Contest", and never having won a contest like that, with what all the fantastic prize give-a-ways, and with this particular contest giving away a state of the art, kick butt, rockin' my world coffee machine...ohhh, I was in it baby!
Naturally, of all the days, my mind was doing nothing, absolutley nothing all day and even though I kept this adorable, cute as a button, photo that needed a name, on my mind constantly, nothing was happening, I couldn't think of a thing. And, that, as we all know..is soooo unlike me, cuz I always have something to say.

My day got away purdy quickly and before you know it, the kids were home, Dad B. was home, and dinner was in the oven.
OK, I said to myself, "this is your time, get on that computer and become inspired...look hard at that photo again girlfriend and name it gosh darn it!"
And so, I stared, and I laughed, and I snorted, and I looked at all the other entries and I just about cracked myself up because they were good, Oh my Gawd, they were downright funny!!
And then, I came up with something totally lame but before I had a chance to type out one complete sentence in PW's comment box, in walks my two lil' punks, Kody and Kolin, plotting their escape, out the back door to get in some outside time, in a very good try to put off doing homework.

And, it almost worked...except, I was desperate and just like that I barked out "FREEZE MISTERS!!"
And just like that those two young uns' of mine looked at me with the deer in the headlight eyes and said "Yeah Mom"?
To which I pleaded, I begged, I bribed and I said, "Please..I'll give both a dollar, ya gotta help me man...what do you see when you look at this photo?

And their first reaction was...
"What's in this for us?" {they get that from their Dad, I'm so sure}

And I said "Candy..a giant sized Hershey bar"

Their next reaction was "Where did his eye go? and "What is he eating and or doing with his fist? {you'll see the pic. soon so you get this whole thing}

Next thing I know, Kody says "He's definetly scarfin' that doughnut" and next thing I hear is Kolin "look at that face" and before you could say "Say hello to my little friend", the both came up with...


And so it was, "Scarf-Face", pretty cool and from the looks of all the other entries, not another just like it.
Did I think we stood a chance, Ohhhh, not really, I mean there were 600 or so GREAT guesses!

OK, now let's fast forward to about 7:05 this morning, exactly one minute after Dad left with Kaysha to drop her off at school.
I click on the internet, scroll down my favorites bar to get to PW's site just like I do every morning, and out of mere curiosity, check it out to see who won.

Welp you could have knocked me right oever with a feather because the first thing I saw was....


written in big, bold letters right up top of that photo.

Kody and Kolin both won that coffee machine and a THREE MONTH supply of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, go on...before you go any further, click on Confessions of a Pioneer Woman and check us and Scarf-Face out!! :0)

Around 7:15 when I was finally able to compose myself, I went to wake up the boys. But, in place of my usual, sweet, quiet, "Rise and Shine Boys" they got a lil' something like this...

As I ripped off the covers and screamed for all of Leesburg to hear..


And, after the shock of being woken up like that wore off, we danced...yeppers, I danced, Kolin danced, Kody, when he finally got out of the bathroom, danced too.
The three of us looked just like one of the many guests on the Ellen Degeneres show and we were having a blast, let me tell ya!

So, you know what? Today's a good day, a really, really good day and right about now, I haven't a worry or trouble in the world.
Know why? Because all I keep daydreaming about is cute lil' coffee filled coffee "pods" and lots of them.

If I'm sleeping, please don't wake me up. :0)

Now, just so you all are aware, "Scarf-Face-ers" also run in our family and we can prove it.
Here is Thee Princess Alona, daintly pecking at her doughnut..

She get's into it much more when she thinks the camera is not on her...

And the King of all Floridian Scarf-Facers is the one, the only, Kayara's future stepson, Alex...

These photos I've had hidden in my computer for a while now. I try not to bring them out often because even the most hardened Krispy Kreme eaters cringe in the face of these two's etiquitte.

Now tell me...could Alex and the original Pioneer Scarf-Face be twins?
Somewhere, somehow, I hope and wish upon a star that Pioneer Woman and I are weirdly related by some cousins, mothers, uncles, babies, Aunt. Cuz, I want to be just like her, live on a ranch, pet a cow, herd horses and give away kick butt coffee machines..I really want to.
And you know, I'll betcha anything PW dances crazy too, I'll betcha a cup of hot, steamin' coffee! :0)

Before I jump off for today I need to fess up and say "Sorry Bub" to Karlio because all this time he thought I was cooking up a hot breakfast for his boys when he drags himself out at 7 AM to get Kaysha to school, when, in fact...I'm uhhhh, I'm uhhhh....OK, I admit it..
He leaves, I make myself a cup of coffee and I click onto PW's site, then Kody's, then right before he pulls in, I wake them up with...

Pop Tarts....It's What's for Breakfast

Love you all!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 5:54 PM

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~*~Three More and No More~*~

I promise, OK..I'll try to promise.

Just three more of Kaysha and I'll give ya'all a break, just bare with me please, because my other kids are, weeeeellllll..somewhat, boring lately.

OK, I'm done, it's outta my system...finished.

Purty alright day today...the weather is great, the kids are feeling fine, life is rolling right along, as it should be.

Please keep up the prayers for Miss Sheila's brother, Stan, who is extremely ill with cancer.
Sheila...we LOVE you!!!!

Hate to but I've gotta rock, dinner is fixin' to be ready and the boys are outside with Alona getting waaaayyyyy dirty.

Sorry about the boring update....it'll be better tomorrow. :0)

Love, Kim

Monday, March 5, 2007 1:34 PM

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~*~Finding Emo, Part Two~*~

Before I start I'd like to ask you all to just take a moment or two, or three and say a prayer for one of Kody's most biggest fans, Miss Sheila's, brother who is very ill.
Prayers that his health be restored...forever.
Prayers for Miss Sheila and her family to keep the faith, have hope, and to keep on being stong enough to make it one day at a time.

Another thing I'd like to say...

Lauren....YES, that's the shirt girl and you are ROCKIN' IT BABE!!!!!!! :0)
To see "Finding Emo", refer to the guestbook please.

One more thing...

Same as yesterday, if you can't stand the heat stand seeing pictures of the most beautiful girl in Leesburg, then please stay out of the kitchen stay away...far, far away.

OK then, that said...
Yesterday Kaysha and I snuck away for an hour.
One kick butt, rockin' corset, some bright hair and {I stress this}, FAKE lip ring, and we were off to work it Baby!!

Although I could bore you all to tears with about 60 of these, I've picked out a few for today's viewing enjoyment, though, mark my word...I'm not done with ya'all yet. :0)

Here we go...

Good Lordie...that child is gonna break some hearts one day IF her Dad EVER let's her out of the house, alone, without me or him or Kody or Kolin supervising every single move she makes..
And I mean that, I do Kaysha, I REALLY do...ya hear me, yes you...

OK, yeah...like that might actually be believable, huh girl??

Since this is Kody's page and and all, and since I really do try to include him with every update...welp, here's one of our Bear...

To answer a GB question, no Kody doesn't have a clue how to play that gee-tar {take note of the missing/broken strings}, but he sure does enjoy trying to play and thinking he's real good at it.
And...we have to blown up amplifier to prove it. :0(

That said, I better rock on because I have Kolin home today, with a fever and in allergy h**l, so to be completely fair, I had better take some time to nap rest my peepers with him before it's time to get out in the world and do some school pick-ups.

Have yourselves an AWESOME day!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, March 3, 2007 10:30 AM

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~*~Sunday Afternoon~*~

Finding Emo


If seeing a few pictures of Kaysha bothers you in any way, please make a quick exit on outta here.

On the flipside...
If you think Kaysha is one of the most funnest, cutest, unique teens gals around...then by all means,
Scroll on down...

Isn't she just lovely?

Now, if your like me you may be thinking "Ummmmm...nice but what's up with the Finding Emo thing, did ya mean to say Nemo?"

Welp, actully...nope, it's not some sleep/caffeine type-o.
Emo is a word for, ummm...I'm not quite sure what but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the style, the hair, the eyebrow thing, the whole Kaysha experience.
And, if I can ever get Kaysha to get me a copy of Hot Topic's "Finding Emo" t-shirt that she is swooning after...I'll be sure to show you all. It's cute and that lil' ole' fish can explain "Emo" much better then I ever will.

Not to much going on today. It's a purty day so the boys are hanging outside alot, climbing things, riding on anything with wheels, eating me out of house and home.

Kaysha's putting together some totally crazy/cool outfit that she just has to be photographed in later on when the sun goes down a bit, cuz as we all know...it's all about keeping up with the other fellow MySpace-er's.

Dad and I are fixin' to watch some NASCAR racing. Seeing as I am his new, best, fellow racing buddy.
Besides all that, he is King of the snack fixin' and I am sooooo totally in on that, for sure.

That's about it for today, stay tuned tomorrow for our next edition of "Finding Emo Part Two".

Ya'all come back now, ya hear?? :0)

Love, Kim {New York girl lost in a Southern world}


~*~Ninety Eight Percent!!~*~

Yesterday's visit to the endo. Doc. Dr. Shatz, couldn't have went any better. OK, let me take that back....the rain could have slowed down a little so we could see two feet in front of us on the interstate but other then that...it was a good day.
Kody's Synthroid {thyroid med.} is still working like a charm, maybe even better then a charm because this little baby boy, whom I used to gently wrap in soft, baby blue, fuzzy, warm receiving blankets, not all that long ago, is now a whopping...

111.7 lbs. and 5 feet...4 inches!!!

Which puts him at the 98th percentile for his height and weight, which by the way...is perfectly proportioned.
Which also puts him a whole inch taller then his vertically challenged Mom.

We mentioned that he is still wanting to nap during the afternoon...so Doc Man orded blood work which Kody breezed through and if there is a problem, we'll be hearing about it this week, or so.

Other then that, his med's are keeping him extremely rockin', which keeps all of us rockin' as well.

Next appointment is March 23rd to see "Da Man who keeps the Bear's peepers healthy", Dr. Levine.

We all know my boys pretty well, don't we?
We all know that if there is a mirror within 2 feet of any one of them, they wil find it and they will stare at themselves for what seems like hours.

Some will stare, adore themselves, make faces, pick their nose, stare and adore even more.
This would be that kid....

Yes, he's a nutcase like his big brother, and he is all mine...

We knew early Friday morning, because he invited himself into our bed at midnight, that Kolin wasn't feeling real great. He's been getting super painful headaches for days and we're thinking it has got to be sinus/allergy type headaches becuase after all, Kolin is our king of everything pollen.
He even "raps" about it...

"My name is Kolin,
I'm allergic to pollen....."

But who would have figured within 15 minutes of this quick snap yesterday afternoon, that "Wild Man" would be running a full fledged, kickin the ole' butt, high scorin', fever.
Looking at this, yeppers...you can definetly see "I'm gonna hurl the 4 bags of mini marshmallows I ate in the car during our Gainesville ride real soon, Mom" written all over his punk butt, cute lil' face...

Poor baby. :0(

On a brighter note...

The Phoenix House FINALLY came to see Kyle James a few nights ago and I am very, VERY happy to tell you all that any day now he will be transported by Phoenix House, to Phoenix House to start a brand new chapter of his life. The chapter that will, ultimitely save his life.
WHEW.....it's been a long road and the road is getting longer, but alot less bumpier.
Please keep the prayers up for him, he will {we all will} need them for quite a long while. :0)

And on a cuter note...
How could I ever pass up any opportunity to post some more pic's of the "Princess of I am the Princess and you will do what I say all things cute and girlie", Alona, our grandaughter...

Have I turned into one of those Gramma's, or what??

Welp my friends, my family...I better scoot off for now. Looks like there is a brand new, never been seen before, cartoon on that Kolin says we have got to watch together.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:15 PM

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~*~Friday Morning~*~

Just Another Reason......

To smile!! ;0)

Couldn't you just squeeze the stuffins' out of her?

We're off to Shands real shortly, so I'll get a better update done later on.

Keep Smiling!!

***Prayers, and lot's of them to all of those in Alabama who's lives have been effected by yesterdays tornados.
Our hearts and tears go out to all of you***

Love, Kim


~*~Moody Blue~*~

Some things that make me smile...

1. Listening to Kody sing with his headphones on like he doesn't have a care in the world because it means his brain works well enough for him to sing.

2. A sinkful of dirty breakfast dishes at lunchtime because it means my family left for school/work that morning with a full belly.

3. Bearhugs from my Bear because it means, even though he's 11, he still loves me a whole lot and is not embarrassed to show it.

4. The funny nicknames Dad Bear gives Kolin and Kolin gives back to him because it means they share a bond that will last for eternity.

5. The love notes I get from Dad Bear on my kitchen wall marker board becuase it means he loves me {after 27 years} and I love him and there is nothing in this world that will ever come between that.

6. Internet because goodness only knows, I'd be lost without it.

7. Kaysha's ever changing sense of style and humor becuase it means she is beautiful, unique, amazing, facinating, and awesomely all mine, especially when she is PMSing and craving ice cream at midnight and needs only me to talk about her problems with.
For ice cream, I'll do whatever...LOL!!

8. Unmade beds because I know if I search hard enough I'll still find Kody's beloved "Little Bear", a/k/a "Little B" somewhere inbetween those ruffled blankets and crumpled sheets.

