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Thursday, November 19, 2009 1:14 PM CST

Katie went into surgery on Tuesday at 730 AM. She was in surgery until about 5 pm. She had a lot of scar tissue. They remove the bones that were damaged and put a cage box in and rods and screw in to straighten up the base of her back. She is doing well and resting. She also had surgery on her knee. She is on continous pain med pump and sleeps most of the time. She may need another blood transfusion today her hemoglobin is low at 8. I am updating from my cell phone, sorry not adding pictures or more details yet.

Friday, November 6, 2009 9:26 PM CST

Friday, November 6, 2009 9:26 PM CST
Katie is getting ready for her scoliosis surgery. She is scheduled for Nov. 17th. The neurosurgeon doctor will do a detethering surgery and release her cord from scar tissue and than the orthopedic doctor will be placing the rods in. The surgery will take 8 to 10 hours. She will also have surgery on her Knee to stop the growth on the one leg, so her left leg can catch up.
I will be updating daily when she is inpatient. We have been donating blood to get ready and Katie gave her first donation and did great. She did pass out about 25 minutes after when she went to get out of the car, but fluids made her better fast. We are doing a blood drive at the church on the 29th of Nov. If you live local please come and donate! Keep her in your prayers this is a painful surgery! Thanks Keri

Katie Blood Drive

Sunday, September 6, 2009 10:54 PM CDT

Hi! It has been a while since our last t entry. Katie is doing well! Her spirit is good and she is acting like every other teen and is now in 7th grade. She only sees the oncologist every 3 months now for blood work and remains cancer free. In July we found out Katie's scoliosis had progressed and we were sent to see a nureo surgeon to rule out a tethered cord. We had an MRI done and the doctor said he would like to explore the L3 level to make sure there isn’t a tether. We went back to the scoliosis specialist and this time we did her x-rays with her shoe lift and leg braces. Her degree was only slightly worse but she is now at 65% degrees and we do not want her to have any more spinal deformity or lung and heart damage. We will have rods placed in her back. It will help straighten out the curve and she will gain a little height from it. Pleas remember to keep Katie in your prayers as we get ready for this surgery. She will be able to donate her own blood for her operation.

Monday, June 29, 2009 6:26 AM CDT

Katie Rose continues to do well. We are thankful for good health. Katie has had a busy year, She graduated from 6th grade and got the Presidents award in academics. We are very proud of her. She has learned to play bells this year and had a concert with her school. She was in the fame program and was involved in several showcases this year. Katie still trys to raise awareness for childhood cancer and is still apart of PCRF greeting card program.
My movie review for MY SISTERS KEEPER.

My Sister’s Keeper is a great movie that shows a family with a child going through cancer treatment. I feel the movie was right on and felt like it was a true documentary rather than a movie. The movie shows some of what families go through in treatment and how it affects everyone’s life. This movie brings me hope that others will truly understand what it is like to have a child with cancer and be more supportive to those families going through treatment. My dream is that this movie will bring more cancer awareness across the world and more donations will come in so there can be a cure for childhood cancer.

Keri- Katie Rose Mom

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:34 AM CDT

Sorry we haven't updated. Katie is doing great. She has her new leg braces and lift and is walking great! She has surgery scheduled for April 15th she will have her port removed.

We are very sadden to lose a good friend to cancer. Kiki and his family have been great friends since we were diagnosed. He fought hard and earned his angel wings on March 24th. We will never forget him. Please pray for his family and everyone that loved him, He will be missed! This photo was taken in Dec of 08 and it is Katie, Jimmy ank Kiki.

Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:01 AM CST

Happy New Year! We are thankful for so much this year! We are going to try some new year’s resolutions for the family this year. We are no longer having soda or candy in the house. No chips except for special occasions. We are all using the wii fit and Katie is trying very hard to stick with a plan to make healthy choices and so far it is working for her as she has lost 10 pounds. The wii is getting her to move and she is having a great time with it what a great invention.
We saw the orthopedic doctor on the 30th. After the entire tests have been done it appears a lot of Katie’s problems are neurological. They are going to get her stable orthopedic wise and have ordered another brace for her left ankle. This brace will be different from the right leg brace. It will be a short brace that will wrap around her foot and will have a lift built in to it. They will also add a lift on her left shoe and we will get her a couple pair of shoes so she will have more than one pair. This will make it so she can use both legs. As she walks and stands now her left leg does all the work as she doesn’t use her right leg or hip correctly and test show she uses 30 % weight on right and 70 % on her left. Her scoliosis is stable and she has a double S curve at 45%. They will watch her spine close every 4 to 6 months to catch any changes early if there is any. We will be following up with a Neurologist for her neurological problems to make sure she is not progressing further with any deficits.
We will be seeing the oncologist soon and assume everything will be perfect with her blood work.
Ritchey and I started out the year with donating blood. It was great that we were able to do it together and help others with our gift, like others have helped Katie. Please remember to donate blood.
Katie will be going to 6th grade camp in two weeks, she is excited!
I am posting a few photos of Katie’s play One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. She did a great job and I was very proud of her. I will also post the Steelers fans photo from our house. They are happy the Steelers won the Chargers game.

cast photo

Katie and her teacher

Katie playing her part so well

Go Steelers!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:30 AM CST

Merry Christmas Friends and Family!

Another year has passed and we find ourselves once again celebrating the holidays with those we love. Since we are unable to spend the holidays with all of you we will post this letter so that you may stay up to date with all our family and the occurrences of the past year.

Ritchey works very hard to provide for our family. For several months he was working 14 hours a day. Due to the current state of our counties economy his hours have been limited to the standard 40 hours a week and overtime is no longer available. Although this has been tough for the family with the lack of additional income, having Ritchey home earlier in the day, and being able to spend more time with him has been beneficial for us all. We are very grateful that he loves and supports us.

Keri is very active with all the children. She is a waitress and a cook and a taxi driver for 8 children. She is very active with the school programs as well as girl scouts and support groups. She enjoys spending time with the children and always has some new craft or activity to do with the kids.

Ashley is now 22 and has had a rough year. She moved out of our house in March and is now moving back in. She doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life right now and is going to start over again. Please keep her in your prayers.

David is 19 and 6’5. David works for UHAUL, he works 30 hours a week and has been told that he is the best worker at his jobsite. He bought himself a jeep this year and is still making payments on it. He also graduated from high school this year and is undecided as to whether or not he wishes to go to college. He is very helpful with transportation and watching the kids when he is not working. We are grateful that he is helping us out.

Brandon is 17, 6’0 and in the 11th grade. He recently got his drivers license and has been driving the 11 passenger van. He currently goes to Granite Hills High School, which is a public high school, where he has straight A’s. He played football this last season and was a linebacker. He is bored at public high school and would like to return back to River Valley High School. Brandon has completed his EMT training and is working towards his goal of being a fireman. He volunteers weekly at the La Mesa fire station. Brandon is also very helpful with transportation and watching the kids.

Johnathan is 15 and has grown tall and thin this year. He is 5’10! He is looking forward to taking drivers ed. Johnathan is in the 10th grade. He also goes to Granite Hills High School and has straight A’s. He played football this last season and was an offensive lineman. Johnathan is also bored in public high school and would like to return to River Valley High School. Johnathan is very helpful with watching the kids and preparing meals.

Katie is 12 and still in remission! Woohoo! She currently goes to Flying Hills Elementary School and is in the 6th grade. She rides the bus to school. Katie’s school is a performing arts school where she is flourishing. She loves to sing and act and the school curriculum emphasizes those things. She is active in girl scouts and support groups.

Sarah is 10 and is in 5th grade. She is a good student. She plays on a soccer team and is on the All Star team. She is also in girl scouts. She is cat crazy and loves anything to do with cats!

Madison is 9 and in 4th grade. She is a hard worker at school. She is very athletic and is also on a soccer team. She is very slender and we always have to put jackets on her to keep her warn. She collects rocks and loves to bike ride.

Makayla is 9 and in 4th grade. She is a good student and always is working at homework. She is a drama queen and has to look good with her earrings on everyday. She would probably make her career in fashion! She also plays soccer and is in girl scouts.

Rebecca is 7 and in 2nd grade. She is a great student and could easily skip a grade. She is in brownies girl scouts. She also played on a soccer team.

Thomas is 6 and is in 1st grade. He is a busy boy! He loves outside play. He has learned to read this year and enjoys reading. He also played soccer this year!

Well I hope all is well with all of our friends and family. We love to here from you. Our email is mommyof8plus1@cox.net

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love, Ritchey, Keri, Ashley, David, Brandon, Johnathan, Katie Rose, Sarah, Madison, Makayla, Rebecca and Thomas Hann

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:42 AM CST

I have been meaning to update Katie’s page for months. I just haven’t set it as a priority and have been on Medical burnout. I guess I am frustrated with the not know answers for Katie and sometimes I feel that I don’t even want to take her to the doctors, as I am just sick of it all.
These last several months have been interesting as far as Katie’s health goes. She is overall doing very well. Her labs have been all over the place. She started this summer with platelets dropping and becoming low. They did a Bone Marrow Aspiration to check for relapse. Her bone Marrow showed some cells but not enough to say it is a relapse and not enough to treat yet. Than she had some other testing done, she had MRI of neck and spine. The cervical showed slight rotatory scoliosis of the proximal-most thoracic spine, likely there are T2 through T4 anomalous vertebral body elements.
The rest of the cervical spine looked great. Her Spine MRI showed Stable appearance of scoliosis. She has convex right scoliosis at T6-7. She has compensatory curve to the left at the cervicothoracic junction as well as the thoracolumbar junction. She has post surgical change at the L3 level. Persistent punctuate fluid in the cord substance at the T7-T8 level, stable in appearance.
Her Echocardiogram of her heart reports Technically difficult study. Her estimated ejection fraction is grater than 60o that is good. I don’t know if we will repeat this test as there is a lot of blanks on the results.
Her recent labs show basically normal with an exception of increased basophils cells. I did research on them and usually you have an increase during an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock or when She has always had 0.0 of these cells. She has had 0.4 as her high. Her level now is 4.5 my research showed this definition.


The purpose of basophils is not completely understood. Basophils are phagocytes and contain heparin, histamines, and serotonin. Tissue basophils are also called "mast cells." Similar to blood basophils, they produce and store heparin, histamine, and serotonin. Basophil counts are used to analyze allergic reactions. An alteration in bone marrow function such as leukemia or Hodgkin's disease may cause an increase in basophils. Corticosteroid drugs, allergic reactions, and acute infections may cause the body's small basophil numbers to decrease
Katie’s urine continues to get infections. She just had repeat labs done, which shows no infection but she continues to have white blood cells in her urine. The doctor would like an ultrasound of her Kidneys but I have not made that appointment yet. So I will be following up with that.

Katie is still going to physical therapy every week. She has had a large increase in leg length discrepancy and I need to get her new shoes with an 1 ½ inch lift on the left. We will get two pairs, but it will have to probably be in Jan.

Katie has had significant weight gain of about 30 lbs in the last few months. We are not sure what is causing this sudden increase in weight. Maybe its hormones, maybe she overeating, she has the doctors and us stumped as why there is such rapid weight gain.

Katie will be seeing Dr.Houlkum for her legs and Dr. Browning for her back in orthopedics on the 4th of December.

As far as Katie goes she is a true medical mystery and we live day by day. Right now she has been having these symptoms Throat pain, headaches, back pain and leg pain. She has off and on pain in her right wrist. She complains frequently especially at night and crys a lot in the evening with these pains. Just tonight she told me she has chest pains and I told her to take Tylenol and lay down. I hate that I have to basically ignore her pain as nobody really knows what to do when she is having it. Her hear rate elevates and she gets short of breath.

Katie is doing well in school when she is there. The teachers and other students love her. We had to buy her a musical instrument for band class and she is now learning the bells. They are going to go to 6th grade camp, and Katie would like to go. They talked about sending an aid to camp for her.

Other Hann family News and other significant things going on at our household. No order just a lot of info that we should share so you can pray or praise with us.

In August we changed the boys school so they could play High school football. They both made the team and are enjoying playing ball. They also enjoy there grades at public high school. The boys are both straight A students, and I am very proud of them.

Ashley my oldest daughter has had a lot of changes in her life this past year. She has finally got her self settled in Boreggo Springs and has a full time job at an hotel. She is working hard and making new friends. I miss her and enjoy the time I do get to spend with her.

My sister Kim was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. They thought it wasn’t that big of deal and only removed half of it and than found out it was a rare type of cancer and it had spread so she had to have the other half removed. She ended up with a staff infection and her throat almost closed off and she was inpatient for a while. She had to be on IV antibiotics at home and has just had oral radiation and had to be isolated from her family for a few days.

My sister Kristi has graduated from In His Steps. She spent 6 months in treatment and is now sober, She is doing great now and has learned a lot being in treatment for six months and we enjoy seeing the new Kristi.

My Mom had several falls with in a two week period.She is doing better now and is more stable on her feet.

Makayla is still occasionally having bad days with her bipolar/ ADHD. . She is impulsive and sometimes just reacts. We have had her in numerous classes including emotion fitness and anger management. She is working hard at school and is a good student.

Madison was ill in September and was placed in the hospital cranialataxia it was very scary and she couldn’t walk. Thankfully she made a full recovery.

Brandon, Sarah, Madison, Makayla, Rebecca, Thomas all have been playing soccer and are on soccer teams. Sarah, Madison and Makayla just won there Division and have play off to represent San Diego for play offs. They are also going to be on an all stars team and are excited.

Katie, Sarah, Madison, Makayla, Rebecca are all still involved in Girl Scouts. We have weekly meetings. We will gear up for cooke sales in Jan.

Friend News-
Gregory Giller relapsed and is now in treatment again.

Alexis a teen from clinic succumbed to her cancer. We were sad of her passing.

Kiki has been fighting since 2004 and desperately needed a Bone Marrow Transplant. They could not find a match. His cancer is back and he is now on hospice and has been given 3 weeks to live. Please pray for him and his family.

Baby Johnathan has just passed away on Nov. 20th. Please pray for his family during this hard time.

There are a lot of kids not doing so well right now, please pray for all the children that are sick.

Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:45 PM CDT

Hi! It has been a very busy week and a great weekend. The kids are all back in school. Katie Rose loves her new school. Math is a little hard for her. So she has some frustration with it and we will continue working on it. The other kids are enjoying school except Makayla who is having some anxiety issues. The boys are enjoying playing football for Granite Hills.
We all went to Camp Agape this past weekend. It was a great time for our family. The kids had such a good time. Camp Agape is camp for cancer kids current or past and there families to have a weekend to share and fellowship. The parents are pampered with massage, acupuncture, haircuts, all meals cooked, toiletry supplied and just treated so well. The kids are also treated to all there favorite snacks. Pool archery canoeing, bb guns rock climbing wall are some of the activities. It is held at Camp Marston and is put on by Emilo Nares Foundation and Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society. We had so much fun at the family dance! We all had a great time.
Katie Rose has not been to the doctor. I will need to get her in this week. The doctor wanted me to bring her in last week but it just was so busy. I will try to get her in this week sometime. She has an earache so I need to get that check out also. I will post after I have her in the doctors this week.

Sunday, August 10, 2008 7:45 PM CDT

Well its been practically all summer with out really updating.
Katie has felt pretty good all summer. She gave us a scare when her platelets dropped for about a month down below 150. She had a bad ecoli infection and was on antibiotic. She had a bone marrow test done and the result I was originally told on the phone was not everything. I got a copy of her report and have had a talk with the doctor. Her bone Marrow shows 6-8 re b curser cells. The flow cytomentry shows she has all the markers for leukemia. The numbers are not big here. The problem is that if we take away the bone marrow test that was messed up last summer and go back to the previous in Jan 07, She did not have those cells. She was TdT negative less than 1or CD19 CD10 .
She is now positive for Tdt CD19, CD10, CD20, CD22, CD38 It appears she has all the markers for relapse. They are watching her close. Her last blood work her platelets have came up to the 150 point now, which is good. She had a sterile cauterization done and she had over 100 thousand wbc and over 100 thousand lymphocytes. She did not have any nitrites which would be bacteria. She is on antibiotics. Her culture has many things and they said it was contaminated. So we will go back after she gets back from camp. She leaves for camp on Monday the 11th and come back the 16th. The doctor has decided to not take out her port. She said it’s important that Katie lives a full life and for us not to worry. She said that what is going to occur will and we will treat when needed. I will try to update more as we know more.
Thanks for checking in.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No Leukemia! I have talke dto the doctor yet but the nurse said no leukemia, absence iron stores and I dont know if there is anything else, the nurse said they will put the report in the mail. I will update when I get the details, But I am very excited it is not cancer!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:11 AM CDT Hello, this is the update on whats going on with Katie Rose. Her platelets dropped from 270 to 115. We were hoping she had a virus or this was a lab error. We waited 2 weeks for a repeat blood draw. Her blood counts are all good except platelets were still down, the same basically at 114. We will be doing a bone marrow aspiration and a spinal tap (head tap) Thursday AM at the hospital, we will not have any results for 7-10 days as it has to be sent to an out side lab. I will update when I get the results. Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 6:37 PM CDT

I have been emailed privately several times about the lack of updates. We are not sure what is going on with katie Rose, we will have more answers next week. I will post when I know more. I just dont want to alarm anyone or even Katie Rose untill I know for sure. Please keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:35 PM CDT

Katie Rose has been doing great. We have had such a busy month; please forgive me for the lack of updates.
Katie Rose 12th birthday was on May 5th. We went sailing on the May 4th with Starlight Star bright Foundation and had a great day. On Katie’s Birthday we went to Home Town Buffet and had dinner. She had a fun day.
On My 10th we went to Celebration of Champions. It was a very emotional day. This is children’s hospitals big fundraiser. At first all families that have lost a child to cancer walk a lap with photos of there children. Then there is a white balloon release. It is so sad. Katie was able to visit with her friend Esmeralda’s family and take a photo. Katie had been wearing a button in Memory of Esmeralda.
The champions are all children that have or have had cancer. They all run a lap and get a medal. It ends with a song called pass it on and everyone holds hands and forms a giant circle. It is a tear jerker! They have sack lunches and a small carnival games after for the kids to play. It was a fun day!
On May 11th was mothers day and we went to Sea world for the day with the American cancer society. They provide admission, lunch and t-shirts for the family! We had a long fun day! We visited with many of our friends that have children with cancer.
This past weekend the girls were busy with scouts. We let Katie go horse back riding for about 20 minutes. It was great for her and I am glad the doctor wrote the letter saying she could go if she was on a gentle horse and if I was willing to take the risk. Sat the 17th was mine and David’s birthdays. We were at CIF semi finals track meet most of the day; The boys also had a soccer game Sat night. We have been busy everyday; I haven’t had free time at all.
Other news our bathroom shower has been gutted and now is almost finished with the new tile work, it has been being worked on for two weeks now.
Thomas has been quite sick for about a week now. He has been running high fevers 105, 104, and has strep throat. We have had him to the doctor 3 times and the keflex he was on is resistant to the strep. If he has fever tomorrow, we will be back to the doctor again! I still didn’t get this posted and Thomas is better now the change in antibiotics helped. He is still weak and has been sleeping a lot but fever is gone! One full week of being really sick, not fun!
We have Kittens, They stay in a cage unless they are being held Rebecca is sick today also with fever, so keep her in your prayers. We have Kittens, They stay in a cage unless they are being held


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:56 PM CDT

Hi, Katie had her appointment today. Her Blood work was done and looks great! The doctor ordered a UA and she is positive for nitrates so we really need to get on a regular cathing program. Katie told the doctor she didn’t want to wear her leg brace anymore, and the doctor explained it was for her safety and she will have to deal with it. Katie had a sleep study last week and it went perfect. I was so happy that she was healthy at the time so it was an accurate test and she did well. So now we know she has a reactive airway and colds and Asthma set her off. So I think it was helpful information.
We have had some warm days and the kids have been swimming everyday.
We have been busy with different events and I got to enjoy a teddy bear picnic with all my girls. We also went to the parade. The older boys play soccer and we now go to games every Saturday night. This coming weekend will be Katie’s 12th birthday (May 5th) we are going to a luau and sailing on Sunday the 4th with star light foundation. I promise to put up photos and up date next week after her birthday.

Katie Rose

Katie,Thomas,Madison,Sarah,Makayla, Rebecca

Katie Ready for her sleep study

Sunday, April 6, 2008 10:24 PM CDT

Katie Rose is doing well. The doctor called and said Katie still has an infection in her urine and started a new different antibiotic. I did not get a copy of her blood counts but I was told they were okay. I had a peek at some of her labs and I did have some concerns about things, but the doctor did not get into those results with me, so I will wait until next visit, because it is not something that needs to be addressed right now.
Katie Rose went to the prom last weekend and had a great time; I am uploading a bunch of photos as I have to share with you all. Katie Rose looked so pretty and she went with her friend James from church. Her older brothers also got to attend.

We have been busy working in the yard. We have a lot of work to do. We worked hard all day yesterday, building a new chicken coop and pen area so they can roam in the day with out being attack by Bella our dog. We have been cleaning up the yard. The chickens are growing so fast. Spring is here with flowers in bloom. The trees are blooming. We have cleaned out our strawberries plants and planted tomatoes. We added wire for our grapes vines as they are beginning to bud. We have so many lemon, Ritchey has been making fresh lemonade. The kids have been swimming everyday! They are crazy as the water is cold! In the evening we lit a fire in the fire ring and had somores. That was a fun time with the kids. I think that this is my favorite time of year.

I want to thank Terri for sending down some clothes for the girls and the books she made for Girl Scouts, You are a great friend Thank You! Thank You to Friends of Scott for a wonderful prom that the kids enjoyed so much, Carmen did such a great job! Thanks to Star Light Star Bright for a wonderful time last weekend at feel the beat, we all had fun!
The kids love to dance and laugh at Mom and Dad as we try to dance also!
Please remember to sign the guest book. We enjoy reading your messages!

Chickens and New coops and Pen

The Pool Area



Grape Vines

grape vines and fruit trees


Tons of Lemons

Friends of Scott Cancer Prom 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 5:52 PM CDT

Hi, our home has been busy, and our rooms are all changed around. I wanted to share an update on Katie Rose. Katie remains in Remission for her Leukemia. She is doing fairly well with her health now. She has had some problems with her lungs and we will be having a sleep study done soon. She has episodes of chest pain and it is scary but it appears they are asthma attacks.
This past week she was in the hospital for severe right hip pain and 103.5 fever. Several tests were ordered and a bone scan of her hip was done, it appears she has an arthritic hip. That may explain what is causing the pain. The fever source was a bladder infection and they want her to start cathing again 2-3 times a day to make sure her bladder is empty.
This weekend should be an exciting one for Katie. She will be attending The Friends of Scott Cancer Prom. There will be 200 kids from San Diego that may be on or off treatment. They will have limos pick up the kids at several meeting spots. The kids are provided dresses and tuxes for the event. This will be a pretty fun evening with sit down dinner and entertainment and dancing. Katie Rose is so excited!

Our family had a nice Easter get together; the kids all searched for eggs and had a great time. It was so nice and warm the kids even went swimming!
Thanks for checking up on Katie Rose, we always appreciate your prayers!Thank You to those that take the time to sign the guest book.


Friday, March 14, 2008 7:52 AM CDT
Today is the last day of school and the kids will be off for two weeks for spring break. They are excited for the time to be home change rooms around and swim.
Rebecca celebrated her 7th birthday yesterday; she had a great day and was so excited. Makayla was sad as she can not remember her birthday and feels that she didn’t have a special day like Rebecca and cried off and on.
Katie Rose is doing well. She had her Dr. appointment and her blood counts were perfect. Her cholesterol is a little high but improved from the previous year. She had her appointment at children’s and has been approved for a sleep study. They just want to make sure she doesn’t have apnea and see if she is a candidate to have her tonsils removed as they feel it could be helpful for her breathing. She is doing really well right now so this month so this proactive.
The kids got there report cards and they are all doing well. Katie’s grades are doing great. She is now working at grade level but is at a 4th grade reading level. Madison struggles with math and learning her effort scores were all outstanding. Makayla is doing well but has to work so hard to get those grades. Sarah is doing great. Thomas and Rebecca both had advanced in all subjects with the exception of penmanship.
David and Ashley both moved out. We are now working to rearrange rooms. Katie and Sara are going to share a room; they are so excited as I have always had the 5 girls in one room with 2 triple bunks. Katie and Sarah are going to have twin beds and are excited! We will be working on getting the rooms done over spring break. Brandon is going to go to the river today, and Johnathan is leaving on Monday to go camping with his cousins. I will just have the six younger ones for a week.
The older kids will be going to the kid’s cancer prom at the end of the month. Katie found her dress and the boys need to get fitted for their tuxes.
Well the kids need to get up for school, I will try to update more often, but the good news is our lives our busy and Katie is well!

Friday, February 22, 2008 10:58 PM CST

Well this week marks 3 years since Katie Rose was diagnosed with Cancer. AS I look back I am so grateful for how far we have come and how well Katie is doing now. I remember 3 years ago being so afraid if she was going to make it as she was so critical. We are thankful for her life and are thankful to be in remission! We pray to never see cancer again. I wanted to make a special video to celebrate these 3 years but I haven’t got it finished! I will try to finish it soon and post it here. Thank you for stopping by and Please sign the guest book. We appreciate your support!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 3:31 AM CST

This past week has been a busy hectic week. Last Monday I took Katie to clinic for an earache and they put her on antibiotics for an ear infection. She was able to go back to school. On Wednesday the school called as Katie was having chest pains. I guess she was walking around the track and her chest just started to hurt and she felt short of breath. They took her by wheel chair to the office and called me. I picked her up she was crying in pain. I asked her if she thought it was asthma she didn’t know but wanted to go to the doctors. I took all kids out of school and brought them home so Brandon could watch them and I could take her to the emergency room. I used the inhaler on her. By the time we got to the hospital her chest was feeling better but her stomach was hurting so bad. They ran blood work and did x-rays and everything looked good. I think she probably had an asthma attack and the inhaler helped her chest pain and who knows the source of the tummy pain, I am just glad she is feeling better now. On Saturday we went to the San Diego Zoo with Kaiser Kids for an Art therapy session. I brought all the younger kids and Ritchey was able to come also. We had a great time and the kids enjoyed working on their art work. We have another busy week scheduled and we hope everyone stays healthy. Ritchey has been working long hours and has been in and out of town, We pray he also remains safe and we look forward to the weekend so we can have family time together. We also pray for the Haigh Family, With the unexpected loss of Debbie, the family is dealing with shock and grief as the family deals with the loss of a wife and mother and friend to many.
I pray that all who reads this journal to have a great week and I would like to remind everyone to make sure they have there own medical checkups and pray that you will have good health.

Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:18 PM CST

I am writing today about cancer and my feelings about this disease. I have been upset this month so this is also going to be a vent session for me. I am very frustrated with the fact that so many children die from cancer. The odds for survival do not look so bad at 80% or 8 out of 10 for most of the kids, but a lot of kids lose their life from cancer. One child is too many! The stats are not even accurate as all cancer death is not recorded properly into stats. A child that is in remission from cancer and is on treatment that dies from infection, the cause of death is the infection which is would be listed as cause of death. We all know if the child didn't have cancer in the first place the child would not have died from an infection! It just bugs me! I am so tired finding out that another child has died! This should not be happening in today’s world! There needs to a cure! This past few weeks 4 children have died and several children we know are not doing so well. It makes me want to scream! These kids should not be suffering from this disease! I HATE CANCER!
I believe that we can find a cure! This past few years; I have been to so many funerals it just makes me sick, it just isn't fair! Why are they not preventing this!

What can we do to help? I feel so helpless! I know we have to have hope and faith; we can write congressman, donate blood, but is that even enough? There has to be something else…I am just so frustrated! For the kids that do finish treatment like Katie I am so thankful. But if that child that has finished treatment gets sick it’s a worry; is this a relapse, will there ever be a time that thought doesn't go through parent’s minds!
Will there ever be a time where kids don’t relapse or don’t have late effects from the drugs!
I as a Mom just want to make it all to stop but I feel so powerless. I am truly grateful Katie is doing well right now; we have nothing to complain about. She is just suffering from minor illness now, were not having to take chemo any more we are so lucky.
Please continue to keep these children and anyone that has cancer in your prayers.
Thanks Keri
Here is a recent photo of Katie!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:37 AM CST

Time sure does fly by! I was going to update last week as Last Sunday Evening on the 6th I had to take Katie to the emergency room for chest pains. It turns out she has chest pains when her Asthma is acting up. She had a very hard time getting air out. Her peak flow range from 90 to 120. Normal is about 400; for her closer to 300. The doctor put her on steroids and her peak flow did start to improve and her chest pain went away. She finished her steroids Sunday. She has complained of headache and was just irriatable this past week with lots of tears. I knew it was the steroids! It has such an effect on you. Yesterday Katie told me she has hip pain knee pain on the left and a head ache on the right. I will watch her close and make sure she doesn’t need to go in. It may just be withdraws from steroids so I will see how she does today.
Girl Scout cookies are coming to town, The girls are all getting excited. We can not take orders before Saturday so if your interested let us know and we will take your order Sat!
Here is a photo of the group we took at the cookie Kick off party. It is two troops from the same school, we call them our sister troop. See if you can find all 5 Hann girls!

Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:37 AM CST

Happy New Year! Sorry it has been a while since my last update. Things are going well at our home. We are all suffering that irritable cough but otherwise doing well. Katie Rose has a little bit of upset stomach this week but it hasn’t stopped her from doing activities. Although she was crying/whining a little more today so I know she doesn’t feel great and she is only eating a few bites of her food. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her. We have been working since the 1st to get the house organized and get rid of excess items. I have to say I am happy that the garage is done and the trash man took all are trash! This is my New years resolution! I thought it would be fun if you could post your New Years resolution in the guest book. It will be fun to read what everyone has on there list. I will be working on the rest of the house and can not wait until it’s all done.
I sent a newsletter out with a year in review, I am posting an updated version here.
Ritchey is still working homicide. He works until 9pm most days so we treasure the weekends when he is home. He has done a lot of traveling this year and has worked hard to work and solve cases. He is very good at his job and now works on cold case team. For those that wonder yes it was Ritchey on Cold Case Files on TV. It repeats sometime so watch for him.
Keri is still a stay at home Mom. She works as a taxi driver for the kids and is always out shuttling kids from school to doctors and all the kids activities. She is still a Girl Scout leader on her 17th year now. She works in the nursery during Sunday school every week. She has little free time but does enjoy meeting with a Moms group one morning a month and Bunco one evening a month. That gives her time to have some adult time and a break from the kids.
Ashley has just moved back home. She is now 21. She has learned some life lessons early and had to resign from her job with the sheriffs department as they were going to terminate her for calling in sick 18 times in 6 months. ( mom warned her, but she felt she was indispensable as she was very good at her job) She also is still having to pay an extraordinary amount for car insurance for her speeding ticket from last year. That ticket was her 2nd and driving school was not an option. I hope having to move home will help her realize that you have to be more responsible and dependable person. She now has a job for Best Buy Loss prevention and seems to be enjoying it although the pay is half of what she got before. I am not sure what she is going to be doing in long term, but she seems content for now.
David is 18 and finishing up his high school. He has a few more credits until he will have his diploma. He got his drivers license and is enjoying his privilege of driving. He also earned his eagle scout and we are very proud of him and his volunteer work. (Now if we only could get him to want to help at home also we would be thrilled) He will probably attend junior college starting in the summer. Not sure what he will get a degree in but probably biology as he love animals. He is on the school soccer team. He works at kohls night shift, He doesn’t get many hours but it is a job.
Brandon is 16 now. He is ready to get his license. He has had a girlfriend for over a year now named Hillarey and he says he is going to marry her some day. He is eager to become a fire fighter and may go into the military to get the training. He joined sea cadets and went to boot camp over the summer. He did well and graduated the boot camp so if he does join the military he will enter as an E-3. He is a hard worker and we really don’t have any problems with him. He is also on the school soccer team.
Johnathan is 14 and in 9th grade. He is struggling with his grades. He has had a very hard time ever since Katie got sick. I am not sure what we will do with him. He is a very unhappy and we worry about him. We may change schools to see if that helps him. He does enjoy youth group and mission trips. He is a sensitive boy and we love him so much, Please we could use your prayers for him.
Katie Rose is 11 and in 5th grade. She had her last dose of chemo on May 12th. She has a lot of medical issues but is doing well right now. She spent the month of July in the hospital with back surgery. She still has lung issues and progressing scoliosis. She will be followed closely to watch for relapse of leukemia and if her blood work stays clear for 5 years she will be considered cured. She still does therapy twice a week. She loves spending time with the babies at church and always spends times in the nursery. She is still involved in Girl Scouts. She loves high school musical and loves to sing and draw.
Sarah is in 4th grade and is 9 years old. She is doing well in school. She enjoyed playing on a soccer team with her best friend Melissa. She is still involved in Girls Scouts and enjoys the activities that it brings. She is into caring about her clothes and looks and wanting to look just right. She is a compassionate girl. She loves cats and also our dog Bella.
Madison is 8 years now and in 3rd grade. She is in Girl scouts. She also is in Awanas. She is a tom boy and loves to do everything with the boys. She would like to play on a sports team and we will be checking to see if I can work it in to the schedule. She loves to help out.
Makayla is 8 and also in 3rd grade and school is very difficult for her. She has a hard time and we struggle with her to get her work done. She is my drama queen. She likes things perfect so she complains if her hair is not the way she wants or her clothes are just not perfect. She has to work hard at behaving and we are working on her for best behavior at all times. We are in counseling right now. She is in Awanas and also in Girl Scouts.
Rebecca is 6 and in 1st grade. She excels in school. She reads at a 3rd grade level and loves to read. Her report card grades are all above grade level the only thing she needs to work on is her penmanship. She is in brownies and also in Awanas and has finished her first book in Dec. We are proud of her attitude and her wanting to learn.
Thomas started kindergarten and is doing really well. He has learned to write his name and spell a few words. He knows all of his letters. He is in Awanas cubbies club and loves it except he does get tired on those nights. He has been testing with his behavior but typical for his age.
Our family is doing well and we have done some fun things this year. We still do zoo art therapy once a month. You can see the kid’s art on line at www.mychildsrainforest.org We went as a family camping at camp agape and had a great time. Ritchey’s Dad came for a visit this summer and it was such a great visit. Our new house has a pool and the kids spent most of the summer in the pool. We have chickens and a rabbit, a dog and a cat. I have an account on you tube to search for it place mommyof8plus1 in the search area. It has all my videos posted on it.
I would like to remind you to donate blood. There is such a shortage right now and they can use all blood donations. Please pray for all the kids with cancer. There has been way to many deaths this year and it just isn’t fair there is not a cure for all these kids.
The kids go back to school on Monday. 23 days off school is a long time, Mom is ready for them to go back and they are ready to get back into routine.
Have a Happy New Year. Please remember to let us know your resolutions!

