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Thursday, June 16, 2011 12:17 AM CDT

Missing Missing Missing, BUT knowing know KNOWING Brandon is MORE than healed, MORE than happy, MORE than anything I could think or pray for!

And ALWAYS LOVING him, forever and ever!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 8:10 AM CDT

6 Years
Oh I miss Brandon so very much....but my head knows that he is not at all missing out on the things of this world. I do however believe that he is waiting with great anticipation for "our day". Today as we
CELEBRATE BRANDON....I am praying for some specific hugs from God. Any and all that he will shower upon us. I am also praying for my heart to "know" the things my head does.

Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:53 AM CDT

6 years ago today Brandon & I were making our way up to the hospital to get ready for transplant...excitment, and anticipation filled our hearts. Today this is me....

Yep, still walking this journey of faith, grief, missing, loving, wishing, accepting, and always coming back to FAITH. This journey can be quite exhausting at times and then at other times...smooth sailing. Never did I ever think that was possible...(but then again...God created ME and created ME to be the mom to the children he gave me, and the husband I choose). I guess when those calm waters are flowing, it makes those trigger blind side moments sometimes hard to breathe through. But breathe, cry, gasp, and sob I do. And eventually after that rough ride....the calm waters return.

God, my shepherd! I don't need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
you let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction
Psalm 23:1-3 ~ The Message

I absolutely know that the rest of my earthly life, it will be this way. How can it not? How would one just "move on" from this tear in the fabric of their life and family and NOT have it affect them? I mean sure...the fabric can be mended and stitched back together...but the evidence of the tear is always there. That is when I can also be thankful for these emotions that can be so up and down. God created them, and they serve a great purpose in our lives. Even when those emotions do not feel good, or make you feel like you just can't breathe. But this same heart and soul that has those hard emotions, also has wonderful happy FAITH FILLED emotions. Just the kind that I KNOW Brandon has everyday of his new life.

So while he is COMPLETELY there...I still walk towards that direction. And although there may be days that I am very close...I know that I won't truly be THERE until I get to my ETERNAL HOME with my SAVIOUR who made it all possible. The journey, the healing, the promise, and his LOVE! So I'll just keep walking, or swimming, or climbing...but always moving towards that direction! :-)

Thank you so much for creating, knowing and LOVING me God!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:22 AM CST

Missing this son of mine sooooooooo much. Wishing he could be here to comment on all of the stuff going on. Seth turning 16, excited to drive Brandon's/Seth's car. Hanging out with Jordan. The 2 new little ones. Brandon haging out with his friends and catching up with them. And just so this mom could kiss and hug him. Really NOT liking my perpespective right now, but also never wanting to change Brandon's. Sometimes it can be so easy to grasp a hold of what I know he is living, but then there are also those "other times". Today is one of them. But I know that JOY comes in the morning, and that God's mercies are NEW EVERYDAY.

I love and miss you so much Brandon!

Monday, November 2, 2009 12:40 AM CST


Tuesday, August 11, 2009 3:59 PM CDT

Monday, August 3, 2009 0:00 AM CDT

5 Years.

I have to say, I have such an issue with "time"...especially the fact that 5 entire years have gone by since Brandon left here, and went into the arms of his Heavenly Father, and felt the hug of Jeus.

I am so happy about that, but I really wish I had him here for ALOT more time. Although I suppose that when we all are together again...this time away will not even be a thought or issue.

But...today it is. But I also know, that God continues to be so FAITHFUL, and I know without doubt that he will have something special for Steve, Jordan, Seth and myself on our CELEBRATE BRANDON DAY.

Enjoy your day, look for Jesus, smile and make someone else smile....that is what Brandon would be doing, and that is what we will strive to do.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 3:42 PM CDT

Family Journal


Still loving and missing that smile and voice EVERY DAY!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 9:47 AM CDT

Today is Brandon's 24th earthly Birthday, and his 5th Heavenly one. I wonder what they do those days? I know for me, it is another day that I am so glad that God chose me to be his mom, teach him, have fun with him, watch him excell, laugh with him, help him to live (here and in eternity), and yes still always miss him!

Love you forever and ever!

Brandon\'s 19th Birthday

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:37 AM CDT

5 years ago today was transplant.......sun was shinning much like today, although it was MUCH wamer. Hope & excitement was in the air.

I believe that is much what Brandon experiences everyday...HOPE & EXCITEMENT.

Thank you God that THIS is not IT!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 7:26 PM CDT

hmmmmm....really really missing you Brandon!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:58 AM CST

Long time!!!!

I've thrown myself headlong into your arms—
I'm celebrating your rescue.
I'm singing at the top of my lungs,
I'm so full of answered prayers.
Psalm 13:5-6 ~ The Message

This particular scripture has really been ministering to me for some time. Along with the song that is playing on here. It is "Liquid" from Jars of Clay. It is off of one of Brandon's old cd's. I remember listening to it over and over again. He must have been about 13 at the time. I just love how God used music to "speak" to me and my children, and how he still does. Can you just imagine a world without it???? I sure don't want to. And that leads me to imagining what Brandon must get to "hear & feel" everyday. Brandon, Jordan, Seth, & I always talked about not only hearing the music but really "feeling it". I PRAISE you God for that gift, and for those memories!

Monday, November 3, 2008 8:40 PM CST

This has been an exciting week, Jordan came for a SURPRISE visit....all the way from Washington. We have him for one more week. God continues to be so FAITHFUL with our lives and our hearts. Just when I think that I just can not get through this moment, he ALWAYS reminds me that he is there. Whether it be in a beautiful sunset, or in the faces of those that I love. And I so CAN NOT WAIT to see that wonderful smile and kiss the face of Brandon...again, just a heartbeat away!

Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:32 AM CDT

It's been awhile.....I've had those ups and downs that come and go, but still pressing on. This song in particular has been ministering to my heart a lot lately. I just love the way God has and still uses music to speak to me and my heart and spirit.

There have been a lot of Brandon memories lately (actually there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him OR Jordan and Seth as well), some good, some bad....but they all still make me miss him so much. But as I have said so many times before....PRAISE GOD this is not it, this is just a time, and I can keep "coming to the cross"! I LOVE YOU GOD!!! And thank you to everyone who still checks on us and prays for us, you have definetly helped us walk this journey!


Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:39 PM CDT

4 Years. Sometimes there is nothing more than I can think, than just that. 4 years of missing Brandon so much, and 4 years of thinking about how much of Jordan & Seth's life have gone by without him here in it. Seth used to always ask if I thought God let Brandon see us on special times. I don't know, but I would really like to think so. He would be so proud of Jordan for his upcoming move to Washington State to finish his college. And Seth is starting High School, I can just hear Brandon say...."Hey Cool Guy". Although he might give Seth a little hard time and try to scare him with tales of the "Freshman Beat Down", like he did Jordan (Smile).

And to be honest, I have really been struggling lately.......the 4 years, Jordan moving so far away, even though I am so VERY PROUD and HAPPY for him! Seth starting High School is also emotional for me. So yeah...you can only imagine what Steve has had to deal with. (I am not so sure he would SMILE)???

However, earlier today I was out in my garden picking squash. I was pretty certain I had gotten all that needed to be picked, so I went to the other side of my garden to take a look at that side. While over there I noticed a squash that most definitely could not wait to be picked, and at that moment God spoke to my heart about "PERSPECTIVE". How when I was so close to the plant, and was so sure I had gotten it all, my PERSPECTIVE changed when I changed positions. Kind of like how life and God is. Just like God, his love, his faithfulness and his perfect plan are always there, we are the ones who move ~ therefore changing our PERSPECTIVE. Are you still with me??? And no I am not totally crazy about my squash!!! But it was yet another way of God speaking to my heart in the "little things" to show me how much he really is in the "BIG THINGS". He knows my pain, he knows my heartache, but he is still there, and still always has something that will reach out and show me something from him. Even if it is a squash plant!

So here we are 4 years later, still living, and also having fun, looking forward to "new seasons" and new adventures. Still seeing and seeking God in all things, letting him continue to heal our hearts, all while we are missing Brandon so much. And while our PERSPECTIVES have changed and Brandon's has as well (can you imagine!!!), God is still the same, and I PRAISE him for that (even with a broken heart). Thank you all for still checking on us, still praying for us, and most definitely STILL talking about Brandon to us. You make our hearts happy & WE LOVE YOU!!!

We are going to Celebrate Brandon's life on 8/3 by doing fun things. He was ALL about FUN. I encourage you all to do some FUN for yourselves too.....and let God have some FUN with you in your day too! He is just waiting for ya, and I belive that is one of his FAVORITE things to do!

Steve, Dawn, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth

~ Enjoy a "BLAST FROM THE PAST", we had so much fun on this trip to Disney World. It was just a week after Brandon had been listed for transplant. What a PERFECT vacation!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008 1:33 PM CDT

Edit ~ 6/25 ~ NEW SONG..."Be My Escape by Reliant K". This is one of Seth's FAVORITES that he absolutely LOVES to play along with on the drums. It also speaks volumes to our hearts....especially when the VOLUME is UP like we like it!!! (smile)


Yaaaay! It's SUMMER and it's HOT!!! I love it, this is my favorite time of the year! I love being outside, seeing the beautiful sunsets, hearing the birds chirping, seeing the lightning bugs, and just letting God "wash over me" with the beauty of what he created!

He is also soooo FAITHFUL during this time. This is the season that Brandon was re-admitted for the last time 4 years ago. At first is was another gouge in my heart that during my most favorite time of the year, I would also be experiencing the worst time of my life. But you know, God has been able to restore that favorite season again. That's not to say I don't have my moments....but I know they are not as often and as constant as 4 years ago. Today I can see that the beauty for ashes he has given me now, was also present 4 years ago when we were walking the start of this journey. God is just so good like that. He knows my heart so well, and loves me so much that he is willing to give me "something" at the moment I need it. What a great DADDY we all have!!!

On another note.......Steve and I have been intently praying and preparing for something that God has placed on our hearts. I would ask for your prayers with this as well (I will reveal more, when the time is right).

Missing this goofy guy soooooooo much!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:21 AM CDT

The Bible says that God knows us even before we are born.......his plans and purpose for Brandon were formed even before "time". When I am actually able to get my mind around that, it helps heal my heartache. Obviously I will always miss Brandon here, but because of Jesus, I know that this is only a brief moment. This is not the end. Oh, I can not wait for that GLORIOUS day, when ALL of my family will be together with our Saviour. I am so glad that God has it all planned, purposed, and done!

Monday is Brandon's 23rd Birthday. We will be thinking of him, missing him, celebrating his life, and PRAISING God for choosing us to be his parents, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Enjoy the day your self, and be happy! Brandon is!

Steve, Dawn, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth

Brandon\'s 19th Birthday


Monday, May 12, 2008 9:32 AM CDT

Encouraging Word
Monday 5/12/2008
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength...
~ Isaiah 40:31

This would be a good word for my heart today. 4 years ago today was Brandon's transplant. It all still feels like yesterday, as EVERYTHING from that day is still etched in my heart, smells, memory & senses.

I am trying to keep in mind that Brandon is still happier than I could ever imagine, and would NEVER want to be here. That he is just eagerly awaiting our day, all the while praising his saviour and just already experiencing all that God has for us.

Needing that strength,

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 10:39 PM CDT

I don't think that I will ever just "get it" by always being amazed at God's FAITHFULNESS. It will just never get old, and I am so THANKFUL for that.

God showed up this morning in just the most perfect way, that my hurting heart has been needing. I just love that about him, he knows me so much that he knows just what thing I will need. And the fact that he actually knew what I would need today...........before I was even born. How GREAT is that.

Also, today I heard this wonderful statement on a morning Christian show that I watch/listen to while getting ready in the morning....

~ Your FAITH does not prevent life, it carries you through life.

That just made such an impact on my heart and in my mind. God is just so good at giving me the "stuff" to move forward, whether it be by that next step, next breath, next hard time, or even next adventure.

He is just that BIG and always there!!!

~ Hope you are still enjoying the song. It continues to be just what I need in music, and it continues to heal my heart.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:06 PM CDT

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
~ Hebrews 10:23, NLT

Holding tightly to this for our family!

Friday, April 25, 2008 11:26 AM CDT

Hope you are enjoying this new song!

*There is a new link on the bottom of the page for our Family Blog

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
--2 Corinthians 1:4, NLT

Needing this right now..........my heart has been hurting, I have been in such a "pit", that I KNOW is only temporary, but I miss Brandon and everything about him so much. Also, this starts the months of memories leading up to transplant and what was happy times.

I really wish God would give me a bigger "view". Although, he is ALWAYS Faithful. It is so good that he does not change, that he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Because if you haven't noticed.........my emotions change all of the time, and can be all over the place! Boy I am so glad that God is not like that!

Pressing on.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 8:44 AM CDT

~ New Song ~ I pray that you would let it "wash over" you and touch your heart like it has mine. ENJOY!

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.
--Hebrews 10:24

I love what this has to say. There is so much more to our purpose while we are here. Which by the way is "like a mist". And yeah, a lot of days that "mist" becomes more like a fog, and I am sure that it does for a lot of other people as well. No matter their circumstances.

So I am brought back to this scripture as one of the many reasons we are to be helpmates to not only our family, friends, but also for that person we come across whom we may not know, but may just be in a place where they really need to hear how much GOD LOVES THEM!!!

Trying to stay motivated, and to MOTIVATE!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 10:01 AM CDT

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36

Part of my devotions from yesterday. This spoke volumes to me as it is exactly what I needed to see. I am keeping this in mind as Steve and I are praying for something that God may be calling us to do. I know there is an immediate call, and we are being obedient to that, and continue to pray for what the future may hold, and we will ALWAYS be obedient in that! My heart is anxious, but it is a good anxious! Maybe I should say excited instead of anxious.........or BOTH! (smile)

God is always FAITHFUL!

Pressing on!

Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:55 AM CDT

This morning in my devotions, both of these passages really spoke to me.

Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.

-Psalm 118:19 (NRSV)

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:23

I very much want to be were God calls me, and my family. And just to mention........yesterday (3/26) was mine and Steve's 20th Anniversary. So many times, especially 4 years ago we thought we would never make it. Our grief was just too big. I PRAISE GOD that we are in the 20% of parents that are still married after such a devasting change to our lives. AND beyond that.....God has placed such a love for each other in our hearts. I was saying to Steve last night that I wish I knew 20 years ago, what I know now. How God's perfect plan for marriage and family really do work! God, Spouse, Children. For me that is something that I always struggled with because my children ALWAYS came before Steve. And although they are the complete JOY of my lives, it only has benefited them by Steve and I FINALLY "getting it" the way God planned. By no means are we perfect, but we are definetly a work in progress and BETTER THAN we were! And that is just another area that God has, and continues to show his FAITHFULNESS.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 8:26 PM CDT

Still LOVING this song!!! And STILL PRAISING MY GOD for all that he has done for our family and how he continues to be so FAITHFUL. I was having one of "those days"....you know....feeling sad, emotional and that this hurt is forever, and that it's felt like FOREVER since I saw, touched, kissed, hugged, smelled, laughed with and just got to see that SMILE on Brandon. But God quickly spoke to my heart and said....."MY FOREVER IS BIGGER THAN YOUR'S"! Imagine that! And Brandon gets to taste and experience that every day all day! So yeah....always just a heartbeat away.

On another day, God brought to my attention the following quote that I had totally forgotten about. Brandon said this on 6/10/2004 and it was in the Milford Beacon.

~ "You can't whine over things," he said, "because you can lose everything in a manner of seconds. So feeling sorry for yourself just wastes time. You may have some bad times, but you'll have some good, and it will all get better in the end.
"If you let the bad run you over, you really miss out on a lot of good things."

I cut that out and keep it in my wallet now. And I so don't want to miss out on the good things, all the while looking forward to the GREAT things to come all beacause Jesus made it possible. Thank you God!!!

Now a "good thing" today. I really think that if Brandon could have arranged this, he would have said..."God can you put that together, and give my mom a good laugh".

So to start.....This is our dog Bebe, or "crazy dog, pyscho dog, humming bird of dogs"....get the picture? She is perpetual motion (and she would have definetly driven Brandon crazy). Please keep reading under the photo


Anyway, I as on the treadmill doing something good for my body, while listening to my praise music, and praying (which is good for my spirit and soul), and crazy dog shows up, takes a look, wags her tail, sniffs, and jumps on. YIKES........she then went flying off (really fast) the back! I think she will probably just stick to running circles outside now. But is was so funny, and I know Brandon would have loved the story!

If you stop by, please sign the book, I'd love to hear "your good things".


Saturday, March 8, 2008 2:40 PM CST

New Song ~ O PRAISE HIM ~ by David Crowder Band

Journal entry later.

Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:08 PM CST

New Song ~ Blessed Be The Name

As I have said so so so many times, God really uses music to minister to my heart. Whether I am happy, or sad, I can always count on music to heal my heart and lift my head and eyes back to the one who loves me so much that he gave me eternity. And in that eternity one of my prescious sons is already waiting for us. This particular song has been one that God keeps bringing to my heart whether it be on the radio, my cd, or that here lately this is the song that Seth has been playing on Sunday's for Praise Band.

His brother Brandon would be so PROUD of him and probably say....hey cool guy.....way to go buddy! And yeah...he would be smiling that smile. And Jordan has had the opportunity to see him play, and he has told him...Good job. And then gave him his grin and thumbs up.

God is just so good, he is always faithful, and always the same, no matter how we are. He loves us right were we are, but too much to leave us there!

My hearts desire for any of you who still "read up" and keep in touch with us, is that you would feel and recognize the Lord's hand and touch in your life. Nothing is by chance, God has such a work for you. After all, a lot of you have been the ones to help our family in the times before transplant, and then been the ones to help keep us lifted up through your prayers and the love you have shown us. You all HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE! And I know that brings Glory to God, and I am positive it makes Brandon smile!

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Friday, February 15, 2008 6:18 PM CST

"On that edge"....but I am purposing to still PRAISE my God!!! And just sitting here typing this and listening to this song helps to remind me that because of Jesus, Brandon is MORE ALIVE and HAPPIER than he could ever be. And because of Jesus...THIS IS NOT THE END!!!

One of my days when I was in my "this is not fair" fit, I realized that for Brandon it is fair, MORE than fair, and will always be. So, when I start those fits from time to time, I thank God for that realization. I would never want to rob Brandon of what he has now and for all of eternity. After all, it's only just a heart beat away, and I can still imagine seeing that wonderful smile and hearing him say...."see Mom, I told you I would see you in a little while".

All Because of Jesus is this possible!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 7:24 PM CST

This is for all of you wonderful PRAYER WARRIOR'S....a dear friend of Brandon's could really use your prayers and words of encouragement. John is such a special and funny guy, and I think the world of his parents Albert and Sandy. We miss seeing them, but they are always in our hearts. Please drop by his site and give him your encouragement and prayers.


Thank you all so much!

Friday, January 11, 2008 10:23 PM CST

So yeah......

Thursday, January 3, 2008 1:50 PM CST

One of those days.........

Trying to keep this scripture in my heart.

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?...

--Isaiah 43:19, NLT

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:13 AM CST

~EDIT~ ALREADY!!! Take a look at Megan's page, and right there is an idea for a need they have. Please read her past journal entries and you'll see how hard this disease has been on this family, in more ways than one!


This is another great song that really ministers to me and lifts my heart. Not only can I IMAGINE what it will be like to see my SAVIOR’S face, but I CAN and DO imagine what it will be like to see Brandon and “that smile”. To “catch up” on all that he has experienced these last 3 years 4 months and 8 days (can you tell I am STILL counting), to get to touch him and kiss him, and to LAUGH and PRAISE GOD with him!!! Yep, just like each day now is just one more day closer. Again...... “just that heartbeat away”.

During each day, but especially during this time of year, I am sooooo THANKFUL to God for the wonderful gift that he has given each of us…His SON JESUS. And because of that we can continue to have HOPE, JOY, PEACE, & HAPPINESS. I continue to KNOW that this is NOT it. This view is only TEMPORARY! PRAISE GOD for that!!!

I also want to add that we are doing “BRANDON’S CHRISTMAS STOCKING” again this year. It has helped heal our hearts to have it filled with your donations and love. With last year being the first year we did this, we were filled with such satisfaction in presenting the donations that we received to the Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington. This year, Steve, Jordan, Seth, myself (and I KNOW Brandon) want to honor a local family who are deeply etched in our hearts and prayers. Megan Chavis is a High School student in our community, and has been diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer. Our hearts desire is that this family would feel your support and prayers just like our family did through Brandon’s illness, and how we still feel so supported by this wonderful community. We would LOVE your help in filling Brandon’s Stocking so that we can pass it on to Megan’s family. Please feel free to mail your donations, such as gas cards, store cards, gift cards to local services (utilities), or anything else you may think of to:

Brandon’s Christmas Stocking
C/O Steve & Dawn Hastings
6680 Shawnee Road
Milford, DE 19963

Also please visit Megan’s Website to read more about her, and I am sure they would love for you to sign their guestbook (www.caringbridge.org/visit/meganchavis).

Have a Merry Christmas; we LOVE you all so much!!!
Steve, Dawn, ^I^Brandon^I^, Jordan, & Seth

Thursday, November 22, 2007 12:24 AM CST

Missing Brandon so much around our Thanksgiving table, but loving the reminders of the day that will bring him to our hearts and thoughts.....Football, Green Bean Casserole (his favorite)rolls, mashed potato's, pies, PICKLES (his ABSOLUTE FAVORITE) and of course TURKEY! Along with all of those reminders that we are thankful for, we are VERY THANKFUL that because of Jesus, I KNOW where Brandon is, I KNOW that we will all be together again some day, and I KNOW that this is all just temporary.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Steve, Dawn ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth

Monday, November 12, 2007 9:52 AM CST

New Song ~ I AM FREE~ by the Newsboys

How appropriate for Brandon, because he truly is FREE!!! I try to keep this in my heart, because it is ALWAYS missing him so much. I continue to be reminded by God that THIS is not all there is. I PRAISE GOD for that HOPE, because I have to tell you.....when I am in one of those "pits of despair", I am so thankful that I can KNOW that because of JESUS each of us has a HOPE and a FUTURE. And because of this....I can be FREE too!!!

Still Seeking,

Sunday, October 21, 2007 6:18 PM CDT

STILL LOVING this song, and thinking about Brandon's PERFECT DAY!!!

Today was the "Day of Rememberance" at the hospital. It is not a favorite thing to do, but yet I can not imagine not being there to hear Brandon's name read, and to not have us participate. This morning as I was preparing emotionally and mentally to go, I was just pouring out my heart and tears to God, and asking him (yet again) for "something" from him. I wanted to "feel" God's faithfulness & his love. While we were there, we were able to see 3 of the MANY special people that helped take care of Brandon. This was the first time seeing them since Brandon's service in August of 2004. How wonderful to see and talk to Dr. Chidekel, Dawn, & BARBIE (aka...Kelly). You all made my heart smile to hear you talk about Brandon, and to know that you think about him and that he truly has left a mark on your lives!

Also, as we were leaving I ran into another local family who's son and grandson has been in the hospital for 40 days. They shared with me how their daughter had been in the chapel praying and saw a "HOPE" Bible, and how she asked for a copy. After she got it and opened it she saw Brandon's picture and the message we left on the inside cover. This Bible has offered her HOPE and shown her God's love for her and her prescious little boy Christian. I am in awe and PRAISE GOD for loving us so much that 3 years ago when we donated those Bible's in memory of Brandon, God knew that today my heart would need a special touch from him, and also that another family would need his promises as well. God is just so COMPLETE. I continue to be moved by the fact that even today, 3 years later......Brandon's FAITH is still making it's mark on the hearts and lives of others.


Saturday, October 20, 2007 8:58 AM CDT

An Always God

Read Psalm 27:1-14

The psalmist wrote, "Your face, Lord, do I seek."

-Psalm 27:8 (NRSV)
HALFWAY into the flight, I set down my book to contemplate what I had been reading. Out the window of the plane I saw a beautiful sunset. The horizon was a ribbon of dusty orange and pale yellow blending into a deep blue. My thoughts turned to the glorious beauty with which God surrounds us.

As night settled and the ribbon of light slowly got smaller, I followed the colors up into the inky night. There, alone in the heavens, was a star. It reminded me of God's constant presence in our lives. I kept gazing at the star and reflecting on God's overwhelming goodness. As the plane began to turn to the southeast, the ribbon on the horizon faded to black and I lost sight of the star. How often has that happened in my life? How often have I turned from God only to find darkness and despair?

Then the plane circled again. The horizon began to show color, and the solitary star came back into view. The star hadn't moved; I had. God doesn't move from our lives. God is constant, always watching, always waiting, always ready to shine upon us when we turn from the darkness and seek God's face.

That was my morning devotion. I REALLY needed this reminder today.

Missing Brandon so much.

Loving you forever and ever Brandon,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 11:46 AM CDT

ANOTHER new song!!! ~ Perfect Day by Josh Bates.

Another song that I LOVE and listen to over and over. It reminds me of Brandon's perfect day on 8/3/04. What that must have been like. In my heart I can see that smile, I can imagine a little of what he must have saw and felt. I believe with all of my heart that he had NO hesitation in letting go of this place and just totally grabbing Jesus' hand and hearing...."Brandon, Well done my GOOD and FAITHFUL servant". (smile).

