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A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Susan’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 36 donors who have made a donation in honor of Susan.

Susan - just read David's Nov. 29 post. While disappointed at the results so far, his words expressing the faith both of you hold were extraordinary in their power. You continue in my prayers and in those of Augsburg Church in Winston-Salem.
Don Armitage | Nov 29, 2021
William Roberts | Oct 12, 2021
Dear Susan, I hope and pray you have a good recovery from this illness. I am looking forward to hearing you sing for us as well as reading your writing to us as well. Your gifts have been shared and I so appreciate hearing you. Judy Graves
Thank you Susan for writing. | Oct 1, 2021
I am a friend of Jeanne Welborn's. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as you continue on this journey. | Oct 1, 2021
When I broke the 7 loaves for the 5,000 how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?' '12,' they replied. 'And when I broke the 7 loaves for the 4,000 how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?' They answered, '7.' Do you.. understand? LOVE YOU!
Bibi | Sep 14, 2021
Susan, Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly with all of us. You remain in our prayers and on our hearts. With love from David and Lynn in Duluth.
David Tryggestad | Aug 30, 2021
We're keeping those prayers and positive vibes going at St. Mark's.
Much love, Libby, Alan, Alex and James | Aug 5, 2021
CaringBridge Supporter | Jul 16, 2021
To help you continue on the journey. Love and prayers.
Annette and Alan Lindal | May 28, 2021
My message is above.
Judy Graves | May 28, 2021