Thursday, December 20, 2007 6:54 PM CST

Praise God our family is safe. We had a fire in our garage yesterday. This is what happened. The kids were all just getting up; Madison had just jumped in the shower. Ritchey smelled something burning like burned toast. He asked all the kids if they had been cooking, everyone said no. Sarah went to garage and screamed there was a fire. Ritchey ran out there and yelled to call 911 and get the kids out of the house. The kids ran out across the street with the cat, Madison in a towel the house filled with smoke right away. I called 911 it took several tries as the phone would not dial out and finally got through they were able to get my info even with the smoke detectors going off. They said they would send an engine out. All I could see in the garage from the house was an orange glow and smoke. Ritchey put 20 buckets of water on the fire and put it out. Thank God he was home! We open the garage to let out the smoke and the fire department arrived. They put fans in the house to blow out the smoke and removed the smoldering items from garage. David ended up taking the kids to Mc Donald’s so they could play and be out of the house for a few hours. Ritchey stayed here we called the owner and he came over right away. I took the kids to my Mom’s house and we ended going from her house to the party at CBS studios put on by Star Light Star Bright and CBS. The party kept us out of the house and gave them the opportunity to make the repairs they needed to.
The party at CBS was very nice. There were a lot of kid stars and the kids had a great time getting autographs. Unfortunately I did not have my camera as it was being used for taking photos of the fire damage. I used my cell camera and it took poor photos.
I will post Katie’s favorite photo with Corbin from High School Musical. We may get addition photos later as someone there took photos so if I do I will post them.
I will also post some of the fire damage photos.

Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:54 PM CST
Katie Rose has been doing great. She is getting stronger everyday and now is walking at school everywhere and only using a wheelchair for long walks now. She hasn’t complained about her legs hurting in a long time. Her back still bothers her but she doesn’t complain often.
The clinic had a small Christmas party and Katie was determining to blow a balloon up and she did! She was in pain later and her neck glands were swollen. I will add some photos below of the party.
She has a slight cough, doesn’t sound that bad probably Asthma related as it has been hanging around for several weeks. She has a lot of mouth sores right now, I think the balloon blowing aggravated it as they seem a little worse right now. I will have her tested for latex allergy just to make sure she did not have a reaction from the balloons.
We are enjoying cool winter weather here in San Diego. Last night there was frost on the roofs of all the houses. It has been so cold. We have the heater set at 65 and it runs constantly. It doesn’t help that we have lots of kids running in and out! The kids start winter break on Friday. They will be out for 3 weeks. We will work on deep cleaning drawers and the house when they are home. It always needs done at our home!
The kids are so excited for Christmas. They have been shaking presents and looking at all the tags under the tree. We have gone two parties and the kids are enjoying all the treats.
I have been helping out in the kids classes this week with crafts and will be there all day tomorrow.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas!





Tuesday, November 27, 2007 8:33 AM CST

Hi! We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We had a nice day with family and I had fun making a lot of special dishes. Sprites gave us ingredients for a great special dinner. We have so much to be thankful for. We are truly thankful for our friends and family that have continued to pray for our family and support us through the ups and downs these past years. We our thankful that we have our health and that we are alive. We are thankful for God! We are thankful for our home, for so many things that I could type all day with the list.

We set up are Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving our family has had that tradition for years. The kids get so excited and now are counting down the days until Christmas and Santa coming. We have been doing some crafts and the kids have enjoyed working on them. The girls are going camping with girl scout on Friday for the weekend and this is the first time they are going with out mom. I am staying behind as David is having his court of honor this Friday for becoming an Eagle Scout with Boy Scouts of America. We are so proud of him.

Katie Rose had two appointments this past week. She saw the pulmonlogist and he reported her lungs to be a little worse than they were. He thinks it is habitas which could be caused from her scoliosis which meant just the way she is going to be and not from Asthma as we are controlling that well now, and she has been stable with her lungs the last couple of months. We will continue on her Asthma meds. She was also seen by her oncologist for blood work. Her blood work looked great and she is doing well with out chemo. We hope that her count continue stable also and we don’t see any new cancer cells. This week Katie has an appointment with the orthopedic to check her spine. I will update with the doctors report after her appointment.

As Christmas nears we will be busy getting things ready and enjoying the Christmas light and fun party and events that go on in December. My address labels our no longer valid and as I send Christmas photo cards and newsletter I will be searching for address if you want to help and send me your address I will make sure you are not forgotten. I would never intentionally forget anyone, so pleas forgive me if I don’t have your address.
Hope you have a great week- I will update later this week with Katie’s doctors results so please check in for those results.

Friday, November 9, 2007 10:23 AM CST

Well I am updating with out photos as if I wait to update when I put photos on I will never get to update! Life in a busy house with 10 kids! Ashley moved home this past week as she lost her job and is now seeking a new job.
Katie Rose sinus infection is better and she is doing well right now. She is getting so strong and I see her improving on her strength everyday. She still uses a wheel chair at school but I will be looking into if we need to take it away now so she will gain more strength and endurance.
Thanksgiving and christmas are right around the corner. I will still try to find the time to post halloween photos.
David has his eagle court of honor this month and i have 3 kids birthdays so I have been pretty busy!

Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:22 PM

I had to take Katie to the doctor last night. She started out on Thursday eve with pain in the eye ball. I told her she was fine and just go to bed I could see nothing. She was real whinny and crying. On Friday she told me she had pressure on the right side of her head wear her scar is. Friday afternoon she is crying telling me she has shocking feeling in her legs and now has a fever. I made an appointment for urgent care and on our way they called and said that we couldn’t be seen in urgent care and I had to take her to the emergency room. We checked in they did her vitals and it took for ever to see a doctor. When we did see the doctor he orders blood work and a ct scan. Her blood work came back with high monos and high nutrophils and low lymposites. This means she is fighting an infection. Her hear rate is up and she still had fever. The CT scan showed a complete block on the right sinus and is probably the cause for the pain. We are not sure what the shocky pain she is feeling in her legs. She is now on antibiotics and hopefully will be feeling better soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:51 AM CDT

San Diego Fires
The fires here in San Diego are out of control. There is over 500 thousand people evacuated right now in San Diego. It is burning all around us, we are safe in the center of town in El Cajon, and we have not been evacuated but we are watching the tv closely if the winds change or the fire direction change. Over 1200 homes have burned and I ask for your prayers for the victims and all that have been affected by this fire. We are staying inside as air quality is poor, and it is not safe to breathe the ashes. I have posted an interactive map below you can move locations or zoom in.

View Larger Map

Friday, October 19, 2007 8:51 AM CDT
Katie Rose had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and her counts were over all good.
Ritchey had taken her as I had eye doctor appointment with some of the other kids.
I will email the doctor to get more details on Katie. I figured her ANC is 1010 from the blood work Ritchey brought home. But he was told it was 3500 which is way off.
The ANC of 1010 is a typical ANC of someone on chemo which is good, But She hasn’t had any and I am not sure why her white blood cells are only 2.7. Katie still has been having fevers off and on but nothing high, but bothersome to me as why?? I guess as a Mom my worry will always be there. She over all is doing great and has gone to school most of the time. She has come home a couple of times not feeling well but nothing to overwhelming or alarming.
We have had a pretty busy schedule coming up and I am a little concerned about these winter months and how she is going to do.
She has an eye doctor appointment today. I will update better this month, this past couple weeks has been stressful. I will be adding photos soon.
Thanks for the faithful readers that constantly keep Katie Rose in there prayers.
Update 1:00 PM
Katie's blood work is perfect. I was looking at the wrong date for her labs. Her ANC is great! We went to the eye doctor today and she needs glasses for reading. She got to choose a pair of glasses that will come in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 4:41 AM CDT

Just a quick note Michelle Butler lost her battle with cancer. Plese keep her family in your prayers.
Michelle Butler Caringbridge Page

Thursday, October 4 , 2007 4:41 AM CDT

We are sadden to share of another friend has passed. Christopher Daniels died on Sept 24th after over a two year battle with leukemia. He was a sweet teenage boy and was always happy; I trust he is happy now in heaven and no longer having to take chemo!
We will be attending his services this Saturday, We will miss Chris. Please pray for his family as it will be a hard time for them in the weeks to come.

Thursday, September 27, 2007 4:41 AM CDT

The school called today saying that Katie was in the office and had symptoms of her heart racing and was sweating. I got to the school and Katie looked okay. She complained it felt as her chest was sinking in and she felt dizzy. Her heart rat was 160 down from 198 she said it was. I took her to the doctor and her hear rate was down to 140. They checked her out and determined it was probably an adverse reaction to the new drug Advair the breathing disc she is using. She has had 5 doses. They ran an ekg and everything seemed fine. Her eyes were also dilated, but did respond to light. Her heart rate was down to 115 by the time we left. The treatment is off the meds for now, and a decision between the 2 doctors within 48 hours. No direct sunlight and lots of fluids. We are to call if her heart does that again. Tonight she has 101 fever, so I don’t know what’s going on there, we did not have any blood work done, so I will watch her and see.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11:41 PM CDT

Katie Rose had a pulmonology appointment last night. They did some breathing test on Katie and her lungs have gotten worse since we saw him in march. Her lung capacity is 79ight now. She is currently not having wheezing or any tightness. The increase they made in meds a few weeks ago are working well. The doctor changed her inhaler to a new inhaler called advair. This med is so expensive for a 3 pack of breathing discs the cost is $582.00. We are so grateful we only have to pay a co pay! Hopefully this medicine will work well also. We were also referred to ENT for possible tonsil removal and a sleep study test.
Katie also had blood work done last week and her blood work looks good. She is fighting a bug as we have had the flu virus making its rounds, lasts about 3 days, I pray I don’t get sick as the house doesn’t function well with out MOM!
Please sign the guest book, and if you want to see her plane ride click on Journal history.

Sunday, September 16, 2007 712 PM

I wanted to post a video of Katie Rose on a PT-19. We got a phone call from our pastor of ourchurch that they needed someone to help out The San Diego Flight Museum for the Turko files,as they were filming a piece and they needed a child to give a ride to at with short notice and someone that would enjoy the flight. Katie Rose was willing to help out and I want to share the video I made.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 9:12 PM
Katie Rose has been having a good week. She is feeling better and her lungs are better with the increased medication. We will see the doctor next week for blood work and a check up and the pulmonary Doctor at the end of the month. She had a little mishap at school today and her foot was ran over by the electric wheel chair, she was hurting a lot but it is feeling better tonight. This past Saturday we went to zoo therapy and we got to see the pandas. I will post some photos. Tuesday night we drove up for a dinner in Costa Mesa, Katie’s art work was chosen for PCRF and they will be making greeting cards or hang ons and the proceeds go to finding a cure for cancer. It was a neat event and the kids had fun. Next Monday we will be going to the optimist dinner. It is a fundraiser for Kaiser rainforest remodel project and art therapy program. If you want to know more about it, check the link above and watch the rainforest video, which is our Art therap program.
Until next week, I hope everyone stays healthy. Please link the cancer video if you can as Sept is childhood cancer awareness month.
Thanks, Keri

Katie Rose having a cartoon drawn

Posing for group photo all the artist

Sarah and Katie playing pinball

Rebecca or Madison (not sure which one) playing dress up for photo booth

Katie Rose being pushed by Nurse Sharon zoo day

Katie concetrating on her art

ThePanda was posing!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 3:12 PM CDT
Well this past week has gotten better. Although Katie Rose is still wheezing she is not having chest pain any longer. We went to the doctor yesterday and her white blood count has risen and her ANC 3600. So her body is fighting this bug. The doctor said her lungs sound worse to him, but it might be because she is moving more air and she was real tight last week. We went to family cancer camp this past weekend a camp called Camp Agape. It was a fun time had by our entire family. I am posting a link to our camp photos, I took a ton!Copy and paste, it wont link?!
http://s21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/mommyof8plus1/Camp Agape/

September is cancer awareness, so please share this link below with everyone. I hope some day there is a cure so no child or person has to suffer from cancer.
I will post again next week, so check back. Keri

Please take action here to show your support for the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act 2007.

Monday, August 27, 2007 9:30 PM

I just wanted to update what has been going on with Katie Rose. She hasn’t been feeling well and had been short of breath and having chest pains. We told the doctor on Wednesday of her symptoms and the fact that she had low blood pressure (possible dehydration) and the very next day high blood pressure ( probably from pain) She said to just watch her. Her blood counts were good on Wednesday. She has gotten progressively worse and on Sunday eve we took her in for crushing chest pain and being short of breath. They did an x-ray and her chest looks good. They also did an ekg and other than having low for her heart rate of 64 it was normal. They wanted us to come back first thing this am. So at todays visit they did her blood counts and than we left and went to see Dr. Gerras a recheck appointment from her surgery and were release and went to have an MRI of the hip. We than went back to the oncologist and received her blood counts. Her WBC have dropped and her neutrophils are low. She has an ANC in the 700’s. The doctors are not sure what is going on and have increased a few of her meds. They gave her a breathing treatment that didn't make much of a difference. I am worried she is going to get really sick. Today she sang this afternoon so she must have been feeling a little better than this am; I was happy to hear her sing because she has been sleeping so much. We see her other ortho doctor on Wednesday this week. I will update after her appointment. I will let her go to school tomorrow if she is up to it; she will have to wear a mask. Pray she doesn’t get sicker and this feeling she is having goes away. Thanks for checking in!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:24 PM CDT

Hi! Thanks for checking in on Katie Rose! Katie had a great time at camp, and came home exhausted. She cried a lot on Sat as she lost her friends phone numbers. She ended up sleeping the whole afternoon. School started on Monday. Katie was so excited; she got the teacher she wanted! When I picked her up from school she came home and took a 5 hour nap. Her Dr. Appointment for Monday was cancelled as the doctor had to do surgery, We will see him next week. On Tuesday Katie went to see the orthopedic that specializes on backs. Her Scoliosis is at 50ow Kyphosis seemed better at 45 He will watch her close and see her in 3 months to see what we should do. The doctor was concerned about her hip as it rotates out and ordered an MRI for next week.
Today we saw the oncologist. Her blood work looked great. We will continue everything the same but adding antibiotic for a Bladder infection.
We are going to be using the electric wheelchair at school. It should help Katie Rose so she isn’t so exhausted. Her class is the very last one on campus.
Next week we see the other orthopedic doctor for her legs. I will update after we see him.
Please remember Katie Rose loves to read your messages even if it is just a hello!
Take Care, until next week!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:20 AM CDT

Hi, I am sorry I haven’t updated sooner. Well I have talked with the doctors about Katie Rose and I have gotten a better understanding of all her labs. From what I understand she still has some residual leukemia as her bone marrow flow cytometry is showing she has the markers. I asked if everyone has markers and was told no. We will not give her chemo and will watch her. If her levels increase we will than consider options for relapse.
So we will just wait and see, and she will have blood work every 2 weeks, for now.
The labs have conflicting opinions and one says 10% cells and one says 2 % so we will just watch and see.
Katie Rose is doing really well. She still gets tired but is doing really well. We are still doing therapy except this week, as she went to cancer camp. Katie was so happy for camp to start and her spirits have been really good.
We did go and see the GI doctor and we will have to give daily enemas now. Katie is tolerating it well. She is eating healthy and just looks well. Her bladder is still not working so we are still cathing for now.
This past weekend we went to Ventura for Brandon’s graduation from Sea cadets boot camp. Katie got to spend the night at our friend Terri’s house and enjoyed her time with Terri’s family. The car ride home was long as LA traffic can be. It took us 5+ hours.
School starts next Monday for the kids. They are all excited! So is Mom!
Katie has 3 doctors appointments next week. I will update next week on Wednesday.
Thanks for checking in. Please sign the guest book and have a great week!

Friday, August 3, 2007 12:39 AM CDT

We have had lots of appointments this week. Katie Rose is doing great! She gets tired and takes 3-4 hour naps daily. She is walking very well and we are happy for her progress. She is on extended release pain med and only takes it 1 time a day usually after she gets up from her nap. We are still having to cath and now also includes daily enemas. We saw the oncologist on wednesday and we got a copy of the bone marrow report. They are going to watch her close and do blood work every 2 weeks.
Listed below is what the report said.
Final Diagnosis.

Bone marrow, aspirate smears and sections results

1.Approximally 5-10% of precursor B cells (see comment)
2.Normocellar marrow with active trilineage
3.Storage iron present per iron stain
4.Flow cytometry: A small population of precursor B cells positive for CD19, CD10, and TDT; negative for CD34
5.History of precursor B ALL in remission

The differential diagnosis includes early relapsed precursor B cell acute Lymphoblastic leukemia versus hematogones. A close clinical follow-up is recommended

Microscopic Description:

Bone Marrow Aspirate Smears: Adequate marrow particles are present. Differential count based on 200 cells; immature lymphoid cells/lymphoblasts, 6%; promyelocytes, 3%
Myelocytes, 13%; metamyelocytes, 10%; band/segs, 25%; eosinophils, 3%; plasma cells 0%; lymphocytes, 15%; erythroid precursors, 24%; There is a progressive maturation in myeloid and erythroid lineages. There is no evidence of significant dysplastic changes. Megakaryocytes are adequate in number and unremarkable in morphology. However, scattered immature lymphoid cells/lymphoblasts are observed. Storage iron is not present.

Flow Cytometric Analysis: Cell viability, 55% cell gate 3%; CD19%, 70%; CD19/CD10, 42%; CD34, 2%; TdT, 12%. The flow cytometric analysis shows a very small population of precursor B cells positive for CD19, CD10, and TdT; negative for CD34.

Bone Marrow Sections: Cellularity is 60% with active trilineage hematopoiesis. There is progressive maturation in myeloid and erythroid lineages. Megakaryocytes are qualitatively and quantitatively normal. Stains for CD79a and Tdt shows many scattered and occasional small loose clusters of positive cells, accounting for 5-10% of total cellular elements. CD10 highlights more positive cells ( scattered and clustered)which may include myeloid cells.

Please continue to keep Katie Rose in your prayers.

Friday, July 27, 2007 10:09 AM CDT

We are home and trying to get all appointments and therapys scheduled. Thank You for checking in on us and all the support!
Monday, July 23, 2007 10:09 AM CDT
Hi! It is already Monday. We will be going home wednesday. We are working on getting all her discharge items in order and therapy. I wanted to share some photos from therapy. Thank you for checking in and leaving her messages. She enjoys reading them.

Thursday, July 19, 2007 5:09 PM CDT
Hello! This week has flown by. I can not believe it is already Thursday. Katie Rose is doing great. I am impressed at her effort and how far she has come. She is walking and all though not far she is doing great. The therapists are helping her and she is learning to use a cane that has 4 legs on the bottom to help her balance better. She is incredible. She got mail from Terri today and Dave and Sharon visited yesterday. She enjoys reading her messages she gets on her caring bridge site. The hospital has a computer in the activity room she goes on every time she there to see if she got a new message. Alice Marie and Jimmy stopped by on Tuesday eve after Cancer support group. We also went to group but Katie was pretty tired and ended going back to her room and slept. I was surprised by a phone call from Stephanie Regan yesterday; her son just celebrated 5 years off chemo and is doing well. Today Katie Rose got a call from Jessica. She is trying to get her to escape the hospital and come to her b-day party on Sunday. Children’s does not give day passes so we will probably take the other kids. David has stayed some nights at the hospital with Katie. Today is the first Day I didn’t go to the hospital; I am getting caught up on laundry. Ritchey and Grandpa went and David is there also. So I will actually have a 24 hr break from the hospital. Thank You to those that continue to check in on Katie Rose. We Love you! See Journal History for the last two weeks of updates.

Monday July 16, 2007 9:30 PM

Katie Rose had a good day today. She wasn’t happy with therapy as they had her walk a lot. She ended up having pain pills after therapy as her back hurt her so bad. Her incision is almost completely healed now. Katie had all the girls and Thomas visit for a few today. Her Aunt Janet and grandpa Hann visited. Grandpa fell in the parking lot and cut his head and chin and bruised up his hands knee and shoulder. After waiting an 1hr and ½ with out being seen at the emergency room, I went to Wal-Mart and got him supplies to clean him up and glue his cuts. He is going to be sore tomorrow.

Hospital life is so boring; days are long. The chair I sleep in is so hard, I am waking up with back aches everyday. I will update tomorrow.

Sunday July 15, 2007 10:30 AM

Hello! Katie had a good day yesterday. She did her therapy in the morning and finished everything by noon. Grandpa Hann, Daddy and Rebecca came to see her. She was happy when her Dad said Rebecca could stay for the day. The girls watched a movie, played barbies and took a bubble bath! Katie had a little bit of a harder time yesterday cathing. It was probably because of a full bladder. She has been drinking a lot of water as they started to send her water bottles and she has to drink one between meals. She still isn’t eating much except for fruit. Last night Katie felt really funny, I think she might of had a blood sugar rush, she said she felt light headed and just funny. I made her a rootbeer float and she enjoyed it but felt funny about a ½ hour after.
Sunday there is no therapy. So we just are hanging out for the day. Pleas feel free to call or leave a message in her guest book.

Sat July 14, 2007 12:30 PM
Hi, I am not sure where Fridays update went. Katie had a great day yesterday. She is being a good sport doing things she doesn’t feel like doing. She had her brother spend the night with her last night. They played cards and enjoyed each others company. Today I asked Katie where her dirty clothes from yesterday were as I was going to have Ritchey take them home and wash them, She doesn’t have any dirty clothes because they decided she could just sleep in her clothes from yesterday and wear them again today. So I will be having her in the shower soon! Katie is doing well with the nurses and cathing. She is now working on a bowel program as well.
She is working hard on her legs. They are making her use her right leg/foot and it makes her whole leg shake. She would rather carry all her weight on her left side and that may be causing her hip pain.
Thanks for the messages. Katie is always so happy to read her messages.

Thursday July 12, 2007 5:30 PM

Hi! Thanks for checking in on Katie Rose. We had are meeting with the team today at children’s. The meeting went well. There was someone from Kaiser there as well. The plan is that she will be here until July 27th. They will work on strengthening and endurance and we will be working on bowel and bladder control. She has to go to school and even speech. She has physical and occupational therapy. They keep her very busy for 5 hours. It makes her tired. She has the opportunity to go to activities from 2-4 pm and 6:30 -8 Pm. The staff here is nice and we are getting comfortable with the layout. Katie’s room number is 132 at Rady’s children’s hospital in San Diego, if you want to visit afternoon is the best time to come preferably after 2 pm. Her phone number is (858) 966-6282 if you want to call. Please leave messages in her guest book. Katie enjoys looking at her messages.
Thanks for your support.

Wednesday July 11, 2007 11:00 PM

Katie had lots of testing done on her at children’s today. We have a meeting with a team of doctors, social worker, Pt, Ot, and more at 10:30 in the morning. We will find out what the treatment plan will be for her. She is very tired tonight. I will post tomorrow after the meeting sometime.

Tuesday July 10, 2007 11:00 PM

Katie Rose is at children’s hospital in room 132. We will have a family conference on Thursday with all the doctors to talk about what the plan will be. The intake doctor was surprised we didn’t have any one following her spinal bifida. We also should have a urologist we see regularly and gi doctor. They will make a plan and let us know what would be best for Katie. Ritchey is staying with her tonight; I will be back with her again tomorrow. I will update later.

Monday July 9, 2007 10:00 PM
Katie is still at Kaiser. We have talked to several doctors that think we should wait and go for rehab. The one nurse thinks she should be at home and the doctor told her she doesn’t make the decisions the doctors do. They will be sending someone over from children’s to do an evaluation on her tomorrow sometime. Meantime we are waiting for bed. Katie did walk but she has back pain and now left hip pain. I am at home and letting Ritchey stay tonight. I have Bunko tomorrow night and wanted to get things done around the house. I will update tomorrow.

Monday July 9, 2007 2:00 PM
I wanted to update this am but I wasn’t sure what to write. I think Katie will be either coming home or going children’s. They can not make up there mind. I am not sure what is going on. If she goes to rehab it will be a short stay. They are getting her pain under control. If she has her meds on time she seems to be comfortable and happy. I think the nurse we have today thinks she should come home. I would be okay with that I really don’t care after little sleep for a week I just want them to make up there mind and that’s what we will do. Children’s rehab has no beds as of now. So I do not know. She is scared to go home for fear of pain. I will update when I know something. I left Ritchey at the hospital so he could deal with the arrangements what ever they be.


Sunday July 8, 2007 10:00 PM
Katie Rose had a great day. She really seems to be doing well. She is taking less pain meds. We are supposed to go to children’s tomorrow for rehab. I am not sure if she really needs it. She is doing so well. I will talk to the doctor tomorrow about it. She wants to go, she thinks it will help her so she doesn’t get dizzy. She has finally had a bm and is doing good. I think she can do everything by herself. Maybe she can not go the distance but she can sit up and go to the bathroom. I think she is doing wonderful! I will update in AM.

Sunday July 8, 2007 7:00 AM
Katie Rose seem to have a better night. Ask for pain meds a few time but was quiet for about 6 hours straight. She is developing a nasty sounding cough this Am but her Oxogen sats are not that bad and are running around 94-95. I am not sure what the have planned for today. I will update tonight.

Saturday, July 7, 2007 11:00 PM
We have had a long but good day. Katie got up and walked this am with help, and than she got her Medline in her back removed. She got to have a shower and is doing well. She is not taking morphine as often as she was and her dose is lower, and she is not complaining as much, so progress is being made! She still hasn’t had a bm despite the meds they have given her. She ate half a grilled cheese today and some grapes, so that is good. I will update tomorrow.

Saturday, July 7, 2007 9:00 AM
Katie was a little restless last night. She seemed to be asking for pain medicine all night. She seems to look better, her color looks better and she seems to be moving much better. She is scheduled to go to children’s rehab on Monday but I am wondering if she will not improve enough this weekend that she won’t have to go. For physical therapy she walked to the nurse’s station much better today. She also seems to be getting up easier. That she is able to do all of that is very good news. She is a trooper! I will update tonight.

Friday, July 6, 2007 9:30 PM
Katie had a really good day. She seems to be a little more comfortable today or tolerating pain a little bit better. She was able with assistance to walk to the nurse’s station. I am so proud of her. Katie’s bed broke today and she was able to scoot from one bed to another. I am seeing more movement which makes me happy. The doctor is going to keep her catheter in for another week and than they will try to remove it again. Her lungs seem to be improving and she hasn’t been on oxygen at all today. She is resting now and her level is 94 which is good. We got her bone marrow results back and there are no signs of leukemia! So let pray we never see cancer ever again. Katie is still not eating well, pray her appetite increases. I will update tomorrow.

Friday July 6,2007 7:20 AM
Well I just noticed my update from last night didn’t post so I will fill you in on her Thursday. Katie Rose had her catheter pulled and after 7 hour was not able to go so it was placed again. They brought a chair over to the bed and had her stand and pivot to the chair. She sat about 10 minutes and the pain was pretty bad. We will work with her again today. She seemed to be in more pain after getting up. She did have 2 rolled tacos last night. So at least she ate something. We need to increase her fluids.

Thursday eve she seemed to sleep well. She did have to wear oxygen as when she sleeps her oxygen levels drop into the 80’s. They gave her itchy medicine and pain meds during the night. Today she looks pale. She is resting right now.
Today they will try to get her up and hopefully they can get her pain under control.
I will update tonight and will recheck to see if it posted.

Thursday, July 5, 2007 10:25 AM
Katie Rose Had a good night. This am the doctor came in and they have decided to take out her catheter. Hopefully everything will be working and she can go to the bathroom on her own. They nurses gave her a bath and she cried she was just so itchy and in a lot of pain. They have given her some meds and she is now sleeping. The bath wiped her out and her heart rate is up to 130 sleeping. She is so exhausted. She had a breakfast sandwich this am. That is all that she had yesterday, hopefully she will want to start eating and drinking more. Physical therapy is going to come and work with her. I am not sure if they will get her out of bed or not.
I will up date on her this afternoon/eve.

Happy 4th of July -11 PM
Well Katie has had a long day. Her Port IV infiltrated in her chest, and they couldn’t feel the port to reinsert the IV. Thank goodness she had a second IV line in her hand. The hospital did not have the right size needle to access her for the new IV. They had a smaller needle they used and put TPA in it. They tried this and it was lose and just couldn’t get the port to work. I ended up going over to the clinic and getting the right needle size she needed and we were able to get the IV line working again. Katie Rose was pretty miserable today with itching and pain. They moved her bed up to about 25-35 degrees. They are working to get her to sit up. I felt bad for her today. She really isn’t eating. She still has a catheter in so we do not have to get her up for the restroom. She is resting now and I hope tomorrow will be better for her,
I will update tomorrow.

Happy 4th of July -8:10 AM
Here are the pics- Katie Rose had a good night and seem to rest well. The nurses were good about keeping her medicated so she could rest. They just gave her some benadryl, We are hoping she is not getting an alergic reaction to morphiene! She is very itchy. I will take better pics later. Some of the picturse I took did not come out. She has a numbing pump for her back, but she doesn't think it works.I will update this afternoon/eve.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 9:20PM
Katie Rose is now asleep and resting comfortably. She had a long afternoon, has been in pain and has had some breathing issues that seem to be improving some. I took some snap shots but I am to tired to put them on the site right now.
I will update in the Am after we get some sleep.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 2:52 PM CDT
We just spoke to the doctor. Surgery was sucessful. They found the spot on her cord that was tethered and were able to release it.They explored her spine and the rest looked good. She did have some problems with breathing so they are watching her lungs closely. She will be in recovery soon. We will update this evening after we get her through recovery and into her room.
Thanks, Keri

Monday July 2, 2007 9:00 PM

Katie Rose has surgery at 7;15 in the AM I will update as soon as I get a report from the doctors.
Thanks for Checking on her and your prayers.
Saturday, June 23, 2007 9:00 AM CDT
We had Katie’s pre-op Friday afternoon and got more details about her surgery. We found out she has a 5 percent chance of getting worse. They are going to really do a lot of exploring and watching nerves on the monitor. The surgeon is having a second surgeon assist him and they expect the surgery to last all morning. They will release a tethered cord if they can. They may have to do a dura graft on her and she probably will be in the hospital a week. She may have to go to children’s for rehabilitation but that’s not known now. The doctor is going to have an oncologist come in and do a bone marrow and lp before the surgery, and then they will do the surgery.
Katie Rose had no questions for the doctor. I think she is scared.
On Wednesday Katie Rose had her dermatology appointment. He said that she has plantar warts on her foot. He froze a little bit and we have a follow up appointment. He also froze a small wart on her hand. I had them look at her cradle cap (that’s what it looks like) on her head and we discovered a new mole on her head. He took the mole and sent it out for biopsy testing. They will send a postcard with the results.
That’s all the news for now.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:17 AM CDT
Sorry it has been so long with out an update. We have had a very hectic couple of weeks and my schedule has been so hectic!
On June 9th we had zoo therapy and ha d a great time. I will attach some photos. We also were invited to a surprise birthday party for Brandon’s 16th birthday! His party was put on by some friends and we all had a great time. On Sunday the 11th we went to Irvine for our family’s favorite annual event. It is called western round up and it is an event for cancer families. The event has tons of activities for the kids and the releasing of Doves finishes the day. It is truly beautiful. I will attach photos. Sunday eve we had to rush Brandon to the hospital as he had appendicitis symptoms. After a belly scan he was cleared but he spent until wed inpatient on antibiotic. He did have a few spots on his lungs. He still has some pain in his tummy but is doing better.
On Tuesday Eve June 12th David had his board of review for Eagle Scout. He passed and we our proud to say we have a son that is an Eagle scout!
Katie Rose has therapy every Monday and Thursday every week. With the latest evaluation we find that Katie Rose continues to gain strength in her right hand. Her left side is not as strong as it use to be, but we are hoping it is temporary and can be fixed with her surgery on July 3rd.
Sarah put on her show on June 14th for her school. It was called the Midevel fair. It was a great show and she looked so pretty. We had a pool party on the 14th also as it was Brandon’s 16th birthday, and Katie Rose and Madison last day of school. Friday June 15th, Katie Rose had her pre op physical with her oncologist. She has to have 2 pre op appointments as they want to make sure she is clear for surgery. Her appointment went well and we were given the go ahead. We also were given the approval for a new puppy. We got our new puppy on the 15th. Her name is Bella and the whole family is crazy about her. She is a Dachshund Chihuahua mix and is very little! We all are enjoying her and she is good for the family.
Katie Rose and Sarah went to Knott’s Berry Farm on Saturday the 16th with Girl Scouts. Katie Rose says she has more fun when she goes with the family. I guess she had a lot of standing and it irritated her feet. She has a lot of blisters and she did not want to walk on Sunday. We made her walk and we will be seeing a doctor for it today. Sunday was father’s day. After church we went to Chula Vista to visit my father and than came home to have a steak barbeque and swim party to celebrate the best Dad I know! Ritchey was thrilled to have some free time with the kids and swim and enjoyed barbequing on his new grill.
Yesterday we went to cancer support group, after the girls got out of school. Friday is the last day for Sarah, Rebecca and Makayla. We have been swimming everyday. I am so happy we have a pool.
Katie has an appointment today and her 2nd pre-op on Friday. She is getting very nervous for her spinal surgery.
If you see this posted with out photos I will add them today, so check back to see photos. Sign the guest book!

This was so hard for Katie Rose to climb up we had to pull her up.
She was so proud when she got up there!

Katie Rose doing her art!

Brandon was so suprised at his Party!

This was the release of the doves. It was unbelievable to see.

