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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Update: Weston is two months old today! 


Overall things are going well! 😊 


We have settled in this past week at home and have developed somewhat of a routine despite the curve balls that have been thrown our way with severe weather and a boil water notice. Luckily we did not lose power.


Weston had an Ortho appt last week, and the X-ray showed new bone growth so his arm is healing well! He looked like such a big boy in his car seat, and didn’t cry or fuss the whole time. We are able to remove his splint on Friday and he will be able to start having tummy time!


Weston’s favorite things are the pacifier and his swing! He roots around for his paci like a madman and has gained better control with his hands while trying to hold it in his mouth. He has also tried to suck his thumb a few times but it was not nearly as delish as paci. In fact, Thor and I have found that we are the official paci holders, and Weston gets very upset if we are slacking on the job. Due to demand, we are currently accepting applications for part time paci holders at this time. (Ha!) 


He is mesmerized by tv and likes to watch it propped up on his boppy on the bed. I can already see him watching sports with Daddy! He smiles when you tickle his belly, and seems to be happiest after a long snooze! He is also very interested in the bee mobile that oscillates above him in his swing, and he is an avid ceiling vent enthusiast (strangely enough 🤷🏼‍♀️). 


We are just so happy to finally have him home, and he seems quite happy to be here! ❤️


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