9. Blue Jays because they make my morning when they sit on the deck and squawk for their morning cat food treat.

10. Starbucks...no further explanation there.

11. Looking at my fridge and seeing "I LOVE MY MOMY" written with magnetic letters because I know Kolin is standing there bursting with pride over his creation that day.

12. This "Moody Blues" photo because he is my world, my reason why I find reason to smile and thank my God every single day for every single blessing He has given me.
Because he is mine and I am his and this will always be for all of eternity...

Have a beautiful day all and never forget to find simple reasons to smile everyday. :0)

Love, Kim

Monday, February 26, 2007 1:37 PM

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~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

Cool Buildings....Cool Kid....Take Two

Just a few more....

Today's day 2 of Florida schools FCAT's {those pesky tests}.
This year, not only am I having three kids at the same time taking the same tests..but this year marks Kody's milestone and goal of being mentally capable of taking this test for the very first time ever.

Purdy cool, wouldn't you say?

So...to honor my kiddo's this day {and Dad too since I hear he's having a BEAR of a day at work} I decided to partake in a lil' baking. Brownie baking that is.
I think, welp actually I hope to have a big ole' hunk of brownie myself before anyone gets home, a sticky, chocolatey, fudgy kiss from my man, I mean my kids, a good old fashioned, one a kind "Bear Hug" from all "K" family members....just cuz they kind of "heart" me alot, somedays.

Not much else new...just doing the countdown until Friday when we see endo. and can ask why the heck is our Bear feeling the need to hibernate every afternoon again?

Welp...gotta run, Wally World and dinner fixins' awaits. :0)

Love, Kim

PS. Sheila...You were in Florida and you didn't show up WHERE?????
Little hint.....HERE!!!!!!!!
I still heart you anyway though. :0)


~*~Kody? It's Mommy..Quit growing up and I mean it Mister!~*~

With the sun being kind enough to hide behind some clouds yesterday and with Kody being desperate enough to do pretty much anything to get his beloved portable CD player and favorite/can't live without CD of the week, "Hinder" back after having it taken away on Saturday, we made a trip out and about Leesburg yesterday, Kody and me.

Good Lordie, could this kid pass for 16?

Remember that building I told you all about last week...the old, falling down orange packing warehouse...the building I heart sooo much becuase it has soooooooo much soul?
Welp...that would be that building right on the top pic. of Kody's page...the green one.
Don't you just love it? I do.

I have about 7000 more pic's of that building sitting in my computer and throughout the week I hope to share somemore with ya'all.

Now...let's get back to the "Got his beloved portable CD player and favorite CD taken away" part once again.

Yes my friends...even Kody get's into trouble sometimes. OK, not sometimes, let's make that "most days".
Because Kody, believe it or not...can be a....

Can be a...

Can be a BRAT!!

There, I said it...he, contrary to popular beliefs, can be a real 11-teen year old handful.
And because his non-stop running mouth got him to feeling a lil' froggy with his Mama on Saturday...he got himself a good old fashioned grounding.
No electronical devices in any way, shape or form for the weekend.

Now, Kody is big into TV watching, he has his favorite shows that he loves.
Being without TV got me on his bad side.

He likes video game playing...not nearly as much as Kolin, but he is a boy, and he likes his games.
Being without video games touched a nerve, I'm sure.

Lately Kody's been taking a liking to the computer...especially his favorite website...that iced out thing I told you all about recently.
Not staring at his precious bling jewlery site hurt like heck.

But nothing, nothing in this entire, huge, world could compare with having to hand over his beloved music.
Now that straightened his lil' butt up right away.

By Sunday afternoon I figured after 24 hours of no Hinder CD blasting into his cute lil' ears, had to have been nothing more then complete and udder torture. And so me, being the kind hearted, awesome, positively cool Mom that I am {no, wait...it's not about me, is it now...sorry, my bad} I had this great idea.
Take an hour of his time and see just how much that CD player really means to him.

As you can see...he cooperated real well, hittin' that "Sweet Spot" {pose} of his darn near every time and yes...he got his music back which was pretty much, music to his ears..and mine too cuz I didn't have to listen to him mope around anymore pretending to listen and sing to imaginary music he couldn't really hear.

But...as we all know, Kody personality still shines through and since he is still the silliest nutcase in town, his idea of fun times was a little of this...

And a little of this...

Until finally, at the end of an hour...I knew I had to call it a day when pretty much everything else looked like this..

And when we got home, he put on that CD and fell into a serious nap listening to...what else?
Hinder. :0)

Have a great one everyone!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:00 AM

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~*~Bring on the Cake!!~*~

Life's Lesson Number One..

There are some things in life you never mess with...

Mother Nature
Peter Pan Peanut Butter
The "K" Family Fans!!

Now, go on and give your all selves a big ole' {{{HUG}}} and a slammin' ole' pat on the back, beacause you deserve it, you really do.
Love you all!!

I have just one more thing to say about yesterday....
Mess with me, I shake it off, ignore, walk away, whatever.
Take a cheap shot at one of my young uns'.....then we're gonna tussle.
Enough said and I thank you all so much for standing in Kaysha and my defense. :0)



Yesterday started off as a typical Saturday morning in our home.
Here's the scene...

Dad wakes me up for coffee with the thoughts of having some alone time before he heads off to work BUT, our plans were once again foiled when our die hard, up with the birds, wayyyyy too early riser, Kolin bounces himself on in the living room ready to start his day...loudly.

We finish our coffee as Dad Bear plays one more game of old school Nintendo Super Mario 2 {that is no joke..I am so serious!} and then he heads off to work, leaving me with no car and three krazy kids to tend to.

Now then, what do you do when you have one die hard, noisey, early bird and two {Kody and Kaysha} that are dedicated SIS-er's {Sleep in Saturday-er's}?

You keep the loud, early riser busy and on this particular Saturday morning, what says lovin' better then cake from a box, something sweet from the oven.

We started off with a broken mixer and some new found sore muscles trying to mix this stuff by hand...

Couldn't you just eat that stuff right out of the bowl?
Yeppers, Kolin thought so too...

Thankfully, I was behind the camera and not in front of it...you don't even want to know.

Thirty minutes later and one fine smellin' kitchen we pulled out these babies...

Boy, if that don't give ya the warm fuzzies, I don't know what will.

About an hour or so later, Kolin's second favorite part was about to become his little reality. Let's frost them thangs, shall we?

By golly...By golly, how will we ever wait until after dinner, I haven't an idea.
Willpower prevailed and after dinner we were absolutely, positively ready to...


Kind of makes you hungry for some breakfast, don't it now?

For all of you who are wondering how you can also be the hero of your family tonight, just follow these simple directions...

1. Pick up a box of Betty Crocker German Chocolate Cake Mix
2. Pick up a container of Betty Crocker Coconut/Peacan frosting.
3. Bake...Frost...WAA-LAA..Instant famehood!!

OK, I never once admitted to being some domestic, baking, goddess.

Kody is doing GREAT today, despite a fall off his skateboard yesteray that got him grounded back to much safer video game playing.
What are you gonna do...he's a boy, he's gonna have a few manly scuffs on him once in a while and truth be told, he thinks the scuff marks are just another way to get a girl.
SIGH....and he's only eleven.

Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend everyone!!!!

Love, Kim

PS. KAM....YOU ROCK MY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PPSS. If any of you happen to find yourself in Leesburg today, stop by for some chocolate cake and NASCAR watching...we'd LOVE to have you!! :0)

Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:27 AM

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~*~Saturday Afternoon~*~

Just a Lil' Questionaire

In regards to a seemingly "concerned" Bear fan I'd like to ask you all to...

1. To check the GB if your scratching your head and saying "What the..."

2. E-mail me directly if a number of things bother you today/lately and those being..

3. Do you find the photos of Kaysha today truly offensive?

4. Does reading about the daily antics of our family bother you in any way?

5. Would you not want to hear any more about Kyle, Kolin, Kaysha, or any of the many "K" kids and family memebers?

6. Is the whole purpose of Caring Bridge to update with constant whines about Poor Kody, Poor Kody, Poor Kody or can we just be happy, ever, even if it's but one day?

7. Does my not so normal family get under your skin?

8. Is there really such a thing as normal anyway?

9. Do "Wild Man" Kolin and "Goth Girl" Kaysha have some fans too?

10. When you work in the yard and catch a snake under a rain flooded tarp, full of rotten ole' leaves, is it possible to have perfectly, clean, manicured fingernails...or is that just a myth?

11. Should I stop posting my version of "a day in the life" photos on here..especially if they are of any other person besides Kody?

12. Doesn't it feel good to have 15 minutes of fame, even if your NOT Kody?

13. Does Kaysha really look like a hooker?

14. Isn't it sad when your having a great day and someone just wants to come along and rock the boat?

15. Should I just delete Kody's Caring Bridge because after 5 years of childhood cancer hell, I do believe that someone, somewhere would like to wake up, or go to bed to, something other then listening about brain cancer.
Come on "concerned person", he's a SURVIVOR for goodness sake....heck, we ALL are in a way.

16. Should I even think about posting pictures of the incredibly, sweet, chocolate cake Kolin and I made this morning?

17. Because after all...it's probably not medically necessary to post anything other then Kody's brain, right?

OK, better go for now...Kody's Dad is calling me from his cushy, overpaid, pencil pushin', job where he works as an auto. mechanic, on the family telephone that Kody sometimes uses and I am sure he wants to talk about what is going on here with his family, one and only kid, Kody.

Please pardon me while I jump off of my gold laced beat-up, torn leather, pleather computer chair and answer that call quickly.
After all..time is money, priceless.


Love, KODY'S Mom


~*~Remember Fifteen?~*~

Maybe should have titled this, "Remember When She Was Seven?"
I should have known back then she'd like all things black/white/with a little red...she was totally into Minnie Mouse and 101 Dalmations.
She was also cute, perky, shy, but still had a tad of a wild side about her.

Now I look at her and say..."Where did time go? Holey Macaroni.....she JUST seven like, last week!"
SIGH....welp, I guess seven can't last forever and today I'd like to spend some time showing you all the latest, the greatest, the Goth Girl in all her super kewl glory...

Kaysha.....Unleashed!! :0)

Fifteen year olds....they can pull off just about anything and make it look sooooooooo stinkin' bad arss.
I keep pleading with her to get a few of her friends together for more shoots in front of this awesome brick building we found in downtown Leesburg just two days ago.
But...I reckon until that day actually happens, I'll just grab ahold of the ever willing Kody Bear a little later on and see what I can come up with, with him.
I'm thinking that ought to be intersting, seeing as he is now all about picking out his own clothes and all....including his "bling". Cuz, as we all know....it's all about the accessories, right? :0)

This morning we were supposed to be at Kody's Special Olympics, but as luck would have it...someone in Kody's class {not him, really!} was acting the fool this week and according to Kody, nobody is allowed to go from his class.
No biggie....after finding out that he'd be allowed to be in only one event {running around the track once}, and having to sit in the Florida sun for 4 hours waiting on everyone else to finish....Bear decided that "SIS", a/k/a "Sleep in Saturday", was a waaaaayyyyy better way to start his weekend anyway.
The thing is though, I couldn't figure out why he was only allowed in one event, I mean, he'd been practicing like a madman like everyone else, and everyone else was participating in every event.
Turns out....Kody's IQ is too high for him to qualify in Special Olympics anymore, but since he is still in the disabled class at school, they would let him run one obligatory lap.
Bummer about the event...but great news about the IQ, in my opinion anywhos.

Welp, I finally rescheduled all of Kody's Shands appointments. WHEW!!
Starting this Friday, we'll be there every other week trying to play catch up .
I think...UGH....don't quote me on this, I think this Friday is endo. {thyroid Doc}.
Then comes eye Doc., then Neuro. {seizure} Doc., then we get a break until his next MRI.

He's doing good though, so to play it cool...we'll just call these "Maintenance checks".

I did only spot one problem and that was last night when his balance was waaaayyyy off.
And, there's the afternoon naps he's still taking.
But...all things considered, that boy of ours rocks!! :0)

Welp..I better get myself going, darn if that telephone hasn't rang about 6 times since I started this, which is never a good thing for peeps like myself who have the attention span of an egg, scrambled, of course.

Please, if you would...keep up the prayers for Kyle James and Karyelle. Both needing them real badly, each for their own set of troubles.
Please....pray for Kyle James to get out of jail and into Phoenix House very, very soon. This waiting is doing nothing for him but making him more anxious and more blue.
But.....he still loves ya'all just the same. :0)

Have yourselves and very happy and relaxful weekend.

Love, Kim

PS. Paloma...I haven't forgotten...the bookmarks will be in the mail today or by Monday at the very latest! I am so sorry for being such a DUH, everyday I look at the envelope on the kitchen table and everyday I make a mental note to get 'er done.
And, everyday I refer back to the "attention span/egg" thing a few lines up. Double Dog Duh. :0(

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 1:20 PM

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~*~Mardi Gras Madness Part Two~*~

I am in such a hurry....only like, ummmm.....seven trillion things to do but, seein' as I luv ya'all soooo much....how could I not give you guys my priority this afternoon. No I couldn't, no I wouldn't. :0)

OK, so as the second half of Mardi Gras Madness rolls along..I have these lil' outakes to share with you today...

