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Cindy Keegan
Sandra lee <Sandraleecmo@yahoo.com>
Easton , Ct USA - Sunday, November 8, 2015 5:49 PM CST
i am very happy today for what Doctor IKENGA has done in my life by helping me get my wife back with his spell after 2 years of living without HER.just last week i was suprise when she called me to say she was coming back. if you need help to help you locate ex back or are you in financial crisis then contact Doctor ikenga for help via email ghostmoodheelintemple@gmail.com.
He can also help you in

once again Email ghostmoodheelintemple@gmail.com

mr steven <stevenw6113@gmail.com>
United State, Texas USA - Saturday, November 7, 2015 4:50 PM CST
Dear Louis,
My name is Marija Posavac, I used to work with your father. When I heard about what happend it broke my heart, but I knew you were a very strong and intelligent individual, and with a loving and caring family behind you I knew you would be able to pass this, and god will assure that you still will have a bright future.

Lots of love and hugs,
Marija Posavac

Marija Posavac
Boca Raton, FL USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:33 AM CDT
Hi keegan You Probably dont remember me But im heather (i dont remember u) i was looking back at my jounal upates and sall one From You How old r u now im 11 and going to sixth Grade one of the scariest grades because we Actually switch classses Do u switch classes yet? My Life Is goin Good ive been going to alot of camps latley I think some of the benifits from Cancer r cool like camps Were people understand u and Wont be mean to u or makefun of u dont u think so to? Do u go to any camps well if u do let me know cuz we could go to the same ones without knowing lol :D u should totally Facebook me :D My email is Crazycancerfighter@yahoo.com And my name is heaven izza mazing on facebook

At Your Side
Spice up your Twitter with some href="http://www.twitterbackgrounds.com/custom-twitter-backgrounds">Twitter Backgrounds

Bye lov ya ur in my prayers

Heather Mae Griffith <Crazycancerfighter@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 24, 2010 4:30 PM CDT
unlce tom this is sean ur nephew and i just wonted to say im praying for you and i hope you get better.

Sean Jenkins <Sjenkins2417@q.com>
chandler , az united states - Thursday, July 2, 2009 7:25 PM CDT
hello dr sherman..... i have been trying to see how florence is and i cant seem to log on... not sure why they are not accepting my password.. how is she doing..
Pam Hart <hartpamela@hotmail.com>
danielsville, ga usa - Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:44 PM CDT
your child is on cute individual and i hope the best for him and his family.
i don't know how you feel and i don't know how much
sarrow you have within the family but i will pray for
Keegan and the family.

kristina rekitt <kristinalauren@verizon.net>
fairview, pa united states - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 12:30 AM CDT
Hi Keegan Im so glad to hear you are healed and my little girl surina had ALL too when she was 4 and now is 8 and doing good visit her at www.caringbridge.org/visit/surinashrestha she would enjoy talking to other kids that have gone through what she did.
melissa shrestha <meshrestha@yahoo.com>
rockwall, tx us - Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:44 AM CDT

I am Ginny and my daughter Ashley, a 12 year old girl, is sitting her with me and we will add you our prayers. She started Nana's Cancer Miracles to help children and adults with cancer. You can visit my website at www.nanascancermiracles.com Ashley would like to be your new friend and you could email her and let us know how you are doing. Ashley would also like to send you cards that she make. She visits cancer centers where we live and takes them gifts. Ashley would love to have you as her new friend and to help you in any way she can. You can email me her at ashley@nanascancermiracles.com

My prayers our with you,
Ginny and Ashley

Ginny Slayton <ashley@nanascancermiracles.com>
- Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:01 AM CST
Thankyou for sharing Keegans story with us. My son Owen has now been off treatment for 8 months and I find myself updating less as we try to return to 'normal' life. I find I don't need the site as much as I truly needed it and it saved me so many times to throw my thoughts and fears in writing. I belong to a Mom's Night Out group and this has become my therapy, we can all laugh and cry together about anything and it is not all about cancer. I pray for Keegan to stay cancer-free and start to try and piece back the damage it has wrecked on everyone!!!

Angie, Chris, Owen, Tyler and Jake (www.caringbridge.org/wa/owen) <awawrzaszek@hughes.net>
auburn, ny - Thursday, January 22, 2009 5:25 PM CST
Well said! I agree, there is nothing lucky about cancer! It is straight from the devil to destroy and kill.....praise God that Keegan is a SURVIVOR and will be used mightily to enlarge God's kingdom!! GO KEEGAN!!!
Jenny <wtrbirth@bellsouth.net>
Douglasville, GA USA - Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:50 AM CST
Hi, Keegan!

Just wanted to say hi and see how things are going.
We are still making and selling pot holders for cure.
Come see us sometime!

Florence White <margaret@westlakekids.com>
Hartwell, ga us - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:30 PM CST
We want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and many blessings! You are still in our daily prayers and hoping that all is going well for you.
Bridgman, MI - Saturday, January 10, 2009 5:10 PM CST
Dear Puckett Clan,
Just popping in to wish you all a very happy, healthy New Year!
As always - you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Saturday, January 3, 2009 12:35 AM CST
Keep those wheels rolling and have a fantastic New Year!!!!
Cody's Wheels Of Hope (www.cwoh.org)

Cindy Filson <info@cwoh.org>
Erie, PA USA - Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:13 PM CST
Hi Guys! I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day! I think Keegan looks great, I am just so sorry that when we got called into the clinic when ya'll were making the appointment to leave. It would have been great to have a few minutes to catch up. Seeing Megan & Keegan standing their both looking healthy, a full head of hair you wouldn't know the stories those two children could tell or the pain they have been through. But it was nice after all these years of seeing them grow up through all of this to see them stand beside each other looking great. We have alot to be healthy for.
Nicole & Megan French

nicole french <jannafrench@bellsouth.net>
cumming, ga usa - Friday, November 28, 2008 9:25 AM CST
Hugs and oodles of prayers and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Sunday, November 23, 2008 5:23 PM CST

I can't believe how quickly Christmas is coming around. It won't be long now!



Post Pals - Putting a Smile on Childrens Faces

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 23, 2008 12:10 AM CST
Hey strangers!

I am sorry that we are so bad at keeping in touch with each other. I am so glad to hear how well Keagan is doing. I can't believe how long it has been since we met. Just 2 short years ago Keagan was sharing his Christmas lights with Drew at Scottish Rite. I hope this Christmas is much better for all of us. We love you both very much and continue to pray for you.

