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Very glad to hear the good news...with all these thoughts and prayers sent to u..something GOOD had to happen right!!!!!!..but just to let u know that they will still keep on coming and coming..and so up Chris. and get home where u belong...take care leslie..and Thanking God for the good news..hope to see u soon....thanks..
Jen <>
Aurora, Canada - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:28 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie
GREAT NEWS!!! Let's hope it stays that way and you will be well enough to get home soon. Keep up the good work Leslie. Lots of love and hugs.
Aunty Marg, Roger and Nana xxxxxx

Margaret Willetts <>
Darlington, U.K. - Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:22 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
GRRRREAT NEWS, counts are going up, BUT, what a hospital.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, February 3, 2005 5:23 PM CST
Hey guys,

Just my daily check in on you guys. Hope you're eating LOTS.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 2:33 PM CST
Hi Chris,
Glad to see things are improving now, what a relief! Keep up the good work Leslie, you're a mum in a million.
Lots of Love and hugs

Angela <>
Worcester, U.K. - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:38 AM CST
Leslie and Chris
Hopefully you will see that weight fly back on now. I hope you are out of hospital soon. Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, UK - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Great news on those counts!!!!!!! Way to go Chris!!! Now to fatten you up.......

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:49 PM CST
For heaven's sake...some pretty frustrating happenings! But the good news was happy reading!
prayers and love

mrspam <>
- Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:37 PM CST
Sending prayerful thoughts your way,
Love abd prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 5:56 PM CST
Hope today was a better day and pleased you are eating. Nana asks about you all the time and sends hugs and love.Thinking of you and hoping you will get home soon.
Aunty Marg, Roger & Nana xxxxxx

Margaret Willetts <>
Darlington, U.K. - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 5:39 PM CST
Hope today is a good one.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, February 2, 2005 12:31 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris
Good to see things picking up from a very low base. I am having lots of problems with my computer at the moment. Last week I could receive emails but not send and this week I can send but not receive! I am desperate to get ADSL at my new address but am clueless as to why it takes so long for my phone company to turn me on. Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 2:54 AM CST
Hi,just checking in to see how you both are.Glad your eating,get home soon.
MG(nhl board)
- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 10:25 PM CST

Glad to hear he is eating. That sounds like a real improvement. Hopefully those counts will have risen overnight. I keep hearing about this 'procrit' drug on tv......has there been any mention of that? Also, do they have him on something for the high bp?? I know Devin started out on the niphedipine, but it wasn't too accurate as we had to cut a capsule in half then pull up the amount needed in a syringe.....the other one he was on that worked was a drug called norvasc. It did seem to stabilize his pressure....just a thought for you.

Hope you get some much needed rest and are able to get a good report on your boy in the morning.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 9:38 PM CST
glad to hear his platelletes have gone up some, I hope to check tomorrow and see they have gone up more! Thinking of you guys!
Amy Cleghon <>
- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 7:06 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris
Sending love and prayers your way, from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 5:15 PM CST
thinking of you
mrspam <>
- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 4:45 PM CST
Just checking in to say HELLO and hope today is better than yesterday....We want you to get well and get back home where you belong!!!

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 11:01 AM CST
It is good to have you back! I am so happy that Chris is doing so much better. It has been one rough road for Chris, hopefully soon the sun will shine apond him.
Love and prayer's!

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 7:28 AM CST
I found your website on my cousin and best friend Rachel's web page. I just want to thank you for caring about her and keeping up with her while she was so sick. It breaks my heart that anyone else is having to suffer like she did and Chris is always in my prayers. I really feel like there are good things to come for you. You truly deserve it.

Misty Tidmore <>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 10:30 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,
At last some good news, and not before time, lets hope that this is the start of more good days and soon Chris will be home, that'll be a day to celebrate.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, January 31, 2005 6:18 PM CST
Hi Chris
Emily who just signed the guestbook before me lives in the same town in Ohio that my brother lives in!!
I'm glad that things are definitely improving for you! Hope the chips were okay for you!
love and prayers

mrs pam <>
- Monday, January 31, 2005 3:24 PM CST
Dear Chris ,
This is my second time visiting your webpage but only the first time I've signed in sorry . I hope that things are still going well I was glad to hear that the ultrasound was nothing it's so hard to wait for answers . I hope things continue to get better . I will be praying extra for you .
may the lord bless you all .
Emily Johnston

Emily Johnston <>
Johnstown, Oh USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 2:44 PM CST
Hi, just wanted to say I am happy things are looking up for you. May you have a very Blessed week. Jesus loves you, Monica
Monica Martin <>
Livingston, Louisiana USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 11:13 AM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie - So glad things are improving. Think about you all the time - wish I were nearer so I could visit you and help. Spent 5 hours at the hospital here with Nana yesterday, thought she had broken her arm but she's O.K. Keep fighting Chris, and Leslie, try and get some rest.
Love from us all here.
Aunty Marg, Roger & Nana xxxxxx

Margaret & Roger Willetts <>
Darlington, U.K. - Monday, January 31, 2005 6:47 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,

Hang in there. We know they'll get him straightened out and home where he belongs soon.

Alisa <>
- Monday, January 31, 2005 0:51 AM CST
thinking o f you...

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Sunday, January 30, 2005 7:59 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
I hope you managed to get some sleep, but I know you would be so worried at leaving Chris there on his own. I was talking to my daughter Lesley today about Chris and what is going on in that hospital, and she agreed that you probably don't want to report anything or publicise what's going on because Chris has to be there and you don't want to make matters worse, I think most parents feel like that, scared to say or do too much, I don't know what the answer is. We are all praying for you and thinking of you often. Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, January 30, 2005 5:46 PM CST
Leslie: sorry to hear of all the troubles with nursing & cleaning staff @ MSH. I'd heard things had really changed over the years (I last wked there in'86) but this nonsense needs to be reported!!!
Praying Chris feels less stressed & impoves soon.

- Sunday, January 30, 2005 4:15 PM CST
Hello Leslie
I wish I could help but I know I can't. I think of you and your family daily. Wishing Chris all the best and hoping that you get a good nights sleep to allow you to better cope with tomorrow. Love Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Sunday, January 30, 2005 3:52 PM CST
Hi Leslie.

Sounds like hell there right now. I'm so sorry. Wouldn't it be nice if JUST FOR ONCE the people who are supposed to be HELPING these kids got their acts together and did what they are supposed to do!!!!!!! Frustrating as hell...I know from experience. It makes my blood boil to hear of the sh** you are putting up with. Hang in there my friend....remember you are the boss.........and maybe your dear friend Julie can get something done. I am sure at this time..just making Chris comfortable is forefront in your mind....not making everyone up there mad at you....of course I always say...if they were doing their jobs they way they are supposed to....well then, everyone would be happy.

Anyway...just a thought....that VANCO ALWAYS made Devin's blood pressure rise.....if the c-dif is negative there should be NO REASON at all to keep it going......Also...if he is eating and drinking enough.....maybe they could cut down those fluids and let that BP get under control. Just my 2 cents worth.

I got a message from Rosi that she wasn't able to access and sign your guestbook due to computer probs....but she is certainly thinking and praying for you guys.

Hang in there......

Alisa <>
- Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:41 AM CST
to leslie and chris.,i come to read every day about your brave boy and his mom.this is such a heart wrenching history to follow.then to be dealing with this hospital situation must be just too much.i live in ontario and understand how bad it is.i am praying for you and chris every day,,,,,patti
patti lacroix <>
stratford, canada - Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:01 AM CST
I know im early, but

Happy Valentines Day

Love Viks from Post Pals and BWC

viks <>
- Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:21 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
I found you site through another, and just wanted to let you know that you and your son are in my thoughts and prayers. My son, who is 18, is going through a similar time. He is 5 yrs post bmt with some big problems. His attitude has been getting worse and worse. It is so tough on them.(and us!!)

Take care and God bless

Beverley Pierce <>
Sugar Land, Tx Usa - Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:05 AM CST
So glad that you are home for a hot shower & wine, but I'll tell you . . . I'm normally a nonconfrontational person & I'm ready to fly there & storm the hospital. What in the HELL is going on there? You should not have to be dealing with all of this!!!My prayer tonight is not for Christopher but for his friends. That they will come down & visit their buddy. This is one of the things that has caused the deepest & everlasting scares for my daughter at age 15 & 16 during her 3 month hospital stays. Mothers, you need to encourage your lads to visit their friends not once but several times during their long lonely hospital stays. It can help so very very much. The isolation of a hospital stay is overwhelming for these kids. Sorry, Leslie, you hit a nerve with me. Anyway, praying for you all daily. Hope you are able to sleep tonight. God Bless you all.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, January 29, 2005 2:14 PM CST
I like Karen's idea below.........nothing like the news stations to shake things up a bit. We've had similar things here seems like laziness is rampant in today's society. It is especially frustrating when things are supposed to be pristine to keep these immuno-compromised patients from further risk!!!!

You keep up the good work. I know you're getting tired of being the squeaky wheel........but, you're doing an excellent job!!!

Hugs to you all. Hope today is a better day. Thanks Julie for keeping us updated....and thank goodness Leslie got a break from that place.......

Alisa <>
- Saturday, January 29, 2005 1:07 PM CST
thiking of you all and praying for you too
Amy cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Saturday, January 29, 2005 9:58 AM CST
I have been reading Chris' website for over a year and praying for him EVERY day. He is really an incredible person! As is his mother. This hopsital nightmare moves me to a suggestion, I hope you don't mind. Why don't they go to the local news station and ask them to do a story on the deplorable conditions this very ill child is suffering through. Here in NY, you'd be surprised how fast the news operations would eat that up, AND get something done. Good luck to you all. Continued prayers...
- Friday, January 28, 2005 5:47 PM CST
Julie..that was quite an update.
That hospital is BEYOND BELIEF!!!
Hoping that Chris can be transfered quickly!
Chris, glad you are able to eat a little.
Leslie, praying for your strength to carry on!

mrspam <>
- Friday, January 28, 2005 5:19 PM CST
Thanks again Julie for the up-date.
After all that Leslie and Chris have been through, they have now to be treated like this in that hospital, I'm so mad, I wish there was something we could do. I hope and pray that they can get Chris transferred quickly, you read all the time about those hospital bugs. You wonder what kind of nurses these people are, don't they realize the pain the patients are in and that when they buzz they need something. Poor Lesley must be at her wits end in that place, no wonder she doesn't want to leave Chris, who can blame her.
Give her my love and prayers Julie.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, January 28, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Hey guys,
Thinking of you and so glad to hear Chris is eating! YEAH!!

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Friday, January 28, 2005 4:26 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hope today is a good one.

Thinking of you...

Alisa <>
- Friday, January 28, 2005 11:20 AM CST
Lots of thoughts and prayers are with you guys always!
Hope that Chris is feeling better.

shelli hoffmann <>
- Friday, January 28, 2005 7:40 AM CST
Hi Chris
hope you continue to improve every day!

mrs pam <>
- Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:28 PM CST
Hi Julie,
Just signing in to let you know that Lesley and Chris are in my prayers.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:46 PM CST
Thinking of you......

Alisa <>
- Thursday, January 27, 2005 12:07 AM CST
Hi Chris and Lesley.Mum just told me about your web page.Sorry you have been going through such a rough time,but am relieved that your biopsy went well and wasn't too sore.Hopefully it won't be long before you can eat again and built up your strength.My thoughts are with you both.
Nikki ,Andrew,Abbey and Joshua Scanlon(Marsh) <>
Perth, WA Australia - Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:41 AM CST
thanks for all the updates...and very glad to hear that things r looking up. Thats a great sign that u Chris wants to eat...and hopefully soon u can do so to get some strength ...always thinking and praying for u.. please take care..
Jenn <>
Aurora, canada - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:35 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Chris and Julie
Thanks for the update. So relieved things don't look so black. Hope you can get some food down you soon Chris. We're all thinking about you and send you all our love and lots of hugs.
Aunty Marg,Roger and Nana xxxxxx

Margaret & Roger Willetts <>
Darlington, U.K. - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:36 PM CST
Hi Julie,
Please let Leslie and Chris know we're thinking about them.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:41 PM CST
Leslie, Chris and Julie,

Glad things are hopefully going a little better. Hope Chris is feeling better and getting stronger each day. Thanks for the updates.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:56 PM CST
Thanks for updates. What a rough journey. Praying so hard. No cancer is great news. Wish there was something I could do so ease Leslie's burden. What a load for a mom, and of course, for Christpher himself. But prayers I can provide & I'm storming heaven with them. God Bless you all.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:36 PM CST
Hi and thank's for the update Julie. I am so glad Chris came through the procedure fine and without much bleeding.
I so wish I was close enough to bring a good home cooked meal to the family. Hopefully the neighbors and family will help out as I am sure they already are. I know from reading some past posts that people are very generous in giving and helping the family out. Those of you with a child or a family member with an illness know exactly how much the littliest gestures are much appreciated.
Please tell Leslie and Chris that I am praying for them.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,
Glad to hear the surgery went well and there is no pain. It's good to hear there is no cancer in the bone marrow. I hope Chris is back up on his feet soon. Sending love and prayers to you guys.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:00 PM CST
I am so glad there is NO cancer in his bone marrow! That is wonderful news. The other stuff is just a mess. I am so glad you are there and staying on top of things. You are exhibiting your Dr. Mom skills wonderfully ;) I hope that you get to get out of there soon. We are praying that Chris continues to improve and get stronger every day!
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Monday, January 24, 2005 5:39 PM CST
Thank you so much for the update. So pleased to hear some good news. Sounds terrible in hospital in America, about the same as the UK I'm afraid. Give all our love to Leslie and family. Chris we want to see 20 laps soon. Love Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Monday, January 24, 2005 1:33 PM CST
Hi Julie,
Thank you so much for such a full and detailed update. Poor Leslie and Chris what a nightmare they are going through, as you say, it's a blessing that Leslie can be there all the time. Please give Leslie and chris our love and tell her we are praying for them always, and thank you once again for the update.

Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, January 24, 2005 1:13 PM CST
Alisa told me you had an update. And, wow, you sure do. Thank goodness Leslie can keep on top of the situations. Chris, you sound like you are getting stronger each day. That's good news.
love and prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Monday, January 24, 2005 12:57 AM CST
Just wanted to stop in and say hello and let you know that thoughts and prayers are coming your way from Texas.
Jennifer <>
Wichita Falls, Texas - Monday, January 24, 2005 12:08 AM CST
Thank you so much for the update Julie. We've been wondering how Chris was. So glad that he has been able to walk etc. Isn't it amazing that when people are really sick that that is when you notice all these crazy things happening? Probably do otherwise (Happen) but it's not so noticable on a not so sick person and plus they don't have people in attendance watching. Reminds me when I was at the General in Ottawa at the time that Allan was having sct. I read an article in one of their magazines (HA!) not to leave critically sick people alone in a hospital due to the high incidence of things going wrong! Gees and we thought that they would be in good hands. I tell you when Allan has been in the hospital on the very sick side I have seen some things myself that make me very mad. I complained about a not so big thing once and went to high up first by accident and boy were they ever interested at the bottom level. They didn't want me to do that again without first consulting the nurse-in-charge on the floor. Think of how they would react over these serious things we've seen.

Anyway glad to hear . . .

Salli nhl message board
Ottawa, - Monday, January 24, 2005 12:03 AM CST
Hello Leslie and Chris I have been following your story for a few weeks now and sorry to hear that Chris is stuck in the hospital again. You guys have been doing an awesome job fighting this thing. I take blood at the hospital out here and thought I might offer a suggestion on what works on difficult veins for me. I soak a couple of washcloths with quite hot water, fold them up and put them on the back of the hand and then wrap a towel or hot blanket around to keep it as warm as possible. After a couple of minutes I put a couple of more on. Then put the tourniquet on, wait a little and then hopefully those veins have popped up. You can try this on the inner arm too but it seems to work best on the hand. I get many patients amazed that I can get their blood on the first try. They may have already tried this but just in case. I thought I would put it up here in case someone else reading it is having the same problem. Hope it helps. Hang in there Chris and take care of yourself Leslie and good for you for making sure things are done properly. Tracey from Victoria
Tracey <>
Victoria, BC Canada - Monday, January 24, 2005 1:44 AM CST
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the update...

Sounds like things are beyond frustrating. Good thing Leslie is there to keep things on the up and up. Keep up the good work guys.

Praying for you.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:49 PM CST
Hi Julie and Chris and Leslie,
Thank you so much for the upate Julie. Even though I have never met Leslie or Chris I feel I know them.
I bet they are so relieved that it is not the cancer coming back, whew!I hope and pray they get the infection under control and that his port removal goes smoothly.Sounds like it may be a blessing if Chris gets transfered to another hospital. There are absolutly NO EXCUSE for such mishaps and forgetfulness with what they call Professional people. My God they are trusting their child in their hands...wake up people!!!!!
We too had a almost deadly mix up in one of Jen's chemo medication, they had a leathal dose on the pill bottle that she was to take once we got home,thank God I had listened to the doc say the amount she was to take.
I will be praying for a quick recovery and for Chris to get home real soon.
Much love and pryaers!

Shelli Hoffmann <>
- Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:39 PM CST
Thanks for the update. Chris and mom have been in our thoughts the past couple of days especially! The news is promising. Good job Leslie...gotta be on top of things yourself unfortunately. Big hugs to Chris.

Owen (NHL too) and Dawn (Mom)

Dawn Robichaud <>
Saint John, New Brunswick Canada - Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:19 PM CST
STill no updates. I am beyond worried. Praying that things are ok.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:02 PM CST
Leslie and Chris
I have been away for a few weeks and was shocked and sorry to hear you current situation. Hugs and kisses to you all. Good luck with every thing. Love Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:42 AM CST
Praying all is going well. Hang in there Leslie and Chris
mg from the nhl board
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:13 PM CST
Thinking of you, and hoping for an update soon. Hang in there Chris.
Connie (BWC) <>
Calgary, Alberta - Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:48 PM CST
Praying for you Chris. You are on a prayer list at church.
mrs pam <>
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 6:15 PM CST
Hi Chris,
I hope you are improving. There is a pidgeon outside my window and it reminds me of the time that you and Fraser fed the pidgeons in Trafalagar Square. It was your favourite bit of your trip to London!
Thinking of you and your family all the time. Lots of love and hugs to you all. XXXXXX

Auntie Angela <>
Worcester, England - Saturday, January 22, 2005 2:52 AM CST
Thinking of you both. Anjou in Pipersville
Pipersville, PA 18947 - Friday, January 21, 2005 8:34 PM CST
Hey Chris,
all my thoughts are with you now, dont stop fighting

Duncan <>
England - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:33 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
We are all so worried, but we are praying hard that everything will be ok.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:03 PM CST
Leslie and Chris
Thinking of you
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, January 21, 2005 5:24 PM CST
Just checking to see if there has been an update yet!
Hope and pray it will be good news.

shelli hoffmann <>
- Friday, January 21, 2005 3:10 PM CST
Julie....we need an update.....

Hope all is well.

Alisa <>
- Friday, January 21, 2005 10:43 AM CST
Hey Chris,
I'm sorry to hear that things are so difficult right now.. I'm praying my hardest, buddy...I hope the biopsy goes well and that everything is okay...I'm sending you lots of "feel good" vibes and loadsss of love your way...give your mum a big hug for me :)

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Love always,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, January 21, 2005 4:35 AM CST
Hi Chris.... Mum just told me about this website and I have been reading your journal. Good luck with your biopsy results - we will be thinking of you and praying for a positive outcome. Stay strong Lesley. with our love - your cousin Rachel and family, Alex, Natasha and Isabel x x x
Rachel Weir <>
Perth, WA Australia - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:30 PM CST
Hello Leslie & Chris. We are all thinking of you & hoping that things will improve for you very soon. Be Strong. Much love & hugs from Aunty Joy, Rachel, Nikki & Jason XXXXXXXX

Joy Marsh <>
Perth, WA Australia - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:10 PM CST
Hoping things are looking UP

Alisa <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:04 PM CST
Dear Leslie and Chris hope today is a better day for you. Keep strong, sending you lots of love and hugs.
Nana,Aunty Margaret, Roger and Philip xxxxxxxxx

Margaret & Roger <>
Darlington, U.K. - Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:41 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Sending love and prayer's all the way from Minnesota!
Hope Chris's BMB went and turned out well.
Prayer's always!

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:26 PM CST
Just stopping in to say hi and let you know I'm thinking about you. I hope the bone marrow biopsy goes smoothly.
Rochester, MA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 2:23 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris
keep on fighting we are proud of you. lots of love hugs and kisses

uncle mark & auntie sue <>
Durham, England - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:25 AM CST
Thinking and praying for you guys.........

Hang in there.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:47 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Thinking of you and praying those results come back okay.
Much Love

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:13 PM CST
I am praying, praying, praying for you! I pray the BMA results will come normal, and nothing exciting on them! I will pray that he will be able to eat and be pain free! I will just pray!
Take care!!
Much Love!

Lauren <>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:15 PM CST
Thinking of you today and hoping that you are feeling better Chris.
Ottawa, - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:45 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris--
Im sorry to read that things have been rough going-- hoping for improvements soon, here in PA


Pipersville, PA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:16 PM CST
You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:43 PM CST
Thinking of you guys.

Hang in there.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:11 PM CST
praying for a better day for you!!

mrspam <>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:03 AM CST
Hello Chris, we are all thinking of you. Hope you get better soon. Keep fighting. With lots of love from Auntie Rosalie, Peter and Richard
Rosalie Gist-Rayner <>
Sleaford, England - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 0:47 AM CST
Hi Chris - Thinking of you and praying for you!
Love, Hilary

Hilary <>
NJ, USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 0:09 AM CST
Leslie and Chris
i am so sorry to read Julie's update.
continued prayers for both of you

mrs pam <>
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:10 PM CST
Hi Chris,
I hope you feel better real soon. My prayers are with you.
Lots of love. XXX

Auntie Angela <>
Worcester, England - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:06 PM CST
Thanks Julie, All we can do is pray.

Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:31 PM CST
Thinking of you guys.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 3:27 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Thinking of you guys and praying Chris is feeling better.
Keep strong Leslie!

shelli hoffmann <>
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:23 AM CST
Hope today was a better day for you guys.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Monday, January 17, 2005 10:01 PM CST
Dear Chris and Leslie - just found your site. You come from a fighting family so hang in there Chris darling we're right there behind you. Sending you lots of healing and love. Nana sends all her love and hugs.
Love you
Roger,Aunty Margaret and Nana

Margaret Willetts <>
Darlington, U.K. - Monday, January 17, 2005 4:42 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you both Leslie and Chris.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, January 17, 2005 4:38 PM CST
Not the best way to start off the new year, but I'm hoping you can turn it around and make it the best year yet! Prayers and good thoughts flying your way...
Jen Moreno - LRF Message Board
Sunny Southern California, U.S.A. - Monday, January 17, 2005 1:22 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Thinking of you and sending up lots of prayers for Chris!

Nancy (nurseb from nhl board)
MA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I pray so hard that today is a better day for both of you!

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Monday, January 17, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Hi Chris!

Man, what a ride. Time stop this ride and get on a different one.

Praying for a quick recovery and healing all round.

God Bless,
Milena, HD forum

Canada - Monday, January 17, 2005 3:00 AM CST
Chris and Leslie I've been checking your site for the latest and I want you to know that I'm sending lots n lots of healing thoughts and bunches of caring *Hugs* your way. I know it's been tough Chris, but you are a fighter as is your Mom. You have all of us from the NHL board rooting for ya, right behind ya all the way!!!!

Many *hugs* and love comin your way :)

Char :D

San Rafael, CA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 9:04 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

Rochelle <>
Ronkonkoma, NY USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:22 PM CST
Chris and Leslie-
I hope and pray that each day gets better. You are fighting so hard---I just know you can get through this.
Take care of each other.

Maureen-NHL board
Erie, PA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:11 PM CST
May you start feeling better everyday. Saying healing prayers for you and yours.

Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:58 PM CST
Leslie and Chris

Just a note to let you know that you are in our prayers.

Larry, Wanda and Guistina <>
Hartford, N.Y. USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:54 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris--
Hoping that Chris is feeling better soon!


Pipersville, PA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:02 PM CST
Hope Chris is feeling a whole lot better. Sorry to hear of all the latest trouble. Thank you Julie for the update.
Salli NHL message board
Ottawa, - Sunday, January 16, 2005 6:46 PM CST
Just signing in to let you know we're thinking about you.

Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:17 PM CST
Hope today is a better day.

Love you guys.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, January 16, 2005 12:44 AM CST
Always in our thoughts, come on Chris lets see your Gist determination and spirit shine through.
Mark & Sue Gist <>
Durham, England - Sunday, January 16, 2005 12:26 AM CST
Hang in there Chris. All our prayers are with you.
Alice <>
Birmingham, AL - Sunday, January 16, 2005 9:29 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris, I check in everyday and was getting worried too, like so many others.
We're thinking of you every day, and praying for continued improvements.
Brenda and Adele

b bradbury <>
- Sunday, January 16, 2005 2:26 AM CST
Sorry that I don't always sign in, but I do check your web page all the time, Just want to let you know that you are in our prayers and thoughts.
Sending lots of prayers your way.++++++++++++++++++++++
Love LaKota and her mom Debbie.
God be with you.
~*~LaKota~*~ <>
St.Cloud, MN - Saturday, January 15, 2005 10:55 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,
Wow, what a time you've had. Hopefully, they can now get the right treatment for all your pain.
love and prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:06 PM CST
Hi Julie,

Great to have news, even when it isn't what we want to hear, but we do check in all the time and it's very worrying when there hasn't been an update, I know it isn't possible to update while in hospital, and all Leslie is worrying about is Chris, so thank you very much for standing in for her, I know we all appreciate it.
Please give Leslie and Chris our love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, January 15, 2005 4:54 PM CST

Thanks so much for the update...what a great friend you are. You take care of yourself and keep us up to date. The world of caringbridge is overly concerned about Chris and Leslie's well-being.

Please give them both hugs....

Alisa <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2005 2:24 PM CST
So glad to se a post today, have been checking regularly, and was starting to worry. Too many prayers to mention heading your way Chris and mom Leslie.
Murray and Sandy from toronto
Toronto, Canada - Saturday, January 15, 2005 2:10 PM CST
Thank you for the update! Please tell Leslie and Chris my prayers are with them. I feel so very badly for them, and poor Chris what more must that poor boy have to go through.

shelli hoffmann <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2005 11:35 AM CST
Have not seen u around lately..and no new updates hopeing all is ok...and things are good..still thinking of u and sending more prayers..all the best and take care.

Jen <>
Aurora, ont canada - Saturday, January 15, 2005 8:54 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
I have been thinking of you guys all week and hoping all is OK. I check out this site daily so hopefully no news is good news.
Lots of prayers being sent your way.

shelli hoffmann <>
- Friday, January 14, 2005 4:08 PM CST
love and prayers, Chris and Leslie!
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, January 14, 2005 2:13 PM CST
Hope all is ok.

Thinking of you guys

Alisa <>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:53 PM CST
Hope you feel better as each day arrives
Charlene, & BECKY

- Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:24 PM CST
hope things will improve, praying for you!
jana bendik <>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:00 PM CST
Hi Leslie and chris,
Thinking of you, and hoping all is well.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:16 AM CST

Hope today is a better day...

Alisa <>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Hi Guys
I hope everything is ok.

LInda V <>
Keswick, on Canada - Thursday, January 13, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Hope today was a better day for Chris, and you too!
Lots of prayers being said for Chris to feel better soon.

shelli hoffmann <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:53 PM CST
Hey guys, so sorry to hear it is not going well. I hope that tomorrow you guys find some relief and some improvements are on the way~
Take care and know that we are praying for you guys!

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VS - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:21 PM CST
Gee Chris,
I am so sorry that everything seems to be going wrong for you. Praying for quick improvements!

mrs pam <>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:14 PM CST
Oh guys,

Sounds like yesterday was really crappy. Hope today brings some major, I mean MAJOR improvements!!!! Sorry you're back on flagyl. Devin hates that one too.

Get better soon,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:28 AM CST
Oh Chris,
I hope you get a break soon, if anyone deserves one you do.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, January 10, 2005 4:56 PM CST
I am thinking of you all!

lauren <>, - Monday, January 10, 2005 3:52 PM CST

Hope today went well. Tell Lenny to keep his germs to himself...easier said than done.

Thinking of you guys,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, January 8, 2005 10:22 PM CST
Sending prayers on the scan.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, January 8, 2005 1:15 PM CST
hey Chris
Hope that liver is okay and that Lenny's germs stay far away from you!

mrs pam <>
- Saturday, January 8, 2005 11:00 AM CST
Hi Chris - I'm sorry to hear you've been under the weather! I hope you feel better soon and that your ct scan goes well.

Heidi & Elijah
Bears Who Care
Fredericton, NB Canada - Saturday, January 8, 2005 5:22 AM CST
Howdy Chris,
Hope the CT goes well. Just thought I would pop in and see how your cold was doing. I wish mine would stop getting worse! Its freezing and snow covered here so I've been bundled up under my covers most of the time, and because I've been really worn out after school too. You still have my family, friends, and I praying for you.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Friday, January 7, 2005 8:43 PM CST
Have a safe drive downtown..and hope to see u soon..still having good thoughts and prayers for u...tis the season for the cough and fevers..get feeling better everyone soon.
take care,,
Thanks again,

Jen <>
Aurora, Canada - Friday, January 7, 2005 8:39 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
Praying that everything will be ok.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, January 7, 2005 7:30 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
I am hoping no news is good news about Chris.
Just popping in to say hi and let you know we are praying for Chris all the time.

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Friday, January 7, 2005 5:43 PM CST

Another cold and snowy day here in Utah. The winds are picking up and we are inside where its toasty warm.

Hope today is a better day for you guys.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Friday, January 7, 2005 4:01 PM CST
Just a reminder that a day doesn't go by without me checking on Christopher & sending strong prayers heaven bound. Hope you are feeling better Christopher. You are such an inspirational young man. Know that doesn't mean much when you are feeling like crap but maybe on the good days it will make you feel a little smug & put a grin across your face. Moms love grins. God Bless you always & protect you safe in the Palm of His Hands.
Patty <>
St. Pau., MN - Friday, January 7, 2005 3:40 PM CST
I know all the feelings are hard to handle, but be thankful that he is sharing with you all that is going through his mind and not just keeping it to himself. Your son is very brave, as you are well aware, and obviously loves and trusts you very much, how lucky you are to have a son you can be soo proud of.
jana bendik <>
- Thursday, January 6, 2005 8:41 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
Hope things are well. Thinking of you.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, January 6, 2005 6:35 AM CST
Hi christopher...I was reading your sotry and thinking what a brave young man you are an inspiration to others with your disease....
I see you worry about the cancer coming back...that is very normal you know...we all do that no matter what age we are...I live in Sidney husband and i have a sailboat which we love to go out on in the summer....this last year I had to give it a miss while being ill...but by this summer I shall be raring to is wonderfulto go out on the water and feel the sea breezes in your hair....
I hope you are feeling good by now and eating lots...
You take care...hugs to you and your mum...Lizzy

Liz <>
Sidney, B.C. Canada - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:11 PM CST
I was recently emailed the link to your site and just wanted to drop by and let you know your family is in our family's prayers. Love, Tracy and Katia
(a.k.a. "The Ladybug")

Fighting leukemia AML with a vengence!
Sharing Hope on the Wings of a Ladybug

Tracy and Katia <>
- Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:12 AM CST
Hi Guys,

Good Morning from a very SNOWY Utah. We finally got our snow!! The kids were excited to wake up to it this morning. Hope today is a good one.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:59 AM CST
Hi Leslie, I sent you an important email. Hope it works out for you.
Ottawa, - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:04 PM CST
Hi Chris
Keep on fighting, lad! So many folks are pulling for you!
love and prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:48 PM CST
Hi Lesley and Chris,
Well, I've just read the previous entry, and wow, is that guy right, so I don't need to add anything, other than send my love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:14 PM CST
Hi Chris,

I have been visiting your website for almost a year now and I'm filled with respect and admiration for the strength and courage you and your Mother have shown in the face of your illness. You two are truly an inspiration to us all! I have prayed very hard for you, and sent positive thoughts your way everyday. Keep in mind, your immune system is very complex, it takes us almost to our teens for it to fully develop and fully protect us. Your new system is not yet 1 year old, and is trying to get comfortable in its "new home". I am confident, that with your strength, courage and patience, along with who could well be the best Mom in the world, topped off with thousands of prayers and support, you will enjoy a long and wonderful life. You are one tough lad, and your Mom aint too shabby either ;o) I'm praying for you guys! God bless you both!

Eric Davidson
- Tuesday, January 4, 2005 2:45 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hope today is a good one....thinking of YOU.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:10 AM CST
Hi Chris,
HAPPY LATE NEW YEAR!! Sorry to hear you're trying to get rid of that cold whatever it might be thing. I sure do know how that feels, I've been doing the same thing since Halloween, I just don't know why I can't get rid of it. You all have my family, friends, and I praying for you to beat this thing.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:41 AM CST
Chris and Leslie,
Happy 2005. Hope this finds Chris feeling better!
Hope you guys all had a wonderful New Years Eve.
Jeff and I spent in out in our ice house fishing with friends, we got no fish but had lots of good laughs.
Take care and know I am thinking of you and praying all is well.

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Monday, January 3, 2005 3:09 PM CST

Hi hon!

I hope this message finds you feeling at least a little bit better. I hate to hear you're feeling so crummy lately.

Well, we made it to midnight this year, but I was in bed about 20 seconds after the clock struck 12. Believe me, my bed was calling my name too.

Hope you're feeling better SOON, sweetie.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Happy New Year

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Monday, January 3, 2005 11:43 AM CST
Hi Chris,

Just checking on you guys tonight. I just read that our little princess, Kayla, is back in the hospital. You get better and stay home where you belong. Hope tomorrow is a good day for you. Dev is planning on school in the morning.....Christmas break is over,

Alisa <>
- Sunday, January 2, 2005 11:11 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
Sounds like you have had quite the HOLIDAY! Just checking in to see how everyone
is doing.Hope Chris is over his messy cold ASAP. Taylor's New Year's motto is
"High five in 05 "Here's wishing you and your gang a peaceful and healthy New Year.
We think of you often and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
Kelly Knox and Family

Kelly Knox
Toronto, ON Canada - Sunday, January 2, 2005 9:51 PM CST
I have been checking the page every day to see how Chris is doing , started by checking on someone we knew but for some reason have been drawn to Chris s site. He and you are amazing i have 2 grandsons about that age one is 19 and one is 21 and can t begin to know how you do this but am in awe of both of you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Kathy Curran <ccurr 369>
Kalamazoo, Mi usa - Sunday, January 2, 2005 7:39 PM CST
Come on Christopher...

This is no way to start off the new year. Hope you're feeling loads better soon,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, January 1, 2005 11:36 PM CST
Hey guys! wishing you a very happy 2005! I hope Chris can kick this cold soon! Take Care
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Saturday, January 1, 2005 9:23 PM CST
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Sending lots of prayers your way.++++++++++++++++
Love LaKota and her mom Debbie.
God be with you. <>
St.Cloud, MN - Saturday, January 1, 2005 9:11 PM CST
Lesley and Chris,
I'm wishing you and the rest of the family a blessed and HEALTHY new year. I do hope that Chris can cope with the anti-biotics and get rid of whatever it is. It's not a great start to 2005 for him, let's pray that things pick up real soon.
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, January 1, 2005 6:52 PM CST
Just stopping by to wish you much Love, & Health & Happiness in 2005. It's a new year. Out with the old, in with the new!! Christopher, hope your cold is feeling better. God Bless you this New Years Day.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, January 1, 2005 4:08 PM CST
Leslie and Chris and Family,
Here is too wishing you all a better and healthier New Year!!!
Hope Chris is feeling better with his cold....have a wonderful evening.

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Friday, December 31, 2004 6:24 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hope you guys are ready for 2005....I am so ready for this 2004 to be over. 2005 has got to be better for all of us.

Alisa <>
- Friday, December 31, 2004 6:13 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie
Just stopping by to say "see you next year". So long to 2004 and hopefully to your cold!
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, December 31, 2004 4:33 PM CST
Driving by to wish you a
Glad U R back home & it's "just a cold"
Charlene, Graham & BECKY

- Friday, December 31, 2004 4:16 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Wow what a relief you you! Hope Chris is doing ok with his skin from the CT scan. Hopefully since they were giving Chris a low dose of the dye that he will not have the bad reaction this time.
Have a Happy New Year!

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Thursday, December 30, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Congrats on the 'cold'....just a wonderful!!!!!

Thinking of YOU both,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:42 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Glad things are ok.
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:05 PM CST
Howdy Chris and family,
Just wanted to let you know you still have all the prayers and strength my family, friends, and I can send you. By the way, I have two dogs, I think they're chow chows but I'm not sure. When I move into the house with those two dogs I'm going to try getting a German Shepherd. Writting my feelings out seems to be about the only way I can get them out right now becuase my parents are so busy to spend forever listening to worries I just might have, besides sometimes when I'm around them there's nothing on my mind except staying strong for them.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:05 PM CST

Leslie and Chris,
I pray everything turns out OK. Hopefully it is just a virus. Thinking of you guys and many prayers being said.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 11:40 AM CST
Hi guys,

no words....just prayers,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:29 AM CST
I am thinking of you two! And praying!

Lauren <>
- Wednesday, December 29, 2004 8:43 AM CST
thinking of you, Leslie and Christopher
mrs pam

p <>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,

Sounds like you had quite the day......Maybe I'll send you a crazy black lab to liven things up a bit.

Hope today is more 'settled'.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:42 AM CST
Hello Leslie, Hi Chris..very good to have seen u in the store last week..Hope u and your family had a great Christmas and are getting ready for a good New Year..Just wanting to let u know that u are all in my thoughts and prayers..take care for now..and thanks again..:-)
Jen Boden <>
Aurora, ont Canada - Monday, December 27, 2004 9:49 PM CST
Hi Lesley,
Glad to hear that for the most part all are doing well. I guess you can handle a sorethroat considering how much Chris has been through. Chris is such a blessing, I don't even know him but I just know he is a very special young man. I hope and pray the new year brings only good health for Chris. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Monday, December 27, 2004 9:24 PM CST
glad today was a better day
mrs pam

p <>
- Monday, December 27, 2004 8:51 PM CST
Hey, Just wanted to pop in and say i hope that you have a very Happy New Year. May GOD give you much to smile about . Jesus loves you, Monica (care mail)
Monica Martin <>
Livingston, La. USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 PM CST
Hi Chris!
I hope you and your family had a beautiful & blessed Christmas!


~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Love & Prayers,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, December 26, 2004 7:07 PM CST

mrs pam

- Sunday, December 26, 2004 12:58 AM CST
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, December 25, 2004 4:41 PM CST
Merry Christmas, Chris and Leslie!

mrs pam

p <>
- Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:03 AM CST

Annie <>
Rochester, MA - Friday, December 24, 2004 11:07 PM CST
I agree with you in so many ways on your journal entries. I look at Hunter sleeping on the couch in his crazy santa jammies and thank God a hundred times over that he is here with me still. I feel so much sadness for those who are not. Merry Christmas!

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Friday, December 24, 2004 9:23 PM CST
A Holy Christmas. May you feel much Peace and Love in your home tonight. Christopher, I'll be lighting a votive candle for you at Midnight Mass tonight. I hope you continue to fell stronger every day. God Bless you all, tonight and always.
Patty <>
St. Paul, Mn - Friday, December 24, 2004 4:24 PM CST
Well, we know that stranger met an angel, that's for sure!
Christmas love and blessings!
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, December 24, 2004 11:41 AM CST
I want to wish you all a MErry Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I hope this year will be a much better one!! Just thinking of you....

Lauren <>
- Friday, December 24, 2004 10:08 AM CST
Glad to hear you guys are out and about.

Lots of Christmas wishes from us to you,

The Ross Family <>
- Friday, December 24, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Hey guys...

We're dreaming of a white about you??? We got a couple of inches last night...sure makes it look better around was so blah.

Hope things are still going well.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:45 PM CST
So glad Christopher continues to feel better. Just soak up every moment Leslie. You have earned it. I pray it continues. lkWhat a Christmas Gift!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Hi Chris
Glad you are feeling lots better!
mrs. pam

c <>
- Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:41 PM CST

North Pole SignChristopherNorth Pole Sign

Keep up the fantastic work, hon! It was great hearing that you actually wanted to go Christmas shopping. I have to go out and do some on Christmas Eve and I am NOT looking forward to it one bit. Hey, would you be willing to go for me?

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Christmas Card*Only 3 More Days 'till Christmas!*

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:38 PM CST
I am very happy that Chris is doing so well. Merry Christmas!!
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 5:32 PM CST

I know the feeling about jinxing things......I know, I know, I know....

Hope that you guys can just keep on having good days for a long, long time.

If you're thinking he has a reaction to that stuff from the CT, maybe you could get him premedicated with some benadryl or something to keep it under control. I know that is what we had to do when Devin was getting the high dose methotrexate...his skin would do the same thing....and would just start to clear...then do it again. A vicious cycle.

Thinking of you guys and wishing you a very Merry Christmas..

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:15 AM CST
It is a great early Christmas present to have Christopher join you for dinner.. I know it must have been a joyous occasion. Wishes and prayers for continued improvement.
R, WA USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 2:01 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I could not be happier than I am to hear that Chris felt well enough to join you on your supper date. What a wonderful Christmas gift Chris's feeling better is, the best gift ever. Hope the new member of the family is doing well!

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:32 PM CST
Good, good, good, good . . . Nothing beats it eh? My hubby Allan has also made a turn about and is feeling better since a long, long time. He has been on the anti depressant Remeron (generic name I forget) and it increases the appetite witin 24 to 48 hrs. Also his antibiotic seems to finally be working after about 5 months of coughing and acupuncture has done some good with his pain.
Salli from nhl message board
Ottawa, Canada - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:25 PM CST
Great to hear things are improving and that the lad enjoyed his night out with you too.
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 5:40 PM CST
Glad to hear things are going so well....

Happy Early Christmas!!!

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, December 21, 2004 3:17 PM CST
Sending you more good vibes .... Christopher, enjoy that Christmas dinner! So glad to hear you're feeling up to doing things. Is the new dog part of the reason?? We rescued a dog a few years ago, and it sure has made a difference in our lives.
Connie (BWC) <>
Calgary, Alberta - Monday, December 20, 2004 10:23 PM CST


I can't wait for Christmas dinner either. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about all of the yummy food I'll be chomping on this weekend. I can't even tell you how happy it made me to read that you're looking forward to eating Christmas dinner. I'll definitely be coming back to your site to check out just what (and how much) you ended up eating. If you have any room left after you stuff yourself, be sure to eat some dessert for me.

