This is my story about In honor of my fearless husband, Dave who will receive his stem cell transplant on June 7, the same day as World Caring Day.

Submitted by Jan Medinger on 06.07.23

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When we heard Dave’s diagnosis- a very rare blood cancer- we were overwhelmed. I knew I couldn’t manage this alone. I also knew I wanted to keep everyone informed of his condition and progress so I turned to CaringBridge to make it easier for me to communicate and to get the support we both needed. It has been so helpful - all the wonderful comments and most importantly I didn’t feel alone anymore. Now I am going to start using the planning calendar to keep track of my additional caregivers that will be taking turns staying with Dave. They can sign up for the days they can help. What a necessary, wonderful, heartfelt idea CaringBridge is. Thank you for seeing the need to help families bridge the miles between us to bring us all together in spirit and prayer!!

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