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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Dear Friends,
I have made it through Radiation! Once again I was greatly blessed by my friends-Ann, Gaea, and Catherine were hugely helpful in bringing me to treatment, and in helping me stay positive. I am so grateful for such selfless, loving friends who got up at 0'dark thirty to get me to Magee at 7am. (of course my hubby did as well, but he HAS to...;-)
Overall, radiation was not a terrible experience. The worst part was getting used to the procedure itself-it leaves one immodest and vulnerable. But the team at Magee was again wonderful and caring. My favorite radiation tech was named Tracy, she is a hugger like me, and made me feel like a human being.
So far my skin is holding up pretty well. It's just red and sore like I spent a day at Misquamicut beach without sunscreen. My body is tired and my joints ache, but I have still been able to keep up at work.
I am in good spirits-happy to be done with the major parts of my treatment, and happy to be doing what I love again-taking care of my family, doing ministry, cooking...and thanks to my MIL Carol, and my friend Patty from church, I even have a clean house!
Going forward I will continue with infusions every 3 weeks, Echocardiograms every three months, and various follow up appointments.  They are continuing to give me the medicine that fights the specific kind of cancer that I have. I will soon begin the Tamoxifen pills that I will need to take for a few years. These meds have side effects-so getting back to my usual self is still going to take some time. I have been telling people that I am running at about 70% of my usual energy level. (My friend Jess said, "Oh, so like a normal person then", when I told her that. :-)
My prayer is that I can continue to heal and get strong again, so I can do the ministry God has called me to do. My biggest frustration in these several years of health problems has been that I have people to love, disciple and proclaim to, and my health issues have been interfering with that.  I am also praying that I will grow in wisdom because of all of this. There is always so much to learn, and so much growing to do, and I hope, as I poke my head out of my hibernation, that I will see Springtime in my mind and soul. 
Much love and many thanks to all of you for your prayers and attention,

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