Patty Zganjar|May 24, 2018
It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling, The physical effects of this awful disease. The reality of this awful disease. It’s a tough road. It’s unsettling. You are a strong woman with strong faith, you are not alone . You are truly stronger than you know. You got this, God’s got you in His loving hands. It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling
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Sarah Henke|May 20, 2018
Stephanie, it is so hard....losing your hair...coming out in clumps...not your choice. When I had my breast cancer, my hair did the same thing during my treatment - it was one of the things I was most afraid of....until it happened and then I decided that I didn’t need to be scared, because I could make a choice - I didn’t have to wait for it all to fall out in IT’S timing - I could take it all off in MY timing. My boys were 5 and were wearing buzz cuts at that time - so we buzzed their hair, then my husband buzzed mine. I went over to the pool to rinse off the shavings on my neck and he pushed me in - fully clothed - which caused great squeals from the boys - then the boys wanted to be pushed in with their clothes on...and we all ended up in the pool, fully clothed, swimming, giggling, and having a great time, with buzz cuts. It’s one of my most precious memories, because I CHOSE the timing - I didn’t wait for it to happen. Then the boys and I would wear bandanas, baseball hats and sometimes I’d wear a wig - but mostly, at home - nothing - it was so freeing - and boy was I ready quick in the morning! :). Stephanie, I wish I could hug you right now. I wish I could come sit with you to pray, hold your hand, cry with you, laugh with you, eat ice cream, watch your kids or take a walk with you in the sunshine. You are so loved, my sweet friend. Remember, it’s your hair - YOUR choice....YOU get to decide and then feel the power and strength of that decision! Love you!
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Yuko Neal|May 19, 2018
Oh our sweet Stephanie. Nice you have so much hair that it may take longer to look thin? My head would be bald I’m sure. May your hair grow back trifold post trtmnts!🙏🏻
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Linda Faris|May 18, 2018
That must be so upsetting. We do identify with our hair, don’t we? When my sister in law lost her hair after chemo for breast cancer, she cried everyday - for awhile- then she shaved her head. She said it was easier emotionally than having it fall out when she washed it. She told me it was liberating! No more “bad hair days”, cut down on the time it took to get ready in the morning, and she said she saved money not having to get it cut or colored. By the way, it grew back thick and gorgeous. Seriously, this too shall pass. Next year you’ll look back on this as a hiccup in your journey. Hugs to you!
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Patricia Austib|May 18, 2018
Stephanie just saying out loud I hope gives you some peace. The truth is it isn’t even about vanity it tell the world this cancer is real and you can’t hide from it or even pretend this is a bad dream. May you find strength in those around you to give you comfort during this nightmare. May the Lord continue to be at your side during this journey. Blessings hair grows back your life is worth more than hair.
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Joan Umano|May 18, 2018
I am so sorry, it truly sucks. I want to share what my best friend has done through her chemo hair loss...though devastating for her, it gave her such strength to make the choice herself! To take back her control & feel like the hair loss side-effect is on HER terms, she & her husband would privately shave her head together...AND they would privately document in photos the stages of the cut/shave adding humor by giving her a mow-hawk, comb-over, etc. Together they cried, laughed and shared the intimate moment. Eventually she has shared her photos with me & her family BUT only when she was ready. The huge piece to this is that YOU can find ways to choose how YOU want to handle the many changes to your your own advocate & listen to God, HE and your family, friends and doctors are always there for you. God's speed.
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Michelle Salazar|May 18, 2018
It is so scary and frightening to have the hair fall out for sure and I have always had thick happy hair. Mine did that but it did come back and I actually have more body and a slight curl to it now. This moment just brings it to us and lets other people see that we are sick and you you will get that look you should know the one by now from strangers and sometimes friends and I got the stare from little kids (well they took my face off and swayed my jaw in half and I had lots of swelling and looked funny) and Moms who would say don't stare at her it is not nice! It is a life changing moment for sure and it is going to be okay and it is okay to feel the scared and helpless they are just hard feelings!
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Leslie (Man) Severance|May 18, 2018
Not superficial at all! I recently had a scare where I was facing the possibility of chemo. Thankfully, my tumor is not susceptible to chemo, so I did not need it. All I thought about during the two weeks I waited for my test results was losing my hair. I felt like you do and kept telling myself that losing my hair would be ok. Wear it with pride, as I know you will. You are strong! It will grow back and be as beautiful as you are!
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Jan Anderson|May 18, 2018
I am so sorry to hear about your hair. I had a friend going through chemo and after the initial shock of the hair loss, she decided bald was in and shave what hair she had left. She then decided this was just a little set back and “bald was beautiful”. You are strong and will get through every curve ball thrown at you!
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Morgan bandkowski|May 18, 2018
It’s not superficial it’s your feelings & you should never have to apologize for your feelings. ❤️❤️❤️ Love you
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