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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Happy Holidays, Super Friends!

Yeah, I know. I've been in my bat cave for a while. That's kinda how the story goes for the super hero, right?  There is always a time in the story when the main character goes through something challenging, takes some time to mentally/physically rebuild and then comes back stronger and ready to take on the world, right?

So, that's me.

Well, 2023 pretty much sucked, health wise. Starting with Covid, fungal infections, blood clots and then hitting a climax with ASCITES, it was pretty much "no bueno."  I found out ON MY BIRTHDAY that my summer travel plans would have to be cancelled, and I looked and felt like ET on stilts. I lost a lot of hair due to malnutrition, had the strangest shaped body I could imagine and felt - well, generally "crappy."  (Pun intended.)

Still, there were lots of positives.  My children thrived, I got to see them grow and show a hint of what kind of  adult humans they will eventually be, we did some nice house renovations, saw friends and family, enjoyed all the travel sports, (staying in driving distance to the hospital meant I could do it!) and made the most of what we could.  I have returned to the study of foreign languages - speaking French for two hours a week with my, new, dear French friend, and I have started a course in FINNISH to revisit that language.  It has introduced me to a very lovely group of people with my common interests, plus, given me a life long challenge ('cause dang, that language is HARD!) I love it so much. Not bad all, right?!  Beginning in September, I actually started to IMPROVE.  To quote my oncologist, the amazing Bruce Wayne, "We have no idea why. you are improving, but we'll take it."

I was scheduled to have a surgery to open up the portal vein to help stop the ascites in September.  I guess my body was like, " Oh, HELL no. No more surgeries," 'cause for some reason, the ascites started to lessen and my digestion kicked in... (maybe it was the new drugs, who knows) and for whatever reason, I started to gain energy, feel better, stop losing so much hair  and WEAR PANTS.  We were able to cancel the surgery!

My scan in October showed no signs of cancer. (Happy/heart emoji goes here....)

HONESTLY, one of the main reasons that I haven't posted is that every time I seem to put something out there, in writing, everything changes (usually goes south.) So, I am REALLY hoping that this post isn't jinxing me!  (Softball players are VERY superstitious.  I have no depth perception and can't imagine ever playing the sport again, but I will always maintain my superstitions!)

Speaking of sports... I am FINALLY beginning to exercise.  Watch out... that skinny, spindly lady trying to pick up the heaviest thing she can at Lubber Run might actually be me. I try not to use the mirror as my size still freaks me out, but I am 100 percent beginning to accept and love my body again.  Now I know it can always get WORSE (you know, super skinny with a giant belly...) so I am appreciating what I have!

Watch out, world, the HULK is coming back. (Just kidding.) I am holding strong at 5'6" and 104.5 lbs. and feeling good about it.

OK, so that's my update for now.  I am just hoping it doesn't fall apart again after Christmas like it did the past two years!  It's my New Year's Wish - keep improving and stay healthy.

Now, for one more, REALLY, important thing...

For all the former AUCPer's, neighbors and Hurricane families:

Nathan Zee just had the Whipple surgery on Monday.  It was sudden and very unexpected.  He is doing well, but to quote his lovely, beautiful wife, he "Feels like Sh**, but is handling it great." Not to share too much of Nathan's situation, but I believe his odds are excellent and this surgery is a preventative life saver for him.

Friends, this surgery was/is the hardest thing that I have ever been through.  Ever.  The recovery, even without any complications takes at least a year. It's a slow, grueling recovery (I am still working on it, over a year and half later.) Nathan will ALWAYS be a ROCK STAR... but as we've discussed, he'll just be playing different music.  The surgery is life altering and challenging - and I am certain he will come out on top.

In the meantime, his beautiful family could use support.  I suggested that Stacey have a meal train/help sign up  for the family so that she can focus on caring for Nathan, so I am attaching the link here.  Nathan is currently in the hospital but out of ICU.  He's texting a little now and is even feeling hungry (that's AWESOME, by the way.)  I doubt he is ready for questions or interactions with people, but you can most certainly show your support on the website if you are able!

As I have mentioned, it is difficult for people to learn to ask for and accept help, but when things get tough, we have to do what is necessary.  SUPER FRIENDS are AMAZING.

Here is the link:

Much LOVE, HAPPINESS and HEALTH to everyone,

"Super-ish" Sarah.

P.S.  My darling husband actually asked me if I was wearing my "butt pants" the other night as we went out and I said..., "um, NOPE!"  Hehehehehehe. :)


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