Love Candi & Drew
cp - drewkruszynski

Candi Kruszynski <0327dam@gmail.com>
Dallas, GA 30132 - Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:03 AM CST
Be not afraid when you will hear many difficoult message of the natures moving and all this time hunger and sickness, for this most be happpen first ,when Jesus is coming so ,the Lord will take care for all and he will do what is right and holy for all, let us pray and watch and hope,keijo sweden
keijo <keijo.leppioja@hotmail.com>
sweden - Sunday, November 9, 2008 11:18 PM CST
Hi there, I found you again!! ;) I'm sooooo glad that Keegan is doing so good! You guys have come a long, long way and I thank God every day! Keegan is such an answer to many prayers! It was so nice to see you guys the other day! I think of you always and will continue to pray for you and your family, that God will bless you in abundance and keep you all well! Much love to you all! ~ Rebecca


Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Sunday, November 9, 2008 10:46 PM CST
Well hello new Facebook friend!! I was thrilled when I read this update today. I understand your wanting to sort through everything, but sometimes it does help to write it down (or type it out). I am also excited to hear that Keegan wants to make Jesus Lord of his life. That is awesome! Take care and have a great week. Be sure to post pics when he has his baptism.
Wendy in Winder, Georgia
- Friday, November 7, 2008 7:26 PM CST
Hi Keegan and Audra!
We are SO happy to hear that life is finally changing for you. It has been a long journey - and hard-fought. You deserve all the good things that are coming your way!
Cody's Wheels Of Hope (www.cwoh.org)

Cindy Filson <info@cwoh.org>
Erie, PA USA - Thursday, November 6, 2008 10:27 PM CST
Hi Keegan
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. You are an inspiration and a brave, courageous fighter. You are an amazing kid, and I love that poem you wrote. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenna <allfighterswin@gmail.com>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:10 PM CDT
Hello Audra and Keegan! I think about you guys all the time! I hope we can see you all soon! Thanks so much for checking in on us and definitely for your prayers! As you already know, that is truly what gets us through and over to the other side of this all! I'm so happy that everything is going so good for you now, it's definitely an answer to many prayers! I will continue to pray for health and blessings to be on all of your lives. There is a verse in the Bible where God promises double for our former trouble. He is our vindicator and will reward Keegan and Briana for all they've had to endure! (Yes, and us too Audra!!:) Yay!!) Hope you all have a great day!!! XOXOXOXO ~ Rebecca ~

Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 2:50 PM CDT
Hugs and oodles of prayers for you all!
Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Monday, September 29, 2008 5:23 PM CDT
Loved that photo!! And talking on the phone with you Audra...may the Lord continue to bless all of you...especially Keegan!

Just wanted to share some words of encouragement to whoever may need them…

“If we could, by some wonderful force from heaven, be allowed to slip from this earth in our present state and into the glory of heaven, we would not find one shred of evidence that reveals panic. You would never once hear “oops” from the lips of God, or “I wonder what we’re going to do about that down there?” Nor would we ever observe anxiety across the face of the living God. We would be stunned with amazement at how calm things are around his throne.

From this side of glory we see the tapestry of life from underneath. It is full of knots and twisted threads and frayed ends that lack meaning and beauty. But from God’s perspective, looking at the top of the fabric, it is all under control.”
From Encouragement for life by Charles Swindoll…

May you see that glory of God in your life today….
Angel Hugs & Continued Prayers…
Ministering to our youth touched by cancer and their families…
NEW! on Facebook ~ Char Jensema

- Friday, September 19, 2008 2:44 PM CDT
praying for jake rodgers
deborah nickel <davendimes@atlanticbb.net>
johnstown, pa USA - Monday, September 15, 2008 10:38 AM CDT
Hi Audra and all,
I haven't been by lately - but when I saw that beautiful picture... Wow! I am so happy for all of you! You have been rock solid in your faith and it has paid off... I will continue to keep a good thought and abundant prayers for you and the rest of the CB kiddos who continue to fight.

With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Monday, September 8, 2008 7:10 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hellooo and I'm thinking about you guys! I love that picture of Keegan pitching! What a testimony to God's goodness! Have a great night!! xoxoxoxo


Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Friday, September 5, 2008 0:08 AM CDT
What a photo! I got chills and tears when I saw that. He looks so much bigger and stronger. What a journey you have been on. I read your entry about being angry - who's to blame you. I was angry after only 3 yrs of chemo. So many strange feelings come up after being through with all this. I read an article that a lot of times parents deal with post-traumatic stress disorder after this.
I wanted to tell you what an amazing inspiration you have been to so many people. How many people do you know that carry around a typed, detailed childhood cancer information page to had out to anyone that needs it. I won't forget the first time I met you.
So glad to hear Keegan is back in school and feeling better.

Wendy Cummings <sixcummings@yahoo.com>
Cumming, GA - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:03 PM CDT
Not sure if there's anything better than watching your kids do the thing they LOVE.
love you guys,

Connie C. <tcopley@bellsouth.net>
posder springs, ga - Monday, August 25, 2008 5:52 AM CDT
Oh my goodness Audra, Keegan looks amazing! It gave me chills to see that picture! Absolutely a blessing!!! So glad all is well!!!
Erynn (Maya's mom) <ErynnRigdon@yahoo.com>
Douglasville, GA - Sunday, August 24, 2008 7:35 PM CDT
Great photo. It's like a before and after photo. The after photo--he looks so healthy and athletic. Way to Go Keegan.

Baltimore, MD - Sunday, August 24, 2008 9:34 AM CDT
There is nothing better than seeing a boy on the baseball field! I know you are so proud and happy. You are right. That is a beautiful sight.
Jennifer <lingerfeltfamily@yahoo.com>
Woodstock, GA - Sunday, August 24, 2008 7:57 AM CDT
WAHOO!!!!! We are so happy for all of you. I love, love, love that picture!!!! Thank you so much for visiting us on Tuesday. We miss you!!!

Shelli (www.caringbridge.org/visit/rciky3)

Shelli James <shelli@shelli.net>
Woodstock, GA USA - Friday, August 22, 2008 10:28 AM CDT
Oppppppppssssssss......the link for Sports Made Possible is www.sportsmadepossible.org (not.com)
Stephanie Hoing <Freegal3@aol.com>
Westminster, soon Littleton again, CO USA - Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:22 AM CDT
Praise the Lord for redeeming and Keeping Keegan on this Earth because obviously Keegan is not done serving his purpose on this Earth!

Keegan looks so BIG in the baseball picture. I wish Keegan was here because Davis loves to pitch also! Both Davis and Preston start Fall Baseball on an Adaptive League here in Denver called Sports Made Possible on Saturday. If you go to their website (www.sportsmadepossible.com) and click pictures you will see a picture of Preston running to home plate with his buddy. The only way you can really tell it is him is because his name is on the front of his shirt, other than that the Helmet almost covers his face completely because it was to big for him. Davis was playing on their competitive league but I guess for Fall Season they don't have enough kids to have a competitive league. Both boys are BIG HITTERS! It's excellent to see Keegan out there playing Baseball with NO FEAR! Praise the Lord!