Roll on...Enjoy...

And this lil' cuteness I almost forgot about till I came across it a little while ago..

"Me and My Shadow"

Gotta run for now, I have a bedroom that needs tearing apart and 30 minutes to git 'er done. :0)

Love, Kim

PS. I know I haven't said much about it lately but I did see Kyle James yesterday, ironically the same day I received a very heartwrenching letter from him. He loves you all and is asking if you would please, please not forget him in prayer.
He has a long ways to go and is not even at Phoenix House yet. I have no idea what the hold up is and his PD just never returns my calls...though I keep at it everyday, a few times a day.

Also...prayers please for our oldest daughter as Dad Bear and I struggle with finding the funds to get her back home from NY, without losing our own home in the process.
Things are not good for her{I'll have a breakdown if I try and get into it right now}...I tell you, when it rains in this house, the roof leaks it pours. :0(

I do have some good news today...
I have officially booked my very first PAID photo session ever!! A wedding in May!!!!!!
Lots to do there before I'll see any $$ but as luck would have it, I am going to be hired to do another wedding in October from a sweet girl who works at my bank.
Plus...if I have any kind of luck at all, I am going to see if I can get Kaysha and a few friends to let me use them as models so I can get postcards ready for "Senior Pic's".
With Wal-Mart portrait Studio out of business...I may even stand half a chance..wish me luck!! :0)

Monday, February 19, 2007 3:25 PM

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~*~Like a Bridge Over Murky Water~*~

Just one for today...

Yeppers, your not seeing things..that is one heck of a murky colored lake. LOL...that's a typical Central Florida watering hole for ya. :0)
I kind of thought the kid sitting in front of it was awfully cute though.

Not much going on today, the kids are off for "President's Day" and driving me almost nuts with their boredom.
Hmmm...I guess the perky "Let's go outside and pick up some branches" wasn't about to win them over and score any popularity points at all today.

Kody's been doing purty fine, he's back to afternoon napping again. He just goes through those phases once in a while, sometimes the days are a lil' too long for him.
He's a tough lil' booger picker though, he'll be fine. :0)

Unfortunetly, with all that's been hitting us family-wise these days, he's missed quite a few Shands appointments. By next month, I really, seriously hope to be back on track with that.
I better be cuz it seems his script's are slowly but surely running out of refills. :0(

Welp friends, I hate to make this so quick...but I have got to jump off and get the laundry out of the dryer before it turns cold...and we all know, spoiled wifey that I am, I won't...gosh forbid, fold cold laundry...TRIPLE YUCK!!

Have a wonderful day...STAY WARM!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, February 18, 2007 10:20 AM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

I'll post more tomorrow...we got into the whole Daytona 500 thing and the day just got away...fast, like fast cars...


****I'm a Dork.****

Guess what?
Kody ASKED to have his pic's done today!! Yeah..that boy is learning how to get on my good side. LOL!!
So, the new one on top is compliments of Kody, knowing what he wanted, how he wanted to be dressed, posed by himself and if that's not all...he wants to me to start submitting him around to stores like Target, Gap, etc.
He is ahhhh....at the ripe old age of eleven, thinking of a career in modeling.
He is a hoot!!
More of those tomorrow sometime. :0)

Gotta go watch Desperate Housewives...BYE!!!

Love, Kim


~*~We "Heart" Mardi Gras and We "Heart" Color~*~

A little color and Mardi Gras madness to brighten up your morning...



Kody's Beads {the kid was on fire scoring those things!}...

And what's a street party without face painting?

That's all I have for now...partying, walking, scoring beads, eating funnel cake, having good, wholesome fun at my age had me in bed purty early last night.

I'll get more up later on. :0)

BTW....if you missed yesterday's update of, Boys in Black Jackets and your feeling in the mood to check out some hotties in leather...refer to "journal history" and prepare yourself, you may need to step outside to cool off...they are HOT!!!

BTW Part Two...Heeby Jeeby Triplet's, beware....reptile pic's are still on the photo page.

Gotta run for now...I'll be back later, hopefully, with more "Mardi Gras MAdness Part Two". :0)

Love, Kim

Saturday, February 17, 2007 10:15 AM

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~*~Boys In Black Jackets~*~

I don't know about you, but to me, something about black leather jackets screams out...in the words of Kody...

"YEAH BOY!!!!"

So....while taking a quick visit to our local CVS yesterday, to pluck down another hundred or so bucks on Kody's med's {darn those nasty, mean insurance people's!!}, I spotted this purty awesome looking red doorway.
And....since you all know me by know I just LUV anything in red, we stopped for a while.
OK, truth be told, this red doorway is at our local VFW building and we can literally walk there from our home...it's that close. :0)

Anywho's..the boys were feeling better and they were itchin' to get out of the house for a few, so like any good Mom, I had them throw on those rugged jackets of their's cuz, with me...it's all about capturing the moment or better yet...
Capturing the day my eleven year old stopped looking eleven.

A little James Dean anyone or maybe I should call these...
A glimpse at into the past cuz I swear, this is what Dad Bear must have looked like when he was young. {Makes my heart thump!!}

And of course, never to be outdone by his lil' bro who I have to say, is the spittin' image of myself {makes my heart thump even louder}, Kolin Ross....

Could you just eat that child up? :0)

This morning we woke up to, HOLY CANNOLLI..


Yes my friends....it really does get frigid in Florida.
ANd to prove it, this is what I woke up to this morning, ohhhhhh around 8 o'clock-ish, when my man, Dad Bear woke me up with a cup of steamy hot, southern butter peacan flavored coffee and his favorite thing to do, weather announcements. Talk about one exciting time, can you get better than that? :0)

This was taken this morning of the field out back of our back yard...I'm telling Kody it is snow, he's never seen the stuff {that he can remember, anyway} and he'll never know the difference.

It's kind of purty in it's own little freezing cold way.

Welp, the weather should warm up to an almost tolerable 60 degrees by this afternoon. What great timing because if all goes well, the kiddo's and I are off to Downtown Leesburg's Mardi Gras where we will party like New Orleanians, eat alot of funnel cake, score some beads, have ourselves some good, wholesome fun.

Just so you all know, those pictures I promised you of Dad Bear's find in our yard last weekend, when he was working like a dawg, doing massive amounts of dirty, gross, yardwork are on display on Kody's photo page.
WARNING though, if you are one of the Heeby Jeeby Triplets or are reptile shy and would love nothing more then to make the triplets into quads, quints or even sex's...hee...hee, I said sex, then DO NOT check out the photo page for at least a few more days.

On the other hand, if you happen to be our Krazy Aunt Mave...git your Jersey butt on over there, cuz wild woman that you are, I'm sure you'll love what you see. :0)

BTW...Dad Bear would like for me to explain that those gross, hard working fingernails were caused by the massive amounts of dirty, nasty yardwork he endured while providing us with a half decent backyard to play in and does not normally walk around looking so, so, sooooo.....welp, gross.
Thank you, I knew you'd all understand.

OK...I'm outta here, coffee pots calling my name!!

Have yourselves a WONDERFUL day, I'll try to get back on by tomorrow with some "Mardi Gras Madness" pic's to share.

Love you all...


Friday, February 16, 2007 8:00 AM

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~*~Nuclear Bear~*~

Sorry it took me forever to get back on here...it's been a lil' krazy round these parts....sick kiddo's and all. :0(
What started out with Goth Girl two days ago has gotten the better of Kody last night and possibly Kolin this morning...though, not as bad as Kaysha, so maybe there's hope after all, maybe, I guess??

The storm we had a couple of days ago, was done and over with by the time I panicked and plucked the kids out of school early. LOL...seriously, that was one fast moving storm and other then about a bazillion dead leaves that are now living on our lawn waiting to be raked, we fared out just fine. WHEW!!

Not too much else happening here this morning, except that I am finding kind of excitingly fun to be on here early in the morning instead of late at night. This will probably never happen again, so I might as well not get all kinds of giggly just yet.

Bummer I have no new pic's to put up...well, I do actually but they haven't been evicted from my camera yet and oh, BTW....they are not of any cute kiddo's..they are of a little something that Dad Bear found in our yard.
And ummmm...later when I do have a chance to get them up...because I "Heart" the "Heeby Jeeby Triplets" sooooo much, I'll stick them on the photo page so they can bypass any long, slithery, reptile photos....but Krazy Aunt Mavis can thoughly enjoy the heck out of them.

So...with that, this morning, because I am up enjoying my early morning with no kid's to get ready for school sooooooo darn much.
In honor of my coffee being hot, and hair raising strong...I'll refer back to an oldie but a goodie.

Stand back five feet, put on your sunglasses, gather up your young uns' and stick them in another room, because right now I am about to intruduce to you...

Color so bright it hurts the eyes...

"Nuclear Bear"

OK, so now that, that bright red jacket has caught your attention....go get yourself a cup of coffee and let's enjoy this morning of Feb., 16th, when a blast of nuclear red has fried your hair like a wet finger in an electric socket and burnt your retina's beyond believe.

No worries...it's temporary, you'll be back to your good old self in no time at all...or long enough for me to wake ya'all up again with another blast of loverly color. :0)

Have a beautiful day all...STAY WARM!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Mama Kim Bear

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:00 AM

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~*~Time to Hunker Down~*~

Looks like we are heading for some purty intense, nasty weather this afternoon, rain, hail, wind, tornadoes.

Anywhos...just incase we loose electricity/internet we'd like to wish you all a very "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY"!!!

Sorry about the very short and boring update but I have to get myself outside and put up anything that has the potential to fly {lawnmower, etc...}.

If I can, I'll update later on, maybe even tonight, hopefully.

Love you all...


Sunday, February 11, 2007 8:55 PM

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~*~Glimpses of Springtime~*~

Try as I might I never did venture out of our home this weekend...welp, OK..maybe just for a few minutes but it was just to get us some milk and bread.
I wanted too..I really did want to because now that Bear has FINALLY fit into Dad Bear's beat up, cool looking, rugged, manly leather biker jacket, I wanted to get him over to this orange packing plant that's a couple miles from our home.
Now, just about everyone I know hates that building...they tell me they would just love to see it bulldozed in favor of a brand new building..
But I...SIGH...I LOVE that building.
It's old, it worn, it rusted, tattered and broken {hey, I just described myself, didn't I?} but honestly, I have to tell you...if a building can have a soul..that building has got a soul.

Anywhos...it is the perfect place for Kody to model that kick-butt jacket.
But..as things happen, I never did make it out there...darn.
No worries though...there's always tomorrow, right?

This weekend was spent chasing after our spitfire of a grandaughter, Alona. Maybe that's the reson why I never did make it out...man, that child is non-stop. :0)

You know though...spending endless hours outside, you see things you may have just overlooked any other day.

Just a few glimpses of springtime from this weekend...

New pink flowers...

New purple flowers...

And a new life waiting to be born...

Have a great night everyone, I'm off to watch "Desperate Housewives", cuz ya'all know how much I am DH's biggest fan, heck..I am a fan of anyone who can make my life seem even a little bit normal. LOL!!!!

Till tomorrow...

Love, Kim

PS. I've received a bunch of mail asking about writing to Kyle James. The answer to that is "Yes you can" but not quite yet.
He is still awaiting his bed to free up at The Phoenix House and until that happens he is court orded to stay in jail.
Hopefully, I pray that his bed will open up within the next day or two, as a week spent there and not in rehab is only making him more depressed and angry.
Right now it's a horrible situation that has every one of us on edge and upset.
Please, please keep praying for him though, he needs them now more then ever.
Thank you!!

As soon as we can write him, I will be e-mailing all of you that have asked.

Thursday, February 8, 2007 10:25 PM

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~*~Friday Night~*~

And He's Only Eleven

Today is Friday, and Friday in our home means Kody and Kolin's Mama Bear shows up at their school at lunchtime to have some lunch with them.
It's a time to sit at a round, metal picnic table, eat school pizza, and eyeball all the other parents having lunch with their kids...just to size myself up and see for myself how I'm rating these days in the parenting department.

There is an awful lot of different parenting styles going on at that school.
Some just sit and eat quietly..
Some share private conversation with their kids.
Some eat fast food.
Some play board games.
Some practice spelling words.
Some read books.
Some delight in showing off their newly earned "A's".

One thing stays the same week after week though....they pretty much stay to themselves except for the occasional friend who happens to walk on over to say a quick and polite "Hello".

Then we have mine and Kody's table.

Oh Lordie...Oh Lordie.

A couple of months ago I asked Kody's teacher if she thought Kody was a leader or a follower.
And, without skipping a beat she belted out "Ohhhh....he's a leader alright!!".

This is what one may have seen at our lil' picnic lunch table today.

Our Bear, dressed in head to toe black and white ADIDAS gear {compliments of Kyle James Santa}.
His beloved "K-Swiss" shoes, a shiney bracelet and sporting a pretty cool new haircut.

Surrounding him was his faithful followers, his classmates...all boys except for one girl who stayed close by me, rolling her eyes and probably wishing,
1. She was anywhere but there.