Wishing you and your family a fantastic week!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

String Of Lights*Only 5 More Days 'till Christmas!*

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Monday, December 20, 2004 7:12 PM CST
Just checking in on you guys today. Hope you had a fun weekend and were able to get away as planned. An hour or two out...away from everything can sure do wonders.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Monday, December 20, 2004 12:55 AM CST
Hello Christopher my name is Jessica I'm 17 years old. When i read your story I was compelled to sign your guest book because you inspired me. I hope you get better soon. You will be in my prayers.
Jessica Savage <>
Cheyenne , WY 82007 - Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:30 PM CST
Hoping that this finds you doing well and wishing you a Happy Holidays. We'll be thinking of you.
Its started to snow here by us tonight already!

Angel Chris {Gooch's mom} and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~

- Sunday, December 19, 2004 9:13 PM CST
hi. You dont know me, but i found your caring bridge site through chance's, who i found through angel michaela's cb site. but i just wanted to stop by and say hi and im storming heaven for a cure for all cancers.
Ashley Breck <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:58 PM CST
Hi Leslie
I don't know about St. Anthony, but sometimes when I keep looking for something I've lost, I finally say, "Ok, God, you know where it is. Please help me find it." You know what...twice I've found lost items where I've thought I'd looked before.
good news that Chris feels like getting out!
mrs pam

p <>
- Sunday, December 19, 2004 1:36 PM CST
I cry with your sad journals & now I'm crying with your good journal (do get a little weepy around the holidays with too many sad memories so please don't feel responsible). I can just feel how thankful & how happy you feel right thru the computer. I couldn't be more thankful that Chris is feeling better & that so many people have stepped up to help you. God Bless you all. I will pray to St. Anthony (the Catholic Saint for lost articles :-)! He hasn't failed me yet. Except I need him to work fast... before Monday I guess. Leslie, mother to mother, I am so incrediably happy for you that this is a good time & looks like it will be a good holiday for you. I am sending you a huge hug but of course, my prayers will continued cause would like to see this good period continue for Chris. Thank you Leslie for making my day & putting some things in persepctive for me, once again, with such a wonderful journal. I needed that! Happy Holidays.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, December 19, 2004 7:50 AM CST
Oh, what a great update. Sounds like things are looking to find that darn wallet. Hope you enjoyed your time out and were able to relax. I know its past time that you did something for yourself....

Take care,

Alisa <>
- Sunday, December 19, 2004 6:34 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Hope you enjoy your meal with your friends, you certainly deserve a night out. Great to hear that Chris is so much better, hope you find the wallet.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, December 18, 2004 6:11 PM CST
Hi Christopher
have you been able to get out and walk your new dog?
love and prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:21 PM CST
Great news to hear Chris is improving! I am so happy!! I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
Tell Chris to keep on eating! I am so proud of him. Hunter says good job too.

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Friday, December 17, 2004 8:08 PM CST


I'm SO glad to hear you're continuing to improve and have been stuffing yourself with more food these days. Wonderful news! Keep up the terrific work, hon! You and your family are (as always) in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing all of you a fantastic weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Christmas Tree 2*8 days 'till Christmas!*

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Friday, December 17, 2004 12:32 AM CST

You know, Casey (our oldest dog) used to do that with me. We rescued him from a shelter and he had been severely abused. Maybe I reminded him of the 'mean' person...maybe that is how it is with Ryley...or know the new doggie. Just a thought. He'll adjust. He's probably just a little skittish...I'm sure he has been through a lot in his short life. It'll just take some time to build up trust.

Good luck with getting Mr. Christopher up and moving. A walk around the block would be good for him and the dog.

Thinking of you guys,

Alisa <>
- Friday, December 17, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I could not be happier to hear that Chris is doing so much better. What a wonderful Christmas you will now have!
Hope Riley is able to get Chris outside for some well needed excerise and fresh air. Course it's probably very cold there in Canada.Hope you have a white Christmas, looks like here in Minnesota it will be a brown Christmas!!! So sad.

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:39 PM CST
Hi Chris
Boy, when you feel like eating, you sure like a variety!
Is Ryley still Buster?
mrs. pam

p <>
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:43 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
It's so good to read your up-date that Chris is doing much better, and I'm sure Ryley will be just the thing to get him out.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:40 PM CST
I'm glad to hear things are going better. I hope Chris is feeling great so that he can have a nice Christmas.

Love and Prayers,
Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Hi guys,

Just checking in....

Alisa <>
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:26 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Glad the boy is starting to eat better. I bet you are too!!
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:11 PM CST
Glad you are starting to feel a little better & get some food in you. Sounds like you will need to keep your energy up to keep up with the new pup. Hope things keep moving forward. God Bless!
Patty <>
St. Paul, mn - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 5:59 PM CST
Great news, Chris. Glad you are feeling better.

Richland, WA USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 11:43 AM CST
Hey Chris! I am so glad that you are finally starting to see some improvement. Awesome! I pray that it continues for you.
Love, Hilary

Hilary <>
NJ, USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:32 PM CST

Gingerbread SmileyChristopherGingerbread Smiley

I'm SO glad to hear you've gotten some food in this weekend, hon!!! Keep up the excellent work and keep stuffing food in your mouth.

Dog 8
Welcome to the family, Ryley!!!

Wishing you and everyone in your family a wonderful week!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Carolers*12 days 'till Christmas!*

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Monday, December 13, 2004 8:12 PM CST
Well we had our first snowfall last week ~~~ not the snowman kind but got us in the mood to decorate. Are you all ready for Christmas @ your house?? Bet your letter to Santa is on it's way as know you've been extra good.
Take care, Charlene, Graham & BECKY BUNNY

- Monday, December 13, 2004 6:32 PM CST
Hi Buster
woof, woof, woof, arf, and bark!
mrs pam

p <>
- Monday, December 13, 2004 2:50 PM CST
Ok, ok, I'm jealous!!! You have got to get a picture of this new pup and get it on your website. I can't wait to see him. I bet this dog is just what Chris needs to make him feel better. Puppies are definetly good medicine.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:41 PM CST
I am pleased to hear that Chris is doing better, what wonderful news. So a new addition, that will help Chris to get better faster.Pets do amazing things to humans well being. When Jen was so sick she reciever a kitten for Christmas from her Aunt. It was the medicine for her and the family.
I hope and pray that Chris continues to get better, I bet the correct medicine for his fungal infection is doing the trick. Hope his rash is doing better.
Have a super week, you all deserve it!!

shelili hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:58 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
Glad Chris is eating a bit more and feeling better, hope you all enjoy the life of Ryley.
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:43 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris
A new dog will certainly bring a lot of fun and joy to your house! Can't wait to hear what you get! Glad Chris is able to eat a little more!
mrs pam

p <>
- Sunday, December 12, 2004 12:43 AM CST
YAHOOO!Glad to hear Chris finally had a good day and is eating again. I hope this keeps up and that the liver fungus thingy goes away. Well just thought I would stop by and see how you guys were doing. You all have my family, friends, online friends, teachers, and my prayers for everything to turn out great and to be HEALTHY once again.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:10 PM CST
Finally, a good day. Hope the meds are working & the food continues to go down but most of all stay down. So glad to learn that you are "dog hunting". My "significant other" (a minature schnouser) is so much of a companion. Will be anxiouis to hear which one you finally choose. Yea, no cancer! God Bless you, Christopher.
Patty <>
Little Canada, - Saturday, December 11, 2004 9:42 PM CST
Hi Leslie; Sorry there had to be bad news along with the good news, but hooray!! no cancer.. that's good. Will be sending healing prayers for a speedy recovery.


Helen (NHL)
Florida - Saturday, December 11, 2004 3:50 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
What a relief it must be for you to hear that good news that the scan was clear of cancer.
I pray they get the fungal infection under control fast. It is a no wonder he has been feeling so darn awful.
Sorry to hear your computer got a bad virus, been there many times!!!!! Take care.

shelli hoffmann <>
cleveland, mn - Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:27 AM CST

Good to hear about the scan being clear.

About the infection???? Is Chris on an anti-fungal? Dev was on the diflucan (fluconazole) for over a they started him back on it, but over twice the dosage he was on...up to 400 mg. He is also on three other antibiotics....I know Chris has issues with drugs, but its a thought for you......that is for sure one high WBC...what did the ANC land up being with that kind of WBC?

Glad to hear the heart rate is ok too....geez, its always something.

Check on you guys tomorrow.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, December 11, 2004 1:29 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Looks like you were on the right track with your diagnosis.
Hope Chris can get some relief soon.I'll give him a call this
Love and Prayers,
Kelly Knox.

kelly knox <>
Aurora, ON Canada - Friday, December 10, 2004 10:08 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
Great news about the clear scan. Hopefully they'll be able to get the rest sorted out soon.
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, December 10, 2004 6:52 PM CST
I liked the 'good news' part. But, am sorry to read about the liver.
love and prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, December 10, 2004 6:10 PM CST
Leslie and Chris
thinking of you and praying that today is a better one.
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, December 10, 2004 7:36 AM CST
Gosh Chris is going through so much. I think of you guys every day and always say a little prayer for Chris. The nausea must be so rotten. Hope it subsides very soon.
Ottawa, - Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:08 PM CST
Hoping and praying that things get sorted out tomorrow,
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:18 PM CST

Tracy and Lucas <>
Bridgeview, - Thursday, December 9, 2004 5:01 PM CST
Just thinking of you.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, December 9, 2004 3:43 PM CST
Hi Chris & Lesley
Its Brad from Sick Kids. I just found your site and wanted to say Hi and that I miss seeing you. I hope and pray that all is well.
Hey Chris my office wall is filled with pictures from our trip to New York City last year. I look at them everyday..
Take care

Nurse Brad

Brad Walsh <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, December 9, 2004 12:53 AM CST
Dear Christopher, and family
I'm sending my heartful love peace prayers and best wishes.
Thank you Christopher for teaching me more about human spirit.
Angel Artist Deborah Campo & Family - Aurora Ontario

Deborah Campo
Aurora , Ont. Canada - Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:47 AM CST

Hoping and praying all went well yesterday for you concerning your CT scan. Are you trying to eat a little more? I hope you are hon. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Santa's Sleigh*16 days 'till Christmas!*

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:54 AM CST
Praying for good scans and for you to start feeling better, Chris!
Love, Hilary

Hilary <>
NJ, USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:40 PM CST

Sorry I haven't been by to check on you guys....have been hoping things were getting sorry that things seem to still be going downhill. This stuff is just no fun...

Home again now.....

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:20 PM CST
Hey G/F,
Keep checking up on you guys and think of you daily...and especially today!
Prayers, crossed fingers, toes and eyes!

Hugs, your HSC buddy Chris :-)

PS: Mark July 1, 2005 on your calendar...we have a wedding to attend! <>
Orangeville, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I will pray and pray that today's scans are normal!
My thoughts and prayers are with you alday.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 10:45 AM CST
hi! me starting work tomorrow morning 11.30pm still cannot sleep!! but anyway me also took a CT scan today, praying for chris and me too !! "hugz"
shanicetan <>
singapore - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:19 AM CST
Hi Chris,
Just thought I would stop by while I'm home from school today and let you and your family know you have my families, friends, teachers, and my prayers to get well and to hear no tumor growth.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
You are right, it has gone on long enough, something needs to be done, a young man like Chris can't survive on what he's eating, can he take build up drinks? Kayla still takes one everyday. Hope you get it sorted out soon.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 3:45 AM CST

Oh buddy. I was REALLY hoping to read some good news that you had eaten a whole bunch of food today. My thoughts and prayers (as always) are with you, hon. I'd hate to see you be admitted, but if that's what needs to be done I know your Mom won't hesitate. We all want to see you better, hon!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Candy Cane Smiley*18 days 'till Christmas!*

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Leslie, just stopped by to say that Chris and you continue to be in our prayers. I do hope he doesn't have to go back to the hospital. You take care of yourself-you have the toughest job in the world.

WA USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 10:37 AM CST
Hi Chris and family,
I hope Chris is able to avoid a hospital stay, but if not then I hope things get better while he is there. I just thought I would stop by and see how things are going. You have all the prayers and love possible from my family, friends, teachers, and I.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 6:29 PM CST
hope things continue to improve!
mrs pam

p <>
- Monday, December 6, 2004 2:58 PM CST

Hey buddy! You have to start eating at least a little something. You don't want to make everyone start worrying, do you? I know you'll do your best, hon. I'll be back soon to check up on you again.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Christmas Tree

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Monday, December 6, 2004 6:33 AM CST
Just thinking of you guys...

Hope today is a better day.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, December 5, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
Wishing you both a better day!

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Sunday, December 5, 2004 7:34 AM CST
Hang in there......

Frustrating, I know, but you're doing great.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, December 4, 2004 10:07 PM CST
Hi Leslie, It's Brenda and Adele, checking up on you from good ole Oshawa. We're sending lots of hugs your way. Hopefully the appetite will pick up soon.

Brenda and Adele <>
- Saturday, December 4, 2004 9:31 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
No wonder you feel like that, it must be so hard for you to see Chris like this, and all you want for him is to eat a little and drink some, hopefully he'll will want to eat something today. Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, December 4, 2004 5:43 PM CST
My prayers to you to stay strong! I too have had those melt downs when Jenni was doing her treatment. I feel so bad because I used to get angry with her for getting cancer, of course I never stated that to her or anyone else. It is EXTREMELY frustrating and hard to be a parent of a kid with cancer, some days the stress is unbareable. Remember I am always around, VIA email if you ever need to vent because I have been there.
Prayers to you and Chris!

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Saturday, December 4, 2004 10:35 AM CST
I'm sorry you've been feeling so lousy - I hope your appetite and nausea improve soon!

Heidi & Elijah
Bears Who Care
Fredericton, NB Canada - Saturday, December 4, 2004 5:53 AM CST

Hi Leslie,
So glad Chris is eating a little, let's hope he CAN keep it down. Isn't it just great when you meet someone and learn that their child is doing well? You know Leslie, you and Chris are so special, and that shows by the way all these good folk are helping you.
Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, December 3, 2004 4:47 PM CST
Thank you so much for signing Ryan's guestbook, how thoughtful of you! I have read Christopher's story and will continue to keep him and your family in my thoughts. Hope the nutrition issues will continue to improve. Have a nice evening...........
Laura and Angel Ryan <>
- Friday, December 3, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Chris and Leslie,

Keep up your spirits!!! Our thoughts are with you all. We are here for you..

Lisa Ford's Mom - Nancy(Sick Kids) <>
Pickering, ON - Friday, December 3, 2004 12:12 AM CST
Thinking of you...

Hope you are able to keep some food down today.

Les: I've emailed you.

Alisa <>
- Friday, December 3, 2004 9:58 AM CST
G'day Christopher and family
thankyou for visiting our jacob's web page
as of today he is out of isolation ;-)
I love the angel story on your page
stay strong
love Jacob's mum

brisbane, qld australia - Thursday, December 2, 2004 9:22 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
I do hope you get what you want for Christmas,also if you get it, we'll all be so happy for you too. Saying extra prayers for Chris, Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, December 2, 2004 10:13 AM CST
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear you're still running...literally. It sounds very familiar. Leslie...I've emailed you.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, December 2, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Hi there: just stopped by to check up on you. Are you getting excited about Christmas yet?? BECKY Charlene & Graham

- Thursday, December 2, 2004 9:14 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
Thinking of you and sending love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 6:30 PM CST
Hi Chris
Found you via another CB site (jacob)
Keep up the fight!
You are doing well.

jackie Woodley <>
Truro, Cornwall, England - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 2:54 PM CST
Hope today gets you some answers.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, December 1, 2004 7:55 AM CST
Hang in there Chris! I think it's great that you are still working on eating and drinking despite all the trouble you've been having. I can tell that you are a real fighter and such a hard worker. I hope and pray that you will get answers soon and that you will start to feel better. I hope today is a good one for you!
Love, Hilary

Hilary <>
NJ, USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 0:00 AM CST
I sure hope you can get some answers soon. Wish we could make Chris smile ...
Connie (Bears Who Care) <>
Calgary, Alberta Canada - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 10:39 PM CST
thinking of you and am so sorry things seem to be so out of control
much love and many prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:33 PM CST
Isn't throwing up just the worst...and to add the other on top of it. Loads of fun. Whoever it was that said these cancer kids were getting all the breaks needs to wear the shoes for a day or so. This stuff is horrible. I'm sorry you guys are having such a rotten day. I finally got Dev to eat...hasn't eaten since Sunday night...and so far, so good. He's got a mouth full of sores, so I'm surprised he made an attempt to eat anything........geez....wish you were closer, we'd get together for a puke-fest!! Now that sounds like fun...wasn't there a movie back in the 80's where one kid throws up, then they all start in?? Seems like it.

Anyway, thinking of you guys,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:58 PM CST
Hey chris n his mom This is AShleigh the girl who had the transplant i have a new web page I am back home with friends n family Chris u seem to be doing good n I hope it stays like that just always remember god does everything for a reason... no one knows why but he is remarkable in everyway..... God bless check out my web page if u would like
Ashleigh <>
Va - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:55 AM CST
Way to go, Christopher! You are my hero. I know it must be so frustrating to hit these lows but you show what your character is made of when you fight thru once again. You are an incrediable young man & this 53 year old woman is in awe of you! God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:54 AM CST
I am so thrilled to read that Chris was able to eat a hotdog! Way to go Chris!!!!!!! Yep I would say he is on the road to recovery if he is back on the computer.
Lots of prayers for Chris to completely recovery from this mystery illness.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:10 AM CST
Go Chris Go!!!
You're in my thougts and prayers buddy...

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Lots of love,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 5:35 AM CST

Just stopping in to say hello.

Tracy Eckhardt(BWC) and Christopher <>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Monday, November 29, 2004 9:46 PM CST
Glad to hear he ate a hotdog,hopefully more will follow. We are praying for you guys and that Chris gets back to his old self. I feel so bad for all he is going through. I am sure he will pick up after he gets to feeling better. Tell him this crazy little boy in Virginia named Hunter thinks he is the coolest!
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Monday, November 29, 2004 8:13 PM CST
A hotdog? Oh my goodness, Christopher. God does answer prayers in mysterious ways. Hope you got some down & that the appetite is coming back a little. Now if you would just smile for your mom while you eat the hotdog! Better days ahead for you Chris!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, November 29, 2004 4:18 PM CST
Was so saddened to read your last post. Know how hard it is to deal with a sad child. He has every right to be sad. Enough is enough. Hoping he starts feeling better soon & that you see little peeks of the old Chris. You tell them on Wednesday. There has got to be something making his gut affect him like this. Know right now a grin from the lad will make your day. Praying for a better day on Monday.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, November 29, 2004 0:09 AM CST
Keeping you in my prayers.
Alice <>
Birmingham, AL - Sunday, November 28, 2004 9:00 PM CST
Hi Chris,
Just wanted to let you know that my whole family, all my friends, and me are praying for you to get better soon. We want you to cheer up, teens are supposed to be happy, but then again I can barely be happy with all that is going on right now, but it'll all work out for me, and I know it'll work out for you too. You can find out whats going on by going to my site...

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Sunday, November 28, 2004 8:24 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I am very sorry that Chris is so sad. I am sure he is so tired of being sick. Hopefully he is just got himself in a slum from the last few weeks of being so ill. He has come this far that I hope he does not want to give into this monster called cancer. If all his tests ssme fine that should give him a ray of hope to go on. Many prayers for Chris and you.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
- Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:03 PM CST
Hello Chris and Leslie. I just got finished reading all your entries. Im sooo sorry Chris is having so much trouble lately. I wish I could do something.
Ill offer you my support and if you ever need to vent feel free. I always have a shoulder to listen.
Sending hugs and prayers.
Angela and Baby Bear 'Jacob'

Angela Trick <>
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada - Sunday, November 28, 2004 5:15 PM CST
Dear Leslie,
What can I say to help. Nothing. I cannot imagine what life is like for you and your family at the moment, let alone Chris. Love to you all. Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:17 PM CST
Hi Leslie
just checking in before I head home to Missouri this morning. Hope you find some answers soon.
mrs pam

p <>
- Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:56 AM CST

Click Picture
Just dropping by to say hello and I love you.

God bless you,
angel jen

Visit my niece anytime,Baby Harley


angel jen <>
Burns, TN USA - Sunday, November 28, 2004 2:22 AM CST
Hmmm......its just always something isn't it?? Gosh, wish I could help you get to the bottom of this problem. Hang in there, surely they'll exhaust all the possibilities soon and have a solution for you. Did they do the gluten/lactose testing???

Alisa <>
- Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:11 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hope the docs were able to figure something out today. Sorry you're on the flagyl. Hopefully it will get you to feeling better.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, November 27, 2004 0:27 AM CST
sending love and prayers
mrs pam

p <>
- Friday, November 26, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Hey Chris and Mom!!
I am so sorry that you are spending more time in the hospital. Being sick sucks!! I know that you and your mom are worried about not being able to get the chemo, but it will be fine! When I was on treatment, I got shingles and was unable to get it for about a month and a half!! We were mucho worried! But it all worked out in the end! Anyways, I hope the docs will figure out what's going on with your stomach so that you can get home and eat your little heart out. Anyways, I am praying for you and your fam, and I hope this message brings some encouragement! May the Lord bless and keep you; May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and give you PEACE!!! Much love and prayers from Alabama!

Jennifer <>
Hoover, AL USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 10:13 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
Hoping and praying that things continue to improve.
Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, November 25, 2004 3:30 PM CST
SO happy to hear that his counts and chemistrys are good, and that the bone marrow is working, how exciting, and what a perfect gift for the holiday season! Enjoy this day, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
jana bendik <>
- Thursday, November 25, 2004 10:45 AM CST
Hi Chris,
I hope this finds you doing even the tiniest bit better. I was thinking of you while I'm just sitting here. I also want you to know that you have my entire fmaily, all my frieds, and I praying for you constantly. We know you can beat this. Keep fighting kid, well can't call you kid really, your a bit older then me, but whatever. I'm trying to make you laugh. Did it work??? Well just wanted to say you have a lot of love and prayers coming from Illinois.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:26 AM CST
Hi Chris
just thinking of you today while I'm in Ohio visiting my grandkids. It's snowing...glad I packed my boots.
love and prayers
mrs pam

pwf <>
- Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:04 AM CST
Hoping for a quiet, uneventful day that finds Chris feeling better. Not asking for much, Lord, just one nice day for the family. Will approach my request for tomorrow, tomorrow. One day at a time. Happy Thanksgiving.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, November 25, 2004 7:08 AM CST
Chris, I am so sorry that you have been through so much this month alone. We have been praying for you. You really have had to do the work getting better. I look forward to the day when I read you are cured and well and living the good life. You hang in there and get really well soon.
Barbara Bush <>
Fresno, Ca USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:41 AM CST
I have been thinking about you all!
I hope things will go okay! I really do! Take care!

Lauren( <>
- Wednesday, November 24, 2004 10:56 AM CST



viks <>
- Wednesday, November 24, 2004 10:47 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris
Times are clearly difficult at the moment. Thinking of you everyday and wishing you good fortune always. Regards Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:43 AM CST
So disappointed for you that this problem has not resolved itself. This is one of those times that you want them to find something so they can fix it. Yes, hope they test further. The lad obviously has something going one. Praying for a solution & to have this "eposide" over. Thinking of you Leslie while I await the arrival of my Christopher home from college. The lessons I have learned from you will not be wasted. I know that this is not the path you have chosen but thank you for giving me a much deeper appreciation for the things around me. God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 0:42 AM CST sorry to read the update. I'll check in tomorrow when I get to Ohio.
love and prayers

mrspam <>
- Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:51 PM CST
Hi Chris,

Well we made it to Oklahoma. The kids are so excited to be here with their grandparents. We are sad to hear you're not feeling so good. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day for you.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:23 PM CST
What a great thanksgiving present,
hope you all have a wonderful time.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:00 PM CST
The lad is home. That is GREAT. Say no more. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. JoAnn (Jana's mom)
jo ann bendik <>
downers grove , il usa - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:28 AM CST
PRAISE GOD! Hi Leslie and Chris. I will be praying that Chris is all healed and I hope your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:14 AM CST
So glad he is home. We're planning on leaving for Grandma's house shortly.

Time for Thanksgiving!!!!

Hope you guys have a good week.....Chris, stay out of the hospital.....I know, I know...easier said than done.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, November 23, 2004 6:51 AM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,
Glad Chris is home.Will call and come by tomorrow if that's ok.
Welcome back!
Kelly Knox.

kelly knox
aurora, ON Canada - Monday, November 22, 2004 10:15 PM CST
mrspam <>
- Monday, November 22, 2004 9:01 PM CST
Hey Chris,
Glad to hear you were able to come home. Just thought I would stop by and say hi. Get better soon. I'm still sending all the love and prayers from a lot of people here in Illinois, we don't know you too well but we luv ya anyway. Keep fighting.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca , IL USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:13 PM CST
Sandy and Murray
Toronto, Canada - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:06 PM CST
So happy Chistopher's home!!!!

Hope things stay nice and easy for you all!!!

lisa <>
allenwood, nj 08720 - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:39 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
Hoping Chris is home.
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, November 22, 2004 4:56 PM CST
The ups & downs must be frustrating. Hopefully, by now Christophers has flown the coop & is now resting comfortably at home. Nothing better than having the wee ones at home! God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, November 22, 2004 3:10 PM CST
Hope your fever stays away so that you can go home!
Mrs. Pam

pwf <>
- Monday, November 22, 2004 2:11 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Darn it!!! I'm sure you have better things to do at home...I'm so sorry you've got a fever Chris. Hang in there....surely they'll get you figured out soon.

Praying for you!!

Alisa <>
- Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:29 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
I opened Julianna's site yesterday from yours. I'll be sending for a pink bracelet, that's for sure! Thanks for telling us about her.

Hope the burps are better. Wouldn't that be something if gall stones were the source of the problem?
love and prayers
mrs pam

pwf <>
- Sunday, November 21, 2004 12:19 AM CST
Have the doctors ever thought of gall stones? My mom had them. They cause the burping and severe pain and vomitting. A lot of times they don't show up on ultrasounds. It might be worth looking into.
Keeping you all in our prayers!

Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 7:46 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you
this Thanksgiving and always.

Angel Gloria <>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 5:46 AM CST
TERRE HAUTE , IN USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 11:19 PM CST
Back from vacation & just checking up on all the Bear Cubs. Way to go re no tumours!! Praying the abd pains don't return.
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Charlene, Graham & Becky B.

- Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:36 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
What a relief to you all, no tumours, now let's just get to the bottom of the burping.
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:13 PM CST
Thinking good thoughts for you!
mrs pam

pwf <>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Wow. You are going home and no tumors. Is it possible the burping is related to stomacitis (sp.?) or just the chemo drugs, including prednisone, effects on the stomach. Jana used to have attacked of hiccups. Good luck in getting rid of the symptoms/side effects and for possibly figuring out the cause just to ease your mind. JoAnn (Jana's mom)
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Saturday, November 20, 2004 1:39 PM CST
congrats on no tumors, that is wonderful to hear! and the layign down thing to stop the burning does not sound weird to me. thats what i would do to help the acid reflux from burning so bad. hope things improve so eating gets easier!
jana bendik <>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:04 AM CST
So the docs saw basically no tumors? That is awesome!!!! I will pray that they figure out whats going on in the gut, and that it isnt to serious! I hope otherwise things are going better!!

Lauren <>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:07 AM CST
As for the burping episodes that sounds like a serious acid reflux thing. That is exactly what would happen to Jenni and they put her to sleep and ran a tube down her throat with a camera to scope things out and they found she had a serious acid reflux thing going on. It took 2 years on medication b4 it completely cleared up.
Did they ever scope Chris to see if he had that? If not it is worth asking the doctor to. I am sure Chris just wants to get out of the hospital, poor kid. I pray they figure this out for him.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:24 AM CST
does drinking yakult/vitagen or yoghurts helps??? because i read from somewhere antibiotics kills all bacteria (good/bad) in our guts/intestine/stomach .... so the "good" bacteria in yakult and yoghurts may help replace those killed and thus help in the digestion ...

shanicetan <>
singapore, - Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:16 AM CST
Glad to hear things are going so much better!!!

Have a good weekend...and Leslie get some sleep!!

Alisa <>
- Friday, November 19, 2004 8:44 PM CST
Hey Chris and family,
Glad to here things are going better now. I'm still praying for you and I'll never stop. All the love and prayers coming from Illinois and more.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 8:05 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Hope everything is well.
love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, November 19, 2004 6:38 PM CST
Great, great news. Enjoy every moment of being back at your home out of pain. Thank you, Jesus. JoAnn
joann bendik <>
downers grove,, il dupage - Friday, November 19, 2004 4:27 PM CST
You guys, that is EXCELLENT news.
Got my cast off today! Will be doing a celebration dance for Chris tonight!! Ha, ha. Maybe he'd like to see my ugly mug tomorrow or Sunday? Does he have his PS2 there? Does he have Grand Theft Auto San Andreas?
Big hugs

Julie <>
Richmond Hill, ON Canada - Friday, November 19, 2004 3:05 PM CST
Wow, are a trooper!
Hope Mom can get caught up on her zzzzs.
Mrs. Pam

pwf <>
- Friday, November 19, 2004 1:06 PM CST
Dear Leslie,
What wonderful news, maybe you can breathe a bit easier now.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Love and prayers from Scotland Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, November 19, 2004 3:12 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I am so thrilled that Chris is doing so much better, thank God!
Now you relax tonight and take care of your self.
Prayers to you and Chris!

Shelli Hoffmann <hoffmann.jeff@mchsi>
Cleveland, Mn - Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Hi Chris
did you and your brothers have a good visit? Hope so!

mrspam <>
- Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:18 PM CST
Hoping (praying) that today is a better day. Up all night painting for a craft show on Saturday. Only 4 left for the year & then I can reclaim some organization in my life. Not much on TV in the wee hours so I put my favorite calming CD on & prayed for Christopher all night. Hope the Lord heard my prayers while Christopher slept & worked miracles on him. Hopefully, you got good zzzzzs too. Looking forward to your next update on how Chris is feeling. God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:20 AM CST

Sounds like you both need a change of scenery. Hopefully those counts will keep going up and he'll continue to feel better.....

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:01 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Hope chris had a good visit from his brothers.
Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 5:04 PM CST
Wishing Chris could have eaten more steak but guess one bite is better than no bites. Know your frustration of not being able to fix it all for him. Wish you soon see little peeks of Chris' old personality coming thru and he continues to feel better. Can't imagine how frustrating this must be for him . . . back in the ol' dreaded hospital . . . AGAIN! Take care, Leslie. I'm praying hard for you too cause this is extremely tough on moms also.
Hope the bros can cheer him a little.

Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:55 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hope today is a good one...thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:06 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
I am soooooooo happy to read that Chris is feeling better.
I bet he enjoyed and good home cooked meal, special delivery from Mom. I hope he gets out of the hospital soon!
Love and prayers!

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:13 AM CST
Hi Leslie, Did Chris eat the steak and baked potato? If you did Chris, did you enjoy it? I can't understand all the fuss about steak, I'm vegetarian, but I think you should eat whatever you want whenever you want it, and make your mammy and the rest of us happy.
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 7:33 PM CST
Christopher: Enjoy every bite of that steak as I know your mom is in heaven making it and thinking of you eating it. We pray for you and your family daily and remember you each Wednesday night at our rosary group. Hang tight so you can get out of the hospital soon. JoAnn (Jana's mom)
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:16 PM CST
Glad today is a better one.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 3:26 PM CST
You go, Christopher . . . steak! Hope it tastes wonderful & stays down. Glad that pain is gone. Hope this eposide of "whatever" is over. Leslie, with Chris feeling a bit better . . . take a moment, put your feet up & take a deep breath. Sure you have been holding it for some days now.
God Bless you both.

Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:25 AM CST
Leslie, Glad Chris' pain seems to be gone! Strange things about allergic reactions...a friend went to the dentist last week and had some type of reaction and couldn't get up and was quite woozie (thought it might be the novacaine) and had ONE little red hive behind an ear. It turned out that she is allergic to nickle and her earring post was made of nickle and it made contact when she was in the chair!
mrspam <>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:18 AM CST
Yahoo! Bet that feels better, ey, Cristhoffer!
Les, just wanted to let you know that the Curves Silent Auction is going strong in Richmond Hill and will be over this Saturday. Aurora Creative Connections is also going to be having an auction starting Dec 1 on-line and Dec 7 in the store. I've had a call from the Newmarket Police Auxiliary Choir who are also going to try to help out. Hang in their kids, you're doing great. LUV, HUGS & Kisses Julie

Julie Cox <>
Richmond Hill, ON Canada - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:38 AM CST
I'm so glad to hear that Chris' pain seems to be gone. What a relief! I hope he can get out of there and get home soon!

Love and Prayers,
Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:07 AM CST
Chris and Leslie,

Glad to hear the good news of late. I follow your story daily and am glad to see things turning around.

Chris is very brave. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins at age 28 and just had 5 months of chemo. I marvel at how brave you are as a teen going through what you have!

Joe Rollo <>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:50 AM CST
Chris and Leslie,
I am so glad when I read this morning that Chris's abdominal pains are gone. I hope he continues to improve.
Take care both of you
Hugs - Linda V. from Keswick

LInda <>
Keswick, - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:36 AM CST
I have been reading about Chris for a month now thru another caringbridge link of a child that goes to my church. I pray for Chris and all the others each night.So glad to hear he is doing better. You remain in my thoughts.
Darcey Mussato
Birmingham, Ala USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:18 AM CST
So VERY glad to hear that things are resolving. Gotta go with that mother's instinct....You know how much we believe in it!!
Love from
Brenda and Adele

Brenda <>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 0:19 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving,

Tracy and Lucas <>
bv, USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 7:29 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hang in there...surely they'll get to the root of the problem soon.

Alisa <>
- Monday, November 15, 2004 7:13 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Mrs Pam gave me the name I was looking for, it's celiac and it's to do with gluten, maybe you could look it up. Hope Chris has longer pain free times.
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, November 15, 2004 5:33 PM CST
Hope you continue to tolerate the pain longer between meds.
love and prayers

mrs pam

pwf <>
- Monday, November 15, 2004 2:40 PM CST
It sure is frustrating when you don't get answers. I hope Chris starts feeling better and that miserable pain goes away.

Love and Prayers,
Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 9:29 AM CST
Thinking & praying for your family. Many hugs, prayers, encouragement & strength coming your way.
Christie, mom to Sonia & Angel Mason ( <>
ky - Sunday, November 14, 2004 7:34 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Hope they can get to the bottom of this tomorrow. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, November 14, 2004 3:35 PM CST
Hi Chris and family,
I just wanted to let you know that I'm still praying for you and haven't missed a night or day of praying. I'm hoping things are going to start getting easier soon. I know how stomach pain goes. Its a major pain. Well I'm still praying for you. My friends and family are too. So you are very loved and prayed for here in Illinois.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 2:48 PM CST
Hi Leslie

I'm very sad to hear about Chris's state. I pray that the doctors will determine what is going on and that God will give you, family and of coarse Chris his strength to continue this battle. Life just doesn't make sense at times but God knows what he's doing and is there with you all every moment.
Take care and God Bless

Mount Albert, Canada - Saturday, November 13, 2004 10:39 PM CST
Just so sorry Christopher can't get a break here. If it isn't one thing it's something else. Enough! Not fair. The poor kid (and mom) have been thru enough. Glad the scans are clear though. As an "expert mom" on blockages, don't think it sounds like that. My daughter averages about 2 blockages a year - a biproduct of having her large intestines removed. There are other yucky immediate symptoms & it gets pretty crisis pretty quick. Pray they are pursuing every avenue to get the lad feeling better soon. Can't comprehend how frustrated you must be feeling. Know that you all are being prayed for daily & that Chris is home soon enjoying his new fish.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:39 PM CST
Hi Leslie, So sorry to hear that Chris is in such pain, but glad that the scans are clear. I read Alisa's thoughts on gluten intolerance, a friend of mine was dx with NHL 15 years ago, he was about 25 at the time, well he had a lot of pain too, and that's what came out of it, he has to stay on a gluten free diet, there is a name for what he's got I can't remember what, but as long as he stays gluten free he's ok.
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, November 13, 2004 5:38 PM CST
Leslie, praying for Chris and wisdom for his docs , that they figure out what is going on with his pain, ASAP.
I can't imagine Your pain-
And yeah, I believe Chris can kick cancer's butt!

USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 11:54 AM CST

Just my 2 cents worth, but what about a colonoscopy to see if there is some type of blockage. That would also tell for sure about lactose intolerance..gluten intolerance...etc. Just a thought.

I hate to hear of him hurting so bad. When these kids hurt, we hurt too. Hope you were able to get some rest.

You are in our thoughts and prayers,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:50 AM CST
Praying for you, too!

Mrs. Pam

pwf <>
- Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:05 AM CST
Sounds like things are abit rough for poor Chris. I do remember a time when Jenni went through pain that was pretty bad and it was that she was completly backed up with stool in her bowels. We ended up in the ER twice with this b4 they were able to figure it out. She would double up in pain and when it was at it's worst she would throw up.
I dont't know if this is possibly what is going on with Chris but it is worth having them check that out. All that chemo and the steriods can cause them to be constipated and have terrible acid reflux, which is another thing Jenni got during her treatment. She was put on Nexium.
May God watch over Chris and give his body the streanght to heal. Love and prayers to you both.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland , Mn - Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:47 AM CST
Praying for relief of the physical and mental anguish that you are all going through. JoAnn (Jana's mom)
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:34 AM CST
I'm sorry to hear that Chris is having such a hard time right now. It's wonderful news that the tests are showing all clear ,it's just getting to that tummy pain. Are they planning on doing an endoscopy or a colonoscopy?Just don't know what to think-I hope they find the answers soon. Love and prayers to you both.
MG from the nhl board
- Saturday, November 13, 2004 1:08 AM CST
Hi Leslie, Poor Chris in all that pain, hope they get it sorted out sooner rather than later. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, November 12, 2004 7:00 PM CST
Hi Chris...I hope you can determine what's going on, so that you can successfully get rid of whatever is causing all your pain!

Mrs. Pam

pwf <>
- Friday, November 12, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Glad there are no tumors there....that is a big relief I am sure. Now to figure out what is causing all the problems.. Hopefully that pepcid will start taking effect and let him get some relief.

Thinking of you guys,

Alisa <>
- Friday, November 12, 2004 0:25 AM CST
Found your site through another CB site, and just wanted to let you and your family know that you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!
Tom,Vanessa,Gabby, & Alex Molnar ( <>
USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:08 PM CST
Leslie, I'm so sorry to hear of the pain Chris is in! I just want you to know that he is in our prayers daily, as you all are! Please let me know if there is anything we can do...
Jen Moreno <>
- Thursday, November 11, 2004 5:18 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
I just read your entry from yesterday and I am so sorry that your sweet boy is still suffering so much. It must be so hard for you to not be able to make this all go away. You are an amazing mom, though and are doing everything imaginable for Chris, so please don't be too hard on yourself.

Nicole <>
Aurora, Canada - Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:20 AM CST
Leslie, we love your son, too!

Mrs. Pam

pwf <>
- Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:39 AM CST
My prayers are with you and your beautiful son. May God heal his body and give you strength.
Brenda Stanley <>
Bluff City, TN USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:36 AM CST
HUGS and PRAYERS for you and your family.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:23 AM CST
Dear Leslie.....
Your Christopher is so overdue for a break - as is the rest of your family. As a Mom, I know it must be the worst to see your boy so down.
I almost have to feel sorry for the numbnut who had you park in the 'wrong' space. Talk about putting a 'bulls eye' on yourself-they have no idea they just poked a stick at the unhappy 'mama bear'.
Sending good vibes and serious prayers your way that things improve.
Hugs to you all......

lisa <>
allenwood, nj usa - Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:49 AM CST
Leslie and Chris,
I am praying hard for good results. I am sure poor Chris is so scared.
Leslie we had simular thing happen to us one time when Jenni was getting chemo. We did not get towed but got a 200.00 fine for being in a handicap area, in-which we did not know. Boy were we ever shocked and of course like you we did not at the time need that extra fine.
Anyway I know you don't know us but please tell Chris we all here at my home send our love and prayers to him, of course to you too.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:31 AM CST
Aw poor Chris and Mom. I hope that things will go better for you tomorrow. This hospital must have stricter rules. We can bed down at the General in any room including a 4 unit. Our spirits are with you . . .
Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, November 11, 2004 0:49 AM CST
Praying for good news & for Chris to feel better all around. Nothing harder than seeing a child depressed. Enough already. Lord, deliver him from this dreaded disease. You give them the business on the car. Think the hospital should pay. Will be anxious to hear the results of the scan. Sleep tight Leslie. Tomorrow is another day.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:45 PM CST
I think of Chris and your family everyday, without fail. Been praying all day for a good report tonight hopefully. Be strong!
murray and sandy from lymphoma board
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:20 PM CST
Dear Leslie, Of course we're all praying very hard for Chris. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:45 PM CST
Hey Chris and family,
I know you don't know me very well, but I just wanted to let you know I'll be praying for Chris to get better. Its not always easy being a teenager and having to make millions of trips to the hospital for any reason...actually its never easy to do that. I'll be sending many prayers out for you guys and I'll be hoping that things get better fast.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:11 PM CST
Praying feverishly in Alabama! I hope today brought some relief and hope to you both!!
Jennifer <>
Hoover, AL USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 9:09 AM CST
Prayers always.....

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, November 10, 2004 8:22 AM CST
Big, huge prayers to Chris today, you too Leslie.
Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland , Mn - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 7:14 AM CST
I am praying for you, Chris!
Love, Hilary

Hilary <>
NJ, USA - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 11:03 PM CST
Thinking of you tonite Leslie and even though I am not religious I will say a prayer for Chris right now!
Ottawa, - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 10:42 PM CST
Leslie and Chris
So sorry everything seems so rotten for you.
Praying that all the prayers being said for you are somehow helping.
Mrs. Pam

pwf <>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 4:44 PM CST
It is easy to get angry when you feel that the medicine that is supposed to make you better just makes you feel so terrible. With perserverence one day there will be no more meds and no more pain. Keep good and thankful thoughts in your mind and heart, be thankful for family and friends, a house, nourishment,the sunshine, and air to breath simple things can make a bad situation not as bleek. Thinking and Praying for you, your family and most of all Chris. Your NHL buddy, JANA
jana bendik <>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 4:30 PM CST
Dear Chris and Leslie
No wonder you are angry. I would feel angry if I was in your position. I guess the problem is that anger doesn't help. Thinking of you a lot and wishing you all the love and support I can. Fiona

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, UK - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 3:34 PM CST
Chris and Leslie
I am praying soooooooo hard for you right now! I will pray for everything. Take care!