Just sitting here thinking about that makes happy. Of course I would still LOVE for Brandon to be here, but I am trying daily to keep pressing on, to keep my eyes on Jesus, to just keep breathing and to remember that God is and has ALWAYS been faithful. And to be honest, that can be easier on some days than others.

On MY perfect day...I know that this time in between will seem so short, as I can see in my heart THAT SMILE, hear THAT VOICE, join in THAT LAUGH, and hear Brandon say.."See mom, I told you I would see you in a little while".....and of course with what has been required of me here I hope to bring glory to God and hear God say...."Dawn, well done my good and faithful servant, I told you I would never leave you".

In this time though, I am so thankful that God loves us so much and how he continues to show his love, to let us see that he is still right here beside us like ALWAYS. The exciting ways that he has shown Steve, Jordan, Seth & I how to keep our eyes on the prize. And the too cool ways that God is moving in our lives, the AWESOME way he showed up for Jordan & I on this past Sunday. God is just so much bigger than our grief and this moment in our lives. To think that Brandon has already ARRIVED and gets to be our guide along with Jesus just makes it that much more sweet.

Anticipating that PERFECT DAY!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 12:49 AM CDT

Edit ~ Please keep another local family in your prayers. Yesterday their 17 year old son, Eric E. Richards, Jr, was killed in a auto accident. The youth in this community have suffered so much heartache over the last 6 years. As you pray for Eric's family, pray for our youth, and the counselors in our school district who have become very busy, especialy over the last year in helping our young people through their grief.


WOW another update in less than 24hrs!!!

New song ~ Here I Am To Worship

I can’t tell you (actually I think I have), but music ministers to me so much. God has given me such a love of music and his word through it. My heart is moved beyond expression. This particular song does just that. The artist is Lincoln Brewster, and Brandon, Jordan, Steve & I (Seth was too young) had the opportunity to see him at what was to be the last Youth Rally Brandon attended in 2003. It makes me think about how much I LOVE to talk to and hear from my children, and how I can’t wait for that day when I get to hear Brandon say…..”Hey Mom, I told you I’d see you in a little while”(SMILE). And THAT is what God so desires from us, his children….to hear from us, to talk to him, to spend time with him, to WORSHIP him. He is MORE than I could ever believe, and I can only imagine everything he has in store for us in Heaven (and all of the splendor Brandon must see), but while we are here on this earth he still wants MORE for us. And as I continue to walk this walk, and to TRY and not let my ETERNAL VIEW become clouded by my temporary view…..I know that I am here to WORSHIP and to say I DO LOVE MY GOD!!!!

Hope you all enjoy the song as much as I do.


~ I also wanted to mention my brother-in-law Mac who has been in Iraq since July, will be COMING HOME in about 2 weeks (15th I think)!!!! I know that your prayers have really uplifted him, along with his wife Shawn, and their children Colin, Morgan, & Chance. Thank you to all of you who have emailed him, sent care packages, and most importantly prayed for him.

Monday, October 1, 2007 8:18 PM CDT

Been soooooooo busy, I have really been wanting to get on here for a "proper" update, but it seems that everytime I try to get around to that......it just doesn't happen.

Still hanging in, some days are better than others, but we are making it. All the while missing Brandon so very much.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:44 AM CDT

New Song ~ I just love love love this song. And there is absolutely no way you can listen to it and not be HAPPY!!!

And you know, just like the words of this song, I am really grateful how the Lord has been able to take "my mess", and turn it into beauty. I may not always see that, but the Bible tells me that, and there are a lot of things that I can look back on and see his amazing grace, mercy, & power. How TREMENDOUS is that!!!

Also, I can't but help to think about Brandon when I hear this song, I can just see him jumping and doing this funny dance he would do to make people laugh (I am sure he is doing that for Jesus)....you know that is where he is, he is TRULY HAPPY!!!

Hope you enjoy this song and be..........HAPPY!!!

Steve, Dawn, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth

Monday, August 27, 2007 2:06 PM CDT

- Happy 19th Birthday Jordan!!!!

Dad, Mom, ^i^Brandon^i^, & Seth

Monday, August 13, 2007 10:57 PM CDT

Edit ~ 8/15/07 ~ NEW SONG....another song that God has really been using to "heal my heart" AND LIFT MY HEAD UP!!! I PRAISE HIM for how he uses music to minister to me in such a HUGE way. I know Brandon would love this song, the group, Jars of Clay was one that he liked.

I have been trying to get "caught up" in journaling, actually since we went to Seattle at the end of June. I promise I will get those photo's on here very soon, but for now here are a few of the photo's from Celebrate Brandon Day on August 3rd. The day was not without it's "bumps", but God in his constant generosity of himself was able to smooth all of those bumps out, and we truly did have a wonderful time. And of course we know Brandon would have enjoyed the day as well. As a matter of fact, an "incident" Steve had in the King Tut Exhibit would have made Brandon laugh, and who knows.....if Brandon could say....God, could you just do that to make my family laugh? He most definitely would have.

We are still missing him so much, but continue to PRAISE God for reminding us this is just temporary. There'll be a day when what my heart dreams and desires will be THE reality......Wow!!! Can I say again how READY for that day I am!!! Thank you all for praying for us, and for your kind words surrounding Brandon's BEST DAY 8/3/04.

We Love you!!!
Steve, Dawn,^i^Brandon^i^,Jordan,& Seth

Create Your Own

Monday, July 30, 2007 10:52 PM CDT

STILL really LOVING this song. It continues to minister to me, ESPECIALLY when my heart is hurting so much. Which comes and goes. Although these days it seems to be much more on the surface. I suppose it has everything to do with the "dates" of our lives 3 years ago. I would imagine those "dates" will be on my mind for the rest of my earthly life, and beyond that.....THEY WON'T MATTER!!! Yaaaay for that day!!! To see that smile, hear that voice, and kiss that face. And yes, I am being completely selfish (hey God knows ME), while am excited to see my Savior, and the very one who made eternity and this chance possible, God knows the desires of my heart....my heart longs for that day!!! (SMILE....just that heartbeat away).

This friday ~ August 3rd ~ will be 3 years. It still seems impossible, and yes I still wish with all of my heart it was different. But I can believe that Brandon has had the time of his life, that he would NOT want to change places, that he is happy, healthy, & HEALED. NO MORE MEDICINES, NO MORE CHECKUPS, NO MORE NEEDLES, NO MORE ANXIETY, NO MORE NOT BEING HIM!!! PRAISE G0D for that!!! I would never want to take that wonderful gift from him, and how very appropriate that HE gets to be the first one to experience everything that was taught to him, that he believed in and lived for. I can only imagine him grabbing my hand and saying....."Wait until you see this!!!", and running off to some place so cool and indescribable(kind of like Mt Rainier was for me). God continues to be so faithful in his patience, mercy, love, and always making sure he is near me. I am excited for what he must have planned for us on "Celebrate Brandon Day" on Friday 8/3. Steve, Seth, Jordan, and myself are again going to do something really cool that we think Brandon would have liked. And like I said, I believe God has something for me and for us as a family. Thank you all for continuing to pray for us. It means the WORLD to us, and you all have helped us move forward on this journey. If you would though I have a favor....on Celebrate Brandon Day, spend that day yourself having fun and living life, looking for God, I can assure you he is there. Also, if you would like, feel free to leave a favorite "Brandon Memory" for me in his book. I continue to be encouraged by everyone who stops by and leaves a message or whether you just stop by to catch a glimpse of "that smile"!!! ENJOY your day & LAUGH....That's what Brandon would do!!!

Following Jesus All The Way!!!!!
Steve, Dawn, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth

P.S ~ In case you didn't notice, I changed the look of Brandon's page. If any of you really know how I am, you know how hard this has been to do. I wanted to keep it exactly like the last time Brandon and I sat together in the Ronald McDonald room at the hospital, but my heart tells me that it is time for even just this small step. To some it may be small but I have to say...It was a HUGE jump for me. But I have to believe and have faith that God is gonna catch me in that jump.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:24 PM CDT

Love this new song ~ God is really using it to minister to me at this time in my life.

Have to be honest......having a REALLY hard time right now, especially today. But even in that I must proclaim God's faithfulness, even when it is hard for me to see, feel, and appreciate.

Feeling like I am "clawing" my way up that hill

Thursday, July 5, 2007 9:36 PM CDT

****New Song*** ~ Thanks so much to Scott Livingood for always finding and put on the song that the Lord has laid on my heart, and it also seems to the song that is doing it's most work in my life and heart right now....Hope you like it!!!

Also, as soon as I get my photo cd's back (problem with walmarts cd burner) I will post photo's from our incredible trip to see my sister-in-law Shawn, her husband Mac, and their 5 year old son Chance (or as Jordan calls him...."Hot Hands Macdonald", in Seattle Washington. I can say it was a trip of a lifetime and we really enjoyed ourselves. But I'll post those stories for later. Right now, more pressing....please lift up Mac, Shawn, Collin, Morgan, & Chance. Mac will be leaving for Iraq tomorrow (7/6). I ask that all of you faithful Brandon prayer warriors pray for our family in this. I know that it would mean so much to them, as well as Brandon. After all.....Uncle Mac IS the one who taught Brandon all about proper hair gel ettiquette!!! Sorry to out you with hair gel mac, but anyone who has ever met you, knows ya loves ya your GEL. I will say it looks good on you too!!! (SMILE). When I get an addess where he can get mail, and if it's allowed I am sure he would love to hear encouraging words and prayers from you. Thanks!!!
Well all for this min.

Still Climbing that hill

Sunday, July 1, 2007 12:42 AM CDT

Purposing to PRESS ON and as Brandon would say.....NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!!! As much as satan would want me to stay in this "pit". I will NOT!!! 3 years ago today is the last time I heard Brandon's voice.....right before intubation he said...."I LOVE YOU MOM, I'LL SEE YOU IN A LITTLE WHILE". I can't wait for that day. To see that smile and to hear him say...."See...I told you I would see you in a little while".


Friday, June 8, 2007 12:52 AM CDT

Edit ~ 3:20.
Okay, so enough of "my pity party". You know, I continue to be amazed how much "MORE" God knows me than even myself. He is ALWAYS so faithful in placing before me just the right people or words. I have had two sweet friends bless me so much after writting the below entry, and God planned and placed them in my path BEFORE I had even put my hand to the keyboard!!! Thank you Cathy Boyle for your words of encouragement and the book you gave me. While finishing up my errands I started reading it (at stop lights, and in line at the bank). I can tell I am going to love love love this book. Also, thank you for ALWAYS fixing my special bracelet that you made for me. And Renate Willey, your card in the mail today helped pick up my heart along with Cathy's words, your words, and the Praise music I decided to put on in the car. I just PRAISE God for ALWAYS being faithful and knowing me so well. And to be honest.....Brandon is having the time of his life, I know this, I have no doubt of this, and I so can't wait to see that smile and hear him say...See Mom, I told you I would see you in a little while!!!


Just one of "those moments".........really having a hard time. There is a song I like and the Chorus so fits how I am feeling right now........

I’ll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I’ve cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm


Enjoy the picture. It is typical goofy Brandon. This was taken right after swim practice, and he was goofing around for the camera. Can't wait to see that smile in person!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Online Casino

This is a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The TV time basket has a Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, the metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket reads ~ "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings ~ Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact Susan if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to: (checks are made out to BMWH Memorial Fund)

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

*If you are interested in a protective liner they are $8.00

Friday, June 1, 2007 9:34 AM CDT

Today is just one of those days............my heart aches for Brandon so much. As I have said, I continue to try to NOT let my temporary view cloud my ETERNAL view. And even today in my pain, God is STILL faithful. He has placed just the right words at just the right moment when I need them. This was my devotional today.

I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.

-Isaiah 45:3

God knows me, he also KNOWS Brandon and has called him for his exact life.

Enjoy the picture. It is typical goofy Brandon. This was taken right after swim practice, and he was goofing around for the camera. Can't wait to see that smile in person!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Online Casino

This is a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The TV time basket has a Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, the metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket reads ~ "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings ~ Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact Susan if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to: (checks are made out to BMWH Memorial Fund)

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

*If you are interested in a protective liner they are $8.00

Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:28 AM CDT

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - search engine placement

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Online Casino

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

May 26th will be Brandon's 22nd Earthly Birthday, but it will be his 3rd Birthday in Heaven. In helping our family to bring honor to Brandon and to remember him on his birthday, we are asking anyone who would like to donate gas cards or phone cards. We will then gather them and present them to the Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington. This is a very worthwhile place, and it has helped our family many times over the years. One of Brandon's desires when he felt better was to go to the house and "give back" to the families that are there. Especially the small children. So we feel that he would be very proud and honored to have his friends and family contribute in this way for him. On a side note, we did that at Christmas with what I called "Brandon's Stocking", and they were very touched by this outreach. It is something that our family would like to keep doing. So did you get that?? :-) If you would like to send anything to donate, you can mail it directly to me:

Brandon's Birthday
6680 Shawnee Road
Milford, DE 19963

I will see that, like the Christmas gifts, the Ronald McDonald house gets this right away, and they will know that it is in memory of Brandon from his wonderful family and friends. And I know Brandon would smile that smile and say......Thanks Guys!!!


http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Online Casino

This is a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The TV time basket has a Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, the metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket reads ~ "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings ~ Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact Susan if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to: (checks are made out to BMWH Memorial Fund)

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

*If you are interested in a protective liner they are $8.00

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 8:59 PM CDT

Edit ~ 5/23 @ 10:35pm ~ My niece Samantha has surgery tomorrow to have a "g" tube placed. She is currently on a liver transplant list and seems to be following the same path that Brandon did. Please lift her in your prayers, and stop by her website to offer your well wishes and encouragement. It will mean so much !!! www.caringbridge.org/visit/samanthawagamon

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Online Casino

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

May 26th will be Brandon's 22nd Earthly Birthday, but it will be his 3rd Birthday in Heaven. In helping our family to bring honor to Brandon and to remember him on his birthday, we are asking anyone who would like to donate gas cards or phone cards. We will then gather them and present them to the Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington. This is a very worthwhile place, and it has helped our family many times over the years. One of Brandon's desires when he felt better was to go to the house and "give back" to the families that are there. Especially the small children. So we feel that he would be very proud and honored to have his friends and family contribute in this way for him. On a side note, we did that at Christmas with what I called "Brandon's Stocking", and they were very touched by this outreach. It is something that our family would like to keep doing. So did you get that?? :-) If you would like to send anything to donate, you can mail it directly to me:

Brandon's Birthday
6680 Shawnee Road
Milford, DE 19963

I will see that, like the Christmas gifts, the Ronald McDonald house gets this right away, and they will know that it is in memory of Brandon from his wonderful family and friends. And I know Brandon would smile that smile and say......Thanks Guys!!!


http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Online Casino

This is a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The TV time basket has a Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, the metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket reads ~ "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings ~ Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact Susan if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to: (checks are made out to BMWH Memorial Fund)

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

*If you are interested in a protective liner they are $8.00

Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:14 AM CDT

**New Song** ~ This is one of Seth's favorite songs. We think that Brandon would really like it as well. God continues to minister so much to our family through music, and I for one am so grateful for that!!! We can only imagine the wonderful PRAISE & WORSHIP that Brandon gets to experience EVERYDAY ALL DAY!!!

3 years ago today we were filled with such excitement and hope. 3 years ago today is when Brandon received his liver transplant. It still feels like yesterday in a lot of ways. I can still feel, smell, & see every moment from that day. While my heart struggles with that longing, and missing Brandon, I will say that I can find my way back to hope and excitement. Because of what God has done for me, and my family, this is not the end. We will be with Brandon again. And I PRAISE GOD for making that possible. That in the midst of this hurt, and wishing for things to be different, God has given me HOPE!!!

I also wish a Happy Mother's Day to my mom Stephanie, step-mother Karen, and mother-in-law Louise. And to all you other mom's out there as well. Especially those who celebrate with a piece of their heart in HEAVEN.

*Remember to take a look at the beautiful basket below.

This is a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The TV time basket has a Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, the metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket reads ~ "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings ~ Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact Susan if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to: (checks are made out to BMWH Memorial Fund)

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

*If you are interested in a protective liner they are $7.00

Saturday, May 5, 2007 11:19 AM CDT

**New Song** ~ This is one of Seth's favorite songs. We think that Brandon would really like it as well. God continues to minister so much to our family through music, and I for one am so grateful for that!!! We can only imagine the wonderful PRAISE & WORSHIP that Brandon gets to experience EVERYDAY ALL DAY!!!

This month has so many "dates" that are wonderful memories, but yet pull at our hearts as well. We continue to try not to get into that pit of despair and "what if, only if". We are working hard to try to keep this "temporary view" from clouding our ETERNAL VIEW, all the while missing Brandon so much. However, with that said......God has been SOOOOO FAITHFUL. Just like his scripture says, he has NEVER left us. I could not see that early on, but I have grown to not only see and know that, but to count on that as well. For me personally I want to be right where God wants me to be. To be used by him and to bring Glory to him. When it is "my day", I want to hear what Brandon heard....."Well done, my good and faithful servant". Also, I want to hear Brandon say...."Way to go Mom, I knew you could do it, and see...I told you I'll see you in a little while"! This makes my heart smile.

Well after all of that "rambling" (hope it makes some sense), Brandon's Baskets are in. Below is a photo of the finished basket. They turned out better than I can imagine, Steve, Jordan, Seth and I thank Debbie Rivera for suggesting this, and my sister Susan (or my protector, as my dad calls her) for heading this up. Susan has said the next order of 15 will be sent on 5/10.

This is a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The TV time basket has a Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, the metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket reads ~ "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings ~ Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact Susan if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to: (checks are made out to BMWH Memorial Fund)

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

*If you are interested in a protective liner they are $7.00

Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:08 PM CDT

First I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Seth. Tonight was the National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony. We are so proud of Seth's academic and community accomplishments. Jordan is also so proud and of course we know that Brandon would probably say something like...."way to go dude".

I also just want to say how AWESOME God is. He is always faithful, especially when I am having a lousy day. Which was the case earlier. Actually my day started out with me feeling so sad, and just really missing Brandon (I ALWAYS miss him so much), and God knew just what I needed. He sent a dear friend into the office today, and it was just so nice to see him, and hear another Brandon story, and how Brandon is still affecting people. Thanks so much Robbie Meding. I am so glad that God always puts you in my path at just the right times, you may not realize how much it uplifts me to see any of you, and to ALWAYS hear a Brandon story. You, Melinda, Dayton, Kove, Anne & Henry always meant so much to Brandon, and you do to our entire family as well. WE LOVE YOU!!! And just like this song says, I just PRAISE GOD for loving me MORE!!!

~ Don't forget to check out the Basket Fundraiser information below.

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts

~ 3/19/07~
My sister Susan has put together a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon and she is reaching out to anyone and everyone who would like the opportunity to own a one of a kind basket in Memory of a very special young man.

The TV time basket will have Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, there will be a metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket which will read - "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings - Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

Once I receive payment for the first 10 baskets I will send in the order and will be able to make a picture flyer for all future requests.

Any questions please let me know.

God Bless,

Monday, April 16, 2007 9:40 PM CDT

My heart aches for the familes involved in today's terrible shooting at Virginia Tech. To those families that now are faced with an incredibly different life without their prescious child, and to the young adults that now have a "different" view of what life was like for them before this morning. I lift up their parents as well.

Two families that their sons have been friends with Brandon and Jordan attend that school and I am so happy for Dickie & Donna, and for Leslie and her daughter Stephanie that sons, and brother are okay physically. Although the heartache they must be feeling is deep within my heart, thoughts, and prayers....Todd Pettyjohn, and Matt Johnson. I am so glad you are okay. I will continue to lift you and your friends up in prayer.


~ Don't forget to check out the Basket Fundraiser information below.

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts

~ 3/19/07~
My sister Susan has put together a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon and she is reaching out to anyone and everyone who would like the opportunity to own a one of a kind basket in Memory of a very special young man.

The TV time basket will have Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, there will be a metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket which will read - "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings - Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

Once I receive payment for the first 10 baskets I will send in the order and will be able to make a picture flyer for all future requests.

Any questions please let me know.

God Bless,

Friday, April 6, 2007 9:05 PM CDT

We accomplished another "first" without Brandon here. After 3 years, this was the first Good Friday Service that we have attended. This was something that our family always did together, and quite honestly I have not been able to do it since Brandon went with Jesus on 8/3/04. But God in his neverending faithfulness ALWAYS meets me where I am, and he has patiently prepared tonight for the time that our hearts were able to participate again. I PRAISE God for always loving me, for providing the way to eternity. An eternity that I get to spend with him, and can continue to see hope and KNOW that Brandon is waiting for us all. I really wish I could see a glimpse of the "RESURRECTION CELEBRATION" that Brandon is being a part of. What at time that must be!!! Thank you God for loving me MORE!!!

~ Don't forget to check out the Basket Fundraiser information below.

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts

~ 3/19/07~
My sister Susan has put together a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon and she is reaching out to anyone and everyone who would like the opportunity to own a one of a kind basket in Memory of a very special young man.

The TV time basket will have Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, there will be a metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket which will read - "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings - Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

Once I receive payment for the first 10 baskets I will send in the order and will be able to make a picture flyer for all future requests.

Any questions please let me know.

God Bless,

Friday, March 23, 2007 2:22 PM CDT


I have to say this immediately. GOD is so awesome, and has been so faithful to me, EVEN when I struggle. I would NOT have been able to see that 2 years and 7 months ago, and even just 1 year ago, it would have really been hard for me to notice right away. Earlier today, and MOST of the last several days, I have been in a struggle. Heart hurting, feeling miserable, you know the "whole thing with the hole in my heart". Well, I was just now taking the dogs for a walk in the field behind our house, and God showed me something that he ALWAYS uses to give me that gentle reminder that he is near, he hasn't left me, and he LOVES ME MORE!!! This "reminder" is something that always makes me think of Brandon, but I have grown to see just how God has used that to show me he is near, and that he notices how I feel. It would have been impossible to spot if I had even tried looking, but like scripture says.....NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD. And I didn't even have to look, and he brought my focus right to it. THANK YOU GOD FOR LOVING ME MORE, inspite of even myself!!!

*Don't forget to check out our new fundraiser for the Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings Memorial Scholarship Fund


http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts

~ 3/19/07~
My sister Susan has put together a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon and she is reaching out to anyone and everyone who would like the opportunity to own a one of a kind basket in Memory of a very special young man.

The TV time basket will have Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, there will be a metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket which will read - "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings - Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

Once I receive payment for the first 10 baskets I will send in the order and will be able to make a picture flyer for all future requests.

Any questions please let me know.

God Bless,

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:30 PM CDT


http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts

ANOTHER EDIT ~ 3/19/07~
My sister Susan has put together a specially designed Longaberger basket designed in memory of Brandon and she is reaching out to anyone and everyone who would like the opportunity to own a one of a kind basket in Memory of a very special young man.

The TV time basket will have Navy with Yellow ribbon around the top to represent Brandon's dream of going to University of Michigan, the tacks are covered with crosses to represent Brandon's strong faith and love of Christ and finally, there will be a metal ribbon weaved through the front of the basket which will read - "In Loving Memory of Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings - Forever in Our Hearts".

The cost of the basket is $60 and all profits from this basket will go directly to the scholarship fund which continues to keep Brandon's legacy in the minds and hearts of our young people.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a basket-
422-9142 or mail a check directly to

Susan Hoffman
Brandon Basket
8246 N. Union Church RD
Milford, DE 19963

Once I receive payment for the first 10 baskets I will send in the order and will be able to make a picture flyer for all future requests.

Any questions please let me know.

God Bless,


SETH!!! He applied for and has been accepted to the National Junior Honor Society. Steve, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & I are soooo PROUD of him. I think Brandon would say..."Way to go SMART GUY". And Jordan said..."Cool".

~~~New song to listen to......I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. I especially love that this is just a glimpse of how the Lord feels about us!!!

So excited for that day, when it's time to "GO HOME"!!! Can't wait to see the face of my savior, and hug and kiss, and see that wonderful smile of Brandon's!!! My heart believes that they'll both be there waiting for me side by side, when it is "my turn".

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

~For Debbie

Brandon was drinking a extra thick chocolate milkshake from the Charcol Pit that day. It was so nice outside, and he was being his normal "goofy" self!!!

I miss that sooooo much!!!

Monday, March 5, 2007 12:14 AM CST

Edit ~ 3/11/07 ~ Please keep another local family in your deepest prayers. Donna & Jeff Rothermel's son Chase passed away after a sledding accident. Continue to pray that they would feel the Lords love and prescence at all times.

~~~New song to listen to......I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. I especially love that this is just a glimpse of how the Lord feels about us!!!

So excited for that day, when it's time to "GO HOME"!!! Can't wait to see the face of my savior, and hug and kiss, and see that wonderful smile of Brandon's!!! My heart believes that they'll both be there waiting for me side by side, when it is "my turn".

Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:57 AM CST

Please keep two local familes in your thoughts & prayers. Their son's were killed in an auto accident early this morning.

Cody Kover & Brad White.

Brad was a childhood friend of Brandon & Jordan. His mother Mandy is also a friend of mine, and she and Brad's father David graduated with Steve. My heart hurts so bad for them.

Friday, January 26, 2007 1:31 PM CST

Edit ~ 1/31/07 ~ If you stop by please sign the guestbook. I LOVE hearing from you and I can say it ALWAYS makes my day to read a new message. And if you have a Brandon memory, please feel free to leave that as well. That will ALWAYS make me smile.