2. Secretly hoping they'd both hurry up and grow up so she could marry him.

The conversation was pretty one-sided, with Kody giving advice to all his male counterparts...I mean classmates.
He taught them to say slang as only Kody can say it...

"Yeahhhh Boy....What?...Oh Yeah....and How do ya like me now?"

He taught them to do's and don't's of getting "A woman"

He taught them all about "grills", "bling" and his favorite website in the world...
www.icedout.com, or something like that anyway.

And, he had them all willingly repeating these things back to him...laughing, loving this cool stuff that their parents would probably whoop their behinds for.

And Kody....well, he also taught them a thing or two about when to smile and when to just look charmingly, unsmilingly...cool.

Girls swoon on my boy all the time, and I still shake my head when I think...

"Man, he is ONLY eleven!!"

And just to comment one more time on this "leader" quality of his...

His teacher, Mrs. D, had the kids write and essay about who they admire the most in the world, who they would want to be just like.

Every single boy kid in that class wrote...


The reasons why?
"Because he's cool and he teaches us how to get girlfriends".

What did Kody write as his idol?

OK..you asked......

John Cena...his favorite wrestler of all time.

Gotta love that Bear. :0)

Till tomorrow...Love ya'all!!!

Kim...Mom of the silliest, hottest, craziest kid on the block.

PS. Dad Bear...if the phone rings and it appears to be a number we don't know...DON'T pick it up as I am sure there are some 5th grade parents who want to whoop our behinds!!
Darn that Bear of ours.



He's a pretty good looking kid, the kind of face and personality I always thought would be great modeling material.
I've always said to him...
"Protect your face Baby, it's your moneymaker you know".
I always envisioned Gap, Old Navy or Abacrombie and Finche calling me one day out of the blue to say my kid had what it takes, that a few sweet photos would take him to the top 10 list of "kids that famous photographers want to shoot".

But you all have to remember that Kody has also been on the "Class Clown List", five years running now.

So, when you all see those purty fixed up pictures of a real handsome kiddo I call my son, this is what I go through just to get those photos to you......

A whole bunch of this...

And ALOT of this....

Just to get, a couple of these...

Ah Ha...and ya'all thought I had it sooo easy. LOL!!

On the other hand, we have this kiddo who I never figured for modeling, but instead I always thought he'd have the lead role in the 2017 revised version of "Animal House".

He, Lord only knows how...get's it right the very first time.

Please excuse the very chapped lips on that one...it's been a booger of a year for him.

On to more "K" family news.

Kaysha is doing fairly well, not 100 percent yet and who can blame her?
Brittany's "Celebration of Life" and burial service was beautiful as was Brittany.
I did end up taking Kody and Kolin, I really didn't want to expose them to that but, first of all...I had nobody to watch them and second, I wanted them to see that funerals, though very sad...are not scary. They needed to know that, especially after seeing all the devestation from the storms on the news and in the newspaper.

Kolin kept it together and was naturally more curious then Kody, asking only about...oooohhh, 6000 questions or so.
Kody semi-kept himself composed but at the end, at the cemetary, when he listened to Brittany's songs and saw the 100's of people there leaving flowers on her casket..our Bear was in full tear mode.
The other kids that were there, teens from everywhere were just so wonderful to him...handing him kleenex, asking him if he was OK, handing our hugs.
I cannot say enough about the teens that were there...they were awesome, the were awesomer then awesome.

But, "awesome" definetly held a place in Brittany's Mom.
As I watched her so composed, so dignified I was in awe. I couldn't believe what a classy lady she is.
But what I saw with my own eyes I will never forget...that is when I saw the most classy, first class, loving woman God has put on this Earth.
When Brittany's burial service was over, she put out dozens of roses for the kids to either keep for themselves or place on Brittany's casket.
Not only did Brittany's Mom stand beside her daughter and lift up the little ones so that they could reach Brittany, but as Kaysha and a few of her friends went up {they were almost the last of Britany's friends to go up}, it was very obvious that these girls couldn't keep their emotions to themselves and they cried so hard they shook.
Instead of feeling sorry for her own loss, Brittany's Mom comforted my daughter {and the other girls}, spoke them, hugged them and thanked them for being there.
Now that, to me, is one very classy Mom whom I have soooooo much respect for.

Know what else is first class?
I found out today that the funeral home and cemetary donated 100 percent of everything to Brittany's family. Isn't that just awesome??
Out of something so horrible came something good, the kindness and open hearts of strangers.
To me, that is what Christianity is all about.

Kaysha will heal, it'll take time and alot of "coffee" ice cream, but time will heal her heart.
Though, she will never, ever forget her friend and the circumstances of her early passing.

Thank you to all of you who have been leaving her guestbook messages and e-mails of love and support. You have no idea how much that means to both her and me.
Bless your hearts. :0)

I think I'll end this tonight with some good news for a change.

Looks like, sometime in early July...

Karl and I will become grandparents again!!!!

Kayara {Alona's Mommy and our second oldest} is having another baby girl for us to love on!!!!

Till then, I'm leaving you all with a glimpse of Princess Number One" LOL!!

She is a TOUGH one to get a picture of....HA....always on the go and when she does not want her picture taken, trust me...she does NOT want her picture taken. LOL!!

Have a great night all...

Love, Kim

Monday, February 5, 2007 7:15 PM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Good-Bye My Friend

Never in my life have I ever witnessed a more beautiful group of high school teenagers, holding each other up, hugging freely, crying opening and lovingly surrounding the casket of a friend.
I witnessed that tonight. I also witnessed my baby grown up, or maybe I should say, "growing up" rather too quickly in a very unsure, sometimes sad, sometimes crazy world.
In my entire 40 something years, I doubt I could have handled myself with as much grace and dignity as these young men and woman did tonight at the veiwing of Brittany...Kaysha's good friend, and sadly, one of 20 tornado victims.

I am so proud of my daughter....so, sooooo proud. :0)

Tomorrow I'll take her to a "Celebration of Brittany's Life" and burial.
It'll be sad, but it will be the start of a healing process. Kaysha's needs that badly. I hate so much seeing her so blue.

Unfortuently I have more sad news.
Many of you know Miss Judy, who is a frequest Kody Bear fan, a wonderful friend, and just a plain out beautiful woman, inside and out.
Miss Judy's "heros" website created in memory of her brave, beautiful daughter, Jennifer who passed from leukemia many years ago, was dedicated to her "Heros", our Caring Bridge children.
Miss Judy comforted so many of us when we were down, as our children lay in hospital beds, unsure of the outcome. She especially was always there for the families of our Angels.
It breaks my heart to tell you all that Miss Judy has just recently lost her precious baby grandson, Jabob, who would have turned one year on March 17th of this year.
Sadly, Jacob was put down for his nap last Tuesday...and never woke up from his sleep.
As you can imagine, this is quite a shock as Jacob was a healthy, striving little boy.
You can scroll down just a bit under my journal and click on "Heros", it will take you to Miss Judy's site.
What started out with her daughters name....will end with Jacob's. This has taken so much of a toll on her, that Jacob's name will be the last one added.
Please pray for this beautiful, heartbroken family.

Not much else new today...just one of those days, you know...the kind you just can't wait to end?

I won't keep you all on here too much tonight but thought I'd leave you with this. I had these great V-Day plans with this but ending up calling it either...

"Dirty Gross Boy Fingernails" or "Toothache City". LOL!!!

Till tomorrow....



Because I Rock, Sir?

Do you all remember a few updates ago when I wrote about that awesome award Kody received at karate?
Here it is again...just incase you didn't get a chance to perch your peepers on this bad boy...

And here again is what that certificate says...because even I, with super strong bifocals still cannot read that itty bitty writing there on the left.

From time to time, there are individuals who go beyond the normal expectations in their contributions to those around them.
The MUSA Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation acknowledges and appreciation for your outstanding effort towards its growth and development.
It is with great pleasure that I present to you this Letter of Appreciation on behalf of the members of the MUSA Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation.
Isssued by: Grand Master Greg Boliard

Now, keep in mind that the only other ones who ever get this award are the black belt instructors.
Kody isn't near black belt yet...but he got the award too. Pretty impressive, huh?

Welp, a few nights ago, at the end of class..the students who passed their ranking test a few weeks back received their certificates and ID card for that, our Kody and Kolin included.

After passing them out, Kody's karate teacher, read that "Letter of Appreciation" and told everyone how he and his black belt instructors were honored by Grand Master Boliard, having that award given to them.
Then he added that one other student also received the award.
He then told them that it was Kody.
And....as Kody sat there his teacher asked, in front of all his students, with all the seriousness of 100 Samarai's...
"Kody, do you know why you got this award?"

And without skipping a beat, without giving it any further thought, Kody said with all the seriousness of 1000 Samarai's..

"Because I rock, Sir?"

And with that his teacher said to him, smiling and all...
"Yes Kody...you DO rock".

Pretty cool, huh?? :0)

With that in mind today, we in the "K" family are praying like mad that big brother Kyle James follows in his lil' bro's steps and "rocks" too.
Today we said "Good-Bye" to our oldest son and bestest brother as he starts his new chapter in life, eighteen months at The Phoenix House, a drug and alchohol rehab center in Ocala, Florida.

As hard as it was to let him go, as tough as it was to admit we cannot fix him ourselves, we will be FOREVER grateful to Judge Hill, for giving our son another chance at life, a life, we believe it definetly worth saving.

I'm sure eventually down the road we will be able to visit him. I'm sure one day he will see clearly that we pushed this because we love him so much.
I'm sure one day I will be able to hug him again, and really, really feel my son, in my arms again...not the shell of the boy whom I carried in my womb for 10 months. Yeppers, Kyle James' has always had his own timeframe...and it started out late from day one.
I will keep praying everyday, all day, if that's what it takes...
Because I love him so much.

Kaysha is not doing real well. :0(
Two nights ago it really hit her hard that Brittany was gone, and that it was a forever thing.
She has been spending alot of time with me, hanging out in my bed at night, watching "woman movies, eating coffee ice cream in the middle of the night, sharing a box of tissues.
As much as her heart hurts for the friend she lost, my heart hurts for her inncocence lost. No child should have to bear the weight of losing a friend, at such a young age, in such tramatic circumstances.
How badly I wish I could just blink my eyes geenie style and make them little once again.
If I just had the chance to start over, knowing what I know now...maybe I could have made things so different.
Maybe my son wouldn't be addicted to drugs, maybe my daughter wouldn't be placing a rose on her friends casket. Maybe my Bear wouldn't have ever had to spend one day with cancer growing inside his brain.

Tomorrow night, Kaysha and I will attend the viewing of Brittany. Wednesday afternoon we will celebrate Brittany's life at a local church right before her family buries their beautiful daughter.
And then, the healing will begin. But the sting never will.

I hate to leave tonights update on a sad note...so I'll just leave you with this. Hopefully you'll find a lil' chuckle, I sure did.

Yesterday, as you know, was "Superbowl Sunday".
Now, honestly, I'm not a big Superbowl/Football fan but, Kody is a boy...and boys love sports. Unfortunetly...SIGH...our hometeam wasn't playing in the Superbowl again.
No worries though, cuz Kody will compensate for any given situation.
Try as he might, Kody couldn't remember the name of the two teams playing...but he was taking polls, and placing bets nonetheless.
And who did Kody want to win?
Oh, just a lil' football team from Indianapolis...

"The Clocks"!!!!

Yeah, try and not laugh at that!!

So, in honor of his "beloved if only for a day, Clocks, Kody convinced me that it would be a great idea to throw the ole' pigskin yesterday afternoon.

Dad Bear also convinced me that it was a great day to push the ole' lawnmower while he tried out his brand spankin' new Christmas weed eater.

While I was feeling much achey, breaky and older then I should have..

Kody thought the day was just PERFECT!!

Before I jump off....
I want to give a BIG HONKEN' SHOUT OUT to MY MAN, DAD BEAR!!!!!
Not only is is still, and always will be my rock, the man who somehow managed to keep me from having a nervous breakdown today, the man who can get me to smile when I really want to cry, the man who lets me blow snot on his sleeve {my bad, too much info.}, the man who happily makes dinner every single night when I can't seem to find time to or the will to, the man who because he loves his kids so much, voluntarally sleeps on the couch when his kids need to take his side of the bed next to Mom...because at night, seems only Mom will do.
But...at breakfast time, thats another deal.
The man can cook and his kiddo's know it!!!! :0)

Karlio..I LOVE you Man, and I LOVE the way you smell like Brut, and I LOVE your big arms!! {errrr, sorry, too much info again} :0)

Have a beautiful night all!!

Love, Mama Bear

Thursday, February 1, 2007 10:00 PM

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~*~Saturday Morning~*~

One Simple Word...Pray

It's horrible, it's terrifying, it's heartbreaking, it's gut wrenching sad.

The fatality count is over 20. Three of them were children, a 7 year old, a 15 year old and a 17 year old Leesburg High School student and friend of Kaysha's, who passed when an oak tree fell on top of her as she slept.

Yesterday's estimate of a F3 may possibly be upgraded to a F4. An F5 is the worst possible.

I don't know how true this is but, rumor has it that one of the tornados was headed straight for Leesburg but turned away at the last minute.