This is the girls with Eva waiting in line for food!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 11:40 PM

Today we had our monthly clinic visit. It was sad as there were a lot of new patients. I made brochures this past month to put in clinic. It is a Parent to Parent brochure with links and resources for newly diagnosed patients. I hope these will benefit some of them.
Katie Rose counts are good. Her ANC is 3735 which is in the normal range. We have been referred to a dermatologist for the blisters on her feet. They think they may be plantar warts that are common to see after coming off chemo. The pigment change in her skin in some areas is also from chemo and that is just the way it is and we don’t need to worry about it. Her tummy aches are probably from her gallbladder. The head aches she has been having, although they are not debilitating, may be of concern. If she continues to have these head aches they will want to do a spinal tap in a few weeks to make sure that there are not any abnormal cells. I really think it is depression but if it continues they will want to see her sooner than the first of next month.
We got the date for her back surgery. It is scheduled for July 3rd. Her Pre-op is June 22nd.
I will update when we get more details for the surgery.
This month is so busy as all the kids have end of year activities. We have staggered last days of school. Some of the kids will be going to summer school. Johnathan 8th grade graduation is this Thursday. Brandon is so excited as he turns 16 on June 14. I don’t know what he thinks it is going to do, but he is eager to get a summer job. David turned 18 in May. He is doing odd jobs this summer as his passion is to work at the zoo. He will work for 6 weeks at the zoo, but the pay is poor, and he uses a lot of it for transportation cost of the trolley. He will be taking a referee class in Aug so he can ref football games in the fall. That’s it for the news right now. Please don’t forget to sign the guest book as it does cheer Katie Rose up and she is always wanting to get on the computer and read them.

Thursday, May 31, 2007 04:00 PM CDT

I can not believe how fast this month is going by! Katie rose is doing well and for the first time in a month she doesn’t have any mouth sores. The kids were all farmed out to different families this past weekend. Ritchey, Ashley and I went to my Niece’s wedding in Atlanta. Getting ready to go, and getting the kids to 5 different house’s was a chore. Katie Rose stayed with Jimmy from clinic. We were so busy in Atlanta. I didn’t get any sleep on Sunday eve and I have been dragging ever since I have gotten home. Thomas is over his pink eye and strep throat. Rebecca just got pink eye. Madison got a serious ear infection. I had to take Sarah in Monday and she has strep. David is just finishing antibiotics for sinus. Katie Rose is doing great. Hopefully we will be over this round of illness. Katie Rose does have some blisters on the bottom of her feet; I am hoping they will just go away. Katie Rose has her next doctor appointment on Tuesday.
Prayer request for a boy from clinic named Kaleb Derringer and his family. Kaleb’s Dad took his own life on May 24th. This family could use our prayers. Kaleb does have a caringbridge page and it is www.caringbridge.org/visit/kaleb
I will update after clinic next Tuesday.

Saturday, May 19, 2007 0:40 AM CDT

We had a busy last week. On Thursday the 10th of May Johnathan broke his wrist at school. It was a serious break and we had to go to the emergency room. We had to follow up with a surgeon on Friday and they ended up casting him from the tip of his thumb to his shoulder. He choose the color hot pink for his cast. He will be in this cast for 4 weeks and than we will go back and he will have a cast change and will be in a short cast for 8-12 more weeks.
On Saturday the 12th was celebration of champions. It is a day to celebrate kids with cancer and a huge fundraiser for children’s hospital. On this day the kids carry torch and run with a celebrity and earn a medal for there courage for fighting cancer. They also remember the children that have passed and have a balloon release in there honor by their family members. We were one of the last families to get to run. Katie Rose did a great job they don’t run that far and she gave it her all. The sad part is she fell, but she got up and kept on going. This is so good for the kids as when they run all the other families are cheering them on. It is an amazing event. After the run they serve sack lunches and the kids get to do carnival type games.
We than went to my Moms and Dads (Katie Rose Grandma and Grandpas) house so we could visit for a few hours and celebrate a day early mother’s day. It was a nice visit we haven’t been there as a family since Christmas.
We than went to a padre game. The padres manager donated 400 tickets for the kids and their families. At the Padres game they honored the kids on the field. They felt so important! The game was a lot of fun. We got home about 10 pm a long day. Katie took her LAST DOSE OF CHEMO on Sat night! Yahoo!
Sunday Mothers Day we went to courageous kids at Sea World. This is an event to honor mothers on mother’s day. It is put on by American Cancer society. It included lunch and a day at Sea World. Another long day as we didn’t get home until about 9 Pm.
Monday was a long day; I had to get Katie Rose to therapy. Boys started project week at school and were all on different schedules. Girls had school. I than had girl Scouts until about 5 pm. I had an Optimist meeting and again wasn’t home until 8 pm.
On Tuesday I went with Madison on a field trip to the birch aquarium. She was so happy I was able to go with her. We got home around 4pm after I had picked up all the kids from school. I than laid down and tried to take a quick nap as I haven’t been sleeping well. We had cancer support group at 6pm. This meeting is on effects from cancer treatment. The kids have there own groups and the parents all meet together. I got a lot of good info. I was also informed about the book cancer survivors written for children; This book is to make you be better prepared and know what to watch for and what precautions I need to take to make sure Katie Rose stays in good health.
Wednesday I took David to the doctor, he has a horrible sinus infection. Dad took Thomas to speech and dropped him off at the doctor with me. We than spent most of the day getting David’s Eagle stuff together as he had to get the last of the signatures at scouts that evening. Pick up girls and than boys and got home about 4:30. Older girls had girl scouts at 6pm David had scouts at 7pm and I got home around 8:30.
Thursday the 17th David’s 18th birthday he turned in his Eagle Scout application. He turned it in just in time the last day possible. We than went shopping for groceries. My Mom came out to visit for our birthdays. I forgot to mention I turned the big 4 0. Mom took me to lunch. We went shopping at Wal-Mart. My sister Kelly came by and bought Pizza for the kids for dinner. Ritchey took David and I up to the casino for the buffet and some gambling, since David was of age! I came back with all my money plus five dollars. David lost 15, and Ritchey lost 20. We had a great time. Thomas was sick all day thurs and is still sick today. He has high fever 103.5 and is mainly just sleeping.
Today Makayla did not go to school as her glasses broke and she was so horrible. She throws out of control fits. She will be having some testing done on Monday to figure out what is going on with her. Katie Rose stayed home with a tummy bug. I decided to work on updating Katie Rose site, when I really should be working on laundry.
This weekend looks like it will be less hectic for us. We only have zoo therapy and church planed and to get caught back up on housework.

Padres game photos

Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:21 PM CDT

I want to thank everyone for a great birthday and Celebration of Life Party. It was great to have so many people to share in that special day some in spirit and some present. We appreciate all the great wishes! We only have 2 more days of chemo left! I will be happy for Katie Rose for she will hopefully not have to suffer the side effects of those meds anymore. I know she will be happy to have no mouth sores. I spoke with the surgeon for Katie Rose Back surgery. We don't have a date but he said probably 4-5 weeks. This surgery has no guarantees, hopefully it will gain her some improvement and that she will not lose any more function. Thank you for keeping up with Katie Rose and your continue support. Below is a collage of photos from Katie Roses celebration of life party. We haven't got a lot of the photos that John took for us so I will be adding another collage when I get the rest of the photos. Have a great week and please don't forget to sign the guest book.

Tuesday, May,1st, 2007 8:00 PM CDT

We went today for our test, and blood work. Katie Rose’s blood work looks great again! It is kind of a disappointment to me as her ANC continues to run very high. Her anc is over 3000 which is like she isn't even on chemo. It continues to run high like this, and it just tells me the chemo is not working the way it should be. Katie Rose spinal tap (head tap) went smoothly and she only had 1 WBC in her fluid which is good. They gave her zofran and she didn't get sick.
Now I will share the frustrating part. The bone marrow aspiration and biopsy did not go well. They sedated Katie Rose and numbed the area. They tried for at least 10-15 minutes to try to get marrow and were unsuccessful. They moved the needle and tried and just couldn't get this to work. So we will not have one done now. They will not try again unless her blood shows a reason to try. What this means is we do not have an end of treatment result saying that there is no leukemia. Katie Rose probably is still in remission, but I wanted the paper saying not to worry Mom, we checked it out and all is clear the normal end of treatment test everyone gets to have. Katie Rose will take chemo until May 12th. Her last dose will be taken that night. We will follow up in clinic on the first Tuesday of every month and check her blood to see if she has any sign of cancer in her blood. We will continue to check her for 5 years. After 5 years we will be considered cured! We have also been released to schedule the surgery on her back. I called the doctor and we are currently waiting for an appointment. Our onc wants the spinal surgery done and have her recovered before we do the gallbladder surgery. So for now we will look forward to her party this Saturday and will count down the days until no more chemo! 11 days until no more chemo!!
Please sign the guest book and email me at Keri at mommyof8plus1@cox.net
if you want me to add you to my update list. I will send out an email when I update Katie Rose site, so you will be informed right away and can keep up to date on her:)
Thank You so much for you support. We could not do this alone; with God and your support and prayers we are making it through and winning this battle!
Please check out invite below and stop by if you can!

Thursday, April 26, 2007 11:30 PM CDT
We went to see the specialist today from children’s hospital. We were able to go over all Katie's issues. He asked us questions and the final answer is we are going to have to go through with surgery on her spinal cord. The doctor said there is know test to know if this is going to work the only thing we do know is if she has surgery she has a chance of improvement and prevention of further damage being done. If we do nothing she can get progressively worse and she could have permanent damage. We will now have to decide who will and when will she be able to have this surgery.
Katie Rose has been fighting a bug. She is pretty miserable with mouth sores right now. She has had low grade fevers off and on. On Wednesday she had to stay home as she had vomiting in the middle of Tuesday night,(-all over the floor, and Brandon was so kind to clean it up)
She feels okay most of the time. She is excited for this weekend as her Girl Scout Troop is going to be in the parade. On Sunday we are going to a jewelry party so that should be a lot of fun.
Please sign the guest book and please keep Katie Rose in your prayers as she will be getting her tap and marrow test on Tuesday, she is a little nervous!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:35 PM CDT
We had clinic today and Katie Rose counts continue to look great. Katie Rose had a ear infection that is healing on its own. She has a little wheeze but not bad for Katie. We have decided to try to do the spinal tap and bone marrow in clinic in 2 weeks. The operating room wants to shave Katie’s head for her spinal tap (head Port Tap), we would prefer not. So we will try in clinic and see how it goes. We still haven't been seen at children’s in reference to her spinal surgery. I got the full report on Katie’s gallbladder and she also has sludge in it along with gallstones, so once we finish chemo we will look into getting it taken care of.
We went to Cancer support group tonight. It was on your spiritual journey. It was really good. I enjoyed my time there, and the kids enjoyed there support groups.
We are getting ready for Katie Rose to go off treatment to celebrate we are having a Party! See info below!

Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:32 PM CDT

Hope you all had a Happy Easter! I am adding a few Easter Photos I will update next Tuesday after clinic.
If You haven't seen prom photos click on the Journal History Button:)

Thursday, April 5, 2007 8:44 AM CDT

Katie Rose had clinic yesterday. Her counts are great. We discussed Katie Rose going off treatment and set a date of May 12. We talked about my concerns of Katie missing 1 chemo drug for over a year and a 2nd drug for 3 months. The doctor explained things well and told me we have put as much chemo in Katie Rose as her body could take. She did say that the steroids play a key part in relapsing and Katie has had all her steroids plus a lot more because of her lungs. We will be followed by blood test every month to check for cancer for 5 years. If she makes it that long with out a relapse she will be considered cured. We are going to the operating room in the next couple weeks to do a last bone marrow test and a spinal tap. We will than have a finished baseline.
We saw the neurologist from Kaiser last Tuesday. He informed us we got the okay to go outside of Kaiser to children’s for another opinion on Katie Rose about her spine. He also thinks she has scar tissue build up that is causing her problems and thinks surgery would be good. We will see what the doctor at children’s says when we get that appointment.
We have Katie Rose ultrasound this Thursday. This will see if she needs her gallbladder out. They saw stones on her x-ray. This will help us to make the right decision for her.

As many of you know Katie Rose and her brothers went to the prom on Friday and they had a blast. Katie was on the news and when I get a copy I will post it. The link they posted on the news site is not working. I have to figure out how to get it transferred on to the computer. I will ad a few photos below.

Thank You for those who continue to check in on Katie Rose. I appreciate your caring and support. Please sign the guest book.

Here is a link if you want to see all photos (over 100) Katie Rose Prom Photo Album

Thursday, March 22, 2007 0:26 AM CDT

Katie had clinic on Tuesday. All is well except her counts are high. We are uping her chemo a little to see if it helps. We are all confused with her counts.We had her barrium enemia done and we do not have results as of yet. She has been feeling well. With the hot days last week she spent a lot of time in the pool. She really enjoys swimming. We are still not unpacked but are getting closer. I will be happy when everything has its own spot!
I entered Katie Rose in the American girl contest. I will share what i submited below. Hope everyone has a great week and we will update in 2 weeks! Sign the geust book!

Katie Rose is a very special girl. Despite the fact she was born with a spinal cord defect, she has always smiled and been a fighter since her birth. Katie Rose wears a leg brace but is able to walk and tries new things and plays with other children. She is the 5th of 10 children. She is an active girl scout and is involved in community service projects. She always volunteers in the church nursery and loves all children. Because Katie Rose has had many surgeries and felt experienced Katie Rose has written a book about having surgery to share with kids so they would know what to expect and not be afraid to go to the hospital. When the wild fires burned in San Diego a few years back she won a costume contest and a 25 dollar cash prize. She spent every dollar on coloring books and crayons to donate to the fire victim’s children. She has drawn beautiful art at the San Diego Zoo and donated her art to the optimist to sell for proceeds to go to the hospital. She made bracelets this past year (which was difficult with her health at the time) and sold them and donated the money to the hospital. Katie Rose spent several weekends in front of Wal-Mart collecting donations for the leukemia society and walked at Light the Night fundraiser for cancer. Katie Rose also has been diagnosed with leukemia and has fought her cancer for 2 years now and is still in treatment. This has had her in the hospital a lot and she has missed a lot of school. She had to repeat a grade, and even change schools. Despite all Katie Rose has had to deal with she has always had a positive attitude and is smiling even when she was in pain. While losing her hair as it was coming out in handfuls she was able to laugh saying bald is beautiful! Katie Rose is always willing to help others and would never say no to anything even if she is having a very sick day. At chemo clinic the kids get to pick out of the treasure chest after painful procedures; 90% of the time she will pick for someone else and give them her gift. She always wants to visit the kids at the hospital and bring them gifts. At school Katie Rose is a role model and likes to never exclude anyone. She works hard on her school and gives 100% everyday she is at school. She loves to swim, ride her bike and participate in heart life a song and dance exercise program at school. Katie Rose has all these qualities and more; she is a very caring, compassionate, creative, Responsible and helpful girl, and a friend to all. I think Katie Rose would represent a wonderful American girl!

Monday, March 12, 2007 9:02 AM CDT

Sorry I didn't get a chance to update sooner. Thursday we drove 4 hours to Los Angeles to meet with Dr. Cahan. The appointment was disappointing. The doctor did not even examine Katie Rose. He said he saw the one fil, and we brough films and he only looked at one. Basically he said we needed to do surgery. He said it only had a 80% chance of working. They would not do surgery untill after she finished chemo sometime after May. Ritchey and I would like an opinion that is outside of Kaiser so we are going through appeal process.
This past weekend we went to Girl Scout camp. We had a good time. Four of the girls got to go. Katie Rose is an expert at driving the electric wheelchair and it was so nice not to have push her around camp. The chair even could go off roading.
Tonight Katie Rose has a pulmonology appointment.
Next week we have a GIultrasound and April 5th is her ultrasound of her gallbladder. Katie Rose is feeling better this last few days. She been a little grumpy but it is expected as she has been on her steriod pulse.
We have clinic next Tuesday and I will update after that appointment.
Sign the guest book! Please remember to keep Chris Daniels in your prayers as he is relapsed and is not considered a candidate for another bone marrow transplant.
Thanks- Keri

Monday, March 12, 2007 9:02 AM CDT

Sorry I didn't get a chance to update sooner. Thursday we drove 4 hours to Los Angeles to meet with Dr. Cahan. The appointment was disappointing. The doctor did not even examine Katie Rose. He said he saw the one fil, and we brough films and he only looked at one. Basically he said we needed to do surgery. He said it only had a 80% chance of working. They would not do surgery untill after she finished chemo sometime after May. Ritchey and I would like an opinion that is outside of Kaiser so we are going through appeal process.
This past weekend we went to Girl Scout camp. We had a good time. Four of the girls got to go. Katie Rose is an expert at driving the electric wheelchair and it was so nice not to have push her around camp. The chair even could go off roading.
Tonight Katie Rose has a pulmonology appointment.
Next week we have a GIultrasound and April 5th is her ultrasound of her gallbladder. Katie Rose is feeling better this last few days. She been a little grumpy but it is expected as she has been on her steriod pulse.
We have clinic next Tuesday and I will update after that appointment.
Sign the guest book! Please remember to keep Chris Daniels in your prayers as he is relapsed and is not considered a candidate for another bone marrow transplant.
Thanks- Keri

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 10:34 PM CST

We are moved! The house is great and we are buried in boxes and will be working on unpacking and getting settled for a while. We have feel we have been truly blessed with this home and are excited to be in this new home. Mapleview Baptist (our church) sent a moving team to help us move and had us moved in about 4 hours. We couldn't turn around in the new house but we had everything over here and the project of putting together beds and having beds was our number one priority. Thanks to the Martins for staying tell 9 pm helping out; Mrs. Williams and Christina for working on the kitchen. Dianna and Jerry part of our Mapleview team for providing lunch for everyone. Robin and Larrry for taking younger kids and providing dinner and Tina for watching kids sat and all younger kids on Sunday. My Mom unpacked my whole curio cabinet.

Today we had clinic. Katie's counts look great and her ANC 1606. We were there until about 4pm having IVIG transfusion and everything went well. I got to spend a lot of time with Katie's doctor. We went over her films that I will be taking to LA on Thursday. She told me that we need to ask for an expert doctor in California and ask to see that doctor. She said she has a lot of concern for Katie and since she has such unusual problems we need to make sure we are seeing the best doctor. We also saw the GI doctor. He thinks her problems are related to her spinal cord. but is going to have us have a gi series so he can see her insides. I will update on Thursday after we get home from LA and let you know what we find out.

Thanks for checking in!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:35 AM CST

Hello, I hope you all have had a good week. Katie has been having a lot of days being sick with tummy aches and vomiting but feeling okay unless she eats. We had her into th doctor last Friday and found the probable cause. She had swallowed a penny on Sunday morning at church. This penny was still there on Friday! We went on a liquid diet and it helped as she hasn’t had as much vomiting. Yesterday at clinic the penny is still there but looks closer to moving out. Nine days already! Her gut is very slow moving and when we go to clinic next week they will have us see a gi specialist also. Her counts at clinic were good as and she has a high ANC which is expected as she threw up her meds a lot last week. We will go back to clinic next week to get an IVIG transfusion and we will start are steroid pulse. We will not be giving chemo at clinic as the doctor is concerned her gut is not working as it is suppose to. We will continue taking daily chemo at home nightly.
I spoke to the neurosurgeon about Katie’s myelogram results. The doctor is just not seeing anything significant and he says he could explore but wants to be conservative. We have been referred to Los Angeles to see a pediatric neurosurgeon to see what they think. We would like to get an opinion with a ped’s neurosurgeon in San Diego at children’s but Kaiser has not approved us to go outside. Our oncologist was very happy we are doing this as she thinks with Katie’s complications we should have 2nd and 3rd opinions. She says the doctor in Los Angeles are more specialized and may have more insight. With Katie’s condition this is very rare. You don’t find people with true spit spinal cords (when she was born they said there was 12 in the world) and the tumors on it should not be there. Add the diagnosis of leukemia and she probably is the only one in the world with this. She is at the mercy of the doctor and we want to make sure she is getting the best of care. We do not want her to lose more function and the doctors just are not sure. Her report results read:

This is the impression:
1.Three-planar orthogonal imaging of the pt known diastematomyelia
shows no obvious adhesion, bone or fibrous spiculation, or other
tethering point identified on this exam.

2. Persistent tethering of the cord ending dorsal to the L2 level.

3. Persistent visualization of an ovoid-to-nodular mass which
involves one of the nerve rootlets of the cauda equina, a finding which has
been evaluated frequently in the past via MRI scan.

4. Multiple segmentation anomalies of the upper thoracic spine, and lower lumbar spine.

We are moving this weekend. Our new address is 8136 Starview Dr. El Cajon, CA 92021. It is a ton of work to move and we are working on doing all our packing this week. Pray that the move goes smoothly.

We hope you all have a great week and we will update next week after Katie Rose has her clinic visit.

Wed-11:45 The Doctor just called and said they were discussing and reviewing Katie Rose X-ray and her penny and noted she has gallstones which can make her feel sick. She is ordering an ultrasound and we may have to see a surgeon and have her gallbadder removed.

Monday, February 19, 2007 2:43 PM CST

Two years ago today we got the divesting news our dear Katie Rose was very sick with Leukemia. We could not predict what the future would have for her. We are so Thankful for her life and the fact that she has survived for 2 years!

As we do not know what the future holds we will always worry about her health and if she is getting the best of care. I can not explain as a parent how that feels but I do know that because of God we are surviving even when it seems like there is ALWAYS SOMETHING. I trust God for his plans for our family and as long as we trust in him we will make it through this.
I want to thank those who have always shown there support and have not given up on us even though I haven't sent Thank You cards or letters to thank them. I appreciate the fact that others show there love for Katie Rose. It has continued to make her smile despite what she has gone through. The kindness of others is a gift and I hope to be able to help other going through trials some day.

I just want to say Thank you to everyone who leaves encouraging messages it really helps in making our family encourage knowing others are praying and care. You regular visitors I consider my extended family and have been here with me more than my own family has. I think my personal family couldn't deal with the stress and even though we live in the same town we rarely see them and really haven't been much support. The love we feel comes from my extended family and I truly thank you!

Please Pray for Katie Rose to finish her treatment and to remain cancer free. That she doesn't have long term side effects and that she remains pain free.

Please pray for the family as we prepare to move on the 1st. Pray everyone stays healthy!
Praise My throat is feeling better. I went to doctor on Friday and got antibotics for streph throat.

Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:43 PM CST

Katie Rose had her myelogram done today. Katie is fine but we had a real bad day with lots of hospital mistakes which makes me angry! We had to be at admitting at 11:00 AM. We got there and waited for over an hour and they finally took us back. They took us to post op. I guess pre-op and post-op were fighting on who was going to take us as we were a add-on. I told them we had this appointment for about a month but no one on the floor there knew we were coming. Post-op admitted us in a hurry. The nurse was mad as they didn't even have Katie's pre-op physical paperwork and she didn’t have all the time to fill out paperwork. I told both the doctor and nurse what we were having done. We were supposed to have a pre ct scan before the myelogram. When we went down they stopped at the wrong floor I was than informed that they cancelled the first ct as of lack of time, and they were taking her for her myelogram now and I was to say my goodbyes. They told me to go down to the ct waiting room. Our friend Deborah a Kaiser Child life specialist went with them for the beginning of the procedure. (She stays until Katie is asleep) The last thing I told them was not to forget to send her spinal fluid to the lab as we were checking for leukemia, they told me not to worry. Deborah came down and told me Katie was asleep and to call her when we were done. They came and got me a little after 3 pm and I was able to go in to the CT scan room. Katie was awake but groggy. I immediately asked -you did send Katie's spinal fluid to the lab right? The doctor says he was busy taking care of Katie and leaves. The Nurse tells me that she didn't think it was done and called the radiologist doctor that did the myelogram to speak to me. This doctor said he didn't see an order for it and and said he even asked everyone during the procedure do we need fluid for anything and nobody said anything to him. This made me so mad as I didn't see the need for her to be put to sleep than as she has an omaya reservoir. They screwed up and nobody is taking responsibility, the nurse apologized but we can't change it now. They did the CT scan and when we went to take her upstairs to recovery they realized they didn't have her chart and left it where they did the myelogram. They sent someone to go find it. We went upstairs and it took at least 10-15 minutes for her chart to arrive. They then had to explain about her port and they were trying to get heparin so they could deacces her so they would be ready when it was time. I ended up walking over to peds and getting the meds myself. The doctor checked on Katie a few times and even in post-op came to check on her. The doctors don't normally check on them after they are stable; I assume he felt guilty for what he had done considering I told him specifically at least three separate times about her fluid, two separate times on the post-op floor and one outside the elevator when we were saying are good byes. He even ended up deacessing her. Katie is fine she had dinner and went to sleep. I am just angry as Katie may have to be put to sleep again for a spinal tap just because a day of screw ups the hospital made and the fact they didn't listen to the parent.
On brighter news we found a house and will be moving the first week in March. I will write about it soon, I am just to tired tonight.
Also I have been sick since Monday with horrible sore throat. Please pray it goes away soon!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:00 PM

Katie Rose appointment went well today and she is all set for Thursday. Her ANC is high probally from the steriods. I will update after we get out of the hospital on Thursday if it is not to late. Katie is a little nervous.
Happy Valentines Day! We send our love to you all!
Keri and Katie Rose

Friday, February 9, 2007 10:08 AM CST

Hi- Just checking in. Katie Rose has been sick today is her 3rd day. She has had low grade fevers and just feels lousy. Her fever is 100.2 this am. I don't have to call the doctor yet. If it goes up .2 degrees I will have to call. She is starting to sound like she is getting a chest cold. I hope she is not developing a lung infection again. She is cranky and crying a lot, and says I don’t feel good for everything! I have a feeling if she doesn't make a turn around today we will be inpatient this weekend. Please keep her in your prayers. We have done alot have house hunting and are still looking. We will be looking at a few today and hopefully one of them will wotk out. I dread moving! I have been very overwhelmed about it and it feels just like one more thing!
Katie Rose is selling Girl Scout cookies they are $4.00 a box. If you are local we would love to take your order, just email or call us.
Please leave a message in the guestbook, it is very uplifting to know people care and really brings Katie joy to read her messages. Thank you for checking in and I will update if she goes inpatient. The 15 of Feb has worked out also and she will go inpatient for the day they will put her to sleep while they do those test on her spinal cord.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:44 PM CST

Todays clinic visit went well. Katie Rose counts are perfect. Her ANC 1450 which is exactly where we want her to be. We will be skipping chemo iv this month as they would like to have her milogram test done first. Her milogram is tentally scheduled on Feb 15th. The milogram is tricky to schedule as they have to have 3 teams working and the doctor. What they will do is put her to sleep And a special team will do a low spinal tap which is very high risk becuse her low riding cord, they will insert a special dye and than they will do a CT scan. She will be out patient. These test will let the doctors look more closely at her tumors on her cord and check the other abnormal findings from her MRI.
We had the 24 hour flu run through the house. Only Madison was sick longer at 3 days.
We got news that we will have to move again. Please pray we will be able to find a long term rental so we can live in a new home for a long long time.
Sad News Katie Rose and Sarah's friend Brittany from Girl Scouts just lost her father in the military helicopter crash in San Diego last friday. The girls will see Brittany at scouts on Wednesday. Brittany's Dad Chris was young at only 28 years old. They walked at Light the Night with us. He survived Iraq only to die in a trainning accident. Just is so sad.
Thanks for checking in. Please remenber to sign the guest book.

Friday, January 19, 2007 1 PM CST

Sorry for not updating sooner. We had clinic on Wednesday and got great news. Katie Rose bone marrow is clear with no leukemia! Her bone marrow is working at 50 percent and we will have to have imunogloblin transfusions for the next 4-6 months. That is why she got so sick as her igg? level was so low, her neutriphils are coming back up now. Her wbc are great now and her ANC is 2000 now! We did have to go back in hospital for the day yesterday for fever and got iv antibotics and Katie Rose is fine now and went back to school today! Katie Rose is complaining still of some pain in her legs and back and burning in her feet. but she is up and walking around.

On a sad note-Wednesday was also a sad time for are family as wed eve her Grandma passed away. Betty was my second mom, She was so good to me and the kids, and she will be greatly missed. I have such pleasant memories from the last 40 years with her. We were able to tell her befor she died about Katie's remission and she was very happy and said she would always watch over her and Samantha, Katie Rose cousin with Downs syndrome.
Thanks for checking in and signing the guest book.

Friday, January 12, 2007 8:06 PM CST
We are HOME! Katie Rose was sent home today. Her counts are still off and she has an ANC of 400 so she has to wear a mask. Katie Rose was sad today as she did not want to come home as she didn't want to be in pain. The doctor is giving us some new pain medication and we hope that will make Katie Rose feel comfortable. The doctor is worried that the hospital could be making her worse and wants her moving around and eating. He thinks she may be depressed.
The doctor said she could go to zoo therapy tomorrow and I may let her go if she feels up to it. My concern is that she may be too tired and it might be to cold. She would have to be in her wheelchair as there is know way she can walk it. (update sun am we did let her go to class and she stayed in the heated classroom. She enjoyed it but it did wipe her out and she rested the rest of the day. she did cry in pain in the eve and went to bed early and is still sleeping as of 8:30 this am.)
We will get Katie Rose bone marrow biopsy test results hopefully on Tuesday. I am anxious to get the results. I will post when I hear them.
Thank You for continuing to keep Katie Rose in your prayers. Thanks for signing the guest book.
Please Read Journal History if you are just checking in on Katie Rose to get the hospital details.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:43 PM

I am sorry I haven't updated sooner. I have been staying at the hospital with Katie Rose and have had not been able to get on the computer. Katie Rose counts got real critical this past week. She got to a point were she had no neutriphils at all and her white blood cells got down to .04. Her lungs seem to be improving a little now although she does sound gunky and does have some whezzing. She has been on several different antibotics and on steriods. She had a bone marrow test done today. We haven't got any results yet. She was in a lot of pain and they are making her comfortable with pain meds. Katie has not had a fever in several days. Her o2 level is running about 96-97. Dad is staying the night with her tonight as the other kids miss me so much. It is hard for me to leave her but I know that it is good for me to have a break also. Katies ANC is at 140 today. I am glad that her counts have come up some. Please feel free to call the hospital to check in. The number is 619 528-5000. Sign the guest book and please keep Katie Rose in your prayers.

Thursday, January 4, 2007 07:00 PM

We had to take Katie Rose to the hospital, She has 102 fever and a heart rate of 160. Her lungs sound awful and wheezie. You can call the Hospital 619 528-5000 to check on her.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 07:53PM
Please Keep Katie Rose in your prayers! Her counts today were even worst today than they were last week. Her White blood cell is .7 and her ANC is 189. We need prayer that she does not get sick, her cold is not in her lungs yet and her month sores heal. Any fever we will go inpatient. Doctors are still discussing Katie's MRI I am not sure what is going to be done with it yet.
Hope everyone had a Happy New Year Celebration.
Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:17 PM CST

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I have been so busy, I am sorry I haven’t sat down and updated Katie Rose site. The kids being at home I don’t even seem to have a second of free time. My computer power supply and key board also have been acting up, but I figured since we are not doing anything but resting today I would give it a try. I have already been interrupted a few times and have a pounding head ache, but every one should be staying on there beds for a few minutes.
Well I last wrote I told you we were going on a blimp ride. Katie and I went up, it was a lot of fun but because it was a cloudy day our visibility was limited.
Katie Rose has been healthy, and we were blessed to have a great Christmas. First year no one actually was sick other than colds. Katie Rose shingles on her foot look better and she is not having the pain in her foot as she had been.
We had a clinic visit yesterday. We got Katie Rose’s MRI results, and blood work and lab test. I was shocked with her ANC was so high 2 weeks ago to a very low ANC. Her WBC is at 1.4 which is considered to be a critical level. It makes me wonder what is going on in her system. Any ways I hope she doesn’t get sick we had 3 kids sick last night but today every one seems okay. We also had a weird experience with Katie Rose. She was complaining of back pain and just lying on my bed last night. I told her she needed to take her meds and go to bed. Well she was at the sink in the bathroom getting water and she started to scream something was biting her behind her knee. We checked her leg and there was nothing there. But she insists it was still biting her? Maybe she had a pinched nerve? I don’t know and we gave her meds and she went to bed and hasn’t complained today of it.
Katie’s MRI results are questionable but considered stable. They have some concerns and have 3 doctors talking about it. They really don’t know what to think and can not rule out leukemia for sure. What we do know is that she has a persistent small avidly enhancing nodule which appears stable. Increased signal involving the right sided hemi cord with out abnormal enhancement. The other found abnormalities is what she has always has had. Her split cord starts at T 7. The cervical spine showed there is a straightening and loss of normal cervical lordosis.
We will se the Dr. Next week instead of 2 weeks because of her low counts and I am sure we will be talking about what we should do next.
Thank You for your continual support and prayers. I hope to get card out for New Years, sorry I never had a free minute to do Christmas cards this year.
Please sign the guest book. Happy New Year. Below are photos that I wanted to share.
PS-Just thought I would share with all the hecticness in this house it took me all day to get this typed and up here!
Katie Rose on the blimp!

At a Party the Boys got to meet the Charger Players, Can you believe that David is bigger than them!

My Steeler Boys!

Hann Kids Christmas Day-minus Ashley (she had to work)

Friday, December 15, 2006 11:00 PM CST

We are sad today as another friend has lost the battle to cancer. Joanna was young and fought almost a year. She is no longer suffering and is in Gods hands now. Please keep her family in your prayers!


We went to a Make A Wish ice skating party at Hotel Del Cornado on wed eve. We had a great time as a family. Katie Rose tried to stand in the skates but her ankles would not support her. She cried she wanted to skate so bad. Mom came up with the idea to run on the ice with her shoes. She had to hold on to the edge, but had a great time and noone said a word to her about shoes on the ice. Thursday she came home from school with a head ache and foot pain. She has blisters all over her left foot. I told the doctor she had what look to be shingles again in the same spot the bottom of her foot. The doctor said it can come back in the same spot. We have increased meds for it and she was in so much pain last night I had to give her morphiene. This Am she didn't feel well and stayed home from school. She is on steriods it may be causing her to feel awful. WE are ppose to go on a blimp ride SAT AM. I will take photos. Please sign the guest book. I am posting pictures from the Hotel Del.

