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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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Hello friends, I AM William and it's time to get serious about defeating my stage IV colon cancer metastasized to liver. After 3 years of various allopathic treatments (3 rounds of various chemo drugs, radiation and surgeries), I am quite literally, at the end of my rope. The doctors say that without doing anything at this point I have 6 months to live before my liver fails.  According to them the only option for me is to TRY more heavy chemotherapy, which at best will extend my life 1-2 years. Undergoing this treatment is horrible to begin with, but my body rejected (via allergic reactions) the 3 top drugs in the last sequences of application. The side effects alone are bad enough. The doctors (I have 2 oncologists, at UCSF and Marin Cancer Center) say that the only thing we can do is to "challenge" me with these drugs again, which means administering them in the ICU, with heaps of benedryl and over an 8 hour period. IF my body doesn't react again, and the drugs are accepted, I am only expected to prolong my life an indefinite amount of time. And that short time will be spent taking chemotherapy as much as possible. Uggghh.  There is no cure (according to them).  They mean well, but just can’t think outside the box.  I feel differently. I know there is a better way. I have already begun my own program of changing my diet, taking supplements along with prayer with meditation. This alone is not enough, I know.  I have to be realistic.  After much research I have decided to go a different route:  Immunotherapy.

In the USA, the only recognized methods of treating cancer are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, of which I have tried all 3.  In most cases, to receive anything else one must travel to another country.  I evaluated many options, both here and abroad and found that the  Immunotherapy Institute in Tijuana offers the same leading-edge immunotherapy treatments offered by other places at 3X the price.

More information can be found here: about the place I intend to go.  It is not covered by insurance though.  I intend to use my savings to pay for most of this treatment but as I have never been a rich man, this doesn’t go too far.  I am reaching out to you, friends and family, to help me make up the difference.  I cannot waste time.  The plan is to go in January and stay for 3 weeks for their intensive program, which may include low-dose chemotherapy.  Their oncologist will determine the need for this after I arrive and meet with him.  

It is an integrative approach, using all methods available to beat down this beast of cancer which has taken up residence inside my liver.  I met with a doctor already and he prepared a treatment program for me, which I’ll be happy to share if you are interested. It includes 10 phases of:  immune system stimulation, detoxification and tumor destruction, along with 3 years of ongoing therapy including supplements and home-care treatment.  They have an 87% success rate treating colon cancer. I have spoken with another patient who went through their program and she raved about it.  She was told she had 3 months to live and here 5 years later she is doing very well. She said she doesn’t do anything medically but what they tell her to, and she sounded very much alive on the phone, vibrant and enthusiastic.  I am very hopeful about this treatment and feel it is my last chance for a remainder of good life, without suffering the degrading effects of chemotherapy *IF my body will even accept it*.  So please, if you can give a little or a lot, this is what family & friends are for.  I will be forever grateful and please know that God blesses those who give.

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