Stephanie Hoing <Freegal3@aol.com>
Westminster, soon Littleton again, CO USA - Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:16 AM CDT
With tears in my eyes I say to you all Congratulations.
You did this through Jesus and we know that Keegan is healed now and forever.
The picture made me shout "Way to Go Baby."
I am so proud of your boy.
He really is special. Your family is amazing.
Praying for everyday to be full of blessings.
Kristen is on the care a thon at 9:10 tomorrow on 750 am

Jenn Sorrell <sorr9393@comcast.net>
- Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:04 AM CDT
OMG, Audra! That IS a beautiful site and brought tears to my eyes. What a kid, what a mom, what a family!!!!! I am so happy for you all.
Love and Hugs!!!

Candy, Jonathan's mom <candy@nakeenatural.com>
jackson, MI - Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:52 AM CDT
Audra, you KEEP on saying that Keegan IS finished because through Jesus Christ he is!!! Praise God. The bible says by our words we are justified and by our words we are condemned; Jesus said that if we will not doubt in our hearts but believe that what we say will happen, it will be done for us!!! Praise you Jesus....Keegan is done.....he is well and whole and we thank you for being Keegan's redeemer....for redeeming him from the curse of the law.

Yes, that ball picture is a beautiful site!!!!!! I love you Audra and I pray that you can walk with peace daily and no fear in Jesus' name......God has given you power, love and a sound mind and NO fear!!!!

So sorry we missed Keegan's party....I know it was a blast! Billie is back in GA and I told her about Keegan finishing and she was glad!!

Jenny <wtrbirth@bellsouth.net>
Douglasville, GA - Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:19 AM CDT
Hey Audra and sweet little Keegan! Thank you so much for coming to visit us today and for the gifts for Briana! She loves them!! I'm so proud of you Keegan! You have been through so much and you're such an amazing little man! Audra, thank you for being such an inspiration to me!! When I saw his baseball picture I said "Thank you so much Lord, you are so good!" He did it for you all and I know He will do it for us as well! He is a faithful God who loves us and hears our cries for help! Congratulations guys! You did it and you are all SURVIVORS!! I will continue to pray for your family that God will keep strengthening you all! I hope to see you again soon!
Love always!!!! Rebecca


Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga usa - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:18 PM CDT
It's sooo good to hear that Keegan is doing so good! I'm so happy for you all! I'm sorry for all your pain and everything you have all had to go through! I wish so much that we could make this all go away and that no child would ever have to endure what ours have endured!! I will continue to pray for your precious little boy and your whole family as you continue the healing process! I hope to see you soon!

Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga usa - Monday, August 18, 2008 10:01 PM CDT
So glad to hear that Keegan is doing well! We'll keep him in our prayers. Tell him Mackenzie says Hi! Love Always, Danielle
Danielle Fortuna <drivemeloco@yahoo.com>
Newport News, Va USA - Monday, August 18, 2008 11:48 AM CDT
Hugs and oodles of prayers! So sorry yo hear about another friends death!

Mary Slade <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Monday, August 18, 2008 8:13 AM CDT
Thinking of Keegan tonight. I hope he is having a great summer.
Tina & Angel Lance <mommy2alilheroplus1@comcast.net>
- Saturday, August 9, 2008 8:31 PM CDT
Hello from Michigan. We are still thinking of you all often and hoping that you are having a super summer!
Bridgman, MI US - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:56 PM CDT
I am so very sorry that I couldn't go to your party!! My car refused to start on Friday and we didn't get it fixed until Saturday afternoon! I really wanted to go so bad, but I had no way to get there!! Did you have a really good time! I hope so! I'm so excited for you all! We have to get together soon! Have a great day!
Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 6:59 PM CDT
Audra, Keegan and family,

We are so sorry that we missed your OT party. Was it awesome or what ? We've had a lot going on here, the worst is Hannah broke her finger Friday night so off to the ER we went. Please keep in touch and know that we will be thinking of you as school starts. We're finally in maintenance as of last Thursday! We'll be looking forward to planning our OT party one day.

With love,
Sara and Lindsay

Sara Simmons <saradsimmons@comcast.net>
Acworth, GA - Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10:10 PM CDT
Way to go!!!! We are so happy for you Keegan, and your family...Joseph says hi! We have moved to Virginia but Joe still goes to Dr George in Atlanta for his follow up appts...maybe we will see you there again for one of your check ups!

God Bless,

Kyle, Darlene, Joseph, Taylor and Seth Gearhart

Kyle, Darlene, and Joseph Gearhart <kdtsj5@yahoo.com>
Bluefield, VA USA - Sunday, July 27, 2008 8:46 PM CDT
Have a WONDERFUL celebration this Saturday. We would love to join you all but will be at the beach. Big cheers to your survivor!!! Love, Carrie, Tom, Julia and Claire Pinotti

cb: juliapinotti

Carrie Pinotti <carrieandtom@pinotti.org>
- Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:53 PM CDT
Hey Audra! I've been thinking about you a lot lately! I hope you are all enjoying your summer! I have been meaning to call you forever but things have been pretty tough here lately. I am determined to call you soon though! I really hope we can make the party! I still pray for Keegan and think of him all the time! We love you guys! Talk to ya soon!
Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:30 PM CDT
Hi Audra and Keegan!
We can't be at your party physically, but we will be thinking about you! You have all come a long way. Just keep looking forward!
Cody's Wheels Of Hope (www.cwoh.org)

Cindy Filson <info@cwoh.org>
Erie, PA USA - Thursday, July 3, 2008 10:49 PM CDT
I wish we could make the big party. We have to be at a cousin's baby shower at the same time.
Please know how happy we are for all of you especially Keegan.
Can't wait to see photos.
Love and prayers,
The Sorrells

jenn sorrell <sorr9393@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 3, 2008 6:52 PM CDT
Hey Audra, Keegan and gang,
Just wanted to let you know that you continue to be a part of my thoughts and prayers...
Hope your girls are enjoying our beautiful weather... though today was pretty darned HOT! Tomorrow I head out on a field trip with 40 kiddos and 11 adults (summer school)... an hour on a school bus (w/o air conditioning)... I need to have my head examined!
With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:42 PM CDT
hey buddy its me alan i was just stoping by to see how you were doing i hope that you are doing good and i hope that you will come up sometime to see us and i am glad that i got to know you and your family because you guys are so kind and nice to us and we love haveing you in our house so if you need to talk or just call to say hi you can call me on the house phone and i will pick up right away for you and your mom and dad and sisters and your brother ok so give me a call anytime at 770-427-0939 ok well i got to go love you like a brother and i will talk to you soon alan
alan anderson <hazzeleyesboy@yahoo.com>
marietta , ga cobb - Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:10 PM CDT
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I can't put into words how happy I am for Keegan, and you Audra and your whole family. We still pray for Keegan every night and now we will pray that he has no fear in Jesus' name.....God has given him power, love and a sound mind and NO fear. Wow...you're starting a job.....I know your life for five years has been about Keegan, IVs, meds, hospitals, clinic visits, helping others, praying for other, supporting others...I can guess that now, even though, it's finished, you're starting a new season of life and it's like "now what?". I pray that you all have peace and JOY and that this is your best summer yet!!!! Love to you!!!
Jenny <wtrbirth@bellsouth.net>
GA - Friday, June 20, 2008 11:19 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear that ya'll are moving ahead.
You are an inspiration to us all.
He is going to lead an amazing long abundant life.
Think of all the lives he has touched already.
Can you imagine how happy this makes GOD?
Watch out world, Here comes a mighty stong witness!!!!
Always praying for ya'll,
The Sorrells