Lauren( <>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 2:33 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
No wonder Chris is fed up and worried, as you are too, he's had to go through so much these past years, he hardly had a teenage life, but you know Lesley we are all praying so hard. Is there someone he can talk to?
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 2:19 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
Wow how hard this must be on Chris. He sounds very frustrated and tired of all this stuff he is going through. I am sure he is scared to go to the doctor tomorrow in fear that something more is wrong. I will pray for good news tomorrow. I feel so bad for you all.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland, Mn - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 11:42 AM CST

davie <>
bonnyrigg[edinburgh], Scotland - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 5:30 AM CST
You are a very amazing young man Chris, i hope all goes well with the scan,you are doing great you are sure a fighter , praying for you and that all goes well for you.
Angel hugs DonnZa

Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 4:06 AM CST
I have NHL also but a different type , i'm awaiting a donor (unrelated )..... your not alone.......
Trev & Deb <>
Redcliffe, QLD Australia - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 1:56 AM CST
Hi Guys,

So sorry about everything. Maybe the stomach pains are just all the meds...Devin complains of his stomach most of the time.....a thought.

Sorry about the dog. I know it will be hard. Our oldest is almost 12 and getting a little less frisky each day. I am dreading it.

Praying for clean scans of course.

You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 1:05 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
I will be praying that Chris's scan will come out good on Wednesday. Hopefully the pain he is feeling is just from worry.
I am from the Parents of Kids with Leukemia group, hope to see you in there real soon. There are lots of great people in there and they will all say prayers for Chris.

Shelli Hoffmann <>
Cleveland , Minn - Monday, November 8, 2004 10:51 PM CST
I will very much so be praying for the scans on Wednesday! I will pray for everything to turn out well! I hope everything else is going well! And that you start to feel tons better!!


Lauren <>
- Monday, November 8, 2004 9:04 PM CST
Leslie and Chris,
We are praying for you and those scans on Wed! I am so sorry to hear about your dog. We lost the two little goats one day, the next a rabbit and the following day it was three fish. Ugh, it was horrible, I felt just awful. Anyhow, you guys take care and we will be checking in on you to see how those scans go

Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Monday, November 8, 2004 8:59 PM CST
Wishing you the very best as I am a Cancer Survivor also

Bill Baldwin <>
San Angelo,, TX USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 8:19 PM CST
Hi Chris
I am so sorry that your stomach is hurting. And, am very sorry that you had to put your dog to sleep. As difficult as that is, you know that it is the right decision.
love and prayers
Mrs Pam

pwf <>
- Monday, November 8, 2004 8:12 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,
You both must be so worried, let's pray that the scans are clear. Did you get the fish?
Love and prayers from Scotland Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, November 8, 2004 5:28 PM CST
Hello leslie and chris, my thoughts and prayers are with you both, I put this in my favorites so I can come back and check on you both. I love fish tanks, and will think of you everytime I look at the one in the nursing home I work in.
Phyllis Baker
west leyden, ny - Sunday, November 7, 2004 9:32 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris, What a great belated birthday present. We love looking at all the wonderfully coloured fish when we go to the pet shop. I read Mrs Pam's story about spot the fish, Kayla's mammy, Lesley had a goldfish called that too, when she was very young. In Kayla's hospital, they have a room with lots of lovely lights and those tall round things with kid-on fish in them, the kids love going in there and lying on the big soft cushions and watching the fish go up and down, I think they believe they're real fish. Anyway, I hope you get some real nice ones, I like the little black and white stripey ones, and those little flourescent ones.
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, November 7, 2004 5:17 PM CST
Hi Chris! The fish tank sounds super! About 15 years ago, I was fish-sitting Spot (an orange goldfish with a black spot on his tail) for my Godchildren while they were out of town. Well........somehow, the spot on Spot disappeared. I don't think I ever did convince their Dad that Spot was the same fish he left me with!

mrs pam <>
- Sunday, November 7, 2004 1:04 PM CST

The fish idea sounds neat. We went to pick up dog food tonight and the kiddos were trying to talk me into a fish tank.....not today. I'm glad its at your house instead of mine. You're right, they are very relaxing to watch. Any ideas on what kind of fish you'll get??

Alisa <>
- Sunday, November 7, 2004 3:09 AM CST
So glad that Chris is feeling better today. Having some friends over is a great way to cheer up. I'm kind of wanting to go out and get an aquarium for my bedroom now ... you've made it sound so nice!
Connie (Bears Who Care) <>
Calgary, Alberta - Saturday, November 6, 2004 9:32 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
Glad to hear Chris is feeling better! Hope he feels well enough that you all have a great weekend!! I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. It certainly hurts your heart. We are facing the same situation in the next month or so. You are so right. Children should never ever have to face this type of thing. It is wonderful that Chris is blessed with such a wonderful mom to help him through!!

Sending up prayers that Chris will only have to worry about being a kid soon!

Sherri (Corrie and Angel Drew's mom) <>
Fredericksburg, VA USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 1:32 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Glad chris is feeling better, long may it continue. It's very sad when pets get old and aren't happy anymore. I think you're probably doing the right thing, it's just so hard, after all they are a big part of the family. We haven't had a pet since Kayla took ill either, it does take a while to adjust to not having an animal in the house, the boys keep asking when we are getting another cat, but I feel I've enough to cope with with all the kids. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, November 5, 2004 3:48 PM CST
Glad Chris is feeling better. Am so sorry to hear about your dog!
mrs pam <>
- Thursday, November 4, 2004 8:01 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris, Thinking of you both and sending love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, November 4, 2004 5:59 PM CST
Hi Chris

Praying for those counts!

mrspam <>
- Thursday, November 4, 2004 1:05 PM CST
Oh, I'm so sorry he is feeling down and discouraged....this is horrible on you as well. When our kids feel bad, we feel bad. Hope those scans turn up great and give him a big smile. (both of you0

Thinking and praying for you guys,

Hang in there,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, November 3, 2004 10:27 AM CST
Dear Leslie and Christopher.....
You're allowed to have your moments of being discouraged after all you've been through.
But keep in mind there are prayers coming your way for things to finally go RIGHT from all corners of the world - and there IS power in prayer.

Lisa <>
jersey shore, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 9:52 AM CST
Dear Leslie, It must be so hard for you to hear Chris talk like that. But you are right, he musn't give up, I know you will try everything, I do feel he is going to be ok. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 4:18 AM CST
Hi Chris, Were your counts up enough for the chemo? will check in again tomorrow. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 5:36 PM CST

Hope your counts are UP enough for chemo.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, November 2, 2004 10:23 AM CST

I know how you feel Leslie. You've been doing this a lot longer than most, but I certainly can relate. Too many kids.

Miss talking to you,

Alisa <>
- Monday, November 1, 2004 6:20 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris, Will be thinking of you tomorrow when you are at hospital, hope everything goes well. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, November 1, 2004 4:27 PM CST
Hi Leslie! I don't "do" Halloween at home anymore either.
Pastor Brenda brought her extra candy to church this morning, and I like knowing that I can have a little pick-me-up whenever I want.
Hope Chris keeps doing better!

Mrs Pam
- Monday, November 1, 2004 2:10 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Hope this is a good week for your family.

Thinking of you....

Alisa <>
- Monday, November 1, 2004 11:02 AM CST

God bless you,
angel jen

angel jen <>
Burns, TN USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 10:29 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Glad Chris seems to be picking up again. I made up loads of bags today too for the kids, and only 12 came, so now I have loads of stuff to spoil the grandchildren with. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, October 31, 2004 5:04 PM CST
Happy, Happy Halloween!!!

Its snowing like crazy here today. Just thinking of you guys. Glad to hear Christopher is feeling better.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:42 PM CST
Hi Chris
just checking in.
love and prayers

mrs pam
- Saturday, October 30, 2004 12:09 AM CDT
Hello Guys,

Hope today is a better day for you guys. Don't forget to drink, drink, drink Chris.

Wishing you well,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:19 AM CDT
Hope this finds you doing well and drinking more!
We are keeping you in our thoughts & prayers.

Angel Chris {Gooch's mom} and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~

- Friday, October 29, 2004 11:19 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chriss. Just checking in to see how you both are doing. Always in my prayers.
MG from the nhl board
- Friday, October 29, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chriss. Just checking in to see how you both are doing. Always in my prayers.
MG from the nhl board
- Friday, October 29, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
Hi Chris: just stopping by to say hope you have a good week
Charlene, Graham & BECKY BUNNY

- Friday, October 29, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
Consider yourself hugged, Leslie. Hate those darn steriods. They are good at the time but when I see the outward damage they did to my daughter's body it makes me so sad. Mega dose for mega long. Think moms should get Rx automatically when the wee ones get steriods. Anyway, hope Christophers funk doesn't last long. Hard to watch for you. Glad you had a break at your friend's house. Hope tomorrow is better. God Bless you both & keep you strong!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Friday, October 29, 2004 6:40 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope you manage to get some fluids in. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, October 29, 2004 6:34 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Hang in there and have a good weekend. Dev got upped on his vincristine today....and seems good so far. They were having trick or treat at the hospital so he thought that was pretty cool.

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 29, 2004 5:12 PM CDT
Leslie, I will be praying for you when Chris is getting his steriods, those steriods just aren't very friendly! I am so glad that Chris was able to get his chemo! That is great news!
Praying for you both...

LaurensMom <>
- Friday, October 29, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
Hi Mr.Christopher,

Good luck with those steroids....Dev will start back on them tomorrow...along with that darned vincristine. Gosh, I despise that drug (that is a very polite version of what I am thinking).

Hope you're having a good week.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:32 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, signing in and sending love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:19 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie. It's all Greek to me, but I'm glad you're able to get the Chemo again. Good luck finding the donor.

mrs pam
- Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
Hello Chris and Mom,
I am a first time reader of your web page but will be following you from now on until you are a survivor!! I was diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma when i was 16 and i'm now 20. I don't know why I am telling you this but here goes : when i was diagnosed, I of course didn't know how hard the steroids were gonna be, but I know now. About a year into my chemo, I started having severe hip pain. I didn't tell my parents or the doctors b/c I feared relapsing. About a year after that, my parents noticed a limp and by this time, both hips were killing me. So naturally when I went to the doctor, I was convinced that I had bone cancer. But luckily, it was something called avascular necrosis. The only option was a hip replacement, which I had about 7 weeks ago. Like I said, I dont' know why I"m telling you this, but I feel led to. I just understand that when you feel something in your body that is not natural and you've had cancer, the initial response is relapse. But please don't always think that!! It will get you down in the dumps faster that anything in the world. Anyways, I hope you continue to do well in your treatments and you can one day stand with me as a survivor. Much love for both you and your mom!!

Jennifer <>
Hoover, AL USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
Hi Chris,
I'm glad to hear you were able to get the chemo today. It is weird about the 100% donor cells though. Well I'll keep praying for you to keep getting better, and to someday be cancer free.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, IL USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 7:32 PM CDT
Glad to hear the counts were up enough to get chemo. That is beyond wierd that he is 100% donor cells and now this happens yet again.....???? Seems like every answer leads to two more questions (at least)

Hope things get squared away soon,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:59 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, GREAT, the chemo has started, but oh oh! the steroids, I hope your larder is full. That is really weird about the 100% donor cells, what did the doctors think about that?
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:44 PM CDT
Good luck with the "ROID RAGE", as I like to call it! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ~JANA BENDIK, NHL patient
jana bendik <>
- Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hey Chris,
I've been checking your site for quite some time now, but I think this is the first time I have signed your page. I also check on several other CB pages, but if I remember correctly, yours was the first CaringBridge site I ever visited (I came here after your mom left the URL in a guestbook on a non-CB site.) At first, I didn't sign any guestbooks, but I started to sign fairly recently and I wanted to let you know I'm rooting for you. I'm sooo sorry I have never signed in until now, but I want you, your mom, and your whole family to know that I have been praying for you all ever since I learned about your story and will continue to pray for you. I'm glad you are feeling pretty good right now - I hope that things will just keep on improving for you. Again, I apologize for not signing sooner, it was very wrong of me, but I thank you for inspiring me with your great strength and courage! Love, hugs, and prayers to you and your family!
Love, Hilary
P.S. I will try and do better on the signing from here on out!

Hilary <>
NJ, USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 2:59 AM CDT
Hey just checking in to see if Chris was eligible for chemo today...hope so.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
I am glad things are going okay, but we will pray that Chris's counts go up to start up on chemo again! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...

LaurensMom <>, - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:36 PM CDT
Poor Julie, I'm sure you'll be as good a friend to her as she is to you Lesley. Praying that everything goes well tomorrow and that those counts are up. Love and prayers from Scotlaand. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:35 PM CDT
Sorry to hear about Julie!
Go, counts, go!

mrs pam <>
- Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
Hope, hope, hope that those counts are UP enough for chemo.

Thinking of you guys.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, How are you and the head chef doing? Hope everything is ok. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, October 25, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Its raining, AGAIN, here in Utah. Its such a mess. It dried up a little bit yesterday and now we are getting pounded again. Wierd weather.

Thanks for responding so quick Leslie. I feel like I'm consulting the 'expert' when I ask you questions about all this stuff.

Keep up the good work,

Alisa <>
- Monday, October 25, 2004 7:55 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, Who cooked the Sunday dinner?
Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, October 24, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
Hi Chris... another fan wondering "what's cookin'"?
mrs pam
- Sunday, October 24, 2004 2:25 PM CDT
Good Morning from cold and rainy Utah.

What are you cooking today, Chef Christopher???

Alisa <>
- Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:27 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, I'm glad Chris is feeling so good and helping out in the kitchen, it sounds like he really enjoys cooking. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, October 23, 2004 5:59 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie! I love the "paying it forward" concept! That's one I will definitely pass on to the folks at church. Have a good cooking day
praying for you to have a nice weekend

mrs pam
- Friday, October 22, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
Hey Chef Chris,

How's it going today?? The rain has finally stopped here and we were just past ready...although the kids just almost had the boat built. Its a muddy mess. My dogs don't even want to play in the yard because its so muddy and messy. Devin said they could pretend it was pudding and do some pudding wrestling out in the backyard....I'm thinking he's seen too much tv. What do you think???

Hope today is a good one.

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 22, 2004 11:51 AM CDT
Hi Chris,

Glad to hear you enjoy cooking. Seems like food always tastes better to you kiddos when its fixed by you. Devin and Kara love to help out in the kitchen. They are really good helpers. Do you like watching the cooking shows?? Devin does. He has been watching and imitating Emeril for quite a while now. He is always making up recipes and wanting to try them...let me tell you, some are better than others. A couple of years ago he made up one with corn, black beans and gravy...He wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, but he expected everyone else to eat it. He's funny.

Hope your counts are up soon. So sorry about the leg pain. I'll bet its the neupogen....I can remember Devin having those pains after neupogen.

Hope tomorrow is a good one for you.

Thinking of you my friend,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:19 PM CDT
So you have a budding Emeril on your hands, way to go. Its always good to know how to cook. You will impress that ladies. Stay strong.

Heather (Bears who care)

Heather <>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
Ok, why don't the two of you chefs put together a cookbook? I'll buy one!!
Tampa, Fl USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:58 AM CDT
Hi Chris! I'm getting hungry just reading about your culinary fact I think I'll raid the church's refrigerator and see what I have in there. The Preschoolers made chef's hats today...actually, Boo Bread Baker hats in preparation for our cooking day on Friday.

mrs pam
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:44 PM CDT
We are so glad things are better for you today! Keep fighting! We are praying for you!

LaurensMom <>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:52 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Glad to hear you got your neupogen........

Hope those counts are UP, UP, UP in no time.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:44 AM CDT
Glad good things are happening to your family. Sounds like your heart is feeling the love of those of us who care. I know it is soooo very hard to accept help (believe me, I think exactly like you)but one way I delt with it was just to assure everyone that when the time came & I was able, I would pay it forward. I remember one of the first things I was able to pay forward was just buying crayons & a color book for a sick little girl(all I could afford at the time) It felt so good to be able to pass a kindness on. Not always things or money, sometimes just time or prayer or understanding but always passing the generousity shown to me on to others when the time is right. In fact, Leslie, the lava lamp we sent to Christopher for his birthday was really a "paying it forward" for all the many acts of kindness showen to my daughter when she was seriously ill seven years ago. So you see, it is just your time to receive & the day will come when you will be passing these kindness on. So take a deep breath, concentrate on that amazing son of yours & let the rest of us pass the kindness on to you. You are honoring us by accepting these acts of kindness. God Bless you & keep you strong for your journey.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
Good job, Lenny! Whenever I clean a room, it takes about 12 hours to mess it up again! Thinking of you, Chris!
mrs pam
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
Hello Guys,

Hope today is a better one.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
HELLO! my name is Jessica and last eyar my school raised money for chris. My school charity group is called the "LUKE 4:18". I am bringing the article and your journal into my teacher who runs the group and we will hoepfully soon start a fundraiser for him. My brother also goes to Cardinal Carter and will bring the aritcle into his school soon to and see what they can do for chris and your family.!!


Jessica <>
Aurora, ONT Canada - Monday, October 18, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Hope today is a good one for you. Devin went to school all day again today, but is worn completely out tonight. He slept lots this weekend and next week he'll get to start the cycle again.

Any news on the neupogen??? My offer still stands. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you!!!

Alisa <>
- Monday, October 18, 2004 6:18 PM CDT
Hi Christopher

This is the prayer that I say several times a day for you and my other Caring Bridge friends:

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us and for sending your son Jesus to tell us about your love. Thank you for showing us how important children are in your Kingdom. Today I pray for the Caring Bridge children who are "fighting the good fight" to win the battle over their diseases. Thy will be done! Those words are tough, God, when we are really praying for a complete healing on earth. Help us to understand. Bless the children, parents, caregivers, and medical staff of the Caring Bridge families. Let each turn to you before any decision and treatment is made. And, God, guide the people in medical research to find cures, especially for cancer. Amen

mrs pam
- Monday, October 18, 2004 5:44 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris,
Been thinking of you guys hoping things have settled down and Chris is better. I know how hard it is navigating all that stuff and you are always in my thoughts and my meditation prayers :)

Sending ya healing thoughts and bunches of big *HUGS* :D

San Rafael, CA USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:35 PM CDT
Chris and Leslie
You were prayed for in our church services this morning!

mrs pam
- Sunday, October 17, 2004 1:56 PM CDT

Just thinking of you. Hope those mouth sores are gone in a hurry.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, October 16, 2004 9:53 PM CDT
I just thought I'd drop by and say hello. It's been a while since I came by. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your mouth Chris, but it's good to hear that you are managing to eat something at least. Love to all,
HelenH <>
IS YOUR FAMILY BUSY KICKIN' CANCER'S BUTT?, uk MY CB SITE - Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:46 PM CDT
Chris and family,
Hope you are feeling better really soon. You remain in our thoughts and prayers. Praying that the blood counts increase so you can go home really soon.

Debra Brigando <>
Sauk Village, Il USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 9:35 PM CDT
Hey guys,

Hope you can get that neupogen speedy quick!! If not, let me know..I've got a fridge full of it here. I'm hoping we won't need it, but you just never know.

Dev had another day at school. This makes a whole week. What a deal. I had to pull him out early to take Kara to the doctor and in the mean time he got a flu shot up there. Here, at PCMC, they are having all the chemo kids get the flu shots this year. Last year....Dev's counts were too low.

Hope you get some answers soon,

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 15, 2004 6:05 PM CDT
Hi Chris! I hope your government acts quickly so that you can get the medicine that you need!
Much love

mrs pam
- Friday, October 15, 2004 5:00 PM CDT

Just popping in to wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN
Charlene & Graham

- Friday, October 15, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Hi I met you thru Miss Julianna Banana. I'm the co-founder of BEARS WHO CARE a group that brings support to Canadian kids much like yourself. We'll be popping by to check up on you & lend web support from time to time. Take care,
Charlene B. (BWC)

- Friday, October 15, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, I feel so sorry for you Chris with those mouth ulcers, it must be agony trying to eat. I hope you get the go-ahead for that drug to help you. I won't be able to check in next week, but you are always in my prayers. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, October 15, 2004 11:45 AM CDT
HI Guys,

Hope today is a good one for you.

Thinking of you and wishing you a great weekend.

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 15, 2004 7:59 AM CDT
Hi Chris ~ I hope you are feeling better. I know that you are going through a very difficult time right now. I keep praying for a cure for you. I know that God hears our prayers and I ask for a multitude of blessings for your whole family. God be with you. Leslie, I wish you would accept the help from others even if it is money because people want to help and it is God Blessing you. You may need it for travel for a trial protocol. It also blesses the giver. I hope that you are all feeling better.
Barbara Bush <>
Fresno, Ca USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 6:20 AM CDT
Just checking in to say hello! Sorry for the temporary delay in treatment - hope all will go on as scheduled next week and that your counts go back up quickly! You all remain in our prayers...
Jen Moreno <>
CA U.S.A. - Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:03 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, How are the mouth sores today? I do hope they heal up quickly, Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:52 AM CDT

I hope ;that ;you had a wonderful thanksgiving. I loved your pictures. It is great that you got to meet Whoopi.

Heather (BWC)

Heather <>
Mississauga, ON - Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:38 AM CDT
Hello Leslie and Chris,
Chris I hope your counts climb back up...we know what that's like...hang in there! My son loves skateboarding too. Alot of his older friends are in the pro-ams in Tampa (FL) and they travel and such...Dave tried skateboarding last night, he hung in there for awhile, but this bout of chemo really knocked his socks off so he came home and crashed...Leslie, I know how difficult the financial situations can get. I too have a difficult time accepting help. Cancer is so expensive, and as a single parent to three kids, no child support so far (41/2years...) and now that I can't work, it's been dibilitating. We sold our home and moved in with my folks, I work about 3-4 hours a week off and on...but the house money is long gone and every now and then our church sends a check or a's so hard to be in this state....just wish something could be learned about the hang in there too, you have a wonderful attitude. God Bless.
Kathy-mom to David

Kathy Cummings/David Fitting
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Hope this blood tanks him up and gets him back on the uphill trend.

I know what you mean about getting a cure for this hellish disease. It cannot come soon enough.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
Hi Leslie. I know it is tough asking for help, but if you come to the USA, and need that big chunk of money, there are lots of people who would like to feel they are a part of Christopher's recovery by donating $.
love and prayers

mrs pam
- Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:33 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Praying that there will be no fevers, and that Chris can build up some resistance. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:36 PM CDT
Thinking of you!!

Hope today is a good day.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Sorry to hear about the mouth sores, they are terrible,very annoying. I used to rinse my mouth with an alcohol free mouth wash called biotene. I don't know if they sell that in Canada, but it always helped my mouth sores for a little bit, offered some temporary relief. And the lining of his stomach, definitely the methotrexate, my doctor told me the sores can line your esophagus down to the stomach. Hope they can go away as soon as possible and that you dont need blood, but if you do need it I hope that it can gives you a nice boost! Your NHL friend~JANA
jana bendik <>
- Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:51 PM CDT
Hey Chris...sorry about your mouth sores! Hope they clear up soon.
mrs pam
- Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:08 PM CDT
Hello Guys,

Hope today is an ok day and you can get those darn mouth sores under control. Aaaghh the vicious cycles of chemo.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, October 12, 2004 3:59 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Just signing in and sending love your way.
Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
Happy thanksgiving well late there was nothing in my yahoo thing so sorry about that i got a new web page cause of a problem i have back home but here it is lol long story
Ashleigh <>
VA USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:07 AM CDT
Happy Thanksgiving to the family. Have you ever considered that you may have an egg allergy. In the past eggs have made me feel off but I'm ok with them now. I only have to eat a handful of peanuts and I'm royally sick feeling. Guess I know what not to eat!
Ottawa, Canada - Monday, October 11, 2004 11:02 PM CDT

So sorry to hear you were under the weather...that is a real nice way of saying it, I'm sure.

Thinking of you guys, of course.

Hope your illness is short-lived.

Alisa <>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 10:47 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Hope you enjoy your curry and manage to keep it down. Glad Chris is still getting out and about, and seeming to enjoy himself. Love and prayers from Scotland, rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, October 11, 2004 4:33 PM CDT
Leslie...maybe it was that egg with the holes in it, or a carton-mate. Hope you feel much better for your next outing.
love and prayers for all of you!

mrs pam
- Monday, October 11, 2004 3:24 PM CDT
Hi Guys....

Are you stuffed????

Alisa <>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 9:57 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and family, Did you have a great day? I do hope so. Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, October 10, 2004 6:14 PM CDT
Leslie and Ian and Chris...have a blessed Thanksgiving! I was wondering about those pilgrims. but didn't wonder enough to figure out why they were on your website. Of course, if I had looked at my calendar, I would have seen that October 11th is T-day in Canada.
mrs pam
- Sunday, October 10, 2004 1:50 PM CDT
Happy Thanksgiving....wish it was turkey day here too, but we have to wait another month. The anticipation!!!

Hope you have a fun time visiting with your family and stuffing yourselves.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, October 10, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hi there from Michigan. Got address for your page off another CB site. Just want you to know that our prayers are continually with your family and others in your battles. Hope you have an awesome weekend and Happy Thanksgiving! I agree with whoever said eat till you have to wear sweatpants...I've known people including myself who've worn sweatpants TO thanksgiving dinner so that they're prepared you might say!
Love and Prayers,

The Cuttle Family <>
Belding, MI USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris.


love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:24 AM CDT
Hey Leslie and Christopher,

You know, Julianna is allergic to those nasty Peg shots, we don't blame you for trying to weasel out of them if you can! Anyways, from our family to yours, have a happy Thanksgiving! Eat til you need to wear sweatpants.


Terry, Mary, Nicholas and Julianna Banana <>
Winnipeg, Canada - Saturday, October 9, 2004 9:59 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Hope you have a good day. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:08 PM CDT
Just a short hello from me,


viks <>
- Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:42 AM CDT
Just stopping by to see how things are going and to remind you that you're in our thoughts and prayers!

Love and Prayers,
Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:28 AM CDT

JamieLiver transplant 1988 <>
'toon, Sk Canada - Friday, October 8, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, You're sounding more like yourself again. It's great that Chris is getting out and feeling ok. Everyone is praying for you. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, October 8, 2004 6:11 PM CDT
Hey Chris's mom thanks for putting me in the page!!!!! makes me feel SPECIAL! lol well I am glad to hear chris is going good and that your laughing. cause you don't need to me stressed out either i saw how my mom reacted and she just went the a triple by pass in july and she was STRESSED so god only know how you have been well keep your head high and GOD BLESS YOU! talk to u soon!
Ashleigh <>
VA USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 5:14 PM CDT
Hey Guys,

Glad to hear things are on the upswing.

Thinking of you.

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 8, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Leslie, Chris & family,
Just popping by to wish you a happy Canada Thanksgiving!
Hope you have a great time!

X) :-) Chris, Jessy & family <>
Orangeville, Ontario Canada - Friday, October 8, 2004 2:01 PM CDT
Hope today went ok for you. Of course we are thinking of you.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
Hi Chris! nothing much to say, but wanted you to know that I've sneaked in several prayers for you throughout the day!
mrs pam
- Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:10 PM CDT
Hey chris I was looking at ur website and i am Glad to hear your blood work came back good It was nice reading your website page. I wanna say hang in there to your mom cause I am a 16 year old who just had liver transplant about a month ago. just wanted to say hang in there and GOD BLESS YOU. my website is
Ashleigh <>
VA USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 7:35 PM CDT
Hi Chris. Kayla used to get that jag in the leg, poor wee lamb always cried, and said it was sore, it was the only thing that really upset her. Hope it wasn't too sore in the you know where.
Love and prayers from Scotland, Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, October 7, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Chris your in my prayers everyday, God Bless.
Laura Melancon (Laura79 from NHL board) <>
North Chelmsford, MA USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
Hmm....l-spar in the rear?? Dev always got his in the leg...its no fun either way. Hope you've got some emla to help numb the bum.

Thinking of you guys,
Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:56 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris... how could we not care? You two are such terrific people! I told many people your story, and so many would like to help you!
love and prayers!

mrs pam
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 8:48 PM CDT
Wow Leslie,

You sound so upbeat. I know what you mean about giving out the site to 'hospital' are one brave soul...I still havent' done that...I'm sure a few may know, but not many..and not because I told them.

Geez....I am so excited to hear things are looking UP.

Thinking of you guys..

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 6:20 PM CDT
Dear Leslie, Hoping and praying that there will be the drugs that Chris needs. Take care of yourself too, I know that's a hard thing to do, but where would Chris be without you? Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 6:15 PM CDT
On my mind...

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
On my mind...

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
Leslie & Christopher, No, my friend, it is you & Christopher that are amazing. Truely, I am in awe of both of you. I wish I knew you both personally or lived close by and could help or was of the means to rent your hotel rooms for as long as you needed them. Or had Adam Sandler's personal cell phone number. My son loves his movies also. But I can pray, and pray I am. I have never stopped. I am praying for doors to open up for you to take some of the extra stresses off of you so that Christopher can be your one and only concern. Christopher has touched so many people. Hopefully, someone who knows someone who knows someone will put Adam in touch with Chris. What a bright spot that would be for a much deserving lad. And you, Leslie, concern me two. What do you need. What can we do for you. What would give you a moments break. I used to say if I could just take my worries & place them on the shelf for a few minutes it would offer my emotions such a needed break. What would give you this much needed break. First, of course, I know seeing Chris get well and that I will continue to pray for. Please feel the warm of love and prayers from people who care very much what happens to both you and Christopher.
Patty <>
St. Paul, - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Hi Chris,
I'm glad to hear your feeling alittle better,so you like movies,what kind do you like?Honestly I wish I knew Adam Sandler I would have him at your door and taking you to dinner-Ha Ha.Chris you are in my prayers hang in there and don't give up hope.
God Bless
Lots of Love

June & Jasmine <>, - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:13 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Glad the spirits are up today. When Christopher feels good I'm sure you feel much better as well. This cancer stuff is just not much fun any way you look at it.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, October 5, 2004 7:20 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris! Maybe somebody reading your journal in Toronto has some pull, and could talk to hotels about donating a couple of rooms for patients' families. Maybe the hotel managers/owners just never thought about what a great public service that would be!

love and, of course, prayers for tomorrow!

mrs pam
- Tuesday, October 5, 2004 6:29 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope everything goes well at the clinic. Sebding love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 5:41 PM CDT

I'm hoping that things can get worked out today to get you the treatment you need.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, October 5, 2004 10:49 AM CDT
I'm 20 and an NHL survivor. I wrote Chris an email yesturday, I hope he reads it, so he knows that he is not alone and that some one else out there really understands. Thinking and Praying about you! Keep fighting the fight.
jana <>
- Tuesday, October 5, 2004 10:01 AM CDT
I just wanted to say hello and let you know that you're in our prayers every day!

Love and Prayers,
Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:28 AM CDT
Hey Chris!!

I think of you and pray for you.laura

laura <>
budapest, hungary - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 8:38 AM CDT
Hi Chris ~ I don't blame you for being bummed. This is the first time I have been to your site and it looks like you have been through alot. You will definately be on my prayer list. By the way, Devin is my cousin. I checked out your pictures and saw what a handsome young man you are.
My sister in law was diagnosed with lymphoma a couple of years ago. Because of allergies to everything under the sun she couldn't take chemo. She started drinking green tea and eating 25 roasted apricot pits a day. She is in remission. Her tumors shrank after 3 months and continued to shrink. Her Dr. told her keep doing what she was doing.
She gets them at her health food store. Don't give up on the treatments but it wouldn't hurt to add them to your diet. God Bless you.

Barbara Bush <>
Fresno, Ca USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 6:28 AM CDT
Hi guys,

Just thinking of you.

Alisa <>
- Monday, October 4, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Leslie just posted this at LFRA message board.

What an address! (Crac)

Salli <>
Ottawa, Canada - Monday, October 4, 2004 8:06 PM CDT
I am so sorry that I haven't checked on Christopher for a couple of weeks (my brother passed away & my sister was diagnosted with breast cancer) so it has been a little hectic in my household. But checking on him now I am actually sick to my stomach. I am so so very sorry at the turn of events for Chris in the last week. I will pray that you are led in the right direction & that after a brief visit to the dumps, you can all pull yourselves out & fight some more. Christopher, using a word that my teens use & that I just hate . . . this just sucks!! You have just been thru enough as a family. Praying for emotional strength for all of you. Glad you are having a little fun with the buds, Chris. :-)
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, October 4, 2004 6:17 PM CDT
Hi Chris, You have been here before, it's not very pleasant, it's not fair, but if you are strong (which we know you are) and have a positive frame of mind, you know you can beat this terrible beast. We are all supporting you with our prayers and love, from Scotland Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, October 4, 2004 5:36 PM CDT
Leslie and Christopher,
Continued prayers! So many people are pulling for you at this frustrating time!
much love

Mrs. pam
st louis, usa - Monday, October 4, 2004 4:51 PM CDT
This is Lauren's mom. I just wanted to come by real quick, I don't have much time. Well about the down in the dumps thing, Lauren was the same way after her 2 relapse and it turned out she just had to think about things for a few days and get use to how things are going to be. But she perked up after a few days. I am sure Chris will do the same.
Well I just want you to know that I am praying for Chris and you. Take care!

P.S. If you want, email me at Lauren's email address, I have been checking hers for her.

Lauren-dx June 2001/ALL, relapse Nov. 2003, BMT Nov 2003, Relapse June 2004, BMT Aug. 2004, still in hospital.

LaurensMom <>
MO - Monday, October 4, 2004 3:53 PM CDT
This is Lauren's mom. I just wanted to come by real quick, I don't have much time. Well about the down in the dumps thing, Lauren was the same way after her 2 relapse and it turned out she just had to think about things for a few days and get use to how things are going to be. But she perked up after a few days. I am sure Chris will do the same.
Well I just want you to know that I am praying for Chris and you. Take care!

P.S. If you want, email me at Lauren's email address, I have been checking hers for her.

Lauren-dx June 2001/ALL, relapse Nov. 2003, BMT Nov 2003, Relapse June 2004, BMT Aug. 2004, still in hospital.

LaurensMom <>
MO - Monday, October 4, 2004 3:52 PM CDT
My name is Katy and I have been following your story for quite a while. I just want you to know that you and your son are being prayed for by so many people. are so are so wonderful and caring.....Take care of each other
Katy myers <>
kitts hill, oh USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 12:53 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. If you need anything, you know my number.
Wendi Osborne <>
Aurora, ON Canada - Monday, October 4, 2004 12:14 AM CDT
Dear Chris and Leslie
Thinking of you in London. Best wishes. I hope your day brings something positive and new.
Love Fiona, Caringbridge Ambassador London

Fiona Hathorn <>
London, United Kingdom - Monday, October 4, 2004 4:10 AM CDT
Thinking of you.

Alisa <>
- Monday, October 4, 2004 4:06 AM CDT
Dearest Leslie and Christopher,
Oh my heart hurts for you both, your whole family..and I apologize..long story, not for here, but I'm quite ill, have years of treatment ahead, so have not been on Board or checking..IF I had your email, I'd include you in my "Special Friend List." Suffice to say, my prayers are with you, as I know God is. I have a friend here in Florida, who, because of Hodgkin's behind her heart, was told there was nothing she could do, but go home, this by all major cancer centers in FL, incl. an N.C.I., Moffitt, in Tampa.
An onc. here in FL took her to Sloan Kettering, where she lived 18 mos., ghastly treatment, but she is alive, a decade later (dx age 34, now 48)..Have you tried Sloan, NYC?? My best to you both, my thoughts and prayers always.
God Bless You Both.
Take care.
Love, Liz Finkelstein

Liz Finkelstein <>
Hillsboro Beach, Fod, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Your story brought tears to my eyes but you will find the strength required. Please leave it in Jesus' hands. I will keep you in my prayers.
Isaiah 41:28-31
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
The Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
And his understanding no one can Fathom.
He gives strenght to the weary
And increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
And young men stumble and fall,
But those who hope in the LORD
Will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles,
They will run and not grow weary,
They will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 41:28-31
I am deeply sorry for your terrible news and pray that you may find peace.
God Bless

M. Easton
Canada - Sunday, October 3, 2004 10:43 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie,
Thank-you for keeping us informed,Leslie. Missing our visits and so sorry
to know that you are in for another battle, Chris. However, if anyone is the
strong silent type it's you and you have proven your determination to
never give up! We continue to pray for you daily and want you to know
how much we care about you and your family.

Hope to see you soon,
Kelly and Ron Knox.

Kelly Knox
Aurora, ON Canada - Sunday, October 3, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
HI guys! Just checking in on you. We are praying for you and I must say I am so glad to hear that Chris had a night out with his friends, doing what young men do ;) I wish there was more that I could do to help.
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Sunday, October 3, 2004 6:44 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Hope today is a better day for you. I'm working and have friends working to see how we can get this done. Leslie, e-me when you get a chance.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, October 3, 2004 6:06 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, I am so glad that you have such wonderful friends to support you, it would be terrible if you had to go through this on your own.
Chris, Hope you enjoyed your night out with the boys, but rest up in between, and try to eat now and then. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:05 PM CDT
Just thinking of you guys..

Chris, hope you had fun with your friends last night.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, October 3, 2004 9:35 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris, please stay strong and fight! You can beat this beast!!!!
JenAnn from NHL board
WV - Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:13 AM CDT
I came across your site a while back and began to check back on Chris everyday. My own daughter is 2 and she went through a BMT 12/23/03. She is just now out of the hospital but staying close by, just in case. She too surprises me with her strength and courage as Chris has amazed you. Our children are much stronger than their parents. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that Chris has been in and will stay in my prayers.
Patricia Ross <>
- Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:40 AM CDT
Hello Mom. I found this page and read your story completely by accident (at 3am in the morning). I was following a link after saying a little prayer to God concerning an unrelated matter. I would be very interested in talking with you further concerning your last entry. I can be reached at the address below, if you so choose to contact me. As you can see, I also live in Aurora.

Steve Smith <>
Aurora, - Sunday, October 3, 2004 1:55 AM CDT
So sad to hear the beast came back again.
Hang in there, Chris and Mom Leslie.
You beat it before.
You're tough and I'm sure you can beat it again!!!

Yolana Depuriumi <>
Palembang, Indonesia - Sunday, October 3, 2004 1:19 AM CDT

I've just e-mailed you.

Hang in there,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, October 2, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
I just stopped by to catch up on the news, and I'm so sad to read that the cancer is back. Is there any group that could help with the cost of getting to MD Anderson?? How frustrating that a treatment may be available, but not accessible. I am so sorry.
I will be praying for you.

Stephanie & RachelJoy <>
- Saturday, October 2, 2004 8:47 PM CDT
Oh, many thoughts and emotions are RUNNING through my mind. I wish I knew how to offer you comfort. I wish I knew how to give an answer to your questions. I so wish I had answers that would avoid the deaths of too many wonderful children...very sad.

I don't know if anything I say even makes sense anymore...I'm just so very sad all the time...I love and miss my sweet Rachael Lynn Mayo!
I'm tired. I'm sad......

Kathie Mayo <>
- Saturday, October 2, 2004 8:09 PM CDT
Ah Leslie, just don't know what to say.I have been following Chris's journal and thinking about you both. Believe in miracles.
MG from the nhl board
- Saturday, October 2, 2004 7:51 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope you are as well as can be expected, waiting for your updates. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Saturday, October 2, 2004 6:24 PM CDT
Chris et al... it is so wonderful how many people are searching for the perfect treatment for you. Many prayers for all of you.
mrs pam
- Saturday, October 2, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Leslie, Chris & family...
We were devastated to hear, took me all week to get the strenght and nerve to post....
Thinking of you during this incredible hardship.
PLEASE, let me know if there is ANYTHING we can do for you.
We really mean it!

Hopefully hook up on Tuesday while @ PMH & HSC...

Hugs & prayers for all...always.

Chris XO <>
Orangeville, Ontario Canada - Saturday, October 2, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
I know I dont know you, but I think I may have something to give some hope. I had AML since the age of 5. I had two transplants and many years of chemotherapy...I dont remember before any of it. I am now 21. At the age of 18 I relapsed for the 5th time, after only 2 months of being in remission. I was told there was nothing more that could be done. They told us that my counts would never recover, and an infection would soon take me. Then we found, polymva. ITS A MIRACLE! Check it might work. It saved my life!

I will pray for you and your family.

Julie <>
AZ USA - Saturday, October 2, 2004 0:33 AM CDT
Hi Leslie,

My thoughts are with you guys. I'm seeing what I can find out here...I've e-mailed you. If you can think of something else, please ask.

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 1, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie,
I got your site off of another page and wanted to let you know we're praying for you Chris! We understand about's so hard, but you stay strong Chris and just know that people from all over are praying for you!
Kathy-mom to David

Kathy Cummings/David Fitting
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 8:47 PM CDT
Dear Chris,
Lauren's Mom posted on Lauren's page that you were in need of prayers,my family will pray extra hard for you & your family,Chris please keep your faith in God,miracles do happen I have seen them happen in kids that the Drs. gave up on,so please keep smiling,laughing,praying & most of all never ever give up hope.I pray Angels stay with you and comfort you in the times you need it.
God Bless

June & Jasmine <>, - Friday, October 1, 2004 7:46 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie,
I know you don't know me, but I got this page off another one of my friends pages. I just wanted to let you guys know that I am praying for things to get better. I know how hard cancer can be. I hope the trial things work.

Teagan Urzendowski <>
Itasca, Illinios USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 7:01 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, I hope you got something from the doctor to help you, you really need some kind of help, no one can imagine what you are going through, but you know that we all love and pray for you all the time. You and Chris have all this in your minds again, it's such a struggle, but please try to stay possitive, we are all rooting for you. You are both so brave. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, October 1, 2004 6:30 PM CDT
Thinking of you guys.

Alisa <>
- Friday, October 1, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris...I've been thinking about and praying for you all day.
mrs pam
- Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:26 PM CDT
Just thinking of you guys today.

((((HUGS)))) from Utah,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:16 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, I've asked lots of people to pray for you. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:44 PM CDT
Dear Leslie and Chris,
I'm so sorry about Chris's relaspe
Sending you my most positive thoughts and prayers.

Rochelle from NHL board <>
ny usa - Thursday, September 30, 2004 3:28 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris,
I am so praying for the both of you.
Hang in there.
Linda Groscurth from the NHL Board

Linda Groscurth <>
Evergreen, CO USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:56 AM CDT
Hi Chris,

I got to your site from Devin's site and I just wanted to say hi and let you know I'll be thinking of you and praying that things go well.

