Valerie Nuttman|May 17, 2020
Stephen, I Love you.
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Greg Seastrom|May 17, 2020
Stephen, my friend. If I could travel, I would stop by your side for a moment, lightly rub your shoulder, and let you know I care. But, I can't, so know that I am there in Spirit and Light to support you on this difficult journey, as are so many others of your distant friends. I speak for all of your friends in Visalia. I have a wonderful memory from an AVP workshop we shared at Chowchilla. In the ". . . but I just can't laugh" exercise you stood up uneasily, took a couple of steps, and tripped. Your lanky, angular body, arms and legs thrashing, crumbled in a heap. (I was afraid you had hurt yourself.) The face of the so-far inexpressive young woman began to contort and then broke out laughing. A rare moment of many we shared. You are not alone. Greg
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Eric Myers|May 17, 2020
Stephen, please know that we are praying for your peace. I shared the most recent news with Santiago, Ezra and Levi. Their thoughts are with you too. Your calm and consistent presence in meeting for worship has brought order to my universe.

David and Carol, please be well. Your strength brings strength to others.
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Angie F|May 17, 2020
David and Carol, Thank you for everything you are doing.

Dear Stephen, Know you like Holly Near. The old chorus "I'll keep doing the things you were doing" keeps running through my head. So glad that you have been so thoughtful and organized everything so perfectly with the adoption and the house. You have put everything into place so well. As you always have. And we're inspired by you, and will miss you terribly, but we'll keep doing the things you were doing as if we were two, or two hundred , and many more... Lots of Love, Angie
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Julie Peyton|May 17, 2020
Dear Stephen: my world has been better because you are in it. Remember how we met when I visited PYM sessions, back in 2005, I think? We've talked about how transformative that week was for me, and the role you played with leading the Reading the Bible in the Manner of Friends! I am glad we got chances to meet again a few times since then. I a very sorry for the physical difficulties you must bear right now, but God is and will be present, and I suspect you will be able to feel the love of your community, which is wide enough to include me! What a gift you are. I am going to ask my meeting to pray for you and your loved ones (hmmmm.... I guess that's a lot of people) today. May you feel the Presence of God, and also the love of all of us.
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Wolfgang Schreiber|May 17, 2020 (edited)
Dearest Stephen, dear friends! I just created a Padlet where we can share our most precious moments with you, Stephen. It is private, just for us.
I started with some photos I found on my Mac. I hope that those of you who visit at the hospice can look at the Padlet together with you, Stephen. Wish I could come over myself ... but this is how it is in these weird times. LOVE YOU! Wolfgang
Dear David, could you please get in touch with me? My email is Thank you!
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Julie Harlow|May 17, 2020
Dearest Stephen, Your spirit is so present, so strong and honest, it is impossible for you to not be with us. You have lived a life that many look to as an example; standing for your truth, engaging with that of God in each person; loving your way from heart to heart on your path. I feel blessed to call you a friend and hold you in the light of peace, which shines through the doorway, across the threshold you will cross, to the wonders on the other side.
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Julie Harlow|May 17, 2020
David, I am so glad that you are able to be with Stephen as much as you can. And thank you for letting us know of his condition. I do not know if either you or Stephen know of the Threshold Choir. It is an a cappella women's group that sings wonderfully soothing and uplifting songs for Hospice patients and other.s There is an SF chapter who can be contacted. Although they cannot come in person at this time, they may be able to sing over the phone (they have done this in other situations) or lend a CD. If you have not already explored this, I recommend it: This link should take you to a recording by Santa Barbara choir:
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Marian Chatfield-Taylor|May 17, 2020
Stephen is in my mind and my prayers. I see him sitting in Meeting for Worship with his hands on his knees, palms up and open. He is strong. We are not our bodies. Our bodies hold--contain or carry what we are. We are spirits with bodies; and Stephen, dear soul, is a true and tender spirit.
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Margaret Sorrel|May 16, 2020
You were held today by the whole of College Park Quarterly Meeting and we will continue to be present with you in this journey. This is SO HARD, for you, for your family and your friends. It is a small consolation to be able to have visitors now that you are in hospice care. I am so grateful for our your visit to us in early March. You are a treasure dear one. We love you.
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