Feeling sad.........

Missing you soooo much Brandon......LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER, TO HEAVEN AND BACK!!!!


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:54 AM CST

REALLY struggling.....trying to keep my eyes on Jesus instead of on this pain. Trying to get it from my head to my heart that this is just for a "little while".

Monday, January 1, 2007 0:55 AM CST

looooong sigh is how i feel..........I wonder????

I am missing Brandon so much. This just hurts so big right now. I Love you forever and ever Brandon....to heaven and back times infinity.


Monday, December 11, 2006 9:42 PM CST

There are so many things to update and fill you in on. First I'll start with Brandon's friend Meghan. Thank you all so much for praying for her. From the last report I had, she is home slowly but steadly recovering. I know that this family appreciates your prayers. So thank you all for lifting Meghan up in prayer.

Second, the candle fund-raiser was a HUGE success!!! I hope to be getting the orders in this week. Brandon's Scholarship Foundation received a $600.00 PROFIT!!! YAAAAY, way to go. Now I know that there will be plenty of homes out there not only smelling good, but I pray that the light from the candle will remind you of the gentle sweet spririt of Brandon, and how the Lord worked in his life.

Now on to my "next thing". I am praying about a way to use Brandon's Christmas stocking as an outreach to either a family in need, or the families that are currently up at the Ronald MacDonald house near AI DuPont Hospital. If you feel led to help with any of this that would be terrific. I think that store cards, phone cards, and gas cards would be such wonderful surprises for these families to receive. At this time I would ask for NO cash donations, just the cards only. Or also maybe a book or cd that has helped minister to you and you may feel that someone else could be blessed by it. Anyone interested in helping out with "Brandon's Stocking" please send any of those items to:
Brandon's Stocking
6680 Shawnee Road
Milford, DE 19963

Now to close, I want to thank a special friend for stopping in and seeing me the other day. Rob Meding, who as some of you know, Brandon worked for. Brandon also thought so much of Rob, Melinda, Dayton, Kove, Miss Anne, & Henry. He felt like family to them. And as Brandon's mom, I can remind them how much it meant to us and our family to have them there with us on August 3rd when Brandon left with Jesus. Anyway....back to the original subject.....Rob stopped in to say hello and to tell us that it was Dayton's birthday. They had given Dayton some balloons as a suprise and Rob said he grabbed his balloon, wrote something on it and then said he wanted to "send it to Brandon", so they did. And then so did Kove! This made my heart smile so much. Prior to that I was having a particularly hard early start of the day, but after that I know that the Lord had placed this family and these words right at the exact moment I needed them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Rob, Melinda, Dayton, & Kove for remembering Brandon on YOUR birthday and for sharing that with me. I KNOW you made Brandon SMILE that BIG SMILE!!!

Love Dawn

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:08 AM CST

Another Edit 12/6/06 @ 10:10

Update on Meghan,

Meghan was released on Saturday afternoon. She is still sick, but getting much more rest now that she is home. She has been trying to eat just a little and keeping it down. She goes back to see the doctor today. I believe Mary Jane said the appointment was at noon or so. I was home with Morgan on Friday, so I didn't get to do an update-the meningitis was VIRAL not bacterial which was great news through all of this. God has listened to all of you and answered the prayers! Meghan is on the road to recovery...............Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I passed on everyone's concern and best wishes to her and Mary Jane. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts while she is recovering! Some of you have asked for her address at home, but I will have to get back to you-I don't have it here at work!

Brenda J. Mariner

Edit ~ 11/30/06 @ 11:20
Update on Meghan:

Chuck reports that there is some improvement this morning. Meghan was feeling a little less pain this morning and spoke to him a little. Yesterday evening the doctor was in to see her. He said that upon reviewing some of the results from the spinal tap that there was NO bleeding on the brain and that swelling on the brain had gone down some. The Lord is watching over her! (I'm sure Kim is right there, too!) DR. said they won't know which strain the meningitis is until probably Friday. Meghan spends most of the time sleeping (or trying to-it's quite noisy in the hospital!). They are trying to keep it as dark as possible in the room due to her horrific headaches. Sometimes I feel as if I'm disturbing her rest when I go to visit, but I just want her to know I'm there and to pass on everyone's get well wishes. The doctor said it's a little early to tell, but suggested she may possibly be released on Friday or Saturday.........I'm sure it will be a while for her recovery. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts and hope you continue to do so. I have passed all your love and concern on to her as well as to Mom and Matt. He's a keeper---he's been soooooo sweet and good to her through all this; and Mom has been right there with Meghan the whole time-she can use your good thoughts and prayers as well-we need to keep her healthy too! Meghan will surely need her after being discharged!

We still don't know where Meghan got it from.....possibly college......Mom was going to inquire as to whether anyone at the college has had it recently. We may never know.

I will surely let you all know of any more improvements or changes with another update tomorrow-after I see Mom and Meghan tonight. Keep up the prayers and positive thoughts! In case anyone would like to send a card or anything, her room number is #314, Bayhealth in Milford. I'm not sure that she is up to visitors just yet, but will inquire about that tonight as well.

PS: When saying my prayers for Meghan, I have also thanked Him for blessing me with such a wonderful, loving, caring and compassionate CIRCLE OF TRUE FRIENDS. I am truly blessed! You all know that I would do anything for any of you too! My love to all of you!
Brenda J. Mariner

I just got the following email from my sister Susan. It is regarding a dear friend of Brandon's that he graduated with in 2003. Her name is Meghan Mariner. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. I will post updates as I get them from her Aunt Brenda.

~ Dawn


Subject: prayer for Meghan, please

Good morning everyone,

It is with regret that I am emailing all of our family and friends today to say a prayer for our niece Meghan. Meghan began feeling ill on Thanksgiving evening, and then worse on and off on Black Friday. She had symptoms of severe headache, nausea, vomiting, and very, very tired. Mary Jane finally convinced her to go to the emergency room on Monday morning. After spending about about 6 hours in the emergency room, they diagnosed her with a sinus infection and prescribed appropriate medicine. After a sleepness night during Monday evening and Monday night, Mary Jane and Matt convinced her to go back to the emergency room on Tuesday. She could not keep any medicine down when it was time to take the prescribed dose. So after spending almost 12 hours in the emergency room yesterday, they have diagnosed her with meningitis. They performed a spinal tap on her and sent it off to be tested. They do not know if it is the viral or bacterial strain of meningitis. We are told it takes about 3-5 days for the culture to grow to test it for the bacterial type. She was admitted last night and made it into her room around 11:00 pm. (Milford Memorial-Room 314). She is very sick and in a lot pain. Chuck called me this morning and said that the doctor changed her pain medicine from Percocet to Morphine because her head is causing so much pain and she was still not sleeping. Since the morphine dose, she has finally been able to rest some. Chuck and I would like all of you to say a prayer for Meghan and keep her in your thoughts, especially today and over the next couple of days. Obviously, if we have to accept this diagnosis, we would rather it be the viral type. Thanks to you all! ~ Brenda and Chuck ~

Monday, November 13, 2006 10:42 AM CST

Edit ~ 11/14/06 ~ I saw this on another page and it really ministered to me for the moment. Hope it touches your heart.

~"Although the time of remembering our loved one's passing always tugs at our hearts, the assurance of their joys in heaven helps us to move on with comfort and a confident hope that we will see each other again. Heaven is where Jesus is. It is the place where everything lasts forever, where everything that is best remains, where everything good is celebrated, where light fills every space, where love fills every breath, where praise never stops, where pain never enters, where joys never cease."
Roy Lessin

~*Ecclesiastics 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a seson for every activity under the sun.

This is the ongoing theme for the fundraisers that we have to benefit the Brandon Michael Wagamon Hastings Memorial Scholarship.

I now have the materials for the candle fundraiser. This is through Home Interiors. They offer an assortment of yummy scented candles priced $7.00-$15.00. These can make great gifts, and in order for them to be ready for Christmas delivery the due date for orders is 11/24/06. If you would like to help or just order, please feel free to contact me at home (302)422-5766, or you may also contact my sister Susan (302)422-9142.

***The bulb fundraiser was very successful with a profit of $307.50!!! To all who helped or ordered, THANK YOU. As a family, we are vey honored. And I know Brandon would smile that smile and say....."Thanks, you didn't have to do that"! It brings happiness to our hearts and a smile to our faces to know that each year when your bulbs bloom you will think of Brandon.

We are so appreciative and thank God for the wonderful friends and family that you all are. We continue to be supported by your thoughts and prayers, and that is a big part of what sustains us each day. Thank you again, for being in our lives and on this journey with us.

Steve, Dawn, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth

Friday, October 20, 2006 9:21 AM CDT

Edit 11/7/06 ~ There are just times that the surrealness of this hits so hard. The "I can't believe this really happened". It has been like this for 2 years and 3 months since Brandon left. I still hate this just as much as I did on August 3rd 2004. And right at this moment, it just hurts so bad. I miss him so much I can not breathe, my tears sting. I just wish for something different. Sorry, I just had to get my feelings of the moment out. I do know that because of the hope and promise of my God, and that Brandon's salvation is assured as well as mine, Steve's, Jordan, & Seth's that we will all be together again. It's that it is just not soon enough for me most times.


~*Ecclesiastics 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a seson for every activity under the sun.

This is the theme to another fundraiser that we have going right now. We wanted to use a way of rembering Brandon by the fund-raiser that was chosen. So we decided on bulbs and candles. The bulbs, I believe create a lasting and living rememberance when they flower in the spring, and the light and scent of the candles are another gentle reminder of the presence of the Lord not only in Brandon's life but each of ours as well.

The deadline for the bulb orders will be 10/31, and they will be shipped approximately 3 weeks later. You may contact me through email (et8503@yahoo.com) or 302-422-5766. You may also contact my sister Susan at 302-422-9142

The candles will be sold during the month of November.

Fall Bulbs: A large and beautiful assortment of different bulbs that sell for $5.00/assortment

Home Interior Candles: Yummy scented assortments ranging from $6.00-$20.00

Thank you all so much for your help and continued prayers.
Steve, Dawn, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan & Seth

Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:34 AM CDT

We are going to AI today for the "Day of Rememberance". This is so very hard to go back up there, but i can not imagine not being there to hear Brandon's name being read. This will be the 3rd time we have gone back since Brandon left.

We are missing him so very much.


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:36 PM CDT

hmmmmmm, you know I think about how difficult it must be for those parents who have endured their child's absence LONGER than the number of years they were here. So what do you do? Just keep trying hold on like the previous years? There are so many things that my mind wanders to in the future, and a lot of it makes me sad.

And when one of my children are hurting, then so to am I. And right now one of my children are hurting. I am again coming to all of you faithful friends and family to ask you to please lift up my children and our family.

Thank you so much.

~ Brandon, we sure do miss you so much!!!XXOOXXOOXXOO

Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:55 PM CDT

I want to do the "right thing" whatever that may be. I just know that I so want to make Brandon proud of us here without him ~ but my heart wants so much more, and it just hurst so bad some days that I just want to SCREAM....I HATE THIS NEW LIFE!!! It was not supposed to be this way......had to vent....bad moment.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:06 PM CDT


I miss my Brandoni-fat-bologna sooo much. Just not liking this at all, & I know i NEVER will.

Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:14 PM CDT

Please keep the local family of Stacy Stevens in your prayers. Her family has just begun this path that no parent or family wants to take. She was a junior at Milford High School and passed away earlier this week. She also has a younger brother in middle school. My heart is so heavy for them. I know how much everyone's prayers for us meant, and STILL MEAN.

***Missing Brandon sooo much!!!

Friday, August 18, 2006 9:28 AM CDT

Edit ~ 8/20/06 11:25pm ~ bad day, bad night, feeling lousy, my heart hurts, I feel suffocated. I have that "sick feeling" that just never goes away. I MISS BRANDON SO MUCH!!!


I read the following on another website and it really spoke to my heart. Although I will ALWAYS struggle and "have my days and moments", I will continue to TRY to always seek the face of God, and realize that no matter my heart, GOD IS IN CONTROL!!! *Even when I am angry, hurt, & sad.

No Prayer is Wasted
"All of us can recall times - many times - when we prayed for healing and it did not occur . . . Does that mean God is not listening? I think not, but I also think it is fruitless to try to find an answer to why some people are healed and some are not. Much of what happens on our earthly journey will remain a mystery until we get to risen life . . .
I do not think we can ever say a prayer is wasted. Although prayer may not change a situation and give us the miracle we want, prayer changes us. Through prayer we become more aware of God's presence. Through prayer, we find inner resources and strength we didn't know we had. Through prayer, we are no longer facing our fears and pain alone: God is beside us, renewing our spirit, restoring our soul and helping us carry the burden when it becomes too heavy for us to bear alone."
Ron DelBene with Mary & Herb Montgomery

Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:15 AM CDT

Edit ~ 8/11/06 ~ THANK YOU to Scott Livingood for helping me get this song on Brandon's website. I REALLY appreciate it!!! ~ Dawn...Brandon would of thought the song was really cool. :-)

Edit 8/4/06 ~ We had a really great time on our "Sunset Cruise". Below are a few photo's from our "CELEBRATE BRANDON" day. Thank you to everyone who let us know they were thinking about us and Brandon.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
My Favorite Sunset Photo

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Another Sunset Photo

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Three brothers at sunset...MY MOST FAVORITE!!! xxooxxooxxoo

Today is 2 years. How can that be? It still feels like yesterday, I still hear myself begging God to "change" this. And the thing is, I totally know that he could. Steve, Jordan, Seth & myself are going to go on a "Sunset cruise" on the Kalmar Nyckel. This is a tall ship that is docked in Lewes. We wanted to do something that we knew Brandon would think would be fun, and we also wanted to CELEBRATE Brandon's life. I am praying for perfect weather, a perfect sunset, and something from the Lord. Just to remind me that all is okay, and that he is STILL in control. No matter what my heart feels, and how he hears me beg like a child. It would honor us so much to have you all CELEBRATE Brandon's life in your way today. A perfect "BRANDON WAY" would be to make somebody LAUGH!!!

Missing Brandoni-Fat-Bologni soooo much!!!

~~Also, the following was what I read at Brandon's service on 8/7/04, and posted to his page on 8/28/04. It still is my heart.......

Let me begin by saying that I am so very proud that the Lord chose me to be the mother of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. They have and will forever be the joy and love of my life.

19 years ago when Brandon was born, it was at that instant that he started affecting and changing the life of everyone who came to know and love him. As a baby and through early childhood he always loved to make people laugh. As you've heard, that was something that he really liked about himself - the ability to make people laugh. As he got older that same sense of humor always stuck with him along with such a deep compassion for others and a willingness to make things easier for everyone else. The wonderful Nurses, Doctor's, Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapists, Social Work, & all other staff at AI duPont can attest to this themselves - he was ALWAYS trying to make their job of caring for him easy.

Brandon was also a WONDERFUL big brother to Jordan and Seth, whom he absolutely loved and adored. He would continually encourage the two of them at whatever they were trying to accomplish. He was always their personal cheering section. There was not much that the three of them did not do together. Even when most teenagers were busy out and about, Brandon always took the time for his brothers. Even at times when he would shop for something for himself, he often bought something for his brothers as well. His generosity in giving of himself to them was constant.

A few of my most cherished memories are of family times - Camping was always so much fun, laughing around the campfire and at night when were were trying to sleep, I can't tell you the complete happingess it would bring my heart to listen to the three of them in their bunks making each other laugh. The many backyard baseball games that they played - which by the way usually resulted in Brandon breaking a window. I stopped counting after it became a regular occurence. Every Christmas Eve was always the same - they would set up a tent in one of the bedrooms and sleep together in it. This was no different this past Christmas, Brandon and I had just gotten back from a stay at AI and that was the main thing that was made sure of, the tent was set up and they would be together.

I will also forever cherish how we PRAISED and PRAYED Brandon into God's arms on Tuesday night. I do PRAISE God for the moments of seeing the very first breath in Brandon's life and the very last.

This is just such a small part of a very full 19 years. I believe that those of you who have known Brandon long or just recently gotten to know him could also see his remarkable faith. Faith was something that Brandon always had, as you see in the bulletin, one of his favorite scriptures was Philippians 1:20-20

**I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.**

I actually was unaware of that until Thursday when I was looking through one of Brandon's Bible's and noticed that he had that verse highlighted. After I read that I was fully aware that THAT was Brandon. He lived that along with a verse that I have always spoken to my children....They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.

This past year brought about a lot of conversation on whether or not Brandon was afraid of dying. His words to me were NO, because I know where I'll be. He made sure of that first when he was 9, and then several other times in his life. By the time he got to transplant day, he knew completely and held by faith that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. At this moment in my life I can not tell you how much that helps me. I am not at all saying I easily accept or understand what has happend because my heart is breaking, but I do know with full certainty that I WILL see Brandon again and I know just where he is and NOTHING can ever change that, not even death. For those of you that are not saved by the blood of Jesus, or if you have not given your loved ones that assurance, I say what are you waiting for? I at least have that peace in knowing where my prescious child is, what will your family have?

I believe even now, that Brandon would want us to keep pressing on. That is something that he always did, and NOTHING ever made him give up. I'll be honest, this will be hard for our family, and I will say for myself that it seems like an impossibility, but we will continue to seek the face of God, and I will continue to hold on the the very faith that I have taught my wonderful Godly sons Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. I also desperatly seek your prayers for strength. I want to live my life knowing that my sons made a difference, and if you take any part of Brandon with you, may it be his humor and most importantly his faith.

Brandon.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!! Love Mom xxooxxooxxoo

Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:15 AM CDT

Edit ~ 8/11/06 ~ THANK YOU to Scott Livingood for helping me get this song on Brandon's website. I REALLY appreciate it!!! ~ Dawn...Brandon would of thought the song was really cool. :-)

Edit 8/4/06 ~ We had a really great time on our "Sunset Cruise". Below are a few photo's from our "CELEBRATE BRANDON" day. Thank you to everyone who let us know they were thinking about us and Brandon.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
My Favorite Sunset Photo

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Another Sunset Photo

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Three brothers at sunset...MY MOST FAVORITE!!! xxooxxooxxoo

Today is 2 years. How can that be? It still feels like yesterday, I still hear myself begging God to "change" this. And the thing is, I totally know that he could. Steve, Jordan, Seth & myself are going to go on a "Sunset cruise" on the Kalmar Nyckel. This is a tall ship that is docked in Lewes. We wanted to do something that we knew Brandon would think would be fun, and we also wanted to CELEBRATE Brandon's life. I am praying for perfect weather, a perfect sunset, and something from the Lord. Just to remind me that all is okay, and that he is STILL in control. No matter what my heart feels, and how he hears me beg like a child. It would honor us so much to have you all CELEBRATE Brandon's life in your way today. A perfect "BRANDON WAY" would be to make somebody LAUGH!!!

Missing Brandoni-Fat-Bologni soooo much!!!

~~Also, the following was what I read at Brandon's service on 8/7/04, and posted to his page on 8/28/04. It still is my heart.......

Let me begin by saying that I am so very proud that the Lord chose me to be the mother of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. They have and will forever be the joy and love of my life.

19 years ago when Brandon was born, it was at that instant that he started affecting and changing the life of everyone who came to know and love him. As a baby and through early childhood he always loved to make people laugh. As you've heard, that was something that he really liked about himself - the ability to make people laugh. As he got older that same sense of humor always stuck with him along with such a deep compassion for others and a willingness to make things easier for everyone else. The wonderful Nurses, Doctor's, Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapists, Social Work, & all other staff at AI duPont can attest to this themselves - he was ALWAYS trying to make their job of caring for him easy.

Brandon was also a WONDERFUL big brother to Jordan and Seth, whom he absolutely loved and adored. He would continually encourage the two of them at whatever they were trying to accomplish. He was always their personal cheering section. There was not much that the three of them did not do together. Even when most teenagers were busy out and about, Brandon always took the time for his brothers. Even at times when he would shop for something for himself, he often bought something for his brothers as well. His generosity in giving of himself to them was constant.

A few of my most cherished memories are of family times - Camping was always so much fun, laughing around the campfire and at night when were were trying to sleep, I can't tell you the complete happingess it would bring my heart to listen to the three of them in their bunks making each other laugh. The many backyard baseball games that they played - which by the way usually resulted in Brandon breaking a window. I stopped counting after it became a regular occurence. Every Christmas Eve was always the same - they would set up a tent in one of the bedrooms and sleep together in it. This was no different this past Christmas, Brandon and I had just gotten back from a stay at AI and that was the main thing that was made sure of, the tent was set up and they would be together.

I will also forever cherish how we PRAISED and PRAYED Brandon into God's arms on Tuesday night. I do PRAISE God for the moments of seeing the very first breath in Brandon's life and the very last.

This is just such a small part of a very full 19 years. I believe that those of you who have known Brandon long or just recently gotten to know him could also see his remarkable faith. Faith was something that Brandon always had, as you see in the bulletin, one of his favorite scriptures was Philippians 1:20-20

**I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.**

I actually was unaware of that until Thursday when I was looking through one of Brandon's Bible's and noticed that he had that verse highlighted. After I read that I was fully aware that THAT was Brandon. He lived that along with a verse that I have always spoken to my children....They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.

This past year brought about a lot of conversation on whether or not Brandon was afraid of dying. His words to me were NO, because I know where I'll be. He made sure of that first when he was 9, and then several other times in his life. By the time he got to transplant day, he knew completely and held by faith that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. At this moment in my life I can not tell you how much that helps me. I am not at all saying I easily accept or understand what has happend because my heart is breaking, but I do know with full certainty that I WILL see Brandon again and I know just where he is and NOTHING can ever change that, not even death. For those of you that are not saved by the blood of Jesus, or if you have not given your loved ones that assurance, I say what are you waiting for? I at least have that peace in knowing where my prescious child is, what will your family have?

I believe even now, that Brandon would want us to keep pressing on. That is something that he always did, and NOTHING ever made him give up. I'll be honest, this will be hard for our family, and I will say for myself that it seems like an impossibility, but we will continue to seek the face of God, and I will continue to hold on the the very faith that I have taught my wonderful Godly sons Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. I also desperatly seek your prayers for strength. I want to live my life knowing that my sons made a difference, and if you take any part of Brandon with you, may it be his humor and most importantly his faith.

Brandon.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!! Love Mom xxooxxooxxoo

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:01 PM CDT

Tomorrow will be 2 years. How can that be? It still feels like yesterday, I still hear myself begging God to "change" this. And the thing is, I totally know that he could. Steve, Jordan, Seth & myself are going to go on a "Sunset cruise" on the Kalmar Nyckel. This is a tall ship that is docked in Lewes. We wanted to do something that we knew Brandon would think would be fun, and we also wanted to CELEBRATE Brandon's life. I am praying for perfect weather, a perfect sunset, and something from the Lord. Just to remind me that all is okay, and that he is STILL in control. No matter what my heart feels, and how he hears me beg like a child. It would honor us so much to have you all CELEBRATE Brandon's life in your way tomorrow. A perfect "BRANDON WAY" would be to make somebody LAUGH!!!

Missing Brandoni-Fat-Bologni soooo much!!!

~~Also, the following was what I read at Brandon's service on 8/7/04, and posted to his page on 8/28/04. It still is my heart.......

Let me begin by saying that I am so very proud that the Lord chose me to be the mother of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. They have and will forever be the joy and love of my life.

19 years ago when Brandon was born, it was at that instant that he started affecting and changing the life of everyone who came to know and love him. As a baby and through early childhood he always loved to make people laugh. As you've heard, that was something that he really liked about himself - the ability to make people laugh. As he got older that same sense of humor always stuck with him along with such a deep compassion for others and a willingness to make things easier for everyone else. The wonderful Nurses, Doctor's, Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapists, Social Work, & all other staff at AI duPont can attest to this themselves - he was ALWAYS trying to make their job of caring for him easy.

Brandon was also a WONDERFUL big brother to Jordan and Seth, whom he absolutely loved and adored. He would continually encourage the two of them at whatever they were trying to accomplish. He was always their personal cheering section. There was not much that the three of them did not do together. Even when most teenagers were busy out and about, Brandon always took the time for his brothers. Even at times when he would shop for something for himself, he often bought something for his brothers as well. His generosity in giving of himself to them was constant.

A few of my most cherished memories are of family times - Camping was always so much fun, laughing around the campfire and at night when were were trying to sleep, I can't tell you the complete happingess it would bring my heart to listen to the three of them in their bunks making each other laugh. The many backyard baseball games that they played - which by the way usually resulted in Brandon breaking a window. I stopped counting after it became a regular occurence. Every Christmas Eve was always the same - they would set up a tent in one of the bedrooms and sleep together in it. This was no different this past Christmas, Brandon and I had just gotten back from a stay at AI and that was the main thing that was made sure of, the tent was set up and they would be together.

I will also forever cherish how we PRAISED and PRAYED Brandon into God's arms on Tuesday night. I do PRAISE God for the moments of seeing the very first breath in Brandon's life and the very last.

This is just such a small part of a very full 19 years. I believe that those of you who have known Brandon long or just recently gotten to know him could also see his remarkable faith. Faith was something that Brandon always had, as you see in the bulletin, one of his favorite scriptures was Philippians 1:20-20

**I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.**

I actually was unaware of that until Thursday when I was looking through one of Brandon's Bible's and noticed that he had that verse highlighted. After I read that I was fully aware that THAT was Brandon. He lived that along with a verse that I have always spoken to my children....They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.