jenn <sorr9393@comcast.net>
cumming, ga - Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:40 PM CDT
I've been following Keegan for a long time and haven't left a comment until today. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be to not go there each time you see a bruise or bump. My thoughts are with you, Keegan, and your family that only good times are ahead
Betsey Hurtado <bbh1098@yahoo.com>
Hollister, Ca USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:40 PM CDT
Hi Keegan!

It's been a long road for you, hasn't it? It is wonderful that you had so many caring "traveling companions"! We were glad to be one of them. Have a great summer!

Cody's Wheels Of Hope (www.cwoh.org)

Cindy Filson <info@cwoh.org>
Erie, PA USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:20 PM CDT
Hey Audra, Keegan and family!!
I have been thinking about you all a lot! I'm so glad that you're all doing good! Thank you so much for calling and keeping up with me, I really appreciate it! I will continue praying for you that God will continue to bless your family! You inspire me so much Audra! I want to be like you when I grow up!! :) Can't wait 'til your party Keegan, it sounds really cool! Talk to you guys soon!
God bless!! XOXO

Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:52 AM CDT
Dear Keegan,

Congratulations for completing your cancer treatments. I know that it has been hard but you have been as brave as any adult could ever be. Now it is time for you to get back to the business of being a normal little boy. But don’t forget your friends who are still fighting the cancer, you are now a source of hope and inspiration for them.

I love you buddy and I am looking forward to seeing you at your party next month.


Grandpa Gundle

Mark Gundle <m_gundle@comcast.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:45 AM CDT
Wow, I didn't realize it was all done when I signed Audra's wall on facebook! HOORAY. Have an awesome summer!
Stephanie Girard
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:53 PM CDT
Just thinking of you and wanted to say hi.

Keeping you all in my prayers,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:21 PM CDT
Yahoo Keegan!!
I was so happy to read that you are finally finished! Just in time to enjoy summer!!

XXOO from CA,
Cali ALi's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, June 5, 2008 11:44 PM CDT
Great job, Keegan! Congratulations!

Cody's Wheels Of Hope (www.cwoh.org)

Cindy Filson <info@cwoh.org>
Erie, PA USA - Thursday, June 5, 2008 10:00 PM CDT
Hoorayyyyyyyy! Good for you Keegan. We are very happy for you. You have been very brave and have fought a good fight. Take care.
Susan & Richard Rivers (Jake's Grandparents <dixiebelle30223@yahoo.com>
Griffin, GA USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2008 8:27 PM CDT
Hello Keegan, Audra and family!! I'm so excited for you all! You are such an amazing boy Keegan and I'm very proud of you! You are a winner!! :) Audra, I admire your strength and devotion! You have inspired me very much! Thank you for checking in on us, it means so much more than you know! (Then again, maybe you do know!) Anyway, thank you! I am totally celebrating with you all and will continue to pray that God will bless your family and take this horrible situation and turn it into something beautiful for you all!! "All things work for good to those that are called according to His purposes!" God definitely has big plans for Keegan and your family and with Him "we are more than conquerors"!! We love you all!
Rebecca Colin <rebecolin1@yahoo.com>
Stockbridge, Ga USA - Monday, June 2, 2008 2:27 PM CDT
My prayers remain with you all as you begin this new chapter in your lives.
How wonderful!
Angel Bonnie

Bonnie <fordham_family@hotmail.com>
NC - Sunday, June 1, 2008 8:50 PM CDT
Wow, Congratulations! "Here comes the Sun", how great is that??
Hugs and oodles of prayers!

Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Saturday, May 31, 2008 6:39 AM CDT
Hi Audra and Keegan,
Welcome to the Off Treatment couch. I am so happy for you, you are such a champ.
I wish you a long, healthy and very happy life. You deserve it!

Aurea, mom to Ale and Dani www.caringbridge.org/mexico/dani <aurea.zepeda@gmail.com>
Mexico, D.F. Mexico - Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:11 PM CDT
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Doing the BUTT WIGGLE! (Be glad you can't see me doing the butt wiggle!) Congrats to you all! Now lets just keep that nasty stuff away FOREVER! Love to you all!
Stephanie Hoing <Freegal3@aol.com>
Westminster, CO USA - Saturday, May 24, 2008 11:49 PM CDT
Hi Keegan, Audra and TEAM KEEGAN!!
Congratulations! I won't stop thinkin' bout you all!! And the prayers will continue into infinity and beyond!!

But I could not be happier for all of you to be FINISHED with chemo... and off that ride and onto a smooth road ahead.

With Much LOVE and ABUNDANT JOY!!!

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Saturday, May 24, 2008 3:38 PM CDT
Late to the party, but still celebrating for you here in Maryland--Way to go, Keegan!

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Friday, May 23, 2008 7:39 PM CDT
You know, when that song was playing, that was God telling you he was right there celebrating with you. And sending you His love. KEEGAN KICKED CANCER'S BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUDY <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
STOCKBRIDGE, MI USA - Thursday, May 22, 2008 2:28 PM CDT
Keegan, way to go!! We are sooo happy for you and your mom!!!
George <cgntal@verizon.net>
Morris Township, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2:40 PM CDT
yay for keegan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
krystle <greeneyedbeuaty@aim.com>
- Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:29 AM CDT
CONGRATS TO KEEGAN AND ALL OF YOU! Well done Mom!!!! We love you sooo much!!!!! Rejoicing with you!
Christy Lillig and family

Christina Lillig <Christina@cancerwarriors.org>
- Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:12 AM CDT
Sharon Owttrim-Fraser (www.caringbridge.org/canada/stewart)
Shediac River, NB CANADA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 6:21 AM CDT
Yeah!!!!! We are so excited for you all!!
Marcy and Family
Bridgman, MI US - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:20 PM CDT
Hip Hip Hurrah!
What perseverance!
Congratulations to all of you.

Hugs from Elizabeth and her g'ma

Suzanne Stoltz <sstoltz09@gmail.com>
- Tuesday, May 20, 2008 8:38 PM CDT
Congratulations Keegan & Family! Five Years is a very long time to be on a rollercoaster. We've been on it for four so I can imagine an extra year! Our family is so happy for you I hopy you guys have a great summer and can have fun & tell your mom to RELAX!! She needs to sleep for about a week. We'll see you at the clinic for follow-ups! Megan French's family!
Nicole French <jannafrench@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, ga USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 8:22 PM CDT
You ARE a crusader!! Congratulations on being done!!!

