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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Sue's medical journey began Monday evening, November 5, with a humongous sneeze.  She immediately began to hold her head & complain of an excruciating headache & became immobilized.  Being a nurse, Sue had Bill call the ambulance where Sue was taken to Gulfport Memorial Hospital, evaluated & placed in ICU.  Over the next few days, her physicians ran CT Scans, ultrasounds, angiograms & more.  For a month, Sue had been leaking Cerebral Spinal Fluid from her nose so 3 defective areas that could be leaking were discovered.  The doctors felt that Sue had 3 different issues (also sinus cyst) that made her case extremely complicated & perplexing.  She was suffering severe headaches & high blood pressure.  Several tests showed a brain bleed.  Sue was finally diagnosed with a rare condition called Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, which is especially unusual for someone as young as Sue.  Sue called Bill from the hospital on Saturday night stating that she had lost the vision in her left eye & how much her head hurt despite medication.  Bill hurried to hospital to check on her & felt that the situation was under control.  On Sunday morning, her sister, Connie, went to the hospital & Sue was unresponsive, on oxygen, very pale with skyrocketing blood pressure.  Bill arrived at the hospital immediately.  Tests showed that Sue had 2 brain bleeds & a blood clot the size of his fist.  The doctor shared that Sue was in a fight for her life for the next 72 hours.  Our tears flowed at the sight of vivacious Sue being so still & fervent prayers were beseeched from the church, family & friends near & wide.  Phone calls were made sharing this sad news and asking family to come to Gulfport.  When the family went in for the Sunday evening visit, we were amazed & grateful to see Sue awake, moving, comprehending conversations & speaking a few words.   She said "I'm okay."  Needless to say, the tears flowed even more.  Sue was speaking longer phrases & more alert.  Her right side is weaker but she still can move her arms & legs.  Though she tires easily,Sue has a fighting spirit.  Sue smiled as we told her the entire MS Gulf Coast, a big part of Texas & many areas of US are praying for her and our God is powerful and no struggle is too large.  Sue has a long road to recovery so please pray for her eyesight, memory & strength.  We are grateful for the church's prayers, love & all the visitors to the hospital.  The family is so touched by the generosity of friends in setting up financial donations that can help Bill be by her side & for the unknown medical bills & loss of income.  We are praising our God Almighty for saving Sue and know that her story may help deepen the faith of others facing their own hardships.  


John 16:33 


These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

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