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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I have come to appreciate Caring Bridge, and similar sites, for times like what Sam and Natalie have been through over the last year. It is an extremely helpful place for sharing the latest medical information and, for many like us, requesting specific forms of prayer from our community of faith. Over the past year, I have come to realize that authoring a Caring Bridge post is often a challenging task. You desire to be accurate with current medical information, but not too depressing when the news isn’t good, and not overly jubilant when the news appears to be more positive…because it tends to ebb and flow regularly. As we approach the one-year anniversary of Sam's first seizure, I realize that it has been a few months since we updated Sam’s site. So, here is a brief summary of his present condition and continued treatment: 

 Sam's combined neurology teams at MD Anderson-Houston and UT Southwestern-Dallas could never reach an exact diagnosis for Sam's condition. Although not receiving a diagnosis is unsettling, we are thankful that many scary and terminal diagnoses have been taken off the table. Whatever Sam has that caused his brain lesions is extremely rare (likely less than 8,000 cases worldwide) but has responded to treatment remarkably well. Sam has some permanent scarring in his brain, but the things that caused the seizures and neurological damage that Sam is currently dealing with have and continue to shrink significantly. Over the upcoming weeks, Sam will have another round of MRIs and lab work, as well as follow-up appointments with his neurology team and a few other doctors to address some of the residual health effects of the year. Sam will need to get bloodwork and an MRI every few months for the foreseeable future, and possibly the rest of his life. MRIs are unpleasant for many people, but Sam has become a pro at getting a good nap in during them. However, despite having a nurse for a wife, he is still not a fan of the poking and prodding of the lab work.

 Although Sam is tired of the swollen face, skin rashes, and difficulty sleeping with his current medical regimen, we are thankful that all signs point to Sam's condition approaching "remission.” There is a light at the end of the tunnel that was not present for much of 2022, and for that, we are so thankful!

Those are the medical facts…now some updates that you can continue to be praying for:

 Sam’s strength and energy have improved (as those who have seen him can attest to). November-January has brought a lot of improvement in those areas. Sam has felt like he has been able to "make up for lost time". In the past couple of months, Sam has attended a few weddings, survived a few parties, attended a few Baylor basketball games, returned to serving the youth group on Sundays and Wednesdays (but no Ultimate Frisbee yet), re-entered the working world, and has had many friends travel from near and far to visit him. Natalie is happy as well, because she hasn’t had to “go solo” to as many commitments as before. None of these things sounds like a big deal, until they’re taken away from you, and you’re not sure if you’re going to be able to do them again! You can be praying for Sam to budget his energy wisely when balancing work, rehab, recovery, husband and father duties, social and service opportunities, and perhaps the occasional hobby or two.

 However, Sam is continuing to deal with significant damage to his nervous system and does not have a lot of sensation on the right side of his body. It's hard for those of us who haven't dealt with such a thing to understand exactly what that feels like, but Sam is learning how to function fairly well most of the time. That is something we are hopeful will return to normalcy, but do not have a definite timeline for or any guarantees. Sam is very ready to start driving again, but a few things need to happen for that to be possible. He needs some sensory improvement in his right leg and right hand, and the nerve damage affecting his eyes needs to improve. His neurologist has advised us that his recovery will definitely be more of a marathon than a sprint…so we are doing our best to be patient, keeping our expectations in check.

 Throughout this process, we continue to be thankful for Sam’s neurology team, who has worked so hard to create a very unique treatment program for a young and otherwise healthy patient who has similar symptoms as an older stroke patient.

 We are also thankful for the opportunity for Sam's case to continue to be studied by experts to help future young men suffering from similar illnesses, and the opportunities Sam and Natalie have already had to use their experience to help other young people struggling with medical trials, disappointments, and uncertainty.

 While 2022 was a tough one, it was nevertheless filled with lessons learned, blessings, celebrations, strengthened faith refined by trials, deeper relationships, and clarity of purpose. Some things were lost during 2022, but nothing that Sam and Natalie haven’t been able to let go of.  From my perspective, I see a growing young family with a joyful baby boy…a boy who arrived at just the right time. A grateful family who has been prayed for and served by so many others, is more aware than ever that tomorrow is not promised, and that every day is a gift. A family who has been blessed with friends who celebrate with them when they rejoice and mourn with them when trials come. A wiser family who knows more than ever that life is better lived in a community of fellow believers who are committed to one another, and care for one another, and can be honest with one another. A well-equipped family who will be used by the Lord in ways that might not have been possible without the lessons learned during 2022.

 We are so thankful for your prayers, your presence, the rides you have given Sam, your words of encouragement, your meals, your experiences you’ve shared with us…every bit of it. You’ve made a difference.

 We are so thankful for our church, Church at the Cross, that has somehow not grown weary in loving and caring for Sam and Natalie.  Seriously, do not try going through life without being a part of a family of people who are committed to following Jesus, and committed to each other. Sometimes doing your own thing is easier, but I assure you it is far emptier. Church at the Cross, you’ve made a difference!

 Finally, we are most thankful that one day we know there will be no more tears, no more death, no mourning, crying or pain…that Jesus will make all things new. He makes all the difference!


(I am attaching a couple of photos.  The first one is Sam attending the December wedding of our dear friends, Todd and Katy Robison’s son, Landry.  The Robisons held up their “Pray 4 Sam Taylor” bracelets they continue to wear…even with their fancy wedding attire!  The second picture is our family attending the Lake Granbury Christmas parade. )

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