Those emotions are SO understandable! I cried when I read the words to "Here Comes the Sun" too as I thought of all you've all been through!! So, go ahead and cry, and know there's a lot of us out there crying right along with you!! You're an INCREDIBLE mom, and I pray you enjoy the couch!!

Love and hugs,
Andrea Marley (ALL-kids)

Andrea Marley <gamarley@sbcglobal.net>
Milpitas, CA - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 8:05 PM CDT
YOU'RE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you and so relieved that this is OVER. What a long journey and we both made it through. I pray that your emotions find their way to your normal (let me know when you do because I haven't found mine yet) and just enjoy finding yourselves again. Super HUGS to you all and looking so forward to Camp Sunshine for our big boys.

Elle Rivers www.caringbridge.org/visit/teamrivers <elle@teamrivers.com>
Smyrna, GA US - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 7:21 PM CDT
Everything has it's place in our lives and praise GOD this part is over for sweet Keegan and your family.
You have been a wonderful role model for our family as we have come behind you on this journey.
We will always be grateful for the blessing of meeting you the very first time we were in the hospital with Kristen.
When you and Keegan went home you told Kristen that she was such a pretty princess that Disney would need to make a movie about her!!!!
We hope to hear all the wonderful things that are happening in Keegan's life for years to come.
Much Love,
The Sorrells

jenn sorrell <sorr9393@comcast.net>
- Monday, May 19, 2008 11:10 AM CDT

Madie and I are thinking about you today and you officially become OFF TREATMENT!!!!!
I don't think I can stand it-------Happy Dance all around for everybody!!
We are sending all the hugs and love that you guys can hold on to, k?
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regina and Madie <r.ice@comcast.net>
Snellville, GA US - Monday, May 19, 2008 9:34 AM CDT
THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The count down is over, you did it!!! You are All in my thoughts today, and prayers that God will continue Keegan's healing and all this will be part of the past. Yet something that I know God wants you to help others from your experiences, Keegan and Audra, you both have alot to offer others. May God continue to Bless you. Love, Judy P.S. Don't forget to continue to update on your page.
judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
stockbridge, mi usa - Monday, May 19, 2008 9:07 AM CDT
Final day countdown!!! Yahooooo!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow Keegan and all the days to come. You have kicked some serious cancer-bootie!!!
Wendy Whiddon
Winder, GA - Saturday, May 17, 2008 9:31 PM CDT
Dear Keegan, Audra and family...
Just dropping by today to let you know that you all will forever be in my thoughts and prayers... I am going to be celebrating along with you as the last 24+ hours go flashing by...

With Abundant Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
Broomfield, CO USA - Saturday, May 17, 2008 8:02 PM CDT
I think I am gonna cry with you!!!!....along with doing the 'happy dance' for about four hours straight!
This certainly calls for a celebration of various kinds!
We love you.....lots of hugs!
p.s.....I know I am gonna love the 'new audra' too!

Regina and Madie Ice <r.ice@comcast.net>
Snellville, GA US - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:33 PM CDT
Celebrating with you in CA!
XXOO, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, May 13, 2008 4:22 PM CDT
WEEK 104 OUT OF 105 - HOW WONDERFUL! We are so happy this end is near. We hope Keegan has a great summer.
Richard and Susan Rivers (Jake's Grandparents) <sqr322@bellsouth.net>
Griffin, GA USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:41 AM CDT
Praise Our Glorious God!!! Although Keegan is coming to the end of this nightmare, I truly feel God will be doing His work through you, Audra, you have alot to offer others, I don't know how, but I know He has choosen you to run with this, He'll guide you, so be prepared and listen to what He is telling you.
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, I had the best one to date, Chelsey surprised me, and was baptized that day, I was really surprised and very emotional. Shane too go baptized. It was a great day!!

judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
stockbridge, mi usa - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:21 AM CDT
Oh my goodness...how exciting and wonderful. Thank you Lord for carrying Keegan and his mom and entire family through this!!! I would be a mix of ALL different emotions and feelings too Audra.....You may not know how you will spend your time now but God will show you and lead you....You have so much wisdom to share and you know what....it's okay to do NOTHING for a while!!! I am so happy for Keegan and your whole family. You are in our prayers Keegan and we pray you have the best summer yet!!!!
Jenny <wtrbirth@bellsouth.net>
Douglasville, GA USA - Monday, May 12, 2008 10:41 PM CDT
We are so happy for your family.
Love and prayers from Princess Kristen's family.

Jenn Sorrell <sorr9393@comcast.net>
- Monday, May 12, 2008 6:42 PM CDT
Hi, Keegan and Family!! SO excited that the light at the end of the tunnel is arriving!!! We think of you often! It's amazing how much strangers have touched our lives! God Bless You all!
Bridgman, MI US - Sunday, May 11, 2008 9:25 PM CDT
As I read your latest update, I just wanted to reach out & hug you. I am counting down every day with you & anticipating the celebration. You are an amazing woman, with unsurpassed strength. I remember you falling in love with my son, and following him to his room. You embraced me then. Scared & alone, you gave me hope. And though I hoped not to run into you again (for it would be in the hospital) I looked for you everytime. You have been strong, for all of us. Be angry. You have earned that. I am walking that path with you too. You have been an inspiration to me. And I am a better person for knowing you. Prayers are flowing for all the children.

Shelli James (Ricky's Mom; www.caringbridge.org/visit/ricky3 <shelli@shelli.net>
Woodstock, GA USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 2:04 PM CDT
12 days... that is SOOOOOOOO AWESOME!! There's plenty of room on the OT couch. It's pretty comfy... so you may want to wear some sweats and a t-shirt!! I am so happy for you guys!! WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!

Winkler, MB Canada

Naomi Fehr
- Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:37 PM CDT
Audra, you are right to feel angry with those that are tired, to them, I say shame on them!!!!!!!!! Someday God forbid they are in a simular situation they would want the same support and caring that they would deserve which is what you deserve. So maybe we should extend our prayers for those that seem to be lacking in the compassion department. I was emailed a little thing on realizing the value of life, and I was thinking of you and added one to it which was, to realize the value of a healthy child, ask a mother with a child with cancer. Most take it for granted. Keep up your strength, hope all is well with everyone. God Bless, Judy
Judy <esper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI usa - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 9:15 AM CDT
Counting down with you!!
XXOO, CaliAli's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 5, 2008 11:23 PM CDT
Audra: I'm late getting back to you after our exchange on the ALL-Kids list--I wasn't a bit upset at talking about MRD issues or the what-if's . . . I'm glad to have a place to speak about those things. There isn't really another place for that for me.