PS_ Johnathan Chin is bruised from a cup geting stuck to his chin -not ice skating!

Katie Rose

Hann Family

Hann Kids

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:11 PM CST Katie had chemo today. Her ANC is 5586 which is high. I am waiting to hear from the doctor if she wants to increase her daily chemo.
Katie Rose also had an 3 hr MRI and it went smoothly. She is resting right now. I will update when I get the results. I will try to get on this week and add some photos. It has been so hectec lately. Thanks for checking in. Also we get to go on a blimp on Saturday it should be fun,. I am tired so I may come in and edit this all out when I am not so tired.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:32 AM CST

Hello! Thanks for checking in on Katie Rose. Katie Rose is doing good! Her headaches have basecally passed and she is functioning back at normal levels! We had a doctors appointment her counts looked good and her ANC is good! She was complaining of a bladder infection but the primary results look good. We have an IEP today to go over her educational goals at school. Katie Rose is very excited she is going to be in an oprah play next week, Hansel and Gretel! We are so excited for her, she is eager to do good and stay healthy.

Thanksgiving dinner was spent with friends and we all had a great time and ate so much food! I did some shopping to get some of the holiday deals! It was so busy at the stores. Well we have a busy week this week and it seems my schedule is just jammed full. I will be trying to take family photos this week as we got are tree up. Please email me your address so I can start on my christmas card list.
We had 3 birthdays in our house this past week! Katie Rose had some action at the twins party playing red rover red rover! I am sending a photo of her running, (she looks so silly when she trys to run, I thankful she trys!)

Have a great week! Thanks for the support, and thanks for signing the guestbook!

Thursday, November 24, 2006 8:04 AM CST

We want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Please take the time to thank those that are in your life and the good Lord above for all he has done in your life.
THANK YOU< for your support and checking in on Katie Rose! Don't eat to much turkey or you will be gobbling!

Monday, November 20, 2006 9:04 PM CST
On Monday am I took Katie in as she is still suffering a headache since last Thursday. They did a spinal tap (head tap) we do not have the results yet. Her blood work looked good with a high ANC of over 4000. The doctor reviewed her meds and an adverse effect of the prevacid is headache and fatigue and her symptoms started 48 hours after they doubled her dose. So thy have taken her off prevacid completely and we will see if it helps. She has suffered so much over the last week it is so hard for Ritchey and I to see her in pain and just sleep and not care to do her regular activities. The doctor said it will take a few days to get the drug out of her system. Thanks for the prayers!

Friday, November 17, 2006 9:04 PM CST

My sweet girl Katie Rose came home Thursday sick with a bad headache. She has slept most of today, Her head still hurts and her tummy hurts also. I gave her some pain meds. Please keep her in your prayers that she feels better soon. She was crying her head hurts so bad, it breaks my heart!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:04 PM CST
weekly update time! We saw the pulmonologist on Monday. He did a complete check up. He said her lungs look good. He has increased her prevacid to 2 times daily. He also told us we should use the abuteral befor exercise, long walks and that should help with being shor of breath.
On Tuesday we saw Dr. Lammers. She filled us in on whats been going on. Katie Rose labs were showing blasts but it was not correct, they have a tech making errors and they sent a slide of katie's blood to a pathologist that confirmed there was no blasts! That is good News. Katie Rose still has sore glands in her neck she is probally fighting a virus. They gave her chemo and did her counts. Her ANC is high but the doctor isn't concerned. She is on full dose chemo and it is steriod week, and we already got to see some of her moodyness this AM. Pleas sign the guestbook, Katie hasn't got any messages lately. She loves to read her messages and I love to see her smile. Katie had Art therapy on Sat if you would like to see her Art work, check the web site www.mychildsrainforest.org

Tuesday, Novemer 07, 2006 5:00AM

After clinic update- Katie Rose appointment went well. We were able to get IV antibotics and put on a 10 day home supply. We also had her foot checked and the doctor took her films to the radiologist and although her bones are very thin in her feet they did not see a fracture. The swelling must be from Ligaments and they put her in a wood shoe for a few weeks. Katie's counts what I can see were pretty much the same, Now here comes my paranoa.
I am paranoid that my Doctor is not telling me something! Maybe I am over reacting but I am not sure. We brought Katie Rose in for swollen Lymp glands and slight fever. Her lymph gland are very pronounced and they ran complete blood counts. Well I asked how her counts are and the doctors starts reading off the computer and mentions blasts, and than the nurse says you will want your copy right and I say yes and as I start to walk out I hear the doctor say to the nurse she wants a slide of Katie's blood from the lab and as we wait for the nurse she comes out with Katie's counts written on a piece a paper with her ANC. ( we have never had her counts written on a piece of paper.)
The doctor comes out a few minutes later and gives me a copy of her counts down to the bands, and than it looks like a piece of paper was placed on top of the copy so I can not see part of the results. Just does not look like what we are normally given. I than ask the doctor about the blasts and she says I meant her bands are elevated. I am not buying it. She than mentions she wants to see us next week and if Katie's glands are still swollen we might want to do a bonemarrow because it can't hurt as we are getting closer to the end of treatment date. I am either being overly paranoid or the doctor does not want to alarm me about something! Katie's last bonemarrow in April showed she had 2eukemia, but I was told that is normal and not to be concerned unless it is 5ore. What do you think? Reasure me I am being the paranoid MOM!

I have been so busy sorry I haven't gotten pictures up until now. Today I was going to enjoy a little break but Katie Rose fever is back and she is having pain in her lymp nodes in her neck. We will see the doctor this am. Her left foot has been bothering her after several falls on Halloween so we will have that look at also. I am puting up the pictures of my kids in there costume. Thomas is Batman, Johnathan is the firefighter, Madison the cowboy, Rebecca the doctor, Makayla the cat and Katie Rose Minnie Mouse! I will update after the doctors and her counts.

Monday, October 30, 2006 9:07 PM CST

Hi! Thanks for checking in. Katie Rose went to the doctor on Monday this week as she has been running a fever. The doctor did her blood work and she is trying to fight this bug, her white blood cells are up to 2. Her ANC is 1305. They gave Katie Rose IV antibiotics and she also started zithromax to go with her other daily meds. She was also given a flu shot. We will continue on reduce chemo for now. She is starting to sound junky but for now it still sounds upper respiratory and has not settled in to her lungs. We will be watching her close for fever, shortness of breath and wheezing.
This past Saturday we had a busy day with fall carnivals and all. I promise I will post Halloween pictures later this week.
I added a video that goes with her new song from songs of Love. Check it out. We go to the ortho this Friday so I will update than. If you want to know more info on what's been going on please check out the journal history.
Thanks for checking in and please sign the guest book.

October 19, 2006

We have a very busy week at the Hann House. I will first fill you in on Katie Rose. She saw the doctor on Tuesday and was given full dose chemo. Later the doctor called and said that Katie Rose counts are low with an ANC of under 700. She put us on half dose chemo for the next two weeks. We also saw Neurology doctors, 2 of them trying to figure out what is going on with Katie Rose. They did more x-rays and they want an MRI don again of her spine. The doctor thinks her problems are related to her spinal cord. They also would like a spinal tap done on Katie on her lower spine. They will probably have to do it in the Operating room as it has never been done and it is a risky procedure because of her low lying cord. They will have to use x-ray or something to guide them. I think they want to make sure she doesn’t have leukemia on her spinal cord. The reason they are concerned is Katie Rose can no longer move her toes on her right foot. If it was from chemo drugs it would be affecting both feet. Wes see the doctor for Kyphosis on Nov. 3rd.
The walk On Saturday for Light the Night was great. Katie Rose almost made it a whole lap before she had to go in the wheelchair. She was so proud walking, and we were proud of her. I will post a team photo below.
Brandon was seen for a suspicious rash from head to toe. David was seen for strep throat, and Makayla was taken in today for croup. She hasn’t been at school and they had to give her a shot of steroids. Katie Rose feels lousy today; she is flushed and has slept since she was picked up from school.
Please continue to keep our family in prayer as we don’t need to be sick. Please pray for Austin who has been having a hard time with treatment and has been in the hospital for over a month. Please sign the guest book we love to read your messages of encouragement.

October 11, 2006

We went to Katie Rose ortho appointment yesterday. Her appointment consisted of many x-rays. The Doctor watched her walk and discuseed a lot of issues with us. We talked about her and the fact that her toes don’t move anymore on her right foot. He said that she probably never would get that back. We talked about her left foot having problems and it may need a screw again. We talk about her leg length differences and that the xrays really don’t show much but the fact that her hip external rotates and may be casing the problems. We talked about her scoliosis x-rays and that she has stayed the same with no pregission. We also talked about something that is progressing kyphosis and that at 71 degrees that we need to see another Dr. that specializes in this and that she may need surgery to put rods in her back but that the other doctor may want to wait until May when she finishes chemo. It was a complete visit and we fill we may have some reasons why Katie Rose doesn’t want to walk much any more and the source for her chronic pain.
We will be walking on Saturday evening fo Light the Night. We are excited and want to Thank all of you that have donated. We will update next Tuesday/Wednesday with her chemo appointment.

October 3, 2006

Well today’s clinic visit went well. We took Katie Rose brother Johnathan with us as he has never seen Katie Rose port access or her head tapped. It was good so maybe he wont be so mean to Katie Rose. Her blood counts are high and now we will be on full dose chemo again. They also took another urine sample to check to see if we can get a clean culture, with no infection. Katie Rose is now seeking counseling for her emotional well being. She had her visits last week and we feel positive that this is what Katie Rose needs. We will be seeing the doctor in 2 weeks for the next follow up. I will update next Tuesday on anything new and give you a report on how are week went.
Ritchey is out of town this week again so I am playing single Mom again, Please pray for my sleep as I don’t sleep as well when he is out of town. Make sure to sign the guest book! Click on link above for Light the night donations.

A quick update, had to share her make a wish cold stone fundraiser photo! She had a blast. Katie Rose smiled all eve! Please keep her in your prayer her spirits overall have been down, I want to see more smiles! I will update Tueday with her counts and her Doctor visit.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:42 PM CDT
Today was clinic for Katie Rose. Her counts have risen and she has an ANC of 1060. We will start chemo back up at half dose and will recheck counts next Tuesday. Katie Rose has been tired and run down. We are glad she has finished her steroids Sunday so maybe she will be feeling better soon. Tonight she has some tummy pain so we are giving her miralax and hope that helps. It looks like they will continue her chemo until May, They will be cutting off 8 months as it has not been proven taking it longer than that makes a difference. The doctor says that they reviewed her records and think that is sufficient for a girl. I guess boys they do an extra year. They talked about keeping her port in her head in case of relapse and we will do an end of treatment bone marrow so we can half a baseline for Katie Rose. Can you believe we have an end date for chemo wow! We will be followed for 5 years after that and if her marrow stays clear for those five years we will be considered cured!
Thanks for your continue prayers and support. We really appreciate you that continue to check in on us and care for our family. Katie Rose is working at Cold Stone on Thursday for the make a wish fund raiser. Go get a piece of free ice cream cake and make a donation to Make A Wish Please keep Austin In your prayers he has had some complications and is having Surgery on Thursday and needs your prayers. Also good news it looks like Joanna has got into remission. They did a bone marrow on her yesterday, if it looks good she will be going to city of Hope in about 3 weeks for transplant.
I will update next week when Katie Rose has her appointment. Please keep her in your prayers that she feels better soon.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:09 PM CDT

We had a very busy day yesterday Monday. We spent most of the day at Rasheed’s funeral. His services were beautiful and you could tell he touched many people’s life’s and was loved by so many. If you would like to leave a message of support for the family please visit Rasheed Martin www.caringbridge.org/visit/rasheedmartin
Last Night we went to the rainforest fundraiser dinner. It had 200 people at the dinner. They raised a lot of money for the project and we were so happy to be there and be part of it. Katie Rose made 12 bracelets and sold them there for 5 dollars each. She was able to earn $60.00 dollars for the project! I was very proud of her.
Today was clinic and we were shocked when we got her counts, and I even thought they made of mixed up blood. Katie Rose counts are low. Her white Blood cells were only 1.2 which is critical. Her ANC was 502. We will hold all oral Chemo this week and septra also. She was given her Vincristine at clinic. We will recheck her counts next Tuesday. They said this could be from when she was so sick with her mouth sores a few weeks ago. I hope that is the case and her counts rise quickly. The doctor said she can go to school. She is going without a mask...Scary for MOM! The doctor gave her instructions, to not be around anyone that is sick. If there is someone coughing she has to be on the other side of the room. No drinking fountain and washing hands and all the other normal precautions. It does make Mom A little nervous that she could be so vulnerable.
So we will be updating again next week also; so make sure you check back in on us. Pray Katie Rose doesn’t get sick this week!! Please sign the guest book, we love to read your messages. Please donate $5.00 to Light the Night if you can. Link is above. Thanks. We Love you All!

Saturday, September 18, 2006 11:03 PM CDT A quick update, Katie had a good week and was able to got school all 5 days, She did come home early only on one day. We are proud of her. She is sad about her friend Rasheed's passing; we are hoping the funeral on Monday will help bring some closure. We will also have her see a counselor as she has made a few comments that have me concerned. Friday night we collected donations in front of Wal-mart for Light the Night. we got a few hundred dollars. This years walk is being dedicated to Rasheed and Esmeralda in their memory, They were both apart of the walk last year. Katie Rose as she was asking for donations would say "donations for cancer, I don't wan't any other kids to die" It is sad that kids have to worry about dieing from a disease! We go to clinic on Tuesday I will post after clinic on her counts and how she is doing.

Saturday, September 18, 2006 11:03 PM CDT

Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:03 PM CDT

We are sadden as a friend from clinic Rasheed Martin passed away yesterday. Rasheed picture can be seen above caring The Light the Night banner with Katie Rose. Please think of their family and send positive messages; they can use the support. Copy and Paste link below.
Thank You!


Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:03 PM CDT

We are home from the hospital. Katie Rose had been in since Tuesday for dehydration and horrible mouth sores. They found some miracle stuff called “Magic Mouth Wash” The prescription bottle actually says that! The medicine numbs Katie’s mouth so she can eat with out pain. Her counts have dropped and her ANC is now 2025, which is still good, but a little high. We will watch Katie for fever or new sores and will call the doctor if necessary.
We will go back to the doctor on Sept 19th if there are no problems sooner. They also put Katie on a bladder spasm pills and hopefully this will help with her bladder issues.

CAMP AGAPE was a blast! Our whole family went except Dad who was out of town with work. Ashley went to and from work but was there some of the time. It was a great time for everyone. The camp was set up so there were things for the adults and things for the kids to do. The Moms had a chance to share with each other as well as get pampered with a spa day and even knitting – some Moms made a leash for there husbands, hmmmm I wonder who that was! HA! It was so much fun to laugh and just have adult conversation with other adults that understand the stresses we all go through, the worry that never ever goes away! I went swimming and I even got my hair chopped off. We got to become close to several families, and I think new lifelong friends were made. Katie had a great time being pushed in a buggy around camp and getting to be with friends that were just like her on chemo! All the kids went swimming, rock wall climbing, made crafts, did a skit, archery, canoeing, and had tons and tons of snacks!
We would like to thank the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Emilio Nares Foundation and the Philoptochos Ministry for putting on this camp! It truly was a great time!
Please check out the photos below from camp!

This photo is us enjoying the skits put on by the kids

Kids after there skit!

Posing for camera before show

Sir Winkles story hour

Spa Day, two special Mom’s Monica and Eva!

The Urias Family

The Herrera Family

The Pepper family

The Gatus Family

The hann Family


Quick update, Katie Rose is inpatient with dehydration and horrible moth sores, The sores came yesterday AM and have gotten worse. They will treat with IV meds. I will update with camp info and photos after we get home.
Thanks for checking in.

Thursday August 31, 2006 6:42 AM
We are leaving to go to family camp today and we will be back on Sunday. Check in is at 5PM. I will take Katie Rose and Madison to the doctor today before we go. Katie is having bladder symptoms again, and Madison has a sore throat with white patchy on her tonsils. Ritchey is on a plane going to Illinois so he will not be able to go with us, but shall be home on Sunday and does have Monday off so our family will get to see Daddy for a day! He got off work early yesterday and got home around 5PM. We went to Hometown buffet as a family. Everyone was there except Ashley as she was still sleeping. She works nights. It was nice and the kids were so happy to see Dad It had been over a week!
Katie Rose School has been doing better. Madison is getting placed in a special day class with non handicap kids so she can have a smaller class size and get the attention she needs. Makayla was also enrolled at Rios to see if that helps Madison. She is having some anxiety about it today. I am not sure what this is all about, she was fine yesterday! The jobs of MOM!
I got a new lock for the front door. I have come home twice to find my front door unlocked after I know I locked it. They have a lock box with a combo lock with keys right outside our door. I just haven't felt safe. I noticed a few days ago, all my gold jewelry is gone. My fake jewelry was still in the box, but all my rings and my necklaces and my necklace that has all my kids charms is gone. The charms all had the kid’s birth stones in them and were 14k gold. I had other jewelry, but that necklace and my and my Moms class rings bothers me most.
On Tuesday Ashley had a car accident. She was not injured. Her car has minor bumper, more paint rubber transfer. The car she hit has back door minor frame and rim damage. The owner is going to give 3 estimates so we can get an idea on how much it will cost. They do not want to go through insurance companies as she has had several accidents in the last year. This is good for Ashley as she just went to court for her speeding ticket, and doesn't need more on her record, or she wont be able to afford insurance! I hope the damage isn’t to much or we will have no choice but to go through insurance.
Well I could type all day with all the stuff that goes on here, but I have to get the kids ready for school! I will update when I get back from camp with photos, and you will see my poor bald boy Thomas, that decided to cut his own hair at the roots, and he had to get a buzz as he looked so bad!
Monday August 28, 2006 6:00 AM
Its time to give an update on how school went this week. Katie Rose did enjoy school but there were a few instances that came up. The Janitor at the school is very gruff and yelled at her for using a bathroom that said women’s, she is a girl and needs to use only the girls bathroom not the woman’s. She was upset as she is new to the school and didn’t know. 2 days past and she was walking down the hall and he yelled at her your not going to those bathrooms are you. She has a lot of anxiety when it comes to him. She doesn’t want to see him as she doesn’t want to be yelled at. I spoke with the office and they were going to talk to him. Madison also is having a hard time as the kids are mean and she says the class is to hard so I have spoke to the school about that also. Katie Rose hasn’t felt great this week. I picked her up on Wednesday and she went to sleep in the car on the way home. She slept all day! She has been taking naps. She also had a bad tooth ache. On Friday at school she took a long nap at the nurse’s office. She was so tired. I picked her up and took her to the dentist. I had got her doctor to give her antibiotics on Thursday and she was pre medicated for the dentist. The dentist did not find an abscess as I suspected. Her tooth looked good. But she was in pain. The x-rays showed she had an impacted tooth and they had to pull her primary tooth as the adult tooth had know where to go. Katie Rose was so good. I am very proud of her. This week has been a steroid week and a little hard as she has been getting such bad headaches. She can not stand the noise. The car has been hard and times in the classroom also have been hard. There is 25 boys and 5 girls in her class. I am hoping that these headaches are related to those steroids. She had her last dose Sunday morning from her steroid pulse this round.

Ritchey has been working long hours and was called out on Sat at 3:30 AM for a case and missed Johnathans birthday party. I was able to take the kids to the beach and thank goodness it was only 5 extra boys. It was a good time for Johnathan. Ritchey is going to be gone a lot as he has such a huge case load and all the overtime helps to make ends meet. He has a new case that is going to cause a lot of controversy as his suspect is 11 years old. So please keep him in your prayers, as the media will be looking at his every move with a microscope.
Please pray for me as I am so backed up with laundry. I am one person and I am having a hard time getting it all done, as Ritchey had always helped me so much. He has worked tell 10 every night this past week except one. He has been gone so much since we have moved. I miss him and his help so much! It's hard to not have your best friend around!
Thanks for checking in, Please sign the guest book. And if you can please donate $5.00 to our Light the Night Walk. Link is above and all you have to do is click on the picture.
Thanks – Have a great week. Keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:18 PM CDT
Katie Rose is Home! This next part is typed by Katie Rose as she tells you all about her trip!
Hi everyone camp was a blast! when I first got there I met my cabin mates and we went on a small boat and paddle around the lake then we went rock climbing from my cabin mates cheering me on I made it half way up then we went swimming and then we went to karens corner then we went to the campfire and I cried then I went swimming and it was fun Thursday night and I danced with a boy named Mathew and I liked him a lot we also did a hot air balloon and that’s the day I got my camp shirt that day and what is cool is that it glows in the dark and at arts and crafts and made ice cream then I started school I already have four friends thank you Katie

I left Katie to write this and I am leaving as is.
Katie had a great time at camp. They had buggy's there and was pushed everywhere, so she was a little spoiled! She made a cute t-shirt and also made get well cards so she could send to others.
She started back to school for the first time in 18 months on Monday August 21, 2006. She is so excited. The school is going to accommodate her as she can not have PE as she still has a port in her chest and in her head. She will get to be a helper in kindergarten during her recess time. The school is new to her since we have moved. It will be good to make some friends, and learn about a new school. I am scared and nervous for her. I hope it is not too much for her and I hope she doesn't get exposed to illness's that could be serious for her.
Today’s clinic visit went fairly well. They had to reaccess her port to give the vincrisine as her port was being stubborn! She got full dose chemo. Her blood counts were high. She had an ANC of 3600. The doctor increased her chemo to 15 methrotrexate also increased her 6mp by ½ a pill one day a week. She starts decadron pulse this week so we will be watching out for moodiness.
I will update again in a few days to lrt you know how school is going.

Monday August 14 , 2006 9:00 AM

Katie Rose is on her way to camp! I wasn't sure she was going to get to go as she has been feeling lousy lately. I feel bad for her as she started last Tuesday getting a cold sore on her mouth that have spread and her lips are covered in sores and they hurt and bleed. She has cried a lot lately her body just aches and her knee is still bothering her. I have been giving her morphine more. I just wish she wasn't sick and didn't have to suffer anymore. Everyday she puts out such an effort to do the simple things, putting on her shoes is now such a chore. I think camp is going to be good for her. It is a good distraction from her pain. She was sad to go at first as Esmeralda was her friend that went with her last year has passed away and she was going alone. When we got there she saw Gissel another girl from clinic and hooked up with her. She was happy to have someone. Her friend KIKI also is going to camp, and she enjoys him also.

Friday was a special day as Katie Rose went to lunch with her very special friends Dave and Sharon to celebrate Sharon's birthday. Katie Rose looked forward to it all week and she had fun coloring pictures for her. We still are not sure when Dave’s birthday is, but I know Katie will want to do something special for him also, because she cares so much for him also.
On Saturday we went to the DSA blood drive and bone marrow drive hosted in Katie’s honor. We got over 30 units of blood and 12 new registered for the bone marrow registry. I wish it was more but every little bit helps.

Katie Wasn't feeling well, So below is a better picture of Katie Rose earlier this week.

Katie will start school next Monday. I have turned in all the paper work. It is going to be hard to go to a new school and make new friends, I hope she doesn't get teased because of her weight or because of the way she walks. The doctor doesn't want her to participate in PE as she has a port in her head and chest and she doesn't want any trauma. Katie's OT and PT therapist are going to go to the school to see what kind of accommodations they are going to need to make. I know a few but we have to have everything written up and also an emergency treatment plan for the school with a list of all the meds Katie takes.
I will still have a busy week with the other kids but I will get a break from Doctors appointments! I will post when Katie gets back from camp.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:15 PM CDT

We have had a busy few days. On Sunday we took Katie Rose to the ER because she hurt her knee, they x-rayed her and reassured her everything was okay and that she needed to walk. Her Knee hurts so badly especially when she gets up from sitting position. Dr. Lammers said she wants her to follow with an orthopedic doctor for her knee and put in a referral. Her walking has been such an effort and I am encouraging her everyday to walk walk walk. Night time is the worst for Katie Rose as she is tired and it is harder for her to keep her mind off her pain.
Monday eve we saw the pulmonolgist. Her lungs are doing better, the doctor wants her on an inhaled steroid twice a day and to continue with the cingular and prevacid. He wants to see if this combo can keep her lungs clear and will see her in 3 months. He stressed the importance of our whole family getting the flu shots this year.
Today at clinic we got Katie's papers filled out for camp. She had her blood work done and her counts are about the same with an ANC of 3525. The doctor doesn't want to adjust her meds because of camp and I guess it will be of topic at the next visit. Only 1 time in the last few months has her ANC been below 2000 and it was 1800 and that is still high. Ideally for My Mom who always wants to know what it's suppose to be on chemo it should be 750-1500 range. Katie has part of her MRI report back. Her spine has no significant changes. We still don't have the report on her brain MRI. It seems to be missing, the hospital says it has been dictated, and the report is not there, so they are searching for it, I will let you know what happens, if they find them or not.
Saturday is the DSA blood drive and bone marrow drive. If you live in San Diego it is open to the public and we would love to see you there. The need for blood and people to become registered as bone marrow donors is huge! Please help save someone’s life! for more info and directions see DSA
The Children's Rain Forest is having a fund raiser dinner and silent auction on Sept 18 Mon eve. The tickets are $20.00. If you would like to come please let me know. We would love to have you come.
Light the Night is Oct. 14 at South Western College. If you would like to walk with us please email me and I will get the info you need. If you would like to donate via visa or check click on link above and it will take you to Katie's page.
Thank You for caring and checking in on Katie Rose, Please take the time to sign the guest book even if it you just say checking on you!
Thanks and have a great week.

A great friend Jessica Smith is hosting an event Please check out flyer!

Friday August 4 early AM

It is 3:45 am on Friday morning and I am having insomnia and have been awake since 12:44. I finally got on the computer and thought I would share how yesterday went. I had a busy day. Thomas went to have his tooth pulled; it was very hard, the dentist try to numb him and did get part of a shot in on one side. The other side Thomas just wouldn’t stay still and the dentist just pulled it. It bleed a lot and he wouldn’t hold gauze in his mouth. I had to hold gauze in for 5 minutes and it did stop bleeding. The dentist was fast It took 2 minutes total time from Start to finish shots and all, Thomas just cried he wanted to go home, my heart ached for him. After I got Thomas home and situated I took Madison up to pick out her glasses. Her eyes are almost as bad as Makayla and she will be happy when she can see. I than took Katie Rose to therapy. She worked hard at both occupational and physical therapy. They have been working on fine motor for OT and for PT they worked on side stepping and on endurance and standing one foot. They also work on her lifting her legs up when she walks. When she gets her shoe lift, I am sure it will help her with her walking; I also will think it will be awkward as she has been walking off for so long now. I than took David and Johnathan to the eye doctors. David has a lazy eye that really doesn’t see anything; He has adjusted over the years and doesn’t even use it when he sees. The doctor said we are lucky that his eye doesn’t cross. She wrote a prescription for equal for both eyes as his other eye could use some help and she can not correct the bad eye. I guess he won’t be able to go in the military! Johnathan eyes were okay, but she recommended reading glasses as his eyes get tired from working to focus on reading. I guess I should by stock in glasses! Who would have know we would have such an expense come up! I have appointments next week for 3 other kids, we will have to see if this runs in the family, so far it 4 for 4! Sarah got her cast off Wednesday and she refuses to move her wrist, she says it hurts to bad. I have been having her soak it, but she walks around in the guarded position. I hope she starts moving it soon.
The house is so quiet right now, I can hear the fans and the refrigerator things I don’t hear when my house is so loud with all the kids, and the constant bickering. I think they are all ready for school to start. I know Mom is! Well I guess I should try to get some sleep before they are all up. I hope this post make some since, No news on MRI yet.

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006 8:52PM
Thurs Am- WE haven't heard yet the doctor said they must be pulling her old scans to compare. madison got a prescriptio for glasses, and this AM I am taking Thomas 3 yrs to get a tooth pulled and This afternoon 2 more have vision tests. I will keep you updated. Also Katie Rose is having pain wheb she breaths in her shoulders back are since MRI, Maybe from intubtion, keep her in prayers.
We went in today for Katie’s MRI. We checked in and seemed to wait forever. Finally they were setting her up and the nurse from peds came and accessed her port. She was than ready to go down. She was sedated for her MRI and was under for 3 hours. When they brought her up to recovery she said her tummy hurt and started to cry and than she was sick. They gave her some Zofran and she felt a lot better. We didn't get home until about 6:30.
I forgot to say when we were at the hospital the doctors called my cell from clinic. Anyways Katie has been having a lot of problems with her bladder. And the last few time Katie urine has gown bacteria and ecoli. They kept saying it was not a clean catch. This past week the doctor had the nurse clean her and do a sterile sample. It also grew the bacteria and ecoli. So they called because they wanted her to take cipro an antibiotic for a week. The tech from the MRI said the doctor should call me tomorrow with the results and if I don't hear by noon I am to call. So I will let you know the results when I find out.
Thanks for checking in. Thank You for signing the guest book:)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:48 PM CDT

Weekly update time! Katie Rose has had a lot of pain lately. She has pain in her legs and lower back. Her cough sound gunky but it seems to be in her upper airway. We did not do chemo because of some other problems bowel and bladder and they want to see if missing the dose of vincristine helps. We will continue with her oral chemo meds. Her blood work today came back with a high ANC 3725. Frustrating to me and the doctor to see her counts so high ideally her ANC should be 750-1500. That shows chemo is working well. We will be going in for her MRI next Tuesday. The doctor is curios to see what it will show. Katie Will be seeing the pulmonoligist on the 7th so he will have the MRI result to decide what they want to do with Katie's obstruction.
Today’s clinic visit was not fun I had to bring all the kids under Katie Rose for a total of 6. They weren’t that bad, but Thomas is so busy! It is just hard for the kids to sit in the doctor's office.
We are starting our fun raiser for light the night now, If you could donate your lunch money for a day that could help, Every penny helps and hopefully there will be a cure some day!
Katie will be going to camp on August 14th. She is looking forward to it.
Thanks for checking in SIGN the guest book please.

2nd Annual Katie Hann Blood & Bone Marrow Drive

image Katie Hann is the daughter of Detective Ritchey Hann. Diagnosed with Leukemia in Feb. 2005, Katie has needed several blood transfusions. The DSA and the San Diego Blood Bank has once again teamed up for a Bone Marrow and, new this year, a Blood Drive in Katie’s honor. Last year’s drive was a success, but we hope to double attendance this year.

All blood donors will be awarded one FREE Clubhouse Admission for the Del Mar Races, including admission to Four O’clock Friday Concerts and Saturday Infield Concerts.

The Bone Marrow & Blood Drive, along with the DSA Health & Benefits fair, will take place Saturday, August 12, 2006 from 10 a.m–2 p.m. at the DSA Office. DSA

Explore your current benefits and all those offered through the DSA. Donate Blood through the San Diego Blood Bank. Register with the National Bone Marrow Donor Program. Free massages and wellness checks. Plus, food and activities for the whole family!

To schedule an appointment, call (800) 4MY-SDBB or visit www.sandiegobloodbank.org, use sponsor code COSA. You may also call the DSA at (858) 486-9009 x 108 for more information and to schedule your appointment. The public is welcome at the Blood & Bone Marrow Drive.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Katie Rose hasn't felt too great since last Friday. She has gotten up everyday and has gotten sick. She has been having a lot of pain in her legs and back. On Sunday she had so much pain she could not go up the stairs. She had a very hard time getting into the van last night because of pain. We have seen the doctor and they did X-ray on her hips, and her right hip space looks like it could be compromised. We may admit so we can get an MRI done. We have CCS clinic today and her orthopedic surgeon will be there. I will see what he thinks could be going on. Spinal tap came back good but low protein.
Please Keep Katie in your prayers.

Sat- July 15TH, 2006
It has come to my attention that we are almost on our 50,000 visitor! We have enjoyed this site and appreciate that you come and check in on Katie Rose! Please sign the guest book It makes Katie Rose so happy to read her messages! Make sure you check and see if you are the 50,000 visitor and let us know!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:35 AM CDT
We went to clinic yesterday. Katie Rose's counts were good. She finally has a ANC which is closer to what we want at 1700. Her Spinal Tap went well and we will here of the results in a few days. We will skip her next vincristine dose as she is having bladder problems and they think it could be related. Her lungs are starting to act up, so they are placing her back on the one daily drug that kept her lungs clear. We see the pulmonary doctor in the beginning of August. The Doctor also just ordered her MRI of her brain and back to check for changes. Her daily oral chemo is going well and we haven't had to stop them for a while. Katie Rose has complained more about pain in her legs and back lately. I am not sure why she has a lot of pain, It is probably her birth defect of her spine but I am not sure. I try not to worry and just acknowledge her pain.
Well Katie Rose was a star at wags for wishes they did a News story and Katie got to be interviewed. She was thrilled and here are some snap shots from that day.

This picture is Katie Rose with her two favorite people
Dave And Sharon.

These photos are at our Dear Friend Dave's House,
He invited our whole family over for a pool party!

We also had ZOO Art Therapy and I got these fun photos!

Please Sign the guest Book!

Sunday, July 1, 2006 02:10 PM

Esmeralda Has Earned her angel wings
She left this message with her parents to share with others-

Esmeralda message to everyone-
Don't Ever Give Up!

Esmeralda Avila

We wanted to share that Katie Rose's friend Esmeralda has earned her angel wings. We are very sad for her family. Katie Rose is sad but knows that she did have a different kind of cancer and that she is with God now, and if she stayed here she would have to suffer. Please pray for the Avila family as I can not even imagine the pain they are feeling now. Thanks!

