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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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Hi everyone! I wanted to be able to keep everyone updated on my father in law Roy. As you all know, he tested positive for COVID about 12 days ago.

He went in to get an infusion and his vitals were not stable enough in order to proceed with the infusion. As he was admitted to the hospital he began needed extra support to help him breathe while his oxygen remained a little low. The time came to place Roy on the vent and be intubated as his body needed to rest. We were concerned about his kidneys as we watched the levels continue to creep up. We decided to start CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy) as his kidneys were no longer working for him. This is a better option for Roy due to having some blood pressure issues. It will over all be easier on his body than normal dialysis would be. In order to place the central line they were going to have to turn Roy supine (on his back) since he is prone (on his stomach) at the time due to being the best position to take preventative measures on developing COVID pneumonia. This flip is a tough one on the body and can cause different issues to arise and go wrong. By the grace of God the doctor coming on shift last night (11/23) was able to place the line while Roy was still prone, laying on the stomach. Everything went smooth and Roy tolerated the placement of the line. Over night Roy needed a little bit of blood pressure medication but remained stable. 

Today, 11/24, the nurse said she was able to come down on his blood pressure medication and his blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen and temperature all looks great! We are needing to drain fluid off of his body so that is the next step. Its a slow process but his kidney levels that we have been monitoring have gone down. His potassium remains normal and has even gone down a little. Roy remains extremely critical and we ask that you would all continue to pray for Roy. Please lift him up in prayers. Please pray for complete healing of his body and completely healing of his kidneys. Please pray for strength and peace for the family. To feel Jesus's unwavering love for them and for Roy. We know Roy is fighting this fight. We know that he hates missing the Dallas Cowboys. We know that he hates missing Thanksgiving with his family, especially his grandkids. We thank each of you for all of the love and prayers we have received. We know God is near and is working. The power of prayer is amazing. Jesus has everything under control. This is a slow process and we will take the little wins and be hopeful and so very thankful. We will continue to update you as we know more. For now, please continue to pray so hard for Roy.  

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