Help Susan Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Susan ’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 15 donors who have made a donation in honor of Susan .

Glad to hear all the positive news and that you get to spend at least part of your summer in beautiful WY. Will continue to send positive energy for healing and health and emotional comfort for you and Jim.
Maureen Mandel | May 15, 2019
Sue, I will keep you in my prayers. Cancer sucks, my sister is in the fight of her life as well. I think of you often, especially when I hear a dog's toe nails on a wood floor. 'Get that dog some socks!'
Debbie Ennen | May 5, 2019
Hope for cures to help every person who is affected by these horrible diseases!
Sharon Paxson | Mar 27, 2019
Rosemary Epler | Mar 27, 2019
Dear Susan, Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. You tell it all down & dirty, and real, like it is. May all that we pray and share, in thoughts and written word, boost you up every day.
Linda Porter | Mar 26, 2019
Hang in there, Sue...we love you tons! I don't have many nickels...want to try quarters!
Jeff & Chris | Mar 23, 2019
Sue, My support will never stop! Quail Creek is the best place on this earth when we need our friends and help!! Here for you always! Hugs, Sharon
Sharon Paxson | Mar 22, 2019
lynn payne | Mar 13, 2019
Such a wonderful site for communication. I have been able to follow 2 special people...Nick Kaminski and Sue Mandel. Thank you, Sue for using this site.
Corinne Beck | Mar 4, 2019