The weather today is dark, dreary, rainy and thundering.
Everytime the thunder hits, our home shakes.
Everytime the thunder hits, the kids {and I} jump out of our own skins.
Crazy, we were never like that before.

I still haven't been able to contact Gramma Carolyn, but I won't give up.
All the land and cell lines are so messed up.

Kody said that yesterday he knew of two kids in school who's homes are "flat".
Several children from the storm came to our school for the day. It was nice for them to have some TLC for the day as their parents stayed behind tending to the dirty work. :0(
A teacher was thought to be having a heart attack and had to leave school via ambulance.

This is so hard to talk about...

Please Pray.

Love, Kim


~*~Friday Morning~*~

Please Pray For Our Neighbors

During the very early morning hours this morning {between 3 and 5 o'clock}...4, maybe even 5 F3 {according to the radio} tornadoes ripped through Central Florida.
Please, please pray for our Central Florida neighbors...many as close as a few miles from us.
Most people, of course, were asleep...there was no warning, no time to take protective cover.
From what I can see...it wouldn't have made much of a difference anyway.
It is horrible, totally, completely horrible.

Kyle James' g-friend, who lives in Lady Lake...a town just miles from us, was in her home right in the heart of the storm.
She told us this morning she and her family are OK but when the storm hit, and they heard the "train whistle", they opened the door a bit and what they saw was something out of a movie...trees pulled out of the ground and flying, homes being ripped apart, the most scariest sky ever.

The video's and pictures on the news are devestating and there are many, many fatalities. No definate numbers as of yet....mainly because emergancy vehicles still cannot get into alot of neighborhoods.
We've been listening to sirens all morning long.

There are no words to describe this, none at all.
Please just keep the people of Central, Florida...mainly Lady Lake, The Villages and Volusia County in your prayers today.

I have been trying frantically to get in touch with our families, adopted Gramma, Carolyn Holland.
Please Carolyn....if you are reading this, PLEASE call us to let us know you are OK. We are worried sick.

I'll update more as I know things.
Know though that Eastern Central Florida is under torando watch right now.
If you walk outside our home, you can see dark, ugly clouds to one side...and sunshine on the other. It's so strange.

Thank you all so much.

Love, Kim


~*~My name is Kim, I am a Procrastinater~*~

Do ya'all remember sometime last September when I belted out some useless trivia/facts about myself? Remember how "procrastinater" was way up high on top of the list...right there next to Hershey and Starbucks junkie?

I know, I know...for years so many of you thought I was sooo with it, soooooooo oraganized, soooooooo June Cleaverish of all things neat, tidy, and perfect.

Welp......that is about as far from the truth as you'll ever see. Me, organized? HA....not a snowballs chance in, ummm...well, you know where, right? Right.

What I am about to show you proves what the real me is like on any given day.

First a little story background,

Before Christmas arrived, I purchased from our local happiest place on Earth, Wal-Mart, a cute lil' gingerbread house making kit.
Oh what joy...photographing my sweet innocent children decorating their gingerbread house on Christmas Eve, awaiting Santa's arrival?

Ahhhhh....yeah, OK.

Since that day in Wal-Mart over one month ago, where I stood with my gingerbread house making kit in hand, fantasizing about all that beautiful Christmas bliss,...that unopened, undecorated, gingerbread house has remained a constant figure sitting sadly on top of my dining room table.
Everyday we'd move it over to eat dinner and everyday we'd move it back into place....just hanging there, doing nothing.

Everyday my kid's would ask with their hands folded as in prayer and their cute lil' pleading eyes staring into mine, "Mom, can we please build our gingerbread house today?" and everyday they'd get the same answer, "Tomorrow, OK...for sure, tomorrow".

So, tomorrow came and tomorrow went and that's when I realized Christmas has gone and so has New Years, and Dad Bear's and my 27th anniversary of our first date and Kayara's 24th birthday and that darn box was still sitting there.

Welp, like any first class, decent, fast thinking, genius procrastinater, I had to think fast...and then it hit me.
So, when the kid's came home from school yesterday I was prepared, I was armed with candy hearts, gummy hearts and red hots.
And I told those kids of mine, "Finally my beautiful children, and one spitfire of a grandaughter...the day has come that we have been waiting for"
And they looked at me with awe and admiration...as if to say, "Is this krazy nut woman we call Mom/Gramma for real??"

Oh yes young uns', I am for real...you see, anyone can build a cute lil' Christmas gingerbread house...but how many can lay claim to fame on a one of a kind, never been made before...

Valentine's Day Gingerbread House???

Procrastintion?? Nahhhhh...this was serious planning at it's best.
Sometimes you got have to know when to roll 'um. :0)

Kody's sprained/twisted finger is much, much better.
It hasn't stopped him from training, skating, bike riding, remote controlling, dancing, flirting and video gaming. I'd say he's going to be just fine.
He is also in the process of making out his "Hot chicks" valentines list. I caught him at it red handed today. Lord help me, what will I do when he does officially become a teen?
Will I survive another? Ummmm...that remains to be seen.

Kyle James is doing good. He finally, as of this morning, has finished reading all his GB messages and e-mails.
I thank you all so much, his spirits soared, he feeels more so then ever, with all the support and encouragement he has gotten, that he WILL defeat his demons, He WILL survive, he WILL end up the winner.
He already is a winner to me. Actually, he is my "Hero". You see...as down on himself as he is...I told him today how I seriously feel he has, through his journey, saved lives and made it OK to talk about addiction.
It's only when you can admit to it, talk about it, and share is only when you will be able to tackle and conquer.
Kyle James is right there at his starting point. Too soon, we will have to say "Good-Bye" and hand him over to strangers. As tough as that will be, he knows and we know that it will be the best thing for him.
He is not alone...he will never be alone...and he will win, that's for sure.

Now...if he would only let me practice for my American Idol 2008 audition and sing him my boatload mega stash of "Hero" songs...I'd be so happy.
But, like everyone else in my family....
They ahhhh.....they ahhhhhh....
They would rather I save my voice just incase something really important comes along, like singing for the President, or whatever.
OK, truth...they would rather I didn't shatter glass, raise the roof and cause cattle stampeeds. They would rather I just smiled and nod my head alot.
Aren't they just loverly??

No new pic's of Bear today...it was a rainy day by the time he came home.
But....I did snap a quick one yesterday of Nanook's lil' eskimo brother....isn't he just too stinkin' cute?

Till tomorrow...have a beautiful night everyone!!

Love, Kim...future American Idol Reject

PS. THANK YOU....THANK YOU Robbin's family!!!!! Goodness, it was a PERFECT day yesterday for the delivery man to show up with....Thump, Thump a box full of my number 1 absolute favorite stuff in the world...


I am in Heaven...sweet, sweet peanut butter, goodbar, kissy, kracklin' chocolate Heaven!! :0)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 11:00 PM

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~*~Falling Over Girls....No, Seriously~*~

Another krazy day, another krazy adventure and this one landed our Bear in the E.R.
He walked in packing a pretty cool story and walked out sporting a very, not too cool, splint.

It all started off yesterday at school when Kody, all to exicted to be trotting back to class, happened to pass by another 5th grade girl.
I don't know what he was thinking, I have no idea where he was looking, but it only took a half a second for Kody to crash, full speed ahead into this poor, unexpecting girl.
Oh....she kept her grip on the concrete...however, our poorly balanced Bear slammed down to the ground where he banged up his hand, twisted his finger and somehow, someway managed to get up....spikey hair and pride still intact.
Only Kody could possibly pull off a fall like that and still keep his ultimate cool.

It was getting pretty obvious though that his finger was swelling by the minute last night and quite sore sooooo.....
Off to the ER first thing this morning and as luck would have it, he suffered only a pretty ugly "twist", not to be confused with "The Twist", which Kody also does in purty cool Kody style.

After the ER doctor suggested to his nurse that they take off Dad Bear's homemade, in a pinch popsicle stick splint, and replace it with a state of the art padded hospital splint, which I know I don't have to tell you all, lasted ohhhhh, maybe 2 hours, we were outta there and back home once again.

Problem with being back home was the grocery shopping list that waited for us on the counter.
Problem with today was it was kind of really cold outside.
Problem with that was, Kody's new foamy hospital splint was HUGE, way bigger then the popsicle stick one.
Problem was, Kody needed a coat on and slipping a sleeve on that ultra padded hand was fixin' to be out of the question.

So, in true Kody style he walked back into his bedroom and fixed that lil' problem lickity split like.

This is Kody's way of saying...
"If I'm forced to go out in the blustery cold, then I'll just stay warm my own darn way".

Only Bear could pull off making a blanket look sooooo stinkin' hot.

And that my friends...is how we went to the grocery store today.
Thank Goodness people in this small town just love the stuffins out of him, otherwise there would be no explainin'. :0)

Till tomorrow...have a GREAT night all!!

Love, Kim

Monday, January 29, 2007 7:30 PM

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~*~There's Ups, There's Downs, There's Starbucks and There's Red Hot's~*~

Sorry to keep you all waiting for an update.
It's been a little on the crazy side around here...lately it seems, everyday is on the crazy side...but we'll get through.

Kyle James came home today. We should know something about Phoenix House by next Monday.
It's been a very rough four days...there's been a whole lot of ups, quite a few downs and thankfully....there's always Starbucks to the rescue.
I "Heart" Starbucks...have I metioned that lately?

I have received over 100 personal e-mails, not to mention the dozens and dozens of guestbook entries and a bunches of telephone calls.
All these have kept us so blessed and although I haven't had time to answer every single one, I do intend to..it just takes me a while sometimes.
Case in point...since starting this update 3 minutes ago, I've been interrupted about 6 times by various family members.
Go away various family members, you know who you are.

Kyle James has a very long road ahead of him...a very long, steep, bumpy, rocky, windy, slippery {welp, you get the idea} road...BUT, I believe with all my heart that he will make it to the end of that road a much better person. A sober, drug-free, non-depressed/non-stressed person.

I hope it's not inappropriate to say that, but not to sugar coat anything, I know alot of you have already figured out what was going on.
Karl and I are moving very mountain for him...and we will continue for as long as he needs...for as long as we think he needs. I guess "tough love" just isn't our style after all. We just love our kids dearly, each and every one of the lil' monsters.

I'd like to leave Kyle James' section of this update with this tonight....
Mental illness, alcholism, drugs, etc....
It is NOT something to be ashamed of.
It is a disease much like cancer. It effects the wealthy and the poor, every race, male and female. It eats you up from the inside out and ultimately, many will die a horrible death from it.
I am proud, very, very proud of my son for making the right decision, the decision to admit and to seek help.
Things could have went very wrong early that Sunday morning 8 days ago.
But, as always....evil never wins, and GOOD pulled my son away from that noose and into a center that was willing to help...especially after a whole lotta "insisting/pushing/screaming/Menapausal breakdowns" from Mama Bear...but thats another story for another day.
As hard as it was for us not knowing where he was and if he was safe, "GOOD" shut Kyle James' body down long enough to empty his body of crap and clear his brain so that he could reach out and contact us.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...If anyone out there read about Kyle's story this past week, and saw themselves in him, even just a little, if Kyle James saved just one precious life this past week...then Kyle James' darkest days were not in vain.
Saving a life while unselfishly sharing your own is pretty heroic as far as I can see.

Now.....since Kyle absolutley hates the spotlight...let's move on to a kid who absolutley adores the spotlight...

Mr. "Red Hot" himself...

It sure is amazing what the promise of extra dessert can do sometimes..

Oh yeah...

And not to be left out, another lil' heartbreaker who loves attention as much as he loves cute girls, Mr. Kolin himself...

Last Friday night Kody was awarded a very prestigious certificate known only to be given out to black belts.
Kody Bear, our Warrior, earned himself a spot in that hall of fame when his name was called out and he was given, with much respect, from Grand Master Boliard, this incredible "Letter of Appreciation".

Just incase that writing is hard to see...this is what that letter says...

"From time to time, there are individuals who go beyond the normal expectations in their contributions to those around them. The MUSA Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation acknowledges and appreciation for your outstanding effort towards its growth and development. It is with great pleasure that I present to you this Letter of Appreciation on behalf of the members of the MUSA Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation.

Issued By: Grand Master Greg Boliard

Now how cool is that? :0)

I'll get to posting more pictures of that this week.

Thank you for stopping by tonight, thank you a trillion times for the never ending prayers that come our way everyday. Gosh knows, we would be nothing without them and without you.

I apologize if I overstepped my boundries letting you all know about Kyle, but I really just wanted you to all know how proud we all are of him. Nobody could ever fully appreciate that kind of love without knowing the whole story.

Hmmm....oh look, here's Kaysha bothering me again, and now Kody, Kaysha again, Kody again...does it ever end?
I guess it's time to jump off and get some kiddo's ready for bed.

Love you all...

Kim, Starbucks VIP member....Um, YAY!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:14 PM CST

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~*~Friday Night~*~

Exhaustion Finally Hits

This update tonight is going to be real quick...I really wanted to check in though.

Yesterday was exhilarating, confusing, exciting, and very busy.
Today was another busy one, phone calls, paperwork, letters to write, judges to visit.

