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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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In 2020, our lives took an unexpected turn as we experienced the profound grief of pregnancy loss. Each loss brought its own unique pain and challenges, testing our resilience and resolve. Despite the heartache, we held onto hope and embarked on the journey of IVF in 2021, determined to expand our family and fulfill our dreams of parenthood.

Just as we were navigating the complexities of fertility treatments, our world was rocked once again when I received the devastating diagnosis of breast cancer in May of 2021. The news felt like a cruel twist of fate, plunging us into a whirlwind of fear, uncertainty, and disbelief. Yet, in the face of adversity, we found strength in each other and in the unwavering support of our loved ones.

This journey has been marked by moments of profound sadness and overwhelming challenges. Yet, amidst the darkness, we discovered glimmers of hope. We learned to embrace the uncertainties, to celebrate the small victories, and to cherish each precious moment as we navigated this journey together.

After enduring the emotional rollercoaster of 2020 and grappling with the daunting diagnosis of breast cancer, our journey toward parenthood finally culminated in a joyous moment of triumph. Following a successful round of IVF, we welcomed our precious daughter, Mila Judith, into the world in November.

Holding her in our arms for the first time filled our hearts with gratitude and awe. Mila's arrival is a testament to the unwavering strength and resilience of the human spirit. We are infinitely blessed to have her in our lives, a beacon of hope and a reminder of the miraculous beauty that can emerge from even the darkest of times. Our journey to parenthood has been fraught with challenges, but with Mila's arrival, we are reminded that every trial and tribulation was worth it for the priceless gift of our healthy baby girl.

After completing radiation treatment for breast cancer, the typical trajectory would lead to the next phase of medical intervention. However, with compassion and understanding, my new oncologist offered a rare glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. Recognizing the profound importance of family and the deeply cherished dream of parenthood, they graciously agreed to pause treatment, allowing Jason and I to pursue our dream of starting a family. This compassionate gesture filled our hearts with appreciation and renewed optimism, underscoring the invaluable role of empathy and personalized care in the journey through cancer. 

As I revel in the precious moments of motherhood with Mila, the time has come to confront the next chapter of my journey through breast cancer treatment. Given the nature of my cancer, which is fueled by estrogen, my oncologist has prescribed a crucial component of my treatment plan: Tamoxifen. This daily pill serves as a formidable ally in the battle against cancer, working diligently to block estrogen receptors and thwart its influence on cancer cell growth. By halting estrogen's signaling pathways, Tamoxifen serves as a vital tool in preventing the progression and recurrence of breast cancer. As I commence this new phase of treatment, I am bolstered by optimism, knowing that each pill brings me one step closer to a future free from cancer's grasp, allowing me to cherish every moment with Mila..

As I prepare to embark on my journey with Tamoxifen as part of my breast cancer treatment plan, I can't help but feel a sense of trepidation about the long list of potential side effects associated with this medication. At nearly 43 years old, the prospect of experiencing these side effects feels daunting and uncertain. From hot flashes and mood swings to increased risk of blood clots and uterine cancer, the laundry list of potential symptoms looms large in my mind. While I understand the importance of Tamoxifen in preventing cancer recurrence, the fear of navigating these side effects adds an extra layer of complexity. Nonetheless, I am determined to approach this next phase with tenacity and optimism, knowing that each day brings me closer to a future free from cancer's grip, regardless of the obstacles along the way.

For the past month, the pill bottle of Tamoxifen has remained untouched, a constant reminder of the journey ahead. Despite knowing its importance in my treatment plan, nerves have kept me from taking that first step. However, a recent tragedy within my online cancer support group has had a profound emotional impact. The passing of a fellow warrior, someone whose journey I've closely followed and whose resilience has inspired me, has left an indelible mark on my heart. Her loss serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the urgency of confronting cancer head-on. In her memory and with newfound clarity, I realize that the time to start Tamoxifen is now. It's a small yet significant act of defiance against the disease, a testament to my determination to fight, and a tribute to the courage of those who have walked this path before me.

As I embark on this next chapter of my journey with Tamoxifen, I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and well wishes from my loved ones, friends, and the incredible community that surrounds me. Your unwavering encouragement has been a beacon of light in the darkest of times, reminding me that I am never alone in this fight. I am immensely grateful for each and every one of you who has stood by my side, offering words of comfort, strength, and hope. Your kindness fuels my resolve to confront cancer with courage. I promise to keep you updated on my progress as I navigate this path, sharing both the triumphs and the challenges along the way. Together, we are stronger, and with your continued support, I am confident that we will emerge victorious in this battle. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a source of unwavering love and support.

Let's prioritize our health and well-being by advocating for ourselves and others, remembering that early detection and proactive communication with medical professionals can truly make a difference—because screening saves lives.

Cheers to tomorrow morning, to the first pill and 3,649 to go.


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