This past year brought about a lot of conversation on whether or not Brandon was afraid of dying. His words to me were NO, because I know where I'll be. He made sure of that first when he was 9, and then several other times in his life. By the time he got to transplant day, he knew completely and held by faith that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. At this moment in my life I can not tell you how much that helps me. I am not at all saying I easily accept or understand what has happend because my heart is breaking, but I do know with full certainty that I WILL see Brandon again and I know just where he is and NOTHING can ever change that, not even death. For those of you that are not saved by the blood of Jesus, or if you have not given your loved ones that assurance, I say what are you waiting for? I at least have that peace in knowing where my prescious child is, what will your family have?

I believe even now, that Brandon would want us to keep pressing on. That is something that he always did, and NOTHING ever made him give up. I'll be honest, this will be hard for our family, and I will say for myself that it seems like an impossibility, but we will continue to seek the face of God, and I will continue to hold on the the very faith that I have taught my wonderful Godly sons Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. I also desperatly seek your prayers for strength. I want to live my life knowing that my sons made a difference, and if you take any part of Brandon with you, may it be his humor and most importantly his faith.

Brandon.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!! Love Mom xxooxxooxxoo

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:01 PM CDT

Tomorrow will be 2 years. How can that be? It still feels like yesterday, I still hear myself begging God to "change" this. And the thing is, I totally know that he could. Steve, Jordan, Seth & myself are going to go on a "Sunset cruise" on the Kalmar Nyckel tomorrow. This is a tall ship that is docked in Lewes. We wanted to do something that we knew Brandon would think would be fun, and we also wanted to CELEBRATE Brandon's life. I am praying for perfect weather, a perfect sunset, and something from the Lord. Just to remind me that all is okay, and that he is STILL in control. No matter what my heart feels, and how he hears me beg like a child. It would honor us so much to have you all CELEBRATE Brandon's life in your way tomorrow. A perfect "BRANDON WAY" would be to make somebody LAUGH!!!

Missing Brandoni-Fat-Bologni soooo much!!!

~~Also, the following was what I read at Brandon's service on 8/7/04, and posted to his page on 8/28/04. It still is my heart.......

Let me begin by saying that I am so very proud that the Lord chose me to be the mother of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. They have and will forever be the joy and love of my life.

19 years ago when Brandon was born, it was at that instant that he started affecting and changing the life of everyone who came to know and love him. As a baby and through early childhood he always loved to make people laugh. As you've heard, that was something that he really liked about himself - the ability to make people laugh. As he got older that same sense of humor always stuck with him along with such a deep compassion for others and a willingness to make things easier for everyone else. The wonderful Nurses, Doctor's, Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapists, Social Work, & all other staff at AI duPont can attest to this themselves - he was ALWAYS trying to make their job of caring for him easy.

Brandon was also a WONDERFUL big brother to Jordan and Seth, whom he absolutely loved and adored. He would continually encourage the two of them at whatever they were trying to accomplish. He was always their personal cheering section. There was not much that the three of them did not do together. Even when most teenagers were busy out and about, Brandon always took the time for his brothers. Even at times when he would shop for something for himself, he often bought something for his brothers as well. His generosity in giving of himself to them was constant.

A few of my most cherished memories are of family times - Camping was always so much fun, laughing around the campfire and at night when were were trying to sleep, I can't tell you the complete happingess it would bring my heart to listen to the three of them in their bunks making each other laugh. The many backyard baseball games that they played - which by the way usually resulted in Brandon breaking a window. I stopped counting after it became a regular occurence. Every Christmas Eve was always the same - they would set up a tent in one of the bedrooms and sleep together in it. This was no different this past Christmas, Brandon and I had just gotten back from a stay at AI and that was the main thing that was made sure of, the tent was set up and they would be together.

I will also forever cherish how we PRAISED and PRAYED Brandon into God's arms on Tuesday night. I do PRAISE God for the moments of seeing the very first breath in Brandon's life and the very last.

This is just such a small part of a very full 19 years. I believe that those of you who have known Brandon long or just recently gotten to know him could also see his remarkable faith. Faith was something that Brandon always had, as you see in the bulletin, one of his favorite scriptures was Philippians 1:20-20

**I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.**

I actually was unaware of that until Thursday when I was looking through one of Brandon's Bible's and noticed that he had that verse highlighted. After I read that I was fully aware that THAT was Brandon. He lived that along with a verse that I have always spoken to my children....They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.

This past year brought about a lot of conversation on whether or not Brandon was afraid of dying. His words to me were NO, because I know where I'll be. He made sure of that first when he was 9, and then several other times in his life. By the time he got to transplant day, he knew completely and held by faith that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. At this moment in my life I can not tell you how much that helps me. I am not at all saying I easily accept or understand what has happend because my heart is breaking, but I do know with full certainty that I WILL see Brandon again and I know just where he is and NOTHING can ever change that, not even death. For those of you that are not saved by the blood of Jesus, or if you have not given your loved ones that assurance, I say what are you waiting for? I at least have that peace in knowing where my prescious child is, what will your family have?

I believe even now, that Brandon would want us to keep pressing on. That is something that he always did, and NOTHING ever made him give up. I'll be honest, this will be hard for our family, and I will say for myself that it seems like an impossibility, but we will continue to seek the face of God, and I will continue to hold on the the very faith that I have taught my wonderful Godly sons Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. I also desperatly seek your prayers for strength. I want to live my life knowing that my sons made a difference, and if you take any part of Brandon with you, may it be his humor and most importantly his faith.

Brandon.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!! Love Mom xxooxxooxxoo

Monday, July 31, 2006 5:24 PM CDT


My heart aches so much

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:51 AM CDT

Missing you so much Brandon. I sometimes feel "halfway" okay, and then other times I feel like this giant hole in my heart will swallow me up. I want so badly to live as Brandon would want us to live, to CELEBRATE life the way he did and I am sure that he is now. I wish there were so many things that the Lord would let me understand.


~The yard sale fundraiser that we had for Brandon's Memorial Scholarship fund raised $180.00!!! I welcome any other ideas anyone may have. I need to get really serious about this, but it can be so overwhelming. Oh, another thing....Jordan received another scholarship towards his college education. It is the Jennifer Muncey Scholarship. This is such an honor for not only Jordan but for our family as well. Brandon and Jordan, and our family knew Jennifer and her family very well. I can only imagine the time that Jennifer and Brandon are having with Jesus. Again, what an honor to be able to help Pastor Bob, Linda, Heather, & Josh be able to continue with Jennifer's Legacy. I KNOW how much that means!!! CONGRATULATIONS JORDAN!!!

Saturday, July 1, 2006 12:18 AM CDT

This is soooo hard, my heart hurts so much. I still can not believe how sometimes this feels like just yesterday. Everytning that I see, feel, hear, and think feels like yesterday and not two years ago. I MISS Brandon so much.

This is how long ago that I heard Brandon's voice....he said I Love you Mom, I'll see you in a little bit.

Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:51 PM CDT

I will try, even when my heart is hurting so bad that it doesn't feel like it.....

With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks and praise Your name, O Lord, fo it is good. For he has delivered me out of every trouble.
Psalm 54:6-7

*It is with this hope that I KNOW that we will see Brandon, and be a "complete" family again some day soon. What a day that will be!!! In "just a little while"

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:17 PM CDT

Missing BRANDON soooo much it hurts. Sometimes I can't breathe, I HATE this!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:36 AM CDT

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http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:23 AM CDT

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

CONGRATULATIONS to Jordan for his graduation on May 25, 2006!!! Enjoy some of the photo's from the big day. His Celebration Party is June 11th from 2:00-???? at Mike & Elaine Herholdt's house. Please feel free to come and help us CELEBRATE!!!

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The button Jordan is wearing is a picture under the same tree of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth on Brandon's Graduation day ~ 5/30/03

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Jordan and his good friend Tyler Twilley

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Jordan getting the "Douglas Gibson Music Award"...SOOO PROUD!!!

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A Huge SURPRISE!!! Close family friend Glenn Stevenson presented Jordan with his diploma!!! Way to go "COOLBREEZE"

Friday, May 26, 2006 11:12 AM CDT

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

Happy 2nd Birthday in HEAVEN Brandon ~ We LOVE YOU and MISS YOU FOREVER & EVER!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:21 PM CDT

I saw the following on another page. I wish that I could keep this forever in my heart, especially when it is hurting so much and I keep second guessing and questioning things. Again, it's that head and heart thing I STRUGGLE with ALL OF THE TIME!!! (It's from Max Lucado)

"In God's plan every life is long enough
and every death is timely.
And although you and I might wish for a longer life,
God knows better.

And – this is very important – though you and I may wish a longer life for our loved ones, they don't. Ironically, the first to accept God's decision of death is the one who dies.

While we are shaking heads in disbelief, they are lifting hands to worship.
While we are mourning at a grave, they are marveling at heaven.
While we are questioning God, they are praising God."

I miss you soooo much and I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER. To Heaven times infinity!!!xxooxxooxxoo

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:19 PM CDT

~Edit~ 5/12/06 ~ Two years ago today was Brandon's transplant.

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This was on Mother's Day 5/9/04. Brandon and I were sitting on the patio outside at the hospital, and I thought he looked so good this day. Of course when I said I wanted to take a picture he kind of rolled his eyes a little, gave me a grin, and then smiled for the photo!!! This is one of my favorite photo's of him. It was also just three days before transplant. I MISS HIM SOOOOO MUCH!!!

Friday, May 5, 2006 6:43 AM CDT

Edit ~ 12:17am We are going to Florida on the Band Trip tomorrow (saturday). All five of us were supposed to be going. Brandon knew 2 years ago that this would be Jordan's Senior Year Band trip, so we decided there and then that the entire family would go. Obviously this is very bittersweet. I am looking forward to going so that I can see Jordan march and watch him and Seth have so much fun. But it will be so hard also on so many other different levels. I of course will be remembering EVERYTHING from when we went there as a family. Brandon had just been listed for transplant that previous week. He and Jordan and Seth were so excited to be in DISNEY, that he just kept say..."I can't believe I am really here"!!!. My heart is just hurting so, but I also don't want to miss out on CELEBRATING LIFE!!! Please pray for us. Thank you all and LOVE you all!!!

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Miss kissing those cheeks sooooooo much!!! I feel like a broken girl.

Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:14 AM CDT

Still feels like yesterday........2 years ago today is when Brandon & I headed up to AI to be admitted and to get ready for transplant.

Missing him so much!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:55 AM CDT

Feels like last week and not 2 years ago. Two years ago today is when JP found out that he was a match. I can still see the huge smile on Brandon's face as he was talking on the phone with JP. That evening and the next day was so busy getting ready to be admitted. We were admitted to get ready for transplant on 4/29. It's hard to get back to that complete feeling of hope that we had then. As I said before, I know in my head that I STILL have a great deal of hope, it's just reminding my heart when it is breaking.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:04 AM CDT

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Missing Brandon sooooo much all of the time!!!

I always loved watching him sleep and listening to him breathe. Sometimes when I was just sitting and looking at him, he would wake up and make a goofy face and just be like..."MOOOOM???". He also LOVED to have his head and hair rubbed to help him sleep.
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006 5:19 AM CDT

