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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Happy New Year Friends!

I wish I could say 2021 is already bringing good news however, that is just not God's plan for me at this time.  I have had some tough pills to swallow the past few weeks so I'm just going to get right to it.  The week of Christmas I found out my chemo hasn't been working.  I had a CT scan and it showed more tumors have grown. As you can imagine I was disappointed to say the least. The only thing worse than chemo is chemo that doesn't work.  But as always God goes before me and continues to provide hope and peace for me.  This time He had brought this verse to my attention before my scan and I had been clinging to it and praying it.  "Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord." I am continuing to trust my Sovereign Lord with my journey, no matter how difficult it gets. 

Moving forward, my oncologist changed my chemo to a different type, told me my hair would fall out about week 2 (this week) and that neuropathy is a common side effect of this chemo.  Again, no good news there.  I have now had two rounds of this chemo.  Backtracking a bit, I had found a significantly large lump in one of my breasts and another lump in my other breast.  Both the oncologist and the PA were shocked at how large they were, but were certain they were still the Esophageal Cancer.  My oncologist at Moffitt however wanted to biopsy them to be sure.  Four hours and five biopsies later I found out Thursday that it is breast cancer.  Once again, not news I wanted to hear.  In fact through all this, this was the first time I cried in the doctor's office.  My doctor drew me a picture of what my cancer cells look like and explained that this type is a very aggressive type of breast cancer. When I left his office on Thursday he had put a call into the oncologist at Moffitt (I'm very thankful he corresponds with them) to come up with a new plan.  He thinks it will be similar to what I am doing now only they will add an immunotherapy drug as well.  I will switch to that new treatment this Thursday. 

As you can imagine all of this is quite overwhelming, and some days it's easier to keep my head up than others.  A lot of that depends on how I feel physically.  Most days my body aches and I have trouble walking.  My legs ache most of the time and keep me awake at night quite often.  I am on a round the clock regimen of medication (that I hate taking) but is the only thing that helps me function at all right now.  My mom is staying with me full time now because I am so unsteady on my feet, and I am ever so thankful for her help. 

My current prayer requests are:
-for wisdom for my doctors as they decide a treatment plan for me.
-this treatment plan to WORK.  
-continued peace and faith in God's complete healing for my body.
-NO NEUROPATHY from this treatment and as few side effects as possible. 
-my children's faith to be strengthened throughout this journey. 

As always, thank you for your continued support, prayers and love.  Your prayers are felt EVERY SINGLE DAY and I could not make it through this without the support system I have! 

In His Hands, 

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27  

P.S God blessed us with a wonderful Christmas, I will add a few pics to this post! 

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