It's amzing though how finally, after one whole week of no deep sleep, how badly exhaustion is hitting.
It is pretty much all Dad Bear and I can do to finish our parent responsibilities and hold each other up so we don't fall down sleeping. :0)

Yesterday ended with a huge gift to us. The kids and I had just walked in the door when I heard Karl on the phone. It didn't take long after hearing "I want my best friend back, my fishing buddy, my beautiful son Kyle back....pause...I know you do too Kyle, I love you too" to know that he was talking to Kyle James.
I almost passed out cold when he hung up without putting me on and when I asked him why he didn't give me the phone, Dad Bear said "Because your going to see him in a few minutes, get your jacket".
Those were the most sweetest words I have heard in a long, long time.

I can't describe to you how I felt when I held my oldest son in my arms again...there literally are no words for that amount of love.

We only got to see him for an hour. But, an hour is better then no time at all.
He looked better, not 100 percent but beter.

I saw him again tonight and he was so quiet, and blue. Tomorrow I am going to bring him his GB and e-mail messages...I hope that helps cheer him up. He has so many beautiful people all over the world pulling for him...how could he not be victorious in his battle?

Anywhos...I have sooooooooo much I want to tell you all, so much I need to tell you all, but right about now...it's all I can do to stay awake.

I will update again tomorrow...I will.

I also have some WONDERFUL Kody Bear news....and I can't keep it another day.
I'll fill you all in on the details tomorrow but real fast, tonight Kody was awarded a very prestigious award in martail arts. One that only black belts are given.
He had no idea, as we kept it a surprise, but I wish you all could have seen his face when Grand Master Bolliard called about six black belts up to receive their awards, and then him. It was priceless...seriously.
I'll scan it in {the award} and post it tomorrow so you can all see.

OK my friends, I'm jumping off for tonight and getting myself to bed.

Love you all...



~*~WE FOUND HIM!!!!!!~*~

Though he is not home, he is safe and he is near.

Thank you "K" fans...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there is anyone who does not believe in the power of prayer, they need to meet my family this week. :0)

I don't have alot of time and Kyle's asked not to give out much details but I can tell you that a local hospital called me this morning to "discharge" him and send him to a homeless shelter.

Well..Kayara and I flew on two wheels to get there.

We cried, begged, pleaded, cried more and Kyle was able to speak with Kayara...he and she have always been extremely close.
He wouldn't see me...or rather he didn't want me seeing him. Maybe it was a good thing as I understand he is looking bad, real bad.
I did catch a glimpse of him as he walked by two glass windows and I was shocked...he is Kyle James, somewhere hidden inside a shell of a person I hardly recognized. It seriously made my heart lurch.

But....he agreed to stay two more days.
That gives us until tomorrow to find him a rehab. hospital and make mandatorally him go.

As a parent, making these arrangements is difficult, but because I love him so much, and because I realize now that I have been in complete denial for a long time, I need to do this and let Kyle James to go.
Somehow I will, because these arrangements are by far much sweeter then the arrangements I was so sure I would be making this week.

Early Sunday morning, Kyle James walked away from a noose he made and walked to a local hospital. His Guardian Angel was watching over him for sure and we will be forever grateful.

Thank you all so much again for the enormous, incredible support, prayers and encouragement.
Without all of you, I believe we certainly would have had a much different outcome. One that no parent should ever have to face.

It's a long road, and only Kyle James can walk it....but be sure...he will not be walking it alone.
We will be there for him every step of the way. And should he veer off into the wrong direction, we will be there to set him back on the right one.

My mind is still spinning and I know I am probably making no sense at all.
Last night was the worst for me, I think for Karl too. It was cold outside, raining, gray, dark night.
Have you ever cried so hard that your whole body shakes/poundslurches? When you feel like your heart will stop, when you just plain out wish your heart would stop? When you beg God to take yourself to save your child? That was our night.

Tonight...we will sleep alot better. I pray Kyle James will too.

Good Lord, I need a Starbucks strawberries and cream with extra whipped cream frappachino right about now. :0)

From the bottom of all of our hearts, on behalf of every member of our family, we thank you so much for again, helping us through another family situation. One that had all the potential to have the worst ending possible.

We did it...breathe Kim, breathe.

Love you all....

Kim "One very tired, burnt out Mama Bear who is going to sleep much better tonight"

PS. My cell ran out of minutes this afternoon...I think I may have missed out on some calls today, I apologize.

Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:52 PM CST

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~*~WE FOUND HIM!!!!!!~*~

Though he is not home, he is safe and he is near.

Thank you "K" fans...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there is anyone who does not believe in the power of prayer, they need to meet my family this week. :0)

I don't have alot of time and Kyle's asked not to give out much details but I can tell you that a local hospital called me this morning to "discharge" him and send him to a homeless shelter.

Well..Kayara and I flew on two wheels to get there.

We cried, begged, pleaded, cried more and Kyle was able to speak with Kayara...he and she have always been extremely close.
He wouldn't see me...or rather he didn't want me seeing him. Maybe it was a good thing as I understand he is looking bad, real bad.
I did catch a glimpse of him as he walked by two glass windows and I was shocked...he is Kyle James, somewhere hidden inside a shell of a person I hardly recognized. It seriously made my heart lurch.

But....he agreed to stay two more days.
That gives us until tomorrow to find him a rehab. hospital and make mandatorally him go.

As a parent, making these arrangements is difficult, but because I love him so much, and because I realize now that I have been in complete denial for a long time, I need to do this and let Kyle James to go.
Somehow I will, because these arrangements are by far much sweeter then the arrangements I was so sure I would be making this week.

Early Sunday morning, Kyle James walked away from a noose he made and walked to a local hospital. His Guardian Angel was watching over him for sure and we will be forever grateful.

Thank you all so much again for the enormous, incredible support, prayers and encouragement.
Without all of you, I believe we certainly would have had a much different outcome. One that no parent should ever have to face.

It's a long road, and only Kyle James can walk it....but be sure...he will not be walking it alone.
We will be there for him every step of the way. And should he veer off into the wrong direction, we will be there to set him back on the right one.

My mind is still spinning and I know I am probably making no sense at all.
Last night was the worst for me, I think for Karl too. It was cold outside, raining, gray, dark night.
Have you ever cried so hard that your whole body shakes/poundslurches? When you feel like your heart will stop, when you just plain out wish your heart would stop? When you beg God to take yourself to save your child? That was our night.

Tonight...we will sleep alot better. I pray Kyle James will too.

Good Lord, I need a Starbucks strawberries and cream with extra whipped cream frappachino right about now. :0)

From the bottom of all of our hearts, on behalf of every member of our family, we thank you so much for again, helping us through another family situation. One that had all the potential to have the worst ending possible.

We did it...breathe Kim, breathe.

Love you all....

Kim "One very tired, burnt out Mama Bear who is going to sleep much better tonight"

PS. My cell ran out of minutes this afternoon...I think I may have missed out on some calls today, I apologize.

"Pictures are mirrors. They are reflections of not only what is photographed, but also who made the photograph."
-Amy Deputy~

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's heart...click on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an e-mail..as I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image below..you'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Monday, January 22, 2007 10:30 PM

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~*~Wednesday, Almost 5 O'Clock PM~*~

Too Many Fears, Too Many Tears

I wish I could get on here with better news but I can't.
Things just keep going steadly bad to worse.
Kyle James, despite a whole lot of searches by us and law enforcement has not been found yet.
It kills me to say this but right now but there are reasons why, we don't even know if he is still alive.
So much to say...but I still need to hold back just a bit more until I can get into a more clear frame of mind.

So many of you have e-mailed me and yes, what you think is most likely what is happening.

As a Mom and wife, I am...seriously...losing my mind.
Not only because of the stress with Kyle James, but the stress of Kyle James is wearing Karl's health down into a major spirl.


If any of Kody's fans live in or around central Florida, please..please look at these photos. If you have seen him anywhere, PLEASE contact us.
Please keep in mind though, he doesn't look as good in these pic's. He has lost alot of weight...and he's never really been a big kid to begin with.

Home: 352-314-3989
Karl at Work: 352-787-5268
My Cell: 352-617-6885
Karl's Cell: 352-617-4856

Kyle has short black hair {dyed}. Brown eyes, he's about 5'10", 130 lbs., he has many tattoos. On his right top arm a red rose with "Mom" written in it. On his neck {in the back} a purple and black heartagram. On his left wrist a black spider with chinese red symbol meaning "Year of the Spider", on his right wrist, a skull and three stars with the name "Purity" under the skull. On his right leg, the Tony Hawk "Hawk" symbol {in honor of Kody}.
He may be wearing a black "Slipknot" t-shirt and blue Dickies pants with a black and red Slipknot belt, that's what he had on the last time I saw him last Friday afternoon.

Please, please keep praying hard. Please don't stop.
Please, I beg you with about a bazillion tears and a heart that is shattered.
Please help us to get our boy home so we can help him.

Not wanting to leave on a bad note...bittersweet as it is, yesterday was Kayara's birthday and tonight while Alona {her daughter} is here we'll try our best to celebrate with pink cake and Barbie plates...LOL...as per Alona's instructions. :0)

Love you all...


PS. I have been reading my e-mails and thank you all so much. As soon as I can I will answer them all...please have patience.
Also, Mom..I know we need to talk, please, please have patience with me. Karl and I have been spending our days searching and on the phone. We really don't want to talk too much while the kids are home.
Though, Kaysha is well aware, the boys aren't...too much anyway.
I will call you back either tonight or in the morning. Please don't be mad, please?

Happy belated birthday Frank!!!!!!


~*~Simplicity and Broken Hearts & Dreams~*~

No joy, laughter and jokes on here tonight, just a plea for prayers for a kid of mine.
Without going into detail, please if you all would...break out the prayer chains for Kyle James as he battles his demons again.
Whether we want to admit it or not, whether we want to even let it cross our minds at all...we are losing that boy.

Pray that he comes home so we can get him the help he needs. Pray that we can find him before it's too late.

If any of his "friends/acqaintances/whoever" is reading this tonight/today..please physically get him home. Call me, I will travel ANYWHERE to bring him home. His Dad, brother, sisters and I are heartbroken.

How do things like this happen? I haven't got a clue. If I knew, I sure would have moved mountains to prevent it...he has to know that...I mean, after all..it's my name he has tattooed on his arm, nobody else's...well, OK...his trantulas name also.
I do not, for any reason want Kody Bear to become my oldest son. No way, no how...Bear belongs right smack dab in the middle of the boy bunch.

Please friends just pray alot, please?

You know, even in the midst of broken hearts and dreams, a little beauty pops up right in front of you sometimes, for no reason at all except maybe to cheer you up a little.

Such beauty in such simplicity...

Gotta just marvel at natures reds, don't you think?

Till tomorrow...

Kim...One Mama Bear with a big ole' broken heart tonight

Saturday, January 20, 2007 9 o'clock PM

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~*~Another Normal, Drama-Free, Uneventful Saturday~*~

I can't believe it, you could have knocked me down with a feather...it was a total, 100 percent, drama-free day.
Yay us!!

It all started off with Kolin up way too early and Kody & Kaysha sleeping in way too late....but heck, it's Saturday, right?

We woke up to a blustery 50 or so degree's...time to break out the winter coats, especially for those insane children who feel caged in and just have to go Nerf Dart Gun shooting before anyone else dares wakes up.

In exchange for a photo or two, I won't ever bring up how he shot me square in the forehead...great shot Kolin.

I know so many of you have been stuck inside, what with all the ice, winds and snow. We'd like to wish you all a quick frost and an even quicker spring thaw.
Now tell me, what says "Burstin' with Springtime" better then strawberries?
In this case...Plant City, Florida strawberries.
Oh man are these babies juicey and believe me when I tell you these were the only bribe I needed to get that krazy Nerf shootin' kid of mine back in our nice, heat filled home.

I guess I could have used this carefree, sunshiney day to take my young sons on an education trip to the public library, or maybe a stroll down a local nature trail.
Perhaps even to our local Leesburg recycling plant to show them how our recycled trash becomes new again.
Did I?
No, I didn't, it was too cold to leave my coffee machine and this, I believe, will prove once again that my boys have waaaayyyy too much time on their hands...

As we neared the end of the day, it's when I realized that Kaysha hasn't had much CB time lately.
I mean, I have told you all about the eyebrow piercing, I've even bragged about it, but it was only tonight when I thought to myself, "Well heck you butthead, nobody's ever really seen the thing, now have they?"

Soooo...Kaysha and I had ourselves an imprompto bonding session while dinner was in the oven.

Isn't she just as cute as a button?
As to think...this is the lil' Princess who keeps threatening me with a nursing home in my very near future.
Precious, just stinkin' precious...SIGH...

And here we have it...look real close and you'll be the very first to witness the "I got me my first suspention eyebrow piercing barbell thingy, and I refuse to take it out, ever".

Makes my heart just flutter, she is growin' up way too fast. :0)

Welp friends, and family....the boys are waiting for me to get off so we can have some TV time before bedtime. As for Kaysha, welp..I think she grew tired of waiting..she just skipped out to spend a few hours with her friend across the street.

Have yourselves a very wonderful weekend...stay warm, stay inside, stay next to your coffee machine..and think of me while your knockin' down the ole' java juice.

