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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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  • October 27, 2021 by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    We were released from the hospital yesterday October 27, 2021. (3 weeks and 2 days)The hospital said Zyah is only required to be in Houston for one month. At end of the month we will inter a shelter for 3 months. I have four months to find a job and get an apartment. But I have been accused of neglect for not being at the hospital when the doctors were looking for me. I had to cancel several job interviews. I still have to pack, and cook for Zyah because he will no longer wants to eat the hospital food. have used all of our godunme donations, but the total never changes from what the public sees.The total of all donations is what the public sees.Thank you for all that have donated. What we need with is getting our story told.Also all the prayers, well wishes, and Zooms have been a blessing. With the prayers, well wishes and Zooms. It would be of great help with financial support also Please forward our story to your contacts, friends and family.

  • October 25, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    As of today Zyah has been in the hospital for 1 month. His body Started to reject his new heart. He was started on anti Rejection meds which caused a whole set of new problems and pain. Think everyone who donated and passed our story to Your friends and family. We really need the support.
    Many thanks.
    Love Zyah and mommie.
  • October 11, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    Today is Monday October 11, 2021. We have been in the hospital for a week. Every time they start his anti rejection meds his veins blow out. So he is now out of ICU. Now the are trying to reinsert the the IV. The nurse just informed me that yesterday he pulled the IV out his self. That's why he is getting re poked right now. From now on I will only post basic information. The hospital has concerns that I am harming him and for medical neglect.
  • October 8, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    I keep the picture up of Zyah on the cover page so you can see our journey here in Houston. This picture shows our truth our reality. If the view of our truth our journey and our everyday reality. I don't know what to tell you. Thank you for all the love and support. Please share your story
  • October 8, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    Please excuse all typos. On cell phone and this is the 2nd time I am doing the same update. The first one got deleted. Yesterday Zyah had some setbacks his IV that they put in his arm stopped working on him two times so they had to call in a special vascular team to come in and insert an IV deep in his arm using a machine that highlights his veins the whole time they were trying to insert the new IV he was off of his anti-rejection medications the first time they inserted the IV it did not work so they had to insert it a second time since I have not been provided a parent parking pass I was not able to be up there with him which makes me very upset. He said he was in so much pain all they wanted was me. When I arrived at the hospital yesterday morning around 6 the nurse caught me up on everything that happened overnight. When he woke up he told me that his arm was in a lot of pain when I looked at his arm it was all red swollen and hot to the touch I called the nursing and she looked at it and she got another nurse to get a second opinion they then called the doctor and the doctor said to go ahead and remove the IV which puts him another day off of being on his anti-rejection medication
    The doctor said that if the IV messed up that he was going to have to put him in the ICU and insert a PICC line in order for him to continue getting in the anti-rejection medication
    It's 6 a.m. now and I'm heading back up to the hospital and see what the doctors decide. The doctors were hoping that's going to be discharged Friday today but I don't think so he may be in the hospital for at least another week according to the doctor the social workers are still not helping me find any other place for us to live so I am still paying for the hotel and the hospital wants me to be at the hospital 24 hours a day and they want me to hold down a full-time job and they still won't let me have a care taker meal they want me to pay $20 a day for hospital food. $13 a day for parking and no in and outs. I have to leave to feed myself. I am still cooking for me and Zyah. There telling me that before Zyah is discharge that I have to have a plan of action on where he's going to after he's discharged
  • October 5, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    Yesterday 10-04-2021. My baby boy was admitted to the hospital. His new donor heart is showing major signs of rejection. The EKG is showing that his heart has fluid and getting enlarged, red blood count is not in range. and his heart is not comprising like it should. He has a major procedure this morning and I can't be there. The hospital is not paying for our hotel room. I had to pay for the room yesterday. The hospital said I should get a job but he can't be left alone. Even if I did find a job. I would have to stop working to be with Zyah in the hospital. He's there alone. I have never left him alone in the hospital. We got interviewed by the news about our situation that s why the amount of money I need to raise keeps changing. With the news report we would have got what we needed to get an apartment. But there was a shooting so that got covered on the news instead of our story. I have to get out of this room. I'm trying to get into a shelter. we cant afford $205 for another night. The devile is a liar. I am trying to not be a hot mess but I am failing. Zyah had to do all the talking for me with the doctors today when they Told us about is heart. This is a lot. My 15 y/o is being the adult because I can't stop crying and blowing snout bubbles Through my nose. The hospital will call me every hour on how the procedure goes. I am going to try and get on the 6am shuttle to be there fir a few hours.
  • October 1, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    We have been allowed to stay in the hotel til Monday October 4 2021. We still have no place togo. We will try to stay at the hotel as long as possible @ the rate of $205 a night. Had a family member Togo to but was informed that they have black mold from a leak. Black mold is not safe for a heart transplant recipient or my family who had opened their home to us. Thank you to all that have supported us with money,love, prayer,positive thoughts and encouragement. Please keep it coming. I know in my heart and soul that God has something planed for us. I can feel it.
  • September 23, 2021by Shellia ReedOrganizer
    These donations will help us make the move to Houston so we can stay close to Texas Childrens Hospital. As of 9/30/2021 we will no longer be living in a hotel. Been driving around crazy looking for an apartment. Let me know if you have any ideas. Found income restricted apartments but mid November is the next available.

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