Friday, June 29, 2006 06:01 PM Quick Update- Katie Rose has a UTI and Rebecca spent the night in hosptital for IV steriods- She has MONO! We will all have to make sure that nobody shares dishes- no other precautions are needed.
Thursday, June 29, 2006 06:49 AM CDT
This week has been busy- Lots of appts. Katie Rose has been doing well. She has her normal aches and pains with her back and joints but is doing better as her mouth sores have cleared up. She got vincristne on Tuesday so -sores may be back. Katie's blood work came back good. But her ANC is in the 4428 Which is not good because ideally it shold be in the 750-1500 range to show chemo is working. We did not do the spinal tap (head tap for Katie) because the doctor would like her to be fasting as a precaution. She is no longer getting any chemo added to her spinal fluid because of the complications we have had. We should be due for an MRI again to check on her brain changes soon.
Katie does have symptoms of a UTI and we will go to the doctors this AM to check her urine.
Other Family news- Rebecca is really sick, she started with a rough voice and sore throat on Tuesday and Katie's doctor looked at her throat and said she had streph. She got worse during the day and got a high fever and was vomiting all Tuesday night. Wednesday eve I took her in to the doctor as she seems to be getting worse. The doctor gave her a shot of steriods, and we will be going back this AM for a recheck and if she hasn't improved they will put her in the hospital. She has such swollen gland she can't close her mouth and her tounge sticks out and she is drooling uncontrolably. They did blood work on her but but it was lost. Hopefully they will have her results when we go back in today.

Sarah went to the doctor for a re-check of her arm. They x-rayed her arm through her cast and her bone is lined up well. They expect it will be healed in 5 weeks. We did get the xerosox ordered and she has been able to swim with no problems.

Makayla went to the eye doctors and they found she is far sited? They will see her back in a few weeks were they will put medicine in her eyes to paralize her eye muscles so they can see how bad her eye site is and get her the right eye prescription.

David, Brandon and Johnathan are at cancer camp, It is a camp for kids who have a sibling with cancer. I hope it will be good for Johnathan as he has had a real hard time. He failed all his classes at school and is very emotional and thinks everyone hates him. So we could use prayer for him.

We are still settling in to the new house. We gave the keys to the old house back on Tuesday. We still had cleaning to do, but they took the keys early and said it was good enough. Now we can concentrate on getting the new house done. We did get a letter from the propert management, we are not sure what there motive but will make sure we prepare to fight for our rights against discrimination and harassment.
Thannks for checking in and keeping Katie Rose and our family in prayers.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:02 AM CDT
Good News, Katie's Rash is gone! She still has sores on her lip and month. She has been having leg pain, back pain and chest pain. She says her bowels are doing better. We will have to so an x-ray to check. I wonder if her leg pain is from going upstairs. She has been running fevers about 99.6 - 99.9 almost for a week. I am glad she is fighting this bug and hasn't gotten real sick.

Other news- I went over and met my neighbors and they were very nice. They said they never complained about us. We haven't heard anymore from the property management so maybe they are going to leave us alone.
Sarah fell off the trampoline in our back yard and broke her arm. The trampoline was here when we moved in and has no enclosure. I guess she was trying to do a trick. She has a bright pink cast on but still is in pain.

Other news - Austin a boy that I am now certain God has brought into my life needs prayer. He has ALL and is not doing so good right now. It is a long story, but my new neighbor was his teacher, Sharon and Linda who are his wish Grantors our very special friends to us. I met Austin’s Dad Willy last night at a cancer support meeting, and we use to work together over 20 years ago. What a small world- all these connections to Austin, so I know God has put him in my path for a reason and we need to pray for him!

Other news- The old house is almost done, we will be finishing it this weekend. Thank you to Georgia and Bob, they came and scrubbed cupboards and the stove! Also Dave who came through again with his truck and trailer- He has saved us a fortune. My brother in law Rick and my sister Kelly will help us this weekend repair and fix things. The new house is great! I still have a ton of boxes to unpack and a mountain of laundry to get done. But it is so nice.
Please continue to pray for our family, the stress of moving is so overwhelming!

Thursday June 15, 2006 8 AM

We have had an upssetting day yesterday. We found out when Katie Rose returns to school in September she will not be allowed to return to Lakeview school. They will let the othe kids go but not Katie Rose because of her tutoring and the fack she has an IEP . She was quite upset about that. We had an IEP meeting and discussed she will do math and language aarts, pulled out and the rest with her regular class.

We than got a phone call from the rental agency, saying we had to many people living in the house. The neighbor called the owner and told the owner that Thomas climbed on the fence and that we had a lot of kids. The rental agency gave us a bad time and said they were not informed and that is just to many people in the house. We told them the agent that showed us the house said it wasn't a problem, and had us list the children half on each application. She than said they were not on the lease, and we told them you don't list minor children on lease. She said she would get back to us. She thancalled back and said that they will need to do quatrley inspections for damage, and they were going to try to please the owner. This has Ritchey and I so upset. We do not want to be harrassed any more. Last night Ritchey cried, he said is it ever going to end. He feels like he is in a nightmare. I have only seen Ritchey cry when his Mom died and Katie Rose was diagnosed. Please pray for our family. We thought this house was going to work out perfect.
Katie rash is still here today. She has a lot of cold sores on her lips. She has a new cluster on the side of her lip that has about 10 sores. Still not sure what is going on, we will be watching her close.

I will update when I have more news.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
Hi Everyone! Sorry it has been a while without an update! The new house is great! Moving is a pain and we are about 75one! The first weekend we borrowed a truck and moved 5 days straight, it is so much work, we had 2 days of side trips to the doctor for IV antibotics as Katie Rose was running a fever. She has been doing good this past week. Sun Eve she started a rash on her right leg, it has spread both legs and arms are now involved. The doctor said it is propbally a viral infection and we are giving some steriod decadron to see if it helps. She is also having a lot of pain in her knee and anckle. She had to use a walker today. So hopefully it will clear if it is viral. Her ANC 1998 today.
Thanks for checking in. I will try to update soon with photos!
Our new address is listed below.

P.S. Happy Birthday to one of Katie's older brothers, Brandon. He's 15 today! (June 14th)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Katie went to clinic yesterday. She has gained another 10 pounds, I hate steriods! Her counts were great and she was able to get full dose chemo. She will now also be on full dose chemo at home. The doctors talked to us about her lungs and the restrictions on them. They are going to try 2 new drugs to see if it helps her lungs. The new pulmanary doctor will be startin at kaiser soon and we will also see him. They said her lungs are a little more difficult to treat than Asthma. We hope these new meds help. We move this weekend. Thanks for checking in and Please sign the guest book.

Sunday May 27, 2006
Hello, thanks for checking in. We have had a very hectic week. Katie Rose is doing good and holding steady. Her pulmonary testing this week shows she has obstruction and we will be talking to the Doctors on Tuesday about the course of action, wither we will do surgery or not. She got her new leg brace on Tuesday. Her legs are sore it takes a while to get adapted to the new brace.

We found a new house, we are so grateful. It is close to our old house. It is considered El Cajon and we will have to see if they will let the kids stay at the same school. The cost is 1100 more a month, 2500 a month but it is a home and they have agreed to let our family move in. I can't believe how many times I heard I have to many kids this week. The discrimination we felt was hard and we feel lucky to have found a house. Ritchey will work overtime to help out.
We did the celebration of champions yesterday. It was a great fund raiser for children’s hospital and it is a fun time for the kids. They had 300 cancer kids represented by families. Some were for children’s memories some on treatment and some that are survivors. It was great the cancer kids all got medals for being a champions. They are all Heros.

Last night Katie Rose got to go see Anne a play at CYT. Dave Carter and his family took her. She had a great time. She loves to spend time with them and loved the play!
Not many guest book signing lately. We had the guest book archived and it is all new for May of this year. So it should be easier to open.


These two pictures Ashley took with her camera phone.
Katie Rose our champion

Ryan Klesko from the Padres and Katie Rose.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:03 PM CDT
Katie Rose is fighting a bug, low grade fever heart rate is up, she is feeling good this AM so hopefully this will pass.
Bad News The house we were moving into next week the owner changed there mind and are selling it. We can not afford to buy. We need to find a new home to move into right away. This is emotional draining to our family and we are all on edge and we really need to find a home. Thank You for checking in.

Thursday May 18, 2006

Katie Rose went to the doctors on Tuesday. Her counts look good and her ANC is high at 4417. We will be going back on full strength chemo so hopefully we can get her ANC in the right range so we know the chemo is effective.

We went to the allergest wednesday. She has been doing good on her inhalers and her cough has subsided. She woke wed with a little cough and was sounding a little gunky. Her hear rate is up again at 135. The docotrs are not convinced that the problems she is having is Asthma. A few doctors looked at her and listened gave treatments and listened. They did some testing on her. They are concerned she is having other lung problems, possably from aspiration, into her lungs or even from scloiosis. We will be seeing a gastro specialist and a pulmologist. My concerns is that when her heart rate is up she feels winded and is tired all the time. Walking around makes her breath heavy and she gets cranky about doing anything. I am glad that some action is being taken and we may soon have her lung probllems fixed.
I will update again soon.
Thanks for checking in.

Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:45 AM CDT
Hello, I am in Georgia for my niece's college graduation. I have a quick minute to update as I am sure you are all wondering what is going on. We found a house in Alpine and we are so excited about it. It is 5 bedromm 3 bath and on 2 acres. 1 of the acres is for sale but they are asking 439 thosand for it to much for just land. So we have full use of it all intell it sales. The house is on a culdesac with only 4 house on the street.It has a ton of fruit trees.
Our family is suffering from streph throat. Everyone is sick except Ritchey, Ashley and Brandon. Katie Rose also is okay, because she is been on 3 antibotics. Everyone is on antibotics and should be getting better soon. Katie Rose has clinic in te afternoon on Tuesday, I will update when I get back or on Wednesday. SHe has been really worn out this week getting adjusted back on chemo Thanks for checking in- Sign the guest book and Thank You for your prayers and support!

May 4th, 2006

We are so happy to tell you Katie Rose Bone Marrow looks good!
Final Diagnosis of Bone Marrow, aspirate smears and sections:
1. Normocellular Marrow with mild erythroid hyperplsia
2. blast 2 percent
3. Flow cytometric Analysis: No evidence of increase of precursor B lymphoblasts
4. Depletion of iron stores

Today at clinic she was given IV vincristine and we start up on her daily chemo half strength! Her ANC is good at 1353. She will be on icrease antibotics for 2 weeks for her sinus infection. She starts her steroid pulse today for 5 days. Her lungs sound great she will countinue to use the inhalers until sinus looks good on x-rays.
Thank You for your Prayers!

Sunday, April 30, 2006
We came home from the hospital this afternoon. Katie Rose had her bone marrow biopsy done today and her hip is sore. They will send out the sample and we will have results on Thursday. She is still wheezing. Her ANC is 464 today (see top of page on blood counts to understand ANC) The doctor ordered sinus series before we left today and I guess she has complete blockage on one side and the other side is pretty bad off. She has no pain at all, so I don't no why it was ordered and what significance the results have. Katie Rose is still wheezing but her cough has subsided 90No chemo again this week and he will decide on Thursday when we will resume daily chemo. We are on antibiotics 3 times a day and 2 inhalers with a timed schedule of every 4 hours. Her other daily meds will be as normal except we are holding septra also. This has been a long week! Please keep us in your prayers. Sign the guest book it helps me and Katie Rose Cope and is encouraging.

Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:32 PM CDT

Hi we have been in the hospital since Monday. Katie Rose Lungs have been acting up and she has been running a fever. Her lungs are improving but her counts are still low. She has not had chemo all week. Today’s blood test still shows her WBC at 1.3. Her ANC is 330. Her blood showed 2 blasts. The doctor said it could be a lab error, but they want to do a bone marrow test either tomorrow or on Monday or Tuesday to check for leukemia cells. Her cough is improving. I will let you know when I know something.
We still are looking for a home please keep that in your prayers also.
On a positive note Katie Rose went to Art Therapy at the zoo on Sat. She hd a great time here is her photo from the Zoo.

Please remember to sign the guest book.

Monday, April 17, 2006 8:19 PM CDT

Hi! Thanks for checking in. We hope you all had a great Easter. We went to Borrego Springs and celebrated with family. The kids had a great time and we had a huge egg hunt! All the kids got to find lots of eggs and all were happy!
Katie Rose hasn't been feeling so great this week. She got a bad sunburn that blistered, she wasn't even in the sun that long! ugggg! She also had a severe tummy ache on Sat. We almost thought we were going to have to take her in. We up her meds to make sure she is not backed up. On Sunday she got 5 mouth sores on her lips. They are painful. She is taking meds for this also. She just finished her steroids for this week so hopefully she will be better soon. Her cough......I think it sounds gunky today; a little worse than this past week. This yucky cough just will not go away! She is still using her inhalers!
Well we have a busy schedule this week! We are going to clinic tomorrow to work on the bulletin board. Wed- Makayla gets cast off and Katie has physical and occ therapy. Thursday Katie has therapy and tutor coming. Sat we have so many events and more keep coming, we will have to make some decisions! We have not found a place to live yet so please keep us in your prayers.
Sharing some Easter Photos, They got there photo with a bunny!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:43 PM CDT

Hi! We got home from Alaska on Sunday eve. Ritchey and I had a great time. The kids all were safe; they were farmed out and we were so happy to see them all. Katie Rose spent her time with Sharon. She was spoiled and sure enjoys the special attention she gets there and the fact that she doesn't have her siblings fighting with her over Barbie dolls ect.
Monday I spent all day out with Katie. She had clinic in the AM. Her ANC was the highest it has ever been. Her ANC was 8112. She had gained more weight and seemed puffy to me. She still has a cough that just won't go away. She has had no fevers and is doing well otherwise. They did a spinal tap through her omaya port in her head, it took 3 times, to get it but thank goodness she had numbing cream on her. They called yesterday and said we could wait until May 3rd to come back to clinic if I was comfortable with it. I was reassured I could come in any time I needed to if Katie was not feeling well.
We went to scope orthodics to get Katie Rose fitted for a new leg brace. It should be ready in 2 weeks. She chose a princess design to put on the back of it.
We are still in shock about having to move after 12 years, We are praying to find a perfect new home.

Thank You so much for coming to check in on Katie Rose and thank you for those of you that found the guest book:)

Saturday, April 1st, 2006 11:37 PM CST

Thank you for checking in on Katie Rose. We truly appreciate your support! We have had a rough week. I took Katie Rose to the doctor on Friday for a recheck and Dr. Loh was concerned. He thought she sounded worse than she did on Tuesday. She finished her steroids on Thursday AM. He put her back on steroids and changed her antibiotics. Her chest x-ray is still clear so all her problems still seem to be asthma. She has been running a low grade fever all day today. I talked to Dr. Loh about canceling my trip to go to Alaska with Ritchey. He said that Katie is okay he just once to get her Asthma under control. I have signed consent to treat forms and she will be seen by Dr. Loh on Monday AM and if he needs to he will put her in. I am leaving at 6 AM in the morning and it is the hardest thing for me to do. I know Katie will be okay but it is hard to leave her.
I really feel torn as I want to be home but feel I need to go for Ritchey. We got some devastating news a few days ago. We are going to have to move from the house we lived in for 12 years. The owners have to move in to sell the home in 2 years to avoid capitol gains taxes. We will have to find a new home that is big enough for 12 and that will let us have 10 kids and that is affordable. This is very scary for us and we really need your prayers to get us through this time.
Thank You Again,
We love you all!
Keri & Ritchey

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:00 AM CST
Katie Rose came home last night. She is doing some better.
We will coninue on predisone, inhalers, Keflex and her regular meds. They think all her problems could be asthma. Her hear rate has dropped back down and even though she does not feel 100she should do fine on the home treatment.
We go back to clinic on Friday and we will get the test results of an eeg and echocardiogram. Her ekg was good and her blood counts are good. Ritchey and I are supppose to go to Alaska on Sunday. Ritchey is going to school and I was taging along. Pray they Katie Rose improves this week and that by Friday she will be completely better so I can feel comffortable enough to leave her. I just need to know she s over this heart lung stuff as it does scare me. We will be using the inhalers long term to prevent this from happing againg. I will be charting how her lungs are working so I will be able to find her baseline.

Thanks you for checking in. Please sign her guestbook even if it is just a hello! They won't show your email if you don't want them to and they don't send you junk mail.

Monday, March 27, 2006 7:12 AM CST

Katie Rose started with chest pains Sat eve. After talking to the doctor we gave her inhaler some meds for the slight fever and sent her to bed to rest. Sunday Am at 6 Am she woke me up crying her chest was hurting. We went to the ER. They did a chest xray and it was clear. Her 02 level is running about 93 and her heart rate was 150. They gave her a bolas of fluid started steroids and antibiotics Her heart rate dropped to 120-130 and we were given a choice to stay or go home. Katie wanted to go home because she thought I would take to a party she wanted to go to. By eve her heart rate was 160 and she was having chest pains again. Her walking to get dressed made her rate go up to 178. Her 02 level is 95 and she has a fever of 100.8? The doctor thinks she is having Asthma and maybe a pocket infection at her port site. Ritchey stayed with her last night. I have to go down at 9:30 with Makayla as she Broke her arm and has to have a ortho check as it was put on in the ER on late Thur eve.
I will update when I hear anything. Please keep us in your prayers- This makes me worry!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:00 PM CST

Katie Has a virus and we have increased her acyclovir for her mouth sores. Her blood counts were good. Posted is the list of questions and answer we got. Please sign the guestbook!-KERI


Katie has had increase changes in her brain and they have stopped her MTX mix.
They can not rule out leucoencephalopathy.
Will stopping the MTX is going to stop this disease from progressing.

Excessive weight gain or fluid retention
Short of breath doing simple things
High heart rate
Memory issues (fogetfulness, like putting something down and not remembering where she put it, more than normal. Educational learning problems times tables simple math problems.)
Moodiness with personality changes (showing aggression to siblings)
Fine motor decrease in writing and coloring neatness.
Feeling in her right leg During therapy last week can not tell when weights has been added does not feel muscle burning in her leg.
Unsteady on her feet.
Is this permanent damage or will this get bettering time?
If she gets high blood pressure does it progress again? (Read high blood preasure progress white matter disease)
Is it safe to take methrotrexate orally when this is possibly from methrotrexate?
When we do a spinal tap will you test for leucoencephalopathy?
Did you have an neurooncologist?
What can I expect for Katie in the coming months?

Answer to questions:

Leucoencephalopathy is rare problem with ALL chemo patients. Dr. Lammers has had 20 -25 patients in her carrer with this. It is normally associated with intrathecal MTX. The degeneration of the brain usually stops once intrathecal MTX is stopped. In very rare occasions brain deterioration continues. Katie's changes are subtle and the doctor does not believe they will continue to deteriorate. Stopping the MTX should resolve the problem.

Excessive weight gain is very common in ALL chemo patients. IT is related to the chemo and steroids. The weight gain is usually not significantly reduced even after she is off treatment. She will probably struggle with this the rest of her life. The fact that she is physically impaired with her spinal cord issues makes exercise difficulty and the
weight gain more of an issue.

Shortness of breath is most likely a result of the chemo and the fact she is overweight. An echo EKG will be ordered to rule out any serious problems. Her high heart rate is related to her condition.
Memory issues are a problem for ALL chemo patients. She will struggle with math and other memory issues. She should be able to master basic math skills but will be limited in her ability to pursue advanced math skills. Her memory skills should improve with the reduced MTX treatments. The ativan may also be contributing to this problem. Stop
the ativan! An IEP will be needed for Katie and the doctor can supply input and notes as needed to support her issues.

Fine motor skills are related to the spinal cord and chemo. Continue physical therapy.

The loss of feeling is most likely the result of the vincristine and should come back once she is farther into maintenance.

Her unsteady gate is a result of the combination of chemo and her spinal issues.

The brain damage should not progress once MTX is stopped.

There is no known association between high blood pressure and progressive white mater disease.

Oral mtehotrexate is safe to take and does not have a negative effect on the white matter.

Spinal taps to test for Leucoencephalopthy? You can look for increased proteins in the fluid but Katie's will always have protein because of the chemo. Will continue to monitor.

Katie will continue to fight and should survive the cancer. She will have long lasting effects such as memory, weight, dexterity, and other problems.

For night mares consider mood music and possibly over the counter sleeping aids. IF absolutely necessary use the ativan but use it only when absolutely necessary, because it can cause forgetfulness.

Personality and moodiness are related to the chemo and other drugs. This will probably continue though maintenance and we need to keep on top of it do not allow her to get away with anything and monitor other kids to avoid conflict. Have her see a therapist if necessary.

She is concerned about the mass on her back. Gangliomas are supposed to go away
after time and hers is still there. She wants to repeat the MRI in six months or so and revaluate. If not satisfied she will get another opinion. She was more concerned about this than the white matter.

Sunday, March 19, 2006 7:33 PM CST

We went to the Neurosurgeon on Friday to see if we can get some of our questioned answered. We found out some good news as the mass Katie has on her back is not new and has not changed so there is no concern about it. The other questions we had requarding the changes in her brain MRI he could not answer and said we need to see a neurooncologist. So we will be checking into that. Katie Rose has a low grade fever today and lots of sores in he mouth and throat. She will be going in to the doctor’s tomorrow instead of Tuesday to check her counts. We started on antibiotics at home today. I will update after doctor appointment sometime tomorrow. Thanks for checking in. Keri

Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:31 AM CST

Cinderella show. told by Katie Rose

We started to get ready for the show at 3 PM. I was excited because I knew I was going to have a behind the stage tour. I got my Cinderella dress on and comb my wig. We left at a little after 4 o’clock. It was raining out side. The ride was okay. We got up there at a little after 6 PM. We waited for our tickets and than went in. As soon as we got in we met Amy. She had set this all up for us. She took us behind stage. I got to see all the different rooms. I saw dressing rooms, green room supply room . I got to see the props. It was so fun. I saw all the characters of the show, They were so nice. Amy took pictures of me and my sisters at the show.
We than went to our seats. We sat in the 3rd row so close to the stage. Than the announcer came out and called me to the stage. They talked about how much courage I have and announced you were queen of the day. They gave me flowers a gift basket and a picture signed by everyone. I felt so special. I was so surprised. Everyone clapped for me. I started to watch the show. The show was really good. The actors and actress’s were so professional. I liked it a lot. At intermission my family got to go for refreshments and I got to go back stage. I got to get pictures with Cinderella and prince charming. It was fun. We took pictures under the clock on the stairs. Than I met back up with my family and we went back to watch the rest of the show. The show was good I liked it a lot. It makes me want to be in theater shows. It looked like so much fun. After the show, we took a few more pictures and we thanked Amy for being so kind to set this all up for me. This was a super fun night!

Thank you so much CYT for making my daughter feel so special. It was very touching for me to see Katie Rose get called up and how much I saw her face glow. This will be a night she will always remember.
I can’t thank you enough. The warmth I felt with the kids and how they were all so kind to Katie Rose was unbelievable. You have a great group. Your play was professional and was enjoyed by our whole family.
Thank You Amy for all you did! Dave thank you for your contact with your sister telling her how much Katie Rose loved princess’s and helping this get set up.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 12:50 AM CST
Hi Everyone! Thanks for checking in. We have had a busy week. We have been busy trying to deliver girlscout cookies.
We went to the Doctors on Tuesday. Dr. Lammers was out ill so we saw Dr. Loh. Our visit was the standard visit he asked questions to Katie Rose about her bowel and bladder problems. He listen to her lungs and said they don't sound that bad. But her cough is deep so he wants he to go back on Flovent a steroid inhaler, to see if it helps and they will recheck in 2 weeks. If she has a fever he wants me to call. They still have not talked to the neurosurgeon ( guess they keep missing each other) so I finally was able to book an appointment for next Wednesday to see him. Dr. Loh was in agreement to no longer give any methrotrexate via central nervous system. I did get some good new that when they did the repeat MRI that the one small lesion in her C5-C6 area was an artifact. So that leaves just 2 areas of concern instead of three. Katie Rose blood counts were good yesterday. Her white blood cell were 3.0 witch is lo but good when you look at the overall picture. Her ANC is 1800.
She is tired today, She did get her Vin Christine at Clinic yesterday. With is chemo given through her chest port. Last night was also her large dose of methrotrexate. She takes 12 of them ever Tuesday. She also started her decadron pulse which is her steroids which she will take this week twice a day. She also takes 6 mp everynight which is a chemo drug. She still takes her acyclovir and zantac every morning and night. On Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays she take Septra twice a day which is an antibiotic. She takes miralax also for bowel control. I don't know how I got off on all this about meds. But I think she is feeling yucky today because of all the meds she took yesterday 18 pills is enough to make anyone feel yucky! She was crying earlier and is sleeping now. I sure feel bad for her when she has her yucky days and wish I could take it from her.
She is looking forward to seeing Cinderella play on Friday! She is so excited to be getting a behind the scenes tour. She will be having some surprises that day, and I will share about them later.
Thank You for checking in and all your support. Thanks to you that faithfully leave messages in the guestbook. we treasure them.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:21 PM

Katie Rose did not have a doctor appointment today. We will swing by the clinic on Wed to deliver Girl Scout cookies and I will see if the doctor wants to check her out. She has a bad cough again, it never did go away. She had alot of pain in her legs Sat eve and Sunday. Monday she started to feel better. I asked her today about her pain and she said it still hurts but she is getting use to it now. The only time she complains if she has to go up stairs because that is really hard for her. We still haven't heard from the nureo-surgeon on his opinon of her MRI so maybe I will find out more tomorrow.
Thanks for checking in and please sign the guest book even if you have done it before as she loves to read her messages!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:47 PM

Quick update on Katie Rose doctors appointment. Her blood counts look great and we will go back to regurlar dosing of her oral daily chemo. We got her MRI results and there was some changes. So the doctor has said we will no longer give her chemo in her cerbeal spinal fluid to be safe. If you want more details you can email me. Katie Rose is feeling great and she is looking forward to some events coming up! Thanks for checking in and keeping us in your prayers.

Sunday, February 19, 2006 1:05 AM

Life with Cancer- This is the One year mark for Katie Rose

We are so grateful for her life. A look back at this year it seems like a bad dream. We have been through so much as a family. We have felt the worst fear and the greatest joy all in one year. We have had some close calls and we are so grateful for the doctors and nurses and all the people that have donated blood for our daughter. We have made new life long friends and have had some people distance them self’s as they just don’t know what to do. We have had many cards of good wishes. We have had people form all over the world pray for Katie Rose. We have had people bring us groceries/gift cards. In the beginning we had people help clean our home so we could bring Katie Rose home. We have so many things that I am probably forgetting to tell you something. We have learned the little things don’t matter. We can have cereal for dinner and its okay. I can buy socks when laundry is backed up! I can have a tutor come into my house whether it is picked up or not something I never would have allowed before. We belong to mile high laundry club and its okay. Life is good, we do have so much to be thankful for. We had our first family vacation with Make A Wish! We have got to go to ball games, Disney on ice, Blue Angels, Halloween party, magic show. Katie Rose was given a wheel chair when Kaiser took ours back, and she was given a beautiful hair piece, a box full of Christmas presents. We are so lucky and so grateful! We are grateful we have Katie Rose here with us and that the chemotherapy process seems to be working. Thank You for your love and support - and reading my thoughts of this past year.

Friday, February 17, 2006 11:35 PM PST
Hello, I wanted to give a quick update on Katie Rose. She is feeling much better now and her lungs seem to be improving. She had her MRI on her brain today and her cervical spine. I wont have results untill next week. She did okay only had to redo a few pics because of coughing. On wed Katie had her OT and PT renewal eval. They both recommended she increase her therapy to twice a week. They will work on fine motor, trunk weekness and gait training.
We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I will update than. Please be patient while I work on redoing and updating the web site.

Feb 13 ,2006

We have been a green light to escape tonight 9PM after are last dose of IV antibotics. Katie Rose should be able to sleep in her own bed!
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.

Feb 10 ,2006
Katie Rose will be in the hospital 5-7 days for IV antibotics. Her WBC dropped to .8 so she just needs the IV help to beat this thing!

Feb 9 ,2006
We went in the hospital last night because of fever and coughing fits. She is getting IV antibotics and oral antibotics for her cough. Her ANC has risen and is at 760, Thank You steriods! Thannk You Lord! Katie Rose has phnemonia(?SP) on her left lung, so hopefully we will nip this befor it becomes an issue. Thank You for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:24 PM CST
Katie is feeling well except she has that horrible cough and she gets short of breath easy. Today at clinic we drew blood and they gave her chemo Vin Cristine right away. We got the result of her labs and were shocked as her ANC is only 9. We will not give her any oral chemo this week at all. Last Tuesday she was seen and her ANC dropped to 660 so we only gave her half doses of oral chemo. What does having an ANC of only 9 mean? That an infection for her could be critical as she has nothing to fight with. Please pray that she stays healthy and her counts rise quickly. This is scary for me, As last year at this time she was going through the same things with her lungs and she was so citically ill, I just want her lungs to clear up! Thanks to all that check in on Katie Rose, and Dave and Sharon Katie had a blast at boomers Thanks for making her feel special! Sign the guest book Please!

Friday, January 27, 2006 11:31 AM CST

Katie Rose clinic visit went well. Her blood levels have dropped some and are close to 2600 ANC the doctor wants to make sure she is stable in her numbers befor we increase chemo as we don't want her to crash on her counts. The doctor has ordered 4 MRI to check her brain and cervical thorasac and lumbar spine. Thay are checking her brain to see what damage chemo may have cause this past year as that will tell us if we need to progress on or back off on some of the drugs. Katie is feeling good. She is a little sad as she misses school and we are hoping she will be going back part time soon. Katie also is sad as she entered a contest to help sell girl scout cookies and she didn't win. It is hard for her to sell, I told her not to worry that it is okay not to win that maybe next year.
We are planning to see are friends Jimmy and Enrique this weekend. Alice Marie is having a special dinner for us to all get together. Katie got a card from Adah this week Thank You- She loves her Happy mail!
Thank You to all that sign her guestbook she loves to read her guest book and feels good knowing other people care and are fighting for her also!
Thanks for visting!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Katie went to the surgeon on Thursday. We got to pay a co-payment for him basically taking off a bandaid, he was in the room for less than 30 seconds! Anyways she is healing well and our next appointment is Tuesday for clinic I will update on her counts and her visit after her appointment. I am posting an x-ray of her port befor, showing her port after removed and surg site. Her new port is attahed to her breast bone. ~Keri~

Monday, January 16, 2006 9:00 AM CST
Hi! Katie Rose went to clinic on Friday. Katie was given a dose of Viacadon for pain in the AM and started to have allergic reaction we were at clinic and they gave her benadryl and she didn’t get any worse. Nurse Jim accessed Katie’s port and it worked perfectly. We waited for counts before we had chemo. I was surprised when her counts came out so high- Her ANC was 6672 the highest it has ever been. The Doctor told me her goal ANC will be 750-1500 ANC. What she did is give her full dose of chemo and did a spinal tap. We will also take oral chemo full dose everyday at home with one large dose every Tuesday. We will go in on the 24th and according to what her counts are they will increase her chemo or decrease to get that goal ANC. If we stay at the ideal goal rate, we have a better chance at a cure. We will be doing this for 2 years with a spinal tap every 3 months. We will only have to go to clinic every 2 weeks and we look forward not having to be at the doctors as much. We will have to call for fever of over 100 otherwise she will be able to have a much easier time. Thank you so much for your support. Katie Rose hasn’t been getting many messages in her guestbook so please if you read this- sign her guestbook – she loves to read her messages. Thanks Dave and Sharon for the happy mail- she loved her notes from the mail!

Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:56 PM CST
Just wanted to give a quick update. katie Rose is home sleeping and resting. We go in the morning and we will see how the port works for chemo. They put the port on her breast bone. she is sore. She had to be given an extra bag of fluids as her heart rate was elevated. It worked and brough her heart rate back down. I will update after chemo tomarrow.

Thursday,Jan 05, 2006 6:05 PM CST

I wanted to update you all, Katie did not get chemo as the doctor was concered with the chemo leaking as her port is not working right and her veins are not that great. We start on oral daily chemo on Friday and will countinue the oral chemo daily for 2 years. We will have IV chemo on the 13TH after her new port is put in. The surgeon does not want to do the hickman as he is concerned with infection. He say a regular port on the breast bone should work fine. I am sure the doctors will have it all worked out by the time we have it placed in. Katie is feeling well. She has been having a flair up of Asthma and is using her inhaler.
Thanks for checking in. Keri

Friday, December 30, 2005 6:05 PM CST

Happy New Year! As we approach the New Year I have so much to be thankful for. Katie Rose blood counts have returned to normal and her anc is 1700. We will start maintenance on Tuesday with a spinal tap (her omaya reservoir) and she will have her methotrexate and vincristine. She will go on oral chemo daily. She will have her preop on the 5th and her surgery on the 12th of Jan to get her port changed. Thank you so much for your support. We have been blessed by so many. Thank you to all that have been here for us. I pray as this next year of chemo comes that Katie remains healthy and we can get back to a normal pace in life. Happy New Year. I will update every 2 weeks as that is how often our appointments will be now. If some thing comes up, I will update sooner.
Thanks again- Sign the guest book!

Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:00 AMCST

Merry christmas! We hope your family has a special day together.
Katie Rose is home! She came home Thurday afternoon! We have oral antibotics, and as long as she doesn't get a fever she will be home for christmas and we won't have to go in until Tuesday AM. Her counts are still low and her ANC is 27. She had a complication with her port but is starting to look better now. Her port infiltrated and started leaking fluids. She looks like she has had a breast implant. It is slowly going down and she sould be normal again soon. Katie has surgery scheduled for the 4th to get her port replaced.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:37 PM
Hey this is Ashley giving a quick update. Since Katie got out of the hospital on sunday she has been very sick. She had to go back in on Tuesday because of a very high fever. Her counts are very low with white blood cells being 0.3 and her ANC is only 27. They started her on antibiotics on Tuesday night, and tonight she got a blood transfusion. She has not been eating or drinking for the last 2 days. She has been complaining of a sore throat and she has a slight cold. Hopefully she will be doing better tomorrow, and have no fever so she can come home and get ready for Christmas. The doctor said that if she continues to not eat that she will be kept in and put on an iv while continuing to recieve her antibiotics. It's likely that she will stay in.

If you would like to reach Katie or my mom at the hospital their room number is : 619-228-0351
They are staying in room number 4106

Please keep Katie in your prayers!


Thursday December 15, 2005 11:43 PM CST

Katie came home from the hospital on Tuesday. She is feeling much better. She does get tired easy. She is scheduled to go back in the hospital tomarrow. She will be in until Sunday. They will be giving her chemo and possible a blood transfusion on Sunday as they expect her counts to be lowest than.

