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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Greetings to all of Steph's Family & Friends, 

This post is LONG over due!!! It's been several years since I, Sina (Steph's daughter) have logged in to provide all of you with an update on her cancer journey and for that, I am truly sorry.  SO.MUCH.HAS.HAPPENED. - it's overwhelming trying to even figure out where to begin.

My mom is continuing to fight this horrible disease (it was her 4 year anniversary on 1/3/24 of being diagnosed with terminal breast cancer). In true "Steph fashion" she has kept her wit and humor through it all. I can't begin to explain how strong this lady truly is - both physically and mentally. She has so much grit to her. Those that know and love her understand what I am talking about :) She FINALLY got her in ground swimming pool she'd been dreaming about!!! It has been the core "memory maker" the past few summers. 

This past Thanksgiving (2023) Mom had to go into the hospital due to being severely dehydrated and unable to keep any sort of food or liquid down. This is something that had started in September and just wasn't going away. It was on Thanksgiving Day that we found out cancer had spread to the brain and more so on the liver (since day one it was already everywhere in her bones across the whole body). To say this was deflating news is an understatement. You would think after 4 years of hardship that this sort of thing would become more bearable, but it simply does not.

My mom is currently at home where she's working hard at physical therapy to regain some of her strength (she has become extremely weak from the medicines, etc) I have to commend her....she rarely ever complains. Sure, there have been many tears of sadness or just pure frustration, but she still keeps going. She is the epitome of courage and perseverance. I can't imagine the daily weight she carries not knowing what the future holds. What I do know is, my mom is the most beautiful loving soul that truly connects with everyone she comes in contact with. Her smile is worth a million dollars and her heart is as big as Jupiter. I am so lucky to call her "mine" :) 

Another thing I want to mention that has happened since my last post was our family losing my Aunt Chrissy, my mom's sister, to Pancreatic Cancer. She was diagnosed about 6-7 months after my mom. Thus began the saga of "The Two Sisters Fighting Cancer". Chrissy fought hard - holy shit did she ever. Again, another beautiful soul who never ever complained during it all - and let me tell you - it wasn't pretty. She ventured on to the next realm on Halloween 2021 with my mom and her daughter-in-law, Deborah, by her side. There has been a hole in all of our hearts ever since. Chrissy donated her body to UND Medical School to "help the next person if she could"- ugh - I have tears even typing this out, because that's exactly who she was. Always wanting to help. We still put out her "chair" every summer by the pool and can feel when she comes to visit :) 

I want to take a moment to thank my Mom's friends Trudy & Duane Wanner, Deb Clark, Peggy Isakson, Barb Grande, Pat Karley and anyone else that have made countless trips to bring food, sit with her on the icky days, shower her with love and encouragement, because you guys....I'm telling takes a village. All of you are wrapped up in her heart and soul.

Lastly- I want to give a HUGE shout out to my Aunt Karen. She has left her husband and daughter, friends, garden, animals, etc to come up from warm sunny Florida on numerous occasions to be my mom's caretaker (during some of the most frigid months might I add). It has been such a help to my dad, my brother and I (we both are currently in school) that Mom is under your watch. You cook for her like a Queen - you rub and massage her feet, you listen and you cry with her. You do it all. You're the best baby sister she could ask for. I will be in debt to you for the rest of my life. We love you infinitely. 

Mom, keep fighting the good fight. You are the other half of my heart. Thank you for making it this far. Pool season is right around the corner. Can't wait to catch some rays together. I love you. 


Oh…..and universe…if you could do us all a solid and just wipe cancer from the face of the earth…that’d be great. K thanks. 


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