I know you're coming up on a big milestone for Keegan . . . praying for your family always.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Friday, May 2, 2008 8:02 PM CDT
Sorry we missed you at the clinic on Monday. It was so crazy in there...it was like a homecoming with all of the people that we have come to know over these past 2 1/2 years. I'm so glad that Keegan is approaching the finish line.

Take care and thanks for the update on Tyler ad Ethan. We will be praying for all of our friends, including Keegan as he comes off chemo.

Colleen Carter www.caringbridge.org/visit/colecarter <rczcc@bellsouth.net>
Suwanee, GA - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:29 PM CDT
Audra, I know it was a looooooooooooong time ago, but do you remember how it felt to learn how to drive a car for the very first time?
Remember how 'exited' and yet 'scary' it was to get behind the wheel of the car and actually 'drive' it?!!
My hands would get so sweaty-----I actually thought I would crash the car just trying to park it!
Well--------having your kid go off chemo is about like that.
It's scary as crap.
You can't wait to do it.
You feel like you are gonna crash any minute.
You keep watching out for any little thing that might jump out into the street and hit your car.
But.........the more you drive.....and the longer you drive........the more comfortable you feel.
And hey! Before you know it, you can drive the car with the radio on!
And hey! Look at me! I can drive the car and talk with my friends too!
And then you get a year's worth of experience and you begin to feel just a tiny bit more comfortable!
Having a child go off of chemo is just like that.
It's overwhelming, scary, exciting----but you can't not do it just 'cause your scared you might get a ticket or have a car wreck. It's gonna rain, so you got to get use to that too.
You just have to jump behind the wheel and get going.
Call me and I'll give you some driving lessons, k?
That first month is a dooosy---I can't tell you how much pain Madie had when her bones started to grow.
Lots of hugs-----lots of love!!!......Gina
p.s.----going to Lauren's Run and CURE Picnic next Sunday?

Regina and Madie Ice <r.ice@comcast.net>
Snellville, GA US - Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:49 PM CDT
Hi Keegan!
My little boy Brandon has high-risk ALL, so he is doing 8 treatments of cranial radiation. We found your YouTube on radiation and watched it. It is a true blessing, because it's helping him to understand what to expect. We'll pray for you!

Penny Overmann <pennyovermann@cox.net>
Elkhorn, NE USA - Friday, April 25, 2008 2:40 PM CDT
The countdown is on & we are right there counting with you. Anytime Audra.....I understand. I miss you guys. Hang in there.....it's going to happen! Love you, Shelli
Shelli James <shelli@shelli.net>
Woodstock, GA USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:12 PM CDT
Hi to all, thought I'd share Hailey's "tough girl" story, she thought she could ride this 4-wheeler (smaller one)at a b-day party and was showing Bill when she hit a bump, hit the throttle, ran into a car in the drive, flipped over the handles onto the hood of the car, and landed on the other side, the helmet (thank you Jesus) she had on flew off and hit her in the face which gave her a bloody nose and a fat lip. THAT'S IT, she wasn't hurt at all (again, thank you Jesus). She came home and said I only had 2 tears and that was it. But also said she didn't care to ride one of those again for awhile. (you got that right!!!) Anyway, love the picture of Keegan with his torch, spring has final sprung here, take care, God Bless.
Love, Judy

Judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI USA - Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:02 AM CDT
HI, Keegan and Family!! Glad to hear you are doing well. Sorry I missed a week. I will send something out on Monday! Have a nice weekend!
Bridgman, MI US - Saturday, April 19, 2008 7:03 PM CDT
Wow! Keegan, you look fantastic!! Keeping you and yours in my prayers.
Kim Gundle
Panama, Panama - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:16 AM CDT
Been thinking of you all lately- glad to hear that all is well. I can't believe all the hair that Keegan has! We've never known him with hair. Yes, being off treatment is hard to adjust to. I'm sure that anyone who hasn't gone through this mess has a really hard time understanding what an adjustment it is. We know though. All too well, and too many times. It's not easy. We're here though and so are you- so call us anytime.
Connie Copley <tcopley@bellsouth.net>
Powder Springs, ga - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:49 AM CDT
Hey, what's new? you haven't updated in 2 weeks, hope all is well. I am sorry to hear about Little Eric, I saw his picture and he is an adorable boy. Love to all. God Bless Judy
Judy Esper <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI USA - Monday, April 14, 2008 9:06 AM CDT
Holy Cow- May 19 is coming FAST. I can completely relate to the emotions being up and down. Thankful to be done, scared to be done...hopeful to be done, scared to be done. You'll find your normal again, I promise. We're thrilled that this part of the journey is nearly done and pray for a smooth, easy transition for you all. Sending hugs your way
Elle Rivers www.caringbridge.org/visit/teamrivers <therivers@teamrivers.com>
S, GA - Saturday, April 12, 2008 10:56 PM CDT
I am a friend of the Meraz Family, just wanted to say thank you for being a friend to Amanda, Rick and of course Eric, he will forever be missed.
Amanda talked about Keegan alot, she would always remind us to pray for him as well.

Thank you again

Tracey Turner <tturner@walkerconcrete.com>
Locust Grove, Ga. USA - Friday, April 4, 2008 11:14 AM CDT
Hugs and oodles of prayers!

Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Friday, March 28, 2008 10:57 PM CDT
What a glorious thing to write!
Madie is so excited and beyond happy for Keegan!
We love you guys-------bunches of hugs all around!
p.s.....I totally "love" Keegan's list that he answered!
See you guys soon!.................gina and madie

Regina and Madie <r.ice@comcast.net>
Snellville, GA US - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 10:16 PM CDT
As we have "been there, done that" we know a little of your emotions as you come toward the end treatments. Know Keegan in our thoughts.
Susan & Richard Rivers (Jake's Grandparents
Griffin, GA USA - Monday, March 24, 2008 1:22 PM CDT
What a journey! I cannot even begin to imagine the emotions you all are going through right now.
What a blessing Keegan is. Thank you for sharing his story with all of us.
I think of you all often. In fact, I just signed us all up to do the Light The Night Walk again. This year the kids are raising their own money for the walk. Needless to say they are very excited. This will be our 4th year in the walk.
I loved Keegan's I am poem. Beautiful.
I hope you all had a blessed Easter.
All my love and prayers
Angel Bonnie

Angel Bonnie <fordham_family@hotmail.com>
Pleasant Garden, NC - Monday, March 24, 2008 9:44 AM CDT
YES!! What a wonderful way to begin the summer...no more chemo!
Keegan and your entire family are in my prayers.
Love from CA,
Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 24, 2008 9:06 AM CDT
Audra, have you got an update on Krystal? I've checked her website, and there hasn't been one in awhile.
judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
stockbridge, mi usa - Friday, March 21, 2008 10:16 AM CDT
Dear Audra, Keegan and all,
I have been a sporadic reader as of late... but I came by and read the news and am so pleased to see that there is good news.