Annie <>
Rochester, MA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:34 AM CDT
Dear Chris
Fight Fight Fight. It is always brave to choose the harder protocal but you did it. Your wonderful will to live must see you through. Thinking of you in London.

Fiona Hathorn <>
Putney, London, United Kingdom - Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:39 AM CDT
chris can beat the beast, dun give up ya ... thinking of you everyday here in singapore too ...

BIG hugsz
shanice (

shanicetan <>
Singapore, - Thursday, September 30, 2004 0:41 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, You are a superb mother, and that son of yours is a boy in a million, we are all praying so hard for you both. Love and prayers from Scotland Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:18 PM CDT
I am praying that God will help you through this new ordeal and that you will conquer this disease. God bless you Chris! I am in your corner!

Love, CathyO
Lymphoma Research Foundation Message Board

Cathy Osborn <>
Saint Albans, WV USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:20 PM CDT
I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry.

I've e-mailed you Leslie.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Hello, I am so sorry to hear that Chris has to do this again. We will add you to our prayer list. We check on you often although I don't always sign in. Hunter has the same type of cancer as Chris and this truly breaks my heart. I will add him to every prayer list I can. You are all so very brave!
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:25 PM CDT
Chris and Leslie and Ian... Gosh, I am so very, very sorry!
I will certainly pray that you find the best treatment possible.
much love and many prayers

Mrs. Pam
- Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:50 PM CDT
Rosi led me to your website. I am sending prayers from California and rooting for you! My daughter is close to your age and has 25 more weeks left of treatment. You can beat this Chris!
XXOO, Marey

Marey, Ali's mom <>
- Wednesday, September 29, 2004 6:28 PM CDT
My heart is breaking to hear this news about Chris, he will be in my thoughts and prayers as are you and your family. I pray that your doctor finds answers from his coleagues.
Never give in, always believe.

LittleMoe (Maureen)
Taylor, MI USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 6:14 PM CDT
Leslie, Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you and Chris.

- Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
Leslie and Christopher: I check on you regarlarly and my thoughts and prayers are with you daily. My daughter is surviving Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. There is a doctor, whose name is SHARON MURPHY. She is world renowned in this field, specifically with childhood lymphoblastic lymphoma. I believe she is working at the Children's Research Hospital in Texas, I think Dallas. Not sure of its name, just hers. From what I know, she is THEE expert. I hope that you will be able to get the best advice and best possible treatment.
Joann Bendik <>
downers grove , IL USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:39 PM CDT
Chris and Mom,
I am sorry you have have to go through this again. Just know, my prayers and thoughts are with you! Chris, I am sure you can beat this!

Lauren dx with ALL june 2001, relapse nov 2003, BMT- nov 2003, relapse June 2004, BMT- Aug. 2004 ...

LaurensMom <>
- Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:19 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,

Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you. Chris you are a fighter!!!

Nancy Ford <>
Pickering, On Canada - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:59 PM CDT
Les and Chris and family, I am so sorry you have to go through this again. We, Terran and I, will do everything that we can to help you guys out. I will start fundraising next week. Let's get Chris to the States and get him better once and for all. All our love, hugs and kisses,
Julie Cox <>
Richmond Hill, ON Canada - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
My prayers are with Christopher and your whole family. I've been reading for a year now, my sister in law has lymphoma. Christopher, stay strong and beat the BEAST!
Gina Clark <>
Arcata , Ca - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Sending prayers and good vibes to give you all the strength you need for battle....

I'm so sorry Christopher has to go through this again.

lisa <>
jersey shore, NJ - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
Leslie, I don't post much but Chris and you are often in my thoughts I check Chris's journal everyday and this morning when I read it I was very saddened but you guys are fighters and you will get thru this. I may be going to Buffalo for Rituxan treatment soon because Canada doesn't want to pay for it. Please push your Onc for state options they seem to move much faster than Canada. Sending positive thoughts and prayers up your way.

Linda V <>
Keswick, On Canada - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Leslie - My prayers are with you and Christopher, as well as the rest of your family. I wish I could ease your burden and heartache, but I know that no one can. I'll be praying for a miracle.
LisaJane <>
Stockton, CA USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
My heart goes out to you right now. My brother-in-law had Non-hodkins lymphoma and he relapsed and they used an experimental drug called Campath on him. It worked well on his cancer. I just thought you might like to into every possibility. I've added your link to my son's page so that others will pray for you.

Love and Prayers,
Amy & Micah

Micah's Caring Bridge Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:55 AM CDT
Dear Leslie, Chris and the family,
What does one say when this evil beastie keeps attacking? Chris, I am so sorry you have more of a fight on your hands. I know the road has been tough and admire the fortitude of your family. Please keep up the good fight and know we are all here with you with positive thoughts, prayers, hugs and loves.

Sands Bellizzi <>
Grass Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:45 AM CDT
Chris you are a very courageous young man. Keep fight and add me to your list of people praying for you.

Bea Stohl <>
Arnold, MO Jefferson - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
Dear Leslie, My cousin is here from Canada, her friends son also has Non-hodgkins and has gone through chemo and relapsed, he chose to take a new clinical trial at McMaster university in Hamilton, for this new drux called Rituxin. This has been used with great success in America and in Montreal, there is also a clinical trial for this drug at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto. this drug targets cancer cells only, and doesn't have the same side effects as chemo. My cousin suggests that you find out about these clinical trials. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Love to Chris.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:05 AM CDT
Leslie, Chris & Family
Sending the best - most positive thoughts and prayers your way.
God bless, and keep, you all.

Denise <>
- Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:48 AM CDT
Leslie, Haven't written much lately but Chris is often in my thoughts. Sending positive thoughts and prayers up your way.

- Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:55 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. I check up here nightly on new messages and Chris is in my thoughts every day.
Ottawa, Canada - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:57 PM CDT
Leslie, Chris & Family

You are all my heroes! You must be tired, but know that there are MANY of us sending you prayers and positive thoughts, hoping to lighten your load a bit. Keep the faith!

- Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:38 PM CDT
Oh Leslie and chris, What can I say, I can't believe what I've just read. My cousin's friends son has just started a clinical trial, he's in Canada, he's getting Rituxin, have you heard about that? I don't know if it would suit Chris. My thoughts, prayers and love are with you , Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,

My prayers, positive thoughts, love and all good are being sent your way. I wish I could make all this awfulness you are going through go away.

Is there any information I could get for you from H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center?


Barb <>
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:55 PM CDT
This is my first time to your page. I am sad you are having such a rough time.

I will add you to my prayers.

God bless

Eli's Page

Ann <>
Brighton, Co USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:25 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, still no news? Hope everything is well. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi
rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, September 27, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for clear scans!
mrs pam
- Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:25 PM CDT
I'm betting you're right about the scan. No news is usually VERY good news with these scans.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:26 AM CDT

Hope you had a great birthday. Hope Christopher is feeling better.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:15 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, Happy (belated) Birthday!
I hope the abd scan gives you good news.
Thinking about you two all the time,
Hugs from Adele too.

Brenda B <>
- Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:27 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Leslie! sorry I am late. I hadn't made my rounds to check on all of my sites in the last few days. I hope you got to do something special on your birthday. Take care and we are praying for those scans to come back clear.
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Friday, September 24, 2004 8:44 PM CDT
Hi Chris, praying that the abdominal scan is clear. Love and prayers from Scotland Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Friday, September 24, 2004 3:06 PM CDT
Happy belated B-Day girlfriend!
Hope your day was good and wish all your dreams come true :-)...
Give Mr handsome a hug, think about you guys daily and promise to uptade J-Man's site soon,HSC app. on October 5.

Chris AKA Rat Pack Mom <>
Orangeville, On Canada - Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:54 AM CDT
Happy Birthday, Leslie.
I'm praying your wish comes true. Christopher remains in my prayers always...keep fighting, guys!!!!

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Love always,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, September 23, 2004 7:54 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LESLIE, I hope you can have a celebratory drink. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, September 23, 2004 5:58 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Leslie,
Happy Birthday to you.....

Hope everyone feels well enough that you can do some real celebrating!!!!!!!!!!


Alisa <>
- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:33 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Oh how I wish I could grant you that birthday wish. You have had so many worries over the last few years, it's amazing how you do cope with it all. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Leslie, Praying that all your birthday wishes come true and that you'll have good reasons for celebrating.
Much love

mrs pam
- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:04 AM CDT

Happy, happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day and all those wishes come true! Boy, do I hope they all come true for you and your family.


Tampa, Fl - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:33 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Leslie! Hope all your wishes come true. Have a great day.

Chris, I hope you start feeling better soon. I'm thinking about you.

You are all in my thoughts.

Take Care,

Angelica <>
Madison, Al - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:07 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Leslie. Wishing you what you wish for that's for sure . . .
Ottawa, Canada - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:14 PM CDT
Just praying for your birthday wish.


Alisa <>
- Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:06 PM CDT
Hello Mr. Christopher,

Hope today finds you feeling better. It turned cold and rainy here in Utah so we've been spending a lot of time inside. We're thinking about going downtown this afternoon to see the traveling Titantic exhibit. Devin loves anything about the Titantic.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:45 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris. Praying and hoping everything is ok. Love from Scotland. Rosi.

rosi <>
glasgow, Scotland - Monday, September 20, 2004 4:42 PM CDT

You are one of the bravest people I know. Do you like airplanes?? We saw a woman pilot yesterday doing all sorts of loops and tricks in her plane. She seemed pretty brave, but I think you guys dealing with cancer day in and day out are the true symbols of bravery.

Hope your good days outnumber your bad. I've missed checking on you this weekend.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:30 PM CDT

You are one of the bravest people I know. Do you like airplanes?? We saw a woman pilot yesterday doing all sorts of loops and tricks in her plane. She seemed pretty brave, but I think you guys dealing with cancer day in and day out are the true symbols of bravery.

Hope your good days outnumber your bad. I've missed checking on you this weekend.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
Dear Leslie,
I am so sorry to read about Shane.
Praying for Chris that you get the news/results for which you are praying.

mrs pam
- Saturday, September 18, 2004 11:13 AM CDT
So sorry that pain is back. Love and prayers for all of you...
mrs pam
- Friday, September 17, 2004 12:01 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and chris, Hoping everything is ok. I'm going away for the weekend so will check in again on sunday night. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:41 PM CDT
glad to hear the neck pain is better. No news is good news. I have found another boy with lymphoma, Derek and he is 13. Actually, he found me or rather his mom's friend did. He lives in GA and they are right in the middle of the induction phase. Can we get one big YUCK!! He has a carepage so if you go to and you will have to register and then his page is djett. His family needs some prayers and lots of them becuase he had surgery today because they found a spot on his lung. Pray it goes well. We will say some extra prayers for Christopher and his neck pain that it stays gone!
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
Glad the neck pain is, lets just pray it stays away and leaves you alone!!!!!

I know you've had more than your share of this crap Christopher. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:38 PM CDT
Hooray for no neck pain!
mrs pam
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:47 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, glad there is nothing much to report. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:53 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Christopher,

You guys have been on my mind, but haven't had a minute to check on you guys. Hope the pain can get under control. Its such an ugly thing to be in pain and get no relief. Just makes one feel bad all over....and makes the mom feel the pain as well.

You guys are tough people. I admire your strenghth. Seems like I've said that before...but its true. Leslie, thanks for the email. I can use all of the support I can get.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 0:50 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, Glad you're getting a little relief knowing that Chris is feeling a bit better. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:40 PM CDT
Hi Leslie,
I've followed yours and Chris's story for a long time. Also, I've prayed for you both. I hope you have been able to feel all this positive energy coming your way! As the mother of teenaged boys, you should take yourself to see Napolean Dynamite when that movie comes to town--or rent it when it's out. It's so great--and funny--and sweet!
Love, Laurie

Laurie White
Greensboro, NC USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 8:19 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, As you say Chris is a young man and sometimes he has to make decisions, even though they might not be the ones you would make. Praying that everything will be well for tomorrow. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, September 13, 2004 6:13 PM CDT
Hey Chris and Mom
Well first thanks for signing my guestbook! Just stay positive Chris, just like you are doing right now. I pray things will go well!

I was dionosed June 26the 2001 with ALL, relapsed Nov. 2003, BMT nov. 2003, relapsed June 2004, BMT aug. 2004.

Stay strong! Im praying for you!

Lauren <>, - Monday, September 13, 2004 3:16 PM CDT
Praying, praying, praying that the pain has subsided ! You are never alone in your worries and concerns -- please know that. I hope you can feel the love and support coming to you from near and far.
Laura Hudlow <>
Lilburn, GA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:26 PM CDT
Thinking of you and Chris. Hang on. What else can you do, right?
ottawa, canada - Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:31 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, I'm sure you are so worried about Chris' pains, just take him to hospital tomorrow, why wait and worry another day. I am praying for you as always. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:57 PM CDT
Hear your frustration & know that internal panic that a mother works so hard to stuff back down. It is truely paralyzing. Yes, take him tomorrow. You need to know what is going on for your own piece of mind. Hope they get a good movie & that Christopher is able to keep something decent down. Bummer about the rash. You need a long good streak to rejuvenate. Hope your youngest lad has settled down a bit. My youngest, 17 year old daughter, is causing some trouble of late. Feels "unloved" with all the attention paid to her sister when she was ill. Youngest kinda fell thru the cracksduring that time I guess. Trying to pull her out. Don't know how you have the engery or mental strength to deal with all you have going all time time. Check on Christopher often and pray for you all daily. God Bless
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:08 PM CDT
continued prayers...
mrs pam
- Saturday, September 11, 2004 7:57 PM CDT
WTC Candle


Hi sweetheart!

How has your neck been feeling? Did you wind up visiting the hospital to see what's up with it? I hope the pain you've been feeling has subsided at least a little bit. I hate to hear you're in any pain whatsoever.

Hoping and praying all is well with you and that beautiful family of yours!

Wishing all of you an excellent, problem free weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!


Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Friday, September 10, 2004 2:49 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris
I got a massage yesterday and the neck is always a tricky place to get relief... I'm hoping that both of you feel better today!
much love

mrs. pam
- Friday, September 10, 2004 12:33 AM CDT
Hi Leslie,

Think about Chris and you all the time and pop in most days to see how he is doing.

Salli - nhl message board
Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:30 PM CDT
Wow Leslie,

You are easy to please!!! Glad to hear that picc line is gone. Lucky for us we havent' dealt with one of those yet!!! Hope never.....

Off to another 'exciting' day at the Ross house,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Hi! I came across your page searching caringbridge for another child with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. My best friend's son (also my son's best friend)was dx with the same cancer in Feb. She has been looking for someone else walking in her shoes. I would love for you to email me and possibly contact her. Her son's name is Derek and he is 13.
Jenny Raspberry <>
Newnan, Ga USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:12 AM CDT
Wish I lived closer 'cuz leg of lamb is my most favorite!
So, good news, Mr. Chris!! That's nice to read.
love and prayers

mrs pam
- Wednesday, September 8, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
Hey, just checking in to see how things are going. Glad to hear the pic line got removed. Good Job!! I will stop by more often and visit becuase I don't have a life either :)
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:17 PM CDT
Its good that anything excites you after what you two have been through, and yes i know the bannana thingy your talking about LOL....... girls got to do, what a girls got to do :) i read your posts every day, sometimes i go back several times when no responses were there for me to read. Keep on truckin away, cant beleive its sept can you? take care, Murray and i always thinking of you... Sandy
toronto, Canada - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:50 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Hope things are going well. Any good food stories????

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
Glad to hear Chris was well enough to go out with his friends. Always good for the soul. Hard to gain weight when the food isn't staying down. Praying for a settled stomach for you,Christopher! Leslie, glad to see the link has miraculously reappeared. Missed it when I would check on Christopher & then Lakota.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, September 5, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Leslie... glad Chris gets to do something fun with his friends.

Today I saw the PERFECT throw rug for you either at Wal-Mart or Value City (can't remember which) it actually had bananas on it and even said BANANAS. Can't image that they have a lot of people with a banana decor! Anyway, it made me smile and think of you!!

mrs pam
- Saturday, September 4, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Hello everyone...
Just checking in on some of our friends while I have some free time.
Im happy he is feeling better! Yeah!
Prayers and continued support.
Hugs and butterfly kisses
Angela and Jacob aka little bear!

Angela Trick <>
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada - Friday, September 3, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, I'm going on holiday for a week starting tomorrow, but you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love Rosi.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, September 3, 2004 3:43 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the update. Hope the pills continue to work and keep him feeling good. Nausea is no fun!!!

Alisa <>
- Friday, September 3, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
Hi Chris, Glad the anti-puke pills are working, and that you are feeling better again. I can't really blame Ian for taking off to the living room with his dinner. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, September 2, 2004 4:27 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Are you well? I sure hope so. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 4:01 PM CDT
Just thinking of you....

Hope all is well,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:27 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie... hope you got to take that outing!
mrs pam
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:18 AM CDT
Hi Christopher,

How's life treating you?? Hopefully you had a great weekend and are on to have a fabulous week!!


Got a card game in the mail today and just had to think of YOU.....a banana game!!!! What do you think of that???

Alisa <>
- Monday, August 30, 2004 7:04 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Hope you have a great, uneventful weekend....that means NO trips to the hospital!!

Alisa <>
- Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:57 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope you have a good weekend. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, August 27, 2004 5:25 PM CDT

Hi hon!

Glad to hear your appointment went well. Hoping those white counts of yours start going up again so you'll be able to start your chemo next week. As always, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Glad to hear the great egg mystery has been solved. I'm still glad it was caught before any of you actually ate it, even if it turned out not to be serious.

Wishing all of you a fantastic weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Love You A Ton

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Friday, August 27, 2004 6:28 AM CDT
Hi Chris! Glad your feet are feeling better.
Leslie, also glad the eggs were okay, but also thought it would be neat if you could have been a National Hero for solving the Case of the Tampered Egg.
praying for you and your family...

mrs pam
- Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:22 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, glad everything is ok. love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:47 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Glad things are good with chris, hope the blood work goes well too. I'm sorry your other boy is giving you this bother, with all the worry you have Chris, do you think he feels that Chris is getting all the attention? You deserved your break at your sister's. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, August 23, 2004 6:23 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris...Hope things are aok up in Canada for you.
love and prayers from Missouri

mrs. pam
st louis, - Monday, August 23, 2004 3:23 PM CDT
Glad to hear you got away for awhile to deal with those darn kids on top of all of your 'normal, cancer stuff'.

Positive thoughts being sent your way!!

Alisa <>
- Monday, August 23, 2004 3:23 PM CDT
Good morning Chris and Leslie, Hope you had a good weekend. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:46 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and chris, Hope it was a quick trip today. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, August 20, 2004 4:33 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope you had another good day. Love and prayers from Scotland. rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, August 19, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
You know it's funny but I bought a carton of organic eggs (for the first time) from a local Loeb. The company name is on all the boxes at the store so they get all the eggs from the same or similar "basket". It made me wonder what they mean by organic! Particularly since these eggs I bought had a very dark york. Being a chicken owner when I was a kid I know that the eggs will get a real dark color and a marvelous taste when the chickens have been free roaming in the summer. By free roam I mean that they are outside eating grass and bugs! On the egg cartons that say free roam from the chain stores this usually means that they are in a big barn and just loose eating basically the same grain but not locked into those horrible little cages that shouldn't be allowed! In this case with the dark yoked eggs marked organic I suspect that the chickens are being fed some sort of colorant to achieve that been out in the grass color. They are undoubtly being fed grain that is organic in the barns and not being let out at all. I would love to be able to buy some "real" eggs.

By the way these organic eggs also did not taste like the free run eggs I know. That's what first made me suspicious.

Glad you guys are home!

Salli from the NHL board <>
Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:47 AM CDT
This is all very eggsciting! Its nice to have eggstra things to think about! I wonder what eggsactly happened!
Hope you CRACK this case soon! ( I just had to see if the Library's computer would censor the word "Crack" like the computer at church did yesterday.)
Well, I'll be scrambling off now.....

Mrs. Pam
st louis, - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:03 PM CDT
The saga of the tampered egg. What an observent parent you are. It does make for good drama :-). Glad Christopher continues to do well. Hope he is feeling stronger every day. What a strong couragous young man he is. Sounds like he may get some of that from his mother. God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, Mn - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Hi Chris, it's so good to hear that you're doing well. Leslie, don't forget to update on the rotten egg!!!
Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:52 AM CDT
Well, well, well....

Leslie. You should write your own "Bizarre Tales of Food" book. Between this egg story and the not-to-be-soon forgotten banana tale, you've got a good start.


P.s. I wonder if the 'men in black' are half as scary as seeing those nurses suited up in their blue chemo garb for the first time???

Have a great day. <>
- Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:19 AM CDT
I'm Back

Burst LaughingChristopherBurst Laughing

You're always in my thoughts and prayers, hon, but I'll be sending some extra special happy thoughts your way as you head into the hospital for your treatments. I hope they go well for you, buddy!

I had to check back in the journal history to understand your egg mystery, but I'm up-to-date now. I hope it's figured out soon! I will anxiously be awaiting some news.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:52 AM CDT
Chris, Glad you are doing so well and so glad that you didn't eat the egg!! I check on your progress often and want you to know that you are in my daily prayers. I know that you will beat all of this and come out with the Gold medal which for all of us fighting this awful disease is a miracle cure and to have our lives back again. Please pray for my husband. We are back in the hosp with some complications, but the Lord has us in his loving care and this too shall pass. Hugs and Prayers, Cin
Caringbridge la and johnny

Cin Bulger <>
St. Rose, La. - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:23 AM CDT
Well guys, you certainly do have some interesting food tales. But, I'm glad you didn't eat the eggs and have anything awful happen. Thank goodness you were boiling the egg and didn't break it(the normal word used for opening an egg was censored by this computer). Hope everything else is going all right for you.
Mrs. Pam
st louis, mo usa - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Glad things went well at the hospital. I'm waiting to hear the next instalment of the eggy story, sounds very strange, if anything has been injected into it, can you imagine if you'd have given it to Chris? it doesn't bear thinking about. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:57 PM CDT

Glad to hear you got to do some of the things you enjoy. Hope this week you feel better and better.

Alisa <>
- Monday, August 16, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, We've had pretty crappy weather too, although the past four days have been quite nice, no rain.
Hi Chris, hope you get to hang out with your pals a lot more often in the near future. Are you still achy? Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, August 16, 2004 4:30 PM CDT
Christopher, glad you got to hang out with your buddies. Nothing better than hanging out with the guys to help the spirit & the soul. Hope you are feeling a little better today. No more aches for you. Keep fighting forwarde, Chris. You have come such a very very long way. You continue to inspire me.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, August 16, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
I'm so glad you got to hang out with your friends and have fun :) I hope you get to do more of that! Good luck with chemo and everything...I'm praying for you, buddy! Keep fighting!

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Love & prayers,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, August 16, 2004 3:06 AM CDT
Chris...glad you got to be with your friends!
mrs pam
st louis, - Sunday, August 15, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Just thinking of you...

Hope you're doing something fun!!

Alisa <>
- Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:22 PM CDT
Dear Chris,
I'm so glad to read that the MRI was completely clear. I will continue to pray for your complete healing.

Stephanie & RachelJoy <>
- Saturday, August 14, 2004 11:25 PM CDT
Hello, i was watching a couple of new records being set at the Olympics today, so thought i would look up some slightly stranger ones instead of some jokes.

Here's a couple;

Most spoons balanced on the face
Tim Johnston (USA) (b. 1 January 1992), was able to balance on his face (one on each ear, two on each cheek, three on his chin, two on his lips, one on his nose and three on his forehead) and balance them for 30 seconds at on May 28, 2004.

British pub landlord Garry Turner clipped 153 ordinary wooden clothes pegs on his face at the WH Smith bookshop in York, Yorkshire, UK, on September 28, 2002

Love Viks From Post Pals and Bears Who Care

viks <>
- Saturday, August 14, 2004 7:23 PM CDT
Just dropping a note to remind you that I am checking in (I do often) & that you continue to be in my thoughts & prayers. Hope things are continuing to improve on a daily basis. God Bless!
Patty <Pattyvh151@aol.coom>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, August 14, 2004 9:37 AM CDT name is Mrs. Brown. I have five kids ages 5-13. I myself have cancer. I like to check in on some of the caringbridge kids.....I will be thinking ofyou as I go to sleep tonight. You can see my website at:
Taj Brown <>
cedar Park, tx usa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:08 PM CDT
Just thinking of you today. Hope things are going well.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:17 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, sending love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:05 PM CDT
Hope things are continuing to go well.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:36 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Just popping in to say I'm thinking of you. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:08 PM CDT

Glad to hear your update sounds so positive. Chris has had more than his fair share of cancer crap. I'm interested in learning more about the drug he will be taking. Seems like each and every day finds me learning something about vincristine that I just wish I never knew.

Devin is off to a rough start this week. Your strenghth through this ordeal gives me strenghth to keep chugging along.

Thanks for being such a great friend and such an inspiration to all of us fighting this beast called cancer.

Best wishes for an uneventful week.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, It must be such a struggle for you both to be starting with all this chemo again, I pray that you will both be strong for each other. Leslie it's a year already since Kayla took ill, I don't know if you remember but I wrote in the squirrel tales book and you answered, you were the first caringbridge family I met, and I was so thankful to find this site, now I have many caringbridge friends, but you were the first, thank you. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, August 9, 2004 6:38 PM CDT
Chris...thinking of you!
Mrs. Pam
- Monday, August 9, 2004 6:27 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie: I saw a program on a new therapy that is offered by podiatrists for diabetics and it is apparently for neuropathic pain that is experienced in the feet. The feet are wrapped and receive a short treatment of ultrasound or some kind of electrical impulse stimulation. It might be worth checking local podiatrist at hospital for info on receiving this in your area. Keep well...sending as much positive energy as I can ;)...still chuckling over the banana...who would have thought..hehehe.
Tracey Cruise <>
Welland, ON Canada - Sunday, August 8, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Hope you had a good weekend, love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, August 8, 2004 4:46 PM CDT
Hi, I am continuing to pray for Christopher and I know that he will win this battle. Please pray for my husband who had his bmt June 16th. We are back in the hosp with some complications and can use all the prayers we can get. Our caring bridge is terr la and name johnny. I hope all keeps going well for you. God is with us all. Hugs, Cin
Cin Bulger <>
St.Rose, La - Sunday, August 8, 2004 3:40 AM CDT

Hope you're avoiding the hospital this weekend. Hopefully doing something fun.....We finally got rid of our rain and now there's nothing on at the drive-in the kids can watch.....they are 8 and 6, so we are a 'little limited' in what they can watch. I have been all ready for the drive in ever since you posted about it.

Also, we are still laughing about your banana story at our house........

Hugs from Utah,

Alisa <>
- Saturday, August 7, 2004 7:06 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Hope all is well. Love and prayers from Scotland. Rosi

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Saturday, August 7, 2004 4:50 PM CDT
Hoping you are having another unevent week. We like boaring weeks. How are your feet feeling? Hope mom has continued with the foot rubs to help them feel better. Get stronger everyday, Christopher. That's what we all want to hear. God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:11 PM CDT
Hi my name is Lisa, I have a son with stage 3 Rhabdomyosarcoma. He just ended treatment and his name is also Christopher but he is 4 years old. It's great news about your MRI excellent. Stay strong we will be praying for you and your family. You can visit at Thank You take care.

Lisa and Christopher <>
Fall River, Ma U.S. - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:35 PM CDT



What great news, hon! I can't even begin to tell you just how very happy we are for you! I was hoping and praying for good results and that's just what we got! Way to go!

Wishing you and your family an excellent weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Friday, August 6, 2004 0:55 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Sending love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
Great news on that MRI!!!!!!

Now, lets just get those counts UP and keep them up....that should be tricky!! Dev's on 50% meds right now and weekly sounds like we're doing the same "counts go up so we can get lots of chemo dance"...

Wishing you WELL my friend,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, August 5, 2004 2:16 PM CDT
Praise the Lord!!! Good news for Christopher. So happy that all the reports were good. Hope Christpher's feet are feeling better today. God Bless. <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:37 PM CDT
Sooo happy you had GREAT news!
Mrs. Pam
- Wednesday, August 4, 2004 7:57 PM CDT
FANTASTIC NEWS. Just what we all wanted to read. Maybe you can both relax a wee bit now. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 5:41 PM CDT

Thinking nothing but POSITIVE thoughts for you my friend.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, August 4, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, I was thinking about you all going to a drive-in, we haven't got any here, I remember once when we were in America, there was one quite near the place where we were staying, so we decided to go that night before moving on the next day, we were so excited, but when we got there, it wasn't on that night, we were so disappointed. Maybe if I ever get back across to your side of the world we might get a chance to go. Hope your feet aren't hurting too much Chris. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 5:57 PM CDT
We don't have any Drive-Ins left in St. Louis. Last time I went, I saw Turner and Hootch (sp?), that was pretty long ago. The only reason I remember the movie is because I took my dog and then Hootch got shot and that made me (not to mention my dog) ETAH (spelled backwards becuz computer censored that word) the movie.
Chris, I hope your feet feel better soon!

Mrs. Pam
- Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:58 PM CDT

Glad you got to go to the drive in. WE have one pretty close, but we keep getting rain every night so haven't been able to go...but we will!!

About the feet....we got Devin one of those heated foot massager things with the water...foot bath....seems to work. If you get the one that heats it will keep the water warm. It really seemed to work. The other thing was wrapping his feet in an electric blanket...but that seemed pretty short term.

Best of luck..

Thinking of you my friends!!

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:09 AM CDT
Hey Leslie,

Well you can never be too safe when it comes to bananas, can you! I'm thinking this joke I'll share with my wife but NOT with!

Take care,

Terry Josephson, Julianna Banana's dad <>
Winnipeg, Canada - Monday, August 2, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
It's great that you got to go out and see the films, even if you didn't like them Leslie, that's what mums do eh! and you are a mum to be proud of. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, August 2, 2004 6:24 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope you are both doing ok. Are you eating yet Chris? Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, August 2, 2004 2:59 AM CDT
Have been so worried about you guys. Hope you are having an uneventfull week & that you can pack in the food Christopher. So glad the scans turned out good. Leslie, my daughter were at odds for a time two when she started feeling better. Although incrediably difficult at the time, I have come to realize that it was her frustration at being so ill & the fact that as a teenager she had to spend so much time with her mom (cause she needed mom). Hard to allienate mom when you are so sick & need her. It was so difficult for me at the time cause it was pushing me away like I don't need you anymore. I will pray for both of you
that this phase passes quickly. Tomorrow is always new day. Hope it find Christopher getting stronger & stronger. God Bless.

Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, July 31, 2004 7:47 AM CDT

Wonderful news on your CT scan, sweetie! I know the messages I've been leaving in your guestbook have been few and far between, but that doesn't mean that you and your family aren't in my thoughts and prayers every minute of every day. I hope you continue to do well, hon! And don't forget to EAT, EAT, EAT!!!

Wishing you and your family an excellent weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Friday, July 30, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris, I'm going away for a few days, but I will keep you in my prayers. Love and payers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:33 PM CDT

I'm with Mrs. Pam.....probably should have ordered some cereal with that thing. You are too funny. That sense of humor has helped a many of us. Keep up the good're doing great.


- Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:03 PM CDT
I recently read that to do God's work, you need to work where there is suffering. You are truly doing God's work. God Bless you, I wish you the best. Your banana story really made me laugh - I needed it. Thank you!
D. Rothenberger <>
FL - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:16 PM CDT
Leslie...your banana story tickled me. Maybe you should have ordered a bowl of corn flakes and some toast to go along with your banana so you didn't have to go out at 10.
But, I bet I would have gone out, too.
love and prayers

Mrs. Pam
- Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:08 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Glad there was some good news for a change. Praying that the MRI scan is clear too. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Just sending some prayers your way! Make sure to sign back to us!!!

Best wishes! The Haynes

Angela Haynes <>
Memphis, tn - Monday, July 26, 2004 7:55 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Still checking. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, July 26, 2004 5:08 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Hope you are both ok. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, July 25, 2004 4:40 PM CDT
Chris...hope the yukkiness is gone by now.
Mrs. pam
- Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:37 AM CDT

Sorry to hear the nausea has gotten out of control again. Devin had a marijuana drug (Marinol) back in February. It REALLY increased not only his appetite, but his mood as well. Hope it works well for Christopher as well.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, July 24, 2004 9:14 AM CDT
Sorry the nausea is rearing its ugly head! Yuck! Hang in there. Hope the meds gave you a restful night. Prayers from Minnesota.
Patty <>
Little Canada, MN - Saturday, July 24, 2004 7:53 AM CDT
Sorry to hear you're not feeling great at the moment. I hope the nausea eases up on you soon and that you can start to feel like eating again. I just popped by to let you know I was still around and to tell you about the kickin' cancer's butt shop that I started up to raise money for a kids charity. Have a look - I hope you'll find something you like and I'll be happy to personalise it for you (link below).
HelenH <>
uk, ARE YOU BUSY KICKIN' CANCER'S BUTT? - TELL THE WORLD! - Saturday, July 24, 2004 6:15 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Just popping in to wish you a good weekend. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, July 23, 2004 3:14 PM CDT
Yeah! Hamberger Helper. My son, Christopher's favorite meal. Glad to hear that you felt like eating a little once again. You have been thru so much, Christopher. I so admire your courage to keep fighting thru this beast. You WILL win this battle. It can be NO other way. I pray the good days will out-number the bad days. God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:02 PM CDT
Hi Chris! Thinking of you and glad to hear that things seem to be going well for you.
Mrs. Pam
- Thursday, July 22, 2004 4:47 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Crew,

I keep checking your site every day for updates. I have you and your family in my daily prayers. My Mom has lymphoma and is fighting as hard as you are.

Just wanted you to know you've got someone else in your court cheering you on every day and sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

Keep fighting the good fight!!


Barb Bushnell <>
Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, July 22, 2004 4:04 PM CDT
Just thinking of you....hope today is a good one for you!!

Alisa <>
- Thursday, July 22, 2004 10:24 AM CDT

Burger 2ChristopherTaco

Keep up the great work, hon! Keep stuffing that face of yours with lots and lots of yummy goodness! I get hungry everytime I check-up on you and hear about something new you've eaten. Sooner or later I'm going to end up gaining about 100 pounds just by checking up on you!


I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to stop by Samantha's page and leaving such sweet words for all of us. I want you to know that I am more than happy to have Christopher added to Samantha's page. Believe me though when I say I wish he was there for different reasons. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but I know what I'm trying to say!

Wishing you and your family an excellent weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:34 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, You are such a loving mum, you have been through so much with Chris. I'm glad you were feeling up to eating yesterday Chris, hope everything goes well with the physio, you are such a brave young man. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, July 22, 2004 3:16 AM CDT
Hey Christopher,

We're praying the nausea stays away and leaves you alone. This cancer stuff is just so unfair.

We're thinking of you and wishing you well.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
Sorry to hear that things have gotten rocky for you again, Christopher. Hope the good days inbetween the icky ones will carry you thru. I hope you can enjoy some food before long. And don't you fight those IV fluids that your mom insists on :-). It's a mom thing. My daughter dehydrates extremely easy (no large intestine) & no matter how often I prod, beg, insist or remind her to drink water (MOOOOOM, I am 21 you know) we still end up with frequent trips down to the ER for fluids. Last time was two weeks ago. No fun. So praying the nausea passes & you begin to feel better again. Also wishing for a little sunshine for both you & Minnesota. We've had so much rain our outdoor plants have root rot. But makes for nice green grass. Have a better day, Christopher. We are rooting for you.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 8:26 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, you must be worried about the amount of food Chris is taking, I'm praying that the nausea stops. Chris try and be positive, I know that's easy for me to say, but an awful lot of people are praying for you. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:11 AM CDT
Hi Christopher,

Hoping that tomorrow is a better day for you. Feeling like you're going to be sick on a continual basis is just no fun at all.

Tell your mom we have been getting more than our fair share of rain and yucky weather here too. We're not used to all of the lightening and thundering thats been going on.....I'm ready for it to stop so we can get outside and enjoy some sunshine.

Have a good day.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, July 21, 2004 0:24 AM CDT
Hi Chris, Hope you are doing ok. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 3:54 PM CDT
Hey Chris...glad you got to see a movie. I haven't been to a movie all year until a couple of weeks ago, and then I went two days in a row. I saw Harry Potter and The Terminal. And the good news is that I didn't fall asleep in either I got my money's worth.
Mrs. Pam
st louis, - Monday, July 19, 2004 4:04 PM CDT
Glad to hear that Chris was able to hang out with buddies & see a movie-that's huge!!! We hope that the eating starts to pick up & that the sick feeling goes away.
Big Smiles to all
Patti & Haley

Patti <>
Panama, Ne - Monday, July 19, 2004 2:37 PM CDT
Hi Chris, Did you enjoy the movie, hope you picked a good one to see. Hope everything goes well at the hospital today. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, July 19, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Christopher, so glad you got out to a movie with your buddies. So very very important to keep that contact going with your buddies. You mom didn't mention what movie it was. Hope it was a good one. I'm sure you were just beat but my goodness, look how far you have come. Know it has been a fight & it has taken lots of strength, faith & determination. You are one incrediable young man. I feel as proud of you as if you were my own son. Lite another candle for you at church today. Think the heavens can see the light! You go, Christopher. You make my day when I hear things are going well for you.
Patty <>
Little Canada, MN - Sunday, July 18, 2004 11:04 PM CDT

PINE KNOT, KY USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Hi Chris, I bet your mum and Ian had a lump in their throats when you presented them with the gifts. You have been so thoughful. Love and prayers from Scotland
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Saturday, July 17, 2004 5:50 PM CDT
Glad you had a good outing. I always find great buys at WalMart, too. You are getting stronger every day. Good job, Chris!
Mrs. pam
- Saturday, July 17, 2004 2:37 PM CDT
Glad Robert came to save the day. What thoughtful gifts, Christopher, to give your mom & Ian. You are an incrediably couragious young man. You keep fighting thru this. Before you know it, the cane will be gone too. And give those friends a call. Friends love you thru good times & bad . . . . that's what friends are for. You have come such a long long way. What an inspiration you are. I keep praying that each new day will be better than the past. God Bless you Christopher, & keep you in the Palms of His Hands.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:26 AM CDT

Peace SignChristopherPeace Sign

Hoping all has been going as well as it possibly can be for you.

Wishing you and every one in your family a terrific weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Saturday, July 17, 2004 6:12 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hoping everything is well. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, July 16, 2004 5:31 PM CDT

Just thinking of you today and hoping you're feeling better and stronger each and every day!!!

Alisa <>
- Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:10 AM CDT
you are a special person i myself have lymphnoma if you could write or tell me other's to write i would apreciate it keep smileing and keep the good work up sandra
Sandra Broach <>
Desoto, Tex Dallas` - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 8:57 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris. Hoping things are well. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Just thinking of you and hoping your day is even better than yesterday...and you just keep feeling better each and every day.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Stopping by to let you know that your in our thoughts and prayers.
Sending lots of prayers your way. +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Love LaKota and her mom,Debbie
God be with you!!!!!!!!!!
~*~ LaKota~*~ <>
St.Cloud, MN - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, So happy to hear things are still going well. Please God may it continue to do so. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 5:31 PM CDT
Glad to hear things are FINALLY going your way...its just about time. Missed checking on you guys...glad to get a good report.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, July 13, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
Chris..Super news! Every little step is one step closer to victory!
Mrs. Pam
st louis, - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:49 AM CDT

Thumbs UpChristopherThumbs Up

Way to go, Buddy!

I am SO proud of you for doing all of that walking on your own. That was wonderful news to read this morning! You're doing a terrific job, sweetie! Keep up all of the excellent work!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 3:09 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Hope today is the start of a good week. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, July 12, 2004 3:36 AM CDT
Hi Chris, Hope you are still keeping better. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:09 AM CDT
Hi Chris, you do as much eating as you like, you're making your mammy a happy woman. It's so good that people around you are so supportive. Have a great week-end. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, July 9, 2004 5:47 PM CDT

So glad to hear things are settling down....and well, you know, sounding so normal. Way to go!! Keep up the good work.

Alisa <>
- Friday, July 9, 2004 0:25 AM CDT
Great. Keep those fajitas coming. Finally, a little normalcy in your lives. Hope it continues. You have all earned it!!!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, July 8, 2004 10:10 PM CDT
Glad to hear your guy is eating like a horse - that's always a good sign for a teen! Onward and upward to better things...
Jen & Mario Moreno <>
Murrieta, CA - Thursday, July 8, 2004 6:22 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Hope all is well. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, July 8, 2004 5:21 PM CDT

Hope all is well today and you were able to do something 'normal' and fun.

We are thinking of you.......POSITIVE thoughts only.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, July 7, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, so glad that you had a 'normal' day, let's hope it's the start of many. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 5:50 PM CDT
Wonderful news! Glad you feel like eating!
Mrs. Pam
- Wednesday, July 7, 2004 5:23 PM CDT
So so glad you are feeling better, Christopher. Glad that awful nausea is under control. Hope you can continue to eat & can build up your strength & engery. Hurray for having a somewhat "normal" evening at home.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 3:35 PM CDT

Glad to hear the nausea is now under control. This cancer stuff is just NO fun. Devin is feeling good and things are feeling more normal around here. He goes in for the vincristine tomorrow, so not looking forward to that, but its getting easier anyway.

What movie you gonna watch? Something good I hope.

Have a great rest of the day!!

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, July 6, 2004 7:03 PM CDT
Poor Leslie and Chris, Sorry your ovenight stay was so rotten, but hopefully the nausea issue is finally settled. You both must be sooo tired. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 6:26 PM CDT
Chris--Zero! Yes!
Mrs. Pam
- Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
Oh man! So sorry your overnight getaway wasn't the wonderful relaxing escape we had all hoped & prayed for. Hang in there you guys. I can't even imagine how exhasuted not to mention frustrated you are. Hopefully, now they have gotten the nausea under control. Enough already. I was hoping that no news was good news but not to be. Prayers continue daily that they will get things under control & Chris will start to feel better. ENOUGH nausea! Keep the peanutbutter toast coming!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
I hope the Decadron takes care of the nausea. I'm sorry your weekend wasn't the nice get-away you needed. I hope things start looking up and you guys get some much needed rest.

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:09 AM CDT
Hang in there Chris. We are all thinking about you.
Larry Hobbs <>
Aurora, - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 6:42 AM CDT
Sure hope the nausea is under control now. You are in my prayers, Chris and Leslie.
Richland, WA USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 6:21 AM CDT
Hi Chris, Just my usual look at your site before going to bed, it's 23:42 here. Good night, love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
glasgow, scotland - Monday, July 5, 2004 5:31 PM CDT
Hey Chris!
Just checking up on you. Hope you had a great Fourth of July!

