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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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It’s been just over a month. We miss you Rach. Little things remind me of you every day. The world just isn’t the same without you. But we are thankful for all of the memories of you that we have tucked away & the impact you left on this earth. 

Daniel & I both had similar experiences in remembering Rachel through the fall season, specificially in the brilliance and vibrance of the leaves. We just wanted to share these with you & even as we miss Rachel, we remember her beauty & feel that we will always hold the fall season a little closer to our hearts. Much love🤍

“The leaves in New Hampshire are in their glory in early October. Bright orange, fiery red, brilliant yellows. I was taking a walk, my heart heavy because of our separation from Rachel. I felt the Lord speak gently to me to look up and all around at His beautiful Creation- at the stunning fall leaves and the changing of the seasons. The leaves, so unique & beautiful, mirrored my amazing sister. Rachel was entering a new season also; she was ready to go, to leave this earth & enter her eternal home. It brought me such peace knowing she was ready. Fall will hold a special place in my heart from now on, as I’ll remember Rachel’s beauty through the brilliance of the season.” - Becky

“Fall has always been my favorite time.  That will still be true this year, but it will be a bit deeper and weightier. My cheeks will get saltier.  The trees in their glory will remind me of Rachel.  Every color will summon a memory.  And everything brilliant and breathtaking I see will echo the brilliance of Rachel’s life and the glory of her best friend, Jesus.” -Daniel

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