Help Soren Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Soren’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 85 donors who have made a donation in honor of Soren.

We were so sorry to hear of your terrible loss. We watched Soren growing up on the beach every summer but didn't get to know him well. What we did know was that he was so loved by his family and he will be sorely missed.
Carol Lewke | Apr 10, 2020
I can't even imagine what you are going through with the loss of your beautiful son and brother, Soren. My heart simply breaks for you all. He will live on in your hearts - forever your angel. Much love, thoughts, and prayers. Your cousin, Kathy
Kathy Callaghan | Apr 9, 2020
Totally devastated by the news of your dear son's death, with great love, take care, Ken
Ken Potter | Apr 9, 2020
We love you so much, and we are with you, praying when you can't. Paul & Kristin Hawkinson
paul andrew hawkinson | Apr 9, 2020
I'm seeing Soren dance in the circle of family and friends at David's wedding -- so much shy joy as he gave himself to the music.
Marjory and Peter Bankson | Apr 9, 2020
Gordon, Alison, Gil, and Simon | Apr 9, 2020
Words are difficult to come-by at a time like this. Our hearts weep for Doug and Kathryn as they journey through their grief. May God's peace surround and comfort them each new day. Our love and prayers are withyou, George & Evelyn Elia
George B Elia | Apr 9, 2020
I love the Caring Bridges site and the beautiful tributes that are posted. My love goes out to Doug, Kathryn and Isabel and their extended families as they live the grief over the loss of their precious son.
Maggie Everett | Apr 9, 2020
A small parting gift for the one and only Harpoon Wizard, we miss you a lot and our chats feel empty without you. I'm sad that you left us so soon and I can't realize what you were going through, but I'm grateful for the time we spent together.
Jackson Canedy | Apr 8, 2020
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers and we will treasure the memories of your visit with us here in Stockholm just a few years ago. All our love.
Hanna, Thomas, Hannes & Ture | Apr 8, 2020