Your Friend,

Angelica <>
Madison, AL - Sunday, July 4, 2004 9:38 PM CDT
Hi Chris, Did you have your overnight stay in the country? I hope you did and that you enjoyed it. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:10 PM CDT
Christopher & Family

Wishing all of you a VERY happy, healthy and safe

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Sunday, July 4, 2004 10:31 AM CDT
Good luck on your weekend away! I am praying for an uneventful one and that you both get the relaxation you both need.
Hope you had an ok Canada Day...
Angela and Baby Jacob

Angela Trick <>
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada - Saturday, July 3, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Oh Leslie, that sounds like a great idea. Hope and pray you both enjoy your day in the country. I hope to hear that it went well and did a lot to lift both your spirits.


- Saturday, July 3, 2004 1:40 PM CDT
Christopher, you are such am incrediable young man. You have my complete admiration & respect. Paying for a calm evening at the cabin. Some wonderful fresh air in God country might be just the medicine you need. God Bless & enjoy your outing. You too mom! You've earned your "escape" also.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, July 3, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
Hey Christopher, Thinking of you today, and am sending positive healing thoughts and prayers from HOT HOT Florida!

Helen (NHL)
- Friday, July 2, 2004 2:23 PM CDT
Tough times, but Praise the Lord, things have gotten straighten back out (yeah, I guess the pun was intended). Both of you have a lot of prayer going to the Lord on your behalf. Rather than have a melt down, have a look UP! Jesus died for us that we can have direct access to our Father for all of our needs. Through the death of my grandson a couple of years ago, the death of a fiancee and loss of 2 sons 17 years ago, as well as other calamities --no I haven't always understood why...but I have found the peace and comfort that is not understandable or accessable otherwise. Often it is hard to trust in the midst of trouble--that is why we need to pray for each other at such times. We'll keep praying for healing for Chris, strength for you, and wisdom for the medical personnel.
John L Owens <>
Niagara Falls, NY USA - Friday, July 2, 2004 7:19 AM CDT
Thank heaven you noticed when you did! You are a wonderful mother and I truly hope you get some rest tonite, both of you! We will be praying for your family, and hope you have smoother sailing in the coming days.
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Thursday, July 1, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
So sorry you had such a scary experience. So glad you were alert, mom. Had similar experience with my daughter with derperdal (sp?) for nausua. Only she was in the hospital when it happened. But nurse wouldn't listen to me when I saw it coming. She ordered a warm bath & a child life visit. Thought it was just stress because of huge surgery scheduled for next day. Eyes rolled back in her head & arms twitched like a seizure & then froze in that position. Daughter was it bath, nurse was at dinner. Scariest moment in my entire life. Thought I would never be able to communicate with my daugher again. You stay strong, mom. You are such a blessing to Christopher. You keep fighting for whatever he needs. Hopefully, better days are ahead. Enough of these curve balls. Praying for your family daily. Hopefully, everyone got a long uninterrupted evening's sleep.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, July 1, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
Hi Chris! I certainly don't blame you two for being scared!
I'm glad your Mom figured out what the problem was and that the folks at the hospital were able to counter it. Praying things will look much brighter for you real soon.

Mrs. Pam
- Thursday, July 1, 2004 12:03 AM CDT

My goodness! What a scary night all of you had!

I do hope you're doing better now, hon! And I was VERY relieved to hear you weren't suffering from a stroke! You keep getting yourself better, hon! Every single one of my thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family.

Wishing all of you a VERY happy (and uneventful) holiday weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!


Mrs. Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Thursday, July 1, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Hey Christopher,
I'm so sorry things are so hard right now..I'm praying for it all to get just a little easier and for your break to come your deserve it more than anything. You're forever in my prayers..

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Love & prayers,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, July 1, 2004 6:17 AM CDT
Whoa! That doesn't seem at all fair, does it? Everybody needs a break now and then even if life seems to be running smoothly. As the commercial for (? can't remember what) says: YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAY! Isn't there someone you can call. Of course, I know you are probably too mad to call since somebody should have been sending you help four years ago. Wish I lived closer, too.
Mrs. Pam
- Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
I wish things were going better for you. It's a very hard situation to deal with sometimes and I hope things start calming down a bit for you and I hope you can get a little break somehow. Don't forget to try to take care of yourself too. I know that's not so easy but I hope you'll try. Hang in there!!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:03 AM CDT
I am so sorry things have been so difficult for you all since the big day when Christopher came home from the hospital. Please, Leslie, don't be so hard on yourself. You have been sooooo strong. I have been incrediably amazed at your continued strength & perservance with Christopher's well being always coming first as well it should be. It's okay to have a melt down. In fact, I feel you need a little melt down to clear the air so that you can continue putting one foot in front of the other. And you, Leslie, have certainly earned this melt down. I wish I was a friend of yours & lived close by so I could give your an hour or two break here & there. Hopefully, you have been able to get a good night sleep & both you & Christopher are feeling better today. Christopher, we are rooting for you. You can do this. You have come this far. Our prayers continue on a daily basis that good days are just ahead.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:40 AM CDT
Oh Leslie,

I can feel your frustration. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you. This is just so stressful. Thinking of you guys.

Alisa <>
- Monday, June 28, 2004 10:06 PM CDT
Hi, my five year old son Hunter is finishing his treatment for NHL, stage four next week after two years of treatment. I am thrilled but also scared. It is okay to have a little melt down occasionally. I threw a complete temper tantrum one time because I couldn't get a nurse to listen to me, and I just cried and stomped my feet like a little kid but I sure did feel better ;) We will pray for you and for Christopher during these tough times.
Amy Cleghon <>
Suffolk, VA - Monday, June 28, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
Sending Lots of Loves your way today...Sorry that things have been so stressful on you both & we Pray that Chris starts feeling better & being able to eat a little bit more everyday.....Big Hugs
Patti & Haley

Patti <>
Panama, NE - Monday, June 28, 2004 4:04 PM CDT
Leslie..meltdowns are needed every now and then, and yours was certainly warrented. Praying for you today.
Mrs. Pam
st louis, mo usa - Monday, June 28, 2004 11:58 AM CDT
O.K., Leslie,
You're DUE a meltdown, as besides Chris, you're the hero Mom. PLEASE know you're both in my heart and prayers, and as I track down mysterious lung stuff myself, starting tomorrow, the two of you will be my strength, my inspiration. Thank you, and May God Bless and Reward You Both with ALL YOU DESERVE: Life and Health.
God Bless You All, Your Entire Family.
When my cousin (at 51, told to go enjoy "quality of life" by Johns Hopkins' top guy, so to speak) stubbornly, SUCCESSFULLY fought breast, colon and liver cancer (at Univ. of Virginia, young group of doctors willing to experiment with and because of her desire): She is alive two years later w/ doctors unable to legally write her an excuse from work. Her numbers and recovery were that SUCCESSFUL. My Mother and I collected "found" American Pennies, which remind us when we look at them: "In God We Trust." Janie took a year of "you know what," and I only wish Chris were on that time table..But otherwise, hold on to my cousin's story: Stubbornness (Scotch Irish!!) got her through it all. It was worth it all.
PLEASE hold onto this, and our prayers, and God, and our Love, Faith, and Canadian Feistiness!!
My heart, love, prayers, requests to God for a Guardian Angel always, everyone's wishes here, go out to YOU.
Take care.
Love Always, Liz (formerly of Board)

Liz Finkelstein <>
- Sunday, June 27, 2004 10:18 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie,
I've been lurking on LRFA website for years and I'm impressed with both of you--especially your candor and courage. Keep it up! Everybody's rooting for you, and a belated birthday greeting to Chris.

Laurie White
Greensboro, NC USA - Sunday, June 27, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Thank God for Muriel! Hope today is a smooth one!
mrs pam
- Sunday, June 27, 2004 2:04 PM CDT
Hey Christopher!

- Sunday, June 27, 2004 2:04 PM CDT
Hey Christopher!

Just checking up on you! I hope you feel better soon. Have a fun and safe weekend!

Your Friend,

Angelica <>
Madison, AL - Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:51 PM CDT
Hope that things work out so Christopher can stay home. Leslie I'm going to try and find some info to send you. Check your email.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:02 PM CDT
I'm so sorry you are having a rough start to your weekend.
Hope you can find out soon what's happening!

Mrs. Pam
- Saturday, June 26, 2004 12:27 AM CDT
Praying for an UNEVENTFUL weekend for you and your family. Keep up the good work guys.

Alisa <>
- Friday, June 25, 2004 6:38 PM CDT
Good night Chris and Leslie, glad things are going well. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, June 25, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Iam so glad Chris is home. Isn't sleeping in your own bed a blessing. We really learn to appreciate the little things. Samantha is only two so when I get home for a visit with my boys I appreciate not having to ask anyone if I can go to the bathroom. Ha Ha Keeping Chris in my prayers.
Patricia Ross <>
Ashburn, GA US - Friday, June 25, 2004 7:39 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie,
We were so excited to hear that Chris was finally able to come home,
even though there will be many daily excursions downtown.I'm looking
forward to a short visit soon.I'll phone you this weekend.
Kelly Knox

soon.I'll phone you.

Kelly Knox
Aurora, Ont., Canada - Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Hi, I have been following your story. I am so glad Chris is getting to go home. We live in La. But we are at MD Anderson in Houston where my husband received a mud transplant on June 16th. We are at caringbridge and our territory is la and the name is johnny. These family members of ours are so brave and they are an inspiration to all of us. Tell Chris I am praying for him and Remember IF GOD LEADs US TO IT, HE WILL SEE US THROUGH IT!!Hugs, Cin
St> Rose, La. USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
I was just signing this cause I haven't seen chemomom on the website lately and was wondering how Chris was doing, I'm glad Chris is coming home, sending good thoughts and prayers from the east coast

Laura Melancon, (Laura79 from the Lymphoma site)
North Chelmsford, MA USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:56 PM CDT
Just letting you know we're thinking of you.
Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:01 PM CDT
Smiley FlagChristopherSmiley Flag

Welcome Back

I was stopping by so that I could wish you and your family a happy weekend, but it definitely seems like all of you will be having one now that you're HOME!!! Great news, sweetie! I bet it feels SO much better being able to sleep in your VERY OWN BED once again. Congratulations, hon!

Sending lots and lots of BIG "Welcome Home" hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Uncle Sam HatSamantha ThereseUncle Sam Hat


Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:28 AM CDT
Just a quick HELLO and hope things are going well.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:33 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Hope you're not too tired out after your trip to hospital. love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 4:59 PM CDT
Just a little note to let you know Chris is on our prayer list at our church.It is a praying church.Tomorrow is an all night prayer vigil.
Murray and Sandy
Toronto, On Canada - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:15 AM CDT
Hey......a message from home. How cool is that. Doesn't it feel nice to be back home. I know it does. Hopefully today's visit to the hospital goes quicker than expected and you are back home soon.

Thinking of you today,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:33 AM CDT
Are you home yet, how does it feel? thinking and praying for you, love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:34 PM CDT
Hi THere...
I am an Angel at Quilts Of Love and I would like to invite you to our site. Have a look around and if you like what you see you may want to have a vitual quilt of your very own made. May God Bless you and I am praying for you.Just click on the invitation and
Warm Hugs,
Island Princess

Island Princess <>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Those smilies say it all!!! Ah how good to sleep in your own bed. No they dont do rads on the weekend (at least not in the USA) so you guys will have a breather..Enjoy the weekends.


Helen (NHL)
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Too HappyChristopherToo Happy

Is it true? Will you really be going home today? That's GREAT!!! I'm hoping I'll be able to check on you a little later on and hear some excellent news that you're HOME!

We're SO happy for you, hon!

Sending lots and lots of BIG 'Congratulations' hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Yellow RibbonSamantha ThereseYellow Ribbon


Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:07 AM CDT
WOO HOO....We are so excited for you!!!!!!!


Finally get to go home to the comforts of home. So glad to hear it. Have a great day!!!

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:26 AM CDT
I'm so happy you guys are going home! Home sweet home...
Yes the daily drive & park will be a pain and major expense.
I know, I did't it with Jess all of June last summer.
But, it is summer, the sun will be shinning, you will be in your own beds, relax in a long hot shower or bath and come and go as you please and eat what and when you want!
I'm so happy for you :-)! I'm sure your phone will be ringing off the hook so I won't add to the madness and will give you a few days to unpack and settle.
I'll be in touch later on this week.
Luv & Hugs,
Chris :-) <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:30 AM CDT
I am very happy that Chris is gonna be going home. His healing should only speed up now that he is on his way home. Congrats!! What great news for me to read before bed. I read your updates every day. I am a 39 year old male in Seattle, WA with Diffuse Large B Cell. It was in my bone marrow and I did six rounds of CHOP+Rituxan. Then in December 2003 they found some cells in my spinal fluid. Been treated monthly for that but the cells just came back last week. UGH. Treating it more aggressively now so good energy is needed. Chris, I follow your story from this webpage, and have to tell you that you are a huge inspiration to me. You are going home!! That means that I can be strong enough to kicks this "C" but also. You are doing it! Man, how inspiring for me to witness. Anyway, good energy coming your way from Seattle, WA.
Byron <>
Seattle, WA United States - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:52 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear you're going home!! I'm sure it will be wonderful to get to sleep in your own beds again. I'm sure it will help Chris' spirits to be out of that hospital! I'll continue to keep you guys in my prayers. I hope things continue to get better.

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Monday, June 21, 2004 8:08 PM CDT
Congrats on casting your first vote..Yay!


- Monday, June 21, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Yappy Dappy Doo! Soooo glad you are going home tomorrow!

Mrs. Pam
- Monday, June 21, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris, this is the news we've been waiting for, you're finally getting home. As you say, it will be tiring driving to and from the hospital, but worth it just to get into your own bed at night. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, June 21, 2004 4:24 PM CDT

Who would have thought your first vote would be cast while inpatient at the hospital. Isn't life strange? This will make a great story to tell your grandchildren one of these days.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Monday, June 21, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Chris, drink,drink,drink just a few sips at a time. We can't do to you what we do with Kayla when she doesn't drink, we fill a syringe with water and squirt it into her mouth. I bet you wouldn't let your mum do that eh? Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, June 21, 2004 5:42 AM CDT
So glad to hear you got to go home for a while. That always seems to lift their spirits so much..even if it is just for a little while.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Sunday, June 20, 2004 11:36 PM CDT
It was great reading about your trip home. Hope another one is in the works real soon!
Mrs. Pam
- Sunday, June 20, 2004 6:33 PM CDT
Oh, I bet you enjoyed that bubble bath Chris, and I bet you enjoyed him being there having it Leslie, isn't it great when they're at home, even if only for such a short time, hopefully it won't be long before Chris is able to be home for a lot longer. Love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, June 20, 2004 5:21 PM CDT
Sooooo glad all went well Saturday night. Bet the bubble bath was wonderful. Can relate to seeing your teen using a walker. Still have it in my closet. Hopefully, never to be used again. I hope a taste of home will boost the moral of the entire family. Good job, Christopher. You ARE moving forward!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, June 20, 2004 5:18 PM CDT
Chris, Those smilies sure say a lot..What a great feeling I got just seeing them. I hope you enjoyed your "night out". The bubble bath sounded so good. Here's to all kinds of bubblies !!

Helen (NHL )
- Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:28 PM CDT
So Ha-p-p-p-p-p-py Chris is getting a break. Smiley faces all around. Take care, all.

WA USA - Sunday, June 20, 2004 1:42 AM CDT
Enjoy your overnight!!! Yea for both of you. You have earned it. Glad to hear you are BBQing. Hope it is a wonderful weekend & all goes well for your family. Praise the Lord! <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, June 19, 2004 5:44 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Did you enjoy your time at home? I hope so. It is very cold here today too. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Saturday, June 19, 2004 5:06 PM CDT
I'm so excited to hear you get to go home for a bit. I hope that will boost Chris' spirits and help him feel better!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain lake Park, MD USA - Saturday, June 19, 2004 3:32 PM CDT
wow BBQ yumyum, i love BBQ too hehe =) HAVE a nice day, CHRIS ... hope the trip home can recharge u !
shanice tan <>
singapore, singapore - Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:52 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Glad things were a bit better again today. Just saying goodnight and sending love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, June 18, 2004 5:59 PM CDT
Hi- I've never visited your page before- but my son is 64 days post BMT with a sibling 5/6 match. He was diagnosed with myelodysplasia with excessive leukemia blasts in 3/2004. Prior to that diagnosis, in 5/2003, he was diagnosed with AML and did a course of chemotherapy. Due to the relapse of his disease, and the reassessment of the whole thing, he had the BMT in April of this year. I just wanted to say to you that he had a really strange reaction with the caspofungin, resulting in us asking to discontinue it. He had a slight rash, attributed to GVHD, but in addition, his feet just burned- so much that he was in tears sometimes. Now, he's only 10, but he's pretty tough, so they had to really be hurting. I don't know, I just don't like the caspofungin. I believed that it was a drug interaction between the prograph and the caspo that was causing the problem. I know I'm not a Dr., but when we stopped the caspo, the fiery feet got gradually better. We had been going through boxes of ice packs each day and also been up all night with the feet, so it was quite a relief! I also was struck when I read your history page because we had the same type of experience with the lungs- there were unidentified "nodules" all through his lungs and we had numerous CT scans to rule out fungal infections etc... the thing I commiserated with was that I too was terrified that it was a secondary cancer evolving in his lungs. They assured me it wasn't- and it got better kind of on it's own. It is comforting to know that I'm not the only one. . . Well, feel free to meet Jeremy at It was nice to meet you- I wish you the best.
Pam Harris <>
Twin Falls, ID USA - Friday, June 18, 2004 4:17 PM CDT
Glad you got out for a while. I hope you see improvement SOON!
mrs. pam
- Friday, June 18, 2004 10:25 AM CDT

So glad you got out, even if it was just for a short trip. Its always nice to get out of the hospital room and see the world.

We will be thinking of you and hoping you and your brother are soon feeling good again.

Alisa <>
- Friday, June 18, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Hi Chris...
Hope your feeling better real soon...we ant to see updates from home!!
Congratulations on the new used car...LOL...every single one of my cars have always been "new used cars". And there have been quite a few I've gotten attached too!!
Take care...
Love, Kim and Kody
Head Banger

- Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, just doing my usual rounds on caringbridge friends, and hoping that things will get better soon. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, June 17, 2004 3:42 PM CDT
Leslie and Christopher,

Geez....just when you think things are going in the right direction. Hopefully they can figure out what the problems are and get him fixed up, good as new, again.

Talk to you soon,

Alisa <>
- Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
hihi, les i have send a email to u ... don't know whether u check ur mail everyday so drop a msg here for u to check ... get back to me yah ...
shanice tan ( ) <>
singapore, - Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
Hi Chris! We are so glad to read your good news! We have been reading your site for several weeks now and following your progress way down here in Alabama! We're praying for you and your mom... that the Lord would heal you, of course, but also that He will give you peace and comfort during such a *scary* time and that He will help you to feel better! I can't imagine feeling so awful all the time. One bout of the flu and I'm whining and complaining like you would not believe!! I only have to look back at all you are going through for inspiration!! You are an inspiration to our family and we will continue to pray for you and your mom every day!! And those parking fees... YIKES!!! Keep up the good work!

In Christ,
The Martin Family

Angie Martin <>
Birmingham, AL USA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 7:46 AM CDT

Glad to hear things are on the UP swing for you. Congrats on the neat new hat and getting off of the TPN...Great news.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
I hope Chris gets to get out of the hospital some. I can't imagine how sick you all are of those hospital walls. Well, I guess, actually I can. When my son was in so much for chemo and neutropenic fevers I thought I'd go nuts sometimes. Hang in there. I pray for you every day!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:43 PM CDT
Hey there,
My son also had a fungal infection and they put him on voriconizle and all is well. We wish you all the best.
Sherry & Mikey <>
- Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:00 PM CDT
Gosh! The parking fees are out of site! Who owns the lot/garage? Is it the hospital or a private company. I used to park cars for Central Parking and taught the owner's son, but I don't know if he has any pull in Canada. I wish I could help. Actually, I didn't park the cars, I just waved them into the lot, sang songs, and collected the money...but that was probably 25 years ago. I just did it in the summer for the Cardinals' baseball games. But, I know how to contact the owner who now lives in Nashville. Good luck!
mrs. pam
- Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:08 PM CDT
Congrats on the beginning of all the good news to hopefully come. I wish you the best and I will be checking every once in a while to make sure things are continuing to get better. Lots of Prayers are with you from Minnesota.

Val Guse <>
Forest Lake, Mn - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 5:05 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Some good news at last, let's hope it's the start of lots of good news. I'd love to see Chris in his new hat. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Checking in to see how everyone is doing, sounds like you are getting some good news & getting a new hat-that rocks!!! Keep up the spirits & they will be thinking you guys need to go home:) Take Care
Patti & Haley

Patti <>
Panama, Ne - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 4:25 PM CDT
Hi Christopher....

So mom is calling you the Million Dollar boy now,'re worth every penny. Get yourself well and get the heck out of there buddy.

Leslie...I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE they can get something figured out where you can get that infusion a little closer to home. Would it be an option with home health?? I know there are limits as to what they are allowed to do....Anyway, thinking of you always...and wishing him well.

Keep up the good work,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:09 AM CDT
Go AWAY Fungus Vibes! Get outta town! You're not wanted!

Hi Christopher, I hopped on your site via the SquirrelTale Site.

I have a friend who will soon be 3 who has ALL and I am trying to learn as much about this as possible.

Please stay well and know that you are never alone in your battle, God be with you

Jaime (friend of Missy Sierra ) <>
Dunnell, MN - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
Congrats on the new car. Hopefully you guys will be out of the hospital and out driving around in it soon.....

Thinking of you !!

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:01 PM CDT
Gosh..hope things are looking up again real soon!
Mrs. Pam
- Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:18 PM CDT

Hopefully that temp will stay away and the platelets will get him back up and on the move. Its always something isn't it?? I'm glad you guys are so strong.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Every time I sign this book it's quite good news, then I look the next day and it's not so good again, I don't know how you are coping, you must be a very strong lady, of course you love your boy and thats what keeps you going. I'll be praying for you both at church in the morning. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:45 PM CDT
Good deal on the temp. You must be sitting on pins & needles, Leslie. Two steps forward, one back & on & on. But he is making progress so will keep the prayers coming. Anxious to hear when a day pass is issued. So sorry to hear about the car. Seems like it is always something. You are one strong lady, Leslie. You have my prayers & admiration. Hoping the good news on Christopher continues.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:35 PM CDT

Hi buddy!

GREAT news about those day passes. Sort of like a 'Get out of jail free card', huh? I'm just kidding. It REALLY made me happy reading that you'll be able to get out of the hospital, even if it is only for a little while. Be sure to enjoy yourself to the fullest, sweetie!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful (and full of food) week!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Yellow RibbonSamantha ThereseYellow Ribbon

On The Hammock

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:42 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Day passes sound terrific. Glad things are getting a bit better for you all. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 2:29 AM CDT exciting to think about 'busting out of that joint' at least for a while. One begins to go stir crazy after awhile. Hope you feel good enough to do something fun.

Alisa <>
- Monday, June 14, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
Good news! Do something special when you get out!
Mrs. Pam
st louis, - Monday, June 14, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Wonderful to hear that Chris can start going out on day passes, I imagine he is thrilled!
Alessandra Palmer <>
Dartmouth, NS Canada - Monday, June 14, 2004 12:34 AM CDT
Well, congratulations on accomplishing so much in this long journey. Your reward . . . . a day pass. That is such wonderful news. I am so happy for your entire family. Just to have Christopher home for a few hours will be a great boast for the entire family. So glad things appear to have turned the corner. Praying that all things good continue. You have been thru way more than any one family should have to endure. And you have done it with such dignity. Be proud & enjoy the pass!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, June 14, 2004 12:07 AM CDT
Howdy partner!
Been checking on you guys daily and so glad things are coming around, finally! Good to see you being able to take time out and go home, can't burn yourself out, the lad needs ya, so you make sure you take care of you too!
I was hoping to make it down last Thursday but my dearest son has been keeping me on my toes and very, very busy lately.
I'll fill you in when we hook up...
How's this Thursday looking for you? Let me know!

Thanks for visiting!
Luv & hugs,

:-) Chris <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:48 AM CDT
Dearest Leslie and Christopher and family,
Hi, it's Liz F. (formerly of Board)..My FL computer has "bitten the dust," Jesse is here to fix it or buy (?!) another..Fix it, I hope, as ALL my favorites, etc., addresses are there, if not on my (which has no link to web..) ANYHOW, Leslie, I've been so worried, not knowing, hadn't been in touch because have been in tests myself, BUT it seems as if slowly, surely, things are getting a bit better. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, PLEASE EMAIL ME!! I care so much, as you know..So if you don't hear for awhile, this is CT scan and ultrasound week for me, AND computer repair, but I'm praying, thinking of you all, especially Christopher and you. Yahoo for an antibiotic that's helping, not hurting. My bet, as someone allergic to so many, is that his body "chemistry" will change, once done w/ some of the chemo., plus I've been amazed at how many new ones come out that AREN'T penicillin or sulfa or myasthenia gravis "bad." Every year, with flu, or whatever, they seem to find something that works for me..and we all know MY body is WEIRD!! :o) Just trying to give some real hope, and some laughter.

Take care.
Love Always, Liz F.

Liz Finkelstein <>
FL - Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:10 PM CDT
Stopping by to let you to know that we are thinking of you.
Love LaKota , Debbie & Steve
God be with you!!!!!!!!
~*~ LaKota~*~
St.Cloud, MN - Sunday, June 13, 2004 4:58 PM CDT
Wow..10 laps is certainly more than I can do =). I stumbled on your journal and I am in absolute awe at how brave your family has been through all the hard times. I know it may not seem like much, coming from a complete stranger, but I just wanted you to know your story has really touched me and I'm keeping you in my prayers..
Markham, Canada - Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:35 AM CDT

Just stopping by to check on you today. I'm assuming no news is good news. Hope today just gets better and better for you.

Thinking of you in Utah,

Alisa <>
- Sunday, June 13, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Hi! Just checking up on you! Hope you start feeeling better soon. I'm praying for you. Have an awesome summer!

Your Friend,

Angelica <>
Madison, AL - Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:24 PM CDT
Just thinking of you guys today. Hope your day gets better.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, June 12, 2004 5:06 PM CDT
Lollipop 2ChristopherLollipop 2

Hi hon!

I hope this message finds you doing well. I also hope you've been able to get something into that stomach of yours. I think I offered this to you before (I may be wrong, though), but if you EVER want something to eat (within reason) I will be more than happy to ship it your way as long as it doesn't spoil on its journey. If you can come up with something, it's yours!!!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Yellow RibbonOur Angel BearYellow Ribbon

Pizza Pie(I'm making myself hungry now!)

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Saturday, June 12, 2004 3:06 PM CDT
Hi Chris!
I hope you will feel better soon.I pray for laura


laura <>
budapest, hungary - Saturday, June 12, 2004 0:54 AM CDT
hey tell chris his wbc is higher than mine =) mine is only 2. something =( ...

i am cheering for him here everyday!!! ;p

shanice tan <>
singapore, singapore - Friday, June 11, 2004 4:29 PM CDT
Christopher and Leslie,

Have a great UNEVENTFUL Friday.

Thinking of you..
and wishing you well.

Devin and family <>
- Friday, June 11, 2004 7:51 AM CDT
So glad that Christopher is "perking up". 10 laps! Whow! Sounds like a track meet. Also glad that folks are coming thru for you. That is so important for everyone's recovery. I know it is hard to accept help, Leslie, but all you have to do is promise to pass the kindness on when you are in a position to do so. That way it is only on "loan" to you & a little easier to accept. It is also very gratifying to pass in on in due time. So sit back & enjoy the kindness. It's your family's time to be on the receiving end. Prayers are still coming your way for Christopher's continual improvement and complete recovery. <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, June 10, 2004 6:33 PM CDT

Sounds like Christopher made quite the haul. Isn't it nice to have friends....sounds like you guys have lots. Its good to read about such a good day. Christopher, keep up the good work with your walking and eating...hopefully you will be headed out of there soon.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:43 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, What a great place you live in, with such good neighbours. I'm so glad Chris is doing a bit better. I won't be able to check in for a few days, so at least I know Chris is doing ok before I go. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:35 PM CDT
Hey guys,

Just thinking of you both and wishing you were well enough to go home. Take care of yourselves.

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, June 9, 2004 9:40 PM CDT
Hi Chris, we prayed for you in church this morning again. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 4:23 PM CDT
Hi Christopher, I'm stopping by to catch up on all the news, and to spend some time praying for you and your family. May your summer be warmed with lots of fun and laughter.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <>
- Wednesday, June 9, 2004 11:21 AM CDT
Rolly 2ChristopherRolly 2


Great, great, GREAT news!!!

I'm SO glad to hear how well your ultrasound results turned out! You and your family must be floating on cloud nine right about now and boy do all of you deserve to be!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Yellow RibbonWe're SO Happy For You!!!Yellow Ribbon


Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 8:23 PM CDT
Glad to read that you are doing better! It just doesn't go fast enough, does it?


Mrs. Pam
usa - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 2:39 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, What relief you must be feeling. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:59 PM CDT

Thinking of you.
Hope tomorrow is an easier day.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:38 AM CDT
I'll say some extra prayers for you tonight. I'm sorry that you're going through such a roller coaster. I hope everything gets on track soon!!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Thank goodness for the improvement. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, June 7, 2004 3:57 AM CDT
Well, its always something isn't it? I sure hope tomorrow is a better day for you guys. This cancer stuff is just not much fun.

Thinking of you,

Alisa <>
- Sunday, June 6, 2004 11:48 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Kayla had the same as Chris jsut a couple of weeks ago, with the low oxygen count, she had to keep her mask on all the time for about a week, then just at night. she was on 4 different types of anti-biotics and also an inhaler, she still has to have the inhaler twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I know it's very frightening when their lungs are affected. We prayed for Chris in church this morning, so I hope this will clear up soon. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, June 6, 2004 5:16 PM CDT
Just stopping in again to see how you're doing. I'm so glad that your counts are finally coming up. What a crappy month you've had!! I hope things continue to get better!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Saturday, June 5, 2004 6:37 PM CDT
Great news!!!! Glad to hear those counts are doing something. They put Devin back on the neupogen to get him out of the hospital. He was sent home yesterday with a 300 ANC....which isn't too great, but certainly better than nothing.

He looks good to me, but not feeling all that great. No fevers luckily we get to stay home. Just being in that place for a few days starts making me go nuts. You hang in there and I hope you got to take a break from the place....

Thinking of you and yours.

Alisa <>
- Saturday, June 5, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
So happy to hear that the counts are going up - that must be such a relief for you all, and I'm sure Chris must FEEL better too!

Leslie, please do take some time for yourself! You do need a break so you can "keep on keepin' on"! You will wear yourself out and then where will you all be? Hang in there! Sending the good thoughts and prayers your way...

Love always,

Jen Moreno
- Saturday, June 5, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
Hi Chris,
So glad to hear the good news about your blood cell count!The handpainting of the banner @ Williams
made it to the Era Banner, I guess you know by now.Happy first full week of being
19 years young.Talk to you soon.
Love and prayers,
Kelly Knox & Family

Kelly Knox
Aurora, ON Canada - Friday, June 4, 2004 7:49 PM CDT
Deal Leslie and Christopher....
So very happy things are going in the right direction...
You're ALL due for a very positive break!!
Continuing to send prayers your way.

Lisa Caruso <>
Jersey Shore, NJ USA - Friday, June 4, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
GO! GO! GO COUNTS!!! I can hear the relief & excitement in your post. Thank you, God! You are listening. Keep 'em coming! So glad, Christopher you are eating, walking & making your mom enterally happy. Way to fight thru it! Yes, mom, take a breather! You are one heck of a mom! How lucky Christopher is to have you. So glad the lava lamp arrived . . . in one piece of hope. Happy Belated Birthday. Christopher, lay back, enjoy the movement of the lava lamp & let those counts multiply. Today is a GOOD day! God Bless you both.
Patty <>
St,. Paul, MN - Friday, June 4, 2004 11:43 AM CDT
Great to see those counts Chris. Leslie you deserve a night at home, and some relaxation. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, June 4, 2004 11:24 AM CDT
My prayers also
Kiersten Beck
Monroe, NC USA - Friday, June 4, 2004 1:14 AM CDT
Yea, WBC. They have to start somewhere. Can only go up now. You're a 5th of the way there. Good job. God is listening to our pleading. Tiff? Doesn't sound unreasonable to ask the doctor to check his mouth sores again! You are an incrediable mom to stay on top of EVERYTHING so well. Keep moving forward, one foot in front of the other. Stay strong & God Bless you both.

Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, June 3, 2004 3:12 PM CDT
Hi. Every bit counts!! May your white counts be fruitful and multiply.


- Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:41 PM CDT
Fantastic news. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:40 PM CDT

Glad to hear the counts are going up. Its about time, isn't it....

Glad you're there to keep everyone on their toes.......keep up the good work.

No battles here today, we got a nurse today that 'understands' me.....for whatever good that will do.....


www, <>
- Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Hurray for the white cells! Keep'em coming!
And shouldn't those docs know by now not to question a CANCER MOM!?
Keep up the good work Les, (and take those Stress Tabs)

Love, Brenda and Adele <>
- Thursday, June 3, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Got my drumsticks out to add a few beats to your drumroll.
Come on counts, keep on climbing!

Mrs. Pam
st louis, mo usa - Thursday, June 3, 2004 12:00 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I think of you and pray for laura


laura <>
budapest, hungary - Thursday, June 3, 2004 7:12 AM CDT
Sorry with everything you are dealing with you had to deal with a rude doctor on top of it all. I can relate. Glad you called her on it. You are your child's best advocate & need to be treated with dignity & respect . . . at all times. I'm sure others she deals with feel the same about her. It isn't just you. Here's hoping for another good night sleep for both of you. The counts will come! God Bless.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:54 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, I'm glad you didn't let that doctor get away with anything. It's terrible that one bad doctor can have such an effect on someone. Good job they're not all like her. Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 5:59 PM CDT
Just want you to know that I'm thinking of you today. Hope you get a good set of wheels!
mrs. Pam
st louis , mo usa - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 8:21 PM CDT
Just checking in and sending love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 5:17 PM CDT
Hello. We got your site form Jeesy's and wanted to stop by to say hello.
Sorry to hear you have been in the hospital for a while.
We will keep in you in our thoughts and prayers so that those COUNTS come UP!

Have a good week.
~Sheena & Gabrielle~

Sheena <>
Port Barre, LA USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:21 PM CDT

Just checking in on you guys today...I'm hoping no news is good news..will check back later.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:04 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Chris, getting old hey!, I know it sucks to have your birthday in the hospital, but I am sure once you get out you can have a big bash. Hope your feeling well buddy. Take care

tanya <>
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 10:33 AM CDT
Hi Les!
Glad to hear Chris had a good B-Day despite being stuck @ PMH. Also glad you got some surprised visitors to cheer you up. We really missed you at the tournament, it was a very good day and EVERYONE says HI!
We FRIED! By dinner time, everyone had a very dark shade of burgundy all over their face, lol!
I told everyone it was Chris's B-Day and you may get a few surprise entries.
Laura sent you an email yesterday about how we did.
I'm hoping to be able to make it down on Thursday if you are up to it and I can get out of work at a decent time.
Hope your week keeps getting better.

Luv, hugs & kisses.

Chris :-) XO <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 6:18 AM CDT
Flowers For YouChristopherFlowers For You

Keep hanging in there, buddy! I'm sure it's VERY difficult being stuck in the hospital for over a month now. The longest I've been hospitalized is about 2 weeks and I thought I was going to lose my mind then, so I can only imagine how you're feeling. But I also know that is anyone can do this it's YOU!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartUP, COUNTS, UP!!!Purple Heart

Club Me

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 3:15 AM CDT
You guys just have to keep it interesting....thought I could keep myself away from Christopher's site for a such luck.

Hope they can get this high blood pressure problem figured out.....geez, its always 'something' isn't it. No rest for you.

Praying that these counts can get themselves on the rebound. Hang in there!!

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:32 AM CDT
Gotcha site from someone else's page, but I want you to know Ive got you on my mind & pray for you daily. Keep that head high as I know you do. Thoughts & prayers always, Take care! Many ((((Hugs))))!!
./-\. <>
- Monday, May 31, 2004 10:13 PM CDT
I'm glad things are better this week. I can't believe it's been a month, you've got to be completely exhausted. I'm still keeping both of you in my prayers!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 9:54 PM CDT
Hi ,

Just wanted to say that I think about Chris every day and read your journal as well. Hope you get some blood counts now! If you haven't read the NHL board there are a lot of birthday wishes there for Chris.

Ottawa, Canada - Monday, May 31, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
COME ON COUNTS Love and prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, May 31, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Hi there Chris!
I hope things continue to improve! But, I'm praying for your Counts to improve, too.

Mrs. Pam
st louis, mo usa - Monday, May 31, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
Hi Chris,

Happy birthday from Florida! I've got you and your family in my prayers!!

Take care,

Tampa, FL USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 1:02 PM CDT
Okay, praying for counts today. Praying that counts come up & stay where they are supposed to me. Stay strong. Hopefully, when Christopher is feeling so much better you will look back & say, "How did we ever survive such a difficult time?" Better days MUST come. Okay counts! Today is your day. Start multipling. NOW!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, May 31, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
Hi Christopher,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Mom of Angel Julia

Judy Levy <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, May 31, 2004 8:52 AM CDT

So glad to hear Christopher had such a great day yesterday. It always makes us moms feel better that our kid matters....especially on their birthdays. Thanks for sharing your Christopher with us. So glad to hear he is feeling so much better......praying that he feels better each day.

Lets keep celebrating!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER!!!!

Alisa <>
- Sunday, May 30, 2004 7:33 PM CDT
I was so happy to hear that everyone made such an effort to help celebrate Christopher's birthday and make the day special for you both. Especially glad to hear you mention Christopher's friends being a part of it. That is SO important. Something my daughter didn't have when the girls were 15 & couldn't drive themselves. That is so important in their emotional recovery as well. Also glad you got a little TLC too mom. So glad to hear that Christopher continues to improve since drug was removed. You are doing such a good job staying on top of everything, mom. God will have a special blessing for you. Hope & pray things continue in an upward motion. New candle lite for Christopher at church this morning along with continued prayers.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:28 PM CDT
Dear Christopher and Leslie,
I came upon your web page by accident and your story touched my heart. The sun is shining here and so may it for you. Happy birthday and best wishes from Oxford, England. Cindy xx

Lucinda Holmes <>
Oxford, England - Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:54 PM CDT

WA, - Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:11 PM CDT
A little birdie told me you were having a birthday today....Hope it is great!!!!! So glad to hear you are doing so much better........thanks Leslie for the e-mail...its good to hear things are getting more back to normal.


Alisa <>
- Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:06 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris--
Hoping things are on the upswing for the bday!! Thinking of you both. Anjou

Pipersville, PA USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:05 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS !!! Best wishes for a great day today and an even better one tomorrow!

(NHL board)

- Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:36 AM CDT
HAPPY HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, CHRISTOPHER. This is the last one in the hospital for you! Next year you will be healthy & strong.
Hope you & your mom enjoyed a restful night sleep so you can enjoy an uneventful birthday today. And I know that God will grant you many many more. Today, especially, may God Bless you & keep you in the Palms of His Hands. Happy Birthday from Minnesota.

Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:47 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER. I hope that today is the day that begins to turn things around so that each day you become stronger and are restored with good health. Prayers and thoughts are with you. With love, JoAnn Bendik
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:38 AM CDT
love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Saturday, May 29, 2004 3:22 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy Birthday Dear Christopher.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...............AND MANY, MANY MORE.



- Friday, May 28, 2004 11:01 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRISTOPHER!!!!!! I hope you feel super on your 19th birthday! You deserve it!
Mrs. Pam
St. Louis, MO - Friday, May 28, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Hey girl,
Haven't posted in a while but check on you guys daily.
Girls all say HI.
Never made it to HSC yesterday...long story.
Off to the tournament tomorrow. Wish us luck!
Hope Chris stays well and give him all my luv, hugs & kisses for his B-Day even if I'm an old bag!
Gonna come and see ya next week. You need another break and that's an order young lady!

Luv, hugs & kisses

Chris :-) XO <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Friday, May 28, 2004 2:17 PM CDT
Leslie, Glad to read that Christopher's blood sugars are better and they got his heart rate down. Hope he will be doing better tommorrow so he can enjoy turning 19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER. Sharon, from the lymphoma message board.
Sharon <>
Independence, Mo United States - Friday, May 28, 2004 1:22 PM CDT
Hope things continue in an upward motion without anymore dips. Hate those dips. Happy Birthday Christopher! (well, tomorrow). Sent you a birthday gift from Minnesota. Hope it arrives on time But there will be no gift better than feeling better every day. No post from your mom by noon today. That always worries me. She is so good with her journal entries. Thanks mom. Its always nice to pray for a specific request along with Christopher's general health & of course, complete recovery. Hope the two of you slept well last night. Nothing like a good uninterruped night's sleep. Mom, think you will need more than one or two to catch up. Will be looking forward to today's post. God Bless Christopher & his family today & always.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Friday, May 28, 2004 12:04 AM CDT

Is it time to wish Christopher a HAPPY BIRTHDAY yet?? Because thats what I stopped by to do. Hope today is a great day for you. Happy Birthday Mr. Christopher!!

Alisa <>
- Friday, May 28, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
Hi Chris,
I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and I am so glad your blodd sugar has stablelized. Keep strong and you'll see that you'll get better real soon :):):)
Big Hugs for you and your Mom.

Linda Vieira <>
Keswick, On Canada - Friday, May 28, 2004 9:11 AM CDT

Hi 'ya, hon! I'm glad to hear yesterday was a better day for you as far as those whacky blood sugars go. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to check up on you over the weekend, but please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers even if I'm not able to stop by.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartWishing You a Happy (and uneventful) WeekendPurple Heart


Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Friday, May 28, 2004 8:55 AM CDT
Glad to see things are a bit better. Love abd prayers from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, May 28, 2004 4:45 AM CDT
hihi ...

good to know tat chris feels much better now ... hey i have sent a card to chris to the hospital address that u posted in the journal ... didnt know ur first name too ... i just address it to chris ... keep a look out for that card k ? it was mailed out last friday ... a BLUE card from singapore k ...

shanice tan <>
Singapore, - Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:56 PM CDT
Hi Chris!

I know you have your birthdayy tomorow but I won't be home and I wish you a very nice birthday.I think of you and pray for you .love laura


laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:55 PM CDT

Glad to hear that things went a bit easier today. Hopefully tomorrow will have things headed in the right direction as well.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:34 PM CDT

Praying that today is an easier, happier day for the both of you. Will be checking back.

