This is my story about Eleanor

Submitted by Danny on 05.26.22

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TO MY ADORABLE SISTER ELEANOR, MAY GOD IN HIS INFINITE MERCY HOLD YOU IN HIS ARMS FOREVER. To say you were just a sister is to say there is no God in the heavens. Having you in our family has been beyond precious and was something that we never really deserved. You will now join your treasured sister Margaret and all your wonderful family and friends. You and Margaret produced twelve offspring with your husbands, and they are a joy to be with and will carry on your family legacy. Our family tree has lost some branches now with the passing of Herk first, then Margaret, then Ellen, then Ed and now you Eleanor. There are just three of the original eight remaining to carry on the traditions of this wonderful family. Now join your family in the heavens awaiting our arrival to share in your eternal joy. We all love you very much honey and will miss you forever. God bless you my darling sister. With tears in my eyes, I say goodbye for now. Your devoted brother, Danny

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