Love, Kim

PS. Oops...almost forgot, Kody is still hurting in the chest area.
Could be a few things...one of those things were be dreadful...


Ummm...yeppers, as of a week and a half ago, Kody is officially taller then me, and that doesn't even include the extra three inches he add's on with that spikey hair of his.

Friday, January 19, 2007 8:00 PM

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~*~Busy Family, Strong Bear, Thrifty Me~*~

Things will lighten up round here, right? I mean, I have got to have my regular update time soon, real soon, right?
In this krazy zoo type family, finding 10 uninteruppted minutes can seem like the prize at the end of a 10K race..especially for "non-atheletics" as myself.

Tomorrow's Saturday, they are all home and I bet by tomorrow night you'll see a decent sized update, complete with visuals, chuckles and real life drama entertainment as only my family can provide. They don't try to, it just happens that way, everyday, day in and day out.

Last night was fixin' {"fixin'", yeah...real NY'er, right?}. Let's try that again...
Last night wuz turnin' tah snot for our favorite Bear Boy.
Not gooey, gross snot...just achey, breaky, chest pain/shunt line site painful, pinchy, sharp, knifey feeling snot.

This morning was even worse and Bear was having a pretty tough time at even remotely being interested in getting out of bed and hittin' the old breakfast table. Let's not even get into the getting dressed and styling his hair...two of his most favorite things on Earth.
No..this Bear was in pain.
Sooooo....we medicated him and under his direction, let him sleep it off until 9 o'clock.

I figured there was no way he was going to school today, but, quite to my surprise, at 9:30 he was up on his own, and asking to give it a try.

By 10:30 he was fed, clean, looking good and checking into school. Still hurting quite a bit but in true Kody style..a lil' pain is not going to stop him from putting on his best "popped collar" shirt, his favorite spikey look hair gel, his favorite puka shell surfer necklace, a lil' Vert cologne and his beloved K-Swiss shoes.

Proud as I was at that very moment..I mean, honestly...this kid has such heart, such strength, such bravery, such style. All this to not fall behind in school, right?
I don't know too much about "Allison", but apparently she is the sister of one of his best friends and she is just a tad bit smitten with....MY BABY!!!!
Enough on that subject, I shall volunteer more often and eat luch at school with my baby every day for the rest of the school year.
Back off Allison, he's mine.

Before I jump off tonight I'll leave you with a few from a couple of days ago.
Can you tell he is just a little proud of his new "red belt" status? :0)

And by the way...no, that is not a kick butt beautiful wall in my new million dollar mansion. SIGH...don't I wish??
No my friends, thrifty me strikes again..that is just a big ole' plain piece of brown paper behind him.
Not to shabby, huh? :0)

Till tomorrow...love ya'z all!!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:20 Florida Time

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~*~How to become an "Update Slacker"...Lesson One~*~

1. Birth a bunch of krazy kids.

2. Keep letting the older "adult" ones move back.

3. Quit your job cuz your boss is a freak and an a*s.

4. Allow your life to become a whirlwind of ridiculousness.

5. Try to keep smilin'.

6. Call Greyhound, beg once again for that one way ticket.

7. Open checkbook and realize even one-ways are too much.

8. Close your eyes and dream of a Hawaiian vacation.

9. Close your eyes and dream of Starbucks.

10. Close your eyes and dream of a Starbucks vacation in Hawaii.

11. Open your eyes and snap back into reality.

12. Wonder why your spouse still see's fit to come home everynight, no matter how, did I mention, "ridiculous" and "krazy" it get's round these parts?

13. Tell myself over and over "I AM worth that venti sized strawberries and cream frappachino with the extra whipped cream, 75 billion fat grams, and 68 trillion calories..I am, I am".

14. Realize again that I didn't find 20 minutes to update and promise myself that no matter what I'll update tomorrow.

15. Apologize to thousands of die hard Kody fans and promise to do better tomorrow, after Starbucks but before bedtime. Promise, really I do.

Love, "The Update Slacker" a/k/a The CB author formally known as Kim

Saturday, January 13, 2007 6:12 PM Florida Time

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~*~Our Mighty Warriors...Kick Butt Again~*~

I was wondering...would it be OK to put off part two of Microgliomas, Astrocytomas...." just one more little itty day?
Please, purty please?


Because lemme tell ya, this has been one AWESOME day!!

It all started off with two kind of nervous, kind of scared, kind of hyped up, spazzed out lil' boys who were taking that big ole' mean, karate test today.
But...being the kind of Mom I am, I just had to step in this morning and calm their nerves...just a tad.

Pretty much they were doing exactly everything they do in class three times, sometimes four times a week...but this time, with a lil' twist.

I said to my boys/warriors...
"OK, it's fine...you'll be fine...everything is fine, ya know why?"

Boys {preparing for yet another no sense lecture that only I can give}: "Ahhh...OK, we'll bite...why Mom?"

Muah {Me}: Because this test, as important as it is..is really just another class on any given night except this time you get to BREAK something at the end...and nobody get's P.O.ed...imagine that??!!"

Boys {looking at each other in total bewilderment...maybe because I actually made sense or maybe because they couldn't believe my lecture so was darn short}: "Yeah...Yeah Mom, you have a good point there..that's cool"

And what really, in the whole grand scheme of life, is better then having your kids say "Mom" and"Cool" in the same sentence. Not too much, I believe.

So...with that we rode on out to Central Winds, met up with Dad Bear, who bravely walked the one block from the garage to get there and the testing began...

Getting your next rank is not easy, it takes a while to prove yourself. There's alot to do...written test, flawless forms, and some of this...

As if seeing one kid fixin' to kick the snot out of a gigantic black belt isn't entertaining enough, try two...

The last thing on the testing list is the big break.
Have some strong dudes and dudettes hold a piece of plywood and when your ready, yell LOUD and...


Some kids are just not happy unless they are having some...


After all the cut up ankles and split lips are cleaned up, our mighty warriors are rewarded...with the belts and stripes they soooooo deserved for all their hard work, devotion and endless attempts at airtime.

This is the best part, this is what makes a grown parent cry like a baby, makes the heart grow larger, makes you high five your spouse and act like a silly, drunk sports fan during the Super Bowl...

This is also when the love starts flowin' freely, cuz even more beautiful then proud parents, is the proud teachers that patiently trained them there lil' warriors.

Can you just feel the love?

Yeah baby...that's my Warrior, my Bear, the kid who kicks cancers butt and big ole' pieces of plywood all in the same day...gotta love um'.

Welp my friends..I have got some family peeps here wanting some dinner. I can't keep them waiting much longer.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!

Love, Kim...Mom of two darned awesome "Mighty Warriors"

Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:55 PM Florida Time

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~*~Friday Night~*~

Is this considered "Update Slacker" material?

All things considered, this is an update tonight, right?
OK...so maybe it's not the update you were hoping for.
A lil' preview of my day before ya'all bash me...

Got up late...
Woke up kids late...
Got kids to school late....
Showered and primped late...

Are we seeing a trend here?

Got to work late...
Finished work ON TIME! {trust me, you'd want out of there fast too}...
Stopped off to check out price on a new stove...
Decided the old clunker stove that burns the edges and bottoms of absolutley everything will still be around a while....
Got home...
Read the newspaper...welp, the funnies anyway...
Got the kids ready for karate...
Got them there with 5 minutes to spare...
Read a cooking/recipe mag. I got in the mail..
Made 100 folded pages and mental notes of all the new, cool recipes I need to try...
Decided taking two wound up young uns' into a grocery store would be too painful...
Picked up some pizza from Dominoes...
Came home...
Got the kids in the shower...
Found them clean PJ's {which was a true miracle, seriously}...
Tossed their uniforms in the washer...
Got on here...

And realized that once again...I have not made good on my "Part Two" update. :0(

But, you know....tomorrow's another day and after getting the boys out early for their karate testing, stopping at the grocery store, getting myself home again...
Uploading more board breaking pix into the computer...
I WILL have time to sort, scan and update.
I think I can....I think I can...Oh H**L, I KNOW I can!!

Sooooo....because Kolin, the kid with the missing nose parts, really does think that at least for today, he is all that and 15 bags of chips, I'll just leave you with one for the day...

Tomorrow, for sure...I will get that Bear to sit still for 5 minutes and his face will be gracing all your computer monitors. I think I can...I think I can...I'll give him a buck and I know I can. :0)

Have a great night all!!!

Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Kody and Kolin will be testing, punching, blocking, kicking and giving it their 100 percent all to pass to the next highest rank in martial arts.

Kody...red belt {advanced!!}
Kolin...second stripe on his red belt {YEAH!!}

Love you all...

Kim...Mom of two "Karate Kids" {one with missing nose parts}


~*~Five Wonder Filled Glioma Years Part Two~*~

Has been temporarly postponed until tomorrow. Sorry, really I am.
Not only did I not have time to dig through some albums and scan away today but our Goth Girl has gotten herself the Gothic Crud Flu and it's been pretty much a non-stop bucket brigade around here these past couple/few days.
Not that she can't take care of herself at the ripe old wise age of 15, but I thought it was a great enough excuse for my laziness today.
Ummmm...yeah, and she needed me, she seriously did.

Now then, you all know I couldn't, I just wouldn't leave you hanging with absolutley nothing but a postponement update so in honor of my youngest, the last of the litter, our nine year old wild child, who everyday asks me "Why can't I have a web site, after all I DID have my tonsils and nose parts {adnoids} taken out once".

This one's for you Kolin, so everyone out there who loves you can see your purdy lil' face too...

Stayed tuned tomorrow night for the next part of our mini series...

"Microgliomas, Astrocytomas, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda"

Love you all!!!

Kim, Mom of the kid with the missing tonsils and nose parts.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:30 Florida Time

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~*~Microglimas, Astrocytomas, Five Years of Krazy-i-omas~*~

Welcome back to our five year anniversary update...Yep, I know...FINALLY!!

OK my friends, this past month or so I have received suggestions about posting some photos of Kody Bear as he was, in the beginning...pre "D-Day", post "D-Day" and so on and so forth.

Soooo...as I am always in that sharing kind of mood anyway..let's go back in time to, September, 2001. Four short months before before this whole tumor fiasco started.
Oh, it was there lurking around his spikey head alright {that pesky tumor}, but in Kody's first grade school picture {PLEASE excuse the rougness/quality..it was stuck in the glass frame and so I had to scan it in the glass frame} you would have never known it.
This was his first celebrity photo seen round the world...OK, maybe not world but defiently in Central Florida when terrific friends and family of mine plastered his photo everywhere in a very successful attempt to start many a prayer chain going.

First thing on our Christmas then...
Get rid of that tumor.
Second thing...front teeth.

A few months later and numerous visits to the pediatrican's office it was getting pretty obvious that his wonky eye and crooked smile was fixin' to be something a lil' more then "a virus" and or "lazy eye".

Christmas that year brought us one very sick lil' boy who had no interest in opening presents of any kind. Rather, we watched him sleep, wake up, vomit, sleep, wake up, vomit, while in pain, on the couch all day long.
What a bummer of a day.
Little did we know, a week later, On Friday, Jan. 4th during his appointment to have that "lazy eye" checked out..things were about to change bigtime.

His MRI was scheduled for Monday, Jan. 7th, the last appt. of the day. I guess they were trying to ensure Kody would be pretty sleepy by then and stay still for his hour long, very first, MRI.
Nobody knew then, but seeing as his brain was swollen way beyond normal size, sleep was all he did. Probably because he was within a week of falling into coma.

The very next morning is when that call came in. I know so many of you know "the call", "the sentence", those horrible "words" that shatters the heart, numbs the brain, sets your body on "auto-drive" and makes you fall...directly to the floor. Do not pass go..do not collect $200.00.

In teh very early morning of Jan. 9th..five years ago, we met the man that would save our child life over and over again. Dr. Pincus.
We also met on that day, Larry. OK, Dr. Larry Levine, Kody's Shands eye dr., who has promised Kody a "Beer at the ballpark" one day, about 10 years from now.
While Dr. Pincus is our "Hero", Dr. Larry is "Da Man".

Five years ago today, at 8 AM, our Bear was taken from Dad Bear's and my prtective arms and wheeled away from us for his very first brain surgery.
Talk about falling victim to the floor again. I can still feel that "lurchy stomach" thing when I think about that day.
Eight hours later, our boy was given back to us...sick, fragile, all wrapped up in wires, tubes and monitors, and his beautiful brown gorgeous locks of hair complete.
Gotta love that Dr. P., he knew from day one how dang inportant that kids hair was to him.

Five days later we brought Kody home...without the pathology report we thought we'd have. Who knew he would be such a medical mystery.
Who knew our lil' boy...who'd odds were 9 months to a year at best, would still be kickin' everything from cancer cells to karate boards five years later?
Not me.
But his Dad claims he always knew. Optomistic right from the beginning...thats my rock.

As much as I'd love to show you all photos of Kody we took that day and weeks after...for some reason, reasons I am not sure of...but be sure I WILL find them...
I have about a dozen photo albums gone missing.
Try as I might, I searched high and low a few days ago and they are not here.
Like so many things in this darn house..they must have grown legs and walked away.

