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Apr 28-May 04

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Our last update...from Tim (by Jackie)

It seems not only fitting but fortunate that I'm able to make what I hope and expect to be the last post regarding my journey back to wellness. 
First of all, thanks to my wife for all her notes on prior posts providing a solid reminder when my memory fell short on the details of this health incident that began nearly 7 weeks ago. Also, thank you Jackie Tabor for helping Diane make the posts to keep friends & family informed during a difficult and confusing time.

"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in you book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16 

Diane and I recently traveled back to Shreveport for my 6 week check up. Upon reviewing the CT Scan and exam, the surgeon reported my brain "looks normal" (at this moment I expected a chuckle from Diane but she managed to maintain her composure, haha). He also said I could begin the process of weaning from the Anti-Seizure meds...aka "Zombie Pills" (what I like to call them) over the next 3 weeks provided there are no seizure issues. Once I'm completely off the anti-seizure medication he will discuss a date that I can return to work. Dr. Cuellar said it would be rare if aneurysms become a health issue for me again ("at my age"...gee thanks) since it typically takes 15+ years for them to develop. As the visit concluded the Doctor mentioned that I was "one of the lucky ones" but I know better. I don't serve a God of chance but the One who is in control. The verse that hangs on my office wall comes to mind: "The mind of a man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9 and Proverbs 16:33 declares "The dice is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord."  Diane and I were overjoyed to return to the Neuro-ICU to say thank you to the nurses who provided such great care for me. They were glad we stopped by and said it's not very often they get to see their patients once they leave. 

To be certain the aneurysms are gone, we will go back to Shreveport in July for a similar procedure to when they implemented the coils and stents. Headaches will continue to be an issue but will improve over the next 4-5 months and I will continue PT to improve my strength and flexibility. Thanks a million to the Physical Therapy Team at SPOT for all the support & encouragement as we work to improve my endurance. 

There aren't enough words of thanks for all the prayer, support, acts of kindness, and encouragement we've received from family, friends, church family, and the CPPJ over the past 5-6 weeks. Although there are gaps in my memory of the early weeks in my recovery, Diane kept me informed and continually expressed awe regarding the overwhelming support from of all of you. She has been amazing in every way, never leaving my side and I am forever grateful she and Caleb didn't have to travel this path alone. Thank you for being there for her so she could be here for me. Each and every one of you are a significant part of my recovery. This journey has been humbling to say the least and again, there are no words adequate enough to relay my gratitude. 

Hopefully this is our last post in the journey of my bout with 3 brain aneurysms. I'm definitely looking forward to returning to all my old activities and hobbies but the best part will be catching up with everyone along the way. God is good! 

Tim Conner
God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain. ~ CS Lewis

**From Jackie: In the "January 15 Update" Tim mentioned still making his nephew's
Feb 9 basketball game in Houston, TX. Well...he may not have made it on the 9th but Tim & Diane were in the stands today, cheering on Blake's (he is 6'7") team for the championship win! 🙌 
I've been beyond blessed to be part of Tim's testimony and journey back to health, especially since things were pretty scary in the beginning. The entire Conner Family is very special to me and like so many of you, I am praising God today for his full recovery. "And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name." 1 Chronicles 29:13 

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