I saw this on another page and after 20 long months it sill applies.

~~~~Let me say that this IS NOT directed to anyone directly. Please do not take this personal. I just happened to see it and liked what it had to say. Sometimes I am not able to convey exactly how I am feeling, and I am sure that it is probably very easy for someone to "misinterpret" or have difficulty in understanding what I mean.


1. We wish you would not be afraid to speak our child's name. They lived and were important and we need to hear their name.

2. If we cry or get emotional if we talk about our child, we wish you knew that it isn't because you have hurt us; the fact that they have died has caused our tears. You have allowed us to cry and we thank you. Crying and emotional outbursts are healing.

3. We wish you wouldn't let our loved one die again by removing from your home his pictures, artwork, or other remembrances.

4. We will have emotional highs and lows, ups and downs. We wish that you wouldn't think if we have a good day our grief is over, or that if we have a bad day we need psychiatric counseling. (***This is probably the biggest one for me personally)

5. We wish you knew that the death of a child IS different from other losses and must be viewed separately. It is the ULTIMATE tragedy and we wish you wouldn't compare it to your loss of a parent, spouse, or a pet.

6. Being a bereaved person is not contagious, so we wish you wouldn't stay away from us.

7. We wish you knew all the crazy grief reactions that we are having are in fact very normal, depression, anger, frustration and hoplessness and the questioning of values and beliefs are to be expected following a death.

8. We wish you would not expect our grief to be over in six months. The first few years are going to be exceedingly traumatic for us. As with alcoholics, We will never be "cured" or a "formerly bereaved" but forever be "recovering" from our bereavement.

9. We wish you understood that the physical reaction to grief. We may gain weight, or lose weight, sleep all the time or not at all, develop a lot of illnesses and be accident prone, all of which are realted to our grief.

10. Our child's birthday, the anniversary of his death, and the holidays are terrible times for us. We wish you would tell us that you are thinking about him on these days and if we get quiet and withdrawn just know that we are thinking about him.

11. We wish you understood that grief changes people. We are not the same people we were before our child died and we will never be that person again. If you keep waiting for us to get back to "our old selves" you will be frustrated. We are new creatures with new thoughts, dreams, aspirations, and values. (***This one too)

Saturday, April 1, 2006 12:19 AM CST


~I have added a new link at the bottom of this page for Samantha. Please visit her site and leave a message, I am sure it will encourage her and give her a smile.

~ Please keep a dear friend, John Maicher and his family in your prayers. They are having a rough time and I know prayers and words of encouragment would be so special and appreciated. Be sure to visit him and leave a message (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan)

Friday, March 31, 2006 8:06 AM CST

Hate this!!!

~I have added a new link at the bottom of this page for Samantha. Please visit her site and leave a message, I am sure it will encourage her and give her a smile.

~ Please keep a dear friend, John Maicher and his family in your prayers. They are having a rough time and I know prayers and words of encouragment would be so special and appreciated. Be sure to visit him and leave a message (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:25 PM CST

Today has just been one of those days....missing Brandon so much like ALWAYS, but feeling like it is just harder getting through than other days. Also needing to really hear something from the Lord and like so many other times, just wanting to know that Brandon is okay. Like I have said before I KNOW in my head but my heart can be another story sometimes. Anyway, while randomly watching a tv program I noticed something in the background on the refridgerator on the show. It said....NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP. Thank you God for showing me in a tangible way something that I needed. As I have mentioned before, Brandon would say that quite often and it was somthing that he lived by. It made me smile.

~I have added a new link at the bottom of this page for Samantha. Please visit her site and leave a message, I am sure she it will encourage her and give her a smile.

~ Please keep a dear friend, John Maicher and his family in your prayers. They are having a rough time and I know prayers and words of encouragment would be so special and appreciated. Be sure to visit him and leave a message (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan)

Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:34 PM CST

Edit: 3/114/06 ~ Please keep a dear friend, John Maicher and his family in your prayers. They are having a rough time and I know prayers and words of encouragment would be so special and appreciated. Be sure to visit him and leave a message (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan)

Trying Trying Trying to take a step.

The works of his hads are faithful and just; all his precepts are TRUSTWORTHY; they are established FOREVER and EVER, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness. Psalm 111:7-8

Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is ALWAYS the same, yesterday, today and FOREVER. Hebrews 13:8

I wonder what your days are Brandon. I imagine more beautiful and ALIVE than we could ever get a grip on. This is my happiness and peace for YOU BRANDON. I know that even if the Lord were to ask you...."Brandon, would you like to stay here or go back"? I BELIEVE will all my heart you would say..."I'll stay here, my real home, but I'll be busy getting ready for my family when I see them in just a little while". And of course I have NO DOUBT how big, wide, & bright that SMILE will be as well as some funny pranks to make us laugh.....just a heartbeat away. I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER...TO HEAVEN AND BACK TIMES INFINITY!!! XXOOXXOOXXOO

Friday, March 3, 2006 11:42 AM CST

Sad, mad, hurt, tired, angry, can't breathe. Bad day. Keep my neice Sammi in your prayers. Feeling like we are reliving all of this over and over again, not only in my head and heart but also in reality with my neice.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:39 AM CST

WHOO HOO....Milford Boys Swim Team got 9th overall in the state!!! And considering that we only had 7 boys swim compared to some of the other schools with a BIG number of swimmers it is even better! How GREAT is that!!! CONGRATULATIONS Jordan, Kai Anderson, Tyler Kenton, Caleb Marsh, Wade Marsh, Nate Parsley, & Matt Starkey. And of course the WONDERFUL coaching staff of Joan Maloney, Kevin & Janet Lonergan, & Ryan Maloney.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:11 AM CST

Another Edit ~ 2/23/06 @ 7:40pm....Jordan made 2nd team ALL CONFERENCE for Swim!!! SOOOO PROUD!!! I know that Brandon would probably say a little "OLEY, OLEY, OLEY, OLEY" :-)

EDIT ~ 2/23/06
So 2 years ago today (2/23) is when transplant said....."we are ready to start looking for a live donor, do you know anyone". I can still feel everything like it was yesterday. I can still see Brandon and I walking down the hall at the hospital when the transplant team stopped us and told us that. The huge Smile on our faces. The feeling like okay, so here we go (that is also around the time that we started this webpage - our excitement shows in those entries). At that moment I could see God working clearly, because just 24 hours prior to that is when JP called me. I never doubted that God was going to provide Brandon with a liver. Today I just can't understand (just like 18 months ago) why God moved those mountains and opened those doors, just to have things turn out like they did. I know that there are answers to questions that this side of Heaven I will never have, and I am sure that when I get to Heaven they really won't matter. It's just the here and now that hurt. I also never doubted that God himself provided that liver and opened those doors to transplant. But when it was mentioned to me sometime ago that "it wasn't felt that Brandon should have had a transplant", it makes me feel like perhaps I didn't have enough faith. That I didn't allow God to heal Brandon's liver. I know in my head that that is not so, but it still adds to my MANY thoughts of....maybe if I had done things differently.

2 years ago today is when JP called me to tell me that he felt that God wanted him to be Brandon's live liver donor.

STILL do not understand, STILL hate this, STILL feeling my heart break, STILL feels like yesterday.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 6:26 PM CST

Jordan qualified for for States today in the 100 meter backstroke. This is the first time that he has ever qualified in an individual event. I so wish Brandon could be here to be a part of all of this. I know Jordan wishes the same thing. I am so PROUD of Jordan and his determination and perseverance. During his swim, I imagined that Brandon would be there cheering him on and yelling "OLEY, OLEY, OLEY, OLEY, OLEY".

Missing Brandon so much!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 6:48 AM CST

To the "Sweet Angel" who put the large and very beautiful flower arrangment out at Brandon's memory marker......THANK YOU!!! I myself do not go out there often (it is just a place that I dislike so much), but when I walked up I could smell the flowers before I saw them. They are so pretty and really touched my heart. It means so much. Again, thank you for putting a smile on my face.


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:36 AM CST

Been up since 1:00 am. Will my mind ever stop thinking of what if's, should have's? Will the feeling that I am going to be sick ever stop? There are some memories that I wish would just go away! My heart hurts.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:47 PM CST

I feel like I can't breathe. I just can't seem to get out of this "pit" that I am in!!!

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! I wish I could squeeze those cheeks, feel your cheek next to mine, listen to you breathe, have you make me laugh, hold on until you told me (with that big SMILE)... "Mom can ya let go now", snuggle with you like we did in your hospital bed watching chris farley video's, and that movie that you were just waiting for me to see. How we laughed, the nurses snuck in to be part of the fun. They always liked hanging out in your room, and no matter what, they would find you wherever you were in the hospital. Even the night you left on August 3rd

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:53 PM CST

1/8/06 ~ Jordan wants to try Avenue Church this morning. Please pray for Jordan, Seth, & myself as we will again attempt something so hard, trying to be in church without Brandon.

uughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I think that sums up how I feel right now. I so wish that Steve and I could meet a christian couple that would become a "mentor" to us. I feel so stuck, but then the thought of moving on is inconceviable and hurts just as much. I feel like I will be swirling in and trying to move through quicksand for the rest of my life (and don't even get me started on my whole "issues" with time). I read the following somewhere, and found it to be so true...."being in this different life, that none of us likes is like trying to describe to someone a color that you have never seen". It is that awful that there isn't even a single word to describe the parent that has lost a child. You know, there's widow or widower for the death of your spouse, when your parents die you may be called an orphan. It's just that awful of an event....The never ending stomache, the hole the size of the moon in your heart, the always feeling that someone is missing. For me personally, the feeling of complete contentness that I use to feel, I will never again on this earth have that back. That make me so sad, and sometimes so mad.

I can't figure out the rest of my life, or at the very least my next minute. How to be the mom that I used to be, the wife I used to be (but I am sure Steve might think...could you add a little nicer to that). How to not feel like I am just a crazy person half of the time, and the other half of that time when all seems well....is usually when I may have that "mask" on that I have spoke about. FOREVER is FOREVER and I HATE THAT!!!

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! I wish I could squeeze those cheeks, feel your cheek next to mine, listen to you breathe, have you make me laugh, hold on until you told me (with that big SMILE)... "Mom can ya let go now", snuggle with you like we did in your hospital bed watching chris farley video's, and that movie that you were just waiting for me to see. How we laughed, the nurses snuck in to be part of the fun. They always liked hanging out in your room, and no matter what, they would find you wherever you were in the hospital. Even the night you left on August 3rd

My heart is still broken and breaking, and as usual, I selfishly ask for your prayers for my family.
Love, Dawn

Saturday, December 31, 2005 4:10 PM CST

It's days like these, when I feel like I just can not do this! I don't want to do this!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:04 PM CST


Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:13 AM CST

I CAN'T STAND THIS!!! I hate the fact that this is my life every day all day. I MISS BRANDON sooo much!!! I want to know why God heals some people and not others. What prevents that? Why do some families seem to completely escape any type of tragedy and others do not? Why do parents who mistreat their children, and those that take their's for granted still get to have them here? I am feeling helpless and hopeless.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:35 PM CST

I KNOW that the Lord has always been consistent and true, but as I have said before, sometimes that is so hard to get from my head to my heart. So there are A LOT of times that in calling out to God, I tell him that I REALLY need for him to show me (AGAIN) himself and that regardless of what I am feeling, that he is STILL in Control.

Yesterday morning was just that sort of time. I was on my way to work and just calling out to God and telling him my heart. Later in the day when I left work and was doing errands I wanted to get some "candle" stuff. There was a particular shop that I initially thought that I would go to, but after passing it I decided to go elswhere. Long story short of that, I changed my mind again, went around the block and went to the store that I had just passed. As soon as I walked in the door I noticed a wooden sign that read......."NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP". I immediately thought of how I had called out to God earlier, and felt that he was again showing me in a tangible way how he is STILL in control. The significance of that saying is that Brandon lived by those words. It was also at one time his "password" on his computer. So I feel like it was something that the Lord knew would get my attention and make that connection. And I am so thankful for that.


Monday, November 21, 2005 12:05 AM CST


Sunday, November 13, 2005 8:38 PM CST

I really just do not even know how to completely say what I am feeling. My heart hurts so much, and I feel so incomplete. EVERYTHING from April 29, 2004 (the day we were admitted to get prepared for transplant), May 9, 2004 (my last Mother's Day with Brandon ~ the great picture I took of him that day, and the fun we had together outside on the patio at the hospital), May 12, 2004 TRANSPLANT DAY and the SUCCESS that was, the July 2004 that I wish with my entire being that I could change, that I wished I had made different decisions. That I wished I could have forced some decisions. And then the agony starting on August 2, 2004, and the absolute feeling of death even in my own soul and life to have to say goodbye to one of my prescious children on August 3, 2004 ~ A day that I can not believe was supposed to be Brandon's day. Why, Why, Why!!! This still feels so fresh in my mind like it all occured just over the last two weeks. Not OVER 15 months ago!

And Why now with Samantha? My brother's 11 year old daughter Samantha(who, like Brandon, has Cystic Fibrosis, and has developed the liver disease just like Brandon) is currently in AI and as of tomorrow she will be on the active Liver Transplant List. I can grasp the fear that my brother and his wife must be dealing with. Especially all that Brandon endured. To think that we are starting this over again in inconceivable. I know that my Mother must be so very overwhelmend as well as Allan and Kelly. I want to be strong for them, but I will say that I just can't even work up to that at this point. Please PRAY for them. Please pray that Sammi would receive a SUPERNATURAL HEALING from God and that she would NOT have to have her liver transplanted. That God had healed it.

Brandon~ I MISSSSSSSSSS YOU. I wish that I could touch you, kiss you, hug you, just be YOUR mom being busy for you!!! I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER, TO HEAVEN AND BACK!!!XXOOXXOOXXOO

Sunday, November 6, 2005 1:06 PM CST

For today I found HOPE. Today was the first time in Church since right before Brandon was readmitted into the hospital. This was the first time going without Brandon with us. I will say it was so very difficult the moment we started singing praise songs and I was full of tears. But as we continued to sing I just focused on the words and trying to continue to TRUST God. I do feel that the Lord put us right where he wanted us. Early this morning when I was the only one awake I had already started feeling like I don't know if I can do this. So I told the Lord that I really needed HOPE. That I WAS going to go to church with the expectation that he had something for me. Well the entire service, praise time, prayer time, worship time, and sermon was on HOPE. So like I said, I can say for today I have hope. I can also imagine that Brandon was maybe "high fiving" Jesus and saying...."Way to go guys, I KNEW you could do it. Don't give up!!!". And of course he would be smiling that big smile!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH BRANDON!!!XXOOXXOOXXOO

I miss you soooo much. When I look up at the stars at night I wonder what beautiful things you must see. I am sure they can not compare. I also think about the different nights camping when we would look at the stars(especially that one night in the "big field" with me, you, Jordan, & Seth), the meteor shower that we watched when you were 8. How cool you and Jordan thought that was. The time when you were in 9th grade and you were doing a special science thing at night at killens pond. I remember going there to pick you up and thinking....how did you end up a freshman in high school so fast!!! Also, the night of your transplant when some of us were sitting outside in the courtyard. How beautiful and warm that night was. I can remember the excitement and hope that I felt. All of those moments seem like just a day ago. I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER TO HEAVEN AND BACK!!! XXOOXXOOXXOO

Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:39 PM CST

I had a dream last night that Brandon and I were at AI in clinic. He was getting the whole checkup thing and doing so great. In the dream I felt so much relief and happiness because things were like I feel they were supposed to be. Needless to say, when I woke up and realized that it was just a dream, my heart sank. Sometimes I feel like I can "do this" and then that "moment" is gone. I am still praying for some "specific" things. I am also praying that if I have already gotten those answers, that God would reveal that to me. I don't want to miss what he has for me. On another note, I think this coming Sunday I am going to attempt to go back to church. This I will have to say is very difficult for me, but I know that that is missing from our lives. At this point though, I am not ready to walk back into Lincoln. I miss everyone there, and still greatly appreciate their prayers and continued support but the pain of not having Brandon there with us is something that I can not do yet.

I miss you soooo much. When I look up at the stars at night I wonder what beautiful things you must see. I am sure they can not compare. I also think about the different nights camping when we would look at the stars(especially that one night in the "big field" with me, you, Jordan, & Seth), the meteor shower that we watched when you were 8. How cool you and Jordan thought that was. The time when you were in 9th grade and you were doing a special science thing at night at killens pond. I remember going there to pick you up and thinking....how did you end up a freshman in high school so fast!!! Also, the night of your transplant when some of us were sitting outside in the courtyard. How beautiful and warm that night was. I can remember the excitement and hope that I felt. All of those moments seem like just a day ago. I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER TO HEAVEN AND BACK!!! XXOOXXOOXXOO

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:43 PM CDT

All days are hard, some just so much harder than others. I would have never thought that looking for a pair of black dress socks for Jordan could be so completely difficult. He wanted to use a pair that Brandon had, so I began to look for them in his dresser. It is at those odd times that I can feel like the little bit of life that I may have in me gets pulled out right through my heart. The craziness of the fact that just a pair of black socks could bring me to my knees. But they were not just any pair of black socks...they were Brandon's and they were in his dresser just like they were the very day that he put them there along with his other clothes and things. My heart can not fathom that it has been over a year ago and that I will not be seeing him wear those clothes ever again. That I will not have to say..."Brandon, you have clean clothes that need to be put away". So all of this, is just another reminder of this new life that I HATE. And I still do not know how to figure this out. I said to someone today that, I don't think that I am "better", can't really see how that could ever be. What I think happens is that I, along with parents in this same position, just get "better" at hiding their feelings and emotions. They all get up in the morning, pick up that same mask, wear it, go about their day, go home, take the mask of maybe, go to sleep, and then get to do it ALL OVER again the next day and then the next. I KNOW that I do not want to become a bitter person, I am trying to learn how NOT to do that. It's just that I don't know how my broken heart, life, & family are to have our happiness.

Brandon~ I wonder what have you been doing, what would you be doing otherwise. I miss your hugs, smiles, & jokes. I wish I could hold on to you, put my cheek next to yours, whisper how much I love you and for the Lord to bless you and keep you (remember when you found out I did that EVERY night to you and your brothers while your were sleeping ~ you were like..."WHAT Mom"!!! I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER to Heaven and BACK!!!~XXOOXXOOXXOO~

Monday, October 10, 2005 8:12 PM CDT

I am praying for a few "specific" things. I ask that all of my friends that I know that are regularly praying for us, that you would please pray for my "specifics". You may not know them, but God does. I am asking that he answer them in HIS WAY, HIS TIME, HIS WISDOM. I read something today that impacted me deeply, and I want the Lord to continue to help me, to show me his "treasures" and for me not to miss them. Thank you all so much for your care.

I think of you everyday all day. I can only imagine the days you must be having with your Savior Jesus. I can still imagine that when it is my turn that right after hugging Jesus, God's gonna let me squeeze you....ya know...that one that would annoy you because I wouldn't let go. And I can still hear you say.....See Mom, I told you I'd see you in a little bit, but I can't wait to show you so much! And of course I BELIEVE that you will have that big beautiful smile the whole time you are excitedly showing me places to go. Like I said before......just a heartbeat away.

Love, Mom xxooxxooxxoo I LOVE you forever and ever, to heaven and back.

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud. Please say hello when you stop by and feel free to share a BRANDON MEMORY!!! It would mean a lot.

Saturday, October 8, 2005 1:28 PM CDT

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Tomorrow we are going to AI for "A Day of Rememberance". I am not looking forward to this, or even just driving up. This will be the second time back up there since Brandon left. I can't even begin to fully explain how I am feeling. Even just the drive up. To head "north" makes me think of so many things, and the many years driving up and talking to Brandon, listening to music or just watching him sleep in the car. Then the surrealness of this all comes rushing back into my heart and thoughts....I HATE this!!! I MISS HIM sooooo much.

You would be so proud of your brothers Jordan & Seth. They talk about you all of the time, and we laugh about the goofy things you used to do. As a matter of fact, the house is WAY TO QUIET!!! I always did love the noise and chaos, and I miss that so much too. I'll love you forever and ever!!! I LOVE YOU to Heaven and Back. I pray that God let's you know that we think about you all of the time and that we MISS YOU.

Love, Mom xxooxxooxxoo

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud. Please say hello when you stop by and feel free to share a BRANDON MEMORY!!! It would mean a lot.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:21 PM CDT

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TRYING, TRYING, TRYING, STILL BREATHING, BROKEN HEART STILL BEATING(not sure how that can be physically possible sometimes though)But even in that God is in Control. It's that just a lot of the times I have a really hard time with trying to think "HOW" can I move forward in my life WITHOUT one of my most prescious children. Still can not believe that I have to figure this out everyday for, well, forever really.

You would be so proud of your brothers Jordan & Seth. They talk about you all of the time, and we laugh about the goofy things you used to do. As a matter of fact, the house is WAY TO QUIET!!! I always did love the noise and chaos, and I miss that so much too. I'll love you forever and ever!!! I LOVE YOU to Heaven and Back. I pray that God let's you know that we think about you all of the time and that we MISS YOU.

Love, Mom xxooxxooxxoo

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud. Please say hello when you stop by and feel free to share a BRANDON MEMORY!!! It would mean a lot.

Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:43 AM CDT

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Thank you for your continued prayers for my family. I selfishly ask for your to please keep praying.

I Miss you soooooo much!!! I LOVE you forever and ever to heaven and back!!!xxooxxooxxoo

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:35 AM CDT

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I feel like I am suffocating. It feel like it is getting harder (if that is even possible). I can not see beyond this.

Miss you soooooo much!!! I LOVE you forever and ever to heaven and back!!!xxooxxooxxoo

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:40 AM CDT

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Brandon's Memory Marker has been placed this morning. I can't really say that I "like" it, but it looks nice. I still wish with my whole being that this was different and just a dream. I HATE this!!!

Miss you soooooo much!!! I LOVE you forever and ever to heaven and back!!!xxooxxooxxoo

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud.

Friday, August 19, 2005 9:27 PM CDT

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Miss you soooooo much!!! I LOVE you forever and ever to heaven and back!!!xxooxxooxxoo

To everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud.

Friday, August 19, 2005 9:27 PM CDT

Please keep another local family in your heart, thoughts and prayers. I know how much it has helped and continues to help our family to get so many words of encouragement on Brandon's website. Please do the same for them. You may go to Carepages.org and then follow the directions. The webpage name is Littlebigfoot

And to everyone who stops by Brandon's site.....THANK YOU so much. It always helps to know how much you care. Brandon would be so humbled but very proud.

Miss you soooooo much!!! I LOVE you forever and ever to heaven and back!!!xxooxxooxxoo

Sunday, August 14, 2005 5:56 PM CDT


Miss you soooooo much!!! I LOVE you forever and ever to heaven and back!!!xxooxxooxxoo

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:49 AM CDT

Really do not know what to say today. This morning I had a dream that all of this was just a dream. How I wish with all of my being that was true. Brandon's Memory Marker should be placed sometime this month. I think sometime around the week of the 15th.

Just feeling yuck.

*Thank you so much for your continued prayers and words of encouragement. When you all leave messages on Brandon's guestbook they mean so much to me. I check this every day, several times a day. So please drop a note when you stop by.

Monday, August 1, 2005 2:05 PM CDT

I can not breathe. I hate this!!! This still seems like such a surreal nightmare.

365 days ~ I get suprised that a person can actually physically survive this. That our bodies are made that way to be able to do this and move forward.

You know that when Brandon was sick I always felt and had faith that in a little while things would be better, we always had hope. That is one of the long list of many things that I don't think that I'll ever have back again ~ that life is going to be okay one day and better.

Still needing your prayers

Brandon ~ I can still feel, see, smell, and taste everything like it was just yesterday. I miss your smile, your sense of humor, your "picking" on me, your kisses and hugs, our talks, your kindness and compassion (especially with Jordan & Seth)your jokes, and EVERYTHING else about you. I feel I miss you more and more everyday. I miss you and love to Heaven and back!!! xxooxxooxxooxxoo

Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:47 AM CDT

This is sooooooo hard. The distance from my head to my heart feels like a trillion miles plus infinity. I miss him so much that it takes my breath away.

I am on Brandon's site all of the time. I look forward to reading messages that you all leave. So if you stop by, please please please leave a message. They mean so much to me. Also, I encourage any of you to share a Brandon memory. Those would also be something that mean so much to us.

I still desire your prayers for our family. Love you all so much!!!


~Brandon~ I LOVE you forever and ever. I miss you and love you to Heaven and back!!! xxooxxooxxoo

Friday, July 1, 2005 5:38 AM CDT

365 days. At 11:00 today will be 365 days ago that I told Brandon "I LOVE you and I'll see you in a little bit", and he said "I LOVE you too mom". Anytime before surgery or a procedure that they were going to give Brandon medicne that made him sleep, I would say this to him. I quess for Brandon, when he sees us again the time will have been "in a little bit" for him. It's just the endurance of days for us. My heart hurts so much with this "reality" and that the last time we talked and I heard his voice was a year ago! Even now as I enter this it seems unreal. It feels like yesterday but yet each individual day feels like an eternity. As I was logging onto the computer this morning, I used Brandon's pc. He has this password protected but never kept the password a secret. His "hint" though is ....mom always says it. Well the answer is... I can do all things through Christ.

I am trying to remember that and to live by the very words that my children have always heard me tell them. I won't lie, for me that can be very difficult at most times. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. I suspect that these next months will be as hard as the first months after August.

~Brandon~ I LOVE you and miss you to heaven and back!!!

Friday, June 24, 2005 4:07 PM CDT

A year ago today (on Thursday but today's date) Brandon was admitted to AI for the last time. I remember thinking and believing that it was just another "little bump in the road". It still feels like it was just last week.

Thank you for keeping our family in your prayers. We are still so desperately trying to look at that "eternal perspective" instead of our temporary view. Sometimes it seems "do-able" and then other times it feels impossible.


Sunday, June 12, 2005 10:40 PM CDT

Today was the Sandlot Softball Tournament. It was very bittersweet and at times very hard to be there. This is only because it is just like yesterday in my mind and heart that we were there with Brandon and how so many from the community came to play and support him. This was one of his favorite days. He had so much fun last year. One of his biggest goals was to be ready to play this year. We did of course still have a good time and would like to encourage a big turnout for next year. Brandon himself was a big supporter of the American Cancer Society, and I KNOW that he would find this a worth while cause and that he himself would desire to have so many in the community to get involved with this very FUN day!!!

As I was remembering back on this day last year, I was remembering how they were having Brandon throw out the first pitch, but what I didn't know until the LAST POSSIBLE minute, is that I was the one chosen to CATCH THE PITCH!!! I kept trying to get Steve or Jordan do it because I was so nervous to try and do that infront of everyone. Well, Brandon looked at me and said...."What do you ALWAYS tell us Mom"? And of course he was smiling that BIG SMILE and had a grin as he said it. "Remember you ALWAYS tell us that We can do ALL things through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS us". Well needless to say, this was something that hit me true and hard, and I have to admit, I had run out of time to find someone. So when Brandon and I were walking out to the field I kept telling him "You gotta put it in the glove ". He said "I know, I will, just hold the glove out". When we got to our positions, he just looked at me with a grin and that big ol' smile and got it right into my glove! I can't tell you how happy I had that momemnt with him and how I can remember every exact detail in those moments. So, it did ALL work out with me finding out at the last minute instead of early on when Steve knew!!!

I can't say that things are sooo much easier, cause they never really will be. I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to live this new life that we just really do not like. I saw this on someone else's webpage and it said something to my heart.....

~During a difficult time such as the loss of child our first instinct seems to be to question God. Why? Why the short life? Why the suffering? Why? Why? Why/ It was pointed out that we shouldn't be asking why, maybe we should be asking what? What do you want me to do with this God? What is my next step? What can I do to bring glory to You even through the pain?~

