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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Matt has now been home for one week today! Being at home with family - and seeing sunshine - has been so uplifting for Matt.  As he shared in his personal note last week, Matt is so very thankful for each of you, and the support shown to him and to his family.

The hard work of long term recovery has begun.  As many of you know, Matt was a pretty hard-core athlete pre-hospitalization, and exercise was an important aspect of his life.  Work-outs look different today than they did two months ago. But! Exciting news! Today, Matt walked 3/4 of a mile, accompanied by his monther and sister! Each stride is a reminder of God's faithfulness.

Cardiac rehab will begin tomorrow.  Matt will attend three times a week, and will wear monitors while walking on a treadmill.  This will give his care staff a good indication of his improvement - and also allow them to ensure there are no unexpected issues.  Along with rehab, Matt will continue with weekly, outpatient cardiology visits.  He and the family are so very thankful for the incredible care teams who continue to watch over Matt's health. 

In a month, Matt will return to the hospital to find out if his valve is remodeled enough to avoid surgery.  Or, what the next steps are for rehabilitation.  Matt's charge from the Doctors is to rest, take his medication, and follow his diet plan - in order to improve his condition.

The hard work of recovery also includes many lifestyle changes. One of those is embracing a low-sodium, low-fluid cardiac diet.  Most of us try to get in as much water as we can each day, but Matt actually has to monitor the amount of fluid he takes in - a maximum of 2 Liters a day.  There is nothing like knowing you CAN'T have more water to make you feel thirsty! 

Matt isn't able to drive yet, so Mindy is the primary "taxi" of the family.  Many friends have stepped in to assist with the driving, which has been such a blessing to Mindy! Evenings are very busy, as the children have their many activities, and Matt and Mindy partner in different ways than previous, to run their household. The "big kids" understand that Daddy has limitations physically, but the twin 4-year olds are struggling to understand why Daddy can't wrestle and throw them in the air like he used to just a few weeks ago.  Now that our prayer has been answered to have Daddy home - let's continue to pray that he is made whole!

The daily meal deliveries have been such an incredible blessing to the Flaig family! Thank you to all who have so generously cared for them in this way.  With the continued recovery needs, we have extended the meal calendar. Please consider checking this out and taking on a day to tangibly care for the Flaigs, if you are able:  

Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Matt! They are needed, and so appreciated!

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