Sunday, December 11, 2005 11:43 PM CST
Katie went into the hospital on Friday for chemo and is still in the hospital and is pretty sick right now so send some prayers her way. Today Sunday all she did is sleep. They have started her on some antibiotics but are not sure whats going on with her yet.

Hello-Thanks for stopping by. Well our family had a great make a wish trip. We left on our trip on Nov. 26. Make a wish sent a limo to pick us up and take us to the air port. The Limo was like a big bus, and it was dark outside and the kids felt so important riding in it to the airport and it was dark outside and the kids felt so important riding in it to the airport. Our plane left and we transferred planes in Texas. We had McDonalds for lunch in the airport (it was cheaper than San Diego) We arrived in Florida got the rental and got to Grandpa house a little after 7 PM. We went out to IHOP for dinner. After dinner we unpacked and got the kids to bed. On Sunday we went to grandpa Hann’s church. After church we went to a buffet restaurant for lunch. We had a great time. We enjoyed the day with Grandpa, the kids fished and played at the park. On Monday we went to Sea World. Baby shamu was born 3 days earlier so the kids were excited to see baby shamu. We enjoyed the shows and even fed the seals. It started to rain and get cold so we went home and had dinner. Tuesday we just hung out. The girls went to the mall for a little bit but we pretty much just took it easy. Wednesday we went to Kennedy Space Center. We got to see the space shuttle, launch site and lots of rockets. We got to meet space shuttle pilot Jon Mc Bride and he gave Katie Rose an autograph picture and a space shuttle pin. We had a great day and also visited the Hall of fame and that had simulated rides and even walks on the moon. We got home after dark. On Thursday we worked on laundry and getting everything ready to leave. We left Grandpa house at 7:30 am on Friday Dec 2nd. Our trip was to the airport to change rental cars. After we got our new van we headed down to Give Kids The World. We got there and our rooms were not ready, so they sent us to breakfast. After breakfast the kids rode the carousel and Ritchey and I had orientation. We were told we needed to find something to do as our rooms would not be ready until 4 Pm. We were given tickets to Gator Land and started off on our day. We were so excited when we go there as we all wanted to see an alligator. Gator Land had other things as well. The kids got to see crocodiles, snakes, birds, and farm animals. Katie got her photo holding a real alligator and snake. We went on a train ride and had a fun day. We went back to GKTW and got our villas. We were 187 and 188. Ritchey got a kick out of that as he is a homicide detective and the CA code for homicide is 187. We planned to go Island of Adventure first thing in the AM. Sat AM we had brakfeast at GKTW and we were off to Island of Adventure. Island of Adventure was fun with lots of neat rides and attractions. The younger kids enjoyed the Dr Seuss area with all the characters and rides. The older kids enjoyed the roller coasters. We left Island of Adventure and went to Universal Studio’s we only had about and hour and a half to spend there so we saw several shows and walked around the park. We had a two day pass so we decided we would have to come back to finish doing all he attractions in this park.
Sunday we got up and ate breakfast and then headed out to the Animal Kingdom Park. We went to the character area but no one was there that early. The lion king show was already underway so we went over to the safari ride and rode on that. The kids enjoyed the ride so we got back in line and rode it a second time. After this we decided to head over to Epcot, We arrived at Epcot and went to the back of the park where we rode on the Test Track ride. All the kids liked this ride and it was nice since everyone could ride. Thomas even enjoyed the ride and we had to carry him off the ride when it stopped he wanted to stay on and ride some more. The older kids and dad rode the space ride. The younger ones were not tall enough to ride and had to wait outside. Once we finished the space ride we went over to the soaring adventure ride. We were all able to ride on this ride and everyone enjoyed it very much. Once we finished this ride we decided to head back to GKTW. We got settled and had dinner. The kids went a birthday party for the mayor (a big gray bunny rabbit). There were presents for everyone and lots of cake and goodies. The kids were pretty wound up but finally settled down for bed.
Monday morning we woke up and had breakfast. The family had an appointment to have our family picture taken with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. We went over to the theater and had our pictures taken. We left for Magic Kingdom. We arrived at the Magic Kingdom and spent the day there. Katie had fun and enjoyed the princess show and many of the rides. Her highlight was meeting all the princesses and other Disney Characters and having her picture taken with them and getting their autographs. We stayed at the park until just before it closed. We left the park and returned to GKTW.
Tuesday we got up and headed out to Universal Studios. Katie got to see all the shows and ride he different rides. She was able to met Barney at the Barney show and had fun taking pictures with him. The park closed around six so we finished up and headed back to GKTW. Wednesday we got up and went to Disney’s MGM Studios. Katie enjoyed the Tower of Terror ride and the other rides and attractions. She went to the Beauty and the Beast show and got to stay after the show and met Belle back stage. She was so excited about this. Thursday we were up early and headed home. We arrived at the airport and found out our plane was delayed. We made it through security and went to our gate area. We got the kids something to eat and waited for our plane to leave for Dallas. We finally got on the plane and took off. We arrived in Dallas at noon and our connecting flight was leaving in fifteen minutes from another terminal. We checked with the gate agent and they confirmed our flight would wait for us. We arrived at the gate after seemed like a twenty mile hike. We made our flight and arrived home in San Diego. When we landed our baggage was not there. Keri went over and filled out all the lost baggage paper work which took some time. As we were waiting at the curb for our limo we noticed some of our baggage on the carousel at baggage claim inside the front door. It turned out they put all our baggage on another flight that arrived shortly after we did. We collected all our bags and arrived home safely. We are still tired and trying to recover and get ready for christmas. Thanks for stopping by- Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Saturday, December 10, 2005 6:44 AM CST

We are home! We had the time of our life- A wish come true! I want to update with photos and all and promise Katies page will be updated by Monday morning, even if I have to stay up all Sun eve to do it. We got back late thursday eve. Katie was at clinic and is inpatient chemo right now- her counts look good low fever other than that she should go home today and we have clinic 4 days this week. Surg scheduled for Jan 12 to replace port. I will update so check back, and forgive me for not having the time to do it yet!
Thanks for your support!
Keri - Katie Rose Mom

Friday, November 25, 2005 8:51 PM CST

A quick update- As we are getting ready to leave on are Make A wish Trip at 5 AM in the morning. I still have tons of packing to do! Katie Rose is doing much better. They took her off steriods and it seems to make her feel better. Her WBC have gone up but her segs and platelets are down. Over all ANC of 1000. Not to bad. We have all the doctors info in florida just in case, and no chemo while we are gone. Katie's port is still having problems and will probally have to be replaced when we get back. Thank You for checking in and keeping Katie Rose in your prayers!

Monday , November 21, 2005 8:15AM

Please keep Katie Rose in your prayers She has been feeling short of breath and having severe pain in her back. There is no obvious reason, They have given her morphine for pain and she slept last night. We did counts last night but did not get the results yet.
I will update when I know more.

Wed, November 16, 2005 1:55 PM CST
It’s weekly update time. We hope you had a great week. We had an okay week, Katie Rose still not feeling great and cries easily. This past weekend she was busy with an airplane ride, horsemanship and a trip to watch Chicken Little. She enoyed all these things but was very tired and in bed by 7 pm every night and is sleeping in every morning. We got our reason for Katie being so fatigue on Tuesday at clinic. Her counts have dropped 90ince last week. Her ANC is 538 with wbc at 1.6. We do not need a transfusion yet. Her platelets also dropped 250 and our now 218 which is considered good, as she was high before. We did get chemo and the doctors expect her counts to crash even more but should completely recover in 2 weeks. Dr. Lammers also gave me the phone numbers to the doctors in Orlando if we need to be seen. She gave the doctors are info so they know all about us if we need treatment. Pleas keep Katie Rose in your prayers. Any fever we will have to go in patient. She is back on her steroids again also. She is also not happy as she has to wear a mask full time to protect her from all our germs! Thanks for your support. We appreciate it when you take the time to sign the guest book.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:18 PM CST





Wednesday, November 9, 2005 8:23 PM CST

Hello, we went to chemo this past Friday and Katie got her peg injections. They didn’t bother her much as she was sprayed with numbing spray and than got ice packs to put on the sites. She had to stay hooked to a monitor for 2 hours as they have to watch her to make sure she doesn’t have a heart attack.
She got to go to the movies with girl scouts Friday night and went to see Chicken Little. She doesn’t remember the movie at all as she fell asleep in the theater and missed the whole movie, she gets so tired!
Yesterday we went for chemo and blood counts. We had some problems as her port line would not draw blood. The Onc said to try to push fluids to see if it was because she was dehydrated. We did that and it did not work. The Onc ordered TPN (what they use for stroke victims to break up the clot) to see if she had a clot. We rechecked at 30, 60, 90 minutes and it still did not work. They reaccessed her to see if the needle was not in the right spot and it still did not work. They decided to draw her blood from her arm and do her chemo any ways as it was taking fluids. When the chemo was done they sent us to x-ray to see if her line was kinked. Everything looked good and the needle was in the right place so they ordered more TPN to keep in her port line so it would clear out, and it finally WORKED! We now know for sure she had a clot and keeping the TPN in the line will make it better for next week’s chemo.
Katie Rose’s blood counts are high. Her ANC is 5022. The target range for ANC is 750-1500. This result can be from the steroids. Chemo takes 2-3 weeks to affect the blood. Her platelets are also high at 478 (norm range 130-400) they don’t get to concerned unless it gets over 600 from what I have read. She also had some hypersegmented cells, but I don’t know what that means, but the Onc didn’t comment so it is probably okay.
Well Katie Rose temper has been visiting us today. She has been so irritable today. This is common when they have withdraws from steroids. She is crying emotional wreck when she’s on them, and a brat when she withdraws! By the time she is done with her withdraws we will start are 7 day pulse again, so we get to look forward to next Tuesday steriods!
We get the next chemo and blood work next Tuesday, and that will be the last big dose before our trip. The Onc will be watching her close and will even do blood work the day before we leave for Disney World.
Thank you for coming to visit Katie Rose site. Please sign the guest book, it means so much to Katie and I. We enjoy coming and reading the messages everyday.

(Just wanted you to know I updated Katie’s site this AM and when we went to read her message I noticed her update was not there. So I am now trying again this eve.)

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 3:16 PM CST

Yesterday we had clinic. Katie started her new phase of chemo. The new doctor did things a little different but explained why she was doing it that way. She had her IV doxorubicin aka Kool-Aid chemo. Katie felt well enough with the anti nausea meds on board to go to lunch with her friend Kiki from clinic. Last night Katie did not feel as well and took her meds and went to bed. She had two accidents last night and she never has accidents so these meds our real hard on her. Today Wed we drove up to pick up a wheelchair from Ability Center. Kaiser took away are wheelchair last week they decided you have to be paralyzed to have it as a benefit. The Ability Center donated the chair to Katie. It is nothing fancy just the basic chair, but we are very thankful and it will work great for us. It is now afternoon and Katie doesn’t feel great. She still has a headache and has been crying over everything. I know this is a direct result of a steroid increase. She is now on the highest does she has ever taken- double of what she has been on. She is tired and a little irritable. Please keep Katie in your prayers. We go in Friday for peg injections in her legs. I will update if there is any changes in her condition this week, other wise I will update next Wednesday. Please remember to sign the guest book. Katie loves to read her messages.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 3:16 PM CST

Yesterday we had clinic. Katie started her new phase of chemo. The new doctor did things a little different but explained why she was doing it that way. She had her IV doxorubicin aka Kool-Aid chemo. Katie felt well enough with the anti nausea meds on board to go to lunch with her friend Kiki from clinic. Last night Katie did not feel as well and took her meds and went to bed. She had two accidents last night and she never has accidents so these meds our real hard on her. Today Wed we drove up to pick up a wheelchair from Ability Center. Kaiser took away are wheelchair last week they decided you have to be paralyzed to have it as a benefit. The Ability Center donated the chair to Katie. It is nothing fancy just the basic chair, but we are very thankful and it will work great for us. It is now afternoon and Katie doesn’t feel great. She still has a headache and has been crying over everything. I know this is a direct result of a steroid increase. She is now on the highest does she has ever taken- double of what she has been on. She is tired and a little irritable. Please keep Katie in your prayers. We go in Friday for peg injections in her legs. I will update if there is any changes in her condition this week, other wise I will update next Wednesday. Please remember to sign the guest book. Katie loves to read her messages.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:57 PM CDT

Well it is time to update again. I have been working on the website trying to get it adjusted. If you come and it is out of wack come back latter and hopefully it will work right! Katie is doing great right now. We will be getting flu shots next week. We will start delayed intensification #2 next week. Pray she tolerates the next 3 weeks of chemo; as we will be going on our Make a Wish Trip and I want her to stay healthy. We are getting excited as our trip is only a month away. We have been getting a lot of post cards lately. Thanks so much. Its so fun for Katie to get mail. Please remenber to sign the guest book-and thank you for checking in on Katie!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:18 AM CDT

I wanted to give you a quick update, I am leaving the previous journal entry for a few more days as a lot of people really enjoy seeing the hair donations and have been sharing with others so they may consider donations in the future.
We went to clinic yesterday and we met the new Dr. She was very nice and we had a chance to talk about Katie Rose treatment and her delayed intensification, She is starting in 2 weeks. We are going to keep her treatment the same untill she gets back from her wish trip. We will be admittted on Dec 9 to do her ARA-C treatment. She will start to give full dose chemo than. Katie's regular Dr. has been treating her at her ideal body weight of 80 pound and she will be giving meds for 130 pounds. She will finish the phase on full strength chemo and than will start maintence. Maintence we will be adjusting her medicine up or down to keep her in the ANC target range of 750- 1500. Any ways thats a brief update. I have so much more to share from this past week but do not have the time to sit and type it write now. Thanks for checking in on Katie- Sign the guest book we appreciate your support.
Keri- Katie's Mom

Thursday, October 13, 2005 10:18 AM
Hello! I have been waiting to update as I had a surprise for you all! But first I want to share about Katie and her trip to the pumpkin patch! We went on a field trip this past week, we got to go on a hay ride, slide on cotton seed. We got to see a baby cow and got to choose a pumpkin! We had a great time. Here are a few photos!

Now for our surprise! Katie got her hair! She is so excited and now she can look like her self again or do the bald is beautiful look! I could not believe how beautiful her hair looks! This is somebody’s donated hair! We are so thankful! Katie is just beaming. Thank you Jayne for a great cut and style it looks so real! We went to the hospital to show off for Katie Rose friend Kiki, I will add there photo also!

I teased Katie saying this could be your future husband and we all laughed, she said "well we don't know the future" She was feeling so beautiful!

Thank You to all that come by to check on Katie, She is doing well and goes for IV chemo next Tuesday. Please sign the guestbook so we know you have been by!
Keri-Mom to the most beautiful girl in the world!

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 10:50 AM CDT

It is time for our weekly update. We had clinic yesterday and the new doctor was not there yet. Dr. Loh is pleased at Katie Rose progress and has increased her Vincristine to full dosage for her ideall body weight. Katie has developed a cough so we are increasing her inhaler use. Her counts were great and Her ANC is high in the 3000 zone instead of the target zone of 1000-1500. I am glad her ANC is high as Madison has been sick with fever for 4 days and has a rash. The doctor says it is viral but I am waiting for the strep culture as I think it may be that!

We had our Light the Night Event on Saturday. The event was fun and our team Kaiser-Kids which included Kiki, Jimmy, Kalob, Esmeralda and Rasheed was the top fund raising team. We had 40+ walkers and earned over 7000 dollars. Special Thanks to Dave Carter That raised over 1000 dollars in less than one week! The kids had a great time and Katie was interviewed and was on the news. I will post when I get it transferred to DVD. It is in vhs format right now. I wish I had more time to visit with all the walkers but I kept pretty busy making sure money was turned in and balloons, wrist bands and all were given out. Next year will be bigger and better as I will suggest lawn chairs and for us all to come earlier so we can enjoy our time together.

Katie is doing well on her home school program. Her tutor is great, And Katie is learning a lot. Katie is doing Physical therapy and OT twice a week. The work out leaves her tired and sore but are good for her.

Thank you for checking in on us. I owe letters to many. My schedule has been so full, I will write when I get a break. Please remember to sign the guest book.

I am posting a few photos but they are real big so you can see everyone. So Click on the photo and it will show you the large photo.

Wednesday, Sept 27 2005

Hi! WE HOPE YOU HAVE HAD A GREAT WEEK! Katie Rose is doing well. She is having a little problem being stopped up but we have increased her meds and hope that she will be cleaned out soon.
Our Make A Wish trip has changed and we will not be going on the Disney Cruise. The doctor isn't comfortable with her going on a ship with no medical care, I was also a little worried. We will still go to Disney World on the same time schedule, there are hospitals around if we need transfusions or what ever.
Our Light the Night walk is Saturday and we are so excited. If you want to send the link to your friends it might bring in a few more donations. We have up our Goal to $2000 I think we can do it with everyones help!
We will update with Photos after the walk. Hope you all have a great week!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:40 AM
Hi! It has been a busy week.
I want to thank all of you that sent in donations for Light the night. We appreciate your support and do hope they find a cure for cancer some day soon!
I am recovering well from surgery. I had a little set bak with a UTI and probable kidney stones; but feeling much better now.

Katie had her appointment yesterday. Her ANC is high at 3300. (target range is 1000-1500)She has a wbc of 5.4 which is good. everything else is a little high or lo but not signaficant. Dr. Loh increased her Methotrexate up from 10 to 12 pills which is full dose for Katies ideal body weight of 80 pounds. (Katie current weight 130) The new Doctor will be here Oct. 1st and our next appointment will be the 4th. We don't have to be seen for 2 weeks as we are in the easy phase of treatment for the next 6 weeks.

For those of you that have been asking. I am recovering well from surgery. I had a little set bak with a UTI and probable kidney stone. but feeling much better now.

We had a busy week last week with Sarah turning 7 and we all went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate. We had fun and also got to enjoy visit from Auntie Kim from Georia(my sister) And Aunt Lynn from New Jersy ( we adopted her)
On Saturday we went to Horsemanship for the handicapp put on by Dave Carter. The kids get to horse back ride (kids with disability or cancer) every Saturday for 30 minutes free of charge. Dave was so kind to Katie Rose and her Friend Kiki that he took all of us over to see the other animals on the racch. You will love the photos of Katie and the camel! I am attaching photos below: Please enjoy! First photo is our Family

The attacking kissing camel!

Reading postcards from all around the world! So much fun!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:37 PM CDT

Hi! I survived surgery but I am a little sore. I finally got the catheter out today as the made a small whole in my bladder and had to give it a chance to heal.
Katie Rose started school today. We are blessed as she knows her teacher from last year as a substitute and we also know her from scouts. Katie will get 5 hrs a week from Mrs. Gwen. Katie says her hand is hurting a little bit from writing. She has to build up her strength in her hands as she had a mild stroke earlier this year and her hands are still weak.
Katie gets her large dose of chemo tonight and will continue to have her daily chemo. We get blood work next Tuesday to see how she is doing; she seems to be tolerating it well.
If you know anyone that would like to support us on our walk for the Leukemia society on Oct 1st please pass on our info. If 20 people give us $5.00 that will be $100.00. Our goal is $500.00
Please click on the link here- Thanks!

Click on Light The Night to sponsor us for the walk.
See Katie Rose Fund Raising Page!

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 10:56 PM CDT

Hello It is time to update. We had a great weekend and even went to the beach, all 12 of us. I will post a picture. We had a great time, didn't lose any kids. A few of us got sun burned or blistered, but Katie Rose was well sun screened and it wasn't her! Today's visit went well. She started the next phase of chemo and got her IT Methotrexate(in her head port) , and Vincristine (In her chest port). She starts her daily oral chemo and steroids and her once a week major dose of methotrexate tonight. Her blood counts were okay. Nothing too high or too low and her ANC is 1320 which is good. X-ray of the bowel showed some back up and we will add Lactolose to her Miralax.
I have my surgery on Friday. I will be having 3 surgeries, a bladder augmentation, rectal wall repair and a hysterectomy. Please pray I make a fast recovery! I will stay at my moms house for a few days.
I would also like prayer for my friend Susan Nedesky's Family, She died suddenly an unexpected death last night. I feel so bad for her family and she has young children, and just wish there was something I could do to take the pain away. I know she is in heaven now but it is so hard to have someone so close in age to you die. It just brings life into prespective, and we need to cherish what life we have and never take it for granted.
Thank you all for caring and checking in on us. It is going to be hard week, but we will get through it.
Something to smile about- My Beautiful Family at the beach!

Tuesday August 30, 2005

Hi I wanted to update yesterday but after I typed it all it just vanished, So I thought I would try again. Katie Rose had clinic on Monday. Her ANC is up to 762. Which is a little better. Katie is sick right now as much of the family with a cold and an ear infection. She is on antibiotics. She still is running low grade fever of 100. She was vomiting last night but hasn’t gotten sick today. Please keep our whole family in your prayers as we have sore throats and coughs.
We also found out yesterday that Dr. Loh (Katie;s doctor ) has hired someone new. She will begin on Oct.1st and they will work together for 2 weeks. Dr. Loh will than take a leave of absence and than will come back at 1 day a week. Dr. Loh is very overworked. He has had it hard the last 2 years here as he has been the only pediatric oncologist. I found out his Mom just passed away a few weeks ago and now he has to worry about his father. Please keep him in your prayers as well as all the patients that will have to transition to a new doctor.
Now I have a vent. We were to start are next phase of chemo next Tue Sept. 6th. I had an appointment set up in the AM. They wanted me to change to the afternoon but it is impossible with the new school schedules. So now we are going on Wednesday. It makes me mad as why do we always get bumped. We have 10 kids and I have a schedule for the kids. Madison, Makayla, and Sarah all start at 8:50 and attend untell 3:00 David, Brandon and Johnathan start at 9:00 and end at 3:15 some days and 4:20 some days. Rebecca starts at 12:45 and ends at 4:15. When we go for morning chemo we are usually out of there by noon on most days. If I had an afternoon appointment at 1 Pm I would have less than 1 ½ hour to complete the appointment and be on the road. So my appointment now gets moved a day as they don’t have enough for 1 on 1 nurses that day. Why can’t they move some one else! Thanks for letting me vent, sometimes it so frustrating dealing with an HMO.
We hope you have a great week. I won’t be posting again until the 7th. If something comes up before than I will let you know.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
Hello! Thanks for stopping by to check on Katie Rose.
Well, Katie is feeling good, but her counts have crashed. She doesn't need a transfusion yet, but we will be watching her counts. She has an ANC of 462. I am posting info below about ANC so you can get an idea if you don't know.
Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 1000-1800: Most patients will be given chemotherapy in this range. Risk of infection is considered low. (Mild neutropenia)

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 500-1000: Carries with it a moderate risk of infection.

Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of less than 500: Severe neutropenia - high risk of infection.

We also found out Katie will not be able to attend school until Jan. She was looking forward to school so that is a bummer. We also don't know if we will be able to do the Disney Cruise in Nov. because she will be just finishing her second delayed Intensification.

We are scheduled to start interm mainience #2 on Sept. 6th
This has you take chemo by mouth everyday. You also have several steriod pulse's 5 days at a time She will Also take one Large dose of Methotrexate by mouth a week. She is scheduled to have IV chemo and IT Chemo (in her head) Only once a month for the next 2 months. We will have to go in for blood tests every week. This should be easy on us. Katie will be starting physical therapy on Monday she will also do occupational therapy. We only will go one day a week for 1 1/2 hours. I will keep you updated.

If you want to see Katie's camp Photos please look under Journal History It is the first one.

Don't forget to sign the guest book!


Friday, August 19, 2005 4:19 PM CDT

Hi! I wanted to let you know what has been going on this week. Sunday we went to a Padree game. Ritchey got called out to an officer involved shooting and Ashley stayed at home and watched the little one. Here is a Photo of the kids:

Katie Rose left for camp on Monday. I had to pick her up for an appointment on Thursday. I was told she was sick on Monday night with vomiting and had to sleep in the medical unit at camp. She did not tolerate the ara-c injections that they are giving her. They ended up having to access her port for the other treatments and she seems to be tolerating them well. She seemed so tired when I picked her up. She was having a great time at camp and could not wait tell I got her back up there. The girls cabin toliet papered the boys she though it was so funny! Here is some photos as she is leaving for camp:

We will be adding more photos this week and I will let Katie Rose write about her experience.
Katie's counts should be crashing so please pray that she stays well.


Remenber to sign the guest book!

This is Katie information from camp:When I went to Camp Reach for the Sky I had so much fun making new friends. The first day of camp my cabin went from rock wall to lap tops to arts/crafts. Then we all sat around the camp fire we sang songs. We then went and played games in the cabin. The next morning we went to Gordens corner to play games. We then went swimming/canoeing. We also did paint ball and toilet papering the boys cabin. I went to the talent show then we had a water balloon fight. We went canoeing again then we had a pool party. We went to the dance and the next morning we went to the hot air balloon then went to arts and crafts paint ball and on the rock wall then we made are wishing stick for the camp fire. We went to watch the slide show of our camp.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:13 PM CDT

Hi! We have had a busy week. We had inpatient chemo on Monday and Tuesday. We had a little mishap on Monday with her port the line seperated and she was leaking blood everywhere. They clamped her off and by the time they tried to restart her there were clots in the line. They changed her port 3 times and they couldn't get it to flush or draw blood. They had to call the doctor in and finally it worked. In the mean time she had to be poked several times to get an IV in her hand until the doctor got there. She made a deal a sticker for a poke. She got 6 stickers!
Wednesday was a busy day with chemo in the AM for Katie Rose. I had a pre-op for my surgery on Sept 9th. We went to the crazy Hat Party. All the kids had a great time. Here is a couple photos:

We also went to orthpedics to check on Katie's leg length issues and her scoliosis. The doctor said her legs looked good on xray, I mentioned the way she stands and he said we would discuss it at clinic on The 25. Her Scloiosis has progressed to 40 degrees now. She is not a candidette for bracing because of her weight. He said we would talk about surgery when she got to 50 degrees and will recheck in 6 months. As for Katie's back pain he thinks it is probally from weight gain. She has gained 25 pounds since Feb. He said that her muscles are week and that is the probable source. He said we should see the neurosurgeon to make sure there is nothing else going on, just to be safe. Here are photos of her from ortho:

Katie is going to cancer camp next week. This camp has lots of doctors and nurses there. She is excited. Lets pray that she stays healthy and can stay all week. The doctor expects her counts to drop by the end of next week. Her conts are okay right now. Wbc 1.9 a little low but the rest are closer to norm. Thank you for visiting. Sign the guest book even if you have signed it before. She loves to read your messages.

Friday, August 5, 2005 10:06 PM CDT

HI! We have had a pretty good week. We went to the movies on Wednesday. We saw Black Beauty. This pooped Katie Rose out and she slept the rest of the day! We went to clinic on Thursday. Katie's ear still needs treatment so we will countinue ear drops and antibotics. Her lungs sound bad so they changed one of her inhalers. We go inpatient for Chemo on Monday and Tuesday. She also has to have IV chemo on Wed and Thursday of next week but we will do that in clinic. Wednesday afternoon is a crazy hat party at the hospital so I will take lots of Photos. Thank You for your Prayers and support!

Katie Rose New Hat!

Click on Photo to enlarge!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 0:20 AM CDT

All right everyone. I am going to try and give you the best update that I can. For those of you who don't know me, I am Katie's older sister Ashley. My mom asked me to update the site, so here I am. My mom wants everyone to know that Katie's white blood cell counts are critically low. They will be rechecked on Thursday. I am also supposed to tell you that this past saturday, Katie had to go to the hospital, because she was experiencing severe stomach pain. We then found out that she was backed up. Poor thing. The last thing I am to tell you, happened today. Today was THE DAY. This morning as my mother was brushing Katie's hair... it all started falling out. I personally would have been devestated. Katie, on the other hand was excited. She said "FINALLY". She was also excited because now she can wear all her "cool hats". I think I was the only one upset about her hair. All of the other kids were amazed by the fact that they could run their hands through her hair and end up with a handful. A practice that when done on themselves and eachother, was unsuccessful. Thomas, got the biggest thrill of all. He would run up to Katie, grab a handful of hair and run giggling to the trash can. I think he did it for at least 5 minutes. It was crazy. Tonight when Katie went to bed, it was evident, that her hair is almost gone. It reminded me of when elderly men or women have thinning hair. It is really hard for me to see her losing her hair. I don't understand why she isn't phased by it. Katie is soo brave. Please continue to pray for her (I know you will).. and keep in mind that regardless of what trial she is facing.. even this current hair one.. she still wears that beautiful smile!!
I hope I was accurate in everything I put up.. if not, I am sure my mom will fix it!


Saturday, July 30th,2005
Well I wanted to update and let you know how things are going, Katie Rose went on Thursday to the clinic and her counts were all normal. This frustrated me a bit as I knew that her counts were to go lower and this week was to skip chemo so her counts could recover and she would do her inpatient chemo. Well Ritchey and I decided to make a trip on Friday to the Doctors and talk to him about our concerns. It was not an easy task as in the beginning the doctor took it wrong but in the long run we got the answers we needed. If Katie gets the targeted chemo she is suppose to have to make her ANC in the target range,so we know it is working, it probably would kill her. Most kids can be treated with the sledge hammer approach and do fine. But Katie’s History of neurological problems, bowels problems and lung problems make it impossible to give the standard treatment. I do understand now as the doctor spent 1 hour with us going over everything. (Thanks Dr. Loh) With Katie we have to do the hammer approach ad slowly tap at her cancer. We hope this will be enough as we really don't have any other choice.
Friday- Katie Started to have draining from her right ear tons of fluid just pouring out. The doctor said to call on Saturday if it continued. She also had a fever of 99.9
Saturday- We got up and I took Katie Horseback riding at horsemanship for the handicap. She enjoyed her 30 minute ride. I than took her to the doctor and they said she has swimmer ear, They also did a chest x-ray and she has pneumonia and her blood test came back okay but her liver test came back a little high. They will be calling when the rest of the test come back. I will update When I know anything new. Plans our for inpatient are set for Aug 8.

Monday, July 18, 2005 2:54 PM CDT

Hi! Well it has been a long weekend. I can not update using my lap top computer as it has some bugs. I will be adding some new pictures finally.
This is Katie Rose getting her Double injestions last week. Click on Photo if you want to see a bigger photo.

These next Photos are Katie Rose's art work she did at the San Diego Zoo. Kaiser Hospital is going to make the pediatric floor look like a rain forest. They will be using the kids art as well as professional artist. Time Magazine was there as well as The New York Times. We signed releases for her but I am not sure when they will be published ( they took a ton of photos) So keep your eyes open. Click on photos for larger photo

We had the Bone Marrow Drive on Saturday. There was a lot of people there and we were interview by several news stations. The funny thing is when we watched the news they cut everything we said out and a 5 min interviews ended up being 30 seconds.
This first piture is of the whole Family, They didn't pose us well but at least can see what we all look like and my big hair! click on photo if you want to see a larger photo

These next pictures are of the news video taping Ashley my oldest daughter why she was having her blood drawn. She my biggest baby when it comes to shots, didn't cry and said it wasn't that bad. So those of you that are afraid it is only a simple blood test to get on the bone marrow regestry.

These last photos are of Katie Rose Watching her Dad, finally Dad's turn to get poked, She like the fact it wasn't her this time!

Thank you for stopping By--- Please sign the guest book it shows that we have had lots of people looking but not many people signing her book, Even if you have signed befor, It's okay to just say "hi" or "just checking on you"

Thank You to all of you that came to the Bone Marrow Drive!

Thank You So Much for all the LOVE AND SUPPORT you show our family.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:48 AM CDT

Hello! I have been having problems with my computer so I haven't been able to update. Katie Rose visit went well on Monday. She got her peg injections and tolerated it well. They have to have her on a monitor for two hours to watch and she did fine.
On her Wednesday she had her IV chemo over several hours. Everyone is saying 2 weeks and her hair will be gone, I have to see it to believe it. We watched Parent Trap and that helped pass the time.
Bone Marrow Drive is this Saturday at the DSA. Next doctor appt. Will be next Thursday. I will work on the computer so I can update with photos this weekend.

Thursday, July 7,2005 10:48 PM CDT
Hi everyone! Today’s clinic went smoothly. I will add pictures of today’s chemo treatment, and her treasure chest pick! Katie’s blood counts looked good. She returns next week on Monday and Wednesday. Treatment was 5 hours long today and she handled the new drugs well. The doctor says it takes about 2 weeks before we will see a difference in her blood counts.
My concerns that I will be talking to the doctor about is he is giving her chemo for her ideal body weight and than not even a full dose of that. Her ideal body weight is 82 pounds, she weighs 121 lbs, and how can that be enough. After reading the paper work I was given today it just makes me wonder why she is not responding to the chemo correctly as far as blood and anc , is it that she just isn't getting enough. Okay enough of my rambling, I will try to add the Photos and will update Monday after her appointment.

For those of you that tell me you check in on Katie Rose please please sign in the guest book, it lets me know you care and that you have been here. This is written to my family who says they always check in on Katie Rose and rarely ever sign the guest book.

Thank You all for your Love and support!

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:35 PM CDT

Hello! Thanks for checking in. We hope you all had a great 4th of July. We had a family day with swimming and cooking on the grill. It was fun to see the kids so excited as they were allowed soda and chips and all the swimming they wanted.

This Week is a big week for us as we start the next phase of her chemo. If you read the Journal History on June 23rd it went in to detail on everything. This will be a 7 week phase and hopefully Katie Rose won't get to sick. We will know how her body will respond a little better next week. Doxorubicin will be the first new drug added so I pray she handles it well.

The boys just got back on Saturday from sibling camp put on by the cancer society. It was a hard day as David was very emotional and scared as some friends he met at camp lost there sibling to cancer. He never went to the hospital so when he looked at pictures of all Katie Rose had gone through he was sad and cried. This upset Katie Rose as she though she was dying and was scared and crying. We talked and David and Katie Rose held each other for a while. It was very good for them both. Katie Rose has been so brave and has never asked about anyting, just gone with the flow, she is such a trooper!
I am learning how to do HTML and have been adding photos, I have been having fun but not getting much done.

