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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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The following is a message my dad emailed our family and friends November 2006. He was such a story teller and had the ability to make friends with anyone and draw them out. He loved people and always managed to fine something in common that would create a connection. The following, I feel, is a perfect example of the essence of this man. See if you can hear his voice as you read his words!

Hello Everybody,
it's Sunday morning and since I went to Mass last night, I don't have to keep my same weekly schedule. I intended to sleep in but I woke up at 6:00 a.m. so I got up, did my daily exercises, showered, made coffee and read some of the paper. Instead of going for my walk at the mall @ 7:15 a.m., I didn't get started until 8:45 a.m. Following are some observations I made during this morning's walk:

First of all, I noticed a different crowd of walkers that I see on weekdays. I noticed several young girls rushing into their job at one of the stores & everyone of them came in the mall with a cell phone in their ear talking to someone. I think some people are addicted to their cell phones.  

I saw/talked to a guy that I've seen several times B4. He walks 4 hours/day and has gotten rid of his pot belly, but that's too much walking for me. He is a post office retiree and showed me a picture of his beautiful 1 year old great granddaughter. He's quite a humorous guy & I usually have a few words with him. 

I always admire the housekeeping at the mall - they keep it sparkling. Credit goes to their staff of cleaning ladies all of which are either black or Mexican. I've talked to several of them - some speak good English & some only slightly. They are from Somalia, Mexico, & Ecuador. They are hard, amiable workers. 

I sat down for a short rest next to a young black man who was doing the same. He works at Macy's in the Polo Dept. Spoke good English & is from Somalia. Voted for the first time this year. Doesn't like President Bush. Asked him if things are stabilizing in Somalia. He said it's getting better, but is still pretty much in control of the warlords. He didn't think much of that. Sends money home to his mother who still lives there. I asked him if he learned his English in Somalia, and was surprised he'd picked it up here for which I complemented him. A nice young man. 

Lastly I talked to a Vietnamese guy that I've seen B4. He fought in the VN war as a pilot and attained a high rank - I think a Colonel. I call him "General". He's a wiry, small guy and still hates the Viet Cong. Is in good shape and is proud to advise me that he's 72 for which I informed him that he's still a " snot nosed kid!" He got a kick out of that. Said he'd gladly go back in again if the President needed him in IRaq. All 'n all, it's fun kabitizing with him.

I guess there were other observations, but that's enough boredom for this time. I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Love, Wes 

I want to add a side note here:
One Thanksgiving, dad asked for leftovers to take to one of the Southdale cleaning gals. She had never had turkey or sampled any of the foods we typically eat for that feast, so he wanted to bring her a sample of her 1st Thanksgiving dinner! No wonder he has people eating out of his hand! Very touching. He was always considerate of others. I may save other memories for the Washburn-McReavy funeral home online website for dad. 

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