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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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While there are numerous things to avoid during pregnancy and it also varies from woman to woman based on her health conditions as well as other environmental conditions, we compiled a list of things that must be avoided by almost every pregnant lady.

  1. Sleeping while pregnant:

Sleeping on your back can decrease the blood circulation in your body and often results in backaches, digestive problems, and breathing issues. Here are a few tips for better sleep during pregnancy. Sleeping on the side (SOS) is the best option for sleeping while pregnant. While, you can sleep on either side, sleeping on the left side is preferable because of its unique advantages of better blood and nutrients circulation. Memory foam or a hybrid mattress is recommended for a good and comfortable sleep.

  1. Stress:

Stress has become a part of our life in today’s fast running world. However, it should be avoided completely during pregnancy. Excessive stress has the potential to harm your baby. According to physicians, stress during pregnancy usually causes discomfort and contractions which often ends up with preterm labor or having a low birth weight baby.

  1. Hot tub or sauna:

Raising body temperature during pregnancy can be harmful. Increased body temperature results in the release of chemicals called prostaglandins into your bloodstream which can initiate labor and often leads to certain birth defects.

  1. Self-medication:

While proper medication, as well as Vitamin pills, are essential during pregnancy, self-medication can be harmful. It's always better to consult your doctor for every medical issue you are facing. Consulting a doctor before taking any medication, whether it is an herbal product or pills.

  1. Excessive Caffeine:

There are numerous side effects of excessive caffeine intake. To list a few we have, insomnia, anxiety, dehydration and heartburn as some of its side effects. However, it can also have some major effects including miscarriage, stillbirth or poor growth of the baby.

  1. Alcohol Intake:

Avoid any type of alcohol intake. Whether it is wine, beer or liquor, it can harm your baby. Alcohol is known to harm the brain and organs of the developing baby. It also has some other potential risks including, premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, brain damage, and other birth defects.

  1. Sitting or standing for too long:

Sitting or standing for too long may cause swollen ankles and veins problems in the pregnant lady. A frequent, stress-free physical movement is mandatory during pregnancy.

  1. Believing everything you read:

Don't believe everything you read. Always prefer to consult your doctor for the best advice. Never do anything without taking proper advice or proper caution as it can turn to a critical outcome.

  1. Over-Exercising:

Any kind of physical stress must be avoided, especially during the first trimester, as there is a greater chance of miscarriage during this period.

  1. Eating unhygienic:

Unhygienic food contains a lot of bacteria and can also have some contaminated disease-causing viruses within it. Thus, such food should be strictly avoided.

Taking proper care during pregnancy is vital. Always take care of the above facts to avoid any kind of disaster. To get much better advice according to your health conditions, you can consult your doctor. You could also read some pregnancy guides that would guide you right from sleeping while pregnant to the meals you should be having.

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