This is the closest I found...

Meet "Steriod Boy"....two weeks after his first brain surgery taking on Mickey Mouse Land with a lil' help from his stressed out, sleep deprived, thrown into a cancer world they never wanted to be in, siblings...

Could you just take those moonface cheeks and pinch them right off?
And is that legs and blonde hair on Goth Girl?

Fast forward to the first photos of what Kody will be always known as...

"Mohawk Man"

This first year or two brought many changes, many new friends and many cool adventures for our Bear.

How many of you remember his need for speed...in an airplane?

Kody co-piloted and yeah...he convinced the pilot {bless his trusting heart} to hand over those controls to Kody...much to Kolin and my's surprise...as we sat in the backseat having something like...my very first heart attack ever.

That experience gave Kody dreams, BIG dreams and during one hospital stay for a shunt infection, Kody was asked to design his own ceiling tile for Shands, which now resides somewhere at Shands, in some part of the building, in the ceiling.
We haven't found it yet..then again we try not to make a habit out of walking while looking up.

Who would have ever thought in a million years that tile would lead us into the most awesome experience of out "K" family lives.
With still, many thanks to one of Kody's biggest fans, Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Sandi M., we were sent on a three day whirlwind vacation in Jacksonville Beach.
Our hotel was awesome, spacious, bright and right on the beach.
The sunsets were breathtakingly gorgeous.
The weather was unbelievably perfect.
We relaxed, we left our troubles in Leesburg, we enjoyed each others company tremendously.

But this....this was a dream come true.
Who can forget the day we got to hang out with the US Navy's Blue Angels?

Now that's what dreams are made of. :0)

Welp my friends...that's about all the memories I have plucked out for today.
I'll do my bestest to continue with "Five Wonderful Glioma Filled Years" tomorrow sometime.

Take care everyone!!!!!!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:15 AM Sunshine State Time

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~*~Tuesday Morning~*~


What better week to celebrate...The Gators, our Shands football team ROCKS and on the very week that our Bear ROCKS too!!!

Way to go Gators and Bear!!!!!!!!

Gotta run to work, I'll be back on tonight.



~*~Monday Afternoon~*~

Happy D-Day Bear...OH SNAP!!

All day I have been planning and plotting a spectacular update, the updates of updates, the "Update Extreme".

But...as things go round these parts, sometimes Murphy's Law, or is that Kim's Law {?} comes into effect and nothing goes right.

So, my day got away and Kody Bear decided to get sick on his first day back to school...which brought him home early and in about 5 minutes from now I will be officially late for work. But, I like to call it "fashionably late", cuz I'm all about the girlie stuff like that.

So....I'll just leave you with these two photos just to show you how we partied last night. Yeppers, it was a day early but...with having 80 percent of us here to celebrate, it just seemed right.

I'll try, really do my best to try to update tonight when I get home...but if it's real late and my old, half blind peepers won't let me....I will be back on tomorrow. Unfortuently, it'll be night again cuz I have to work all darn day long. Unless...Kody's still feeling like a big ole' pile of crudness, then who get's to take the day off? I do, oh yeah...I do. :0)

Happy Five Years Bear-Bear...you are our "Hero"!!

We love you Bear!!

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle James, Kaysha, Kolin and Alona.

Later Gators!!

Speaking of Gators {our Shands Hospital team}...

"GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Love, Kim....the proudest Mama of the bravest Bear in the whole wide world


~*~Sunday Night~*~


It was a beautiful day here in Central Florida a couple of days ago.
The most perfect day...a day that was sooooooo perfect I was able to gleefully take my two youngest outside and while they rode their new Christmas bikes up and down the street, I relaxed, on my swing, with a diet cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper and my all time, {this month} favorite book, Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.
Life was good....too good and that's when I heard the voice....The voice that makes a middle aged Mom's brittle blonde hair turn 56 shades of instant gray.
Herbal Essence...HELP ME!!!

The voice was Kody's and it was yelling...


And when I started looked up, half thinking to myself "Bleep Bleep kids, I swear, no sooner do I sit down and they have to...they have to....HOLY MACARONI...what the BLEEEEEEEEP is that kid doing???!!!"

This is what I saw.....

Not only is this child kickin' cancers butt....he's defying every single odd that has been placed against him.
Not one child of mine yet has managed to cause me to gray prematurely, so dang quickly as that Kody Bear. Now that's an accomplishment.

Speaking of accomplishments...
I have two pretty big, important accomplishments to announce.

#1. This Saturday morning at 10 AM sharp, Kody and Kolin will be testing for their next highest rank in karate!!
Kody will receive his "Red Belt" which officially makes him at the advanced stage of martial arts.
Kolin will be receiving his second stripe on his red belt. Which for Kolin means that, if all goes well for him, if he keeps advancing as he always has, six months from now we could be looking at a black belt on his waist.
As for Kody...well, that also holds true...nine months from now.
Imagine that? :0)

#2. Tomorrow is the day, they day we have grown to love and hate all at the same time. We call it "D-Day", or "Diagnoses Day"
Five years ago we were told about Kody's brain tumor., "I'm so sorry Mrs. K, but Kody has a malignant "legion" in his brain" Those few words, told to me over the phone were the few words that changed our world as we once knew it.
Spirling us into a new life of hospitals, surgeries, pathology's, intense medications, seizures, more surgeries, and our most favorite part of all....
"Caring Bridge".
If it were not for the love of all of you, we could have never gotten as far as we have, almost unscathed. You are ALL the reason why we keep plugging along, kickin' butt in the cancer world, one brain cancer cell at a time.

We'd like to welcome you back tomorrow for a special CB mini series of..

Five Wonderful Years of Microgliomas, Astrocytomas, My How this Child has GROWN!!

Or....something along those lines. :0)

Have a great night....till tomorrow...

Love yaz!!

Kim a/k/a Pass me the Herbal Essence Super Permanant Beige Blonde, and make it quick Man!!


~*~Meet Nanook, Eskimo Boy~*~

What you do see in this picture...

~A fuzzy hat wearin' eskimo looking kid with a big grin.

~A big eyed boy hoping to see snow, someday.

~Yet another great photo op.

~A potential model for Klondike ice cream bars.

What you don't see in this picture...

~The tank top, gym shorts and flip-flops he wore underneath this big ole' fuzzy hooded jacket.

~The half eated "Slim Jim" he left in the pocket, which I didn't know about, until it started stinkin' later on that day.
Hey, thank goodness it wasn't whale blubber, right? :0)

~The vanilla Wendy's frostie it cost me for 15 seconds of click happy time.

~The outakes, which were pretty amusing. Eskimo kids gotta have fun too, you know.

What I wish you could see in this picture...

~One teary eyed Mama when she pulled this picture out of her camera and realized, once again...how darn good looking her lil' Nannok is.

~The whopping stick I keep next to me should any gal try to take my baby away from me too soon.

~My reflection in his eyes, but you'd really have to zoom waaaaayyyy in to see it.

Ahhhhhh yeah, that's my boy...."Nanook". :0)

Till tomorrow..have a great one!!

Love, Kim...Nanook's Klondike lovin' Mama

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:30 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

Samurai's in the City, Part Two

In the land of Swords, Samurai's and Sunshine, practice, as we all know is the key to success.
There is another key, a very important key and we call that key...


Yes there is "Sword Safety", or maybe I should rephrase that and call it "Safety Sword"

The most important digit on your hand is your thumb.
The thumb is also your most important safety feature on a sword.

Take a gander at this...

Hold your thumb in it's proper place and
#1. Your sword won't slip away out of it's protective case.
#2. No wise guy neighborhood kid can run up and take that sword.
#3. Knowing where your thumb is at all times is extremely important, as we shall learn soon enough.

All Samurai's, young and old, big and small need discipline, hours and hours of strict discipline.

Of course, some young Samurai's take their discipline a little more serious then others.

At the end of a lil' Samurai's day, after hours of discipline, practice and patience, sometimes one most start back at ole' square one.
Because if these were actual, real live sharpened blades, instead of dull training blades...
We'd be pickin' this warrior's thumb right off the floor.

And that ends our mini series of Samurai's in the City.

Before I jump off tonight...I'd like to leave you with just a little something.

Tell me, honestly, couldn't you just eat this child alive?? :0)

Have a beautiful night!!

Love, Kim

PS. In answer to a question I've been getting alot...
Yes, it's true...some parents happily skip out to the local foot locker when their 11 year olds need new shoes. What with shoes needed twice a year for a typical 11 year old, it's no biggie.
Then we have Kody, our 11 year old.
Every three to four months or so, Dad Bear and I cut back on lifes necessities for ourselves, food, socks, an occasional six pack.
All because...our Bear grows, and he grows and awful lot.

Kody Bear, as of today {I won't know next week till next week gets here} is currently wearing a size 10 1/2 in mens shoes.

He is bigger then every 11 year old in his school, his tootsies are bigger then his older brother and his Dad.
Heck, I've been in canoes that were smaller then his foot.

And he keeps growing...and growing...and growing. Our lil' baby boy. :0)


~*~Take me down to Samurai City~*~

Old Samurai saying...
"One must first learn to take sword in and out of case without slicing off finger"

So....Samurai Bear practices and practices and practices some more, until Mama Samurai is pretty confident he can handle his 3 foot slice-a-matic.

Brother Samurai senses potential danger...is that neighborhood bullies watching nearby?
There shall be no bullies in Samurai City...

Take this neighborhood bullies...

Doin' the ole' "Slice and Dice"...

Smart Samurai's never turn their backs, especially when run away bullies razor toothed dogs stand nearby, flashing those fancy fangs.

Not this time you crazy canine...

Samurai "Wild Man" Jr., always on the prowl to protect, bows once out of respect and states loudly...

"I got yer' back Brudda Man"

How's that for teamwork? Makes a Mama Samurai so proud. :0)

Stay tuned for "Samurai City, Part Two" coming to a computer near you, tomorrow night.

Love...Live...Laugh...Hug...Hoot and Holla'!!

Kim a/k/a "Mama Samurai

PS. No neighborhood bullies and their pet pooches were hurt in the makings of this update tonight. ;0)

Monday, January 1, 2007 9:40 PM

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~*~Bad !*! Boys and their Bad !*! Bikes~*~

Almost twenty seven years ago, about 7 AM on a freezing, ice cold, blustery, New York winter morning, a very innocent {sicker, snort, HA...HA...HA..Ok Karlio, quit yer' laughin'}, trusting, blonde, big haired, 17 year old girl walked into her high school cafeteria, after being warned many times not too...because "you know who" was there and "he was nothing but trouble anyway".
As this fairy tale unfolds...she saw the most incredible sight ever...
Dad Bear...OK, maybe not "Thee Dad Bear", it wasn't his his brown eyes, long hair, smile, cool leather jacket, or sense of humor that I noticed, even before that, I nearly fainted, gawking at his bigger then life, tattooed, muscular arms. And even before that, I almost swallowed my Bubble Yum, bubble gum when I saw, for the first time in my {did I mention young?} life...


And just like that, I was hooked, I was in love, I knew that hunka semi-gloved, beat up, roughed up hand of a man was gonna be mine....all mine, and nobody else's.
But I played cool..oh yeah, I played cool..for all of 3 seconds when I lost all sense of balance in my 3 inch Candies clogs and waaaaayyyyyy too tight Jordache designer jeans and darn near broke my very "young" neck, because as we know...people like myself should never, ever chew bubble gum, walk and gawk all at the same time.

OK, so most gals were into the silk shirted disco kings but ohhhh.....not this gal.
And....as luck would have it, that bad boy really digged clumsy, blonde, airheads as myself.

And the rest is history.

So, you may be wondering...where the heck is this going to tonight? Is Kim shnookered on leftover eggnog and Malibu?

Welp no but, imagine my surprise and warped sense of accomplishment when I realized that Dad Bear had passed his lovely genes onto his wild child children.

May I introduce, Semi-Gloved wearers....The Next Generation...

Ahhhhh yeah.....what is better then some Bad !*! Boys and their Bad !*! Bikes?

They are definetly gonna make some young gal very happy one day a long, LONG time from now because they are my babies and my babies they shall stay for a long, LONG time. :0)

Can you just feel the wind, the freedom, the lil' no finger gloved hands?


We wish you all a very happy and healthy/medically boring New Year.

There's a few more pic's on the photo page...enjoy!! :0)

Till tomorrow I'll leave you tonight with Kody's brand spankin' new, New Years Resolutions list...he made last night while rockin' out with Dick CLark and keeping me {the Mom formally known as young} awake and alert.

Kody's 2007 Resolutions

1. Stay out of the hospitul {hospital} for the year
2. Bekum {become} a black belt
3. Pass the FCAT skool {school} test
4. Eat bedr {better}
5. Not hear the wrds {words} you can't do it
6. Exrsis {exercise} way, way more
7. Get over my fear of hits {heights}

Yes...as a matter of fact, I did notice that he spelled everything on line 8 perfectly, go figure. :0)

Have a great night everyone, I'll be back tomorrow because my number 1 New Years Resoluton is....

Beat me if I fall back into slackerhood, OK?

Love ya'all...

Kim {the Mom previously known as "The Young Update Slacker}

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