I have kept you all in my thoughts and prayers... and you will remain there!

With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Friday, March 21, 2008 7:15 AM CDT
Keegan and Family!! I am so happy for the good news!! Ed has been playing Call of Duty and totally loving it. It's funny how many things your family and my family have in common and we have never even met! You are in our prayers! Here's to a great, fun summer!
Bridgman, MI USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:52 PM CDT
Hang in there. You and your famiy are an inspiration to us all.
The roller coaster is scary but you have done it and have proven to others that faith makes all the difference.
The Sorrells
PrincessKristen's family

jenn sorrell <sorr9393@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 19, 2008 4:03 PM CDT
Hey, I think your count is wrong or your date, May 19th is only 2 months away, is that 92 days???? PRAISE OUR GLORIOUS LORD, He is in control, Keegan, you are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! KEEP UP THE BRAVE FIGHT!!!!!! KEEGAN IS KICKIN CANCER'S BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:33 PM CDT
Countdown clock is off by 30 days! IT is only 61 days!

Take Care!

Beth <bthomas@gmail.com>
Atlanta, - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:18 PM CDT
Hi Audra, just checking in, hope you all have a great Easter!!! How is Krystal doing? I've been praying for her as well. Looks like our Easter Egg Hunt will have to be with boots and gloves, may snow, poor robins are back and not sure what to do. Okay, back to work, as always, you're all in our thoughts.
Love, Judy

Judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:45 AM CDT
Go Keegan GO!!!! I am so in awe of you guys...you are nearing the end of treatment and that is amazing. Can you believe it??? I tell ya', it's still surreal for us and I pray that it comes soon for you guys. We hope Keegan can go to Camp Sunshine big kid camp, Jake is signed up and really excited to do the big kid stuff. Sending hugs your way and keep marching. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Elle Rivers www.caringbridge.org/visit/teamrivers <therivers@teamrivers.com>
Smyrna, GA US - Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:58 PM CDT
Keegan, Audra & Family...
I want to let you guys know that you are always on my heart and mind and that you continue to stay in my prayers. Hope you all are well. Miss you much, hope to see you again soon.

Aime, Joel & baby ZJ <alahaie@yahoo.com>
Austell, GA USA - Friday, March 14, 2008 11:48 AM CDT
Hi Keegan & Audra,

I was just checking in to see how things were going for you. I was one of the student nurses who was able to help care for you earlier this year. I'm glad to see that things are in an upswing for you.

All the Best,

Dawn Fletcher <dawn.fletcher@comcast.net>
- Monday, March 10, 2008 12:44 AM CDT
Hey from Michigan! Thinking of you all, praying for Krystle and for Keegan's continued count down to freedom of this monster. Tell the girls we said HI, stay safe and GOD BLESS!
Love, Judy

Judy Esper <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI usa - Friday, March 7, 2008 2:50 PM CST
Hey Keegan!
Just stopped to say hello and wish you well. It sounds like you keep life interesting for your Mom, huh?
Cody's Wheels Of Hope (www.cwoh.org)

Cindy Filson <info@cwoh.org>
Erie, PA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:36 PM CST
I'm sorry to hear about Krystle. I will send some healing prayers her way. She sounds like an amazing person and that God has a special purpose for her!!!
Rachel Guzman
Centennial, CO - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 2:42 PM CST
hey guys! Keegan, are you going to Camp Sunshine? Jake got his application the other day and is excited for sleep away camp, but he's looking for a friend who's going to go, too. glad to hear you are back at school and coming to the COUNTDOWN part of treatment. That's amazing and wonderful! Hugs to you all
Elle Rivers www.caringbridge.org/visit/teamrivers <therivers@teamrivers.com>
Smyrna, GA United States - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:27 AM CST
So glad to read that Keegan is back to "normal" and in school. However, we all know that there is no normal, right? Our family was Krystle's Christmas angel and she is forever in my heart now. What a strong young woman she is....I will be praying for TOTAL healing in the name of Jesus!! The name ABOVE all names...the name above cancer, sickness and disease!! Happy anniversary to you!!
Jenny <jenny.stevens@wwche.org>
Douglasville, GA USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7:49 AM CST
Hugs and oodles of prayers to all!

Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Monday, February 25, 2008 8:44 AM CST
Hey guys, miss seeing you. Ran into Amanda at clinic, and we talked about getting together. We should try to do that, if we can find time in all our schedules. You keep doing what you do, even the tears - each drop cleanses and strengthens you. Jaelin and Kira are doing well, even with this funky weather. Hope to see you soon. Lots of love.
- Saturday, February 23, 2008 8:14 PM CST
Just thinking about you & wanted to say HI
Shelli James (www.caringbridge.org/visit/ricky3) <shelli@shelli.net>
Woodstock, ga 30189 - Friday, February 22, 2008 9:31 PM CST
I am amazed as always by your strength. I continue to keep Keegan in my prayers. I am hoping you don't mind, but I have shared Keegan's radiation video with Julia so she will know what to expect. Thank you!!! I am sharing it too, with my friends via my CB site so they know what our kids go through. You are fabulous!!!! Praying for you all!
Kathy ~ Julia's Mom www.caringbridge.org/visit/julianesbitt

Kathy Nesbitt <Lvr3kids@aol.com>
Wesley chapel, nc - Sunday, February 17, 2008 1:44 PM CST
Yea- Todd and Kirk went to the concert too (for Kirk's birthday) and they said that the sound was terrible! But they had a good time. And they said that the front band was reggae! What's up with that!? Glad that Keegan is doing well and back at school- Ty is getting over a touch of pneumonia, still having more that he should leg pain (hope the new socket takes care of that!!), and now Sara and Ty have shared their creepy cruds with me!!! I don't have time to be sick! Hope y'all have a great long weekend!
Connie C. <tcopley@bellsouth.net; www.caringbridge.org/ga/tylercopley>
Powder Springs, ga - Friday, February 15, 2008 6:04 AM CST
Sending prayers from CA,
XXOO, Cali ALi's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, February 9, 2008 6:57 PM CST
Yeah! I'm so glad to read that you are home and on the mend. Will continue the prayers for Keegan's healing... and your family's strength as they continue to support Keegan and each other.