Well I will update on Thursday evening and let you know how clinic went.

For those of you that tell me you check in on Katie Rose please please sign in the guest book, it lets me know you care and that you have been here. This is written to my family who says they always check in on Katie Rose and rarely ever sign the guest book.

Thank You all for your Love and support!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 9:03 PM CDT

Katie Rose is doing very well. It's like she doesn't have cancer. It is kind of scary, we know at this point in her treatment she's not out of the woods. It's been 4 1/2 months since diagnosis. She still has not lost her hair. The chemo is not effective yet and it shows in her blood work. Thursday of next week she'll start delayed intensification. This will be a very rough time for Katie Rose and the doctor said to expect for her to be in and out of the hospital. It is a 7 week process.

Below is part of a post from a few weeks ago about a bone marrow drive being held in Katie's name.

Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to save a person's life? What it would mean to that person? If you could save a life, would you? I'm not talking about being a "hero". I'm just talking about making a difference - sometimes the difference between life and death - it could be through CPR, First Aid, blood, bone marrow or cord blood donation. I made the decision years ago that I would never pass up the opportunity to 'make a difference' if it meant I could possibly save a person's life. My brother used to work in the playroom at Children's Hospital in San Diego. His job was to play with the kids. How cool is that? Well, he met a little boy there named Paul. Paul had leukemia and was in need of a bone marrow transplant. The San Diego Blood bank held a bone marrow drive in Paul's name. I went and was put on the bone marrow registry. I am ready and willing if/when I'm ever called. Sadly, Paul did not find a match and died. Katie Rose may not need a bone marrow transplant; and we hope she never needs one. There are thousands of adults and children who are waiting to find matches. There are kids and adults dying every day while waiting for matches. You could be a match! Would you save a life if you could? On July 16th, 2005, the Deputy Sherriffs Association of San Diego will be hosting a bone marrow drive in Katie Rose's honor. Visit http://www.dsasd.org/ for more information and e-mail Daphne to make your appointment. If you don't live in San Diego but would still like to register, I encourage you to visit your local blood bank and ask to be put on the bone marrow registry. If you're not sure if you are able to donate your bone marrow, you can visit http://www.marrow.org/HELP/marrow_eligibility_guidelines.html to find out. You'll have to copy and paste those addresses into your address line.

Thank you all for visiting and praying.
Please sign the guestbook so we know you've been by.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:13 PM CDT

Hi! This is Keri. We went to clinic and I got a lot of my questions answered. Starting July 7th we will be starting a new phase of treatment. It is call delayed Intensification #1
It is a 56 day treatment plan.
It starts Vincristine, doxorubicin both given IV and IT Methotrexate (IMTX) (in her head) she will also start a pulse of decadron on 7 days and off 7 days and back on orally. The following Monday she will go in and get Pegaspargase injections. She will go in once a week for blood work and IV chemo. On August 7th day 28 we will start with more new drugs; IV cyclophosphhamide days 28-41 she will take Thioguanine by mouth on Days 28-31 and days 35-38 we will be having daily iv of cytarabine (ARAC)Also on day 28 we will have IMTX in her head. On day 56/0 we start Interim Maintenance #2. Witch also goes for 56 days.
Than will come delayed intensification #2.
We talk to the doctor about Katie Rose Counts and he said that they been slowly increasing her meds. He explained when we started Induction we had a very hard time with meds and Katie's condition. He said that they were not sure if she had CNS involvement as she was so sick that they had to give her meds that would make the test show clear even if there was involvement. Dr. Loh is planning to do two delayed intensifications, but he is really concerned on how Katie is going to handle it. He said it depended on how sick she got in this next two months as he didn't want to do two and have catastrophic results.
Katie still has a lot of wheezing. They gave her 2 breathing treatments today and started her on steroid inhaler as well as her other inhaler. We are increasing her acyclovir to 4 times a day again, and are continuing her other meds the same.
Katie’s blood work looks good. Her ANC is still high we would like to see it in a lower 1000-1500 range. Everything was normal today except WBC 3.9 Lo, RDW 15.1 hi, Grans 65.4 hi, BASO 2.0 Hi
Next time Katie has IT treatment he will watch her to see if the chemo is going in or sitting at her port in her head.
We would like to Thank Everyone for your Support, We could not make it with out the love and caring all of you have shared. The postcards have been great! The Vest Family has sent a lot also Greg Reynolds. Thank You! Katie loves to get post cards in the mail!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 0:37 AM CDT

Just letting you all know Katie's clinic day is Thursday. Keri says Katie Rose's ANC is really high. We don't know what that means. Does anyone reading this know? Hers is above 4000. Just wondering if we can get some answers. Dr. Loh is patient but it's hard to remember to ask him all our questions.

So, please pray for Miss Rose. She's still coughing. Her o2 saturation is good. No fevers either.

I'll update again after I hear how Thursday goes.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:55 PM CDT

Hello, Friends. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

I spoke with Keri this afternoon. Katie Rose is doing well. She's got a cough and a wheeze that's bugging her but her O2 saturation has been good. Keri bought one of those portable battery-operated pulse oximeters. It sure makes it easy to check her saturation and pulse and puts her mind at ease when Katie Rose is coughing and wheezing.

Katie Rose will go to clinic this week. I'm sorry, I forgot to ask Keri what day she goes in. I'll see her tomorrow night when she comes over to play bunco and will try to post the clinic day on Tuesday so you can all pray.

Here is a part of a journal entry from a couple of weeks ago. I'll be adding this to my entries often in the next couple of weeks to really get the word out about the bone marrow drive.

Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to save a person's life? What it would mean to that person? If you could save a life, would you? I'm not talking about being a 'hero'. I'm just talking about making a difference - sometimes the difference between life and death - it could be through CPR, First Aid, blood, bone marrow or cord blood donation. I made the decision years ago that I would never pass up the opportunity to 'make a difference' if it meant I could possibly save a person's life. My brother used to work in the playroom at Children's Hospital in San Diego. His job was to play with the kids. How cool is that? Well, he met a little boy there named Paul. Paul had leukemia and was in need of a bone marrow transplant. The San Diego Blood bank held a bone marrow drive in Paul's name. I went and was put on the bone marrow registry. I am ready and willing if/when I'm ever called. Sadly, Paul did not find a match and died. Katie Rose is not in need of a bone marrow transplant at this point. And we hope she never needs one. But there are thousands of adults and children who are waiting to find matches. There are kids and adults dying every day while waiting for matches. You could be a match! Would you save a life if you could? On July 16th, 2005, the Deputy Sherriffs Association of San Diego will be hosting a bone marrow drive in Katie Rose's honor. Visit www.dsad.org for more information and e-mail Daphne to make your appointment. If you don't live in San Diego but would still like to register, I encourage you to visit your local blood blood bank and ask to be put on the bone marrow registry. If you're not sure if you are able to donate your bone marrow, you can visit http://www.marrow.org/HELP/marrow_eligibility_guidelines.html to find out. You'll have to copy and paste those addresses into your address line.

Thank you all for visiting and praying. Please sign the guestbook so we know you've been by.

Blessings to you all. Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:24 AM CDT

Hello, friends. Katie Rose is doing fairly well. A little nausea the other day but that is to be expected. Dr. Loh wants Katie to skip a week of chemo. Why?....I don't know. It's kind of frustrating because we want Katie to get the chemo to fight her cancer but for one reason or another she keeps having setbacks. This week we don't 'see' a setback or reason but the Dr. wants to skip a week. Her counts look good, so why skip? Lots of questions for Dr. Loh. I did hear a little bit of news yesterday while visiting with Katie's regular pediatrician, who is also my childrens' pediatrician. He said Kaiser is looking into hiring some help for Dr. Loh. He's so overworked. There is a prospective candidate. I hope it works out.

Next clinic appointment is next week. I'm not sure of the day yet.

Thank you all for visiting and leaving encouraging words. Katie Rose loves receiving 'happy mail' at the house, too. Her home address is listed under hospital info.

Oh, happy 14th birthday to Katie's brother Brandon!

Blessing to you all,

Friday, June 10, 2005 8:16 PM CDT

Hello, it's Keri. I finally have time to sit down and type and let everyone know how Katie Rose is doing. We went to clinic on Thursday this week. Dr. Loh did a complete exam and blood work before they did her chemo. Her blood work looks great. Almost normal. Her red blood cells were a few points off and her grans were a little high. They gave her Vincristine in her chest and Methotrexate in her head. They are increasing her oral chemo for home also.
Now that I am home there are some concerns I have been thinking about. Katie Rose has gained a lot of weight since Feb. She finally looked like some of her swelling had gone down. I watched the doctor check her head (her omaya reservoir) and it was soft around her port. He removes spinal fluid to the quantity of chemo he is going to put in. But when he puts it in her head, the area around the reservoir gets hard and swollen. It is still swollen and hard today. I wonder, is the chemo getting into her head or is it just sitting there? Is the swelling she gets because of this? I also wonder if she is getting enough chemo. I have learned a lot about chemo and know that your ANC is supposed to drop and you have to watch this number close. Katie Rose's ANC is always high, like over 4000. Is she getting enough? I am also concerned because Katie Rose still hasn't lost her hair. I know she will probably lose it when we get to delayed intensification in a month but why hasn't she lost it yet? It's been nearly 4 months since diagnosis. It grows fast and they have to shave it every time they give her chemo in her head. Again, is she getting enough? Thanks for letting me vent out my concerns.

On a positive note, we went to the Build a Bear factory on Wednesday with Girl Scouts. We had such a great time. We only did basic bears with a Brownie vest. I want to go back and make another bear. They have such cute bears and clothes for them. On Wednesday night I could not sleep because I was thinking about the bears. Each bear has a heart and the girls got to make a wish on them and place them in the bear. Some kids got 2 or 3 hearts. I started thinking about the hearts and thought it would be neat to be able to buy a bag of hearts and have friends say a prayer for Katie Rose and write there name on the heart and place it in the bear and we would have a prayer bear with special prayers from the heart of others. So, at 2:30 in the morning because I couldn't sleep, I wrote an email to the Build a Bear company and told them of my idea for a prayer bear. They wrote back yesterday and told me that they wanted to send us 100 hearts and that they liked the idea. So, maybe someday Build a Bear may have prayer bears for everyone!
Anyways, the kids are going wild so I should go.
Thank You for stopping by and please sign the guest book so we know you were here.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:19 PM CDT

Katie Rose goes to clinic tomorrow, not today like I thought.

I visited them at home tonight. They all look well. Keri is over her flu bug. Thank you for praying. After dinner tonight they were headed out the to Build-A-Bear factory with Girl Scouts. Seems some girls that had planned on going couldn't make it so they asked Keri if her girls would like to take their places. HOW FUN!

If you don't mind... make I ask you all a question? Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to save a person's life? What it would mean to that person? If you could save a life, would you? I'm not talking about being a 'hero'. I'm just talking about making a difference - sometimes the difference between life and death - it could be through CPR, First Aid, blood, bone marrow or cord blood donation. I made the decision years ago that I would never pass up the opportunity to 'make a difference' if it meant I could possibly save a person's life. My brother used to work in the playroom at Children's Hospital in San Diego. His job was to play with the kids. How cool is that? Well, he met a little boy there named Paul. Paul had leukemia and was in need of a bone marrow transplant. The San Diego Blood bank held a bone marrow drive in Paul's name. I went and was put on the bone marrow registry. I am ready and willing if/when I'm ever called. Sadly, Paul did not find a match and died. Katie Rose is not in need of a bone marrow transplant at this point. And we hope she never needs one. But there are thousands of adults and children who are waiting to find matches. There are kids and adults dying every day while waiting for matches. You could be a match! Would you save a life if you could? On July 16th, 2005, the Deputy Sherriffs Association of San Diego will be hosting a bone marrow drive in Katie Rose's honor. Visit www.dsad.org for more information and e-mail Daphne to make your appointment. If you don't live in San Diego but would still like to register, I encourage you to visit your local blood blood bank and ask to be put on the bone marrow registry. If you're not sure if you are able to donate your bone marrow, you can visit http://www.marrow.org/HELP/marrow_eligibility_guidelines.html to find out. You'll have to copy and paste those addresses into your address line.

Please consider joining the Bone Marrow Registry. You have the potential to make the difference in someone's life.

I know this was a long message. Thanks for reading it to the end. Please sign the guestbook and let Katie Rose know you came by.
Blessings to you all.

Sunday, June 5, 2005 6:42 PM CDT

Just letting you all know that Katie Rose is on the mend. She's still coughing a lot but she is getting better. Did I mention she is home now? The Dr. let her out of the hospital on Wednesday of last week. It's Katie's mom, Keri, that is sick now. Please pray for her. She's pretty miserable. She'd just gotten over a sinus infection and then she got the flu. Keri is one of those people that does not get sick very often so two illnesses back to back really threw her for a loop.

Katie goes to clinic on Wednesday. Please pray they can do the IV chemo. The only chemo she's on right now is oral and she's missed a lot of that, too. She's so far behind in her protocol, I don't know what they're going to do next. She's supposed to start delayed intensification at the end of June or early July. Who knows what will happen now? We really need to get busy fighting/beating her leukemia.

Thanks for stopping in. Please sign the guest book. You're kind words of encouragement and happy mail sent to the house are really uplifting to them.

Blessings to you all,

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 5:32 PM CDT

Katie Rose was admitted yesterday. She's got a little pneumonia going on in her lungs. Dr. Loh is giving her a couple of days on IV antibiotics. I guess her counts are good because they plan on giving her chemo tonight. If all goes well, she'll get to go home tomorrow.

Katie Rose is a fighter and she's gonna kick cancer's bootie!!!

Thanks for visiting and praying.

Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:53 PM CDT

It'll be a short update tonight.

I spoke with Keri for just a few minutes today. She and Katie Rose are still sick. Katie was running a fever today but since she's taking an antibiotic the Dr. is letting her stay home unless it goes higher.

Please keep up the prayers and well wishes. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:50 AM CDT

1st update:
Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've had finals and have spent all my waking hours studying!

Ok, an update on Katie Rose. She's a sick little girl right now. She got a really bad sunburn last weekend, mostly on her face. She was wearing sunscreen but no hat and it just did her in. She is blistered and broken out in cold sores. She's taking her acyclovir but it didn't seem to do anything to stop the breakout. Katie was supposed to have chemo today but I don't think they'll do it. She's really miserable and sick to her stomach and has a bad cough. As of last night she hasn't run a fever. Keri is with her at clinic right now. She's expecting them to admit her, it's that bad.

So please lift Katie Rose up in prayer. She doesn't need another set-back. She already missed last week's chemo because her counts were out of whack.

I'll be back later after I hear from Keri.
Thanks for checking in.

2nd update for May 26
Dr. Loh did not admit Katie Rose today. He said the bad sunburn was caused by the methotrexate. It makes her more sensitive to the sun. He increased her acyclovir and gave her an antibiotic and breathing treatments. Her blood counts look pretty good. If she gets sick to her stomach anymore today then Keri is supposed to take her back to the hospital. So far, pretty good. Keri on the other hand is very sick herself with a sinus infection. Please pray for the Hann family. They could all use some extra prayers this week.

Thank you all for your encouraging words in the guest book. They really lifted Keri's spirits today.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:20 AM CDT

HI! This is Katie Rose and her mom, Keri. We thought it would be fun to update her web page. Laura has done a great job, We are very thankful for her. We had a very busy weekend! On Saturday we left very early for the Celebration of Champions. This is a fund raiser for Children's Hospital and since we were there for a little bit we got to participate. Katie Rose is going to dictate to me now about her day.
I got to the Celebration Of Champions and got to do all this stuff. (what stuff?) I got a medal for running. I got to play games, and I got my shirt signed by all these famous people. (what famous people?) Padres players and Navy Seals and news reporters. (what else would like to share?) I went to the Padres game at night and got to go on the field. ( what was it like?) I was embarrassed as there was a bunch of people. (was it fun?) Yes, it was a lot of fun. (what else did you do this weekend?) My aunt Janet came from Texas to see me and brought me a present for my birthday - a scrapbook making kit so I can start scrap booking. (any thing else? ) No. (Do you want to say anything to the people that visit your site?) Yeah- Thank you for visiting my site and sending me cards. (anything else you want to say?) No- Bye.
Now Mom's acount of the weekend. This weekend was great. Saturday was a huge event. We had no idea what to expect. Our sponsors were Viejas. At first they have the local police clear the track. Then the parents of the children that have passed away walked with photos of their children and released white balloons in there memory. I was crying so hard. It was so sad. Then the children took turns running with the torch. It was so neat that all the kids got medals and got to feel like celebrities for the day.
That evening we went to the Padres game. It was a great time. We had great seats! It was a blast! We then came home to a beautiful Kitchen as Laura's home fellowship group tore out my flooring in my kitchen/dining room and put new linoleum down. It looks so great! We are so grateful words can not express our gratitude. The old carpet here is probably 25 years old!
I want to thank you All for sending post cards and visiting Katie's site and leaving messages. She has over 100 postcards, and loves to get them in the mail! Your messages are distracting us in a great way and giving us something to look forward to. Thank You for your prayers. Katie Rose has not been in the hospital in 3 weeks. We are so thankful.
This weeks' plan: Monday we saw Gi doctor and had x-rays. All looked good. We will get x-ray results on Wed. We go to a cancer meeting tonight, Tuesday, at Children's. Thursday back to clinic at Kaiser for chemo. And Friday is our first Kaiser support meeting. Alice Marie, Jimmy's Mom (www.caringbridge.org/ca/jimmy ), and I are trying to get a support system going for Kaiser patients and the very first meeting is on Friday, I hope we get a nice turn out. I am going to learn HTML soon so hopefully I will be able to do a lot for Katie Rose's web site and make a site for Kaiser parents.

Thank you again for prayers and postcards- WE LOVE THEM!

Please sign the guest book to let us know you stopped by.

Friday, May 13, 2005 0:56 AM CDT

Katie Rose had clinic today and recieved chemo. On the way home she began having a reaction and Keri had to turn around and go back to the hospital. Katie began twitching and tremmoring in her face. The Dr. said it was a toxicity to the chemo and had to give her valium to stop it. It must have been pretty scarey seeing her like that. She's better tonight and Keri has a prescription for valium if Katie needs it. They are to call if it gets worse.

Please pray this doesn't happen again. Katie really needs to get that chemo.

That's about it for tonight.
Thank you all for praying for Katie Rose. Your thoughts and prayers mean so much to the Hann family. Please sign the guestbook so we know you've been by.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:31 PM CDT

Hello, Friends,
Katie had clinic yesterday but was not able to receive her chemo due to a fever she had on Saturday. Her counts looked pretty good for this stage in her treatment. They go back on Thursday for chemo if all is well between now and then.

They will start new chemo drugs this week. I'm not sure which are new, but this is what she's taking, or will take...
mtx mix
methotrexate oral

Again, I don't know what all these are. Even Keri doesn't know what some of them are. She does just what she's told. Katie's handling it very well.

Her counts yesterday were,
RBC 3.28
HGB 10.8
WBC 7.8
PLT 371

Please continue the prayers for Miss Katie Rose. She's got a few mysterious blisters that showed up yesterday. One was on her foot. They showed it to the Dr. The thought was that it was caused by her brace. But then later, after clinic, a couple showed up on her hands. Weird, huh? I hope it's nothing.

Thanks for checking in. Please sign the guest book so we know you were here.

Monday, May 9, 2005 2:22 PM CDT

I just wanted to write a quick update. I'll be back later to write more.

Keri had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day. Courageous Kids sent the entire family to Sea World for the day. Keri said Katie had the time of her life when she got to SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS! Check out the photo page for pictures. She said it was so nice to see Katie smiling and happy and having such a good time - and forgetting about her cancer for a little while.

They are at clinic today. I thought it was going to be tomorrow, sorry. Anyway, they are starting new chemo drugs this week as well as more steroids. This part of her regimen should last 4-6 weeks. Then they'll do something called double delayed intensification. This is double because Katie missed so much chemo early in her treatment and they considered her not in remission after induction, even though her marrow was clear. We do what we have to to get Katie well.

Please, Lord, heal Katie Rose. Please make her well so she can just be a normal little girl again. Thank you for the fabulous day their family had yesterday. Amen!

I'll be back later if I hear from Keri.

Friday, May 6, 2005 10:40 PM CDT

Katie had a wonderful time at her birthday party last night. I think there were about 15 little princesses there, all dressed up. It was adorable. I'd post a picture of all of them but I'd have to have permission from all their parents and I don't know them all. I will put up a picture of 'the Princess' herself. Katie Rose was dressed up like Snow White. She looked so happy. We piled a bunch (not all) of presents all around her on the couch and snapped a few pictures. While we were doing this she said, a little overwhelmed, "I must be really special". Yes, Katie, you ARE special! The girls made princess tiaras, colored princess pictures, sang some karoake, ate hotdogs and cake, let go of some balloons with wishes attached, and just goofed around being little girls.

When all the girls left, the evening caught up to miss Katie Rose and she crashed fast. She was very tired, and deserved to be, from all the excitement of going to school and having that 'little' (yeah, right) party. Keri said it would be a little party. To me it was a big party. But when you have that many kids, and know others with that many kids, it turns into a big party. That's ok. The more the merrier. Katie had a blast and that's what it's all about - making her feel special.

Katie did not go to school today. Keri decided she needed a day of rest. The chemo is starting to catch up to her, too. So they drove out to Auntie Beth's to spend the day relaxing. They'll be home tomorrow.

Katie's next appointment is Tuesday. If I hear anything new before then, I'll update. Now, I'd better go post a few pictures.

Have a WONDERFUL MOTHER'S DAY. Hug your little ones extra tight and believe that each day you have them is a miracle.
Blessings to you all,

Wednesday, May 4, 2005 10:04 PM CDT

Katie did very well with her chemo yesterday. All of her counts looked good. She had intrathecal chemo and IV chemo. She got the shakes a little but it didn't last long.

Katie is following the protocol 1991 to treat her leukemia, but is not a part of a study. So, since she's missed so much chemo because of her setbacks, she can just pick up where she left off. That's also probably the reason why she hasn't lost all of her hair. If she were part of a study, she would have had to miss all that chemo and not 'make it up'. It's better this way....She gets it all, it just takes longer to finish treatment

As of now, 10 weeks since diagnosis, she's still in consolidation. Sometime near the end of June or early July she'll begin delayed intensification. The Dr. anticipates many hospitalizations during that time.


The Dr. told Katie she could GO TO SCHOOL!.....3 days a week for half a day with her wheelchair. She was so excited. She really needed that to boost her spirits. Today was her first day. She loved it. She did get tired but she hung in there and had a great time.

Tomorrow is Katie's 9th birthday. She'll be having small get-together. She's looking forward to dressing up like a princess.........so is my daughter! I'll be sure to take pictures to share with you all. She got two gifts and 7 cards in the mail today. THANKS SO MUCH! I'll post again on Friday night, hopefully with pictures.

Thanks for checking in. Please sign the guestbook. Keri and Katie are really encouraged by your messages.

Monday, May 2, 2005 7:51 PM CDT

Hello, Friends,

Katie goes in tomorrow to see Dr. Loh and to get chemo. Keri is very concerned because Katie has gained nearly 20 pounds since diagnosis. The swelling just isn't going away, even when the steroids are stopped (she's taking 6MP's now. I don't know what it is exactly). Katie has no thirst either. She only drinks when Keri reminds her to and then it's not very much. She drinks just enough to get her Miralax down and that's all. Keri also thinks Katie might be backed up again with stool. She has lots of questions for Dr. Loh tomorrow.

Katie will see a gastro Dr. on the 16th of May to discuss her bowel issues. She could use some relief in that area.

Please pray the Lord gives the Dr.'s wisdom in knowing what to do for Katie Rose. And also pray she can get that chemo tomorrow. We really need to get her back on track with that.

Katie's 9th birthday is this Thursday, May 5th. I look back to just a little over two months ago when Katie was first diagnosed. She had pneumonia, bad. We were so scared. She'd just been transferred to Children's Hospital's Critical Care Unit when I went to see her. I never thought she wasn't going to make it, but I sure was scared, as were Keri and Ritchey and the whole family. She required so much oxygen and blood products, then the surgeries..... She's come a long way in only two months. And when you think about all she's been through since birth....she really is a miracle. God must have a special plan for this young lady.

Keri has planned a 'little' get-together for her birthday on Thursday. Katie is really looking forward to dressing up like a princess. I'll be sure to snap a few pictures to share with you all.

If I hear any new news tomorrow after her appointments, I'll update again. Otherwise, my next update will be Friday.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Katie has received a few birthday cards, a gift, and many post cards. She got a post card today from Beijing!! Yes, CHINA. Very cool. When she gets her map all updated I'll take a picture of that, too. If you would like to send her a b-day card or some 'happy mail', her home address is listed below under Hospital Info.

Thanks for checking in.

Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:29 AM CDT

Sorry for no update the last couple of days. There isn't much going on with Katie Rose at the moment. She just seems really tired and winded a lot. I believe she goes in on Tuesday for chemo, intrathecal and IV. They'll do them this week even if her WBC's are up like they were last week. That's the plan anyway. I think the only thing that would prevent them from doing the chemo is if her RBC's and HGB are too low. She hasn't had chemo in several weeks so those counts shouldn't be a problem. We REALLY need to get her back on track with her treatments. She just keeps having set-backs that prevent her from getting chemo.

Katie Rose is receiving LOTS of post cards from all over the world! She even got a signed photo and card from the cast of LOST. How cool is that?

Katie's 9th birthday is coming up on Thursday, May 5th. For those of you who would like to help her celebrate, I'd like to have TONS of cards delivered to her. Her home address is listed below under hospital information.

Thanks for visiting and praying.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:13 PM CDT

Hello, friends.

Katie is doing fairly well today. A little tired and breathless but otherwise ok. She is starting to get mouth sores. We're not sure why because she hasn't had any chemo recently, other than the chemo pill she takes. Maybe that's one of the side effects??? She's still taking her acyclovir but will be stopping the prednisone and will start a different one. She's also taking an antibiotic Fri., Sat. and Sun. as a preventative.

Thank you to all who have signed the guestbook. It really brightens Katie's day. Today her mom printed out everything from her site -guestbook and journal - She wants to keep it as a keep-sake for Katie to have when she's older.

Please keep up the prayers for Katie Rose. She's still using the walker and will continue physical therapy until she has her muscle tone back in her legs (that she lost because of the stroke).

Blessings to you all!

P.S. I added another photo to the photo page today - actually it's a collage of photos taken of Katie in March and April of this year.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:57 PM CDT

April 27th....Keri put together a collage of photos taken of Katie Rose. I've added it to the photo album.

April 26
Katie Rose had clinic today but they didn't give her the intrathecal chemo (through the shunt in her brain). Her white cell counts are elevated too much. They'll try again next week. She is still taking the oral chemo at night, as well as prednisone.

The Dr. seemed very concerned that Katie hasn't lost all her hair yet. She should have by now. She does have a few bald spots but the hair there is growing back. Also, the two places where they shaved her head to place the shunts is growing back in. Katie seems very tired today. Maybe the busy weekend finally caught up to her? Her bowel issues are still an issue. She goes from one extreme to the other, if you know what I mean.

Katie's 9th birthday is coming up on May 5th. For those of you who would like to help her celebrate, I'd like to have TONS of cards delivered to her. Her home address is listed below under hospital information.

Well, I've got some new pictures to post on here so I'd better get to it.

Thanks for stopping by. Take care.

Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:11 PM CDT

Katie Rose is doing well today. She and her family drove out to Auntie Beth's house for a birthday party. Happy birthday, Samantha! www.samanthanicolescloset.com Go here to read about two-year-old Samantha's miracles.

Katie Rose has been getting lots of postcards. Even from as far away as London and Ireland! Thanks!! She loves them and they make her smile.

Katie's 9th birthday is coming up on May 5th. For those of you who would like to help her celebrate, I'd like to have TONS of cards delivered to her. Her home address is listed below under hospital information.

Please keep praying for Katie. There are many decisions to be made this next week regarding her treatment and the direction it will go. Pray for the Lord to lead the Dr's and give them wisdom to know exactly what to do.

Thanks for stopping in.

Saturday, April 23, 2005 2:36 PM CDT

Hello, friends.
Katie is home now. She's doing well. No fevers. She saw the neuro doc yesterday to get the stitches and staples removed from her head. All went well this time! She is done with induction chemo and is now in consolidation.
At her Dr.'s appointment this Tuesday they'll talk about doing a double-delayed intensification. I'm not sure exactly what that means, yet. She'll be doing some pt this week as well. Keep the prayers flowing for Katie Rose. She still has a long ways to go in her treatment.

Thanks for checking in. Please sign the guest book.
Blessings to you all!

Friday, April 22, 2005 3:07 PM CDT

KATIE ROSE IS HOME! I haven't had a chance to talk with Keri yet but I wanted to let you all know our prayers have been answered.

I know Keri took her to the neurosurgeon today. I'll update again later when I have more to tell.

Thanks for all the prayers!

Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:03 AM CDT

Hello. Sorry for no update yesterday.

Katie's day yesterday started with a little accident. The port in her chest was accidentally pulled out while in the shower. It was very painful. A new one was put in. They're glad that's over. Katie's cough is worse, but her lungs are sounding better. The breathing treatments are doing their job. She's is supposed to get chemo this week. Let's pray she does so she can get on with her cancer treatment. Katie started some physical therapy to help with her leg weakeness. They gave her a walker and she's doing well with it. The Dr. also wants her to start using her hands more to increase her dexterity - or get it back.

Keri was filling in a calendar to try and keep track of what's happened since Katie was diagnosed. She figured yesterday was Katie's 44th day in the hospital since diagnosis on Feb 18th. She's up to 4 admissions since diagnosis. And up to 14 surgeries in her almost 9 years of life. That sure is a lot for one little kid. She's a tough cookie - and a sweet one, too. She amazes me with her strenght. I don't know if I could have faced so much and still kept my courageous spirit.

Well, I think Katie Rose is getting closer and closer to getting to go home. We hope it will be very soon :)- maybe this weekend? Let's pray that way, okay?

Thanks for stopping by. Take care, everyone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:59 PM CDT

It's another nice day here in San Diego. A little cooler than yesterday but still nice and mostly sunny. Katie got got OUT on a PASS TODAY! Yep, she got out of the hospital for a couple hours! She wanted to go to Pat & Oscars so Keri and Katie's Auntie Beth took her. No telling when she'll get out of the hospital for good. Her bowels are still not moving much and her her cough is still hangin' around. The neurologist came by and said Katie's weakness in her legs is from the brain bleed and the tremmors are from the medications - probably the chemo. He thinks the lack of reflexes is also from the chemo, even though she hasn't had any chemo in two weeks.

The photo above was taken April 11th. The dog's name is Josie.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook so we know you've visited.


Monday, April 18, 2005 11:59 PM CDT

There isn't much new news tonight except to say that Katie has developed a tremmor in her face and hand. She is able to control it if she thinks about it.

She's still running a fever. She's still not passing any stool. I don't know how much longer they'll let that problem continue. She ate a little bit of chicken for lunch. They're going to start 'unhooking' her for 6 hours a day so she won't be tied to the IV pole. Maybe she'll get up and walk more often. Her lungs have started filling up with fluid from that nasty cough she has so she's having to do breathing treatments several times a day.

The MRI of her spine came back fine. The small tumor she has on her spinal cord has not changed. She's had it since infancy. It's related to her spinal cord defect.

That's about all for now. Please continue the prayers for Katie Rose.
Blessing to you,

Sunday, April 17, 2005 5:39 PM CDT

Hi there. Thanks for stopping in to check on the Rose.

The MRI done yesterday of Katie Rose's brain showed she's had a small stroke. Keri hasn't heard from the neurologist yet but the one Dr. she did talk to said Katie should recover from it. The MRI of her spine was today. They couldn't do them at the same time because it would take too long. No news yet on that one.

The TPN feeds seem to be making Katie feel a little better. When I saw her yesterday I thought the swelling in her face was down a little and she was awake the entire two hours I was there. She hasn't eaten anything today. The happy meal she ate yesterday was the only thing she had eaten since the early part of last week. She's not moving any stool at all so it seems her gut has stopped completely. We're not sure what the Dr's next plan will be for that problem.

Please keep the prayers coming for Katie Rose. She's still a very sick little girl. Also, I mentioned yesterday that Katie's birthday is coming up on May 5th and I'd like to have TONS of cards sent to her. If anyone would like to help make her day special, cards can be sent to her home address listed below under hospital info.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:29 PM CDT

Katie looked a little better today when I went to see her. She was awake the entire two hours I was there. She even went for one lap around the unit with Ritchey. She's having trouble picking up her right leg when she walks but she made it all the way around. As I was leaving, she was being wheeled down to have an MRI of her brain and spine. I haven't heard from Keri so I assume she doesn't have any results.

They started Katie on TPN today. She is allowed to eat if she wants but is on a lactose-free diet. She didn't have an appetite until her daddy brought in a happy meal with chicken nuggets and french fries. She ate it all. That's the first thing she's had in 3 days.

Her fever today was 101.4. They keep drawing blood for cultures but nothing ever grows. We almost wish something would grow just so we'd know what was causing the fevers.

Katie's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. On May 5th she'll be 9 years old. I'd like to try and make her birthday special by having TONS of cards sent to her. I'd really appreciate all the help I can get. Cards can be sent to her home address. It's posted below under hospital info.

I'll update again when I hear from Keri. Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, April 15, 2005 4:25 PM CDT

Part 2, second update for today;
I spoke with Keri again. The neurologist came in and spent a great deal of time examing Katie. It seems it's not Bells Palsy that she has going on with her face (besides being swollen). It'a weakness that involves the entire right side of her body. She has no reflexes on that side. That would suggest something is going on with her brain. They will be doing another MRI of her brain in the next few days - maybe tomorrow. It's hard to say when because it's the weekend. Also, the TPN will start tomorrow. Katie hasn't eaten anything in 3 days and they don't want her to because of the bowel problems. Please continue the prayers. Thanks so much.

Part 1
Well, it was a very busy day for Miss Katie Rose yesterday. She went from here to there and all over the place just getting all the tests run. The good news is that it does NOT look like she has the Superior Vena Cava Syndrome! They could not see any obvious mass around the superior vena cava. That is great news! Our prayers worked!

