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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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     I'm utilizing this space as more of a stream of consciousness/blog than anything else.  Posting on social media seems to be straight self satisfaction because, mostly, your thoughts are broadcast to like minded people that you "friended".  I can post here, comprehend my own ideas, and amend if needed.
     I believe, with absolution, that every American owes service to their country.  Through military, Peace Corp, or local outreach.  Two years, minimum.  Each one of us is fortunate for our prior generations sacrifice. Those acts deserve that validation.  Without any sense of duty, it seems we've devolved into so many individuals without knowledge/caring of the whole.  So self involved even when fighting for someone else.  It's very honorable to stand up for a fellow human being, but if you don't truly know their plight, what are you fighting for, them, or your perceptions?

    When I enlisted in 1988, there hadn't been a War, or "conflict", of any significance since Vietnam.  After 1975 very few skirmishes turned heads.  There were the Falklands, Grenada, a couple others.  For the most part though, military service was looked down upon as a last resort for kids who were in trouble with the law, or didn't want to go to college.  Not the noble cause I knew it to be.
     I found it very interesting after 1991, and the soldiers came home from Saudi Arabia, that there was gratitude, true thankfulness for service. (upsetting but understandable) 

     My main point; When training started after Saudi, teamwork took on a completely different tone. We weren't trying to pass some test anymore.  Looking at that new 18 year old kid that just shipped in, he wasn't just some shithead who couldn't put up a 600 on the SAT.  He could be the reason I come home whole, or become less than a footnote in a battle that no one cares about.  The only thing that mattered to any of us, was trust.  Through training (forced relationship), I never doubted one person in my Platoon. Political belief, color, Religion, freaking pronoun.  No matter.  
     If there's another way to instill a sense of community, I'd like to know.
     I have life long friends from my time serving.  I've visited their homes, hugged the entire family, from dad to dog.  No one asked me my beliefs, they just knew i would die for my buddy.  That's all that matters.
     That kind of trust only comes through shared experience. No book, classroom. or therapy.  
=more later=

<future generations will not exist> (new thought)

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