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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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People often wonder what symptoms led Bruce to the dr. In spring he started having night sweats and feeling more tired.  Thinking he was perhaps just getting too old for all the physicality of working with preschoolers, he requested a reduction in hours.  That was granted for the next year.

In early summer he began to experience shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat with even a little exertion.  It was very difficult for him to breathe while lying down so he couldn't sleep well.  The doctor gave him medication and said to check in a week if he wasn't better.  He didn't improve, so the clinic did a chest x-ray and CT scan.  It turned out that a mass was pressing against his heart, causing his lung cavities to fill up with fluid and creating the breathing issues as well as blood clots.  This was on the same day as Sally's car accident- July 5th.  

The clinic sent Bruce by
ambulance to Rochester, where he was admitted to St. Mary's. There,
they drained his lung cavities.  This gave him relief which lasted several days until the fluid built up again.  This procedure was repeated several times. 

The doctors also took biopsies of the mass and removed a lymph node from his neck which confirmed a diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma. An initial scan- in late July- showed cancer in several places, graded at stage 4. Bruce started chemotherapy and the breathing and rapid heartbeat problems stopped.  He has continued treatments every other week since then. 

A second scan, done in late September, showed no sign of cancer!!! (we are overjoyed!)  He will continue to receive chemotherapy through January. At that point they will evaluate him again. 

Bruce got his hair cut short, anticipating it would fall out.  So far it has merely thinned, and appears to be growing very slowly.  He has had one haircut. Other than his short hair, there are few physical signs of cancer.  He is working out regularly, and eating a lot to keep his weight up (one side benefit  - he can go to the All You Can Eat pizza night at the Yellow Mushroom and eat 13 slices!)

Bruce has taken a 6 month medical leave from his pre-K education work.  He is tired a few days after chemo, and has had a few stomach issues, and some sores in the mouth. Other than that he has felt well and stayed busy. His attitude has been positive and we anticipate a full recovery. 

All the support from friends and family has done wonders - thank you for your cards, letters, and help when we've needed it.  We are blessed and grateful! God's peace to all of you.  -Sally & Bruce

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