This is my story about My dad

Submitted by Nic on 06.07.23

My dad
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My dad came to this country with a small suitcase and was determined to make it in America
Through hard work cleaning toilets , living in one room studios ,hustling every day, saving enough money to go to school and learn English , he conquered the American dream . I love and miss him . His no nonsense spirit continues to be embedded in my heart and soul giving me that kick in the butt boost I need when feeling out of sorts .

My daddy has inspired me to intentionally leverage all that I’ve learned during my career as a social worker serving community, to now become a mid life coach for women . Coaching women to close the door on past regret, stop wasting precious time and make today a day of strength to live up to their potential, tap into their natural strength to smash their fears and live the life they desire .

My daddy did this for me and I’m honoring him my carrying that strength based legacy on to the women I serve .

Honoring my father , my super hero . My marvel hero . I love you .

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