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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Helloooo Warriors!!!

brief update;
7/23 /18 CT scan showed metasize to brain, next day full brain MRI. the small cell spread, the lower part of the brain is like wet sand meaning lots of small spots, higher up ( should know tech names for the exact area but I think U get it) showed 2 medium size lesions. In Jan. 2018 they did a brain MRI & it was all clear. As the doctors said metasitze to the brain is a set back. I am still fighting, now the fight is  on my terms.

7/27/18 started first of 10 brain rad treatments. I did not have the same side effects has the previous 28 rad to esophagus & thyroid ( mostly fatigue).

Next CT scan 9/24 then brain MRI a month later.

Still planning on going back to work 'soon'.

I was cleared to take mat pilates & yoga at the health club. Took my 1st yoga Sunday & made it thru the hour & did about 80%. I exercise about 4 days a week- 20 minutes on bike or treadmill then some light weights. Again approved by the doctors.

Doctors also said I could travel so planning 2-3 'short' vacations in US ( maybe one to  Canada) soon.

I am going to drop in some of the sayings or quotes from some of the cards & messages I have received, I usually try to source the quote but not going to now & I may change some of words to fit me. I am also not going to be so picky on spelling- it' s all about time & priorities.

"Beware, I am fearless & therefore powerful".
"You have to choose to do it"
"I may encounter many defeats but I will not be defeated".
"I carry the power inside myself".

"I shall not sink" ( shout out to niece Jennifer!!)

"Life sometimes brings enormous difficulties & challenges that seem too hard to bear. But bear then I can & bear them I will & my life will have a purpose".

"Once the storm is over you won't remember how U made it thru, how U managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact the storm is over. One thing is certain, when you come out of the storm U won't be the same person who walked in". I can tell you I am not the same person I was in Jan. 2018.

If you don't take away anything else from this; remember the poster in everyone's college dorm room "Today  is the beginning of the rest of your life" no kidding folks, do not put off anything you want to do until " tomorrow'. There is always an excuse or I'll do it another day, NO -- JUST DO IT!

Thanks to all my Warriors, I need you & appreciate EVERYTHING - as I have said- call, text, email, snail mail- any form of of communication is treasured. I have been fortunate to be able to get out this summer as the weather for the most part as been decent. I try to get out everyday & see someone. I have made some new friends which has been fun.

Of course, there are no words for Rob, the best care giver anyone could have. He walks in front of me to protect me, he walks beside me & holds my hand to protect me and as my partner, lover & friend, & he walks behind be to catch me when I fall. I love him so very much. Know this  as hard as this is on the patient it is just as hard or harder on the care giver, of course in a different way.  If I could spare him one second of pain & anguish I would. He still makes me laugh & I treasure him.

Everyone at NW is fabulous , I have a great team.
I added some new photos. I am bald, & bald is beautiful!

I know there was more I wanted to say but will send another update soon.

love to all & thank you for all the positive vibes.


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