Alisa <>
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:59 AM CDT
Hi Leslie/Chris, thinking of you both and always in my prayers. I hope you are feeling better Chris. I always remember when my chris gave you that t-shirt that he got from the hospital for Christmas. You made his day by accepting it. Be strong my boy, and keep your head up high. We love you loads.
Tanya, Alister and Christopher Hoarau

Tanya <>
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:23 AM CDT
Dearest Leslie,
I can "hear" your happiness!! Praise the Lord!! Guess what?! Eager LIZ sent the cards w/o last names, Patient Christopher, son of Leslie, and Leslie, Mother of Patient Christopher..mentioned c/o your Dr., used all address info..Well, let's hope..It's a small thing in this BIG fight. Things are sounding so much better..Get some sleep, Mom!!
Take care.
Love Always, Liz Finkelstein
P.S. Dumb me, I saw your email and Chris' page listed once, but if you see the late hours I get on, you'll know why I can't figure anything out now!! Sigh..LOL Care to give tired old me any hints?! :o)

Liz Finkelstein
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 1:02 AM CDT
The news report that I saw about that nurse from HSC said he was a student at Wm Osler hosp in 2002. I don't know when the guy started at Sick Kids, but Alex was finished his treatment in mar 2002 and wasn't inpatient at all in 2002 or since. No, he didn't look familiar to me either. Thank God!.
Go to sleep now, Deanna's gone home but I have to work all night.
This should be you and Chris now--ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Brenda B <>
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
Sending my best prayers from SE Texas
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:48 PM CDT
So glad today was better. Hope you can sleep tonight. Sure you are sleep deprived & getting "goofy". Like being in the ozone. Was doing gardening today & just could help thinking of both of you spending another uncertain day in the hospital. Life is so unfair sometimes & the outside world seems to continue on. Please God, let there be two good days in a row. Both Christopher & mom need a little break.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:28 PM CDT
Dear Leslie, Deanna and I are sitting at work here in Oshawa and looking at Chris's journal. Glad things are looking up.

Brenda B (and Deanna) <>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, Just doing my usual check-in before saying my prayers and going to bed. I want you to know that I pray for you last thing at night and first thing in the morning, and in-between times too, as I do for all the caringbridge kids. I think it's so great that people are praying for our kids all over the world. Love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:02 PM CDT
You both need a HUGE break from all of this. The male nurse thing give me the chills(terrible). Also I was very happy to hear that they might be figuring this blood pressure thing out. Thank You so much for sharing your information with all of us, this is a huge help to those of us who are currently using Bactrim at this time. Ya just never know when what you just shared may help another child out. Thank You both so much~please know that you are always in our thoughts & prayers.
Patti & Haley

Patti <>
Panama, Ne - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 12:50 AM CDT
Dearest Leslie and Chris,
I wrote a LONG (aol) entry, don't see it, but want you to know I'm still praying for you and Chris, still praying my entry shows up!! God Bless You All.
May the Septra be the answer!!
Take care.
Love Always, Liz Finkelstein
P.S. Expect mail from Florida!!

Liz Finkelstein
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:51 AM CDT
Dearest Leslie,
GOD BLESS!! I cannot believe that this Septra may be the awful (as opposed to "magic") bullet that has caused these horrible days and nights for you both.
PLEASE KNOW THE PRAYERS DON'T STOP just because a day or a report is good. I am hoping you'll see the TPN any minute now..I had that for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (ulcerative colitis or crohn's, they weren't sure..LOVE these docs!! BUT as you saw, it just takes one good one.) Anyway, it put weight on my then bony self. Now I'm trying to lose steroid weight..May the same happen to Chris, and may the removal of Septra be your answer for now. That boy, you've GOT to remember (and remind him please, for me, you, him, all of us, GOD) has overcome more in these few years than most of us do in a lifetime. I believe God wants him here for a reason. Suffering like his and yours I can't explain..but HE'S HERE. CHRIS IS HERE, even if on his knees. He's here for a purpose, a mission..we just don't know it yet. Even now, it's AN HONOR to know Chris through you; and each of us, our families, friends, strangers, are inspired by him, his fight.
God Bless You All, Dearest Leslie and Chris.
Take care.
Love Always, Liz Finkelstein
P.S. A card or two will be coming your way from Florida, but since I don't know your last name (strange, after all these years!!), please be on the lookout for it/ them..Just bought my two 60 cent stamps yesterday, and THAT is a miracle at my post office with its lines!! :o)

Liz Finkelstein <>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:45 AM CDT
Having spent countless hours in (the) hospital (dropping the "the" for you since you are in Canada) with one of my sons many years ago, I know how drained you, and Chris, are. My prayers continue for both of you for strength, for healing for Chris, and for the many other needs that accompany such time.
John L Owens <>
Niagara Falls, NY USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:42 AM CDT

I hope today is a MUCH better day for you, hon! Not a day goes by when you (and your family) aren't in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartSamantha TheresePurple Heart


Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 8:13 AM CDT
Sending loving thoughts and prayers to you Leslie and Chris.

Helen ( NHL)
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:57 AM CDT
Prayed into the wee hours of the morning that today will be a better day, that Christropher thrives with the much need nourishment & that you are getting some much needed rest. I am in awe as to how you are able to hold it together. Today, PLEASE GOD, let it be a better day.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:12 AM CDT
I pray for you.Ihope you have a better day laura <>
Budapest, Hungary - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:50 AM CDT
Leslie, what a nightmarish day. I pray your next posting will be good news all around.Take care of yourself, too.

WA, - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:01 AM CDT

What a day you have had. Hope tomorrow goes easier for you both.

Praying for you in Utah,

The Ross Family <>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 0:15 AM CDT
Dearest Leslie and Christopher,
You both are so very much in my prayers..My computer keeps "freezing," so I've written more, but always lose it. Please just know you're both being thought of and prayed about, to God. I'll stop now, so I can get this in!!

Liz Finkelstein
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
Aah Leslie ,he's some tough kid.I'm sorry he got sick again.I'll pray for him.He's lucky to have a mom like you.Moms are definetly the best.Take Care & God bless!!!
Billy from the nhl board

William Kenny <Wbilly>
Brooklyn, N.Y U.S.A - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:25 PM CDT
Leslie, praying for Christopher and you. Hold's gonna get better.
Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep, you gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in your bosom: We commend to your loving care this child ,CHRISTOPHER. Relieve his pain, guard him from all danger, restore to him your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise him up to a life of service to you. Hear us, we pray, for you dear Name's sake. Amen.

wa, - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:47 PM CDT
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
SC USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
So sad to read your latest entry. You two have been through way too much. Praying things will level out & Christopher can begin to regain his strength. Praying especially hard tonight for both of you. Please God, take Christpher under his protective wing tonight.
Patty <>
St.. Paul, MN - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:18 PM CDT
I'm praying for you Christopher.... Carol Beaumont (CarolB) from the Lymphoma Board
Carol Beaumont <>
Orange, CA USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:26 PM CDT
Praying for Christopher and you

Love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:08 PM CDT
Prayers for Christopher......

will be checking back.

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:04 PM CDT
We're praying for you.

Brenda B and Alex <>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 5:08 PM CDT
You guys are so heavy on my heart. I stop by a few times a day to see how things are going. I'm so sorry that things aren't going very well right now. I will continue to keep you in my prayers!!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:13 PM CDT
I'm praying for Christopher.
Alessandra Palmer <>
Dartmouth, NS Canada - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:33 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie. I use the computer at school/church to check up on you. Since I am better singing than praying (but, maybe God doesn't think so) I am headed right now to the sanctuary to offer a song to God for your healing!
Mrs. Pam
st louis, mo - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:52 PM CDT

So sorry things are not going so well for you today. Missed checking on Christopher yesterday and sorry to hear he's still feeling so bad.

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers,

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:11 AM CDT
Praying these days will be history soon. The ups & downs must be incrediably draining on you. Stay strong. Better days are ahead. They have to be with this many people bombarding Heaven with their prayers for Christopher.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:49 AM CDT
Leslie, You do not know me. I am a friend of Di Lindberg. You visited her guest book recently and I picked up your son's web page from there. Di is a very special lady, as you know. You are equally special. I am sure that writing a daily report gives you the same strength and help it gave Di. Keep it up. I wish you, Christopher and your family good luck. My thoughts are with you always. Caringbridge is a wonderful service. I have just signed up to help spread the word to London hospitals so more people in the UK can use it.
Fiona Hathorn <>
London, UK - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:04 AM CDT
Hi Leslie - Try not to worry too much about the TPN! When Mario was initially diagnosed, he had a tumor in his stomach that had completely blocked his intestines and he couldn't eat ANYTHING! Not to mention that he had dropped 25 lbs and looked like death warmed over! He was on TPN for about three weeks until the tumor shrunk and he was able to eat normally again. Then they decided to leave him on TPN plus food to help him regain the weight he lost so he was on TPN for about 2 months. He did just fine and so will Chris! Hang in there sweetie! Love and prayers headed your way!
Jen Moreno
- Monday, May 24, 2004 6:25 PM CDT
HI LESLIE AND CHRIS, Thanks for signing Heidi's guestbook. Chris, hang in there and fight, that is all I can say. We will win this battle. Jesus loves you and I love you. You brought a "BIG" smile to Heidi's face.
Barb <>
Mansfield, OHIO USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
Stopping by let you know that you are in our thought's.
Sending lot's of prayers your way.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
God be with you my friend's.
Love LaKota and her mom, Debbie
~*~LaKota~*~ <>
St.Cloud, MN - Monday, May 24, 2004 5:12 PM CDT
Hi Chris,

I am pulling for you! I follow your webpge daily - I know your mom from the NHL board. Keep up the fight! We know you are a survivor! You are in my thoughts and prayers!

- Monday, May 24, 2004 2:46 PM CDT
Hey Chris + family, I'm praying for a speedy return to health!
Alessandra Palmer <>
Dartmouth, NS Canada - Monday, May 24, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
hey chris.. I'm craig thomas and abbys prayer warrior michael and I wanted to let you know I'm praying for you tonight.. I hope you feel better and get out of this condition.. and for god sakes.. EAT something!! stick it in a blender!! with love all..

Lighting Childrens Lives

san ramon, ca usa - Monday, May 24, 2004 1:49 AM CDT
Gosh! I certainly hope the shakes are gone by now. Just stopping by to let you know that I'm thinking about you.
Mrs. Pam
st louis, - Sunday, May 23, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
I am so happy to hear that Chris is feeling better, looking better and eating.. Great news!!Maybe he can have a beer on Saturday..
Leslie and Ian ~ congrats on your 5th anniversary. Wishing you many more Happy ones.

Helen (NHL board)
- Sunday, May 23, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Great report! I am so glad things are looking up for all of you!
Mrs. Pam
St. Louis, Mo - Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:26 PM CDT
Happy aniversary to you Leslie and Ian, and isn't it great to have some good news. I hope and pray that Chris continues to feel so much better soon. Love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Saturday, May 22, 2004 3:58 PM CDT
Leslie, it was so great to read that Chris is improving and way to go for those white cells. I've only used caspo on 1 patient but it worked well for him. I looked it up last night at work and it has really good results with less trauma to the patient. It seems like it is sure the right drug for Chris. Keep up the good work. Adele says "hi", too.

Brenda B <>
- Saturday, May 22, 2004 1:12 PM CDT
Was wonderful to read your journal entry this morning. What is that movie, Waiting to Exhale? Well, we can exhale today. Thoughts & prayers will continue long & hard though. Enjoy the day, your wonton soup & happy anniversity. Finally, enjoy a good day with Christopher.

Patty <>
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:48 AM CDT
Glad to herar that Chris is off the terrifying amphotericin (sp?). All that he is going through right now sounds so familiar. I know he will keep fighting to get past it. It will get better, but it's rotten right now for you all. You have all my sympathy. Right now Manda has a fever and her hair is falling out, but her greatest concern is getting her paper done! Chris will be there soon also, doing normal young adult stuff, and driving you crazy. Have a smoke for me (I quit 13 years ago and wouldn't be able to do it now, so enjoy it and let the guilt roll away- for now).
Liz, mom to Manda, 19, t cell lymphoblasic lymphoma. Scheduled to go OT 7/04 (cross fingers) Check out her mange and artwork at

lizh1000 <>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 9:29 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, just checking in before I go to bed. Glad things are a bit better, will check in again in the morning. love and prayers from Scotland

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, May 21, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
Johnna <>
DESLOGE, mo usa - Friday, May 21, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Hi guys,

Hope you get some good news from the test. Glad Christopher is getting some rest. Seems like when they knock 'em out for these tests the bp can go low....I know Dev's did on that last LP and a quick IV (ran fast), seemed to get him UP and moving. (gotta be something simple like don't need ANYTHING else to worry about)

Leslie, thanks for the great, timely updates. Your sweetie is on a lot of people's minds and we all certainly appreciate these updates on his condition.


Devin's mom <>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
I keep praying that Chris is going to get well. Keep fighting and stay strong! You are in our thoughts every moment of everyday!'

Krista Johnson <>
Ramsey, MN USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
I keep praying that Chris is going to get well. Keep fighting and stay strong! You are in our thoughts every moment of everyday!'

Krista Johnson <>
Ramsey, MN USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:11 AM CDT
Hi bro, I am praying that all the test are ok and that you can eat more and do not need anything. I wish you could skate with me and Rob. Love and Prayers, Chance

Mikkis boyfriend and Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <>
Ga USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 6:51 AM CDT
Good morning Leslie and Chris, and I hope it really is a good one, love and prayers from us here in Scotland
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, May 21, 2004 6:42 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I pray for you tomorow!I think of laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Friday, May 21, 2004 0:48 AM CDT
I will pray tonight that tomorrow is better with some uplifting news. Christopher has been thru way way too much during his short life. I will pray while, hopefully, you get some much needed rest.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:53 PM CDT
I don't know how I found your site, but here I am. I'll be praying for Christopher's recovery. I can honestly say I know how you feel;my family has been there! In 1989, my then 4 yr old son, Zach, was dx with Stage 4 NHL with a tumor in his abdomen and bone marrow involvement. He's a survivor and is now 18! He will graduate from High School next week. We never thought that day would arrive! Never give up hope......ever! Miracles still happen.
Cindy <>
Boonville, IN 47601 - Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:41 PM CDT
Thanks for the laugh, I found your link from Michelle's page. I did think that was funny though. You seem to have a real fighter on your hands. Take care.
Christy (mom to superstar Maxie) <>
Amelia, VA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:03 PM CDT
Hello Leslie and Christopher,
I hope your day is going well. I wanted to thank you for signing Samantha's guest book and leaving the inspiring message. Keep the faith. It's a beautiful thing.
You meet a lot of "interesting" people in the smoking area don't you? I have that habit too but it helps keep me from loosing my mind. We'll be praying for you both and your family.

patricia ross <>
ashburn, ga us - Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:32 AM CDT
Hi Leslie,

Just letting you know I keep reading your updates and praying for Chris. Carol Beaumont (CarolB from our board).

Carol Beaumont <>
Orange, CA USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:15 AM CDT
Hello Christopher and Leslie,

Just stopping by to wish you both a GREAT day. Hopefully the blood products will make you feel MUCH better and on the road to recovery.

Thinking of you,

Devin's mom <>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Christopher, you don't know me, and I don't really know you. I found your caringbridge site when I was looking for information about something, and I noticed that you were a premie, as I am, I was born 3 months premature weighing only 3 1/4 pounds. Anyway, that's not the point. I wanted to tell you to hang in there & be strong. I e-mailed you a couple of days ago, I had been meaning to forever.
Alessandra <>
Dartmouth, NS Canada - Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:22 AM CDT
Too HappyChristopherToo Happy

No, I didn't come here to lecture but you've got to do some eating, hon! Even little things like the soup you ate the other day, as long as it's something. I'm sure you'll begin to feel a lot better as soon as you start getting some food in that body of yours, and everyone else will be VERY happy for you as well. I'm hoping and praying I'll hear that you're eating something, anything, the next time I stop by.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartSamantha will be more than happy to share her ice cream and soup with you!Purple Heart

Bouncy 4

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:40 AM CDT
Christopher & Leslie: I'm praying that each day will get better and Chris will become stronger. Hopefully, the neupogen will help with that and soon those nasty mouth sores will be gone. I don't think most people understand how awful they can be and how difficult it makes for eating and drinking. Even at the very end of Jana's treatment, she had a terrible case that reduced her A.N.C. to 152. Sometimes she could only eat watermelon. Hoping that the worst is over and only good days ahead. JoAnn Bendik
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:04 AM CDT
Hi there Chris! You had an active day, that's for sure. I'm glad you were able to go out to the garden for some fresh air. Keep on getting stronger! God's peace to you and your mom.
Mrs. Pam
St. Louis, Mo - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:59 PM CDT
This must be so difficult for you - you have both been stronger than any person should ever have to be! I hate this disease and hope that you will whip the beast once and for all so that you both can get back to the life you deserve! Sending many prayers your way! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help...
Jen, Mario & Ryan Moreno
CA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:10 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris,
I know you are both tough and will hang in there. Leslie, one little step at a time and you will be ok. Sending good wishes and many prayers your way.

wa USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:37 AM CDT

Thanks for the updates. WE are wishing Christopher nothing but GOOD news from here on out.....but we know he is tough and will handle what he is dealt. I'm so sorry you are having to do this AGAIN.

Thinking of you guys,

Alisa <>
- Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I pray for you and think of laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:53 AM CDT
You go girl...
Just "us" again, thinking of you, praying for you, thinking of you.
We're all keeping a vigilant watch on you both, cause we love you so.
Be back in a bit, I actually have to pretend I'm working here!
We're here for you!
Luv, hugs & kisses
"The Rat Pack"

Chris XO :-) <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
Faith moves mountains!!!Know that clouds have a limited life span and the SUN WILL shine again. Lifting you up to our Father in prayer always.
Rick Woodruff <>
Frankfort, KY USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 8:14 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, I'ts morning here already, I'm checking in again, and so pleased that things seemed a bit better, will check in again later. I'm going to church now to pray for Chris and Lakota, and of course the other kids. Take care.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:10 AM CDT
Leslie, just read your update. I feel like God is hearing our prayers for Christopher. I feel your exhaustion after an incrediably challenging day. Please take care of yourself. Hopefully, you and Christopher are enjoying a peaceful sleep & that tomorrow will be a better day. I am continuing my prayer & fast in Christopher's honor. I called my Christopher at college tonight just to tell him I loved him. Then praised God that he has enjoyed good health. I pray the same for your Christopher. From Mom to Mom, Good night!
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 0:05 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, Just letting you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:53 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,
I think about you both every day, and anxiously await your updates. I hope that things start to settle down very soon, so that Chris can finally start to feel well.

Nicole Marsh-Burke <>
Aurora, - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:07 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie...
Thanks for signing Jacobs guestbook.
Chris I wish I could take all your pain away. I read your moms journals lately and you are going through so much right now. I will visit often and when my comp is back up and running I will add your page to link to ours. If that is ok with you Leslie.
Hugs and prayers
Baby Jacob

Angela Trick <>
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:27 PM CDT
Leslie, I am praying for Chris and your family every day. He's had miracles before, I'm praying for another one.
Hang in there!

Linda Groscurth <>
Evergreen, CO USA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:43 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, I must have checked your site a dozen times today, hope you hear from the CT soon and all is well.
Thinking of you guys.

Brenda B <>
- Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:49 PM CDT
Chris and Leslie...Thinking of you and praying that things will improve for you.
Mrs. Pam
st louis, mo usa - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Just me again,
Me and "the girls" have been checking up on you guys and just hope you are making out ok...
Wish I was there to give you a hug and take you out for a 5 min RT.
CALL ME IF YOU NEED ME! No kids tonight... MEAN IT!
Lotsa luv & hugs & prayers & kisses...

Chris :-) XO <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:54 PM CDT
Stopping by sending you all the prays we can & wanting to know that you are all being thought of in Nebraska. Thank you for updating and sharing your thoughts with us all. We learn so much & admire Christopher & his strength. Thank you again. Lots of Love to you all
Patti-Haley's mother

Patti <>
Panama, Ne - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:00 PM CDT
You don't know me but I just want to tell you that I have been so emotionally touched by reading your journal. I was drawn to your website because I have a healthy (thank God) 21 year old son, named Christopher. But I have also experienced being the mother of a seriously ill child. Again, thank God, she is enjoying good health now. Road bumps but good health. I am praying for both of you. Christopher, that these rough times will pass & you can enjoy your remaining years as a teenager, and mom, that you stay strong. I know that the part of mom is almost harder than your son's so I will be praying especially hard for you. Please know that a candle is burning bright in a church in Minnesota in Christopher's name and that my prayers are being offered up for your entire family. I like to feel that God owes me a few "favors". Christopher, may God bless you & keep you forever in the Palms of His hands.
Patty <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Christopher and Leslie,

I was sure hoping to hear some great post about how Christopher was feeling so much better, but I am glad you are honest.

Know that we are thinking and praying for you and your family and wishing you well. Hang in there and keep on fighting.

Devin's mom <>
- Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
Hey girl,
Been keeping posted...
Hope it's nothing...well yah, that's one dumb thing for me to say but ya know what I mean.
Why can they just leave him ALONE, damn cancer evil!
I'm sending you both HUGE hugs, much luv, prayers & thoughts. Let me now if you or MR Handsome need ANYTHING at all.

Your HSC pal, Chris :-) XO <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:00 AM CDT
Circle Of HeartsChristopherCircle Of Hearts

I'm so sorry to hear those sores in your mouth are causing you so much pain. I'm hoping and praying they go away SOON so you can have comfort once again.

Good for you as far as eating goes! You get a HUGE thumbs up from me just for trying to eat something. I hope you get that appetite of yours back and are chowing down everything in sight before too long.

Wishing you and your wonderful family an excellent week!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartSammiPurple Heart

Cat 16

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:15 AM CDT
Christopher and Leslie: Mouth sores are thee worst. Jana suffered from them regularly, sometimes worse than others. Watermelon was what she craved and what she was able to handle. Hoping your counts come back more each day and soon this will be a hurdle that has been handled. Love, JoAnn (Jana's mom)
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 7:29 AM CDT

We've had computer problems so I have missed checking up on you. I'm sorry to hear about the mouth sores. Devin and his sister are going in this afternoon to be swabbed for possible strep. He hasn't eaten five bites of anything in days. He thinks of something that sounds good, then gets it and refuses to eat.....sounds like something.

Anyway, glad they have got you something for pain AND hoping it will work for you.

Hello to mom and extra good thoughts that things start going a little better each and every day.

Devin's mom <>
- Monday, May 17, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Sorry to hear that the mouth sores are hurting Chris. I used a swish and swallow med that my onc prescribed. I guess what he is getting will be more effective than that. Hope so.
Take care of yourself and love and prayers for you both.


Helen-NHL board.
Fl - Monday, May 17, 2004 1:06 PM CDT
Hiya hun!
Sorry Chris feels so crappy!
Those mouth sores are SO painfull!
Thank you for your entry in our guestbook, it was so nice and made me feel so good. I'm so glad I came down on Thursday, so good to see you and talk...Will try and make it down soon again and if there is anything we can get or bring for you, please don't hesitate to ask and let me know, K?
You're a great friend, mom & person & I'm glad I met you, unfortunately, for all the wrong reasons :-(.
You're one in a million!
Luv & hugs to you champ!

Chris XOXO :-) <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Monday, May 17, 2004 11:27 AM CDT
Just stopping by to see how things are going. I pray for you often and I hope this course of treatment will go well for you - well, as good as it can. Chemo sure sucks!

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
Hi Christopher, I'm stopping by to see how you are doing, and to let you know that I will continue to pray for you.

Tell you mom that the clothesline is probably for all of her little "hang ups"!

Stephanie & RachelJoy <>
- Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:13 PM CDT
Chris & Leslie: Friends surely can make one feel physically and mentally better. Hope you can feel the friendship being sent your way from e-mail friends, whom you've never meant, but hold you in their thoughts, prayers and hearts. Love, JoAnn Bendik
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:36 PM CDT
Hi Chris,

I'm sending my prayers your way. My mom was recently dx with NHL. She is 72 and it gave her one hard kick. On the bright side, she is as tough as you are and like you, is giving the NHL a run for it's money.

I wish you a happy, happy birthday!!

Tampa, FL USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:16 AM CDT
Hi ´Chris!

I hope you will fell better soon.>I pray for laura <>
budapest, hungary - Sunday, May 16, 2004 3:40 AM CDT
Know that we love you guys and pray for you to have the strength and courage you need.
Sandy and Murray Sadler
Scarborough, Ont. Canada - Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:15 PM CDT
Hi Chris, Did your pals cheer you up? I bet they did. Leslie did you get that bubble bath? Praying for you both.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Saturday, May 15, 2004 5:17 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris....Please know that I am praying for you both and thinking about you daily! Lots of love and hugs!

C.C. From the WebMagic NHL site

C.C. Howell <>
Mountain Home, AR USA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Thinking of you both, and sending healing thoughts and prayers.

(NHL Board)

FL - Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:00 AM CDT
Hey pal!
So glad to see you and MR Handsome last night.
Felt so good to have a BF!
There is so much I wish I could do or say, but you and I both know that it's no use.
You're one strong Cookie, and Chris. You know I'm a phone call away and I plan on coming down again very soon.
Hang in there g/f.
All my love & hugs XO

Chris :-) <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Friday, May 14, 2004 5:53 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that I check in almost every day to see how things are going. I'm keeping you in my prayers and I hope that everything will go well.

Micah's Page

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Friday, May 14, 2004 12:26 AM CDT
Hello Christopher and Leslie,

How are things in your corner of the world today? Hopefully Christopher you are feeling better today and will continue to feel better each day.

Leslie, Hope you are taking care of yourself too.....I know this has to be very taxing on you too. Keep up the good work mom, the end result...a cancer free life will be a great prize.

Thinking of you in Utah,

Alisa <>
- Friday, May 14, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
Hey Leslie & Chris,
Thank you so much for stopping by my mom's page! It was so great to hear from you and meet you. Chris, I just want you to know that I'll be adding you to my prayer list... from all that your mom has said and your journals too, it sounds like you've had a long and brave fight...good job!! Keep fighting and don't you ever give up.. I have a brother your age, and I don't know what I'd do if he had to go through what you have I think you're a real champ. Stay strong!!

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~


Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, May 14, 2004 1:48 AM CDT
Chris and Leslie...Just wanted you to know that I've been thinking of you ever since I found your website. I hope your treatments are destroying every single dumb cancer cell!
Mrs. Pam
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:17 PM CDT
I would like to say that it is amazing the reaction people have to others. I am a smoker and after looking at this story it really makes me think is getting a cigarette more important to me that my life.
Bobbie Lee <>
Maple, nc United States - Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:55 PM CDT
Hello Chris and mom,

We made it home in time for Kara's program last night. A VERY long day, but at least he got to come home. They are expecting his counts to drop some more with this ARA-C this week so probably more blood again next week.

He too is grumpy...spinal headache....but hopefully he will be feeling more like himself today.

Hopefully things will start running a little smoother in your corner of the world VERY soon. Sick kids is just no fun.

Hope you have a great day. Let me know when you can.

Thinking of you!!

Alisa <>
- Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
Hi Chris!

I hope you will feel better soon.I think of you and pray for laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Thursday, May 13, 2004 1:15 AM CDT
I know it's a tough row to hoe, but Keep on keepin on! Never give up the good fight.
Michael G
Fairport, ny USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:13 PM CDT

So glad to hear things are calming down a bit. Devin is up at the clinic to get chemo and we found out he needs blood we are hoping to get out of here soon. He sleeps throught I am taking a break to check on you guys....Glad to hear things are going better.

Talk to you soon,

Devin's mom <>
- Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:28 PM CDT
Tropical IslandChristopherTropical Island

Hi sweetheart! I'm glad to hear all is going well with you. Having the next two days off from chemo will give you a nice little break. I hope you continue to do well, sweetie. And keep up the GREAT job of eating!

Wishing you an excellent week!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartMy Angel BearPurple Heart

God Bless America

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:37 PM CDT
Hi Chris, I'm pleased you're not in so much pain any more. The idea's that your therapist has come up with sound really interesting, I think you should give them a go, you might benefit from them, and even like them. Leslie, I hope you are taking care of yourself.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 4:37 PM CDT
Christopher: Sending positive thoughts your way that all that chemo is working its magic. Visualize it killing ever last cell. Throughout my daughter's treatment for the same disease, I relied on techniques learned in a stress management class. It saved me from losing my mind. Basically, it is learning to "stay in the moment", which is thee hardest thing with cancer, but the best thing for you. Good luck, God bless. JoAnn Bendik
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 4:01 PM CDT
Hi bro, I am glad to hear good news today. I will let Rob know what is going on. Love and Prayers, Chance

Mikkis boyfriend and Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <>
Ga USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:23 PM CDT
Leslie, Happy belated Mother's Day! Bless you. Chriss you hang in their big guy,we've never met but I hold you in my heart. I have a good feeling that your going to well with these treatments.
MG (from the nhl board)
- Tuesday, May 11, 2004 0:16 AM CDT
Leslie, Happy belated Mother's Day! Bless you. Chriss you hang in their big guy,we've never met but I hold you in my heart. I have a good feeling that your going to well with these treatments.
MG (from the nhl board) <>
- Tuesday, May 11, 2004 0:14 AM CDT

Hope things go well with the aspariginase. Devin was due to receive that drug, but developed an allergic reaction very early in treatment so it was eliminated.

Did you get a protocol #? I'd be curious to hear what it is. Let me know when you can.

Take care of yourself and talk to you soon...

Alisa <>
- Monday, May 10, 2004 9:36 PM CDT

Hi Chris and Leslie! I finally got to your sight. Sounds like you've been busy.
Our University kids are home and started painting today. All is getting settled slowly.
Sounds like you have been busy too.I plan to come and visit this week.Miss our
teaching sessions and seeing you both.Love and prayers,

Kelly Knox
AURORA, ONT CANADA - Monday, May 10, 2004 9:19 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, sending love from Scotland.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, May 10, 2004 4:15 PM CDT
Hi Christopher and Leslie,

Hope things continue to go smoother for the both of you. This cancer stuff is just so unfair. Hopefully this time in the hospital will just fly by.....thinking of you.

Hope you had a good Mother's Day.

Devin's mom <>
- Monday, May 10, 2004 12:44 AM CDT
Chris & Leslie: Hoping each day gets easier with the chemo regimen and you can keep up spirits. Remember to just get through the day and try to keep your eye on the end. It will get here. Sometimes the lack of support from friends, just when you need them most, is more hurtful than all the chemo. Sometimes friends just don't know how to deal with cancer. They don't know what to say or do, so they do nothing because it seems easier. It's sometimes seems a bit too much to take, but I can see that you are both VERY courageous and with a little help from a few, you will meet the challenge of each new day. With love and understanding, JoAnn Bendik
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Monday, May 10, 2004 7:27 AM CDT
Hello Christopher,
I'm so sorry to hear you have to face this again. I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. It just breaks my heart to know that you have to go through all of this again. It's just so unfair!! Tell your mom Thanks for coming to my Christopher's site and leaving a message for him. It means so much. I will be back to check on you very soon!!

Tracy Eckhardt(BWC) and Christopher <>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:14 PM CDT
Hi Lesley and Chris, justing stopping by to say hello.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:55 PM CDT
Mother's Day

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartHappy Mother's Day!!!Purple Heart

Teddy Bear For Mom

Shannon, Jeff & Samantha Therese <>
#24 - Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:07 AM CDT
I pray for you Chris and think of laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:32 AM CDT

Glad to hear things are going a little smoother. Its always nice to know things are working as they should.

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers,

Dev's mom <>
- Saturday, May 8, 2004 0:20 AM CDT
Christopher and Leslie: Soooooooooooo happy to hear that the tumor is shrinking and we are sending positive thoughts and prayers your way that this will continue and that each day you will feel better and be on the road to thee cure. I swear that one day I will work vigilantly to replace all uncomfortable chairs and beds that parents must attempt to sleep in while trying to care for their precious children. It is a travesty and the last straw that anyone should have to deal with while going through their children's treatment. With love, JoAnn
joann bendik <>
downers grove, il dupage - Friday, May 7, 2004 11:45 PM CDT
Hey guys, stopping by
to wish you a great and
happy weekend. love
craig, lauren, and helen


craig <>
- Friday, May 7, 2004 5:32 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris, I hope you both get a good nights sleep.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, May 7, 2004 5:24 PM CDT
Just me again checkin'up on you guys. Hope chemo went well, Vincristine is usually well tolerated.
Wanted to say "HI!", thinking of you and the girls all send their prayers.
Happy Mother's Day, and a great one you are, never doubt that!
Luv & Hugs!

Your pal, Chris :-) <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Friday, May 7, 2004 4:43 PM CDT

Have A very Happy Mothers Day.
And a wonderful weekend.....

Tracy and Lucas <>
Bridgeview, il USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,
Sounds like you are doing better. Yeah! Special treatment with your own private room, huh. Well, we think you are pretty special , too. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

WA USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
Hello guys,

Hope today is a good day. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers


Devin's mom <>
- Friday, May 7, 2004 10:28 AM CDT

Hi hon! I hope this round of chemo is treating you well. I was a bit worried when I read they hadn't started it yet, but calmed down when I read a little further. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartWishing You a GREAT Weekend!!!Purple Heart

Mother's Day 2*Only 2 days left! Don't forget -- May 9, 2004*

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Friday, May 7, 2004 7:03 AM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie, just checking in to see how you are? I always think it's quite good when you get moved away from the nurses station, usually means you're not as bad as you were.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:59 PM CDT
Praying your chemo goes smoothly.
Hang in there, buddy!! You've got people all over the world pulling for you!!!

Lisa (from nhl board) <>
Allenwood, NJ USA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 5:26 PM CDT

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I hope things continue to go well and you can get busy kicking this cancer!!

Leslie, sounds like things are maybe, hopefully beginning to get worked that makes you feel better. Thanks for the info about the caringbridge special on NBC. I will definetly be tuned in to watch.

Hope your day continues to go well.

Dev's mom <>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 3:38 PM CDT

Praying for you today as you begin your chemo.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartSamantha TheresePurple Heart

Mother's Day 2*Only 3 days left! Don't forget -- May 9, 2004*

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:03 AM CDT
Hi Chris!

I pray for you.I hope you have a better day laura <>
budapest, hungary - Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:39 AM CDT
Leslie, Maybe you could get a pass from TGH or Sick Kids and walk across to PMH. I don't know if they have passes either, but it's possible.
Brenda B <>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 5:57 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris,
Found your site from another caringbridge family. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this rough time. I love the poem. We will pray for a speedy recovery and remission. Our daughter Lauren has cancer too and is in her firs remission. (as long as scans remain clear on the 17th) Chris, you are a amazingly strong man. May God bless you and your family.

Debra Brigando (Laurens mom) <>
Sauk Village, Il USA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 1:37 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,
I'm glad to hear that Chris will be getting neupogen to help his counts come back. Manda has been getting it (or neulasta) for her WBC and epogen (AKA epotin, procrit) for RBC. It has made all the difference as to recovering quickly and maintaining her schedule of chemo.

Chris will beat it! His feistiness and your stubbornness will help you all the way!

BTW, I assume they are calling it leukemia this time because blasts were found in Chris' bone marrow, apparently the main difference between the lymphoma versus leukemia designation.

Liz, mom to Manda, 19, t cell lymphoblasic lymphoma. Scheduled to go OT 7/04 (cross fingers).

- Thursday, May 6, 2004 0:47 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,

Sorry to hear about Chris getting sick, but so glad there is HOPE to get this monster, cancer, under control.

Devin was able to get back on chemo today. So far (knock on wood) he is doing well. He has been in such a great mood today...I feel like its the calm before the storm.

Hope you get some answers soon...

Thinking of you in Utah,


Devin's mom <>
- Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Hi Lesie, Hope you got some sleep. Chris, I pray the pains stop soon.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Hi Chris & family.
Alisa & Devin Ross gave me your name and let me know I needed to add you to my prayer list. I have been praying for Devin through his battle with cancer, and I will definately be praying for you, and your family, during your continued battle. I am so sorry you are having to go through this again. Sounds like you have a very supportive family. That is great!
Take care of yourself and remember that we are praying for you here in Oklahoma.

Diana Young <>
Shawnee, OK USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:00 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Chris, I just want you to both know that I am only a phone call away if you need anything. Let me know. Chris keep strong, and my prayers are with you.
Tanya <>
- Wednesday, May 5, 2004 2:03 PM CDT
Hi bro, Still praying hard for you and all of our friends. Never quit fighting. Email me if you want to talk ok. Love and Prayers, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <>
Ga USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:06 AM CDT
Morning Les,
Just wanted to say Hi and hope you got a bit of rest last night.
Right...As if you would with this stuff on your mind.
Anyways, if you are downtown at night and feel like company or a bite to eat, I am available & free every Tuesday's & Thursday's as Mario has the kids.
From work, it's only 20 mins!
I am free this Friday as well as it's Mario's weekend.
Maybe I can take you to "our" Firken or Devil & chill.
Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do.

Chris :-) <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:55 AM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris,

Glad to hear Chris got his internet access....that should make HIM feel better. I liked the comment about the dr's living next to the Leaf players...yeah, now you know....the big bucks!!!

Leslie, I'm glad to hear that things are coming together as they have been in some time anyway. Curious to hear the protocol...I know you'll let us all know when you find something out.

Keep your chin up and know you are doing a great job.

Hugs from Utah..

Dev's mom <>
- Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:18 PM CDT
Hi Lesley and Chris, just looking in as I do nightly to see how you are. Hugs.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:47 PM CDT
Bouncy 4ChristopherBouncy 4

Hi hon! You and your family are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers, but I'll be sending some extra prayers your way as far as those biopsy results of yours are concerned.

I hope you're doing as well as you possibly can be, hon.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartSamantha TheresePurple Heart

Cat 18

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
Leslie & Chris: Thoughts and prayers are there that today you will have a complete diagnosis and that there is a plan in place for a complete cure. I also pray for the strength you will need to get there. Love, JoAnn
jo ann bendik <jojomarga!>
downers grove, il dupage - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:28 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I hope you will feel better soon.I pray for you.
laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 1:10 AM CDT
God is Looking after you! We are praying for you!
Andee matthews <>
Chelsea, AL USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Hi there Chris and Leslie. I've been signing Devin's guestbook for about three months. Alisa asked everyone to remember you in our prayers. So, please know that there is one more voice reminding God to take extra good care of you most especially at this time.

love from Mrs. Pam, a Preschool teacher in Missouri

Mrs. Pam
st. Louis, mo usa - Monday, May 3, 2004 3:20 PM CDT
Dear G/F,
Thinking of you today, as I have since Friday.
The weather this weekend certainly reflected the situation and my mood as I am sure yours and many more.
Thanks for taking the time to call Saturday.
I have made an uptade post on J-Man's site, go by if you get a chance.
Say Hi to my handsome Kissyfer today and give him a big hug from me.
I know lots will be going on today & I will be praying for you.
Luv & Hugs to you,

Chris & Jessy <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Monday, May 3, 2004 6:21 AM CDT
We are under different religions but I believe all religions bless us to have a life with peace and happiness. I will pray for all cancer patients get well soon and come back to normal life.

Henry Le <>
Irvine, Ca USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 6:34 PM CDT
Hi, I came across your webpage today while checking the updates of my friend with cancer. I am a freshman in highschool in Birmingham, AL. I wanted you to know that Chris is in my thoughts and prayers! Our God is an AWESOME God and with Him all things are possible!! Much Love, Emily
Emily <>
B'Ham, AL USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:47 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, Read your post on NHL and I always thought of you as being a saint..Now I KNOW you are. Now that you have an IN, you can add my prayers along with all the people who's life Chris has touched and hopefully our prayers will be answered.
Hey Chris..Hang tough and plan to party.
Hugs ~~ Helen

Ft.Lauderdale, FL USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:28 PM CDT
May the lord bless you and give you peace this day!

Love The Gomez Family <>
Tampa, FL USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:22 PM CDT
Drooling Bouncy SmileyChristopherDrooling Bouncy Smiley

Hi sweetie! Devin's Mom told me some stuff about you and I wanted to stop by so that I could say "Hi!" Please know all of my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, sweetie. I'll be back to check up on you again soon.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Purple HeartSamantha TheresePurple Heart

Flowers For You

Mrs. Shannon <>
#24 - Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:41 AM CDT
Leslie: My heart aches for Christoher and you. My husband has been the punching bag for my daughter, Jana, (same cancer as Christopher - six months after treatment) for two and half years now. As much as being in that role is so hurtful, I hope there is some comfort knowing that you have that role because you are probably the only one he can trust to still love him and be there when all else fails. As sad as it is, it's a sign of his love. I hope that there is some support person/group that you can reach out to let these feelings out. Thank you for sharing them with those who read your site, as many of us are living with the same fears and frustrations. I will pray that you will be renewed with all the calm and courage needed to fight right along side of Christopher (I have a Christopher also). Do you think it would help for Christopher to e-mail/talk with Jana who is now 20. There doesn't seem to be a lot of support for teenagers. Love, JoAnn
JoAnn Bendik <>
Downers Grove, Il DuPage - Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:57 AM CDT
Hi Leslie,

I know how you feel. Michelle was alway angry at me and never angry a her stepdad. She seem to take great pleasure out of being angry at me all the time, especially in front of Don. As of lately those she seem less angry and more happy. Hope thing get better with Chris attitude. Will be praying for you and your family, Love from Kim m/o Michelle

Kimberley Clayton <>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:02 AM CDT

I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this yet again. This cancer stuff really is so unfair. I could leave you a message about how this is going to make you a stronger person, yada, yada, yada.....

I think what you need right now is a big HUG!!

Wishing you the best...including a much less stressed day tomorrow.

Alisa <>
- Sunday, May 2, 2004 2:01 AM CDT
Leslie, I really cannot imagine the "pain" you are going through. I can't think of a worse terror for a Mom. Please take care of yourself and know that there are lots of folks parying for both of you.

WA USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 1:29 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I pray for you.and I think of you.If you need someone to talk let me know I'M are a fighter.
laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Sunday, May 2, 2004 1:28 AM CDT
I just want to let you know that my thoughts and my prayers are with you and your son. My husband who is 44 is awaiting a bone marrow transplant. We have 2 sons, 6 and 17. I know that it is really hard on the person that is sick, but no one realizes how very hard it is on the caregiver. Not only do you deal with the cancer, but you deal with everything else also.
Please know that I understand how you feel, and it is alright to get angry. This is an awful journey that we must face and it is so difficult. Please take care of yourself and my husbands caring bridge info is la and johnny. If you need to share your feelings with someone, please know I will be there for you.
Hugs to you and Chris,
Love, Cindy

Cindy Bulger
St. Rose, La USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 11:35 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Leslie,
I'm praying for you guys. I hope chemo does the trick for this cancer, and it never comes back again. No one should ever have to go through this battle. Stay strong and have faith!