I know that I definetly still have a lot of the why's, what if's, and if only. The constant struggle to remember the eternal perspective instead of my temporary view can be overwhelming. But what I am remembering is that I KNOW that God LOVES me and that most definitely he LOVES BRANDON. And sometimes I can only imagine that Brandon might say...."Mom, if you could only see what I can see. Just keep holding on and I'll see you soon". Hmmm...Just a heartbeat away. Thank you all so much for the continued support of our family and for the prayers that we so desperately need. We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE ALL of YOU!!!
Love, Steve, Dawn,~Brandon~, Jordan, & Seth

I MISS you ALWAYS, I LOVE you to Heaven and back.
Love Mom

**Please keep our buddy John Maicher in your thoughts and prayers and I am sure the family would love it if you would stop by and give him a word of encouragement. (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:45 AM CDT

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Happy 1st Birthday in Heaven Brandon!!!

Yes Yes, I am getting this entry on here very eary for today. The pictures are HAPPY ones from last year. They were taken exactly 2 weeks after transplant. That day still feels like it was just last week. I can remember every moment, sound, smell, and how I felt.

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This is sooo Goofball Brandoni-Fat-Bologni
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Me, Brandon, Dawn (Mom #2), and the BEST FRIEND EVER ~ AJ!!! Brandon and AJ (5/29) celebrated EVERY birthday together since they were 1 ~ please especially have him in prayers.
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Great Birthday Surprise ~ Meghan & Joan

I LOVE YOU and miss you to Heaven and back. I am so PROUD of everything that is still being done in your name. I KNOW that you would be so humbled and honored. I also know that you would be so proud of your brothers. As a matter of fact, when Seth gets up to bat he stands EXACTLY like you!!! And Jordan....well you would be so proud how focused he has been during swimming and ball. And of course with the both of them for their drum playing. Seth hopes that maybe God lets you see him on special times.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 5:18 AM CDT

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It is so hard to think about what this day meant to us one year ago. It was Brandon's transplant day and we had such hope and peace. I can remember every moment of that day, and it still feels like it was just maybe a month ago.

We miss you and love you forever and ever Brandon!!! xxooxxooxxoo

Friday, April 29, 2005 2:26 PM CDT

I really do not even know what to say. My heart and arms still want Brandon here with us so bad. It was just a year ago today that Brandon and I made the trip up to AI to be admitted to get him ready for transplant. It feels like it was just a month ago. This upcoming month I feel will be so hard but then again it is so hard every day without him. I hate the fact of getting "farther away" from August 3rd. It only means added time in this new life that I just do not like.

Thank you again for your prayers, cards, & words of encouragement while we continue to get through each new day.

~Brandon, I miss you and love you forever and ever

Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:25 PM CST

Six months - half a year.

My heart is still breaking, I miss Brandon so very much. His smile, his voice, his laughter, his sense of humor, his hugs, his talks, EVERYTHING about him and what our lives are supposed to be. I still pray and desire that God would change this, and that I will wake up from this.

Again, I THANK you all for your continued prayers for my family. I do VERY MUCH appreciate and enjoy it when any of you share your heart and especially your memories of Brandon. Thank you again.

**Please keep our buddy John Maicher in your prayers. He and his family are having a very difficult time right now. I am sure that they would appreciate all words of encouragement. ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan ~

Monday, January 10, 2005 8:04 PM CST

To be honest......I HATE this! I do not know how I am supposed to live without one of my children. I try so hard to look for the eternal perspective instead of this temporary view. And also where the scripture that says....All things work to the glory of God.

I am still needing and THANKING you all for your continued prayers for my family. It does make me glad that so many of you are still checking Brandon's website everyday. I look at his "website viewed" number everyday. THANK YOU so much for not forgetting him!!!

Also, please pray and check on our buddy John Maicher (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan). We miss him and his family so much.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:32 AM CST

I am trying....but it is so hard.

Lord help me to sacrifice my desire to have Brandon with me now, in order to have what is best for him. Help me to receive joy, peace, and hope and to know in my heart that Brandon is with his savior, Jesus. Help me to get this from my head to my heart and to live as I know Brandon would want me to, and how Steve, Jordan, & Seth deserve. Help me to see the eternal perspective instead of this temporary view.

~Thank you all for your continued prayers and care for my family.

Saturday, August 28, 2004 1:06 PM CDT

The following is what was on my heart and what I read at Brandon's Service.

Let me begin by saying that I am so very proud that the Lord chose me to be the mother of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. They have and will forever be the joy and love of my life.

19 years ago when Brandon was born, it was at that instant that he started affecting and changing the life of everyone who came to know and love him. As a baby and through early childhood he always loved to make people laugh. As you've heard, that was something that he really liked about himself - the ability to make people laugh. As he got older that same sense of humor always stuck with him along with such a deep compassion for others and a willingness to make things easier for everyone else. The wonderful Nurses, Doctor's, Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapists, Social Work, & all other staff at AI duPont can attest to this themselves - he was ALWAYS trying to make their job of caring for him easy.

Brandon was also a WONDERFUL big brother to Jordan and Seth, whom he absolutely loved and adored. He would continually encourage the two of them at whatever they were trying to accomplish. He was always their personal cheering section. There was not much that the three of them did not do together. Even when most teenagers were busy out and about, Brandon always took the time for his brothers. Even at times when he would shop for something for himself, he often bought something for his brothers as well. His generosity in giving of himself to them was constant.

A few of my most cherished memories are of family times - Camping was always so much fun, laughing around the campfire and at night when were were trying to sleep, I can't tell you the complete happingess it would bring my heart to listen to the three of them in their bunks making each other laugh. The many backyard baseball games that they played - which by the way usually resulted in Brandon breaking a window. I stopped counting after it became a regular occurence. Every Christmas Eve was always the same - they would set ua a tent in one of the bedrooms and sleep together in it. This was no different this past Christmas, Brandon and I had just gotten back from a stay at AI and that was the main thing that was made sure of, the tent was set up and they would be together.

I will also forever cherish how we PRAISED and PRAYED Brandon into God's arms on Tuesday night. I do PRAISE God for the moments of seeing the very first breath in Brandon's life and the very last.

This is just such a small part of a very full 19 years. I believe that those of you who have known Brandon long or just recently gotten to know him could also see his remarkable faith. Faith was something that Brandon always had, as you see in the bulletin, one of his favorite scriptures was Philippians 1:20-20

**I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.**

I actually was unaware of that until Thursday when I was looking through one of Brandon's Bible's and noticed that he had that verse highlighted. After I read that I was fully aware that THAT was Brandon. He lived that along with a verse that I have always spoken to my children....They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.

This past year brought about a lot of conversation on whether or not Brandon was afraid of dying. His words to me were NO, because I know where I'll be. He made sure of that first when he was 9, and then several other times in his life. By the time he got to transplant day, he knew completely and held by faith that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. At this moment in my life I can not tell you how much that helps me. I am not at all saying I easily accept or understand what has happend because my heart is breaking, but I do know with full certainty that I WILL see Brandon again and I know just where he is and NOTHING can ever change that, not even death. For those of you that are not saved by the blood of Jesus, or if you have not given your loved ones that assurance, I say what are you waiting for? I at least have that peace in knowing where my prescious child is, what will your family have?

I believe even now, that Brandon would want us to keep pressing on. That is something that he always did, and NOTHING ever made him give up. I'll be honest, this will be hard for our family, and I will say for myself that it seems like an impossibiliuty, but we will continue to seek the face of God, and I will continue to hold on the the very faith that I have taught my wonderful Godly sons Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. I also desperatly seek your prayers for strength. I want to live my life knowing that my sons made a difference, and if you take any part of Brandon with you, may it be his humor and most importantly his faith.

Brandon.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!! Love Mom xxooxxooxxoo

Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:48 PM CDT

Services are scheduled for Saturday with Friends and Family calling at 12:00pm and the service begining at 2:00pm at Linclon United Methodist Church, 2nd & Butler Streets, Linclon, DE 19960.

"If you want to help, just be there. Your presence does wonders. If you want to help another person, just listen. One of the greatest gifts one person can give to another is the gift of listening. It can be an act of love and caring." Brandon's life was an inspiration to many of us and his open personality touched our lives in so many ways. The family has been very appreciative of the support, open ears and the many shoulders to cry-on throughout this troubled time and would like to give the gift of listening back to the community. During the service, time will be alloted for friends and family to share a special memory, thought or message God has layed upon their heart.

At first it isn't real.
It's just a nightmare.
Everything will be all right in the morning.
But, of course, it isn't.

Morning brings reality,
Mercifully dulled by shock
And a feeling of numbness.

Like a robot you move mechanically through
the seconds,
the minutes,
the hours of the next few days.

Oh, God, how can I endure
this UN-MOVABLE crisis in my life?

I know what Brandon would say - You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Phil 4:13
Dawn & Steve raised 3 Godly sons who will teach us how we can endure.

They say that someday I will be able to smile and say "My broken heart has healed."


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

We still seek your face Lord even if we don't understand the tremendous pain and loss we are feeling.
God Bless,

Wednesday, August 4, 2004 7:08 AM CDT

At about 10:30 last night Brandon, surrounded by love and prayer, went home to be with his heavenly father. I feel so blessed to have been a part of Brandon's life and to have been there when he walked home. Life will never be the same but I look forward to the day when I will be able to walk in heaven with him and see his smiling face once again.

Once funeral services have been determined I will keep everyone posted.

PLEASE, don't ak us if we are over it yet.
We will never be over it.

PLEASE, don't tell us he's in a better place.
He isn't here with us.

PLEASE, don't say at least he isn't suffering.
We haven't come to terms with why he had to suffer at all.

PLEASE, don't tell us you know how we feel
unless you have lost a child.

PLEASE, don't ask us if we feel better.
Bereavement isn't a condtion that clears up.

PLEASE, don't tell us at least we had him for so many years.
What year would you choose for your child to die?

PLEASE, don't tell me God never gives us more than we can bear.

PLEASE, just say you are sorry.

PLEASE, just say you remember Brandon, if you do.

PLEASE, just let us talk about our precious son, brother, nephew, grandson, cousin, friend.

PLEASE, just let us cry.

We love all of you and appreciate all the prayers and support you have shown throughout this struggle. Please be mindful and respectful during this time of grieving and understand that sometimes we just want to be alone.

God Bless,

Tuesday, August 3, 2004 7:54 AM CDT

Brandon experienced complications just before surgery and was therefore unable to have the trach put in yesterday. I am at a loss for what to say....

We just ask for guidance, clarity of thought, insight and peace for the direction needed. We are all feeling alone and abondoned. We all kow you are still beside us but help us to be more aware of your presence and what you might be trying to teach us through this crisis. You know how much we are all hurthing Lord and how afraid we are - we all need your strength and presence Lord.

Please continue to keep everyone lifted in prayer and understand that just because it is often very difficult to talk, we know everyone is praying for us and we sincerly appreciate the support and continued understanding that visitors are too much right now.

God Bless,

Sunday, August 1, 2004 7:17 PM CDT

Just a quick update to keep everyone in the loop. As you know, Brandon was unable to have the trach put in this past Thursday however, he will be going in for surgery tomorrow morning at 9:30 to have the procedure performed. He will also have the necessary catheters put in at the same time.
Although his kidneys are producing normal levels of urine they are not yet doing their full job of removing all toxins etc, from the body. Please continue to pray for the following:
1. Kidneys to continue getting stronger.
2. Successful surgery.
3. Lungs to get healthy and strong!!!
4. Peace and Faith for all.

Again, I am sorry to say that Brandon is still unable to receive visitors however your prayers, cards and web posts are more than appreciated. We all appreciate your understanding and support in this decision.
God Bless and Keep praying as I know God hears our prayers and we are only 1 miracle away from complete healing!
God Bless,

Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:25 AM CDT

The Doctors will be stopping the diaylsis machine today. All test indicate the kidneys are regaining normal function. So they feel its time to challenge the kidneys.

Due to some complications yesterday with the lungs, the surgery is cancelled for today. This will be addressed on a daily basis.

Specific prayer requests:
-kidneys to function well
-lab tests to be within normal limits
-lung function to improve
-wisdom for Doctors and Dawn and Steve
-for the family to feel Gods Love and Comfort
-WBC count to continue to go down
-Comfort for Brandon's body

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."

In Christ Love,

Monday, July 26, 2004 5:48 PM CDT

We Praise God for what He was done in Brandon's life and for what He will continue to do.

James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally."

The Family had some decisions to make and after lots of prayer they felt God leading them to have a tracheostomy put in to move Brandon forward in his care. This will allow the Doctors to wean Brandon off his sedation medication and will help with the healing process of his body.

Surgery for this procedure is Thursday, July 29th, at 2:00 pm. The Doctors will also be changing several of his lines to new sites. I ask everyone to be lifting Brandon, his family, and the Medical Staff up in prayer on Thursday at 2:00pm.


-Liver Function test have decreased
-Blood Gases are improving
-Lungs sounds are improving
-Brandon had a good day today
-For the great care Brandon is receiving from the hospital staff
-tolerating the feeding tube well
-glucose levels are under control
-Blood Pressure remains stable

Specific Prayer requests:

-Continued strength for Dawn and Steve
-For Seth and Jordan as their family is not together
-Wisdom for the Doctors/care givers
-Brandon remain stable(and lab studies to keep improving)
-continue to be without fever
-That he be able to tolerate the ventalator pressures so some time after surgery they will be able to wean him of his sedation medication
-For his heart to continue to be strong
-For Gods protection during surgery
-for Kidneys to return to normal function

As each of you pray always remember:
Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

I would like to thank all family and friends for their prayers and support. It is greatly appreciated. Brandon is still not aloud to have visitors and I know it is hard to wait but it is for his health at this time. And I ask each of you "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord" Psalms 27:14

God has performed many miracles in Brandons life and He's not finished yet!!! So Keep Praying!!!

In Christ Love,

Friday, July 23, 2004 5:59 PM CDT


LUNGS: Clean,Clear,Healthy & Strong with GREAT oxygen exchange!

Kidneys: FULLY functioning!

Nutrition: To benefit GREATLY from the feedings. This will help to make Brandon stronger!

Stable Blood Pressure, Stable Heart Rate, NO infections, viruses, germs, or fungus!

WISDOM from God in some decisions that need to be made


The Bible says that the prayer offered in FAITH with heal the sick person and raise him up! We are standing on this for BRANDON!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:09 AM CDT

Brandon has remained stable over the last 30 hours - Praise God!
Although Brandon is still very critical, Doctors are begining to look at next steps and moving his care forward- this is going to be a long HARD fight - please pray for strength!

Visitors are still not permitted to go back - we appreciate everyones prayers and thoughts and hope that everyone understands this decision. Brandon needs a fair chance to fight and introducing any germs or illness are too risky at this point. We will keep you posted as Brandon progresses and let you know when he can begin receiving visitors.

Dawn and Steve still need lots of prayer as the battle will not just be Brandon's - please pray for their continued strength and ability to focus on living by FAITH and not by sight. None of us want to see our children suffer and Brandon's fight will be difficult - please pray that they keep their eyes focused on the miracle God will provide.

God Bless,

Monday, July 19, 2004 10:59 AM CDT

Brandon still remains stable :)
Currently we are still fighting an infection which of courses leads to antibiotics and therefore, issues for the kidneys. Please continue to pray for the following:
1. Elimination of infection.
2. Return of normal kidney function.
3. Lungs to be clean and clear.
4. Strength of heart - the heart responds to the many curve balls currently thrown its way from the infections and the inbalance in electrolytes.
5. Keep his BP stable to the point the meds doing this are eliminated.

As many of you probably heard, yesterday we were told that Brandon's heart was begining to be compromised and we needed to face serious decisions. After having the opportunity to talk with the Doctor this morning, our current view is that Brandon is at risk for heart rhythm issues due to the fluctuations in the electrolytes. His heart is having to work harder to fight these fluctuations however, his heart does not currently have any damage as a result. However, we are still at risk for the rhythm issues and not all rhythm disorders are easily addressed. Please pray that Brandon's heart will be able to continue the battle with no damage and that no more rhythm fluctuations will occur.

As family and friends we continue to stand strong in the belief that God's miracle is in progress. EAch day we continue to take baby steps in the right direction. We just need the big steps backwards to cease!

Phillipians 4:6 - if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, focus on these things.
1. Heart not damaged.
2. Brandon is currently stable and has been since yesterday.
3. Brandon's BP is now stable.
4. Oxygen is down from 100% to 60%!
5. The main portal vein into the liver has 25% blood flow - it is not 100% clogged as most of us thought.

God Bless,

Monday, July 19, 2004 6:05 AM CDT

Brandon has had a very difficult weekend. Due to the kidney's not functioning, there is an inbalance with the electrolytes within his system. This has caused undue stress and strain on his heart. Please keep praying for that miracle I know is just around the corner.
The specific prayers continue to be:
1.) Return of normal kidney function.
2.) Clean and clear lungs.
3.) Heart remain stable and tolerate the pressure.
4.) Peace and FAITH for everyone.

Currently we have restricted the visitors back to his room to family only. Please understand and continue to pray.
God Bless,

Saturday, July 17, 2004 5:34 PM CDT

I am up visiting Brandon and he is resting comfortably on his stomach.

Specific Prayer requests and praises:
1. Continued urine output from the kidneys. The kidneys are taking baby steps in the right direction with small increases in urine output)
2. Continued prayer for the lungs - still fighting an unknown infection but improving.
3. Continued peace and faith.
4. Dawn and Steve need continued prayer to live by Faith and not by sight.

We all know the week has been somewhat of a roller coaster ride but remember:

As we all continue to pull together and pray for Brandon we continue to ask for specific concerns.. Philippians 4:6, "Be careful in nothing; but in everthing by prayer.....let your request be made known unto God." God is faithful and wants to know our specific needs.

Brandon may have periods of time which cause us all alot of pain and concern but we must remember to stand strong and focus on the times in which we are taking baby steps in the right direction and focus on the things of praise.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Dawn and I shared a few thoughts today---
Alot of us pray and use the terms - if it is God's Will let it be so. Well, God's Will is healing - God's will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6:9-10). Heaven has no sickness! Therefore, it is not IF it is God's Will, it IS God's Will that there be no sickness.

Thanks again for everyone's love and support!!
God Bless,

Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:15 PM CDT

Brandon is having a better day today however, he is still very sick and needs continued prayer. Doctors continue to be optimistic and we all continue to know that God will carry us through this difficult time.

Specific Prayer requests:
1. Kidney's continue the upward trend of urine output.
2. Continued good numbers on the liver function.
3. Brandon's lungs need time to heal after yesterday's bleed.
4. Continue to pray for identification of germ within the lungs so that the proper treatment can be applied.
5. Please continue to pray for steps in the right direction - we all really need a boost right about now.
6. Peace and the ability to walk by Faith and not by sight for EVERYBODY who loves Brandon so dearly.

Take care and God Bless,

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:07 PM CDT

Brandon had a good day and night yesterday. The procedure to remove the tube went well and his BP remained stable throughout the procedure. The kidneys started to "wake-up" on Sunday and have been producing small amounts of urine since then.

Today however, Brandon started the day off with a pulmonary hemorrage. Brandon's CF doctor indicated that this is not uncommon for patients with CF. Although we never like to see this, Brandon is now resting comfortably. Again, the dialysis he is on requires the blood thinner which puts him at increased risk for the bleeds. They are going to give him a break for the remainder of the day from the dialysis and the blood thinner. For this reason, please pray that the kidney's produce more output since the dialysis is not in play.

Currently Brandon is resting comfortably but still needs prayer for:
1. Kidneys
2. Peace and faith.
3. No more bleeds.
4. Continued stable BP and temperature.

As you can likely guess, this roller coaster ride is taking its toll on the family and everyone else could also use the prayer :)

Thanks to everyone for their continued support and prayers through these difficult and confusing trials.

Take care and God Bless,

Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:26 AM CDT

Sorry I have not kept everybody updated lately.

Last evening Brandon did have a bleed however, they were able to get it under control and he is now stable. As Brandon's kidney's have yet to regain normal function, the dialysis he is on requires the use of a blood thinner which increases his risk for bleeds. For this reason we would request that everyone continue to pray in earnest for Brandon's kidneys to regain normal function.

Despite the bleed, Brandon did have a good night and continues to remain stable.

Specific Prayer requests:
1. Regain normal function of the kidney's.
2. Peace and calmness for Brandon. Although he remains sedated, he does have periods of awareness. Due to the meds to keep him sedated, the periods of awareness are cloudy and confusing for him. It's like when you have a head cold and things just don't add up and you try to make sense of eveything and the pieces just don't fit.
3. No more bleeds. This speaks for itself.
4. For Brandon to come off the ventilator today. THey have been weening Brandon off the ventilator and hope to be completely off of it today. This will help with communication and help Brandon to better understand what is going on. Not to mention, it is one more step in the right direction.
5. Brandon is to have a tube removed from the liver (was used to help remove the blood clot) on Monday. Pray for a peaceful and succesful procedure.
6. Peace, rest and faith for the rest of the family.

Things to be thankful for:
1. The lungs remain clean and clear.
2. The liver continues to look good.
3. Although we have a hit a few bumps in the road, Brandon continues to take small steps in the right direction.
4. God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and to this we hold on.
5. We had a very strong turn out for Brandon's prayer vigil and I just know Brandon, Dawn and Steve felt the love and peace sent their way.

Take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 11:25 AM CDT

Brandon continues to take small steps in the right direction. The doctors will begin introducing nutrition today to provide Brandon the calories and strength he needs to stay on the right path. The liver still looks good and the WBC continues to come down. The dialysis is going well and Brandons lungs remain clean and clear. All are obvious signs of answered prayers for which we are all grateful.
The doctors are begining to slowly decrease Brandon's dependence on the ventilator and hope to have him off as soon as possible.
Please continue to pray for:
1. Returned kidney function.
2. Continued clear lungs, no fever and decrease in WBC.
3. Removal of the ventilator.
4. Dawn is also in need of specific prayer for rest and to live by Faith and not by sight.

As always, we are all very grateful for the many prayers and words of encouragement!

Tomorrow night, July 8th, there will be a prayer vigil on Brandon's behalf in the Avenue United Methodist Parking lot at 7:30pm. Please make sure there are as many people possible to stand in the gap on behalf of Brandon and his family.

God Bless,

Monday, July 5, 2004 8:42 PM CDT

Brandon continues to take baby steps in the right direction. We all strongly believe that prayer and faith in God is what has gotten us all this far and we all sincerely appreciate the many prayer warriors whom stand beside us!
Brandon has now gone 24 hours without a fever - something the doctors are quite pleased with. Although Brandon's WBC continues to be high, it has begun to trend down - another small step in the right direction. Brandon is now on the more "gentle" form of dialysis which will begin to remove all the excess fluids and waste products from his body. In time, this will allow the doctors to add back the nutrition he so desperately needs. Again, we all believe, doctors included, that the dialysis is support only and Brandon's kidneys, through the power of prayer, will regain full function. Brandon is still sedated as this allows him to use all his energy to recover and repair vs. focusing on or feeling any level of discomfort.

Please continue to pray for:
1. Continued clear lungs and no fever.
2. Return of normal kidney function.
3. Resolution of the blood clot.
4. Emotional and physical for strength for Dawn, Steve and Mom (Stephanie) as they are on "duty" and surrounding Brandon with prayer and love!
5. Also, please pray for all family members which can not be with Brandon as often as they may like. It is often difficult to be so close yet so far away. The feelings of helplessness don't just haunt those in the hospital.

As always, I would like to count my blessings and remember to be thankful for how far God has carried all of us. Although we may refer to them as baby steps, every step in the right direction, no matter how small, is a blessing from God and is not to be overlooked. In addition, Jordan and Seth continue to hang in there despite having to put-up with their "favorite" aunt :)

Keep up the prayers as they are definately working.
God Bless,

Sunday, July 4, 2004 11:43 AM CDT

Happy 4th!!
Dawn is upstairs so you have to put up with me (Susan)again for today :)
This morning's update & blood work show we are making small baby steps in the right direction however, kidney function still has not returned. A new form of dialysis will be started today which is more "gentle" to the system and will allow the gradual addition of nutrition. Brandon is still in great need of specific prayer for -
1. Return of normal kidney function!! Without kidney function the fluids and body waste can not be removed without the aide of dialysis.
2. Continued clean and clear lungs. The more fluid building up due to lack of kidney function adds stress and concern around the lungs ability to remain clean and clear.
3. Decrease in white blood counts (wbc)- the wbc continue to rise for unknown reasons. All cultures come back negative so there is no explanation at this point on why the wbc continue to rise.
4. Blood clot to dissovle on its own. The blood clot is not the primary concern in the short term - we must first conquer the above issues and then address the blood clot so it does not create long term issues.
5. Physical strength and emotional faith for all family members.

Things to be thankful for:
1. The liver continues to look good.
2. Small baby steps in the right direction are certainly worth praise!
3. With the alternate form of dialysis, adding back of nutrition will provide the much needed calories the body requires to continue fighting.
4. We are blessed to have access to the best treatment and doctors possible to fight this battle.
5. God is on our side and with all the prayer warriors in action on Brandon's behalf, God is in this battle with us!

Thanks to all for the continued support and prayer.
God Bless,

Saturday, July 3, 2004 9:07 AM CDT

Goodmorning - Dawn and Steve are with Brandon right now but I (Susan)wanted to get a posting out so everyone knew where we were.
First let me start by expressing my sincerest appreciation for all the prayers yesterday! With so many prayers being lifted at once I know we had a direct line to God and were therefor surrounded by many angels of grace.

Yesterday was a difficult battle attempting to remove the blood clot from Brandon's portal vein. Procedures and meds necessary to remove the clot, led to complications with Brandon's kidneys. By late afternoon, the doctors at Christiana were pleased with the removal of the clot however, it immediately began to reclot and the kidneys were still of concern. Meds were left in place to dissolve this new clot overnight and Brandon was transferred back to AI for stablelization and review by a nephrologist. It was deemed that Brandon would need support for his kidneys and he began dialysis treatments last night. This is support only as it is expected his kidneys will rebound given time. As of this morning, the blood clot has not dissolved- for this we need specific prayer. Brandon's liver is getting adequate blood flow from accessory veins as is indicated by good liver function tests. For this reason, the doctors will not immediately address the blood clot as it is felt Brandon needs a little time to recover from the recent insults. M/T of next week they will review the blood clot again and determine next steps.
For now we are asking for the following specific prayers:
1. For the blood clot to completely dissolve and allow free blood flow.
2. For Brandon's lungs to continue to be healthy and clear.
3. For Brandon's kidney's to rebound as is expected.
4. For Brandon to continue with no fevers.
5. For Dawn and Steve - both need strength both physically and emotionally. Instead of "Got Milk?" - It's "Got God and Milk!"
6. For the Doctors, Nurses and Staff who so diligently take care of Brandon, Dawn and Steve.

I know this has been lengthy - and you all thought Dawn was the wordy one :) - but I know everyone has Brandon in their prayers and information and specific prayers are what is needed.
Again, words can not express the love and appreciation for all your support.
God Bless.

One last thing- don't forget the ecard web address- www.nemours.org/ecards----cards are always great support just when you need them most!!

Thursday, July 1, 2004 5:56 PM CDT

Today has been long. We have to go back to Christiana again tomorrow morning early. They were able to get 50f the clot taken care of and with something they are trying tonight, there are hopes that they will be able to get it all. Right now Brandon is still on the ventilator and will remain so until after tomorrow's try.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY that this clot will be taken care of and that NO shunt will have to be used. That his liver will return to good blood flow WITHOUT varicies. And that Brandon will have NO complications or bleeding tonight. That he will remain STABLE and WELL THROUGHOUT EVERYTHING!!!

Help us to continue to WALK BY FAITH and NOT by sight.

I am trying to remember...I WILL TRUST the Lord with ALL of my heart and LEAN NOT on my own understanding.

