Help Sheri Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Sheri’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 21 donors who have made a donation in honor of Sheri.

Bob and I love you dearly. You are in our prayers every day. Thank GOD for such a supportive OHANA!
Margret Kendall | Nov 4, 2018
Thanks for sharing your heart! You make my heart proud how you choose joy in difficult situations. I love you sister Sheri!
Sara J Livengood | Nov 4, 2018
Ok Sheri we were in some powerful prayer yesterday and will continue to keep you in our prayers. Happy to hear all went well. We love you and will see you soon. Terry & Venae
terry j ellis | Oct 18, 2018
Julie Anderson | Oct 18, 2018
We love you Sheri! Standing firm with you and your family in prayer for God to give you all His great love, healing, protection and peace as He holds your hand and walks through this journey with you.
Allen and Sheri Dresser | Oct 17, 2018
In my prayers, healing love, gentle light to all involved so that God may guide your care team, to heal you, and help you and all to continue in strength.
Patty Bell | Oct 17, 2018
Praying for God’s healing and comfort as you go through all of this. Your strength and positivity are an inspiration to all. Sending hugs and love.
Susan McCauley | Oct 17, 2018
You can and will kick this!! All my love and support
Dianne Duggan | Oct 16, 2018
You are the real Wonder Woman! I know you will kick this cancers butt! Love you
Kimberly Jochum | Oct 16, 2018
Sheri, our paths crossed for many years with your son, Chris. We are sending positive thoughts and prayers for you & your family. Also praying for guidance for your surgical staff tomorrow. Sending love & hugs.
Your PA Supportors, Darlene & Curt Ciocca | Oct 16, 2018