Amanda <>
GA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 11:08 PM CDT
Thankyou every one for your support, I check like a madman for encouragement, it really means so much to me.

Love you all

Leslie (Christophers mom) <>
Aurora, Ontaroi Canada - Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Hi Leslie...
Thank you so much for stopping by and signing Kody's GB...we really appreciate it.
Went by Rob's site and he is just so cool...Kody really is floored by him and what he is doing.
Girl....Vent, vent, vent, scream and cry....I'll scream and cry with you....yes cancer sucks for our child, for us, for everyone involved. I have found too, that a little space and time to myself works wonders...even if that means stepping away from my own son for a while. He likes it gives him room to spread his own wings, I guess.
Anyway...thank you again for signing Kody's Gb and letting us know about two really terrific guys...Chris and Rob!!

- Saturday, May 1, 2004 9:35 PM CDT
Leslie, I can't believe you have to go thru this again.It is so unfair. We're thinking of you and Chris every day. I hope he responds quickly to the chemo and can get home soon.
Brenda & Alex,
Adele & Joe

Brenda <>
- Saturday, May 1, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Hi Leslie,
I read your post on the NHL board today, and like you, I am shocked! This just doesn't make sense at all. Just last week I read your update in the local newspaper and I was so happy to hear how well things were going for Chris. I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you both right now, but if there is, please let me know.
I have to admit when I read your 'rant' about the pesticides, it really hit home. I am already anxious about going outside to run, as every lawn is now proudly sporting a little sign that warns us of POISON! How do we educate people so that they don't endanger ourselves and our children?
I am here for you, if I can help in any way.

Nicole Marsh-Burke <>
Aurora, Canada - Saturday, May 1, 2004 6:51 PM CDT
Hi bro, I just got an email from Rob and told him what was going on with you. I will let you know what he says. I gave him your email address at hotmail. Love and Prayers, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <>
Ga USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Well Christopher,

I'm sorry to hear this thing is bigger than they originally thought, but you know what, I KNOW and YOU KNOW that YOU are tougher than this d*** cancer!!

You are a fighter..This is evident since the day you were born. You should know that people all over the world are praying for you!! We are all behind you every step of the way!!

Please consider yourself hugged from your friends in Utah...

The Ross Family

Devin, Kara, Alisa and Randy <>
- Saturday, May 1, 2004 12:14 AM CDT
Sending you prayers from the "Buckeye State"!!!

I was dx with NHL 4/24/02.


Columbus, Ohio - Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:36 AM CDT
We are sending positive thoughts to you Chris and your family.

Dawn and Owen

Dawn Robichaud <>
Saint John, N.B. Canada - Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:56 AM CDT
Hi bro, I am praying for you and will keep on doing it. Do not ever stop the great fight. Love and Prayers, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <>
Ga USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:23 AM CDT

I have been keeping up on Chris's progress, and was heartbroken by this turn of events. Chris and your entire family are in our prayers.

North Kingstown, RI USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 6:58 AM CDT
Hello Chris,
This is Jenna. I have been checking your updates ever since your mom signed my guestbook. You are deffinatly in my prayers. You are such an inspiration, and a Fighter! I will come by again to see how you are doing. You are a hero in life.

Jenna <>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Saturday, May 1, 2004 3:32 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I will pray for you harder.I think of you.
your friend
laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Saturday, May 1, 2004 1:05 AM CDT
I wish with all my heart that you weren't going through this nightmare...We are all hoping and praying that all will be well and that you will have the strength to face whatever lies ahead. Please know that we are all behind you 100% and are sending prayers and love your way!

Be strong Chris - we love you!

Jen Moreno (Mario & Ryan too!) <>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 7:04 PM CDT
Oh Leslie and Chris, I can't believe this is happening to you, as if you haven't been through enough, I AM praying for you all.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, April 30, 2004 5:24 PM CDT
G/F, I don't know what to say exept NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He has fought so long and hard and you have too! This can't be happeneing, has to be a bad dream. PLEASE GOD! Why!?
Call me when you can, I need to hear your voice. The rat pack has been informed, except for Cathy.
Hugs, kisses, thought & prayers.
Luv you guys :-(

Chris <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Friday, April 30, 2004 4:43 PM CDT
I hope you will get well soon, may God bless you so much and give you peace in your heart, love
Beba <knikola@eunet.yu>
Novi Sad, Serbia - Friday, April 30, 2004 1:16 PM CDT
I just came across your page and wanted to tell you that you are in my prayers, and the prayers of many others. I know the news is devastating and you are probably incredibly frustrated, angry, scared, worried, and many other emotions that I could never know about, and neither can anyone else except yourself. Keep fighting, and know that you are never alone. Many are thinking of you and saying prayers for you. Stay strong. If it is okay, I am going to keep checking on you, and you will be in my prayers until the day they declare you are cured!

Rebecca Parra <>
Milwaukee, WI - Friday, April 30, 2004 9:01 AM CDT
Oh, No, lots of prayers baby!!!
I'll pray for you all day.

love, craig, lauren, and helen


craig <>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 7:37 AM CDT
Hi Chris!
I'M so sorry that you have to battle this disase again.I pray for you harder and I think of you.If you need someone to talk I'M here for you.I pray for you.
laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Friday, April 30, 2004 1:02 AM CDT
Hey Christopher,

I am so, so sorry to learn that the battle has to be so long and so hard again. From what I've read, you're a young man who knows how to perservere...keep on being the strong young man that you are!

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Be strong, buddy!

Take care,

Terry Josephson, Julianna Banana's dad <>
Winnipeg, Canada - Friday, April 30, 2004 0:45 AM CDT
Well....not good.

We're sorry to hear the not such great news. We will be praying for you and yours. Chris is strong.

Alisa <>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 0:10 AM CDT
I signed your guestbook this morning and I was concerned about you so I checked back to see if there were any updates and I read your bad news. I'm so sorry!! I wish I could say something to make it all better for you and your family. I will promise to keep you in my prayers!

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
I've been tracking Chris' progress through the nhl message board. I am so sorry that Chris is sick again. I went through a SCT last June. Although I must admit I am not religious at all, I will say a special prayer for Chris tonight.
Please keep us posted.
Sincerely, Tonya (aka:squeek)

NC USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
I'm sorry that you have to go through this. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma, Stage III when he was 22 and he had a really rough time. I hope you get to feeling better. My son also has Acute Myeloid Leukemia and I know even more what a frustrating road it is to battle cancer. Never give up the fight!

Amy Friend <>
Mountain Lake Park, MD USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:23 AM CDT
Well, well, well....

An interesting day at your house...I'm sorry you are having trouble FINDING A DOCTOR AT THE HOSPITAL!! Who knew?? Sounds like some kind of trick they might try on us here.

I sure hope tomorrow is a better day. Leslie I know exactly what you mean about treating the PATIENT...not just the disease. It is frustrating to say the least.

Keep fighting and know we are thinking of you guys here!!

Talk to you soon,

Devin's mom <>
- Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:28 AM CDT
Dear Christopher,

I too live in Aurora and was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myelogenous Luekemia)last July. I spent most of the summer in Princess Margaret Hospital. I am also in remission like you, as of December 03/. I read part of the artical that was in the Era Banner in the Fall that talked about you, but because I was feeling pretty crappy at the time it was too upsetting to read all of it at the time. However, I have been wondering all along how you've been doing and I was very pleased to read in today's paper that you are doing very well. You are no doubt a very strong and courageous young man. The worst is behind both of us now, and we have both been blessed with a second chance. I wish you all the best Christopher, to you and your family, who also sound amazing. Family and friends and their support and prayers are what helped get me through the rough times and I am so happy to know that you had amazing support from everyone as well. You are one very special kid Christopher, stay well, and have a wonderful life!

Dorothey George
Aurora, On Canada - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:36 PM CDT
Hi bro, Glad you are feeling better. I am watching Rob and he is now coming to Georgia so I am hoping to meet him. I will keep you in my prayers. Later Bro, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <>
Ga USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
Thanks for signing my guestbook. I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm praying for you.

Your Friend,

Angelica <>
Madison, AL - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
Hi Chris and Mom!
I pray for you Chris.If you have time and want you can email me and maybe we can become good friends.
Chris'mom:there is a code for how to put people to your page.If you want I can help you,but please email me and I send you the code.
laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:25 AM CDT
Hi Christopher It's Blake here from sunny Brisbane Australia. Thanks for the message that was sent to me. I am a bit down at the moment but seeing a message from Canada really cheered me up. Take care of yourself and try and stay well.
Blake Fowler <>
Brisbane, QLDAA Australia - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:38 AM CDT
Well Christopher,

Whats up with the throwing up??? That sounds bad.

Ok here. Sunny and warm today. I was out riding my bike. I didn't qualify for chemo today...low back on the shots for me.

My mom just put some emla on my leg...I'm hoping it will help...but she is an excellent shot giver!!

Hope you start feeling better FAST!! Thinking of you my friend,

Devin <>
- Monday, April 26, 2004 11:12 PM CDT
Hi Chris and family. I am glad you got the banner working. If you have any friends who want one, please direct them to the banner site at

Hope you all get better from this virus soon!

HelenH <>
UK, - Monday, April 26, 2004 9:55 AM CDT
Hallo Christopher and Mom...
I am Yolana. I live far away from you, I'm in Indonesia.
I just found your website accidentally about a couple of weeks ago.
From that time, I never miss reading your journal everyday.
Just can't wait to see how Chris doing from day to day and really glad to know that he's doing OK.
I even print all your previous journal and keep it in a bundle. I call it "Christopher's Journal"
after reading all the journals, I am very very amazed by your family strength and determination in coping with this life adventure. I really wish and pray that no other problems will come to your family. Like that bank problem, you know. I can't believe someone could do such a horrible thing!!!
But you all really are a bunch of tough people, aren't you?
I just couldn't imagine how I'm gonna be like if the same issues happen to me. Chris and Mom, you really are inspiration for me and I'm sure many other people out there feel the same thing.

Yolana <>
Palembang, South Sumatera Indonesia - Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:07 PM CDT

Just wanted to drop by and tell you the banner looks way COOL!! A cool banner for a cool kid!! Isn't that Helen just the best??? Did you see the really cool one she made for me??? It has my favorite, Aerosmith, on it!! Too cool.

Hope you start feeling better. It is the weekend after all.

Talk to you soon,

Devin <>
- Saturday, April 24, 2004 10:38 PM CDT
Christopher, I found your wesite on Rachel's webpage. Praise God for your clean bill of health!! Miracles still happen!
Johnna Story
Sycamore, GA USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 10:15 PM CDT
Happy 6 month anniversary! Ok, so 1/2 anniversary? Whatever, man, it's a big one! Thanks for signing Bailey's guestbook, Leslie. The very best of luck with all Christopher's tests today. All clean, all healthy, ALL GREAT! From here on out, Amen!
Terri and Bailey Peterson <>
Ramsey, MN USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 1:36 PM CDT

Here's a poem I wrote about how I feel about cancer.

Cancer In Seussical Form

By Devin Ross

I do not want it in here
Not here, not there, not anywhere.

Take this cancer
Take it all!!

Let chemo make it very small.

So small it does not exist,
Take it away, I insist !!

I’ve got things to do
Places to be.

My dream is to be cancer-free !

I’m only a kid,
Should I have to fight this fight?

I wish cancer was EXTINCT
With all of my might!!

Devin <>
- Friday, April 23, 2004 1:09 PM CDT
Hello Christopher and mom,

It was a rough weekend, but Devin is now home and doing well. Thanks for all of your help and advice have helped me get a lot of 'questions' answered!! Christopher, please give your mom a big hug from me!!

Hope all goes well at the appointments today. We will certainly be thinking and praying for you. It sounds like you have a BIG, tiring day ahead of you.

We will be checking back to hear how all goes.

Good luck!

Devin and family <>
- Friday, April 23, 2004 12:22 AM CDT
Hey Leslie and Christopher!

Ok, don't panic, it's only a 1 game to 0 lead. Eddie the Eagle is from Carman, Manitoba, less than an hour from where I'm typing. And if there's one thing we do well here in Manitoba it's pumping out great goalies. Eddie will shut Philly out in game two, mark my words.

Six months post transplant, that's GREAT! I wish you smooth sailing from here on in :-)


Julianna Banana <>
Winnipeg, Canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 0:46 AM CDT
Hey Les,
I have had LaKota's link for a while but had not signed in until I saw it on your site.
I see the poor little thing has Wilms now...
Man, this damn cancer is really got me PO!
What is wrong with this world?!
Have we corrupted & polluted it so much that all these cancer causing agents are in our air, food and water?
Why can't we find a cure?!
Hope all is well with you guys and this "Kissyfer" is feeling better.
Who knows, we might be hillbilly neighbours soon! LOL
Hope to see ya soon.
Take care g/f,

Chris <>
Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:52 AM CDT
Hi bro what are you doing? Your mom left me a message on my page and I had to come check you out. I am adding you to my prayer list and asking all my friends to pray too. God can and does do Miracles. I am one of them. I am adding you to my links so you will get alot more prayers. Hang in their bro because you have alot of prayers coming your way. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me
The Prayer

Chance <>
Ga USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:55 PM CDT
Hello Christopher and Leslie,
Leslie, Thankyou so much for signing my guestbook. I am always happy to get encouragement from others and read new messages. That is awesome that you got to go to a Leafs game in Cjo's box. I am a bgi fan of the Vancouver Canucks, as well as the Leafs. The Canucks are my favourite team and I know Trevor Linden personally and he gave my dad and I tickets to a Canucks game. THen I also got a ticket from Markus Naslund, for his suite, and it is called the Nazzy's suite, I had a lot of fun. Darcy Tucker, used to play for the Kamloops Blazer, the WHL team here. So he is now my fav. Leaf and i have 2 more fav. players too. Christohper I hope you will feel better soon.
You are in my prayers, and you are also an inspiration to all.
Here is my hockey site I made:

Jenna <>
Kamloops, B Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:54 AM CDT
Hi there!
Thank you so much for coming to our site. I have spent some time at yours and marvel at how, even with the differences in treatment and diagnoses, there are so many similarities in the experience of cancer. I pray for Christopher to be sustained and for your family to be comforted during all of this. You have been through so very much. I wish you well.

lori hurley ( <>
N St Paul, mn - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:55 PM CDT
Hi there
Thank you for signing out guestbook! My son is the 6 year old that just had a cord blood transplant. I hope Christopher is feeling better.
I read some of your journal entries and well, I know I should never sugest anything and my big mouth can't help it. I just care. Anyway you were saying that Christopher was having back pain and his creatinine was high and they said he was dehydrated. Just a thought but do you think that his back pain could be his kidneys? Is that where it was sore? Just thought I would ask.
Sending you our prayers.
Sherry <>
orlando, - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Hi Christopher und Mom!
I pray for you and I think of you.I hope you will feel better soon.
laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:21 AM CDT
Hello Christopher and mom,

Hope you guys get some answers (good, positive answers) tomorrow in the clinic. Has Christopher ever tried the heated, vibrating chairs? Sometimes when Devin is feeling bad that chair can really make him feel better. Just a thought.

We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Will be checking up on you again soon,

The Ross Family <>
- Friday, April 16, 2004 1:40 AM CDT
Glad to hear that Chris is doing good. I hope he's back to his normal self very soon.
Always in my thoughts and prayers!

Krista Johnson <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:53 PM CDT
Hello Beautiful Friend's,
Will be praying that you feel much better.
Sending lot's of prayer's your way. ++++++++++++
LaKota will go in April 19th for the 5 day's of testing before the transplant, then April 27th she will have the transplant. "Please pray that this will be the miracle LaKota need's on Earth for a long Healthy Life on Earth. "THANK YOU.
Love,LaKota, and her mom,Debbie
God Bless you my friend's.
~*~ LaKota's Page ~*~

The Lord him self goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."
Deuteronomy 31:8 <>
St.Cloud, MN - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:34 AM CDT
Hi guys - still waiting to hear what you'd like on your banner.
HelenH <>
UK, - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:47 PM CDT
Hello there,

Sorry to hear you're not feeling the greatest. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for everyone. Devin isn't feeling too great either...steroid taper in effect I guess ( I hope )

I hope tomorrow finds you feeling MUCH better!! Hello to your mom too!!

Devin's mom

Alisa <>
- Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:30 AM CDT
Praying that your pain goes away.
Hope that you had a real good easter.
Sending lot's of prayer's your way. ++++++++++++
Love,LaKota and her mom,Debbie
God be with you
~*~ LaKota's Page ~*~ <>
St.Cloud, MN - Monday, April 12, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
I wish you happy easter!If you have time you could write me an email and we could be penfriends.just if you want.have a nice weekend.

laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
Hiya Hun
I just want you to know I check in regulary to read this jounal.
I am sending massive cyber hugs to you all.

I am from the Lymphoma board and your posts touch me in my heart. You are a truly special lady.
Love to chris and Love to YOU

Love always.

Lou <>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:16 PM CDT

I just love your site and your mom's kind words. Please give her a hug from us!! We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!!

Good luck at the dr. on Friday.

Thinking of you,

Your friends in Utah

Devin and mom
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:14 AM CDT
Stopping in to say Hello !!!!!!!!!
Happy Easter to you and your family.

We have been gone for a few day's, sorry about not getting back sooner and signing the guest book.
Sending lot's of prayer's your way. +++++++++++++++++
Love, LaKota and her mom, Debbie
~*~ LaKota~*~
God be with you.

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and healing shall spring up quickly.
Isaiah 58:8 <>
St.Cloud, MN - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Dropping by to wish you a wonderful easter, and let you know we are thinking and praying for you!!, You are so brave and special, I hope you know that!!

Easter Bells
Think of the garden after the rain;
And hope to my heart comes singing,
"At morn the cherry-blooms will be white,
And the Easter bells be ringing!"
--Edna Dean Procter

chris and Hayden <>
Raok, - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Hey Chris,

I found your site through Laura's page, Im very sorry to hear about your sickness. Keep fighting. I will tell you a bit about me, Im 19 and live in St. Albert, AB. If you have MSN you can add me to it, if you want to talk, or you can simply just e-mail me! But Im here if you want to talk! My thoughts and prayers are sent your way. Keep Smiling! God Bless.

Leah <>
St. Albert, AB Canada - Monday, April 5, 2004 0:54 AM CDT
Hey you guys, I saw that you had popped a request for a banner in my guestbook. I was sure I had been to your page before and then when I came back to your guestbook I saw my last entry was nearly a year ago! Sorry about that! I'd be happy to make a banner for Chris. If you could just E-mail me (address below) and let me know if you have any idea what you'd like it to say, that'd be great. If you are stuck for ideas, pleasevisit The Banner Site to see some of the other banners we have made.
HelenH <>
UK, - Saturday, April 3, 2004 5:15 PM CST
Thank You so much for coming to visit LaKota's web page, and signing her guest book.
Sending lot's of prayer's your way. ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Love, LaKota and her mom,Debbie
God Bless you.
Love,LaKota's mom,Debbie
~*~ LaKota~*~

Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
--Hebrews 13:2

God's Emergency Numbers
When in sorrow - call John 14
When you are lonely or fearful - call Psalms 23
When you want to be fruitful - call John 15
When you have sinned - call Psalms 51
When you grow bitter and critical - call 1 Corinthians 13
When you worry - call Matthew 6:19-34
When you feel down and out - call Romans 8:31-39
When your prayers grow selfish - call Psalms 67
When you are in danger - call Psalms 91
When your faith needs stirring - call Hebrews 11
When God seems far away - call Psalms 139
When others fail you - call Psalms 27
When you leave home to labor or travel - call Psalms 121
When you want assurance - call Romans 1:1-30
For Paul's secret of happiness - call Colossians 3:12-17
For Paul's idea of Christianity - call 2 Corinthians 5:15-20
When the world seems bigger than God - call Psalms 70 and Jeremiah 33:3

If you believe in the Jesus Christ- call Him up

(Collect Calls are accepted)
Unknown <>
St.Cloud, MN - Saturday, April 3, 2004 0:57 AM CST
Hello Chris and Chris's mommy,
I have been checking your website and praying for you prior to the relapse and transplant and I came to the conclusion I have yet to actually sign your guestbook. I just wanted to say that I think Chris is beyond brave and that he continues to be in my prayers. Lots of Love Lisa
CA - Friday, April 2, 2004 11:32 AM CST
Hi Chris!

your Mom signed my guestbook.I addaded your link to my friends links.How are you doing?I pray for you.I will check you oftenif you feel ok and want to talk you can send me an email.I think of you.

laura <>
budapest, Hungary - Friday, April 2, 2004 0:12 AM CST
Hello Chris and mom,

I have only had time to read a short part of your story. You guys are amazing!! Keep up the good work.

My son has Lymphoblastic Lymphoma as well. He would love to talk to someone with the same type of cancer.

Have a great day!

mom to Devin
- Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:33 AM CST
Leslie and chris
I am so glad that Chris is doing great, thanks for sharing your lives with all of us. You guys are really amazing

Linda V. <>
Keswick, On - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:58 AM CST
and especially Christopher,
This is what keeps me going in the world.
This news is just beyond all good.
God Bless.
You're in my heart and prayers always, not to mention "My Favorites."!!
Take care.
Love, Liz

Liz Finkelstein
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:56 AM CST
Hey guys!
I just wanted to wish you well and hope that everything is going good. I have a best friend who's 17 and battling cancer, however he's doing well. He's in remission for the second time. Thanks for your time, and hope to talk to you soon
Keep your head held high.

Brooke Leishman <>
Orillia, Ont. Canada - Saturday, March 20, 2004 3:29 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,

Just checking in and sending good thoughts your way.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, March 19, 2004 5:09 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris
Thanks for sharing your lives in your journal which I read this afternoon. Great to hear everything is going so well. My beloved Dad aged 54 has just been diagnosed with NHL 4 weeks ago and has started on his treatment. I searched for hope on the internet and found you - a family full of love and courage. I wish you all the best for the future and you will be in my thoughts.

London, UK - Friday, March 19, 2004 10:43 AM CST
I hope this finds you doing well. I am not Irish but you know what they say about St Patrick's Day....

Angel Chris ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Monday, March 15, 2004 8:12 AM CST
Hello Leslie and Christopher
I've been away a lot lately (and still am) but I wanted you to know I check on Chris' progress when I can. I'm glad to hear about your good news lately. May it only get better.

I think of you often.

Larry hobbs
Aurora, On Canada - Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:08 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris,

Glad to hear all is well. Leslie thanks for the e-mail, I sent one back to you, it was good of you to take the time to write. God bless

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 6:21 PM CST
Hi Chris, Leslie, Ian, Fraser .......
I hope that things are well. You have all been on mind a great deal and I was wondering........ I looked over your website and it is pretty incredible. Give me a call sometime for a chat. I hope that you don't miss me too much Chris........ you know I still love you..... Take good care.

Pat <>
Toronto, on - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 5:06 PM CST
*~ We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.
--Luciano De Crescenzo ~*

Sending sparkles and hope today is a good day for you wishes


Rachel <>
England (UK) - Monday, March 1, 2004 12:34 AM CST
Hello Leslie ,

I met you in a game room and I'm glad to have had the honor to say hello to you :) I think you're the bravest woman on earth and your son is an Angel as well. The pics are great,, looks like he had a good time. Leslie , you your son and family will be in my prayers always. I wish you all the best and may god bless you all.

With Warm Thoughts & Prayers,
Paula :)

Paula M. Tristan <>
Sacramento, CA United States - Sunday, February 29, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Hi Leslie, Chris, and family!
I'm just checking in to get a smile - it's so great to hear how well things are going with you! You are an inspiration to so many, and I love seeing that you are finally getting a little of the good news that you've worked so hard for.
Thank you for sharing with us, and know that there are always good thoughts heading your way for the good news to just keep getting better.
Hugs and best wishes,

Laurie (from the NHL forum)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:13 AM CST
Hi Lesie and Chris,

I check your site often and I'm glad things are going EXTREMELY well for you right now. Was the Hickman port really that awful? I'll be getting mine next month and am not too happy about having "tubes" hanging out of my chest for any extended period of time. Live life to the fullest! God has worked a miracle in your life!!

Rick Woodruff <>
Frankfort, KY USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 6:56 PM CST
Hey buddy, you have a will to keep getting better which is a lot like skateboarding(you try a trick once, if you don't get it you try and try again)then one day you land it. Wow what a great feeling eh! This is just one of those hard sk8 tricks. SO LAND IT BRO. From one sk8ter to another.
Jason Howard <>
Hamilton, On Canada - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 12:31 AM CST

Happy Valentines Day, From Everyone at Post Pals

Emma <>
London, - Saturday, February 14, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Hi Chris,
I'm glad to hear you got your line out! Just stopping by to wish you and your family a very happy Valentines day. Oh, and I wanted to congratulate you on meeting Whoopi last year too..... not many of us "common" folk get to have that kind of experience! Much love and many hugs to you!

Angel Katnapper / Smile Quilts <>
Bloomington, IL United States - Friday, February 13, 2004 8:09 PM CST
Leslie, my name is Alison and I received your email for Joe Priole who is battling Cancer. I can't tell you how much it means to Joe's Family and Friends that you took the time to reach out and share your similar situation. Joe is an amazing man with a wonderful supportive family and great friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Christopher and your family. I am attaching Christopher's Link to our Website, Thank you again, stay positive and strong. Alison
Alison Barr <>
Cherry Hill, NJ USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:14 PM CST
You're an amazing young man and an amazing person. I haven't been fortunate enough to meet you in person, maybe someday, but have been following your story on your website and on the NHL WebMagic forum (screen name=TEX). Keep hanging tough and keep battling. You're going to win this battle yet. If you need anything, have your Mom IM me on WebMagic.


David Tyler
Katy, TX USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 11:42 AM CST
Dear Leslie and Chris, I'll pray for you each day that all your dreams come true. My father has Burketts Lymp, diag. in March,went in remission twice,now its back. He has to have a bone marrow transplant at Vanderbuilt hosp in Nashville. We leave in the morning to go there and see the doctors. I pray everyday that God will remove the cancer from my daddy, I'll pray for you too! God Bless!
Tina White <>
Harrison, Tenn USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 10:47 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris!
I'm thrilled to see that you're both getting back to "normal" life - Chris getting out to "play" and Leslie being a standard worried Mom!
You've made it through such a wild ride so far, I can't wait to see it all nice and smooth for a very long while.
Keep on keeping on - you are both an inspiration to so many!
All good thoughts heading your way for much hugs, hope, and laughter...

Laurie (BernardsWife from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Hi Les and Chris. I've been checking in once a week or so and decided it was time to sign in as well. LOL. Glad to hear things are still okay for you guys. Same here for us. We're back at HSC Mar 22.
Brenda B and Alex
- Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:51 AM CST
Hi Leslie,

It's WONDERFUL to hear the good news! I'm one of the T-cell people as well and hearing about Chris' everyday success' is testimony to God's work in your lives. Stay strong!! ROMANS 8:31b "If god is for us, who can be against us?"

Rick Woodruff <>
Frankfort, KY USA - Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:52 PM CST
Oh Leslie,
I go away for a few days (meaning don't sign on), and you have a crisis. I am personally thanking God for your FANTASTIC RESULTS!! Please God, may you have only health and happiness in your entire family, but emphasis on Chris, from here on in..You deserve this, Chris deserves this..just a normal, uneventful life forevermore.
Bless you all, you precious family.
Take care.
Love, Liz F.

Liz Finkelstein
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:18 PM CST
Hi Leslie.I'm sorry about the new bump Cris has ,I'll keep him and your whole family in my prayers !!

Bill Kenny <>
Brooklyn,, N.y U.S.A - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:38 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris, I couldn't sleep last night thinking about you, I prayed lots, and checked the site a couple of times during the day, when I came on just now and saw the new background I just thanked God, before I read the update.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 5:22 PM CST
Wanted to let you know we are all thinking about you . Please let us know what the onc. said.
Sending lots of prayers.

Analisa from the LRF Board
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 1:57 PM CST
Dear Leslie and Chris, What a wonderful day, you must be so pleased, I hope you can all relax a bit now. Chris have a great time with your pals, just be careful. You're always in my thought and prayers.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, January 23, 2004 5:14 PM CST
Dear Leslie,
I have an "emergency only/ friend/ family only" email, which I used to register here..Do you have access to it?? Don't worry about me. Basically I'm O.K., w/ limboland tatooed on my charts, LOL. I just HAD to know that Christopher is O.K., feel so THRILLED you all have been through this successfully, and yes, PLEASE write!! Gena, Laura and Billy have my email, but if you can't get it from my registration here, please just post same, and I'll figure out how to get it to you!! If you're in touch w/ esp. Gena or Laura, they have my email. I'm now just getting over flu, despite vaccination!! BLAH.
Am in Florida, in condo we got for "playing" early retirement, not knowing what my (esp. MS) future holds..) I really do mean, call, email me for ANYTHING!! Here's my cell phone: I'll call back to take charges: 610-349-8856.
Take care.
Love Always, Liz

Liz Finkelstein
- Friday, January 23, 2004 1:09 AM CST

Its nice to see your post! I hope you are doing well????
You have me you mean don't send you an email at all....?
If you can, let me know how to contact you......

If you can, email me and explain, you don't need to go into detail, but did something happen on the NHL board, I've not been posting because it keeps saying I need a new password

Aurora, Canada - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:20 PM CST
Dearest Leslie and Christopher,
Personal reasons have kept me off the internet, but I have never stopped praying for and thinking of dear Christopher. Please know that reading this site has caused my heart to fill with joy. God has blessed you all, and I believe it is so very much deserved (not that those who lose the fight do not deserve)..I am just SO VERY HAPPY for you all. Please do not pass along my email, but PLEASE always remember my promise: if you all need ANYTHING, please contact me. God Bless You All Forever.
Love, (the forgotten??) Lizfriend/ Lizfink from the NHL Board

Liz Finkelstein
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:53 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
I check your site all the time but usually don't post. Thought I'd say hi, happy new year! Glad to see that Chris is doing okay. Manda finished her first quarter in college and is doing well. Tell Chris he'll be back at school with his friends soon.

LizH <>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 11:44 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
I e-mailed you about a month ago. I want to Thank You for all the info that you have shared. I some what know what to expect for my 19 year old daughter Kelly, she starts radiation in 2 weeks and then she goes into the hospital for her transplant. I'm happy to hear that Chris is doing good. My prayers are with your fanily.

Kim Welch <>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 10:52 AM CST
HI Chris and Leslie, I was sorry to hear that Chris had a bug. I know that what is a minor bug for someone else is seriously debilitating for someone at Chris's stage.Very glad to hear that his counts are good and he is coming round.As I have mentioned before and if it is any consolation Maddy's plateletes were under 100 for over a year. They'll come up- just no more sword fighting for a while!!
Patricia Kelly-Ruiz <>
Richmond Hill, ON Canada - Sunday, January 18, 2004 9:09 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Great to hear Chris is doing so well. I'm still praying for him everyday.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, January 16, 2004 2:40 PM CST
Hi Leslie,
You signed my husband's guest map back on Oct. 17. I check his guest book often but had forgotten about the map, so I am just now reading your post. Thank you for signing in ... I am SO glad to see Christopher is doing well ... I love to hear good news! I just prayed for you - I prayed that Jesus would be your best friend and that He would give you lots of peace and encouragement. I also prayed that Christopher's bone marrow transplant would be a 100% success and for no serious side effects!
Love, Nancy

Nancy Tatum <>
Ridgeland , MS USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 2:57 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris!
I hope that you had a good Christmas and are enjoying your break!
I was just reading through your journal history - Bernard is now at Day +19, and I wanted to review what comes next. It's truly inspiring to remember just how much poor Chris has gone through and how well he has done - your notes don't show it, but we know just how hard he (and the family) had to work to get to today!
Bless you both for sharing your story here, it has made it so much easier for us to have an example to follow!
Keep up the good fight!

Laurie (from the NHL board) <>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Sunday, December 28, 2003 10:53 AM CST
Hi Leslie and Chris, I'm so pleased that you're home for Christmas, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. We've got Kayla home too.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 7:35 PM CST
Thrilled to hear that you are home for such a nice long break! There's nothing better than being home for Christmas.
All the best to all of you for a joyous holiday and a happy, healthy New Year!

Laurie (from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 10:13 AM CST
Just wanted to wish you all a great holiday and a Healthy and Happy New Year!
So good to see things are going better there.

Angel Chris ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Friday, December 12, 2003 10:19 PM CST
Dear Leslie,
It sounds like Chris is doing so well - I am thrilled for you all! We keep him in our prayers and are delighted that he seems to be sailing through this all with banners flying! God bless you all!

Jen Moreno (Mario and Ryan too!)
Murrieta, CA USA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 9:36 PM CST
What a great time to have Chris back home again. Leslie, I dare say, you deserve a haircut and a whole lot more. I know it's been a tough year for Chris but it has also been a tough year for you , too. Take care of you both.

richland, wa USA - Monday, December 1, 2003 0:55 AM CST
So glad to see that Chris is home again! It's so exciting to have completed this part of your journey in achieving remission for Chris. Home for the holidays, yeah!!!
Los Angeles County, CA - Monday, December 1, 2003 0:01 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Glad to hear you've found some time to care for yourself, you deserve it.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:58 PM CST
There's no place like home! And obviously nothing as good as Mom's cooking!

Thrilled to hear that Chris is home. We'll keep the good thoughts comin' that he'll get stronger every day!

Laurie (from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Thursday, November 27, 2003 5:30 PM CST
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, November 27, 2003 4:33 AM CST
YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!! Look out life here he comes :) I can't tell you how, hearing the news he was headed home, this news has made my day !!!!

Leslie I am so glad for you that your Chris is coming home!! I truly believe all the love, the *hugs*, the caring that was sent his way helped. He is one incredible young man whom I think will give life a brand new meaning.

*HUGS* to you all :)

San Rafael, CA USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 3:43 PM CST
G R E A T N E W S!!!!!
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 2:30 PM CST
Leslie, Chris and family, just to let you know you're still in our prayers.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:35 PM CST
Today's Tuesday and by this time tomorrow, you'll be packing up and heading on out!! Sounds good!
Take it easy fella'---this rough journey is almost over.
Take care of each other.

Maureen (NHL board) <>
Erie, PA USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:08 AM CST
Keeping my fingers crossed.

WA USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:19 AM CST
Sorry to hear that Chris didn't get to escape yesterday, but am still totally awestruck with how well he's doing! I can only imagine how frustrated he is with still being stuck in there, but he's more than strong enough to tough it out.
We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that it's only a couple more days!
All kinds of good thoughts heading east...

Laurie (from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Saturday, November 22, 2003 10:18 PM CST
Christopher, you are in our thoughts & prayers.
We hope your family has a nice holiday and you continue on the road to feeling good & doing great buddy.

Angel Chris ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:29 PM CST
Thanks for sharing the great news!!! There really is noplace like home for a recoup like this one!!
So, so happy for you ALL!!!

Lisa (from NHL board) <>
Allenwood, NJ USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 2:23 PM CST
WOW! What terrific news! Hopefully each day will bring new victories and you will soon be home with your family! Hang tough - we are so proud of you! You are in our prayers each night!
Jen Moreno (& Mario and Ryan, of course!) <>
Murrieta, CA USA - Sunday, November 16, 2003 9:43 PM CST
What great news!!!
rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, November 16, 2003 5:20 PM CST
Hello from Austin,Texas !! I wanted you both to know that I am reading your journal everyday and praying everynight that things continue to go well. Your family has many prayers from all over the world headed your way and you are in our hearts ! Keep fighting and you will win this war.

Your friend,

Analisa Kempers from the LRF NHL Board <>
Austin , TX USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 11:00 PM CST
Glad to hear all about Chris's counts going up. That is heartwarming to hear that your town has been taking up his cause. I've seen my husband go through a bmt so I know what Chris is going through. Best Wishes.

NHL message board

Ottawa, Canada - Friday, November 14, 2003 9:36 AM CST
I am reading your journal in my 17 year old's hospital room in Miami. She has hepatosplenic t=cell lymphoma (alpha beta type). We are hoping to get to transplant after this rouund of chemo. Last chemo did not work. Good luck to Christopher!
Ronald Felton <>
Miami, FL USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 0:17 AM CST
I am always thinking about you all. I hope everything goes well. Love..........Lori & Family
Lori Pacheco <>
Strathroy, - Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:29 AM CST
HI ya glad everything is well. I had T-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 3 in November 95 when I was 7. I had 2 litres of fluid on my left lung.
Now I am 16 and I go to the adult clinc now once a year to make sure everything is ok.
I didn,t know untill now how ill i was and how I made a good recovery.
I would really like to get intouch wiv people who had the same as me or who are suffering with it now.
Hope to hear from you soon

Carla-Jane Allen <>
norwich, norfolk, england, GB, - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:55 PM CST
Leslie and Christopher...
GREAT that those counts are reappearing!!! That's awesome news. Continuing to keep you in my prayers.....
Hang tough

Lisa <>
Allenwood, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:05 PM CST
Love seeing all of the good news!

Chris - YOU ARE AMAZING! I can't believe that you're cycling already - you must have will-power to spare. Keep going the way you are and you'll be home in no time.
We'll be watching and praying to hear that you're doing even better!

Laurie (from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 12:10 AM CST
Hooray! I'll join you in singing the "Go Marrow" song.

Brenda B
- Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:05 AM CST
Hi Leslie, I too have been watching this page every day for news, and I'm so glad that it's good news, I'm praying for you all every day.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, November 10, 2003 3:14 PM CST
I have been anxiously watching Chris's progess. What great news, All my best wishes.

Maggie Paulhus
Newmarket, Ont - Monday, November 10, 2003 2:58 PM CST
I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and Chris. Hang in there.

Larry H.
Aurora, On Canada - Monday, November 10, 2003 5:47 AM CST
Your tenacity and courage inspires me; you are my hero. I know you are surrounded by the incredible love and support from your family, but know that there are MANY of us sending you love and prayers. Take care, I hope you start feeling better soon.

From one mom to another, love, hugs and prayers to you! Your love and support of your son come through loud and clear in your posts. He is a lucky young man and his courage is OBVIOUSLY genetic! Take care.

LindaP (NHL board)
CA USA - Sunday, November 9, 2003 9:54 PM CST
A little note to say hi and let you know we are both thinking and praying for you.Love and strength to you and your mom

MG (from the nhl board)
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 9:53 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie, Hoping today finds you a little better than yesterday Chris! I know that the going has been rough but you a fighter and I hope that all the love, prayers and positive thoughts that have been sent your way have comforted you and your mom.
Hugs~Helen --"from the board"

Ft.Lauderdale, FL USA - Sunday, November 9, 2003 5:05 PM CST
Hi Leslie and Christopher,
After receiving your email i thought I would come and have a look at your web site. As a recipient of a BMT myself here in Australia, I wish you all the luck in the world. When you have bad days, look forward to tomorrow, they're bound to get better.

Shiloh Middlemiss <>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Sunday, November 9, 2003 1:00 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Sounds like you and Chris are hanging in there! Sorry to hear about the mouth sores and reactions to blood transfusion. Here's hoping things settle down soon.

Liz H (ALL and NHL board) <>
- Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:26 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie!
Sorry to hear that the mouth sores are still a problem - we're hoping and praying that engraftment starts soon and you'll be feeling better.
Thinking about you always!

Laurie (from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Friday, November 7, 2003 12:14 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
I think about you every day and hope that you are okay. You must be exhausted! I am praying for Chris and for you. Hang in there.

Nicole <>
Aurora, - Thursday, November 6, 2003 1:10 PM CST
Hey Chris and Leslie....
Keeping all crossed that those counts will re-appear before ya know it!! Hang tough with the mouth sores...once those counts get going your body will take care of them. You're all doing G-R-E-A-t!!!!!
Hugs and prayers from the Jersey Shore....

Lisa (from the NHL board) <>
Allenwood, NJ USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 6:25 PM CST
HI Leslie and Chris.
It is good to know that everything is going as expected.

Chris you are one brave guy. No matter what you decide to do in life, I know you will be successful. You have shown true determination and a willngness to go on even when times are tough.
Take care Chris.

Gena from NHL message board
WA USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 11:22 AM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,
Just letting you know I'm still praying for you all.

rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Friday, October 31, 2003 4:43 PM CST
Hi Chris and Leslie,
Reading your journal entry reminds me of Maddy's fight but Chris sounds like he's doing better-Maddy didn't eat for over 2 weeks.BMT team told us when she would spike & she did.I remember her counts being 0 too & look at her now.
Chris, you are coming along great, on schedule and as expected...Good for you! Make sure you get anything they have to keep the side effects from causing you too much discomfort, nausea and sickness. We continue to send positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Patricia (Maddy's mom) <>
Richmond Hill,ON, - Friday, October 31, 2003 8:38 AM CST
Hey Chris!
So glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better today, and that you felt up to eating. We're pulling for you, and sending all kinds of good thoughts that the road will be easier than you expected!

Hey, Leslie!
Just wanted to say thanks for your kind thoughts - you're my inspiration!
Many hugs,

Laurie (from the NHL board)
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 10:29 PM CST
You are in our thoughts and prayers daily! I hope you are up to using your new laptop and that it is helping to distract you! If not, I'm sure it won't be long! Hang in there sweetie - and stay strong! (But don't be afraid to speak up if you are uncomfortable - their job is to help keep you comfortable and many things that you are experiencing can be helped with the proper medication!) We love you kid, and are sending positive thoughts your way!!!

Jen Moreno (And Mario & Ryan too!) <>
CA U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 7:45 PM CST
May the miracle that you're experiencing put a smile in your heart, even though you might not always have a smile on your face. It's gotta' be rough at times. Please know there are so many people who truly care about you, even ones like me who don't really know you. Because we all fight this disease, we are a family and I will keep you in my prayers.
Stay strong.

Maureen (from the NHL board) <>
- Saturday, October 25, 2003 5:12 PM CDT
Keep up the fight Chris. You're one amazing kid.
Debbie McDonald (Nichol) <>
Aurora, Ont. Canada - Saturday, October 25, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
HI Chris- now you have two birthdays! Just think, now your parents have to come up with not one but two days to honor you. "Course, I think they are pretty good parents so don't hit them up too hard for the "big stuff." Don't know if you like jig saw puzzles but some times when I can't move around too much I go to and do their puzzles. Some days, the 6 piece ones are all I can manage and other days, I shoot for the stars.
Best wishes to you- Chris-lots of folks are sending good thoughts your way

Gena from NHL message board
WA USA - Friday, October 24, 2003 5:28 PM CDT
Chris, I am sure you have nothing to worry about, after all, you have fought through everything to this point and you are one of the strongest kids I have read about. Hope all goes well and you are in my continued thoughts and prayers.
Val Guse <>
Brooklyn Park, Mn - Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:51 PM CDT
May there be many happy, healthy, returns of the day!
So, you'll have to tell me whether "labour" was easier the first or the second time!
Thinking of you...