With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
Broomfield, CO 80021 - Thursday, February 7, 2008 7:53 PM CST
Always praying for sweet Keegana nd all of you.
I am so glad you are home and all together.
Jenn Sorrell
Princess Kristen's Mom

Jenn Sorrell <sorr9393@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 12:45 AM CST
YAY!! So glad to hear you are home!! Keep speaking to that fever and tell it to GET in the name of Jesus.....that's what Jesus did and He said He has given us ALL power and authority over ALL the power of the enemy.....I was amazed when I heard a teaching about the verse where Jesus spoke to the fever in Peter's mother in law and the fever left....that must mean fevers "hear" and we have the authority to tell them to GET!!!!
Love you guys, Jenny

Jenny <jenny.stevens@wwche.org>
Douglasville, GA USA - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 9:50 AM CST
PRAISE GOD, glad to hear you're home. Now to keep that fever away!!! We're thinking of all of you. Love,Judy
judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
stockbridge, mi usa - Tuesday, February 5, 2008 7:55 AM CST
Keegan!!!! I'm so sorry you've had the crapples. I am hating this schedule for you guys and praying you get some family time soon. We've been on hiatus from checking the websites and feel bad we didn't leave a note sooner. Hang in there and know we are thinking of you and praying DAILY for your complete healing. Sending hugs your way
Elle Rivers www.caringbridge.org/visit/teamrivers <therivers@teamrivers.com>
Smyrna, GA US - Monday, February 4, 2008 6:39 PM CST
Hoping you get outta there on Monday - we will be there at 10 for an appointment - we will stop in to see if they have sprung you b y then! Take Care my friend!

Heather, Lauren,and Danielle

Garger Family <momofland@numail.org>
- Saturday, February 2, 2008 6:51 PM CST
Hi Keegan:

Yea! I found your caringbridge site! I can't believe you have shingles..do you need some windows for them? Okay...I'm not much of a comedian. I'm thinking of you and hope you get better fast so you can get back home where you belong!!!

Audra, my prayers for strength are headed your way! Hang in there and know there are so many families praying for you and yours!

Hugs to you Keegan (you can share some with your mom),

Pam Flick
Louisville, KY USA - Saturday, February 2, 2008 6:26 PM CST
Hey Keegan,

I feel awful that you are in the hospital. We are praying that the shingles get under control and you start felling better.

Hope to see you soon.
Heather, Lauren, and Danielle

PS Audra, call me when you get a chance - just to chat - love you guys

Heahter <momofland@numail.org>
Newnan, GA - Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:41 PM CST
Yucky shingles....praying they scab NOW in Jesus' name!!! Audra please tell Keegan that his "played with one time friends" Luke, Todd and Joshua pray for him EVERY night and we're praying that he get back home speedy quick!! You hang in there mom....you are a strong woman of God and an inspiration to so many others!!! Love and prayers to you....love, Jenny
Jenny <jenny.stevens@wwche.org>
Douglasville, GA USA - Thursday, January 31, 2008 5:10 PM CST
Hi Audra and Keegan, hang in there, we're thinking of you always. Heres a new saying Chelsey got from a movie and I think it applies to Keegan fighting all this. I'M GOING TO BURY YOU SO DEEP THE EARTH'S CORE WILL INSINARATE YOUR SORRY ASS. Put that on a cancer t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
Love, Judy

Judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI usa - Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:55 AM CST
Just want to let you know I'm thinking about you. I hope you get to go home soon.
Briana Roehling
Pflugerville, TX - Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:26 AM CST
Audra & Keegan - so nice to have met you Audra.
Keegan, you will be home soon from the shingles, kick them flying very hard. You are a true fighter and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story of courage. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Marta Feijoo <elektra1949@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:07 AM CST
Shingles, YUCK!! That looks awful, buddy - I hope that they 'crust' over quickly and that you are back home soon.

Keeping a good thought - and lots of prayers!
With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Monday, January 28, 2008 6:12 PM CST
Oh Keegan I am so sorry you have crapples! You're right, it just isn't fair is it?!

I am sending prayers your way for a quick scab over so you can be back out with your family and friends again.
XXOO from CA,
Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, January 27, 2008 8:48 PM CST
Shingles!! Yikes, Keegan... I sure hope you send them packing quickly... and that you are up and back at school soon.

Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers - 24/7.
With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:55 PM CST
Hugs and oodles of prayers!

Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, - Saturday, January 26, 2008 3:59 PM CST
One day, one hour, one moment at a time, what ever it takes. Hang in there, Love you, Judy
Judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
stockbridge, MI usa - Thursday, January 24, 2008 2:45 PM CST
Hi Keegan, Audra and all,
Glad to read that Keegan is well... and remains on course! Will continue to hold all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Monday, January 21, 2008 4:29 PM CST
So Good to hear from you the other day Audra. Showed Davis Keegan's updated site and he cried very hard and said he wished his old "BEST FRIEND" was here to celebrate his 9th Birthday on the 26th. Love you all and that song gets me every time Audra!
Stephanie, Davis, & Preston Hoing <Freegal3@aol.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:25 PM CST
WoW! 20 weeks! This is the year!!
XXOO, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:46 PM CST
Stumbled upon your page. My daughter, Hadley, has a brain tumor (www.HadleyFox.com). She has two brothers their names are Keegan =) and Liam. Congratulations on getting down to the 'home stretch' of your protocol. That's AWESOME! =)

I got a real kick out of the comic strips. I'd be first in line to buy a copy of a whole book of comics like that. Sometimes you just have to laugh...or go nutty. =)

With Love and HOPE,
Hadley's Mama


Angela <FoxiFamily@yahoo.com>
Puyallup, Wa USA - Saturday, January 12, 2008 2:02 AM CST
Congratulations! 20 weeks! WOW! You have stamina and strength to endure. Keep biting back!
Congratulations on your 7th birthday.! You are enduring too, so you must be a warrior withyour big brother.

the new family photo is absolutely beautiful.

Audra - have I told you how much you mean to me and all of us moms?
don't you dare ever ever lose touch with me.!

Margaret Sherman , Florence's mom <margaret@westlakekids.com>
Hartwell & Athens , GA beats me - Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:12 PM CST
Hey Keegan,
Just wanted to tell you that I had fun playing Lego Star Wars at the clinic with you last Monday. Hope to get to see you soon. We will be at clinic again on Monday around 10. Talk to you later,
Lindsay Simmons

Sara Simmons <saradsimmons@comcast.net>
Acworth, GA - Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:25 PM CST
PRAISE GOD 20 weeks to go, that's only 5 months, but I like to think of it in weeks, sounds better. Hailey had a great time with the boys. Thinking of you all. Girls, next time Chelsey and Mallory want to see you too. Love, Judy
Judy <jesper@merkels-inc.com>
Stockbridge, MI usa - Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:47 AM CST
Hey Everyone -

We just wanted to thank you all for coming to Lauren's birthday - Amanda and Ariel - you all did great helping out! Lauren loves her HSM dance mat game! Hope to see you at Spa Night! Take Care -
Heather, Lauren and Danielle

Heather <momofland@numail.org>
Newnan, Ga - Monday, January 7, 2008 7:17 PM CST
Happy 2008 New Years to you!

Hugs and oodles of prayers!


Mike and Mary Slade and Families <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 7:05 AM CST

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