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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Guess what today is...🥳

Today is number 431 of this cancer journey and the day of my LAST infusion! I have had 14+ months of surgeries, chemo, radiation, pokes, prods, and a myriad of other insults. But today I complete my treatment plan and I couldn't be more ready. The side effects will likely last another 3-6 months, depending on how things progress, but with the end of the insults the healing can begin. Do not expect me to be back to normal next week! 😆

My pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart) and the symptoms are practically gone, which is wonderful. I am still struggling with pain, but I am hopeful that will begin to improve with the end of treatment. I have all-over muscle and joint pain which can make daily life difficult. The surgery and radiation also caused a lot of shoulder/chest problems and the pain has been keeping me awake at night, so I started physical therapy this week. Baby steps, but we're on the road to wellness!

I had the opportunity to get the Covid-19 vaccination and I have already had my two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. This is one more step toward normalcy and I can't wait to be able to HUG everyone!

I have had a positive attitude throughout this process and it has served me well, but make no mistake, this was tough. I don't like to complain and the expectation is to stay positive, be thankful for the good, and keep the yucky stuff to yourself. That being said, the struggle has been unlike anything I could have imagined. The pain and discomfort is hard to put into words, especially because it is unlike any "normal" pain/discomfort I have ever felt before. The little things were sometimes the worst. No one tells you that your fingernails will be damaged to the point you cannot open a ziploc bag or scratch an itch. It was a surprise that my teeth hurt so much (due to the mouth/gum issues I guess) and my nose would be constantly runny (losing hair in your nose and tissue issues similar to the mouth). There are no words to describe the nausea...the terrible nausea! No one tells you it gets so bad that you pass out and don't even know how long you might have been laying on the floor...especially when you sometimes lay on the floor to sleep because it's too hard to get up. The list of struggles could go on for days, but I don't tell you this to complain. I just want to be real about things. Especially because I didn't realize how awful it would be or that what I was experiencing was normal. Or how long all of it would last! I still can't open a ziploc, eat crunchy food, sleep through the night due to pain...and on and on. If you ever want to talk to me about any of it, because you've been through it, or because you are going through it, or any other reason, I am HERE for you and I will tell you like it is. 

Make no mistake, I am so happy to have a curable cancer. I know it could be a lot worse and I am beyond grateful for the type of cancer I had and the option to completely eradicate it from my body. I praise God for my recovery and becoming cancer-free. 🥳

I am wrapping up this CaringBridge journal of my cancer trek. Thanks for reading and being a part of my journey. Thank you for all your love and support; it truly has been life-changing. The prayers, check-ins, meals, books, cards, and countless other kindnesses have not been taken for granted. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many great friends and family that have poured love into my life! I feel the love and hope you know how much you all mean to me. 😘

Stay safe and love each other,

Shelly (and her amazing husband, Greg)

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