Laurie Paulhus
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:58 AM CDT
Hi Chris, Leslie, and family!
I was just thinking about you and thought I'd drop you a line. Please know that we're crossing our fingers, saying a prayer, touching wood (whatever works!) for all to go well this week and afterwards!

Laurie Paulhus
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Monday, October 20, 2003 3:55 PM CDT
This is Sara - Ken Tatum's sister. I just read your post in his guestbook on his website at
Chris - you and your family will all be put on many prayer lists this week. I pray that your body will fully accept this new marrow and that you will have smooth sailing all the way! I also pray that the love of God will be seen by all in your life. Love, Sara

Sara Altmyer <>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 5:54 AM CDT
Leslie, are you and Chris ready for his "Birthday Party?" It'll be here sooner than you think.

Take care and know that you and your family are in our thoughts.

WA USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 2:55 AM CDT
Chris you are gonna kick some serious *beastly* bum real soon!!!! You know you have all of us from the lymphoma board just rooting you on and I figure between that, the chemo, radiation and the wonderful donor's marrow you will send that *beast* packing for sure. Hang in there my friend :)

Leslie you just grab ahold of all those who love ya okay? It might get to be a bumpy ride and all but hey most of us can handle a rough-n-tough rollercoaster ride anyways :)

Lots of healing thoughts, *HUGS*, prayers, positive energy and gentle caring meditations are heading your way :)

Char :D ^..^

Char <>
San Rafael, CA USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 1:53 AM CDT
Hi Leslie,
I have been thinking about you guys alot since we met and on Friday I went to the fitness club ( Timberlane)where my daughter works and there was another article and a collection jar at the front desk. I was very happy to see that your family is getting strong community support. Believe me I know how tough it is. I see from your journal entry you are counting down to day "o".( if they still use that term)Please know that our family is among the many sending positive thoughts your way every day.

Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada - Sunday, October 19, 2003 5:15 PM CDT
GOOD LUCK!!!! I hope it goes well today. The transplant is going to be successful and you are going to be cured!!! Remember to look for the Silver Lining in all of this. You are going to be healthy and cancer free and ready to take on the world very soon!!! Love and Hugs,
Krista and McKenna

Krista Johnson <>
Ramsey, MN USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:17 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris:
Hoping all is well. Our prayers are with in now and hope for a speedy recovery....

Michelle and Chris
Edmonton, AB Canada - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 1:16 PM CDT
Leslie, I've got my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you and Chris today. I don't know when you'll get to read this but there are a lot of prayers and positive thoughts heading your way today.
Brenda B and Alex
- Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:24 AM CDT
what wonderful news.
rosi <>
Glasgow, Spain - Monday, October 13, 2003 3:44 PM CDT
Wishing you all the best and a Happy & HEALTHY Halloween from everyone at Smile Quilts

Angel Gemma for Smile Quilts
- Saturday, October 11, 2003 7:07 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris:
Checking in with you to see if the "glitch" had been corrected. I assume the "no news is good news" deal.
How all is well. Will check with you later in the weekend. Have a Great Thanksgiving.

Michelle and Chris
- Friday, October 10, 2003 2:24 PM CDT
Dear Leslie & Christopher,
So very sorry to hear about the "glitch" - we know how hard it can be to handle getting hit with these changes in mid-stride. It seems that you just get your head around the plan, and then it changes.
We've got everything crossed hoping that the "glitch" straightens out and you can go ahead with the 10/10 match. Keep your chin up - with all the prayers and good thoughts heading your way, it has to work out for the best.
All best wishes,

Winnipeg, MB Canada - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
Dear Leslie:
Another test for you. I am so sorry. We will pray that the "glitch" with the donor sorts itself out and that you can go ahead as planned.

Michelle and Chris <>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 10:37 AM CDT
Hi Leslie,
You, Chris and the rest of your family are in my prayers.

rosi pullin <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Monday, October 6, 2003 5:12 PM CDT
Hi Leslie,
It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday. I want you to know that our family is sending good thoughts and prayers your way as the date for BMT fast approaches.As the mom of a BMT survivor I will answer any questions I can anytime you want.If there is any other way I can help out just let me know.

Patricia (Maddy's mom) <>
Richmond Hill,ON, Canada - Monday, October 6, 2003 1:15 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris:
Just sending good vibes today. We hope all goes well with your hospital visit.
In our prayers,

Michelle and Chris <>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Monday, October 6, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
Hi Chris,
I found your site through another caringbridge page. I will remember to pray for you. My daughter, Emily, has been battling leukemia for two years. I understand some of what you are going through. Her friend just had a BMT on 9/2 and is doing okay. You too will beat this! Another friend is supposed to be featured on the NFL Bucs vs. Colts Monday Night Football Game tomorrow. Watch for her. Her name is Katia. Oh yeah, and cheer for our Tampa Bay Bucs!
Take care

Tricia Lester
Seminole, FL - Sunday, October 5, 2003 10:42 PM CDT
You are so fortunate to have a friend like Julie. When my mother was diagnosed with Lymphoma, all my friends "disappeared". Only afterwards, I found that they did not know what to say or do.
I just know that true friends know exactly what to say and so. I read about Chris in the Aurora Era Banner. I have already called Julie and we have connected. I hope to meet you and your Brave son very shortly.

Aurora, ON Canada - Thursday, October 2, 2003 11:32 AM CDT
Hey Leslie and Chris:
I have to say you guys are way!!!!braver than I would be. My Chris also had his lumbars awake with no freezing because he hated it and said it hurt worse than the actual procedure. We continue to pray that all will be well next week and that the transplant goes fast and you can be home soon. Why are you changing your hospital???
Have a great party on Friday and enjoy your friends you deserve it.

MIchelle and Chris <>
Edmonton, AB - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 3:08 PM CDT
Hi Leslie!
Thanks so much for dropping by Bernard's page, and for your words of encouragement. I was going to say that you can't imagine what such support means to me, but you really do know, don't you?
I got so much hope and encouragement from your journal entries and your postings on the board, and I want you to know how very grateful I am. Chris and you are both inspirations to us - you've gone through so much with such strength, and had the grace to share your experience for us to follow.
We're sending all kinds of good thoughts your way - we'll be watching for updates!
Thanks again, and take care,

Laurie <>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:24 PM CDT
Leslie and Chris:
I found your site from Squirrel Tales. I was looking for info on long term side effects from my son's chemo. He is 16 and is recovering from treatment for NHL (Burkitt's). I am so sorry to read about your Chris (my son is also Chris)relapsing. We pray for you on the upcoming transplant. Take care.

Michelle <>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Monday, September 29, 2003 1:10 PM CDT
Hi Leslie...have not spoken "e-mail" in a while. I am just devasted, just now learning that Christopher has had a relapse. I have only been popping in and out of Squirreltales guestbook and only this evening, did I see your post on the bulletin board about Christopher relapsing. Jay, if you recall has non-Hodgkin's T-cell and we too have had the roller coaster ride of tests/scans/lumps etc over and over again, but always we were fortunate they came back negative. I am constantly complaining about dealing with the side effects he is left with now almost three years post chemo and right about now, am feeling pretty ashamed of that!!! I should be more thankful of what we do have. I am so thrilled about the lap top...Jay had that as a wish from the Wish Foundation and it truly saved him when he was undergoing treatments. It was his "connection" to the real world. Your strength is amazing, Christopher is amazing and just know that we are back in your corner. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and if you need to "email" is always open. I was reading some of your journal entries and one in particular totally connected with me. It was about the people in our life..those that have been with us all the way...I like to think of that time as cleaning out the "inbox"...I sent many relationships to the recycle bin and felt so much better for it. Those in my life through thick and thin are all I need to get through the rough are in our thoughts...
Tracey Cruise <>
Welland, ON Canada - Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Leslie, Chris,

You now have another supporter on board. I wish the best and will pray and hope for the best possible outcome in this. As a survivor, maybe I can send my strength your way. I appreciate the visit to my site. I hope I was able to offer something to you. YOU ARE IN MY THOUGHTS! TAKE CARE!!!

Levi J. Bobbitt <>
Joseph, OR USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:36 PM CDT
Hi Leslie, I check up on your website often and read it over the phone to Adele, who has yet to figure out the internet! LOL.
I'm glad your back is improving and the news about Chris's donors sounds great. It was nice of you to reply to Shelley on Squirreltales. She and I have corresponded about Jourdyn and Alex since Jourdyn's diagnosis.
Good luck over the next few weeks, we're thinking of you!

Oshawa, - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
Hi my name is Jenna, and I found Christophers website, and I see you are from Canada. I am from BC. Canada, I have a couple of friends who have survived cancer, and one who has survived a bone marrow transplant. I met them at BC Childrens hospital. Anyways this an inspitational site and story.
I was born with a rare bone condition. My site:

Jenna <>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Sunday, September 21, 2003 1:00 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, At last I've found your site. I've been on it for ages reading all the entries, it's been very interesting for me just starting out on this journey with Kayla. I've asked all my prayer people to put Chris's name on their lists. I'll continue to look in. God Bless

Rosi <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, September 18, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
Hi Lesllie, Hi Chriss, I just wanted to pop by to see how you were doing and wish you well. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you!
MG (from the board)
- Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:30 AM CDT
Just want to let you know that I have been thinking about Chris and the family and thank you for the update. I hope Chris finds something that can occupy his time while waiting----go with your strengths, whether it's writing, creating, or computer stuff---just to keep your mind occupied and in use.
Glad your back is feeling better, Leslie. What a pain!
You are always in my prayers.

Erie, PA - Monday, September 8, 2003 6:51 PM CDT
Hi Leslie,

Just been wondering how Chris is getting along since I haven't seen you post in a while so I popped in here. Sorry to hear that your dog hasn't been well but glad to hear that you, Chris and family seem to be ok. Take care . . .

Salli <>
Ottawa, Canada - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:30 PM CDT
Leslie, I'm an animal lover so I know what you have been going through today. Dogs, bless their hearts are, such givers of unconditional love.

You didn't mention your back- does that mean you are better?

Sept 10 is not very far away. will be sending lots of positive thoughts northward.
Take care

WA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:13 AM CDT
Hi Leslie
I've been wondering how things are going. Haven't seen you in "donkey years". I've been at the farm a lot this past while + north on a couple of jobs. Good luck with the back. And to Chris.

Larry Hobbs
Aurora, - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:27 PM CDT
Leslie - I sure hope your back is feeling better these days! Bad backs are not fun - that's for sure! I'll check back for an update on both you and Chris later! Hugs and kisses!
Jennifer Moreno (Mario & Ryan too!)
- Friday, August 15, 2003 6:28 PM CDT
Hi Leslie. I hope your back is feeling better soon. Back pain is NO fun! I'm glad to hear Chris is still feeling well. Alex is at Camp Quality this week.

Brenda B
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003 6:53 AM CDT
Leslie, hope YOU are feeling better by now. Lower back problems are such a "pain" literally and figuratively , too. Seems you can't do much of anything or it hurts. You might need to go to doc to get some muscle relaxers?
In our household we tend to have lower back problems when we get "stressed out." I'm sure there's not much stress in your life right now (NOT!!!!) Hang in there, Leslie. We're thinking about all of you and always anxious to hear good news.

WA USA - Monday, August 11, 2003 10:02 AM CDT
We "met" briefly on the squirreltree (?) chat site several months ago. My husband has just passed his 1 year anniversary since diagnosis for T Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. It continues to be a lonely walk having connected with only one other person this entire year who has dealt with this specific disease and that was just a few weeks ago on the phone! AND she was in Minnesota and we are in Seattle! Yet we are thankful that Dave is doing as well as he is.......still not through the chemo yet as lots of delays due to low counts. I have yet to connect on an ongoing basis with other adults and/or caregivers of same who are dealing with this rare form of lymphoma! Thanks for creating and maintaining this website!

Dianne Herivel <>
Lynnwood, WA USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2003 10:32 PM CDT
Hi Christopher!

Hope all is as good as it can be. It's always difficult to write exactly how one feels, especially across the oceans to someone unknown.
Just wanted you to know that I'm "in your corner" as I experienced a SCT earlier this year after some 13 Chemo treatments.
I used to conduct a building operation here on the Gold Coast Australia where I reside with my beautiful wife, until the "wheels fell off" earlier last year.
I was given less than 10% chance then due to the advanced nature of my NHL, but here I am writing you an email 18 months later!!
I am now devoting all my available energy & resources into raising the bar of Public Awareness and am relishing the challenge as there has been very little in this country up until now.
I have formed the Lymphoma Support & Research Group and we are meeting next Tuesday to set our B.P. and other agendas.
Good luck and best wishes,
John Shirley
Gold Coast

John Shirley <>
Gold Coast, Q'ld Australia - Tuesday, August 5, 2003 8:57 PM CDT
Hey Chrisopher, how are you doing? I hope you all are enjoying your summer!!! I hope you arent in the hospital for the holidays, but you know what, if you are, it'll still be okay. Some other kid there might need to see your smiling face to cheer him up! Did I ever tell you we found some bunnies in our backyard recently. Actually, our dog did - the kids were in the pool and she was barking like crazy under the pool deck. Finally when we checked there was a bunny nest with a baby bunny in it. Then after more looking through it we found 2 more. SO since i have 3 kids and there was 3 bunnies, they each named one. We left lettuce and water and carrots out there but it was never touched so we dont think the mom came back. About 2 days later we took them in to feed them and we had them a week, feeding them kitten milk from a kitten bottle or dropper. They were SO cute! They called them Jean, Robin and Nibbles. My son Gooch called his Jean, named after Jean Smart in XMen. They opened their eyes while we had them and by the end of the week we had them they were running all over, more running than hopping. I wish I had remembered that that you had a rabbit, we could have asked you for advice. My husband was convinced they were going to grow up and bite our fingers off, so we turned them over to a Childrens Museum that is a wildlife rehab center near us. I hope they are being taken care of, if they werent already released. I know the kids loved them and they really were cute!! That was our thrill for the summer – hope you are enjoying yours!

Angel Chris and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Saturday, August 2, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
congratulations on the donor match! I just signed up to be a marrow donor, because of your story really. I would love to bring that much joy to a family, keep strong and you are in my continued thoughts and prayers
Val Guse <>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Thursday, July 31, 2003 7:57 PM CDT
Dear Leslie, it was great to see you the other day at Value
Village. I read the update on the match for Christopher and
hope everything works out, that is great news. Al says hi and he hopes for the best too. I will keep in touch and hope I see you again soon. All the best to you and your family. Liz, Al, Ashley, Alex and Shawn Rintamaki.

Liz Rintamaki <>
Newmarket, ONT Canada - Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:35 PM CDT

Angels for Hope

Angels for Hope

Kelly Smith -Angels for Hope <>
Bay City, MI USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:29 AM CDT
Hi Christopher & family,
Just dropping by to say hello, & thanks for signing in Sams guestbook. I've come straight over to have a look at your page. It's great news about the bone marrow match, I'll be back to keep check regually now I've found you. I had a quick look back at your past entries, I've only looked at a few, I'll look at more next time as there are SO many! Sam was also a prem baby, he was 8 weeks early & weighed 3lb 10oz so only a bit smaller than you.
I'll check back again soon
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara joy <>
UK - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:19 AM CDT

Chris & Family,
What wonderful news that a donor match has been found. We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
(Rev.) Derek F.Nicholls
St.John's Anglican Church,
Moose Jaw, Sk., Canada

(Rev.) Derek F.Nicholls <>
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 2:31 PM CDT
Thank you for your words! I am glad to ear that Michael story is bringing you the strength to help your son .
We are praying for you all and hoping things go well with the transplant.
Hang in there! Times are hard but the rewards will be a enormous .
If you dont mind I will be adding a link to your son`s page from the Foundation`s page.

Michael Ryan Leal Memorial Fund

Jose Leal <>
Mississauga, - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:31 AM CDT
Leslie <>
Aurora, Canada - Monday, July 28, 2003 11:12 PM CDT
Leslie, I'm glad to see you're getting some time away from dealing with drs and hospitals! Enjoy your visit with your sister.
Liz H. <lizh1000>
- Monday, July 21, 2003 1:18 PM CDT
Leslie, the doc can give Chris medication to increase his appetite. I know it must be tough as you want him to be as healthy and strong as possible right now.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and Chris.
Take care,

WA - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 0:49 AM CDT
How wonderful to have a daily journal of Chris' journey with his ongoing needs. Things seem quite encouraging now for him and you his family. May it continue to be positive. Continuing prayers for you all. Derek+
(Rev.) Derek Nicholls <>
Regina , Sasks. Canada - Saturday, July 5, 2003 11:04 AM CDT
Hi Leslie, I hope you guys are enjoying the nice warm weather and had a good Canada Day.
Brenda Bradbury
- Thursday, July 3, 2003 6:35 AM CDT
Just dropping in to wish you all well and hope that you have a safe and healthy 4th of July.

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Saturday, June 28, 2003 11:39 PM CDT
Hi Leslie & family,
Thanks for your update about Christopher. You are all in our prayers and we pray that the right donor will come forward to meet Chris' needs soon. Meanwhile, God bless you all and keep you in his care.
(Rev.) Derek F.Nicholls

St.John's Anglican Church <>
MOOSE JAW, Sasks.. Canada - Thursday, June 19, 2003 1:33 AM CDT
Hi Christophers mom. Just checking in to see how Chris is doing, and how your family is holding up.
Sounds like Chris is in getting chemo.You will remain in my prayers.
Take care.
Judy Grumish

Judy Grumish <>
Champaign, Il USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:47 PM CDT
Hi, I met you and Chris today while he was having his IV and my daughter was getting her Platelets transfusion. I truly enjoyed our impromptu support session. Its a wonderful inspiration to speak with someone who understands the highs and lows of the disorders that we together must endure ... but I have hope and faith that God can, may, and will provide healing for us.
Cleveland <>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
I hope Chris gets his laptop. I don't know how I ever made it through the hospital without mine. Treatments are a whole lot better while watching a dvd on a lap top. You can buy refurbished (it means they rebuilt them) laptops from for pretty cheap. Hope it works out for you. Congratulations Chris!!
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:29 AM CDT
Keep the faith!!!

Hoping Christopher is feeling well these days and that Mom is holding up also.......

You remain on the top of our Prayer list here in New Jersey!!

Jersey Shore, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:38 PM CDT
Good luck to your family... Laura
- Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Happy belated Birthday, Christopher!!! Hope you enjoyed your night out 'with the boys'. You certainly deserve to have a carefree place in your life.
Here's hoping your 18th year brings you renewed good health and all the happiness you're so deserving of!!!

Jersey Shore, NJ usa - Friday, May 30, 2003 8:28 AM CDT
Happy Birthday, Chris! Hope all your wishes come true on this very important 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!
Hugs to you and your Mom.

Gena from NHL message board
WA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:08 AM CDT
You will be in our prayers every night - you are a tough kid and we just know that you will come through this with bells on! It won't be easy, but we know that you can do it! Hope you were able to get your laptop! I just got mine 2 months ago and I love it!!! I would never go back to a desktop again (although I do cheat a bit and use a regular mouse!!!) ;-)

Hang tough Chris - you have a lot of people rooting for you!

Love, Jennifer (Mario & Ryan too!)

Jennifer Moreno <>
Murrieta, CA USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:47 PM CDT
Praying for you all and hoping things go well at the hospital.....Hang in there!!!! Sending you hugs from the (soggy) Jersey Shore!!!

Here's to getting over the next hurdle.....

(PS we'll have an 'extra' room come next summer and I 'hear' the atmosphere is awesome for guys your age Christopher....of course with your Mom as the chaperone)

Allenwood, NJ - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 4:10 PM CDT
Stopping by to say hello from Champaign, Illinois. Your mom stopped by my son Ryan's website to say hello also. Ryan is a little over two years post unrelated bone marrow transplant. I will pray that they find a bone marrow donor ASAP for you. Ryan's donor was a ten out of ten match last year, which at the time was as close as a perfect match as possible. I will tell Ryan to visit your site and chat with you. Take care, and take one day at a time. We will be praying or you and your family.
Judy Grumish

Judy Grumish <>
Champaign, Il USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:13 PM CDT
Hello my name is Jenna and I was born with a rae bone disease. Chris's story helps encourages me and gives me hope. I will be keep Chris, and your family in my prayers.
my page:

Jenna <>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:52 AM CDT
Leslie, you are in my thoughts. I know this is a terrible time for all of you. I know you are doing your best to support your son. I am glad you are also taking care of yourself - this helps you be Chris' best advocate. Hoping that the new treatment does it.
Liz H (Mom to Manda - with LBL)

- Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:51 PM CDT
Chris you are a strong young man and you will overcome this beast, I hope you find a match soon, and you are still in my thoughts and prayers!!!!
Val Guse <>
Brooklyn Park, MN U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 7:39 PM CDT
Leslile and Chris, You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Lots of folks on the NHL board are sending prayers and good thougths your way.

WA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris,
You will get through this. God will help you. We are all praying for you.

New York City , USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 6:23 PM CDT
Hi, Chris and family! I hope you can find a bone marrow match really soon. Chris will win this battle with the cancer monster! He is so strong.
Amanda <>
- Friday, May 9, 2003 10:17 PM CDT

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for taking time to write some encouraging words.

Hugs to All
Christophers MOM

Leslie Christophers MOM
Aurora, Canada - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:07 PM CDT
AURORA, ONT CANADA - Friday, May 9, 2003 1:33 PM CDT

It's me, Jocelyne again. Matt and I have been praying for Chris. It looks like Chris needs more than just our prayers. As the parent of a member of this terrible fraternal order, I can tell you that I know what you have experienced thus far. My son is "watching and waiting" right now. I hope that Chris will be able to find a match from the family. I also know that a perfect match is not always possible. If you are not successful, please don't hesitate to contact me. Perhape My husband, Matt's brother and I can get tested. Keep all of your options open. I read your posts on the message board and I really thought that Chris was going to be making the home run. I suppose he has bigger plans. Do you think he's going for the grand slam? Boy oh Boy, he's really quite remarkable. We are simple people who are living with this difficult disease. We have nothing to offer but our prayers and if necessary, our bone marrow if it matches. Good luck and let me know..

Jocelyne Shaffer <>
Westfield , NJ USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 9:59 PM CDT
Leslie, it is all happening so quickly. your head must be spinning. I hope one of you is a perfect match for Chris. When do they want to do the BMT? Let us know when you can and remember that even if you can't post,we never stop thinking about you.
- Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
Leslie, I know you must still be in shock but Chris is a resilient young man and I feel that he will overcome this latest obstacle. I always think about little McKenna and so many, many hurdles that confronted that little girl. We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed that this is just a little bump in the road and Chris will be feeling great real soon. Take care, Leslie.
WA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 0:04 AM CDT
Leslie let me tell ya from personal experience it may not be the lymphoma! I mean when I went in Jan and had my annual CTScan nobody was worried as everything else had come back negative or clear. Then that showed the mass on the kidney. And it was NOT lymphoma related at all. It was caught in the earliest of stages too. So it's entirely possible that this was caught in an early stage. Take that deep breath now, close your eyes and slowly let it out! I will keep the healing thoughts and prayers coming your way all wrapped in those wave riding *Hugs* :)If a phone call would cheer you both up just let me know and your phone will be aringin' before ya know it :)

Leslie you know how much I love the ocean and I think Chris will someday ride the waves as well. But when the tough time of the surgery was decided and to afterwards I often used this meditation saying. It helped me alot...

*When the day gets long and contentious, I hold fast to my breath as a tiller and take each wave as it comes."

Hang in there Leslie and Chris you know the family loves ya and will be there with you all the way.


Char :D

Char Ward
San Rafael, CA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:29 PM CDT
Dear Leslie and Chris..

I was heartbroken to hear of the biopsy results and following surgery. Know I continue to keep you both in my prayers......think Lance Armstrong and Scott Hamilton!!!!

Sending hugs your way....

Jersey Shore, NJ - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 9:24 AM CDT
Leslie and Chris, I'm in shock, stuck for words, I'll keep praying for you. Anything else I can do, let me know. I can't get you out of my mind tonight.
Brenda ( and Alex)

- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Will be sending powerful healing thoughts and prayers today as Chris has his biopsy. Hoping this is the final evidence that he IS cancer free. Take care of yourself Leslie.

Helen NHL Board <>
Ft.Lauderdale, FL. USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:27 AM CDT
Praying today brings you all only great news and finally some relief!!

Jersey Shore, NJ - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 2:19 AM CDT
Hello Chris, Hello Leslie,

Good luck with your biopsy this week Chris. My son Matthew and I will be praying for you. I hope the weekend was pleasant and uneventfull! My son Matthew, was diagnosed with Large cell, Immunoblastic B cell Lymphoma, Stage IV, on 10/23/02 and he completed his treatment on 02/28/03. If memory serves me correctly, one day after your last day. Am I correct? He had to have his third surgical biopsy on 04/17/03. The procedure is named the Chamberlain procedure. His surgery was performed at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC. It was a 3 hour procedure and the frozen and live samples all came back negative!!! I hope you have a chance to read this before your biopsy. It's always good to hear good news, wouldn't you agree? Matt has his monthly check up tomorrow, Monday, 05/05/03 and his tests on 05/30/03. All agree that major tests and scans will be done every 8 weeks at least for the following 6 months. The 30th will be big for him since we are hoping for a clean PET Scan finally. You are in our hearts and in our prayers.
Matt and Jocelyne

Jocelyne Shaffer <>
Westfield, NJ USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
Hi Christopher, Sprite from Smile Quilts wishing you luck on the test results. Hugs and prayers.

Sprite for Smile Quilts <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 5:32 PM CDT
Hi Chris! Just stopping by to say hi and I hope things go well for you on Tuesday. You're in our prayers.
Lots of love from Louisiana!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 3:29 PM CDT
Hi Chris...
I got your site from Cameron's and thought I'd stop by for a visit. It is always a pleasure to meet a strong, brave guy like you are. Keep up the are doing great!
BTW...Mt son, Kody has a friend who has the same name as yours....they got into the habit of calling him "Fishy Fur"...:0)...don't nicknames that stick just drive you crazy!! :0)
All the best of luck to you and your family....
~Kim & Kody~

- Saturday, May 3, 2003 3:10 PM CDT
your a tough cookie .... we are all right behind you !! MASTER GIST ... me & my moo-moo's are ready anytime you

moo-moo auntie
- Friday, May 2, 2003 8:25 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris: It is really REALLY not fair to have this pop up in your life right now. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you today.

Brenda Bradbury (& Alex)
- Friday, May 2, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Try to hang in there..and we have you close in our prayers.
You ALL are troopers!!!!

Jersey Shore, NJ - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:49 AM CDT
Stay strong. I know you will all make it through whatever comes your way. I will hope and pray for the best of news. Stay strong, you will make it. In my heart and prayers.
Val <>
B.P., MN U.S.A. - Thursday, May 1, 2003 6:02 PM CDT
I hope everything goes well at the hospital tomorrow for you. You are in my heart and prayers
Val Guse <>
Brooklyn Park, MN U.S.A. - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
Chris...congratulations on the biopsy!!!! That's such great news. Hope you and your family had a great Easter and everything else is going well. Congratulations, and you are still in my prayers for continued great news!!!!
Val Guse <>
Brooklyn Park, MN U.S.A. - Friday, April 25, 2003 11:00 AM CDT
Saw about the SARS problem on TV and it reminded me to pop back and see you! Glad to read about Christopher's biopsy. Good luck and continued good health to you.
HelenH <>
uk, - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 4:20 PM CDT
Hi Leslie and Chris

We are praying that everything goes well. Remember to always be positive!!

Nancy Ford and Always Lisa <>
Pickering, Ont - Monday, April 21, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Praying that all goes well with the Bone Marrow Biopsy. I'm sure it will be completely cancer free! Take care---I think of you all often!
Krista Johnson <>
Ramsey, MN USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:16 AM CDT
Hey Christopher, I am glad to see that you are feeling good but I hope you counts come back up soon. Try not to get too discouraged, its common. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy & Blessed Easter and let you know how much everyone cares about you and everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and is praying for you.

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Tuesday, April 15, 2003 5:14 PM CDT
Hi, this is Val from MN and I found out about your story through Krista Johnson's-Mckenna-caringbridge page. I just read through your journal entries and I am amazed at the things you have come through. I have also been verys ick but not with cancer, just something rare they can't figure out, but I am so proud of you and your family for making it through something like that. I hope all stays well for you and everything stays clear. Good luck with your future and don't forget to reach for the stars and follow your dreams because those are things no one can ever take away from you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Val Guse <>
Brooklyn Park, MN U.S.A. - Monday, April 14, 2003 0:17 AM CDT
Hi Chris, I am from England. I read about your page through smilequilts guestbook. Fingers crossed for your fight. Hope the SARS keeps well away!
HelenH <>
UK, - Saturday, March 29, 2003 5:22 PM CST
HI Chris, sunshine here, I am so proud of you and congrats on your CLEAR scans!!! My appt. is tomorrow to find out how my scans went.......Take care of yourself and have FUN and take good care of your MOM !! She loves you more than you know as I love my son, Sons' are special........
Janette Williams/sunshine <>
LaMarque, Tx USA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 3:31 AM CST
Chris-- congrats on finally ending chemo. Im 15 and i also had lymphoblastic lymphoma (nhl) but mine was B-cell. april 17th will be my one yr anniversary off! i also had 2 yrs of chemo. hah its so awesome to FINALLY meet someone close to my age with the same type of cancer. I found you out through squirreltales. id love to talk with you ab sideeffects etc.-- just email me at my address below.
caroline <>
nashville, tn usa - Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:37 PM CST
Dear Lesley & Chris, I'm just out of hospital myself after Stem-cell Transplant for NHL. A year on and I'm in remission! So pleased you found my website and made contact. You're on my prayer list for continued recovery!
Mike Holdsworth <>
Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK - Friday, March 14, 2003 5:12 AM CST
Hi Chris, I hope you are having fun!! Good luck on your tests that are coming up. And I pray the colds and flu are all gone. Just stopping in to invite you to visit Smile Quilts. We would love to make you a virtual on line Smile Quilt all your very own. Just click on the graphic to visit and apply for a Smile Quilt. Praying all goes well for you.

Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 8:37 PM CST
Congrats!!!! Leslie, I hope this means will breath a bit easier and Chris hope you have fun in NY..... Most importantly this mean Chris is now fair game to me..... starting running (LOL). Hugs and Kisses. Wendi
Wendi <>
Aurora, On Canada - Sunday, March 9, 2003 4:53 PM CST
Hello.Thank you for the E-mail about my website, Leslie. It was really sweet of you to let me know that you like it. I am still working on parts of it, like the Learn About The Diseases page and the Prayer & Thought Request Page. If you would like me to add Christopher's name to the list, please let me know.
Amanda <>
- Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:32 PM CST
I am a current NHL sufferer residing on the Gold Coast, Australia where I have been receiving Chemotherapy treatment for the past 12 months. Today I am going in for a stem-cell operation even though my specialist has given me a less than 10% chance. To me that's a challenge.
I am currently compiling a handbook of my experiences and invite anyone anywhere to contribute. I am also organising fundraising events and am currently arranging for one of my nurses to run from Melbourne to Gold Coast on a fund raising drive.
I used to conduct my own hectic building business when my world fell apart on New Year's Eve 2000. I now have an entirely different attitude to that which prevailed prior o diagnosis.
Even if I get through all this I am going to devote my time to counselling others!

John Shirley <>
Gold Coast, Q'ld Australia - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:13 PM CST
Hey there "LITTLE STEVE", this nickname will be used by me for the last time since with a full head of hair you no longer can look like the "LITTLE STEVE". It has been an honor to become your mom's friend in TEXAS>I am very proud of you and you got what it takes to be the fine man you have become. I feel as if I know you through your moms eyes and would be honored to someday be able to meet you and give you the bigest HUG I can...You have done what so many have not and like it or not you are "SPECIAL" Don't ever forget that and go on to be a good man. One day if not already you will fall in love and have a family of your own. Your mom has done real good at giving you the foundation for success. My son is 26 now and engaged to be married. I am so happy for you to not have to take any more Ara-C !!!!! Think positive and soon this will be a memory and take good care of your mom, OK..?.Maybe someday you can come to Texas and we can go to the beach, I got a cool surfboard and best of all a SeaDoo Jet Boat that is real cool and fast too! I will keep in touch with your mom and want to hear good stuff from her so stay TUFF, you kicked BUTT!!!
to Lesslie: I am crying with you tears of joy and yup it is the begining of a new chapter for the entire family. You took such very good care of your son and have been rewarded with the best news yet!! You have become a ver good friend and hope that one day we can meet and would love to have you and your family come to Texas. love and hugs, sunshine/Janette

Sunshine/Janette Williams <>
LaMarque, Tx USA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 4:23 AM CST
Awesome news! It's so nice to read success stories! My son has been off treatment (radiation only) for 2 1/2 years. Best wishes for a bright future!!! I have kept up with Chris from Squirrel Tales (I'm Dustin's, Mom)
Pam <>
- Saturday, March 1, 2003 10:30 AM CST
Dear Christopher,
WAY TO GO!! Leslie, I've never stopped checking up on your precious son. You are a wonderful, brave MOM, and Christopher obviously gets his strength from you. Hope NY is fun, maybe even warm?! You plan some special things for yourself, MOM!!
Take care.
Love, Liz (from the Board, long ago)

Liz <>
PA U.S.A. - Friday, February 28, 2003 12:20 AM CST
Congratulations, Ya'll. Enjoy the moment and the moments to come. They are well deserved. I will still keep ya'll in my prayers that things are quiet and life is good for all of ya'll.
David Tyler, aka Tex <>
Katy, TX USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 11:58 AM CST
Lots of Love and Hugs from our family. Congratulations--we are sooooooo happy to hear the news! Chris--stay healthy from now on Darn It! Never get sick again--okay??? Take care and enjoy the new freedom of not having to visit the doctor, emergency rooms and hospitals for a very long time!
Krista Johnson <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 11:53 AM CST
Lots of Love and Hugs from our family. Congratulations--we are sooooooo happy to hear the news! Chris--stay healthy from now on Darn It! Never get sick again--okay??? Take care and enjoy the new freedom of not having to visit the doctor, emergency rooms and hospitals for a very long time!
Krista Johnson <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Hi Leslie,
Finally made it to your page. Glad to hear Chris is done. Manda just started maintenance, and we're looking forward to being able to say that in two years!
Have a great time in New York. I hope Chris's hair stays put for the trip.

CA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:00 PM CST
Congratulations to Christopher and his family. May God condinue to bless you and keep you healthy.


Linda Thompson-Rubino <>
Nashua, NH USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:26 PM CST
Thank you so much for emailing me back. I will have many questions in the furture. Words of incouragement are such a wonderful thing! I will pray for Chris when I pray for my nephew.
Penny Lockhart <>
Daleville, In USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 8:03 PM CST
Hi Leslie,

I'm one of Krista's cousins from California. & I got your site from McKenna's site & I've read your journal entries. I just wanted to let you know that our prayers & thoughts are w/your son Chris, you, & your whole family. Take care & I'll for sure keep looking for any updates on Chris in your website.


Melissa Tablit <>
Hayward, CA USA - Monday, February 17, 2003 5:42 PM CST
Take it one day at a time and you will Kick this Cancers Butt....Strong as a Bull and Heart of a Lion...Bryce
Bryce Arenson <>
Oak Park, CA USA - Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:19 PM CST
Dear Chris,
Happy to hear about your trip to our city. If you need someone to show you around just email me and my family would be happy to help out. My Chris is 7 and battling burkitt's lymphoma. You can watch his progress as my family does yours at Keep up the good fight. There are more people all over the world pulling for you and your family then you can imagine.
The Burkitts
(yea i know my last name is the same as the disease. God's cruel joke I guess.)

Ray <>
Long Island, NY - Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:47 PM CST
Dear Leslie - you and Christopher are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers. my little Christopher sadly could not win his last battle. thank you for sharing your son with me. he is adorable and i can tell that he truly is a fighter. i will come back to his page again and again to see how he is doing. my thoughts are with you and your family.
love and hugs,
mommy to another special boy named Christopher

Maria <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 9:22 AM CST
Dear Leslie and Chris,
Keep on fighting. We need to win the battle against cancer. You'll also be in my prayers. My son Sam was diagnosed with NHL 12/99. He fought with every ounce of strenth but God has other plans for him. God Bless you.

Debbie Alimentato <>
Rochester, NY USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 8:25 AM CST
Dear Leslie and Chris,
Keep on fighting. We need to win the battle against cancer. You'll also be in my prayers. My son Sam was diagnosed with NHL 12/99. He fought with every ounce of strenth but God has other plans for him. God Bless you.

Debbie Alimentato < Sam's web:>
Rochester, NY USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 8:24 AM CST
Nothing is better than hope and belief, and both with get you to where you need to be
Mpls, MN USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 1:17 AM CST
Good luck Chris. I hope you take advantage of that trip to NY you will have a great time.You will be in my prayers.
Trace Weaver <>
Corpus Christi, TX USA - Friday, February 7, 2003 8:05 PM CST
Chris, Leslie and family,
Our prayers and support are with you all as Christopher goes through all this treatment. We hope that Chris will be cured of this horrible disease and will be able to resume a normal, healthy, boring life soon. That's where we are at right now and we are enjoying all the small things, such as sleeping under the same roof, and being able to go to work and school everyday. I'm glad to hear that Chris has been feeling good enough to be going out and hanging out with friends. That is so wonderful. The GCSF injections will definitely help his counts rebound faster---our insurance paid for them at 100%--hoping yours will too!
Love from Minnesota!
Krista, McKenna and family

Krista Johnson <>
Minneapolis, MN US - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:48 AM (CST)
I saw your web site on Levi Bobbit's. I would urge you to look into alternatvie medecine. Look at the Ralph Moss web site. Just type Ralph Moss and it will come up. You need something to build up your immume system not tear it down. There is help in the alternative medicine field if you will just look for it. God Bless, Yolanda
yolanda <>
crystal lake, il usa - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 11:42 PM (CST)
Nice to see your website guys. I've "heard" a lot about you Chris. Hope you all have a very Happy New Year.
Salli <>
Ottawa, Canada - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 04:54 PM (CST)
Hi Leslie & Chris,
Glad to hear you are doing well. Nice pics.
Believe Chris had an earring put in - photo?
Hope everything continues to go well.

Bromborough, Wirral UK - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 04:04 PM (CST)
To "LITTLE STEVE" Sunshine here, I have not met you but I feel I know you through your mom's eyes. I am vey proud of you and admire your courage and want to wish you a very Merry Christmas from "TEXAS"
Sunshine/Janette Williams <>
LaMarque, Tx USA - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 03:54 AM (CST)
Great journal.
The journal I did for Adam helped me, sort of therapy I suppose.
Keep it up.

Halifax, UK - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 06:41 AM (CST)
Great web site, Les and Ian. I've known you, Leslie, for over 27 years and Chris and Fraze since birth. We have gone through thick and thin and, in the past few years, mostly thin until we got this terrible news which, in a weird way, happily brought us back together. I love you all and want to say "Way to go, Chris, you are a trooper! Keep positive." Les and Ian, keep strong, brave and smiling. Fraze and Lenny, it's been hard on you both and you've handled it well. Keep up the good work. Love, hugs and kisses,
Julie Cox <>
Richmond Hill, ON Canada - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CST)
Way to go Leslie, great job on the journal, ALways thinking of you and Chris. Wish him well and hang in there Chris you are a tough cookie.
Tanya, Alister and Christopher Hoarau <>
Brampton, Ont CANANDA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 07:26 AM (CST)
Hi Guys! Glad to see you have started your journal! What about some pictures???? Chris forwarded me your e-mail to her with the link to the site. Now I can keep tabs on you on my own! I hope you guys have a great holiday season. We're certainly going to try, but it will be hard. If you get a chance, check out Mitchell's site but be sure to sign the guestbook!
Love to All,

Laura Fraser
Bowmanville, ON Canada - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 08:19 PM (CST)
Hey g/f, finally found the page! Way to go!
Thinking of you...

Christine Goyette <>
Orangeville, Ontario Canada - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 06:03 AM (CST)
Leslie, As a mother of a 15 year old daughter with NHL, I appreciated hearing from you personally and thank you for your wonderful wwebsite. For those of us just beginning this terrible journey, your words have helped!
Shelley Cleveland <>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 11:39 AM (CST)
Leslie, thanks for sharing Christoper's story. My husband was dx in 2000 with Follicular NHL. He has been in remission for almost 2 years now. I wish Chris the best of luck to beat this!
Jill <>
Hubbard, OH - Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 08:25 AM (CST)
Hey,great web page. Thanks for the idea,we might give it a try. It was interesting to read Chris's history,Owen's is similar! Good work and to answer your question about when do we stop worrying about our guessed it!!!!

Dwan and Owen

Dawn Robichaud <>
Saint John, N.B. Canada - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 09:20 AM (CST)
Hi Leslie and Chris! What a strange thing to meet Wendi at Karen's party on Friday. And I almost didn't go because I was totally exhausted from spending the whole day at Sick Kids. I've never gotten around to starting a web page. I'm so glad you did. Take care. Hope the d**** counts behave themselves.
Love Brenda and Alex

Brenda Bradbury
- Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 05:44 AM (CST)
Hi Leslie,enjoyed your site.Well done.
Murray&Sandy <>
Scarboro, Canada - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 03:51 PM (CST)
Leslie, Great journal. I am happy to hear Chris was able to return to school. Have a good day.
Sharon <>
Indep., Mo USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 07:55 AM (CST)
Way to go , Leslie. This is a great way to communicate with everyone. Good wishes all around!
Gena <xxxxxxxxxxx>
WA USA - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 10:59 PM (CST)
I've known this family for many years.It never ceases to amaze me that through this terrible ordeal,they have remained strong and in good spirits.Chris, in particular,has never lost his sense of humour.He is an inspriation to us all.Way to go "Kissyfur". hee hee.
Debbie N.
Aurora, Ont Canada - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CST)
I'm wishing for the very best for Chris and your family! Thank you for sharing you lives with us so that others may learn from your experiences and not feel so alone in their own journey with cancer. ~Kaycee~
Lockport, IL USA - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 05:44 PM (CST)

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