This is my story about Cody Abrahamson

Submitted by Dawn Abrahamson on 06.07.23

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I have been the main caregiver for my almost 39 years old daughter on a ventilator almost her entire life. Cody has faced so many challenges in life. She has lived with me her mom since released from Children's Hospital at 1 year old. We have nurses in the home as much as possible. I fill in the hours when there's no nurse- sometimes 24 hours or more straight. We are currently facing a situation of losing our home of 36 years because a family member wants the money from the sale. I am in court fighting for the home bought for us. This is a very tiring job but I love my daughter so much. She has taught all of us so much about life. Cody currently uses her eyes to communicate. Her computer has stopping recognizing her finger switch. She needs a very sophisticated way to access her computer. Something that can regonize her thought and go on the screen. With all of her disabilities she never complains about anything. She caught covid in Nov.2022 and pulled through. She did become diabetic then with shots 4 times daily. She is such a trooper! I'm never going to give up on my daughter ! She is a blessing to all who know her.

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