This is my story about My husband, youngest son, Mateo, and my new doctors!

Submitted by Wendy on 06.03.23

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I have been fighting to get any doctor to listen for 5 years now. My husband and son have stood by me never letting me give up. After so many surgeries, I found Dr,. Lucas Burghoff (sports Dr) and Dr. Ryan Singerman(pcp). Also found two great surgeons who actually listened instead of just doing surgery. These two great surgeons are Dr. Shugart and Dr. Wright. Pain doctor's and staff have helped me be able to do more than just laying in bed. I'm still fighting to find out what's wrong, but I have faith in these doctor's, that they will. My husband not only works over 80 hours a week, he takes me to every doctor appointment, helps around the house and yard and has ALWAYS made me keep fighting. He won't let me give up. No patient should have to fight for any Dr or nurse to listen to them. My son helps when he can. I've had 5 knee surgeries, both quads tear, spinal fusion, elbow tendon repair, elbow tendon repair,patellar tendon repair and now small tears in my hamstring tendon. I've had many more surgeries and now need more. I can't thank everyone enough! Thank you all so much. Only thing that breaks me, I've had to fight and all fighting to get disability as I can't physically work. This shouldn't ever happen in Indiana or the USA!

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