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Margaret's Life

I've created this page to let my friends & family know how I am doing on a regular basis. My thoughts, feelings, day to day happenings... etc. I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer August 2001 and still continue to under go treatment for it. Furthermore, I hope that my journal can help raise awareness of Young Adults fighting cancer as well Ovarian Cancer, which is commonly called a quiet cancer.

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Oct 25 2005

Dear Family and Friends,

Our family was truly touched by everyone who came to pay their respects to Margaret and to celebrate her life. From what people said the church was packed and they had to open the balcony which has not been used in years. Someone told me there were 300 plus people sharing in celebrating my sister's life.

I know Margaret was smiling down and watching us. My cousin Sarah prepared a video presentation of Margie's life played to a Josh Grobran song, 'To Where you Are.' Aunt May prepared a touching tribute followed by family and friends who shared memories of my sister. The church was surrounded by boquets of sunflowers, candles and collages that Margaret had put together. Margaret inspired Erin and I to put together a few collages for her. :) I think she would have been proud of them.

On a personal note, it warms my heart to see all the people that my sister inspired and touched. She was such a wonderful and amazing woman. For those who could not attend the memorial, thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

My family would like to thank everyone for attending and for volunteering their help with the service. Our sincerest apologies if we did not have a chance to greet you personally that day.

When I have a chance I will post a few new pics of the memorial.

Take care.
Lots of love,

Kathleen and the Tse Family

Oct 12, 2005
Dear Family and Friends,

We wanted to thank everyone for sharing your memories and thoughts of Margaret with us. Our family has found a lot peace and comfort from reading the kind words written about her and the impact that she has had on each of us. Thank you for your outpourings of love and support.

A celebration of Margaret's life will be held on:

October 21, 2005 at 2pm
Ruth Morton Memorial Baptist Church
791 East 27th Avenue (27th and Prince Albert Street)
Vancouver BC

The family would like to extend an invitation to all those who wish to celebrate Margaret's life.

Gifts in memory of Margaret may be made directly to:

Callanish Healing Retreats Society
2277 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver BC V6K 2J1

Real Time Cancer Inc.
P.O. Box 23017
St. John's, NL A1B 4J9

*Callanish Healing Retreats Society is a non-profit organization providing retreats & ongoing support for people living with cancer and their families.

*Real Time Cancer Inc. is the only Canadian charity focused on helping the older adoloscent/young adult population deal with the distinctive emotional challenges of living with cancer.

the Tse Family

Oct 9, 2005

Dear Family and Friends,

I'm saddened to inform you that Margaret passed away peacefully at 610am this morning. We are all saddened by her death but comforted in the knowledge that she is with our Lord and no longer suffering. To the end, I can say that she was strong, feisty and was continuing to fight the battle with her cancer. She told me yesterday that her goal was to gain enough energy to walk by herself in time for special visits from her cousin Laura. We had a chance to go outside the CGA patio and she thoroughly enjoyed her day yesterday. She was in very little pain since the nurses started a new narcotic and she reported feeling very comfortable.

Thank you everyone for the prayers and support. Margaret knew that she had a wonderful support network around the world. She knew she was loved and cared for.

At this time, the family requests for some time to grieve. I will write again shortly regarding memorial arrangements.

Kathleen, Daniel (brother), Lennie (sister), Will (brother in law), Jack (dad), Mary (mom).

Oct 8 2005
I had a rough night sleeping last night, but I always seem to have rough nights. I didn'tvomit so that was a good thing. I have a lot of visitors last night and was exhausted from it. I love having you guys tho.

Thank you Yanger Banger family for the bookcomposed of those verses. Let me see if I can remember it I tried to remember 1 Peter 5 "In times when you are at your weakest he provides you with strength,.... and mounts you firmly" Oh I cannot remember the verse now will have to revisit the commpilation of verses. And the rest of you can check in the bible.

Today I slept most of the morning,but I had good rest. I'm trying to drink more boost. I'm on my second can just a half more to go. My sister also brought me a chichen bean burrito the one's that I relaly like with avacado and sour cream. It was good:) Even thought I can still only eat a little.

I was able to wash up really well and I feel really good.

Oct 7 2005

This is the first time I've really been out of the hospital room in about two weeks!!! It feels good to be in the patient lounge. I am here with my brother, but of course on O2. We were worried that it wasn't going to be enough becsaue I'm using the high flow stuff. I haven't really been able to eat due to a tumor pressing against the stomach. I'm not sure what the days ahead are going to be filled with. I myself am very confused and don't know what to think much of the time. I wish they could just operate and remove everything from my body,but it's very weak, I'm not even sure if they'd do that if I were strong.

Please continue to pray for me daily. Im trying to cast all my fears upon God, but sometimes it's even difficult.

I have to keep it short. Thats all for now.

Sunday, October 2, 2005 1:10 AM CDT

Hi family and friends,

I'm writing for Margaret again. It's been a rough couple days for Margie and our family. Margie is in relatively good spirits under the circumstances. Her breathing has improved and isn't as laboured as before. I guess the heparin is working. Her energy levels are the same. I plan to print out all the guestbook entries and will read them out to her on my next visit.

Margie informed me that the doctors want to stop all her chemo since they are not effective and has set an appointment with the supervisor for palliative care this Tuesday. I will attend this meeting since she wants us there. Margie's wishes is that she wants to continue to fight and we're going to ask the docs for another type of chemo. Dr. Finlayson has said that my sis' body is too weak to take anymore chemo and they need to give her a break. I know the docs do the rounds in the morning and will be there tommorrow morning to talk to them about this.

On a personal note, it has been so difficult to see my baby sister go through so much. She is such trooper. Being a big sister you want to protect and make it all okay. The reality is I can't and that really is frustrating, depressing and disappointing. Sorry, I am at a loss for words right now.

Please continue with the prayers. :) I've brought all the cards that we received to the hospital and Margie enjoys reading them.

Lots of love,

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Hospital Information:

In Heaven Smiling Down on Us. :)


http://www.caringbridge.com/canada/karin   My good friend Karin's Caringbridge Site
http://www.yacn.ca   My young adult support group here in Vancouver.
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=cartoonylaura   My best buddy cousin's crazy updates from Taipai Taiwan!


E-mail Author: mltse@shaw.ca


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