We Love You!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:13 PM CDT

The Doctor at Christiana was unable to get the blood clot today. This means that we will go back tomorrow and they will have to go in through his carotid artery.

Right now Brandon is sleeping but has moments of pain and discomfort. Please pray that this will be SUCCESSFUL tomorrow and that the blood clot will be taken care of with no harm to the liver.

We are feeling very overwhelmed right now. On a personal note for me, I am asking that you would pray for me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and all that the Lord has accomplished. And to remember, that he is not a God of half way. But I have to be honest, I am struggling right now. I do not understand.


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 6:36 PM CDT

Well our stay just keeps bringing different things. BUT, they ARE getting worked out. PRAISE GOD!!! Not to alarm anyone, but Brandon was admitted to ICU today for a few days. The reason for this is he needs a heparin drip (blood thinner) run and this is only done in the ICU. They have also found a blod clot in the right hepatic vein in his liver. This will be taken care of tomorrow at Christiana Hospital. After that procedure we will return to the ICU unit at duPont for a few days. Transplant team has reassured us that everything is OKAY. Of course I STILL know that GOD is in TOTAL CONTROL. And I praise him for the technology and the wisdom that he continues to give Brandon's GREAT DOCTOR'S & NURSES. We have truly been blessed by them!

I was hoping in a HUGE way that we would be home before the 4th, but that does not look like it will be the case. Oh well, the best for BRANDON is the MOST IMPORTANT!

Please keep those prayers coming not only for him, but for Steve, Jordan, & Seth. I MISS THEM SOOOOOO MUCH!


Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:04 AM CDT

As of this morning's weight, Brandon gained a few pounds....YEAH!!! AND he woke up and said that he was a "little hungry", sooooo it's a start! PRAISE GOD for small steps!

Yesterday's scheduled consisted of:
1. CT scan
2. Upper GI & Swallow Study (YUCK!)
3. Getting his PICC line put back in

So as you can see it was a VERY busy day, but it did make time go by much faster.

On Tuesday Brandon is scheduled for a EGD(Scoping). Pray that this goes well with NO after effects. I know that it must be done, but it seems that since the last one which was done at two and a half weeks after surgery, was when the appetitite problems started. Could just be a coincidence though. But even still, I am praying for NO issues. The "TPN" was started last night, and this will help with getting in calories and gaining weight. Overall, the Transplant Team is STILL VERY PLEASED with the liver, and have COMPLETE CONFIDENCE that once Brandon gets over this "bump" he will be doing GREAT all around.

Which of course I STILL have a COMPLETE FAITH & KNOWLEDGE that ALL things will work out. It's just getting there! So keep those prayers coming.....it is ALWAYS what gets us through! And the Lord knows just what we need at just the right time......Last night a DEAR & WONDERFUL Christian lady named Gwen called to encourage and inspire us. We have never met personally but have emailed over the years. Her daughter Kyndall has CF and received her MIRACLE liver transplant in Jan. of 2001 (I think that is correct). So it was so great to hear of Kyndall's progress and to also know that this family has been "wrapping their prayers" around us as well. God is ALWAYS so good that way! I still can't believe sometimes the extent of which he goes just to show me that he is HERE with ME and holding our family in the palm of his hand! (SMILE)


Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:36 AM CDT

Brandon is being re-admitted today. I am not even going to ask how long. There are a few possiblities as to why he is having such difficulty with eating and keeping things down. He will be getting an ultrasound later today and then a CT scan tomorrow.

After we get into a room he will be given some TPN to help with his nutrition. I also think some other possiblities will be discussed. As far as the liver numbers go....they are GREAT!!! Praise God for that!

I know that I don't have to ask, but please surround Brandon with your prayers. Also, Steve, Jordan, & Seth. Jordan is very dissapointed for Brandon that he needs to come back in. I know that this road has been very hard for them. Thank you! WE LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:07 PM CDT

Okay, so here we gooooo.....Brandon had an "okay" day today. He managed to get in about 1800 calories, which was a little less than yesterday. Even so, I am VERY PROUD of his efforts. I know that he is feeling very discouraged because of the way he feels, especially with how upset his stomache is always feeling. For the past two days he has had at least one meal that he has not been able to keep down. This is causing me to "wonder" what exactly is going on, and also to ask how long before Brandon feels REALLY good all of the time?

We originally did not have to go up to AI in thursday but because Brandon started running a fever tonight we will be making the drive up tomorrow morning. I know that Brandon is concerned that he is going to be admitted, which is something that we will OBVIOUSLY do, but he is hoping not to have to occur. There is a car show this weekend that he has been looking forward to him and his dad taking the chevelle to and being able to be there. Please pray that we will be headed in the right direction and that we can get over this "bump in the road". I continue to know and believe that God did NOT have this all line up just to have more problems later. We will continue to WALK by FAITH and NOT by sight!


~~PS~~ For all of you nurses who receive "Advance for Nurses" (www.advanceweb.com)...That is Brandon's picture on the FRONT COVER! And other pictures in the magazine!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:23 AM CDT


Well after a VERY miserable night, the tube came out early this morning. Brandon was up all night very uncomfortable in a lot of pain. Also throwing up. So at 8:30 we spoke with Louise in transplant and she said that the tube should not be causing this much problems, so we could take it out.

The thing is....Brandon has GOT to get in at least 2500 calories in a day. So, he will be trying very hard to make this happen. So far this morning he has been able to eat breakfast AND keep it down. PRAISE GOD!!! We ask that you continue to pray for him and for to be able to accomplish what he must. Otherwise he will be readmitted and other options would be discussed. Many of which Brandon is not looking forward to. I know that he is GREAT, and that this is just another one of those "bumps" in the road. As I said before.......GOD is LARGE AND IN CHARGE!!! And I am reminded in Phillipians.....The HASTINGS can do ALL things through Christ who STRENGTHEN them! Hallelujah, YES & AMEN!


~Oh by the way.....the liver is doing FABULOUS! The stomache issue has nothing to do with that. Well almost nothing, Brandon's Prograf (his anti-rejection medicne) is what is causing the severe decrease in appetite. Usually this is balanced out by the steroids that most patient's are on for a while, but Brandon needed to be taken off of them two and a half weeks after surgery. So I have COMPLETE FAITH that once we get over this tiny little bump, he will be MUCH better!

Monday, June 21, 2004 2:21 PM CDT

Well, where to start?............First the good news, we now only have to go to duPont once a week!!! YEAH!!! His labs are looking GREAT so this means the liver is doing exactly what it is supposed to. Just like God planned!

HOWEVER, Brandon is losing too much weight and he is NOT getting enough calories in each day. Soooo he had a ng tube put in today for night time feedings. He is VERY uncomfortable and says that his throat is hurting him a lot. Actually, as of this moment, I am waiting to hear back from AI on their plans. But I know that the tube is a must along with a medication that they are going to give him to try to stimulate his appetitite. All of this is weighing hard on Brandon, and I must admit, this is when it gets so difficult. Seeing him in extreme discomfort and feeling like this has been a mistake. We KNOW that it has not, and that no matter what we see, GOD IS LARGE AND IN CHARGE!!! Nothing he does is half way, and I know that he did not give Brandon a new liver only to have his health deteriorate more because of nutrition problems. I really feel that right now the key to his health is "jump starting" his stomache in being able to handle food.

With all of that said........PLEASE pray for him to feel TOTALLY surrounded by the prescence of the Lord. To be able to adapt to this tube and get in some MUCH needed calories and comfortable rest, and that Brandon would have the PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING. After all....the Bible says that NO weapon formed against him shall prosper! Thank you Thank you Thank you! WE LOVE YOU!

~PS~ Happy 1st Day of Summer....my FAVORITE time of year!

Saturday, June 19, 2004 1:08 PM CDT

Things are going well. Brandon's number's continue to look good and he got his picc line out on thursday! Yeah, no more lines or anything!

I do have another BIG prayer request though...........Brandon is struggling with trying to eat. He knows that he MUST try to get in a lot of calories during the day but it has been very difficult for him. He has NO appetitite. Also, his right side has really been bothering him. I continue to remind him that God has EVERYTHING in control. And that he does NOTHING half way. But as you can imagine, Brandon feels quite discouraged at times because he feels that he should be so much better. I believe that if we could just get him to eat, that things will start improving MUCH faster. I do know and see that he is doing better than he thinks. I really believe that the key is getting his nutrition status back up. So back to my request....

1. INCREASED Appetite
2. DECREASE in discomfort and pain
3. INCREASE in energy
4. For Brandon to feel TOTALLY surrounded by the Lord's prescence. Especially when he is discouraged.
5. We DO NOT have to go back into the hospital!!!

Thank you all so much.....WE LOVE YOU!

**Our buddy John is now home YEAH! Please continue to PRAY for his new liver soon and very soon! (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan)

Saturday, June 12, 2004 9:30 AM CDT

Please PRAY for our buddy John Maicher. He is back at duPont. Also, please check in with him on his website (www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan) and send him an ecard (www.nemours.org/ecards). I know that they would appreciate it!

ONE MONTH!!! PRAISE YOU JESUS!!! I can hardly think where to start. As I have been sitting this morning, reading my devotional, Bible, and praying I started thinking back and then looking in my prayer journal to all of the prayers that I have prayed in regards to Brandon's new liver. So many times I felt that we MUST continue to walk by faith and not by sight. Even though at times what we were seeing was pretty scary. But I also see where God and his neverending FAITHFULNESS gave us something that got us to the very next step and moment. I know that I have said this to some of you many times but it was very difficult for me to pray for a new liver for Brandon because I knew what that meant for another family. And my heart ached for that. But again, I continued to confess that I was going to TRUST THE LORD with ALL of my HEART. That I knew that he was going to provide a new liver for Brandon some way.

Back on 2/23/04 this is what I wrote in my prayer journal...."Lord God, I desire to hear you today. That some decisions would be made regarding Brandon. You know that I don't want to get to a crisis point. I just really desire hat he wold get his transplant soon and very soon in JESUS' name. I ask that you bless Steve today. Let him feel your prescence. Also Jordan & Seth. Lord I know that sooo many people are praying for Brandon. Help me to understand the wait."

The significance I see in that is that the day before (2/22) is when JP had made his committment to what he felt the Lord has placed on his heart, to be Brandon's LIVE DONOR! And later in the day of 2/23 is when the Transplant Team met and came to us and said that they were ready to take the next step and did we know anyone who would want to be "worked up" to see if they could be the donor. What some people do not know is that the previous year and a half Transplant told us that "Live Donor" was not an option because of the risk to the donor. So this decision and timing we KNEW was ALL GOD!!!

So to say that I feel completely BLESSED is such an understatement. To see Brandon well and getting stronger everyday is such a MIRACLE and we will FOREVER be eternally GRATEFUL to JP for allowing himself to be used by GOD in providing Brandon with his MIRACLE and for SAVING HIS LIFE! So thoughts of rejection and problems do not concern me because I KNOW that God is NOT a God of half way. And that EVERYTHING that he does and orders has a plan and purpose.

Through all of this we have felt surrounded by all of your prayers and love. And we ask that the LORD BLESS EVERYONE who has, prayed, donated, sent cards, made calls, headed up campaings, held events, or just asked "how's everyone". We also pray that through this we have been able to show God's LOVE, GRACE, & MERCY. May he get ALL OF THE GLORY.

You all have been such an important part in our lives and WE LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 9:46 PM CDT

Today has been a GREAT day! Brandon has felt really good, and he looks terrific also. It was nice to have a "normal" day at home and then to go to the ballpark to watch Seth and Jordan's games. From the looks on everyone's faces, they were getting the chance to see our "MIRACLE" firsthand!

We are just PRAISING GOD for each and every moment. And we are so honored and proud to be able to share this will all of you! WE LOVE YOU!!!

**Please don't forget:

John ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan
Zach ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/zachary_morrison

Also, be sure to check out the changes on the "cotaforbrandonh" link

Monday, June 7, 2004 8:11 PM CDT

Lets try this again........YIPEEEEEE WE ARE HOME! We got home late this afternoon, and Brandon is looking soooooo GOOD! Ask Meding's ....we stopped by there on the way home so they could say HI! Brandon REALLY enjoyed getting to see everyone and chat for a moment. The look on everyone's face was PRICELESS!!

We will be back to our regular Transplant schedule which is to go to AI on Monday's and Thursday's. Everything is going so good with his new liver. They believe that an increase in one of his numbers show that it is REGENERATING!

I just can not say enough of how much your PRAYERS have kept us going. We have truly been able to feel you all praying all of this time. It has meant so much to us!

God has been SO GOOD, and his GRACE and MERCY has been endless! We feel TOTALLY BLESSED! Please feel free to call us at home, hopefully VERY SOON Brandon will be able to head on out to the ballpark to see Jordan and Seth play some baseball. Hope to see you soon! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Please don't forget our buddies....
John ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan
Zach ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/zachary_morrison

Saturday, June 5, 2004 2:08 PM CDT

Today has been one of those lazy sleepy days. But that is good because Brandon is catching up on his rest (so am I). His appetite continues to improve, so I know that will also help him get stronger and feel better! As I said before, we continue to rest and know that we are in the palm of God's hand. So, please don't feel upset that we are in here again. We know that it is just "for a time", and I have NO DOUBT that we are on the road to recovery!

Keep the prayers coming though, it is what gets us through each moment of each day! WE LOVE YOU!

**Don't forget John ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan. I am standing in agreement with him, and his parents Albert & Sandy, that he would get his new liver soon and very soon. I just heard some good news that a family friend is going to be meeting with Transplant this week to see if she could be worked up to be the donor. I know that the Lord is bringing all of their plans together as well.

**Zach ~ www.caringbridge.org/pa/zach_morrison. He is looking so good, I am praying that his meds will be situated and that he NOT be facing a rejection. And Chris, Mandy, & Zach will be able to go home soon to be with the rest of their family.

THANK YOU all for sharing your prayers towards these two families who are on the same path with us!

Friday, June 4, 2004 3:58 PM CDT

Today has been MUCH better! PRAISE GOD!!! Brandon is feeling so much better, the iv fluids and iv anitobiotic's have really helped. He also looks like he feels better. The plan is to keep him through the weekend, we would be coming up Monday anyway for a checkup, so this way he will have extra "Tanking Up" as they say. He will be getting a blood transfusion later this evening as well. This is something that is not uncommon with transplant patient's. Some of the medicne that he is on prevents or slows the body from making new red blood cells. This is NOT looked at as anything wrong.

So, from a liver standpoint....they Remain VERY HAPPY! And from a respiratory standpoint...Dr. Padman said that she is PLEASANTLY PLEASED. His chest x-ray this morning was even better from the one on tuesday morning (which was better than the one before that and so on).

So we KNOW and SEE that ALL THINGS ARE WORKING TO THE GOOD OF THOSE THAT LOVE THE LORD! God has NEVER stopped working, and we rest in that!

As always....THANK YOU for your prayers! The ALWAYS work! WE LOVE YOU!!!

**Please continue to keep John Maicher in your prayers**

Also, check on Zach @ www.caringbridge.org/pa/zachary_morrison

Thursday, June 3, 2004 7:33 AM CDT

**NEW UPDATE** 12:05pm
Brandon is NOT feeling well and he is a little dehydrated, therefore we are being admitted....atleast overnight. I am STILL beliving that these are just "things that need to be ironed out". Please pray for Brandon's emotions. He just wants to feel better, and being readmitted so soon is discouraging to him. I remind him that this is just a time and it will ALL BE WORTH IT in the long run. New medications will also be started. He will be needing a twice a day everyday infusion for a couple of weeks. Home Health will do this once we are home again. Also, please keep Steve, Jordan, & Seth lifted in prayer, I KNOW that this has been a long road for them. I'll post more later.

Well, 2 Complete nights at home so far! We are up at AI today in Day Medicne. Brandon will be getting his weekly cytogam infusion today along with some labs and a check up. Our days to come up will be Monday's and Thursday's, with thursday being the infusion day.

Brandon I BELIEVE is doing REALLY good. PRAISE GOD! He is a little frustrated because he feels that his appetite should be better and that he should be able to do more. I continue to remind him that it has only been 3 weeks, and he is getting STRONGER each day. That he needs to continue to WALK BY FAITH and NOT by sight! God is still LARGE AND IN CHARGE!!! Specific prayer requests from Brandon are:

1. Increased appetite
2. Increased energy (which I CAN see happening)
3. Patience, Patience, Patience (that is MY request for him)

THANK YOU all so much for your continued prayers....WE CAN NOT DO THIS WITHOUT ALL OF YOU! WE LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 3:27 PM CDT

YIPEEEEEEEEEE!!!! We are HOME! PRAISE GOD! We got home this afternoon, and we have already heard several horn beeps, by people that have passed by. Of course I quess they can tell by the HUGE WELCOME HOME sign on the front of the house!

Brandon is feeling really good and is looking EVEN BETTER! He is a little tired though. Please feel free to give us a call. We can't wait for everyone to get a chance to see him.....but we STILL have to be VERY CAREFUL! It will be a few weeks before he can be in enclosed spaces with people. So, my quess is that at the next ball game of either Seth or Jordan, he will be there to watch, so you can get your chances then to see him. Another thing, PLEASE NO HUGS, right now anyway. I know it will be hard, but just to see your smiling faces will be so good. And I know once you see his, it will be ALL GOOD!

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! Your prayers, calls, words of encouragement, and support have meant the WORLD!

Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth

Sunday, May 30, 2004 5:54 PM CDT

**Be sure to check out the new Photo's, and also look at the wonderful work that Allan, Susan, & Patty have done on the "Cotaforbrandonh" link

This weekend has gone well. Brandon is still improving each day. He was able to visit with some good friends on Saturday evening, and then on Sunday afternoon Steve, Jordan, & Seth came up for a long visit. It was so nice to be able to eat a meal together again as a family. I miss them so much! Brandon has been doing a lot of walking and today he even managed to go up the stairs from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor (that is actually 4 flights of steps!).

His liver numbers continue to look GREAT and his wbc is coming down nicely. He does however have a low grade fever. He says that he feels completely okay, but a blood culture was done earlier today to see where that could be coming from. They are NOT overly concerened as his liver #'s are good, and his lungs are sounding good also. As a matter of fact, with each day his lower lobe on his left lung is getting better and clearer. This was the lung that was probably the most compromised because of that HUGE spleen he had been carrying around.

All in all EVERYDAY is such a BLESSING, and we just CONTINUE TO PRAISE GOD for his faithfulness, perfect timing, and how he ALWAYS has his hand on our family. This has made us who we are, and I wouldn't trade the peace and comfort I have in knowing that we are resting in the Palm of the Lord's hand!


**Please continue to keep John Maicher in your prayers**

Also, check on Zach @ www.caringbridge.org/pa/zachary_morrison

Friday, May 28, 2004 1:58 PM CDT

Well we just got the word that we are NOT going home tomorrow. Brandon's Prograf levels are high. This is his anti-rejection medicne. So they will be holding tonight's dose as well as tomorrow morning's. We knew this was a possiblity and that it was not set in stone that we would be coming home. However, the next planned for date is tuesday. So we are REALLY praying that that is the day!

Aside from all of that, Brandon is doing REALLY good. He is a little wiped out from the endoscopy that was done yesterday, but I am believing that the effects from that will be totally gone by tomorrow.

So, it looks like a few more days of Charcoal Pit's milkshakes! Maybe not so bad? Anyway, please feel free to call him and give him someone else to talk to besides me. I am sure that he would enjoy that! Don't worry about disturbing him, I take the phone off of the hook when he is sleeping.

Keep up the prayers.....we APPRECIATE them so much, and we know that they are working! WE LOVE YOU!

Brandon is looking forward to attending some of those parties when he gets home!

* I have another prayer request for someone else...John Maicher is a patient that we came to know last fall. He needs a liver transplant. My prayer is, just as we prayed for Brandon, that John would get his liver soon and very soon! You can keep in touch with his website through: www.caringbridge.org/pa/sportsfan
I know that your prayers and encouragement would mean so much to them as it does to us!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:23 PM CDT

**Check out the Birthday Photo's**

What a GREAT Birthday!!! Brandon has felt really good today. We got GREAT news regarding the biopsy....he is NOT having a rejection episode PRAISE GOD! He has a little colangitis (?). They are treating that now, and if everything goes like it has been.........we could be discharged on SATURDAY!!!

Also, THANK YOU to everyone who either sent him cards, or signed his guest book with birthday greetings or called him as well. The phone has been ringing ALL DAY!(SMILE) Brandon also had so many of the people who have taken care of him over the years give him some gifts and cards as well. The cafeteria sent up a birthday cake and then, he also had two more cakes arrive! Thanks to Dawn & AJ, and then Joan & Meghan.

This really has been a special day, and we appreciate it will all of our hearts.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 8:48 AM CDT

Today is Brandon's 19th BIRTHDAY!!! What a GREAT present JP GAVE him! PRAISE GOD!!!

Early this morning a biopsy was done on Brandon's new liver, we will have the results of that later today. He is LOOKING GOOD and FEELIN GOOD! I am so THANKFUL for EVERY new day that Brandon is getting. I KNOW that the LORD is STILL in COMPLETE control and he has such a MIGHTY plan!

Please feel free to call Brandon and wish him HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!! You also may send an ecard to:


Thank you to everyone. WE LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:49 PM CDT

Today is good. Brandon is getting stronger and stronger PRAISE GOD! The CT scan he had yesterday was good, he may be needing a liver biopsy tomorrow. We will not know for sure until tomorrow. Overall the Transplant Team continue to be VERY pleased and happy with how well he is doing. Brandon does have a SPECIFIC prayer request.

1. That his liver is regenerating
2. He will be able to come home VERY SOON!

He is so ready to be home. On Thursday he will have been here for 1 month. I continue to remind him that this is all a "season" and that the Lord NEVER does any thing half way. I fully believe that this has ALL been directed by God and that he is a God of PLAN and PURPOSE!

Now for MY request.....May 26th is Brandon's 19th Birthday! I would love it if he were to get some "ecards" for his birthday. You can do that through:


They will be hand delivered. I have already arranged for a cake to be sent up, and I know that MANY of the people who work here and have taken care of him have big plans for him throughout the day. We have truly been blessed by EVERYONE!

Monday, May 24, 2004 6:51 PM CDT

What ANOTHER GREAT day! Brandon has felt so good today. This was also his first day eating an entire meal at dinner time. He wanted a Cheeseburger and Chocolate Milkshake from the Charcoal Pit, so of course that is exactly what he got. And he ate the whole thing and a bag of chips!

We got to visit with JP and Terry (JP's chauffer) this morning. It was nice to see how good JP is doing. I asked him if he felt a "strange twinge" in his side when he stood next to Brandon? Kind of like a magnet? It is just so amazing to me that the Lord had all of this planned, and that he gave the Doctor's the wisdom and knowledge to do it! And JP the peace and courage to put his body through surgery and the removal of 60% of his liver. As I have said before.....there will NEVER be enough years to thank him.

On another note, the night of Brandon's surgery, the Lord placed our family into the path of Chris & Mandy Morrison. Their 6 month old son Zachary needed a liver transplant. Well they are here now, and Chris will donate a piece of his liver to his son. Their surgery is scheduled for tomorrow starting at 7:30. Please surround them with your prayers just as you did for us. I know that gave our family the PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING during the whole day of surgery. Pray for strength for Mandy as she will be waiting on surgery for her husband and her son. Also, please be sure to check out their website and leave a message. I KNOW that it would mean a lot! www.caringbridge.org/pa/zachary_morrison.

I will post more as we go. WE LOVE YOU!

Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:45 PM CDT

Brandon's days just keep getting better and better! Today was his best day yet, and I know that each day will have him stronger and feeling better. Early this morning Dr. Malatack and Dr. Dunn said that his liver was working perfectly and all of his labs are NORMAL! (with one exception, but that level continues to come down). The transplant team is VERY HAPPY. As a matter of fact, Dr. Dunn asked him..."So have you thought about what you are going to do with your life, since it is apparant that you are going to live now"!

Of course, we always knew that. No matter what, we have always believed that one way or another the Lord was going to provide Brandon with a new liver, and PRAISE GOD his timing was PERFECT!!!

Steve has now gone home and we are back to where we started almost 4 weeks ago.....Brandon has just me to talk to and look at (YIKES!!!). So, please feel free to give him a call, I am sure that new conversation will make him happy.

And don't forget our new family members...JP & Jennifer. We got to have one of our daily calls with JP earlier and he is doing great. He will be coming up on Monday for a check up, and then we will get to spend some time together. We are looking forward to that. It is funny to think that JP's liver is currently at two different locations! (smile).

Well, it's time to get back up to Brandon's room. THANK YOU everyone for your constant prayers. WE LOVE YOU!

**JP's address is:
John & Jennifer Herholdt
328 Weiner Avenue
Harrington, DE 19952
*Feel free to send him LOTS of encouraging letters. And please continue to keep him and his family lifted and surrounded by your prayers.

Friday, May 21, 2004 7:31 PM CDT

I have also put his NEW room # and phone# on

Today has been another GREAT day PRAISE GOD! All of the drains are now out and the only iv that Brandon has in is the PIC line, which we will go home with. He looks so good and is feeling STRONGER everyday! We are looking forward to visiting with his brothers tomorrow. They are going to be so surprised when they see him. He has made so much progress since they last saw him on Tuesday night.

More good news....there are high hopes that we could be discharged as early as the end of next week!!!! We were going to keep that a secret for a little while but we heard Brandon tell his Uncle Allan on the phone this evening, so now the secret is out!

I know that so many of you really want to see Brandon, and we can't wait for you to be able to but.....we are asking that anyone with any colds, cough's, fever's (even if they are so small) please give yourselves time to be TOTALLY healthy BEFORE seeing Brandon. Since he is now on immunosuppresants, he will not have a strong enough immune system to fight anything off. And it will also take him some time to build his strength up.

Other news:
JP's address is:
John & Jennifer Herholdt
328 Weiner Avenue
Harrington, DE 19952
*Feel free to send him LOTS of encouraging letters. And please continue to keep him and his family lifted and surrounded by your prayers.

Thank you all for your constant prayers. They are helping Brandon get stronger and stronger every day. And he can definitely feel you all praying! WE LOVE YOU!

Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:50 PM CDT

What a difference a day makes....ESPECIALLY when there are soooo many prayers! Today has been a REALLY good day! I am PRAISING GOD for the strength and endurance that he continues to give Brandon. He has been able to be out of bed a lot and was even walking down the halls today! The pain today has been very manageable. For breakfast he had a piece of bacon, a piece of toast with jelly, and a little chocolate pudding! Some breakfast huh!(smile). This has been his first solid food in 8 days, so he is still taking it really easy with his stomach.

So that he can get some rest tonight, they are going to give him something to help him sleep at about 10:00pm. The steroids that he is on are making him VERY fidgety. We did have some funny moments this afternoon with some of the dreams he was having, and talking out loud. But he is still not used to feeling sooooo hyper. It is as if he wants to sleep so bad, but his body is just to hyper. For a couple of hours this afternoon he could not sit still at all. No matter how hard he tried!

We just continue REJOICE for all that the Lord has done, and what we are seeing happen. And we are always feeling everyone's prayers. I KNOW that they are sustaining not only Brandon, Jordan, Seth & our families, but also EVERYONE who is praying for him! THANK YOU! WE LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:50 PM CDT

I have had so many emotions today. Starting with Jordan and Seth leaving to go home last night. There was a feeling of completeness and security that came with having all of my family with me. I am missing them so much.

Next, just the thought and knowing that just a week ago we were starting out on this path. I continue to see God's grace and mercy over all things. PRAISE GOD for all that he has done and continues to do! JP is now home resting and recovering. I am so happy for that. Please send him a note of encouragment. It is not often that we get the opportunity to come into contact with an "Eathly Angel". JP and Jennifer will forever be more than just friends. They are literally family now!

And for Brandon, today has been very hard. Although he is now out of ICU. PRAISE GOD!!! This has been I belive one of the hardest days since transplant. He has been in so much pain today. And it is very hard to see him in such agony at times. I KNOW in my head that everything is alright, and that in ALL things God works to the good of those who love the LORD. But getting it to my heart can be difficult, as I have said before. I am asking for specific prayer against:

1. Extreme pain
2. Not being able to get comfortable
3. Feeling of depression
4. Not being able to get sleep
5. Fluid buildup in his body

I have not doubt, and I continue to know and believe that God is a God of plan and purpose. That NO weapon formed against Brandon shall prosper. That Brandon, Jordan, & Seth have a mighty plan and purpose ordered by God! He is "LARGE and IN CHARGE"! Thank you for your constant prayers....we can definitely feel them! WE LOVE YOU!

Monday, May 17, 2004 8:46 AM CDT

Mini Update: 7:15pm
Both Brandon & JP had drains removed today. I think JP only had one, so therefore he no longer has one in. Brandon still has two more in. They will come out in time. They both had a really good day and we were looking forward to some visiting time this evening. However, after spending an hour up in the chair, Brandon is quite tired and also got sick. This is something that he is battling on and off. I called JP and let him know that it would not be a good night for a visit and he told me that he too had gotten sick but that he felt better afterwards (Please keep that lifted in your prayers). So, they will both be getting their MUCH needed rest tonight. But even with that....they are both doing sooooo good! I have continued to see and know that God has been so good and he NEVER gives up! We just PRAISE him for the strength, endurance, & peace that he continually gives Brandon & JP. Seeing them both is literally seeing scripture in action! PRAISE GOD for them!


