Scott Swinton|May 16, 2020
Dear, dear Stephen,
I just ran across a photo of your warm smile at my wedding. My favorite photo from my days in San Pedro Tlaltenango was a lovely one you shot of a pile of yellow maize ears framed by the doorway onto my host family's compound, under a cerulean sky. Do you remember it? I felt you were an artist with a camera. I kept that photo on my desk until it became so faded that only my memory could conjure the vivid colors you captured. You visited as I was trying to finish my M.S. thesis research as my father was fighting pancreatic cancer. He had insisted that I return to Mexico to finish my work, I did, and you came to visit about two months later. You brought your understated spiritual radiance. And now cancer has you. In between then and now, we've had lives and loves. I admire the path you choose and all that you've done to make this world a more just place. Since our time together at Mary Lyons at Swarthmore, I have treasured our friendship. My heart is with you. I am grateful that you are surrounded by the love of Damon and David's families and so many others.
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deane minor|May 16, 2020
Dear Stephen,

I am thinking fondly about you from up here in Everett. Eleven of us from Lakeside Class of '74 were thinking about you today on a Zoom gathering. Anno reminded us that you eschewed cars; I recall that at the last Lakeside reunion we both attended was one where you had taken a long train, etc. ride to be with us.

You are a special guy, Stephen. We love you.

Deane Minor
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Ann Boone|May 16, 2020
I recently moved my laptop to my dining room table in order to have a bit of a view while I’m Zooming for all the meetings we “attend” these days while being socially isolated. That means that I’m set up next to the chair you used while you were here recently, so right now I feel your presence and can see your beautiful smile. Thanks, Stephen, for all your love that lives among so many people.
Much love, Ann Boone
PS My young neighbor, Fiona, said to say, “Hi”.
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Margaret Willits|May 16, 2020
I am in shock. My heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for all you have done for AVP, particularly the miracle of getting to Sonora twice on public transportation, something I had not known was possible and leading that community workshop. I treasure hearing you sing Bach, seeing you at AVPCA and Quaker gatherings, and knowing that your influence will continue in ripples through all of us.
Que te vaya muy bien!
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Martha Larsen|May 16, 2020
My heart goes out to you David and Carol and of course to Stephen. I am deeply saddened by the outcome of the tumor. It seems all of you have made some very wise decisions. I want Stephen to know what I felt deeply blessed by knowing him and that there will be an emptiness in my heart when he is no longer here. Personally, I benefited much by knowing Stephen through Property and fiance and in the Non-violent communication. He was a Quaker and non-violent person to the core. His sharing of his gifts with people in prison will be a huge loss. One never knows the time, the day or the why. He is a really wonderful man who blessed us all at Friends Meeting and in this city. May he pass peacefully and even joyfully.
I send love and the embrace of the universe.
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Carol Blotter|May 16, 2020
David, thank you for keeping us informed. I live in Michigan and haven’t gotten all the information. Please let Stephen know I’m holding him in my heart.
In peace
Carol Blotter
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pablo stanfield|May 16, 2020 (edited)
¡O querido compañero! Me da pena saber que te vayas. Desde que te conocí hace ya tantos años atrás, te he amado. Doy gracias porque estés con tu hermano y que tengas tanto amor alrededor.... Tantísimos amigos que te quieren mucho. Tú has sido siempre Luz. Seguirás siempre luciendo, cariño. D!os te acompaña.
I am so glad we had a chance to hug the last time thee visited thy parents. I will hold that caring hug forever in my heart. Go in peace, dear Friend.
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lisa b|May 16, 2020 (edited)
Dear Stephen,
Our beautiful conversation began in November 1990 and will continue "L' olam va'ed" - To the distant horizon, and even further. Your neshama/ soul will always hover near. "Hazak, hazak, ve'nit hazek". Be strong, be strong, and we will take strength from you. Much love, lisa b.
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Merlin Rainwater|May 16, 2020
Dear Stephen, and all who love you,
I'm very sad to hear this news. You may or may not be able to receive this message - but in case you do - THANK YOU for thinking of me as you entered this trying time. We've had only very occasional contact over these many years, so I was deeply grateful that you thought to include me in this virtual circle. Your principled withdrawal from automobile transportation years ago inspires me. I do occasionally get in a car - but every time I do, I think of you. I remember your smile, and your matter-of-fact hospitality when I visited with 11-year-old Forrest (can that really have been twenty years ago? Must be - Forrest is now 31!). It is obvious that you are surrounded with love; may you feel this love in every cell and relish every moment of being loved.
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Rabia K|May 16, 2020
Dearest Stephen,
I have so much respect and admiration for the way you aligned your living to your beliefs and principles. Your kindness and generosity blessed many people and also Mother Earth.
Your sharing in the AVP CA SC showed wisdom, thoughtfulness, integrity and intelligence. I so miss your presence and quiet strength in our meetings. Thank you for what you taught me.
I send you much love and I wish you blessings of peace and light and that you be surrounded with an abundance of love at this time.💖
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