But....they did discover some other things. First of all let me tell you that she still has a fever, 101. After all the tests, it is still unexplained. None of her cultures have grown anything.

I'll paraphrase an e-mail Keri sent me today. She's trying to be sensitive to Katie and not 'say' everything outloud and upset her. They will tell her what's going on, just not all at once like when I call for updates.

The flow test (dopler study) was normal. The CAT scan was not significant overall but did show some nodules on the right lung and lower lung on the left. These do not appear to be serious but they could be something. A full body MRI will be done to look at these further. An MRI done last year showed a nodule in her back. They'll be checking that out as well at her next MRI.
Katie's face could be swollen from a combination of albumen and protein build up. The drooping lip could be from a neurological source, possibly a Bells Palsy. This could be from the leukemia infiltrates, or some other source.
Dr. Loh is considering several options to deal with her bowel issues. The first would be to introduce artificial nutrition (TPN) which essentially would bypass the gut, thus keeping it out of the picture. A colostomy will be considered down the road if the other things do not work. The concern is that Katie's bowel function is probably low, maybe only working at 30 percent under normal circumstances (because of the neurological deficit from her spinal cord defect). When they give her chemo, her gut shuts down completely and without major stimulants it does not work at all. Right now they are concerned that they have not been doing the normal chemo or her daily chemos because of complications and are concerend that the leukema will take over if they don't treat it. So we will have to look at doing the above items if we want to win this leukemia battle. A colostomy, if placed, could be temporary and reversed later, but has a 50 percent chance of being permanent.

Katie has not eaten in 3 days and has mostly just slept. She's still a very sick little girl.

We appreciate all the prayers that have been said for her. Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guest book so we know you've been by to visit.
Blessings to you all.

Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:04 AM CDT


The Dr.'s think they've found out what's going on with her and why she's so backed up and swollen. It's something called Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. This is VERY serious. More testing will be done today to confirm this or rule it out but she has all the symptoms. If this is what she has, the outcome is very poor. We will keep our faith and know that God is in control. Without doing a whole lot of research, I'll briefly explain that Superior Vena Cava Syndrome is a blockage or compression of the superior vana cava which brings blood back to the heart. There are many different causes. One of which could be a mass in her chest or a blood clot. We hope to have more answers later today. A CT scan of her head and chest will be done, as well as a dopler test.

PLEASE PRAY. I'll update later when we have more news.
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:46 PM CDT

I spoke with Keri today. Katie is feeling poorly. Very irritable and teary. She woke up during the night crying in pain. Her belly was really hurting her. An x-ray revealed she is STILL backed up with stool. An ultrasound was done today as well and the technician was very interested in something near her liver. If it's related to Katie's bowel problems, we don't know. Keri will drill the Dr. the next time he comes in. We really need to know what's going on here. She still has a fever, 100.6 today. She still has her cough and is using an inhaler. No labs were drawn today but her HGB yesterday was 8.1 - still holding steady but should be a little higher. RBC's are still at 2.4. WBC's are 6.3 and hematacrit is 23.4. We really need to get those RBC's up, along with her HGB.

Many of you have asked if Katie Rose got to GO GET an ice cream cone on Monday from Rite Aid. I'm happy to say YES SHE DID and she enjoyed it. It's nice that they'll let the kids out once in a while if they're going to stay real close to the hospital. Rite Aid is only a block away.

Keri said she'd call back if she learned anything new after seeing the Dr. this afternoon. So, I'll update if I hear anything else. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, April 11, 2005 7:50 PM CDT

Hi everyone. I visited Miss Katie Rose today at the hospital. She is doing ok. Not great, but just ok. She's developed a terrible cough. Her temperature was 99 so they are keeping her on the antibiotics. Her heart rate is still pretty high. It was in the 150's the whole two hours I was there. Her HGB is holding at 8 - so no transfusion. WBC are at 4.5. That's the low end of normal. Her RBC are at 2.4 -low. These low counts are probably the reason why her heart rate is up and why she gets so winded. Katie is also very puffy from the steroids. I was surprised when I saw how much she had changed since the last time I saw her. She's still got that beautiful smile. You can't help but smile back when she smiles at you.

Yesterday she took a walk out to the parking lot to walk Grandma out, then walked back. She went to sleep at 5:30 pm and didn't wake up until 7:30 this morning. She was one tired pup.

Speaking of pups, a different kind of pup came to greet Katie Rose while I was there. Josie came for a visit. She's a dog that visits children in the hospital to cheer them up. She climbed up on Katie's bed and laid her head on her lap. It was so cute. Of course I didn't have my camera with me or there would be a picture of it up already. But Keri took one and she'll send it to me when she gets home. Josie did a special trick for Katie. While Josie and her owner were outside the door, we hid Josie's keys in the room. Her job was to find them. Katie watched while Josie walked around the room a couple of times and then she spotted them with her nose. It was a fun little diversion for Katie Rose.

Katie was given a pass to get out of the hospital for a spell today. They were talking about walking, Katie in a wheelchair, down to Rite-Aid. It's very close to the hospital and I know Katie was very excited about going. They might have been going to get an ice cream cone. I'd be excited, too.

Katie is due for chemo tomorrow. We don't know if they'll give it to her nor not with her counts being so low. They stopped the chemo pill she started last week after only two days.

That's about all the news for now. Of course I'll update again when I have more information. Please continue the prayers for Katie Rose.....and the happy guest book messages.

Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, April 10, 2005 11:30 PM CDT

Hello, friends. Thanks for checking in on Katie Rose. Her HGB was 8.0 today. It was 7.9 yesterday so, basically the same. She didn't get a transfusion but she's teetering on the edge of needing one. Her lung x-ray from Friday looked good but now she's developed a cough. She still has a fever of 101 and her heart rate is up in the 130's - that's high. One of her liver tests came back abnormal. Not sure what's up with that. Hopefully we'll learn more about that when the Dr. comes in tomorrow. Please pray it's nothing. We don't have any results on any of the cultures - hopefully soon.

I'll be visiting Katie tomorrow, Monday. I'll have another update after that. Keep praying. Katie reads her guestbook so please sign and send her some 'happy messages'. Thanks for stopping by.


Saturday, April 9, 2005 8:47 PM CDT

Just letting you all know that Katie Rose was admitted to the hospital on Friday for fevers. Her temperature was as high as 104, but has been staying around 101-102 since being admitted. Her port wasn't working so they had to poke her many times to draw blood. When they still couldn't get blood they tried the port again and it worked. I'm not sure what's up with that port. Seems half the time it works and half the time it doesn't! Katie is so brave. Also, she's broken out with some blisters on her bottom. They've cultured these but we don't have results yet. I'm worried about a staph infection since the other sores weren't healed up yet. I'm glad the Dr.'s are covering their bases and checking her out thoroughly. X-rays and blood cultures have also been done. I talked to Katie on the phone tonight and she sounded great. She's such a trooper. I'd be a basket case if I were in her shoes. She told me she read her guestbook yesterday. Keep those encouraging words coming. :)

The preliminary bone marrow results from last weeks' BMA look good. They won't say the word 'remission' until the final results are in. The spinal fluid shows no evidence of cancer. All of Katie's blood counts are dropping. Her HGB is down to 7.9 - she'll probably need a trasfustion tomorrow.
WBC is down to 3.1 from 11 on Tuesday
RBC's are down to 2.36 from 3.06 on Tuesday
Platelets and hematocrit are dropping as well.

So, our little Katie Rose is needing some extra prayers right now. Thanks for stopping by. Remember to sign the guestbook.

Blessings to you all,

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 3:37 PM CDT

Another quick update..
Katie had IV chemo and shunt chemo yesterday. It went well. Her shunt worked perfectly as did the port in her chest. She started an oral chemo as well. She also had her bone marrow asparate. No results on that yet.

Her hair is starting to fall out by the handfulls :( But it's not too noticeable right now because she has such thick hair!

Also, the Dr. said her bottom is looking a little better.

I'll update again when I have the bone marrow results. I'll try to post lab results, too. Keep praying! Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, April 3, 2005 9:52 PM CDT

Just a quick update to let you know Keri took Katie Rose to the hospital this morning because the left side of her face was drooping. After a thorough exam the Dr. determined is was just a lack of muscle tone. She can straigten it out. She's not slurring her speech or drooling. I'm wondering if it could be the puffiness from the steriods causing it?? Her temperature today was 99.6. If it gets to 100.4 she'll have to go back in.

Katie's bottom is still pretty bad. It's just not healing and is hurting pretty bad. Please continue to pray about that.

There was a little big disaster in the master bedroom yesterday. A top shelf in the (big)closet broke and fell down and stuff went everywhere. Well, that meant it was time to get that closet organized. So they purchased a closet organizer and got busy! It was an exhausting project, but one that will feel great to say it's finished. Go Keri! (and her mom, Kathy)

Not much else to report. Please pray for Katie Rose on Tuesday morning. That is when she'll have her bone marrow asparate. Pray for NO CANCER to be present! She will also be getting her spinal (shunt) chemo and IV chemo this week.
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:41 PM CST

Hey there. Katie was let out of the hospital today. She's doing fairly well. Her head looks good, considering what it's been through. Her bottom continues to be the main issue. An x-ray today showed she's full of stool again. Katie is predisposed to being constipated with having the spinal cord defect she has. Now it's made even worse by the chemo and the fact she's not excercising as much. She's too tired and gets winded very easily. She's taking Miralax 3 or 4 times a day with lactalose in between. This should be enough to keep her moving along but it's not. With being a leukemia patient with low blood counts, she isn't allowed to eat fresh fruits and veggies - only canned. They're doing everything they can to fix the problem.

Also, the sores on her bottom are still not healed. In fact, today they looked a bit worse. Please pray for the healing of these sores.

Katie will have a bone marrow asparate on Tuesday morning, April 5th, at 9:00am. This is just a routine check to make sure the cancer is going away. Remember, her first bone marrow asparate showed 97 percent leukemia. Let's pray this next one shows ZERO percent! We'll be happy with any number lower than the first, but zero would be even better :)

Katie will not have any chemo this week. They're giving her a week off to see if it helps her bottom problem and to let her head heal. In fact, Katie doesn't go back to the dr. the rest of the week unless she spikes a fever.

So, unless something changes I'll probably update again in a few days.

Specific things to pray for:

Katie's bottom to heal and her bowels to clear out.
For her energy to pick up some so she can get some excercise.
For her white cell counts to go down to normal. They were down to 14 today from 18 on Monday. 12 is the high end of normal.
For Katie's overall emotional health. She's been very sad and weepy lately. The steroids probably contribute to that.
Please also pray for Katie's little brother, Thomas. He's been sick and kinda wheezy.

Thank you all for praying and visiting here. Please sign the guestbook so Katie knows who has visited.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 3:42 PM CST

New photos on the photo page! - Katie shaved her brothers' heads!

Katie Rose had surgery this morning to place a new shunt (Omaya Resevoir) in her brain. All went well. This one was put in a little more to the side of her head instead of right on top. Hopefully this one won't have the problems the other one did. She's expected to be in the hospital today and will hopefully get to go home some time tomorrow.

No news on her blood counts today but they did have to give her 4 units of "cryoprecipitated AHF" (I think it's some sort of clotting factor) and she'll be getting two more units this afternoon.

Next week she'll be having a bone marrow asparate, spinal (shunt) chemo and IV chemo. Please continue to pray for complete healing.

Monday, March 28, 2005 5:58 PM CST

Katie Rose went to the Dr. this morning. They decided to draw labs from her arm instead of the port in her chest. They wanted to get a really accurate reading of her clotting level and thought the heparin used to flush the port would cause an inaccurate reading. After three pokes they finally got a vein, and a very sad Katie. For some reason her white count went from low to high since the last draw. It went from 3 to 18 in only 4 days. She's still fever-free and there is no obvious reason for the rise.

She is beginning to have more issues with her bowel and bladder control and will be mentioning that to the neurologist tomorrow when they go in for surgery. Katie will be having the shunt replaced in her head at 9:00am Pacific time. She'll be in the hospital one night.

Katie will not recieve any chemo this week due to her counts bumping around. I'm sure they just want to make sure they don't knock down her white cell counts if she's fighting an infection?? Next week she'll start a new chemo, hopefully one that won't cause the constipation to get worse. She'll also start getting the intrathecal chemo/spinal chemo, but through the shunt in her head, next week.

So, it seems Katie Rose has several things going on with her all at once. (her head healing, bottom healing, potty issues, blood counts bouncing around and another surgery scheduled, and lets not forget she's on steroids) All of them together make it seem like she's miserable. But really she's doing pretty well. Her favorite thing to do right now is eat. Ya gotta love those steroids! Her spirits are good and she's surrounded by lots of brothers and sisters that adore her.

Please keep the happy mail coming. She's received some already and has enjoyed it. But not too many post cards as of yet. As I mentioned before, we're trying to get post cards delivered to her from all over the world. If you can help by sending one from your neck of the woods, the address is listed below where it says 'hospital info.'

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guest book so Katie knows you've been by. I'll update again tomorrow after surgery.
P.S. Don't forget to visit Katie's other site for more photos at www.katierosehann.com

Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:51 PM CST

Hello, Friends. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. The Hann family spent the day in Borrego, CA with family. Katie Rose is a very tired girl! Besides the effects of chemo, the long day was draining for her. Her bottom is still an issue. Katie isn't complaining of pain, but it's still bleeding some. It's going to take a long time to heal because of the severity of the rash/burn. Please keep praying for complete healing.

As many of you know, Katie Rose has 4 brothers and 5 sisters. Well, today the boys (not sure about the baby!) decided to shave their heads! Keri took pictures. I'll post them on Monday or Tuesday. Katie also got a haircut. It's now shoulder length. It hasn't really started falling out yet but it was very long and getting brittle and this will make it easier to take care of. Who knows, maybe she won't lose her hair? Highly unlikely, but for now it's shoulder length.

Katie will see the Dr. early Monday, the 28th. They will discuss when the bone marrow asparate will be. Then on Tuesday, April 29th at 9:00 am, Katie will have surgery to place a new shunt in her head. Please pray that this one works properly. This is the only way to get the chemo into her spinal fluid.

Katie has been receiving some 'happy mail' at home. Thank you all very much! She's enjoying it.

I'll update when I hear more.

Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:24 AM CST

Good news!

Katie Rose gets to go home today! Her head is looking as good as it can considering she had brain surgery yesterday. She got her IV chemo last night, half strength to try to prevent constipation. She will see the Dr. on Monday to discuss when her next bone marrow asparate will be and replacement of the shunt in her brain. They are also changing her chemo drugs so most of it will be given at home, orally. She will still have to have the intrathecal chemo in her brain (spinal chemo).

The information was kinda sketchy today as Keri and Ritchey were packing up when I called. Keri will be updating this weekend as I will be out of town.

Have a Blessed Easter celebrating the Resurrection of Christ!

P.S. Don't forget to visit www.katierosehann.com for more pictures of Katie!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:47 PM CST

I just popped in to tell you Katie's surgery went well today. They took out the shunt. It was kinked. I'm not sure why that didn't show up on the ct scan. The chemo they've tried to get into the spinal fluid had been collecting under her scalp and was eating away at it. The Dr. cleaned it all out and closed her up. He will replace the shunt next week when the infection is gone. No chemo there until she's recovered from her next surgery.

Katie will get her IV chemo either tonight or tomorrow half-strength to try and prevent constipation. Her bottom continues to improve a little each day.

Please keep up the prayers for Katie Rose. They are working! I'll update again tomorrow.

Blessings to you all!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:53 PM CST

More complications for Katie Rose.

The Dr. took the stitches out of her head today where they put the shunt in a couple of weeks ago. She instantly started leaking spinal fluid and the incision opened up wide. They glued it shut and called in a neurosurgeon. He was livid that they had glued it shut. It turnes out the chemo they've tried to infuse twice never even went into the spinal fluid. It sat there under her scalp and caused a pretty bad infection (way too close to her brain!). And Katie, being the patient, sweet girl she is, never even complained! It's a good thing she's been on antibiotics! Tomorrow Katie will have surgery to remove the shunt. When the infection is all cleared up, maybe next week, she'll have another shunt put in, and chemo when she's recovered from that.

Her bottom is looking a little better every day. But she's still got a ways to go. Keep praying about that.

She is still due to have IV chemo on Thursday. They haven't talked about doing the bone marrow asparate. She's due for that, too. One thing at a time.....the shunt needs to be taken care of first.

Thanks for checking in. Please sign the guest book so we know you've been by. Katie has been on-line (laptop in her hosp. room) and I'm sure she'd love to hear from you! I'll update tomorrow after her surgery.

Monday, March 21, 2005 10:08 AM CST

Katie Rose is improving some. An x-ray of her tummy still showed a lot of stool but it is moving along. One of the side effects of the chemo, vincristine, is constipation. This is exacerbated in Katie's case because of her predisposition to being constipated due to her spinal cord defect. They are giving her mega doses of stool softeners, etc., to clear her out. Her appetite is great. She sure loves her mac-n-cheese and french fries!

I think Katie's bottom is the main reason she is still in the hospital. The diarrhea she had caused a very bad burn/rash that is still bleeding. They are treating it with antibiotics and burn cream. She is still fever-free!

Katie is due to have IV chemo (vincristine) and shunt chemo (methotrexate) this Thursday. The Dr. is still concerned about the side effects of putting the methotrexate into the cerebrospinal fluid at her brain. Normally it would be diluted some before it reached her brain - if it were put in through her lower spine. But not in Katie's case. Since she has a fused spine, they had to put in shunt in her brain in order to infuse chemo. This chemo may be the cause of her sleepiness and fainting/falling spells she had last week.

Also, some time this week Katie should have a bone marrow asparate and the stitches in her head removed. They are really hoping to get to go home this week!

Please pray for:
healing of Katie's bottom
no more fainting/falling spells
few side effects from chemo
increased 'movement' with her stools
clear bone marrow
easy removal of her stitches
Dr.'s wisdom in treating Katie
Also pray for Keri. She's not sleeping very well.

Thank you all for checking in!

Friday, March 18, 2005 7:26 PM CST

Hello, thanks for checking in. Katie had an MRI of her brain today to check the placement of her shunt and to make sure everything is ok there. So far, no results. They're just playing the waiting game hoping the next person that walks through the door is the Dr. Her bottom is still hurting but the diarrhea has stopped. The x-ray that was taken yesterday of her abdomen showed she is all backed up with stool. Her body is working so hard to get rid of it that it caused the diarrhea. She's been given all kinds of medications to help rid herself of all the stools, as well as instructions to walk as much as possible. So, we wait some more. The rash on Katie's hands and arms is still the same. The Dr. thinks it's caused by antibiotics.

Please keep praying for Katie Rose. She's been pretty tired and irritable. Pray also for wisdom for the Dr's to know just how to treat Katie's leukemia and other problems.

Thanks for checking in. We appreciate your kind words of encouragement.

P.S. Don't forget to check out Katie Rose's other web page at www.katierosehann.com

Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:16 PM CST

Katie was admitted today for tests.

She went in for chemo today. Again they couldn't draw blood from her central line. They gave her chemo through it anyway. Afterward they decided to admit her. They are still having problems giving her chemo through the shunt in her brain. They were able to finally clear the central line with heparin (sp?). Tomorrow Katie will have an MRI done of her head to make sure the port is in the right place and to make sure there is no brain swelling or some oter thing that might be preventing access to her spinal fluid. They can get chemo in but can't draw spinal fluid out. The Dr. is concerned because she shoudn't be feeling as miserable as she is in between chemo treatments. Another thing making her miserable is her tummy. She's had diarrhea for several days and it's made her bottom very irritated and is extremely painful. They did an x-ray of her abdomen today but no results yet. They also did a stool culture. She's not able to eat and is hungry but they want to let her tummy rest. Katie also has a rash on her hands and arms and they are very hot. Again, the Dr's don't have any answers yet. On a positive note, she does NOT have a fever.

Please pray for Katie Rose. She's absolutely miserable. Her parents are tired and I'm sure they're scared. They just want their little girl to be ok. If you could, please sign the guestbook or send a note of encouragement. The address is listed below. Katie has recieved some cards and gifts. All have brought smiles to her face. Thank you!

I'll update more tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have some answers.

P.S. Don't forget to stop by Katie's other site www.katierosehann.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:31 AM CST

Well, this weekend wasn't the best as Katie Rose really didn't feel very well. She had two falls, and complained of being dizzy and had nausea. She slept a lot. She started with the runs on Sunday, and her poor bottom is so sore. We went to the doctors today and her blood test were okay for now except her white blood cells are still critical. The doctor gave her IV fluids as she was dehydrated. To date she has had 6 blood transfusion and 6 platelet transfusions. Thank you for those that have donated for her. Her next chemo is Thursday. I will do another update then unless something new happens.

Katie has a beautiful personal web site with more pictures. Visit it at www.katierosehann.com

Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:34 AM CST

I talked with Keri last night. Katie is really really wiped out. She's very pale and lethargic and just not feeling very well at all. She did not run a fever yesterday -so that's good. She had us worried on Friday night when her temperature went up to 99.9. Katie also fell a couple of times yesterday for no known reason. She didn't trip or say she was dizzy, she just fell. She wasn't injured but she's giving her mother quite a scare. I think Keri will take her in tomorrow to have her blood counts checked.

One of Katie's little sisters, Makayla, is feeling better. She broke out in hives the other night after eating pizza. She's all over it now, but not before making us all worried. They'll watch her closely the next time she has pizza.

Please continue to pray for the overall health of the Hann family. This flu bug is still hanging around and a couple of the kids are still not feeling well. Katie is isolated from the rest of the family but it's still scary knowing it's on the other side of the door.

Katie's Auntie Beth has done a wonderful job creating a personal web page for her. There are 5 pages of pictures of Katie Rose there! Check it out at www.katierosehann.com

Thank you to everyone that has left kind words of encouragement to the Hann family. Keri does read them and they are very uplifting to her and Katie.

Have a great day in the Lord!

Friday, March 11, 2005 10:15 PM CST

Katie had another rough day. She's just not feeling well and her mom says she's 'looking' sicker than she has been. She slept most of the day today and ate very little. The mouth sores are still very painful.

Katie's 5 year old sister, Makayla, broke out in hives all over her body tonight after eating pizza. She refused to take benedryl so they are watching her closely. While all this was going on Keri noticed Katie had a fever, 99.9. She's been isolated from the rest of the kids since she came home from the hospital on Tuesday so hopefully it's not that flu bug that still won't leave their family alone. Remember this is a family of 12. One of the boys is feeling better but another one is coming down with it. If Katie's fever gets to 100.4 they'll have to take her to the hospital.


It's been one hectic week for them. They could really use a nice, quiet, uneventful weekend. I'm not sure that's possible with a family of 12 but I know with God all things are possible.

Thanks for checking on Katie Rose.


P.S. Katie's Auntie Beth has created a personal web site for her. It's very beautiful and there are lots of pictures of Katie Rose there. Visit it at www.katierosehann.com
You'll still have to visit the caringbridge page for updates as the journal on the other site is not up to date. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:24 PM CST

Please say some extra prayers for Katie Rose. She had a very rough day and just isn't happy about everything happening to her. Keri took her to clinic for IV chemo AND chemo through her shunt in her head. They couldn't draw fluid from the shunt but were able to infuse a little chemo. It could be that Katie's ventricals have collapsed. I'm not sure how serious that is but if they didn't admit her then it must not be too big a problem. Then Katie cried all througout her IV chemo. She was just so upset at all that was happening to her. Also, Katie's mouth is covered in sores. They are treating her with Acyclovir for it. She's hungry but can't eat because of the pain. If it gets to the point where she can't take her oral medications, they will have to admit her. I don't think Katie wants that so I'm sure she'll try hard. I just feel so bad for her having to go through all this. And for Keri and Ritchey to have to watch there little girl go through this pain and not be able to take it away. Keri, Ritchey, and the rest of the family could use some extra prayers as well. The sick kids are getting better but one is still making frequent trips to the bathroom.

Thank you all for the guest book entries at both sites. They are very encouraging to them.
P.S. To view Katie's other site, go to www.katierosehann.com There are more pictures there but the journal is not up to date. It's a beautiful site created by Katie's Auntie Beth.

Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:39 AM CST

Katie Rose is doing well. She goes in this morning, Thursday, for more IV chemo. Please pray for her comfort and complete healing. She still has siblings that are sick. Please pray for them as well. I will update again to let you all know how today's chemo went.

A personal web page has just been created for Katie Rose. Auntie Beth did a great job! It's so pretty. There are lots more pictures of Katie Rose there. There are also updates, but as of now they are not up to date. You can visit it at www.katierosehann.com

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:55 PM CST

KATIE ROSE IS HOME! They let her out this morning. She'll be isolated from the rest of the kids. A few of them are still sick. Please pray for their family to get completely well. Katie Rose will recieve chemo tomorrow in the outpatient clinic. Thank you all for praying for her. Your prayers are being heard and she's feeling well.

A personal web page has just been created for Katie Rose. There are lots more pictures of here there. You can visit it at www.katierosehann.com

Monday, March 7, 2005 9:14 PM CST

Today's labs:
WBC 1.0 low
HGB 9.8 good
PLT 123 good
ANC 238 low

Today was a MUCH better day for Katie Rose. I went to see her and she looked really good. They've finally found an anti nausea medicine that works well for her. While I was there she ate a whole plate of macaroni and cheese and a cup of sliced canned pears. And she kept it down! She's starting to develop sores in her mouth, as well as thrush (yeast). Please pray that this doesn't get too bad and cleares up quickly. She's still a little irritable but that's to be expected when she's on so many medications and has been couped up for so long. I would be too! They did get her out for a little walk today. They walked to the blood donor center and Ritchey donated blood. Katie had some visitors come buy with gifts and that made her smile for my camera. Thank you, Stephanie and Jared!

Katie had her CAT scan and echocardiogram done this morning. The spots on her lungs are clearing up! Thank you all for praying about those. Keep it up, it's working! The Dr. didn't mention anything about the echocardiogram. It's still a possibility that she could get to go home tomorrow. But one thing that could hold her back is that four of her 9 siblings at home have fevers. Keri and Ritchey have an 'isolation' room set up for Katie if she does go home (thanks Auntie Beth!). They'll be talking to the Dr. about it more tomorrow. They want what's best for Katie Rose and wouldn't do anything that could jeopardize her recovery. Chemo would be given to her as outpatient if she does go home.

That's about it for now. Thanks for all the prayers and guestbook entries. Katie got to read them the other day and they really lifted her spirits.
Blessing to you all,

Sunday, March 6, 2005 5:47 PM CST

Hi there. Thanks for checking in. Katie is still feeling pretty yucky and is irritable too. They are trying different medications to figure out which one works the best for her nausea. She's not on any suplemental oxygen. Keri and Ritchey were able to take her out for a walk today. This was the first time, other than potty breaks and showers, that she was able to 'go' for a walk. It's very important that they keep her legs working. She was pretty exhausted when she got back to her room. Tomorrow, Monday, she will have a CAT scan of her lungs and an echocardiogram on her heart. Hopefully they can figure out what those spots on her x-rays are. Please pray that these are nothing serious and nothing to worry about. If all goes well they may let her out of the hospital on Tuesday. She would then recieve her chemo as an outpatient on March 9th or 10th. I'll update again after we receive the CAT scan results. Thank you all for praying for Katie Rose.

Thursday, March 3, 2005 7:30 PM CST

Well today hasn't been much better for Katie Rose. They gave her the IV chemo last night while she slept. She's feeling really bad today. Please continue to pray for her. The good news is that she's no longer on oxygen during the day. They still need to figure out what the spots are in her lungs. I suppose they'll address that issue when she gets back to Kaiser.

This afternoon between 2:00 and 3:00 she will be moved from Children's Hospital back to Kaiser Permanente, via ambulance. I wish she could stay at Children's. They really cater to kids. I'm sure Kaiser does too. We shall see.

Thank you to everyone that has signed the guesbook. I printed it out last night to take to Katie. I know it will lift her spirits. She's also had a few surprises delivered to her room- thank you all very much. Her room is very colorful with balloons and stuffed animals :)

Thank you all for visiting. The next update might not be until Sunday evening.
Oh, I've added some photos the the photo page.

Thursday, March 3, 2005
Katie had a pretty rough afternoon yesterday. She recieved chemo through the shunt in her brain. Afterwards she seemed fine but had some pain, mostly when she coughed. About 4 hours later she started getting sick to her stomach. It was a very long night and her oxygen saturation went very low while she slept, so the 02 was turned up. She's been pretty sick all day today as well. She's on 2 liters of 02. They took her to the operating room today to put in a central line. That went ok but the Dr. told Keri that Katie has "lung issues". He didn't go into detail, probably because he doesn't know. As I mentioned in an earlier update, the Dr's said Katie had some suspicious spots on her lung x-rays as well as some air around her heart. As far as I know she hasn't had another x-ray. At 6pm tonight, Thursday, they will be giving her IV chemo (vincristine) through her central line. Please pray for Katie's comfort. She's on some pretty strong pain meds and anti-nausea meds and is resting for now. Adding more chemo we know isn't going to make her feel better. I hope to be able to visit her tomorrow and get a few pictures if she's feeling up to it. But if she's transfered to the other hospital and the timing isn't right, it might have to wait until Monday.

March 4th 2005

Today Katie was well enough to be transported back to Kaiser Hospital, San Diego. She still continues to have vomiting and severe nausea. Her spirits were up a little bit today but she has gone to sleep very early this evening. Her lungs are looking much better but will now have to see a lung specialist due to the damage from the pnemonia and unknown "spots" in her lungs. Keri and Ritchey wanted me to thank all of you for your continued support and prayers for Katie Rose, no words could ever express what they mean to them.

Thank you all for praying. Please sign the guest book so we know you've been by.

Thursday, March 2, 2005 10:28 PM CST

Katie had chemo through her shunt today. It went pretty well. She had some pain afterward but it was mostly when she coughed. The spinal fluid that was tested yesterday was clear of leukemia but the Dr. said it could be because she's been on Decadron for the last 10 days so they really can't rely on that test result. She will have a central line put into her chest tomorrow as well as her 1st dose of IV chemo (Vincristine). If all goes well, she'll be transfered back to Kaiser Hospital on Friday.

Please pray for Katie's continued comfort and that she will respond well to this chemo with little or no side effects. Thank you all for checking in on her. Your prayers and kind words have been very encouraging.

March 1st, 2005.
Things are really starting to move along now with Katie Rose. She had a shunt put into her brain today. All went well. The shunt is necessary because they need to deliver chemo into her cerebral spinal fluid. Katie has a fused spine which prevents them from doing this from her back. Dr's will deliver chemo through the shunt tomorrow. Then on Thursday they will put a central line into her chest and begin chemo. If all goes well she'll be transfered back to Kaiser Hospital on Friday. She was originally at Kaiser when she was diagnosed but when she became really unstable she was transfered to Children's. She's been there since Feb 22nd.

I'd like to say thank you to Tracy Solomon, the Ladybug's mom, for putting a link to Katie Rose's site from Katia's. Just today there have been over 200 hits. This morning there was only about 40. Thank you all who have visited. I'm about to call Keri, Katie's mom, and have her check out the guest book, too. I know the messages will be very encouraging to her.
Blessing to all of you for praying,

Monday, February 28, 2005 6:06 PM CST

Thank you all for checking in on Katie Rose. I visited her at the hospital today and she is looking much much better! She was feeling well and was sitting up coloring the entire time I was there. She does have some nausea in the mornings but for the most part, she's feeling lots better. The pneumonia is finally responding to treatment and they weaned the amount of supplemental oxygen she's recieving. She's now on only 1/2 liter, via nasal canula, instead of 10. WOW! I told you she's improving! They turn up the oxygen a little while she's sleeping. There are some suspicious spots on her lung x-rays that have Dr.'s concerned, as well as some air around her heart. Her body should absorb the air without treatment but the spots have us all concerned. Please be in prayer over this. Hopefully it's nothing serious and will be gone before the next x-ray. Now that her lung issues are more or less under control, they can begin to focus on treating her leukemia. The first step will be to insert a port into her chest for her to recive medications without having to be poked, and to check her cerebral spinal fluid for leukemia. They'll also be putting chemo into her spinal fluid. Since Katie has a fused spine due to a de-tethering surgery she had last year, the Dr's can not do the spinal tap the regular way so they will probably have to insert a shunt into her brain for her spinal chemo. This should happen within the next couple of days. It sounds scary but it's necessary and less risky than trying to access her spinal fluid from higher up on her spine.

Her pic line wasn't working last night to draw blood so they had to take it from her foot. Katie handled it well, but did not like it. Poor baby. Once that port is in place, she won't feel so much like a pin cushion. So, overall she's doing pretty well. She looks content and comfortable. Your prayers are working. Thank you so much.

I put a picture on the photo page today. I'll have more soon. Please sign the guestbook and brighten Katie Rose's day. I'm still working on the bio/intro. story of Katie Rose. I hope to get that up for you all to read this week.
Thanks for checking in. Blessing to you all. Laura

Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:12 PM CST

Hello. Thanks for stopping by. Katie Rose is in the Critical Care Unit at Children's Hospital in San Diego. She is very ill. Last Saturday she was diagnosed with leukemia (ALL pre-B cell). This little girl has already overcome so many obstacles in her 8 years. I'll post more on that later. Right now she's in desperate need of prayer and a miracle. Along with the leukemia, she has pneumonia. At the moment she seems stable but is requiring 10 L of oxygen just to keep her oxygen sats up. She is breathing on her own but is really wiped out. They are awaiting a port placement and a spinal tap with chemo infusion into her spinal column. This should happen withing the next couple of days. Right now they need to get her more stable and figure out how they are going to go about the spinal tap. Katie Rose has a fused spine due to a surgery she had last year for a tethered spinal cord. (More on that at a later date) That makes it much more difficult to access the spinal column the regular way.

Please join us in prayer for this precious little girl and her family. And brighten her day by signing the guest book. We'd also like to shower Katie Rose with post cards from all over the world. If you can help with this, the address is posted below. Thanks for checking in. I'll post again on Sunday or Monday with another update.

Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:03 PM CST

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