What a BEAUTIFUL day! Things are still going very good. Brandon is feeling more alert today, and he looks very good. He did have some problems with bad headaches and being sick over the weekend. But he is feeling better this morning. The thought behind that is some of the pain medicne that he was given on Saturday did not agree with him. Also, Dr. Malatak said that his FK levels were through the roof. This is from the anti-rejection medicne that he is taking. To get these levels down his anti-rejection medicne was witheld last night and this morning. This can be a typical thing as they are searching for the correct level for his body. So this is not a bad thing at all. His doctor's remain very pleased with his progress. One of his drains will be coming out today, which is good. So, each day will bring new things.

JP is now up on the 3rd floor which is very good for him. He is doing so good. He has been up walking around, and he looks GOOD! Brandon had me tell him this morning that he is looking forward to getting up there close to him. We will know more about that later.

I'll post more later today, THANK YOU THANK YOU for your continuous prayers, we KNOW that they are helping in such a mighty way! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, May 14, 2004 12:23 AM CDT

5/14/04 @ 10:40pm Mini update...Brandon and JP continue to do well. JP is still in ICU, I believe primarily because there is no available room in the transplant suites yet. We are specifically asking prayer for:
1. Continued health and healing
2. A hedge of Spiritual Protection around Brandon, JP, and families
3. Continued PEACE that passes ALL understanding!!!

We CONTINUE to PRAISE GOD for his Grace and MIGHTY hand! Brandon is doing good. He is very tired today but is "right on track" as his doctor's have said. He is slowly getting more and more tubes and iv's out. Although he still has an awful lot in! But the more he progresses, the faster things will be taken out and off of him. Dr. Casas said that today would be a day of "motion". They are planning on trying to get him to sit up. Please continue to pray against the pain. That has been one of the hardest things to bear when I see him in such pain. But typical Brandon.....he NEVER complains. He knows what he must endure and that this is all a part of recovery. Jordan and Seth have been so wonderful to their big brother. They sit with him and try to help him relax. As a matter of fact I think Seth is really getting in to this whole medical healing (Doctor in our midst perhaps???). They both are diligent about "gowning up and putting on gloves". And they are getting quite familiar with all of the monitors and what they mean, especially when they are beeping. Steve and I are so proud to be the parents of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth. To see the love that Jordan and Seth have shown their brother, and how Jordan and Seth have pulled together for Brandon is truly heart touching!!! No mom could ever be so proud and happy (smile).

We have been told that JP will leave ICU today to go upstairs to the transplant suites. We thought that it was going to be yesterday, but one more day never hurts! JP has been doing so good. He is however getting very "ansy". He wants to see Brandon sooooo bad. When he was told last night that he would see Brandon "tomorrow", he called Steve over and said....."at 12:01am, I'll need you to help me down a couple of rooms". I know that he is just so anxious to see a MIRACLE and how a piece of him is working and thriving inside of Brandon. Who could blame him for that! Again, we will NEVER be able to have enough years to thank JP and Jennifer for being the Lord's MOST obedient servants! I ask that you lift up Jennifer. She has been so strong and so amazing. And I know that she desperatly misses her children. She will be needing to go home today because her sister (who has been taking care of Johnathn, & Jessica) needs to get home. This I know will be hard for Jennifer. While she will be excited to see the kids, it will be so hard to leave JP. She has truly be his "helpmate".

Well, I had better go. I am supposed to be getting some much needed rest while Steve is staying with Brandon, so I guess I had better do that! Thank you EVERYONE for your constant prayers.....we feel them. WE LOVE YOU!
Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth
JP, Jennifer, Johnathn, & Jessica

Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:54 AM CDT

I have been at such a loss for words, but NEVER for prayers and PRAISING God!!! Even now, it is hard for me to get through this and just trying to put down what is in my heart(HUGE tears of joy). Brandon and JP are doing soooo good! JP has exceeded my expectations and I know that it is ALL because of prayer! Brandon has as well. He is now off of the ventilator and is wanting the ng tube (in his nose)taken out. That will come in time. He is doing so good. We are so very PROUD at how brave he has been. Seth and Jordan just got to spend time with him again and they are happy. JP will be moving from ICU today, which is VERY good. I ask that you continue to surround them in prayer. They both are in a lot of pain. I don't know if anyone checked yesterday, but the link at the bottom of this page was updated constantly. I believe that Allan is still doing that. As you will see, we got to see his spleen yesterday and WOW!!! I can not believe that was in him! The official weight was about 13 pounds with that holding 1/4 of his total blood volume!!! It truly was the size of a VERY BIG BABY! We will also see his liver today. We have been told that it is very scarred and nasty. I am still taking it all in that the MIRACLE that we have prayed for and waited for, for 5 1/2 years has been accomplished on 5/12/04 @ 10:45pm!!! There are no words for what our hearts feel for JP and Jennifer. We are very HONORED and PROUD to know you, and that you ANSWERED the LORD's call to save Brandon's life!!! There are not enough years to tell him THANK YOU AND WE LOVE YOU!!! You are such a MIGHTY MAN of GOD JP! I'll keep you updated, WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Steve,Dawn,Brandon,Jordan,& Seth

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:14 AM CDT

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:06 AM CDT

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it! Hallelujah and PRAISE GOD! I KNOW that God set this day apart all those years ago when mom and Elaine first met at a Bible study. That a 9 year old christian boy named JP would save the life of a 18 year old christian named Brandon. Words can not express how our hearts are feeling right now. We will continue to put our TRUST and FAITH in God who is "big enough" and who has had his hand on this ALWAYS!!! I ask that you totally surround JP, Jennifer, Mike, Elaine, and the rest of their family with your constant prayers. That Dr's Dunn and Casas would be renewed ALL DAY with your prayers. I PRAISE GOD for the mighty WISDOM that he has given them! I also PRAISE GOD for the never ending FAITHFULNESS that he has shown my family. For the calm, quiet, steady PEACE that he has given Brandon! YES and AMEN! WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:14 AM CDT

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:06 AM CDT

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it! Hallelujah and PRAISE GOD! I KNOW that God set this day apart all those years ago when mom and Elaine first met at a Bible study. That a 9 year old christian boy named JP would save the life of a 18 year old christian named Brandon. Words can not express how our hearts are feeling right now. We will continue to put our TRUST and FAITH in God who is "big enough" and who has had his hand on this ALWAYS!!! I ask that you totally surround JP, Jennifer, Mike, Elaine, and the rest of their family with your constant prayers. That Dr's Dunn and Casas would be renewed ALL DAY with your prayers. I PRAISE GOD for the mighty WISDOM that he has given them! I also PRAISE GOD for the never ending FAITHFULNESS that he has shown my family. For the calm, quiet, steady PEACE that he has given Brandon! YES and AMEN! WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth

Monday, May 10, 2004 8:35 AM CDT

Well, as the Transplant Team just said.....the countdown is on! Only 2 more days! I know with every fiber in my body that the Lord is in complete control and I have continued to see just how he has had his hand on Steve, Brandon, Jordan, Seth, myself, and the rest of our family! Your prayers and words of encouragment has made each day possible. We truly could not have gotten this far without you all! I must admit though.....I am praying for the peace that passes ALL understanding. Just this morning my stomach is doing flip flops at times and I am feeling a little anxious. I will say it is a mix between a tiny bit of apprehension, but also A LOT of excitement (like when you were a child and looked forwad to your birthday). I humbly ask you all to continue to lift JP, Jennifer, Johnathn, Jessica, Mike, Elaine, Jennifer's parents & family, and all of JP's family in your prayers. Brandon has felt totally supported through prayer and concern by you all and would also like for JP's family to see just how WONDERFUL our friends and family are! PRAISE GOD for you all! We LOVE You!
Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth

Friday, May 7, 2004 12:45 AM CDT

The Lord CONTINUES to bless us and remind us that we are in his embrace! I have just been amazed sometimes at how God places the right people at the right times in our daily paths! PRAISE GOD for that! Everything is still running smoothly as we get closer to Wednesday. I continue to ask for prayer for JP and his family, as well as ours. Also, please contact Brandon ANYTIME. When he sleeps, I take the phone off of the hook. He got the opportunity yesterday to spend some time with good friends (thanks Meghan P. Joey P., Glen, Karen, Clay & Kate) and also talk with some friends on the phone (thanks to you also Meghan M. & Debbie (even after what you said about me....haha). Our family is very HONORED to be a part of such a WONDERFUL community. We truly have the best friends and family in all of the world! You are all tremendous blessings from God! We LOVE YOU ALL very much! I'll post more as we go!

**Be sure to check out the events on the new web page that is linked at the bottom of this page**

Monday, May 3, 2004 10:43 AM CDT

**Please continue to check out the ongoing "FUN"draisers!**

Transplant has been moved from the 11th to the 12th. There was a "conflict" that required the change but everything is still GOOD! I look at this as one extra day of antibiotics BEFORE transplant for Brandon. Also, one extra day for everyone else to get ready. Actually I think that this is more of a strain on JP than anyone else. Please commit to praying for him and his family. I want them to feel your prayers for them as much as we have felt you prayers for us! Brandon continues to feel good, he is getting a little bored though. Which is kind of a good thing because that means he feels well! I am sure that he is getting a little (or a lot) tired of seeing me ALL OF THE TIME! I continue to remind him that this is just the beginning! He gets to see my face for the next SEVERAL weeks 24 hours a day 7 days a week! YIKES! Please feel free to call the room anytime. Don't worry about waking him up, I take the phone off of the hook when he is sleeping. We would really WELCOME your calls and words of encouragement. Also, if you have any type of "funny stories" they are always good. The hospital address and room phone # are at the bottom of this page. Again, please don't hesitate to give him a call. I'll keep you all updated as the week goes. Thank you for your prayers and WE LOVE YOU!

Upcoming Fundraisers...."Bucs for Brandon" (Thanks Rose)!

Fundraiser Dinner
May 3, 2004: 3:00-9:00
Meding & Son Seafood: Advance tickets and Take-out available.
$20.00/Plate ALL Proceeds to COTA for Brandon
Menu: Chicken w/Crab Imperial, Beef Lasagna, Baked Cobbler, and Beverages
Susan Wagamon Hoffman: 422-9142

May 19th, 2004: Dr. Gary Morgan
Chiropractic Office: Milford Airpark Plaza
All profits from the days proceeds - ask Dr. Morgan for more details
424-2480 - Call for an appointment

All of May
ALL proceeds for IN SHOP massages will go to COTA for Brandon!
Denise Hill, Certified Massage Therapist 349-5949

Through June:
Pampered Chef Raffle: Professional Cook Set & Stir Fry Pan ($255.00 value)
Call For Tickets
Theresa Fisher: 422-8385
Susan Wagamon Hoffman: 422-9142

Through June:
Nantucket Basket ($350.00 value)
Call for Tickets
Renea Pommel 697-0578
Susan Wagamon Hoffman: 422-9142

Every Sunday Through June 6th:
ALL Proceeds from the SUNDAY BRUNCH!
Where: "All Occasions" in downtown Milford
Eugene Mills: 335-5202

6/13/04 - "3rd Annual Cancer Sandlot Softball Tournament" Sponsored by Milford Little League: $10.00/player.
PLAYERS AND TEAMS NEEDED! 8 players min/shoot for 10!
Registration starts at 11:00 am at Milford Little League Park
For more information contact:
George Luff 422-9699 (day)
422-1198 (night)
BBQ- Sponsored by Tidewater Bass Club

The Craft Show and Bake Sale at Ellendale Fire Hall was a HUGE SUCCESS! The Jr. Fireman did a wonderful job! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Bud & Bug Festival face painting was also another terrific success. The face paintings were literally WORKS OF ART!

The day at Sullivans was a great success. I am sure that the yards in Milford will look beautiful with all of the items from the Garden Center that were purchased. Although I hope that no one will be upset for the extra calories that they may now have! I heard that the bake sale was TREMENDOUS!

We now also have a PNC account set up for "COTA FOR BRANDON H". Account #6005372118

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:15 PM CDT

**Be Sure to check out the the up-to-date fundraiser news**

God has continued to OPEN THE DOORS! JP called this afternoon with the positive confirmation that he is a match (like he always said he was)! PRAISE GOD! Brandon will be admitted on Thursday to start "TUNING HIM UP". Transplant is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11th. We continue to be so amazed at how God is working. I have truly cried tears of JOY today! As I know that so many other people who have prayed for us have done the same thing. We will continue to walk this path that the Lord is making for us, knowing that he HAS ALREADY made the way! Again I ask you to cover JP, Jennifer, Johnathan, Jessica, Mike, Elaine, and the rest of his family in prayer! That God would give them TOTAL peace and quiet rest. We ALL thank you so much for your constant prayers, and words of encouragement. I will keep you updated as we go! WE LOVE YOU! (HUGE smile).

Upcoming Fundraisers...."Bucs for Brandon" (Thanks Rose)!

May 1, 2004: 10:00-2:00
Bake Sale/Car Wash
Sullivan's Landscape and Garden Center
25 percent of the proceeds for the day go to Brandon's COTA account. For more information contact:
Susan Wagamon Hoffman - 422-9142
Laura Sullivan - 335-5137

Fundraiser Dinner
May 3, 2004: 3:00-9:00
Meding & Son Seafood: Advance tickets and Take-out available.
$20.00/Plate ALL Proceeds to COTA for Brandon
Menu: Chicken w/Crab Imperial, Beef Lasagna, Baked Cobbler, and Beverages
Susan Wagamon Hoffman: 422-9142

All of May
ALL proceeds for IN SHOP massages will go to COTA for Brandon!
Denise Hill, Certified Massage Therapist 349-5949

Through June:
Pampered Chef Raffle: Professional Cook Set & Stir Fry Pan ($255.00 value)
Call For Tickets
Theresa Fisher: 422-8385
Susan Wagamon Hoffman: 422-9142

Through June:
Nantucket Basket ($350.00 value)
Call for Tickets
Renea Pommel 697-0578
Susan Wagamon Hoffman: 422-9142

Every Sunday Through June 6th:
ALL Proceeds from the SUNDAY BRUNCH!
Where: "All Occasions" in downtown Milford
Eugene Mills: 335-5202

6/13/04 - "3rd Annual Cancer Sandlot Softball Tournament" Sponsored by Milford Little League: $10.00/player.
PLAYERS AND TEAMS NEEDED! 8 players min/shoot for 10!
Registration starts at 11:00 am at Milford Little League Park
For more information contact:
George Luff 422-9699 (day)
422-1198 (night)
BBQ- Sponsored by Tidewater Bass Club

The Craft Show and Bake Sale at Ellendale Fire Hall was a HUGE SUCCESS! The Jr. Fireman did a wonderful job! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Bud & Bug Festival face painting was also another terrific success. The face paintings were literally WORKS OF ART!

We now also have a PNC account set up for "COTA FOR BRANDON H". Account #6005372118

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes

Monday, April 26, 2004 10:05 AM CDT

Well we have a DATE! As of now, May 11th is scheduled for TRANSPLANT! PRAISE GOD! JP still has his last test (CT Scan) on Tuesday 4/27. This will determine if his liver is going to be the one that God uses to heal Brandon! If everything looks good, then we will proceed towards transplant day. Also, as I am entering this new information, I am waiting to hear back from AI. Brandon could be admitted as early as Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. WOW! They said that when this really started in gear that it would happen FAST. I ask that you keep not only Brandon and our family lifted in PRAYER but JP and his family need CONSTANT prayer! Words just can not expess what Steve and I are feeling for the gift that JP, Jennifer, and his family are giving! Again, please shower them with your prayers, and words of encouragment. THANK YOU again! I'll keep you all posted. LOVE YOU ALL!

Upcoming Fundraisers

May 1, 2004: 8:00 - 5:00
Bake Sale: 9:00-2:00
Sullivan's Landscape and Garden Center
25 percent of the proceeds for the day go to Brandon's COTA account. For more information contact:
Susan Wagamon Hoffman - 422-9142
Laura Sullivan - 335-5137

6/13/04 - "3rd Annual Cancer Sandlot Softball Tournament" Sponsored by Milford Little League: $10.00/player.
Registration starts at 11:00 am at Milford Little League Park
For more information contact:
George Luff 422-9699 (day)
422-1198 (night)
BBQ- Sponsored by Tidewater Bass Club

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

Monday, April 19, 2004 10:29 AM CDT

On Friday's return appointment to AI Brandon was MUCH better, so he did NOT have to be admitted. PRAISE GOD! Also, Brandon was very happy. It also gave us some more time together as a family to enjoy this beautiful spring weather. We continue to WALK BY FAITH, knowing that God has us in the palm of his hand and has it all in control. We are still lifting up our prayers that Brandon would get his new liver SOON and VERY SOON! I ask that you would pray in agreeement that this would happen BEFORE Brandon's birthday on May 26th! Still, I know that God has it worked out. Getting my time schedule to fall into place with his can be difficult for me sometimes though. But God is ALWAYS FAITHFUL! Again, THANK YOU so much for your prayers and ALL of the support you have given Brandon and our entire family. We LOVE YOU!

*4/20/04 6:30-8:30 - C.O.T.A. informational meeting @ Lincoln United Methodist Church. This is open to anyone who would like to sponsor events or just volunteer for one of the many coordinator positions that is needed. Feel free to invite friends!

Upcoming Fundraisers

4/24/04 10:00-2:00 Downtown Milford - Booth at "Bug & Bud Festival": COTA info and face painting

4/24/04 - 9:00-2:00 Ellendale Fire Hall - Craft Fair & Bake Sale

May 1, 2004: 8:00 - 5:00
Bake Sale: 9:00-2:00
Sullivan's Landscape and Garden Center
25 percent of the proceeds for the day go to Brandon's COTA account. For more information contact:
Susan Wagamon Hoffman - 422-9142
Laura Sullivan - 335-5137

6/13/04 - "3rd Annual Cancer Sandlot Softball Tournament" Sponsored by Milford Little League: $10.00/player.
Registration starts at 11:00 am at Milford Little League Park
For more information contact:
George Luff 422-9699 (day)
422-1198 (night)
BBQ- Sponsored by Tidewater Bass Club

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 8:06 PM CDT

Today's IV treatment was alot more routine than last weeks! However, we go back to AI on Friday, and if Brandon is not remarkably better, he will be "locked up" as Dr. Chidekel puts it. I do not actually see this as being a bad thing. I know that as drawn out as a hospitalization can be, that is for the best for Brandon. And, I know that a "tune-up" will be extremely necessary before he transplants. So, as I have said before, we continue to walk by faith, knowing with COMPLETE certainty that the Lord is ALWAYS in control! Thank you for you prayers, and also keep JP and his family in your hearts, thoughts, and prayers as well.

*4/20/04 6:30-8:30 - C.O.T.A. informational meeting @ Lincoln United Methodist Church. This is open to anyone who would like to sponsor events or just volunteer for one of the many coordinator positions that is needed. Feel free to invite friends!

Upcoming Fundraisers

4/24/04 10:00-2:00 Downtown Milford - Booth at "Bug & Bud Festival": COTA info and face painting

4/24/04 - 9:00-2:00 Ellendale Fire Hall - Craft Fair & Bake Sale

May 1, 2004: 8:00 - 5:00
Bake Sale: 9:00-2:00
Sullivan's Landscape and Garden Center
25f proceeds for the day go to Brandon's COTA account. For more information Call:
Susan Wagamon Hoffman - 422-9142
Laura Sullivan - 335-5317

6/13/04 - Sand Lot Ball Game sponsored by Milford Little League: $10.00/player.
BBQ- Sponsored by Tidewater Bass Club

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 12:54 AM CDT

Okay, so the routine IV treatment this week was not so routine! However, Brandon is doing MUCH better, and he has been given the go ahead to be released today! PRAISE GOD! We definetly KNOW that God is ALWAYS in control. NO MATTER what things may look like! And as always we continue to be overwhelmend by the support from our family, friends, and community. We can feel your prayers lifting us up and supporting Brandon! THANK YOU! We will continue to WALK by FAITH and NOT by sight! I'll keep you all informed of the direction that the Lord is taking us, and knowing that SOON and VERY SOON, Brandon will have a NEW LIVER! We LOVE YOU all SO MUCH!

Upcoming Fundraiser

May 1, 2004: 8:00 - 5:00
Sullivan's Landscape and Garden Center - for more information you may call Susan Wagamon Hoffman - 422-9142 or Laura Sullivan - 335-5317.

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

Friday, April 2, 2004 2:46 PM CST

Wow! What a busy couple of days! The IV treatment went as planned. Non eventful as it is on most days. We do however need to go back again on Tuesday (4/6). Brandon is still hanging tough. He has had more good days lately than bad days. PRAISE GOD for that! The chronicle did a fantastic article on him and we are so appreciative of that. Also this morning, WBOC came to do a tv interview. That will be played tonight on the 7:00 news. I hope it looks okay! Our entire family continue to be in AWE of the outpouring from so many WONDERFUL community members! It means so very much to us the way that you all have shown how you much you care for Brandon and the rest of family. Words simply do not express how our hearts feel!(smile). As I have said before, God has truly blessed us beyond measure with the people he has placed in our lives. We are very honored! Thank you again for your prayers!

Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth Hastings

Upcoming Fundraiser

May 1, 2004: 8:00 - 5:00
Sullivan's Landscape and Garden Center - for more information you may call Susan Wagamon Hoffman - 422-9142 or Laura Sullivan - 335-5317.

There are also three other ways you may donate if you would like to do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Brandon's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "B" for Brandon
d. click on "Brandon Hastings's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: "COTA for Brandon H"
For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

Monday, March 29, 2004 7:27 PM CST

Tuesday will be another day at AI for IV treatment. I am hoping that while we are there we will hear some news about when a donor is going to be "worked-up". Brandon has been feeling pretty good here lately. Actually it's Jordan who has not been well! We are praying that Jordan will get over this quickly and that Brandon will NOT pick anything up! Nor Seth, Steve, or myself for that matter! I believe that there will be an article regarding Brandon in this week's Chronicle, and then from there I think it may also be in the State News (not sure when though). In the article will be information regarding "Fund-Raising". We have now set up an account with COTA (Children's Organ Transplant Association). I would greatly appreciate any input, ideas, or volunteer's from anyone that feels that on their heart. I will update everyone just AS SOON AS I hear that we have the "Go Ahead" with the work up. And as always, THANK YOU for your Prayers! On another prayer concern....please PRAY for the Delguidice family of Rehoboth. They lost their prescious son Vincent late saturday afternoon. I did not have the pleasure to meet his parents John and Karen, but I had the opportunity to talk and share with his Aunt Annie. They were quite an inspiring family to me, and I know that they REALLY need to be lifted up in prayer.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:02 PM CST

Prayers Answered! Blue Cross has agreed to coverage for the potential donor. This means that as soon as we get it in writting that we can go forward with a "work up". They are however saying that this is a "One time only" deal. Steve and I feel that we are to continue to WALK IN FAITH, and move forward with the path that the Lord is making. I can not begin to express my gratitude for all of the phone calls that were made to Blue Cross on behalf of Brandon. We are truly overwhelmed and BLESSED! I KNOW that we are on the verge of a BREAKTHROUGH and I PRAISE GOD for that! I will keep you all posted on all news! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for keeping us in your prayers! WE LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:25 PM CST

Today was another day spent at AI for IV treatments. As for now, this will continue on a weekly basis or at least until Brandon's albumin level reaches a point where they feel okay to skip a week. For the last three days Brandon has really been feeling good. He has even felt well enough to "catch up" with some good friends for a few hours on Monday evening. I sooo look forward to the day when he feels good EVERY DAY! We are still waiting patiently (sometimes) for his new liver (the exact one that I know that the Lord has prepared for him), but I am asking for prayer specifically with our Insurance problems. As of yesterday (3/23) Blue Cross has stated that they have denied pre and post transplant coverage for any donor. This has prevented the work up that needs to be done on JP, or for any other "non-related living donor". As of right now, we are making calls and getting the word out while waiting for the actual denial letter to come so that we can then go through the appeals process. I have no doubt that Brandon WILL get a new liver! So again, we continue to fight against "time". Another prayer request would be that Brandon remain HEALTHY through this waiting time. That his lungs would stay strong and clear, and that the Lord would continue to minister to him and give him peace. He is just so ready to move forward along with all of us. I continue to be encouraged by the many family and friends that the Lord has blessed us with, and we are so appreciative of all of the help with trying to PUSH THROUGH with Blue Cross. We also continue to know that God STILL has his hand on this whole process, and that the Lord is "LARGE AND IN CHARGE"! Thank you again for helping us. We LOVE YOU all!

Saturday, March 20, 2004 4:19 PM CST

We are STILL hanging in there! Brandon is still battling his cough on and off, along with feeling really tired some of the time. But for the most part he is still good. I know I don't have to repeat it but.....THANK YOU for your prayers! We can definitely feel surrounded and uplifted by all the prayers! Speaking of, you all can pray specificaly that insurance would say YES and agree to allowing JP to be tested, or any other potential donor for that matter. It seems that we are kind of in "limbo" waiting for Blue Cross to make a decision. It can be hard sometimes in this waiting, but I continue to KNOW that the Lord has this ALL UNDER CONTROL! And that HIS TIME is not the same as my time. And that when we do actually get there, all of this will just be a "small thing". Thank you again, and I will update you all AS SOON AS I hear the word! Love you all!

Monday, March 15, 2004 5:22 AM CST

Brandon's cough has started increasing day by day. Already this morning he has been having a difficult time. We are going back to AI tomorrow (3/16) for more IV treatments. If he continues to have problems with the coughing and breathing, the plan would be to admit him again. I ask that you agree with us in prayer, that a liver would be found for him soon and very soon. I continue to remember that "this is just a season", and God has his hand on Brandon. We have seen that time and time again! Thank you for your prayers, and continue to PRAY THE ANSWER!

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:25 PM CST

Today was spent at AI getting an IV treatment. This is going to be done at least once a week, and we are scheduled to go back next Tuesday. Brandon is still feeling good, and going about normal day to day activities. I can tell you that we are enjoying being home together! As far as his college classes, we felt that the best thing was to drop this semester. His Doctor's agreeded that this would be the best thing for him right now. We continue to KNOW that we are in the palm of God's hand, and that his word says....ALL things work to the good of those who love the Lord! I do ask for continued prayer for not only Brandon, but for the potential donor as well. That there would be the "PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING"! Also, for the logistics with insurance to go smoothly and quickly. Thank you to EVERYONE for your support and most importantly your PRAYERS! Keep PRAYING THE ANSWER!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 5:06 PM CST

Yippeeee! We are home! We were discharged from AI this afternoon, with improved PFT's (like I knew they would be). We do however need to go back once a week to have albumin and lasix run through IV. This will be done on Tuesday's at this point. Brandon is feeling really good and he is also looking good. I am sure though that he is ready for a break from being around me for 24 hours a day! That's okay, he is allowed to want a break. Actually, it will be nice to have the whole family together again, especially at the dinner table. I KNOW that Brandon and I both are ready for homecooked meals (even if I am the one cooking them)AND for our OWN beds! As I have said before, we are sooooo appreciative to EVERYONE, who has prayed, called, sent cards, cooked, and helped Steve with Jordan and Seth. We LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

I ask that you continue to stand in agreement for Brandon's health, and also that this process would go quickly for WHOEVER the donor will be. We also need prayer, that my insurance company will agree to live donor and all that goes along with that entire process, from work up to transplant. I KNOW that God has it all under control, and that I MUST continue to give it ALL over to him! I will continue to keep this site updated whether we are home or back at AI. Keep PRAYING THE ANSWER!

Monday, March 1, 2004 6:58 PM CST

Another Month! The plan is still to shoot to go home on Wednesday, 3/3. Brandon is still feeling good, and he is eagerly awaiting going home! Albumin and Lasix is being run through his iv as I am updating this. This is to help with his albumin level and also with fluid build up. One of the doctor's from the transplant team told us today that most likely we will need to come up to AI once a week to have the albumin and lasix run. This would be done through day medicne, so he would only be here for the day. He should be having PFT's (pulmonary funtion test) either tomorrow or Wednesday. I am praying that the numbers will have improved from the last test which was done on the day he was admitted. I believe that his numbers WILL be better. We continue to know that the Lord is working ALL things out and that in "just a little while" Brandon will have a new liver! We thank you for everyone who has stood in agreement through prayer for Brandon's health, and who has continued to PRAY THE ANSWER! Thank you all so very much, you have blessed our lives!

Friday, February 27, 2004 4:36 PM CST

Today has seemed like such a long day! I guess that happens when you're really ready to go home. Brandon sure is! He is feeling good and looking good. Nothing really new to add. His belly is getting a little bigger every day, so they are watching that to determine when they may need to get fluid off. It is such a balancing act between having him not "too dry" but also not "to wet". Something that will change once he gets his new liver! I continue to know that God is working and his timing will be better than anything that I could have orchestrated. We continue to be in awe of all that God is doing, and the family and friends that we have (smile). We have enjoyed the messages of encouragement, prayers, and the jokes that you all have left on his website. Thank you so much for that! We LOVE YOU!
Love, Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, & Seth

Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:11 PM CST

Today was pretty much the same. Although we did find out that a donor is now in the process of being worked up. That person is a wonderful longtime family friend. As a matter of fact my sister Susan and I are the closest thing to sisters that he will ever have!!! That person is John Herholdt. I ask that you keep him, his wonderful wife Jennifer, and their children Johnathn, and Jessica in your prayers. As well as his parents, Mike and Elaine Herholdt and the rest of his family. I know that after MUCH prayer and counseling that John, or as I and most everyone else calls him....JP, is being obedient as to what the Lord has laid on his heart. As you could imagine, Steve and I are so appreciative that he would even consider being screened. And that extends to all of the people who have "bombarded" the transplant unit with calls asking to be screened. We are just so overwhelmend by the generosity of all of our friends and family! God has truly blessed us beyond measure! I continue to see and KNOW with complete certainty that he is ALWAYS under control and that ALL things work to the good of him! Thank you again for your prayers and support! We LOVE you all so much, and are very honored!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 6:02 PM CST

Another day! If you haven't already heard (which seems impossible)we have been given the okay to look for a "live donor"! We are so extrememly excited about this. Brandon is ready as well as Steve, Jordan, Seth and myself. It will be nice to see Brandon healthy and feeling GOOD! Hopefully this process will go quickly. I am not sure of everything involved but we have already had a few people call the transplant team (651-4000- Louise Flynn). I ask that you continue to keep Brandon lifted in your prayers as well as the potential donor and their family! I KNOW that God has everything timed out and worked out perfectly. Sometimes it is hard to remember that when I want things NOW. But I know, he is still in control. Thank you all for your prayers, calls, cards, and for offering help in anyway to either Steve or myself.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 3:24 PM CST

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