Greg Boyd|Apr 25, 2020
Hi Stephen
You may not remember me, and if you do I am very sorry for you, but I was one of the gatecrashers at your sister's special relationship confirming marriage to an English Mancunian way back in nineteen frozen stiff. I still have the photos which have not faded as much as myself. A couple of years back, I, and my lady wife, met up in the Seattle locale with the aforementioned couple and then, following an overnight in the Olympia wilderness, fearlessly travelled through the back woods like modern day Stanleys, to meet your parents, who were then, and I hope now, on stunningly superb form. The repeatedly mentioned duo, during that encounter, told of your presence in SF, where we were indeed heading, and said it would be nice if thee and we could meet. As time. from our prospective, was tight, this was not practical but our perpetual cloud-based intentions, later to be intercepted by Rabbie Burns truism about the best laid plans, were deferred but involved returning to SF in what will now be the undetermined future. But the main point of the many feelings in this missive is to wish you well with positivism based on experience. My good lady, whose cranial volume would be tiny compared to yours, (that is not a male dominant comment, just volumetrics) had extensive quantum physics based treatment for many weeks, and I am pleased to say, and she can still say 17 years later, how successful the treatment was. Stephen, your are in with the best and they are 17 years further along the improvement line. I won't offer good luck as I don't believe in luck. I believe in professional skill and I believe you are surrounded by it. It would be a pleasure to meet in the world's most beautiful city when the quarantine is over and we can return.
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Linda McCue|Apr 25, 2020
Stephen, I have always loved your hair, but your head is pretty handsome too!
I thought you might want to hear about a Threshold Choir friend who went into her radiation treatments singing a song she wrote for the occasion. The words were, "They're gonna radiate me. They're gonna radiate me. I'M RADIANT! I'M RADIANT!" Of course, you have always been radiant, but now you will be even more radiant.
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Heidi Pidcoke|Apr 25, 2020
Hi Stephen - You are looking younger than ever! I'm sending you light as you start your radiation today. And great news that you'll be in the hospital...I'm praying that you have wonderful new nurses and roommates that lighten your days as you go through the radiation. Sending you immense love my Friend!
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Marian Chatfield-Taylor|Apr 25, 2020
Oops. I missed yesterday's post until this morning. And a picture, no less. I am relieved to hear you will be in the hospital through this phase of treatment. You'll be well cared for and safe, and --trust me-- it won't be so different from being at home. We're all on lockdown, or at least all of us who can't go out except for a long walk around the block. And I think this lockdown is going to last a long time. So we'll see you via Zoom; & thank heavens for the technology. You sound strong in spirit and positive in your focus. You really are walking the talk! Love back to you from our household, Marian
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Cheri Chilton-Smith|Apr 25, 2020
Oh my gosh, look great! Love the new look!
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Gretchen Mary Laue|Apr 24, 2020
pretty debonair is right!
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Nancy Curdts|Apr 24, 2020
Sending all my love. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work. Blessings, nc
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Demece Garepis-Holland|Apr 24, 2020
Hi Stephen, you look really smart now!:) Keeping you in the Light, love Demece, Sally and Daniel
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Jana and Warren Ostrom|Apr 24, 2020
So glad you didn't have to add quarantine to the mix! Holding you in the Light as you enter your next adventure!
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Barb Christwitz|Apr 24, 2020
Dear Stephen,
At morning Quaker bible study I often think about you with gratitude for the many bible studies you have led at our Quarters and also the Saturday evening meetings we shared over dinner. Wishing and praying for complete and rapic healing. Love, Barbara C.
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