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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I started this post last week but haven’t had the emotional energy to finish but I won’t delay the news any longer. Randy had a CT scan in the beginning of January and his inflammation/ parking spot/ smoldering has finally started shrinking! 🙌🏽 It was half the size as the previous scans, which was already tiny. This was the news we were waiting for. The time leading up to the scan and the waiting period for the results were difficult for us. We thought these things would get a little bit easier but they really don’t. Randy read the report before sharing with me and when he came in to tell me, I knew things were different this time. Before he was even done sharing, I burst into tears and then Randy shed a couple himself. I never really know the feelings I’m holding in until they just come out! I can’t even describe the weight lifted from us. Everything just felt different after that - so much lighter. 

After the scan, Randy’s oncologist gave the OK to have his port removed. 🥳 Randy dreamed about this day during his treatment. He set a goal to get to that point and he did it! 

The procedure to have Randy’s port removed was delayed twice. Did I mention that Randy got Covid at the end of January? And then after the anti-virals, he rebounded and got it again? 😩 We were reminded again that he’s immunocompromised despite his “normal range” bloodwork that he got for the first time in January. He still gets sick easily and it takes his body A LOT to kick things but we are so grateful that it works so hard. He’s strong - don’t forget that he was once an elite athlete. He reminds me almost daily. 😆 His port was finally removed last Tuesday. What a day! It was such an achievement for him and I’m proud. He’s still recovering but I’m sure we will celebrate soon enough. 

Sometimes we forget that we aren’t REALLY that far removed from everything that happened last year. (We’re coming up on the anniversary of his official diagnosis and start of treatment.) Emotions still hit us suddenly and often surprisingly. The kids and I had a really hard time dropping Randy off for surgery and also during his recovery. I think it subconsciously brought us all back to his treatment when he was very fragile and not himself. It’s hard to put into words and something that you don’t understand unless you live it. We are continuing to figure out our new normal and we see progress with this every day. 

This will thankfully be our last post here. It will all now serve as a memory. Before that though, we have to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the way you all showed up for us in ways that we didn’t even know we needed/ wanted. I think about those times with gratitude and a smile. ALLLLLLL of the lovely meals from our meal train, times when school friends took Layla for walks, friends texted that they were making X for dinner and would be dropping some off by dinner time, the soccer team sending a happy birthday video to Randy, the neighbors stopping by with their “Randy’s Squad” shirts on Father’s Day/ his birthday,  surprises constantly showing up on our porch for the kids, a hotel staycation for our family, a friend meal prepping amazing salads for me during the week of his treatments, a special Randy themed bike jersey for Obliteride, and the countless times people texted just to check in or let us know that they’re thinking of us. 💖 These (and more) were all bright lights during such a dark time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

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