Help Theresa Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Theresa’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 34 donors who have made a donation in honor of Theresa.

Keep fighting. Just when you think you can't, you can! We pray for you every day.
Sue Wagner | Jun 2, 2019
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family
Melissa Kovalski Glauser | Jun 1, 2019
So glad that you are able to share your journey with all of us thur Caring Bridge!
louise cormier | Jun 1, 2019
Hi Theresa! You are an amazing and beautiful woman and are on the positive path to beating this! We loved seeing the great pics of you, Sam, PJ and Alyssa! Sending our love, aloha, thoughts and prayers daily! Love, Kim & Stan Sadowski
Love, Kim & Stan Sadowski | May 31, 2019
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Theresa! You are a strong woman with a wonderful group of family and friends. You can beat this!
Heather Brown and family | May 30, 2019
Theresa, The Kovalski clan in Georgia is with you all the way (all 14 of us). You're Polish tough and gonna get through this issue. Keep that smile on your face which gives us inspiration to address our own little aches and pains.
Jerry, Gay, Caroline, Marie, Sara and kids | May 30, 2019
Dr. Theresa Maniar, you have the power within you to beat this. Know that you are in my prayers today and every day till you fully recover. Milind
Milind Gurjar | May 29, 2019
Theresa you know your Chica-rita loves you more than words can express.
Angela Mendoza | May 29, 2019
I was going to write you up something here, but it limited my characters! Check your email, Theresa. And more importantly, kick this thing so you can come back to keeping us in line over here.
Joe Clarke | May 28, 2019
Theresa you have always been there like a radiant star, always the one who laughed so freely and giver of warmth and support to those who needed it. I’m sending you my love and my prayers and I know with your beautiful strength that you will beat this
Kathe Saccenti | May 28, 2019