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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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It's Teresa here - this update is long overdue, and lengthy!!

I am finally ready, willing, able and was given 'permissions' to provide an update on this page all by myself!!  Seriously, I appreciate that Chas and Allie started this page, and provided the updates.  I have heard lots of appreciation and compliments of their updates!

When I was finally discharged from the hospital in early September the surgeon's instructions were no working, driving, drinking alcohol and that I could not be left alone. He explained that my primary job for now was to heal my brain. I could not be left alone for safety reasons - forget to leave the stove on, etc.  The concern around driving was my delayed response time. He further explained that if I drank, with my injured brain, it would be like giving alcohol to a 2-year old!

I was so excited to be leaving for home that the rules were of no immediate concern.  I was ready to be freed, and was certain the nurses were ready to be rid of me.  By the time I was discharged I had an alarm on my bed, the nurses had a camera/intercom in my room, a bar across the doorway and I wore padded mittens so that I could not grab anything or even itch my head...although, I quickly learned to loosen the velcro straps & remove the mittens with my teeth :)

Since my release from the hospital I have been attending the Genesis LIFT therapy program in Bettendorf.  The program is made-up of patients that have experienced brain injuries - strokes, aneurisms, accidents, violence, etc.  I started on Monday, September 9th, following my release (escape) from the hospital on Sept 6th. The program runs Monday-Thursday, 9AM - 3:30PM.  My friend/neighbor, Carla Baxter, picked me up each morning with my backpack and lunch in hand. Craig picked me up in the afternoons, thus the boys teased me about going to 'school' each day.

I should clarify that the location of my aneurism effected my short term memory - I couldn't remember conversations, visitors, what I did/didn't do, if/what I ate, etc.  While I was still at Genesis I began therapy to test and work on improving my memory.

Each day the LIFT program follows a schedule of memory group activities, the individual patients rotate through speech, physical, and occupational therapies, brain/memory activities, and field trips on Tuesday's!

I quickly experienced the fatigue that follows a brain injury, and had to build-up my endurance.  The first couple of weeks I was dozing off during the ride home with Craig.  In the mornings Connor was left in charge of getting me moving and to ensure that I was ready for my ride. He seemed to enjoy his position of authority a bit too much - standing at my bedroom door, turning the lights on, pulling the covers off, and serving as the 'pill dispenser police'.
To be honest, there were mornings that I couldn't even remember what day of the week it was - school day or not? Church? Shower or not? Who's picking me up??  Based on the recommendation of the hospital therapists, we put a white board on my bathroom mirror that listed AM/PM tasks - take pills, brush teeth, contact in/out, deodorant on, makeup on/off, and a whiteboard calendar to mark the days off on the fridge (LIFT day, etc.)

The first week I told Craig that I wasn't so sure about the LIFT program, or that I needed it ;)  I quickly came around to their approach after I realized my shortcomings and how much it helped my progress.  They really teach, and put into practice, strategies to improve memory while the brain is healing.  At our family meeting Craig told them what I had said the first week, and they said they hear that a lot.

On October 3rd I had to return to Iowa City for a CT scan and post-op appointment with the neurosurgeon.  It was a great visit! He told me the CT scan showed that my ventricles had shrunk, no refills were needed for any of my prescriptions, he was very happy with the progress and seemed like he was talking to a different person!!  I had a lot of questions for him and things to clear-up...He gave me permission to start driving, first practicing with Craig and then solo.  He said I could start drinking (not while driving ;) and return to work part-time!  He also said that I could be left alone - up until this point, I had to have 24/7 supervision, so this was huge!!  No more babysitters :)

I finally returned to work part-time on October 31st with a bang - an 11 hour day to work on a proposal that was due that evening!!  Since then I have been working two-days per week and attending LIFT two-days.  I skipped the field-trip days in order to have a day off during the week, since I was technically supposed to be 'working' part-time.

Things have progressed and yesterday was my last day at the LIFT program - I graduated!  I expect to pick-up another day of work each week, be off for the holidays and then transition back to full-time after the new year!!

The surgeon requested that I go back to Iowa City in 4 months (3 months from now) for an outpatient procedure.  The surgeon wants to go in to 'see' the aneurism coil and 'check things out'.  He will either go through my groin or wrist (angiogram), and I will have to lay flat for hours after the procedure.

Lastly, during this Thanksgiving season I would be remiss if I did not thank you all for the thoughts and prayers - they obviously worked!!  I feel extremely fortunate to be where I am today, mentally and physically.  Since my aneurysm burst I have heard from more people than I care to, with a friend, colleague or family member that did not fare nearly as well as I have.

Craig and the boys have been through a lot - more than anyone should have to endure. As far as I can tell, from all reports, they handled everything extremely well.  I believe it may have been harder on my family than me.  Connor had arrived in Oklahoma just 3-days before to start working the wheat harvest, when he received a call with the news.  Many days Craig drove 200 miles from home to work and then Iowa City, often with Connor as his co-pilot.  Chas was making trips from DesMoines while balancing his workload at the law firm.

My extended family, friends and neighbors have been amazing with their generosity, the awesome meals and caring support.  (Craig definitely appreciated the gas cards ;)

As time goes by, Craig has been patiently answering my questions as I learn what went on while I was "checked out" from June 14 until early September - I missed some birthdays, the golf season, Father's Day, Carter & Allie bought a house & moved in, the Fourth of July, the fair, concerts, Labor Day weekend, Cole moved out for his second year of college... and some people have passed on.  Life went on and I needed to catch-up, but most importantly, I am thankful to be here!!

I am truly blessed and thankful during this holiday season!
Love you all -

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