Kristin Guadagno|May 18, 2018
It is scary. It's a physical change that reminds you of what's going on. We women love our hair. Fortunately, it grows back and when it does, it's stronger and thicker than ever (will that be good for you LOL? bush??). It also may be a different color when it grows back. Blonde Stephanie would be interesting :))) just trying to bring a smile to you, as you face this big issue. I'm not going to minimize it as I've never gone through what you are. My sister is a hair designer and I can hook you up with her as she also lost her hair in clumps when she was on major drugs for her illness. She lives in Ohio but can certainly be a support and give suggestions!!! Start taking Biotin is one thing she'd say. ❤️❤️❤️
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Marcella Francis|May 18, 2018
I completely get that & understand your feelings ~ it’s not superficial and you should be discount any feelings you have but give them validity. Hopefully, it will slow!
Sending you hugs & kisses!! 😘
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