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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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   On August 11th, I got to give Rosie her very last blood thinner shot! Looking at her bumpy, bruised thighs and knowing she wouldn’t have to endure that pain anymore was such a wonderful feeling. Having to receive injections in a sore muscle day after day for three months is a lot for such a small child. I calculated and she received 168 shots. Wow! She was such a trooper through it all. Now that she’s not on that medication anymore, we can breathe a little sigh of relief. On the 13th we took her to the park for the first time in three months and she was elated! I will never look at those little childhood joys the same again. 
   Today Rosie received her hearing aid! She did such a great job at her appointment. It was an hour and a half long and she was so patient and cooperative the whole time! She loves her new hearing aid and cried when I had to take it out so I could practice putting it back in at the office with the audiologist. It is a little bit tricky since her ear is so tiny and will take some practice! I was a little overwhelmed by all the information and maintenance stuff, but I am sure it will become a regular part of our routine in no time :) Rosie didn’t fidget with her hearing aid and hasn’t seemed irritated by it so far, so that’s good. The audiologist said that going from almost no sound in that ear to receiving so much auditory input can be really overwhelming for kids. We will continue to pray that she adjusts well to it! 
   This morning I was very overwhelmed by God’s grace and mercy throughout all of this. He has been there every step of the way, showing up in the smallest details and the biggest ways too. Thank you to everyone who has been an instrument of his love to us in this season. I made a list this morning of things people have done and said (still working on thank you notes!) and I just started crying. As I have worked my way through a nice chunk of EMDR, I am able to more clearly see where God was in all of the hard and scary moments. We have had a front row seat to a miracle, and I never want to neglect giving God the credit. He allowed something deeply painful and scary to happen—I experienced a level of fear and sorrow I have never known before. But God was right there, orchestrating all of the healing, the financial provision and the support we received. It is truly humbling to look at how well so many people have loved us. Every prayer, text message, card, meal, donation, gift, hug, etc. has made such an impact. No matter how “small” it seemed to you, it has been huge to us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 

   Rosie will receive follow up with Children’s about twice a year for cognitive and behavioral testing and monitoring, as oftentimes there are delayed effects from a brain injury that do not show up until years later. We are praying and believing she will not have any issues in the future! She will also have lots of visits with the audiologist. We are so thankful that the intense part of this journey is behind us, as we get ready to welcome baby Christopher! 

“I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” 
-Psalm 34:4

“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!” 
-Psalm 150:6

Prayer Requests:
-Praises for the work God has done! 
-Prayers Rosie will adjust well to her hearing aid 
-Prayers that no problems pop up further down the road as a result of her injury 

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